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31 July, 2014
The TV Cameras Responsible For Civilian Deaths In Gaza
I write this as a member of the press. I’m proud to be a journalist and a
documentary filmmaker. I’m a member of the Foreign Press Association in
Israel, and the co-recipient of this year’s Edward R. Murrow Award from
the American Overseas Press Club. I say this off the top because I’m
not an outsider pointing my finger at the media. Every year, journalists
sacrifice their lives in war zones so as to keep us informed and
protect freedom of the press, a cornerstone of democracy.
But the fact is that when it comes to Israel, the media has acted
irresponsibly. Good journalism has been replaced by politically correct
misreporting, and one of the net results is that Palestinian civilians,
including children, are paying with their lives. How so?
There is no group that can be more evil, in the narrowest sense of the
word, than the rulers of the Gaza strip, Hamas. They are openly
anti-democratic, anti-Jewish, anti-Christian, anti-gay, anti-women,
anti-Israel, anti-American and anti-Western. The list continues. These
are the people who distributed candies, danced in the street and openly
celebrated after 9/11.
I simply don’t know what else they could do to make Westerners dislike
them. For good measure, they are anti-Palestinian nationalism. They
don’t believe in a Palestinian state. They believe that “statehood” is a
Western invention. They also believe in the destruction of the Jewish
state as a step toward an international Islamic Republic. And yet,
despite all of this, they are portrayed as freedom fighters by much of
the international media.
The Western press has taught them that if they turn their children into
props, they will win the propaganda war against Israel. In today’s media
war, you need a good prop. Israeli Cabinet minister Naftali Bennett
understood this when he faced CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. When she
repeatedly used the term “occupied territories” to refer to parts of the
ancient land of Israel, Bennett was ready. He pulled out a
2000-year-old coin that says “Zion” on it.
He held it to the camera and asked something like, “I’m a Jew. How can I
be ‘occupying’ Zion? How can I occupy my own land?” His point was “I’m
not an occupier, I’m indigenous”, and he used an ancient coin as a prop
for an audience with a limited attention span. It worked.
Turkish prime-minister Erdogan also understands that in today’s media
war you need props. In 2010, the boat called the “Mavi Marmara” was just
such a prop. From a PR point of view, it was a relatively cheap trick.
You get a boat, you fill it with what Lenin called “useful idiots”, i.e.
well-meaning politically-correct members of the bourgeoisie, espousing
half-baked ideas. Then into the mix you insert a dozen jihadists ready
to kill and be killed – and you’ve got yourself a media circus of
incredible proportions.
The Mavi Marmara incident involved a “ship of fools” which tried to run
Israel’s sea blockade around Gaza. Ostensibly they were bringing
humanitarian aid, but humanitarian aid can be delivered without any
problems. It’s missiles that are a problem. So when Israeli commandos
armed with paintball guns so as not to hurt anyone boarded the ship,
they were attacked by jihadists wielding axes and knives. The commandos
called for help. The jihadists were killed.
But they had won the prop war. My fellow journalists portrayed the
jihadists as victims and the Israelis as oppressors. The anti-Israel
forces got billions of dollars worth of free publicity, and
Turkish-Israeli relations were damaged almost beyond repair. None of
this would’ve happened if there hadn’t been a prop that the cameramen
could point their cameras at. The boat was the prop. Now it’s the
Hamas has understood what the ideology of terror has clearly espoused
for over a hundred years. When attacking a democracy, the terrorist has
to put it in a quandary. The way to do that is to force the democracy to
kill civilians. So if you set up your terror-base under a school or a
hospital, you’ve got it made in the shade. You launch missiles, for
example, against Israel. Now the Israelis have a choice. Either they
don’t respond, in which case the terror mounts in the face of ongoing
impotence, or they do respond, in which case you’re going to have
civilian deaths and dramatic pictures for the West’s nightly news.
Basically, the Western media has taught Hamas that it doesn’t matter how
downright evil you are. It doesn’t matter if you launch two thousand
missiles at civilian targets, including the airport. It doesn’t matter
if you use your own children as human shields. You’ll get the coverage
you want if CNN, BBC et al. have props to point their cameras at. Our
form of news-gathering has taught Hamas to turn their children into
those props, and to sacrifice them on the altar of Jihad. By
misreporting, our media has encouraged the bad guys to kill their own
children, and has dragged Israel into a war it did not want.
Nissim Sean Carmeli was a 21 year old soldier in Golani, Israel’s
marines. He emigrated here from Texas. Until a few years ago, he went to
the high school around the corner from my house. He had plans to go to
university, meet a girl, start a family. When a few weeks ago Hamas
started raining hundreds of rockets down on Israeli civilians, nobody
wanted to send Sean and his friends into Gaza. As in Afghanistan, that
would involve house to house fighting with a ruthless enemy who knows
the terrain and has booby trapped every passage.
It would have been very easy for the Israeli Air Force to simply level
entire blocks of Hamas dominated neighborhoods. Americans have done this
with impunity in Iraq and Afghanistan. But since Hamas plants its
terror network beneath schools, hospitals and mosques, such a bombing
mission would have involved high Palestinian casualties. So Israel
decided not to level Gaza and send Sean in. He died so as to minimize
Palestinian losses.
I just came back from where his family is sitting Shiva, the Jewish
custom of mourning. There were no anti-Arab speeches, no signs of
militarism, just the tremendous grief of parents burying a child. As a
journalist, I sat there and hung my head in shame, overwhelmed by the
simple truth that while journalists feign concern for Palestinian kids,
they are actually creating the environment for their deaths. In the
meantime, Israelis like Sean are paying with their lives to avoid the
very deaths they are being blamed for.
Kerry Undermines Israel
Secretary of State John Kerry, presumably pursuing the wishes of his
boss, has badly flubbed dealings between Israel and Hamas. The main
reason for his failure is an assumption that both sides want peace and
that all it requires is some magic words from the Obama administration.
They’re dead wrong.
Over the weekend, Kerry pushed for a cease-fire negotiated in Paris with
Israel’s enemies, Qatar and Turkey, and it contained practically every
Hamas demand. We’re shocked – shocked – that it failed. The White House
has pushed for a cease-fire only since Israel began its ground incursion
into Gaza to clear out Hamas' tunnel networks (built with forced child
labor) and destroy its missile caches. In other words, once Israel
started truly succeeding, the Obama administration sought to stop that
A White House statement describing a call between Barack Obama and
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “The President …
reiterated the United States' serious and growing concern about the
rising number of Palestinian civilian deaths and the loss of Israeli
lives, as well as the worsening humanitarian situation in Gaza.”
Furthermore, the statement read, “[T]he President made clear the
strategic imperative of instituting an immediate, unconditional
humanitarian cease-fire that ends hostilities now.”
Worse, the administration even turned on Israel at the UN, pushing a Security Council-enforced cease-fire.
Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Fatah (the other Palestinian faction
that controls the West Bank) all want Hamas rule ended in Gaza. And the
Obama Justice Department still classifies Hamas as a terrorist group. So
why would the Obama State Department expect a good result from working
for Hamas against all other interested parties?
Israel would love nothing more than to live in peace, but that’s
difficult when its immediate neighbors want its total destruction.
That’s why the “peace process” has yielded so little regardless of
decades of trying, and that’s why Israel’s objective now is to cripple
Hamas. Netanyahu warned Israelis to prepare for a “prolonged” war
because Israel has no interest in quitting before its objectives are
achieved, especially in the face of betrayal by the U.S.
The bumbling over the cease-fire isn’t the only thing the Obama
administration is doing to enrage Israel. Nuclear talks with Iran
continue to grant both time and concessions to the mullahs – who also
happen to want Israel wiped off the map and support Hamas' efforts to do
so. Iran is not just a thorn in Israel’s side like Hamas; it’s an
existential threat.
Perhaps much of the problem is that Kerry is the wrong man for the job.
In 1971, he testified before the Senate against American troops, saying,
“They told the stories at times they had personally raped, cut off
ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human
genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies,
randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of
Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and
generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the
normal ravage of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which
is done by the applied bombing power of this country.”
If the man could so outrageously slander his own countrymen, why should
the Israelis trust him to have their best interests in mind? Clearly he
doesn’t (remember his apartheid state comments), and therefore they
don’t trust him.
The drug war is finished. Kaput. It’s now just a matter of time
when the federal government calls an end to this evil, immoral,
destructive, and racist government program.
Yesterday, the New York Times became the latest addition to those
calling for an end to the drug war, with an editorial entitled “Repeal
Prohibition, Again.” That was followed by two more editorials written by
members of the NYT editorial board, one entitled “Let States Decide on
Marijuana” by David Firestone and the other “The Public Lightens Up
About Weed” by Juliet Lapidos.
That’s about as mainstream as one can get.
Comparing drug laws to Prohibition, the Times wrote:
"It took 13 years for the United States to come to its senses and end
Prohibition, 13 years in which people kept drinking, otherwise
law-abiding citizens became criminals and crime syndicates arose and
flourished. It has been more than 40 years since Congress passed the
current ban on marijuana, inflicting great harm on society just to
prohibit a substance far less dangerous than alcohol.
The federal government should repeal the ban on marijuana."
While the Times unfortunately limits its call to marijuana instead of
expanding it to all drugs, once people see the benefits that come from
ending the criminality of marijuana, the rest of the federal drug-war
apparatus will soon fall as well.
The federal government never should have enacted drug laws in the first
place. For one thing, there is no authorization in the Constitution for
such power. That’s why, in fact, Americans amended the Constitution to
make the possession of booze illegal — and then repealed that amendment.
The same thing needed to be done with drugs.
Second, governments have no business punishing people for what they put
into their mouths. Freedom means the right to live your life the way you
want, so long as your conduct is peaceful. That obviously encompasses
what you put into your mouth. Other people might object to what you
ingest for health concerns or any reasons, but such objections should
never have been translated into having the state incarcerate and fine
people for ingesting what they want. Drug addiction and drug usage are
none of the state’s business.
Third, look at the consequences of the drug war: gangs, cartels, drug
lords, gang wars, robberies, muggings, thefts, burglaries, illegal
searches, ruination of lives, years of incarceration, enormous fines,
asset forfeiture laws, military-type raids, infringements on civil
liberties and privacy, racist enforcement, bribery, corruption, murders,
assassinations, and the militarization of the police.
All that is about as far from a peaceful and harmonious society that one
can get. And it’s all because of the prohibition of drugs.
In fact, try to think of one legitimate reason to keep the drug war going. You can’t do it.
Get the U.S. military involved? It already is involved, heavily. Just
ask the people of Latin America, where the Pentagon has played a heavy
role in waging the war on drugs in that part of the world, which has
done nothing more than convert Latin American countries into cauldrons
of violence. Ask the people of Mexico, where some 60,000 people have
died in the last 7 years owing to a massive, military-style crackdown in
the war on drugs.
Increase jail sentences for drug-law violators? It’s been done. In fact,
the feds are now granting early release to many of the people whose
lives they are ruined. The feds are recognizing that those long jail
sentences didn’t do the trick.
Asset-forfeiture laws? They’ve been tried. In fact, they’ve been
converted into a convenient way for law-enforcement people to steal cash
and other valuable property from poor people. They’ve accomplished
nothing else.
They’ve tried everything, and everything has failed. The drug warriors have nothing left in their arsenal.
So why the delay in ending the drug war? One reason: jobs. There
is an enormous segment of society that has become dependent on the war
on drugs, a segment that not only depends of things like bribes but also
on legitimate income streams like salaries.
These are the drug-war addicts. We’re talking about assistant U.S.
Attorneys, DEA agents, deputy sheriffs, Border Patrol, policemen,
assistant district attorneys, clerks, state and federal judges, and so
many others. This segment is now the principal obstacle to ending the
drug war.
I can just picture a big protest in Washington against ending the drug
war. There would be two groups of people all rallying together and
sharing the same signs saying “Keep the Drug War Going!” The two
segments would be (1) U.S. drug-war law-enforcement agents and (2) the
drug lords and drug dealers. Both segments know that drug legalization
would put them both out of a job immediately.
That’s what happened when Prohibition was ended. No more booze gangs, no
more gang wars over turf, and no more booze bribery of prosecutors and
judges. That’s because there wasn’t a black market anymore.
The same thing will happen with drug legalization. In fact, that’s one
of the ironies of the drug war. It purports to go after drug lords,
cartels, and gangs but in fact is the cause of their existence. The more
the drug laws are enforced, the stronger the black-market sector
becomes. With drug legalization, the goal of smashing the drug dealers
is achieved, not by arrest and incarceration but instead by putting them
out of business through the restoration of a legal free market.
The question now is: Who will be the last person punished in the war on drugs?
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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30 July, 2014
Facebook sides with Nazis
A Facebook page calling for the death of Israeli Jews does not violate
the social network's "community standards," according to multiple
messages sent by Facebook in response to user complaints.
The page in question, is named, "Death to zionst baby killer israeli
jews." The page, which spells "Zionist" incorrectly, features an Image
of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a vampire with blood
dripping down his chin as he feasts on a child. It was started on July
Individuals complaining about the page were greeted with the following message (screen captured below):
"We reviewed your report of Death to zionst baby killer israeli jews.
Thank you for taking the time to report something that you feel may
violate our Community Standards. Reports like yours are an important
part of making Facebook a safe and welcoming environment. We reviewed
the Page you reported for containing hate speech or symbols and found it
doesn't violate our Community Standards."
Last Thursday, a mob of more than a dozen men assaulted a Jew in his
suburban Paris home who had been identified through a French Facebook
page that listed the faces and identities of Jews to be attacked. The
social network declined to remove the page until after the assault had
taken place.
After a social media outcry, Facebook has since removed the page.
Is business a force for free markets?
When Communism, with its enmity to business, was breathing down their
necks, business was much more pro-market. Now Communism is gone
as a major threat, they are off the chain
By Martin Hutchinson
Traditionally, business was the most important political backer of free
markets – which made sense, because business needs markets in order to
exist at all. However in the last generation, the views of business, as
expressed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other outlets, have
increasingly diverged from the free market ideal. As crony capitalist
ideas have come to dominate business thinking, so crony capitalism
itself has come to dominate the U.S. economy, with dire results for
productivity growth and the living standards of Americans themselves.
The most egregious anti-market attitude of modern business, at least the
largest businesses, is on immigration. Here it favors essentially the
abolition of all restrictions. Thus it wants to import high-skill
immigrants in tech sectors to compete with U.S. STEM graduates for the
limited number of jobs available (we learned this week that Microsoft,
one of the advocates of increased immigration, is to lay off 15,000 U.S.
workers.) This is a very shortsighted policy indeed; by driving
down the wages paid to STEM graduates, so that computer scientists earn
less now than they did in 1999, business lobbyists are ensuring that the
best and brightest U.S. students head for careers in areas such as law
where they are better protected from foreign competition.
At the low-skill end of immigration, business generally favors both
legalization of the 11 million illegal immigrants already in the country
(thus encouraging a further flow, as we are seeing currently) and the
establishment of not one but two guest worker programs, under which
further low-skill workers can be imported to drive low-skill wages down
to subsistence levels. Needless to say, this is not in the interest of
the U.S. people as a whole, who are impoverished thereby. It is not even
in the long-term interest of business. Very high low-skill immigration
and declining U.S. living standards degrade the gigantic domestic
market, so that it is no longer the template against which international
competition must measure itself. Without the world's richest and most
sophisticated consumers, U.S. business will be at a growing disadvantage
against competitors from richer and better ordered countries such as
Japan, Germany, Scandinavia and eventually South Korea, Taiwan and
South-East Asia.
The free-market approach to immigration recognizes that people are not
goods and that the arguments for free trade in goods break down when the
item moving from country to country is an immigrant. Barbers are paid
more in Boston than they are in Bangalore because of the greater wealth
surrounding them, and an extra barber imported to Boston competes
directly with the local workforce and plays far more havoc with domestic
living standards than an imported car, machine tool or item of
software. Hence, to prevent Boston barbers' living standards from being
driven down to those of the Congo, we must restrict imports of people.
The cheap labor lobby, whether in the tech sector, in agriculture or in
low-wage service sectors, is attempting to enrich itself by immiserating
its fellow citizens.
Liberals against liberalism
Liberalism is one of a select band of troublesome political concepts
that has multiple meanings. Indeed, ‘liberalism’ as used in one context
can be the opposite of what it means in another.
The attitude of liberalism to freedom provides a prime example of these
contradictory meanings. Classical liberalism, which was to the fore in
the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, typically placed a heavy
emphasis on the importance of individual autonomy and liberty. In sharp
contrast, contemporary liberalism tends to be deeply intolerant and
Fred Siegel, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a conservative
think tank based in New York, has provided an enormous service with his
innovative history of modern American liberalism, The Revolt Against the
Masses. It helps put many of the most retrograde trends in the US into
their proper context. It also helps shed light on parallel developments
in other countries, including Britain, even though they are outside
Siegel’s remit.
For Siegel, a defining feature of modern liberalism is its attachment to
what he calls the clerisy – a technocratic elite which he identifies
with academia, Hollywood, the prestige press, Silicon Valley and Wall
Street. Despite its professed attachment to equality of opportunity,
this elite holds the mass of the American public, what Siegel refers to
as ‘the middle class’, in contempt. The clerisy sees itself as superior
to the rest of the population on meritocratic grounds.
As the reach of the state has burgeoned, the clerisy has taken on an
increasingly important social role. Over the years, American government
has grown vastly, commanding more resources and employing more people,
than ever before. As Joel Kotkin, one of the sharpest observers of
contemporary American politics, has pointed out: ‘Since 1990, the number
of government workers has expanded by some five million to some
20million. That’s four times the number who were employed by the
government at the end of the Second World War, a growth rate roughly
twice that of the population as a whole.’ Members of the technocratic
elite present themselves as impartial experts, but their interests are
closely tied to the fortunes of this vast state apparatus.
Siegel’s revisionist starting point is to argue that modern liberalism
emerged in the pessimistic years following the immediate aftermath of
the First World War. Its leading figures were writers and thinkers such
as Randolph Bourne, Herbert Croly, Sinclair Lewis and HL Mencken. Their
goal was to build a new American aristocracy that would distance itself
from the perceived debasement of modern commercial society.
This early part of Siegel’s work often parallels John Carey’s 1992 study
of Britain from 1880 to 1939, titled The Intellectuals and the Masses.
Both works portray an intellectual elite that loathes the mass of the
population. Indeed, HG Wells, better known today as a science-fiction
writer, was a prominent political influence on both sides of the
Atlantic in the early twentieth century. Siegel accurately describes
American liberalism of the 1920s and onwards as a ‘cousin’ of British
Siegel’s identification of the 1920s as the time when modern liberalism
emerged puts him at odds with conventional studies. Many authors argue
that it was in the 1930s, with the New Deal of President Franklin Delano
Roosevelt (FDR), that liberalism was born. Others point to the
Progressive era, which reached its peak in the early years of the
twentieth century, as the starting point of liberalism.
But Siegel argues that modern liberalism was fundamentally at odds with
progressivism. The progressive movement was a bipartisan and largely
middle-class Protestant movement that wanted to outlaw alcohol, gambling
and prostitution. It also wanted to curb the power of big business and
to create what it saw as a better life for the middle class. Siegel
argues that liberalism represented a decisive cultural break from
progressivism as it saw the American democratic ethos as a threat to
freedom at home and abroad.
In the 1930s, many liberals admired the Soviet Union under the
leadership of Joseph Stalin. At the same time, they took the view that
the American middle class, stifled by smalltown conformity, was
proto-fascist. It Can’t Happen Here, a novel by Sinclair Lewis on the
dangers of homespun American fascism, was widely praised by liberal
Liberalism gained increasing political influence under FDR’s presidency,
although he did not go as far as many liberals would have liked. In the
early 1930s, Roosevelt established a Brain Trust, a group of academic
advisers, to help develop his economic programme. Although this might
seem an unremarkable move, in retrospect it was innovative for its time.
It was an early example of technical experts playing a leading role in
the formation and implementation of policy.
FDR also played a leading role in the popularisation of the idea of
‘economic rights’ – more accurately called entitlements. In his 1944
State of the Union address, he proposed a Second Bill of Rights that
included such elements as the right to a useful and remunerative job,
the right to adequate food, and the right to protection from
unemployment. The president rightly contrasted these entitlements to
classical political rights such as free speech, a free press and freedom
of worship.
Although the idea of economic rights might sound positive, it in fact
laid the basis for a system where different interest groups competed for
access to resources from a rapidly growing state. For example, by the
1960s a framework of state-sponsored mobility gave a select number of
African-Americans work in a profusion of anti-poverty,
anti-discrimination, housing and social-services agencies. These
bureaucracies provided jobs for a minority of educated black Americans
and gave white radicals an outlet to rail against a wider society they
condemned as irredeemably racist. Yet, at least in Siegel’s telling,
this development angered most whites while at the same time undermining
the prospects for most blacks.
There are many twists in Siegel’s tale, but an important turning point
was the early 1970s and the emergence of what he calls gentry
liberalism. This was a form of modern liberalism that was hostile to the
ideas of progress and mass affluence. It stood in contrast to earlier
generations of modern liberals who generally supported the idea of
To be sure, there were green elements in the earlier years. HG Wells,
for instance, was a proponent of population control and eugenics. But
the primary target of gentry liberalism, as a new form of Malthusianism,
was mass culture and mass consumption rather than the poor having
numerous children.
Siegel presents Barack Obama as at the apex of the new liberalism. Obama
himself is a graduate of the machine that has dominated Chicago
politics for decades. His administration is predominantly staffed by a
small number of credentialed experts who overwhelmingly hail from a few
big cities. Despite all the talk of opportunity, this administration
looks down with disdain on the mass of the population. Racial and
political authenticity is held up as more important than policy
accomplishments. It is also worth noting that this political grouping
has substantial support from America’s most wealthy.
A final element of Siegel’s study of modern liberalism might surprise
some British fans of John Stuart Mill. In an appendix, he points to
Mill, the mid-nineteenth century British thinker, as a key inspiration
for modern American liberalism. Mill is better known as an eloquent
defender of individual autonomy, particularly in his essay ‘On Liberty’.
But Siegel points out that Mill was an ambivalent figure who also held
up the idea of a clerisy or ‘endowed class’ whose wisdom and
intelligence put it above the average person. This idea of a superior
intellectual elite later reappeared in numerous guises, including what
HG Wells referred to as the new ‘Samurai’.
The main weakness of The Revolt Against the Masses is Siegel’s
conflation of criticism of the American authorities with disdain for
what he calls the middle class. For example, he does not clearly
distinguish between criticism of authoritarian trends in American
society and the view that the general public is proto-fascist. It is
indeed true that these two trends are often fused in the minds of
American liberals, but that need not necessarily be the case. It is
quite possible to oppose on principle American authoritarianism while
rejecting the notion that the mass of the population is inherently
To make the distinction between the two liberalisms clear, it is
necessary to breathe new life into two other key concepts from the
political lexicon. First, upholding moral equality – the notion that no
individual is intrinsically worth more than any other – provides a way
of undermining the undemocratic claims of the technocratic elite and its
supporters; and second, upholding the idea of freedom, in the classical
liberal sense of individual autonomy, is essential to resisting the
overwhelming authoritarian impulse of modern liberalism.
?The odds of winning the Florida lottery are 1 in 22,957,480.
The odds of winning the Powerball is 1 in 175,223,510
The odds of winning Mega Millions is 1 in 258,890,850.
The odds of a disk drive failing in any given month are roughly 1 in
36.The odds of two different drives failing in the same month are
roughly one in 36 squared, or 1 in about 1,300.
The odds of three drives failing in the same month is 36 cubed or 1 in 46,656.
The odds of seven different drives failing in the same month (like what
happened at the IRS when they received a letter asking about emails
targeting conservative and pro Israeli groups) is 37 to the 7th power = 1
in 78,664,164,09 (that's over 78 Billion).
In other words, the odds are greater that you will win the Florida
Lottery 342 times before having those seven IRS hard drives crashing in
the same month.
HUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! Sounds like someone thinks we are idiots.
Via email
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
29 July, 2014
What triggered the 2007-2008 financial crisis?
I have not previously heard of this but it does have explanatory
power. I should have guessed that government bungling lay behind
it. We all knew that the pricking of the housing bubble lay behind
the financial collapse but what pricked the housing bubble? The
bubble peaked in 2006 and in 2007 the trouble started, building up
to the collapse of Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, Lehman Bros. and AIG in
In 2005, Americans who racked up an inconceivable amount of credit card
debt realized they could file for bankruptcy to relieve themselves of
any obligation to pay back debts.
There were those who exploited the system, of course, spending excessive
amounts of money on credit cards, and then filing for bankruptcy the
moment any bank started asking questions.
Banks wanted protection from this sort of abuse, so they lobbied for the
Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act which made it
costly to actually file for bankruptcy.
Everything was great, and smooth sailing after that, right? Nope.
Turns out that there were people who were actually, you know,
bankrupt. The new law made it to where a large number of
people didn't have the money to even file for bankruptcy. As a
result, these people had to default on all their debts, including their
mortgages, which the banks had to foreclose.
So, now we have a situation in which all the banks have a bunch of
houses they can't do anything with. What are they going to do with
houses? Well, they need to sell them, of course.
As it would turn out, though, all the banks simultaneously realized that
the housing market was being flooded with houses from other banks doing
the same thing. Because of supply and demand, housing prices
plummeted, causing even more people to default on their mortgages.
This also meant that the value of mortgage-backed securities dropped
precipitously as well, leading to more than $40 billion of
writedowns for U.S. financial institutions.
Banks lost so much money that they themselves began filing for
bankruptcy, including one of the prominent banks that lobbied for the
law in the first place, Washington Mutual. Nearly everyone
lobbying for the law was subsequently punished: Citigroup Chief
Executive Officer Charles O. "Chuck" Prince stepped down after losing
$11 billion of writedowns on top of more than $6 billion in the third
quarter of that year. Stan O'Neal was ousted as CEO of Merrill Lynch
& Co., the world's largest brokerage, after an $8.4 billion
writedown. Morgan Stanley, the second-biggest securities firm, had
subprime losses that cut fourth-quarter earnings that year by $2.5
The quintessential liberal
Is Putin Really Worse Than Stalin?
By Patrick J. Buchanan
In 1933, the Holodomor was playing out in Ukraine.
After the “kulaks,” the independent farmers, had been liquidated in the
forced collectivization of Soviet agriculture, a genocidal famine was
imposed on Ukraine through seizure of her food production.
Estimates of the dead range from two to nine million souls.
Walter Duranty of the New York Times, who called reports of the famine “malignant propaganda,” won a Pulitzer for his mendacity.
In November 1933, during the Holodomor, the greatest liberal of them
all, FDR, invited Foreign Minister Maxim Litvinov to receive official
U.S. recognition of his master Stalin’s murderous regime.
On August 1, 1991, just four months before Ukraine declared its
independence of Russia, George H. W. Bush warned Kiev’s legislature:
“Americans will not support those who seek independence in order to
replace a far-off tyranny with a local despotism. They will not aid
those who promote a suicidal nationalism based upon ethnic hatred.”
In short, Ukraine’s independence was never part of America’s agenda.
From 1933 to 1991, it was never a U.S. vital interest. Bush I was
against it.
When then did this issue of whose flag flies over Donetsk or Crimea
become so crucial that we would arm Ukrainians to fight Russian-backed
rebels and consider giving a NATO war guarantee to Kiev, potentially
bringing us to war with a nuclear-armed Russia?
From FDR on, U.S. presidents have felt that America could not remain isolated from the rulers of the world’s largest nation.
Ike invited Khrushchev to tour the USA after he had drowned the
Hungarian Revolution in blood. After Khrushchev put missiles in Cuba,
JFK was soon calling for a new detente at American University.
Within weeks of Warsaw Pact armies crushing the Prague Spring in August
1968, LBJ was seeking a summit with Premier Alexei Kosygin.
After excoriating Moscow for the downing of KAL 007 in 1983, that old
Cold Warrior Ronald Reagan was fishing for a summit meeting.
The point: Every president from FDR through George H. W. Bush, even
after collisions with Moscow far more serious than this clash over
Ukraine, sought to re-engage the men in the Kremlin.
Whatever we thought of the Soviet dictators who blockaded Berlin,
enslaved Eastern Europe, put rockets in Cuba and armed Arabs to attack
Israel, Ike, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush 1 all sought
to engage Russia’s rulers.
Avoidance of a catastrophic war demanded engagement.
How then can we explain the clamor of today’s U.S. foreign policy elite
to confront, isolate, and cripple Russia, and make of Putin a moral and
political leper with whom honorable statesmen can never deal?
What has Putin done to rival the forced famine in Ukraine that starved
to death millions, the slaughter of the Hungarian rebels or the Warsaw
Pact’s crushing of Czechoslovakia?
In Ukraine, Putin responded to a U.S.-backed coup, which ousted a
democratically elected political ally of Russia, with a bloodless
seizure of the pro-Russian Crimea where Moscow has berthed its Black Sea
fleet since the 18th century. This is routine Big Power geopolitics.
And though Putin put an army on Ukraine’s border, he did not order it to
invade or occupy Luhansk or Donetsk. Does this really look like a drive
to reassemble either the Russian Empire of the Romanovs or the Soviet
Empire of Stalin that reached to the Elbe?
As for the downing of the Malaysian airliner, Putin did not order that.
Sen. John Cornyn says U.S. intelligence has not yet provided any
“smoking gun” that ties the missile-firing to Russia.
Intel intercepts seem to indicate that Ukrainian rebels thought they had hit an Antonov military transport plane.
Yet, today, the leading foreign policy voice of the Republican Party,
Sen. John McCain, calls Obama’s White House “cowardly” for not arming
the Ukrainians to fight the Russian-backed separatists.
But suppose Putin responded to the arrival of U.S. weapons in Kiev by occupying Eastern Ukraine. What would we do then?
John Bolton has the answer: Bring Ukraine into NATO.
Translation: The U.S. and NATO should go to war with Russia, if
necessary, over Luhansk, Donetsk and Crimea, though no U.S. president
has ever thought Ukraine itself was worth a war with Russia.
What motivates Putin seems simple and understandable. He wants the
respect due a world power. He sees himself as protector of the Russians
left behind in his “near abroad.” He relishes playing Big Power
politics. History is full of such men.
He allows U.S. overflights to Afghanistan, cooperates in the P5+1 on
Iran, helped us rid Syria of chemical weapons, launches our astronauts
into orbit, collaborates in the war on terror and disagrees on Crimea
and Syria.
But what motivates those on our side who seek every opportunity to restart the Cold War?
Is it not a desperate desire to appear once again Churchillian, once
again heroic, once again relevant, as they saw themselves in the Cold
War that ended so long ago?
Who is the real problem here?
Paul Ryan Lays Out the 'Way Forward' on Poverty
House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) introduced a sweeping
proposal this week to reform how federal and state governments address
the issue of poverty in America. His plan, “Expanding Opportunity in
America,” looks into a number of ways to create new programs and bolster
some existing federal programs while eliminating others that just don’t
work. Ryan is becoming the go-to Republican on poverty policy, which is
key for a party that needs a more welcoming message on the subject – to
borrow his upcoming book title, “The Way Forward.”
The primary element of Ryan’s plan calls for the creation of Opportunity
Grants that would change how the government conducts fighting poverty.
This brings together 11 existing streams of federal aid – from food
stamps to housing assistance – into block grants that would allow states
to tailor aid packages to the poor based on individual need. States
would assign a caseworker to each person applying for aid, and together
the caseworker and the individual would create a plan based on short-
and long-term goals. These goals would form the basis of a contract in
which the states would continue to supply aid so long as the person
continued to live up to their end of the agreement – whether it be
finding or maintaining a job, pursuing an education or remaining
Ryan proposes changes to the Earned Income Tax Credit. The EITC is one
of the few proven ways the government has to reduce poverty and
encourage work, and he wants to simplify the application process. In
addition, he wants to make all childless adults over 21 eligible to
apply. He suggests adding the EITC to each paycheck throughout the year,
rather than distributing it as a one-time payment in each year’s tax
There are a number of fixes to education aid in the proposal, including
converting Head Start funding into a block grant to allow states to
experiment with different models for early education. A big part of the
primary and secondary education component is the consolidation of
multiple federal programs into flexible block grants to the states,
which allows for more tailored solutions at the community level. The
proposal also reforms the accreditation process to allow more
institutions and specific courses to gain accreditation, thereby
increasing the education options for students seeking federal aid.
Ryan addresses the problem of an exploding prison population and the
negative effect incarceration has on upward mobility. He proposes
allowing federal judges more flexibility in sentencing non-violent
felons who would otherwise be subject to mandatory minimums, and he
wants to tailor prison education and rehabilitation programs to those
inmates most at risk for recidivism.
Ryan’s plan, which you can read in detail here, is a thoughtful
consideration how to address what is wrong with federal aid to the poor.
As Ryan notes, “Fifteen percent of Americans live in poverty today –
over 46 million people.” In that, he sees opportunity: “There’s a vast
amount of untapped potential in our country.” Federal anti-poverty
programs have done little to actually reduce poverty ever since Lyndon
Johnson began the so-called War on Poverty 50 years ago. Ryan’s plan
calls for making aid more effective and more accountable, two goals with
which Washington is not familiar.
To be sure, Democrats are already trying to shoot holes in Ryan’s plan.
Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), ranking Democrat on the House Budget
Committee, says Ryan loves block grants because they are easier to cut.
Van Hollen and other House Democrats also note Ryan has proposed cutting
numerous federal programs and therefore cannot be taken seriously. Only
a statist would consider cost cutting a negative trait.
The fact is, many of Ryan’s proposals, like prison education and
improved education funding, have already seen the light of day as
individual legislative proposals that have drawn bipartisan support.
Democrats don’t like his plan because it would mean lifting people out
of poverty and freeing them from their poverty plantations. Ryan is also
a possible 2016 presidential candidate, which makes him a prime target.
Beyond all the policy nitty gritty, the key takeaway from Ryan’s effort
is that the GOP needs to do a better job of addressing poverty. Blue
collar Americans need to hear that Liberty can work for them. As
American Enterprise Institute fellow James Pethokoukis puts it, Ryan
“sees low-income Americans as underutilized assets who need to be
reintegrated into the work economy so they and America can reach full
potential.” This is done, as Benjamin Franklin once said, “not [by]
making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it.”
Leftists are religious too
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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here (Personal)
28 July, 2014
Another day in the life
by Shani Paluch Simon
This morning I got up and decided to offer Mia (7) to spend the day with
me. We were not going to spend the day at my clinic in the hospital,
nor were we going to have a fun girly day with mani-pedis and lunch in
Tel Aviv. Today was a day to demonstrate support and solidarity - it
would be sad, but it was important, and not everything we need to do in
life is fun or pleasant.
We started off at the local supermarket and picked up several cartons of
drinks, several kilos of baked goods and we set out on our journey.
Our first stop was Neve Yaakov, a suburb in Jerusalem that I had never
visited before. I placed an address in my Waze and set off. Next thing I
knew I was driving through Kalandiya, along the separation fence, road
strewn with rocks and debris from clashes that had taken place between
border police and local Palestinian villagers this past week. I checked
if I could re-route but the other option was to drive through Shuafat -
which did not appear a more appealing option.
Mia asked me about the separation fence. I tried explaining that the
fence is a scar on our land, an un-healing, seeping wound on our soul
and their soul. That the fence protects us and it hurts us. My heart
felt heavy, I wanted the fence to end, I wanted to get to our
destination already.
We arrived in Neve Yaakov, a poverty stricken suburb on the outskirts of
East Jerusalem. Mia looked around, her beautiful big eyes, even wider
than usual. As we made our way, hands laden with the goods we had
purchased for the family of the fallen Ethiopian soldier, Moshe Malko
z"l, Mia missed no detail - the neglected buildings, the rubbish on the
streets, the rusty remains of what once must have been public playground
equipment. Jerusalem is one of the poorest, most neglected cities in
Along with many others, we came to give our support and condolences to
the family of a soldier who had lost his life to protect us. We
approached Moshe Malko z"l's father - a lone tear streaming down his
face, a broken heart, a broken soul - life would never be the same. How
many kilometers had he walked in the deserts of Ethiopia to come to this
land? What had he dreamed of for his future when he gazed at the stars
in the desert skies on his journey to Israel? How much hardship had he
and his family endured acclimatizing to life in Israel? And now this.
How cruel life can be.
From Neve Yaakov we made our way to the military cemetery at Mount
Herzel - us and 30,000 other people, who came to escort and support the
family of Max Steinberg z"l on his final journey. Max was a lone-soldier
- he had first come to Israel on Birthright - he fell in love with the
country, with the people and chose to leave the comforts of Los Angeles,
to make aliya and to serve in the army. Max's parents arrived in Israel
for the first time in their lives yesterday - to bury their son.
Mia was astounded by the numbers of people attending the funeral, but
she was even more astounded by the endless rows of graves. "Mummy, I
don't understand - how many soldiers have died for our country? Did they
all die young, before they had a chance to marry and have families?"
Too many soldiers Mia - and each soldier that dies has died too young -
irrespective of whether they had married or had children.
Too many.
Too young.
This last week alone, 32 more - each a son, a brother, cousin, friend, partner, father.
We listened to the many eulogies, the personal stories of Max's z"l
family and friends. We left before the military ceremony of the funeral.
The message to Mia had been clear, it was enough for one day. When I
considered whether to have Mia spend the day with me - I asked myself if
she was too young - yes, she was too young - too young for air-red
sirens, for sleeping in a bomb shelter, for hearing loud booms over our
heads. Our soldiers are too young - too young to go to war, to bear
weapons, to die. In my dialogue with myself I could suddenly hear my
grandmother's voice, the words she would say in resignation each time
tragedy rudely knocked on the door of our people - ??? ?? ????? - "this
is our life".
When I look into the eyes of my children I need to hope that this is not
true - I need to hope that the fences will come down, that when I wake
-up tomorrow and Gili is suddenly 18 that we will no longer need an
army. Some might say that I need to wake-up - today. That my grandmother
was right.
I need to dream and hope a little more. Please.
What I Don’t Like About Life in the American Police State
By John W. Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute
There’s a lot to love about America and its people: their pioneering
spirit, their entrepreneurship, their ability to think outside the box,
their passion for the arts, etc. Increasingly, however, as time
goes by, I find the things I don’t like about living in a nation that
has long since ceased to be a sanctuary for freedom are beginning to
outnumber the things I love.
Here’s what I don’t like about living in the American police state: I
don’t like being treated as if my only value to the government is as a
source of labor and funds. I don’t like being viewed as a consumer and
bits of data. I don’t like being spied on and treated as if I have no
right to privacy.
I don’t like government officials who lobby for my vote only to ignore
me once elected. I don’t like having representatives incapable of and
unwilling to represent me. I don’t like taxation without representation.
I don’t like being subjected to scans, searches, pat downs and other
indignities by the TSA. I don’t like VIPR raids on so-called “soft”
targets like shopping malls and bus depots by black-clad, Darth Vader
look-alikes. I don’t like fusion centers, which represent the combined
surveillance efforts of federal, state and local law enforcement.
I don’t like laws that criminalize Americans for otherwise lawful
activities such as holding religious studies at home, growing vegetables
in their yard, and collecting rainwater. I don’t like the NDAA, which
allows the president and the military to arrest and detain American
citizens indefinitely. I don’t like the Patriot Act, which opened the
door to all manner of government abuses and intrusions on our privacy.
I don’t like the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which has become
America’s standing army. I don’t like military weapons such as armored
vehicles, sound cannons and the like being used against the American
citizens. I don’t like government agencies such as the DHS, Post Office,
Social Security Administration and Wildlife stocking up on hollow-point
bullets. And I definitely don’t like the implications of detention
centers being built that could house American citizens.
I don’t like the fact that since President Obama took office, police
departments across the country “have received tens of thousands of
machine guns; nearly 200,000 ammunition magazines; thousands of pieces
of camouflage and night-vision equipment; and hundreds of silencers,
armored cars and aircraft.”
I don’t like America’s infatuation with locking people up for life for
non-violent crimes. There are over 3,000 people in America serving life
sentences for non-violent crimes, including theft of a jacket, siphoning
gasoline from a truck, stealing tools, and attempting to cash a stolen
check. I don’t like paying roughly $29,000 a year per inmate just to
keep these nonviolent offenders in prison.
I don’t like the fact that those within a 25-mile range of the border
are getting a front row seat to the American police state, as Border
Patrol agents are now allowed to search people’s homes, intimately probe
their bodies, and rifle through their belongings, all without a
I don’t like public schools that treat students as if they were prison
inmates. I don’t like zero tolerance laws that criminalize childish
behavior. I don’t like a public educational system that emphasizes rote
memorization and test-taking over learning, synthesizing and critical
I don’t like police precincts whose primary purpose—whether through the
use of asset forfeiture laws, speed traps, or red light cameras—is
making a profit at the expense of those they have sworn to protect. I
don’t like militarized police and their onerous SWAT team raids.
I don’t like being treated as if I have no rights.
I don’t like cash-strapped states cutting deals with private
corporations to run the prisons in exchange for maintaining 90%
occupancy rates for at least 20 years. I don’t like the fact that
American prisons have become the source of cheap labor for Corporate
I don’t like feeling as if we’ve come full circle back to a pre-Revolutionary era.
I don’t like technology being used as a double-edged sword against us. I
don’t like agencies like DARPA developing weapons for the battlefield
that get used against Americans back at home. I don’t like the fact that
drones will be deployed domestically in 2015, yet the government has
yet to establish any civil liberties protocols to prevent them from
being used against the citizenry.
Most of all, I don’t like feeling as if there’s no hope for turning things around.
Now there are those who would suggest that if I don’t like things about
this country, I should leave and go elsewhere. And there are certainly
those among my fellow citizens who are leaving for friendlier shores.
However, I happen to come from a long line of people who believe in the
virtue of hard work and perseverance and in the principle that nothing
worthwhile comes without effort.
So I’m not giving up, at least not anytime soon. But I’m also not
waiting around for the government to clean up its act. I’m not making
any deals with politicians who care nothing about me and mine. To quote
Number Six, the character in the British television series The Prisoner:
“I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or
numbered! My life is my own!”
I plan to keep fighting, writing, speaking up, speaking out, shouting if
necessary, filing lawsuits, challenging the status quo, writing letters
to the editor, holding my representatives accountable, thinking
nationally but acting locally, and generally raising a ruckus anytime
the government attempts to undermine the Constitution and ride roughshod
over the rights of the citizenry.
As I make clear in my book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American
Police State, we’re at a crisis point in American history. If we don’t
get up off our duffs and get involved in the fight for freedom, then up
ahead the graveyard beckons. As Martin Luther King Jr. warned, “The
hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral
crisis maintain their neutrality.”
Scientists discover way to stop malaria parasite in its tracks
The global race to develop the next generation of malaria drugs has been
given a boost after Australian scientists discovered how to starve the
malaria parasite of nutrients, effectively killing it before it takes
The breakthrough, published in Nature on Thursday, comes at a time when
the parasite has developed a resistance to anti-malarial drugs, with
researchers and health care workers growing increasingly desperate for
replacement treatments.
‘’It’s really exciting because we are on our last drug and when that
drug goes, there are no more drugs to treat malaria,’’ Burnet Institute
director Brendan Crabb, a microbiologist and co-author of the paper,
Parasite resistance to the present drug, artemisinin, has been detected
in four countries in south-east Asia: Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand and
Vietnam. The mosquito that carries the parasite has also developed a
resistance to at least one insecticide used for malaria control in 64
Transmitted via infected mosquitoes, the malaria parasite multiplies in the liver and then invades red blood cells.
Once inside a red blood cell, the parasite settles in and starts
spreading its proteins through the red blood cell cytoplasm, which helps
it survive and absorb nutrients.
‘’There are hundreds and hundreds of proteins that the parasite needs to
get across into the red blood cells and this study has shown that there
is only one way for all the proteins to get out into the red blood
cells,’’ said co-author Tania de Koning-Ward, from Deakin University’s
medical school. ’’If we block that pathway, then we kill the parasite.’’
The two collaborating research groups, one from the Burnet Institute and
the other from Deakin University, each managed to deny the parasite the
proteins it needs to survive but did so using different techniques.
Professor Crabb and colleague Paul Gilson worked with infected human
blood cells grown in the incubator at the Burnet Institute, while
Associate Professor de Koning-Ward and her team used the parasite that
causes malaria in mice to test the efficacy of blocking the proteins
from being released.
‘’We basically showed the same results,’’ Associate Professor de Koning-Ward said.
The team first outlined its theory in a 2009 Nature paper but this latest research proves the theory works in practice.
The development is significant as it relies on a new mechanism, which
means drugs developed using this novel technique will be unlike the
drugs now on the market.
Blocking the release of the parasite’s proteins also appeared particularly potent, killing the parasite within six hours.
The malaria parasite has about 5000 genes. The study used genetically
modified parasites, with the gene responsible for transferring proteins
manipulated so it could be switched off.
Professor Crabb said the cost of developing new malaria drugs was about
half a billion dollars. He said it took five to 10 years for new
treatments to reach the market.
According to the World Health Organisation’s 2013 World Malaria Report,
released last December, about 207 million cases of malaria were recorded
in 2012 with 627,000 deaths. Ninety per cent of all malaria deaths
occur in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly Nigeria and the Democratic
Republic of the Congo.
There is a new lot of postings by
Chris Brand just up -- on his usual vastly "incorrect" themes of race, genes, IQ etc
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
27 July, 2014
Ten Reasons Why I Am No Longer a Leftist
By Danusha V. Goska
How far left was I? So far left my beloved uncle was a card-carrying
member of the Communist Party in a Communist country. When I returned to
his Slovak village to buy him a mass card, the priest refused to sell
me one. So far left that a self-identified terrorist proposed marriage
to me. So far left I was a two-time Peace Corps volunteer and I have a
degree from UC Berkeley. So far left that my Teamster mother used to
tell anyone who would listen that she voted for Gus Hall, Communist
Party chairman, for president. I wore a button saying "Eat the Rich." To
me it wasn't a metaphor.
I voted Republican in the last presidential election.
Below are the top ten reasons I am no longer a leftist. This is not a
rigorous comparison of theories. This list is idiosyncratic,
impressionistic, and intuitive. It's an accounting of the milestones on
my herky-jerky journey.
10) Huffiness.
In the late 1990s I was reading Anatomy of the Spirit, a then recent bestseller by Caroline Myss.
Myss described having lunch with a woman named Mary. A man approached
Mary and asked her if she were free to do a favor for him on June 8th.
No, Mary replied, I absolutely cannot do anything on June 8th because
June 8th is my incest survivors' meeting and we never let each other
down! They have suffered so much already! I would never betray incest
Myss was flabbergasted. Mary could have simply said "Yes" or "No."
Reading this anecdote, I felt that I was confronting the signature
essence of my social life among leftists. We rushed to cast everyone in
one of three roles: victim, victimizer, or champion of the oppressed. We
lived our lives in a constant state of outraged indignation. I did not
want to live that way anymore. I wanted to cultivate a disposition of
gratitude. I wanted to see others, not as victims or victimizers, but as
potential friends, as loved creations of God. I wanted to understand
the point of view of people with whom I disagreed without immediately
demonizing them as enemy oppressors.
I recently attended a training session for professors on a college
campus. The presenter was a new hire in a tenure-track position. He
opened his talk by telling us that he had received an invitation to
share a festive meal with the president of the university. I found this
to be an enviable occurrence and I did not understand why he appeared
dramatically aggrieved. The invitation had been addressed to "Mr. and
Mrs. X." Professor X was a bachelor. He felt slighted. Perhaps the
person who had addressed his envelope had disrespected him because he is
a member of a minority group.
