There is an "ascetic instinct" (or perhaps a "survivalist instinct") in
many people that causes them to delight in going without material
comforts. Monasteries and nunneries were once full of such people --
with the Byzantine stylites perhaps the most striking example. Many
Greenies (other than Al Gore and his Hollywood pals) have that instinct
too but in the absence of strong orthodox religious committments they
have to convince themselves that the world NEEDS them to live in an
ascetic way. So their personal emotional needs lead them to press on us
all a delusional belief that the planet needs "saving".
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31 August, 2014
Myth of Arctic meltdown: Stunning
satellite images show summer ice cap is thicker and covers 1.7million
square kilometres MORE than 2 years ago...despite Al Gore's prediction
it would be ICE-FREE by nowAnother stupid prophecy bites the dust
speech by former US Vice-President Al Gore was apocalyptic. ‘The North
Polar ice cap is falling off a cliff,’ he said. ‘It could be completely
gone in summer in as little as seven years. Seven years from now.’
Those comments came in 2007 as Mr Gore accepted the Nobel Peace Prize for his campaigning on climate change.
seven years after his warning, The Mail on Sunday can reveal that, far
from vanishing, the Arctic ice cap has expanded for the second year in
succession – with a surge, depending on how you measure it, of between
43 and 63 per cent since 2012.
To put it another way, an area the
size of Alaska, America’s biggest state, was open water two years ago,
but is again now covered by ice.
The most widely used
measurements of Arctic ice extent are the daily satellite readings
issued by the US National Snow and Ice Data Center, which is co-funded
by Nasa. These reveal that – while the long-term trend still shows a
decline – last Monday, August 25, the area of the Arctic Ocean with at
least 15 per cent ice cover was 5.62 million square kilometres.
was the highest level recorded on that date since 2006 (see graph,
right), and represents an increase of 1.71 million square kilometres
over the past two years – an impressive 43 per cent.
figures from the Danish Meteorological Institute suggest that the growth
has been even more dramatic. Using a different measure, the area with
at least 30 per cent ice cover, these reveal a 63 per cent rise – from
2.7 million to 4.4 million square kilometres.
The satellite
images published here are taken from a further authoritative source, the
University of Illinois’s Cryosphere project.
They show that as
well as becoming more extensive, the ice has grown more concentrated,
with the purple areas – denoting regions where the ice pack is most
dense – increasing markedly.
Crucially, the ice is also thicker,
and therefore more resilient to future melting. Professor Andrew
Shepherd, of Leeds University, an expert in climate satellite
monitoring, said yesterday: ‘It is clear from the measurements we have
collected that the Arctic sea ice has experienced a significant recovery
in thickness over the past year.
‘It seems that an unusually
cool summer in 2013 allowed more ice to survive through to last winter.
This means that the Arctic sea ice pack is thicker and stronger than
usual, and this should be taken into account when making predictions of
its future extent.’
Yet for years, many have been claiming that
the Arctic is in an ‘irrevocable death spiral’, with imminent ice-free
summers bound to trigger further disasters. These include gigantic
releases of methane into the atmosphere from frozen Arctic deposits, and
accelerated global warming caused by the fact that heat from the sun
will no longer be reflected back by the ice into space.
Curry, professor of earth and atmospheric sciences at Georgia Institute
of Technology in Atlanta, said last night: ‘The Arctic sea ice spiral of
death seems to have reversed.’
Those who just a few years ago
were warning of ice-free summers by 2014 included US Secretary of State
John Kerry, who made the same bogus prediction in 2009, while Mr Gore
has repeated it numerous times – notably in a speech to world leaders at
the UN climate conference in Copenhagen in 2009, in an effort to
persuade them to agree a new emissions treaty.
Mr Gore – whose
office yesterday failed to respond to a request for comment – insisted
then: ‘There is a 75 per cent chance that the entire polar ice cap
during some of the summer months could be completely ice-free within
five to seven years.’
Misleading as such forecasts are, some
people continue to make them. Only last month, while giving evidence to a
House of Lords Select Committee inquiry on the Arctic, Cambridge
University’s Professor Peter Wadhams claimed that although the Arctic is
not ice-free this year, it will be by September 2015.
about this yesterday, he said: ‘I still think that it is very likely
that by mid-September 2015, the ice area will be less than one million
square kilometres – the official designation of ice-free, implying only a
fringe of floes around the coastlines. That is where the trend is
taking us.’
For that prediction to come true it would require by
far the fastest loss of ice in history. It would also fly in the face of
a report last year by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC), which stated with ‘medium confidence’ that ice levels would
‘likely’ fall below one million square kilometres by 2050.
such as Al Gore have often insisted that climate science is ‘settled’
and have accused those who question their forecasts of being climate
change ‘deniers’.
However, while few scientists doubt that
carbon-dioxide emissions cause global warming, and that this has caused
Arctic ice to decline, there remains much uncertainty about the speed of
melting and how much of it is due to human activity. But outside the
scientific community, the more pessimistic views have attracted most
attention. For example, Prof Wadhams’s forecasts have been cited widely
by newspapers and the BBC. But many reject them.
Yesterday Dr Ed
Hawkins, who leads an Arctic ice research team at Reading University,
said: ‘Peter Wadhams’s views are quite extreme compared to the views of
many other climate scientists, and also compared to what the IPCC report
Dr Hawkins warned against reading too much into ice
increase over the past two years on the grounds that 2012 was an
‘extreme low’, triggered by freak weather. ‘I’m uncomfortable with the
idea of people saying the ice has bounced back,’ he said.
Dr Hawkins added that the decline seen in recent years was not caused
only by global warming. It was, he said, intensified by ‘natural
variability’ – shifts in factors such as the temperature of the oceans.
This, he said, has happened before, such as in the 1920s and 1930s, when
‘there was likely some sea ice retreat’.
Dr Hawkins said: ‘There
is undoubtedly some natural variability on top of the long-term
downwards trend caused by the overall warming. This variability has
probably contributed somewhat to the post-2000 steep declining trend,
although the human-caused component still dominates.’
Like many
scientists, Dr Hawkins said these natural processes may be cyclical. If
and when they go into reverse, they will cool, not warm, the Arctic, in
which case, he said, ‘a decade with no declining trend’ in ice cover
would be ‘entirely plausible’.
Peer-reviewed research suggests
that at least until 2005, natural variability was responsible for half
the ice decline. But exactly how big its influence is remains an open
question – and as both Dr Hawkins and Prof Curry agreed, establishing
this is critical to making predictions about the Arctic’s future.
Curry said: ‘I suspect that the portion of the decline in the sea ice
attributable to natural variability could be even larger than half.
think the natural variability component of Arctic sea ice extent is in
the process of bottoming out, with a reversal to start within the next
decade. And when it does, the reversal period could last for several
This led her to believe that the IPCC forecast, like Al
Gore’s, was too pessimistic. ‘Ice-free in 2050 is a possible
scenario, but I don’t think it is a likely scenario,’ she concluded.
SOURCE How to Talk About Climate Change So People Will Listen: A Skeptic’s Viewby Joe Bast
essay in the current issue of The Atlantic purports to instruct readers
on “How to Talk About Climate So People Will Listen.” The author,
Charles C. Mann, is a long-time contributor to the magazine who writes
about history, tourism, and energy issues. With this article, he tries
to cut a path between the two warring tribes in the global warming
debate, the Alarmists and the Skeptics.
He fails, rather spectacularly I think.
first four paragraphs (out of 45) are good, as are a few paragraphs
later on about enviro fruitcake Bill McKibben. But the rest of the
article simply accepts the dubious and sometimes outrageous assertions
and false narratives that gave rise to alarmism in the first place, the
same ones skeptics delight in debunking. Surveys show most people know
more about global warming than does Mann. If alarmists use this article
as their guide to how to talk about the issue, skeptics once again will
win most of the debates in bars and around grills this summer.
A Good Start
starts out strong, reporting how the media turned an obscure modeling
exercise about the melt rate of the western Antarctic ice shelf into
hysterical headlines about coastal flooding. Had he waited a couple
weeks, he could have written much the same about “Russian methane
holes.” The lesson in both cases is that the mainstream media are
utterly unreliable sources of information on the climate issue. They
profit from exaggeration, rely on special interests for advertising
revenue, and lack expertise to report on science matters.
Mann doesn’t appear to have learned this lesson. In the rest of his
article he treats mainstream media accounts of the climate debate as
dispository. The public understands this: Surveys show nearly half
believe the media exaggerate the climate change problem.
reports, in a single but very nice paragraph, the world’s enormous debt
to fossil fuels. The Industrial Revolution, he says, was “driven by the
explosive energy of coal, oil, and natural gas, it inaugurated an
unprecedented three-century wave of prosperity.” One might quibble with
his take on this: The improvement in the human condition started before
1800 and was the result of changes in institutions (the arrival of
markets, private property, and limited government) and embrace of new
values (the Scottish Enlightenment) as well as the discovery of fossil
fuels. Without the first and second discoveries, the third would have
done little more than heat some feudal castles and light some
cobblestone streets.
An Important Step?
After this
promising start, the errors come fast. “In an important step, the Obama
administration announced in June its decision to cut power-plant
emissions 30 percent by 2030.” There’s a lot wrong with that single
The Obama administration can’t cut power-plant
emissions, except possibly by turning down the heat in the Oval Office
in the winter and the air conditioning in the summer. It can only start
rule-making processes that would make it illegal for coal-powered plants
to continue to operate, and hope the courts and Congress don’t block or
repeal the rules. That’s what it did. Time will tell if emissions fall
as a result.
The baseline for the administration’s proposed cut
of 30% of carbon dioxide emissions is 2005, nearly 10 years ago.
Emissions have already fallen by about 15% since then (depending on who
is measuring it), or half the goal. Is it unrealistic to expect a
“business as usual” scenario would result in emissions in 2030 being 30
percent lower than they were in 2005?
Economists and demographers
are converging on forecasts of continued “decarbonization” of the U.S.
economy as electrification spreads, the service and digital sectors
displace old-style manufacturing, economic growth slows, young people
stay home or return home and stay longer than before, and an older
population grows more sedentary. If so, how is the Obama
administration’s proposal “an important step” to anywhere?
just to pile on for a moment, even the Obama administration admits a
reduction of 30% from 2005 levels by 2030 will have no detectable impact
on global temperatures. Global warming alarmists admit this and call
for reducing global emissions by 80% or more by 2050. Since there is no
chance China, India, Canada, Australia, or Russia will reduce their
emissions (voluntarily) between now and 2050, U.S. emissions would need
to go to zero or even negative to meet that goal. (Negative? Yes… our
economy would need to become a net “carbon sink,” sequestering more
carbon dioxide than we emit.) How is Obama’s “business as usual”
proposal an “important step” toward that goal?
Those Pesky Economists
correctly scolds alarmists for “rhetorical overreach, moral
miscalculation, shouting at cross-purposes…,” a “toxic blend” that
damages their cause and fuels the skeptic backlash. But then he
miscategorizes their opponents as economists, who he calls “cheerleaders
for industrial capitalism.” That line reveals how little Mann knows
about public opinion or economics.
Surveys show two-thirds of the
American people don’t think global warming is man-made or a serious
problem. Are two thirds of the American people economists? Not the last
time I checked.
In the national (and global) debate over global
warming, economists aren’t prominent, despite some attempts and wishes
it were otherwise. The skeptics’ strongest weapon isn’t economics, it’s
common sense. Temperatures aren’t rising even though carbon dioxide
levels are. Reducing our emissions won’t affect climate so long as other
nations keep increasing theirs. Some continued warming would produce
more benefits than harms. Future generations will be far wealthier than
us despite a small increase in temperatures. Each of these common-sense
(and true) observations are deadly to the alarmists’ cause.
knows we reap tremendous benefits from affordable fossil fuels today.
You don’t need to be an economist to know that those benefits vastly
exceed the benefits, two centuries from now, of slowing the advance of
man-made climate change by one degree or two, assuming the alarmists’
dubious predictions are correct.
Mann’s appreciation for fossil
fuels, so eloquently expressed in paragraph three, is missing now. He
dismisses cost-benefit analysis as having “moral problems” due to the
way it handles small risks and long time horizons. That will come as
news to all the experts who made careers of conducting cost-benefit
analyses on a wide range of programs and challenges. Why is global
warming any different?
Politics and Environmental Protection
says global warming legislation no longer wins congressional approval
due to a polarization in views over the value of environmental
protection that occurred in the 1970s and 1980s. In Mann’s telling of
the story, concern for the environment began as a conservative movement,
and then businesses “realized that environmental issues had a price
tag. Increasingly, they balked. Reflexively, the anticorporate left
pivoted; Earth Day, erstwhile snow job, became an opportunity to
denounce capitalist greed.”
Some of us who were part of the
environmental movement in the 1970s and 1980s saw something different
taking place. The great environmental protection legislation of the
1970s passed with nearly unanimous support because the problems were
real and begged for national solutions. After early major successes, an
iron triangle of bureaucrats, grandstanding politicians, and yellow
journalists started a drum-beat for pursuing ever-more stringent
emission reductions regardless of their negligible benefits and soaring
costs. The consensus that had produced lop-sided votes in favor of the
Clean Air and Clean Water Acts disappeared, not because of some kind of
“political stasis in the ‘90s,” but because the biggest environmental
problems had been solved and further legislation wasn’t needed.
was at this point, during the 1980s, that liberals (or “progressives”)
saw the opportunity and the need to take over the environmental movement
and use its members as shock troops in its war on “capitalism.” It was
easy, since conservatives and libertarians were stepping down and moving
on to organizations created to solve real problems. Many histories of
the left’s takeover of the environmental movement have been written. A
partial list appears in Jay Lehr’s recent Heartland Policy Brief on
“Replacing the Environmental Protection Agency.”
Once in charge
of the environmental movement, the left turned its erstwhile members
into conscripts much like the others in its army: organized labor,
feminists, African Americans, trial lawyers, and gays and lesbians.
Donors to the environmental movement – solar and wind entrepreneurs,
ethanol producers, lawyers, and billionaire financiers like Tom Steyer –
are dunned for contributions to the Democratic Party and its
affiliates. Propaganda replaces factual information, hysterical warnings
of threats to rights and privileges lead to calls to action and
“remember to vote on Tuesday.”
The politicization of the movement
is made explicit by the League of Conservation Voters’ annual
scorecards, which invariably reward Democrats and punish Republicans.
The 2013 National Environmental Scorecard, which it says “represents the
consensus of experts from about 20 respected environmental and
conservation organizations,” includes this nice tribute to
bipartisanship: “The Republican leadership of the U.S. House of
Representatives continues to be controlled by Tea Party climate change
deniers with an insatiable appetite for attacks on the environment and
public health.”
More False Narratives
Mann says “a
cap-and-trade mechanism… reduced acid rain at a fraction of the
predicted cost; electric bills were barely affected.” Actually, research
by energy economist Jim Johnston and others shows the cap-and-trade
mechanism played only a minor role in reducing emissions. What drove the
reductions while allowing prices to stay low was the opening of
inexpensive low-sulfur coal mines in western states.
Mann says,
“I remember winters as being colder in my childhood….” The 1970s saw
some of the coldest winters in the twentieth century, so it’s no
surprise many of us remember them that way. But the 1930s and 1940s were
warmer than today … and human carbon dioxide emissions couldn’t have
been responsible for that warm period. This past winter was the coldest,
longest, and snowiest in my life (I live in Illinois and part-time in
Wisconsin), and recent summers have been among the coolest I can recall.
This morning it was 51 degrees when I walked to my train… on August 15.
I don’t remember having to wear coats in August, do you?
says “a few critics argue that for the past 17 years warming has mostly
stopped. Still, most scientists believe that in the past century the
Earth’s average temperature has gone up by about 1.5 degrees
Fahrenheit.” This is wrong on a couple counts.
The United
Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which Mann
and alarmists generally hold out as the gold standard of climate
research, admitted there’s been no warming for the past 15 years in its
“final draft” Summary for Policymakers, before politicians and
environmental activists made them take it out. Is that “a few critics”?
And skeptics don’t deny a warming of 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit occurred “in
the past century.” Much of the increase occurred before it could have
been attributed to the human presence. Why this peculiar and misleading
Swallowing the Left’s Rhetoric
By now, most
readers will have figured out that Mann isn’t the impartial observer of
the global warming debate he pretends to be. I wasn’t surprised to read,
“rising temperatures per se are not the primary concern,” which is the
alarmists’ pat answer when confronted by the fact that global warming
stopped 17 years ago. But here’s the problem with that: According to the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the alarmists’
computer models “rule out” a zero trends for 15 years or more, meaning
an observed absence of warming of this duration invalidates the models…
and the alarmists’ theory.
(Here’s the source: National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2009. Knight, J. et al., Comment
in Peterson, T. C., and M. O. Baringer, Eds., “State of the Climate in
2008,” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol. 90, p.
When data rise up and refute a theory, good scientists
don’t reject the data, they reject the theory. Global warming alarmists
just say “never mind” and move to the next bit of pseudoscience. Like
this: “Note, too, that this policy comes with a public-health bonus:
reining in coal pollution could ultimately avoid as many as 6,600
premature deaths and 150,000 children’s asthma attacks per year in the
United States alone.”
Really, it doesn’t get much sillier than
this. Carbon dioxide is a harmless, invisible, colorless gas. It doesn’t
cause “premature deaths” or “asthma attacks.” Shutting down all the
coal plants in the U.S. would reduce emissions of real pollutants, which
is the basis for Mann’s claim, but those emissions already are too low
to be associated with human health effects, and asthma attacks have been
rising in frequency even as those emissions have dropped. The
dramatically higher energy bills caused by shutting down coal plants,
however, would cause morepremature deaths, and since asthma is
correlated with family income, would cause moreasthma attacks.
It All Leads Up to This?
a few paragraphs of criticism of easy-target Bill McKibben, presumably
to throw skeptical readers off his alarmist scent, Mann delivers what
those readers who haven’t given up already might think is the best
talking point: “Let’s assume that rising carbon-dioxide levels will
become a problem of some magnitude at some time and that we will want to
do something practical about it.”
Yes, really, this is what 40
or so paragraphs have led up to: Let’s just assume it’s a big problem
(or will be) and we should all just pitch in and try to solve it. This
is where Uncle Jack leans over and says “Um, how about we not make a
series of such dumb-ass assumptions and in the process save billions
(even trillions) of dollars and millions (maybe billions) of human
This is the crux of the problem, both with Mann’s attempt
to find a middle ground in the global warming debate and with the
left’s obsession with the issue. Global warming alarmism rests on
assumptions, not facts, logic, or reason. It’s got no game.
just assume there’s a reason for government to take over a quarter of
the nation’s economy and fix it, just like Obamacare will fix health
care. Let’s simply assume the missing science exists, that the warming
will be big enough to notice, that it will happen before mankind has
found a substitute for fossil fuels or is colonizing other planets, and
that the benefits of stopping or slowing climate change would be worth
the expense.”
Anyone who stops and thinks about this, even for a
moment, realizes it’s nonsense. Why would you make these assumptions?
Why would you give up the benefits of affordable fossil fuels? “We may
not be scientists,” says Uncle Jack, “but we’re not stupid.”
is why alarmists always lose debates against skeptics. It’s why
alarmists will look and act like fools this summer at countless
cook-outs and family parties, while skeptics will sound thoughtful and
reasonable. It’s not because, as Mann insists, people are too stupid to
understand graphs. It’s because alarmists are wrong and skeptics are
right. It’s just common sense.
And that, my friends, is how to talk about climate change so people will listen.
SOURCE Academics Must Take Skeptics Seriouslyby Joe Bast
review and comment on: Ferenc Jankó, Norbert Móricz, Judit Papp Vancsó,
“Reviewing the climate change reviewers: Exploring controversy through
report references and citations,” Geoforum, Volume 56, September 2014,
pages 17–34.An article published in the September, 2014
issue of Geoforum, a peer-reviewed academic journal published by
Elsevier, reports 90.79% of source citations in Climate Change
Reconsidered: The 2009 Report of the Nongovernmental International Panel
on Climate Change (NIPCC) were to peer-reviewed journals, a higher
percentage than was the case with the United Nations’ IPCC Third and
Fourth Assessment Reports. The authors found “the scientific background
of the NIPCC report is quite similar to the IPCC report,” and concluded,
“when we take the contrarian arguments seriously, there is a chance to
bring together the differing views and knowledge claims of the disputing
‘interpretive communities’ (Lahsen, 2013b).”
This is dramatic
vindication for the lead authors (Craig Idso and S. Fred Singer), 35
contributors and reviewers, and coeditors (Diane Carol Bast and me) of
the 2009 NIPCC report. On a shoe-string budget and tight time-line, we
produced a report that is just as credible as those produced by an
international bureaucracy involving thousands of scientists, activists,
and politicians, spending many millions of dollars, and taking several
years to produce.
Since 2009, NIPCC has produced three more
volumes – an interim report in 2011 containing chiefly reviews of new
research, and two hefty volumes in 2013 and earlier this year focusing
on the physical science and biological impacts of climate change. Those
volumes are even more comprehensive and authoritative than the 2009
The Geoforum article is not the first time NIPCC has been
recognized as a major contributor to the global warming debate. The
volumes have been cited more than 100 times in peer-reviewed journal
articles and by a long list of prominent climate scientists. In 2013,
the Information Center for Global Change Studies, a division of the
Chinese Academy of Sciences, translated and published an abridged
edition of the 2009 and 2011 NIPCC reports in a single volume, and the
Chinese Academy of Sciences organized a NIPCC Workshop in Beijing to
allow the NIPCC principal authors to present summaries of their
When the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and
Washington Post reported on the release of the IPCC’s latest report, in
late 2013, their news articles also commented on the latest NIPCC
report, noting that NIPCC reached the opposite conclusions, indicating
that a legitimate scientific debate over the causes and consequences of
climate change continued.
The Geoforum article contains
statements and information worth noting. Regarding the NIPCC report’s
use of peer-reviewed literature, the authors say, “The peer-reviewed
material was 90.5% of the IPCC report (and 84% of the IPCC TAR WGI
Report – Bjurström and Polk, 2011a) and 90.79% of the material used by
the NIPCC.” The authors write that they had “assumed that the reference
list of the NIPCC report would differ markedly” from that of IPCC
reports due to the alarmist bias of the editors of mainstream science
journals and the “malpractice” revealed during the Climategate scandal.
“In fact,” they write, “considering the most cited journals (Journal of
Geophysical Research, Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of Climate,
Nature, Science), it seems that the scientific background of the NIPCC
report is quite similar to the IPCC report.”
The authors found
the 2009 NIPCC report apparently has 1,466 references, of which 1,331
were peer-reviewed. We never counted them ourselves, so we thank them
for this hard work.
The penultimate paragraphs of the Geoforum
article call out some findings, but are couched in language that
obscures the points made above and reduces the findings to some rather
arcane observations. Reviewing the same body of literature and coming to
opposite conclusions is evidence that “the assessment process [is]
flexible,” another way of saying disagreement can be honest and not due
to fakery. Then the author write,
"What are the implications for
science? There is a real concern that the controversy has so far had a
negative effect on the reputation of science. From the perspective of an
idealised public view of science (Lahsen, 2013a), such a polarised
debate about ‘truths’ may be confusing. Thus, social science with
science studies in the forefront has a mission to change this obsolete
view of science. Saying ‘yes’ to our first question we might have a
somewhat ‘naive’ implication for the IPCC; improving and widening the
reviewing process may be a possible answer to the contrarian criticisms.
But when we take the contrarian arguments seriously, there is a chance
to bring together the differing views and knowledge claims of the
disputing ‘interpretive communities’ (Lahsen, 2013b)."
The final paragraph reads as follows:
broadly, we should consider that both reports purport to be based on
the ideal of pure, value-free science, where the prevailing scientific
practices may not lead to the end of the debate because citations are
not solid bricks on which to build statements, conclusions and political
decisions later on (cf. Sarewitz, 2004). Scientific reports should be
viewed not only as a second level of peer review and canonization of
scientific facts but also as a means of politicization of science. Our
paper’s final conclusion, claiming a more constructive and iterative
science-policy relation, is well echoed in the literature (e.g.
Demeritt, 2006; Pielke, 2007; Hulme, 2009; van der Sluijs et al., 2010b;
Latour, 2011). However, there will be hope for better science for the
public and for policy, for better constructions of the problem only when
we fully understand the knowledge controversy around climate change."
is a little perplexing until you realize they are assuming, but don’t
say, that NIPCC is comparable and just as credible (or not) as the IPCC
report. Both studies, they say, demonstrate that survey reports like
IPCC and NIPCC are not “pure, value-free science” nor are they
sufficiently credible to serve as the basis for “statements, conclusions
and political decisions later on.” Rather, such studies are “a second
level of peer review and canonization of scientific facts but also … a
means of politicization of science.”
I take this as an effort to
poison a victory by global warming skeptics. NIPCC is just as good, just
as credible or reliable, as the IPCC, and this message ought to be
shouted from rooftops. But having achieved this despite lack of
resources, editorial bias, and outright academic fraud, the significance
of our victory is trivialized by saying it hardly matters because
neither NIPCC nor IPCC is credible or reliable.
Such criticism of
the IPCC is rare in the peer-reviewed literature, and if the price of
getting “mainstream” academics to say it is to have our credibility
disparaged as well, I suppose it is worth paying. Regardless, it is now
clear that mainstream academics must take global warming skeptics
SOURCE Australian weatherman’s records reveal warming fraud
a child, Ian Cole would watch his father Neville take meticulous
readings from the Bureau of Meteorology thermometer at the old post
office in the western NSW town of Bourke and send the results through by
The temperature was recorded every three hours,
including at night when the mercury sometimes plunged to freezing, and
the data was logged in handwritten journals that included special notes
to help explain the results.
That all changed in 1996 when the
Stevenson Screen, the official measuring equipment, was replaced with an
automatic station and moved to an airport site.
The Stevenson
Screen went to the dump and, but for fate, the handwritten notes could
have gone there too. But without instruction, the records were kept and
are now under lock and key, held as physical evidence of what the
weather was really doing in the mid-20th century.
These Bourke
records have assumed a new significance in light of concerns about how
historic data is being treated at many sites around the country. The
records are also important in an ongoing row that frustrates Mr Cole.
Bourke cotton farmer may be managing director of the local radio
station 2WEB but Mr Cole can only broadcast temperature records that
date back to 2000 because the Bureau of Meteorology won’t supply
historic records to service provider Weatherzone.
As a result
“hottest day on record” doesn’t really mean what it seems. “We keep on
being told about records that are not actually records and averages that
are not quite right,” Mr Cole said.
Worse still there are
concerns about what has happened to the precision of those handwritten
records in the earlier years. Bourke now forms part of a network of
weather stations used to make up the national record known as ACORN-SAT.
The raw temperature records are “homogenised”, a method BOM says has
been peer-reviewed as world’s best practice and is used by equivalent
meteorological organisations across the world.
research, the results of which have not been disputed by BOM, has shown
that, after homogenisation, a 0.53C warming in the minimum temperature
trend has been increased to a 1.64C warming trend. A 1.7C cooling trend
in the maximum temperature series in the raw data for Bourke has been
changed to a slight warming.
BOM has rejected any suggestion that
it has tampered inappropriately with the numbers. It says the major
adjustment to Bourke temperatures relate to “site moves in 1994, 1999
and 1938 as well as 1950s in homogeneities that were detected by
neighbour comparison which, based on station photos before and after,
may relate to changes in vegetation around the site”.
researcher Jennifer Marohasy, who has analysed the Bourke records, says
BOM’s analysis is all very well but the largest adjustments, both to
maximum temperature series, occurred in the period 1911 and 1915 with a
stepdown of about 0.7C, followed by a step-up between 1951 and 1953 of
about 0.45C. Of greater concern to Dr Marohasy is that historic high
temperatures, such as the record 51.7C recorded on January 3, 1909, were
removed from the record on the assumption it was a clerical error. In
fact, all the data for Bourke for 40 years before 1910 has been
discarded from the official record. If it were there, says Dr Marohasy,
the record would show that temperatures were particularly hot during
that period.
For Mr Cole it is a simple matter of trusting the
care and attention of his father. “Why should you change manually
created records?” Mr Cole said. “At the moment they (BOM) are saying we
have a warming climate but if the old figures are used we have a cooling
SOURCE It’s about the money, not the climateBy Alan Caruba
Wilde (1854-1900), the Irish poet and dramatist, wrote “Pray don’t talk
to me about the weather. Whenever people talk to me about the weather, I
always feel quite certain that they mean something else.”
days, when some world leader or politician speaks of the climate — the
weather is what is happening right now wherever you are — they are not
talking about sunshine or rain. They are talking about a devilishly
obscene way of raising money by claiming that it is humans that are
threatening the climate with everything they do, from turning on the
lights to driving anywhere.
That’s why “global warming” was
invented in the late 1980s as an immense threat to the Earth and to
mankind. Never mind that Earth has routinely passed through warmer and
cooler cycles for billions of years; much of which occurred before
mankind emerged. And never mind that the Earth has been a distinct
cooling cycle for the past seventeen years and likely to stay in it for a
while. If the history of ice ages is any guide, we could literally be
on the cusp of a new one.
If, however, a government can tax the
use of energy, it stands to make a lot of money. That is why carbon
taxes have been introduced in some nations and why the nearly useless
“clean energy” options of wind and solar have been introduced even
though they both require the backup of traditional coal, natural gas and
nuclear energy plants because they cannot produce electricity if the
wind isn’t blowing and the sun is obscured by clouds.
energy use means taxing “greenhouse gas” emissions; primarily carbon
dioxide (CO2) so that every ton of it added to the atmosphere by a power
plant and any other commercial activity becomes a source of income for
the nation. The Australians went through this and rapidly discovered it
drove up their cost of electricity and negatively affected their economy
so much that they rid themselves of a prime minister and the tax within
the past year.
Fortunately, every effort to introduce a carbon
tax has been defeated by the U.S. Congress, but that it has shelled out
billions for “climate research” over the years. That doesn’t mean,
however, that 41 members of the House of Representatives haven’t gotten
together in a “Safe Climate Caucus” led by Rep. Henry A. Waxman. The
Washington Post reported that when it was launched in February 2013, the
members promised to talk every day on the House floor about “the urgent
need to address climate change.”
Check out the caucus and, if your Representative is a member, vote to replace him or her with someone less idiotic.
you hear the President or a member of Congress talk about the climate,
they are really talking about the scheme to generate revenue from it
through taxation or to raise money from those who will personally
benefit from any scheme related to the climate such as “clean energy.”
need of governments to frighten their citizens about the climate in
order to raise money is international in scope. A United States that has
a $17 trillion debt is a prime example, much of it due to a government
grown so large it wastes taxpayer’s money in the millions with every
passing day whether it is sunny or rainy, warm or cold.
In late
July, Reuters reported that Christine Lagarde, the chair of
theInternational Monetary Fund, (IMF) opined in her new book that
“energy taxes in much of the world are far below what they should be to
reflect the harmful environmental and health impact of fossil fuels
Please pay no attention to the billions of dollars that
coal, oil and natural gas already generate for the nations in which they
are found. Nations such as India and China are building coal-fired
plants as fast as possible to provide the electricity every modern
nation needs to expand its economy, provide more employment, and improve
their citizen’s lives in every way imaginable.
“For the first
time,” Reuters reported, “the IMF laid out exactly what it views as
appropriate taxes on coal, natural gas, gasoline, and diesel in 156
countries to factor in the fuel’s overall costs, which include carbon
dioxide emissions, air pollution, congestion and traffic accidents.” The
problem with this is that the costs cited are bogus.
said Lagarde, “are now working on a United Nations deal for late 2015 to
rein in greenhouse gas emissions that have hit repeated highs this
century, but progress has been slow as nations fret about the impact any
measures may have on economic growth.” As in bad impacts!
the claims that carbon dioxide affects the climate. Its role is so
small it can barely be measured because CO2 represents 380 parts per
million. When our primate ancestors began to climb down out of the
trees, CO2 levels were about 1,000 parts per million. More CO2 means
more crops, healthy growing forests, and all the other benefits that
every form of vegetation provides. The breath we humans exhale contains
about 4% of CO2.
The fact is that the United States and other
nations are being run by politicians who are incapable of reducing
spending or borrowing more in order to spend more. Venezuela just
defaulted again on the payment of bonds it issued to raise money. They
did this in 2001 and one must wonder why any financial institution
purchases them.
There are eleven other nations whose credit
ratings are flirting with big trouble. They include Greece, Ukraine,
Pakistan, Cypress, and in the Americas Argentina, Venezuela, Cuba,
Ecuador and Belize. Borrowing by such nations is very expensive. A U.S.
Treasury Note pays an annual coupon of just 2.5%, but the yields on
10-year bonds issue by Greece reached 29% in early 2012, just before it
Adding to problems in the U.S. is the Obama agenda
being acted upon by the Environmental Protection Agency whose “war on
coal” has shuttered several hundred plants that produce the electricity
needed to maintain the economy. In coal producing states this is playing
havoc and it is driving up the cost of electricity in others.
growth of oil and natural gas production in the U.S. is almost entirely
on privately owned land as opposed to that controlled by the
government. Supporting the attack on energy are the multi-million dollar
environmental organizations like Friends of the Earth and the Sierra
The world has not warmed since the nineties and many
factors influence the climate other than CO2, the Sun, the oceans,
clouds, and volcanic activity. Nothing any government does, here and
worldwide, has any meaningful impact on it, but if nations can demonize
the use of energy and tax the CO2 it produces, they can generate more
money to spend and waste.
The lies that governments, the United
Nations, and the International Monetary Fund tell about the climate are
about the money they can extract from citizens who must be kept
frightened enough to pay taxes on their use of energy.
SOURCE The Trouble With Obama's Non-Binding UN Climate Plan?It has already been tried, and it failed‘I
am speaking on behalf of the United States of America because my
negotiators cannot,” Abigail Borah, a youth delegate to the 2011 Durban
climate negotiations, yelled from the conference floor. “I am scared for
my future,” she cried, silencing Todd Stern, the Obama administration’s
chief climate negotiator. “We need an urgent path to a fair, ambitious,
and legally binding treaty.”
Now the Obama administration is
signaling that there will be not be a new climate treaty. According to a
report in Wednesday’s New York Times, the path to a treaty has come to
an end, 14 months before the Paris talks scheduled for next year.
Instead, the best deal on offer is a non-binding accord. This is big
Meanwhile, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is
reheating the rhetoric from its fifth assessment report, doing what it
always does: produce the right mood music ahead of crunch-time climate
talks. Trouble is, it’s all sounding more than a little dated. In that
report, the first installment of which was released last September, the
IPCC ducked the big question unsettling climate science. What are the
possible causes and implications of the pause — or hiatus, as the IPCC
prefers to call it — in the rise in average global temperatures? The
pause is already more than a decade old. With 39 explanations and
counting, and some climate scientists now arguing that it might last yet
another decade, the IPCC has sidelined itself in irrelevance until it
has something serious to say about the pause and has reflected on
whether its alarmism is justified, given its reliance on computer models
that predicted temperature rises that have not occurred.
the IPCC plays yesterday’s tired hits, it appears that next year’s
climate-change negotiations will bring forth a mouse. In retrospect, the
Durban climate conference turned out to be the high point for
expectations that climate negotiations would produce a binding treaty.
It was also the high point for the European Union’s climate-change
strategy, knocking the U.S. on its heels. After the acrimonious collapse
of attempts to agree to a climate treaty at Copenhagen in 2009,
American and European climate negotiators drew diametrically different
conclusions about what to do next.
The Obama administration
reckoned that climate-change diplomacy had to be based on the
recognition that opposition from China and India put a climate-change
treaty beyond the realm of the realizable. The Senate was not going to
ratify a treaty that did not include all the major emitters, and, as a
matter of arithmetic, all the major emitters had to sign the treaty if
it were to have any chance of tackling global warming.
It was the
same logic that had led President George W. Bush not to send the Kyoto
Protocol to the Senate for ratification. Instead, his administration
developed a strategy aimed at including the major emerging economies.
That strategy was adopted by President Obama. Success required
overcoming the division between developed and developing nations that
was enshrined in the 1992 U.N. climate-change convention. It is why the
Senate adopted, 95–0, the Byrd-Hagel resolution shortly before Kyoto.
Speaking with one voice, the Senate said that the U.S. should not ratify
any climate-change treaty unless it included specific, timetabled
commitments from developing nations.
By contrast, after
Copenhagen, the Europeans clung to the hope of a binding treaty
embracing all major emitters. Their strategy was to use the annual cycle
of U.N. climate-change negotiations to fragment the coalition of
developing nations through promises of billions of dollars of climate
aid. Finding themselves isolated, the Indians and the Chinese would
buckle under international pressure and sign on to a comprehensive
At Durban, the Europeans had an apparent trump card that
encapsulated the delusory nature of the enterprise. All the other
developed nations had decided to join the U.S. and effectively exit the
Kyoto Protocol at the end of its first commitment period; Canada went
further and formally withdrew. Without “hard, bankable” commitments from
large nations on a roadmap to a binding treaty, the EU would pull the
plug on Kyoto. So threatened Chris Huhne, the U.K. climate secretary who
subsequently had to resign and serve time at Her Majesty’s pleasure,
for perjury.