Rolling his eyes, Prof. X went on to say that he was wary of accepting a
position on this lowly commuter campus, with its working-class student
body. The disconnect between leftists' announced value of championing
the poor and the leftist practice of expressing snobbery for them stung
me. Already vulnerable students would be taught by a professor who
regarded association with them as a burden, a failure, and a stigma.
Barack Obama is president. Kim and Kanye and Brad and Angelina are
members of multiracial households. One might think that professors
finally have cause to teach their students to be proud of America for
overcoming racism. Not so fast, Professor X warned. His talk was
on microaggression, defined as slights that prove that America is still
racist, sexist, homophobic, and ableist, that is, discriminatory against
handicapped people.
Professor X projected a series of photographs onto a large screen. In
one, commuters in business suits, carrying briefcases, mounted a flight
of stairs. This photo was an act of microaggression. After all,
Professor X reminded us, handicapped people can't climb stairs.
I appreciate Professor X's desire to champion the downtrodden, but
identifying a photograph of commuters on stairs as an act of
microaggression and evidence that America is still an oppressive hegemon
struck me as someone going out of his way to live his life in a state
of high dudgeon. On the other hand, Prof. X could have chosen to speak
of his own working-class students with more respect.
Yes, there is a time and a place when it is absolutely necessary for a
person to cultivate awareness of his own pain, or of others' pain.
Doctors instruct patients to do this -- "Locate the pain exactly;
calculate where the pain falls on a scale of one to ten; assess whether
the pain is sharp, dull, fleeting, or constant." But doctors do this for
a reason. They want the patient to heal, and to move beyond the pain.
In the left, I found a desire to be in pain constantly, so as always to
have something to protest, from one's history of incest to the inability
of handicapped people to mount flights of stairs.
9) Selective Outrage
I was a graduate student. Female genital mutilation came up in class. I stated, without ornamentation, that it is wrong.
A fellow graduate student, one who was fully funded and is now a
comfortably tenured professor, sneered at me. "You are so intolerant.
Clitoredectomy is just another culture's rite of passage. You Catholics
have confirmation."
When Mitt Romney was the 2012 Republican presidential candidate, he
mentioned that, as Massachusetts governor, he proactively sought out
female candidates for top jobs. He had, he said, "binders full of
women." He meant, of course, that he stored resumes of promising female
job candidates in three-ring binders.
Op-ed pieces, Jon Stewart's "Daily Show," Twitter, Facebook, and Amazon
posts erupted in a feeding frenzy, savaging Romney and the Republican
Party for their "war on women."
I was an active leftist for decades. I never witnessed significant
leftist outrage over clitoredectomy, child marriage, honor killing,
sharia-inspired rape laws, stoning, or acid attacks. Nothing. Zip.
Crickets. I'm not saying that that outrage does not exist. I'm saying I
never saw it.
The left's selective outrage convinced me that much canonical, left-wing
feminism is not so much support for women, as it is a protest against
Western, heterosexual men. It's an "I hate" phenomenon, rather than an
"I love" phenomenon.
8.) It's the thought that counts
My favorite bumper sticker in ultra-liberal Berkeley, California: "Think
Globally; Screw up Locally." In other words, "Love Humanity but Hate
It was past midnight, back in the 1980s, in Kathmandu, Nepal. A group of
Peace Corps volunteers were drinking moonshine at the Momo Cave. A
pretty girl with long blond hair took out her guitar and sang these
lyrics, which I remember by heart from that night:
"If you want your dream to be,
Build it slow and surely.
Small beginnings greater ends.
Heartfelt work grows purely."
I just googled these lyrics, thirty years later, and discovered that
they are Donovan's San Damiano song, inspired by the life of St.
Listening to this song that night in the Momo Cave, I thought, that's
what we leftists do wrong. That's what we've got to get right.
We focused so hard on our good intentions. Before our deployment
overseas, Peace Corps vetted us for our idealism and "tolerance," not
for our competence or accomplishments. We all wanted to save the world.
What depressingly little we did accomplish was often erased with the
next drought, landslide, or insurrection.
Peace Corps did not focus on the "small beginnings" necessary to
accomplish its grandiose goals. Schools rarely ran, girls and low caste
children did not attend, and widespread corruption guaranteed that all
students received passing grades. Those students who did learn had no
jobs where they could apply their skills, and if they rose above their
station, the hereditary big men would sabotage them. Thanks to cultural
relativism, we were forbidden to object to rampant sexism or the caste
system. "Only intolerant oppressors judge others' cultures."
I volunteered with the Sisters of Charity. For them, I pumped cold water
from a well and washed lice out of homeless people's clothing. The
sisters did not want to save the world. Someone already had. The sisters
focused on the small things, as their founder, Mother Teresa, advised,
"Don't look for big things, just do small things with great love."
Delousing homeless people's clothing was one of my few concrete
Back in 1975, after Hillary Rodham had followed Bill Clinton to
Arkansas, she helped create the state's first rape crisis hotline. She
had her eye on the big picture. What was Hillary like in her one-on-one
Hillary served as the attorney to a 41-year-old, one of two men accused
of raping a 12-year-old girl. The girl, a virgin before the assault, was
in a coma for five days afterward. She was injured so badly she was
told she'd never have children. In 2014, she is 52 years old, and she
has never had children, nor has she married. She reports that she was
afraid of men after the rape.
A taped interview with Clinton has recently emerged; on it Clinton makes
clear that she thought her client was guilty, and she chuckles when
reporting that she was able to set him free. In a recent
interview, the victim said that Hillary Clinton "took me through Hell"
and "lied like a dog." "I think she wants to be a role model… but I
don’t think she’s a role model at all," the woman said. "If she had have
been, she would have helped me at the time, being a 12-year-old girl
who was raped by two guys."
Hillary had her eye on the all-caps resume bullet point: FOUNDS RAPE HOTLINE.
Hillary's chuckles when reminiscing about her legal victory suggest
that, in her assessment, her contribution to the ruination of the life
of a rape victim is of relatively negligible import.
7) Leftists hate my people.
I'm a working-class Bohunk. A hundred years ago, leftists loved us. We
worked lousy jobs, company thugs shot us when we went on strike, and
leftists saw our discontent as fuel for their fire.
Karl Marx promised the workers' paradise through an inevitable
revolution of the proletariat. The proletariat is an industrial working
class -- think blue-collar people working in mines, mills, and
factories: exactly what immigrants like my parents were doing.
Polish-Americans participated significantly in a great victory, Flint,
Michigan's 1937 sit-down strike. Italian-Americans produced Sacco and
Vanzetti. Gus Hall was a son of Finnish immigrants.
In the end, though, we didn't show up for the Marxist happily ever
after. We believed in God and we were often devout Catholics. Leftists
wanted us to slough off our ethnic identities and join in the
international proletarian brotherhood -- "Workers of the world, unite!"
But we clung to ethnic distinctiveness. Future generations lost their
ancestral ties, but they didn't adopt the IWW flag; they flew the stars
and stripes. "Property is theft" is a communist motto, but no one is
more house-proud than a first generation Pole who has escaped landless
peasantry and secured his suburban nest.
Leftists felt that we jilted them at the altar. Leftists turned on us.
This isn't just ancient history. In 2004, What's the Matter with Kansas?
spent eighteen weeks on the bestseller lists. The premise of the book:
working people are too stupid to know what's good for them, and so they
vote conservative when they should be voting left. In England, the book
was titled, What's the Matter with America?
We became the left's boogeyman: Joe Six-pack, Joe Hardhat. Though we'd
been in the U.S. for a few short decades when the demonization began,
leftists, in the academy, in media, and in casual speech, blamed
working-class ethnics for American crimes, including racism and the
"imperialist" war in Vietnam. See films like The Deer Hunter. Watch
Archie Bunker on "All in the Family." Listen to a few of the Polack
jokes that elitists pelted me with whenever I introduced myself at UC
Leftists freely label poor whites as "redneck," "white trash," "trailer
trash," and "hillbilly." At the same time that leftists toss around
these racist and classist slurs, they are so sanctimonious they forbid
anyone to pronounce the N word when reading Mark Twain aloud. President
Bill Clinton's advisor James Carville succinctly summed up leftist
contempt for poor whites in his memorable quote, "Drag a hundred-dollar
bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find."
The left's visceral hatred of poor whites overflowed like a broken sewer
when John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running
mate in 2008. It would be impossible, and disturbing, to attempt to
identify the single most offensive comment that leftists lobbed at
Palin. One can report that attacks on Palin were so egregious that
leftists themselves publicly begged that they cease; after all, they
gave the left a bad name. The Reclusive Leftist blogged in 2009 that it
was a "major shock" to discover "the extent to which so many
self-described liberals actually despise working people." The Reclusive
Leftist focuses on Vanity Fair journalist Henry Rollins. Rollins
recommends that leftists "hate-fuck conservative women" and denounces
Palin as a "small town hickoid" who can be bought off with a coupon to a
meal at a chain restaurant.
Smearing us is not enough. Liberal policies sabotage us. Affirmative
action benefits recipients by color, not by income. Even this limited
focus fails. In his 2004 Yale University Press study, Thomas Sowell
insists that affirmative action helps only wealthier African Americans.
Poor blacks do not benefit. In 2009, Princeton sociologists Thomas
Espenshade and Alexandria Radford demonstrated that poor, white
Christians are underrepresented on elite college campuses. Leftists add
insult to injury. A blue-collar white kid, who feels lost and friendless
on the alien terrain of a university campus, a campus he has to leave
immediately after class so he can get to his fulltime job at
MacDonald's, must accept that he is a recipient of "white privilege" –
if he wants to get good grades in mandatory classes on racism.
The left is still looking for its proletariat. It supports mass
immigration for this reason. Harvard's George Borjas, himself a Cuban
immigrant, has been called "America’s leading immigration economist."
Borjas points out that mass immigration from Latin America has sabotaged
America's working poor.
It's more than a little bit weird that leftists, who describe themselves
as the voice of the worker, select workers as their hated other of
choice, and targets of their failed social engineering.
6) I believe in God.
Read Marx and discover a mythology that is irreconcilable with any other
narrative, including the Bible. Hang out in leftist internet
environments, and you will discover a toxic bath of irrational hatred
for the Judeo-Christian tradition. You will discover an alternate
vocabulary in which Jesus is a "dead Jew on a stick" or a "zombie" and
any belief is an arbitrary sham, the equivalent of a recently invented
"flying spaghetti monster." You will discover historical revisionism
that posits Nazism as a Christian denomination. You will discover a
rejection of the Judeo-Christian foundation of Western Civilization and
American concepts of individual rights and law. You will discover a
nihilist void, the kind of vacuum of meaning that nature abhors and
that, all too often, history fills with the worst totalitarian
nightmares, the rough beast that slouches toward Bethlehem.
5 & 4) Straw men and "In order to make an omelet you have to break a few eggs."
It astounds me now to reflect on it, but never, in all my years of
leftist activism, did I ever hear anyone articulate accurately the
position of anyone to our right. In fact, I did not even know those
positions when I was a leftist.
"Truth is that which serves the party." The capital-R revolution was
such a good, it could eliminate all that was bad, that manipulating
facts was not even a venial sin; it was a good. If you want to make an
omelet, you have to break a few eggs. One of those eggs was objective
Ron Kuby is a left-wing radio talk show host on New York's WABC. He
plays the straw man card hourly. If someone phones in to question
affirmative action – shouldn't such programs benefit recipients by
income, rather than by skin color? – Kuby opens the fire hydrant. He is
shrill. He is bombastic. He accuses the caller of being a member of the
KKK. He paints graphic word pictures of the horrors of lynching and the
death of Emmett Till and asks, "And you support that?"
Well of course THE CALLER did not support that, but it is easier to
orchestrate a mob in a familiar rendition of righteous rage against a
sensationalized straw man than it is to produce a reasoned argument
against a reasonable opponent.
On June 16, 2014, Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank published a
column alleging that a peaceful Muslim was nearly verbally lynched by
violent Islamophobes at a Heritage Foundation-hosted panel. What Milbank
described was despicable. Unfortunately for Milbank and the Washington
Post's credibility, someone filmed the event and posted the film on
YouTube. Panel discussants, including Frank Gaffney and Brigitte
Gabriel, made important points in a courteous manner. Saba Ahmed, the
peaceful Muslim, is a "family friend" of a bombing plotter who expressed
a specific desire to murder children. It soon became clear that Milbank
was, as one blogger put it, "making stuff up."
Milbank slanders anyone who might attempt analysis of jihad, a force
that is currently cited in the murder of innocents -- including Muslims
-- from Nigeria to the Philippines. The leftist strategy of slandering
those who speak uncomfortable facts suppresses discourse and has a
devastating impact on confrontations with truth in journalism and on
college campuses.
2 & 3) It doesn't work. Other approaches work better.
I went to hear David Horowitz speak in 2004. My intention was to heckle
him. Horowitz said something that interrupted my flow of thought. He
pointed out that Camden, Paterson, and Newark had decades of Democratic
I grew up among "Greatest Generation" Americans who had helped build
these cities. One older woman told me, "As soon as I got my weekly
paycheck, I rushed to Main Ave in Paterson, and my entire paycheck ended
up on my back, in a new outfit." In the 1950s and 60s, my parents and
my friends' parents fled deadly violence in Newark and Paterson.
Within a few short decades, Paterson, Camden, and Newark devolved into
unlivable slums, with shooting deaths, drug deals, and garbage-strewn
streets. The pain that New Jerseyans express about these failed cities
is our state's open wound.
I live in Paterson. I teach its young. My students are hogtied by
ignorance. I find myself speaking to young people born in the U.S. in a
truncated pidgin I would use with a train station chai wallah in
Many of my students lack awareness of a lot more than vocabulary. They
don't know about believing in themselves, or stick-to-itiveness. They
don't realize that the people who exercise power over them have faced
and overcome obstacles. I know they don't know these things because they
tell me. One student confessed that when she realized that one of her
teachers had overcome setbacks it changed her own life.
My students do know -- because they have been taught this -- that
America is run by all-powerful racists who will never let them win. My
students know -- because they have been drilled in this -- that the only
way they can get ahead is to locate and cultivate those few white
liberals who will pity them and scatter crumbs on their supplicant,
bowed heads and into their outstretched palms. My students have learned
to focus on the worst thing that ever happened to them, assume that it
happened because America is unjust, and to recite that story,
dirge-like, to whomever is in charge, from the welfare board to college
professors, and to await receipt of largesse.
As Shelby Steele so brilliantly points out in his book White Guilt, the
star of the sob story my students tell in exchange for favors is very
much not the black aid recipient. The star of this story, still, just as
before the Civil Rights Movement that was meant to change who got to
take the lead in American productions, was the white man. The generous
white liberal still gets top billing.
In Dominque La Pierre's 1985 novel City of Joy, a young American doctor,
Max Loeb, confesses that serving the poor in a slum has changed his
mind forever about what might actually improve their lot. "In a slum an
exploiter is better than a Santa Claus… An exploiter forces you to
react, whereas a Santa Claus demobilizes you."
That one stray comment from David Horowitz, a man I regarded as the
enemy, sparked the slow but steady realization that my ideals, the
ideals I had lived by all my life, were poisoning my students and
Paterson, my city.
After I realized that our approaches don't work, I started reading about
other approaches. I had another Aha! moment while listening to a two
minute twenty-three second YouTube video of Milton Friedman responding
to Phil Donahue's castigation of greed. The only rational response to
Friedman is "My God, he's right."
1) Hate.
If hate were the only reason, I'd stop being a leftist for this reason alone.
Almost twenty years ago, when I could not conceive of ever being
anything but a leftist, I joined a left-wing online discussion forum.
Before that I'd had twenty years of face-to-face participation in leftist politics: marching, organizing, socializing.
In this online forum, suddenly my only contact with others was the words
those others typed onto a screen. That limited and focused means of
contact revealed something.
If you took all the words typed into the forum every day and arranged
them according to what part of speech they were, you'd quickly notice
that nouns expressing the emotions of anger, aggression, and disgust,
and verbs speaking of destruction, punishing, and wreaking vengeance,
outnumbered any other class of words.
One topic thread was entitled "What do you view as disgusting about
modern America?" The thread was begun in 2002. Almost eight thousand
posts later, the thread was still going strong in June, 2014.
Those posting messages in this left-wing forum publicly announced that
they did what they did every day, from voting to attending a rally to
planning a life, because they wanted to destroy something, and because
they hated someone, rather than because they wanted to build something,
or because they loved someone. You went to an anti-war rally because you
hated Bush, not because you loved peace. Thus, when Obama bombed, you
didn't hold any anti-war rally, because you didn't hate Obama.
I experienced powerful cognitive dissonance when I recognized the hate.
The rightest of my right-wing acquaintances -- I had no right-wing
friends -- expressed nothing like this. My right-wing acquaintances
talked about loving: God, their family, their community. I'm not saying
that the right-wingers I knew were better people; I don't know that they
were. I'm speaking here, merely, about language.
In 1995 I developed a crippling illness. I couldn't work, lost my life
savings, and traveled through three states, from surgery to surgery.
A left-wing friend, Pete, sent me emails raging against Republicans like
George Bush, whom he referred to as "Bushitler." The Republicans were
to blame because they opposed socialized medicine. In fact it's not at
all certain that socialized medicine would have helped; the condition I
had is not common and there was no guaranteed treatment.
I visited online discussion forums for others with the same affliction.
One of my fellow sufferers, who identified himself as a successful
corporate executive in New Jersey, publicly announced that the symptoms
were so hideous, and his helpless slide into poverty was so much not
what his wife had bargained for when she married him, that he planned to
take his own life. He stopped posting after that announcement, though I
responded to his post and requested a reply. It is possible that he
committed suicide, exactly as he said he would -- car exhaust in the
garage. I suddenly realized that my "eat the rich" lapel button was a
sin premised on a lie.
In any case, at the time I was diagnosed, Bush wasn't president; Clinton
was. And, as I pointed out to Pete, his unceasing and vehement
expressions of hatred against Republicans did nothing for me.
I had a friend, a nun, Mary Montgomery, one of the Sisters of
Providence, who took me out to lunch every six months or so, and gave me
twenty-dollar Target gift cards on Christmas. Her gestures to support
someone, rather than expressions of hate against someone -- even though
these gestures were miniscule and did nothing to restore me to health --
meant a great deal to me.
Recently, I was trying to explain this aspect of why I stopped being a
leftist to a left-wing friend, Julie. She replied, "No, I'm not an
unpleasant person. I try to be nice to everybody."
"Julie," I said, "You are an active member of the Occupy Movement. You
could spend your days teaching children to read, or visiting the elderly
in nursing homes, or organizing cleanup crews in a garbage-strewn slum.
You don't. You spend your time protesting and trying to destroy
something -- capitalism."
"Yes, but I'm very nice about it," she insisted. "I always protest with a smile."
Pete is now a Facebook friend and his feed overflows with the anger that
I'm sure he assesses as righteous. He protests against homophobic
Christians, American imperialists, and Monsanto. I don't know if Pete
ever donates to an organization he believes in, or a person suffering
from a disease, or if he ever says comforting things to afflicted
intimates. I know he hates.
I do have right-wing friends now and they do get angry and they do
express that anger. But when I encounter unhinged, stratospheric
vituperation, when I encounter detailed revenge fantasies in
scatological and sadistic language, I know I've stumbled upon a
left-wing website.
Given that the left prides itself on being the liberator of women,
homosexuals, and on being "sex positive," one of the weirder and most
obvious aspects of left-wing hate is how often, and how virulently, it
is expressed in terms that are misogynist, homophobic, and in the
distinctive anti-sex voice of a sexually frustrated high-school misfit.
Haters are aware enough of how uncool it would be to use a slur like
"fag," so they sprinkle their discourse with terms indicating anal rape
like "butt hurt." Leftists taunt right-wingers as "tea baggers." The
implication is that the target of their slur is either a woman or a gay
man being orally penetrated by a man, and is, therefore, inferior, and
Misogynist speech has a long tradition on the left. In 1964, Stokely
Carmichael said that the only position for women in the Civil Rights
Movement was "prone." Carmichael's misogyny is all the more outrageous
given the very real role of women like Rosa Parks, Viola Liuzzo, and
Fannie Lou Hamer.
In 2012 atheist bloggers Jennifer McCreight and Natalie Reed exposed the
degree to which misogyny dominates the New Atheist movement. McCreight
quoted a prominent atheist's reply to a woman critic. "I will make you a
rape victim if you don't fuck off... I think we should give the guy who
raped you a medal. I hope you fucking drown in rape semen, you ugly,
mean-spirited cow… Is that kind of like the way that rapists dick went
in your pussy? Or did he use your asshole… I'm going to rape you with my
A high-profile example of leftist invective was delivered by MSNBC's
Martin Bashir in late 2013. Bashir said, on air and in a rehearsed
performance, not as part of a moment's loss of control, something so
vile about Sarah Palin that I won't repeat it here. Extreme as it is,
Bashir's comment is fairly representative of a good percentage of what I
read on left-wing websites.
I could say as much about a truly frightening phenomenon, left-wing
anti-Semitism, but I'll leave the topic to others better qualified. I
can say that when I first encountered it, at a PLO fundraising party in
Marin County, I felt as if I had time-traveled to pre-war Berlin.
I needed to leave the left, I realized, when I decided that I wanted to
spend time with people building, cultivating, and establishing,
something that they loved.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
25 July, 2014
Flights to Israel OK'd
The U.S. flight ban to Tel Aviv has been lifted, giving Israel a needed
reprieve from a misguided decision. When the FAA banned all U.S. flights
to Tel Aviv earlier this week, it handed Hamas a huge win.
As fighting continues, Israel has lost more than 30 soldiers, while
Hamas has sacrificed more than 700 Palestinian lives for propaganda
purposes. It’s working. Reuters reports, “UN High Commissioner for Human
Rights Navi Pillay said there was ‘a strong possibility’ that Israel
was committing war crimes in Gaza.”
Pressure on Israel is growing from all sides, though Barack Obama
repeatedly professes his “unshakeable commitment” to our ally. Why does
our support then always seem so shakeable?
Navi Pillay is an ass with a long record of being an ass
Socialists Are Cheaters, Says New Study
"The longer individuals were exposed to socialism, the more likely they
were to cheat on our task," according to a new study, "The (True) Legacy
of Two Really Existing Economic Systems," from Duke University and the
University of Munich. The team of researchers concluded this after
working with 259 participants from Berlin who grew up on opposite sides
of the infamous wall.
When playing a dice game that could earn them €6 ($8), subjects
originally from the East, which was for four decades under socialist
rule, were more likely than their market economy counterparts in West to
lie about how they fared. The Economist explains the task:
The game was simple enough. Each participant was asked to throw a die 40
times and record each roll on a piece of paper. A higher overall tally
earned a bigger payoff. Before each roll, players had to commit
themselves to write down the number that was on either the top or the
bottom side of the die. However, they did not have to tell anyone which
side they had chosen, which made it easy to cheat by rolling the die
first and then pretending that they had selected the side with the
highest number. If they picked the top and then rolled a two, for
example, they would have an incentive to claim—falsely—that they had
chosen the bottom, which would be a five.
The results were that "East Germans cheated twice as much as West
Germans overall," leaving the researchers to conclude the "the political
regime of socialism has a lasting impact on citizens' basic morality."
The paper discusses some potentially related reasons for the outcome, such as the fact that
socialist systems have been characterized by extensive scarcity, which
ultimately led to the collapse of the German Democratic Republic (GDR)
in East Germany. In many instances, socialism pressured or forced people
to work around official laws. For instance, in East Germany stealing a
load of building materials in order to trade it for a television set
might have been the only way for a driver of gravel loads to connect to
the outside world. Moreover, socialist systems have been characterized
by a high degree of infiltration by the intelligence apparatus.
The Duke-Munich team positions their work against a 2013 study, "Of
Morals, Markets and Mice," which concluded "that market economies decay
morals" but "compared decisions in bilateral and multilateral market
settings to individual decisions rather than an alternative economic
allocation mechanism." The new research finds that "political and
economic regimes such as socialism might have an even more detrimental
effect on individuals’ behavior."
In another aspect of the study, the researchers note that "we did not
observe an overall difference between East and West Germans in
pro-social behavior," such as donating to hospitals, the
capitalist-influenced demographic does, in fact, donate marginally more.
EU calls on Hamas, Islamic Jihad to disarm
The EU does something right for a change: 28-country bloc defends
Israel’s right to fight, says indiscriminate rocket fire from Gaza is
‘criminal and unjustifiable’
The European Union on Tuesday called on Hamas and other Gaza terror
groups to disarm, taking a strikingly pro-Israel stance and supporting
the country’s “legitimate right to defend itself.”
The union’s 28 foreign ministers issued a joint statement after a
meeting of the European Council, calling for an end to Hamas rocket
attacks and an immediate ceasefire. “The EU calls on Hamas to
immediately put an end to these acts and to renounce violence. All
terrorist groups in Gaza must disarm,” it said.
It also condemned the rocket fire at Israel from the Gaza Strip as
“criminal and unjustifiable acts,” but said Israel must do more to
prevent civilian casualties.
“While recognizing Israel’s legitimate right to defend itself against
any attacks, the EU underlines that the Israeli military operation must
be proportionate and in line with international humanitarian law,” it
The statement came as the Israeli and Palestinian death tolls climbed
steadily, with some 30 Israelis killed since the operation began, and
more than 600 Palestinians, many of them civilians, according to
Palestinian officials in Hamas-run Gaza.
The EU, which is often stridently critical of Israeli policies, also
decried Hamas’s “calls on the civilian population of Gaza to provide
themselves as human shields.”
It said it was “extremely concerned” about the situation, and reiterated its call for an immediate ceasefire.
The EU also appealed for the open of crossings to transfer humanitarian
aid to the Gaza Strip, and emphasized that the current campaign pointed
to “the unsustainable nature of the status quo” in the coastal enclave.
Earlier in the day, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon also condemned
Hamas rocket fire and called on the group to stop using civilian sites
for military purposes. He also called for a ceasefire.
Responding to the EU statement, Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said
the statement proved “that the free world is united with Israel against
Hamas terror, and Israel has the full right to protect itself.”
The sacredness of a baby
An Israeli man instantly used his body to protect a baby
Another Law-Abiding Citizen Arrested!
As you know, every state has its own gun laws. Even though the Second
Amendment says that the “right of the people to keep and bear arms shall
not be infringed” and the Supreme Court ruled in McDonald v. Chicago
that this applies to the states, there are a number of gun control
states that completely trample on your constitutional rights.
The People’s Republik of New Jersey is one of those states.
In the State of New Jersey, firearms are banned except for certain
exemptions. It is illegal to possess a firearm unless you jump through
hoops to receive an exemption.
For law-abiding citizens, that means they have to apply for a Firearms
Purchaser Identification Card. The law says that police have 30-days to
process these applications, but few towns even bother to meet that
Even still, an FPID only allows you to possess a gun within your home or
in a locked case on the way to a gun range. If you take a gun outside
of your property, you are instantly a felon.
The only way to legally take a gun outside your home in these gun
control states is to obtain a License to Carry a Firearm, something that
is often statistically impossible for about 26% of all Americans.
Studies have found that approximately 11.1 million Americans possess a
concealed carry permit. That’s up from 4.6 million in 2007. That is
significant growth. And while the number of states issuing concealed
weapons permits has increased, there is still a minority of states that
completely restrict concealed carry.
Approximately 3.5% of all Americans possess a concealed weapons permit.
These people are certified by their home states and deemed trustworthy
enough to carry a gun in public. But in many cases, states refuse to
recognize the legitimacy of these permits and law-abiding citizens end
up in prison over it!
But for Shaneen Allen, a licensed concealed carrier in Pennsylvania, her
Second Amendment rights end at the state-line. This is an absolutely
tragic story. This woman, unfortunately, wrongly assumed that her
concealed weapons permit would be accepted everywhere, kind of like a
drivers license. So, when she was pulled over by a New Jersey Police
Officer, she wanted to be honest with him. So she told him she was a
licensed concealed carrier.
Shaneen Allen was pulled over for a minor traffic violation. The police
officer alleges that she improperly changed lanes. But, because she
handed her concealed weapons permit to the officer along with her
driver’s license, she now faces a MINIMUM of three years in prison!
The aptly named Graves Act requires that first time gun offenders receive a minimum three-year prison sentence in New Jersey.
Shaneen Allen is a black, single mother of two young children. She has
no prior criminal record. Before she was arrested, she worked as a
licensed phlebologist. When she was robbed two-times in just one year,
she made the decision to purchase a gun to protect herself and her
family. She went through the process to become a licensed concealed
carrier in the State of Pennsylvania. There is zero evidence that
Shaneen Allen intended to use the gun for any malicious purpose. Yet,
she was still arrested. She spent a whopping FORTY days in jail before
she was actually released on bail and even now, she’s facing a felony
charge that, if convicted, would bring a three-year mandatory minimum
prison term.
This woman made a mistake… She admits to that. But while actual
criminals cop plea deals to get less prison time, the prosecutor refuses
to show Shaneen Allen any leniency!
This is a textbook example of why we need National Concealed Carry
Reciprocity! But when Republicans tried to insert reciprocity into a
Senate bill this month, Harry Reid shot it down!
Innocent Americans are being tripped up and having their lives ruined by
these ridiculous and unconstitutional concealed carry laws.
The Second Amendment is clear… It says our right to bear arms “shall not
be infringed.” Yet in states like New Jersey, New York, Connecticut,
Massachusetts, California, Maryland, Hawaii, Rhode Island, and
Washington DC, the state does just that!
And for those who happen to travel through these gun control states,
they are forced to decide between disarming and putting their families
in danger or defying the law entirely.
There shouldn’t even be a law to defy! In 1986, Congress passed the
Firearm Owner Protection Act (FOPA). The goal of this was to ensure that
people could travel across state lines with their locked firearms
without becoming felons. This law MUST be extended to concealed weapons
permit holders!
There is absolutely no reason that a law-abiding citizen like Shaneen
Allen should face the prospect of a felony conviction and prison time
for exercising his or her constitutional rights! There is no reason that
Americans should have to disarm while traveling through the most
dangerous states!
The answer is simple. We must demand National Concealed Carry Reciprocity now!
Living on the Fumes of Greatness
Only men over sixty have ever been subject to the military draft in
America. Knowing you could be forced by government to fight in a war
focuses one's attention on what's happening in the wider world beyond
the peaceful shores of the Unites States. Today, however, our military
is all volunteer. Fewer than 1% of Americans serve now and that's been
true for decades. If you don't want to, you don't have to. Is that a
good thing? I'm not so sure.
Americans under sixty have led a remarkably pampered life by world
historical standards. They've grown up in the most powerful country the
world has ever seen and have never been forced to seriously consider how
brutal other humans can be when they're allowed. The vast majority of
people who lived out their lives on this planet did so in walled cities
or constantly looking over their shoulders as they moved about with
weapons close at hand.
Some of us, though, have paid attention to what goes on outside our
borders. Some have studied history and have come to understand that the
Pax Americana we've known all our lives is more the exception than the
rule. Most, however, never consider Orwell's observance that: "People
sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand
ready to do violence on their behalf." We don't appreciate how fortunate
we are to have been born in late-20th-century America. We still have
rough men ready to do violence on our behalf, but we don't have a
government that either appreciates them or knows how to use them
I hate to point this out, but we're not just getting fat, dumb, and
lazy; we're already here, and have been for some time. Obesity is
epidemic. We don't know much about history, geography, civics, or
anything else, and more than 90 million of us have dropped out of the
workforce. The evidence is overwhelming that our citizenry is in serious
decline. Consequently, so is our nation. More and more of us are
dependent on government entitlements and, due to our ignorance of simple
arithmetic, we are unaware that those expensive programs are
mathematically unsustainable. Bankruptcy looms, but we keep on spending
as if it weren't.
We keep reelecting a government that is a reflection of us.
Paradoxically however, opinion polls indicate that we don't approve of
the government for which we keep voting. Why do we continue to reelect
congressmen, senators and a president we dislike? Is it because they
tell us what we want to hear? Perhaps the lyric in the Sheryl Crow
number applies to us: "Lie to me. I promise, I'll believe," she sang.
How long can this continue though? When I ponder that, something
columnist Mark Steyn wrote comes to mind: "Sometimes societies become
too stupid to survive."
Peggy Noonan, former Reagan speechwriter and Wall Street Journal
columnist, penned something last week that also haunts me. Commenting
about the illegal alien crisis on the Mexican border, she observed:
"America is the house that is both falling apart and under new stress.
Those living within it, those most upset by what they're seeing, know
America has big problems-unemployment, low workforce participation, a
rickety physical infrastructure, an unsound culture, poor public
education. And of course discord of all sorts... They know America can't
pay its bills. They fear we're living on the fumes of greatness. They
want us to be strong again."
"Living on the fumes of greatness." Yes. That is indeed what we're doing.
Noonan was describing Americans who do pay attention, who understand
history, who know we cannot go on doing what we're doing. But I'm afraid
such people are in the minority now. Remember: 52% of us reelected
Barack Obama two years ago in spite of what he did in his first term.
The Wednesday morning after that sad election day I was forced to
realize that yes, the America in which I grew up has fundamentally
First generation immigrant Dinesh D'Souza just released a movie titled,
"America: Imagine The World Without Her." I haven't seen it yet, but I
know what's in it. He sees what I see. I have been imagining such a
world and it isn't a pretty one, because I know there are brutal people
out there who ponder it gleefully. They smell American decline and they
extend their probes further and further to see what they can get away
with. How far will that be? I'm afraid to think.
I still choose to believe in spite of mounting evidence to the contrary
that it's not too late, that enough Americans are beginning to
understand we simply must turn things around.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
24 July, 2014
British Airways continues to fly to Israel despite European and US airlines cancelling flights
British budget airline easyJet has joined European and American
operators in scrapping flights to Israel after a Hamas rocket landed
close to its Ben Gurion airport.
Air France, KLM and Germany's Lufthansa have also suspended flights to
the war-torn country, as have US airlines Delta, United Airlines, and US
Airways under orders from the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
But a spokesman for British Airways said it was still continuing its
twice-daily London Heathrow to Tel Aviv services, while 'monitoring the
situation closely'.
MH17: no link to Kremlin in plane downing - US intelligence
officials say no evidence of direct Russian government involvement
The report below is probably the best informed yet and should go some
way towards damping down the hysteria about President Putin. The
plane was clearly shot down by Ukrainians -- Russian speaking
ones. Given that Ukraine has resisted their demands for
independence and attacked them instead (have we forgotten that Americans
also once fought for their independence?), they were clearly entitled
to shoot back, and, equally clearly that was what they thought they were
doing in attacking the plane. The launcher appears to have been
an early model, a BUK 1 so all they may have seen on their radar was a
blip that could have been Ukrainian. As far as I can see, the only
guilt lies with the Malaysian managers who sent their plane into
airspace where planes were already being shot down
Senior US intelligence officials have said that Russia was responsible
for "creating the conditions" that led to the shooting down of Malaysia
Airlines Flight 17, but they offered no evidence of direct Russian
government involvement.
The intelligence officials were cautious in their assessment, noting
that while the Russians have been arming separatists in eastern Ukraine,
the U.S. had no direct evidence that the missile used to shoot down the
passenger jet came from Russia.
The officials briefed reporters on Tuesday under ground rules that their
names not be used in discussing intelligence related to last week's air
disaster, which killed 298 people.
The plane was likely shot down by an SA-11 surface-to-air missile fired
by Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine, the intelligence
officials said, citing intercepts, satellite photos and social media
postings by separatists, some of which have been authenticated by U.S.
But the officials said they did not know who fired the missile or
whether any Russian operatives were present at the missile launch. They
were not certain that the missile crew was trained in Russia, although
they described a stepped-up campaign in recent weeks by Russia to arm
and train the rebels, which they say has continued even after the
downing of the commercial jetliner.
In terms of who fired the missile, "we don't know a name, we don't know a
rank and we're not even 100 percent sure of a nationality," one
official said, adding at another point, "There is not going to be a
Perry Mason moment here," a reference to a fictional detective who
solved mysteries.
White House deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes said the U.S.
was still working to determine whether the missile launch had a "direct
link" to Russia, including whether there were Russians on the ground
during the attack and the degree to which Russians may have trained the
separatists to launch such a strike.
"We do think President Putin and the Russian government bears
responsibility for the support they provided to these separatists, the
arms they provided to these separatists, the training they provided as
well and the general unstable environment in eastern Ukraine," Rhodes
said in an interview with CNN.
He added that heavy weaponry continues to flow into Ukraine from Russia following the downing of the plane.
The intelligence officials said the most likely explanation for the
downing was that the rebels made a mistake. Separatists previously had
shot down 12 Ukrainian military airplanes, the officials said.
The officials made clear they were relying in part on social media
postings and videos made public in recent days by the Ukrainian
government, even though they have not been able to authenticate all of
it. For example, they cited a video of a missile launcher said to have
been crossing the Russian border after the launch, appearing to be
missing a missile.
But later, under questioning, the officials acknowledged they had not
yet verified that the video was exactly what it purported to be.
Despite the fuzziness of some details, however, the intelligence
officials said the case that the separatists were responsible for
shooting down the plane was solid. Other scenarios - such as that the
Ukrainian military shot down the plane - are implausible, they said. No
Ukrainian surface-to-air missile system was in range.
From satellites, sensors and other intelligence gathering, officials
said, they know where the missile originated - in separatist-held
territory - and what its flight path was. But if they possess satellite
or other imagery of the missile being fired, they did not release it
Tuesday. A graphic they made public depicts their estimation of the
missile's flight path with a green line. The jet's flight path was
available from air traffic control data.
In the weeks before the plane was shot down, Russia had stepped up its
arming and training of the separatists after the Ukrainian government
won a string of battlefield victories. The working theory is that the
SA-11 missile came from Russia, although the U.S. doesn't have proof of
that, the officials said.
U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Powers said last week that "because
of the technical complexity of the SA-11, it is unlikely that the
separatists could effectively operate the system without assistance from
knowledgeable personnel. Thus, we cannot rule out technical assistance
from Russian personnel in operating the systems," she said.
Asked about evidence, one of the senior U.S. intelligence officials said
it was conceivable that Russian paramilitary troops are operating in
eastern Ukraine, but that there was no direct link from them to the
missile launch.
Asked why civilian airline companies were not warned about a possible
threat, the officials said they did not know the rebels possessed SA-11
missiles until after the Malaysian airliner was shot down.
Israel's shoes
How to Control Soaring Health Costs
The US healthcare system is in crisis and everything points in the wrong
direction. The population is rapidly aging and will thus consume ever
larger amounts of healthcare while the tax base supporting these
benefits shrinks. Meanwhile the definition of "medical problem" expands
so tribulations once judged moral failings. e.g., alcoholism, are
legally treatable illnesses.
And let's not forget the growing tide of gender disorders that might
require state-paid wienerectomies and the influx of illegals, many who
are already sick, happy to use "free" ER's and hospitals. Modern
medicine has also shown a knack for uncovering new problems that were
once judged normal, for example, Attention Deficit Disorder. Further add
Obamacare and similar insurance measures encouraging the over-use of
medicine for self-inflicted problems like obesity. Then there are the
modern plagues of AIDS, SARS and various super-bug illnesses.
Conceivably, Washington may eventually become little more than a health
Alas, no solutions exist on today's agenda. Forget about
rationing-unthinkable politically ("death panels"). Nor will
technological fixes suffice-too costly-while future bargain basement
medical breakthroughs are pure
Fortunately, there is a cost effective, politically popular solution to
our healthcare woes. Just reinvigorate medical practices that do not
entail scientific medicine. We are speaking of what is often called
"alternative medicine" and the advantages here are immense.
Most important, compared to science-based practices, the "alternative"
options are always cheaper. No need to spend years and huge sums
training practitioners, conducting tedious laboratory research, funding
million dollar FDA trials or building high-tech facilities. I probably
could sample every elixir in my local Chinese herb shop for less than a
single overnight stay at Mt. Sinai Hospital. All and all, these
non-traditional interventions will save billions, lighten the caseloads
of doctors and hospitals while simultaneously allowing Washington to
address other issues such as a stronger military. The only fly in the
ointment is expanding their use but compared to all the other
cost-saving measures, obstacles here are minor.
Promoting alternative medicine is not all that difficult. Dr. Paul
Offit's Do You Believe in Magic? reveals the great allure of
non-scientific treatments. Why not? Given a choice of making an
appointment, visiting the doctor, waiting for an hour or so, forced to
strip prior to being examined, shipped off to multiple invasive tests,
anxiously awaiting the telephone call ("the doctor would like to see you I can't say why") and then navigating all the resulting
paperwork, a web search for some inexpensive magic pill ("that Big
Pharma doesn't want you to know about") is less time- consuming and far
more pleasant.
Moreover, "folksy" approaches are already appreciated regardless of what
the men in the white coats say. One survey found that 88% of the public
agreed that "...there are some good ways of treating sickness that
medical science does not recognize." Belief in miracles abound.
Steve Jobs, hardly Mr. Stupid and a man who could pay for the best
modern medicine money could buy, put off surgery that would have
successfully treated his cancer in favor of nine months of acupuncture,
fruit juices, bowel cleansing, and various herbs.
Add some seductive verbiage about the putative cures being rooted in
ancient Egyptian wisdom, cures favored by disease-free Amazon jungle
Indians, or remedies endorsed by sundry mystical swamis. It's hard to
imagine why any man would schedule a hospital visit for a potentially
risky prostate biopsy when a half dozen or more "improve prostate
health" pills are available at Walgreens, all endorsed by the 18
year-old clerk. Then there's homeopathy, naturopathy, aroma therapy and
energy medicine (magnets). Or maybe try crystal therapy or just wearing a
copper bracelet or religious options-prayer, lighting candles, visiting
holy shrines, holy water, and on-the-spot cures from faith healers. It
is not that these remedies are useless-perhaps some do perform as
advertised-but it is the cost that concerns us here.
Now for the good news. "Alternative medicine" is on the rise. The
federal government's The National Center for Complementary and
Alternative Medicine is now part of the National Institute of Health.
Its research has shown, for example, the benefits of mindfulness
meditation in reducing suicide. The world famous Cleveland Clinic now
has a center for Integrative Medicine that is exploring acupuncture,
massage therapy and Chinese herbs. Many medical schools and hospitals
now teach alternative medicine. Medical marijuana is quickly becoming
legal everywhere and the cost is trivial compared to what Big Pharma can
So, what is to be done to push yet more people away from budget-busting
science-based medicine? The first step is to enhance legitimacy and let
me suggest wrapping it in multiculturalism. Now, for example, the
Afro-Caribbean Santería ceremonies to drive out the devils, even if it
demands sacrificing a chicken or two, should be viewed as no different
from seeing a doctor. And, with official recognition as a "valid
cultural expression," government money will arrive just as it funds
culturally diverse art exhibitions, theater groups and similar
celebrate-our- differences activities.
These more culturally attuned healthcare programs should be ongoing 24/7
and be conveniently located to help the sick, no different than current
expensive neighborhood convenient care clinics. Surely many inner-city
churches would gladly rent their basements to Sharmans and Voodoo
priests to work their magic on those suspicious of regular doctors.
Upscale neighborhoods would now have $5.00 co-pay centers for
transcendental meditation, multiple therapeutic yoga's, deep breathing,
macrobiotic body cleansing regimens and the ancient Tibetan medicinal
Ggso ba rig pa. Muslims would of course have their own
alternatives. Again, it is a matter of cost, not efficacy per se.
Now for the bottom line: let Washington pay for it, every last secret
potion and animal sacrifice of it. I'd guess that each of these
alternative medical treatments would cost one-tenth of what the average
Medicare- paid doctor visit costs. A brilliant bi-partisan political
ploy, to boot-it saves tons of money while giving millions just what
they want. Just what the doctor ordered.
Does your race determine your biological age? Controversial research
claims black people age more quickly - and are up to THREE YEARS older
in health terms
Africans mature earlier too, by about two years
Black people age more quickly than white people, a controversial new study has claimed.
Researchers say that the researcher could shed new light on higher
mortality rates in black people. They say the biological age
differences by race increase up until ages 60-69, and then decline.
The current study uses data on 7,644 black and white participants, ages
30 and above, from the third National Health and Nutrition Examination
The researchers calculated each participant’s 'biological age' by
looking at 10 biomarkers that have been linked to aging, including
C-reactive protein, serum creatinine, glycosylated hemoglobin, systolic
blood pressure, and total cholesterol.
The team compared then compared biological ages of blacks and whites as indicated from the biomarkers.
'Our results showed that, on average, blacks tend to be more than three
years older biologically than whites,' Morgan Levine and Eileen Crimmins
of the University of Southern California’s Davis School of Gerontology.
wrote in the journal Social Science and Medicine.
'Blacks experience morbidity and mortality earlier in the life course
compared to whites.' 'This is consistent with findings from
previous studies reporting that blacks tend to have levels of biological
risk factors that are indicative of someone significantly older
chronologically.' 'Such premature declines in health may be
indicative of an acceleration of the aging process.'
The researchers calculated each participant’s 'biological age' by
looking at 10 biomarkers that have been linked to aging, including
C-reactive protein, serum creatinine, glycosylated hemoglobin, systolic
blood pressure, and total cholesterol.
The study uses data on 7,644 black and white participants, ages 30 and
above, from the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
'On average, the biological age for blacks was 53.16 years,' compared to 49.84 years for whites, the researchers report.
The team say the cause could be stress-related.
'Everyday stressors associated with being black may negatively impact
physiological functioning and, under chronic exposure, accumulate over
the lifespan and contribute to growing disparities in biological risk,'
the authors wrote.
'Furthermore, if such environmental, behavioral, and mental factors
contribute to an acceleration of the aging process, we would expect that
persons who are aging the fastest should have the highest risk of
mortality, and thus (have a) lower life expectancy.'
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
23 July, 2014
FAA suspends U.S. airlines’ flights to Israel
No guts. Let the airlines decide
The Federal Aviation Administration prohibited all U.S. airlines from
flying to Israel for at least 24 hours. All three U.S. carriers
with nonstop flights to Israel – United, U.S. Airways and Delta Airlines
— canceled their flights to Tel Aviv on Tuesday.
El Al, which is not bound by the FAA order issued in the early afternoon
Tuesday, said it plans to continue to maintain its normal schedule of
up to five daily nonstop flights to Tel Aviv from the United States.
The FAA order came after a rocket fired from Gaza struck and destroyed a
home in Yehud, an Israeli town about a mile from Ben Gurion Airport
near Tel Aviv. “Due to the potentially hazardous situation created
by the armed conflict in Israel and Gaza, all flight operations to/from
Ben Gurion International Airport by U.S. operators are prohibited until
further advised,” the notice said.
A slew of other airlines also canceled their flights to Tel Aviv.
including Air Canada, Lufthansa, Austria Airlines, Germanwings,
Turkish Airlines and Swissair, according to Israeli media reports.
The European Aviation Safety Agency told Agence France-Presse it would
issue a “strong recommendation to avoid until further notice Tel Aviv
Ben Gurion International Airport.”
Delta diverted a flight en route to Tel Aviv from New York’s Kennedy
Airport on Tuesday. Flight 268, carrying 273 passengers and 17 crew
members, instead was sent to Paris.
Picture gallery
Every now and again I pick out what I think are the best pix and
graphics from my various blogs and compile them into "galleries". I
have just got around to doing the gallery for July to December, 2013,
which can be accessed
HERE. Some fun stuff there.
Israel's War of Restraint Continues
Secretary of State John Kerry has been dispatched to Egypt as the latest
world diplomat to call on Hamas to accept an Egyptian cease-fire
proposal in the Gaza conflict – a pact backed by both the United States
and Israel, provided Hamas complies, which they won’t. State Department
spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the Obama administration is “deeply concerned
about the risk of further escalation, and the loss of more innocent
life.” Meanwhile, Kerry called on Hamas to “step up and show a level of
reasonableness, and … accept the offer of a cease-fire.” Does he know
who he’s talking to?
In two weeks of fighting, Gaza officials claim the Palestinian death
toll exceeds 500 as Israel retaliates for indiscriminate rocket attacks
coming from Hamas strongholds. Conversely, 20 Israelis have been killed
by Hamas strikes (including two Americans fighting in the Israeli army).
The low number is mainly thanks to the success of Israel’s “Iron Dome”
defensive infrastructure designed to repel the frequent Hamas rocket
While Israel sent in ground troops, the high Palestinian death toll is
not from an overly aggressive Israeli offensive. Hamas doesn’t “give a
whit about the Palestinians,” scolded Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu. “All they want is more and more civilian deaths.” He also
noted, “Here’s the difference between us: We’re using missile defense to
protect our civilians, and they’re using their civilians to protect
their missiles.”
Indeed, a common practice of Hamas leadership is to place weapons,
supply dumps and command-and-control sites amid civilians (hospitals,
schools, markets, etc.) to maximize casualties from any Israeli attack –
in effect holding their own people hostage. The Israeli government
warns occupants of targeted areas in advance of their bombings, yet
Hamas leaders ask their civilians not to seek safety. The end result is
the high Palestinian death toll, and a victory for Hamas in the
propaganda war as numbers are gobbled up by an anti-Semitic populace
Unbelievably, the UN discovered some of those rockets in a Gaza school
and promptly handed them to the government in Gaza, i.e., Hamas. The
stupidity is stunning.
Speaking of stupidity, John Kerry was caught on a hot mic disparaging
Israel’s efforts at limiting civilian casualties with pinpoint strikes.
“It’s a hell of a pinpoint operation,” Kerry sarcastically blustered. It
isn’t the first time Kerry has criticized Israel. In April, he warned
of an apartheid state if Israel didn’t make changes.
This Israeli offensive is intended to clean out a network of tunnels and
other shelters used by Hamas to store and transport weapons and give
cover to leadership. It’s also clearly self-defense. “If it’s left up to
Hamas, thousands of Israelis would be dead,” said Sen. Lindsay Graham
(R-NC). So a fed-up Israel is fighting back after months of fruitless
negotiations and ever-increasing attacks.
Predictably, the prospect of a peaceful two-state solution – which
Israel helped to boost a decade ago by clearing out its own unwilling
settlers and providing 3,000 greenhouses to jumpstart an economy they
hoped would be based on a thriving Gaza export industry – isn’t working
out in favor of either party. “This is a world in which the U.N. ignores
humanity’s worst war criminals,” writes columnist Charles Krauthammer,
“while incessantly condemning Israel, a state warred upon for 66 years
which nonetheless goes to extraordinary lengths to avoid harming the
very innocents its enemies use as shields.” When the choices are
vigilance or extinction, sometimes blows have to be exchanged.
The Statin religion: British doctors are bitterly divided over calls
for half of all adults to be put on pills to cut cholesterol
Having reached the age of 72, Professor Klim McPherson was prepared to
accept some deterioration in his physical capabilities. But when,
earlier this year, he found he was struggling to bend over to tie up his
shoelaces, he decided enough was enough.
And so it was that little more than a month ago, the Oxford don stopped
taking the little orange tablets his doctor had prescribed him and which
he had been swallowing before bedtime every night for the past three
To his great surprise, within seven days, the aches and pains that had
so restricted his movements had almost entirely disappeared.
'I'd been finding it difficult getting down the stairs and had to
negotiate them step by step,' says Professor McPherson, one of the
country's most eminent public health experts.
'As for reaching my laces, that was painful and uncomfortable. But now I can once again do all the things I couldn't do before.'
The medication that Professor McPherson has chosen to go without is a statin called Simvastatin.
Like the seven million or so other Britons who take statins on a daily
basis, the professor had been prescribed the drug to lower his
cholesterol levels and so reduce the risk of heart attacks or strokes.
In this way, the NHS estimates the drugs, which can cost as little as £16 for a 12-month course, save 7,000 lives a year.
And so it is against this background that last week, the National
Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice), the NHS watchdog,
issued guidance that the drugs should in future be prescribed even more
widely - in fact, to almost half of all adults.
'Cardiovascular disease (CVD) maims and kills people through coronary
heart disease, peripheral arterial disease and stroke,' explained NICE's
Professor Mark Baker. 'Together, these kill one in three of us. Our
proposals are intended to prevent many lives being destroyed.'
A worthy aim, undoubtedly. However, to say that not everyone agrees with
the role statins have to play in the future health of the nation would
be something of an understatement.
NICE's proposals have caused an unprecedented outbreak of warfare among the medical and scientific community.
On one side are those who wholeheartedly support the ever-widening use
of statins. On the other are those who believe their side-effects have
been massively underestimated.
This, some claim, is due to an over?reliance on research funded by the
pharmaceutical industry, for whom statins have proved to be the single
most profitable class of drug ever manufactured.
They argue that depression, cataracts, an increased risk of diabetes and
the sort of muscle pains experienced by Professor McPherson could
affect anywhere between 10 and 40 per cent of statin users.
And, while they do not deny the benefits statins can bring to those at a
high risk of heart disease, they warn against putting millions of
healthy patients on pills for the rest of their lives.
At the centre of this battle is the patient, confused and unsure what to
believe. It is a worrying state of affairs and one that some fear could
have terrible consequences.
'There are some real concerns people will come off statins because of
this and then a fatal heart attack will occur,' says Jules Payne, CEO of
the charity HEART UK, which provides support, guidance and education
services to healthcare professionals and people with concerns about
'We will lose people when the whole point of this is to keep people alive.'
Statins work by lowering levels of cholesterol, the fatty substance in
the blood that clogs up arteries. They block the action of a certain
enzyme in the liver which makes 'bad' cholesterol, called low-density
While statins are routinely given to patients who have had heart
attacks, angina or bypass surgery, they are also given to patients at
risk of CVD. GPs calculate the level of risk by looking at factors such
as smoking history, cholesterol levels, blood pressure and body mass
Doctors in this country used to prescribe statins only to those with a
30 per cent risk of a heart attack within the next decade, but this was
cut to a 20 per cent risk in 2005.
As a result, Britain has become not just the statins 'capital' of
Europe, but the second highest prescriber of the drug in the Western
world, after Australia.
Under the new NICE guidance, the threshold would be lowered further
still so that those who have a 10 per cent risk will be offered statins.
NICE estimates that between five and ten million adults are currently
taking the drugs, although 12.5?million are eligible. But under
the new guidelines, another 4.5?million would qualify. This means
that 17?million adults - nearly half of the 37?million adults in Britain
- would either be on statins or offered them.
Part of the reason for this change is that many statins are now out of
patent, meaning that they can cost just a few pence a day. Preventing a
heart attack in this way is obviously much cheaper for the NHS than
treating someone who has suffered one.
But some doctors are concerned. They warn that while the drugs
themselves may be cheap, once the cost of extra GP appointments to
prescribe and monitor patients is added in, the annual cost to the NHS
could run into billions of pounds.
They also claim that by targeting a relatively low-risk section of the
population, the plan could make minimal difference to the number of
heart attacks and strokes while exposing millions more people to
possible side-effects.
While some studies have shown that these affect just one in 10,000, some
doctors and academics believe the problems they cause are much more
This fundamental disagreement was highlighted in May when the British
Medical Journal was forced to withdraw claims published in an article
stating that statins cause side-effects in one in five patients.
Leading the attack on the BMJ was Oxford University's Professor Sir Rory
Collins, who has led analysis of many statin trials, and who accused
the paper's authors of overstating the risks 20-fold. In so doing, he
warned that patients could be discouraged from taking statins and their
lives put at risk.
But still, the controversy rolls on. Critics of the ever-widening
roll-out have claimed that the data driving the new NICE guidelines was
largely funded by the pharmaceutical companies and has not been
sufficiently scrutinised by independent researchers.
And they have also attacked the independence of NICE itself, pointing
out that at least half of its 12-strong advisory panel of experts have
direct financial ties to the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture
NICE has since stated that none of the panel members stand to gain
financially from the guidance and that all of the links were formally
declared to NICE and published online.
Among the most vocal critics of the new statin strategy is Dr Malcolm
Kendrick, a GP from Macclesfield who is also a member of the British
Medical Association's General Practitioner's sub-committee.
He says that the official research is contradicted by what he and fellow medics see on a daily basis.
'If just one in 10,000 patients were really suffering side-effects as we
are told is the case, then in all my clinical work I might expect to
have seen one or two people with these problems,' says Dr Kendrick.
'Two weeks ago on a Monday morning the first three people who came to
see me were complaining about the adverse affects of statins. They were
mainly suffering from muscle aches and pains and one had quite bad
stomach problems.
'Over New Year, another female patient went into hospital with severe
stomach pains and nearly had an operation. She came to see me and I said
statins can cause stomach pains, and she stopped and the pain went
away. If she hadn't, she would have had her abdomen opened up.
'These drugs are all damaging, and as you get older that damage gets all the more serious.
'You find that someone who can just about get out of a seat starts
taking statins and then can't get out of his seat; someone who used to
be able to walk down the shops now can't.
'I say that statins won't make you live 15 years longer - but they will make you feel 15 years older.'
Of course, real evidence is needed before an informed decision can be
made. As a scientist, and in of spite his own personal experience, that
is something that Professor McPherson acknowledges.
For this reason, he is among those calling for the existing data
produced by the pharmaceutical companies to be tested independently
before statins are offered more widely.
'I think NICE making these somewhat draconian rules on the basis of such an inadequate evidence basis is foolhardly,' he says.
Federal $25 Billion Drug Bust
Drug regulation and enforcement should be solely a State matter
Michael Botticelli, the federal “drug czar” and adviser to Barack Obama,
wants to spend $25 billion next year to fight drugs. A report to
Congress from the drug czar’s office said, “we must seek to avoid
oversimplified debates between the idea of a war on drugs and the notion
of legalization as a panacea.” The proposal to spend $25 billion came a
day after Washington state allowed the sale of marijuana in the style
of Colorado. California voters authorized medical marijuana in 1996.
As for oversimplification, how about the idea that a “war on drugs”
declared by Richard Nixon in 1971 can solve the problem by spending $1
trillion? “What do we have to show for it?” asked Richard Branson on
CNN. “The U.S. has the largest prison population in the world, with
about 2.3 million behind bars. More than half a million of those people
are incarcerated for a drug law violation. What a waste of young lives.”
Likewise, Allison Schrager notes in the Huffington Post that the United
States spends more than $40 billion each year on drug prohibition, and
that is only the explicit cost. Implicit costs include “increased
violence, otherwise productive citizens in prison, and perpetual
poverty, both at home and, especially, abroad.”
The federal Drug Enforcement Administration, launched by Richard Nixon,
started with a budget of $65 million in 1972. In 2014 the budget
approaches $3 billion, and DEA bosses want to keep the money coming. In
Washington more money is the answer to everything. That’s why the war on
drugs continues, despite massive costs, casualties, and collateral
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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22 July, 2014
Genes and Race: The Distant Footfalls of Evidence: A review of
Nicholas Wade’s book, “A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human
Despite the great care the author below took not to tread on any
toes, waves of shrieks emanated from the always irrational Left in
response to it. As a result SciAm issued an apology for publishing
it. The author, Ashutosh Jogalekar, was eventually fired
over it. He is a chemist of apparently Indian origin so has
obviously missed some of the political indoctrination that dominates the
social sciences and humanities in America today.
reproduced below by the same author is an article about briliant
physicist Richard Feynman. The author deplores episodes of sexism
in Feynman's life but makes the perfectly reasonable sociological
observation that the sexism concerned was typical of Feynman's times so
should be judged in that context. That article REALLY caused
explosions at SciAm. They were in such a spin over it that they at
first de-published it. Open censorship has a bad name, however,
so they later re-published it.
SciAm is not really interested in
science, however, as their advocacy for the global warming cult shows.
Theory contradicted by the evidence does not bother them. They are
really The Unscientific American. A conservative boycott of the
publication would be fitting -- JR
In this book NYT science writer Nicholas Wade advances two simple
premises: firstly, that we should stop looking only toward culture as a
determinant of differences between populations and individuals, and
secondly, that those who claim that race is only a social construct are
ignoring increasingly important findings from modern genetics and
science. The guiding thread throughout the book is that “human evolution
is recent, copious and regional” and that this has led to the genesis
of distinct differences and classifications between human groups. What
we do with this evidence should always be up for social debate, but the
evidence itself cannot be ignored.
That is basically the gist of the book. It’s worth noting at the outset
that at no point does Wade downplay the effects of culture and
environment in dictating social, cognitive or behavioral differences –
in fact he mentions culture as an important factor at least ten times by
my count – but all he is saying is that, based on a variety of
scientific studies enabled by the explosive recent growth of genomics
and sequencing, we need to now recognize a strong genetic component to
these differences.
The book can be roughly divided into three parts. The first part details
the many horrific and unseemly uses that the concept of race has been
put to by loathsome racists and elitists ranging from Social Darwinists
to National Socialists. Wade reminds us that while these perpetrators
had a fundamentally misguided, crackpot definition of race, that does
not mean race does not exist in a modern incarnation. This part also
clearly serves to delineate the difference between a scientific fact and
what we as human beings decide to do with it, and it tells us that an
idea should not be taboo just because murderous tyrants might have
warped its definition and used it to enslave and decimate their fellow
The second part of the book is really the meat of the story and Wade is
on relatively firm ground here. He details a variety of studies based on
tools like tandem DNA repeats and single nucleotide polymorphisms
(SNPs) that point to very distinctive genetic differences between
populations dictating both physical and mental traits. Many of the genes
responsible for these differences have been subject to selection in the
last five thousand years or so, refuting the belief that humans have
somehow “stopped evolving” since they settled down into agricultural
communities. For me the most striking evidence that something called
race is real comes from the fact that when you ask computer algorithms
to cluster genes based on differences and similarities in an unbiased
manner, these statistical programs consistently settle on the five
continental races as genetically distinct groups – Caucasian, East
Asian, African, Native American and Australian Aboriginal. Very few
people would deny that there are clear genetic underpinnings behind
traits like skin color or height among people on different continents,
but Wade’s achievement here is to clearly explain how it’s not just one
or two genes underlying such traits but a combination of genes – the
effects of many of which are not obvious – that distinguish between
races. The other point that he drives home is that even minor
differences between gene frequencies can lead to significant phenotypic
dissimilarities because of additive effects, so boiling down these
differences to percentages and then interpreting these numbers can be
quite misleading.
Wade also demolishes the beliefs of many leading thinkers who would
rather have differences defined almost entirely by culture – these
include Stephen Jay Gould who thought that humans evolved very little in
the last ten thousand years (as Wade points out, about 14% of the
genome has been under active selection since modern humans appeared on
the scene), and Richard Lewontin who perpetuated a well-known belief
that the dominance of intra as opposed to inter individual differences
makes any discussion of race meaningless. As Wade demonstrates through
citations of solid research, this belief is simply erroneous since even
small differences between populations can translate to large differences
in physical, mental and social features depending on what alleles are
involved; Lewontin and his followers’ frequent plea that inter-group
differences are “only 15%” thus ends up essentially translating to
obfuscation through numbers. Jared Diamond’s writings are also carefully
scrutinized and criticized; Diamond’s contention that the presence of
the very recently evolved gene for malaria resistance can somehow be
advanced as a dubious argument for race is at best simplistic and at
worst a straw man. The main point is that just because there can be more
than one method to define race, or because definitions of race seem to
fray at their edges, does not mean that race is non-existent and there
is no good way to parse it.
The last part of the book is likely to be regarded as more controversial
because it deals mainly with effects of genetics on cognitive, social
and personality traits and is much more speculative. However Wade fully
realizes this and also believes that “there is nothing wrong with
speculation, of course, as long as its premises are made clear”, and
this statement could be part of a scientist’s credo. The crux of the
matter is to logically ask why genes would also not account for mental
and social differences between races if they do account for physical
differences. The problem there is that although the hypothesis is valid,
the evidence is slim for now. Some of the topics that Wade deals with
in this third part are thus admittedly hazy in terms of corroboration.
For instance there is ample contemplation about whether a set of
behavioral and genetic factors might have made the West progress faster
than the East and inculcated its citizens with traits conducive to
material success. However Wade also makes it clear that “progressive”
does not mean “superior”; what he is rather doing is sifting through the
evidence and asking if some of it might account for these more complex
differences in social systems. Similarly, while there are pronounced
racial differences in IQ, one must recognize the limitations of IQ, but
more importantly should recognize that IQ says nothing about whether one
human is “better” or “worse” than another; in fact the question is
Wade brings a similar approach to exploring genetic influences on
cognitive abilities and personality traits; evidently, as he recognizes,
the evidence on this topic is just emerging and therefore not
definitive. He looks at the effects of genes on attributes as diverse as
language, reciprocity and propensity to dole out punishment. This
discussion makes it clear that we are just getting started and there are
many horizons that will be uncovered in the near future; for instance,
tantalizing hints of links between genes for certain enzymes and
aggressive or amiable behavior are just emerging. Some of the other
paradigms Wade writes about, such as the high intelligence of Ashkenazi
Jews, the gene-driven contrast between chimp and human societies and the
rise of the West are interesting but have been covered by authors like
Steven Pinker, Greg Cochran and Gregory Clark. If I have a criticism of
the book it is that in his efforts to cover extensive ground, Wade
sometimes gives short shrift to research on interesting topics like
oxytocin and hormonal influences. But what he does make clear is that
the research opportunities in the field are definitely exciting, and
scientists should not have to tiptoe around these topics for political
Overall I found this book extremely well-researched, thoughtfully
written and objectively argued. Wade draws on several sources, including
the peer reviewed literature and work by other thinkers and scientists.
The many researchers whose work Wade cites makes the writing
authoritative; on the other hand, where speculation is warranted or
noted he usually explicitly points it out as such. Some of these
speculations such as the effects of genetics on the behavior of entire
societies are quite far flung but I don’t see any reason why, based on
what we do know about the spread of genes among groups, they should be
dismissed out of hand. At the very least they serve as reasonable
hypotheses to be pondered, thrashed out and tested. Science is about
ideas, not answers.
But the real lesson of the book should not be lost on us: A scientific
topic cannot be declared off limits or whitewashed because its findings
can be socially or politically controversial; as Wade notes, “Whether or
not a thesis might be politically incendiary should have no bearing on
the estimate of its scientific validity.” He gives nuclear physics as a
good analogy; knowledge of the atom can lead to both destruction and
advancement, but without this knowledge there will still be destruction.
More importantly, one cannot hide the fruits of science; how they are
used as instruments of social or political policy is a matter of
principle and should be decoupled from the science itself. In fact,
knowing the facts provides us with a clear basis for making progressive
decisions and gives us a powerful weapon for defeating the nefarious
goals of demagogues who would use pseudoscience to support their dubious
claims. In that sense, I agree with Wade that even if genetic
differences between races become enshrined into scientific fact, it does
not mean at all that we will immediately descend into 19th-century
racism; our moral compass has already decided the direction of that
particular current.
Ultimately Wade’s argument is about the transparency of knowledge. He
admonishes some of the critics – especially some liberal academics and
the American Anthropological Association – for espousing a “culture
only” philosophy that is increasingly at odds with scientific facts and
designed mainly for political correctness and a straitjacketed
worldview. I don’t think liberal academics are the only ones guilty of
this attitude but some of them certainly embrace it. Liberal academics,
however, have also always prided themselves on being objective examiners
of the scientific truth. Wade rightly says that they should join hands
with all of us in bringing that same critical and honest attitude to
examining the recent evidence about race and genetics. Whatever it
reveals, we can be sure that as human beings we will try our best not to
let it harm the cause of our fellow beings. After all we are, all of
us, human beings first and scientists second.
Richard Feynman, sexism and changing perceptions of a scientific icon
I fell in love with Richard Feynman when I was in middle school. That is
when I discovered “Surely you’re joking Mr. Feynman” in my dad’s
bookshelf. For the first few hours I laughed till tears were rolling out
of my eyes. This was not science, it was choice entertainment of the
highest order. Whether he was fixing radios by “thinking”, blowing up
the physics lab at Princeton to test his thoughts on a water sprinkler
experiment or cracking top-secret safes at Los Alamos for pure
amusement, there was no one like Feynman. This perception was shared by
almost all his colleagues and millions of Feynman fans around the world.
I was hooked....
My first foray into taking a more critical view of Feynman came from his
once arch-rival and contender for most brilliant theoretical physicist
in the world, Murray Gell-Mann. Unlike many others Gell-Mann was never
swayed by the Feynman legend, so he provides a good conduit through
which to view the latter’s personality. Although dismissing his status
as some kind of a physics God, Gell-Mann genuinely admired Feynman’s
brilliance and originality – on this count there seems to be unanimous
consensus – but his take on Feynman’s personal quirks is more revealing.
The main thing about Feynman that really got Gell-Mann’s goat was that
Feynman seemed to “spend a huge amount of time generating anecdotes
about himself”. Now that much would be clear to anyone who does even a
perfunctory reading of “Surely You’re Joking…” but Gell-Mann’s opinion
of Feynman seems to indicate a much more deliberate effort on Feynman’s
part to do this. Feynman often used to portray himself as some kind of
working class city slicker thrown in the middle of distinguished,
Sanskrit-quoting, tea-imbibing intellectuals at Princeton or Los Alamos,
but the fact was that he relished being a contrarian among these
people. A more careful reading of “Surely…” makes it clear that he got
into thorny situations deliberately. One suspects that much of this was
simply the result of boredom, but whatever the reason, it does give
credence to Gell-Mann’s observation about him trying hard to generate
stories about himself.
The deliberate generation of these stories could occasionally make
Feynman appear like a jerk. A case in point concerns an anecdote when he
kept the tip for a meal hidden beneath an inverted glass full of water.
He wanted to illustrate to the waitress a clever way of sliding the
glass over to the edge of the table, collecting the water without making
it spill, and retrieving the tip. But of course he did not actually
tell the waitress this; he wanted to simply play a prank so he left it
to her to figure it out. The incident is actually trivial and those who
would complain loudly about the poor woman having to mop up the water
just to get her tip are exaggerating their case, but it does capture a
central thread in the Feynman narrative, the physicist’s often casual
habit to inconvenience other people simply to prove a point, play a
prank or conduct an experiment. He did this all his life, and a longer
view of his life and career gives you the feeling that most of his
colleagues put up with it not because they actually enjoyed it, but
because they benefited from his brilliance too much to really bother
about it.
What started bothering me more the deeper I dug into Feynman’s life was
something quite different: his casual sexism. The latest insight into
this comes from Lawrence Krauss’s book “Quantum Man” which does a great
job explaining the one thing about Feynman that should matter the most –
his science. But Krauss also does not ignore the warts. What startled
me the most was the fact that when he was a young, boyish looking
professor at Cornell, Feynman used to pretend to be a student so he
could ask undergraduate women out. I suspect that this kind of behavior
on the part of a contemporary professor would almost certainly lead to
harsh disciplinary action, as it should. The behavior was clearly,
egregiously wrong and when I read about it my view of Feynman definitely
went down a notch, and a large notch at that. Feynman’s apparent sexism
was also the subject of a 2009 post with a sensationalist title; the
post pointed out one chapter in “Surely…” in which Feynman documented
various strategies he adopted for trying to get women in bars to sleep
with him. Neither were Feynman’s escapades limited to bars; more than
one of his biographies have documented affairs with two married women,
at least one of which caused him considerable problems.
It’s not surprising to find these anecdotes disturbing and even
offensive, but I believe it would also be premature and simplistic to
write off Richard Feynman as “sexist” across the board. People who want
to accuse him of this seem to have inadvertently cherry-picked
anecdotes; the nude painting in topless bars, the portrayal of a woman
in a physics lesson as a clueless airhead, the propensity to lie on the
beach and watch girls. But this view of Feynman misses the big picture.
While not an excuse, several of his 1950s adventures were probably
related to the deep pain and insecurity caused by the death of his first
wife Arlene; by almost any account the two shared a very deep and
special bond. It was also during the late 40s and early 50s that Feynman
was doing some of his most intense work on quantum electrodynamics, and
at least a few of the situations he narrates were part of him letting
off steam.
Also importantly, while some of Feynman’s utterances and actions appear
sexist to modern sensibilities, it’s worth noting that they were
probably no different than the attitudes of a male-dominated American
society in the giddy postwar years, a society in which women were
supposed to take care of the house and children and men were seen as the
bread winners. Thus, any side of Feynman that raises our eyebrows is
really an aspect of a biased American society. In addition, Feynman’s
ploys to pick up girls in bars were – and in fact are – probably
practiced by every American male seeking companionship in bars, whether
consciously or unconsciously; what made Feynman different was the fact
that he actually documented his methods, and he was probably the only
scientist to do so. In fact we can be thankful that society has
now progressed to a stage where both genders can practice these
mate-seeking strategies on almost equal terms, although the gap
indicated by that “almost” deserves contemplation as an indication of
the unequal bargaining power that women still have. The point though is
that, whatever his actions appear like to a modern crowd, I do not think
Richard Feynman was any more sexist than a typical male product of his
times and culture. The fact that society in general behaved similarly to
what he did of course does not excuse the things he did, but it also
puts them in perspective. I think recognizing this perspective is
important partly to understand how our views on sexism have changed for
the better from 1950 to 2014. The encouraging development is that
actions by Feynman – and male society in general – that were considered
acceptable or amusing in 1950 would quite rightly cause instant outrage
in 2014. We still have a long way to go before both genders achieve
parity in science, but the change in attitudes is definitely
However the fact that simply dismissing Feynman as sexist is problematic
is ascertained by this 1999 article from the MIT Tech (by a woman)
which gives us a more complete picture of his views toward women. As far
as we know, there is no evidence that Feynman discriminated against
women in his career; the letters he writes to women in the collection of
letters edited by his daughter indicate no bias. Both male and female
students admired him. His sister Joan documents how he was always
supportive of her own career in physics. At one point he came to the aid
of a female professor filing a discrimination suit at Caltech. In
addition he was a devoted husband to his first and third wife and a
loving and supportive father to his daughter who in fact tried hard to
get her interested in science.
The irony thus seems to be that, just like Feynman was fond of
generating cherry picked anecdotes about himself, we seem to be fond of
generating skewed, cherry picked anecdotes about him that accuse him of
sexism. In fact most conversations about Feynman seem to center on a few
select anecdotes that showcase some side of his character, whether
positive or negative, and this anecdotal reading of his life is
something he himself encouraged. But a more complete view of Feynman’s
life and career indicates otherwise. My own perceptions of Feynman have
changed, and that’s the way it should be. At first I idolized Feynman
like many others, but over time, as a more careful reading of his life
revealed some of the unseemlier sides of his character, I became aware
of his flaws. While I still love his lectures and science, these flaws
have affected my perception of his personality, and I am glad they did.
There are things that he said or did that are clearly wrong or
questionable at the very least, but we can at least be grateful that we
have evolved to a stage where even the few instances of his behavior
that have been documented would not be tolerated on today’s college
campuses and would be instantly condemned. As a man I do not now admire
Feynman as much as I did before, but I am also glad to have a more
complete understanding of his life and times.
However I think it’s also important that we don’t make the same mistake
that the “Feynman industry” has made – focus on a part of the celebrated
physicist’s life and ignore many others. Feynman was a brilliant
physicist, Feynman was occasionally sexist – and sometimes disturbingly
so- and Feynman also supported women in science. One reason why it’s
interesting to explore these contradictory sides of Feynman’s
personality is because he is not a scientist who is usually regarded as
complicated and contradictory, but the facts indicate that he was.
Feynman himself did a kind of disservice by sending a few wrong messages
through the recounting of his adventures, and others have performed an
equal disservice by embellishing his achievements and papering over his
ugly side. But knowing his emphasis on honesty and integrity in science –
one ethic that does consistently shine forth from the narrative of his
life – he would almost certainly want us to do better. We can condemn
parts of his behavior while praising his science. And we should.
There is a new lot of postings by
Chris Brand just up -- on his usual vastly "incorrect" themes of race, genes, IQ etc
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
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21 July, 2014
VA Employees Actually Shredded Vets’ Benefits Claims!
With the tragic news surrounding the downing of Malaysian Air Flight 15
and the Israeli military’s invasion of Gaza, little if any of the news
media is focused on what is going on here at home.
For months, we have known about the scandal rocking the Department of
Veterans Affairs. It has been two months since Eric Shinseki resigned as
the head of the Department. And all this time later, we are still
learning about shocking new revelations about the mistreatment of our
We have known all along that VA employees were utilizing “secret lists”
to hide veteran patients from their superiors. The goal was to create an
illusion of efficiency. Many VA employees received bonuses based on how
efficient their hospital/office was. Efficiency was graded according to
the number of veterans who received treatment within a given time
period. So, the VA employees would deliberately hide some veterans’
applications so that they appeared to be more efficient.
Well, we have just learned that doesn’t even begin to describe what was happening to our vets!
It turns out that in addition to hiding veterans’ claims on secret
lists, tens of thousands of veterans’ benefits claims were just
shredded. Not hidden… not put in a different drawer and saved for later…
they were shredded. Destroyed. Instead of taking ownership for the
backlog of veterans’ benefits applications, some bureaucrats just
destroyed the applications!
Congress is going to give illegal aliens benefits and leave our military
veterans to suffer! Tell Congress NOT ONE CENT of funding goes to
illegal aliens until our vets receive the care that they’ve earned and
Michael Sulsona of Staten Island, New York is a Vietnam Veteran. When he
was twenty years old, he stepped on a landmine in Vietnam and lost both
of his legs. Ever since that fateful day, he has lived his life as a
double-amputee. He sacrificed both of his legs in the service of his
When he returned to the United States, the Department of Veterans
Affairs provided him with a wheelchair. Over the years, Michael’s
wheelchair has been upgraded and retrofitted, but lately, the VA had
refused to replace this veteran’s broken wheelchair. Time after time,
the VA sent repairmen out to Michael Sulsona’s house to repair the wheel
chair. And no sooner had they left, but something else would break.
Michael Sulsona has been petitioning the VA to provide him with a new
wheelchair for TWO YEARS. No one who sacrifices in the service of this
great country should have to wait even a day to get a response from the
Well, while shopping at a Lowes home improvement store, Mr. Sulsona’s
wheelchair broke again and he found himself stranded in a warehouse with
no way to maneuver.
In that instance, three kind Lowe’s employees did what the VA couldn’t
find time to do for years: they fixed his wheelchair. Not only did they
fix the bolt that had broken, but also they replaced every single bolt
in his wheel chair.
We have been told time and time again that the problems in the VA have
been fixed. Yet every week, a new whistleblower steps forward to shine
the light on more horrific practices. How could the VA ignore a Vietnam
veteran’s application for a new wheelchair for so long? Could he be one
of the tens of thousands of vets who had their benefits applications
shredded? That would make a whole lot of sense!
With all of the coverage that Mr. Sulsona’s story received, the VA
finally sent him a new wheelchair after two long years of him
petitioning. But, it shouldn’t have to take public shaming to get the
Department of Veterans Affairs to do its job! A story shouldn’t have to
go viral in order for a double-amputee Vietnam vet to receive a
With what is going on at the border, there has been a lot of talk
comparing the treatment that illegal immigrants are receiving to the
mistreatment of our veterans. This is definitely an apt comparison. It
is absolutely SHAMEFUL that the President is trying to push a $3.7
BILLION illegal immigrant benefits bill through Congress when the
legislative body hasn’t even passed a spending bill to let the VA
finally help our veterans!
What I am about to tell you, however, is going to make the illegal immigration connection look like a non-issue.
Last year, while the Obama administration was struggling to “fix” the
Obamacare website, the administration actually pulled VA employees away
from helping vets and had them work on the Affordable Care Act. That’s
right: instead of allowing VA nurses and employees to service our
veterans, the White House actually had them working on processing
Obamacare applications!
Scott Davis is a program specialist at the VA’s national Health
Eligibility Center in DeKalb County, Georgia. Last week, he blew the
whistle on the fact that VA employees were actually forced to put aside
Veterans’ applications and focus exclusively on processing Obamacare
What the hell is going on in this country? When will the American people stand up and demand that Congress act?
Released Illegal Alien From Border Crisis Murders Woman!
We all knew that this would happen. At the rate that the Obama
administration is releasing illegal aliens, it was only a matter of time
before the Federal government’s “catch-and-release” policy came back to
bite it.
I would like to introduce you to Pedro Alberto Monterroso-Navas. This is
an illegal alien who broke our laws an entered the country with a few
children so he could lie to Border Patrol and play off their sympathy to
gain amnesty.
This man came to the country from Honduras so, according to the
Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, Border
Patrol couldn’t simply deport him immediately. Since he was traveling
with young children, the law stated that he had the right to appear
before a judge, which would be years away.
So, police released Mr. Monterroso-Navas with nothing but a promise from
him to appear before a judge at a scheduled date. This is the same
promise to appear that most illegal aliens are agreeing to right before
Border Patrol lets them go… The vast majority (over 90%) of these
caught-and-released illegals will never EVER appear before a judge. The
illegal aliens’ whole goal is to come to the United States, get caught
and released, and then disappear into American society so they can wait
for the day that full blown amnesty becomes the law of the land!
By all measures, Pedro Alberto Monterroso-Navas would have been off
scot-free. He would have been free to wander the United States for three
years before his deportation hearing. And then, when the hearing date
came and went, he would become just another statistic…
But Mr. Monterroso-Navas didn’t have to wait three years to get an
appointment with a judge. That’s because, just days after being
‘caught-and-released,’ he was arrested for murdering a woman.
Just to be clear, the crime was committed after he was released by
Border Patrol. Pedro Alberto Monterroso-Navas was apprehended by
Border Patrol, released based on his promise to appear in court, and
then within days he had murdered someone.
Every day, hundreds of illegal aliens are caught-and-released based on
nothing but a promise to appear in court. We know absolutely nothing
about these people. We don’t know if they are carrying communicable
diseases, if they have a criminal history, or whether releasing them
will put American lives at risk… but none of that seems to phase the
Obama administration!
Tell Congress to STOP the Obama administration from freeing illegal alien rapists and murders! Deport them NOW!
Earlier this year, the Obama administration released 36,000 illegal
alien criminals from prison. Just to be clear, these people weren’t in
prison because they are here illegally. These people were put in prison
because, after breaking our laws and entering the United States, the
broke another one of our laws. According to the government’s own
reporting, the 36,000 released illegal alien criminals were collectively
convicted of 88,000 crimes. These include 426 sexual assaults, 303
kidnappings, 193 homicides, 1,317 domestic violence assaults, 1,724
weapon offenses, and one even tried to shoot a public official. All of
these criminals are now back on the streets.
This is a sign of a President who really doesn’t care about Americans’
well-being. Hell, Vice President Joe Biden has claimed that these
illegals are already Americans!
The fact remains that we simply cannot afford the risk of letting these
illegal aliens free to roam our country. Border Patrol agents have
reported cases of swine flu, scabies, and other communicable diseases
that we as a country had eradicated decades ago. But, with the influx of
Third World migrants, these diseases have been reintroduced in the
United States.
And if the diseases don’t kill you, the unfortunate fact is that the
illegals themselves might! Pedro Alberto Monterroso-Navas is just one of
the violent illegals that got caught! You hear stories from Border
Patrol that along with Central Americans, they are also catching
illegals from Afghanistan and Pakistan, and you can’t help but wonder
whether Barack Obama’s political correctness is enabling a future 9/11!
The truly despicable part of this whole story is that when Pedro Alberto
Monterroso-Navas was arrested after the murder, the Associated Press
conveniently left out the fact that he was one of the
‘caught-and-released’ illegal aliens. The mainstream media doesn’t want
you to know that this murder was the result of Obama’s failing border
The powers-that-be are trying to keep a lid on these gruesome crimes.
Make no mistake: as the days and weeks pass, we will hear more stories
of caught-and-released illegals committing horrific crimes.
Why should we have to wait until then to deport these criminals? Why do
we have to wait for innocent blood to be spilled before we put these
illegal aliens on a plane back to whatever country they came from?
This President is literally putting Americans’ lives at risk and I
refuse to stand by and pray that the story of Pedro Alberto
Monterroso-Navas doesn’t repeat itself!
Fiddling While the Border Burns
Over the last week or two, we in our humble shop have alerted you to the
upcoming “broad” and “generous” executive order permitting amnesty, the
rampant increase in grants of “asylum” to illegal aliens, Democrat
delusions about a secure southern border, and even larger delusions
about the urgency of addressing the problem – it’s about the children,
you see. While thousands of unaccompanied minors stream across our
southern border, Barack Obama and Democrats use the situation as a
political football. And rather than address the problem with tried and
true solutions like better barriers, better security and pressuring the
nations providing all these border crossers to cease and desist, they’re
doubling down on their misguided ideas.
White House communications director Jennifer Palmieri chastised
Republicans for “using the Rio Grande as a reason not to do immigration
reform,” and added, “Our belief is now, more than ever, the American
people see immigration as an urgent issue and want the administration to
act.” In the latter respect Palmieri is correct, but the Obama idea of
action is to just let all of them in, and Americans prefer a secure
border as well as returning these people to their homelands. It’s likely
Obama will write an Executive Order later this summer expanding the
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) order he wrote two years
ago, which was the backdoor method by which he put the defeated DREAM
Act into place.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), though, is fighting back. While his proposed bill
won’t address those already allowed to stay under the current DACA
order, it would prohibit the expansion of DACA beyond its currently
prescribed limits. “We want to stop any more people from getting
deferred action under DACA and we want to stop the president from being
able to expand it as we have heard he wants to do,” said Cruz
spokeswoman Catherine Frazier.
Sen. David Vitter (R-LA), meanwhile, will introduce a bill to amend the
2008 anti-trafficking law being abused to allow this surge of illegal
minors. “We need a policy that actually deters illegal immigration,”
Vitter said. “I’ve said that if we want to send a message to others
thinking about coming here illegally, let’s deport these people by the
Appealing to raw “for the children” emotion, Senate Majority Leader
Harry Reid (D-NV) railed, “Before Republicans help our Border Patrol
agents and all the personnel that’s [sic] trying to do something to
handle this humanitarian crisis, they want President Obama to deport the
DREAMers who are … legitimately here. These are children. But instead
of considering a thoughtful, compassionate solution to a real-life
crisis on our border, radical Republicans are trying to hold these kids
ransom.” Illegal aliens are “legitimately here”? Who knew?
Middle ground may be electoral quicksand for GOP hopes this fall,
particularly if fed-up voters view Republicans as afraid to act for fear
of alienating a portion of the Hispanic vote. Ample evidence indicates
that this problem was not unforeseen, so the question about who’s to
blame is just as important as what to do about it.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
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here (Personal)
20 July, 2014
Malaysia Airlines management has a lot to answer for
To save money, they deliberately took a risk which will now
undoubtedly destroy their airline. I think the responsibility for
this tragedy now lies entirely with the airline. The rebels were
entitled to attack Ukrainian aircraft after Ukrainian aircraft had
attacked them. And they were known to fire on Ukrainian
aircraft. The BUK missile system was first deployed in 1979 so the
version used by the rebels may have been rather primitive, with
little capacity to distinguish an airliner from a Ukrainian
transport aircraft
Two cabin crew swapped shifts so they would not be on the doomed
Malaysian airliner downed by a missile in eastern Ukraine, after raising
concerns about the safety of flying over the war zone.
Other senior pilots and cabin crew had flagged up fears about the
flightpath in the weeks leading up to the tragedy, although Malaysia
Airlines last night denied ignoring crew concerns.
Some staff are reported to have refused to fly over the airspace where
the passenger airliner was downed because they deemed it to be too
volatile and dangerous,
especially after two Ukrainian planes, a fighter jet and a transport aircraft, were shot down by rebels.
According to well-placed Malaysia Airlines sources, at least two cabin
crew swapped shifts so they would not be on MH17, specifically because
they were worried about the flightpath. The Mail on Sunday has been told
worried pilots consulted air traffic controllers in Malaysia and also
made an informal approach to the International Civil Aviation
Organisation (ICAO). But still Malaysia Airlines did not divert the
route, unlike other carriers.
British Airways as well as all US airlines, Lufthansa, Air France and
Qantas, were already avoiding the war zone in Ukraine, adding an extra
20 minutes’ flight time, and there is growing pressure on Malaysia
Airlines to explain why it did not follow suit.
Asiana Airlines, another company avoiding the war zone, said: ‘Although
the detour adds to flight time and cost, we have been making the detour
for safety.’
Can America disengage?
I do not at all agree with the screed below but it represents a view
that needs an answer. And one point it makes is undoubtedly
true: It is sheer madness, not to mention cruel, to be arming and
financing both sides of the Arab/Israel conflict. Even the
bleeding hearts must notice that it has led to over 100 dead
Palestinians currently. Is that what the supporters of the Arabs
want? It probably is -- the Left love death -- but they should be
confronted with that consequence. In my view, aid to all hostiles
should be cut off while at the same time Israel continues to receive
what she needs to defend herself.
So there is in principle
no problem with aid to Egypt as long as it continues to honor its peace
treaty with Israel -- something that Mubarak did and which the present
military government has continued.
But the Palestinian authority
is undoubtedly hostile to Israel so aid should be cut off until it too
concludes an enforceable peace treaty with Israel. I cannot see
that there is any other moral course.
The second point below is
that Israel is a no-account place that is not worth defending.
Many writers have pointed out ways in which Israel is materially useful
to America but that is not the big factor of course. The big
factor comes down to morality, religion, values and feelings. And
in that sphere Israel is a giant among nations. They wrote both
parts of our holy book and even those who do not hold the Bible holy
cannot avoid the fact that the Bible has been the principal foundation
of our civilization. To give back to those who have given us so much
seems again to me to be the only moral course. As our own Bible
tells us, they are a holy nation
“[The United States has] a fateful tie to the Israelis from which we
have, in contradistinction to the Israelis, everything to lose, and
nothing to gain.” George F. Kennan, Diaries, 25 April 1978.
“Our form of government, inestimable as it is, exposes us, more than any
other, to the insidious intrigues and pestilent influence of foreign
nations. Nothing but our inflexible neutrality can preserve us.” John
Adams, c. 1809.
As the renewed Israeli-Palestinian war rages in Gaza, America is
presented with an ideal moment to run — not walk — away from its
suicidal commitment to both sides. Surely, no sane American — except the
Neocons, whom it would be absurd to consider either sane or loyal
Americans — could have missed the fact that what is going on in the
current war has had absolutely no immediate impact on the United States.
The war is occurring in a far away place that is no longer of any
strategic interest to the United States because the combination of
Washington’s relentless, war-causing and Islamist-motivating
interventionism and Obama’s cowardly surrenderism have already given the
entire region to the Islamists and ensured — thanks to Jewish-American
Neocons — Israel’s ultimate doom. Therefore it matters not a lick to any
but disloyal Americans whether the Israelis kill all the Palestinians,
the Palestinians kill all the Israelis, or, in the best case scenari0,
they mutually destroy each other. At the end of the war they all simply
will be dead foreigners of whom we had no need and for whom we need not
bid any teary farewells. Peoples who want to fight religious wars
deserve whatever they get, and these two peoples are determined to fight
their religious war until one side or the other is destroyed. Well, so
be it, let us get out of it now.
There is a rub for the United States, however, and that reality makes
complete U.S. disengagement more urgent than ever before. That rub lies
in the fact that each bomb or missile the Israeli air force uses in Gaza
will eventually yield a dead American soldier or Marine and/or a dead
civilian. This is not a fact that President Obama or Secretary of State
Kerry will use to inform the American people about what is at stake for
the United States in the long run, because they — along with most of
their party and the Republican Party — really could not care less about
our nation’s security as long as campaign contributions and media
support keep flowing from disloyal Israel First, U.S. citizens and
their fundamentally anti-American organizations. As long as that graft
keeps flowing their way from the Israel Firsters, they are all more than
willing to motivate our Islamist enemies by backing Israel to the hilt.
All of these officials will seek to hide their corrupt relationship with
U.S. citizen, Israel First leaders by blathering on about the need for a
cease-fire, a two-state solution, and restraint from both sides. What
is it, do suppose, that makes senior elected and appointed American
officials live in the fantasy world that sees an amicable solution to
this problem as a possibility. The answer is bribery, as these
people are all listed as members in good standing on Israel First’s
bountiful payroll list. Because of the dire need to uphold what is left
of the Constitution, we must permit these enemies of America to prattle
on, but recognizing their flagrant disregard for genuine U.S. national
interests we ought to just ignore them.
It is exquisitely clear, that Israelis and Arabs are going to fight each
other until one or the other is annihilated, so let them fight.
Rupert Murdoch critical of media regulation
Rupert Murdoch is determined to add Time Warner Cable to his media
empire. The cable company recently rejected his initial $80billion
bid from 21st Century Fox, but apparently Murdoch is ready to up the
ante above $85 a share, sources told Bloomberg News.
If accepted, the takeover would be the biggest media deal in more than a decade.
The move could create a mega-sized media conglomerate that owns rights
to dozens of popular TV shows and thousands of films, as well as cable
TV networks and local broadcast TV channels.
It's estimated that Fox would save nearly $1billion annually by eliminating overlapping staff.
Details of the Time Warner Cable bid were released this week just one
day before Murdoch appeared at a B20 conference in Sydney, Australia and
criticized the excessive financial red tape in free market economies.
If Murdoch proceeds with the Time Warner Cable takeover, it would be
heavily scrutinized by antitrust regulators. Fox would likely have to
sell CNN to appease the regulators since the company already has it's
own 24-hour news network.
He says that the G20 governments need to 'take a back seat' and allow businesses to drive economic growth.
He said U.S. President Barack Obama was penalising businesses by
cracking down on so-called 'profit shifting' by major corporations to
countries with lighter tax regimes, a technique that is also in the
sights of the G20.
'My blood pressure goes up when I think of the number of local, state
and federal regulations we have in our lives today,' the 83-year-old
Australian billionaire told the meeting. 'That is just in America.
Don't even get me started on the European Union.'
Murdoch told the meeting: 'I believe that business does have a role in
shaping public policy, mainly in helping limit the size and scope of
'For businesses large and small, there's simply too much red tape, too
many subservient politicians stifling economic growth and
Obama, meanwhile, earlier this year proposed tightening restrictions on
U.S. multinationals that shift their tax domiciles abroad in his 2015
Obama wants to raise the minimum level of foreign ownership in a newly
inverted holding company to 50 per cent from about 20 per cent, making
the deals more difficult to carry out.
'Do we really expect overseas companies to voluntarily bring profits
back to be taxed at 35 to 40 percent in the United States, when the
corporate tax rate in Ireland is 12.5 per cent?' Murdoch said.
'This is not the way to achieve economic growth.'
Deeds not words
Hamas got rich as Gaza was plunged into poverty
With multi-million-dollar land deals, luxury villas and black market
fuel from Egypt, Gaza's rulers made billions while the rest of the
population struggled with 38-percent poverty and 40-percent unemployment
While the fighting is only expected to worsen the distress of the
residents of Gaza, the Strip's economic outlook for the Strip was never
good. The unemployment rate in Gaza stood at approximately 40% before
the latest conflict, with a similar proportion being classed as living
under the poverty line.