The EU’s hard line appeared to move the needle
decisively toward a treaty. China indicated a softening in its position.
The conference agreed to launch a process that aimed to deliver, at the
very least, an agreed outcome with “legal force” applicable to
developed and developing nations alike. Even Todd Stern was impressed,
calling the Durban outcome “very significant.” The drive toward a
comprehensive climate treaty, culminating at the Paris climate
conference in 2015, was on.
Now that plan has collapsed. For the
Obama administration, this means reverting to its pre-Durban Plan A: no
legally binding commitments but voluntary pledges, notified under the
auspices of the 1992 convention and underpinned by a regime of “naming
and shaming” those who don’t live up to them. There is a big problem
with this. It has already been tried, and it failed.
Out of the
ashes of Copenhagen came the Copenhagen Accord, under which nations
would notify the U.N. climate-change secretariat of their commitments to
cut their greenhouse-gas emissions. In January 2010, Japan notified the
convention secretariat of its pledge to cut its 1990-level emissions 25
percent by 2020. Last November, the government of Shinzo Abe tore this
up, replacing it with a new target that implied a 3.8 percent increase.
It caused hardly a ripple. Clearly, an international regime of emissions
cuts enforced by naming and shaming has no credibility.
still are the terrible optics of the Obama administration’s handling of
the non-treaty. The partisan spin is that this route enables the
climate-change negotiations to bypass recalcitrant Republicans in the
Senate. The unanimous vote in favor of the Byrd-Hagel resolution in
1997— the current secretaries of state and defense both voted for it —
showed bipartisan opposition to any climate-change treaty that does not
cover all the world’s major emitters. Blaming Republicans might be smart
electoral politics, but it shifts international attention from the
opposition of India and China to any treaty that binds them. Playing
into the hands of the blame-America crowd is never good politics for an
American president.
SOURCE ***************************************
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
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29 August, 2014
Will there be a global famine in 2050? Crops will be overwhelmed by pests in the next 30 years, scientists warnAnother
of the "coming shortage" scares that Greenies often resort to, none of
which have ever come true. The scare below is sheer
speculation. To prove spread they needed similar population counts
at two different dates. But they did not have that. All
they had was "historical observation dates" for a minority of their
species. Anyway, genetic engineering techniques are alrady
reducing pest loads and should continue to do so. That is why
Greenies are trying to ban itMany of the world's most
important crop-producing countries will be fully saturated with pests by
the middle of the century if current trends continue, a study has
More than one-in-ten pest types can already be found in around half the countries that grow their host crops.
if this spread advances at its current rate, scientists fear that a
significant proportion of global crop-producing countries will be
overwhelmed by pests within the next 30 years.
The research from the University of Exeter was published in the journal Global Ecology and Biogeography.
by British academics have found that GM insects could be used to wipe
out fruit fly pests that damage crops such as oranges, peaches, apples
and pears.
Genetically modified versions of the Mediterranean
fruit fly were created earlier this year using controversial technology
developed by the UK bioscience company Oxitec.
Millions of male
GM flies have been created in the laboratory to include a gene which
means that when they mate with wild females, any resulting female larvae
die before reaching maturity.
The resulting fall in the number
of female fruit flies should, in theory, lead to a collapse in the total
population which will mean less damage is caused to food crops.
has promoted the technology as an alternative to the use of harsh
chemical pesticides to protect food crops and so boost yields and has
held talks with UK government agencies to run trials in this country.
describes the patterns and trends in the spread of crop pests, using
global databases to investigate the factors that influence the number of
countries reached by pests and the number of pests in each country.
Crop pests include fungi, bacteria, viruses, insects, nematodes, viroids and oomycetes.
crop pests continue to spread at current rates, many of the world's
biggest crop producing nations will be inundated by the middle of the
century, posing a grave threat to global food security,' said Dr Dan
Bebber of the Biosciences department at the University of Exeter.
study identifies the pests likely to be the most invasive in coming
years, which includes three species of tropical root knot nematode whose
larvae infect the roots of thousands of different plant species.
Another, Blumeria graminis, is a fungus that causes powdery mildew on wheat and other cereals.
the Citrus tristeza virus (given its name meaning 'sadness' in
Portuguese and Spanish by farmers in the 1930s) is also a threat, having
reached 105 of 145 countries growing citrus by the year 2000.
Fungi lead the worldwide invasion of crops and are the most widely dispersed group, despite having the narrowest range of hosts.
study looked at the current distributions of 1,901 crop pests and
pathogens and historical observations of a further 424 species.
use was made of historical CABI (Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences
International) records, which document crop pests and diseases around
the world from 1822 to the present day.
'By unlocking the
potential to understand the distribution of crop pests and diseases,
we're moving one step closer to protecting our ability to feed a growing
global population,' said Dr Timothy Holmes, Head of Technical Solutions
at CABI's Plantwise Knowledge Bank.
'The hope is to turn data into positive action.'
supports the view of previous studies that climate change is likely to
significantly affect pest pressure on agriculture, with the warming
Earth having a clear influence on the distribution of crop pests.
authors also describe the global game of cat-and-mouse as crops are
introduced to pest free regions and briefly thrive, before their
pursuers catch up with them.
Professor Sarah Gurr of Biosciences the University of Exeter added: 'New, virulent variants of pests are constantly evolving.
emergence is favoured by increased pest population sizes and their
rapid life-cycles, which force diversified selection and heralds the
appearance of new aggressive genotypes.
'There is hope if robust
plant protection strategies and biosecurity measures are implemented,
particularly in the developing world where knowledge is scant.
'Whether such precautions can slow or stop this process remains to be seen.'
The global spread of crop pests and pathogens
By Daniel P. Bebber et al.
country- and state-level distributions of 1901 pests and pathogens and
historical observation dates for 424 species were compared with
potential distributions based upon distributions of host crops. The
degree of ‘saturation’, i.e. the fraction of the potential distribution
occupied, was related to pest type, host range, crop production, climate
and socioeconomic variables using linear models.
than one-tenth of all pests have reached more than half the countries
that grow their hosts. If current trends continue, many important
crop-producing countries will be fully saturated with pests by the
middle of the century. While dispersal increases with host range
overall, fungi have the narrowest host range but are the most widely
dispersed group. The global dispersal of some pests has been rapid, but
pest assemblages remain strongly regionalized and follow the
distributions of their hosts. Pest assemblages are significantly
correlated with socioeconomics, climate and latitude. Tropical staple
crops, with restricted latitudinal ranges, tend to be more saturated
with pests and pathogens than temperate staples with broad latitudinal
ranges. We list the pests likely to be the most invasive in coming
Main conclusions
Despite ongoing dispersal of crop
pests and pathogens, the degree of biotic homogenization of the globe
remains moderate and regionally constrained, but is growing. Fungal
pathogens lead the global invasion of agriculture, despite their more
restricted host range. Climate change is likely to influence future
distributions. Improved surveillance would reveal greater levels of
invasion, particularly in developing countries.
UN Climate Chief: 'Not Very Far' from Considering 'Climate Change as a Public Health Emergency'This
is complete and utter twaddle. It's cold (winter) that kills
people, not warmth. Ask any hospital administrator. A warmer
world would be healthierSecretary of State John Kerry has
called climate change “the biggest challenge of all that we face right
now,” and his French counterpart has warned of climate “chaos” in 500
days, and now the U.N. climate change chief is implying that climate
change can be viewed on a par with the deadly Ebola outbreak.
Figueres told a World Health Organization (WHO)-hosted event in Geneva
Wednesday that “we are not very far” from the point where climate change
should be declared an international public health emergency, according
to her prepared remarks.
Addressing a three-day global conference
on health and climate – the first of its kind – Figueres said in
remarks directed at WHO Director-General Margaret Chan, “Dear Margaret,
as much as [I] would like you to, I am fully aware of the fact that you
have not convened the international health regulations emergency
committee to consider climate change as a public health emergency of
international concern.”
“However, we are not very far from this,” she added.
committee referred to by Figueres is the expert body on whose advice
the WHO three weeks ago declared the Ebola outbreak in West Africa to be
a “public health emergency of international concern” (PHEIC).
international health regulations, a PHEIC is declared in a case where
“an extraordinary event” is determined to constitute a public health
risk through the international spread of disease; and “to potentially
require a coordinated international response.”
In her speech
Figueres, who is executive secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) said that while it was easy to view climate
change as “the equivalent of a disease” it was actually the symptom.
disease is something we rarely admit,” she said. “The disease is
humanity’s unhealthy dependence on fossil fuels, deforestation and land
use that depletes natural resources.”
“At the heart of an
effective response to climate change is the challenge of taking
responsibility for our actions and above all, making tough decisions to
change the patterns that have been at the base of our development over
the past 100 years, if we are to prevent severe worsening of health and
quality of life conditions over the next 100 years.”
The U.N.
says climate change is having an impact on health in numerous ways,
including malnutrition due to crop failures arising from changing
weather patterns; water scarcity; the spread of water-borne disease
resulting from rising temperatures; and the effect of carbon emissions
on rates of cancer and respiratory disease rates.
Speaking at the
conference Wednesday, Chan linked climate change to the emergence of
new human diseases. She said many of these originate in wild animals,
whose populations, concentration and incursion into areas where humans
live are impacted by climate variables.
But she cautioned against speculation that Ebola may be affected by climate.
am aware of speculation that climate change may influence the frequency
of outbreaks of Ebola virus disease,” she said. “I must emphasize we
have no evidence that this is the case.”
Paris agreement will be ‘universal and applicable to all countries’
a number of other events around the world, the conference in Geneva is
looking ahead to the next major U.N. climate megaconference, in Paris,
France in November 2015, when efforts will be made to finalize a global
agreement on cutting “greenhouse gas” emissions.
Next month U.N.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will host a summit in New York where world
leaders will be urged to make commitments ahead of the Paris
“This agreement will be universal and applicable to
all countries,” Figueres said in Geneva. “It will address current and
future emissions. If strong enough, it will prevent the worst and chart a
course toward a world with clean air and water, abundant natural
resources and happy, healthy populations, all the requirements for
positive growth.”
“Seen in this light,” she added, “the climate agreement is actually a public health agreement.”
SOURCE Workers suffer when militarized police and Big Green get togetherWhile
all eyes turn to the gunfire and Molotov cocktails of War Zone
Ferguson, Mo., many minds turn to questions of mindless faith in the
political establishment.
One such mind belongs to basketball
champion turned actor and best-selling author, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar,
whose Monday commentary on Ferguson for Time Magazine bore the chilling
headline, “The Coming Race War Won’t Be About Race.”
It will be
about class warfare, he predicted — the powerful and wealthy elite
against the 50 million Americans who are poor — black, Latino, and
white. “Fifty million voters is a powerful block if they ever organized
in an effort to pursue their common economic goals,” Abdul-Jabbar wrote.
great icon’s class warfare insight reaches farther than he knows, into
the multi-millions of marginalized, demonized, and despised workers of
the resource class — loggers, coal miners, cattle ranchers, commercial
fishermen, oil rig roustabouts, tunnel blasters, heavy equipment
operators, and on and on — every one of us who gets dirty hands making
the stuff of elite splendor and majesty. And, yes, I once shoveled
foundation trenches and shouldered kegs of ten-penny brights (nails)
for a living.
All these hardworking people are mocked, devalued,
and destroyed by Big Green’s privileged few, as told in the recent
Senate report, “How a Club of Billionaires and Their Foundations Control
the Environmental Movement and Obama’s EPA.” It’s a class warfare
Natural Resources Defense Council President Frances
Beinecke (heiress of the Sperry & Hutchinson fortune, see photo)
doesn’t help the poor with their economic goals using her $427,595
annual compensation or the group’s $241.8 million assets, but ruins
every resource worker possible.
The Gordon and Betty Moore
Foundation’s chief investment officer, Denise Strack, doesn’t help the
poor with their economic goals using her $1.6 million annual
compensation or the foundation’s $5.6 billion assets from the Intel
fortune, but helps ruin every resource worker possible.
Big Green
conducts class war with its power over the federal government. If
that sounds impossible, let me tell you a story.
On July 27,
1991, thirty U.S. Forest Service agents on horseback, some armed with
semi-automatic weapons and wearing bulletproof vests, raided rancher
Wayne Hage’s cattle in Meadow Canyon in the Toiyabe National Forest,
high in the mountains of central Nevada. The cows were drinking from
disputed water and were to be impounded that day, destroying Hage’s
livelihood — and dooming some of the meat supply that gave minimum-wage
urban burger flippers something to flip.
The agents hoped to
infuriate Hage into violence and kill him. However, he showed up with a
camera, immortalized them on film, sued them, and after years in a
federal court, won a ruling that he owned the water. The Forest Service
had no right to impound his cattle.
A court document showed that
David Young, special agent in charge of the raid, had personally brought
with him several Remington Model 870 pump-action 12 gauge shotguns,
Ruger Mini-14 semi-automatic rifles, Sig Sauer P220 .45 caliber
semi-automatic pistols and a Smith & Wesson Model 36 .38 caliber
On April 2, 1990, Deputy Chief of the U.S. Forest
Service James C. Overbay sent a letter to his subordinate regional
foresters, urging support of environmentalists in return for their help
supporting larger Forest Service fish and wildlife budgets, removal of
ranchers, and expansion of USFS authority and power. It said:
groups representing the organized wildlife and fish interests across
the country have given considerable effort, time, and money to help the
Forest Service promote these important programs. We need the support of
these groups to avoid possible reductions in fish and wildlife budgets.
They would like to see the results of these efforts. We owe this to
A little over a year later, the Forest Service paid off
rich environmentalists by ruining Wayne Hage. The service’s culture of
resource stewardship was drifting far from its conservation roots to
political obsequiousness and ostentatious zeal.
Overbay had
already devastated other ranchers with less publicity, but it was the
Hage raid that reinforced Cliven Bundy’s misguided beliefs about federal
authority and led to President Obama’s Bureau of Land Management
storming the Bundy ranch from attack helicopters duded up in
military-grade body armor, flashing short-barreled assault rifles, and
crashing around in armored vehicles – enough combat equipment to remove
the tinfoil hat stigma from the black helicopter crowd’s collective
As John Steinbeck famously wrote in The Grapes of Wrath:
“Repression works only to strengthen and knit the oppressed.” A rabble
in arms materialized from all over the West to protect the Bundy ranch –
ready to die. It was blatant armed insurrection, but federal prudence
prevailed and the BLM stood down – prosecutors are dealing with it now.
militarization of federal agencies has a long history but should have a
short future. Big Green’s federal power grip needs to be smashed and
its storm troopers disarmed.
In June, Rep. Chris Stewart, R-Utah,
introduced the Regulatory Agency Demilitarization Act, to stem the
trend of federal regulatory agencies developing SWAT-like teams.
it’s unrealistic, but perhaps Abdul-Jabbar could recommend a diplomatic
mission from the poor to the reviled workers of the resource class, put
aside any past hurts and hates for a while, and organize in an effort
to pursue their common economic goals.
SOURCE Calming Fears of Climate Change in South and Southeast AsiaDebunking the threats one by oneSouth
and Southeast Asia. Studies have focused on South and Southeast Asia
due to their unique vulnerability to projected effects of climate
change: a decline in agricultural production, rising sea levels,
increased flooding, biodiversity loss, drought and more intense natural
disasters. Countries in these regions are considered especially
vulnerable because most are situated on peninsulas or islands and have
highly populated coastal cities. With much of their investment and
development concentrated in coastal areas, these regions have the most
to lose if predictions pan out.
Maplecroft, a global risk
analysis company, ranks Bangladesh as the country most at risk to
climate change effects, with Cambodia, the Philippines, India, Pakistan,
Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand not far behind. Africa and the
Caribbean harbor many other at-risk countries, but the five cities at
the most "extreme risk" - Dhaka, Mumbai, Kolkata, Manila and Bangkok -
all lie in South or Southeast Asia. Indeed, reports from the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) conclude climate change
will slow economic growth, erode food security and trigger new poverty
traps, particularly in these two regions.
Food Security. The
World Health Organization (WHO) measures food security by supply,
accessibility and consumption. Many observers fear rising temperatures
will increase food insecurity in South and Southeast Asia. However, food
production has increased dramatically over the past 50 years (see
Figure I). Though Southeast Asian food production dipped in the 1970s,
it recovered and has substantially increased since the 1990s.
the amount of arable land has remained stable in South Asia and has
increased in Southeast Asia, signaling climate change has yet to have an
effect on food security and that food production will be able to keep
up. Indeed, agronomist and geographer Craig Idso estimates that,
worldwide, increased plant production due to increased levels of CO2 in
the Earth's atmosphere grew in annual value from $18.5 billion in 1961
to over $140 billion by 2011 and amounted to $3.2 trillion over a
50-year period. Thus, food production in South and Southeast Asia will
likely continue its upward trend beyond 2011.
Another fear regarding climate change is widespread biodiversity loss.
According to a study published by TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution,
Southeast Asia is one of the world's richest areas in number of species
and in endemism -- a species' uniqueness to a geographic location.Though
the study's authors fear losses in biodiversity, none of the threats
they cite - forest conversion, forest fires, hunting for bushmeat and
the wildlife trade - involve climate change.
Coral Reef
Bleaching. Climate change has already affected biodiversity in South and
Southeast Asia, with bleached coral reefs correlating with rising sea
temperatures. However, sea temperature rises appear to have tapered off
in recent years, allowing the coral to adapt over time. Indeed, a study
published by the Public Library of Science found that rising sea
temperatures have been destroying coral reefs in Southeast Asia, but the
reefs have adapted to the growing thermal stress over the past 20
Rising Sea Levels. Scientists agree sea levels will
continue to rise gradually, but there is no consensus on the exact
range. IPCC lead scientists John Church and Neil White predict only a
28-to-34-centimeter rise - roughly one-third of one meter - by 2100.
According to a World Bank report, even a one-meter sea level rise would
affect only 1 percent to 2 percent of the land area, population and
farmland in developing countries (see Figure II). A one meter rise would
reduce GDP in the affected countries by 0.5 percent to 2 percent.
and Adaptation to Climate Change. Some believe that regional economic
growth has been hindered by infrastructure destruction due to more
severe natural disasters. However, there is evidence that climate change
has had beneficial effects on these economies so far and will continue
to help over the long term. With GDP growth averaging near five and a
half percent, South and Southeast Asia are among the fastest growing
regions globally and appear strong enough to implement adaptation
Thirteen of the 18 nations in these regions have
already implemented 182 climate change-related measures to mitigate or
adapt to the effects of climate change. However, the majority of these
projects are designed to mitigate, rather than adapt to, climate change.
Mitigation generally means projects, regulations or taxes aimed at
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases implicated in climate change.
Adaptation strategies, by contrast, include focusing on natural disaster
recovery and restoration, coral rehabilitation, water resource
management, protecting wildlife and so forth.
Given the uncertainty in climate science, adaptation appears to be a more cost-effective approach than mitigation.
SOURCE Climate Alarmism: When Is This Bozo Going Down?Climate
alarmism is like one of those pop-up Bozos. No matter how many times
you bop it, up it springs. In fact, the only way to stop it, as most
kids learn, is to deflate it. In this case, the air inside Bozo is your
and my tax money.
Two scientific papers released last week
combine for a powerful 1-2 haymaker, but, rest assured, Bozo springs
eternal. The first says that human aerosol emissions are not that
responsible for offsetting the warming influence of greenhouse gas
emissions, while the second finds that the observed warming from human
greenhouse gases is less than a lot of people think.
We aren’t at
all surprised by the first result. The cooling effect of sulphate
particulates, which go into the air along with carbon dioxide when
fossil fuels (mainly coal) are combusted, was only invoked in the
mid-1980s, when the lack of warming predicted by computer models was
embarrassingly obvious.
This is the kind of thing that the iconic
historian of science, Thomas Kuhn, predicted in his classic book, The
Structure of Scientific Revolutions. When a scientific “paradigm” is
assaulted by reality, increasingly ornate and bizarre explanations are
put forth to keep it alive. Sulfates smelled like one of those to us
back in the 1980s, and now it looks like the excuses are finally getting
The second result also comes as little news to us,
as we have been saying for years that the human carbon dioxide emissions
are not the only player in the climate change game.
The two new
papers, in combination, mean that the human influence on the climate
from the burning of fossil fuels is far less than what the IPCC’s
ensemble of climate models says it is. This also goes for the U.S.
Global Change Research Program, the EPA ,and the White House.
assured, though, Bozo will rise again—despite a near-continuous barrage
of blows supporting the idea that the climate’s sensitivity to human
greenhouse gas emissions is far too low to justify any of the expensive
and futile actions emanating from Washington and Brussels.
aerosol paper describes research by a team of Israeli scientists led by
Gerald Stanhill (from the ARO Volcani Center) who examined the causes of
“solar dimming” and “solar brightening” that have taken place over the
past half-century or so. Solar brightening (dimming) refers to
multidecadal periods when more (less) solar radiation is reaching the
surface of the earth. All else being equal (dangerous words in Science),
the earth’s surface would warm during periods of brightening and cool
during dimming. Solar dimming has been reported to have taken place from
the 1950s through the 1980s and since then there has been a period of
recovery (i.e., brightening). These patterns have been linked by
many to human aerosol emissions caused by pernicious economic activity,
with heavy emissions leading to global cooling from the 1950s (witness
the opaque air of Pittsburgh and London) through the late 1970s and
then, as air quality was cleaned up and aerosol emissions declined, an
unmasking of the warming impact from greenhouse gas emissions.
is an essential storyline that might as well have been written by Kuhn.
Without invoking the previously undiscovered masking impact of human
aerosols, climate models predict that far more global warming should
have happened as a result of human greenhouse gas emissions than has
been observed, even by the 1980s. Behaving more predictably than the
climate, federal climatologists, led by Tom Wigley of the University
Corporation for Atmospheric Research (hey, we couldn’t make up the name
of that exclusively taxpayer-funded monster), relied on the aerosol
“knob” to try to keep climate models from overheating.
et al. have bad news for the feds. In their new paper, they examine the
records of sunshine duration as recorded at five observation sites with
long-term observations. When comparing these sunshine histories with
fossil fuel use histories (a proxy for aerosol emissions) from nearby
areas, they find very little correspondence. In other words, human
aerosol emissions aren’t to blame for much of the solar dimming and
What may be the cause? Variations in cloud cover. According to Stanhill and colleagues:
is concluded that at the sites studied changes in cloud cover rather
than anthropogenic aerosols emissions played the major role in
determining solar dimming and brightening during the last half century
and that there are reasons to suppose that these findings may have wider
Admittedly, there are only a small number of stations that were being analyzed, but Stanhill et al. have this to say:
conclusion may be of wider significance than the very small number of
sites examined in this study would suggest as the sites sampled
Temperate - Maritime, Mediterranean, Continental and Tropical climates,…
and covered a wide range of rates of anthropogenic aerosol emission."
implications are that human aerosols have played a lot smaller role in
the global temperature variability of the past 50 years than is
generally taken to be the case. And if human aerosols are not
responsible for muting the expected temperature rise from greenhouse gas
emissions, then it seems that the expected rise is too much. That is,
the earth’s temperature is less sensitive to rising greenhouse gas
concentrations than forecasted by governmental climate models, and
therefore we should expect less warming in the future.
second paper, published last week in Science, is yet another study
trying to explain the “pause” in the rise of global average surface
temperatures. Using annual data from the University of East Anglia
temperature history—the one that scientists consult the most, we are
now in our 18th year without a warming trend.
(For a revealing
exposé on how even this data is being jimmied to fit the paradigm,
see what just showed up in the most recent Weekend Australian.)
of Washington’s Xianyao Chen and Ka-Kit Tung found that a naturally
occurring change in ocean circulation features in the Atlantic Ocean can
act to enhance or suppress the magnitude of heat that is transferred
from the surface into the ocean depths. The authors find that this
natural cycling was responsible for burying additional heat since the
late 1990s while maintaining surface heating during the previous three
decades. Coupled with earlier research (Tung and Zhou, 2013), they
figure that a substantial portion (~40%) of the rise in the global
surface temperatures that has occurred since the mid-20th century was
caused by natural variability in the circulation of the Atlantic Ocean.
implication here is pretty clear—the role that human greenhouse gas
emissions play in the observed warming isn’t what it was cracked up to
be. And, with a little nudge from other variables—like the sun—the
quaint myth that “all scientists agree that the majority of warming
since 1950 has been caused by human activity” does look more and more
like another pop-up Bozo.
Taken together, the two paper
combination strikes a haymaker to the alarmist mantra—that
dangerous climate change will result from greenhouse gas emissions. The
Stanhill paper suggests that the projected warming wasn’t so masked by
sulfate aerosols, and the Chen and Tung paper argues that less of the
warming is due to a human influence anyway. This combination—greater
warming pressure and less temperature change—means that the IPCC and
federal climate models are just way off.
Going forward, we should expect much less human-induced global warming than government-fueled climate models project.
this refrain sounds familiar, it is because we find ourselves
frequently reporting on the subject of the earth’s climate sensitivity
(how much warming results for a given input of carbon dioxide).
This issue is the biggest key to understanding anthropogenic climate
change, and, because evidence continues to mount that the climate
sensitivity is much less than advertised, there will be much more where
this came from.
But Bozo, inflated by public monies, will spring eternal.
SOURCE EU to ban high-energy hair dryers, smartphones and kettlesThe
European Union is considering pulling the plug on high-wattage hair
dryers, lawn mowers and electric kettles in a follow up to its
controversial ban on powerful vacuum cleaners.
The power of
hairdryers could be reduced by as much as 30 per cent in order to be
more eco-friendly, a draft study commissioned by Brussels suggests,
threatening many of the models favoured by hairdressers and consumers
for speedy blow-dries.
New proposals are expected next spring to
outlaw dozens of household electrical devices that European officials
regard as using too much electricity, as part of plans to meet EU
targets on energy efficiency.
Current EU legislation covers
televisions, washing machines, refrigerators and vacuum cleaners but not
most smaller electrical appliances.
A study ordered by the
European Commission, currently in draft form, has identified up to 30
electrical appliances including lawn mowers, smart phones and kettles
that could be covered by the EU's Ecodesign directive outlawing
high-wattage devices.
Günther Oettinger, the German EU energy
commissioner, said that legislation preventing consumers from buying
high-wattage appliances was necessary to fight climate change.
haven't got round to these devices yet, we want curb power
consumption," he told Bild newspaper. "All EU countries agree that
energy efficiency is the most effective method to reduce energy
consumption and dependence on imports and to improve the climate.
Therefore there needs to be mandatory consumption limits for small
electrical appliances."
The proposals will be a controversial
flagship policy for Jean-Claude Juncker when he takes power as
commission president in November in order to meet a binding target for
energy savings of 30 per cent across the EU by 2030.
EU bans on
powerful vacuum cleaners and incandescent light bulbs have provoked a
popular backlash across Europe including in traditionally pro-European
countries such as Germany.
On Monday many of the best vacuum
cleaners available for sale in the UK will be banned as a result of the
EU energy efficiency rules that prohibit the manufacture or importing
any vacuums with motors above 1,600 watts.
Tesco said sales of
the most powerful vacuums had soared by as much as 94 per cent for some
models after the Telegraph reported consumer group Which? urging
shoppers to act quickly before they sold out forever.
The draft EC-commissioned study says hairdryers’ power input range from 900 watts to as much as 2,300 watts.
admits that “of course, more powerful dryers may dry hair in a shorter
time” but says there is “improvement potential” to cut hair dryers’
energy consumption by 30 per cent. This is based on a German scheme
which awards energy efficiency labels to products which “achieve power
savings of at least 30 per cent compared to standard appliances”.
Coray, former president of the National Hairdressers’ Federation, said
curbing the power of hairdryers would simply mean blow-drying took
Mr Coray said he favoured a 2,100 watt hairdryer at his
salon in Cardiff. “You have a salon environment and somebody in their
lunch-break wanting to have their hair done; you have time constraints.
The more powerful, the faster the blow dry – it’s as simple as that.”
said one manufacturer had recently brought out a “green” hairdryer with
a lower wattage of between 1,400 and 1,600 watts, but he was
unimpressed by it. “It gets very hot but it doesn’t blow very fast,” he
Hairdressers liked to minimise the time they had to spend
holding hairdryers because it could lead to repetitive strain injury, he
Herbert Reul, a conservative German MEP, said: "The
commission must stop their eco-design plans. It makes no sense to
regulate the detail of energy consumption, the manufacture of each
product in the EU and to tell the citizen what he has to buy.”
Nuttall MEP, UKip's deputy leader, said: "This is being done in the
name of tackling climate change but the reality is it won't help one
iota and will just make life harder for house-proud householders. I am
perfectly sure grown-ups can decide which hair dryer, kettle or vacuum
cleaner they want to buy without nannying EU interference."
Holzner, the European Commission’s energy spokesman, said: “It’s a big
question mark if we go to regulate hairdryers at all. It’s a study we
have asked consultants to do. In the final report they will reduce 30
products to 20. In January 2015 we will look at these recommendations
then select from this list what to regulate and how.”
SOURCE ***************************************
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
28 August, 2014
Who would be giving the Communist clenched-fist salute these days?
of course. The pic above is apparently from a new film full of
Warmist hysteria. Some of the speakers sound a lot like old uncle
Adolf too. One totalitarianism is as good as another to them, I
hereTHE (LATEST) ANSWER TO THE “PAUSE”Dr David Whitehouse
popular science journalism the latest is always the best. With all the
explanations for the “pause” in global surface temperatures since 1997 –
there are now over 30 of them – it is always the most recently
published one that is the “answer.”
This time it’s the Atlantic Ocean
that’s to blame. A paper published in Science says that a 30-year
periodicity warms and cools the world by sequestering heat below the
ocean’s surface and then releasing it.
The paper concerned is not
an impressive one. It starts off assuming the answer it seeks and finds
it! Since the emphasis is on the Atlantic take a look at their data for
surface temperature and ocean heat content (OHC.) As you can see OHC is
declining, as the surface temperature remains static. Incidentally, a
few error bars on the graphs would have been illuminating and would have
altered a false impression given by the graphs data’s precision.
OHC data comes from the Argo array that has been in place for about a
decade. When talking to people about Argo I have heard many comments
about how it is obviously showing a global increase in OHC over that
period but this is something that is not entirely borne out by the data,
and will be the subject of a future post.
Before the Atlantic it
was the Pacific storing heat beneath the waves and taking it away from
the atmosphere. Some scientists were quite confident that it was at the
root of most of the “pause” and some still are despite the recent
attention to the Atlantic Ocean. Even the authors of the recent Science
paper say they are “not downplaying the role of the Pacific.” So there
you have it. It is the Atlantic that is the cause of the “pause,” and it
is the Pacific that is the cause of the “pause” as well. I’m glad
that’s clear.
For those who are impressed with some of the
media’s reports that the “pause” has its best explanation to date there
are two papers, here and here, published in Nature Climate Change at the
same time that say it is, most definitely, due to the Pacific.
language of science journalism is interesting here. Note that the
“pause” has been “seized” upon by “climate change sceptics and puzzled
scientists,” and that the “pause” happened after “decades of rapid
warming.” (Note to Editor: recent warming started around 1980. The 80s
hardly saw “rapid warming” and the warming had stopped by the later half
of the 90s.)
You don’t have to look very deeply at the science
to realise that, despite the headlines, no one has come up with an
answer to the “pause.” Some place their faith that there is a major
driver – the Atlantic or the Pacific for instance – that can explain
most of it. Others admit that there will not be any one cause for the
“pause” and that it is likely to be the result of a patchwork of
influences. If so then they have to explain why such a patchwork has for
17 years kept the global surface temperature statistically flat in the
face of rising greenhouse gas concentrations – surely one of the most
remarkable balancing acts in the history of science.
For many the
proof of what is causing the “pause” will not be forthcoming until it
goes away and what is expected to be accelerated global warming resumes.
But since whatever the culprit is would have been a very significant
contributor to the pre “pause” warming in the 80s and 90s, one wonders
how swift will be that acceleration?
SOURCE (See the original for links)
Updated list of excuses for the 18 year 'pause' in global warming"If you can't explain the 'pause', you can't explain the cause". RSS satellite data shows the 18 year 'pause' of global warmingAn
updated list of at least 29 32 36 38 39 41 52 excuses for the 18 year
'pause' in global warming, including recent scientific papers, media
quotes, blogs, and related debunkings:
1) Low solar activity
2) Oceans ate the global warming [debunked] [debunked] [debunked]
3) Chinese coal use [debunked]
4) Montreal Protocol
5) What ‘pause’? [debunked] [debunked] [debunked] [debunked]
6) Volcanic aerosols [debunked]
7) Stratospheric Water Vapor
8) Faster Pacific trade winds [debunked]
9) Stadium Waves
10) ‘Coincidence!’
11) Pine aerosols
12) It's "not so unusual" and "no more than natural variability"
13) "Scientists looking at the wrong 'lousy' data" http://
14) Cold nights getting colder in Northern Hemisphere
15) We forgot to cherry-pick models in tune with natural variability [debunked]
16) Negative phase of Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation
17) AMOC ocean oscillation
18) "Global brightening" has stopped
19) "Ahistorical media"
20) "It's the hottest decade ever" Decadal averages used to hide the 'pause' [debunked]
21) Few El Ninos since 1999
22) Temperature variations fall "roughly in the middle of the AR4 model results"
23) "Not scientifically relevant"
24) The wrong type of El Ninos
25) Slower trade winds [debunked]
26) The climate is less sensitive to CO2 than previously thought [see also]
27) PDO and AMO natural cycles and here
28) ENSO
29) Solar cycle driven ocean temperature variations
30) Warming Atlantic caused cooling Pacific [paper] [debunked by Trenberth & Wunsch]
31) "Experts simply do not know, and bad luck is one reason"
32) IPCC climate models are too complex, natural variability more important
33) NAO & PDO
34) Solar cycles
35) Scientists forgot "to look at our models and observations and ask questions"
36) The models really do explain the "pause" [debunked] [debunked] [debunked]
37) As soon as the sun, the weather and volcanoes – all natural factors – allow, the world will start warming again. Who knew?
Trenberth's "missing heat" is hiding in the Atlantic, not Pacific as
Trenberth claimed [debunked] [Dr. Curry's take] [Author: “Every week
there’s a new explanation of the hiatus”]
39) "Slowdown" due to "a delayed rebound effect from 1991 Mount Pinatubo aerosols and deep prolonged solar minimum"
The "slowdown" is "probably just barely statistically significant" and
not "meaningful in terms of the public discourse about climate change"
The "recent hiatus in global warming is mainly caused by internal
variability of the climate" because "anthropogenic aerosol emissions
from Europe and North America towards China and India between 1996 and
2010 has surprisingly warmed rather than cooled the global climate."
this new paper, anthropogenic aerosols were thought to cool the climate
or to have minimal effects on climate, but as of now, they
"surprisingly warm" the climate]
42) 'Missing heat' is not "supported by the data itself" in the "real ocean":
is not clear to me, actually, that an accelerated warming of
some...layer of the ocean ... is robustly supported by the data itself.
Until we clear up whether there has been some kind of accelerated
warming at depth in the real ocean, I think these results serve as
interesting hypotheses about why the rate of surface warming has
slowed-down, but we still lack a definitive answer on this topic."
"After some intense work by of the community, there is general
agreement that the main driver [of climate the "pause"] is ocean
variability. That's actually quite impressive progress."
44) "This [the 'pause'] is not an existential threat to the mainstream theory of climate."
"In a few years, as we get to understand this [the 'pause'] more,
skeptics will move on (just like they dropped arguments about the hockey
stick and about the surface station record) to their next reason not to
believe climate science."
46) " I think the findings that the
heat is going into the Atlantic and Southern Ocean’s is probably pretty
robust. However, I will defer to people like Josh Willis who know the
data better than I do."-Andrew Dessler. Debunked by Josh Willis, who
Dessler says "knows the data better than I do," says in the very same
NYT article that "it is not clear to me, actually, that an accelerated
warming of some...layer of the ocean ... is robustly supported by the
data itself" - Josh Willis
47) "Ultimately, the challenge is to come up with the parsimonious theory [of the 'pause'] that fits all of the data"
"the argument that the hiatus will last for another decade or two is
very weak and I would not put much faith in that. If the cycle has a
period of 60-70 years, that means we have one or two cycles of
observations. And I don’t think you can much about a cycle with just 1-2
cycles: e.g., what the actual period of the variability is, how regular
it is, etc. You really need dozens of cycles to determine what the
actual underlying variability looks like. In fact, I don’t think we even
know if it IS a cycle."
49) "this brings up what to me is the
real question: how much of the hiatus is pure internal variability and
how much is a forced response (from loading the atmosphere with carbon).
This paper seems to implicitly take the position that it’s purely
internal variability, which I’m not sure is true and might lead to a
very different interpretation of the data and estimate of the future."