But while most of the Gaza population tries to deal with the
difficulties of daily life, it seems that one sector at least has had
few worries about their livelihoods - Hamas leaders and their
Multi-million-dollar deal
Someone who has benefitted financially is the former Hamas prime
minister in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh. Before 2006 and Hamas' shocking
electoral win and subsequent dominance of the Palestinian government ,
51-year-old Haniyeh was not considered a senior figure in Hamas in the
Gaza Strip. But according to reports in the past few years, Haniyeh's
new-found senior status has allowed him to become a millionaire. This is
an unusual feat, given that he was born to a refugee family in the
al-Shati refugee camp in northern Gaza.
In 2010, Egyptian magazine Rose al-Yusuf reported that Haniyeh paid $4
million for a 2,500msq parcel of land area in Rimal, a tony beachfront
neighborhood of Gaza City. To avoid embarrassment, the land was
registered in the name of the husband of Haniyeh's daughter. Since then,
there have been reports that Haniyeh has purchased several homes in the
Gaza Strip, registered in the names of his children - no hardship, as
he has 13 of them.
At least with regards to his eldest son, it seems that the apple does
not fall far from the tree, given his arrest on the Egyptian side of the
Rafah border crossing with millions of dollars in cash in possession,
which he intended to take into Gaza.
Subsidized fuel sold for profit
According to sources in Gaza, Haniyeh's wealth, like others high up in
Hamas, came primarily from the flourishing tunnel industry. Senior Hamas
figures, Haniyeh included, would levy 20 percent taxation on all of the
trade passing through the tunnels.
Hamas's heyday came after the overthrow of former Egyptian president
Hosni Mubarak, as its parent organization the Muslim Brotherhood was
growing in popularity in Egypt.
In those days, Hamas leaders and their associates were not afraid to
show off their ostentatious wealth. Gaza's market for luxury villas
costing at least a million dollars was booming, most purchased by people
associated with the establishment of Hamas. A Gazan familiar with the
real estate market summed it up at the time with a quip about a Hamas
crony who had recently acquired a luxury villa: "Two years ago, he
couldn’t afford a packet of cigarettes."
At the same time, Khairat a-Shater, a senior member of the Muslim
Brotherhood in Egypt who headed his own business empire, made sure to
personally transfer tens of millions in cash to senior administration
officials in Gaza as well as to commanders from the Hamas military wing.
There were senior Hamas members who preferred that the money be kept in a
safer place than the Gaza Strip, and invested it in various Egyptian
assets, often through business partnerships with Muslim Brotherhood
officials. In some cases, the man conducting the deals on behalf of
Hamas officials, who ensured that they received their dividends in cash,
was Ayman Taha, a Hamas founder once considered one of its key
spokesmen. In 2011, Taha himself paid $700,000 for a luxury three-floor
villa in the central Gaza Strip; a year ago, he was charged with being
an agent for Egypt.
The Egyptian street has become inflamed with anger directed against
Hamas over the last three years, partly due to what appears to be its
financial gains at the expense of the Egyptian people. The tunnels in
Rafah, the town straddling the Gaza-Egypt border, for example, saw a
flourishing fuel-smuggling industry from Sinai. The fuel subsidized by
the Egyptian government was entering Gaza at a low price, but being sold
for eight times that. Those who made the greatest profits from the sale
of the fuel were Hamas members, even as Egypt often reported shortages
for its own people.
Hamas, says Professor Ahmed Karima of Al-Azhar University in Egypt, has
long become a movement of millionaires. According to Karima, the
organization can count no less than 1,200 millionaires among its
members. He did not, however, specify the source of this information.
Mashal's mall
It was not only Hamas members in Gaza who became rich. It appears that
political leader Khaled Mashal is another member of the organization who
used Hamas funds to his own ends. In 2012, a Jordanian website reported
that Mashal had control of a massive $2.6 billion, in large part
deposited in Qatari and Egyptian banks. This is likely Hamas'
accumulated assets from years through donations, as well as its
investments in various projects in the Arab and Muslim world. It is also
known that, among other things, Hamas has invested in real estate
projects in Saudi Arabia, Syria and Dubai. And, according to reports,
Mashal did not always separate Hamas money and his own.
Hamas' expulsion from Syria was a severe financial blow for the
movement. In 2011, before the start of the Syrian conflict, Hamas's
assets in the country had reached a value of $550 million. Apart from
its real estate holdings, Hamas invested in various commercial
companies, including a cargo company registered to a Syrian businessman
close to Moussa Abu Marzook, Mashal's deputy.
As with other areas, in its financial dealings Hamas leaders keep their
cards close to their chest and maintain a high level of secrecy.
Investments are made through front companies, using family and
associates. Companies linked to Mashal in Qatar are registered to his
wife and daughter.
Once he was forced to close his office in Damascus (after falling out
with the Assad regime over its oppressive response to the conflict),
Mashal declared that his place was in Qatar. There, he claimed that $12
million he had stored in his safe in his Damascus office had been lost.
Not many accepted this story, and to this day believe that Mashal kept
the money, transferring it to his own personal accounts.
Reliable sources claim that a project by the Fadil real estate firm in
Qatar is linked to Mashal, his son and his son's wife. The prestigious
project in Doha, the Qatari capital, includes the construction of four
towers of more than 27,000 square meters, including office and
commercial space attached to a mall with an area of ??10,000 square
meters. The company has never disclosed the source of its funding.
According to a World Bank report released in November of last year, the
Gaza Strip ranks third in the Arab region in terms of poverty, ranking
above only Sudan and Yemen. The report stated that the poverty rate in
Gaza stands at 38 percent. Furthermore, of the 144 countries included in
the report, Gaza was the 44th poorest, with most of the countries with a
higher poverty rate being located in Africa.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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here (Personal)
19 July, 2014
Was pennypinching behind the crash?
The crashed MH17 flight took a route 300 miles to the north of its usual path, an aviation expert has said.
Robert Mark, a commercial pilot who edits Aviation International News
Safety magazine, said that most Malaysia Airlines flights from Amsterdam
to Kuala Lumpur normally travelled along a route significantly further
south than the plane which crashed.
Malaysia Airlines has insisted its plane travelled on an "approved route" used by many other carriers.
But Mr Mark said: "I can only tell you as a commercial pilot myself that
if we had been routed that way, with what's been going on in the
Ukraine and the Russian border over the last few weeks and months, I
would never have accepted that route.
"I went into the FlightAware system, which we all use these days to see
where airplanes started and where they tracked, and I looked back at the
last two weeks' worth of MH17 flights, which was this one.
"And the flight today tracked very, very much further north into the
Ukraine than the other previous flights did ... there were MH17 versions
that were 300 miles south of where this one was."
Records of recent MH17 flights on the FlightAware appear to bear out Mr
Mark's claim, with earlier flights significantly further south than the
flight that crashed.
Mr Mark’s intervention came amid mounting questions over why passenger
jets were flying over the war zone three months after pilots were warned
to avoid it.
Aviation safety authorities in America and Europe warned pilots in April
about potential risks flying in or near Ukraine airspace.
Experts claimed that operators continued to fly across the zone because it was the quickest and cheapest route for some flights.
Norman Shanks, a former head of group security at the BAA airports
group, said: "Malaysia Airlines, like a number of other carriers, has
been continuing to use it because it is a shorter route, which means
less fuel and therefore less money."
Attacks on aircraft in the area have been rife. In the past week alone
two Ukrainian military aircraft were shot down and a third was damaged
by a missile.
UPDATE: More interesting info
It appears that the BUK launcher was captured from the Ukrainians,
not supplied by Russia. And there WAS a Ukrainian transport plane
Yesterday Dr Igor Sutyagin, research fellow in Russian studies at
the Royal United Services Institute, said he believed MH17 was shot down
by rebels based in Torez.
He added: ‘These separatists boasted on Twitter about capturing a BUK
SA11 missile launcher on June 29, and several hours before the downing
of the plane, locals in Torez reported seeing BUK missile launchers and
separatist flags around the city.
Dr Sutyagin also told MailOnline that information had been leaked
from a source he was unwilling to name that the pilot of MH17 'felt bad'
about his course over Ukranian airspace, so turned south.
Little did he know, according to Dr Sutyagin, that his plane would then
be mistaken by rebels for a Ukrainian government resupply flight.
He said: 'There is a Ukrainian mechanised brigade blocked by separatists
near the Russian border. It's blocked on three sides by separatists and
behind the brigade is the Russian border, so they can't get out. The
Ukrainians try to resupply them from the air by transport aircraft.
'Now, the pilot of MH17 said that he "felt bad" and wanted to change
course to get out of the danger zone. But several kilometers to the
south is a Ukrainian Army heavy transport plane, an IL76, or Candid,
which has the same echo as a 777 on a radar screen.
'The two planes came close. They tried to shoot down the transport
delivering supplies to the brigade. They believed that they had been
firing at a military plane, but they mistakenly shoot down a civilian
Some points about the Malaysian aircraft disaster
July 3, 1988: US warship Vincennes shoots down an Iranian passenger
plane over the Persian Gulf, mistaking it for a threatening warplane,
during the war between Iraq and Iran. All 290 people aboard are
killed. The ship used the sophisticated
Aegis air defense system.
So who is saying that the much more poorly equipped Ukrainian rebels
could not have mistaken the airliner for a military transport?
But the most interesting question for me is what the plane was doing in a declared no-fly zone
In his latest offering, conservative Australian cartoonist
offers some conspiracy theories about why the jet was shot down
-- focusing on the aircraft's big contingent of AIDS experts
I deplore the attempt to blame Vladimir Putin. The deed was clearly done by rebels under no-one's control
I am inclined to blame the international community for refusing to
recognize the reasonable demands of the Russians of Eastern
Ukraine. They should not have had to resort to war to gain
independence. One might remember that a war was fought to gain
American independence way back. Has nothing been learned?
18 July, 2014
Another Obama Admin. Hard-Drive “Crash!”
Another day, another Obama administration hard-drive crash!
It seems like it is a daily occurrence in the Obama administration that a
high profile, anti-Conservative bureaucrat happens to experience a
computer crash right in the middle of a criminal investigation.
First, it was Lois Lerner, the bureaucrat at the heart of the IRS
scandal. Her computer “crashed” within days of the IRS learning it was
under investigation for targeting Conservative groups.
Then, we learned that computers in the Environmental Protection Agency
had also mysteriously “crashed.” When the EPA was under investigation by
Congress, the agency was unable to hand over crucial documents because
it too experienced a catastrophic computer “crash.”
Now, we have the story of April Sands, a bureaucrat in the Federal
Elections Commission who used to work alongside Lois Lerner. She has
been accused of illegally promoting Barack Obama and the Democratic
Party while she was supposedly on the job.
This woman is pure scum. When Lois Lerner worked at the Federal
Elections Commission, April Sands worked as her deputy. She was a lawyer
in the FEC but resigned when it became known she was using ‘company
time’ to campaign for President Obama and Congressional Democrats. This
is a woman who used her government-issue computer to post hateful
political posts on Twitter:
I apologize for the poor resolution, but after April Sands realized she
was under investigation, she attempted to delete her Tweets.
Do you see what she said? She said that if you still call yourself a
Republican, “you are my enemy.” She worked for the FEC with Lois Lerner!
It was her job to make sure that elections were fail and neutral!
And now, right as this woman becomes under investigation, the FEC
notifies Congress that her computer also mysteriously “crashed” and that
all of her emails had been lost.
Tell Congress you have had ENOUGH of these fake computer “crashes.”
Arrest Lois Lerner, April Sands, and the rest of these criminals!
There is a law in place that prevents government employees from
‘politicking.’ The Hatch Act prohibits government bureaucrats from
engaging in politics. Some government positions have heavier
restrictions than others, but the fact remains that if you work for the
Federal Government, you are supposed to be neutral, at least as far as
the public is concerned.
Federal employees aren’t allowed to campaign for politicians… they
aren’t allowed to post on social media that they support a particular
candidate… just about the only thing that government employees can do is
donate money to a campaign. But, they can’t publicly announce it.
But April Sands didn’t follow the law. On June 18th, 2012, a Monday,
April Sands tweeted that she was donating $51 to Barack Obama’s
presidential campaign. This is ILLEGAL under the Hatch Act!
The only problem? Since this particular social media post happened right
around lunch time, investigators were unsure whether this fundraising
pitch was posted using a government computer (which would be highly
illegal) or a personal device during a lunch break (which is apparently
less illegal).
Because April Sands was an employee of the Executive Branch, she was
prohibited from soliciting or promoting political donations "while in
any room or building occupied in the discharge of official duties." So,
the solution is simple: subpoena April Sand’s computer and hard-drive to
determine whether she did in fact violate the law.
However, when the Office of Inspector General went to seize April Sands’
computer, they were notified that the FEC had “unfortunately” recycled
Ms. Sands’ hard-drive. The FEC had destroyed the evidence before it
could be seized. As a result, the Inspector General was unable to prove
that Ms. Sands’ solicitations and political activity were posted from an
FEC computer.
The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia thereafter
declined to pursue criminal prosecution because the hard-drive was
physically recycled and the evidence was lost.
Do you see what is happening? Every time a member of the Obama
administration is found to have used the power of the office to target
the political opposition, all of a sudden their computers mysteriously
And then, instead of trying to recover the hard-drives, the Obama administration recycles them and literally melts them down!
This is as crooked as they come. Pure Al Capone.
If this type of computer “crash” happened during an investigation once,
then maybe it could be a coincidence. We have known all along that Lois
Lerner’s crash wasn’t a coincidence… but now we have THREE instances
where Obama administration departments went under investigation and all
of a sudden the computers crash and the hard-drives are recycled!
Enough is enough!
Attacking Israel With the Big Lie: Genocide
“Here’s the difference between us,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu explained on “Fox News Sunday.” “We’re using missile defense
to protect our civilians, and they’re using their civilians to protect
their missiles.”
It’s a classic talking point. It’s also objectively true, and that truth is very frustrating for Israel’s critics.
All one needs to do is delve into the muck of Twitter and read the
timelines for such hashtags as #GazaUnderAttack and #GenocideInGaza:
“They’re killing the women and children to ensure there won’t be a new
generation of Palestine.” “One Holocaust can NEVER justify another.”
And let’s not even talk about the globally trending hashtag #HitlerWasRight.
Of course it’s not just on Twitter. Mahmoud Abbas, the head of the
feckless Palestinian Authority, recently condemned Israel for committing
“genocide” in Gaza. For decades, political cartoonists and cartoonish
politicians have been jaw-jawing about how Israel now wears the SS
This too is basically a talking point – and a very old one. But this one is plainly a lie.
If the Israelis are, or have ever been, interested in genocide, they are
utterly incompetent at it. As slanders go, it’s almost funny, like the
old paranoid delusion that George W. Bush was simultaneously an idiot
and a criminal mastermind.
On the one hand, the Israeli military is supposed to be ruthlessly
competent and determined to wipe out the Palestinians. On the other, the
Palestinian population has grown more than 100 percent since 1970. The
population in the Gaza Strip has grown nearly threefold since 1990. The
Palestinians themselves expect the population to double over the next
two decades. “Genocide” is a loaded political term, but under any
remotely reasonable definition, shouldn’t those numbers be going the
other way?
It’s just a hunch, but if the Israelis wanted to wipe out as many
Palestinians as possible, never mind commit genocide, they probably
wouldn’t issue warnings to Gazans (by phone and leaflet) to get out of
harm’s way. Nor would Israel continue to allow hundreds of trucks of
food and medical aid to enter Gaza even as hundreds of rockets leave
And if Hamas were chiefly concerned with protecting Palestinian lives,
it would not implore Gazans to stay in their homes – serving as human
shields and inflating the body count as a propaganda prop to increase
international pressure on Israel.
One perverse complaint, often subtly echoed in the mainstream media, is
that it is somehow unfair that Israelis are not dying, so far, from Gaza
rocket strikes. The Israelis have the Iron Dome defense system, which
intercepts the rockets aimed at civilians. They also have bomb shelters;
the Palestinians do not. They have these things because, as Netanyahu
said, Israelis are interested in protecting their citizens.
As Commentary’s Jonathan Tobin notes, no one is asking why the
Palestinians don’t have bomb shelters. The assumption seems to be that
the Gazans don’t have the wherewithal to build them. This is untrue
because they do have bomb shelters – they just reserve them for Hamas'
leaders and fighters. Indeed, Hamas has dug thousands of tunnels under
Gaza, largely so it can smuggle in, and store, more rockets to fire on
Israel. Better that those tunnels were used as shelters for civilians,
but that would mean not letting them die for the greater “good.”
Of course, not being as bad as the Nazis is a very low bar. And the fact
that Israel clears it like a pole-vaulter leaping over a brick is not
the same as saying Israel is without fault. But Israel’s shortcomings
stem largely from the fact it is trying to deal with “peace partners”
openly uninterested in lasting peace. Solving that problem is hard. So
hard that some would rather shout “Nazi!” at Jews.
It’s a moral scandal that it’s even necessary to bring up this
inconvenient truth. But it is necessary because even many of the people
who would never say “Hitler was right” have nonetheless internalized
another lesson from the Nazis. It was Joseph Goebbels who said, “If you
tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come
to believe it.”
Hamas Wants to Die
David P. Goldman adopts a psychoanalytic viewpoint below
It's like the old joke: Why do Jewish men die before their wives?
Because they want to. Civilizations for the most part die because they
no longer want to live. That is the nub of my 2011 book How
Civilizations Die (and Why Islam Is Dying, Too). They cease to believe
in their own future and distract themselves from the prospect of
extinction as best they can. Hellenistic Greece was the first universal
demographic disaster; it gave us prototypes of the steam engine and the
computer (via Hero of Alexandria) as well as the modern literary forms.
But even wealthy men exposed their daughters and the population
imploded. When Aristotle taught that men naturally seek the good, the
overwhelming preponderance of evidence had already turned against him.
Most men seek nothingness. Soon the last surviving remnants of the
classical world will disappear. In another generation, more people will
speak Hebrew than Greek.
Hamas wants to die, obviously and visibly. That thought horrifies
Westerners. As a number of Israeli commentators observe, Hamas doesn't
particularly care about having a Palestinian State. It wants to destroy
the Jewish State and is willing to die in the process. It wants to die
in such a way that Israel will die, too. There is something utterly
surreal to Hamas crowding civilians around military targets, and Israeli
pilots declining to attack them. It recalls joke about the sadist and
the masochist. The masochist says, "Beat me!," and the sadist says,
Hamas, to be sure, proposes to die in an accelerated time frame and a
particularly disgusting fashion, but it should be kept in mind that
self-willed extinction is the norm. West of the Indus, Israel is the
only survivor among the thousands of little nations that flourished
between 10,000 BC and 600 AD. To be sure, there have been plenty of
small tribes that wanted to live but were trampled by conquering hordes.
The rule, however, is that civilizations die of their own disgust with
life. Most of the industrial nations are dying, some very quickly. Most
of the Muslim world would rather die than accommodate modernity
(although some of it may choose to cease to be Islamic).
I do not mean to sound cruel, but the best thing you can do for victims
of a dying culture is: Don't be one of them. Individuals who want to
live have the option of changing cultures. I do not mean that Israel (or
anyone else) should go about killing off enemies in order to satisfy
their death wish. God forbid: life is still sacred to us even if it is
repugnant to them. Neither do we have to commit suicide in order to
accommodate our crazy neighbor's death-wish. We might try to talk him
down from the roof, but we are entitled to step aside when he jumps. It
is not in our power to persuade suicidal civilizations to carry on
living. Ultimately it is our job to contain the damage to ourselves. We
cannot help but accept some civilian deaths while engaging an enemy that
seeks the maximum number of civilian casualties.
All of this is anathema to liberals, whose premise is that human agency
can fix all problems. Enlightenment materialism posited a natural man
who either sought self-preservation (Hobbes) or naturally pursued his
own best interests (Locke) or was inherently good before corrupted by
civilization (Rousseau). Satanic laughter from around the Levant drowns
out the squeaky, thin voices of the Enlightenment. One no longer needs
to read about it in books. The Middle East has become "How Civilizations
Die: The Reality Show."
Israel is the only developed nation (with a fertility rate of three)
that loves life sufficiently to bring more children into the world than
are required to replace the existing population. Even the US has fallen
below replacement as Hispanics assimilate into Western culture and
younger evangelicals behave more like their secular peers. Israel today,
as at the time of the prophets, remains a unique and irreplaceable
light unto the world, the paragon of a nation, the hope of all humanity.
Today it is the proof that modern men and women can embrace life and
raise themselves above the tragic fate of the peoples since the dawn of
man. Anti-semitism is the vicious grudge that death harbors against
life. We are tired of refuting the clumsy calumnies that are thrown at
Israel each day in the liberal media. Our response is in the imperative:
"Choose life!"
Latest news: Israel’s military foils large-scale infiltration from Gaza
Israeli forces foiled a large infiltration attempt through a tunnel from
Gaza. It is believed the infiltrators were planning to carry out a
major terror attack on an Israeli target, the IDF said in a statement.
According to photos taken by the IDF, the infiltrators were carrying
weapons including shoulder-mounted RPGs.
The IDF identified the 13 armed men exiting a tunnel inside Israel early
Thursday morning, near Kibbutz Sufa close to the Gaza border.
Once the men realized they had been spotted they attempted to dive back
into the tunnel, but were thwarted by an airstrike by Israel’s Air
Force. The IDF said some of the infiltrators were injured.
Hours after the infiltration attempt, the IDF posted video of the infiltration and the airstrike on the opening of the tunnel.
Hamas later took responsibility for the attempted infiltration, and said that all of its members returned home
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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17 July, 2014
Research on basic differences between liberals and conservatives
Science popularizer Chris Mooney is back on his old platform with
claims that conservatives are born bad. Leftist psychologists have
been endeavouring to prove the evilness of conservatives at at least
since 1950 and, despite their failures to convince anyone but
themselves, they don't give up lightly. So Mooney has seized on
the latest scraps from their table. See below.
Mooney has seized in particular on the work of Hibbing, whom I have noted on a few previous occasions (e.g. here),
and I don't think much more needs to be added to what I have said
before. Basically, Hibbing labels conservatism as "negativity",
despite the fact that there is a long history of conservatism being more
informatively labelled as "caution". And exactly the same
behaviour can reasonably be labelled either way. "Negativity" is
the snarl-word for the more neutral "caution". So Hibbing's main
contribution is a twisted or at least tendentious use of
Read through the article below and you will see that
everything Hibbing condemns can reasonably be attributed to
caution. And I don't think anyone is proposing that we give
caution up.
Mooney's other point -- that political attitudes have
a large inherited component -- is well borne out by the twin studies,
however. The only issue is WHAT is the inherited personality
factor behind the political attitudes. I would argue that Leftists
are born miserable and that makes them destruction-prone. They
are so unhappy with the world around them that they want to destroy as
much of it as they can.
Statistician Matt Briggs also has some amusing comments on Hibbing.
Mooney does however have below a short flash of insight that largely neutralizes his animus. I have highlighted it in red
You could be forgiven for not having browsed yet through the latest
issue of the journal Behavioral and Brain Sciences. If you care about
politics, though, you'll find a punchline therein that is pretty
Behavioral and Brain Sciences employs a rather unique practice called
"Open Peer Commentary": An article of major significance is published, a
large number of fellow scholars comment on it, and then the original
author responds to all of them. The approach has many virtues, one of
which being that it lets you see where a community of scholars and
thinkers stand with respect to a controversial or provocative scientific
idea. And in the latest issue of the journal, this process reveals the
following conclusion: A large body of political scientists and political
psychologists now concur that liberals and conservatives disagree about
politics in part because they are different people at the level of
personality, psychology, and even traits like physiology and genetics.
That's a big deal. It challenges everything that we thought we knew
about politics—upending the idea that we get our beliefs solely from our
upbringing, from our friends and families, from our personal economic
interests, and calling into question the notion that in politics, we can
really change (most of us, anyway).
It is a "virtually inescapable conclusion" that the
"cognitive-motivational styles of leftists and rightists are quite
The occasion of this revelation is a paper by John Hibbing of the
University of Nebraska and his colleagues, arguing that political
conservatives have a "negativity bias," meaning that they are
physiologically more attuned to negative (threatening, disgusting)
stimuli in their environments. (The paper can be read for free here.) In
the process, Hibbing et al. marshal a large body of evidence, including
their own experiments using eye trackers and other devices to measure
the involuntary responses of political partisans to different types of
images. One finding? That conservatives respond much more rapidly to
threatening and aversive stimuli (for instance, images of "a very large
spider on the face of a frightened person, a dazed individual with a
bloody face, and an open wound with maggots in it," as one of their
papers put it).
In other words, the conservative ideology, and especially one of its
major facets—centered on a strong military, tough law enforcement,
resistance to immigration, widespread availability of guns—would seem
well tailored for an underlying, threat-oriented biology.
The authors go on to speculate that this ultimately reflects an
evolutionary imperative. "One possibility," they write, "is that a
strong negativity bias was extremely useful in the Pleistocene," when it
would have been super-helpful in preventing you from getting killed.
(The Pleistocene epoch lasted from roughly 2.5 million years ago until
12,000 years ago.) We had John Hibbing on the Inquiring Minds podcast
earlier this year, and he discussed these ideas in depth; you can listen
Hibbing and his colleagues make an intriguing argument in their latest
paper, but what's truly fascinating is what happened next. Twenty-six
different scholars or groups of scholars then got an opportunity to tee
off on the paper, firing off a variety of responses. But as Hibbing and
colleagues note in their final reply, out of those responses, "22 or 23
accept the general idea" of a conservative negativity bias, and simply
add commentary to aid in the process of "modifying it, expanding on it,
specifying where it does and does not work," and so on. Only about three
scholars or groups of scholars seem to reject the idea entirely.
That's pretty extraordinary, when you think about it. After all, one of
the teams of commenters includes New York University social psychologist
John Jost, who drew considerable political ire in 2003 when he and his
colleagues published a synthesis of existing psychological studies on
ideology, suggesting that conservatives are characterized by traits such
as a need for certainty and an intolerance of ambiguity. Now, writing
in Behavioral and Brain Sciences in response to Hibbing roughly a decade
later, Jost and fellow scholars note that
There is by now evidence from a variety of laboratories around the world
using a variety of methodological techniques leading to the virtually
inescapable conclusion that the cognitive-motivational styles of
leftists and rightists are quite different. This research consistently
finds that conservatism is positively associated with heightened
epistemic concerns for order, structure, closure, certainty,
consistency, simplicity, and familiarity, as well as existential
concerns such as perceptions of danger, sensitivity to threat, and death
anxiety. [Italics added]
Back in 2003, Jost and his team were blasted by Ann Coulter, George
Will, and National Review for saying this; congressional Republicans
began probing into their research grants; and they got lots of hate
mail. But what's clear is that today, they've more or less triumphed.
They won a field of converts to their view and sparked a wave of new
research, including the work of Hibbing and his team.
"One possibility," note the authors, "is that a strong negativity bias
was extremely useful in the Pleistocene," when it would have been
super-helpful in preventing you from getting killed.
Granted, there are still many issues yet to be worked out in the science
of ideology. Most of the commentaries on the new Hibbing paper are
focused on important but not-paradigm-shifting side issues, such as the
question of how
conservatives can have a
higher negativity bias, and yet not have neurotic personalities.
(Actually, if anything, the research suggests that liberals may be the
more neurotic bunch.) Indeed, conservatives tend to have a high degree
of happiness and life satisfaction. But Hibbing and colleagues find no
contradiction here. Instead, they paraphrase two other scholarly
commentators (Matt Motyl of the University of Virginia and Ravi Iyer of
the University of Southern California), who note that "successfully
monitoring and attending negative features of the environment, as
conservatives tend to do, may be just the sort of tractable task…that is
more likely to lead to a fulfilling and happy life than is a constant
search for new experience after new experience."
All of this matters, of course, because we still operate in politics and
in media as if minds can be changed by the best honed arguments, the
most compelling facts. And yet if our political opponents are simply
perceiving the world differently, that idea starts to crumble. Out of
the rubble just might arise a better way of acting in politics that
leads to less dysfunction and less gridlock…thanks to science.
ZIRP: The Fed’s WMD Against Savers
John Maynard Keynes famously called for “the euthanasia of the rentier,”
that is, the destruction of landowners who live on rental income. Does
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen advocate the same treatment for
retirees trying to live on interest income? One wonders. The Fed’s
policies have devastated seniors and others who have scrimped and saved
only to find that inflation has eaten away at the paltry interest
they’ve earned from nominally “safe” financial assets, such as bank
savings accounts, certificates of deposits, and U.S. Treasury bonds.
Independent Institute Senior Fellow Robert Higgs examines the havoc in
the summer 2014 issue of The Independent Review.
“The politicians constantly bark about their solicitude for those who
are helpless and in difficulty through no fault of their own,” Higgs
writes. “Yet scores of millions of people who save money to support
themselves in old age now find themselves progressively despoiled by the
very officials who purport to be their protectors.”
Since late 2008, the Fed has pursued a zero interest-rate policy (ZIRP)
aimed at keeping rates low. This may be good for the federal government,
because it holds down the interest costs of the soaring national debt,
but it has devastated ordinary savers, Higgs explains. Just compare
savings yields and inflation. According to a June press release by
Bureau of Labor Statistics, the “all items” Consumer Price Index is
rising 2.1 percent per year. This rate exceeded the yields that month
for savings accounts (1 percent or less), 5-year CDs (1.37 percent), and
5-year Treasury bonds (1.69 percent).
Here’s another way to view the scope of the problem. In the United
States, every age group over 16 years old has seen a decline in labor
participation—with one exception: those 55 years and older. ZIRP isn’t
the only cause that has sent Grandma and Grandpa back into the
workforce, but it has certainly been a powerful “stick” to get them to
seek out Help Wanted signs at the local mall.ZIRP: The Fed’s WMD Against
John Maynard Keynes famously called for “the euthanasia of the rentier,”
that is, the destruction of landowners who live on rental income. Does
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen advocate the same treatment for
retirees trying to live on interest income? One wonders. The Fed’s
policies have devastated seniors and others who have scrimped and saved
only to find that inflation has eaten away at the paltry interest
they’ve earned from nominally “safe” financial assets, such as bank
savings accounts, certificates of deposits, and U.S. Treasury bonds.
Independent Institute Senior Fellow Robert Higgs examines the havoc in
the summer 2014 issue of The Independent Review.
“The politicians constantly bark about their solicitude for those who
are helpless and in difficulty through no fault of their own,” Higgs
writes. “Yet scores of millions of people who save money to support
themselves in old age now find themselves progressively despoiled by the
very officials who purport to be their protectors.”
Since late 2008, the Fed has pursued a zero interest-rate policy (ZIRP)
aimed at keeping rates low. This may be good for the federal government,
because it holds down the interest costs of the soaring national debt,
but it has devastated ordinary savers, Higgs explains. Just compare
savings yields and inflation. According to a June press release by
Bureau of Labor Statistics, the “all items” Consumer Price Index is
rising 2.1 percent per year. This rate exceeded the yields that month
for savings accounts (1 percent or less), 5-year CDs (1.37 percent), and
5-year Treasury bonds (1.69 percent). Here’s another way to view the
scope of the problem. In the United States, every age group over 16
years old has seen a decline in labor participation—with one exception:
those 55 years and older. ZIRP isn’t the only cause that has sent
Grandma and Grandpa back into the workforce, but it has certainly been a
powerful “stick” to get them to seek out Help Wanted signs at the local
Supply-Side Contraceptives
Paul Krugman and others on the left routinely sneer at the idea that you
can actually increase government revenues by cutting tax rates. (Turns
out most of the time you can’t, but in some cases you can.)
But there is a similar myth on the left. It’s the idea that by spending
more money on health you can reduce overall health care costs. According
to the New York Times, President Obama is using that idea to support
free contraceptives for women:
“The Obama administration says the cost of providing contraceptives will
be offset by savings that result from greater use of birth control,
“fewer unplanned pregnancies” and improvement in women’s health.”
Here is Matt Yglesias at Slate making the same point:
“While birth control costs more than nothing, it costs less than an
abortion and much less than having a baby. From a social point of view,
unless we’re not going to subsidize consumption of health care services
at all (which would be a really drastic change from the status quo) then
it makes a ton of sense to heavily subsidize contraceptives...But just
on the dollars and cents subsidizing birth control is a no-brainer.”
The trouble is: there is no evidence for that claim. In fact, there is
no evidence that making contraceptives free leads to their greater use.
The Obamacare mandate requiring contraceptives to be available without
deductibles or copayments is apparently not causing women to use more
contraceptives according to a report by the IMS Institute. And if the
mandate doesn’t lead to greater use, there can’t be fewer births, etc.
Free contraceptives are only one example of how the Obama administration
gets it priorities wrong when it comes to health insurance. For
example, the Affordable Care Act requires employers and insurers to
provide a long list of preventive services (such as mammograms,
blood-pressure screening, cholesterol screening, etc.). And as in the
case of contraceptives, Obama administration officials have been
claiming that the money spent on these procedures will result in overall
Yet here again the evidence says otherwise. Most preventive procedures
cause health care spending to go up not down. And while we are spending
scarce premium dollars on low-dollar items of sometimes dubious value we
are continuing to leave people exposed for large catastrophic costs.
One of the worst examples of getting the priorities wrong is the way
Obamacare changed Medicare. Every senior is now entitled to a free
wellness exam (of almost no medical value). At the same time, every
senior continues to be at risk for tens of thousands of dollars of costs
from a prolonged hospitalization.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
16 July, 2014
A day in the life ..
by an Israeli woman
Last night my children lost their air-raid siren virginity - sounds
crass, I know, but there is nothing warm and fuzzy and innocent about
your children hearing their first air-raid siren. They hurried to the
mamad (a reinforced room, equivalent of a bomb shelter in newer homes
and apartments, ours doubles as our guest room) - they walked, they did
not run, they have been drilled. Mia (7) played with her cousins, Gili
(5) immediately recited two chapters of Psalms (he's just that kind of
kid) and Elli (2.5) played obliviously on the iPad. There were no booms,
no scary sounds, no dramas. The ten mandatory minutes of residing in
the mamad from the commencement of the siren passed, everyone returned
to the usual bed-time routine. Shortly after - a second round - same
routine, once again, there were no booms, no scary sounds, no dramas.
Since this all started nearly a week ago, Mia & Gilli have been
sleeping in the mamad - two less children to collect in the middle of
the night if a siren goes off, the naïve hope that we'll spare them
trauma - that if there's a siren, maybe they won't even wake up if we
don't have to move them.
I lay in bed, floating between sleep and wake-fullness, terrified that I
might sleep through a siren. Exhausted body, restless mind. I toss and
turn, my restlessness disturbing Moshi, he heads off to one of the kids
empty beds to try and sleep what remains of the night.
5:30am. Awake. Hopes of any sleep long-gone, the night is over. I hear
the pitter patter of Gili's feet climbing the stairs - he finds Moshi in
his bed and lays down next to him.
5:59am I hear an unfamiliar sound in the distance, almost like a hiss,
the sound is foreign, unidentified. A split second later, wailing sirens
- I dash to Elli's room, I hear Moshi call my name, I sense his
movements, a deafening whistling sound overhead. Sirens wailing. I feel
around for Elli's blanky. I can't find her favourite bunny. No time. I
hug her close, trying not to wake her. I have no recollection of how I
got from her room upstairs to the entry of the mamad. I only remember
thinking that I'm watching a woman in a movie running with her sleeping
toddler, sirens, the deafening whistle overhead of a missile - this is
not me, not my life. Bang. Moshi slams the mamad door behind me. I hold
Elli close, her sweet breath on my neck, she cuddles me and continues to
sleep. Mia turns in her sleep. Gilli lays there, eyes wide-open, no
Psalm recitals this time. Boom. Boom. Boom. BOOM. Windows rattle. Too
close. BOOM. Windows rattle. Too close. Silence. We wait. Five more
minutes pass. Moshi thinks we can open the room. They say to wait ten
minutes. I motion him to sit. Boom. Boom.
I'm not sending my kids to school and kinder today. I'm not. I don't
care if the Home-front says I can. I'll stay with them until my
babysitter arrives. I picture Mia's school - I cannot picture them
gathering the children in 90 seconds to the bomb shelter. And that's if
there is 90 seconds. We only had 30 seconds in the morning. The kids are
happy to stay home with me, maybe not as happy as they would normally
be to have a fun day with Mummy.
Moshi recites to me what Gili said to him just before the siren hit -
they lay in bed, and Gili turns and says to him: "Daddy, I can hear a
missile coming". Moshi retells that he looked at him in wonder and then
the siren hit. He had heard the same distant hiss, the foreign sound
that I could not identify, and he named it. My children have not watched
even one TV or news report since this crisis started, they know what we
have told them and what they have heard from their friends in the
playground. Why at 5 years of age could my son identify the sound of
something that I could not identify at 38 years of age?
I speak to my neighbor, he was watering his garden when the siren hit.
Of course the whistle of the missile was deafening. He saw the iron dome
missile pass above us, overhead, between our homes.
I call the hospital, delay my clinic to the afternoon, cancel some meetings.
I wanted to have a normal, fun day. No, they cannot go to the pool. No,
they cannot go to the trampoline. We will have a normal, fun day -
indoors. Playtime, pancakes, drawing, movies, popcorn, more movies. I'm
not counting their screen-time today.
2:00pm. The babysitter arrives, Mia and Elli play, I cuddle and kiss
them. Gili has fallen asleep in the mamad. Exhausted. I gaze at him, I
don't want to disturb his sleep.
I leave for the hospital - if I drive at a legal speed it'll take me 35
minutes, if I drive faster I can do it in less. I drive faster. I should
have kissed Gili. I feel my body tense. Please no air-raid sirens while
I'm on the highway. I know what I have to do if it happens. I don't
want to do it. Please no sirens. I don't want to stop my car, lay down
on the hot asphalt and cover my head with my hands. My hands were not
made to protect my head. I pass a truck carrying domestic size gas
canisters. Please no siren. Not now. Really bad time for a siren. No
I arrive at the clinic, I apologize to the new patient for delaying the
appointment from the morning. We had a siren, my children are young, I
didn't want to send them to school/kinder. The patient and her husband
smile knowingly, their eyes full of compassion and understanding. I look
down at the patient file, she is from Kibbutz Nitsanim. I cringe.
Kibbutz Nitsanim borders on Gaza - what I experienced this morning has
been their daily reality for the past many years, and since the crisis
started last week they have had up to 70 rocket missiles a day shot to
their area. I apologize. I shift in my chair. We had one siren today.
They reassure me.
I start her intake. She has come to us in order to participate in a
clinical trial. She has three children. She wants to live. She will be
randomized to a standard treatment or a new biological agent that may
further improve her chances for cure. I explain to her what
randomization means. It's like the role of a dice. She could explain to
me what randomization means, their day-to-day reality is like the role
of a dice. Yes, yes, it's true for all of us - but it's not.
The clinic ends. A siren. It's twice as long as usual. It doesn't seem
to end. Boom - distant. BOOM - closer. BOOOOM - too close. I should have
kissed Gili.
I call home - no sirens there.
I keep working. I work on my laptop. Occasionally my eyes dart to the PC
screen on my desk, to the news page - sirens over my home. I call home -
everyone is fine, no booms.
11pm. I arrive home. I kiss sleeping Gili.
Bed. Exhausted. Heavy heart. Heavy mind. Please sleep - arrive! I will wake up if there's a siren.
I think of our children. I think of theirs.
I want to sleep.
I want to awake in the morning to the pitter-patter of feet, to long cuddles. To quiet skies.
I want to wake up to mundane routine. Sleep. Goodnight.
Spending and Morality
Walter E. Williams
During last year's budget negotiation meetings, President Barack Obama
told House Speaker John Boehner, "We don't have a spending problem."
When Boehner responded with "But, Mr. President, we have a very serious
spending problem," Obama replied, "I'm getting tired of hearing you say
that." In one sense, the president is right. What's being called a
spending problem is really a symptom of an unappreciated deep-seated
national moral rot. Let's examine it with a few questions.
Is it moral for Congress to forcibly use one person to serve the
purposes of another? I believe that most Americans would pretend that to
do so is offensive. Think about it this way. Suppose I saw a homeless,
hungry elderly woman huddled on a heating grate in the dead of winter.
To help the woman, I ask somebody for a $200 donation to help her out.
If the person refuses, I then use intimidation, threats and coercion to
take the person's money. I then purchase food and shelter for the needy
woman. My question to you: Have I committed a crime? I hope that most
people would answer yes. It's theft to take the property of one person
to give to another.
Now comes the hard part. Would it be theft if I managed to get three
people to agree that I should take the person's money to help the woman?
What if I got 100, 1 million or 300 million people to agree to take the
person's $200? Would it be theft then? What if instead of personally
taking the person's $200, I got together with other Americans and asked
Congress to use Internal Revenue Service agents to take the person's
$200? The bottom-line question is: Does an act that's clearly immoral
when done privately become moral when it is done collectively and under
the color of law? Put another way, does legality establish morality?
For most of our history, Congress did a far better job of limiting its
activities to what was both moral and constitutional. As a result,
federal spending was only 3 to 5 percent of the gross domestic product
from our founding until the 1920s, in contrast with today's 25 percent.
Close to three-quarters of today's federal spending can be described as
Congress taking the earnings of one American to give to another through
thousands of handout programs, such as farm subsidies, business bailouts
and welfare.
During earlier times, such spending was deemed unconstitutional and
immoral. James Madison, the acknowledged father of our Constitution,
said, "Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government." In
1794, when Congress appropriated $15,000 to assist some French
refugees, Madison stood on the floor of the House of Representatives to
object, saying, "I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of
the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on
objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents." Today's
Americans would crucify a politician expressing similar statements.
There may be nitwits out there who'd assert, "That James Madison guy
forgot about the Constitution's general welfare clause." Madison had
that covered, explaining in a letter, "If Congress can do whatever in
their discretion can be done by money, and will promote the general
welfare, the Government is no longer a limited one possessing enumerated
powers, but an indefinite one." Thomas Jefferson agreed, writing:
Members of Congress "are not to do anything they please to provide for
the general welfare. ... It would reduce the (Constitution) to a single
phrase, that of instituting a Congress with power to do whatever would
be for the good of the United States; and, as they would be the sole
judges of the good or evil, it would be also a power to do whatever evil
they please."
The bottom line is that spending is not our basic problem. We've become
an immoral people demanding that Congress forcibly use one American to
serve the purposes of another. Deficits and runaway national debt are
merely symptoms of that larger problem.
The State’s “MyPlate” War Is a War on Consumer Choice
Think You Have the Freedom to Eat Whatever You Want? Think Again
The state doesn’t stop short of your kitchen. Its members are determined
to decide what, how, and where you can eat; on top of that, they try to
assign food portions according to each “type of person.” Armchair
bureaucrats, with no insight into the specific needs or desires of
individuals, limit what you can buy in restaurants and supermarkets.+
Many of us already know that regulations substantially reduce economic
freedom and create artificial monopolies that inflate prices. Fewer
people appear to be aware, however, the degree to which state intrusions
reduce our food choices. Like the father who does not allow a child
sweets before dinner, the state takes on that role and dictates what you
can and cannot eat.+
Starting with the production of food, there is government intervention
at every stage. In the United States, expansive government agencies are
in charge of deciding which grains are suitable for planting, and what
their ideal condition during harvest should be.+
Even before production, massive farm subsidies distort the food
industry. According to a study published by the Cato Institute, the
federal agency in charge of subsidizing agriculture costs US taxpayers
between US$10 and US$30 billion every year. The amounts vary depending
on crop market prices, natural disasters, and previous payments, among
other factors.+
Subsidies lead to an increase in rural land prices, block agricultural
innovation, and create incentives for rent-seeking and excess
production. They also discourage both cost reduction and diversity of
land use, and go hand in hand with artificial prices and food waste.+
Mandated safety procedures, not tailored to consumer wishes, also add to
prices. They make producers spend more on various additives to achieve
centrally planned quality standards. Moreover, these create a barrier to
entry for new producers who do not yet have the experience or are not
financially capable of reaching these standards. Someone seeking to make
a go of it in the industry, without obeying the food police, will soon
find himself in legal hot water — as so many food-truck cases have
Self-Regulation? Not So Fast
In most US states, small producers of raw milk, even those that have
been extremely careful with their methods, must break the law to satisfy
consumer demands. This is a particular case that illustrates how the
private sector can, in fact, create its own guidelines for safe
consumption. The Raw Milk Institute, a nonprofit whose mission is to
improve people’s health and immune systems, and they teach production
methods to agriculturists, offer education to the wider public, and set
guidelines that providers can adhere to for the safety of consumers.+
Of course, the state does not have, nor should it have, an extraordinary
capacity to monitor all production processes. Imposing top-down
regulations is a fool’s errand, since food can be produced in so many
ways, and new methods continue to arrive on the scene.+
There are always players who favor regulations, though — for the people,
and with no crony interests at all. The food-truck battle is also
illuminating here, since “safety” is merely a codeword for
protectionism, keeping potential entrepreneurs out of the market.+
Mobile restaurants offer a desirable option for city workers with a
hectic schedule: a win-win situation for everyone, or so it would seem.
Municipalities are seeking to legislate operations essentially out of
existence. California legislator Bill Monning, for example, has
introduced a bill to prohibit food trucks from operating within 1,500
feet from a public school. Children might — perish the thought! — buy
from the food trucks instead of from their school cafeterias.+
However, such justifications are wafer thin, since most children are not
allowed to leave the school property during lunch. Further, the
restrictions do not apply for fast-food restaurants, such as Burger
King, and we all know how healthy they are.+
Dare one ask, if not the children, who are they trying to “protect” with this legislation?+
Unintended Consequences, Undermining Personal Responsibility
As the United States has given subsidies to farmers for decades, those
in power have made some items cheaper. That sounds great, right?+
However, every law has its unintended consequences, since not all items
are treated equally as far as the handouts go. Consider what you would
prefer: a Big Mac with french fries and a soft drink, or a smaller salad
portion? As you can see from the diagram, subsidies have,
unfortunately, worked twisted our incentives contrary to a balanced
Given that every individual is responsible for his eating habits,
lawsuits against firms such as McDonald’s for causing obesity are
absurd. They also ignore the elephant in the room: the
multi-million-dollar subsidies given for the production of a Big Mac’s
Still, those in office want to appear like they are doing something to
avert a purported obesity crisis. Their proposed solution is to create
more regulations and a USDA program in charge of nutrition: MyPlate.+
To be clear, I support initiatives, similar to MyPlate, that seek to
educate consumers on adequate food portions — of which there are already
many working on a private basis. I take exception, however, with
subsidies that benefit certain groups of producers and interfering in
such ways that work exactly opposite to their rhetoric. The food
industry is already extremely innovative; let it breathe free for these
innovations to hasten.+
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
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here (Personal)
14 July, 2014
What This World Cup Reminds Us About Right vs. Left Thinking
Every four years, world soccer fans stop to witness their own version of
Mt Vesuvius, The World Cup, wherein national pride, soccer passion, and
the subjective slant on an objective result erupt for one month,
culminating in the sport's pinnacle event and prize, The World Cup Final
and Title. As in many sporting events; there are outstanding and
poor performances; a maddening mix of good fortune and bad luck; and
healthy doses of injustice, unfairness, and suspicious decisions which
impact the results. This year's edition has been no different; with the
usually fascinating array of favorites performing as expected and others
greatly disappointing, as well as surprise Cinderellas and feel good
runs by good teams overcoming setbacks.
As I watched this event, however, it became abundantly clear that we
were witnessing something not quite seen in recent editions, spilling
before us like a sarcastic reminder of the difference between two very
different ways of looking at reality. On one hand, we had teams like
Germany, Argentina, Colombia, Belgium, Switzerland, Costa Rica, and the
United States, all displaying one consistent trait despite varying
levels of skill, luck, and success in this tournament. For the most
part, these teams worked hard, demonstrated a humble respect for their
opponents, and exhibited a healthy confidence in their ability to
succeed through taking responsibility for both success and failure.