50) It's the Atlantic, not Pacific, and "the hiatus in the warming...should not be dismissed as a statistical fluke"
51) The other papers with excuses for the "pause" are not "science done right":
If the science is done right, the calculated uncertainty takes account
of this background variation. But none of these papers, Tung, or
Trenberth, does that. Overlain on top of this natural behavior is the
small, and often shaky, observing systems, both atmosphere and ocean
where the shifting places and times and technologies must also produce a
change even if none actually occurred. The “hiatus” is likely real, but
so what? The fuss is mainly about normal behavior of the climate
52) "The central problem of climate science is to ask
what you do and say when your data are, by almost any standard,
inadequate? If I spend three years analyzing my data, and the only
defensible inference is that “the data are inadequate to answer the
question,” how do you publish? How do you get your grant renewed? A
common answer is to distort the calculation of the uncertainty, or
ignore it all together, and proclaim an exciting story that the New York
Times will pick up...How many such stories have been withdrawn years
later when enough adequate data became available?"
52) My
University screwed up the press release & didn't let me stop them
from claiming my paper shows the "hiatus will last another decade or
two." [Dessler]
HERE (See the original for links and graphics)
Climate Change Nonsensus: Only 52% of meteorologists think global warming is mostly man-madeThe
American Meteorological Society has released updated polling results of
their membership [26.3% response rate] which shows only 52% agree with
the so-called "consensus" that global warming is mostly man-made. The
poll finds "members of this professional community are not unanimous in
their views of climate change, and there has been tension among members
of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) who hold different views on
the topic."
In a must-read post today by Dr. Judith Curry, she
explains why the IPCC attribution claim with 95% confidence that climate
change is mostly man-made fails the most basic principles of logic, is
unsupportable, that the IPCC and the Gavin's of the world are the
parties who are "making things up." Therefore, the meteorologists in
this poll who likewise claim to know that most climate change is
man-made also fail basic logical analysis and thus this opinion is more
political than scientific. The AMS poll confirms that opinions on AGW
are to a significant degree driven by political views rather than
HERE Scientists reveal how they feel about climate change in handwritten letters and photosAnother attempt to substitute appeals to authority for actual evidenceSCIENTISTS
can be a practical bunch, they deal with facts, data, hard evidence.
But even scientists can lose their s*** sometimes and now they are
revealing how they really feel.
Academics from around Australia
have posed for striking photographs, while others have put their
feelings about climate change in handwritten letters as part of two
independent projects.
In one masters project, Australian National
University student Joe Duggan contacted scientists and asked them to
write the letters about how they felt about climate change.
follows are the words of real scientists. Researchers that understand
climate change,” states the Is This How You Feel website, where Duggan
is publishing the letters.
The letters feel more personal because
they are handwritten and the passion, frustration and anxiety is
palpable in some of them.
But there is also guilt that they too
are left feeling apathetic because of the lack of action and interest in
tackling the problem.
A letter from Dr Ailie Gallant of Monash
University reflects many of her fellow scientists views: “I hate feeling
helpless. I’m ashamed to say that, sometimes, my frustration leads to
apathy. I hate feeling apathetic. “All I can hope is that people
share my optimism and convert it into Action.”
Duggan told that scientists were generally called on to communicate with
the public about climate change using data and clinical prose but it
occurred to him that this might not be the best way, and perhaps giving
them an opportunity to express their passion might be a way of cutting
through the apathy that many people felt about the issue.
not trying to convert denialists, I’m trying to reach people who are
apathetic, who don’t have an opinion, to show them that climate change
is relevant to them,” Duggan said.
On another website launched
this month, some of Australia’s top minds have
posed for striking portraits and describe what they are most scared of.
includes earth system scientist Will Steffen of the Australian National
University, who says his biggest fear is the loss of control of the
climate system.
“If we push the climate too far, if we start
losing ice too rapidly, start flipping things like the Amazon, then the
internal dynamics of the climate will take over - and even if we pull
emissions back, we won’t be able to stop very large changes - that’s my
biggest fear.
“The thing people don’t realise, is getting
emissions down is not only feasible but economically promising and will
actually lead to a better life.”
One of the founders of the site,
photographer Nick Bowers said the project was a labour of love that
came about after conversations with two fellow creatives copywriter
Rachel Guest and art director Celine Faledam.
“We were interested
in environmental issues and discussed this constantly among ourselves,
we all have young kids,” Bowers said. “We wanted to try and bring
authenticity and humanity to this issue.”
He said the scientists
were photographed while they were being interviewed. This includes many
prominent names such as mammologist and palaeontologist Tim Flannery.
said he thought scientists were more willing in recent years, to put
forward their personal views as the information around climate change
had become overwhelming. “There’s more evidence of rapid change in
climate and that it is going to effect us,” Bowers said.
some critics have suggested climate scientists are motivated by grant
money, Bowers said he got the sense that they just wanted the debate to
move on so they could do other science. “They want to get on with
doing other stuff, they are sick of trying to spruik this stuff
Duggan has also experienced a strong response from
scientists willing to put forward their views. He said he had received
about 20 letters from scientists in Australia and estimated that about
70 to 80 per cent of those he had contacted had responded.
thing that hits me the most, are that these people are the ones that
understand the facts, that understand the data and can pass judgment on
climate change and they’re scared. They are literally scared for the
world they are leaving behind for their children. “They get the
statistics, they get the facts and they are scared.”
Duggan said that while he expected that fear would be the overriding
sentiment, he did not expect how optimistic the scientists would
be. “They expressed optimism as well, even with all the problems,
there was optimism that they could reach their goals.”
SOURCEIf only EPA stood for 'Enough Protection Already' John Stossel
Environmental Protection Agency! You’ve required sewage treatment
plants, catalytic converters on cars and other things that made the
world cleaner than the world in which I grew up. Good work.
America’s waterways are so much cleaner that I swim in New York City’s
once-filthy Hudson River -- right beside skyscrapers in which millions
of people, uh, flush. The air we breathe is also cleaner than it’s been
for 60 years.
In a rational world, environmental bureaucrats
would now say, “Mission accomplished. We set tough standards, so we
don’t need to keep doing more. Stick a fork in it! We’re done.”
does still need some bureaucrats to enforce existing environmental
rules and watch for new pollution problems. But we don’t need what we’ve
got: 16,000 environmental regulators constantly trying to control more
of our lives.
OK, I went too far. America does still need some
bureaucrats to enforce existing environmental rules and watch for new
pollution problems. But we don’t need what we’ve got: 16,000
environmental regulators constantly trying to control more of our lives.
EPA should stand for: Enough Protection Already.
But bureaucracies never say they’ve done “enough.” That would mean they were out of work.
all bureaucracies -- regulatory, poverty-fighting and military -- the
EPA spends every day hunting for new things to do, even if its new
efforts cost much more and accomplish far less. Its biggest current
crusade is global warming -- I mean, “climate change.”
Even if it
turns out that man’s emission of greenhouse gases is a threat, “EPA’s
own cost-benefit analyses don’t really identify any benefits” from
additional regulation, says Case Western Reserve law professor Jonathan
Adler. “If we are serious about dealing with climate change, we need to
reduce per capita emissions of carbon dioxide to the level they were
during the period of Reconstruction after the Civil War.”
reduction in our industrial capacity would be one of the worst costs the
human race had ever suffered, all for tiny benefits. Even if we did
everything the environmentalists want, the regulators admit it might
only lower temperatures a fraction of a degree, a century from now.
that time, we will have cheaper ways of dealing with the problem, if it
is a problem. But government rarely pays attention to costs vs.
Today, instead of environmental regulations that
actually save lives, we pay to subsidize politicians’ cronies and pet
projects, such as electric cars.
Voters rarely object to such
deals, says David Harsanyi of The Federalist, because government hides
their real costs. “If people actually paid what a Chevy Volt cost to
make, it would probably be around $200,000. Without government --
essentially, government cronyism and all kinds of subsidies -- the Volt
wouldn’t exist.”
He says Chevy, even with its government
subsidies, loses about $49,000 on every Volt it builds. It’s ironic
that, as environmentalists talk about “sustainability,” they create
totally unsustainable subsidy schemes.
“It’s happening with all
kinds of alternative energy companies that rely on government
subsidies,” Harsanyi says. Politicians, by shifting money away from
private-sector experiments, “are hurting companies that actually have
some innovation that might work better.”
Since people rarely
question spending that supposedly is “good for the environment, green
subsidies create opportunity for corruption,” Harsanyi says. “The people
who lobby and have the closest ties to government are typically the
ones who benefit from the subsidies the government gives.”
associates of President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, former
Energy Secretary Bill Richardson and former Vice President Al Gore all
benefited from well-timed investments in green companies that got a leg
up from government subsidies and regulations.
Unfortunately, green companies often do poorly even with government assistance, as was the case with solar panel maker Solyndra.
don’t doubt there are important technological advances ahead that will
make energy use more efficient -- and make the environment cleaner,
sometimes as an unintended side effect. But I don’t trust government to
pick the technologies.
Why should we think government’s ideas for
cleaning the environment are on the cutting edge? As Harsanyi points
out, windmills, one of environmentalists’ favorite ideas and biggest
subsidy-recipients, “have been around since the Middle Ages.”
There will be a better way. Government probably won’t find it.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
27 August, 2014
We're running out of food!So
says the gullible Justin Gillis of the NYT -- completely ignoring all
the facts. Take for instance the current situation in icy
Canada: “In
Western Canada, we’re moving from a huge glut of wheat to still a
pretty big carry-over, but by no means the kind of over-supply we had in
the last year. And in 2013: “Canola
- Nationally, canola production increased 29.5% from 2012 to a record
18.0 million tonnes; “Wheat: Farmers reported record wheat production of
37.5 million tonnes, a 38.0% increase from 2012.". The only
crop not a record in 2013 was Barley and Oats." Anybody who knows
anything about international trade in farm products knows that the
chronic problem is surpluses, not shortagesRunaway growth in
the emission of greenhouse gases is swamping all political efforts to
deal with the problem, raising the risk of “severe, pervasive and
irreversible impacts” over the coming decades, according to a draft of a
major new United Nations report.
Global warming is already
cutting grain production by several percentage points, the report found,
and that could grow much worse if emissions continue unchecked. Higher
seas, devastating heat waves, torrential rain and other climate extremes
are also being felt around the world as a result of human-produced
emissions, the draft report said, and those problems are likely to
intensify unless the gases are brought under control.
The world
may already be nearing a temperature at which the loss of the vast ice
sheet covering Greenland would become inevitable, the report said. The
actual melting would then take centuries, but it would be unstoppable
and could result in a sea level rise of 23 feet, with additional
increases from other sources like melting Antarctic ice, potentially
flooding the world’s major cities.
“Human influence has been
detected in warming of the atmosphere and the ocean, in changes in the
global water cycle, in reduction in snow and ice, and in global
mean-sea-level rise; and it is extremely likely to have been the
dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century,” the
draft report said. “The risk of abrupt and irreversible change increases
as the magnitude of the warming increases.”
The report was
drafted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a body of
scientists and other experts appointed by the United Nations that
periodically reviews and summarizes climate research. It is not final
and could change substantially before release.
The report,
intended to summarize and restate a string of earlier reports about
climate change released over the past year, is to be unveiled in early
November, after an intensive editing session in Copenhagen. A late draft
was sent to the world’s governments for review this week, and a copy of
that version was obtained by The New York Times.
Using blunter,
more forceful language than the reports that underpin it, the new draft
highlights the urgency of the risks that are likely to be intensified by
continued emissions of heat-trapping gases, primarily carbon dioxide
released by the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas.
report found that companies and governments had identified reserves of
these fuels at least four times larger than could safely be burned if
global warming is to be kept to a tolerable level.
From 1970 to
2000, global emissions of greenhouse gases grew at 1.3 percent a year.
But from 2000 to 2010, that rate jumped to 2.2 percent a year, the
report found, and the pace seems to be accelerating further in this
A major part of the jump was caused by industrialization
in China, which now accounts for half the world’s coal use. Those
emissions are being incurred in large part to produce goods for
consumption in the West.
The report noted that severe weather
events, some of them linked to human-produced emissions, had disrupted
the food supply in recent years, leading to several spikes in the prices
of staple grains and destabilizing some governments in poorer
Continued warming, the report found, is likely to
“slow down economic growth, make poverty reduction more difficult,
further erode food security, and prolong existing poverty traps and
create new ones, the latter particularly in urban areas and emerging hot
spots of hunger.”
HEREFurther comments on the above from Prof. Don Easterbrook, who has studied global climate change for five decades:"Global
warming is already cutting grain production by several percentage
points", the report found, With no global warming in 15-18 years, how
can 'global warming' cut grain production?
"and that could grow
much worse if emissions continue unchecked." The total increase in
atmospheric CO2 during the only period when both CO2 and temp increased
(1978-1998) was a whopping 0.004%. That's going to cause a lot of
Higher seas, In areas cited as 'drowning (Maldives,
Kiribati, Bangladesh), the sea level in the Maldives has dropped a full
meter since 1979; sea level in Kiribati is not rising faster than coral
is growing upward; sea level change in Bangladesh is due largely to
compaction of delta sediments, and on and on. In the next 50 years
(2064) global sea level rise will be only about 3 inches!
heat waves, torrential rain and other climate extremes" This is simply
not true--hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, etc are all declining, not
"The world may already be nearing a temperature at
which the loss of the vast ice sheet covering Greenland would become
inevitable, the report said. The actual melting would then take
centuries, but it would be unstoppable and could result in a sea level
rise of 23 feet, with additional increases from other sources like
melting Antarctic ice, potentially flooding the world’s major
cities." Nonsense! Except for a few small blips, all of the past
10,000 years to 1500 years ago were 2.5 to 5.5 F warmer than present in
Greenland and the ice sheet didn't disappear. As for the Antarctic, the
average annual temp is -58 F so warming of 100 F would be required to
melt the Antarctic ice sheet.
“Human influence has been detected
in warming of the atmosphere and the ocean, in changes in the global
water cycle, in reduction in snow and ice, and in global mean-sea-level
rise; and it is extremely likely to have been the dominant cause of the
observed warming since the mid-20th century,” Global snow and ice is on
the increase, not decreasing, the rate of global sea level rise has
decreased in recent years, modeling results have not even come close to
predicting global temperatures in the past few decades and with no
warming in 18 years, how can human influence be invoked?
continued rapid growth of emissions in coming decades could conceivably
lead to a global warming exceeding 8 degrees Fahrenheit, the report
found." This is based on computer models that have proven to be
totally worthless in predicting global temperature for even a few
decades, so why should this number have any credibility?
What is
really astonishing, is how the discredited IPCC can continue to put out
such nonsense totally contrary to real evidence and still pretend to be
U.S. government releases predators against its own peopleMany
times the sound of howling and yelping coyotes awake me from a sound
and cozy slumber. I sit bolt upright in my bed as my sleep-filled brain
tries to calculate where my critters are and whether or not they are
safe. The dogs on the floor beside me, the cat on the foot of the bed, I
roll over and go back to sleep.
In the years that I’ve lived in
the mountains outside Albuquerque, I’ve lost three cats and three ducks
to coyotes. I know they are natural predators and if my pets are
outside, there is a chance they’ll fall prey. I hear the coyotes, but I
hardly see them. They don’t generally come close to humans. They are
after the squirrels and rabbits — and an occasional cat or duck.
that could all change due to a new U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)
plan to expand the area for the Mexican grey wolf reintroduction. The
current plan calls for virtually all the southern half of New Mexico to
become wolf habitat — but wolf advocates at a hearing about the plan,
held in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, on Wednesday, August 13,
repeatedly declared that Southern New Mexico wasn’t enough. They want
the wolf introduced north of I-40 — which would include Albuquerque and
Santa Fe. Some called for wolves to be released in the Grand Canyon and
the Four Corners area.
Wolves are master predators — and they are
enemies of coyotes. Wolves attack bigger prey: deer and elk, horses and
cattle — but are known to carry off a dog or cat as well. The wolves
that are a part of the reintroduction program are not afraid of people
and will come right up to a house if they are hungry.
of the expanded plan, plead for people to “open their eyes and hearts to
wolves, to remove boundaries.” One claimed: “The big bad wolf isn’t so
bad after all,” and added, “there’s no proof a wolf has ever harmed a
human.” “Wolves are demonized” and “wolves don’t hurt humans” were
reoccurring themes throughout the evening hearing — where 70 people
spoke (48 for the expanded plan, 22 against). Not everyone who wanted to
be heard was given the opportunity. The hearing was conducted with
precision — cutting people off midsentence at the two-minute mark — and
ended promptly at 9:00PM.
Most of the 22 against the plan live in
the areas already impacted by the current wolf reintroduction — the
Gila National Forest on the New Mexico/Arizona border.
One woman
told of growing up on her family’s ranch. She remembers being able to
play by the stream without fear. But now, with wolves around, it is a
different story for her grandchildren. They came to visit one day. They
brought their new puppy. As they bounded out of the car, toward the
house, two wolves emerged from the creek and snatched the puppy as the
shocked children helplessly watched. They are now afraid to go to
grandma’s house. They have nightmares.
Another told how she felt
when a wolf was spotted less than 35 feet from her children. Her husband
was away. She grabbed the children and, along with the dogs, stayed
locked in the house — only to see the wolf on the front porch with its
nose pressed against the window pane. She has reported on the incident:
“Throughout the evening my border collie whimpered at the front door,
aggressively trying to get out. Both dogs paced on high alert all
night.” The next day wolf tracks were found all around the house —
including the children’s play yard. The wolf was euthanized on private
property within 150 yards of the house. She concludes her story: “It’s
difficult to describe the terror of a predator so fearless and eager to
get into my home.”
Others told similar stories. Children, waiting
for the school bus, have to be caged to be protected from the wolves.
Nine ranches in the current habitat area along the New Mexico/Arizona
border, have been sold due to wolf predation — too many cattle are
killed and ranchers are forced off the land.
Had I been allowed
to speak — and I did sign up, I would have addressed the lunacy of the
plan. After huge amounts of effort and resources have been invested to
save the sand dune lizard and the lesser prairie chicken in and around
the oil patch of southeastern New Mexico, they now want to introduce a
master predator that will gobble up the other endangered species? After
all, as many proponents pointed out, “wolves don’t have maps.” They
don’t stay within the boundaries on the FWS maps, they go where the food
is — just ask the families living in the current range.
As I
listened to the presenters, I wondered: “Why do they do this?” People
and their property need to be protected. Instead, supporters whined that
capturing wolves and moving them away from communities “traumatizes”
them. What about the harm to humans; the traumatized children? Does
human blood need to be shed to consider that they have been harmed?
the answer to “why?” came from one wolf supporter who opened with this:
“I am from New York. I don’t know anything about ranching or wolves.”
And then added: “Ranching will be outdated in 10-15 years. We can’t keep
eating meat.”
State Senator Bill Soules, from Las Cruces,
supports the new, expanded plan. He said: “I’ve had many people contact
me wanting wolves protected. I’ve had no one contact me with the
opposing view”—perhaps that is because neither phone number listed on
his New Mexico Legislature webpage takes you to a person or voicemail.
to our elected officials do matter. Contact yours and tell him/her that
you want people protected, that humans shouldn’t be harmed by an
expanded wolf reintroduction territory.
I wrote a short version
of my experience at the hearing for the Albuquerque Journal because I
wanted people there to be aware of the plan to introduce wolves into
close proximity to the Albuquerque area. My op-ed in the local paper
generated a vitriolic dialogue on the website — with more than 90
comments at the time of this writing. Many said things like this one,
supposedly from a woman in Concord, New Hampshire: “If you don’t like it
move to the city it is their home and you moved into it so either deal
with it and stop your whining or move back to the city.” Yeah, that will
work really well for the ranchers who earn their living and feed
America by raising livestock.
This story is about New Mexico,
Arizona and the Mexican grey wolf. But similar stories can easily be
found in Idaho, Wyoming and Montana where the Canadian grey wolf was
reintroduced nearly two decades ago. The wolf population has grown so
rapidly that they have been known to aggressively kill livestock and
cause millions of dollars of loss to ranching families—with the Idaho
record being 176 sheep killed in one night. In Wyoming, the Wolf has
been removed from the endangered species list and ranchers can now kill
the wolf and protect their herds without fear of punishment from our
government. Even the U.S. FWS is removing and euthanizing the wolves
that were intentionally introduced into the region. As recently as
August 21, 2014, wolves are wreaking havoc, killing sheep just 50 miles
outside of Spokane, Washington — where the U.S. FWS has authorized a
rancher to kill the wolves and, much to the dismay of environmental
groups, state wildlife agents are killing wolves to protect people and
Environmental groups have been pushing to bring the wolf back to Colorado through the Rocky Mountain National Park.
the public hearing regarding the expanded introduction of the Mexican
Grey Wolf is over, the U.S. FWS is accepting written comments on the
proposed revision to the Nonessential Experimental Population of the
Mexican Wolf through September 23. Please add to the discussion — though
they don’t make it easy as to be accepted, comments must be
substantive, related to the proposed alternatives, or scientifically
valid, and something not yet considered.
People shouldn’t lie awake in fear for their families and property because our own government introduces a predator amongst us.
view hailed as one of the best in England by National Trust faces being
'ruined' by 242ft high wind turbine to power 400 homesA
stunning rural landscape hailed as one of the finest views in England by
the National Trust could be ruined by a 242ft high wind turbine.
outlook from Creech Hill towards the imposing King Alfred's Tower on
the Stourhead Estate has become an iconic image of the Somerset Levels.
It features in the book 'England's 100 Best Views' and features Iron Age forts, a Roman temple and ancient woodlands.
the skyline is under threat after plans were submitted for a towering
turbine which would provide enough power for 400 local homes.
The proposals come from Swansea-based firm Seren Energy run by Steve Hack,a Friends of the Earth board member.
He admitted the site is contentious, but said the overall impact on the area will be minimal.
'As far as South Somerset is concerned there are relatively limited opportunities for turbines,' he said.
this is relatively simple as far as good conditions and delivery are
concerned and there are not that many people who live very close to the
site. The overall impact on the local population is going to be low.'
But local residents and the National Trust fear the development will tarnish the treasured landscape.
National Trust spokesman said: 'Stourhead is an incredibly special
place and we want to make sure its setting, the wider landscape and
views, both to and from, are protected.
'We believe that
appropriately designed wind has an important part to play in a mix of
British renewables, but it must work in harmony with the
landscape. 'We are now carefully considering this planning
application and the scale and location of the proposed wind turbine.'
Creech Hill lies seven miles to the north west of the Stourhead Estate, which is owned by the National Trust.
is home to King Alfred's Tower - a 160ft tall folly tower marking the
spot where King Alfred rallied the forces of Somerset, Dorset and
Wiltshire, before his decisive defeat at the Battle of Edington in
It was erected in the mid 18th century by banker Henry
Hoare II, then owner of the Stourhead estate, and dominates the
landscape in the Cranborne Chase Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
his book 'England's 100 Best Views', the National Trust's chairman Sir
Simon Jenkins describes the vista from Creech Hill towards Stourhead as
the best view of the Somerset Levels.
He wrote: 'Creech Hill
stands seven miles to the north and is closer to the Levels. It looks up
to Stourhead behind it, and looks across to Cadbury to the left.
directly overlooks the golden limestone town of Bruton, deep in the
Brue valley and with only its church and dovecot visible from a
Seren Energy has submitted plans to South Somerset
District Council to erect the turbine at Gilcombe Farm, a 300-acre
family organic farm.
But Dick Skidmore, a former Mendip District
councillor now living at Bruton, is one of many locals who have written
to the planning department to object.
He believes the turbine will 'degrade a rural landscape particularly in a tourist area'.
is also worried that photographs submitted with the application were
misleading and that the Ministry of Defence will insist on it having a
warning light on top.
Pen Selwood Parish Council has already
raised its opposition to the turbine because of its proposed position in
an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
In a response to the
application, it said: 'Whilst we are not sure this wind turbine will be
visible from this parish, Pen Selwood Parish Council is opposed to all
applications that could cause any detrimental effect upon the visual
amenity of the village which is within an AONB.'
It goes on to
say: 'Concern has also been expressed that this development would set a
precedent for other, similar, developments and that if we are not
careful these structures could spring up throughout the area and would
blight the countryside around us.'
SOURCE Obama to circumvent Congress The
Obama administration is working to forge a sweeping international
climate change agreement to compel nations to cut their planet-warming
fossil fuel emissions, but without ratification from Congress.
preparation for this agreement, to be signed at a United Nations summit
meeting in 2015 in Paris, the negotiators are meeting with diplomats
from other countries to broker a deal to commit some of the world’s
largest economies to enact laws to reduce their carbon pollution. But
under the Constitution, a president may enter into a legally binding
treaty only if it is approved by a two-thirds majority of the Senate.
sidestep that requirement, President Obama’s climate negotiators are
devising what they call a “politically binding” deal that would “name
and shame” countries into cutting their emissions. The deal is likely to
face strong objections from Republicans on Capitol Hill and from poor
countries around the world, but negotiators say it may be the only
realistic path.
“If you want a deal that includes all the major
emitters, including the U.S., you cannot realistically pursue a legally
binding treaty at this time,” said Paul Bledsoe, a top climate change
official in the Clinton administration who works closely with the Obama
White House on international climate change policy.
Lawmakers in
both parties on Capitol Hill say there is no chance that the currently
gridlocked Senate will ratify a climate change treaty in the near
future, especially in a political environment where many Republican
lawmakers remain skeptical of the established science of human-caused
global warming.
“There’s a strong understanding of the
difficulties of the U.S. situation, and a willingness to work with the
U.S. to get out of this impasse,” said Laurence Tubiana, the French
ambassador for climate change to the United Nations. “There is an
implicit understanding that this not require ratification by the
American negotiators are instead homing in on a hybrid
agreement — a proposal to blend legally binding conditions from an
existing 1992 treaty with new voluntary pledges. The mix would create a
deal that would update the treaty, and thus, negotiators say, not
require a new vote of ratification.
Countries would be legally
required to enact domestic climate change policies — but would
voluntarily pledge to specific levels of emissions cuts and to channel
money to poor countries to help them adapt to climate change. Countries
might then be legally obligated to report their progress toward meeting
those pledges at meetings held to identify those nations that did not
meet their cuts.
“There’s some legal and political magic to
this,” said Jake Schmidt, an expert in global climate negotiations with
the Natural Resources Defense Council, an advocacy group. “They’re
trying to move this as far as possible without having to reach the
67-vote threshold” in the Senate.
The strategy comes as
scientists warn that the earth is already experiencing the first signs
of human-caused global warming — more severe drought and stronger
wildfires, rising sea levels and more devastating storms — and the
United Nations heads toward what many say is the body’s last chance to
avert more catastrophic results in the coming century.
At the
United Nations General Assembly in New York next month, delegates will
gather at a sideline meeting on climate change to try to make progress
toward the deal next year in Paris. A December meeting is planned in
Lima, Peru, to draft the agreement.
In seeking to go around
Congress to push his international climate change agenda, Mr. Obama is
echoing his domestic climate strategy. In June, he bypassed Congress and
used his executive authority to order a far-reaching regulation forcing
American coal-fired power plants to curb their carbon emissions. That
regulation, which would not be not final until next year, already faces
legal challenges, including a lawsuit filed on behalf of a dozen states.
unilateral action by the world’s largest economy will not be enough to
curb the rise of carbon pollution across the globe. That will be
possible only if the world’s largest economies, including India and
China, agree to enact similar cuts.
The Obama administration’s
international climate strategy is likely to infuriate Republican
lawmakers who already say the president is abusing his executive
authority by pushing through major policies without congressional
“Unfortunately, this would be just another of many
examples of the Obama administration’s tendency to abide by laws that it
likes and to disregard laws it doesn’t like — and to ignore the elected
representatives of the people when they don’t agree,” Senator Mitch
McConnell, the Kentucky Republican and minority leader, said in a
A deal that would not need to be ratified by the
United States or any other nation is also drawing fire from the world’s
poorest countries. In African and low-lying island nations — places that
scientists say are the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change
— officials fear that any agreement made outside the structure of a
traditional United Nations treaty will not bind rich countries to spend
billions of dollars to help developing nations deal with the forces of
climate change.
Poor countries look to rich countries to help
build dams and levees to guard against coastal flooding from rising seas
levels, or to provide food aid during pervasive droughts.
an international agreement that binds us, it’s impossible for us to
address the threats of climate change,” said Richard Muyungi, a climate
negotiator for Tanzania. “We are not as capable as the U.S. of facing
this problem, and historically we don’t have as much responsibility.
What we need is just one thing: Let the U.S. ratify the agreement. If
they ratify the agreement, it will trigger action across the world.”
of United Nations climate negotiations, which have gone on for more
than two decades without achieving a global deal to legally bind the
world’s biggest polluters to carbon cuts, say that if written carefully
such an agreement could be a creative and pragmatic way to at least
level off the world’s rapidly rising levels of greenhouse gas emissions.
a dozen countries are responsible for nearly 70 percent of the world’s
carbon pollution, chiefly from cars and coal-fired power plants.
a 2009 climate meeting in Copenhagen, world leaders tried but failed to
forge a new legally binding treaty to supplant the 1997 Kyoto Protocol.
Instead, they agreed only to a series of voluntary pledges to cut
carbon emissions through 2020.
The Obama administration’s climate
change negotiators are desperate to avoid repeating the failure of
Kyoto, the United Nations’ first effort at a legally binding global
climate change treaty. Nations around the world signed on to the deal,
which would have required the world’s richest economies to cut their
carbon emissions, but the Senate refused to ratify the treaty, ensuring
that the world’s largest historic carbon polluter was not bound by the
Seventeen years later, the Senate obstacle remains.
Even though Democrats currently control the chamber, the Senate has been
unable to reach agreement to ratify relatively noncontroversial United
Nations treaties. In 2012, for example, Republican senators blocked
ratification of a United Nations treaty on equal rights for the
disabled, even though the treaty was modeled after an American law and
had been negotiated by a Republican president, George W. Bush.
fall, Senate Republicans are poised to pick up more seats, and possibly
to retake control of the chamber. Mr. McConnell, who has been one of
the fiercest opponents of Mr. Obama’s climate change policy, comes from a
coal-heavy state that could be an economic loser in any climate-change
protocol that targets coal-fired power plants, the world’s largest
source of carbon pollution.
SOURCE Wood burning idiocyIf wood-burning power stations are less eco-friendly than coal, we are getting the search for clean energy all wrongOn
Saturday my train was diverted by engineering works near Doncaster. We
trundled past some shiny new freight wagons decorated with a slogan:
“Drax — powering tomorrow: carrying sustainable biomass for
cost-effective renewable power”. Serendipitously, I was at that moment
reading a report by the chief scientist at the Department of Energy and
Climate Change on the burning of wood in Yorkshire power stations such
as Drax. And I was feeling vindicated.
A year ago I wrote in
these pages that it made no sense for the consumer to subsidise the
burning of American wood in place of coal, since wood produces more
carbon dioxide for each kilowatt-hour of electricity. The forests being
harvested would take four to ten decades to regrow, and this is the
precise period over which we are supposed to expect dangerous global
warming to emerge. It makes no sense to steal beetles’ lunch, transport
it halfway round the world, burning diesel as you do so, and charge
hard-pressed consumers double the price for the power it generates.
was a howl of protest on the letters page from the chief executive of
Drax power station, which burns a million tonnes of imported North
American wood a year and plans to increase that to 7 million tonnes by
2016. But last week, Dr David MacKay’s report vindicated me. If the wood
comes from whole trees, as much of it does, then the effect could be to
increase carbon dioxide emissions, he finds, even compared with coal.
And that’s allowing for the regrowth of forests.
Despite the best
efforts of the Conservatives to rein in their Lib Dem colleagues, the
renewable-energy bandwagon careers onward, costing ever more money and
doing real environmental harm, while producing trivial quantities of
energy and risking blackouts next winter. People keep telling me it’s no
good being rude about all renewables: some must be better than others.
Well, I’m still looking:
Tidal power remains a (literal)
non-starter; if you ask ministers why nothing has been built, they say
it’s not for want of proffering ludicrously generous subsidies on our
behalf. Yet still no takers.
Wave power: again, the sky’s the
limit for what the government will pay if you can figure out how to make
dynamos and generators survive the buffeting of waves, corrosion of
salt and encrustation of barnacles. Nothing doing.
perhaps great potential in the future for heating homes through district
heating schemes, though expensive here compared with Iceland, but not
much use for electricity. Air-source and ground-source heat pumps, all
the rage a few years ago, have generally proved more costly and less
effective than advertised, but they are getting better. Trivial
contribution so far.
Solar power: one day soon it will make a big
impact in sunny countries, and the price is falling fast, but
generating for the grid in cloudy Britain where most power is needed on
dark winter evenings will probably never make economic sense. Covering
fields in Devon with solar panels today is just ecological and economic
vandalism. Solar provides about a third of one per cent of world energy.
wind: Britain is the world leader, meaning we are the only ones foolish
enough to pay the huge subsidies (treble the going rate for
electricity) to lure foreign companies into tackling the challenge of
erecting and maintaining 700ft metal towers in stormy seas. The good
news is that the budget for subsidising offshore wind has almost run
out. The bad news is that it is already costing us billions a year and
ruining coastal views.
Onshore wind: one of the cheapest
renewables but still twice as costly as gas or coal, it kills eagles and
bats, harms tourism, divides communities and takes up lots of space.
The money goes from the poor to the rich, and the carbon dioxide saving
is tiny, because of the low density of wind and the need to back it up
with diesel generators. These too now need subsidy because they cannot
run at full capacity.
Hydro: cheap, reliable and predictable,
providing 6 per cent of world energy, but with no possibility for
significant expansion in Britain. The current vogue for in-stream
generation in lowland streams in England will produce ridiculously
little power while messing up the migration of fish.
digestion: a lucrative way of subsidising farmers (yet again) to grow
perfectly good food for burning instead of eating. Contrary to myth,
nearly all the energy comes from crops such as maize (once fermented
into gas), not from food waste. Expensive.
Waste incineration: a
great idea. Yet we are currently paying other countries to take it off
our hands and burn it overseas. If instead we burned it at home, we
would make cheap, reliable electricity. But Nimbys won’t let us.
the past ten years the world has invested more than $600 billion in
wind power and $700 billion in solar power. Yet the total contribution
those two technologies are now making to the world primary energy supply
is still less than 2 per cent. Ouch.
SOURCE Pursuing Energy Failure, Again and Again Policy makers can never resist the urge to “just do something.” And it never works.
policies are faddish. From the energy-independence moonshine of the
corn-ethanol scam to the latest 645-page slate of regulations the EPA
wants to inflict on the domestic electricity-generation sector, the
supposed threats have varied.
Back in the 1970s, the claim was
that we were too dependent on Arab oil (a claim that we continue to hear
today). These days, in addition to the never-ending blather about
“energy independence,” we have the spurious claim from the Obama
administration that yet another layer of EPA rules on U.S. industry will
make a dramatic difference when it comes to global climate change.
an enduring theme in all the energy-policy fads we’ve endured since
1973: that just a little more governmental intervention will cure the
ills of the energy marketplace. In fact, policymakers invariably believe
that the energy sector needs more governmental intervention because
there has been some type of market failure.
In the 1970s we were
told that domestic producers weren’t producing enough energy and
therefore government needed to intervene to encourage oil production.
Congress also decreed that we must decrease natural-gas consumption.
Today we’re told that the global energy market is producing too much
energy — or at least, too much energy of the wrong kind (e.g., too much
from coal) — and therefore we need governmental intervention to protect
us from the consumption of too much energy, which is producing too much
carbon dioxide, which may lead to catastrophic climate change, which may
cause economic losses in the future. Oh, and by the way, those proposed
new EPA rules are effectively requiring increased natural-gas
Over the decades, many journalists and academics
have chronicled the myriad misadventures of U.S. energy policy, but few
have done it as thoroughly or as well as Butler University economist
Peter Grossman does in his essential book, US Energy Policy and the
Pursuit of Failure. Before going further, I should point out that this
is a tardy review of Grossman’s book, which came out in May 2013. But
throughout my reading of it, I found myself routinely nodding in
agreement with Grossman’s analysis and conclusions.
begins with an overview of the 1973 Arab oil embargo and Richard Nixon’s
“Project Independence,” which aimed to make the U.S. entirely
self-sufficient in energy by 1980. He goes on to point out that in the
year after the 1973 embargo, Congress “considered about 2,000 bills that
incorporated at least some provisions related to energy.” Grossman
makes clear that the events of 1973 still haunt American energy policy
today, even though it was excessive governmental intervention that
fueled the gasoline shortages that followed the embargo. Grossman writes
that the price controls implemented by the Nixon administration “made
the disruption of the oil market in 1973–74 much worse than it would
have been otherwise. In fact, it was U.S. policy that turned the embargo
into a major national emergency.”
Claims about an “energy
crisis” have, he writes, “been ubiquitous for 40 years” in American
politics. And yet despite occasional energy shocks, Grossman points out
that real U.S. GDP has tripled during that time period.
are always wanting to “do something” when it comes to energy. A prime
example of that mentality occurred 41 years ago: In December 1973,
Congress voted to require year-round use of daylight-savings time. Nixon
quickly signed the bill even though there was scant proof that the
time-shifting would save any energy at all.
That desire to “do
something” emerged again with the release of the National Energy
Strategy in 1991, shortly after the first Iraq war. At that time,
President George H. W. Bush was near the peak of his popularity, with an
86 percent approval rating. But lest Bush appear to be not “doing
something,” the White House proposed the National Energy Strategy, a
214-page document that called for drilling in the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge as well as spending $3.5 billion on research for
batteries to be used in electric vehicles. (Sound familiar?)
Bill Clinton, the “do something” mentality continued with the
Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles, a program that aimed to
produce a “super car” that would have the same size, styling, and price
as a typical family automobile, but would get 80 miles per gallon.
(Sound familiar?)
Under George W. Bush, the push for some type of
energy strategy continued with the National Energy Policy Development
Group, which was led by Bush’s vice president, Dick Cheney. That group
predicted rapidly rising oil and gas consumption and an “ever-increasing
gap” between domestic energy supplies and domestic demand. After years
of quarreling with Congress, Bush signed into law the Energy Policy Act
of 2005, a 1,700-page bill that, Grossman explains, included “subsidies
for just about every form of energy production.” Among its most lavish
subsidies were those given to corn-ethanol producers.
I could
provide many more examples from Grossman’s book to prove his points
about legislators’ inability to resist “doing something” about energy.
Frankly, I wish I had written this book. By giving us chapter and verse
on how our politicians have continued to deceive themselves (and, in
turn, the public) about energy, Grossman has performed a valuable public
service. He has exposed the underlying fallacy of policymakers when it
comes to energy: that they are smarter than the marketplace.
having fully researched America’s energy-policy foolishness (his book
is packed with footnotes), Grossman forecasts more of the same in the
future, writing that it is “especially doubtful” that legislators will
be able to resist intervening in the world’s biggest industry.
the last section of his book, Grossman neatly summarizes recent U.S.
energy-policy efforts on climate change, including the infamous
Waxman-Markey bill of 2009 (also known as the American Clean Energy and
Security Act), calling it “the kind of panicky grandiose solve-all”
legislative effort that has “marked energy policy for four decades.”
fully agree with Grossman, too, when it comes to how the U.S. should
position itself on the issue of carbon dioxide emissions. He writes that
the goal of “international policy should be to help poor nations
develop and leave the climate issues aside for the time being.”
Furthermore, he’s exactly right when it comes to broader climate goals.
Since carbon dioxide emissions have been rising rapidly (up an average
of about 500 million tons per year since 1985) and that rise will almost
certainly continue unabated, the U.S. and the rest of the world will
need to focus on preparedness.
It’s a bit clichéd to suggest that
a certain book should be required reading for policymakers. Please
forgive me for doing exactly that with this book. With US Energy Policy
and the Pursuit of Failure, Peter Grossman has revealed himself to be
the preeminent historian of American energy policy. If policymakers are
going to insist on inflicting themselves on the energy market, they
should at least know how their predecessors have failed doing the very
same thing.
SOURCE ***************************************
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
26 August, 2014
Study: Cutting Emissions Pays for ItselfThis
is just another model-driven fantasy. There is NO WAY less CO2 in
the air would be healthier. We breathe CO2 out every minute of
our day. We are totally used to it. And it would be a WARMER
world, not a cooler one that is more healthy. Cold weather
(winter) is the time of our great dying. Just ask any hospital
The only scintilla of sense in the article is
that burning fossil fuel tends to give off particulate matter, which can
be a health hazard in large quantities. But such health hazards mainly
exist in third world countries. Where power is produced in modern
power stations, particulate matter is filtered out. No doubt some
very fine particles escape but, despite many attempts, there has been no
study that shows such pollution to have health effects. I
reviewed such studies over and over on my FOOD & HEALTH SKEPTIC
blog and found them all to be flawed and therefore inconclusive.
The article below is just one big train of dubious assumptionsLower
rates of asthma and other health problems are frequently cited as
benefits of policies aimed at cutting carbon emissions from sources like
power plants and vehicles, because these policies also lead to
reductions in other harmful types of air pollution.
But just how
large are the health benefits of cleaner air in comparison to the costs
of reducing carbon emissions? MIT researchers looked at three policies
achieving the same reductions in the United States, and found that the
savings on health care spending and other costs related to illness can
be big—in some cases, more than 10 times the cost of policy
“Carbon-reduction policies significantly improve
air quality,” says Noelle Selin, an assistant professor of engineering
systems and atmospheric chemistry at MIT, and co-author of a study
published today in Nature Climate Change. “In fact, policies aimed at
cutting carbon emissions improve air quality by a similar amount as
policies specifically targeting air pollution.”
Selin and
colleagues compared the health benefits to the economic costs of three
climate policies: a clean-energy standard, a transportation policy, and a
cap-and-trade program. The three were designed to resemble proposed
U.S. climate policies, with the clean-energy standard requiring
emissions reductions from power plants similar to those proposed in the
Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan.
Health savings constant across policies
researchers found that savings from avoided health problems could
recoup 26 percent of the cost to implement a transportation policy, but
up to 10.5 times the cost of implementing a cap-and-trade program. The
difference depended largely on the costs of the policies, as the
savings—in the form of avoided medical care and saved sick days—remained
roughly constant: Policies aimed at specific sources of air pollution,
such as power plants and vehicles, did not lead to substantially larger
benefits than cheaper policies, such as a cap-and-trade approach.
from health benefits dwarf the estimated $14 billion cost of a
cap-and-trade program. At the other end of the spectrum, a
transportation policy with rigid fuel-economy requirements is the most
expensive policy, costing more than $1 trillion in 2006 dollars, with
health benefits recouping only a quarter of those costs. The price tag
of a clean energy standard fell between the costs of the two other
policies, with associated health benefits just edging out costs, at $247
billion versus $208 billion.
“If cost-benefit analyses of
climate policies don’t include the significant health benefits from
healthier air, they dramatically underestimate the benefits of these
policies,” says lead author Tammy Thompson, now at Colorado State
University, who conducted the research as a postdoc in Selin’s group.
Most detailed assessment to date
study is the most detailed assessment to date of the interwoven effects
of climate policy on the economy, air pollution, and the cost of health
problems related to air pollution. The MIT group paid especially close
attention to how changes in emissions caused by policy translate into
improvements in local and regional air quality, using comprehensive
models of both the economy and the atmosphere.
In addition to
carbon dioxide, burning fossil fuels releases a host of other chemicals
into the atmosphere. Some of these substances interact to form
ground-level ozone, as well as fine particulate matter. The researchers
modeled where and when these chemical reactions occurred, and where the
resulting pollutants ended up—in cities where many people would come
into contact with them, or in less populated areas.
researchers projected the health effects of ground-level ozone and fine
particulate matter, two of the biggest health offenders related to
fossil-fuel emissions. Both pollutants can cause asthma attacks and
heart and lung disease, and can lead to premature death.
In 2011,
231 counties in the U.S. exceeded the EPA’s regulatory standards for
ozone, the main component of smog. Standards for fine particulate
matter—airborne particles small enough to be inhaled deep into the lungs
and even absorbed into the bloodstream—were exceeded in 118 counties.
cutting carbon dioxide from current levels in the U.S. will result in
savings from better air quality, pollution-related benefits decline as
carbon policies become more stringent. Selin cautions that after a
certain point, most of the health benefits have already been reaped, and
additional emissions reductions won’t translate into greater
“While air-pollution benefits can help motivate
carbon policies today, these carbon policies are just the first step,”
Selin says. “To manage climate change, we’ll have to make carbon cuts
that go beyond the initial reductions that lead to the largest
air-pollution benefits.”
The study shows that climate policies
can also have significant local benefits not related to their impact on
climate, says Gregory Nemet, a professor of public affairs and
environmental studies at the University of Wisconsin at Madison who was
not involved in the study.
“A particularly notable aspect of this
study is that even though several recent studies have shown large
co-benefits, this study finds large co-benefits in the U.S., where air
quality is assumed to be high relative to other countries,” Nemet says.
“Now that states are on the hook to come up with plans to meet federal
emissions targets by 2016, you can bet they will take a close look at
these results.
SOURCEHundreds of 'toxic' methane vents discovered in the Atlantic's depths - and they could be caused by global warmingToxic,
my foot! Methane is the main component of natural gas. Your
gas stove probably runs on it. And nor could the seeps be caused
by global warming -- because there hasn't been any global warming for a
long time nowScientists have been left shocked by the
surprising appearance of hundreds of methane vents off the US East
Coast. More than 500 vents have been found where methane is seeping into
the ocean.
And there is concern that these increased amounts of gas could be caused by global warming.
study published in Nature Geosciences was carried out by researchers
from Mississippi State University, the US Geological Survey (USGS) and
other institutions.
The research suggests that natural methane
leakage from the seafloor is far more widespread in the US Atlantic than
previously thought.
In total more than 570 seafloor cold seeps were observed between Cape Hatteras, North Carolina and Georges Bank, Massachusetts.
Cold seeps are areas where gases and fluids leak into the surrounding water from sediments on the seafloor.
seeps were found on the outer continental shelf and the continental
slope of the eastern US. Previously, only three seep areas had
been identified in this area - making the findings a dramatic increase
on what was known before.
‘Widespread seepage had not been
expected on the Atlantic margin,’ said Adam Skarke, the study’s lead
author and a professor at Mississippi State University.
‘It is
not near a plate tectonic boundary like the US Pacific coast, nor
associated with a petroleum basin like the northern Gulf of Mexico.’
location of the seeps and knowledge of the underlying geology suggests
the leaking methane is being produced by microbial processes in shallow
At depths of more than 2,000 feet (600 metres) in some
places, the seeps are too deep to release methane directly into the
However, there is the danger that if the methane stays in the water, it could oxidise into carbon dioxide.
This can increase the acidity of ocean waters and reduce oxygen levels, which can be harmful to marine life.
not directly pointing a finger at climate change, the researchers
indicate that global warming could be the cause of the problem.
of ocean temperatures on seasonal, decadal or much longer time scales
can cause gas hydrate to release its methane, which may then be emitted
at seep sites,’ said Dr Carolyn Ruppel, study co-author and chief of the
USGS Gas Hydrates Project.
‘Such continental slope seeps have previously been recognised in the Arctic, but not at mid-latitudes. So this is a first.
SOURCEClimate Science Does Not Support IPCC Conclusions By S. Fred Singer
2008, the Chicago-based, libertarian-leaning Heartland Institute has
organized nine ICCCs (International Conferences on Climate Change).
Norman Rogers (American Thinker, Aug 9, 2014) has given a general
overview of ICCC-9 (at Las Vegas), which attracted an audience of well
over 600 and featured speakers from 12 nations. Here I present a more
detailed and personalized account of the two main science issues that
appear to be of general concern. The first has to do with future
temperatures and the second has to do with future sea level rise (SLR).
it comes to global average surface temperature (GAST), the concern
seems to be to remain below 2 deg. It should be recognized that this
limit is entirely arbitrary. There is no established scientific basis
for assigning special significance to it; it just happens to be the
“Goldilocks” number. Here is what I mean: If one were to choose 0.5 deg,
people will say “we’ve already seen that and nothing has happened.”
However, if we were to choose 5 deg, people will say, “we’ll never see
that much warming—hence of no significance.” That is why 2 deg may have
become the alarmists’ choice.
The real question relates to
Climate Sensitivity (CS)—defined as the temperature rise associated with
a doubling of CO2. (The definition varies slightly between different
IPCC initially claimed a very large CS. But after the
first Assessment report of 1990, CS dropped from 4.5 to about 2.5 deg.
From then on, IPCC only considered the last part of the 20th century and
no longer claimed the earlier warming (1910-40) to be manmade
my view, CS may actually be close to zero. This means CO2 has very
little influence on climate change—probably because of negative
feedback. There is still debate, however, about what kind of negative
feedback to expect. Should it come from water vapor or from clouds?
1. IPCC’s ever-changing, non-existing evidence for AGW
I want to critique IPCC reports #1 (1990) to #5 (2013). As a so-called
‘expert reviewer’ I have enjoyed a unique observation platform for
successive IPCC drafts. It is rather amusing that the Summaries talk
about increasing certainty for AGW (anthropogenic global warming)—while
at the same time modeled temperatures increasingly diverge from those
actually observed [S-2].
First, we note that each report
“Summary” is produced by a political consensus, not like the underlying
scientific report. (Doubting readers can visit the web site.) As Rogers
points out, the U.N. mandate is: “understanding the scientific basis of
risk of human-induced climate change...” There is no mandate to consider
any other causations, such as natural ones related to solar change and
ocean circulation cycles—just presumptive human causes, such as fossil
fuels. The IPCC sees a human climate-fingerprint everywhere because that
is what they are looking for.
Specifically, IPCC-AR1 indicates a
climate sensitivity of 4.5 deg, by considering both reported
temperature increases (1910-1940 and 1975-1997) to be anthropogenic [S
1]. After severe criticism of this ’evidence’, IPCC dropped the climate
sensitivity to 2.5 deg by considering only the most recent decades of
reported global warming as anthropogenic. The earlier warming
(1910-1940) is now considered to be caused by natural forcing.
given up on anthropogenic forcing for 1910-40, IPCC then considered
different types of evidence to support AGW for the interval 1975-2000.
In their 1996 report, AR2, Ben Santer “manufactured” the so-called
Hotspot (HS), a calculated maximum warming of the upper troposphere
[S-3], and claimed it as a fingerprint of AGW. This is incorrect on two
counts; the HS is not a fingerprint of AGW at all—and it does not even
exist. It was manufactured from the (balloon-radiosonde) temperature
record, where a segment shows a short-term increase while there has been
no long-term increase [S-4] as clearly seen from the actual data.
is worth noting that CCSP 1.1 [2006], the climate change science report
of the US government, with Santer as a lead author, shows a HS in the
models [S-3] but no observed HS [S-4]. The disparity between models and
observations is striking. It nicely illustrates the major source of
scientific disagreement—between those who rely on model calculations vs
those who rely on observations.
In IPCC-AR3 [2001], they no
longer use the HS but have gone to Mike Mann’s notorious
Hockeystick—claiming that in the past 1000 years only the 20th century
showed unusual warming [S-5].
A close examination of the proxy
data used in the Hockeystick shows that the warming was not unusual at
all and probably less than existed 1000 years ago—and that major warming
comes only by adding the (reported) temperature curve from instruments
[S-5]. Note also that Mann suppresses his post-1979 proxy data, which
probably showed no such warming.
Because of many valid
criticisms, the Hockeystick argument has now been dropped by IPCC and is
no longer used to claim AGW. Instead both AR4 [2007] and AR5 [2013], in
their chapters on ‘Attribution,’ rely on very peculiar circular
argument for supporting AGW.
Both reports ‘curve-fit’ a
calculated curve to the reported temp data of the second half of the
20th century. [This can always be done by choosing a suitable value of
climate sensitivity, and an assumed aerosol forcing]. After having
obtained a reasonable fit, they then remove the greenhouse- gas forcing,
and of course, obtain an unforced model curve that no longer shows any
temp increase (see S-6). But they then claim that this gap with respect
to the data is sure evidence for AGW. This claim defies logic and makes
absolutely no sense. They simply modified the calculated curve and then
claimed that the resultant gap proves anthropogenic warming.
HERE (See the original for links and graphics)
If it quacks like a duck … it must be a turtle“Why We’re Definitely Not Headed for Another Ice Age.”
I saw that headline in Newsweek, I thought, do they know something that
I don’t? But once I read the article, it left me wondering how in the
world they came to that conclusion.
It reminds me of the great
retort by paleontologist Robert Bakker to those who did not agree with
his belief that many kinds of dinosaurs were birds.
“There are
still a few of my colleagues who think if it walks like a duck, breathes
like a duck and grows like a duck, it must be a turtle,” said Bakker.
see if this Newsweek article is a duck or a turtle. It starts out
by admitting that “there are currently very low levels of activity on
the sun – the lowest in more than 100 years – and they are likely to
fall further.”
So far so good. I agree.
Then the article
reminds us of the “crippling winters” between 2008 and 2010 that closed
airports and paralyzed transport systems in western Europe and the
eastern United States. (Interestingly, it fails to mention the record
cold and snow this past winter in the United States, nor the record cold
in the U.S. Midwest this summer.)
The article then describes the
Maunder Minimum, a 70-year period between 1645 and 1715 when solar
activity almost stopped. It even discloses that the Maunder Minimum
coincided with a period of bitter winters known as “the little ice age.”
This is all true.
And finally, the article quotes Mike Lockwood, Professor of Space Environment Physics at Reading University:
you look at the overall trend of solar magnetic fields and things, then
you see that we’ve now had three cycles where every (solar) maximum has
got weaker, every minimum has got deeper, and there’s no reason not to
expect that trend to continue. It’s not a negligible probability that we
go into a Maunder Minimum.”
Great! This is still good information. So what do we have here?
a lack of sunspots correlated with the last little ice age, and if we
now have the lowest sunspot activity in more than 100 years (and still
dropping), and if the U.S. and Europe have recently endured the
coldest, snowiest winters on record, and if we have the “not negligible
probability” of descending into a Maunder Minimum, mightn’t we come to
the conclusion that we’re heading into a little ice age?
Uh, no. Look out! Here comes the turtle. Here comes the legerdemain.
sun’s cycles, however inactive they become, will not save the world
from global warming,” the article asserts. “A slight, temporary change
in the sun’s activity cannot mitigate many years of suffocating
emissions, whatever the deniers would have us believe.”
Oh, those nasty deniers.
How did we suddenly move from a Maunder Minimum to global warming?
researchers say so. Which researchers? Researchers who crunched their
numbers through the UK Met Office’s “sophisticated climate models.”
the facts. Forget what we can see with our very own eyes. Instead, lets
bury our heads in our models (computer-generated guesses).
Have these Met Office models been programmed to overestimate the effects of CO2? We don’t know.
Have these Met Office models been programmed to underestimate the effects of solar activity? We don’t know.
Have these Met Office models been programmed to estimate the effects of well-known ice-age cycles? We don’t know.
that acronym GIGO (Garbage in, garbage out)? If it looks like
garbage, and smells like garbage, and tastes like garbage, well, maybe
it’s garbage.
What about Russian astrophysicist Habibullo
Abdussamatov’s contention that we’re headed into a little ice age?
No mention of him.
What about British astrophysicist Piers
Corbyn’s contention that we’re now headed into a little ice age?
No mention of him.
What about American climatologist Cliff Harris’s contention that we’re now headed into an ice age? No mention of him.
What about American climate scientist Don Easterbrook’s contention that we’re now headed into an ice age? No mention of him.
I’ll stick to my guns. I think we definitely are headed into another ice age.
SOURCETaxpayers, beware – of Big Wind’s latest deceitful ad campaignFacing trouble abroad, Siemens ads seek to tap into US taxpayers and wind welfare system
Mary Kay Barton
you watch much mainstream TV, you’ve probably seen Siemens’ new
multi-million-dollar advertising blitz to sell the American public
on industrial wind. Why the sudden ad onslaught?
The wind
business abroad has taken a huge hit of late. European countries have
begun slashing renewable mandates, due to the ever-broadening
realization that renewables cost far more than industrial wind
proponents have led people to believe: economically, environmentally,
technically, and civilly.
Siemens’ energy business took a €48m
hit in the second quarter due to a bearings issue with onshore turbines,
and a €23m charge due to ongoing offshore grid issues in Germany – on
top of subsidy and feed-in tariff cutbacks, recent articles have pointed
As Siemens’ tax-sheltering market dries up in Europe, its
U.S. marketing efforts are clearly geared toward increasing its income
and profits via wind’s tax sheltering schemes in the United States. The
company stands to make millions, so Siemens ad campaign is obviously
part of an overall pitch to persuade Congress to extend the hefty wind
Production Tax Credit (PTC), more accurately called “Pork-To-Cronies.”
As Warren Buffett recently admitted, “We get tax credits if we build
lots of wind farms. That’s the only reason to build them. They
don’t make sense without the tax credit.”
Taxpayers and ratepayers, beware!
Obama often says he intends to “close corporate loopholes,” but his PTC
and other policies continue funneling billions of taxpayer dollars to
his wealthy corporate insiders and campaign contributors – while we
continue to rack up unconscionable debt for our children and
Increasing public awareness of the wind energy
scam has led to increased opposition to extending any more corporate
welfare to Big Wind via the PTC and energy investment tax credit (ITC).
Enter another bureaucratic end-run around once clear statutory language
by this Administration.
As reported by the Wall Street Journal,
the increasingly politicized IRS recently relaxed the definition of
“commence construction” to the point where the definition bears no
resemblance to the actual words. During a hearing by the House
Energy Policy, Health Care and Entitlements subcommittee last October,
Curtis G. Wilson of the IRS admitted that developers can now game the
system to the point where projects built years in the future could still
meet the eligibility requirement for “commence” now.
taxpayers and ratepayers are doomed when, instead of allowing the
markets to work, crony-corruptocrats are picking the winners and losers
in the energy marketplace, using such nefarious tactics.
most people don’t even know the difference between energy and power.
This reality has built the framework for the biggest swindle ever
perpetrated on citizens worldwide. Many have bought into the
alarmist argument that “we have to do something” to stop “dangerous
manmade global warming.” Enter the wind industry sales department,
primed to capitalize on public fears and alarmist hype.
also needs to convince the 80% of U.S. citizens who live in suburbia
that industrial wind factories are “environment-friendly,” and everyone
loves them. Thus, as usual for these disingenuous ad campaigns, a
sprawling wind facility is pictured among green fields, with no homes
anywhere to be seen, no birds are being slaughtered, while a happy Iowa
leaseholder smiles and says she loves wind.
A drive out Route 20A
in Wyoming County, western New York State, however, tells a far
different story. The western side of Wyoming County – which used to be
some of the most beautiful countryside in New York State, has been
industrialized with 308 giant, 430-foot-tall towers, and their 11-ton,
bird-chopping blades spinning overhead, only hundreds of feet from
peoples’ homes and roadways. There’s no doubt that Siemens won’t be
showing you this reality in any of their TV ads!
for the residents of Orangeville in Wyoming County, greed at the top in
Washington, DC determined their fate. The sole reason Invenergy went
ahead with its plan to build its 58-turbine project was that, in the
early morning hours of January 1, 2013, the PTC was added as pork for
companies sucking at the wind welfare teat.
Ever appreciative of
the handouts, Invenergy owner Ukrainian Michael Polsky rewarded
President Obama by holding a $35,000 a plate fundraiser at his Chicago
mansion. Mr. Obama is so committed to Big Wind that he’s even legalized
30-year eagle kill permits just for the wind industry. Anyone else
harming an eagle, or even possessing a single bald eagle feather, is
penalized with an iron fist.
There you have it – corporate cronyism in all its glory, with bird murder as its crowning achievement.
of impending lawsuits lingers in Orangeville. It remains to be seen if
disenchanted leaseholders will end up suing Big Wind, as others have. In
the meantime, we’re hoping we don’t have any 11-ton blade breaks that
throw shrapnel for thousands of feet, or any airplanes crashing into
wind turbines during fog, as occurred in South Dakota earlier this year,
killing all four on board. (I’ll bet you won’t be seeing any of these
facts in Siemens’ ads, either.)
Our elected officials need energy literacy. Even a small dose would help.
most frustrating, when attempting any kind of correspondence regarding
these energy issues with many elected officials, is the kind of response
I received from Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) when I wrote him a
letter about ending the Wind PTC. Senator Schumer never even mentioned
the PTC in his response. Instead, he rambled on about the need to
“reduce foreign oil imports,” and increase “efficiency” – neither of
which has a thing to do with wind-generated electricity.
Schumer recently feigned alarm following complaints by citizens about
soaring electric rates – demanding answers about it, while
simultaneously supporting yet another Wind PTC extension (plus other
rate-increasing “renewable” projects). Senator Schumer’s hypocrisy is
outrageous, and unacceptable.
Perhaps it’s time for U.S.
ratepayers and taxpayers to demand that their elected officials first
pass an energy literacy exam, before they pass such cost-exorbitant,
“green” boondoggles on to consumers.
Congress is on vacation
through Labor Day, which makes this the perfect time to approach your
senators and representatives while they’re home. Attend town hall
meetings and in-district fundraisers. Remind your representatives that
we put them in office, and that we can also vote them out!
energy plays a pivotal role in our national economy – impacting the cost
of absolutely everything else – candidates should have “energy” listed
on their “issues” webpage.
Good candidates will support an “All
of the Sensible” energy policy, as opposed to the “All of the Above”
energy policy which President Obama has been pushing on behalf of the
“green” movement. “Sensible” alternative energy options are those that
are backed up by scientific and economic proof that they provide net
societal benefits. Industrial wind fails this test miserably!
more information, refer friends and elected officials to Robert Bryce’s
excellent book, Power Hungry: The myths of “green” energy and the real
fuels of the future.
Continue to call and write their offices,
and encourage them to oppose any extension of the PTC and ITC! Write
letters to your local newspapers, copy their district offices, and post
information on their social media pages (e.g., Face Book & Twitter).
must demand accountability from elected officials, or vote them out!
Reliable, affordable energy is what has made America great. We need to
keep it that way.
Mary Kay Barton is a retired health educator,
New York State small business owner, Cornell-certified Master Gardener,
and is a tireless advocate for scientifically sound, affordable, and
reliable electricity for all Americans.
Via emailUK: Could you earn a 65pc return from a wood-burning boiler?Why burning wood reduces CO2 is not explained. Burning wood in fact gives off more CO2 than oil, gas, coal etc.Invest
£35,000 in a biomass boiler and get a guaranteed £57,645 in seven years
- with help from the Government. Does the claim stack up?
£35,000 and get a guaranteed return of over £57,645 in just seven
years. It’s a very bold claim, but natural energy company Euroheat this
week said this is possible for households that switch to wood-fuelled
heating, and that’s before any savings on existing energy bills are
factored in.
The Government’s Renewable Heat Incentive, which
launched in April, pays households that generate and use renewable
energy to heat their buildings. Payments are made quarterly for seven
years and are based on the type and amount of energy generated.
can you really achieve a return of 65pc just by installing a wood
burning system? The short answer is probably not, but there are
significant savings to be made particularly if you currently use
electricity or oil to heat your home.
What is the Renewable Heat Incentive?
part of the Government’s aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and
meet targets for reducing climate change, it will pay households to
produce renewable energy. A wood burning, or biomass, system will
achieve a tariff of 12.2p per kilowatt hour of energy produced. Other
renewable sources such as solar thermal panels, air, ground and
water-source heat pumps pay different rates.
The scheme is open
to homeowners, private landlords, social landlords and self-builders,
but not other new build homes. Anyone who has installed a renewable
energy source since 15 July 2009 can also apply.
What is a biomass boiler?
simply, it’s a device that burns wood to provide heating and hot water.
There are three main types of wood fuelled heating systems; a boiler
than provides heat and hot water for the whole house, a stand-alone
stove that provides heat to individual rooms and a stove with a
back-boiler that heats the room directly and provides hot water, and may
also run radiators in the rest of the house.
SOURCE ***************************************
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
25 August, 2014
The Wunsch/Lloyd controversy and the ocean deepsA
month ago, "The Australian" published a summary by Graham Lloyd of a
forthcoming paper by Carl Wunsch which found cooling, not the warming
predicted by Warmists, in the ocean deeps. This embarrassed
Wunsch, who wrote a "corrective" letter which was published in "The
Australian" shortly thereafter. A warmist blog
then piled onto the action in an attempt to rubbish the Lloyd article
but added little to what Wunsch had said. I have now had time to
read all three documents and can see nothing wrong with the Lloyd
article. I reproduce below both the original article and Wunsch's
reply so that people can judge for themselves.
The only
substantial point Wunsch makes in his short reply was that he believes
that the ocean is warming overall, though he does not say by how
much. That may have saved Wunsch's reputation among Warmists but
it was not the point of the Lloyd article. The point is that all
the warming allegedly hidden in the ocean deeps was not found. There was
in fact on average a tiny degree of cooling. Even in his reply
Wunsch admits that. So the Lloyd article is indeed fatal to the
last-ditch defence of their theory currently being mounted by Warmists
the most interesting part of the Lloyd article, however, was a comment
obtained from a Prof. Hogg at the very end of the article. He
pointed out that change comes very slowly to the ocean deeps: “So
if cooling has occurred over large parts of the abyssal ocean, it is
unrelated to global warming of the atmosphere over the last
century.” Equally, then, if warming has occurred over large parts
of the abyssal ocean, it is unrelated to global warming of the
atmosphere over the last century. The implication of that would
seem clearly to be that there is NO CHANCE of current warming being
found in the ocean deeps.Puzzle of deep ocean coolingTHE
deep oceans have been cooling for the past two decades and it is not
possible to say whether changes in ocean heat adequately explain the
“pause” in global warming, two of the world’s leading ocean scientists
have said.
Warmer oceans have been a key explanation for the
“missing” heat. Global average surface temperatures have not increased
dramatically for more than a decade despite steadily rising carbon
dioxide levels in the atmosphere.
A paper by Carl Wunsch from
Harvard University and Patrick Heimbach from MIT, accepted for
publication with the Journal of Physical Oceanography, says more work is
“Direct determination of changes in ocean heat content
over the past 20 years are not in conflict with estimates of the
radiative forcing, but the uncertainties remain too large to
rationalise, e.g. the apparent ‘pause’ in warming,” Professor Wunsch and
Dr Heimbach say.
They conclude that much less heat is being added to the oceans than has been claimed in previous studies.
Wunsch and Dr Heimbach say trends showed a warming in the upper ocean
and a net cooling below 2000m. Below 3600m, the cooling is about 0.01C
over 19 years.
“As with many climate-related records, the
unanswerable question here is whether these changes are truly secular,
and/or a response to anthropogenic forcing, or whether they are
fragments of a general red noise behaviour,’’ the paper says.
climate scientists claim the deep oceans are not significant because of
the long timeframes over which temperature changes occur.
Wunsch and Dr Heimbach say shifts in deep ocean properties “may indeed
be so slight that their neglect in discussions of heat uptake and sea
level change is justified”.
“The history of exploration suggests,
however, that blank places on the map have either been assumed to be
without any interesting features and dropped from further discussion, or
at the other extreme filled with ‘dragons’ invoked to explain strange
reports,” they say.
The paper says that, given the combination of
the high stakes for society in the accurate estimation of global
heating rates and sea level rise, and the fundamental science questions
of understanding of oceanic variability, direct confirmation or
refutation of the existing hypothesis was essential.
Andy Hogg
from ANU said while there was uncertainty about temperatures in the deep
ocean, shallower regions were well understood, and the findings of the
Wunsch paper were “consistent” with warming oceans. He said cooling of
the deep ocean was not necessarily significant. “Most parts of the
abyssal ocean take a very long time (centuries to millennia) to come
into equilibrium with surface forcing,” he said. “So if cooling has
occurred over large parts of the abyssal ocean, it is unrelated to
global warming of the atmosphere over the last century.”
He said
there were key parts of the abyss, which had a closer connection with
the surface. “The paper indicates that these regions have indeed been
consistent with the expected heat uptake of the ocean in a warmer
world,” Dr Hogg said.
A recent paper by Matthew England,
executive director of the climate change research centre at the
University of NSW, said the global surface temperature “hiatus” could be
explained by increased winds in the Pacific Ocean. The paper claims the
strong trade winds, which pushed heat deeper into the ocean, explained
why climate models had not matched physical observations on global
temperatures, a key area of dispute between climate scientists and
SOURCEUnderstanding the oceanTHE
article by Graham Lloyd will likely leave a mis-impression with many of
your readers concerning the substance of our paper that will appear in
the Journal of Physical Oceanography (“Puzzle of deep ocean cooling”,
We never assert that global warming and warming of the
oceans are not occurring — we do find an ocean warming, particularly in
the upper regions.
Contrary to the implications of Lloyd’s
article, parts of the deep ocean are warming, parts are cooling, and
although the global abyssal average is negative, the value is tiny in a
global warming context.
Those parts of the abyss that are warming are most directly linked to the surface (as pointed out by Andy Hogg from the ANU).
we need to better understand what is going on everywhere, and that is
an issue oceanographers must address over the next few years — a
challenging observational problem that our paper is intended to raise.
Carl Wunsch, Harvard University and Massachusetts, Institute of Technology
SOURCEOne Engineer’s Perspective on Global WarmingMany
scientists and non-scientists are discussing "Global Warming" (or as it
is increasingly being called "Anthropogenic Climate Change" or
ACC). ACC would simply be an interesting topic for discussion if
it were not for the politicization, polarization, and sensationalism
that have accompanied the science.
Most scientific discussions start
with a hypothesis followed by experimentation, data collection,
analysis, theory modification to fit the data, and then further testing
of the revised hypothesis. This is healthy scientific
inquiry. When a headline says "Snowfalls are now just a thing of
the past" and the UN forms an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) that regularly issues dire predictions of imminent catastrophe,
we have moved past limiting the discussion to its scientific merits.
site is a technical forum for practicing
engineers. ACC is a frequent topic on this site. A search of for "Global Warming" yielded 431 discussions.
recent discussion (Kicking the Climate Change cat further down the
road) has 444 posts. The previous long discussion (A Lid for
the Can of Worms, Good Heavens, We'll Freeze to Death!) had 244
posts. The one before that (can of worms alert) Globe hasn't
warmed in the last 16 years had 457 posts. The last thread started
by someone who could not be classed as a "denier" or "skeptic" was
started in 2007 and had activity for 12 months ( "Educated" opinions on
climate change) with 315 posts....
One post 19 days into the 4 month (so far) conversation carries the essence of the discussion for me:
- you have presented a textbook case of argumentum ad ignorantiam.
Since "it" can't be a few things that we know, it obviously must be our
pet theory. Natural cycles? Internal variability? Well, we don't
understand that, so obviously it can't be that. Puleeze!
Now, to
your asinine suggestion that, although we may know models and even
computational models, because we don't know climate models we are
singularly unqualified to proffer a learned opinion on said models. What
a load of codswallop! I have been using computational/numerical models
in the style of finite element / finite volume / and finite difference
for 20 years, and have almost 20 papers in those topic areas to my
credit. Damn right I know a thing or two about "models", and it matters
not what is going on in the element/volume, there are certainly some
universal truths:
1) Boundary conditions: all models are
sensitive to their boundary conditions. For climate models, that means
what's happening at the edges of the model. Any textbook description of
the atmosphere shows a huge variation in temperature as a function of
height (and the height being a function of latitude. Albedo is a
boundary condition that is a slight function of the near-surface
temperature (and geography and geology).
2) Initial conditions:
our current climatological data is so spatially and temporally
heterogeneous that setting proper initial conditions sufficiently far in
the past so as to train or tune the model to match recent history is a
fool's errand. Ergo, and training or tuning of the model to match
historical conditions is not and cannot be physics-based.
Discretization and discretization error: the volume size in the current
models are woefully inadequate to resolve spatial and
temporally-significant weather and climate (climate being merely the
time and spatial-integral of weather) phenomenon.
I have lived
and travelled in some pretty diverse places, and I can say categorically
that the spatial grid-size is poor. I've also done numerical
simulations (CFD, in this case) where we are trying to simulate
phenomenon such as shock waves. The grid size is everything. Have you
seen such presentations of upper-level winds such as the features shown
(and this is actual data, not a simulation) are very important
climactically-speaking and yet the grid-size necessary to resolve such
details is at least an order or magnitude greater than what the current
generation of models have.
4) Volume or element formulation. I
have done simulations where there are more than 20 variables per grid
(including some that had three distinct temperature metrics - plasmas
are a blast to model, BTW). Within a single grid, you can model only the
most simple physics. Since the resolution of the current climatological
models is so coarse, they try to cram all sorts of extras into each
grid. Been there - done that - and it's a fool's errand.
Validation: this is something that has been hammered home to me so many
times by professors and mentors. Does your model match an experiment or
reality? Well, the divergence of the atmospheric temperatures during
this long "pause" between the real world and the model world shows that
validation is not yet achieved. And this failure of validation is likely
due to the above-noted issues.
Now - I agree that the
CO2-temperature hypothesis does not need these sorts of models. However,
claims of forthcoming catastrophe most certainly do. In fact,
everything in this topic that is forward-looking relies on "the models".
Without catastrophe, there is no need to "act". I am certainly willing
to admit that my philosophical and political leanings bias me against
the proposed "actions" required to "save the planet", but being
sufficiently self-aware, I also know that my technical understanding of
this topic is not clouded by my pre-existing biases. Can you say the
same?" ....
Everyone who is skeptical about ACC has their own
reasons for this skepticism, but mostly the basis fits into one or more
of the following categories:
The climate has always changed; the
climate will always change; live with it. Since mankind began
walking the Earth we've have ice ages, droughts that extended over
decades, brief periods of clement weather, and everything in between.
has been warmer than today by a considerable margin. It has been
colder than today by an equally large margin. Life has
adapted. Regardless of the cause, magnitude, or direction of the
next set of changes, we will adapt if allowed to. No action by the
governments of the world will prevent changes in climate. Even if
the current trend is actually one of increasing temperatures, and even
if that trend is due to human activity, successfully changing that human
activity will only remove a single factor in an impossibly complex
group of factors and some other factor will cause warming or cooling
that we will have to deal with.
Mankind has survived five "ice
ages" and the subsequent "global warming" that followed; there is a good
chance that if the politicians don't muck it up we'll survive the next
one too.