On the other hand, we had teams like Uruguay and Brazil who, along with
their fans, demonstrated a delusional, almost child-like subjectivity
and victim perspective which was both insulting to the sport and to
their own integrity. Uruguay reminded us that passionate, irrational,
and rampant victimization is the genuine antithesis of calm, logical
reality. After Luis Suarez clearly and intentionally bit an opponent for
the third time in his career and was suspended, the Uruguayan team and
its fans wailed on about international conspiracies and prejudiced
decisions, only to be embarrassed as Suarez later admitted to the
action, although still pretending that it was accidental. We should not
wait for any Uruguayan player, fan, or journalist to apologize for
insulting us with the protest that this action was imaginary and the
suspension the most unjust decision in soccer history.
If Uruguay's sin was blindly defending a spoiled, twisted star player
against righteous indignation and just punishment, Brazil, the host, has
provided us with an even more embarrassing combination of a warped
entitlement with audacious hypocrisy and selective rage. Acting
like spoiled children expecting their pre-destined trophy, these players
and fans clearly believed that all that they had to do to win their
sixth championship was throw their uniforms on the grass and bow. Worse
still, they bashed opponents, both on and off the field, who dared to
get in their pre-determined path to glory on home turf. Taking advantage
of favoritism by some referees and good fortune, Brazil reached the
semifinals of what was supposed to be yet another coronation only to be
soundly humbled 7-1 by a workman-like, efficient, and proactive German
squad which, like many teams in this tournament, did not expect success
to be handed to them on a gold plate. As many experts observed,
Brazil took advantage of intimidated referees who let them get away with
blatant fouls or gave them gift free kicks and even a penalty en route
to a game they had no business attending, and from which they were
soundly removed.
If we have learned anything, especially recently, it is that blind,
mindless, passionate irrationality fueled by irresponsible delusions of
entitlement and rampant hallucinations of victimization cannot hide
incompetence and foolish futility forever. Sooner or later, the chickens
come to roost, and the piper must be paid. The only thing worse than
hypocrisy is blatant, insolent hypocrisy, and Brazilian players and fans
exhibited those traits in full measure, ranting on when their star
player was injured after a referee allowed them to bash their
opponent relentlessly for most of the game without much consequence.
Ignoring or downplaying their treatment of opponents while wailing
endlessly about the injury of their star player, Neymar, these players
and fans demonstrated the lowest form of hypocrisy and selective rage.
The parallel between Brazil's behavior and our political Left's thinking
is striking. While the Right generally promotes proactive
self-responsibility and personal initiative, the Left worships at the
altar of reactive irresponsibility and entitlement, wherein people point
fingers at others for their failures and cry wolf at every turn.
Like a Brazilian team which feigned disaster with every trip and
depicted normal tackles by opponents as premeditated terrorist actions,
the Left turns drama into an art form in its quest to whine, weep, and
push its way to its agenda via the route of victimization. Like a
Brazilian team that was ultimately unable to hide its many warts under
the guise of emotional entitlement and bullying of opponents who dared
to deny that entitlement, the Left is constantly scrambling to hide its
twisted logic and irrational claims behind frenzied fantasy and
hypocritical intolerance.
Ultimately, Brazil's façade fell beneath the weight of a side which did
not expect things to be handed to them. Eventually, the sheer strain of
pretending to be competent while whining and feigning victimization
proved to be too much for these 23 community organizers who were better
at pointing fingers than kicking soccer balls. Just as adept at
diving and feigning harm as the Dutch, but far less competent and
skilled as a team, Brazil discovered what the Left should have
discovered by now, which is that greatness is mostly achieved by those
who humbly work hard, respect others, and do not manipulate people
and situations for their selfish gain. The great Brazilian teams of
Pele and Garrincha gave Brazil its legendary reputation as the creators
of the Jogo Bonito, the beautiful game. Thinking that they could
live off that legend and gain a title because of their uniform or their
home crowd, this Brazilian team reminded us that seeking success through
smoke and mirrors never works in the end.
Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi – Mr. and Mrs. Tammany Hall
If illegal aliens and unaccompanied minors from Central and South
America voted Republican, the Democrats would surround our country with a
force field Darth Vader couldn't penetrate. Yet we need a force field
like barrier to protect our nation from an invasion of epic proportion
and significant risk to the sovereignty and security of our nation -
illegal immigrants, crime and terrorists.
It seems we just never learn from history - ancient, recent past or just
yesterday. Tunnel warfare is the new norm. There are a growing number
of tunnels leading into the United States from Mexico, not unlike the
tunnels that helped defeat us in Vietnam, and the ones from Gaza to
Israel or Lebanon to Israel that Hezbollah (Iran-IRGC) utilized in the
34 day war. Fences make for good neighbors. It is an old adage worth
repeating. Yet there are those in the US who still claim a fence system
won't work, and all point to the news video of people climbing over a
section, barbed wire notwithstanding. Of course they breached it....who
was there to counter it, and what consequences are there when border
security catches them? Lice and scabies and aggravation?!
But if you ask anyone in Israel if the fence system has helped stem the
tide of terrorist incursions and the answer will mostly be yes.
Why? There's a big difference between ours and theirs. They actually
take it seriously and have the armed manpower dedicated to enforcing it.
Under Obama, our military, law enforcement, and homeland security have
been dealt withering blows to readiness in the form of reduced funding,
and executive edicts changing the rules of engagement to ridiculously
anemic policies that are sure to protect our enemies and nearly
guaranteed to jeopardize our citizens.
A well designed series of layered, aggressive security measures can
protect our Southern border - but it will take commitment, new
presidential leadership, and hiring actual security professionals, not
the academics on Team Obama, few of whom have ever been in the trenches,
and know war, terrorism, and threats from a book not from a battle.
As a physician it is repulsive to think our President has tacitly
encouraged the diaspora of children - some sick, many poorly educated, a
few victims of violence, most encouraged to do so by adults for a
variety of ulterior motives - tens of thousands of children, greatly
imperiled as they travel through a variety of dangers on a journey
landed them at the gates of the promised land - the United States.
That we - the nation nicknamed "America" are a beacon of hope, and that
proverbial ‘shining city on the hill,' in spite of our languid, dare I
suggest lousy leadership, is nothing short of amazing. And we should be a
lighthouse in the darkness of a dangerous world. But that our leaders
have done nothing to discourage such a death march, have done nothing to
reign in Mexico which is nothing more than a large ‘toll booth" where
anyone wishing to traverse its borders may do so, for the right amount
of money, and that POTUS et al has done nothing to discourage our
putative allies in Central America from dropping off their children as
if we were some international day care center or adoption agency, is
There blood on the hands of the Obama, Pelosi, the DNC and the home
countries that encourage these children to make the dangerous trek
northwards - Honduras, El Salvador, and other similarly corrupt
enterprises with a national flag, which claim they are too poor to care
for their peoples, but certainly act affluent enough to send a first
lady to ensure ‘her people' were properly cared for in our nation (speak
about chutzpah). There is also blood on the hands of our leaders for
doing nothing over the last several years to discourage illegal
immigration; all they have done under the presidents' watch is convey to
the peoples' of Central America that a form of "dream act" will occur
under the democrats, from various methods - not enforcing immigration
law, prohibiting citizenship verification when police detain someone,
the use of anchor babies, and now amnesty children, or being in the US
long enough that we won't send you home (which under Obama seems to be a
New York minute).
Is it any wonder people will take the risk? And is it any wonder their
home countries encourage it? Money will flow home to family members who
remained in Central America. New tunnels and transit routes will open
up, allowing other forms of criminal behavior to flourish - guns,
cartels, human trafficking, drugs, kidnapping for ransom. Nothing good
comes from an open border, and these children are a visible sign of the
magnitude of Obama's failure to his nation, and devotion to his party as
well as fervent allegiance to ideology.
During Obama's watch the illegal alien problem in our nation has grown
exponentially. Millions of illegals or unlawfuls reside in the US. Obama
has done nothing to or with Mexico to curb this problem. Soon the US
will become a banana republic like Mexico and other Central American
countries. Our border is porous - a sieve. Our nation is hosting too
many who cost more than they contribute. Crime has risen. Hospitals are
overcrowded. English in many areas is the rarely spoken word. The cost
to Americans includes a drain on community infrastructure, increased
crime - and approximately $14,000 per person, per year; according to
Heritage Foundation studies based upon government data, comparing the
costs (welfare for example) balanced against what each illegal
contributes. It is a net loss to our community. And the myth that none
of us would have fresh fruit without illegals or the unconstrained
immigration of Latinos is just that - a liberal myth. Do migrant workers
aid in our farming - of course. But the notion that democrats and
liberals pedal suggesting illegal immigrants contribute more than they
take from communities is just not based upon fact. The public health
costs alone are staggering. But that is a critical protection for
Many also send money back to their ‘home' countries - which serves as a
revenue stream of sorts. What money you might ask? WIC - the welfare
industrial complex - you and me.
Get Bosses Out of Health Insurance Altogether
By Michael D. Tanner
This article appeared on National Review (Online) on July 9, 2014.
The Supreme Court’s decision last week in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby has
pushed all the buttons that could be expected when sex and religion
intersect. Many on the right are celebrating because they value
religious expression and feel rather less excited about sex, especially
of the non-procreative variety. And much of the Left is outraged because
religion is generally considered of far less import while sexual
freedom has a high priority. But both sides are missing the point.
It is true that your boss shouldn’t be deciding whether or not your
insurance plan includes contraceptives. It is also true that your boss
shouldn’t have to pay for your contraceptives if it violates his or her
religious beliefs. But why is this debate limited to employers with
certain clearly defined religious beliefs, or for that matter to
The bigger question should be: Why is some woman arguing with her boss
about what benefits are included in her insurance plan in the first
There’s no good answer. The entire concept that our boss should provide
our insurance is an anomaly that grew out of unique historical
circumstances during World War II. At the time of a significant labor
shortage, President Roosevelt imposed wage (and price) controls,
preventing employers from competing for available workers by raising
salaries. In an effort to circumvent the regulations and attract
workers, employers began to offer non-wage benefits, among them health
In 1953, the IRS compounded the problem by holding that
employer-provided health insurance was not part of wage compensation for
tax purposes. This means that if a worker is paid $40,000 and their
employer also provides an insurance policy worth $16,000, the worker
pays taxes on just the $40,000 in wages. If, however, instead of
providing insurance, the employer gave the worker a $16,000 raise —
allowing the worker to purchase his or her own insurance — the worker
would have to pay taxes on $66,000 in income, a tax hike of as much as
$2,400. This puts workers who buy their own insurance at a significant
disadvantage compared to those who receive insurance through work.
As a result, Americans were driven to get health insurance through their
job: In 1960, just a third of non-elderly Americans received health
insurance at work, roughly. Today, 58.4 percent do. (That’s actually
down from the peak of 71.4 percent in 1980).
Employer-provided insurance is problematic for several reasons. Most
significantly, it hides much of the true cost of health care from
consumers, encouraging over consumption. Basing insurance on employment
also means that if you lose your job, you are likely to end up
uninsured. And once you’ve lost insurance, it can be hard to get new
coverage, especially if you have a pre-existing condition.
But, in the context of Hobby Lobby, employer-provided insurance is even
more insidious: It gives your boss the power to determine what is and is
not included in your insurance plan. The government’s answer, of
course, is simply to mandate that certain benefits, in this case
contraceptives, be included. But that merely substitutes the
government’s judgment for your boss’s. Thus we infringe on your
employer’s desires and your own, leaving both of you at the mercy of
Instead of fighting over religious liberty vs. contraceptive coverage,
both sides should agree to start transitioning away from
employer-provided insurance and into a system where each of us owns
personal and portable insurance, independent of our job.
Getting there requires changing the tax treatment of health insurance so
that employer-provided insurance is treated the same as other
compensation for tax purposes: that is, as taxable income. At the same
time, to offset the increased tax, workers should receive a standard
deduction, a tax credit, or expanded Health Savings Accounts (HSAs),
regardless of whether they receive insurance through their job or
purchase it on their own.
As a result of this shift in tax policy, employers would gradually
substitute higher wages for insurance, allowing workers to shop for the
insurance policy that most closely match their needs. That insurance
would be more likely to be true insurance — protecting the worker
against catastrophic risk, while requiring out-of-pocket payment for
routine, low-dollar costs. And it would belong to the worker, not the
employer, meaning that workers would be able to take it from job to job
and would not lose it if they became unemployed.
But it would also mean that workers, not their bosses, would decide what
benefits they want to pay for. People could have contraceptive coverage
or any other kind of coverage if we wanted it and were willing to pay
for it.
In a less politically polarized world, that would be a reform that both
left and right could embrace. In this one, I wouldn’t hold my breath.
There is a new lot of postings by
Chris Brand just up -- on his usual vastly "incorrect" themes of race, genes, IQ etc
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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14 July, 2014
Meet the medical student who wants to bring down a popular quack
Benjamin Mazer is a third-year medical student at the University of
Rochester. Last year, after becoming increasingly concerned with the
public-health impact of Dr. Mehmet Oz's sometimes pseudoscience health
advice, he decided to ask state and national medical associations to do
something about it.
"Dr. Oz has something like 4-million viewers a day," Mazer told Vox.
"The average physician doesn't see a million patients in their lifetime.
That's why organized medicine should be taking action."
Last year, Mazer brought a policy before the Medical Society of the
State of New York—where Dr. Oz is licensed—requesting that they consider
regulating the advice of famous physicians in the media. His idea:
Treat health advice on TV in the same vein as expert testimony, which
already has established guidelines for truthfulness. I asked Mazer about
what inspired the policy, and what became of his efforts.
Julia Belluz: So you're the medical student who wants to bring down Dr. Oz?
Benjamin Mazer: I'm definitely not the only one. This issue was brought
up by a number of physicians I worked with during my family medicine
clerkship. We had all of this first-hand experience with patients who
really liked his show and trusted him quite a bit. [Dr. Oz] would give
advice that was really not great or it had no medical basis. It might
sound harmless when you talk about things like herbal bills or
supplements. But when the physicians' advice conflicted with Oz, the
patients would believe Oz.
JB: Tell me about the policy you proposed. How did doctors react?
BM: I wrote policy for the Medical Society of the State of New York
[where Dr. Oz is licensed] and the American Medical Association asking
them to more actively address medical quackery on TV and in the
media—specifically Dr. Oz.
The New York policy was passed in modified form. Organized medicine in
New York is aware of what Dr. Oz is saying and how he is able to fall
through the gaps of regulation. Many New York physicians testified at
their annual meeting about the harm they are seeing happen day-to-day
with their own patients. Patients stop taking proven medications in
favor of "natural" medications that Dr. Oz promotes. Many patients
trusted Dr. Oz more than their own family doctors and this conflict hurt
the doctor-patient relationship.
When we brought the policy to the American Medical Association, they
reaffirmed existing policy instead of our resolution asking them to take
action against inappropriate medical testimonials on TV. The AMA
basically thought they were doing enough with existing policy.
JB: Why don't you think the policy was picked up at the national level?
BM: Organized medicine is a slow beast. Also, some people might be
underestimating the harms he's doing. Many physicians and certainly much
of the public often ask, "What's the harm in an herbal pill or new
diet?" The indirect harms can be great.
Organized medicine has an interest in protecting physicians as a
profession. They want to maintain the prestige, trust, and income that
physicians have historically received in the US. In order to protect the
profession as a whole, organized medicine sometimes has to protect
individual doctors, even if they are not acting in the best interest of
patients. The AMA may fear that undermining Dr. Oz could undermine
overall trust in doctors.
JB: Was there a particular patient who inspired this crusade against TV quackery?
BM: The patient who inspired the policy I wrote was an older woman in
her 60s who had a lot of the classic, chronic health problems we deal
with in America. She was overweight, she had diabetes, heart disease.
And so the physician I was working with was recommending these oral
diabetes medications that are pretty standard fair. She had watched the
Dr. Oz Show featuring green coffee-bean supplements—and how it was great
to lose weight—and she was convinced this was going to be a huge impact
on her weight.
We tried to politely express concerns that this probably wasn't going to
be effective because there's no evidence for it. She refused the
diabetes medications. The hope she had placed in the green coffee-bean
extract was part of that.
JB: What do you think is the impact of Dr. Oz's sometimes dubious health advice?
BM: I think these things impede the doctor-patient relationship. These
doctors are actually doing a great job. But the trust people are placing
with Dr. Oz—when their family physicians even nicely try to contradict
him—disrupts their relationship.
JB: As a physician, what are you thinking when you hear Dr. Oz say he believes in magic?
BM: The movement in medicine has been toward evidence-based medicine
because physicians had done things by their gut and belief for hundreds
of years. Most physicians would agree it's only through the scientific
process and evidence that we were able to make huge differences in
medical care. It's insulting to talk about important medical issues and
drugs as if it they were a matter of belief. It degrades all that work
that has been done.
JB: If you could talk to Dr. Oz, what would you say to him?
BM: I would probably say that he does have the health interest of his
viewers in mind. But in the long term, undermining good science and the
relationship patients have with their current physicians is probably
doing much more harm than good. If they're not going to listen to advice
from physicians—who are providing good, evidence-based advice—if
they're going to listen to other doctors on the show, it's going to do
more harm than good.
Federal judge orders IRS to explain lost Lerner emails ‘under oath’
A federal judge has ordered the IRS to explain "under oath" how the
agency lost a trove of emails from the official at the heart of the Tea
Party targeting scandal.
U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan gave the tax agency 30 days to
file a declaration by an "appropriate official" to address the computer
issues with ex-official Lois Lerner.
The decision came Thursday as part of a Freedom of Information Act
lawsuit by conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, which along with
GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill has questioned how the IRS lost the emails
and, in some cases, had no apparent way to retrieve them.
The IRS first acknowledged it lost the emails in a letter to senators last month.
"In our view, there has been a cover-up that has been going on,"
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. "The Department of Justice,
the IRS, had an obligation, an absolute obligation ... to alert the
court and alert Judicial Watch as soon as they knew when these records
were supposedly lost."
The IRS says it lost the emails in 2011 when Lerner's computer crashed.
At the time, Lerner headed the IRS division that processes applications
for tax-exempt status. She has since retired.
During the court hearing, Sullivan indicated he wanted the portion of
the declaration on the computer issues to be wide-ranging, saying
"that's about as broad as I can make it."
It also emerged at the status hearing that a Treasury Department inspector general probe into the matter is underway.
The lawyer representing the IRS, Geoffrey Klimas, argued that any
further discovery in this case might impede the IG's investigation.
Sullivan seemed leery of that argument and also asked that the IRS
official speak to that subject in the explanation the agency submits.
Further, Sullivan ordered that the IRS official explain how Lerner's files may be recovered through "other sources."
Hamas Co-opts Leftmedia
Hamas Orders Civilians to Die in Israeli Airstrikes: Order comes down to ignore warnings from Israel, stay inside
Hamas’ Interior Ministry has ordered residents of the Gaza Strip to
remain in their houses if they are about to be bombed by the Israelis, a
move that effectively turns citizens into human shields and is
intentionally meant to boost the casualty rate, according to a copy of
the order published by Hamas.
Israel warns Gaza residents of air strikes before they take place so innocent civilians have time to flee and seek shelter.
The latest Hamas order that citizens ignore Israel’s warnings and stay
put is a clear effort by the terror group to increase the death count
and apply pressure on Israel to cease its military campaign meant to end
Hamas’s attacks.
“The interior ministry warned citizens about Israel sending messages
telling them to leave their houses,” according to translations of the
official Arabic statement provided by Oren Adaki, an Arabic language
specialist at Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD).
“The goal of these actions is to create confusion among the citizens,”
the Interior Ministry said, instructing “all citizens to not heed these
messages from Israel.”
“The goal of these messages is terrorizing citizens and to cause panic
among them,” read the statement, which instructs Palestinians to “not do
what the messages instruct them to do,” Adaki explained.
“The ministry [is] calling all our people not to deal or pay attention
to the psychological warfare carried out by the occupation through
rumors that broadcast across his media and delivering publications and
communications on the phones of citizens, and the lack of response for
each of these means, which aims to weaken the domestic front in light of
great steadfastness of our people to face the aggression,” the Hamas
Interior Ministry for National Security stated on Thursday in an order
published in English and Arabic.
The Israeli military attempts to communicate with Palestinians and warn
them of upcoming attacks via paper leaflets, text messages, and phone
calls, among other means.
Hamas is notorious for intentionally putting citizens in harms way in
order to maximize body counts and portray Israel as an aggressor.
The terror group often fires rockets from heavily populated civilian
areas and uses schools, mosques, and hospitals as bases for their
military operations.
The Interior Ministry also demanded that Egypt fully open its border
crossing with the Gaza Strip and allow the free flow of people and
“The Interior Ministry [is] demanding Egyptian authorities to urgent
[sic] open of the Rafah crossing to deal with humanitarian cases and to
alleviate the difficult conditions in the strip,” the statement reads.
Israeli Ambassador to U.S. Ron Dermer criticized Hamas’ disregard for innocent life during a speech on Capitol Hill Wednesday.
“We are dealing with an enemy that not only has no respect for our
civilians,” Dermer said, explaining that the terror group is “hoping to
kill as many Israeli civilians as possible.”
“They also have no respect for their own civilians,” Dermer added, criticizing the group for putting its people in harms way.
Sending pink slips to a war zone
By Jonathan Hendershott
In a stunning display of callousness, the Defense Department has
announced that thousands of soldiers — many serving as commanding
officers in Afghanistan — will be notified in the coming weeks that
their service to the country is no longer needed.
Last week, more than 1,100 Army captains — the men and women who know
best how to fight this enemy because they have experienced multiple
deployments — were told they’ll be retired from the Army.
The overall news is not unexpected. The Army has ended its major
operations in Iraq and is winding down in Afghanistan. Budget cuts are
projected to shrink the Army from its current 520,000 troops to 440,000,
the smallest size since before World War II.
What is astonishing is that the Defense Department thought it would be
appropriate to notify deployed soldiers — men and women risking their
lives daily in combat zones — that they’ll be laid off after their
current deployment.
As one Army wife posted on, “On some level I knew the
drawdowns were inevitable, but I guess I never expected to be
simultaneously worried about a deployment to Afghanistan and a pink slip
because my husband’s service is no longer needed.”
Yet the issues go far beyond thanklessness. The nation should worry
about the increased national-security risk of separating such a large
pool of combat-experienced leaders. The separated soldiers are those who
carry the deepest knowledge base of counterinsurgency operations.
A senior Defense Department official warned: “If the force is smaller,
there’s less margin for error. Let’s face it — things are pretty
uncertain out there.”
Commenting on the extraordinarily large number of captains being
retired, Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. John Campbell said: “In other
times, they’d probably continue to stay in the Army. But these are not
normal times.”
Indeed not. While mass layoffs in the private sector generate front-page
headlines, the media have largely ignored the reduction of our
military. But who can blame them?
The war-weary public doesn’t want to hear that the cuts put the country at risk.
After more than a decade of fighting, even the most faithful — who used
to rally behind the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan by sending CARE
packages filled with cookies, candies and reminders of home — have moved
on with their lives, with few thoughts of the soldiers still serving
And for far too many, a soldier is an uncomfortable reminder of what we have failed to do in the Middle East.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
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13 July, 2014
Breathtaking lawlessness
The Supreme Court has restrained the executive branch—for now
America’s federal executive branch has met some setbacks as of late. Two
recent Supreme Court rulings have constrained the administration’s
impulse to act as it wishes. Yet, the mere fact that the administration
has overreached as it has—and would have continued to do so had the
court not stopped it—should send us a clear warning: The instincts of
executive power are always toward accumulating more power. In both
cases, the court found, the administration clearly ignored the express
instructions of the Constitution in favor of its own convenience.
The first decision concerned an attempt by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) to restrict the emission of greenhouse gases
like carbon dioxide under the Clean Air Act. But the Clean Air Act’s
emissions strictures posed a problem, because they would require the
agency to restrict emissions above a certain threshold from stationary
sources. Carbon dioxide is emitted in large amounts from even small
sources, so applying the Clean Air Act would mean subjecting schools,
hospitals, and apartment buildings to the same standards as industrial
power plants.
The EPA, realizing how unpopular this would be, took it upon itself to
rewrite the law, issuing what it called a “tailoring rule,” a scheme my
colleague Marlo Lewis described as an act of “breathtaking lawlessness.”
The attempt to amend, in the absence of congressional intent, clear,
numerical, statutory provisions was a stark usurpation by the executive
branch. Remember, the Constitution vests all legislative power in
The court agreed. Writing for the court, Justice Antonin Scalia said
that it was “patently unreasonable—not to say outrageous—for EPA to
insist on seizing expansive power that it admits the statute is not
designed to grant.” The court said the EPA was “laying claim to
extravagant statutory power over the national economy,” and that if the
court agreed with it, it “would deal a severe blow to the Constitution’s
separation of powers.” Yet this shot of good sense came with a bitter
chaser (more on that later).
In the second decision, just last week, the court found unconstitutional
President Obama’s recess appointments of some members of the National
Labor Relations Board whose nominations had been blocked in the Senate,
because the Senate had not declared itself to be in recess. The
administration argued that it was entitled to use the power whenever
“the Senate is not open for business.”
The court rejected that view unanimously. As Case Western University law
professor Jonathan Adler observed, “None of the justices were willing
to accept the position of the Obama Administration, which was
unnecessarily extreme. In choosing to make the recess appointments in
the way it did, such as by not following precedents set by prior
administrations (including Teddy Roosevelt) and filling some Board spots
that the Senate never had time to fill, the Administration adopted a
stance that was very hard to defend, so it could not attract a single
vote.” (My organization, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, filed an
amicus brief in the case before it reached the Supreme Court.)
The administration’s expansive view of its own enumerated powers is
disturbing. But it should not be surprising. It is in the nature of
executive power to seek to accrue more power. Throughout history,
executives have claimed more power for themselves, whether by imperial
decree or the new variant of “pen and phone.” And they’re not just
raiding the legislature. Executives have a tendency to usurp judicial
power too, whether by Star Chamber or administrative court.
This is why free societies must always be on guard against executive
“mission creep.” As James Madison said, “There are more instances of the
abridgment of freedoms of the people by gradual and silent encroachment
of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”
Now, about that chaser. In its decision on the EPA rule (where the court
only slightly limited the agency’s ability to regulate emissions from
stationary sources), four of the nine justices agreed that the EPA
should have the power to rewrite the law. When the English Parliament
gave Henry VIII such a power in 1539, the philosopher David Hume later
said that it “made by one act a total subversion of the English
constitution.” In other words, basic freedom from executive law-making
survived by just one vote last week.
So, while the idea of liberty is extremely resilient, its practical
restraint on government by such means as constitutions is always
fragile. The question therefore must be whether we can develop
“antifragile” institutions of liberty.
Perhaps. The developing “sharing economy” might be seen as a “sharing
constitution” in its early stages. Uber’s righteously defiant reaction
to the Commonwealth of Virginia’s “cease and desist” orders may be an
indicator of a way forward. Yes, the road from Virginia traffic court to
constitutional convention is a long one, but could we be seeing an
“application revolution” in action that increases citizens’ power over
runaway executive magistrates?
Yes, the left hates America
By Tom Toth
The left hates America. That’s why they want to fundamentally transform it.
When Barack Obama first ventured to occupy the Oval Office, the purpose
of his presidency would be to “fundamentally transform of United
States.” An ear-pleasing term for far-left activists excited to move on
from the George W. Bush administration with the progressive freshman
Senator for Illinois, and a term that was spoken with absolute truth and
Fundamental transformation is a change to the core, the very fiber of what makes up the subject of the transformation.
In this case, it’s the United States. The desire for fundamental
transformation of America begins with Obama’s base. A recent poll
conducted by Pew Research found that only 40 percent identifying as
“solid liberals” feel proud to be an American—a strikingly low number
especially when considering that the poll was taken after a half decade
of a “solid liberal’s” second term in the White House. What exactly
needs to happen for the other 60 percent of liberals to be proud of the
United States?
The Affordable Care Act has passed, transforming the entire United
States healthcare system into a bureaucratic monstrosity that’s somehow
managed to work even less efficiently than the rest of Washington’s
sluggish government programs.
The IRS was used to successfully target Conservative groups and their
donors over the course of two campaign cycles, financially stifling
limited government non-profits organizations from receiving legal
non-profit status and disproportionately auditing those who financially
supported their operations.
The EPA made regulations that have killed the future development of coal
plants and new regulations arbitrarily cutting 30 percent of carbon
dioxide “pollutants” threaten the stability of the entire energy
development industry.
NASA’s highest operational priority is “to find a way to reach out to
the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to
help them feel good about their historic contribution to science.”
The United States completely pulled out of Iraq, opening the door for
Islamic radicals to pillage and plunder the cities American servicemen
and women died to control. Any doubts about these Caliphate-seeking
crazies were wiped away by images this week of the tomb of the Biblical
Prophet Jonah in Mosel, Iraq being sledgehammered. In Afghanistan,
Obama’s given an arbitrary American exit date to Islamic
militants so that they can prepare to do the same.
The United States Department of Justice is no longer enforcing
immigration laws and hundreds of thousands are crossing across the
United States’ sovereign borders without fear of deportation.
The demands from the far left base that voted Barack Obama into office
have been dually fulfilled—but the pride is still not there. The nation
has still not been fundamentally transformed.
The Tea Party represents the America that the left wants fundamentally
transformed. Barack Obama and the 60 percent of liberals who are not
proud to be Americans resent what America is, where it came from, what
its values are, and the citizens who tirelessly advocate for that
Barack Obama sees his time in office screaming toward an abrupt end with
his primary mission yet to be fulfilled. Before that inevitable day,
he’s doing everything in his power to see America, as everyday Americans
know it, brought to its knees (see: IRS targeting, refusal to enforce
federal law).
“The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened that any
other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults.” If
America is still indeed great, then Americans are capable of achieving
what Alexis de Tocqueville observed two hundred years ago about our
ability to fix the mess our representatives in government are bound to
Until that happens however, the fight for fundamental transformation rages on.
Chimpanzee intelligence is determined by their genes not their environment, researchers say
A chimpanzee’s intelligence is largely determined by the genes they inherit from their parents, reveals a new study.
It found Chimpanzees raised by humans turn out to be no cleverer than those given an ape upbringing.
Research into chimp intelligence could help scientists get a better handle on human IQ, say scientists.
The study involved 99 chimpanzees, ranging in age from nine to 54, who
completed 13 cognitive tasks designed to test a variety of abilities.
The scientists then analysed the genetics of the chimps and compared
their ability to complete the tasks in relation to their genetic
Genes were found to play a role in overall cognitive abilities, as well
as the performance on tasks in several categories, the scientists
This is because while genes also play a major role in human
intelligence, factors such as schooling, home life, economic status, and
the culture a person is born in complicate the picture.
Previous studies have suggested that genetics account for around a quarter to a half of variations in human intelligence.
The new research involving 99 chimpanzees from a wide range of ages
showed that genes explained about 50% of the differences seen in their
intelligence test scores.
Chimps raised by human caretakers did no better in the tasks than individuals brought up by their chimpanzee mothers.
'Intelligence runs in families,' Dr. William Hopkins from the Yerkes
National Primate Research Center in Atlanta, who ran the study, said.
'The suggestion here is that genes play a really important role in their
performance on tasks while non-genetic factors didn’t seem to explain a
lot. So that’s new.'
He believes the experiment could shed new light on human
intelligence. 'Chimps offer a really simple way of thinking about
how genes might influence intelligence without, in essence, the baggage
of these other mechanisms that are confounded with genes in research on
human intelligence.
'What specific genes underlie the observed individual differences in
cognition is not clear, but pursuing this question may lead to candidate
genes that changed in human evolution and allowed for the emergence of
some human-specific specialisations in cognition.
Why Countries Must Pay Their Debts
Many countries have, over the past few decades, sought debt
restructuring from the IMF and other international institutions, and
others have sought outright cancellation of their debts, such as Mexico
in 1982 and 1994, Russia in 1996, Argentina in 2001, and Hungary in
Debt cancellation for the world’s poorest countries in the wake of the
2005 Gleneagles Summit has made such cancellations seem acceptable in
the course of international affairs. As a result of this, as well as a
result of rapid economic growth in the developing world, debt as a
percent of gross national income has fallen significantly
Yet debt remains a persistent problem in many countries. Headlines have
been grabbed in recent weeks by Argentina’s most recent rumbling about
debt repayment. A recent U.S. federal court ruling, which was then
upheld by the Supreme Court, instructs Argentina to repay its American
creditors. Argentina’s president, Christina Fernandez de Kirchner, has
accused the U.S. government of being unfair, and even extortionate.
The case of Argentina reveals the problem with debt forgiveness: it
gives the perverse incentive to governments to run up debts they know
they will not have to pay. America should stick by its guns and ensure
the repayment of its loans.
People are more irresponsible when they do not face the consequences of
their actions. The same is true of states. When a state is not liable
for the risks it takes, it has an incentive to increase its risk. This
is the case in debt cancellation. When the developing country does not
have to pay off its debt, it has no reason to concern itself with
spending loans effectively; if things get bad they can simply have their
debt forgiven.
The moral hazard problem causes the further perverse incentive for
elites within countries to allow their people to suffer as a means of
expediting acknowledgment by the creditor countries that they cannot
possibly pay off their debts. It is pure folly to allow countries to
renege on their lawfully accrued debts.
When one state, or group of states, is awarded a debt cancellation, fear
of similar provisions being made for other states may be aroused in
investors. This will lead to panic and movement of investment funds from
developing world economies, which are already considered relatively
more risky, to safer investments in the developed world.
By paying off their debts, however painful such payments may be in the
present, not having to kowtow to creditors ensures their independence
and engenders respect, rather than pity or contempt in a country’s
neighbors. Default breeds contempt.
Developing countries must resolve their internal corruption and
organizational problems that prevent them from effective development. In
the case of Argentina, Ms. Kirchner must accept responsibility for her
government’s profligacy and quit acting like a petulant child.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
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here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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11 July, 2014
Even Leftists Question Obama's Immigration Policies
Barack Obama is in Texas doing four fundraisers instead of visiting the
geographical line that passes for a border. Republican Gov. Rick Perry
declined Obama’s invitation to meet for an Air Force One photo op,
suggesting that they have a more substantive meeting. The subject:
Immigration. The new flood of illegals is overwhelming border states,
the Border Patrol and the nation. And it’s almost entirely by design.
Obama has now urged Congress to provide $3.7 billion in emergency
funding to deal with the “humanitarian crisis” his own policies created.
Of course he didn’t quite put it that way. By some estimates, we are
already spending $252 per day per illegal child, but the president’s
go-to plan for any crisis is more spending. And as Sen. Tom Coburn
(R-OK) notes of Obama’s emergency request, “That’s $60,000 per child.”
Update: Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) says, “This isn’t a funding problem,
it’s an enforcement problem. … I’d be happy to give the president $3.7
billion to secure the border if I thought he’d actually do it. But time
and again President Obama has shown that he cares more about the
interests of illegal immigrants than of law abiding citizens. Congress
shouldn’t give President Obama a single penny until we see him use the
current resources to secure the border, increase interior enforcement,
and reduce illegal immigration.”
Supposedly, the money is only part of an aggressive response to the
crisis. The funds would be divided among various agencies – the
Department of Health and Human Services to care for children, and the
Department of Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement
for “border security” and transporting children. But there’s also some
funding included for fighting wildfires in the West. Naturally.
The plan originally included hiring additional immigration judge teams
and expediting immigration repatriation proceedings, but after angry
pro-illegal immigration groups began complaining, Obama backpedalled.
“It would take away their right to council, right to proper screening,”
Leslie Holman, president of the American Immigration Lawyers
Association, whined. “It would undermine completely due process.” So,
the extra judicial teams and the expedited hearings are out.
Of the children, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest explained
they’re not trying to avoid authorities – they want to be found. The
kids expect that after the detention nonsense they’ll be allowed to
remain in the country. Join the gravy train. Earnest hopes Congress will
act promptly with the emergency requests – otherwise Obama might just
have to do something on his own.
Officials claim that these immigrants are entering the U.S. to escape
violence in their homelands, but a leaked DHS security report tells a
different story. The fact that virtually no one is ever deported
motivates these kids more than poverty or violence. In 2013, only 0.1%
of illegal Central American minors were deported. It may be dangerous to
cross Mexico, but the potential rewards are great.
The report also says, “The same family members or sponsors are appearing
several times to claim different children from the custody of U.S.
authorities.” And almost all of the families are illegals too.
Even some Democrats are now criticizing the Big O’s handling of this
mess, and his media toadies are questioning how he’ll escape it. Rep.
Henry Cuellar (D-TX) complained, “With all due respect to the
administration, they’re one step behind. They should have seen this
[flood of children] coming a long time ago.” Not only that, Cuellar
said, “If he wants to do the fundraisers first and then after that stop
by the border, it’s not too far away. I think it would be good for him
to put a face to it, but, again, it looks like he’s dug in, not wanting
to come.”
The Leftmedia, too, is growing alarmed, though in their typical
sycophantic way. NBC News presented the crisis facing Obama with grave
concern. “Obama can’t afford the perception that his policies have
encouraged an uncontrolled flow of young people across the border,” NBC
reporter John Harwood said. “He’s got to do something to stem that
tide.” It’s more than perception.
USA Today’s Susan Page described the border mess as a potential “Katrina
moment” for Obama. “This is unacceptable to more than Republicans on
immigration, the situation we have there,” she said. “And boy is that
going to anger some of his core constituents who have wanted him to do
more on immigration, not less.” The trouble with her analogy is that
George W. Bush didn’t create the hurricane.
The Associated Press perhaps unintentionally lays bare the president’s
craven political strategy, saying he “wants to keep the focus of the
debate in this midterm election” on Republicans he’s “accused of
blocking progress on a comprehensive overhaul of America’s immigration
laws.” Still, however, the AP casts the president as a victim of
circumstances, saying, “He announced … that, due to a lack of progress
on Capitol Hill, he was moving forward to seek out ways to adjust U.S.
immigration policy without congressional approval.” Furthermore, this
“crisis has put him in the difficult position of asking Congress for
more money and authority to send the children back home at the same time
he’s seeking ways to allow millions of other people already in the U.S.
illegally to stay.”
It’s not surprising to see hurt feelings in the media, though, as Media
Research Center President Brent Bozell observed: “Imagine after Katrina
that reporters are getting ready to go to New Orleans, and the Bush
administration says to reporters, ‘Now one thing: no recording devices,
no questions, no interacting with staff or children, no photos and no
interviews. But other than that you can cover Katrina,’” he said. “The
response would be that this is the statement of a dictatorship.” And yet
too often they’re barely able to muster any real criticism of Obama.
The president may wax eloquent about “humanitarian” needs, but make no
mistake – he will use the kids flooding across the border as nothing
more than political pawns to advance his agenda.
Immigration atrocity: The story of Bryan Price and Oleksandra Bronova
Bryan Price is a U.S. Marine veteran who married his wife Oleksandra, a
Ukrainian national. The two are legally married, however after violence
broke out in Ukraine this past spring, the two fled the violence and
relocated to Mexico.
Oleksandra Bronova graduated from Cambridge University. She speaks five
languages and could be a productive member of whatever country would
take her in. She literally had to flee a civil war and hoped that having
legitimately married an American, she could immigrate legally to the
United States.
Seeing everything that was going on at the border, how illegal aliens
being let into the country no-questions-asked, Bryan and Oleksandra
gathered up their belongings and headed to the nearest border crossing.
Upon reaching the crossing, the two handed the border patrol agent their
marriage certificate and a binder full of documents proving that
Oleksandra was a refugee fleeing her war-torn country.
However, unlike the Hispanic children who were being let into the
country scot-free, Oleksandra was immediately handcuffed by border
patrol and separated from her husband.
The couple had planned on trying to get a special entry into the United
States, and if things went wrong, the two planned to return to their
home in Mexico to try a different approach. They never got that
opportunity. Rather than being turned away, Oleksandra was arrested and
she has spent the past two weeks in a MAXIMUM SECURITY PRISON!
Tell Congress to intervene and stop the Obama administration from
holding Oleksandra Bronova in a maximum-security prison while gang
members are being set free!
So let’s get this straight… a Hispanic mother comes to the country and
gets a slap on the wrist and a Greyhound ticket to anywhere in the
country. But when a Marine veteran’s wife, a refugee from a war-torn
country, comes with legitimate paperwork to try and enter the country,
she gets thrown in a maximum-security Prison?
This couple didn’t do anything wrong. They didn’t sneak into the
country… they approached a border checkpoint with documents in hand in
search of help. If they were denied, they planned on returning to Mexico
and seeking help through other channels. And instead of welcoming this
Cambridge graduate and veteran’s wife into the country, we threw her in
the worst prison we possibly could…
This is shameful! What is wrong with this country? Where did we go wrong?
Words can’t describe how angry I am at how the Obama administration is
handling this border crisis. The fact that 300,000 illegal aliens have
been caught-and-released since APRIL is shocking. But what is even worse
is the fact that while Democrats are chomping at the bit to hand out
lollipops to illegal aliens (aka future Democrat voters), legitimate
immigrants like Oleksandra are being refused entry.
This woman didn’t try to break into this country. She hasn’t asked for a
handout or government assistance. She doesn’t want ANYTHING from you
and I, other than a chance to live out her life with her American
husband away from war-torn Ukraine.
And instead of hearing her out and putting her in touch with someone who
could help, she was arrested and thrown into a maximum-security prison.
This woman doesn’t belong in prison… she belongs at home with her husband!
When we focused on the military father who was going to lose custody of
his daughter because he was deployed and couldn’t appear in court, we
got tons of likeminded Conservatives to hammer Congress with thousands
of faxes. And that ultimately got the attention of a handful of
Congressmen who got involved in the case.
We need to do the same thing here! We need everyone to stand up and call
attention to the hypocrisy of the Democrats’ amnesty push. This isn’t
about fixing our immigration system. If it was, Oleksandra Bronova
wouldn’t be in a maximum-security prison simply because she asked to be
admitted into the United States!
Tell Congress to intervene and STOP the Obama administration from
holding Oleksandra Bronova in a maximum-security prison while gang
members are being set free!
Saddened by the state of our country,
IAF destroys homes of all Hamas commanders, kills senior members
In recent air strikes on Gaza, all of the homes of Hamas brigade
commanders have been destroyed, Israel Radio reported early on
According to a report by the Palestinian news agency Ma'an, one of the
homes targeted was that of senior Islamic Jihad terrorist Hafiz Mohammed
Hamad. In the strike early on Tuesday, Hamad and five of his family
members were reportedly killed.
In a separate incident, a joint IDF-Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency)
operation struck a vehicle containing a commander of Hamas's naval
commando unit, Muhammad Sa'aban, aged 24, on Tuesday.
Palestinian media reported that four Hamas people in total were killed in the targeted strike on the vehicle.
Sa'aban's commando unit operated in northern Gaza, security forces said.
He was immediately killed in the strike. Sa'aban was a resident of
Jabalia in Gaza.
The strike came hours after the IDF launched Operation Protective Edge
in an effort to quell increased rocket fire from Gaza into southern
Israel in recent weeks.
Later on Tuesday, the air force struck three homes in Gaza used by Hamas
as command and control centers for enabling rocket fire against Israel.
The homes belonged to Muhammad Sba'at, a senior member of Hamas's rocket
launching formations in Beit Hanount, who was involved in several
recent rocket attacks against Israel, Amin Ibrahim Al-Alba'an, a Hamas
member, and Abu Jarad, a Hamas member from northern Gaza who has been
engaged in terrorism against Israel.
Palestinians said six people were killed and about 25 wounded in one of the houses attacked.
Some 100 targets in Gaza have been struck by the IAF since the operation
began, including homes used by Hamas and Islamic Jihad members,
underground rocket launchers, underground attack tunnels, remote rocket
launch infrastructure, training camps, and additional centers of
terrorist activities.
Since midnight Tuesday, some 30 rockets fired from the Gaza Strip have exploded in Israel.
The Iron Dome anti-rocket system has intercepted six rockets.
Palestinians say that a total of 24 people have been killed in IAF strikes since Operation Defensive Edge began.
It’s Not True that 20 Million Americans Gained Coverage Under Obamacare
A new report from the Commonwealth Fund claims 20 million Americans
“gained coverage under the Affordable Care Act as of May 1.” But a
closer look at that number reveals it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.
First, the authors, Dr. David Blumenthal, president of Commonwealth, and
Vice President Sara Collins, get to the 20 million by adding together 1
million young adults who gained coverage under a parent’s policy, 8
million consumers who selected a marketplace plan, 5 million who
purchased directly from an insurer, and 6 million who enrolled in
Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program.
Also, the authors admit the 20 million figure does not distinguish
between those who were previously insured and those who were not – even
though the previously insured would not be “gaining” coverage but merely
replacing one form of coverage with another.
And what about those 5 million who purchased coverage outside the
exchanges? Is it fair to say they “gained” coverage because of the ACA?
The authors site a Congressional Budget Office April 2014 report.
Indeed, the CBO said, “[R]oughly 5 million people will enroll in
ACA-compliant plans outside of the exchanges each year from 2014-2024.”
(Page 9)
However, in the following paragraph, the CBO writes, “In the absence of
the ACA, 9 million to 10 million people would have enrolled in nongroup
coverage each year from 2014 through 2024, CBO and [the Joint Committee
on Taxation] estimate. With roughly 5 million people expected to enroll
in nongroup plans in years after 2015 under the ACA (excluding those
people who purchase policies in the exchanges), that number will be 4
million to 5 million lower under the ACA than the number projected in
the absence of the law.” (Emphasis added)
CBO is clearly projecting that net enrollment in the non-exchange
individual market will decline (presumably because CBO believes that a
portion of current individual market enrollees will seek subsidized
replacement coverage in the exchanges as a result of the law).
Therefore, here again, those 5 million projected enrollees do not
represent a “gain” in coverage.
The 20 million figure sounds like a breakthrough, but the truth is the
gains in coverage are not as strong as they are portrayed.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
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10 July, 2014
Eric Holder Attacks Another Voter ID Law!
The right to vote is paramount in our society. No one is denying
that. However, just as it is important to protect voter rights, it
is equally important to ensure that illegal voters do not cancel out
American voters.
There is plenty of evidence to suggest that voter fraud exists. Melowese
Richardson was a poll worker in Ohio who was caught voting for
President Obama more than once. When she was released from prison early,
she received a hero’s welcome from Al Sharpton and the Democratic
Then you read stories of how 3000 registered voters in Florida listed a
single UPS store as their address. Nothing to see here, just three
thousand people registered to vote in FLORIDA out of a storefront…
The sad thing is that even a few hundred fraudulent votes can swing an election one way or another.
George W. Bush won Florida and then the Presidency by a 500-vote margin.
Five hundred and thirty seven votes ultimately decided the 2000
Presidential election.
It is no coincidence that instances of voter fraud, when they are
discovered, come from so-called “swing states.” There’s no need to push
for illegal votes in states like New York and California. The risk isn’t
worth the reward because these states already vote overwhelmingly for
Democrats. However, when entire states can potentially be decided by a
few hundred votes, all of a sudden voter fraud seems a lot more
To clamp down on voter fraud, many states have passed Voter ID
requirements. Instead of just asking a prospective voter to sign his or
her signature, many states now require voters to show a photo ID before
they are allowed to enter the booth.
This is a common sense solution to a problem that could truly have
catastrophic consequences. We are talking about electing representatives
with the power to take the United States to war. We are talking about
electing presidents with access to nuclear launch codes. Elections are
serious business and the least we can do is ensure that only authorized
individuals are casting their ballots.
This logic hasn’t stopped Attorney General Eric Holder from attacking
states with Voter ID requirements. Even though the Supreme Court of the
United States upheld Indiana’s Voter ID law as constitutional, Eric
Holder’s Justice Department continues to target Voter ID states!
Asking for Voter ID is not a crime! Tell Congress to protect the
sanctity of the vote and STOP Eric Holder from attacking states’ Voter
ID laws!
Now, Eric Holder has announced that he is suing the State of North Carolina for its “discriminatory” Voter ID law.
This is a talking point that the Left loves to throw around. They argue
that forcing citizens to show a photo ID at a polling place would place
an unnecessary burden on poor and minority communities where few possess
photo identification.
The problem with this ridiculous liberal argument two-fold:
First of all, it is next to impossible to survive in twenty-first
century America without a driver’s license or some other form of ID. You
need photo identification to board an airplane, rent an apartment, open
a bank account, and to apply for government assistance programs like
food stamps and Medicaid. You need a photo ID to drive a car, buy
cigarettes or alcohol, receive medical treatment at a hospital, and buy a
firearm. You need a photo ID to buy cough medicine, get married, travel
abroad, and to get a job.
To suggest that living in America without some form of government-issued
identification is normal is absolutely ridiculous! If the number of
people without photo ID really is so large, the government should spend
less time suing states like North Carolina and more time helping these
people get to their local DMVs!
Second of all, Voter ID laws are not a new phenomenon and every shred of
evidence out there suggests that these photo identification
requirements actually increase voter turnout, especially in minority
From 2011 to 2013, when Texas instituted its own Voter ID law, turnout
in off-year state-wide referendum elections increased by 63%! In many
predominantly Hispanic districts, voter turnout increased four-fold over
this time period. If requiring photo identification is so racist,
wouldn’t we expect to see less minority voters after the law went into
The same is true for North Carolina, the very state that Eric Holder is
suing. When you compare primary election turnout from 2010 (before the
Voter ID law) to 2014 (after), the data shows that voter turnout
increased across the board, particularly among African American voters
where it increased by 29.5%.
How can Voter ID be racist if it increased African American voter turnout in North Carolina by 29.5%???
Eric Holder doesn’t care about facts. He just regurgitates the same
stale Democrat talking points in order to go after the President’s
Voter ID isn’t racist! The only thing racist is the fact that the
Democrats think minority voters are too poor or stupid to figure out how
to obtain a photo identification card!
We need to protect our electoral system. With what is going on at the
Southern Border, Voter ID is more important now than it ever has been.
Together, we can rally behind this and stop Eric Holder from targeting
North Carolina’s law.
But that isn’t good enough! We need to force Congress to institute a
national Voter ID law! When the alternative is having illegal aliens
pick our Representatives, Senators, and Presidents, we simply cannot
afford to leave our electoral system vulnerable to fraud!
Obama: treacherous or incompetent?
For many, it is difficult to decide whether Barack Obama is
intentionally trying to destroy the United States or that he is doing so
as a consequence of some type of ideology-induced stupidity.
The damage wrought through the implementation of his absurd and
impractical liberal "solutions" to national problems is readily evident.
When Barack Obama was inaugurated on January 20, 2009 the national debt
of the United States was $10,626,877,048,913. As of Jun 26, 2014, the
debt was $17,512,592,730,102.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in 2007 on the eve of
the recession, there were 146.6 million Americans working. Today, after
six years of the Obama Administration, there are 145.8 million
Americans in jobs, 800,000 below the previous peak. Since Obama came
into office in 2009, 7.2 million people have left the workforce, making
the true unemployment rate 8.3 percent, not 6.1 percent. Median
household income is down almost $2,300 from what it was when Obama took
office. Real wages are lower than they were in 1999. Growth in the first
quarter of this year was a negative 2.9%, the biggest downward revision
from the agency's second GDP estimate since records began in 1976.
In April, prior to the present massive and growing surge in illegal
minor immigration, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) said Obama has created an
"open borders" situation by failing to enforce U.S. immigration law.
One could fairly conclude that the current crisis was a deliberate
policy decision because the Obama indicated that he would expand
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a program that offers
amnesty for illegal immigrant children and provides an incentive for
exactly the type of mass illegal invasion we are witnessing on our
southern border.
There should be little doubt that Obama's open borders policy is meant
to fundamentally transform the country's demographics, produce millions
of additional Democratic voters and welfare recipients and permanently
undermine the national security of the United States.
The ATF "Fast and Furious" scheme, likely designed to erode Second
Amendment rights, allowed weapons from the U.S. to "walk" across the
border into the hands of Mexican drug dealers. The ATF lost track of
hundreds of firearms, many of which were used in crimes, including the
December 2010 killing of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.
Obama's IRS targeted his perceived political enemies, conservative and
pro-Israel groups, prior to the 2012 election. Questions are being
raised about why this occurred, who ordered it, whether there was any
White House involvement and whether there was an initial effort to hide
who knew about the targeting and when. Obama apparently lied when he
told Fox News' Bill O'Reilly that there was "not even a smidgen of
corruption" in IRS activities.
The Obama administration knew about allegations of secret waiting lists
at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) as early as 2010, although,
on May 19, 2014, White House spokesman claimed Obama learned about the
scandal only recently through press reports.
The unfolding sectarian violence in Iraq is just the latest crisis where
the Obama administration seemingly has been caught off guard. From the
Veterans Affairs scandal to Russia's swift annexation of Crimea, news of
the world somehow keeps taking Obama and his team by surprise. Or are
they just lying to camouflage flawed or failed policies, which have
harmed the United States?
The attack on our "consulate" in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 was
perhaps the most egregious of Obama's many foreign policy failures
because four Americans needlessly died due to a failure to provide
adequate protection both before and during the attack.
Obama falsely blamed an internet video as the cause of the attack to
hide the truth: the resurgence of jihadists in Muslim
Brotherhood-governed Egypt, the continuing demand for the Blind Sheikh's
release (which underscored the jihadists' influence), and the very real
danger that jihadists would attack the embassy (which demonstrated that
al-Qaeda was anything but "decimated").
It is likely that a clandestine operation supplying weapons through
Turkey to the Syrian rebels was being run out of Benghazi. Efforts were
made not to draw attention to what was happening there. That could
explain why local militias were paid to provide security, why requests
for increased security were denied and why the US military was either
unprepared to respond or told not to do so.
A Benghazi cover-up may have also prevented a thorough examination of
the possible passivity or complicity of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood
government in the attacks in Cairo and Benghazi and the potentially
dangerous consequences of arming Islamic factions in Syria over which
the US has little control, where the weapons we supplied may someday be
used against us.
It should be obvious that Obama lied about Benghazi, he lied about
Obamacare, the IRS, the VA scandal and in countless other instances.
Nevertheless, the liberal media remain willfully ignorant, will not
report the truth and continue to protect Obama, regardless of the costs
to the country.
Obama will survive in office until public awareness of his
administration's treachery matches its level of incompetence and exceeds
the media's capacity to tolerate corruption.
Jimmy Carter made mistakes. Barack Obama, a creator of crises, practices deceit and the willful betrayal of trust.
It does matter whether the damage inflicted upon our country results from ineptitude or premeditation.
It is ideology-induced treachery.
The Daydream and the Nightmare
Obama isn't doing his job. He's waiting for history to recognize his greatness
I don't know if we sufficiently understand how weird and strange, how
historically unparalleled, this presidency has become. We've got a
sitting president who was just judged in a major poll to be the worst
since World War II. The worst president in 70 years! Quinnipiac
University's respondents also said, by 54% to 44%, that the Obama
administration is not competent to run the government. A Zogby Analytics
survey asked if respondents are proud or ashamed of the president.
Those under 50 were proud, while those over 50, who have of course the
longest experienced sense of American history, were ashamed.
We all know the reasons behind the numbers. The scandals that suggest
poor stewardship and, in the case of the IRS, destructive political
mischief. The president's signature legislation, which popularly bears
his name and contains within it the heart of his political meaning,
continues to wreak havoc in marketplaces and to be unpopular with the
public. He is incapable of working with Congress, the worst at this
crucial aspect of the job since Jimmy Carter, though Mr. Carter at least
could work with the Mideast and produced the Camp David Accords. Mr.
Obama has no regard for Republicans and doesn't like to be with
Democrats. Internationally, small states that have traditionally been
the locus of trouble (the Mideast) are producing more of it, while large
states that have been more stable in their actions (Russia, China) are
newly, starkly aggressive.
That's a long way of saying nothing's working.
Which I'm sure you've noticed.
But I'm not sure people are noticing the sheer strangeness of how the
president is responding to the lack of success around him. He once
seemed a serious man. He wrote books, lectured on the Constitution. Now
he seems unserious, frivolous, shallow. He hangs with celebrities, plays
golf. His references to Congress are merely sarcastic: "So sue me."
"They don't do anything except block me. And call me names. It can't be
that much fun."
In a truly stunning piece in early June, Politico's Carrie Budoff Brown
and Jennifer Epstein interviewed many around the president and reported a
general feeling that events have left him-well, changed. He is "taking
fuller advantage of the perquisites of office," such as hosting
"star-studded dinners that sometimes go on well past midnight." He
travels, leaving the White House more in the first half of 2014 than any
other time of his presidency except his re-election year. He enjoys
talking to athletes and celebrities, not grubby politicians, even
members of his own party. He is above it all.
On his state trip to Italy in the spring, he asked to spend time with
"interesting Italians." They were wealthy, famous. The dinner went for
four hours. The next morning his staff were briefing him for a "60
Minutes" interview about Ukraine and health care. "One aide paraphrased
Obama's response: 'Just last night I was talking about life and art, big
interesting things, and now we're back to the minuscule things on
politics.' ''
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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9 July, 2014
Clinton was fired for obstructing Nixon probe: book
Hillary Clinton might be hoping no one buys “Nixon’s Secrets” — Roger
Stone’s new book marking the 40th anniversary of the Watergate scandal.
Stone — a Nixon staffer who is so partisan he has a tattoo of his old
boss’ face on his back — reports that Clinton was fired as a staff
lawyer for the House of Representatives’ Judiciary Committee for
“writing fraudulent legal briefs, lying to investigators and
confiscating public documents.”
Yale Law School grad Clinton was 26 in 1974 when she started working for
the committee that was investigating whether or not there was enough
evidence to impeach or prosecute President Nixon for the Watergate
Clinton’s boss, Jerry Zeifman, the general counsel and chief of staff to
the Watergate Committee, claims he fired her because she was working to
impede the investigation and undermine Nixon’s defense.
“Hillary’s lies and unethical behavior goes back farther — and goes much
deeper — than anyone realizes,” Zeifman told Fox News in 2008. When
asked why he fired Clinton, Zeifman responded, “Because she is a liar.”
In 2008, after Hillary campaigned in his home state of Connecticut,
Zeifman wrote that he regretted “I had not reported her unethical
practices to the appropriate bar associations .?.?. Nixon clearly had
right to counsel, but Hillary .?.?. wrote a fraudulent legal brief and
confiscated public documents to hide her deception.”
Burgeoning Regulations Threaten Our Humanity
Insofar as mainstream economics may be said to make moral-philosophical
assumptions, it rests overwhelmingly on a consequentialist-utilitarian
foundation. When mainstream economists say that an action is worthwhile,
they mean that it is expected to give rise to benefits whose total
value exceeds its total cost (that is, the most valued benefit
necessarily forgone by virtue of this particular action’s being taken).
But nearly always the economists make no attempt to evaluate as part of
their benefit-cost calculus any costs that might be incurred as a result
of how and by whom the action is taken.
Often they verge on the assumption that benefits and costs exist apart
from those who take the action, even though this assumption clashes with
the foundational principles of their science. Thus, in benefit-cost
calculations, economists often attach a value to certain expected
benefits (e.g., the dollar value of lives saved as a result of a safety
regulation) and compare this value to the dollar outlays by the
government that imposes and enforces the regulation and by the private
parties who are compelled to comply with it, often at great private
I cannot recall, however, ever seeing a benefit-cost computation that
attaches any cost valuation to the loss of freedom by the regulated
parties. It is as if it matters not at all that an action is mandated,
as opposed to freely chosen. Freedom itself is, in effect, considered
worthless, and hence its loss entails no sacrifice regarded as worthy of
receiving weight in the calculation.
On the basis of such procedures, at least in a pro forma sense,
countless regulations and laws have been imposed on the public
willy-nilly. Apart from the many questions that might be raised even in
the context of the usual benefit-cost study, one who values freedom
cannot help but be struck by how entire societies have been overwhelmed
by suffocating regulations and by how drastically people’s freedoms have
been curtailed, all under the presumption that each drop of this deluge
constituted a net improvement in social well-being. Insofar as the
trampled freedom is concerned, the motto seems to have been: nothing
valued, nothing lost.
In a more fundamental sense, the essence of such mainstream benefit-cost
calculations boils down to a glorification of the material and the
measurable and a complete denial of the spiritual. With such a
mentality, rulers justify making each of us a puppet at the end of the
strings they pull and jerk. That we value above all the capacity to make
our own decisions, to shape—insofar as the laws of nature and economics
permit—the contours of our own lives matters not a whit to our rulers
and their apparatchiki. They know what is best for us to do and to
refrain from doing—indeed, they have the numerical studies to prove that
they know best!
Freedom, however, needs no benefit-cost justification. To deprive us of
it is to deprive us of a priceless part of what makes us human beings,
rather than programmed robots or puppets on strings. For too long people
have deferred to the imagined expertise and superior judgment of those
who presume to rule them even in the tiniest details of their daily
lives. Little by little, as mentalities adjust to such continuously
growing controls, people are losing not only latitude for
self-direction, but a core part of their very humanity.
In the most economically developed parts of the world, this process has
already proceeded so far that one wonders whether the Communists’ vision
of creating a New Man was so far-fetched after all. For the sake of our
humanity, for the sake of our very souls, we must challenge the
continuation of this onslaught. No doubt you and I may sometimes decide
badly in one way or another, but unless we have the freedom to make
decisions for ourselves—and, as the necessary correlate, the obligation
to bear full responsibility for any harm we cause in the process—we
shall ultimately find ourselves in that horrifying dystopia where
everything that is not required is forbidden and where we are no longer
truly human at all.
When Government Spending Made Sense
Did you know that in the year 1803 President Thomas Jefferson presided
over the purchase of 828,000 square miles (529,920,000 acres) of land
west of the Mississippi River, the so-called Louisiana territory,
consisting of all or part of 15 present day U.S. states and two Canadian
provinces, by the government of the United States of America, for the
sum of only $15 million dollars – just $300 million in the value of
today’s dollars?
For that we Americans got all of today’s Aransas, Missouri, Iowa,
Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska, parts of Minnesota, most of North and
South Dakota, northeastern New Mexico, northern Texas, and the parts of
Montana, Wyoming and Colorado east of the Continental Divide, plus
Louisiana west of the Mississippi River, including the City of New
You see, in 1803 our politicians were frugal and Thomas Jefferson got us
real value for our money. That’s when government spending made sense.
He bargained with France for more than half a billion acres – about a
third of the land in present day America – for a paltry .04 cents per
Sadly, today it’s a far different story. Our nation is now in debt to
the tune of more than $17 trillion, $583 billion, and $720 million
dollars – a sum which is rapidly escalating by the second. Federal
spending during just this year alone as of today’s date totals more than
$3 trillion, $514 billion, and $738 million dollars.
President Jefferson, in 1803 could have purchased the entire
planet Earth for less than a fraction of what our government is spending
in 2014.
Compare that with today’s government spending sprees. Last year, for
just one example, the Pentagon spent $572 million to buy only 30
Russian-built military helicopters for Afghan security forces. All of
that money has been flushed down the toilet as America is pulling out of
Afghanistan and the Taliban will be taking over the country and the
Jefferson spent only about half that much money and we lucky Americans
received in perpetuity about a third of the land in our entire nation.
We’ll own that land forever and it cost us less than 30 Russian
helicopters abandoned in Afghanistan. Would you rather have 828,000
square miles of prime American heartland or 30 Russian made helicopters
for twice the price to donate to Afghani terrorists?
Our politicians today are spending on a cost adjusted basis in just one
day more than what Thomas Jefferson spent during his entire presidency
and the average American citizen is getting absolutely nothing to show
for it.
Today we have American unmanned military drones costing almost $4
million each falling out of the sky and crashing like dead flies at the
rate of more than 400 drones lost in only the last 12 years. They’ve
slammed into homes, farms, runways, highways, waterways and, in one
case, an Air Force C-130 Hercules transport plane in midair.
The military owns about 10,000 of these unmanned drones, and by 2017,
the armed forces plan to fly drones from at least 110 bases in 39
states, plus Guam and Puerto Rico. No one in the government expects any
of these drones to last very long. They’re disposable.
Our politicians today have no qualms about disposing of $4 million
dollars like so many dirty tissues of Kleenex. I think it’s about time
that they and their legions of government bureaucrats started spending
again like it was done in 1803.
That was when government spending made sense
Poor Billionaire (Relatively Speaking)
Suppose that you are Nicholas Woodman. You awaken one morning and
discover from a news report that Bill Gates is 55 times – 55 times! -
financially richer than you are. How do you feel?
Envious? Of course. Relatively deprived? How could you
not suffer such a deflating sentiment?
In an absolute sense, you must admit, you live quite well. You are
one of the richest human beings ever to trod this earth (and, indeed,
one of the richest to trod it in the relatively prosperous early 21st
century). Yet you understand from the “Progressive” ethos that
what really matters is not one’s absolute standard of living over the
course of a lifetime. Instead, what matters (according to this
ethos) is relative financial rankings today – that is, how much $$$ you
are currently worth relative to how much $$$ other people are currently
worth. If other people have a great deal more money than you have,
you are deprived. You are entitled to feel envious and to
pontificate about the immorality of such financial inequality.
So even though you, Nicholas Woodman, currently have a net worth of $1.3
billion, your financial wealth remains a paltry 1.8 percent of Bill
Gates’s financial fortune of $72 billion. Should you
complain? Should you demand government action to ‘redistribute’
some of Gates’s wealth to you?
Anyone who knows that you, Nicholas Woodman, are on the 2013 Forbes list
of 400 richest Americans would think you to be insufferably envious,
appallingly ungrateful, pathetically insensitive, unspeakably greedy,
and, indeed, likely mentally unbalanced if you complained and moaned
about how much more financial wealth Bill Gates currently has relative
to the amount of financial wealth that you have. You, after all,
have daily and easy access to an array of goods and services that most
people in the world can only dream, with futility, of ever
enjoying. And historically, your consumption possibilities – what
you can and do daily consume – is indescribably greater than what any of
your ancestors until just a generation or two ago could consume.
So why are you complaining?
You answer: “Because, relative to the richest American, I’m financially
poor.” And indeed, financially you have virtually nothing compared
to Mr. Gates. (What, after all, is a puny $1.3 billion relative
to $72 billion?)
And yet I’m quite confident that no one would think your complaints to
be justified. I for sure would not think that your complaints are
justified (should you in fact, rather than in my simple hypothetical
here, actually issue such complaints).
So why do we in America today think it appropriate for middle-income (or
even “poor”) Americans to complain about the financial wealth of rich
Americans? Middle-income, and even “poor,” Americans are among the
richest human beings ever to breathe. The goods and services that
ordinary and “poor” Americans today consume on a daily basis are far
larger in volume and far grander in variety than what most people on the
globe today consume on a daily basis – and unimaginably greater than
what ordinary (and even “rich”) people throughout most of history
consumed on a daily basis. Even Louis XIV never spoke in real time
with anyone who was not within earshot of Louis’s royal voice.
In 2012 (the latest year for which I can find reliable data), the mean
household income of the top 5 percent (income-wise) of American
households was only 28 times larger than the mean household income of
the bottom 20 percent (income-wise) of American households. (The
mean household income of the top 20 percent of American households was
only 16 times larger than the mean household income of the bottom 20
percent of American households.)
And the minimum annual income necessary for a household to be in the top
one percent in the U.S. in 2012 – just above $394,000 – means that even
some one-percenter households have annual incomes that are ‘only’ 34
times larger than the annual incomes of the typical households in the
bottom quintile.
In other words, the difference in the current financial income of a
typical bottom-quintile American household in 2012 from that of each of
the incomes of even some households in the top one percent is smaller
than is the difference in the current financial status of Forbes‘s
lowest-ranked American billionaire, Nicholas Woodman, (on its list of
the 400 wealthiest Americans for 2013) and that of America’s wealthiest
tycoon (Bill Gates).
So riddle me this: if we believe (as I suspect most of us do believe)
that Nicholas Woodman would have no business envying or otherwise
fretting about the size of Bill Gates’s fortune relative to his own, why
do so many of us accept as appropriate the envying and fretting by
middle-class and poor Americans about the size of the fortunes of the
top ten or top one percent? I can see no good reason.
I understand that in the above I do not distinguish as carefully as I
would in other contexts the differences between household incomes and
individual incomes. Nor do I – again, as carefully as I would in
other contexts – either explain the especially great hazards of using
data on household incomes (as opposed to individual incomes) or
distinguish between income and wealth. But none of these
distinctions is relevant for the point of this post, which is that the
difference between the financial well-being (however measured) of the
person (Woodman) at the bottom of the Forbes‘s list of 400 richest
Americans and that of the person (Gates) at the top of that list is
greater than is the difference between the financial well-being of even
poor Americans and that of many Americans in the top five percent or
even the top one percent.
If billionaire Woodman ought not complain about the wealth (or income)
of Bill Gates, then ordinary and even ‘poor’ Americans ought not
complain about the wealth (or income) of the typical person or household
in the top 20, 10, 5, or 1 percent.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
8 July, 2014
Dangerous Times: Obama the Betrayer
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the
Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my
Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United
Which of those solemn promises has Barack H. Obama not betrayed? I can’t think of a single one.
If Obama is different from other presidents, it’s not for the color of
his skin, which is just a PR hustle to blackmail suckers into proving
they aren’t racists. No: Obama will be historic for his fanatical
leftism, which has no precedent in American history. The biggest
headline is Obama’s ideology, not his race.
The left is a revolutionary cult, one that has no compunctions about
violations of laws or human rights – for what they imagine to be a
utopian cause, of course. But every single power cult in history
is all for love and peace – once it takes over. Head-chopping
Muslims sing the song of love and peace just as well as the left.
Just consider two quotes.
Karl Marx, 1848: “… there is only one means to shorten, simplify and
concentrate the murderous death throes of the old society and the bloody
birth pangs of the new, only one means – revolutionary terrorism."
Vladimir Lenin, 1918: “the fundamental feature of the concept of dictatorship of the proletariat is revolutionary violence.”
Terrorist killings of innocent civilians are exactly the same as
deliberate murder under domestic criminal law. But the left has
legitimized terrorism when it is directed against bourgeois
society. That is the key to their moral perversion. That is
also why Obama does not object to terrorism “as such.” If he cared
about Islamist terrorism in Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and all the
rest, he would also have to reject the Mau Mau terrorism that brought
his dreamed-of father to power in Kenya. (Jomo Kenyatta quickly
kicked him out of the post-colonial government.) In any case,
Obama and the indoctrinated network that now controls the United States
government consider terrorism “in a good cause” justifiable – which is
why they do not mind 9/11/01 and the whole rise of jihad terrorism
in the last forty years. If anything, the hard left wing of our
foreign policy establishment is full of excuses for clear crimes against
So far, Obama has shown utter contempt for the U.S. Constitution, for
our military, and for the crucial duties of the Department of Justice,
the Border Patrol, and the IRS. The hard left at the core of the
Democratic Party is essentially Obamanist, as expressed by Rep. Joe
The real problem is therefore not a single human being called Obama, but
an entire political apparatus that turns out Obamas like robots.
Hillary is an Alinsky acolyte, and Alinsky was simply another
revolutionary agitator – now called “community organizer” by our
party-line press. Alinsky’s biggest innovation was to make common
cause with organized crime in Chicago.
Starting with the Arab oil embargo of the 1970s, radical Muslims joined
the Alinsky axis to make the toxic triangle of revolution, criminal
mafias, and reactionary Islamism.
The historian Bat Ye’or wrote in her book, Eurabia:
[Beginning in 1973,] the combination of a powerful Eurabian lobby with
... European political, media, and educational systems produced
throughout the EU that uniform political thinking known as “political
correctness”... Dissenters were harshly censured in universities,
books, and the media.
Exactly the same media-political fear regime was implemented in the
United States. These events were not coincidental. In many
cases, we know exactly which politicians and media empires were bought
by Gulf oil dollars. Starting with the Clintons, we have seen
state mafias gain national power – first the Dixie Mafia, and now the
Chicago Machine. Obama is simply the logical outcome of forty
years of indoctrination in our politics, education, and media.
We can now see these toxic forces converging in the purposeful sabotage
of our southern border. The Sinaloa cartel is the biggest drug
cartel in Chicago, and it received weapons from our DOJ during the “Fast
and Furious” smuggling program. Valerie Jarrett met with
“immigration activists” (like La Raza) in the weeks before the assault
on our border. Iran’s terrorist arm Hezb'allah has agents
colluding with drug mafias and people smuggling all over South
America. Breaking down our southern borders serves all three.
It’s impossible to know where Obama has done the most damage – at home
or abroad. The Middle East is now breaking down into that
much-feared regional war, with Russia, Syria, Iran, Turkey, and Iraq
converging on the Saudi- and Qatar-supported murder gangs of ISIS and
ISIL, which now number in the tens of thousands. To add to the
turmoil, the United States has helped to supply and train AQ barbarians
in Jordan and Turkey, to join their bloodstained brothers wherever they
decide to strike next.
All these bloody disasters can be attributed to U.S. and European
policies in support of Islamofascist radicals. Jimmy Carter
allowed Ayatollah Khomeini to take power in Iran, which is now within
weeks of possessing a nuclear bomb. Western politicians like
Jacques Chirac enabled Saddam Hussein in Europe and the U.N., leading
directly to suicidal immigration flows of millions of Muslims from the
badlands of Pakistan to all the capitals of Europe. The EU
supported the Turkish Islamofascist party of Recip Erdo?an, now fighting
the Turkish Salafist party. The Clintons failed to pursue Osama
bin Laden after the first World Trade Center bombing in New York in
1993. Major money flows have been going from the ultra-radical
Muslim Brotherhood to the Carter and Clinton centers.
But it took Obama to betray Egypt’s Mubarak, the single greatest pillar
of peace in the Middle East for four decades. It was Obama who
overthrew Gaddafi, and dissolved Libya into a bloody civil war that
still continues. It was Obama who directed Ambassador Stevens to
smuggle vast quantities of Libyan arms to the Syrian rebels, including
the worst of the worst, the Al Nusrah gang, which killed children in the
Christian village of Ma’aloula. It was Obama who supported the
rise of the MBs in Egypt – the very people who assassinated Anwar Sadat
forty years ago for making peace with Israel. Today, it is Obama
who is preparing to surrender Afghanistan to the woman-hating Taliban,
and who is refusing to help our U.S.-promoted Baghdad government to ward
off the latest assault by primitive savages.
(Baghdad is now getting jet planes from Russia and an invading army from
Iran and Syria, whose loyalties nobody knows. But they sure don’t
like us.)
In sum, Obama has presided over the most malignant foreign policy in U.S. history.
This is not an accident. This policy was planned and executed by radical
leftists like Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett, corrupt media barons like
the New York Times, and Islamofascists like John Brennan. They
include the same Big Media corporations that control our “mainstream”
media. They also include famous Silicon Valley high-tech companies
like Apple and Google, who support Obama’s Progressive Policy
Institute, and George Soros, who supports the anti-Israel front group J
Street. Google’s vice president for North African sales was indeed
directly involved in agitating for the Arab Spring, which our media
simultaneously discovered and headlined, only to lead to Muslim
Brotherhood despotism in Egypt.
It is very hard to know if we will come out of this mad state of
affairs intact. America has teetered on the edge of Marxist
disaster once before in its history, during the FDR and Truman years,
when the fruits of the Manhattan Project were instantly transmitted to
Stalin in Moscow, who was able to explode his own copycat bomb as early
as 1949. Leftist betrayal is not new, nor is it unusual.
If you believe delusionally that the “bourgeois” nation-state is the
enemy of all that is good and decent, and that destroying it will bring
about utopia, smuggling nuclear secrets to Jozef Stalin becomes a great
gift to humanity. Once you accept delusional cult beliefs, the end
simply justifies the means. And delusional cults are a dime a
dozen in human history.
As the Wall Street Journal wrote this week:
The American image has been tarnished by the progressives who took
control of the U.S. government in 2009. They set about to expand the
state's power, which was exactly what had destroyed the productive drive
and creative skills of the post-World War II Russians and Chinese. They
made a hash of health insurance, grossly distorted finance and
destroyed personal savings by manipulation of the credit markets. They
conducted a war on fossil fuels, handing a victory to Russia, which uses
its hydrocarbon exports to exercise political influence in Europe. They
weakened the dollar by running up huge national debts and wasted the
nation's substance on silly projects like "fighting global warming."
Obama’s mentors shared a bitter hatred for middle-class values, starting
with his mother and father, followed by his Muslim madrassa teachers in
Jakarta, then Frank Marshall Davis in Hawaii, on and on, culminating in
Jerry Wright, who calls our culture of freedom and productive work
“middleclassness” – a direct translation of Marx’s “bourgeoisie,” the
enemy that must be destroyed.
What is different about the Obama left is not the basic doctrine of
revolutionary destruction. What’s different is the new alliance
between the radical left and jihadist Islam. According to Bat
Ye’or, that alliance goes back to the 1970s, after the Arab oil embargo,
when Wahhabi and Khomeinist Muslims started to buy politicians by the
barrel in Europe and America. Obama is the culmination of decades
of Muslim influence-buying, which now controls much of our media,
politics, and educational system.
Today, we are seeing that alliance emerge in the Muslim world, where the
Western left has consistently supported murderous jihadist movements
and regimes.
Obama has supported mass-killing regimes in the Middle East against more
moderate, stabilizing rulers: Mubarak, Gaddafi (much better than
today’s civil war in Libya), Maliki (ditto for Iraq), Karzai (ditto for
Afghanistan). Instead, Obama consistently favors al-Qaeda-linked
killer gangs in Syria and the biggest sponsor of terrorism, Iran.
His treatment of our longtime allies has been atrocious. Betrayal
is his middle name.
The hokey “spontaneous” immigrant wave of children and criminals is just
another example of hard-left agitprop – in this case culminating in
massive, deliberate child endangerment and probable abuse.
Obama’s self-appointed mission in life is to destroy the most productive
and beneficial culture in history. Obama personally taught
Alinsky’s Rules to his ACORN followers, and Alinsky called us “the
enemy.” That word is used in war, and radicals like Obama and
Malcolm X are bitter warlike agitators. (The old word for
“community organizer” was “communist agitator”). Radicals like
Obama read their revolutionary heroes literally, just like any
Bible-quoting fundamentalist preacher.
The civilized world has a great ability to recover from disaster, as it
showed three times in the last century. But each time the
resistance has had to be led by those who tell the truth. Sane and
sensible people today cannot rely on our twisted media, and we cannot
believe our broken politicians. We have new web technologies at
our fingertips that allow us to throw out the bums – be they RINOs,
leftist radicals, or Islamofascists. Eventually our confused
voters will figure it out – but don’t expect other people to make it
Everything depends on telling the truth, and you and I must take full
responsibility for doing so. Nobody else will do it for us.
Revisiting ‘Freedom Summer’
Was it really the summer Martin Luther King's dream began to die?
Fifty years ago, civil rights activists began Freedom Summer. Or, I
should say, some people who held themselves out as “civil rights
activists” did so.
PJ Media’s Ron Radosh recently referred to a PBS documentary on the
event, which the public network described as the summer when “more than
700 student volunteers from around the country joined organizers and
local African Americans in a historic effort to shatter the foundations
of white supremacy in what was one of the nation’s most viciously
racist, segregated states.” More modestly stated, it was an effort to
register black voters en masse.
Or was it? A recent revelation should cause objective historians to take
a very hard second look at how and why Freedom Summer came to be, and
at what really transpired in Mississippi that summer. From here, it
appears that a campaign which has long been considered a civil rights
movement milestone was really the beginning of the legitimate civil
rights movement’s interment.
A June 19 Politico Magazine remembrance by historian Josh Zeitz shed new light on its leaders’ true intentions.
Zeitz apparently feels that he’s now in the historical clear to
acknowledge and even celebrate motivations which, if widely known at the
time, would have outraged millions of Americans of good will who had
been moved by the nonviolence of Martin Luther King Jr. and his
followers to accept the need for landmark legislation — the Civil Rights
Act of 1964 — to enforce the right to vote, and to formally outlaw
segregation in schools, workplaces, and public accommodations based on
race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Though it wasn’t
formally passed by the House and signed by President Lyndon Baines
Johnson until July 2, the legislation’s passage had been certain since
June 19 when it cleared the Senate.
Zeitz, an open Democrat, lays bare what he admiringly acknowledges “was in many ways a very cynical strategy.”
Was it ever, as it involved deliberately placing northern white kids in mortal danger:
"The architects of Freedom Summer were shrewd, pragmatic veterans of a
brutal street fight … they wagered that if white students from prominent
Northern families were arrested, beaten and illegally jailed—as they
fully expected they would be—the federal government would finally
recognize its responsibility to intervene in Mississippi....
The goal, explained (organizer Bob) Moses in advance of the summer
project, was to create a political crisis. “Only when metal has been
brought to white heat can it be shaped and molded,” he said. John Lewis …
predicted that if white students were placed in harm’s way, “the
federal government will have to take over the state … out of this
conflict, this division and chaos, will come something positive.” ...
Though Moses rejected the charge that … (they) planned “to get some
people killed so the federal government will move into Mississippi,” he
also maintained that “no privileged group in history has ever given up
anything without some kind of blood sacrifice.”
Zeitz’s attempt to draw a parallel between Freedom Summer and the
previous year’s Birmingham Campaign led by the Rev. Martin Luther King
Jr. falls flat. Of course, Birmingham organizer King knew that serious
violence in what was then known as “Bombingham” was virtually
guaranteed. But he didn’t need to, and didn’t, recruit naive white
Northern guinea pigs who could not possibly have been prepared to fully
protect themselves in an incredibly hostile environment to ramp up the
national pressure which became the catalyst for achieving passage of the
Civil Rights Act. It should also not be forgotten that Mississippi’s
culture of racial violence at the time was far worse than Alabama’s, or
that King was not involved with Freedom Summer.
I’m not convinced that Freedom Summer needed to happen at all.
It’s not as if the federal government stood still after the act’s
passage. In a late-June op-ed in the Los Angeles Times, Robert Schenkkan
showed that President Lyndon Baines Johnson went all-in with tangible
Jim Crow began to die, in part because LBJ well understood that passing
laws was one thing and enforcing them quite another. Just as he had been
determined to muscle the bill through Congress, Johnson was determined
to see the law carried out by every executive power at his command.
There is a new lot of postings by
Chris Brand just up -- on his usual vastly "incorrect" themes of race, genes, IQ etc
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
7 July, 2014
World news
Now for lots of U.S. news
Virginia activists win on ride-sharing
Virginia activists scored another victory this week. First they fought
back against ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion and won. And now they won
another big battle for economic freedom.
When the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles sent a cease-and-desist
to the ride-sharing services Uber and Lyft, citizens were outraged.
Uber and Lyft provide a cheap, quality alternative to
government-controlled taxis. That’s why the medallioned-cab industry
used the government to crack down on the competition.
But Virginians fought back. They used the FreedomWorks action center and
told Governor Terry McAuliffe and DMV Commissioner Richard Holcomb.
There was a large social media campaign to revoke the cease-and-desist
order. And in the end, the citizens of Virginia won.
The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles gave up its crusade to ban Uber and Lyft. Grassroots action made the difference.
This powerful lesson proves what patriots can accomplish whenever
government steps outside its normal bounds and hurts small business.
Via email
ND workers enjoy high wages despite lack of minimum wage law
Prosperity is the way to increase wages. And getting the government
out of the way is the key to that. ND got its start through
fracking -- before the Feds noticed what was happening
As policymakers in Washington, D.C., debate raising the federal minimum
wage, entry-level workers in North Dakota enjoy pay levels nearly
twice the current federal minimum.
“Effectively, our minimum wage in town is $14 an hour,” claims Shawn
Kessel, administrator for the City of Dickinson, a community in North
Dakota’s booming oil fields.
Neither North Dakota nor the City of Dickinson have a minimum wage policy.
Kessel isn’t basing his estimate on any official survey, but rather his
own observations. He told Watchdog he discusses wages with local
business leaders and tracks the wages offered in job listings in his
city. He’s convinced the number is accurate, and it is certainly in line
with other data and observations in the state.
Wages even for entry-level jobs are so high in North Dakota they
sometimes go viral. Watchdog reported previously on a photo by
University of Michigan economist Mark Perry of job listings at a Walmart
in Williston, which showed cashiers commanding wages of more than $17
per hour.
Plus, North Dakota has led the nation in personal income growth in six of the past seven years.
In March, the Bureau of Economic Analysis released a report showing
North Dakota’s personal incomes have nearly doubled over the past
decade, to more than $57,000 per year. That’s a 93 percent increase from
2003 when incomes in the state were $29,569 per capita.
More remarkable is that North Dakota’s booming incomes come at a time
when income growth is slowing in the rest of the country. Nationally,
personal income growth slowed from 4.2 percent in 2012 to 2.6 percent in
2013, but North Dakota nearly tripled the national rate at 7.6 percent.
The state also was double the second-ranked state, Utah, which saw 4
percent growth, according to the BEA.
North Dakota’s per-capita personal yearly income is $57,084 in 2013, up
from $54,871 in 2012. The state now ranks third in the nation in per
capita personal income, behind only Connecticut’s $60,487 and
Washington, D.C., at $74,513.
Still, at least one policymaker in the state supports hiking the minimum
wage. U.S. Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, a Democrat, is a co-sponsor of
legislation that would raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 per
“I don’t know anyone who puts in 40 hours of work who makes $15,000 a
year can make ends meet in North Dakota,” she said of the policy in
But in North Dakota, high wages even for entry-level workers seem to be a
product of supply and demand, not government policy. The state has
launched a national campaign led by Lt. Gov. Drew Wrigley to lure 20,000
new workers to fill open jobs.
The Clinton Motto: Contempt and Elitism
As the expression goes, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." When
it comes to the Clinton Family the apple never fell, and all
associations with the tree leave one contemptuous, elitist and complete
incapable of relating to real human beings, real life and reality.
The associations can be wide reaching, like the entire Democrat party.
Only the Democrats, who claim to champion women's rights, could think of
former President Bill Clinton as a hero. President Clinton was a
national embarrassment; he molested an intern in the Oval Office while
on the taxpayer's dime.
Make no mistake, Clinton molested Monica Lewinsky... President Clinton
was 51. He was the adult in the room. He chose to molest Lewinsky. He
chose the easiest path to what he wanted. Like David Letterman, he
didn't even have the decency to pay a professional. That's not someone
who should be hailed as a hero. That's a criminal who should spend time
in jail.
With former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, contempt and elitism are
the standard; the Clinton Family Motto. It was thought the zenith of
her Clinton-tude were on full display during the Benghazi hearings when
she - quite angrily, as if her child had died in Benghazi - lashed out,
screeching, "What difference, at this point, does it make?"
But she reached new heights (depths?) when she spoke with Diane Sawyer about how tough life was after the White House:
"We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt,”
Clinton told Diane Sawyer in an interview with ABC News. “We had no
money when we got there, and we struggled to, you know, piece together
the resources for mortgages, for houses, for Chelsea’s education. You
know, it was not easy."
That's not a typo. That's mortgages and houses. Plural.
Only the elitist thinks that line is connecting with Americans. Next,
she'll be talking about conscious uncoupling, or how she was pinned down
by gunfire in Bosnia. Oh...wait...
We've come to expect these things from Hillary and Bill, but it came as a
surprise (though it shouldn't have) when Chelsea Clinton out-contempted
and out-elited the two of them.
As reported by National Review:
"In the latest Clinton money quote, the career first daughter pronounced
in a Fast Company interview that she has “tried really hard to care
about things that were very different from my parents. I was curious if I
could care about [money] on some fundamental level, and I couldn’t.
That wasn’t the metric of success that I wanted in my life."
Chelsea's entire adult life has been about and around money. Constant
money. Floods of money. Tons of money. Her parents have earned over $100
million since they left office. Her husband, Marc Mezvinsky, is a
successful investment banker and now has his own hedge fund.
Their wedding cost $3 million. They live in a $10 million apartment in Manhattan.
For her part-time work as the worst interviewer ever to exist on planet
Earth (and that includes Bill Press AND Magic Johnson!) she earned
$600,000. Some say earned, some say received an untraceable campaign
contribution to her mother. Po-tay-toe, Po-tah-toe.
For Chelsea to claim that she doesn't care about money is not just a
lie, it's part of the elitism and contempt that the Clintons, as a
family, share. Contempt for the little people. Contempt for the truth.
Contempt for honesty. And the belief that they are above it all;
Specifically, things like money, decency and human life.
The only thing more embarrassing than the Clinton's are those who look up to them.
"Affordable housing" follies
Following a long career as an ideologically-driven career politician, in
1999, Jerry Brown reinvented himself as the pragmatic mayor of Oakland,
When local activists called for Oakland to adopt inclusionary zoning
policy—so-called “affordable housing” mandates—Brown invited the
Independent Institute to provide a scholar for the Blue Ribbon
Commission formed to investigate the proposal.
With the help of our supporters, the Independent Institute was able to
provide Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell. He researched the effects of
these policies where they had already been implemented, and then
presented his findings to the Commission.
Dr. Powell showed definitively that these “affordable housing” policies
would make housing less affordable in Oakland—reducing both the
construction of housing and the supply of land for residential
construction! As a result Brown opposed the Oakland measure.
Statewide, policymakers persisted in proposing these benign-sounding,
but misguided laws, last year passing AB 1229 which would have mandated
“affordable housing” units for all developments throughout the state.
Fortunately, Jerry Brown—now Governor, in a resounding display of the
Independent Institute's turning ideas into impact, remembered the
lesson, and vetoed the bill! Brown declared:
"As mayor of Oakland, I saw how difficult it can be to attract
development to low and middle income communities. Requiring developers
to include below-market units in their projects can exacerbate these
challenges, even while not meaningfully increasing the amount of
affordable housing in a given community."
Ideas matter! And ideas rooted in principle in fact win out when
presented in the non-partisan, non-politicized manner that is the
Independent Institute’s stock-in-trade.
Email from The Independent Institute
At Colo. restaurant, menu comes with armed waitresses
RIFLE, Colo. — At Shooters Grill, you can decide whether your freshly
made cherry pie comes with ice cream, but you have no choice on who
delivers it: An armed waitress. All nine of the servers at the
restaurant pack heat as they shuttle plates of food to diners, from
Glock semi-automatics to Ashlee Saenz's thigh-length Rueger Blackhawk
.357 six-shooter. On the wall, posted alongside copies of the
Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights, is a sign declaring that
those inside are still "proudly clinging to my guns and Bible."
Owner Lauren Boebert, 27, says she didn't start out to make a statement
when she began carrying a pistol on her hip a month after opening
Shooters a year ago. But through the months, her other waitresses
thought it was kind of fun and they, too, started carrying in this town
of 9,200 about 180 miles west of Denver.
"We don't worship guns. We worship Jesus," said Boebert, a mother of
four whose husband works in the oil industry. "We're here to serve
Word is getting around about the unusual service at the restaurant,
which earlier this year won a series of readers-favorite awards from a
nearby newspaper for its home-cooked food that includes all-day
breakfast and prime rib. A reporter sent to cover the restaurant
in late June highlighted Boebert, Saenz and the other waitresses. Word
got around and curious customers started pouring in.
Monday afternoon, Robert Vedrenne ate an early dinner, drawn by that
newspaper article in the Glenwood Springs (Colo.) Post Independent. A
native Texan, Vedrenne wondered whether Boebert and her staff were just
using guns to sell mediocre food. They weren't. Menu items include the
M16 burrito, the Swiss and Wesson grilled cheese, and "Locked and Loaded
"I wanted to see if this was gimmicky or if it really was good food,"
said Vedrenne, who is temporarily living in the area for work. "And it
was good. I'll be back."
In May, the Denver-based Chipotle burrito chain asked gun owners to stop
bringing guns into the company's stores following a series of
demonstrations from strident Second Amendment supporters in Texas. And
last year, Starbucks also asked gun owners to leave their weapons behind
when buying coffee. However, in Rifle, Boebert said the local
Starbucks franchisee has no problem when she walks in wearing her
Springfield XDS .45.
Rifle has a low rate of violent crime, and Shooters' waitresses say they
never expect to use their weapons, which are carried in holsters like
ones police officers use to prevent people from grabbing their firearms.
Boebert said she just wanted to create a place where people like her
would feel comfortable carrying their weapons publicly, as is their
legal right in Colorado.
The restaurant also offers handgun safety classes to patrons, who get
dinner and a four-hour seminar for $75. And while the waitresses' guns
are loaded, they're under strict orders to keep safeties on and their
weapons holstered unless there's a darn good reason to draw.
Police Chief John Dyer told the Post Independent that he has no problem
with the way Boebert is operating. The restaurant doesn't serve alcohol,
and all of the waitresses have been safety certified to carry concealed
weapons, even though they need no special permit to carry openly.
"If it was a bar, I might be saying something different," he told the paper. "And besides, they make a really good burger."
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
6 July, 2014
The Forgotten Flag of the American Revolution and What It Means
It's a continual amazement to me what people claim to find in the
Declaration of Independence. I have read it many times now and
most of its alleged contents are simply not there. Daniel Hannan
below for instance nominates "Magna Carta, jury trials, free contract,
property rights, habeas corpus, parliamentary representation, liberty of
conscience, and the common law" as things that are demanded there. But
of that list I can find jury trials only. Most of the Declaration
comprises complaints about the King stopping the American grandees from
making more and more laws to regulate their countrymen. It was the
King who was the libertarian, not the revolutionaries.
proponents of revolutions are as far as I can tell always Leftists
-- Leftists who have fine talk about the justice of their cause but who
basically are just grabbing power for their own clique. And I
cannot see that the American revolutionaries were any different.
They even headline their Declaration with that classic but absurd
Leftist slogan: "all men are created equal".
The Leftism
that the Declaration embodied is of course much more limited than the
Leftism we know today but it was a definite Leftist episode in
history nonetheless
We all know the story of American independence, don’t we? A rugged
frontier people became increasingly tired of being ruled by a distant
elite. A group calling themselves Patriots were especially unhappy about
being taxed by a parliament in which they were unrepresented. When, in
1775, British Redcoats tried to repress them, a famous Patriot called
Paul Revere rode through the night across eastern Massachusetts, crying
“The British are coming!” The shots that were fired the next day began a
war for independence which culminated the following year in the
statehouse in Philadelphia, when George Washington and others, meeting
under Betsy Ross’s gorgeous flag, signed the Declaration of
It’s a stirring story, but it’s false in every aspect. Neither Paul
Revere nor anyone else could have shouted “The British are coming!” in
1775: The entire population of Massachusetts was British. (What the
plucky Boston silversmith actually yelled was “The regulars are out!”)
The overall level of taxation in the colonies in 1775 was barely a
fiftieth of what it was in Great Britain, and the levies to which
Americans had objected had been repealed before the fighting began. The
Boston Tea Party, which sparked the violence, was brought about by a
*lowering* of the duty on tea. George Washington wasn’t there when the
Declaration of Independence was signed. The flag that the Patriots
marched under was not, except on very rare occasions, the
stars-and-stripes (which probably wasn’t sewn by Betsy Ross) but the
Grand Union flag.