In engineering activities the fact of climate changing
would be treated as an "environmental variable" that can be measured,
assessed, and factored into activity, but that cannot be successfully
modified. In other words "The ant really should not try of move
the rubber tree plant," even with "high hopes."
The more information that is released about historical climate data, the less valid it seems.
island effects. It seems to make sense to most people that urban
locations will be warmer for a given solar flux, cloud cover, and wind
conditions than a rural location would be. Over time cities have
encroached on monitoring sites that had been rural. The warmists
claim that the data can be mathematically adjusted to account for this
fact to allow the station to show a consistent set of conditions over
time. The magnitude and basis of the adjustment for a given
station is different in different data sets.
In engineering
activities this kind of systemic modification of data would be done
based on explicitly divulged algorithms and would be reversible.
location. Souleyman Fall, et al. did a peer-reviewed study
published in Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol 116, D14120 in 2011,
where they found that only 7.9 percent of U.S. climate monitoring
stations provided data that was within ±1°C. They also found that
70.6 percent of the stations were worse than ±2°C. When you
realize that the worst projections of ACC were on the order of
0.5°C/decade temperature increase, it is hard to have much faith in data
that was incapable of demonstrating that number. Results this
poor from the richest country on earth do not bode well for the overall
integrity of the global data set.
Original data. The
climate dataset is very large. Many station's data is
appropriately edited (e.g., a site with a temperature instrument stuck
at 999°C for several months needs to be edited), other stations have
edits that are more subtle (e.g., edits for the heat island effect
mentioned above). Regardless of whether the edits are done to
correct errors or to adjust reality, the original data is not
retained. There is no way for future researchers to evaluate
different heat-island adjustments for example because the owners of the
data do destructive edits in the claim that the datasets are simply too
big to allow non-destructive edits.
In engineering activities
destroying part of a data set or replacing measured data with
"judgmental data" is done all of the time—with the ability to roll the
changes back out to be able to demonstrate the magnitude, reason, and
technique for the opinion that you have a "better number". Without
this ability to reassess a raw data set there is no way to prove that
the edits were unbiased towards any specific conclusion.
data. The 20th Century data before the 1990's was all taken from
analog instruments that rarely had calibrated steps tighter than
5°C. The person making the record had to interpolate between marks
that were physically very close together. Even worse is the
tree-ring, sea floor, and ice core data used for pre-20th Century.
Tree rings are thicker when the tree sees adequate moisture and
considerable sunshine. They are thinner if either moisture or
sunshine is lacking. Scientists can make some reasonable guesses
about temperature from an analysis of tree rings.
In engineering
activities, it is important to honor the uncertainty of the data.
If an instrument provides data that has an uncertainty of ±2.5°C, then
it is irresponsible to report a calculation done with the data to more
significant digits than ±1.25°C. The data from before the 20th
Century has a temporal granularity of seasons, years, decades, and even
centuries. Ice core data does not contain a direct read of
temperature, but allows the creation of a temperature proxy from
isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen. A computer model is used to try
to typify whether the isotope mix came from the Pacific, Atlantic, or
Indian Oceans, and then the model uses the magnitude of the count of the
relevant isotopes to estimate the temperature required to evaporate
that much water. Many papers have been written about this.
An article in AstroBiology Magazine in 2012 said:
"We ran an oxygen
isotope-enabled atmosphere model, so we could simulate what these ice
cores are actually recording, and it can match the actual oxygen
isotopes in the ice core even though the temperature doesn't cool as
much," Carlson says. "That, to us, means the source of precipitation has
changed in Greenland across the last deglaciation. And therefore that
the strict interpretation of this iconic record as purely temperature of
snowfall above this ice sheet is wrong."
The divergence problem
has brought any use of tree-ring data into question, further a computer
model is used to convert the limited data available from a tree ring
into a temperature; some claim that this step is fraught with potential
for bias.
Even with all of this temporal and magnitude
uncertainty, the data from these proxies is regularly posted on a -1 to
+1°C, with conclusions in the ±0.1°C range. In engineering this is
referred to as "making stuff up".
"Granularity." There are
parts of the world where monitoring stations are within a few miles of
each other. Other parts of the world might have one station every
few hundred miles. Some stations have been off line for years
while wars were waged around them—in some cases the last data point
recorded is simply reported forward, in other cases the date data is
honored (i.e., data from 21 Nov 1999, is copied to that date in 2000,
2001, 2002, etc.), and in other cases the date data is honored but
"adjusted" for global warming.
Computer models
modeling is a cornerstone of modern engineering so there have been many
individuals with considerable expertise in computer modeling that have
participated in this discussion on This topic is
one of very few where everyone with real expertise in modeling
agrees—computer models cannot prove anything. Ever.
models are outstanding at pointing out areas that warrant further
analysis or that have weaknesses. At best they represent the
biases of the author. At worst they can easily be manipulated to
tell any story the author wants to tell. It is nearly impossible
for an outsider to conduct a competent audit of someone else's
model. If there is intentional bias or even fraud in a model it is
highly unlikely that it will ever be discovered. Every single
assertion of the community supporting ACC is predicated on the output of
a computer model....
Is warming bad? As we come out of the
Little Ice Age and move towards temperatures consistent with the
Renaissance (the first time in man's history that the general population
had enough wealth to support the arts and science) you have to wonder
what is bad about "warmer?" The counter argument that warmer will
melt the ice in Antarctica and Greenland, flooding low lying regions
doesn't carry much weight with the skeptics since both Amsterdam and
Venice thrived during the last warming period.
Is atmospheric CO2
bad? The current CO2 concentration at Mauna Loa in Hawaii is
around 400 ppm. Ice core data indicate that this level has been
reached and passed before. Extrapolations into the previous epoch
suggest that it was much higher during the time of the dinosaurs.
CO2 is the fundamental building block of all life on earth—if plants
don't have it then everything dies. Many commercial growers who
operate physical greenhouses dope the atmosphere to 1500 ppm CO2 to
accelerate plant growth. Current levels do not seem to be the
pending catastrophe that we've been led to believe.
Leading or
lagging? Several times in the ice core data, increases in CO2 can
be correlated to increases in temperature. The problem is that the
temporal granularity of the data can be as much as ±100 years (it is
never better than seasonal)—meaning that all of the information gleaned
from a data point was laid down somewhere within two centuries. So
in one scenario, temperatures rose, some of the permafrost in Siberia,
Alaska, and Canada melted, millions of tons of biological material that
had been frozen for centuries began to decay, atmospheric CO2
The data supports this "lagging" theory
precisely as well as it supports a "leading" theory that requires CO2 to
be a cause of warming instead of an effect of warming. The
inherent uncertainty of the timeline does not preclude either scenario,
and a lagging level of CO2 does not require a positive feedback
The earth hasn't warmed since the 20th century.
Much has been made of the fact that all of the models from the last
century predicted temperatures by 2014 that were markedly warmer than
what has been observed. They predicted increased severe weather
events when in fact we've seen decreased severe weather (2013 had the
lowest number of deaths from hurricanes, typhoons, and tornados that has
been recorded since the mid-20th century).
Warmists claim
that this is perfectly well explained by the deep oceans warming even
though we only have reliable ocean temperature down to about 160 ft [50
m] and no data at all from below 2,300 ft [700 m]. The only data
that begins to explore this theory is the ARGO Program which has only
been in effect since 2007.
Science vs. politics
If this
were a pure scientific debate then every engineer "denier" that I've
ever talked to would be cheering for the scientists to nail it
down. We'd be helping. The problem is that climate change
has become a political debate in the guise of science. A climate
scientist who doesn't support the idea of ACC bringing global
catastrophe will have a hard time getting published, tenure, or even a
job. Few learned papers suggesting that ACC is neither real nor a
pending catastrophe get published, and very few pass a peer review.
politics are particularly insidious. Governments are doing real
harm to their economies by mandating that "40 percent of the national
power supply will come from renewable sources," or "CO2 emissions from
power plants must be reduced by 30 percent" or "Cap and Trade" or
"Carbon Taxes." The tone of the majority of engineers in the discussions has been "Show me how raising my taxes,
utility costs, and fuel costs will impact the climate that my
grandchildren will live in." The only response is to trot out yet
another computer model running on adulterated data with a potentially
biased calibration.
The politicians and press may have convinced
some portion of the general public that this proposition is supported in
the science, but they are quite a ways from convincing the
preponderance of the engineering community. While I can't find any
"skeptics" who have become "warmists" or "warmists" who have become
"skeptics," there have been a large number who have gone from "its not
my field, and I don't have time to think about it" to very
skeptical. Fewer of the uncaring masses have moved into the
warmist camp.
HERE Environmentalism and the Fear of DisorderGreens engage in rituals to allay their anxietiesWhy
do people recycle and buy organic foods? According to Marijn Meijers
and Bastiaan Rutjens, a couple of social scientists at the University of
Amsterdam, they do it to realize a sense of personal control stemming
from their fear that disorder is increasing in the world. Technological
optimists, meanwhile, are more likely to eschew the comfort of such
To be fair, that’s not exactly how the two researchers
interpret their study, which was published in the August European
Journal of Social Psychology. But as we shall see, it is not
unreasonable to construe their results that way.
A popular new
psychological model, compensatory control theory, argues that people are
highly motivated to perceive the world as meaningful, orderly, and
structured. When people perceive the world as being less orderly,
Meijers and Rutjens explain, they strive to compensate for the anxiety
and stress this produces. Often this entails attempting to achieve
personal or external control. With personal control, Meijers and Rutjens
write, “it is the feeling that people are able to influence their
environment that provides them with the notion of an orderly and
navigable world.” With external control, “it is the feeling that an
external source (e.g. an intervening God or a powerful government)
exerts influence over their environments and the world in general that
provides similar perceptions of an orderly world.”
A threat to
one source of order boosts the motivation to affirm the other.
Instability in government, for example, produces more efforts to achieve
personal control.
Meijers and Rutjens note that scientific
progress “can be viewed as testimony to humanity’s increasing ability to
exert control over the world, and bolstering belief in scientific
progress as such can provide order.” The formulation “can be viewed” is
just a bit too clever. In fact, the technologies developed as a result
of the processes scientific discovery have dramatically reduced a lot of
the randomness and disorder that a fickle and meager nature throws our
For example, a 2011 Reason Foundation study reported that,
as a result of the increased wealth that modern technology has created,
“aggregate mortality attributed to all extreme weather events globally
has declined by more than 90 percent since the 1920s, in spite of a
four-fold rise in population.” Not surprisingly, such a huge reduction
in actual, not just perceived, randomness and disorder does indeed go a
long way toward “bolstering belief in scientific progress.”
any case, the researchers wanted to test the hypothesis that questioning
the ability of scientific progress to control “environmental challenges
and natural threats” would lead subjects to reaffirm personal control
by engaging in behaviors that are perceived to be environmentally
friendly. Specifically, they aimed to test the idea that “behaving in an
environmentally friendly way may work as an order-providing
psychological mechanism and thus help to alleviate feelings of
The researchers conducted four different studies to
test their hypothesis. The first study involved having participants read
two fake newspaper articles, one stressing the rapidity of scientific
progress and the other suggesting that scientific developments are
insufficient to deal with urgent problems, e.g., HIV and climate change.
As predicted, the positive article reduced feelings of disorder, and
the negative one increased feelings of disorder.
The second study
used a test in which participants had to unscramble words into
sentences designed to induce either feelings of order and disorder. Then
they were told that an institute at their university wanted to know
their opinions about environmental issues. Those exposed to sentences
suggesting disorder more highly endorsed “environmentally friendly”
sentiments such as “we have to take the greenhouse effect seriously.”
the third study, the researchers sought to probe the idea that engaging
in environmentally friendly behaviors increases the sense of personal
control in subjects. So half of the students began by filling out the
same opinion form regarding environmental behavior as in the second
study. Then they were asked to imagine that they were business managers
and to say, hypothetically, how much more in costs above regulatory
requirements they would be willing to bear to cut air pollution at a
manufacturing plant. In the final step, they filled out a survey
disguised to measure their sense of personal control. The exercise was
reversed for the other students, who completed the survey measuring
their sense of personal control first and then went on to the
environmental behavior tasks. The researchers found that participants
who engaged first the environmental tasks expressed a higher sense of
personal control than the others.
In their fourth study, the
researchers aimed to fully test the proposition that “questioning
scientific progress enhances feelings of disorder and consequently
heightens environmentally friendly attitudes, intentions, and
behaviors,” and vice versa. First, they had participants read newspaper
articles affirming or questioning scientific progress. Next, subjects
answered a questionnaire that measured their disorder perceptions (e.g.,
their belief that our lives are ruled by randomness) on a seven-point
scale. Then, their intentions to engage environmentally friendly
activities (e.g., washing clothes at a lower temperature and recycling
for the sake of the environment) were measured on a seven-point scale.
Finally, participants were tasked to choose groceries from six product
categories, each of which featured an organic item. The products did not
differ in price.
The researchers found that participants who
read the article questioning scientific progress expressed greater
intention to recycle, reduce washing temperatures, and buy organic foods
than those who read the version affirming scientific progress. Why the
difference? Because, the researchers report, “questioning scientific
progress results in a relative increase in disorder perceptions, which
in turn triggers the motivation to restore order via personal actions
such as engaging in environmentally friendly behavior.”
reasonable reading of these results is that a lot of environmentalists
experience many aspects of the modern world as chaotic and thus seek to
compensate for their perceptions of disorder by engaging in ritual
behaviors that make them feel like they are exerting more personal
control. It is not much of a leap to conclude that by imposing those
rituals on others, some environmentalists seek to reduce their dread of
disorder even more.
Why call them rituals? Because it is not all
that clear that they actually do anything much for the natural
environment. For example, the costs of curbside recycling often outweigh
purported benefits, and lower organic crop yields mean more land taken
from nature. But as Meijers and Rutjens have shown, partaking in such
rites is much like reciting the Rosary, in that they, too, reduce
participant anxiety.
Of course, being social scientists and
sharing the customary prejudices of their tribe, that’s not how Meijers
and Rutjens look at their findings. Instead they write, “Our findings
have important practical implications for understanding how
environmentally friendly behavior can be increased and encouraged.” How?
By “looking more critically at the power of science and the limits of
progress,” that is, by casting doubt of the efficacy of people to solve
problems using science and technology.
Meijers and Rutjens also
cannily observe that rapid progress in various scientific and
technological endeavors can be framed as sources of disorder. This is
precisely how many environmentalists portray biotech crops, nuclear
power, synthetic biology, and nanotechnology. Advances in science and
technology are constantly remaking entire industries and ways of earning
a living. So anxious environmentalists alleviate the stress induced by
these perceived sources of disorder by trying to exercise personal
control—including activism that, ironically, demands increased external
control by government
SOURCE Embarrassing Predictions Haunt the Global-Warming IndustryIt
is often said that non-scientists must rely on “expert opinion” to
determine whether claims on alleged “catastrophic man-made global
warming” are true. Putting aside the fact that there is no
global-warming “consensus” among experts, one does not have to be a
scientist, or even proficient in science, to be able to review past
predictions, and then form an informed opinion regarding the accuracy of
those predictions.
Suppose, for example, you regularly watch a
local TV weatherman forecast the weather for your area. Would you need a
degree in meteorology in order to decide for yourself how reliable, or
unreliable, the weatherman’s forecasts are?
Warnings have been
issued for many decades now regarding catastrophic climate change that
forecasted certain trends or occurrences that we should already have
witnessed. Yet such predictions have turned out to be very, very wrong.
This was certainly the case with the alarmist predictions of the 1960s
and ’70s that man’s activities on Earth were causing a catastrophic
cooling trend that would bring on another ice age. And it is also the
case with the more recent claims about catastrophic global warming.
What follows is a very brief review of these predictions compared to what actually happened.
Global Cooling?
who lived through the 1960s and ’70s may remember the dire
global-cooling predictions that were hyped and given great credibility
by Newsweek, Time, Life, National Geographic, and numerous other
mainstream media outlets. According to the man-made global-cooling
theories of the time, billions of people should be dead by now owing to
cooling-linked crop failures and starvation.
“If present trends
continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global
mean temperature in 1990, but 11 degrees colder by the year 2000,”
claimed ecology professor Kenneth E.F. Watt at the University of
California in 1970. “This is about twice what it would take to put us in
an ice age.” Of course, 2000 came and went, and the world did not get
11 degrees colder. No ice age arrived, either.
In 1971, another
global-cooling alarmist, Stanford University professor Paul Ehrlich, who
is perhaps best known for his 1968 book The Population Bomb, made
similarly wild forecasts for the end of the millennium in a speech at
the British Institute for Biology. “By the year 2000 the United Kingdom
will be simply a small group of impoverished islands, inhabited by some
70 million hungry people,” he claimed. “If I were a gambler, I would
take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000 and give
ten to one that the life of the average Briton would be of distinctly
lower quality than it is today.” Of course, England still exists, and
its population was doing much better in 2000 than when Ehrlich made his
kooky claims. But long before 2000, Ehrlich had abandoned global-cooling
alarmism in favor of warning that the Earth faced catastrophic global
warming. Now he is warning that humans may soon be forced to resort to
To combat the alleged man-made cooling, “experts”
suggested all sorts of grandiose schemes, including some that in
retrospect appear almost too comical to be real. “Climatologists are
pessimistic that political leaders will take any positive action to
compensate for the climate change, or even to allay its effects,”
reported Newsweek in its 1975 article “The Cooling World,” which claimed
that Earth’s temperature had been plunging for decades due to
humanity’s activities. Some of the “more spectacular solutions” proposed
by the cooling theorists at the time included “melting the arctic ice
cap by covering it with black soot or diverting arctic rivers,” Newsweek
Of course, the big alleged threat hyped in recent
decades has been global warming, not global cooling. But the accuracy of
the climate-change predictions since the cooling fears melted away has
hardly improved.
United Nations “Climate Refugees”
2005, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) warned that
imminent sea-level rises, increased hurricanes, and desertification
caused by “man-made global warming” would lead to massive population
disruptions. In a handy map, the organization highlighted areas that
were supposed to be particularly vulnerable in terms of producing
“climate refugees.” Especially at risk were regions such as the
Caribbean and low-lying Pacific islands, along with coastal areas.
2005 UNEP predictions claimed that, by 2010, some 50 million “climate
refugees” would be frantically fleeing from those regions of the globe.
However, not only did the areas in question fail to produce a single
“climate refugee,” by 2010, population levels for those regions were
actually still soaring. In many cases, the areas that were supposed to
be producing waves of “climate refugees” and becoming uninhabitable
turned out to be some of the fastest-growing places on Earth.
the Bahamas, for example, according to the 2010 census, there was a
major increase in population, going from around 300,000 in 2000 to more
than 350,000 by 2010. The population of St. Lucia, meanwhile, grew by
five percent during the same period. The Seychelles grew by about 10
percent. The Solomon Islands also witnessed a major population boom
during that time frame, gaining another 100,000 people, or an increase
of about 25 percent.
In China, meanwhile, the top six fastest
growing cities were all within the areas highlighted by the UN as likely
sources of “climate refugees.” Many of the fastest-growing U.S. cities
were also within or close to “climate refugee” danger zones touted by
the UN
Rather than apologizing for its undisputable mistake after
being first exposed by reporter Gavin Atkins at Asian Correspondent,
the global body responded in typical alarmist fashion: with an Orwellian
coverup seeking to erase all evidence of its ridiculous predictions.
First, the UNEP took its “climate refugees” map down from the Web. That
failed, of course, because the content was archived online prior to its
disappearance down the UN “memory hole.
Then the UNEP tried and
failed to distance itself from the outlandish claims, despite the fact
that the map was created by a UNEP cartographer, released by UNEP, and
repeatedly hyped by the outfit in its scaremongering campaigns.
Eventually, as more and more media around the world began picking up the
story, a spokesperson for the UN agency claimed the map was removed
because it was “causing confusion.”
It was hardly the first time
UN bureaucrats had made such dire predictions, only to be proven wrong.
On June 30, 1989, the Associated Press ran an article headlined: “UN
Official Predicts Disaster, Says Greenhouse Effect Could Wipe Some
Nations Off Map.” In the piece, the director of the UNEP’s New York
office was quoted as claiming that “entire nations could be wiped off
the face of the earth by rising sea levels if global warming is not
reversed by the year 2000.” He also predicted “coastal flooding and crop
failures” that “would create an exodus of ‘eco-refugees,’ threatening
political chaos.”
Other UN predictions were so ridiculous that
they were retracted before they could even be proven wrong. Consider, as
just one example, the scandal that came to be known as “Glaciergate.”
In its final 2007 report, widely considered the “gospel” of “settled”
climate “science,” the UN IPCC suggested that Himalayan glaciers could
melt by 2035 or sooner. It turns out the wild assertion was lifted from
World Wildlife Fund propaganda literature. The IPCC recanted the claim
after initially defending it.
Pentagon Climate Forecasts
the UN, the Pentagon commissioned a report on “climate change” that
also offered some highly alarming visions of the future under “global
warming.” The 2003 document, entitled “An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario
and Its Implications for United States National Security,” was widely
cited by global-warming theorists, bureaucrats, and the establishment
press as evidence that humanity was facing certain doom. It also served
as the foundation for the claim that alleged man-made “climate change”
was actually a “national security concern.” However, fortunately for the
taxpayers forced to pay for the study, the Pentagon report turned out
to be just as ridiculous as the UN “climate refugees” forecasts.
now, according to the “not implausible” scaremongering outlined in the
report for a 10-year time period, the world should be a post-apocalyptic
disaster zone. Among other outlandish scenarios envisioned in the
report over the preceding decade: California flooded with inland seas,
parts of the Netherlands “unlivable,” polar ice all but gone in the
summers, and surging temperatures. Mass increases in hurricanes,
tornadoes, and other natural disasters were supposed to be wreaking
havoc across the globe, too. All of that would supposedly spark resource
wars and all sorts of other horrors. But none of it actually happened.
Pentagon report even claimed there was “general agreement in the
scientific community” that the extreme scenarios it envisioned could
come to pass, and reporters treated it as if it were a prophecy
delivered to climate sinners by God Himself. However, when interviewed
by the Washington Times for a June 1, 2014 article, consultant and
report co-author Doug Randall expressed surprise at how often the
now-debunked forecasts were parroted. Yet he still defended the
hysterical fear peddling. “When you are looking at worst-case 10 years
out, you are not trying to predict precisely what’s going to happen but
instead trying to get people to understand what could happen to motivate
strategic decision-making and wake people up,” Randall said. “But
whether the actual specifics came true, of course not. That never was
the main intent.”
The first article about the climate report
appeared in early 2004, when the report was leaked to the U.K. Observer,
under the sensationalistic title: “Pentagon tells Bush: climate change
will destroy us.” In a bullet-point summary at the top of the Observer
article, journalists Mark Townsend and Paul Harris added: “Secret report
warns of rioting and nuclear war” and “Britain will be ‘Siberian’ in
less than 20 years.” The rest of the article was just as outlandish,
going even beyond what the now-discredited Pentagon report claimed.
Other reporters took their cue from the Observer article, which in
retrospect would have been a hilarious piece of writing if it had not
been taken so seriously at the time.
No More Snow?
well over a decade now, climate alarmists have been claiming that snow
would soon become a thing of the past. In March 2000, for example,
“senior research scientist” David Viner, working at the time for the
Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia, told the
U.K. Independent that within “a few years,” snowfall would become “a
very rare and exciting event” in Britain. “Children just aren’t going to
know what snow is,” he was quoted as claiming in the article, headlined
“Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past.”
The very next
year, snowfall across the United Kingdom increased by more than 50
percent. In 2008, perfectly timed for a “global warming” legislation
debate in Parliament, London saw its first October snow since 1934 — or
possibly even 1922, according to the U.K. Register. “It is unusual to
have snow this early,” a spokesperson for the alarmist U.K. Met office
admitted to The Guardian newspaper. By December of 2009, London saw its
heaviest levels of snowfall in two decades. In 2010, the coldest U.K.
winter since records began a century ago blanketed the islands with
In early 2004, the CRU’s Viner and other self-styled
“experts” warned that skiing in Scotland would soon become just a
memory, thanks to alleged global warming. “Unfortunately, it’s just
getting too hot for the Scottish ski industry,” Viner told The Guardian.
Another “expert,” Adam Watson with the Centre for Ecology and
Hydrology, told the paper that the skiing industry in Scotland had less
than two decades left to go. Yet in 2013, too much snow kept many
Scottish resorts closed. “Nevis Range, The Lecht, Cairngorm, Glenshee
and Glencoe all remain closed today due to the heavy snow,” reported on January 4, 2013. Ironically, by 2014, the BBC, citing
experts, reported that the Scottish hills had more snow than at any
point in seven decades. It also reported that the Nevis Range ski resort
could not operate some of its lifts because they were “still buried
under unprecedented amounts of snow.”
The IPCC has also been
relentlessly hyping the snowless winter scare, along with gullible or
agenda-driven politicians. In its 2001 Third Assessment Report, for
example, the IPCC claimed “milder winter temperatures will decrease
heavy snowstorms.” Again, though, the climate refused to cooperate. The
year 2013, the last year for which complete data is available, featured
the fourth-highest levels on record, according to data from Rutgers
University’s Global Snow Lab. Spring snow cover was the highest in a
decade, while data for the fall indicate that it was the fifth highest
ever recorded. Last December, meanwhile, brought with it a new high
record in Northern Hemisphere snow cover, Global Snow Lab data show.
Blame Global Warming?
the outlandish predictions of snowless winters failed to materialize,
the CRU dramatically changed its tune on snowfall. All across Britain,
in fact, global-warming alarmists rushed to blame the record cold and
heavy snow experienced in recent years on — you guessed it! — global
warming. Less snow: global warming. More snow: global warming. Get it?
The same phenomenon took place in the United States just
last winter. As record cold and snowfall was pummeling much of North
America, warming theorists contradicted all of their previous forecasts
and claimed that global warming was somehow to blame. Among them: White
House Science “Czar” John Holdren. “A growing body of evidence suggests
that the kind of extreme cold being experienced by much of the United
States as we speak is a pattern we can expect to see with increasing
frequency, as global warming continues,” he claimed.
assertion, of course, is exactly the opposite of what the UN “settled
science” IPCC predicted in its 2001 global-warming report, which claimed
that the planet would see “warmer winters and fewer cold spells,
because of climate change.” Ironically, perhaps, Holdren warned decades
ago that human CO2 emissions would lead to a billion deaths due to
global warming-fueled global cooling — yes, cooling, which he said would
lead to a new ice age by 2020.
Ridiculous forecasts have been
made by other “climate scientists” who, like Holdren, continue to reap
huge amounts of U.S. taxpayer dollars in salaries, grants, and benefits
despite being consistently wrong. James Hansen, for instance, who headed
NASA’s Goddard Institute for three decades before taking a post at
Columbia University, is one of the best known “climatologists” in the
world — despite his long and embarrassing record of bad forecasting
spanning decades.
In 1988, Hansen was asked by journalist and
author Rob Reiss how the “greenhouse effect” would affect the
neighborhood outside his window within 20 years (by 2008). “The West
Side Highway [which runs along the Hudson River] will be under water,”
Hansen claimed. “And there will be tape across the windows across the
street because of high winds. And the same birds won’t be there. The
trees in the median strip will change.... There will be more police cars
… [since] you know what happens to crime when the heat goes up.” In
1986, Hansen also predicted in congressional testimony that the Earth
would be some two degrees warmer within 20 years. In recent years, after
the anticipated warming failed to materialize, alarmists have cooled on
predicting such a dramatic jump in temperature over such a short period
of time.
Separately, another prominent alarmist, Princeton
professor and lead UN IPCC author Michael Oppenheimer, made some
dramatic predictions in 1990 while working as “chief scientist” for the
Environmental Defense Fund. By 1995, he said then, the “greenhouse
effect” would be “desolating the heartlands of North America and Eurasia
with horrific drought, causing crop failures and food riots.” By 1996,
he added, the Platte River of Nebraska “would be dry, while a
continent-wide black blizzard of prairie topsoil will stop traffic on
interstates, strip paint from houses and shut down computers.” The
situation would get so bad that “Mexican police will round up illegal
American migrants surging into Mexico seeking work as field hands.”
confronted on his failed predictions, Oppenheimer, who also served as
former Vice President Al Gore’s advisor, refused to apologize. “On the
whole I would stand by these predictions — not predictions, sorry,
scenarios — as having at least in a general way actually come true,” he
claimed. “There’s been extensive drought, devastating drought, in
significant parts of the world. The fraction of the world that’s in
drought has increased over that period.” Unfortunately for Oppenheimer,
even his fellow alarmists debunked that claim in a 2012 study for
Nature, pointing out that there has been “little change in global
drought over the past 60 years.”
Arctic Ice
nowhere have the alarmists’ predictions been proven as wrong as at the
Earth’s poles. In 2007, 2008, and 2009, Al Gore, the high priest for a
movement described by critics as the “climate cult,” publicly warned
that the North Pole would be “ice-free” in the summer by around 2013
because of alleged “man-made global warming.”
Speaking to an
audience in Germany five years ago, Gore — sometimes ridiculed as “The
Goracle” — alleged that “the entire North Polarized [sic] cap will
disappear in five years.” “Five years,” Gore said again, in case anybody
missed it the first time, is “the period of time during which it is now
expected to disappear.”
The following year, Gore made similar
claims at a UN “climate” summit in Copenhagen. “Some of the models …
suggest that there is a 75 percent chance that the entire north polar
ice cap, during some of the summer months, could be completely ice-free
within the next five to seven years,” Gore claimed in 2009. “We will
find out.”
Yes, we have found out. Contrary to the predictions by
Gore and fellow alarmists, satellite data showed that Arctic ice volume
as of summer of 2013 had actually expanded more than 50 percent over
2012 levels. In fact, during October 2013, sea-ice levels grew at the
fastest pace since records began in 1979. Many experts now predict the
ongoing expansion of Arctic ice to continue in the years to come,
leaving global-warming alarmists scrambling for explanations to save
face — and to revive the rapidly melting climate hysteria.
though, was hardly alone in making the ridiculous and now thoroughly
discredited predictions about Arctic ice. Citing climate experts, the
British government-funded BBC, for example, also hyped the mass
hysteria, running a now-embarrassing article on December 12, 2007, under
the headline: “Arctic summers ice-free ‘by 2013’.” In that piece, which
was still online as of July 2014, the BBC highlighted alleged “modeling
studies” that supposedly “indicate northern polar waters could be
ice-free in summers within just 5-6 years.” Incredibly, some of the
supposed “experts” even claimed it could happen before then, citing
calculations performed by “super computers” that the BBC noted have
“become a standard part of climate science in recent years.”
projection of 2013 for the removal of ice in summer is not accounting
for the last two minima, in 2005 and 2007,” claimed Professor Wieslaw
Maslowski, described as a researcher from the Naval Postgraduate School
who was working with co-workers at NASA to come up with the
now-thoroughly discredited forecasts about polar ice. “So given that
fact, you can argue that may be [sic] our projection of 2013 is already
too conservative.” (Emphasis added.) Other “experts” quoted in the BBC
article agreed with the hysteria.
In the real world, however, the
scientific evidence demolishing the global-warming theories advanced by
Gore, the UN, and government-funded “climate scientists” continues to
grow, along with the ice cover in both hemispheres. In the Arctic, for
example, data collected by Europe’s Cryosat spacecraft pointed to about
9,000 cubic kilometers of ice volume at the end of the 2013 melt season.
In 2012, which was admittedly a low year, the total volume was about
6,000 cubic kilometers.
Indeed, in 2007, when Gore and others
started making their predictions about imminent “ice-free” Arctic
summers, the average sea-ice area extent after the summer melt for the
month of September was 4.28 million square kilometers. By 2013, even on
September 13, the minimum ice-cover day for the whole year, ice levels
were way above the 2007 average for the month — by an area almost the
size of California. The lowest level recorded on a single day during
2013 was 5.1 million square kilometers. By late July 2014, Arctic
sea-ice extent was almost at its highest level in a decade, and
scientists expect even less melting this summer than last year.
parroting the wild claims five years ago, the establishment press has,
unsurprisingly, refused to report that Gore and his fellow alarmists
were proven embarrassingly wrong. No apologies from Gore have been
forthcoming, either, and none of the “scientists” who made the
ridiculous predictions quoted by the BBC has apologized or lost his
taxpayer-funded job. In fact, almost unbelievably, the establishment
press is now parroting new claims from the same discredited “experts”
suggesting that the Arctic will be “ice-free” by 2016.
Antarctic Ice
more embarrassing for the warmists have been trends in the Southern
Hemisphere. Of course, all of the “climate models” and “climate experts”
and “scientists” predicted that rising CO2 emissions would increase
global temperatures, which would melt the ice in Antarctica — by far the
largest mass of frozen H2O on the planet. Indeed, the forecasts were
crucial to many of the other predictions about surging sea levels and
related gloom and doom.
The problem for global-warming theorists
is that the opposite happened. Indeed, sea ice in Antarctica is off the
charts, consistently smashing previous record highs on a near-daily
basis. Sea-ice area in the south is now at the highest point since
records began — by a lot — and the warmists are searching frantically
for an explanation. Some are, incredibly, considering their past
forecasts, trying to blame global warming. But the fact remains: Their
predictions for Antarctica were as wrong as they possibly could be.
Instead of melting as forecasted, ice levels are surging to new and
unprecedented heights. As of early July, an area of the southern oceans
the size of Greenland is frozen that, based on the average, should
currently be open waters. If both poles are considered together, there
is about one million square kilometers of frozen area above and beyond
the long-term average.
Even UN warmists have been forced to
concede that they do not know what is going on or why their “climate
models” that predicted melting have been proven so wildly off the mark.
“There is low confidence in the scientific understanding of the observed
increase in Antarctic sea ice extent since 1979, due to … incomplete
and competing scientific explanations for the causes of change,” the
IPCC admitted in its latest report. For now, the warmists have simply
been trying their best to keep the public from noticing or examining the
phenomenal growth in Antarctic ice.
As The New American reported
earlier this year, the desperation and denial among warmists was
illustrated perfectly in December. A ship full of global-warming
alarmists led by a “climate scientist” went on a mission to study how
“global warming” was melting Antarctic ice. Instead of completing their
mission, they ended up getting their vessel trapped in record-setting
levels of sea ice.
Obama Claims
In his second-term
inaugural address, Obama also made some climate claims, saying: “Some
may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science, but none can avoid
the devastating impact of raging fires and crippling drought and
powerful storms.” Ironically, all three of the examples he provided of
what he called the “threat of climate change” actually discredit his
As Forbes magazine pointed out last year, the number of
wildfires has plummeted 15 percent since 1950, and according the
National Academy of Sciences, that trend is likely to continue for
decades. On “droughts,” a 2012 study published in the alarmist journal
Nature noted that there has been “little change in global drought over
the past 60 years.” The UN’s own climate alarmists were even forced to
conclude last year that in many regions of the world, “droughts have
become less frequent, less intense, or shorter.”
hurricanes and tornadoes, it probably would have been hard for Obama to
choose a worse example to illustrate the alleged threat of man-made
warming. Contrary to predictions by global warmists, hurricanes and
tornadoes have been hitting in record-setting low numbers. “When the
2014 hurricane season starts it will have been 3,142 days since the last
Category 3+ storm made landfall in the U.S., shattering the record for
the longest stretch between U.S. intense hurricanes since 1900,” noted
professor of environmental studies Roger Pielke, Jr. at the University
of Colorado, who last year left alarmists who had predicted more extreme
weather linked to alleged global warming silent after pointing out the
facts in a Senate hearing. “The five-year period ending 2013 has seen
two hurricane landfalls. That is a record low since 1900.” After
adjusting the data for trends such as population growth and better
reporting, it appears that 2013 also featured the lowest number of
tornadoes in the long-term record.
In June 2008, Obama declared:
“I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to
look back and tell our children … this was the moment when the rise of
the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” He was
referring, of course, to his own election, as if he were some sort of
savior here to save humanity from its carbon-climate sins. In the real
world, though, despite his grandiose and bombastic view of himself as
global climate messiah, Obama has no more power to stop the “climate”
from changing than his legions of discredited “experts” have
demonstrated to successfully predict it.
Also ironically,
perhaps, is that there had been no global warming since long before he
took office. Worldwide, the disastrous forecasts by climate alarmists
have proven to be similarly embarrassing. By now, anybody who follows
“climate” news knows that “global warming” has been on what alarmists
call “pause” for 18 years and counting, despite ongoing increases in CO2
concentrations in the atmosphere. The stubborn refusal of temperatures
to rise (and accelerate) as forecasted by all of the UN’s 73 “climate
models” has discredited the models, the UN, and the alleged “science”
behind the computer forecasts. Every single model predicted more warming
than has occurred, an atrocious record that defies explanation. Even a
monkey rolling the dice or a scam artist pretending to read the future
from a crystal ball would have a better record, based only on the laws
of probability.
Of course, alarmists have come up with at least a
dozen excuses for the failure of temperatures to rise in accordance
with their debunked models. The Obama administration’s favorite: the
theory of “The Ocean Ate My Global Warming.” Last year, the Associated
Press, citing leaked documents, reported that the U.S. government had
pressured the UN IPCC to incorporate that excuse, for which there is not
a scintilla of observable evidence, into its most recent global-warming
A Prediction
The website Watts Up With That
(WUWT), run by meteorologist and climate researcher Anthony Watts,
highlighted the embarrassing record in late 2013 following a
particularly devastating year for “climate” predictions. “It seems like
every major CAGW [Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming] prediction
has failed in 2013,” the article explains, citing a vast trove of
scientific data debunking alarmist forecasts. “Regardless of efforts to
nebulize CAGW to explain all forms of climatic and weather variation, in
2013 every loosely falsifiable prediction of the CAGW narrative seems
to have failed. The apparent complete failure of the CAGW narrative in
2013 could make the most fundamentalist agnostic wonder if Mother Nature
sometimes takes sides, aka the Gore Effect.” Perhaps the Almighty has a
sense of humor.
Few people would make an important decision
based on next week’s weather forecast. When it comes to “climate,”
though, the $360 billion-per-year climate establishment is telling
humanity that civilization must be reorganized from top to bottom based
on failed models purporting to make predictions decades and even
centuries in advance. Flawed predictions aside, a great deal of evidence
suggests accuracy or truth was never the intent — generating fear to
seize more money and power was (and is). Many top alarmists have
admitted as much, with some responding to the implosion of their
theories with calls for censorship or, more extreme still, the
imprisonment, re-education, and even execution of “climate deniers.”
Earth’s climate has always changed, and very likely will continue to
change, regardless of what humans do. What is now clear, though, is that
the establishment has no idea what those changes will be.
SOURCE Shale gas to drag world agro prices lowerThe
“gale of shale” is hitting the US and the world with surplus energy. In
2000, shale was 2% of natural gas supply; in 2012, it was about 37%;
and will be about 65% within the next two decades.
The US is
poised for shipping out shale gas in liquefied form as net exporter of
energy. According to some analysts, crude oil prices may be clipped by
30% (say, from $100 to $70 per barrel) in the foreseeable future.
American motorists are consuming less gasoline, thereby limiting the
blend of biofuels like ethanol. The “energy security” lobby of the US is
no longer supportive of biofuels.
Ethanol is produced from corn
in the US. (Brazil and India produce ethanol from sugarcane.) Apart from
human consumption, corn is extensively consumed by livestock as animal
feed. About 970 million tonnes of corn is produced worldwide—the largest
single crop in the world. Wheat is around 700 million tonnes, rice is
470 million tonnes and soybean about 300 million tonnes.
The US’s
maize output, the highest among all countries, is about 360 million
tonnes. Out of this, 36% (130 million tonnes) of corn is consumed for
ethanol. With sufficiency and viability of shale gas, the future demand
of ethanol will shrink, resulting into demand compression of corn,
especially in the US, and its price will move southwards in the coming
years. As of now, corn and wheat are trading, respectively, at $190/200
and $240 per tonne FOB—lesser by 20% from last year.
There exists
an empirical equation of corn with other agro commodities. For easy
understanding, if corn is priced at $200 per tonne in any future
exchange, wheat will be around $250-260 and soybean will be traded at
$450-500. Barring unforeseen conditions, trade tentatively assumes ratio
of 1:1.25-1.30 for corn versus wheat and 1:2.25-2.5 for corn versus
Rice of Asian origins is not traded at future exchanges
so corn versus rice ratios cannot be established directly but can be
inferred from “price/demand” elasticity of 39 countries of Sub-Saharan
Africa. This region imports about 11-12 million tonnes rice annually,
out of 35 million tonnes of non-Basmati that is traded worldwide. If
rice becomes expensive, say about $600 per tonne FOB, as in 2008, there
would be significant shift to corn till rice values drop to about
$350-400 levels.
Bearish corn means lower food and feed prices
wheat and soymeal are active ingredients of feed compound ingested by
live stocks. In bearish corn market, a feed miller applies more corn and
curtails blend of high priced wheat or soymeal and thereby trims demand
of wheat or soybeans. Thus, price movements of wheat and soybean are
largely governed by corn prices. Probability of corn price being higher
than wheat is remote except in drought-like conditions in the US in
The US as an exporter of non-biofuel energy can make corn
terribly bearish and may drag down world’s grain complex. GM crops can
further discount grain values.
SOURCE ***************************************
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
24 August, 2014
Large conclusions drawn from just 3 years of Cryosat-2 dataEven
using ICEsat data extends the series to only 5 years -- far too
little to support claims of a trend. A larger series could reveal
very different earlier changes. The report below is objective
enough. It is only the spin Warmists are putting on it
that is fanciful. Note that the report below admits that the
Antarctic sheet is both thickening and thinning (in different
places) -- so any trend is not even Antarctic-wide, let alone
globalElevation and elevation change of Greenland and Antarctica derived from CryoSat-2
By V. Helm, A. Humbert, and H. Miller
study focuses on the present-day surface elevation of the Greenland and
Antarctic ice sheets. Based on 3 years of CryoSat-2 data acquisition we
derived new elevation models (DEMs) as well as elevation change maps
and volume change estimates for both ice sheets. Here we present the new
DEMs and their corresponding error maps. The accuracy of the derived
DEMs for Greenland and Antarctica is similar to those of previous DEMs
obtained by satellite-based laser and radar altimeters. Comparisons with
ICESat data show that 80% of the CryoSat-2 DEMs have an uncertainty of
less than 3 m ± 15 m. The surface elevation change rates between January
2011 and January 2014 are presented for both ice sheets. We compared
our results to elevation change rates obtained from ICESat data covering
the time period from 2003 to 2009. The comparison reveals that in West
Antarctica the volume loss has increased by a factor of 3. It also shows
an anomalous thickening in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica which
represents a known large-scale accumulation event. This anomaly partly
compensates for the observed increased volume loss of the Antarctic
Peninsula and West Antarctica. For Greenland we find a volume loss
increased by a factor of 2.5 compared to the ICESat period with large
negative elevation changes concentrated at the west and southeast
coasts. The combined volume change of Greenland and Antarctica for the
observation period is estimated to be ?503 ± 107 km3 yr?1. Greenland
contributes nearly 75% to the total volume change with ?375 ± 24 km3
The Cryosphere, 8, 1539-1559, 2014.
Australia's BOM caught with its pants down
No surprise. NASA GISS does the same. See also here and here and hereTHE
Bureau of Meteorology has been accused of manipulating historic
temperature records to fit a predetermined view of global warming.
Researcher Jennifer Marohasy claims the adjusted records resemble “propaganda” rather than science.
Marohasy has analysed the raw data from dozens of locations across
Australia and matched it against the new data used by BOM showing that
temperatures were progressively warming.
In many cases, Dr Marohasy said, temperature trends had changed from slight cooling to dramatic warming over 100 years.
has rejected Dr Marohasy’s claims and said the agency had used world’s
best practice and a peer reviewed process to modify the physical
temperature records that had been recorded at weather stations across
the country.
It said data from a selection of weather stations
underwent a process known as “homogenisation” to correct for anomalies.
It was “very unlikely” that data homogenisation impacted on the
empirical outlooks.
In a statement to The Weekend Australian BOM
said the bulk of the scientific literature did not support the view that
data homogenisation resulted in “diminished physical veracity in any
particular climate data set’’.
Historical data was homogenised to
account for a wide range of non-climate related influences such as the
type of instrument used, choice of calibration or enclosure and where it
was located.
“All of these elements are subject to change over a
period of 100 years, and such non-climate related changes need to be
accounted for in the data for reliable analysis and monitoring of
trends,’’ BOM said.
Account is also taken of temperature
recordings from nearby stations. It took “a great deal of care with the
climate record, and understands the importance of scientific integrity”.
Marohasy said she had found examples where there had been no change in
instrumentation or siting and no inconsistency with nearby stations but
there had been a dramatic change in temperature trend towards warming
after homogenisation.
She said that at Amberley in Queensland,
homogenisation had resulted in a change in the temperature trend from
one of cooling to dramatic warming.
She calculated homogenisation
had changed a cooling trend in the minimum temperature of 1C per
century at Amberley into a warming trend of 2.5C. This was despite there
being no change in location or instrumentation.
BOM said the
adjustment to the minimums at Amberley was identified through “neighbour
comparisons”. It said the level of confidence was very high because of
the large number of stations in the region. There were examples where
homogenisation had resulted in a weaker warming trend.
SOURCEMore on BoM shenanigans
raging floodwaters swept through Brisbane in January 2011 they
submerged a much-loved red Corvette sports car in the basement car park
of a unit in the riverside suburb of St Lucia.
On the scale of
the billions of dollars worth of damage done to the nation’s third
largest city in the man-made flood, the loss of a sports car may not
seem like much.
But the loss has been the catalyst for an
escalating row that raises questions about the competence and integrity
of Australia’s premier weather agency, the Bureau of Meteorology,
stretching well beyond the summer storms.
It goes to heart of the
climate change debate — in particular, whether computer models are
better than real data and whether temperature records are being
manipulated in a bid to make each year hotter than the last.
farmer parents, researcher Jennifer Marohasy says she has always had a
fascination with rainfall and drought-flood cycles. So, in a show of
solidarity with her husband and his sodden Corvette, Marohasy began
researching the temperature records noted in historic logs that date
back through the Federation drought of the late 19th century.
she was keen to try forecasting Brisbane floods using historical data
and the latest statistical modelling techniques.
research has put her in dispute with BoM over a paper she published with
John Abbot at Central Queensland University in the journal Atmospheric
Research concerning the best data to use for rainfall forecasting. (She
is a biologist and a sceptic of the thesis that human activity is
bringing about global warming.) BoM challenged the findings of the
Marohasy-Abbot paper, but the international journal rejected the BoM
rebuttal, which had been prepared by some of the bureau’s top
This has led to an escalating dispute over the way in
which Australia’s historical temperature records are “improved”
through homogenisation, which is proving more difficult to resolve. If
Marohasy is right, contrary to widely published claims, last year cannot
be called the hottest year on record. BoM insists it is using world’s
best practice to determine temperature trend and its methods are in
accordance with those of its international peers.
But in furious
correspondence with BoM, Marohasy argues the computer “homogenisation”
of the records is being undertaken in a way that is at odds with its
original intent.
“In (George Orwell’s) Nineteen Eighty-Four
Winston Smith knows that, ‘He who controls the present controls the
past’. Certainly the bureau appears intent on improving the historical
temperature record by changing it,” Marohasy says.
There has been
correspondence between Marohasy and BoM involving federal MP Dennis
Jensen and the parliamentary secretary responsible for the bureau, Simon
After taking up the issue for Jensen, Birmingham
says he is “confident that the bureau’s methods are robust’’. On its
website, BoM says it is “improving Australia’s temperature record” by
carefully analysing records “to find and address spurious artefacts in
the data, thus developing a consistent — or homogeneous — record of
daily temperatures over the last 100 years”.
BoM says historic
high temperatures are unreliable, some having been collected by
thermometers housed in a beer crate on an outback veranda.
response to questions from Inquirer, BoM says “the premise that data
homogenisation results in diminished physical veracity — in any
particular climate data set — is unsupported in the bulk of the
scientific literature’’.
But Marohasy is not convinced.
is a propaganda technique,’’ she wrote back to Birmingham. “The
deletion of information from records, and the use of exaggeration and
half-truths, are others.
“The Bureau of Meteorology uses all these techniques, while wilfully ignoring evidence that contradicts its own propaganda.’’
has analysed the physical temperature records from more than 30
stations included in the BoM set that determines the official national
temperature record.
And she remains disturbed by a pattern
whereby homogenisation exaggerates, or even produces, a record of steady
warming against a steady or cooling trend in the raw data.
says the clearly stated intent of homogenisation is to correct for
changes in equipment, siting, and/or other factors that conceivably can
introduce non-climatic factors into the temperature record.
bureau, however, is applying the algorithms subjectively and without
supporting metadata, in such a way that the temperature record is
completely altered, despite the absence of evidence that there were any
changes in siting, equipment, or any other factor which could have
conceivably introduced a non-climatic discontinuity,’’ she says.
says the “corruption” of the data was of no practical consequence to
climate scientists at BoM because they do not use historical data for
forecasting either rainfall or temperature — they use simulation models
that attempt to recreate the climate based on assumed physical
But she says the remodelling is “of considerable
political value to them, because the remodelled data better accords with
the theory of anthropogenic global warming’’.
Marohasy presented
a paper on her research to the Sydney Institute earlier this year. She
has since expanded the number of physical temperature records analysed
and says the results have only added weight to her concerns.
Amberley, in Queensland, temperatures have been collected at the same
well-maintained site within the perimeter of the air force base since
But through the homogenisation process BoM has changed what
was a cooling trend in the minimum temperature of 1.0C per century into
a warming trend of 2.5C per century.
“Homogenisation has not
resulted in some small change to the data set, but rather a change in
the temperature trend from one of cooling to dramatic warming,’’
Marohasy says.
This has been achieved by jumping-up the minimum
temperatures twice through the homogenisation process: once in about
1980 and then around 1996 to achieve a combined temperature increase of
more than 1.5C. NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, based in New
York, also applies a jump-up to the Amberley series in 1980, and makes
other changes, so that the annual average temperature for Amberley
increases from 1941 to 2012 by about 2C.
In correspondence,
Marohasy was told by NASA the Amberley data was adjusted to take account
of historic temperature records at nearby stations.
But these
310 “nearby” stations stretched to a radius of 974km and include
Frederick Reef in the Coral Sea, Quilpie post office in southwestern
Queensland and even Bourke post office in NSW.
Considering the
unhomogenised data for the nearest weather station, BoM’s jump-up for
Amberley creates an increase for the official temperature trend of 0.75C
per century. Temperatures at old Brisbane aero, the closest station
that is also part of the national temperature network, also shows a
long-term cooling trend.
“Perhaps the cooling at Amberley is real,’’ Marohasy says.
“Why not consider this, particularly in the absence of real physical evidence to the contrary?”
example is Rutherglen, a small town in a winegrowing region of
northeast Victoria, where temperatures have been measured at a research
station since November 1912.
There have been no documented site moves but an automatic weather station was installed on January 29, 1998.
measured at the Rutherglen weather station also form part of the
national temperature network (ACORN-Sat), so the information from this
station is homogenised before inclusion in the official record that is
used to calculate temperature trends for Victoria and also Australia.
says the unhomogenised/raw mean annual minimum temperature trend for
Rutherglen for the 100-year period from January 1913 through to
December last year shows a slight cooling trend of 0.35C per 100 years.
homogenisation there is a warming trend of 1.73C per 100 years.
Marohasy says this warming trend essentially was achieved by
progressively dropping down the temperatures from 1973 back through to
1913. For the year of 1913 the difference between the raw temperature
and the ACORN-Sat temperature is 1.8C.
BoM is adamant the purpose
of homogenisation is to remove non-climatic disconuities. But Marohasy
says because there have been no site changes or equipment changes at
Rutherglen, but very large adjustments made to the data, it is perhaps
reasonable to assume that the bureau has changed the record for
Rutherglen because it is very different to the record for the
neighbouring stations.
According to a technical manual written by
Blair Trewin from BoM, changes can be made where discontinuities are
apparent when the trend at a site, for example Rutherglen, is compared
with up to 40 neighbouring sites.
But Marohasy says analysis of nearby sites finds temperature trends show almost no warming during the past 100 years.
says the changes to the minimum temperatures for Rutherglen are broadly
consistent with many other changes made to temperature records for
eastern Australia, which make the trends consistent with the theory of
anthropogenic global warming.
But these changes are not
consistent with the overriding principle of homogenisation, which is
that changes should only be made to correct for non-climatic factors.
the case of Rutherglen, she says, the changes do not even appear
consistent with a principle in the bureau’s own technical manual, which
is that changes should be consistent with trends at neighbouring weather
At Burke, in western NSW, BoM deleted the first 40
years of data because temperatures before 1908 were apparently not
recorded in a Stevenson screen, the agreed modern method.
says this could have been easily accounted for with an accepted
algorithm, which would not have changed the fact that it was obviously
much hotter in the early 20th century than for any period since.
Instead, the early record is deleted, and the post-1910 data
“Rather than searching for a real physical
explanation for the early 20th century cooling at Bourke since the hot
years of the late 1800s, the Bureau has created a warming trend,’’
Marohasy says.
“This homogenisation, and the addition of data
recorded after 1996 from the airport, means that the official record
shows an overall warming trend of 0.01C per century and 2013 becomes
about the hottest year on record for Bourke.’’
BOM says major
adjustments at Bourke related to site moves as well as comparisons with
neighbouring areas, while the Amberley and Rutherglen adjustments also
were made after comparison with neighbouring stations.
And the
bureau says an extensive study has found homogeneity adjustments have
little impact on national trends and changes in temperature extremes.
SOURCE Jennifer's personal comments on the BOMEARLIER
this year Tim Flannery said “the pause” in global warming was a myth,
leading medical scientists called for stronger action on climate change,
and the Australian Bureau of Meteorology declared 2013 the hottest year
on record. All of this was reported without any discussion of the
actual temperature data. It has been assumed that there is basically one
temperature series and that it’s genuine.
But I’m hoping that
after today, with both a feature (page 20) and a news piece (page 9) in
The Weekend Australia things have changed forever.
I’m hoping
that next time Professor Flannery is interviewed he will be asked by
journalists which data series he is relying on: the actual recorded
temperatures or the homogenized remodeled series. Because as many
skeptics have known for a long time, and as Graham Lloyd reports today
for News Ltd, for any one site across this wide-brown land Australia,
while the raw data may show a pause, or even cooling, the truncated and
homogenized data often shows dramatic warming.
When I first sent
Graham Lloyd some examples of the remodeling of the temperature series I
think he may have been somewhat skeptical. I know he on-forwarded this
information to the Bureau for comment, including three charts showing
the homogenization of the minimum temperature series for Amberley.
Lloyd is the Environment Editor for The Australian newspaper and he may
have been concerned I got the numbers wrong. He sought comment and
clarification from the Bureau, not just for Amberley but also for my
numbers pertaining to Rutherglen and Bourke.
I understand that by way of response to Mr Lloyd, the Bureau has not disputed these calculations.
is significant. The Bureau now admits that it changes the temperature
series and quite dramatically through the process of homogenisation.
I repeat the Bureau has not disputed the figures. The Bureau admits that the data is remodelled.
the Bureau has done, however, is try and justify the changes. In
particular, for Amberley the Bureau is claiming to Mr Lloyd that there
is very little available documentation for Amberley before 1990 and that
information before this time may be “classified”: as in top secret.
That’s right, there is apparently a reason for jumping-up the minimum
temperatures for Amberley but it just can’t provide Mr Lloyd with the
supporting meta-data at this point in time.
SOURCE (See the original for charts)
ALL RAIN IS ACID RAINWritten by Dr Tim Ball, Climatologist
first involvement with the Acid Rain scare was indirect, but added to
awareness of the limitations of data and understanding of atmospheric
and ocean mechanisms. acid rain
It also heightened awareness of
the political nature of environmental science. I knew the extents
because of membership in the Canadian Committee on Climate Fluctuation
and Man (CCCFM). It was part of the National Museum of Natural Sciences
Project on Climate Change in Canada During the Past 20,000 years.
committee was funded jointly by the National Museum of Natural Sciences
and Environment Canada. It met yearly for several years, bringing
together a wide range of specialists to focus on a region, time period,
or area of study. Papers were published in Syllogeus, edited by Dr
C.R.Harington of the Paleobiology Division. A review of them underlines
how much the IPCC sidelined progress in climatology.
My election
to Chair of the CCCFM likely caused its demise. In my acceptance speech I
urged people not to rush to judgment on the recent anthropogenic global
warming (AGW) hypothesis. I was unaware at the time of the involvement
of Environment Canada (EC) in the promotion of the hypothesis and the
work of the IPCC. Gordon McBean, was Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM,
second highest bureaucrat) at Environment Canada and Chaired the IPCC
foundation meeting in Villach Austria in 1985.
Within a few
months of my election, EC withdrew funding and the Museum could not
sustain it alone. One of the last projects was a detailed study of the
global impact of the eruption of Mount Tambora, Indonesia in 1815. The
conference proceedings were published in C.R.Harington (ed) The Year
Without a Summer? World Climate in 1816. 1992, National Museum of
Natural Sciences, Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa. Environment
Canada’s actions were part of the suppression of people and data that
continues to this day.
Dangers of Bureaucrats Doing Research
the one annual conference under my chair, an Environment Canada
researcher approached me to talk about a problem with the issue of Acid
Rain. His dilemma underscored my argument that bureaucratic researchers
are almost automatically compromised.
He was so nervous that he
wouldn’t talk about it at the museum; instead, we met at the airport
coffee shop. He was directed to prove US coal burning plants were
causing the Acid Rain causing demise of the Quebec Maple Syrup industry.
Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney was already, publicly saying
they were to blame.
The problem was his research showed the
decline in Maple Syrup production was not caused by Acid Rain, but two
natural cyclical events. The major one was a drought. The other, was due
to a period of Meridional flow (the dreaded “polar vortex”) resulting
in a very early spring warming that caused the tree to start leafing,
followed by leaf destroying “black” frosts. Both events cause “dieback”,
that is a loss of leaves. Trees, like all vegetation, have recovery and
catch-up mechanisms that drive them to seed production. They will grow
new leaves and go through a shortened and reduced production cycle. This
includes the amount of sap flowing.
His dilemma was how to tell
his bosses at Environment Canada that evidence didn’t support the Prime
Ministers accusations. He even talked of publishing under an assumed
name. I pointed out that he might then be fired because he hadn’t done
anything for two years, although that is no guarantee in a bureaucracy.
solution was obvious; he had to retain his scientific integrity and
present his evidence. It was not his job to determine what happened to
the results. His job was to do thorough, well-documented, research. He
was not paid to make political decisions. The report would go up the
bureaucratic ladder until somebody, holding a job for political reasons,
would put it on a shelf. Later, a joint investigation by three US and
three Canadian investigators, confirmed that Acid Rain was not the cause
of the decline in Maple Syrup. After climate conditions changed again,
yields exceeded previous records.
There is no question that Acid
Rain occurred in concentrations sufficient to destroy plants. I lived in
Sudbury Ontario for a year, with its smoke stack, identified as the
source of 10 percent of North American Acid Rain, and saw the effects.
Town leaders were proud of the fact NASA chose the region as most like
the moon for astronaut training. At that time, the philosophy was ‘the
solution to pollution is dilution’, so they built the smokestacks higher
to disperse the sulfur further downwind. Ironically, after scrubbers
were put on the stacks, reports appeared of reduced tree growth downwind
because small amounts of sulfur were a fertilizer enhancing growth.
This appears to support Paracelsus’ 16th century observation that the
toxicity is in the dosage.
Types of Acid Rain And Chemical Variations
vapor condenses on to particles called condensation nuclei (CN), most
of them are clay or salt particles. The CN influences the chemical
nature of the liquid water drop created. For example, salt particles
change the freezing temperature so the droplet becomes super-cooled and
remain liquid below the freezing point. If it is a sulfur particle, the
water droplet becomes a mild sulfuric acid droplet and that became the
Acid Rain of environmental focus.
Most people don’t know that all
rain is acid rain, but not because of the CN. Water, whether in the
form of water droplets that take an estimated 1 million to form a
medium-sized raindrop, absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. Droplets have a
very high ratio of surface area to volume and absorb CO2 at a known
rate. The chemical formula is CO2 + H2O clip_image002 H2CO3,which
results in a weak, approximately 10 percent, carbonic acid in chemical
How much water is there in the atmosphere and how
much does it vary regionally and over time? Two comments give an idea of
the lack of accurate information.
One estimate of the volume of
water in the atmosphere at any one time is about 3,100 cubic miles (mi3)
or 12,900 cubic kilometers (km3).
At any moment, the atmosphere
contains an astounding 37.5 million billion gallons of water, in the
invisible vapor phase. This is enough water to cover the entire surface
of the Earth (land and ocean) with one inch of rain.
these with the extremely poor precipitation data for the entire globe
and you have another example of climate science being a modern
equivalent of the number of angels on the head of a pin. One-person
…the approximate rate of washout of carbon dioxide from
the Earth’s atmosphere via rainwater can be determined from the known
ocean evaporation rate and from the known solubility of CO2 in distilled
water as a function of temperature and CO2 partial pressure.
but what is the figure? I understand estimates of evaporation are very
crude, if not essentially meaningless. In the early atmosphere/ocean
computer models they simply assumed a “swamp” approach of 100 percent
evaporation. The 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Report says,
The spatial resolution of the coupled
ocean-atmosphere models used in the IPCC assessment is generally not
high enough to resolve tropical cyclones, and especially to simulate
their intensity.
Carol Anne Clayson of Woods Hole explains the difficulties.
air-sea interface “is typically the most turbulent part of the ocean,”
Clayson said. A dizzying mix of interrelated factors—waves, winds, water
temperature and salinity, bubbles and spray, solar radiation, and
others—each adds a layer of complexity that occurs over wide ranges of
time (seconds to seasons) and space (millimeters to miles). [See
illustration above.]
“Getting observations of what’s going on at
the air-sea interface is not trivial, especially in extreme conditions
such as high winds,” Clayson said. “It’s also difficult to simulate the
air-sea interactions, especially in extreme conditions, in laboratory
experiments in a wave tank. Current computers don’t have enough
computational capacity to incorporate all the processes occurring, on
all the spatial and temporal scales involved, to produce realistic
So we don’t know and can’t do anything with it. IPCC know the limits, but also know few read or understand the science reports.
Unfortunately, the total surface heat and water fluxes (see Supplementary Material, Figure S8.14) are not well observed.
models to simulate accurately the seasonally varying pattern of
precipitation, they must correctly simulate a number of processes (e.g.,
evapotranspiration, condensation, transport) that are difficult to
evaluate at a global scale.
How much CO2 is absorbed in the
atmosphere by moisture? How much does it vary spatially with changing
temperature of the water droplets and raindrops? How much does it vary
with changing air temperature and saturation vapor pressure? How much
does it vary with wind speed? How do the quantities relate to human
additions of CO2? All we can do is ask questions to help the public
realize the inadequacy of the data and lack of understanding of the
mechanisms behind IPCC claims.
SOURCE £11m for the wind farm that was not workingA wind farm has been paid £11?million not to produce electricity, The Telegraph can disclose.
analysis shows that 10 wind farms have each been paid more than
£3?million over the past three years to shut down their turbines.
sums being handed out to renewable energy companies are up to double
what they would have received for producing electricity.
highest payment of £11.1?million was paid over three years to
ScottishPower, a Spanish-owned firm, which operates the Whitelee wind
farm, around 10 miles from Glasgow.
The disclosures prompted
claims that the Government has failed to “rein in” the amounts being
demanded by wind farm owners to turn off their turbines to stop the
electricity network becoming overloaded.
The money, which is
ultimately added to household bills, is being paid to a series of firms,
including a handful owned by the Swedish, Norwegian and Danish
National Grid is responsible for managing the flow
of electricity and hands producers “constraint payments” to shut down
when there is a risk of the grid overloading because too much is being
Each owner asks for a particular sum for each megawatt
hour of energy its turbines would have produced had they been switched
on, and National Grid chooses whether to accept their assessment.
The industry says the payments cover forgone subsidies, the wear and tear of shutting turbines down and administration costs.
September 2011 MPs demanded action by Ofgem, the energy regulator,
after The Telegraph disclosed that the Norwegian owners of the Crystal
Rig wind farm in the Scottish Borders had been paid £1.2?million not to
produce electricity for eight and a half hours.
Ofgem said that
since then it has brought down the cost of constraint payments, but
critics said firms were still making “excessive” profits.
Renewable Energy Foundation think tank, which compiled the latest
figures from official data, warned that the companies had either made
“token reductions” to the amounts or “simply ignored” warnings that they
should be brought down.
The total payments since 2011 have
exceeded £70?million. Many have been made to wind farms in Scotland,
where a large proportion of the UK’s turbines have been built and there
are “bottlenecks” of energy leaving the area during high winds.
the payments was a total of £7.6?million to RWE Innogy, a German-owned
firm, for shutting down the Farr wind farm, 10 miles from Inverness, on
dozens of occasions. The sum includes £357,353 for shutting down the
wind farm over six days this month.
Fred Olsen has received
£3.2?million for shutting down its 85-turbine Crystal Rig wind farm over
the past three years, including £159,987 earlier this month amid the
high winds caused by Hurricane Bertha.
It asked for £114 per
megawatt hour of energy the turbines would have produced had they been
switched on, which National Grid accepted.
However, the main loss
from turning off its turbines was a consumer subsidy amounting to
around £50. Therefore, it was still receiving £64 per megawatt hour more
than if it had been generating electricity, the foundation said.
Fred Olsen declined to provide a breakdown of the costs involved in shutting down the wind farm.
Lee Moroney, research director of REF, said: “It is now becoming
crystal clear that the full cost of constraints is disturbingly high. A
more robust position from both government and the regulator, Ofgem,
would go a long way to reining in wind power’s very high constraint
Wind farm owners insisted that the number of times wind
farms were paid to shut down was “very small” compared with the number
of times conventional power stations were paid to reduce their output.
Zavody, from RenewableUK, the industry body, said that last year the
total cost of wind constraint payments was around 65p on the average
annual domestic electricity bill.
Ofgem said that since it was
given powers in 2012 to prevent firms getting an “excessive benefit”
from the payments, the prices paid have fallen from an average of £197
per MWh to £83 per MWh.
A spokesman for National Grid said: “For
the moment, constraint payments are the most economically efficient way
to balance the system while we await improvements to the electricity
network such as the Western Link — a £1? billion sub-sea link that will
bring renewable energy from Scotland to the rest of the UK.”
SOURCE Same EPA Office Still Beset with Heinous Bathroom HijinksBack
in June, the Environmental Protection Agency’s Denver regional office
called in a workplace violence expert to help stop its employees from
defecating in the hallways. Two months later, it seems they may need to
request a refund. The problem has gotten out of control.
memos and emails from the same office show the problem is much worse
than originally thought. The documents reveal the “beyond gross”
conditions of the office bathrooms and the apparent fear that has
gripped some employees:
"One of my employees refused to come into
the office today because she is terrified after hearing a story on the
train home last night." ...
"A male supervisor ... told her that
management knows that it is a female on the [redacted] floor who has
been wiping feces and menstrual blood on the walls (I'm really sorry,
this is beyond gross) and that they are worried that her behavior is
One email chain disclosed “a list of at least nine
suspected restroom incidents.” These events lasted throughout the
summer. The situation escalated to such a degree that EPA officials
called for Homeland Security officers to patrol the hallways and other
trouble spots.
The first line to the EPA’s mission statement reads:
purpose is to ensure that all Americans are protected from significant
risks to human health and the environment where they live, learn, and
The appalling conditions at this EPA office are both
outrageously funny and highly unsafe for those that work there. Seeing
as the EPA has proposed an avalanche of new regulations this year
controlling every part of ordinary Americans’ lives, perhaps they should
physically clean up their own house first.
SOURCE ***************************************
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
22 August, 2014
Global warming pause 'may last for another decade', scientists suggestBasic
physics: When something is hot, its molecules are farther apart
than when it is cold. When water is hot, its molecules are further
apart, so it takes up more room. That makes hot water lighter than cold
water, because the cold water has more molecules in the same amount of
room. And put a ping-pong ball into any container of water and watch it
sink to the bottom (NOT!). It's only in Warmist models that hot
(less dense) water sinks. And the Warmists not only say that warm
water sinks to the bottom but they also say that the warm water stays
down there for many years. It's science fantasy, not science
fact. There's no science left in WarmismThe “pause” in
global warming may last another decade before surface temperatures
start rising again, according to scientists who say heat is being stored
in the depths of the Atlantic and Southern Oceans.
average surface temperatures rose rapidly from the 1970s but have been
relatively stable since the late 1990s, in a trend that has been seized
upon by climate sceptics who question the science of man-made warming.
change scientists have proposed more than a dozen theories to explain
the "hiatus", which they say is a "distraction" from the widespread
consensus on global warming.
A new study, published in the
journal Science, suggests that a natural cycle of ocean currents has
caused the phenomenon by drawing heat from shallow waters down almost a
mile into the depths of the Atlantic and Southern Oceans.
cycle naturally produces periods of roughly 30 years in which heat is
stored near the surface of the Atlantic Ocean, leading to warmer
temperatures, followed by roughly 30 years in which it is stored in the
depths, causing cooler surface temperatures, it suggests.
surface temperatures in the last three decades of the 20th century were
roughly half caused by man-made global warming and half by the ocean
currents keeping more heat near the surface, it finds.
When the
ocean cycle reversed around the turn of the century, drawing heat down
into the depths, this served to counteract the effects of man-made
global warming.
"When the internal variability that is
responsible for the current hiatus switches sign, as it inevitably will,
another episode of accelerated global warming should ensue," the study
Prof Ka-Kit Tung of the University of Washington, one
of the report's authors, said: "Historically the cool period lasted 20
to 35 years. The current period already lasted 15 years, so roughly
there [are] 10 more years to go."
But he said that other impacts
of climate change could upset the cycle, which is caused by variation in
the salinity of the water as denser, saltier water sinks.
Tung said the study's findings were a surprise because previous studies
had suggested it was the Pacific Ocean that was "the culprit for hiding
"The data are quite convincing and they show otherwise," he said.
Piers Forster, professor of climate change at the University of Leeds,
said the paper was "another a nail in the coffin of the idea that the
hiatus is evidence that our projections of long term climate change need
revising down".
"Variability in the ocean will not affect
long-term climate trends but may mean we have a period of accelerated
warming to look forward to," he said.
Prof Richard Allan,
professor of climate science at the University of Reading, said:
"Although it is human nature to seek a single cause for notable events,
in reality the complexity of the climate system means that there is not
one simple explanation for a decade of unusual climatic conditions."
SOURCE The hidden persuaders of the environmental eliteAmerica’s
environmental agenda is set by elite foundations that decide which
activists get the money. And they form “affinity groups” to collude with
President Obama’s bureaucracy, which funnels tax dollars to Democratic
advocates to enforce that agenda.
Meet the conservation cash
cartel of the uber-rich: the Environmental Grantmakers Association, a
veteran organization (founded 1985) of more than 200 ultra-wealthy
foundations caught in the spotlight of a new 92-page report exposing Big
Green wealth eating away America’s industrial strength.
This is
the same EGA that emerged during the Senate confirmation hearings for
Rhea Sun Suh, the Interior Department’s new head of national parks and
the Fish and Wildlife Service — a veteran EGA member who invited
colleagues to come visit her any time.
Suh once worked for the
Packard Foundation on programs to block oil and gas production in the
West. Ironically, Packard’s investment portfolio — the profits from
which the foundation pays its anti-oil and gas grants — holds more than
$350,000 in ExxonMobil shares, and millions in dozens of other
lesser-known fossil fuel securities.
Most of EGA’s foundation
members have similar million-dollar dirty little secrets, but their
tax-exempt activist recipients are not morally conflicted by taking
fossil fuel cash and keeping it a secret as long as it furthers their
corrosive goals.
The convoluted ethics that Greenpeace, for
example, concocts in order to show how its oil-soaked funding — when
exposed — is purified by the intent of the giver are classic
unintentional self-parody.
The new report is titled “The Chain of
Environmental Command: How a Club of Billionaires and Their Foundations
Control the Environmental Movement and Obama’s EPA,” and was produced
by the Republican staff of the Senate Environment and Public Works
Committee under the direction of Sen. David Vitter of Louisiana, the
committee's ranking minority member.
Its executive summary
states, “an elite group of left-wing millionaires and billionaires,
which this report refers to as the 'Billionaire’s Club,' directs and
controls the far-left environmental movement, which in turn controls
major policy decisions and lobbies on behalf of the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency.”
Having researched that topic for decades, I
was impressed by the scope and detail of the oversight team’s work, and
asked Vitter how he felt about it.
“This report really gets to
the core of tracking the money and exposing the collusion," Vitter told
me. "The complicated, layered system is intended to create a lack of
transparency. There is an unbelievable amount of money behind the
environmental movement and far too much collusion between far-left
environmental groups and the Obama EPA."
The collusion is like
something out of a bad spy movie. Vitter’s oversight team uncovered a
June 2009 deal in which the Rockefeller Family Fund offered then-EPA
Administrator Lisa Jackson to pay for a plant inside the President’s
Council on Environmental Quality to “stake the EPA’s claim there,” and
then slip the shill into a pre-arranged EPA job, giving the agency a
White House insider on staff — and, not coincidentally, tightening the
Rockefeller power grip over the EPA.
Jackson wrote her chief of
staff Diane Thompson, “I think it’s a fine idea and can only help EPA in
the long run” — using her fake Richard Windsor email account – and
Thompson replied, “My thoughts exactly. The more inside connections the
The Rockefeller shill was Shalini Vajjhala, who agreed
to leave her minor position at Resources for the Future, a Washington
think tank, for a two-month stint at the CEQ (with the pretentious title
of "deputy associate director for energy and climate"). Then the EPA
slipped her in as deputy assistant administrator of the Office of
International & Tribal Affairs. Vajjhala remained until her 2011
appointment as EPA’s special representative leading a presidential
U.S.-Brazil initiative.