Known also as the Congress Flag and the Continental Colors, the Grand
Union Flag had the 13 red and white stripes as they are today, but in
the top left-hand quarter, instead of stars, it showed Britain’s flag,
made up of the St. George’s Cross for England and the St. Andrew’s Cross
for Scotland. It was the banner that the Continental Congress met
under, the banner that flew over their chamber when they approved the
Declaration of Independence. It was the banner that George Washington
fought beneath, that John Paul Jones hoisted on the first ship of the
United States Navy. That it has been almost excised from America’s
collective memory tells us a great deal about how the story of the
Revolution was afterward edited.
The men who raised that standard believed that they were fighting for
their freedoms as Britons — freedoms that had been trampled by a
Hanoverian king and his hirelings. When they called themselves Patriots —
a word that had been common currency among Whigs on both sides of the
Atlantic long before anyone dreamed of a separation — they meant that
they were British patriots, cherishing the peculiar liberties that had
come down to them since Magna Carta: jury trials, free contract,
property rights, habeas corpus, parliamentary representation, liberty of
conscience, and the common law.
Declaration of DEPENDENCE is the rule today
How many of us still "hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men
are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit
of Happiness."?
It's the essential question. After all, 53% of Americans voted for a
president in 2008 who doesn't seem to hold these truths. In several
speeches after he was inaugurated, he left out the three essential words
"by our Creator" when quoting from the Declaration of Independence.
One was in a speech to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus during which he
paused and fluttered his eyelids, as if he were suffering an
involuntary tic lasting a second or two - and then proceeded to leave
out those critical three words. It didn't seem like an accidental
oversight to me. It seemed deliberate.
The words are revolutionary. All the signers at the bottom of the
Declaration of Independence agreed with them and placed their lives and
property in danger when they signed because if they lost the ensuing
revolution, they would be hanged and their property confiscated. They
knew that. They believed in a Creator with a capital C. They believed in
liberty. They were willing to die for those beliefs. How many of us are
willing to die for them now? My guess is not so many.
The principle upon which our country was founded is that our
rights come from God, but it looks like Americans today don't believe
that. They tend to believe instead that our rights come from government,
and an increasing number don't believe there is any such thing as a
God. Most sit back as secularists chip away at religious freedoms in
schools, in the military, and virtually every public place whether
local, state, or federal. Provisions of Obamacare now require churches
to pay for abortion-inducing drugs, which those churches consider
This has sparked a major backlash among Catholics - the largest
Christian denomination in America. Catholics initiated their "Fortnight
For Freedom" campaign last week in which they declare their
unwillingness to obey this Obama's mandate.
Secularists think they can create a perfect society without God
because people are inherently good. They think government is the vehicle
for their utopian creation. Believers, however, hold that all men are
sinners, and don't see any possibility of utopia this side of heaven.
They see government as a necessary evil which, if allowed to get too
powerful, can create hell on earth.
Then there's the Declaration's right to liberty, which the World English
Dictionary defines as: "the power of choosing, thinking, and acting for
oneself; freedom from control or restriction." What follows, of course,
is taking responsibility for those choices. Liberty also carries the
right to fail in our "pursuit of happiness." The Declaration doesn't
guarantee it - only its pursuit.
Conservative Americans believe liberty is the most important right.
Leftists believe equality is more important. If some Americans succeed
in pursuing happiness - or property, as it was originally written -
leftists like President Obama believe government should confiscate it
and distribute it to Americans who didn't pursue it, or if they did,
were unsuccessful in their efforts to obtain it.
Leftists do this not to only make them happy, but to persuade them to
vote for leftist candidates who will pursue more redistribution. This is
what America is becoming. Leftist redistribution schemes stifle our
fabled American initiative and inventiveness, and consequently stifle
our economy too. We're losing our liberty - our freedom from government
control and restriction. That is what's bringing Europe down, and it
will bring us down too if we allow it to continue. We're seeing lately
that Americans don't want liberty so much as they want government to
take care of them. That's the trend.
America used to attract people from all around the world who
wanted to experience liberty - to build a life for themselves without
government control. People who came here did that. Now, more than thirty
percent of immigrants go right on welfare - twice the rate for
native-born Americans - and many of them are illegal aliens as well. To
win a second term, President Obama appealed to people who see government
as protecting their sexual liberties - and then making them dependent
on government programs in every other aspect of their lives from cradle
to grave. Those who put an X next to his name last November 6th were
endorsing a "Declaration of Dependence," and spurning independence.
On the Fourth of July, we should ask ourselves: Are we still a liberty-loving people, or have we become afraid of it?
The erosion of American sovereignty
Is the sovereignty that the founders achieved being thrown away?
Territorially, Americans need only look to the south for a reminder of
how lax border enforcement can lead to chaos as more than 50,000
children have streamed over the U.S.-Mexico border in recent months. It
is difficult to call a nation sovereign if it is unable to control its
own borders. Why is it that an additional $2 billion and a “sustained
border security surge” is necessary to prevent tens of thousands of
illegal immigrants from entering our nation? Such negligence indicates,
at best, a serious lack of commitment to our territorial integrity.
And what about our legal sovereignty? The Obama administration has urged
Congress to ratify treaties that would make the drafters of the
Declaration blanch. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
would subject the U.S. to baseless international lawsuits and require
the U.S. Treasury to transfer millions of dollars in offshore oil
royalties to the International Seabed Authority in Jamaica for
“redistribution” to the so-called developing world.
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities would subject
U.S. disability laws to the scrutiny of a committee of supposed experts
holding court in Geneva. The administration also is preparing to sign
the Ottawa Mine Ban Treaty, which would require the U.S. to ban its
anti-personnel landmines, depriving U.S. armed forces of a key tool for
shaping the battlefield. Again, ask Ukraine, which ratified the Ottawa
Treaty in 2005, how its zero-tolerance landmine policy is working for it
as Russian tanks roll into its territory.
In the Declaration, the Founders complained about being subject to
foreign taxation, to being subjected to “a Jurisdiction foreign to our
Constitution,” and to being transported across the seas to face criminal
charges in a foreign land. The Declaration gave notice that these
infringements on American sovereignty would not stand. Yet the Obama
administration would have Americans subjected to taxes from the
International Seabed Authority and U.S. laws and policies adjudicated by
international committees sitting in Switzerland. Some American
progressives would even have our military leaders and servicemen tried
by the International Criminal Court for war crimes in The Hague,
Today, as in 1776, such infringements on American sovereignty must not
stand. The drafters of the Declaration would be shocked to find
Americans submitting themselves to the will of international
organizations. The United States should, of course, work with other
nations in a principled way that advances its national interests. But
the Founders would be amazed by the extent and depth of the threats to
American sovereignty posed by this new progressive vision.
The Founders did not risk their lives, fortunes and sacred honor casting
off the rule of King George III so that, more than 200 years later,
America could subject itself to the whims of unelected foreign
bureaucrats. Sovereignty was essential to the founding of America in
1776, and it is essential to America today. Happy Sovereignty Day!
Is the United States Still the Land of the Free?
A Gallup poll finds a growing number of people questioning whether our country remains the land of the free.
According to Gallup, the percentage of Americans who are dissatisfied
with the freedom to do what they choose with their lives has more than
doubled since 2006, from 9 percent to 21 percent.
In 2006, the United States ranked #1 in the world in satisfaction with our level of freedom. Now we rank just 36th.
Gallup reports: “The decline in perceived freedom among Americans could
be attributed to the U.S. economy…. Another possible explanation for the
decline in freedom is how Americans feel about their government.”
Americans’ perceptions accurately reflect the decline in economic
freedom in the United States as measured by the Index of Economic
Freedom, published jointly by The Heritage Foundation and The Wall
Street Journal.
Over the 20-year history of the Index, the U.S.’s economic freedom has
fluctuated significantly. During the first 10 years, our score rose
gradually, and we joined the ranks of the economically “free” in 2006.
Since then, we have suffered a dramatic decline of almost 6 points, with
particularly large losses in property rights, freedom from corruption,
and control of government spending.
The United States is the only country to have recorded a loss of economic freedom each of the past seven years.
Ronald Reagan once remarked: “I think it’s time we ask ourselves if we
still know the freedoms that were intended for us by the Founding
Fathers.” For a large and growing number of Americans, the answer,
unfortunately, is “no.”
Our Independence Is Not Yet Won
Independence Day honors the brave sacrifice that 56 patriots made when
they gathered in Philadelphia to affix their names to the most
treasonous document of the time: the Declaration of Independence.
However, our independence is not yet won. Contrary to what you may have
learned in school, our independence was not gained on July 4, 1776, nor
was it finalized when the British surrendered at Yorktown in 1781. Our
fight for independence is ongoing.
We continue to fight this battle for independence every day, not against
the British crown, but against the very part of man’s nature that
compels individuals to pursue power.
Every day we continue to fight the battle against tyranny that started
exactly 238 years ago. We continue to fight against those politicians
who seek to overturn our founding documents and revert this nation to a
system of rulers and subjects. And under this President, we have slipped
backwards in our fight.
This is an inherent part of the human condition. For as long as men
congregate, there will always be people who seek to put themselves at
the top.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
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4 July, 2014
The Declaration of Independence
It is reasonable for any nation to commemorate the date most associated
with its attainment of political independence. So July 4
celebrations in the USA are readily understood. I write from a
non-American perspective however so although I see much to celebrate
about America I see little to celebrate about the Declaration of
Independence. Australia got its independence just by some old men
signing papers so starting a war in which thousands died seems to
require heavy justification to me.
And when I look at the Declaration I find that the body of it is a
desire for more power for the local American legislatures. And the
war got them that. But what good did that do the average
American in return for his blood? All they got was some flowery
words from their existing grandees, roughly the same people who were in
power both before and after the war.
Both in the preamble and the subsequent Constitution some magnificent
ideals from Europe's liberal enlightenment were enshrined. The
Declarers may even have believed in them. Be that as it may, the
ideals served well to sanctify a thoroughly selfish power grab by the
existing American elite. Many Americans still believe in those
ideals, as well they might, but, functionally, they are just the
propaganda of yesteryear.
And ideals and words are a poor defence against government. The constant
denials to this day of rights granted under the first and
second amendments are evidence of that. The "rights" that Americans have
are only what the elite of the day are prepared to allow.
"The original intent of the founding fathers is being violated on a daily basis". See an example below.
If you like your GPS … tough, you can’t use it
"Remember the frustrating old days of trying to drive while reading, or
having a co-passenger read, a map that may or may not have helped you
find your destination? Well if some in Congress have their way, those
days may be coming back. You see language in the draft Transportation
bill that will soon be considered in Congress would give the National
Transposition Safety Administration new power to regulate apps like GPS,
Google Maps, and Waze. Potential federal regulations including limiting
driver’s ability to input information while the car is in motion, or
requiring people to certify they are a passenger before being able to
use the device making people click a button saying that they are a
Labels & Liberals
By Jonah Goldberg (I agree with Jonah. I think all Leftists have authoritarian motivations -- JR)
I am very sympathetic to Charles Murray’s desire to split off the merely
wrong “liberals” from the more sinister (my adjective) “progressives.”
I’m also immensely flattered by his kind words for my book. But I also
know that he is a good liberal in the classic sense and so he has no
problem with good faith disagreement. He writes:
As a libertarian, I am reluctant to give up the word “liberal.” It used
to refer to laissez-faire economics and limited government. But since
libertarians aren’t ever going to be able to retrieve its original
meaning, we should start using “liberal” to designate the good guys on
the left, reserving “progressive” for those who are enthusiastic about
an unrestrained regulatory state, who think it’s just fine to
subordinate the interests of individuals to large social projects, who
cheer the president’s abuse of executive power and who have no problem
rationalizing the stifling of dissent.
Every libertarian I know indulges an occasional moment or two of
melancholia over the fact that they lost the word “liberal” to the left
and must carry around the label “libertarian” — a term that clanks off
the American ear like a steel wrench bouncing off sterile a concrete
floor. Even Friedrich Hayek didn’t like the word, preferring “Old Whig.”
(I searched in vain, but I could swear I read an interview in which
Hayek complained about how “un-euphonious” the term libertarian is). A
great many conservatives think we are all “classical liberals.” Hayek
would have largely agreed, as he famously argued that America was the
one place where one could be a conservative and still be a champion of
liberty (that’s because American conservatives conserve classically
liberal institutions).
Now, if Charles could get everyone to agree to his taxonomy I’d be more
than happy to go along. I certainly agree there’s a distinction between
the two factions of the left he describes. I usually just use liberal
versus leftist. But liberal and progressive is more than
fine by me. Either way, though, I think there are two problems with
Charles’ idea.
First, leftists refuse to raise their hands when called upon as such.
Over the last ten years or so it has become very difficult for those of
us on the right to tell the players apart in the opposing league. It
used to be that there were, to name a few, conservative Democrats,
progressive Democrats, vital center liberals, moderates, Scoop Jackson
Democrats, McGovernites, Naderites, Jesse Jackson Democrats and
DLC Democrats. On the more explicitly ideological side, and going
further back, there were also socialists, Communists, this, that and the
other kind of Marxists, Stalinists, Trotskyites, and anti-Communist
liberals and anti-anti-Communist liberals. I love reading about
the vicious splits between and among American socialists and American
communists in the 1930s or the particularly venomous hate the 1960s left
had for 1960s liberals. But today, such distinctions are very hard to
find on the left.
Today, the spirit isn’t so much pas d’ennemis à gauche (no enemies to
the left) as is its a rejection of labels altogether. They think
ideological commitments are something only crazy people have – and by
crazy people I/they mean rightwingers. They all say they’re just
fact-finders and empiricists, problem-solvers and non-ideologues
determined to do good things. When people on MSNBC say they are
“progressives” they don’t mean they ideological descendants of Comte or
Croly, they mean they are the good guys (in a non-heteronormative way,
of course).
The second problem is that even if you could get everyone to wear a
sandwich board laying out their ideological commitments like today’s
specials, it wouldn’t matter. Because they all get along! Question about
the prominent liberals Charles Murray had dinner with: Have they openly
complained about all of the horrors their progressive confreres have
unleashed upon the country? If this distinction is as real as Charles
says it is, why hasn’t the left been roiled with ideological and
factional squabbles the way conservatism has been over the last few
years? Where is the Occupy Wall Street vs. establishment brouhaha to
correspond with the Tea Party vs. establishment “civil war”?
We talk a lot about fusionism on the right, but the real fusion has been
on the left. Barack Obama’s intellectual lineage comes directly from
the 1960s left (Ayers, Wright, Allinsky, Derrick Bell, SANE Freeze etc).
But he is an altogether mainstream liberal today. To the extent
mainstream liberals complain about Obama it is almost entirely about
tactics and competence. When was the last time you heard a really
serious ideological complaint about Obama from, say, EJ Dionne or the
editorial board of the New York Times? I’ll go further. When was the
last time you heard liberals have a really good, public, ideological
fight about anything? I’m sure there have been some interesting
arguments between bloggers and the like. But I can’t think of anything –
on domestic policy at least – that has spilled out onto the airwaves
and op-ed pages in a sustained way. The Democratic Leadership Council –
once committed to moving the Democratic Party rightward — closed up shop
in 2011. They muttered something about accomplishing their mission, but
that was basically sad office talk over cake and packing crates. Al
Gore was once considered a conservative Democrat, but he moved to the
left and has stayed there. Hillary Clinton was once a committed leftist.
She moved toward the center for entirely mercenary reasons. But by the
time she got there, the tide of her party receded leftward leaving her
on a lonely atoll with her pile of Wall Street lucre. John Kerry
was the most liberal (or progressive) member of the senate in 2004, and
he was his party’s nominee for president. In 2008, the same could be
said about Obama and, well, you know how that story goes.
The best way to get the measure and value of ideological distinctions is
to see what the ideologues are willing to fight for, in public, at some
reputational risk. On the right today, those metrics are on full
display. Not so on the left. Everyone gets along, all oars pull in the
same direction. And what disagreements there are – between liberals and
leftists or liberals and progressives – they’re overwhelmingly about
tactics or insufficient zeal toward “common goals” and they are kept to a
dull roar. I’m all for drawing the distinctions Charles wants to
draw, but they only become meaningful when liberals and leftists are
willing to admit them.
Veterans Will Suffer Another Scandal As Long As Bureaucracy Runs Their Health Care
by David Hogberg, Ph.D.
The Federal Office of Special Counsel recently revealed that a mental
patient at the Veterans Affairs facility in Brockton, Massachusetts, had
to wait eight years before he received a psychiatric evaluation.1 This
was while he spent those eight years actually living at the VA facility!
This story is curious in light of Phillip Longman's explanation for the
VA wait-times scandal. Longman is the author of the book Best Care
Anywhere: Why VA Health Care Is Better Than Yours that is partially to
blame for the scandal.2
Longman claims the scandal isn't due to any problem stemming from the VA
but from failure by Congress to spend enough money on the VA facilities
with the most need. He states that the scandal...
...results from large migrations of aging veterans from the Rust Belt
and California to lower-cost retirement centers in the Sun Belt. And
this flow, combined with more liberal eligibility standards that allow
more Vietnam vets to receive VA treatment for such chronic conditions as
ischemic heart disease and Parkinson's, means that in some of these
areas, such as Phoenix, VA capacity is indeed under significant strain.3
He argues that the standard of a maximum 14-day wait for seeing patients
that the VA is supposed to meet might make sense in areas such as New
England, but "trying to do the same in Phoenix and in a handful of other
Sun Belt retirement meccas is not workable without Congress ponying up
for building more capacity there."
However, Brockton is not in the Sun Belt. Indeed, neither are many of the VA facilities that have had problems with wait-times.
The states that are generally considered to comprise the Sun Belt
include Alabama, Arizona, California (Southern), Florida, Georgia,
Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, South
Carolina and Texas. But even using a more expansive definition that
includes Arkansas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Virginia and Utah doesn't lend
support to Longman's argument.
For example, the VA's Access Audit cleared a number of facilities of
wrongdoing. But pages 38-40 of the audit list 81 facilities that require
"further review." Forty-one of those facilities are in the Sun Belt,
while the other 40 are not.4
A review of Government Accountability Office and VA Office of the
Inspector General reports that examine wait times shows a similar
pattern. Examining reports from 2000-2014 that contained wait-time data
on specific locales reveals 21 in the Sun Belt and 22 located
In short, the evidence shows that the problem is one that infects the
entire VA system regardless of geography. Factors inherent in the VA
cause wait-times and not lack of money or migration patterns.
Yet, Best Care Anywhere suggests that this wasn't supposed to happen.
Longman gives much of the credit for the great strides the VA supposedly
made in improving care during the 1990s to its Undersecretary of
Health, Ken Kizer. One of Kizer's reforms was pushing...
...budget and policy making authority away from the [Veterans Health
Administration] central headquarters in Washington. As part of this
decentralization plan, he created a series of twenty-two regional
administrative districts... Decentralization, combined with the VHA's
state-of-the-art information systems... meant that it became possible to
hold regional administrators accountable for a wide range of
performance measures.6
The administrative districts — called Veterans Integrated Service
Networks (VISNs) — now number 23. According to the VA's Access Audit, 20
VISNs contained VA facilities that needed "further review." So, why
were the administrators of the VISNs unable to stop wait times from
Bureaucracies behave in certain ways regardless of how they are
structured. Even if authority is dispersed, as it is in the VA, the
administrators are still only accountable to Congress and the
Administration since that is who provides their funding. If Congress and
the Administration believe that the VA provides great health care — as
many of them did due to the influence of Longman's book7 — then they're
less inclined to worry about wait times at the VA, if they hear about
them at all. Administrators won't address concerns that Congress and the
Administration don't have.
Another problem with bureaucracies is they don't get their funding from
the people who are seeking their services. In the private sector, those
people are generally called "customers," although in the health care
sector they are usually referred to as "patients." If customers have to
wait too long to receive a service from "Business A," they will take
their money to businesses that offer shorter wait times. Business A will
see its revenues decline and either have to shape up or go under. Like
most bureaucracies, the VA has no such "feedback loop" since the people
seeking their services aren't the same ones paying for them. In short,
there is no financial consequence for poor customer service.
Finally, most government employees have a greater incentive to cheat,
since most have civil service protections that make it exceedingly
difficult to fire them. In the case of the VA, many employees
manipulated wait-times data so that their facilities appeared to meet
the 14-day waiting standard. When employees have goals they can't meet
and not meeting them means they don't receive promotions, raises and
bonuses, the incentive to manipulate the data is much higher when they
can't be fired. We'd like all people to be honest, even those who have
civil service protection, but the odds are on honesty going down the
drain when there are few consequences for dishonesty. Thus, it's little
wonder VA employees created false data on wait times.
While the proponents of the VA having the best care anywhere would like
to believe that the wait-time scandal is limited to a specific
geographic location, the data indicates otherwise. Rather, the scandal
is the result of the incentives faced by bureaucrats. Given the nature
of bureaucracies, those incentives won't change, meaning that future
veterans will suffer from wait-times as well.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
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3 July, 2014
Why are conservative talk shows so popular and liberal talk shows a failure?
Telling other people what to do is the very essence of Leftism
Ken Fishkin
For years, I listened to Limbaugh on my way to work, and to "Air
America" on my way from work, specifically so I could 'compare and
contrast'. In my opinion, the popularity difference is because
they relate to their audience differently.
Julia Sweeney has a great line that "listening to NPR is like listening to your mother telling you to clean your room".
We have a gas crisis? It would help if you used mass transit more
We have an education crisis? It would help if you read to your kids more
We have a health care crisis? If you exercised more and ate better, we
wouldn't have such a demand on the system. Coming up next: 3 ways you
can add kale to your daily diet.
isn't doing what we want? If you were more sensitive to
their history, you'd understand why. Let's have a 15 minute drill-down,
shall we...?
The typical framing of the typical problem is about what you can/should do to help things get better.
the other hand, if you listen to Limbaugh, you (the listener) are never
at fault. You are perfect. You are the heart of America. The problem is
them - those liberals, foreigners, feminists, etc., fools at best and
traitors at worst, who are screwing things up and preventing the great
life you deserve.
We have a gas crisis? They refuse to let us drill and use nuclear.
We have an education crisis? They have a bias against private schools
have a health care crisis? No we don't! They just say this as an excuse
for Big Government. Coming up next: an ad for Ruth's Chris Steak house.
Country isn't doing what we want? If they didn't make us act like such wimps we'd be respected and feared!
Limbaugh approach is much more popular. In my opinion it's not so much
the details of the liberal vs. conservative policies, it's that the one
nags you while the other exalts you.
Economic Freedom
couple of years ago, President Barack Obama, speaking on the economy,
told an audience in Osawatomie, Kansas: "'The market will take care of
everything,' they tell us. ... But here's the problem: It doesn't work.
It has never worked. ... I mean, understand, it's not as if we haven't
tried this theory."
To believe what the president and many
others say about the market's not working requires that one be grossly
uninformed or dishonest.
The key features of a free market system
are private property rights and private ownership of the means of
production. In addition, there's a large measure of peaceable voluntary
exchange. By contrast, communist systems feature severely limited
private property rights and government ownership or control of the means
of production.
There has never been a purely free market
economic system, just as there has never been a purely communist system.
However, we can rank economies and see whether ones that are closer to
the free market end of the economic spectrum are better or worse than
ones that are closer to the communist end. Let's try it.
list countries according to whether they are closer to the free market
or the communist end of the economic spectrum. Then rank countries
according to per capita gross domestic product. Finally, rank countries
according to Freedom House's "Freedom in the World" report. People who
live in countries closer to the free market end of the economic spectrum
not only have far greater income than people who live in countries
toward the communist end but also enjoy far greater human rights
According to the 2012 "Economic Freedom of the
World" report — by James Gwartney, Robert Lawson and Joshua Hall —
nations ranking in the top quartile with regard to economic freedom had
an average per capita GDP of $37,691 in 2010, compared with $5,188 for
those in the bottom quartile. In the freest nations, the average income
of the poorest 10 percent of their populations was $11,382. In the least
free nations, it was $1,209.
Remarkably, the average income of
the poorest 10 percent in the economically freer nations is more than
twice the average income of those in the least free nations.
market benefits aren't only measured in dollars and cents. Life
expectancy is 79.5 years in the freest nations and 61.6 years in the
least free. Political and civil liberties are considerably greater in
the economically free nations than in un-free nations.
might argue that the free market doesn't help the poor. That argument
can't even pass the smell test. Imagine that you are an unborn spirit
and God condemned you to a life of poverty but gave you a choice of the
country in which to be poor. Which country would you choose? To help
with your choice, here are facts provided by Robert Rector and Rachel
Sheffield in their report "Understanding Poverty in the United States:
Surprising Facts About America's Poor" (9/13/2011,
Eighty percent of American poor
households have air conditioning. Nearly three-fourths have a car or
truck, and 31 percent have two or more. Almost two-thirds have cable or
satellite TV. Half have one or more computers. Forty-two percent own
their homes. The average poor American has more living space than the
typical non-poor person in Sweden, France and the U.K. Ninety-six
percent of poor parents stated that their children were never hungry
because they could not afford food. The bottom line is that there is
little or no material poverty in the U.S.
At the time of our
nation's birth, we were poor, but we established an institutional
structure of free markets and limited government and became rich. Those
riches were achieved long before today's unwieldy government. Our having
a free market and limited government more than anything else explains
our wealth. Most of our major problems are a result of government.
Americans should recognize that unfettered government and crony
capitalism, not unfettered markets, are the cause of our current
economic problems and why the U.S. has sunk to the rank of 17th in the
2013 "Economic Freedom of the World" report.
Border Patrol Agent: ‘If the Administration Says This Isn’t Amnesty, Don’t Believe Them’

Spratte, the sergeant-at-arms of the National Border Patrol Council,
Local 3307 in the Rio Grande Valley, said the Obama administration is
largely to blame for waves of illegal immigrants that have been
flooding the Southwest U.S. border since February, saying the government
opened the door for the crisis by making it “clear they’re not going to
deport people.”
Spratte, who was speaking with as a
representative of the union, further said “we don’t have control of the
border,” and if the Obama administration claims it is not in effect
giving amnesty to the illegals, then “don’t believe them.”
by allowing so many young illegal aliens to be released into this
country, “the U.S. government has become a part of the smuggling
business,” he said.
“This is Washington’s problem to fix. This
administration has made it pretty clear they’re not going to deport
people, with things like the DREAM Act and all that,” Spratte told during an interview on June 22 in McAllen, Texas, currently
the busiest zone of the Rio Grande Valley Sector of the U.S.-Mexico
“It used to be that if you got caught, we sent you back.
Now we don’t do that,” he said. “The people in Central America, they’ve
heard we aren’t sending people back. Word’s gotten around. When these
people come up to us and turn themselves over, that’s what they tell us.
So we’ve created a suction now.”
“Even if the administration says this isn’t amnesty, don’t believe them,” Spratte added.
Obama recently praised 10 illegal immigrants, which the
administration dubbed “Champions of Change,” during a June 17 event at
the White House. The immigrants, including six Latinos, are
beneficiaries of Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
initiative, in which an illegal alien who came to the United States as a
child can apply for a two-year deportation deferment with an option to
renew at the end of that term.
Spratte called the event a “slap
in the face” to the U.S. Border Patrol’s efforts, as the agency
struggles under an ever-increasing wave of immigrants crossing the Rio
Grande daily.
“That event, where he honored those illegal immigrants, that was like a slap in the face,” he said.
always had people come in, but now it’s exploded,” Spratte said. “A lot
of them are kids, many of them unaccompanied. We’re good at our job,
which is catching people, but we’re too busy babysitting.”
“It’s like you’re stuck in a nightmare and you can’t get out,” he said.
to the Department of Homeland Security, more than 181,000 illegal
immigrants have crossed the Rio Grande Valley Sector of the U.S.-Mexico
border since last October 2013. More than 52,000 of these were
unaccompanied minors, a 99 percent increase from the same time
period in fiscal year 2013.
“The American people need to know
it’s worse than they think,” Spratte said. “No one wants to say that
because it means we don’t have control of the border. And we don’t.”
Spratte also said allowing minors to cross the border without fear of deportation causes more problems than just overcrowding.
are kids who come over with adults claiming to be their parents, and
then we find out later that they aren’t,” Spratte explained, saying that
without documentation, there’s no way for border patrol agents to
verify anyone’s claim of parentage.
After processing, most
children and family units are held at a border patrol station for
sometimes more than a week, well past the typical one-to-three day
detainment period, Spratte said. Some are transferred to holding
facilities in other states such as Arizona, where most family units are
then released by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), after being
given a “notice to appear” in court – dubbed permisos by Latinos.
Spratte said he doubts most illegal immigrants will make their court date after being released.
know they’re not going to show up,” Spratte said. “Of course, they’re
not. Why would they, when they can just disappear and stay?”
said simply releasing illegal immigrants into the larger fabric of the
country is dangerous not only for America, but for the child immigrants,
especially when U.S. Border Patrol and ICE are unable to verify most of
their stories before they are released.
“There’s no way of
knowing how many just disappear, or go into the sex trade,” Spratte
said. “The U.S. government has become a part of the smuggling business.”
also said anyone under 18 years old is treated as a minor, even if they
have known gang associations. There is no way of knowing a person’s
criminal history from his country of origin, so there is no telling who
has been allowed to cross, he explained.
“We’ve had older adults
posing as teens,” he said. “I’ll be standing there like, ‘I know you’re
not 17, you look older than that.’ But without documentation, I can’t
prove that. I have to treat that person as a minor.”
By law, U.S.
Border Patrol is required to turn unaccompanied minors over to the
Department of Health and Human Services after no more than 72 hours. But
with such an overloaded system and no place to house the masses, Border
Patrol stations have been turned into massive, overcrowded detention
The McAllen Station, which stands in the busiest zone
of the Rio Grande Valley Sector, is authorized to detain only 380
people at a time, according to one border patrol agent. The facility is
currently housing more than 1,100, he added, with men, women and
children packed into a converted bus depot that serves as a makeshift
“You’ve got people crammed in a sally port all together
with porta potties on either side, and you’ll see just a mass of bodies
and space blankets,” Spratte said. “The sick people are separated by
yellow crime scene tape, and that’s all. If we were a jail, we’d have
been shut down.”
Having to transport, process and monitor so many
people at one time also opens the door for smugglers to transport for
drugs, like marijuana and cocaine, across the border without detection,
Spratte said.
“The majority of agents believe more narcotics are
getting away because we’re too busy dealing with this crisis,” he said.
“And we know al Qaida has talked about bringing things like small pox
across the border, so what are we not catching? We don’t know.”
is also becoming a problem, Spratte said, citing cases of polio,
scabies, leprosy and even rabies that have been reported.
“Chicken pox, small pox, H1N1, who knows,” Spratte said.
American people don’t realize how bad this is, but they’re going to
when it becomes a problem where they live,” he said. “These people are
being sent into other places in the U.S., so these diseases could end up
in your backyard.”
“At a minimum, family units should be sent
back,” Spratte said. “What you do with unaccompanied kids may be
different, but adults with kids should be sent back.”
For more blog postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, GREENIE WATCH, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS, and Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in). GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites here or here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are here (Academic) or here (Pictorial) or here (Personal)
2 July, 2014
50 Years of Mischief: The Triumph and Trashing of the Civil Rights Act
2 marks the 50th anniversary of the most famous Civil Rights Act in U.S
history. Passed after the longest debate in congressional history, the
Civil Rights Act (CRA) promised to secure justice for all regardless of
race, color, creed, sex, or national origin. As I wrote in Race and
Liberty: The Essential Reader, the law “was understood to mean
‘colorblindness’ by nearly every observer at the time.” The plain
meaning of the act might be summed up as: “Nondiscrimination. Period.”
of the Civil Rights Act did everything in their power to make the
language plain, clear and strong: one key clause stated:
contained in this title shall be interpreted to require any employer . .
. to grant preferential treatment to any individual or to any group
because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin . . . .”
chief sponsor of the law, Senator Hubert Humphrey (D-MN), rejected the
“bugaboo” of preferences or quotas by stating “If the senator [opposing
the act] can find . . . any language which provides that an employer
will have to hire on the basis of percentage or quota related to color,
race, religion, or national origin, I will start eating the pages one
after another, because it is not in there.”
In 1964, opponents
predicted that a governmental push for racial outcomes was bound to
occur, regardless of the plain language of the act. After all, the
principle of a government limited by respect for individual liberty had
always been flouted by those in power—including segregationist opponents
of the law who now acted “shocked! shocked!” that the government might
treat individuals differently based on race. This was sheer hypocrisy
coming from those who defended racial discrimination by state
Yet, hypocrisy aside, fifty years experience has
shown that the CRA did lead, almost immediately, to the bureaucratic
creation of racial categories (“check boxes”) used to further
discriminatory treatment by a government seeking pre-determined outcomes
in hiring, college admissions, contracting, voting, and much more.
Attacking real or perceived private inequalities with governmental
power, policymakers forgot that discrimination by government—however
well-intentioned—is worse than private discrimination. Mindful of this
distinction, those filing a brief in the Brown v. Board case (1954),
stated that “segregation is unconstitutional because invoking ‘the full
coercive power of government” . . . it acts as no other force can to
extend inequality. . . .” Ten years later, bureaucrats rushed ahead with
piecemeal social engineering, unmindful of this key distinction and in
direct contradiction of the Civil Rights Act. How could the broad
colorblind consensus of July 1964 dissipate so quickly?
it was because the act seemed to augur swift change in social and
economic relations—perhaps too swift in too short a time. Thus, that
bright moment of multiracial harmony went up in the smoke of riot-torn
cities and ever-more radical assertions by minority activists that
“[their] groups were more equal than others”—so it must be, they argued,
to make up for the past when “some groups (native-born whites, men)
were “more equal.” Two wrongs would make it all right.
By the
1970s, the trashing of the CRA’s plain meaning surfaced from the shadows
of bureaucracies as both the Republican and Democratic parties
committed themselves to “affirmative discrimination,” the famous phrase
coined by Nathan Glazer to describe the government’s policy to
encourage—indeed, mandate in some cases—preferential treatment for
“protected classes [groups]” at the expense of individuals who fell
outside those classes. By 2014, advocating colorblind law left a person
open to the charge of “colorblind racism”—the trendy and yet apt
academic-speak that still makes politicians of all stripes hesitant to
advocate “Nondiscrimination. Period.” We are a long way from July 2,
1964 when that meaning was oh-so-clear.
Fifty years is enough
time to conclude: on the one hand, the Civil Rights Act was partial
fulfillment of the guarantee to equal protection under the law.
Dismantling the vestiges of state-sponsored discrimination was right,
proper and long overdue. Ridding the nation of Jim Crow laws was a
notable achievement.
On the other hand, two sections of the law
limited freedom of association and economic freedom, as if reducing
these forms of freedom were necessary to the goal shared by most
Americans: rule of law regardless of group status. Nullifying
segregation laws was consistent with the 14th amendment’s notion that
individuals were guaranteed equal protection of the law. Segregation
statutes had forced private actors—including nondiscriminatory whites—to
carry out the group-based discrimination favored by politicians
beholden to the prejudices of voters. The CRA changed the rules: private
actors were now forced to practice nondiscrimination. The law
prohibited individuals from discriminating in private employment or
“public accommodations” (businesses open to the public, including retail
stores, hotels, etc.). Even so, the measure of nondiscrimination was
the individual. An establishment could turn away an individual for
reasons not related to race, color, creed and refuse. An employer could
refuse to hire an individual based on his or her individual merits but
not group status.
In practice, we now know, bureaucrats,
policymakers, politicians, and judges betrayed the individualistic
principle of nondiscrimination embodied in the CRA. Soon enough, private
actors (along with state universities, government agencies, and so on)
were forced to practice “good” discrimination, forgetting the lesson of
several centuries: every discrimination—segregation, immigration
restriction, American Indian policy, and even the internment of
Japanese-Americans—was touted as in the public interest and good for
all, including the groups targeted (internees were made “safe” from
law-breaking whites in California!). Ignoring this history, post-1964,
bureaucrats, judges and American presidents marched ahead with “goals,”
“quotas” and other preferential deviations from nondiscrimination. They
offered many justifications: using statistics to “prove” discrimination
existed without bothering with due process (so time-consuming!); or
appeasing rioters who set American cities on fire during the “long hot
summers” of the 1960s.
Seeking votes was another motive for
politicians pledging to “do something” for groups arbitrarily defined as
such after passage of the CRA. The CRA did not list any groups by name.
Regardless of race, color, creed, etc. there was to be no
discrimination. Period. Categories such as “Negro (later Black, African
American),” Mexican and Puerto Rican (later Spanish Speaking,
Spanish-surnamed, and lastly Hispanic) came after the fact. This process
of “check boxing” America began in 1964-1965 when bureaucrats in the
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (established by the CRA),
Department of Labor, and Small Business Administration created racial
categories for use on government-issued forms. Armed with racial check
boxes, bureaucrats, judges and politicians designed policies and
programs treating individuals differently based on their group
status—the very thing the Civil Rights Act plainly prohibited.
America into racial blocs was a reversal of the civil rights movement’s
commitment to colorblind law and individualism. Frederick Douglass
rejected racial labels and believed “that there is no division of races.
God Almighty made but one race.” Justice John Marshall Harlan, the sole
dissenter in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), stated that legally speaking
“Our Constitution is color-blind, and neither knows nor tolerates
classes among citizens.” Colorblindness was the guiding principle of the
civil rights activism that led to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The
individual, not the group, was due equal protection of the law.
color-blind individualism of Douglass and Harlan echoed in the
twentieth century. The writer Rose Wilder Lane wrote “God does not make
races or classes but individual persons...” Likewise, author Zora Neal
Hurston believed “the word ‘race’ is a loose classification of physical
characteristics. It tells us nothing about the insides of people.”
Even the NAACP—now a champion of “group rights”—fought all classification by race. In 1961, NAACP attorney Robert Carter stated
designations on birth certificates, marriage licenses and the like can
serve no useful purpose whatsoever. If we are prepared to accept the
basic postulate of our society—that race or color is an irrelevance—then
contentions that race and color statistics are of social science value
become sheer sophistical rationalization.”
This NAACP viewpoint
persisted beyond passage of the Civil Rights Act. In 1965, hearing that
the federal government might revive racial categories on employment
forms, NAACP spokesman Clarence Mitchell stated “’the minute you put
race on a civil service form . . . you have opened the door to
discrimination.’” Mitchell feared the use of racial categories would
“put us back fifty years.” Two years later, in a brief asking the
Supreme Court to overturn laws prohibiting racial intermarriage, the
NAACP stated: “Classification by race based upon non-existent racial
traits does not serve any valid legislative purpose. . . [and is] in
contradiction to the American conception of equality.” It is tragic that
today’s group-minded NAACP has forgotten what it once advocated so
Douglass, Harlan, and the NAACP were not naïve. They
knew racism existed and spent tremendous energy fighting it.
Furthermore, they knew we will never live in a completely color-blind
world. Individuals will always discriminate in good ways or bad. But
separating individuals into racial groups is an absurd effort to make
the world over. Absurd because it uses the greatest instrument of racial
injustice known to man—government—to purportedly eliminate
discrimination by engaging in it. Three centuries of state-sponsored
discrimination at all levels taught the framers of the Civil Rights Act
that there is no good discrimination, regardless of how finely
slaveholders, segregationists, and putative progressives dress it up.
Civil Rights Act was not a perfect law—no law is perfect–but it did
embody two principles of the long civil rights movement: First, the
individual (not the group) is the measure of justice. Secondly,
nondiscrimination is mandatory for the government and worth pursuing in
our private lives. If policymakers had enforced the Civil Rights Act in
good faith, time might have eroded the tendency to view others as
members of a group, rather than as individuals.
After fifty
years, racial engineering shows no sign of abating. The new racialists
believe in nondiscrimination “except” in the case of “protected groups”
they created on government forms. Deviation from the plain meaning of
the Civil Rights Act was necessary, they argued, to prevent riots,
satisfy voters, or make implementation of the act more “efficient.”
Lately, “diversity” has been added to the reasons for continued
None of these reasons satisfy the human yearning
for fair treatment at the hand of government. Generations of civil
rights activists fought for that treatment. Some died for it. They would
be appalled at the twisting of the Civil Rights Act to mean its
Now is the time to remind all Americans: there is no
“exception” clause in the Civil Rights Act: “Nondiscrimination, except
in the case of riots, elections, bureaucratic expediency, or the pursuit
of ‘diversity’” does not appear in the language of the law.
To paraphrase Dr. Seuss, “the act means what it says and says what it means.”
Let us restore the Civil Rights Act to its original meaning, even if it is one state at a time.
Family Research Council: ‘Today Is a Day for Women to Celebrate’
outside the Court building chanted "birth control is not my boss's
business" -- and yet they insist their boss pay for their birth control.
The marvels of liberal "logic."
“Today is a day for women
to celebrate,” said Cathy Ruse, senior fellow for legal studies at the
Family Research Center, calling the high court ruling, “one of the most
significant religious freedom victories from the court in a decade.”
As reported, the Supreme Court decided Monday that “the
government failed to show that the mandate is the least restrictive
means of advancing its interest in guaranteeing access to free birth
If the government wanted women to have free birth
control, it could pay for contraception coverage itself, Justice Anthony
Kennedy said in a concurring opinion.
“What the court said is
that basically, the Obama administration overreached again. This is a
heavy hand of government, and the government went too far. It’s a good
day for freedom and a good day for freedom of conscience,” Ruse said.
I want to say something about women, because the political left likes
to use the HHS mandate as a cynical war of words. They like to say if
you’re for the mandate, you’re for women. If you’re against the mandate,
you’re against the women. I’m here as a woman to tell you some
interesting facts about women and the mandate,” she said.
the cheap political rhetoric, who is taking the time and the trouble
and the money to go to court to file lawsuits to stop the mandate? Women
– women who run non-profits, like Little Sisters of the Poor and other
women, but also businesswomen who run family businesses,” said Ruse.
is a great day for businesswomen who run family businesses,” she said,
noting that “a third of the plaintiffs in these cases are women in
Ruse said women on the bench are against the contraception mandate.
you actually look, what you will find is that the vast majority of
women judges who have looked at the mandate are against it. They’ve
ruled against it time and time and time again - far outpacing women on
the bench who rule for the mandate. So what do women judges in America
think about the mandate? They’re against it,” she said.
finally, when you look at a public opinion, don’t watch the news. Look
at public opinion, the real public opinion! What do women think – the
average American woman think – about this mandate? Well they don’t like
it,” Ruse added.
For more blog postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, GREENIE WATCH, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS, and Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in). GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites here or here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are here (Academic) or here (Pictorial) or here (Personal)
1 July, 2014
Some jargon and a triumph of capitalism
can be obscurantist at times but can also be useful. Most trades
and occupations have their own jargon as a quick means of
communication. I have been involved with quite a few trades and
occupations in my life so am pretty jargon-loaded. I try to keep
it within its own context, however.
An example of jargon occurred
recently when I saw a carpenter about to throw out something that had
some bolts and nuts in it. I checked that he really was throwing
the nut out and he said he was. I then unscrewed the nut, took one
second's look at it and said: "That's a three eight whitworth".
In reply he agreed that the nut was worth keeping.
So what had I
said? What had my bit of jargon conveyed? To answer that
fully you need to know about Joe Whitworth. Whitworth was an
engineer in mid-19th century Britain. One of the things he did was
make bolts and nuts (he made a good sniper rifle too). And his
bolts and nuts were very good. People found them to be stronger and more
accurate. So after a while people wanted to buy Whitworth bolts and
nuts only. So all makers of bolts and nuts had to convert to
"Whitworth standard" if they wanted to stay in the business. And
they did. No government devised the Whitworth standard and no
government made people use it but the standard became fixed and a fixed
standard was found very useful. And until other nations caught on
it gave British machine-makers an advantage. The French were amazed at
how quickly Britain could build gunboats for the Crimean war, for
And America caught on too. The American "National
Coarse" standard is only a slightly modified version of the Whitworth
specifications. You can usually use NC and Whitworth bolts and
nuts interchangeably (Yes. I know about the pesky half-inch size).
then it gets even more interesting. Because a Whitworth thread is
coarse it is very strong but it is also a bit wobbly for some precision
purposes. So a fine thread was also needed. Alas! Mr
Whitworth did not bother with that. So it fell to others to devise
fine threads. And by that time the clammy hand of government was
felt. Governments took it upon themselves to set the
standards. And in true government form they messed it up.
The British fine standard (BSF) and the American fine standard (SAE) are
quite different. No interchangeability any more. A big part
of the advantage of standardizion was lost.
So, to get back to
my original story, I was telling the tradesman that the thread in the
nut was coarse (Whitworth standard) and that the diameter of the bolt
taken by the nut was three eighths of an inch. I could tell that
measurement by eye, as most people in the engineering trades could.
A small silver lining to Thad Cochran's crooked victory in Mississippi
PARTY insurgent Chris McDaniel came tantalizingly close to knocking off
Senator Thad Cochran in Mississippi's Republican primary runoff last
week, but a surge in black voter turnout saved the six-term incumbent's
bacon. Cochran's election to a seventh term in November now seems a
foregone conclusion, and boy, are a lot of conservatives mad.
is something a bit unusual about a Republican primary that's decided by
liberal Democrats," McDaniel fumed on election night, slamming Cochran
and the GOP establishment for "once again reaching across the aisle
[and] abandoning the conservative movement."
But whatever else
Cochran's victory meant, his "reaching across the aisle" made his
victory a noteworthy instance of something that supposedly doesn't and
can't happen even in today's Mississippi: A white GOP politician sought
support among Democrats, and particularly black Democrats. And far from
being politically powerless, they tipped the election.
Mississippi's open-primary rules, anyone who hadn't already voted in the
Democratic primary could vote in the Republican runoff. The Cochran
camp openly solicited crossover support, as John Hayward wrote in Human
Events, "through a combination of race-baiting attacks on McDaniel, and
touting his ability to make government larger and bring home more
goodies from Washington." National Review called it a "Two-Faced
Victory": In majority black neighborhoods, Cochran's ads and mailers
played up his support for historically black colleges and food stamps.
In predominantly white districts, other pamphlets highlighted his
support for the National Rifle Association and his opposition to
abortion and Obamacare.
What especially outraged many
conservatives was a flyer circulated in largely black precincts bearing
the ominous heading "The Tea Party intends to prevent blacks from voting
on Tuesday." It urged voters to re-elect Cochran in order to prevent a
"return to the bygone era of intimidating black Mississippians from
voting." No one is surprised when Democrats play the race card that way,
Rush Limbaugh told his radio audience, but for the Republican
establishment to do so was "really reprehensible."
It was
reprehensible. But really: Who over the age of 11 is surprised when
incumbents resort to reprehensible tactics to beat back a challenger? Or
when voting blocs and politicians who normally wouldn't give each other
a second glance across a crowded room choose to snuggle up as
bedfellows in order to maintain the power, perks, and pork that they
value most? The NAACP's most recent civil rights "report card" gives
Cochran an F, but that didn't stop black voters from turning out in
force. "With Cochran, we know what we've got, and we like what we've
got," the president of the NAACP's Jackson branch announced.
all the voter intimidation that the Tea Party was accused of plotting
never materialized. On the eve of the election, The New York Times
fretted that McDaniel's campaign was bent on "Scaring Away Black Voters
in Mississippi." But black voters weren't scared. There was no reason
they should be. This isn't June 1964, when volunteers James Chaney,
Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodman were murdered by the Klan for
trying to register black citizens to vote. It is June 2014, when at the
faintest whiff of voting-rights discrimination a battalion of civil
rights attorneys is ready to march into federal court.