After Vajjhala cycled through the White
House and EPA, she got her personal reward in 2012: approval to found
and manage a new investment portfolio supported by the Rockefeller
Foundation (the original 1913 John D. Rockefeller philanthropy, not the
fourth generation’s Family Fund — there are many Rockefeller tentacles).
Vajjhala now contributes to the Huffington Post, funded in part by the
Park Foundation.
EGA foundations are metastasizing into hundreds
of far-left funds. The report drills into the Sea Change Foundation, “a
private California foundation, which relies on funding from undisclosed
donors and funnels tens of millions of dollars to other foundations and
prominent environmental activists who strive to control both policy and
There is an incredible seedbed of Sea Change front
groups: Bill Gates’ foundation gave Sea Change Capital Partners $2.5
million; eBay’s Omidyar Network Fund gave the same partners $2 million;
David Rockefeller’s personal foundation gave to the Center for Sea
Change. Walmart’s foundation gave $500,000 to Strategies for the Global
Foundation Sea Change, an international tentacle into the White House.
it’s not just the environment. The Crime Prevention Research Center, a
nonprofit that tracks gun control activists, reported, "On January 8th,
2013, the Obama Administration met with 23 large foundations to organize
a push for national gun control. They included such organizations as
the Open Society Institute, the McCormick Foundation, the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation” and the MacArthur Foundation.
appear to be colluding with almost every department of the Obama
administration. And it’s not just the Big Green donors. It’s time for
Congress to hear testimony from a sampling of manipulative foundation
program directors and investment managers explaining themselves to those
whose lives they influence.
a powerful vacuum cleaner before they are BANNED: New EU rules 'will
outlaw best models in 10 days because they're not eco-friendly'Many
of the best vacuum cleaners will be taken off the market from next
month when a new EU rule comes into force banning the most powerful
Households that need a powerful vacuum cleaner should ‘act
quickly’ before all of the models currently available sell out,
consumer watchdog Which? warned.
From September 1, manufacturers will not be able to make or import vacuums with a motor that exceeds 1,600 watts.
But Which? warned that many of the best models, which appear in its Best Buy tables, have motor sizes that exceed this.
Of seven awarded ‘Best Buy’ status since January 2013, five have motors of more than 1,600 watts, it said.
The maximum wattage will be lowered even further to 900 watts by 2017. Current cleaners boast an average of 1,800 watts.
move has angered manufacturers, who say it will do nothing to make
cleaners more environmentally friendly and will simply reduce efficiency
in the home.
Critics say cleaners satisfying the new rule may
use less power, but householders will have to use them for longer so
they are likely to use the same amount of electricity in the long run.
the first time, vacuum cleaners will have ratings from A to G for
energy use, cleaning performance on carpets and hard floors and dust
But manufacturers will create their own labels and
will be self-regulated. Which? warned that it is unclear whether the
ratings will be tested at all by an independent third party.
added that manufacturers that give themselves A ratings across the board
often don’t do so well in its own independent tests, while those that
do not score as highly often do better in the Which? laboratories.
Which? only offers its list of ‘endangered’ Best Buy vacuum cleaners to its paid subscribers.
popular cleaners still on sale at the moment which would be outlawed by
the new rule include a Bosch Power All Floor Bagged Vacuum Cleaner, a
Miele S6210 2000 Watt Bagged Cylinder Vacuum Cleaner and the Panasonic
Bagged Upright Vacuum Cleaner Black 2000w.
Despite his company
not producing any vacuum over 1,400 watts, Sir James Dyson, the
billionaire entrepreneur who pioneered ‘bagless’ vacuums, is also
angered by the proposal.
He says the eco-labels will be
misleading because they will not take into account the cost and waste of
vacuum bags and filters and will give an advantage to competitors who
use ‘bag’ technology.
He is seeking a judicial review of the proposal at the European Court of Justice.
many as 126 million vacuum cleaner bags were sent to landfill last year
alone, according to Dyson, assuming that all the bagged vacuum cleaners
use one bag a month. But the cost to households and the environment is
not factored in to the new EU labelling.
But the European Commission believes the new regulations will mean better vacuum cleaners for consumers.
a result of the new EU ecodesign and labelling regulations, consumers
will also get better vacuum cleaners,’ European Commission spokeswoman
for energy Marlene Holzner said in a blog.
'In the past there was no legislation on vacuum cleaners and companies could sell poorly performing vacuum cleaners.
vacuum cleaners that use a lot of energy, that pick up dust poorly,
emit too much dust at the exhaust of the vacuum cleaner, are noisy or
break down pre-maturely will not be allowed on the market anymore.
'This means a better cleaning experience and less time and money spent on vacuum cleaning.’
The new measures will be extended to other appliances, including water pumps, water heaters and tumble dryers.
SOURCE Leonardo DiCaprio climate change video declares carbon dioxide to be ‘poison’!DiCaprio
fights ‘carbon monster’ in new eco-documentary featuring Joe Romm &
Sen. Bernie Sanders - Leonardo DiCaprio:'We no longer need the dead
economy of the fossil fuel industry.'
Leonardo DiCaprio’s new
climate film titled ‘Carbon’, produced and narrated by DiCaprio,
features environmental activist and talk show host Thom Hartmann touting
a carbon tax and referring to carbon dioxide, (a trace essential gas in
the atmosphere) as a “poison”.
“Finland and the Netherlands
implemented a carbon tax back in 1990, both putting a price tag on each
ton of CO2 poison,” Hartmann is featured as saying in the DiCaprio
produced video. The new video released August 20, was produced by ‘Green
World Rising’ and stars DiCaprio and is supported by the Leonardo
DiCaprio Foundation.
But scientists reject the notion that carbon dioxide is a “poison.”
Physicist Dr. Will Happer testified to Congress in 2009 and bristled at
the notion that CO2 would be considered “poison.”
“I keep
hearing about the pollutant CO2, or about poisoning the atmosphere with
CO2. CO2 is not a pollutant. It is not a poison and we
should not corrupt the English language by depriving ‘pollutant’ and
poison of their original meaning,” Happer explained.
Geologist Leighton Steward told Climate Depot in July that CO2 is beneficial to the Earth.
is not a single professor of chemistry that I have come across that can
give one single example of carbon dioxide being a pollutant,” Steward
Far from CO2 being a “poison,” as DiCaprio’s video
states, the Geologist Steward says that rising CO2 levels are literally
greening the planet Earth.
“The plants are growing more robustly,
food crops, the Earth has been getting greener and greener and greener,
because a real experiment, an empirical experiment has been done. We
are just fertilizing the plants. the eco-system is getting more robust,”
Steward said.
SOURCE Hillary is a CO2 factoryAircraft are major producers of CO2.Hillary Rodham Clinton likes to travel in style.
She insists on staying in the “presidential suite” of luxury hotels that she chooses anywhere in the world, including Las Vegas.
usually requires those who pay her six-figure fees for speeches to also
provide a private jet for transportation — only a $39 million,
16-passenger Gulfstream G450 or larger will do.
And she doesn’t
travel alone, relying on an entourage of a couple of “travel aides,” and
a couple of advance staffers who check out her speech site in the days
leading up to her appearance, much like a White House trip, according to
her contract and supporting documents concerning her Oct. 13 speech at a
University of Nevada, Las Vegas Foundation fundraiser. The documents
were obtained by the Las Vegas Review-Journal through the state public
records law.
SOURCE Refracking Ready to Rejuvenate Shale RevolutionThanks
to the dual-deployment of horizontal well drilling and hydraulic
fracturing, oil and gas firms have unlocked massive new reserves across
the United States, completely transforming America’s energy fortunes in
just a matter of years. Critics, however, have pointed out that these
new wells often give way to a rapid decline in output, arguing that the
shale boom isn’t all it’s fracked up to be. The shale drilling industry
is working to solve this problem, and one method, which involves tiny
plastic balls added to the slurry pumped underground to break up shale
rock, is allowing producers to “refrack” wells previously thought to be
tapped out. Reuters reports:
"Wells sunk as little as three years
ago are being fracked again, the latest innovation in the
technology-driven shale oil revolution. Hydraulic fracturing, which has
upended global energy markets by lifting U.S. crude oil output to a
25-year high, has been troubled by quick declines in oil and gas output.
Using minuscule plastic balls, known as diverting agents,
pumped at high speeds with water into the old wells, most of which are
three to five years old, [Canadian firm Encana Corp.] blocked some the
older fractures, or cracks. “The thought is that the diverting agent
will go to the cracks with the least amount of pressure,” bypassing
cracks with higher pressure and boosting the pressure of the entire well
so output climbs, [said David Martinez, Encana's senior manager for
Haynesville development]."
It’s a common but very serious mistake
to predict the future based on what holds true today. In this case,
those who have predicted the demise of the shale revolution may soon be
forced to eat their words. The pace of technological change is
accelerating, redefining possibilities along the way. We’re seeing this
on display in the energy world, where plays that a decade ago were
thought to be permanently inaccessible are suddenly gushing oil and gas.
To expect no further breakthroughs along the lines of fracking and
horizontal well-drilling is a mistake.
SOURCE ***************************************
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
21 August, 2014
That pesky old sunThere
has been a mini-flood in recent days of research reports that find the
earth's climate to be influenced by solar variations -- something
Warmists have always rejected. I put up yesterday a report sourced
out of Lund university in Sweden and I reproduce four more reports
Hundred-Year Period Of Increased Solar Activity Coming To An EndArticle from Finland using American dataThe
space climate is undergoing an extremely interesting phase – a 100-year
period of heightened solar activity is coming to an end.
The sun
and weather are the favourite topics of discussion every summer. Kalevi
Mursula, professor of space physics at the University of Oulu is
interested in both but his interest goes beyond the atmosphere. Mursula
studies space climate, including radiation and particles in our solar
At the moment, the space climate is undergoing an extremely interesting phase.
engine of the space climate is the sun, which exerts is influence on
its environment by emitting light and releasing solar wind, a stream of
charged particles. Now a 100-year period of heightened solar activity is
coming to an end.
Keeping tabs on solar activity is important.
solar activity refers to strong solar winds and electromagnetic
eruptions called solar storms. When coming into contact with the Earth’s
atmosphere, these eruptions may disrupt the functioning of electric
devices and communication networks.
Last week,
Helsingin Sanomat reported physicist
Dr. Pete Riley’s calculations indicating that the likelihood of a disruptive solar storm over the next decade is 12 per cent.
our data on space particles are from the period of heightened solar
activity. It’ll be interesting to see how the decrease in the activity
affects the space climate.”
The task is made easier by the large
quantity of data available to scientists as solar radiation is being
monitored on dozens of wavelengths across the electromagnetic spectrum.
Researchers also gather additional information by observing the particle concentration in the near-Earth space.
Observing the past
the Academy of Finland’s Centre of Excellence, the Research on Solar
Long-term Variability and Effects (ReSoLVE) team, led by Mursula, is not
satisfied with the current state of knowledge.
The scientists at the centre want to find out what has occurred in the sun’s activity over the past 150 years.
have both direct and indirect observations on solar activity available
to us. For example, the number of sunspots have been observed for a long
Information dating even further back can be gathered from
drillings on ice caps, which contain isotopes that make it possible to
draw conclusions on earlier changes in solar activity. These isotopes
indicate that the sun was exceptionally active during the 20th century
but periods of even greater activity took place thousands of years ago.
reason behind the fluctuation in solar activity is not yet known. One
hypothesis is that these long solar cycles are caused by the gravity
forces of the planets in the solar system.
However, the current knowledge does not support this hypothesis.
SOURCE Solar cycles linked to climate pause, assist in coastal planningAustralian dataLONG-TERM
natural cycles linked to the sun could explain the pause in global
average surface temperatures and offer a better guide for coastal
planners to predict sea level rises, storm surges and natural disasters.
of the findings in Ocean and Coastal Management follows a decade-long
struggle for the lead author, Australian scientist Robert Baker from the
University of New England, whose work has challenged the orthodox
climate science view that carbon dioxide is the dominant factor in
climate change.
Dr Baker, a former chair of the International
Geographical Commission on Modelling Geographic Systems, said what had
been a purely scientific debate on climate change until 2005 had become
political. His latest paper with his PhD student faced a series of
objections from scientists close to the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change but was published after an 11-member peer review panel
voted 8-3 to publish. An editorial that accompanied the paper said it
was an “excellent example of how to approach these complex issues that
are now vulnerable to often irrational and heated debate instead of the
required proper scientific discussion”.
The Baker paper suggests
a hybrid model that allows future climate change to be estimated with
or without human influences. The authors said this would provide a
better legal foundation for decision making. Problems with coastal
planning in NSW, based on sea-level predictions from climate modelling,
were cited in the international paper.
The paper accepts that if
there is a human influence on climate change, then it could result in a
threefold increase in one-in-100-year extreme coastal events. But it
says, as the hiatus shows, human influence can be overtaken by long-term
natural cycles, making predictions less certain. The combination of
natural and human-induced change in a hybrid model of natural cycles and
human influence suggested by Dr Baker produces a “planner’s dilemma”
of determining whether extreme events are natural fluctuations or from
anthropogenic warming.
The paper shows, from scientific analysis
of a large number of data sets, that previous fluctuations are periodic
and likely to repeat, which has previously been ignored in climate
models. According to the paper, the new model was able to simulate a
number of climate features . This included greater heat uptake in the
oceans to explain the present temperature “pause”; regional effects
whereby global warming impacts were not evenly spread ; and planetary,
lunar and solar cycles being embedded within the chaotic fluctuations in
short-term mean sea-level data. Historic cycles could be predicted to
repeat, except with the addition of anthropogenic warming, where the
impact could be magnified.
The IPCC’s latest report said the
“pause” was due to natural variation and ocean warming. Climate
scientists say they expect warming to resume in the near future.
SOURCE Chinese study shows solar influence on climateResearch
from China published in a peer reviewed Chinese language journal claims
that there is a strong correlation between solar output and the warming
of the Earth and implies that the climate models used by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) may have
"underestimated" the impact of natural factors on climate change.
recent study claims to demonstrate the existence of significant
resonance cycles and high correlations between solar activity and the
Earth's averaged surface temperature during centuries, according to an
accompanying press release. The press release also claims that a peer
reviewer of this paper stated "this work provides a possible explanation
for the global warming".
This is a controversial claim and flies
in the face of evidence presented by the IPCC and accepted by many
climate scientists that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2)
have been the main factor driving up global temperatures in the
industrial age.
The press release states: "climate models of IPCC
seem to underestimate the impact of natural factors on the climate
change, while overstate that of human activities". It adds that the
study "implies that the "modern maximum" of solar activity agrees well
with the recent global warming of the Earth. A significant correlation
between them can be found".
The research by Dr. Zhao Xinhua and
Dr. Feng Xueshang from Chinese state space weather laboratory is
published in the peer reviewed journal Chinese Science Bulletin. The
paper is written in Chinese with an English language abstract.
their English language abstract (see below) the authors state: “During
the past 100 years, solar activities display a clear increasing tendency
that corresponds to the global warming of the Earth (including land and
ocean) very well. Particularly, the ocean temperature has a slightly
higher correlation to solar activity than the land temperature. All
these demonstrate that solar activity has a non-negligible forcing on
the temperature change of the Earth on the time scale of centuries.”
research goes to the heart of the issue of the importance of the sun in
climate change and also the issue of the so called sensitivity of the
climate to changes in atmospheric CO2 levels. The implication of the
research is that the sensitivity of the climate to increases in CO2 is
less than that assumed in IPCC model forecasts and therefore that the
sun plays a far greater role in influencing climate change than
previously acknowledged.
The IPCC's AR5 science report published
in September 2013 states: "Nonetheless, there is a high confidence that
21st century solar forcing will be much smaller than the projected
increased forcing due to GHGs."
A recent study demonstrates the
existence of significant resonance cycles and high correlations between
solar activity and the Earth's averaged surface temperature during
centuries. This provides a new clue to reveal the phenomenon of global
warming in recent years.
Their work, entitled "Periodicities of
solar activity and the surface temperature variation of the Earth and
their correlations" was published in CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN (In
Chinese) 2014 No.14 with the co-corresponding authors of Dr. Zhao Xinhua
and Dr. Feng Xueshang from State key laboratory of space weather,
CSSAR/NSSC, Chinese Academy of Sciences. It adopts the wavelet analysis
technique and cross correlation method to investigate the periodicities
of solar activity and the Earth's temperature as well as their
correlations during the past centuries.
Global warming is one of
the hottest and most debatable issues at present. The Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) claimed that the release of the
anthropogenic greenhouse gases contributed to 90% or even higher of the
observed increase in the global average temperature in the past 50
years. However, the debate on the causes of the global warming never
stops. Research shows that the current warming does not exceed the
natural fluctuations of climate. The climate models of IPCC seem to
underestimate the impact of natural factors on the climate change, while
overstate that of human activities. Solar activity is an important
ingredient of natural driving forces of climate. Therefore, it is
valuable to investigate the influence of solar variability on the
Earth's climate change on long time scales.
This innovative study
combines the measured data with those reconstructed to disclose the
periodicities of solar activity during centuries and their correlations
with the Earth's temperature. The obtained results demonstrate that
solar activity and the Earth's temperature have significant resonance
cycles, and the Earth's temperature has periodic variations similar to
those of solar activity (Figure 1).
This study also implies that
the "modern maximum" of solar activity agrees well with the recent
global warming of the Earth. A significant correlation between them can
be found (Figure 2).
As pointed out by a peer reviewer, "this work provides a possible explanation for the global warming".
on the well-calibrated systematic measurements of sunspot numbers, the
reconstructed data of the total solar irradiance (TSI), and the observed
anomalies of the Earth’s averaged surface temperature (global, ocean,
land), this paper investigates the periodicities of both solar activity
and the Earth’s temperature variation as well as their correlations on
the time scale of centuries using the wavelet and cross correlation
analysis techniques. The main results are as follows. (1) Solar
activities (including sunspot number and TSI) have four major periodic
components higher than the 95% significance level of white noise during
the period of interest, i.e. 11-year period, 50-year period, 100-year
period, and 200-year period. The global temperature anomalies of the
Earth have only one major periodic component of 64.3-year period, which
is close to the 50-year cycle of solar activity. (2) Significant
resonant periodicities between solar activity and the Earth’s
temperature are focused on the 22- and 50-year period. (3) Correlations
between solar activity and the surface temperature of the Earth on the
long time scales are higher than those on the short time scales. As far
as the sunspot number is concerned, its correlation coefficients to the
Earth temperature are 0.31-0.35 on the yearly scale, 0.58-0.70 on the
11-year running mean scale, and 0.64-0.78 on the 22-year running mean
scale. TSI has stronger correlations to the Earth temperature than
sunspot number. (4) During the past 100 years, solar activities display a
clear increasing tendency that corresponds to the global warming of the
Earth (including land and ocean) very well. Particularly, the ocean
temperature has a slightly higher correlation to solar activity than the
land temperature. All these demonstrate that solar activity has a
non-negligible forcing on the temperature change of the Earth on the
time scale of centuries.
Periodicities of solar activity and the
surface temperature variation of the Earth and their correlations by
ZHAO X H, FENG X S.Chin Sci Bull (Chin Ver), 2014, 59: 1284, doi:
SOURCE Astronomy journal reports solar influence on climateReport by an international teamResearch
published in an astronomy journal suggests that high solar output seen
in the second half of the last century was a once in 3,000 year event.
astronomical finding based on a careful analysis of sunspot activity
has clear implications for climate science as the so called “grand
maximum” in solar output identified by the researchers and observed
between 1950 and 2009 co-incided with the rapid warming of global
surface temperatures seen during the second half of the 20th century.
international team of space scientists from Finland, France,
Switzerland and Russia who authored the paper, “Evidence for distinct
modes of solar activity” which appeared in the journal Astronomy &
Astrophysics, do not explicitly link their results to climate science.
state that the sun has several modes of activity and oscillates between
periods of higher and lower output. “The distribution of solar activity
is clearly bi-modal, implying the existence of distinct modes of
activity. The main regular activity mode corresponds to moderate
activity that varies in a relatively narrow band between sunspot numbers
? 20 and 67. The existence of a separate Grand minimum mode with
reduced solar activity, which cannot be explained by random fluctuations
of the regular mode, is confirmed at a high confidence level,” they
There is an indication that the Grand maximum seen between
1950 and 2009 also corresponds to a separate mode of activity, they
state, “but the low statistics does not allow us to firmly conclude on
this, yet”. The low statistics they refer to are because the solar
output seen during this period was only observed once during the 3,000
or so years covered by the study.
The research was based on analysis
of carbon-14 and magnetic evidence contained in sediments and rocks to
reconstruct solar activity over a 3,000 year period.
implications of this result are controversial as they appear to fly in
the face of evidence presented by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) and accepted by many climate scientists that increases in
atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) have been the main factor driving up
global temperatures in the industrial age and that the sun has played a
minor role.
This finding that the period of most intense global
warming has coincided with an unprecedented peak in recorded solar
output will add pressure onto the IPCC to look again at the
interconnection between the sun and the climate.
The Sun shows strong variability in its magnetic activity, from Grand
minima to Grand maxima, but the nature of the variability is not fully
understood, mostly because of the insufficient length of the directly
observed solar activity records and of uncertainties related to
long-term reconstructions. Here we present a new adjustment-free
reconstruction of solar activity over three millennia and study its
different modes.
Methods. We present a new adjustment-free,
physical reconstruction of solar activity over the past three millennia,
using the latest verified carbon cycle, 14C production, and
archeomagnetic field models. This great improvement allowed us to study
different modes of solar activity at an unprecedented level of details.
The distribution of solar activity is clearly bi-modal, implying the
existence of distinct modes of activity. The main regular activity mode
corresponds to moderate activity that varies in a relatively narrow band
between sunspot numbers 20 and 67. The existence of a separate Grand
minimum mode with reduced solar activity, which cannot be explained by
random fluctuations of the regular mode, is confirmed at a high
confidence level. The possible existence of a separate Grand maximum
mode is also suggested, but the statistics is too low to reach a
confident conclusion.
Conclusions. The Sun is shown to operate in
distinct modes – a main general mode, a Grand minimum mode
corresponding to an inactive Sun, and a possible Grand maximum mode
corresponding to an unusually active Sun. These results provide
important constraints for both dynamo models of Sun-like stars and
investigations of possible solar influence on Earth’s climate.
for distinct modes of solar activity by I. G. Usoskin, G. Hulot, Y.
Gallet, R. Roth, A. Licht, F. Joos, G. A. Kovaltsov, E. Thébaultand A.
Khokhlov published inAstronomy and Astrophysics A&A Volume 562,
February 2014 DOI
SOURCE Climate change a symbolic battle against an unpleasant, toxic way of lifeThe rural simplicity idealized by Hitler still guides GreensI
suspect most readers of my column do not religiously read The Atlantic.
I don’t either. But I have people — readers who alert me to news and
information I might not see otherwise. Though the Atlantic has gained
recent notoriety for the interview with Hilary Clinton, in which she
says: “Great nations need organizing principles, and ‘Don’t do stupid
stuff’ is not an organizing principle,” there is more to it. With so
much focus on the Clinton quote, it would be easy to overlook an article
within the September issue: How to Talk About Climate Change So People
Will Listen.
While I don’t think the author of the nine-page
article, Charles C. Mann, ever really offers the answers the title
posits, and is seven pages in before he even attempts to advise the
reader on the premise, he does offer some noteworthy insights.
is obviously a believer in anthropogenic (or man-made) climate change.
Much of his essay is spent deriding the left for its unrestrained
rhetoric that it uses to “scare Americans into action.” He says:
“the chatter itself, I would argue, has done its share to stall
Within his argument is some history and context that
is illustrative for those who see climate change as cyclical — something
natural that has happened before and will happen again, rather than
something that is new, scary, and human-caused. Those of us who believe
the climate changes, but that human activity is, certainly, not the
primary driver, struggle to understand the cult-like following of
alarmists like Bill McKibben, founder of (“A group that seeks to
create a mass movement against climate change”) — who Mann spends
several paragraphs criticizing.
While I doubt that this is Mann’s
intent, a careful reader will realize that today’s climate hysteria has
less to do with the climate and more to do with control and economic
Mann starts his history lesson with Paul Ehrlich, author
of The Population Bomb — whom I wrote about in June. Mann calls
Ehrlich’s book “a foundational text in the environmental movement” —
yet, he points out that Ehrlich’s “predictions didn’t pan out.” Instead
of discrediting Ehrlich, his work, somehow, gave birth to what Mann
calls “environmental politics.” Continuing, Mann asserts that Earth Day
“became an opportunity to denounce capitalist greed.”
Using acid
rain as an example, Mann points out: “environmentalists meanwhile found
out the problems were less dire than they had claimed” and that “Today,
most scientists have concluded that the effects of acid rain were
overstated to begin with.”
Because I follow the politics of
energy policy, I found this point Mann makes most interesting:
“Environmental issues became ways for politicians to signal their clan
identity to supporters.” He observes: “As symbols, the ideas couldn’t be
compromised.” And, he states: “climate change is perfect for symbolic
battle.” He calls carbon dioxide “a side effect of modernity.”
the charts and graphs that so frequently accompany the climate change
hyperbole, Mann says: “In the history of our species, has any human
heart ever been profoundly stirred by a graph? Some other approach,
proselytizers have recognized, is needed.”
When he gets to
McKibben, Mann accuses him of stoking concern “Ehrlich-style.” Mann
explains: “The only solution to our ecological woes, McKibben argues, is
to live simpler, more local, less resource-intensive existences” —
which McKibben believes “will have the happy side effect of turning a
lot of unpleasant multinational corporations to ash.” He concludes his
section on McKibben with this: “McKibbenites see carbon dioxide as an
emblem of a toxic way of life.”
In response to McKibben’s model,
Mann cites French philosopher Pascal Bruckner, who argues: “people react
with suspicion, skepticism, and sighing apathy — the opposite of the
reaction McKibbenites hope to evoke.” Bruckner, according to Mann,
likens ecologism to “moral blackmail” as it attempts to “force humanity
into a puritanical straitjacket of rural simplicity.” “Ecologism”
according to Mann/Bruckner, “employs …bludgeons to compel people to
accept modes of existence they would otherwise reject.”
Mann acknowledges: “Nobody seems to have much appetite for giving up
the perks of an industrial civilization” that Mann calls a “boon to
humankind,” for which he credits “cheap energy from fossil fuels.” He
says: “an unprecedented three-century wave of prosperity” was “driven by
the explosive energy of coal, oil and natural gas.”
“True,” says
Dan Sutter, professor of economics with the Manuel Johnson Center for
Political Economy at Troy University, and who has taught environmental
economics and energy economics and done extensive research on extreme
weather, as well as the political economy of environmental policy.
Sutter told me: “The underlying change that enabled the industrial
revolution was the emergence of economic freedom and a market economy.
The essence of the market economy is decentralized decision making, and
this has led to the harnessing of energy to the benefit of humankind.”
continued: “Stabilizing atmospheric carbon dioxide at something close
to current levels (or lower) will require centralized control over the
allocation of energy, meaning centralized control over the economy.
Thinking about the distant future is difficult, but energy central
planning will bring a halt to the market forces that have produced the
first significant improvement in human standards of living in thousands
of years.”
So, while Mann concedes that cheap energy from fossil
fuels “has been an extraordinary boon to humankind;” and that previous
crises — Ehrlich and acid rain, for example — “didn’t pan out,” “have
been less dire,” or have been “overstated;” and that environmental
issues have become political; and that today’s climate crusaders are
clinging to a “symbolic battle” with the ultimate goal of “asking
nations to revamp the base of their own prosperity,” though “nobody
seems to have much appetite for giving up the perks of industrial
civilization,” Mann is still searching for a way to reduce carbon
dioxide emissions from coal.
The answer, Mann posits, is
“retrofitting 7,000 industrial facilities” — coal-fueled power plants.
For what? For a crisis that is “overstated” like those before it and
turns out to be “less dire,” we should allow the “symbolic battle” of
the climate crusaders to remove that which has been “an extraordinary
boon to humankind?”
Toward the end of his tome, Mann states: “the
environment has become a proxy for a tribal battle.” He doesn’t state
what the tribes are, but from the preceding pages, it is clear that he
means the left and the right; the Democrats and the Republicans; those
who want to turn corporations to ash, denounce capitalist greed, and
force humanity into a straitjacket of rural simplicity and those who
understand that the industrial revolution, the market economy, and
“cheap energy from fossil fuels” have been “an extraordinary boon to
Yes, Mann is correct. “The environment has become a
proxy for a tribal battle.” But, as Mann points out, the climate
alarmists scare tactics aren’t working — only 20 percent of likely U.S.
voters believe the scientific debate about global warming is over. He
believes it is because they “don’t know how to talk about climate
change.” I believe people are smarter than he gives them credit for.
They have heard the “chatter.” They’ve seen, that like Erlich, the
“predictions didn’t pan out.”
The “political back-and-forth has
become less productive,” which is why we see a switching of sides.
Democrats, like Senator Joe Manchin (D-VA), are defending coal.
“Full-throated green-energy champions,” like Mark Udall, are supporting
fracking. At risk of alienating environmental groups, those who just two
years ago voted to restrict oil-and-gas exports, like Rep. Steve Israel
(D-NY) and House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD), are now voting to
speed up the government’s reviews of applications to export natural gas,
which the Wall Street Journal calls: “a move long sought by energy
What would cause this shift in the tribal battle? The
answer, I believe, is simple: no one wants to be in the losing tribe.
As Mann unwittingly makes the case for, alarmist claims are met with
“suspicion, skepticism, and sighing apathy” — and those are not the
battle cries of a winner.
SOURCE New Study: Increase In Reported UK Flooding Due To Population Growth, Not Global WarmingA
rise in the number of reported floods in the UK over the past 129 years
can mainly be explained by increased exposure, resulting from urban
expansion and population growth, according to new research by the
University of Southampton.
In one of the most comprehensive
studies of its kind, scientists have discovered that although the number
of reported floods has gone up during the 20th and 21st Century, this
trend disappears when the figures are adjusted to reflect population
growth and increased building numbers over the same period.
in the journal Hydrological Sciences, the study looks at data sets from
1884 to 2013 and found an upward trend in reported flooding, with flood
events appearing more frequently towards the end of the 20th century,
peaking in 2012 when annual rainfall was the second highest in over 100
The rise in UK flood reports over the 20th Century
coincides with population growth from 38.2 million to 59.1 million and a
tripling in the number of houses, from 7.7 million to 24.8 million.
a result there were more properties exposed to flooding and more people
to report flooding,” says lead author Andrew Stevens. “A higher
exposure to flooding will result in more reported flood events and
larger potential damages.”
The study found significant variation
between decades in both the raw and adjusted data, with the years
between 1908 -1934, 1977 – 1988 and 1998 – 2013 featuring a relatively
high numbers of reported floods.
SOURCE ***************************************
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
20 August, 2014
Arctic Sea Ice Area Highest Since 2004August
16 Arctic sea ice area is the highest in a decade, up 54% from two
years ago, and within one standard deviation of the 1979-2014 mean.

Green shows ice gain since August 16, 2012. Red shows loss.
SOURCEUh oh: California solar plant fries thousands of birds in mid-flightWorkers
at a state-of-the-art solar plant in the Mojave Desert have a name for
birds that fly through the plant’s concentrated sun rays — “streamers,”
for the smoke plume that comes from birds that ignite in midair.
wildlife investigators who visited the BrightSource Energy plant last
year and watched as birds burned and fell, reporting an average of one
“streamer” every two minutes, are urging California officials to halt
the operator’s application to build a still-bigger version.
investigators want the halt until the full extent of the deaths can be
assessed. Estimates per year now range from a low of about a thousand by
BrightSource to 28,000 by an expert for the Center for Biological
Diversity environmental group.
Jon Gabriel on the history of this plant with environmentalists and regulators:
facility has concerned environmentalists in the past, as its
construction bladed over 3,500 acres of virgin desert. Being California,
the state government required BrightSource to relocate a bunch of
desert gopher tortoises to the tune of $22 million. The installation
also endangers pilots flying the busy Los Angeles–Las Vegas corridor;
they can be dazzled by the intense light.
It remains to be seen
if regulators will stop the plant’s operation, but at least the world’s
largest bug zapper should educate environmentalists and green energy
For too long, the public has been told that energy
production is less a matter of physics than one of morality. Renewable
energy like solar and wind are sold as “good” while reliable energy
sources like oil and coal are “evil.” Methods like hydroelectric,
nuclear and natural gas all were initially sold as clean and green, but
became demonized the instant they turned a profit or revealed unintended
Between this and slaying bald eagles with impunity, green energy is literally killin’ it lately.
SOURCEIs the SUN driving climate change? Solar activity - 'and not just humans' - could be increasing global warming, study claimsIt's not just humans that are to blame for global warming - natural activity from the sun also has an impact on climate change.
is according to a Swedish research team that has reconstructed the
sun's activity at the end of the last ice age, around 20,000 to 10,000
years ago.
The study shows that the sun's variation influences
the climate regardless of whether the climate is extreme, as it was
during the Ice Age, or moderate, as it is today.
However the
researchers do not say solar activity is the sole cause of the current
warming of our planet, which most scientists agree is being accelerated
by human activities.
The researchers from Lund University in
Sweden came to their conclusion by analysing trace elements in ice cores
in Greenland and cave formations from China.
Their research
shows that the regional climate is influenced by the sun and offers
opportunities to better predict future climate conditions in certain
Dr Raimund Muscheler, lecturer in Quaternary Geology at
Lund University and co-author of the study, told MailOnline that solar
activity in the modern day was causing about 0.1 degrees of warming in
the 11-year solar cycle.
'Bit it's quite debated how much it
really contributed in the last 100 years, since solar activity increased
a bit,' Dr Muscheler says. 'The long trend is debated, but most
people don't think it's much more than 0.1 degrees.'
However, he warned that the sun was not the only factor in causing climate change.
'Climate skeptics like to say sun is causing more global warming than we think but I don’t think so.
our paper shows is we need to include all processes - greenhouses, the
sun and so on, especially for local climates which is important of
During the last glacial maximum, Sweden was covered in a
thick ice sheet that stretched all the way down to northern Germany and
sea levels were more than 330ft (100m) lower than they are today,
because the water was frozen in the extensive ice caps.
'The study shows an unexpected link between solar activity and climate change,' Dr Muscheler said in a press release.
shows both that changes in solar activity are nothing new and that
solar activity influences the climate, especially on a regional level.
'Understanding these processes helps us to better forecast the climate in certain regions.'
Joanna Haigh, Professor of Atmospheric Physics at Imperial College
London, tells MailOnline that the research is interesting but people
should not jump to any conclusions.
'This is a very nice careful
piece of work which provides evidence from Greenland, over a period
10,000-25,000 years ago, consistent with a picture that has emerged from
other studies looking at changes over more recent times,' she says.
'This shows that when the sun is less active winters are likely to be warmer in Greenland and colder in Northwest Europe.
is not easy to draw any conclusions from this work with regard to the
sun’s role in global warming or the recent slowdown in warming of global
air temperature.'
The sun’s impact on the climate is a matter of current debate.
is still a lot of uncertainty as to how the sun affects the climate,
but the study suggests that direct solar energy is not the most
important factor, but rather it indirectly affects atmospheric
'Reduced solar activity could lead to colder winters
in Northern Europe,' said Dr Muscheler. 'This is because the
sun’s UV radiation affects the atmospheric circulation.
'Interestingly, the same processes lead to warmer winters in Greenland, with greater snowfall and more storms.
study also shows that the various solar processes need to be included
in climate models in order to better predict future global and regional
climate change.'
SOURCEIs the post-EPA regs power grid ready for a truly hard winter?During
the dog days of summer (which haven’t been all that doggy in the
Northeast this year) it’s not very popular to sit and speculate about
the winter months ahead, but the people responsible for keeping the
lights – and the heat – turned on have to do it. One of these folks is
Joe Bastardi of WeatherBELL Analytics, and he’s looking ahead with some
trepidation. Joe is reading the meteorological tea leaves and sees the
potential for another round of heavy snowfall and crippling cold
temperatures coming our way. And he also notes that our net energy
production, in the wake of new EPA carbon regulations, is actually
declining from the previous curve at a time when bad weather puts full
load demand on the system. During an interview with Wall Street Journal
Live, he voices some of these concerns.
Joe Bastardi: … It’s
flowing along right now into the type of El Nino situation that is
notorious for giving the United States cold, snowy winters, especially
in the eastern part of the United States, relative to the averages. That
would be significant because we were within one power plant last year
of having the grid overload …
Question: This is sounding
horrific. I know that in the first quarter, the weather was said to be
to blame for the slow economic growth. Are we going to stop working,
basically is what you’re saying?