Supreme Court's 2013 ruling on the Voting Rights Act triggered
hysterical fearmongering. But as the Mississippi results confirm, black
voting rights in America are in no danger at all.
When the
Supreme Court last year struck down Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act,
critics warned frantically that minority voting rights were in mortal
peril. Congressman John Lewis, a Georgia Democrat, said the court had
"put a dagger in the heart" of what the civil rights movement had
achieved. The ruling was "as lamentable as Plessy or Dred Scott," wailed
The Atlantic. From the hue and cry, you could have been forgiven for
thinking that the court had pronounced Jim Crow-era literacy tests and
poll taxes constitutional after all, and advised black voters to forget
about ever flexing their electoral muscles again.
Well, don't
tell that to McDaniel, who was confident that his bid to knock Cochran
off the November ballot had gone from "the improbable to the
unstoppable." Instead it was McDaniel who got knocked off. Cochran's
appeal to black voters may not have been honorable. It certainly wasn't
conservative. But it was indubitably effective: In the 24 Mississippi
counties with black majorities, turnout soared by an average of 40
percent from the primary to the runoff. One of the most senior members
of the state's Republican establishment just won the fight of his
career. What turned the tide was the exercise by black citizens of their
right to vote — a right that is no longer endangered anywhere in
America, not even in Mississippi.
There’s only one meaningful metric that will determine ObamaCare’s future
the end of the initial open enrollment period, there has been a marked
rise in the frequency of a certain type of argument – an argument which I
hear with regularity inside the Acela corridor, but almost never
outside of it. The argument goes something like this: regardless of the
political toxicity of Obamacare, it is here to stay, and the laws
opponents and Congressional Republicans need to wake up to that fact, or
The “or else” could be anything, and is essentially
interchangeable. The most common prediction is of electoral doom; less
so are predictions of revolutionary protests in the streets, turning to
violence in defense of their Medicaid benefits, or losing broad swathes
of traditionally red states in the Senate contests this year, or most
recently, a prediction that Republicans will lose 90 percent of women
voters in 2016. And yes, I’ve heard all of these and more in recent
This argument has a milder version which is repeated in
the more sensible press. These observers concede that yes, Obamacare is
still very unpopular, and yes, premiums are still going up, and yes,
it’s signed up fewer uninsured than we expected and even those newly
insured are barely favorable of it… but still, they insist, talk of
repeal and replace is just politicians irresponsibly playing to the more
radical elements of their conservative base. Forget the polls –
Obamacare is here to stay.
I think this is a mistaken view of the
political realities at play here. Perhaps this is driven by the
drumbeat of “good news, everyone” which has been put forward by
supporters of the law. But in an era when wonks are so plentiful, data
journalists fall fully ripened from the trees, and explainers flower
with the glorious frequency of endless summer, it’s easy to lose sight
of the simplicity of factors which will determine whether policies
maintain their permanence or are dramatically reformed.
It’s a
mistake to assume there is a magic number, a point of uninsured who
gained insurance, a statistic of Medicaid signups, or a percentage of
average premium increases which will mark the point where Obamacare is
safe from Republican assault. The average American voter and policymaker
is not watching these factors – they are aware of Obamacare’s
performance primarily through how it impacts their livelihoods, costs,
and constituents. The opponents of the law are far louder and more
motivated than its supporters. And that is very unlikely to change any
time soon.
This is why I do not understand the assumptions of
inevitability on the part of the law’s supporters. The Republican Party
has put the repeal of President Obama’s signature law at the center of
its agenda for years. It has taken repeal vote after repeal vote and
made pledge after pledge. As a matter of partisan priority, there is
nothing greater. And one more year of Obamacare will not change that.
single feasible candidate for the 2016 Republican nomination will
loudly declare their support for repealing the law. Most will also offer
a policy replacement, culled from the various technocratic and free
market think tanks or from the legislation currently introduced in
Congress. Whoever Republicans choose as their nominee, their favored
replacement will become the de facto alternative Republican plan which
party leaders and elected officials will all be expected to defend. And
should the Republican candidate win, it is inconceivable that they will
not have run on making the replacement of Obamacare a top priority for
the first 100 days in office.
Republicans are not going to back
off their efforts for repeal. It is a top priority for their national
base, for their donors, and for their constituents. If Republicans have
the Senate, it becomes that much easier – but even without it, the
margin will be narrow, and the possibility for dealmaking outranks the
likelihood that every single Democratic Senator will toe the line and
pass on the opportunity to help remake health policy as they see fit.
And while the election of Hillary Clinton or another Democrat would
prevent this circumstance and protect Obamacare from assault, assuming
that such an election is inevitable is really what you’re saying when
you say Obamacare is here to stay.
The political legacy of
Obamacare and the 2012 election is a vindication of monopartisan
governance. Great domestic policies are no longer achieved via
bipartisan give and take or the leadership of careful compromisers –
they are rammed through with the support of your party and your base
when you have the power to do so. I fully expect to see Republicans
attempt to do that should they retake the White House.
So what
are we to do in the time until November 2016? Well, in the meantime, we
can discuss the other factors and outcomes of this policy in the ways
they impact America’s insurers, hospitals, drugmakers, and industries.
But we should not lose sight of the fact that it is this political
outcome, and this outcome alone, which will determine whether Obamacare
survives or not. It’s just not that complicated.
Harry Reid and Senate Dems Refuse To Actually Legislate
Democrats scared that they're going to lose the Senate in the November
2014 elections, they've been very hesitant to actually legislate. Doing
so would require some of their members to actually take a position on
some important issues, and in response to that, they're just grinding
everything to a halt.
Well, more than usual.
Associated Press actually delves into the issue. There's nothing wrong
with refusing to legislate - a government that isn't doing anything is a
government that isn't doing any bad things - but Democrats often blame
Republicans for "blocking legislation."
Here's the AP report:
"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., now is requiring an elusive
60-vote supermajority to deal with amendments to spending bills,
instead of the usual simple majority, a step that makes it much more
difficult to put politically sensitive matters into contention. This was
a flip from his approach to Obama administration nominees, when he
decided most could be moved ahead with a straight majority instead of
the 60 votes needed before."
It's not just Harry Reid stopping
action on the floor of the Senate. Even in the committee process,
Democrats are halting action:
"In the
Appropriations Committee, long accustomed to a freewheeling process,
chairwoman Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., has held up action on three spending
bills, apparently to head off politically difficult votes on changes to
the divisive health care law as well as potential losses to Republicans
on amendments such as McConnell's on the coal industry."
the AP describes this as a new trend, this is pretty par for the course
in the Obama era. Harry Reid hasn't allowed Republicans so much as a
hint of a say in the legislative process in the Senate. That's just how
President Obama likes it, as well.
As the AP writes, the top
Democrats that they're trying to protect are Mark Begich (Alaska), Mark
Pryor (Arkansas), and Mary Landrieu (Louisiana). All three of them are
considered some of the most vulnerable Dems this November.
There is a new lot of postings by Chris Brand just up -- on his usual vastly "incorrect" themes of race, genes, IQ etc
For more blog postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, GREENIE WATCH, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS, and Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in). GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites here or here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are here (Academic) or here (Pictorial) or here (Personal)
Postings from Brisbane, Australia by John J. Ray
(M.A.; Ph.D.) -- former member of the Australia-Soviet Friendship
Society, former anarcho-capitalist and former member of the British
Conservative party.
Leftism is fundamentally authoritarian. Whether by revolution or by
legislation, Leftists aim to change what people can and must do. When
in 2008 Obama said that he wanted to "fundamentally transform" America,
he was not talking about America's geography or topography but rather
about American people. He wanted them to stop doing things that they
wanted to do and make them do things that they did not want to do. Can
you get a better definition of authoritarianism than that?
Conservatives adapt to the world they live in. Leftists want to change the world to suit themselves
MESSAGE to Leftists: Even if you killed all conservatives tomorrow, you
would just end up in another Soviet Union. Conservatives are all that
stand between you and that dismal fate. And you may not even survive at
all. Stalin killed off all the old Bolsheviks.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism
of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very
word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialist) and the full name of Hitler's political party (translated) was "The National Socialist German Workers' Party" (In German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)
Just the name of Hitler's political party should be sufficient to reject
the claim that Hitler was "Right wing" but Leftists sometimes retort
that the name "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" is not
informative, in that it is the name of a dismal Stalinist tyranny. But
"People's Republic" is a normal name for a Communist country whereas I
know of no conservative political party that calls itself a "Socialist
Worker's Party". Such parties are in fact usually of the extreme Left
(Trotskyite etc.)
Most people find the viciousness of the Nazis to be incomprehensible --
for instance what they did in their concentration camps. But you just
have to read a little of the vileness that pours out from modern-day
"liberals" in their Twitter and blog comments to understand it all very
well. Leftists haven't changed. They are still boiling with hate
Who said this in 1968? "I am not, and never have been, a man of the right. My position was on the Left and is now in the centre of politics". It was Sir Oswald Mosley, founder and leader of the British Union of Fascists
The term "Fascism" is mostly used by the Left as a brainless term of
abuse. But when they do make a serious attempt to define it, they
produce very complex and elaborate definitions -- e.g. here and here.
In fact, Fascism is simply extreme socialism plus nationalism. But
great gyrations are needed to avoid mentioning the first part of that
recipe, of course.
Two examples of Leftist racism below (much more here and here):
Beatrice Webb, a founder of the London School of Economics and
the Fabian Society, and married to a Labour MP, mused in 1922 on whether
when English children were "dying from lack of milk", one should extend
"the charitable impulse" to Russian and Chinese children who, if saved
this year, might anyway die next. Besides, she continued, there was "the
larger question of whether those races are desirable inhabitants" and
"obviously" one wouldn't "spend one's available income" on "a Central
African negro".
Hugh Dalton, offered the Colonial Office during Attlee's 1945-51 Labour
government, turned it down because "I had a horrid vision of
pullulating, poverty stricken, diseased nigger communities, for whom one
can do nothing in the short run and who, the more one tries to help
them, are querulous and ungrateful."
The Zimmerman case is an excellent proof that the Left is deep-down racist
Defensible and indefensible usages of the term "racism"
The book, The authoritarian personality, authored by T.W. Adorno
et al. in 1950, has been massively popular among psychologists. It
claims that a set of ideas that were popular in the
"Progressive"-dominated America of the prewar era were "authoritarian".
Leftist regimes always are authoritarian so that claim was not a big
problem. What was quite amazing however is that Adorno et al.
identified such ideas as "conservative". They were in fact simply
popular ideas of the day but ones that had been most heavily promoted by
the Left right up until the then-recent WWII. See here for details of prewar "Progressive" thinking.
Leftist psychologists have an amusingly simplistic conception of
military organizations and military men. They seem to base it on
occasions they have seen troops marching together on parade rather than
any real knowledge of military men and the military life. They think
that military men are "rigid" -- automatons who are unable to adjust to
new challenges or think for themselves. What is incomprehensible to
them is that being kadaver gehorsam (to use the extreme Prussian
term for following orders) actually requires great flexibility -- enough
flexibility to put your own ideas and wishes aside and do something
very difficult. Ask any soldier if all commands are easy to obey.
It would be very easy for me to say that I am too much of an individual
for the army but I did in fact join the army and enjoy it greatly, as
most men do. In my observation, ALL army men are individuals. It is
just that they accept discipline in order to be militarily efficient --
which is the whole point of the exercise. But that's too complex for
simplistic Leftist thinking, of course
R.I.P. Augusto Pinochet. Pinochet deposed a law-defying Marxist
President at the express and desperate invitation of the Chilean
parliament. He pioneered the free-market reforms which Reagan and
Thatcher later unleashed to world-changing effect. That he used
far-Leftist methods to suppress far-Leftist violence is reasonable if
not ideal. The Leftist view that they should have a monopoly of violence
and that others should follow the law is a total absurdity which shows
only that their hate overcomes their reason
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a war criminal. Both British and American
codebreakers had cracked the Japanese naval code so FDR knew what was
coming at Pearl Harbor. But for his own political reasons he warned
no-one there. So responsibility for the civilian and military deaths at
Pearl Harbor lies with FDR as well as with the Japanese. The huge
firepower available at Pearl Harbor, both aboard ship and on land, could
have largely neutered the attack. Can you imagine 8 battleships and
various lesser craft firing all their AA batteries as the Japanese came
in? The Japanese naval airforce would have been annihilated and the
war would have been over before it began.
FDR prolonged the Depression. He certainly didn't cure it.
WWII did NOT end the Great Depression. It just concealed it. It in fact made living standards worse
FDR appointed a known KKK member, Hugo Black, to the Supreme Court
Joe McCarthy was eventually proved right after the fall of the Soviet Union. To accuse anyone of McCarthyism is to accuse them of accuracy!
The KKK was intimately associated with the Democratic party. They ATTACKED Republicans!
People who mention differences in black vs. white IQ are these days
almost universally howled down and subjected to the most extreme abuse.
I am a psychometrician, however, so I feel obliged to defend the
scientific truth of the matter: The average African adult has about the
same IQ as an average white 11-year-old and African Americans (who are
partly white in ancestry) average out at a mental age of 14. The
American Psychological Association is generally Left-leaning but it is
the world's most prestigious body of academic psychologists. And even
they have had to concede
that sort of gap (one SD) in black vs. white average IQ. 11-year olds
can do a lot of things but they also have their limits and there are
times when such limits need to be allowed for.
America's uncivil war was caused by trade protectionism. The slavery issue was just camouflage, as Abraham Lincoln himself admitted. See also here
Did William Zantzinger kill poor Hattie Carroll?
Did Bismarck predict where WWI would start or was it just a "free" translation by Churchill?
Malcolm Gladwell: "There is more of reality and wisdom in a Chinese fortune cookie than can be found anywhere in Gladwell’s pages"
The 10 "cannots" (By William J. H. Boetcker) that Leftist politicians ignore:
*You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
* You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
* You cannot help little men by tearing down big men.
* You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
* You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
* You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.
* You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
* You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.
* You cannot build character and courage by destroying men's initiative and independence.
* And you cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves.
A good short definition of conservative: "One who wants you to keep your hand out of his pocket."
Beware of good intentions. They mostly lead to coercion
A gargantuan case of hubris, coupled with stunning level of ignorance
about how the real world works, is the essence of progressivism.
The U.S. Constitution is neither "living" nor dead. It is fixed until
it is amended. But amending it is the privilege of the people, not of
politicians or judges
It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making
decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay
no price for being wrong - Thomas Sowell
Leftists think that utopia can be coerced into existence -- so no
dishonesty or brutality is beyond them in pursuit of that "noble" goal
When using today's model of society as a rule, most of history will be
found to be full of oppression, bias, and bigotry." What today's
arrogant judges of history fail to realize is that they, too, will be
judged. What will Americans of 100 years from now make of, say, speech
codes, political correctness, and zero tolerance - to name only three?
Assuming, of course, there will still be an America that we, today,
would recognize. Given the rogue Federal government spy apparatus, I am
not at all sure of that. -- Paul Havemann
Economist Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973): "The champions of socialism
call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is
characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to
every kind of improvement. They call themselves liberals, but they are
intent upon abolishing liberty. They call themselves democrats, but they
yearn for dictatorship. They call themselves revolutionaries, but they
want to make the government omnipotent. They promise the blessings of
the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic
post office."
It's the shared hatred of the rest of us that unites Islamists and the Left.
American liberals don't love America. They despise it. All they love is
their own fantasy of what America could become. They are false patriots.
The Democratic Party: Con-men elected by the ignorant and the arrogant
The Democratic Party is a strange amalgam of elites, would-be elites and
minorities. No wonder their policies are so confused and irrational
Why are conservatives more at ease with religion? Because it is basic
to conservatism that some things are unknowable, and religious people
have to accept that too. Leftists think that they know it all and feel
threatened by any exceptions to that. Thinking that you know it all is
however the pride that comes before a fall.
The characteristic emotion of the Leftist is not envy. It's rage
Leftists are committed to grievance, not truth
The British Left poured out a torrent of hate for Margaret Thatcher on
the occasion of her death. She rescued Britain from chaos and restored
Britain's prosperity. What's not to hate about that?
Something you didn't know about Margaret Thatcher
The world's dumbest investor? Without doubt it is Uncle Sam. Nobody
anywhere could rival the scale of the losses on "investments" made under
the Obama administration
"Behind the honeyed but patently absurd pleas for equality is a
ruthless drive for placing themselves (the elites) at the top of a new
hierarchy of power" -- Murray Rothbard - Egalitarianism and the Elites (1995)
A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which
debt he proposes to pay off with your money. -- G. Gordon Liddy
"World socialism as a whole, and all the figures associated with it,
are shrouded in legend; its contradictions are forgotten or concealed;
it does not respond to arguments but continually ignores them--all this
stems from the mist of irrationality that surrounds socialism and from
its instinctive aversion to scientific analysis... The doctrines of
socialism seethe with contradictions, its theories are at constant odds
with its practice, yet due to a powerful instinct these contradictions
do not in the least hinder the unending propaganda of socialism. Indeed,
no precise, distinct socialism even exists; instead there is only a
vague, rosy notion of something noble and good, of equality, communal
ownership, and justice: the advent of these things will bring instant
euphoria and a social order beyond reproach." -- Solzhenitsyn
"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. -- Thomas Jefferson
"Much that passes as idealism is disguised hatred or disguised love of power" -- Bertrand Russell
Evan Sayet:
The Left sides "...invariably with evil over good, wrong over right,
and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success."
(t=5:35+ on video)
The Republicans are the gracious side of American politics. It is the Democrats who are the nasty party, the haters
Wanting to stay out of the quarrels of other nations is conservative --
but conservatives will fight if attacked or seriously endangered.
Anglo/Irish statesman Lord Castlereagh
(1769-1822), who led the political coalition that defeated Napoleon,
was an isolationist, as were traditional American conservatives.
Some useful definitions:
If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one. If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat. If a liberal is a
vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
If a
conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his
situation. A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.
If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels. Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.
a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church. A liberal
non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless
it's a foreign religion, of course!)
If a conservative decides he
needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job
that provides it. A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.
There is better evidence for creation than there is for the Leftist
claim that “gender” is a “social construct”. Most Leftist claims seem
to be faith-based rather than founded on the facts
Leftists are classic weak characters. They dish out abuse by the bucketload but cannot take it when they get it back. Witness the Loughner hysteria.
Death taxes:
You would expect a conscientious person, of whatever degree of
intelligence, to reflect on the strange contradiction involved in
denying people the right to unearned wealth, while supporting programs
that give people unearned wealth.
America is no longer the land of the free. It is now the land of the regulated -- though it is not alone in that, of course
The Leftist motto: "I love humanity. It's just people I can't stand"
Why are Leftists always talking about hate? Because it fills their own hearts
Envy is a strong and widespread human emotion so there has alway been
widespread support for policies of economic "levelling". Both the USA
and the modern-day State of Israel were founded by communists but
reality taught both societies that respect for the individual gave much
better outcomes than levelling ideas. Sadly, there are many people in
both societies in whom hatred for others is so strong that they are
incapable of respect for the individual. The destructiveness of what
they support causes them to call themselves many names in different
times and places but they are the backbone of the political Left
Gore Vidal: "Every time a friend succeeds, I die a little". Vidal was of course a Leftist
The large number of rich Leftists suggests that, for them, envy is
secondary. They are directly driven by hatred and scorn for many of the
other people that they see about them. Hatred of others can be rooted
in many things, not only in envy. But the haters come together as the
Left. Some evidence here showing that envy is not what defines the Left
Leftists hate the world around them and want to change it: the people in
it most particularly. Conservatives just want to be left alone to make
their own decisions and follow their own values.
The failure of the Soviet experiment has definitely made the American
Left more vicious and hate-filled than they were. The plain failure of
what passed for ideas among them has enraged rather than humbled them.
Ronald Reagan famously observed that the status quo is Latin for “the
mess we’re in.” So much for the vacant Leftist claim that conservatives
are simply defenders of the status quo. They think that conservatives
are as lacking in principles as they are.
Was Confucius a conservative? The following saying would seem to
reflect good conservative caution: "The superior man, when resting in
safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of
security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is
orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is
not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved."
The shallow thinkers of the Left sometimes claim that conservatives want
to impose their own will on others in the matter of abortion. To make
that claim is however to confuse religion with politics. Conservatives
are in fact divided about their response to abortion. The REAL
opposition to abortion is religious rather than political. And the
church which has historically tended to support the LEFT -- the Roman
Catholic church -- is the most fervent in the anti-abortion cause.
Conservatives are indeed the one side of politics to have moral qualms
on the issue but they tend to seek a middle road in dealing with it.
Taking the issue to the point of legal prohibitions is a religious
doctrine rather than a conservative one -- and the religion concerned
may or may not be characteristically conservative. More on that here
Some Leftist hatred arises from the fact that they blame "society" for their own personal problems and inadequacies
The Leftist hunger for change to the society that they hate leads to a
hunger for control over other people. And they will do and say anything
to get that control: "Power at any price". Leftist politicians are
mostly self-aggrandizing crooks who gain power by deceiving the
uninformed with snake-oil promises -- power which they invariably use
to destroy. Destruction is all that they are good at. Destruction is
what haters do.
Leftists are consistent only in their hate. They don't have principles.
How can they when "there is no such thing as right and wrong"? All
they have is postures, pretend-principles that can be changed as easily
as one changes one's shirt
A Leftist assumption: Making money doesn't entitle you to it, but wanting money does.
"Politicians never accuse you of 'greed' for wanting other people's
money -- only for wanting to keep your own money." --columnist Joe
Sobran (1946-2010)
Leftist policies are candy-coated rat poison that may appear appealing at first, but inevitably do a lot of damage to everyone impacted by them.
A tribute and thanks to Mary Jo Kopechne. Her death was reprehensible
but she probably did more by her death that she ever would have in life:
She spared the world a President Ted Kennedy. That the heap of
corruption that was Ted Kennedy died peacefully in his bed is one of the
clearest demonstrations that we do not live in a just world. Even Joe
Stalin seems to have been smothered to death by Nikita Khrushchev
I often wonder why Leftists refer to conservatives as "wingnuts". A
wingnut is a very useful device that adds versatility wherever it is
used. Clearly, Leftists are not even good at abuse. Once they have
accused their opponents of racism and Nazism, their cupboard is bare.
Similarly, Leftists seem to think it is a devastating critique to refer
to "Worldnet Daily" as "Worldnut Daily". The poverty of their
argumentation is truly pitiful
The Leftist assertion that there is no such thing as right and wrong has
a distinguished history. It was Pontius Pilate who said "What is
truth?" (John 18:38). From a Christian viewpoint, the assertion is
undoubtedly the Devil's gospel
Even in the Old Testament they knew about "Postmodernism": "Woe unto
them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light,
and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for
bitter!" - Isaiah 5:20 (KJV)
Was Solomon the first conservative? "The hearts of men are full of evil
and madness is in their hearts" -- Ecclesiastes: 9:3 (RSV). He could
almost have been talking about Global Warming.
"If one rejects laissez faire on account of man's fallibility and moral
weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of
government action." - Ludwig von Mises
naive scholar who searches for a consistent Leftist program will not
find it. What there is consists only in the negation of the present.
Because of their need to be different from the mainstream, Leftists are very good at pretending that sow's ears are silk purses
Among intelligent people, Leftism is a character defect. Leftists HATE
success in others -- which is why notably successful societies such as
the USA and Israel are hated and failures such as the Palestinians can
do no wrong.
A Leftist's beliefs are all designed to pander to his ego. So when you
have an argument with a Leftist, you are not really discussing the
facts. You are threatening his self esteem. Which is why the normal
Leftist response to challenge is mere abuse.
Because of the fragility of a Leftist's ego, anything that threatens it
is intolerable and provokes rage. So most Leftist blogs can be
summarized in one sentence: "How DARE anybody question what I
believe!". Rage and abuse substitute for an appeal to facts and reason.
Because their beliefs serve their ego rather than reality, Leftists just KNOW what is good for us. Conservatives need evidence.
Absolute certainty is the privilege of uneducated men and fanatics. -- C.J. Keyser
Hell is paved with good intentions" -- Boswell's Life of Johnson of 1775
"Almost all professors of the arts and sciences are egregiously conceited, and derive their happiness from their conceit" -- Erasmus
"Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him" (Proverbs 26: 12). I think that sums up Leftists pretty well.
Eminent British astrophysicist Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington is often
quoted as saying: "Not only is the universe stranger than we imagine, it
is stranger than we can imagine." It was probably in fact said by his
contemporary, J.B.S. Haldane. But regardless of authorship, it could
well be a conservative credo not only about the cosmos but also about
human beings and human society. Mankind is too complex to be summed
up by simple rules and even complex rules are only approximations with
many exceptions.
Politics is the only thing Leftists know about. They know nothing of
economics, history or business. Their only expertise is in promoting
feelings of grievance
Socialism makes the individual the slave of the state -- capitalism frees them.
Many readers here will have noticed that what I say about Leftists
sometimes sounds reminiscent of what Leftists say about conservatives.
There is an excellent reason for that. Leftists are great "projectors"
(people who see their own faults in others). So a good first step in
finding out what is true of Leftists is to look at what they say about
conservatives! They even accuse conservatives of projection (of
The research
shows clearly that one's Left/Right stance is strongly genetically
inherited but nobody knows just what specifically is inherited. What
is inherited that makes people Leftist or Rightist? There is any amount
of evidence that personality traits are strongly genetically inherited
so my proposal is that hard-core Leftists are people who tend to let
their emotions (including hatred and envy) run away with them and who
are much more in need of seeing themselves as better than others -- two
attributes that are probably related to one another. Such Leftists may
be an evolutionary leftover from a more primitive past.
Leftists seem to believe that if someone like Al Gore says it, it must
be right. They obviously have a strong need for an authority figure.
The fact that the two most authoritarian regimes of the 20th century
(Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia) were socialist is thus no surprise.
Leftists often accuse conservatives of being "authoritarian" but that is
just part of their usual "projective" strategy -- seeing in others
what is really true of themselves.
"With their infernal racial set-asides, racial quotas, and race norming,
liberals share many of the Klan's premises. The Klan sees the world in
terms of race and ethnicity. So do liberals! Indeed, liberals and white
supremacists are the only people left in America who are neurotically
obsessed with race. Conservatives champion a color-blind society" -- Ann
Politicians are in general only a little above average in intelligence
so the idea that they can make better decisions for us that we can
make ourselves is laughable
A quote from the late Dr. Adrian Rogers: "You cannot legislate the
poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one
person receives without working for, another person must work for
without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that
the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the
people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other
half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the
idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get
what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation.
You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."
The Supreme Court of the United States is now and always has been a
judicial abomination. Its guiding principles have always been
political rather than judicial. It is not as political as Stalin's
courts but its respect for the constitution is little better. Some
recent abuses: The "equal treatment" provision of the 14th amendment
was specifically written to outlaw racial discrimination yet the court
has allowed various forms of "affirmative action" for decades -- when
all such policies should have been completely stuck down immediately.
The 2nd. amendment says that the right to bear arms shall not be
infringed yet gun control laws infringe it in every State in the union.
The 1st amendment provides that speech shall be freely exercised yet
the court has upheld various restrictions on the financing and display
of political advertising. The court has found a right to abortion in
the constitution when the word abortion is not even mentioned there.
The court invents rights that do not exist and denies rights that do.
"Some action that is unconstitutional has much to recommend it" -- Elena Kagan, nominated to SCOTUS by Obama
Frank Sulloway, the anti-scientist
The basic aim of all bureaucrats is to maximize their funding and minimize their workload
A lesson in Australian: When an Australian calls someone a "big-noter",
he is saying that the person is a chronic and rather pathetic seeker of
admiration -- as in someone who often pulls out "big notes" (e.g.
$100.00 bills) to pay for things, thus endeavouring to create the
impression that he is rich. The term describes the mentality rather
than the actual behavior with money and it aptly describes many
Leftists. When they purport to show "compassion" by advocating things
that cost themselves nothing (e.g. advocating more taxes on "the rich"
to help "the poor"), an Australian might say that the Leftist is
"big-noting himself". There is an example of the usage here. The term conveys contempt. There is a wise description of Australians generally here
Some ancient wisdom for Leftists: "Be not righteous overmuch; neither make thyself over wise: Why shouldest thou die before thy time?" -- Ecclesiastes 7:16
Jesse Jackson:
"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to
walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery
-- then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved." There
ARE important racial differences.
Some Jimmy Carter wisdom: "I think it's inevitable that there will be a lower standard of living than what everybody had always anticipated," he told advisers in 1979. "there's going to be a downward turning."
The "steamroller" above who got steamrollered by his own hubris.
Spitzer is a warning of how self-destructive a vast ego can be -- and
also of how destructive of others it can be.
Heritage is what survives death: Very rare and hence very valuable
Big business is not your friend. As Adam Smith said: "People of the
same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but
the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some
contrivance to raise prices. It is impossible indeed to prevent such
meetings, by any law which either could be executed, or would be
consistent with liberty or justice. But though the law cannot hinder
people of the same trade from sometimes assembling together, it ought to
do nothing to facilitate such assemblies; much less to render them
How can I accept the Communist doctrine, which sets up as its bible,
above and beyond criticism, an obsolete textbook which I know not only
to be scientifically erroneous but without interest or application to
the modern world? How can I adopt a creed which, preferring the mud to
the fish, exalts the boorish proletariat above the bourgeoisie and the
intelligentsia, who with all their faults, are the quality of life and
surely carry the seeds of all human achievement? Even if we need a
religion, how can we find it in the turbid rubbish of the red bookshop?
It is hard for an educated, decent, intelligent son of Western Europe to
find his ideals here, unless he has first suffered some strange and
horrid process of conversion which has changed all his values. -- John Maynard Keynes
Some wisdom from "Bron" Waugh: "The purpose of politics is to help
them [politicians] overcome these feelings of inferiority and compensate
for their personal inadequacies in the pursuit of power"
"There are countless horrible things happening all over the country, and
horrible people prospering, but we must never allow them to disturb our
equanimity or deflect us from our sacred duty to sabotage and annoy
them whenever possible"
The urge to pass new laws must be seen as an illness, not much different
from the urge to bite old women. Anyone suspected of suffering from it
should either be treated with the appropriate pills or, if it is too
late for that, elected to Parliament [or Congress, as the case may be]
and paid a huge salary with endless holidays, to do nothing whatever"
"It is my settled opinion, after some years as a political
correspondent, that no one is attracted to a political career in the
first place unless he is socially or emotionally crippled"
Two lines below of a famous hymn that would be incomprehensible to
Leftists today ("honor"? "right"? "freedom?" Freedom to agree with
them is the only freedom they believe in)
First to fight for right and freedom,
And to keep our honor clean
It is of course the hymn of the USMC -- still today the relentless warriors that they always were. Freedom needs a soldier
If any of the short observations above about Leftism seem wrong, note
that they do not stand alone. The evidence for them is set out at great
length in my MONOGRAPH on Leftism.
3 memoirs of "Supermac", a 20th century Disraeli (Aristocratic British
Conservative Prime Minister -- 1957 to 1963 -- Harold Macmillan):
"It breaks my heart to see (I can't interfere or do anything at my
age) what is happening in our country today - this terrible strike of
the best men in the world, who beat the Kaiser's army and beat Hitler's
army, and never gave in. Pointless, endless. We can't afford that kind
of thing. And then this growing division which the noble Lord who has
just spoken mentioned, of a comparatively prosperous south, and an
ailing north and midlands. That can't go on." -- Mac on the British
working class: "the best men in the world" (From his Maiden speech in
the House of Lords, 13 November 1984)
"As a Conservative, I am naturally in favour of returning into private
ownership and private management all those means of production and
distribution which are now controlled by state capitalism"
During Macmillan's time as prime minister, average living standards
steadily rose while numerous social reforms were carried out
The Bible is an Israeli book
"And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed" -- Genesis 12:3
"O pray for the peace of Jerusalem: They shall prosper that love thee" Psalm 122:6.
If I forget you, Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill. May
my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I
do not consider Jerusalem my highest joy -- Psalm 137 (NIV)
Israel, like the Jews throughout history, is hated not for her vices
but her virtues. Israel is hated, as the United States is hated, because
Israel is successful, because Israel is free, and because Israel is
good. As Maxim Gorky put it: “Whatever nonsense the anti-Semites may
talk, they dislike the Jew only because he is obviously better, more
adroit, and more willing and capable of work than they are.” Whether
driven by culture or genes—or like most behavior, an inextricable
mix—the fact of Jewish genius is demonstrable." -- George Gilder
To Leftist haters, all the basic rules of liberal society — rejection of
hate speech, commitment to academic freedom, rooting out racism, the
absolute commitment to human dignity — go out the window when the
subject is Israel.
My (Gentile) opinion of antisemitism: The Jews are the best we've got so killing them is killing us.
I have always liked the story of Gideon (See Judges chapters 6 to 8) and
it is surely no surprise that in the present age Israel is the Gideon
of nations: Few in numbers but big in power and impact.
If I were not an atheist, I would believe that God had a sense of
humour. He gave his chosen people (the Jews) enormous advantages --
high intelligence and high drive -- but to keep it fair he deprived
them of something hugely important too: Political sense. So Jews to
this day tend very strongly to be Leftist -- even though the chief
source of antisemitism for roughly the last 200 years has been the
political Left!
And the other side of the coin is that Jews tend to despise
conservatives and Christians. Yet American fundamentalist Christians
are the bedrock of the vital American support for Israel, the ultimate
bolthole for all Jews. So Jewish political irrationality seems to be a
rather good example of the saying that "The LORD giveth and the LORD
taketh away". There are many other examples of such perversity (or
"balance"). The sometimes severe side-effects of most pharmaceutical
drugs is an obvious one but there is another ethnic example too, a
rather amusing one. Chinese people are in general smart and patient
people but their rate of traffic accidents in China is about 10 times
higher than what prevails in Western societies. They are brilliant
mathematicians and fearless business entrepreneurs but at the same time
bad drivers!
Conservatives, on the other hand, could be antisemitic on entirely
rational grounds: Namely, the overwhelming Leftism of the Diaspora
Jewish population as a whole. Because they judge the individual,
however, only a tiny minority of conservative-oriented people make such
general judgments. The longer Jews continue on their "stiff-necked"
course, however, the more that is in danger of changing. The children
of Israel have been a stiff necked people since the days of Moses,
however, so they will no doubt continue to vote with their emotions
rather than their reason.
I despair of the ADL. Jews have
enough problems already and yet in the ADL one has a prominent Jewish
organization that does its best to make itself offensive to Christians.
Their Leftism is more important to them than the welfare of Jewry --
which is the exact opposite of what they ostensibly stand for! Jewish
cleverness seems to vanish when politics are involved. Fortunately,
Christians are true to their saviour and have loving hearts. Jewish
dissatisfaction with the myopia of the ADL is outlined here. Note that Foxy was too grand to reply to it.
Fortunately for America, though, liberal Jews there are rapidly dying out through intermarriage and failure to reproduce. And the quite poisonous liberal Jews of Israel are not much better off. Judaism is slowly returning to Orthodoxy and the Orthodox tend to be conservative.
The above is good testimony to the accuracy of the basic conservative
insight that almost anything in human life is too complex to be reduced
to any simple rule and too complex to be reduced to any rule at all
without allowance for important exceptions to the rule concerned
Amid their many virtues, one virtue is often lacking among Jews in
general and Israelis in particular: Humility. And that's an
antisemitic comment only if Hashem is antisemitic. From Moses on, the
Hebrew prophets repeatedy accused the Israelites of being "stiff-necked"
and urged them to repent. So it's no wonder that the greatest Jewish
prophet of all -- Jesus -- not only urged humility but exemplified it
in his life and death
"Why should the German be interested in the liberation of the Jew,
if the Jew is not interested in the liberation of the German?... We
recognize in Judaism, therefore, a general anti-social element of the
present time... In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is
the emancipation of mankind from Judaism.... Indeed, in North America,
the practical domination of Judaism over the Christian world has
achieved as its unambiguous and normal expression that the preaching of
the Gospel itself and the Christian ministry have become articles of
trade... Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other
god may exist". Who said that? Hitler? No. It was Karl Marx. See also here and here and here.
For roughly two centuries now, antisemitism has, throughout the
Western world, been principally associated with Leftism (including the
socialist Hitler) -- as it is to this day. See here.
Leftists call their hatred of Israel "Anti-Zionism" but Zionists are only a small minority in Israel
Some of the Leftist hatred of Israel is motivated by old-fashioned
antisemitism (beliefs in Jewish "control" etc.) but most of it is just
the regular Leftist hatred of success in others. And because the
societies they inhabit do not give them the vast amount of recognition
that their large but weak egos need, some of the most virulent haters
of Israel and America live in those countries. So the hatred is the
product of pathologically high self-esteem.
Their threatened egos sometimes drive Leftists into quite desperate
flights from reality. For instance, they often call Israel an
"Apartheid state" -- when it is in fact the Arab states that practice
Apartheid -- witness the severe restrictions on Christians in Saudi
Arabia. There are no such restrictions in Israel.
If the Palestinians put down their weapons, there'd be peace. If the Israelis put down their weapons, there'd be genocide.

Alfred Dreyfus, a reminder of French antisemitism still relevant today
Eugenio Pacelli, a righteous Gentile, a true man of God and a brilliant Pope
Many people hunger and thirst after righteousness. Some find it in the
hatreds of the Left. Others find it in the love of Christ. I don't
hunger and thirst after righteousness at all. I hunger and thirst after
truth. How old-fashioned can you get?
The kneejerk response of the Green/Left to people who challenge them is
to say that the challenger is in the pay of "Big Oil", "Big Business",
"Big Pharma", "Exxon-Mobil", "The Pioneer Fund" or some other entity
that they see, in their childish way, as a boogeyman. So I think it
might be useful for me to point out that I have NEVER received one cent
from anybody by way of support for what I write. As a retired person, I
live entirely on my own investments. I do not work for anybody and I
am not beholden to anybody. And I have NO investments in oil companies,
mining companies or "Big Pharma"
UPDATE: Despite my (statistical) aversion to mining stocks, I have
recently bought a few shares in BHP -- the world's biggest miner, I
gather. I run the grave risk of becoming a speaker of famous last words
for saying this but I suspect that BHP is now so big as to be largely
immune from the risks that plague most mining companies. I also know of
no issue affecting BHP where my writings would have any relevance. The
Left seem to have a visceral hatred of miners. I have never quite
figured out why.
I imagine that few of my readers will understand it, but I am an
unabashed monarchist. And, as someone who was born and bred in a
monarchy and who still lives there (i.e. Australia), that gives me no
conflicts at all. In theory, one's respect for the monarchy does not
depend on who wears the crown but the impeccable behaviour of the
present Queen does of course help perpetuate that respect. Aside from
my huge respect for the Queen, however, my favourite member of the Royal
family is the redheaded Prince Harry. The Royal family is of course a
military family and Prince Harry is a great example of that. As one of
the world's most privileged people, he could well be an idle layabout
but instead he loves his life in the army. When his girlfriend Chelsy
ditched him because he was so often away, Prince Harry said: "I love
Chelsy but the army comes first". A perfect military man! I doubt that
many women would understand or approve of his attitude but perhaps my
own small army background powers my approval of that attitude.
I imagine that most Americans might find this rather mad -- but I
believe that a constitutional Monarchy is the best form of government
presently available. Can a libertarian be a Monarchist? I think so
-- and prominent British libertarian Sean Gabb seems to think so too! Long live the Queen! (And note that Australia ranks well above the USA on the Index of Economic freedom. Heh!)
Throughout Europe there is an association between monarchism and
conservatism. It is a little sad that American conservatives do not
have access to that satisfaction. So even though Australia is much more
distant from Europe (geographically) than the USA is, Australia is in
some ways more of an outpost of Europe than America is! Mind you:
Australia is not very atypical of its region. Australia lies just South
of Asia -- and both Japan and Thailand have greatly respected
monarchies. And the demise of the Cambodian monarchy was disastrous for
Throughout the world today, possession of a U.S. or U.K. passport is
greatly valued. I once shared that view. Developments in recent years
have however made me profoundly grateful that I am a 5th generation
Australian. My Australian passport is a door into a much less
oppressive and much less messed-up place than either the USA or Britain
Following the Sotomayor precedent, I would hope that a wise older white
man such as myself with the richness of that experience would more
often than not reach a better conclusion than someone who hasn’t lived
that life.
IQ and ideology: Most academics are Left-leaning. Why? Because very
bright people who have balls go into business, while very bright people
with no balls go into academe. I did both with considerable success,
which makes me a considerable rarity. Although I am a born academic, I
have always been good with money too. My share portfolio even survived
the GFC in good shape. The academics hate it that bright people with
balls make more money than them.
I have no hesitation in saying that the single book which has influenced me most is the New Testament. And my Scripture blog
will show that I know whereof I speak. Some might conclude that I must
therefore be a very confused sort of atheist but I can assure everyone
that I do not feel the least bit confused. The New Testament is a
lighthouse that has illumined the thinking of all sorts of men and women
and I am deeply grateful that it has shone on me.
I am rather pleased to report that I am a lifelong conservative. Out of
intellectual curiosity, I did in my youth join organizations from right
across the political spectrum so I am certainly not closed-minded and
am very familiar with the full spectrum of political thinking.
Nonetheless, I did not have to undergo the lurch from Left to Right that
so many people undergo. At age 13 I used my pocket-money to subscribe
to the "Reader's Digest" -- the main conservative organ available in
small town Australia of the 1950s. I have learnt much since but am
pleased and amused to note that history has since confirmed most of what
I thought at that early age. Conservatism is in touch with reality.
Leftism is not.
I imagine that the RD are still sending mailouts to my 1950s address
Most teenagers have sporting and movie posters on their bedroom walls. At age 14 I had a map of Taiwan on my wall.
"Remind me never to get this guy mad at me" -- Instapundit
It seems to be a common view that you cannot talk informatively about a
country unless you have been there. I completely reject that view but
it is nonetheless likely that some Leftist dimbulb will at some stage
aver that any comments I make about politics and events in the USA
should not be heeded because I am an Australian who has lived almost all
his life in Australia. I am reluctant to pander to such ignorance in
the era of the "global village" but for the sake of the argument I might
mention that I have visited the USA 3 times -- spending enough time in
Los Angeles and NYC to get to know a fair bit about those places at
least. I did however get outside those places enough to realize that
they are NOT America.
"Intellectual" = Leftist dreamer. I have more publications in the
academic journals than almost all "public intellectuals" but I am never
called an intellectual and nor would I want to be. Call me a scholar or
an academic, however, and I will accept either as a just and earned
My academic background
My full name is Dr. John Joseph RAY. I am a former university teacher
aged 65 at the time of writing in 2009. I was born of Australian
pioneer stock in 1943 at Innisfail in the State of Queensland in
Australia. I trace my ancestry wholly to the British Isles. After an
early education at Innisfail State Rural School and Cairns State High
School, I taught myself for matriculation. I took my B.A. in Psychology
from the University of Queensland in Brisbane. I then moved to Sydney
(in New South Wales, Australia) and took my M.A. in psychology from the
University of Sydney in 1969 and my Ph.D. from the School of
Behavioural Sciences at Macquarie University in 1974. I first tutored
in psychology at Macquarie University and then taught sociology at the
University of NSW. My doctorate is in psychology but I taught mainly
sociology in my 14 years as a university teacher. In High Schools I
taught economics. I have taught in both traditional and "progressive"
(low discipline) High Schools. Fuller biographical notes here
I completed the work for my Ph.D. at the end of 1970 but the degree was
not awarded until 1974 -- due to some academic nastiness from Seymour
Martin Lipset and Fred Emery. A conservative or libertarian who makes
it through the academic maze has to be at least twice as good as the
average conformist Leftist. Fortunately, I am a born academic.
Despite my great sympathy and respect for Christianity, I am the most
complete atheist you could find. I don't even believe that the word
"God" is meaningful. I am not at all original in that view, of course.
Such views are particularly associated with the noted German
philosopher Rudolf Carnap. Unlike Carnap, however, none of my wives
have committed suicide
Very occasionally in my writings I make reference to the greats of
analytical philosophy such as Carnap and Wittgenstein. As philosophy is
a heavily Leftist discipline however, I have long awaited an attack
from some philosopher accusing me of making coat-trailing references not
backed by any real philosophical erudition. I suppose it is
encouraging that no such attacks have eventuated but I thought that I
should perhaps forestall them anyway -- by pointing out that in my
younger days I did complete three full-year courses in analytical
philosophy (at 3 different universities!) and that I have had papers on
mainstream analytical philosophy topics published in academic journals
As well as being an academic, I am an army man and I am pleased and
proud to say that I have worn my country's uniform. Although my service
in the Australian army was chiefly noted for its un-notability, I DID
join voluntarily in the Vietnam era, I DID reach the rank of Sergeant,
and I DID volunteer for a posting in Vietnam. So I think I may be
forgiven for saying something that most army men think but which most
don't say because they think it is too obvious: The profession of arms
is the noblest profession of all because it is the only profession where
you offer to lay down your life in performing your duties. Our men
fought so that people could say and think what they like but I myself
always treat military men with great respect -- respect which in my
view is simply their due.
A real army story here
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day and there is JUST ONE saying
of Hitler's that I rather like. It may not even be original to him but
it is found in chapter 2 of Mein Kampf (published in 1925):
"Widerstaende sind nicht da, dass man vor ihnen kapituliert, sondern
dass man sie bricht". The equivalent English saying is "Difficulties
exist to be overcome" and that traces back at least to the 1920s -- with
attributions to Montessori and others. Hitler's metaphor is however
one of smashing barriers rather than of politely hopping over them and I
am myself certainly more outspoken than polite. Hitler's colloquial
Southern German is notoriously difficult to translate but I think I can
manage a reasonable translation of that saying: "Resistance is there
not for us to capitulate to but for us to break". I am quite sure that I
don't have anything like that degree of determination in my own life
but it seems to me to be a good attitude in general anyway
I have used many sites to post my writings over the years and many have
gone bad on me for various reasons. So if you click on a link here to
my other writings you may get a "page not found" response if the link
was put up some time before the present. All is not lost, however. All
my writings have been reposted elsewhere. If you do strike a failed
link, just take the filename (the last part of the link) and add it to
the address of any of my current home pages and -- Voila! -- you should
find the article concerned.
COMMENTS: I have gradually added comments facilities to all my blogs.
The comments I get are interesting. They are mostly from Leftists and
most consist either of abuse or mere assertions. Reasoned arguments
backed up by references to supporting evidence are almost unheard of
from Leftists. Needless to say, I just delete such useless comments.
You can email me here
(Hotmail address). In emailing me, you can address me as "John", "Jon",
"Dr. Ray" or "JR" and that will be fine -- but my preference is for
Index page for this site
"Tongue Tied"
"Dissecting Leftism" (Backup here)
"Australian Politics"
"Education Watch International"
"Political Correctness Watch"
"Greenie Watch"
"Food & Health Skeptic"
"Eye on Britain"
"Immigration Watch International" blog.
"Marx & Engels in their own words"
"A scripture blog"
"Some memoirs"
To be continued ....
Queensland Police -- A barrel with lots of bad apples
Australian Police News
Of Interest
"Leftists as Elitists"
Socialized Medicine
Western Heart
QANTAS -- A dying octopus
BRIAN LEITER (Ladderman)
Obama Watch
Obama Watch (2)
Dissecting Leftism -- Large font site
Michael Darby
The Kogarah Madhouse (St George Bank)
AGL -- A bumbling monster
Telstra/Bigpond follies
Optus bungling
Vodafrauds (vodafone)
Bank of Queensland blues
There are also two blogspot blogs which record what I think are my main recent articles here and here. Similar content can be more conveniently accessed via my subject-indexed list of short articles here or here (I rarely write long articles these days)
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