Joe Bastardi: This year, if you
get the kind of winter that we had in 2009-2010 or 2002-2003 with the
nation’s grid on the ropes the way it is and some of these regulations
that I hear about coming down that are supposed to close plants on
January 1st – and what I know, because we’re involved in getting people
ready to fight snow in cities around the country – this could be a very,
very big economic impact on the winter. And we’re very concerned about
Do you recall those “polar vortex” weeks which were all the
rage back in January and February? They may be coming back, and last
time it happened the strain hit one of the nation’s major power
distribution networks to the point where it almost gave up the ghost.
winter, bitterly cold weather placed massive stress on the US
electrical system ? and the system almost broke. On January 7 in the
midst of the polar vortex, PJM Interconnection, the Regional
Transmission Organization serving the heart of America from New Jersey
to Illinois, experienced a new all-time peak winter load of almost
142,000 megawatts.
Eight of the top ten of PJM’s all-time winter
peaks occurred in January 2014. Heroic efforts by grid operators saved
large parts of the nation’s heartland from blackouts during record-cold
temperature days. Nicholas Akins, CEO of American Electric Power, stated
in Congressional testimony, “This country did not just dodge a bullet ?
we dodged a cannon ball.”
In order to comply with the new Obama
era EPA regs, American Electric Power, which supplies a major portion of
the electricity used on the east coast, will be closing almost one
quarter of their coal fired plants between now and next June. This is
because they were economically unable to come into compliance with the
new regulations in the impossibly short window of opportunity offered by
the EPA. This is going to reduce the total surge capacity available for
some of our most densely populated areas just when we may get hit with
weather related demand spikes beyond anyone’s control.
Having the
power go out in the summer when you’re trying to run the air
conditioning is bad enough. Losing heating when the temperatures head
below zero for weeks on end is a recipe for disaster.
SOURCEWe can terraform Mars for the same cost as mitigating climate change. Which would you rather?One
frequently quoted study of the global costs of mitigating climate
change put them at around $3 trillion by 2100, with the main benefits
being felt between 2100 and 2200. Here is alternative way to spend
around the same amount of money with around the same timescale of
payback: terraforming Mars.
A standard estimate is that, for
about $2-$3 trillion, in between 100 and 200 years we would be able to
get Mars from its current "red planet" (dead planet) status to " blue
planet" (i.e. a dense enough atmosphere and high enough temperature for
Martian water in the poles and soil to melt, creating seas) – achievable
in about 100 years – and from there to microbes and algae getting us to
"green planet" status within 200 to 600 years.
There are two
standard objections to such terraforming. First, it is said to be too
expensive, altogether, to be plausible. Second, it is said to require
too long a timescale to be plausible. Both of these objections
appear decisively answered by climate change policies and indeed energy
policies in general. Between now and the 2035 alone, global investment
in energy and energy efficiency (in many cases with a many-decades
payback period) is estimated at about $40 trillion, of which $6 trillion
is in renewables and $1 trillion in low-carbon nuclear. We are willing
to spend many trillions on projects that could take over a century to
come to fruition.
But in a century that red dot in the night sky
could be transformed into a blue dot, and a couple of centuries later
into a green dot. We know how. We just need to decide to do it. If
we decided to go for it, some of you reading this article could be
alive to see that blue dot.
What an adventure that would
be! In the ancient world, humanity had poor knowledge of almost
anywhere. The conquests of Alexander the Great are sometimes seen
through the lens of his desire to stand on the shores of a legendary
great ocean he had heard of, where the lands ended. By the
Mediaeval period we had the journey of Marco Polo and expeditions of
Zheng He. Then the Portuguese got in with their effort to sail around
Africa to India. Columbus sailed West and Magellan circumnavigated the
Earth. In the 19th century Livingstone and Stanley explored Africa and
as the 20th century began Amundsen discovered the North West Passage and
went first to the South Pole and probably also the North. In the
Fifties Hillary and Tenzing conquered Everest and in 1960 the Trieste
reached the bottom of the Marianas Trench. Immediately humanity had
conquered these last earthly adventures, we had the race to the Moon,
reaching it in 1969.
And then… well, essentially we
stopped. Like late Roman Imperialists hedged in after the
Teutoburg Forest, Western culture has decayed into decadent pleasures.
Absent new discoveries or voyages to make, humanity's adventures are sex
or thrill-seeking or drugs or, as the character Cuckoo puts in in the
eponymous BBC3 series: "Would you like to know the longest journey I've
ever taken? The journey into my mind….."
There are perhaps other
great adventures humanity could pursue besides the terraforming of Mars.
But that is a big and obvious one and one we believe we could indeed do
– at a cost that is comparable to other policies we do in fact enact
and over a timescale that we do currently consider relevant for other
Furthermore, it is of a unifying nature. Frankly, if
you had to choose between spending $2-$3 trillion on preventing the
earth heating up more than 2-3 degrees over the next 150 years and
spending it on making Mars into a blue planet where algae and bacteria
and plants could grow, who is seriously going to choose the former?
SOURCETrampling on Coal Country Familiesby PAUL DRIESSEN
1989 and 2010, Congress rejected nearly 700 cap-tax-and-trade and
similar bills that their proponents claimed would control Earth's
perpetually fickle climate and weather. So even as real world crises
erupt, President Obama is using executive fiats and regulations to
impose his anti-hydrocarbon agenda, slash America's fossil fuel use,
bankrupt coal and utility companies, make electricity prices skyrocket,
and "fundamentally transform" our economic, social, legal and
constitutional system.
Citing climate concerns, he has refused to
permit construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, and blocked or delayed
Alaskan, western state and offshore oil and gas leasing and drilling.
He's proud that US oil production has climbed 58% and natural gas output
has risen 21% since 2008. But he doesn't mention that this is due to
hydraulic fracturing on state and private lands; production has actually
fallen in areas controlled by the federal government, and radical
environmentalists oppose fracking all over the USA.
Above all,
the President's war on hydrocarbons is a war on Coal Country families.
For 21 states that still rely on coal to produce 40-96% of their
electricity, it is a war on people's livelihoods and living standards -
on the very survival of small businesses and entire communities. The
price of electricity has already risen 1-2 cents per kilowatt-hour in
those states, from as little as 5.6 cents/kWh in 2009. If it soars to
the 14.6 to 15.7 cents/kWh paid in "job-mecca states" like California
and New York - which rely on coal for less than 3% of their electricity -
the impacts will churn through coal-dependant states like a tsunami.
that is where rates are headed, as the Obama EPA's carbon dioxide and
other restrictions kick in. Hundreds of baseload coal-fired power plants
(some 180 gigawatts of electric generation capacity) will be forced
into premature retirement between 2010 and 2020. That's more than 15% of
the United States' total installed capacity - enough electricity to
power nearly 90 million average homes or small businesses. EPA assumes
it can be replaced by expensive, unreliable, habitat-gobbling wind and
solar power. It can't.
EPA rules mean the price of everything
people do will skyrocket: heating and air conditioning, lights and
refrigeration, televisions, computers, medical equipment, machinery and
every other gizmo that runs on electricity. Poor, minority and
blue-collar families will have to find hundreds of dollars a year
somewhere in their already stretched budgets. Shops and other small
businesses will have to discover thousands of dollars, by delaying other
purchases or laying people off. Factories, malls, school districts,
hospitals and cities will have to send out search parties to locate
millions a year at the end of rainbows.
Millions will get laid
off - in coal mines, power plants, factories, shops and other
businesses. Entire families and communities will be pounded and
impoverished. Real people's hopes, dreams, pride and work ethic will be
replaced by despair and dependency. Bread winners will be forced to work
multiple jobs, commute longer distances, and suffer severe sleep
deprivation, if they can find work.
Families will have to cope
with more stress, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, spousal and child
abuse. Nutrition and medical care will suffer. More people will turn to
crime. More will have strokes and heart attacks. More will die
prematurely or commit suicide. For no measurable benefits.
cites mercury, soot, asthma, climate change, hurricanes, seas rising
seven inches a century, and even ocean acidification to justify the
draconian rules. But the scientific basis is bogus.
The agency
cherry-picks data and studies that support its agenda, ignores libraries
of contradictory research, rejects experts whose analyses question EPA
conclusions, pays advisors and activists millions of dollars annually to
rubberstamp and promote its regulations, and hides its work from those
it decrees "are not qualified to analyze it." The Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change operates in much the same fashion.
unhealthy US emissions plunged nearly 90% since 1970, even as coal use
for electricity generation increased 170% - and the newest coal-fired
power plants reduce pollution by almost this amount, using
"supercritical" technologies, while also reducing carbon dioxide
emissions by 20% or more, according the EPA and US Energy Information
Administration reports.
Meanwhile, China, India, Germany, Poland
and other countries are building some 1,200 new coal-fired power plants,
and numerous gas plants, to spur economic growth, preserve jobs and
lift people out of poverty. So the sacrifices Mr. Obama is imposing will
do nothing to reduce global CO2 levels, which the evidence increasingly
shows plays only a minor to trivial role in climate and weather
It's true that Detroit temperatures didn't dip
below freezing in January and February in'79 - followed by a frost in
June. But that was 1879! When he was a boy, "snows were frequent and
deep in every winter," Thomas Jefferson recalled in December 1809. "The
Greenland seas, hitherto covered [in ice], have in the last two years
entirely disappeared," Britain's Royal Society reported ... in 1817. "We
were astonished by the total absence of ice in Barrow Strait. [Six
years ago the area was] still frozen up, and doubts were entertained as
to the possibility of escape," Captain Francis McClintock wrote in his
ship's log - in 1860.
And don't forget the Medieval Warm Period,
Little Ice Age, and the five frigid epochs that buried North America,
Europe and Asia under glaciers a mile thick. Or the 4,000-year-old trees
that recently emerged as modern glaciers melted back - proving that a
forest grew in the now icy Alps just four millennia ago.
On and
on it has gone, throughout Earth and human history: wild weather and
climate swings on a recurring basis. But now, climate chaos cultists
want us to believe such events began only recently, and we could stop
today's climate and weather aberrations - if we would just eliminate
fossil fuels, destroy our economies, and condemn Third World families to
permanent poverty and disease.
The truth is, only once in all of
human history was a government able to control Earth's climate, to make
it "perfect all year," and it is highly unlikely that we will ever
return to those wondrous days.
So how do the EPA, IPCC, Michael
Mann, Al Gore and other Climate Armageddonites deal with all these
inconvenient truths, questions and skeptical researchers?
hide their data and computer codes. Complain that they are being picked
on. Refuse to debate "dangerous manmade global warming" skeptics. Harass
and vilify contrarian experts, and boot them off university committees.
Refuse to attend conferences where they might have to defend their
manipulated data, junk science and absurd assertions. Al Gore won't even
take questions that he has not preapproved.
They have no cojones. They hide behind their sinecures the way Hamas terrorists hide behind children.
won't even hold hearings in Coal Country or states that will be hardest
hit by soaring electricity costs. It hosts dog-and-pony shows and
"listening sessions" in big cities like Atlanta, Chicago, San Francisco,
Seattle, Washington, DC and Pittsburgh - where it knows passionate
lefty students and eco-activists will dominate. People who will be
grievously impacted by the draconian job-killing regulations must travel
long distances and pay for expensive hotels and meals ... or remain
silent and ignored.
That stacks the deck - the same way
the "public comment" process is tilted in favor of ultra-rich Big Green
agitators who have the funding and organization to generate thousands or
millions of comments.
We taxpayers pay for these studies,
payoffs and propaganda. And we will get stuck with the regulations,
soaring prices and lost jobs that result. We have a right to review and
analyze the data and claims. We have a right to be heard, in a fair and
honest process that truly takes our concerns into account.
House of Representatives should hold hearings, forcing callous
bureaucrats, slick scientists and computer modeling charlatans to
present their data, codes and findings under oath. States should sue EPA
for violating the Information Quality Act.
SOURCE ***************************************
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
19 August, 2014
Kuhn was right: AGW theory will persist until it is replaced by something elseI
encountered the same in social science. Leftists need their
explanations and theories so attacking those explanations without
replacing them will have nil effectWritten by Dr Jennifer Marohasy
couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend the Ninth
International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC9) in Las Vegas. If you
ever doubted scepticism towards man-made global warming as a growing
social movement, well, you couldn’t after attending that conference with
hundreds of enthusiastic doubters in attendance and some 6,000 watching
online. Kuhn
But I came away wondering about the culture that is
developing around the movement, and whether it is truly one of
Most of us share enlightenment values. And
skepticism is historically associated with the Enlightenment. But it
should be skepticism of entrenched dogmas, not an automatic opposition
to every new big idea. Indeed the enlightenment saw big ideas progress;
ideas that once realized, dramatically improved the human condition.
sceptics apparently think that we have won the scientific argument, and
that our next objective should be the dismantling of climate policies
and climate research. But they are wrong. We have not won the scientific
argument and we won’t, if we continue down the current path of
suggesting that we can’t forecast weather or climate. This suggestion,
that we can’t forecast, was often made at the conference and made again
just last week by Jo Nova quoting Don Aitkin.
The history of
science suggests that paradigms are never disproven, they are only ever
replaced. Physicist and philosopher, the late Thomas S. Kuhn, also
explained that competition within segments of the scientific community
is the only historical process that ever actually results in the
rejection of one previously accepted theory or in the adoption of
In short, if our movement really wants to see the
overthrow of the man-made global warming paradigm, it needs to back
alternatives and promote new research.
Assuming we are indeed a
movement with a desire to contribute in a tangible way to climate
science, and a movement looking for viable alternative paradigms, then
we need a way of sorting through incommensurable perspectives, and also a
way of ensuring that the most promising research is promoted.
Let me make these points in a bit more detail:
1. We have not won the scientific argument.
was repeatedly suggested at the ICCC9 conference that those sceptical
of man-made global warming have some how won the scientific argument.
This is nonsense.
On my arrival back in Australia I was forwarded
yet another letter from an Australian government official reiterating
that: “The Australian Government accepts the science of climate change
and takes its primary advice on climate change from the Bureau of
Meteorology and CSIRO. This advice aligns with information provided by
the IPCC and national and international organisations such as the
Australian Academy of Science, World Meteorological Organisation, the
Royal Society in the United Kingdom, and the National Academy of
Sciences, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in the United States.”
letter goes on to state that, “The world’s leading scientific
organisations have found that the Earth’s climate is changing and that
humans are primarily responsible…”
Not only do these esteemed
organisations accept anthropogenic global warming theory (AGW), they
also work actively with the mainstream media to crush, ridicule or
quarantine any criticism of AGW.
If those sceptical of man-made
global warming can be accused of denial, it is of this fact. We might be
having some impact on the political process, even achieving repeal of
the carbon tax in Australia, but the science of anthropogenic global
warming remains as firmly entrenched as ever especially amongst the
media, academics and legislators.
2. Rebuttals don’t overthrow established paradigms.
global warming is a fully functional, well-funded scientific paradigm
that is having a major impact on social and economic policy in every
western democracy.
As I explained in session 13 at the
conference: Scientific disciplines are always underpinned by theories
that collectively define the dominant paradigm. In the case of modern
climate science that paradigm is AGW. It defines the research questions
asked, and dictates the methodology employed by the majority of climate
scientists most of the time. AGW may be a paradigm with little practical
utility and tremendous political value, but it’s a paradigm
none-the-less. The world’s most powerful and influential leaders also
endorse AGW.
In a lecture to the Commonwealth Club in San
Francisco in September 2003 Michael Crichton said: “The greatest
challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from
fantasy, truth from propaganda. Perceiving the truth has always been a
challenge to mankind, but in the information age (or as I think of it,
the disinformation age) it takes on a special urgency and importance.”
are meant to know the difference between fact and fiction and as a
first check of the reliability of a source of information they will
often ask if it has been “peer-reviewed”. Peer-review means that
research findings are conducted and presented to a standard that other
scientists working within that field consider acceptable. This is
normally achieved through publication in a scientific journal and
involves the editor of the journal asking for comment on the validity,
significance and originality of the work from other scientists before
publication. In short, the system of peer-review means scientific
research is subject to independent scrutiny but it doesn’t guarantee the
truth of the research finding.
In theory rebuttals play an equal
or more important role than peer review in guaranteeing the integrity
of science. By rebuttals I mean articles, also in peer-reviewed
journals, that show by means of contrary evidence and argument, that an
earlier claim was false. By pointing out flaws in scientific papers that
have passed peer-review, rebuttals, at least theoretically, enable
scientific research programs to self-correct. But in reality most
rebuttals are totally ignored and so fashionable ideas often persist
even when they have been disproven.
Consider, for example, a
paper published in 2006 by marine biologist, Boris Worm, and coworkers,
in the prestigious peer-reviewed journal Science. The study was based on
the meta-analysis of published fisheries data and predicted the
collapse of the world’s fisheries by 2048. Publication of the article by
Worm et al. was accompanied by a media release entitled “Accelerated
loss of ocean species threatens human well-being” with the subtitle
“Current trend projects collapse of all currently fished seafoods before
Not surprisingly, given the importance of the finding,
the article attracted widespread attention in the mainstream media and
also within the scientific community. But not everyone agreed with the
methodology used in the Worm study. Eleven rebuttals soon appeared, many
within the same journal Science, and within months of the original
The rebuttals, however, scarcely altered the scientific perception of the original article.
a comprehensive study of this, and six other high-profile original
articles and their rebuttals, Jeannette Banobi, Trevor Branch and Ray
Hilborn, found that at least in marine biology and fishery science
rebuttals are for the most part ignored.
They found that original
articles were cited on average 17 times more than rebuttals and that
annual citation numbers were unaffected by rebuttals. On the occasions
when rebuttals were cited, the citing papers on average had neutral
views on the original article, and incredibly 8 percent actually
believed that the rebuttal agreed with the original article.
Banobi and coworkers commented that: “We had anticipated that as time
passed, citations of the original articles would become more negative,
and these articles would be less cited than other articles published in
the same journal and year. In fact, support for the original articles
remained undiminished over time and perhaps even increased, and we found
no evidence of a decline in citations for any of the original articles
following publication of the rebuttals…
“Thus the pattern we
observed follows most closely the hypothesis of competing research
programs espoused by Lakatos (1978): in practice, research programs
producing and supporting the views in the original papers remained
unswayed by the publication of rebuttals, thus significant changes in
these ideas will tend to occur only if these research programs decay and
dwindle over time while rival research programs (sponsored by the
rebuttal authors) gain strength.”
Indeed it is the naive view
that scientific communities learn from obvious mistakes. And as past
failures become more entrenched it can only become increasingly
difficult to distinguish truth from propaganda, including in the
peer-reviewed literature.
3. Paradigms are never disproven: they are only ever replaced.
my return from the conference, it has been suggested to me that the
‘new paradigm’ for climate science is the one described in the
Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) reports,
in particular the ‘null hypothesis paradigm’ that according to many
skeptics, is far better at accounting for climate phenomena than are the
General Circulation Models. I disagree.
The null hypothesis
refers to the general statement or default position that there is no
relationship between two measured phenomena. In the case of NIPCC the
claim is that “nature not human activity rules the climate”. But this
tells us almost nothing. In many ways it’s a cop-out. It’s like a theory
of electricity without any explanation of charge, voltage or magnetism.
good test of the value of any scientific theory to those external to
the discipline is its utility. For example the calendars that were
developed based on Nicolas Copernicus’ Heliocentric Theory of the
Universe were better calendars than those based on Ptolemy’s Handy
Tables. The new calendars, based on a new theoretical approach, more
precisely predicted the position of the sun and the planets and thus the
seasons, which, of course, influence the weather. In the same way,
those who want to see AGW theory discarded need to increase their
expectations of climate science and in particular demand some practical
benefits. The most obvious would be better weather and climate
Last year, aversion to a new theory attributing solar
variability to gravitational and inertial effects on the sun from the
planets and their satellites, not only resulted in the premature
termination of a much-needed new journal (Pattern Recognition in
Physics), but was also mocked by leading skeptical bloggers. More
recently leading skeptical bloggers, Willis Eschenbach and Lubos Motl,
were far too quick to attack a new notch-delay solar model that David
Evans and Jo Nova developed in an attempt to quantify the difference
between total solar irradiance and global temperatures and in the
process forecast future climate.
In attempting to understand Dr
Motl’s issues with Evans and Nova’s model, I was told that my work with
John Abbot forecasting rainfall was also no better than “a sort of
magic” because, like Evans and Nova, I was describing relationships
“without a proper understanding of which variables are really driving
things”. To the layman the few paragraphs of relevant jargon that Motl
posted at his blog may have given the impression of some special
knowledge, but in reality he was just repeating prejudices including the
popular claim that climate is essentially chaotic.
Over the last
few years my main focus of research has been on medium-term monthly
rainfall forecasts. Not using General Circulation Models (GCMs) that
attempt to simulate the climate from first principles, but rather using
artificial neural networks (ANNs), which are a form of artificial
intelligence and a state-of-the-art statistical modeling technique. John
Abbot and I very quickly established that our method – which relies on
mining historical climate data for patterns and then projecting forward –
could produce a much more skillful medium term rainfall forecast than
the Australian Bureau of Meteorology’s best GCM.
Of course the
use of statistical models for forecasting is not new, nor is pattern
analysis. Many long-range weather forecasters and astrophysicists rely
on lunar, solar and planetary cycles to forecast both weather and
So, I was somewhat surprised to hear so many big names
at the conference claim from the podium that it would never be possible
to forecast weather more than a few days in advance, some going as far
to suggest, like Lubos Motl, that climate is essentially a chaotic
Such claims are demonstrably false. Indeed that our ANNs
(see Atmospheric Research 138, 166-178) can generate skillful monthly
rainfall forecast up to three months in advance, is evidence that we are
not dealing with a chaotic system.
Until skeptics start thinking
about these issues and the need to back something, rather than perhaps
always being too keen to knock the next big idea, we won’t truly make
progress towards replacing the current dominant paradigm in climate
SOURCE Global Warming Alarmist Sues Think Tank for Disputing his “Facts”This article appeared on on August 13, 2014.
worse than a public policy debate that turns bitter and impolite? Well,
for one, having the courts step into the marketplace of ideas to judge
which side of a debate has the best “facts.”
Yet that’s what
Michael Mann has invited the D.C. court system to do. In response to
some scathing criticism of his methodologies and an allegation of
scientific misconduct, the author of the infamous “hockey stick” models
of global warming — because they resemble the shape of a hockey stick,
with temperatures rising drastically beginning in the 1900s — has taken
the global climate change debate to a record low by suing the
Competitive Enterprise Institute,National Review, and two individual
commentators. The good Dr. Mann claims that some blogposts alleging his
work to be “fraudulent” and “intellectually bogus” were libelous. (For
more background on the matter, see this excellent summary by NR’s editor
Rich Lowry; linking to that post is partly what led Mann to target
The D.C. trial court rejected the defendants’ motion to
dismiss this lawsuit, holding that their criticism could be taken as a
provably false assertion of fact because the EPA, among other bodies,
have approved of Mann’s methodologies. In essence, the court seems to
cite a consensus as a means of censoring a minority view. The defendants
appealed to the D.C. Court of Appeals (the highest court in the
District of Columbia).
Cato has now filed a brief, joined by
three other think tanks, in which we urge the court to stay out of the
business of refereeing scientific debates. (And if you liked our
“truthiness” brief, you’ll enjoy this one.)
We argue that the
First Amendment demands that failing to leave room for the marketplace
of ideas to operate stifles academic and scientific progress, and that
judges are ill-suited to officiate policy disputes — as history has
shown time and again. The lower court clearly got it wrong here — and
there are numerous cases where courts have more judiciously treated
similarly harsh assertions for what they really are: expressions of
disagreement on public policy that, even if hyperbolic, are among the
forms of speech most deserving of constitutional protection.
point in this appeal is that courts should not be coming up with new
terms like “scientific fraud” to squeeze debate over issues impacting
government policy into ordinary tort law. Dr. Mann is not like a corner
butcher falsely accused of putting his thumb on the scale or mixing
horsemeat into the ground beef. He is a vocal leader in a school of
scientific thought that has had major impact on government policies.
figures must not be allowed to use the courts to muzzle their critics.
Instead, as the U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly taught, open public
debate resolves these sorts of disputes. The court here should let that
debate continue outside the judicial system.
SOURCE Proposed EPA Regs Would Affect Climate by Eighteen-Thousandths of a Degree by 2100 — and Cost U.S. Economy $51 Billion AnnuallyThe
Environmental Protection Agency’s new proposed rules, which seek to
limit carbon emissions from power plants, would cost the American
economy $51 billion, as well as 224,000 jobs, every year through 2030,
the U.S. Chamber of Commerce estimates.
With that significant of an economic impact, one would hope the EPA had a pretty good justification, right?
But I write today:
the Cato Institute recently noted, the agency forgot to include one
very important calculation in the information they released about the
proposed rules: whether or not they will actually affect climate change.
really no reason to go after carbon emissions unless you think they
cause climate change,” Chip Knappenberger, assistant director for Cato’s
Center for the Study of Science, tells me. The impact on climate change
is key. But the EPA hasn’t publicized any finding on that supposed
Knappenberger and his colleague Patrick J. Michaels
crunched the numbers using an EPA-developed climate-model emulator. They
found that the regulations would somewhat affect the climate — by
eighteen-thousandths of a degree Celsius by 2100.
“We’re not even
sure how to put such a small number into practical terms, because,
basically, the number is so small as to be undetectable,” Knappenberg
and Michaels wrote when they released their findings. “Which, no doubt,
is why it’s not included in the EPA Fact Sheets. It is not too small,
however, that it shouldn’t play a huge role in every and all discussions
of the new regulations.”
That’s not the only time the EPA has
used some suspect math. A new report from the Government Accountability
Office found that the EPA was calculating how its regulations would
affect employment using a study outdated by 20 years that had, even when
current, looked at only four industrial sectors. You can read about
even more about the agency’s number-fudging here.
SOURCE EPA goes from Environmental Protection Agency to Extremist Political AgendaDuring
the week of July 28, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) held
hearings in four cities: Atlanta, Denver, Pittsburgh, and Washington,
DC. The two-day sessions were to allow the public to have their voice
heard about the proposed rules it released on June 2 that will
supposedly cut CO2 emissions by 30%.
Many, including myself,
believe that these rules are really an attempt to shut down coal-fueled
electricity generation and implement a cap-and-trade program that the
Administration couldn’t get through Congress in 2009, when
cap-and-trade’s obvious allies held both houses of Congress.
the EPA’s plans were clear, direct, and honest, the public would likely
revolt outright. Instead, the intent is hidden in pages of cumbersome
language and the messaging becomes all about clean air and water—and
about the health of children.
Because I was in the area—speaking a
few hours from Atlanta on Sunday—I took advantage of the proximity and
signed up to speak at the hearing. When I first attempted to sign up,
day one was already full. The EPA had so many people who wanted time to
share their opinions, a second day was added, and I was put on the
The first day, Tuesday, July 29, included competing
rallies held in near-record-low temperatures for Atlanta in July.
Supporters of the EPA’s plan—many of whom were bussed in from
surrounding states—gathered in Centennial Olympic Park. I spoke at the
rally, made up of plan opponents, that was organized by Americans for
Prosperity’s Georgia chapter held at the Sam Nunn Federal Center—where
the hearing was originally scheduled (before a power outage forced a
move to the Omni Hotel).
I spent the rest of the day at the
hearing. It had a circus-like atmosphere. With tables of literature,
people carrying signs, and many of the plan’s supporters identified by
their matching pale-green tee shirts emblazoned with:
Protect our communities
I had a taste of what to expect the next day, when I was to present my
comments in the five minutes allotted, I prepared what I wanted to say.
The following is my original text—though I had to edit it down to get it
within the allowed time frame. For presentation here, I’ve also
enhanced my comments with some additional insights from others. The
verbiage that is not a part of my original testimony is included in
* * * *
I was here yesterday and earlier today.
I’ve listened to the well-intentioned pleas from many who have begged
you, the EPA, to take even stronger action than this plan proposes. One
even dramatically claimed: “You are the Environmental Protection Agency.
You are our only hope. If you don’t protect us no one will?”
heard a teary-eyed, young woman tell a tale about a man she knows who is
dying of cancer, supposedly because he grew up near a coal-fired power
plant—he couldn’t be here, so she told his story. She also said: “I am
fortunate enough to have not been around in the 1960s when there was
real smog.” Her father has told her about it.
One woman claimed her neighbor had gotten asthma from global warming.
addressed how she gets headaches from emissions. She told how lung
tissue could be burned. And, how particulates are why people can no
longer see the mountain in her region.
An attorney’s testimony
told about seeing “carbon pollution” every day from his 36th floor
office “a few blocks from here” from where he looks “out over a
smog-covered city.”
The passion of these commenters supersedes
their knowledge, as none of the issues I’ve mentioned here, and there
are many more, are something caused by carbon dioxide—a clear, colorless
gas that each of us breathe out and plants breathe in.
SOURCE India deals a blow to climate negotiationsIndian
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, leader of the world's third-largest
greenhouse gas-emitting nation, won't join his U.S. and Chinese
counterparts at a United Nations climate summit next month in New York.
will skip the Sept. 23 event, according to the Economic Times,
thwarting a potential meeting between the heads of states for the three
largest greenhouse gas emitters — arguably the nations that will drive
international negotiations next year in Paris.
Modi's absence is a
bit of a blow to the summit, as India hasn't made the type of ambitious
gestures that China and the U.S. have floated.
China, the
world's top greenhouse gas emitter, has intimated it might make sizable
commitments to curb carbon pollution — state media reported earlier this
month that Beijing plans to eliminate coal use by 2020 in six major
districts. The U.S. is pushing ahead with a proposal to slash
power-sector emissions 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2030, an effort
that Obama said can secure buy-in from other nations.
Elected in
May, Modi has fancied himself a climate champion, helping spur renewable
energy adoption when he was chief minister of the Indian state of
Gujarat. But he is considered a nationalist, and his campaign centered
on economic revival. Much of India's rural poor still lack access to
electricity — and the country happens to have a significant amount of
The Economic Times noted that Modi has a Sept. 30 meeting
with Obama. The publication said that if Modi attended the climate
summit, the Indian leader "would have nothing to do" during the
intervening week.
SOURCE Australian Greens in bed with thug unionIn
a last-minute bid to prevent the election of Liberal Senate candidate
and former ACT leader Zed Seselja in 2013, the ACT Greens received the
largest donation in the history of the party branch from the pro-Labor
Construction, Forestry, Mining and Electrical Union (CFMEU).
Media can reveal a $50,000 donation was made to the ACT Greens federal
account, which can only be spent on federal elections or administration,
on September 3 last year, in the dying days of polling. It was by far
the largest single donation ever given to the ACT Greens party and was
more than twice as much as was given to the Labor Party over the same
It was also four times as much as a 2012 donation from
the CFMEU's ACT branch, which made a few Greens members ''uneasy'' at
the time.
CFMEU ACT division secretary Dean Hall said the
donation had not come from the Canberra branch but from the national
division, meaning he had no direct knowledge of it.
But he said it would have been donated to keep the Senate balance of power out of the hands of the Abbott government.
was more about the balance of power in the Senate. We tried to find a
situation where we didn't have extreme right-wing legislation being
passed," he said.
"[The donation] would have been for the Senate
campaign. At the time there was a chance that senator Seselja wouldn't
get elected [and] I think that's what it was about, trying to secure the
balance of power."
He said a very small amount of the donation would have been funded by ACT voters.
Greens convenor Sophie Trevitt acknowledged the party had recieved a
donation from the national branch of the CFMEU but would not say where
the money had gone and what it was spent on.
She said they had
accepted the donation on the basis it came from the construction
division of the CFMEU, compared to the mining or forestry divisions, and
was derived from union member fees.
She said the ACT Greens had a lot of common ground with the CFMEU in Canberra.
have supported their calls for safer and fairer workplaces and we have
worked closely with the CFMEU to improve safety in the building and
construction industry," she said.
When asked whether there had
been any conditions on the donation, Ms Trevitt said the Greens did not
accept donations with ''strings attached''.
"All donations go
through a vetting process to ensure that donations are not accepted from
organisations whose principles and ethics conflict with the Greens,"
she said.
A spokesperson for the CFMEU's national office said all
the union's donations were published appropriately and they donated to a
number of parties that supported workers' rights.
She also said she wanted to stress the union did not agree with all of the ACT Greens' policy positions.
ACT Greens MLA Caroline Le Couteur said there was a donations reference
group within the party who veted every major donation and rejected it
if it was inappropriate.
She said the Greens had tried to pass
donation reform legislation through the assembly which would have only
allowed donations from ACT electors, but it had been rejected by the
Labor and Liberal parties.
Ms Le Couteur said after all, the Greens were a political party that wanted to get its candidate elected.
we don't have anything like as much money as the Liberal or Labor
parties [so] if they're playing by rules which allow donations from
non-individuals then [refusing those donations] is a bit like cutting
off your nose to spite your face," she said.
"We'd like it to be otherwise but ... it isn't,"
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
18 August, 2014
Promoting Parasitic Power ProducersWind
and solar are parasitic power producers, unable to survive in a modern
electricity grid without the back-up of stand-alone electricity
generators such as hydro, coal, gas or nuclear. And like all parasites,
they weaken their hosts, causing increased operating and transmission
costs and reduced profits for all participants in the grid.
subsidies, few large wind/solar plants would be built; and without
mandated targets, few would get connected to the grid.
zealots posing as energy engineers should be free to play with their
green energy toys at their own expense, on their own properties, but the
rest of us should not be saddled with their costs and unreliability.
We should stop promoting parasitic power producers. As a first step, all green energy subsidies and targets should be abolished.

Blowing Our Dollars in the Wind.
energy produces costly, intermittent, unpredictable electricity. But
Government subsidies and mandates have encouraged a massive gamble on
wind investments in Australia - over $7 billion has already been spent
and another $30 billion is proposed. This expenditure is justified by
the claim that by using wind energy there will be less carbon dioxide
emitted to the atmosphere which will help to prevent dangerous global
Incredibly, this claim is not supported by any credible
cost-benefit analysis - a searching enquiry is well overdue. Here is a
summary of things that should be included in the enquiry.
no one knows how much global warming is related to carbon dioxide and
how much is due to natural variability. However, the historical record
shows that carbon dioxide is not the most important factor, and no one
knows whether net climate feedbacks are positive or negative. In many
ways, the biosphere and humanity would benefit from more warmth, more
carbon dioxide and more moisture in the atmosphere.
let’s assume that reducing man’s production of carbon dioxide is a
sensible goal and consider whether wind power is likely to achieve it.
To do this we need to look at the whole life cycle of a wind tower.
turbines are not just big simple windmills – they are massive complex
machines whose manufacture and construction consume much energy and many
expensive materials. These include steel for the tower, concrete
for the footings, fibre glass for the nacelle, rare metals for the
electro-magnets, steel and copper for the machinery, high quality
lubricating oils for the gears, fibre glass or aluminium for the blades,
titanium and other materials for weather-proof paints, copper,
aluminium and steel for the transmission lines and support towers, and
gravel for the access roads.
There is a long production chain for
each of these materials. Mining and mineral extraction rely on diesel
power for mobile equipment and electrical power for haulage, hoisting,
crushing, grinding, milling, smelting, refining. These processes need
24/7 reliable electric power which, in Australia, is most likely to come
from coal.
These raw materials then have to be transported to
many specialised manufacturing plants, again using large quantities of
energy, generating more carbon dioxide.
Then comes the
construction phase, starting with building a network of access roads,
clearance of transmission routes, and excavation of the massive footings
for the towers. Have a look here at the massive amount of steel,
concrete and energy consumed in constructing the foundations for just
one tower. See
Not one tonne of steel or concrete can be produced without releasing carbon dioxide in the process.
Almost all of the energy used during construction will come from diesel fuel, with increased production of carbon dioxide.
every bit of land cleared results in the production of carbon dioxide
as the plant material dozed out of the way rots or is burnt, and the
exposed soil loses its humus to oxidation.
Once the turbine
starts operating the many towers, transmission lines and access roads
need more maintenance and repair than a traditional power plant that
produces concentrated energy from one small plot of land using a small
number of huge, well-tested, well protected machines. Turbines usually
operate in windy, exposed, isolated locations. Blades need to be cleaned
using large specialised cranes; towers and machinery need regular
inspection and maintenance; and mobile equipment and manpower needs to
be on standby for lightning strikes, fires or accidents. All of these
activities require diesel powered equipment which produces more carbon
Even when they do produce energy, wind towers often
produce it at times when demand is low - at night for example. There is
no benefit in this unwanted production, but it is usually counted as
saving carbon fuels.
Every wind farm also needs backup power to
cover the 65%-plus of wind generating capacity that is lost because the
wind is not blowing, or blowing such a gale that the turbines have to
shut down.
In Australia, most backup is provided by coal or gas
plants which are forced to operate intermittently to offset the erratic
winds. Coal plants and many gas plants cannot switch on and off quickly
but must maintain steam pressure and “spinning reserve” in order to
swing in quickly when the fickle wind drops. This causes grid
instability and increases the carbon dioxide produced per unit of
electricity. This waste should be debited to the wind farm that caused
Wind turbines also consume energy from the grid when they are
idle - for lubrication, heating, cooling, lights, metering, hydraulic
brakes, energising the electro-magnets, even to keep the blades turning
lazily (to prevent warping) and to maintain line voltage when there is
no wind. A one-month study of the Wonthaggi wind farm in Australia found
that the facility consumed more electricity than it produced for 16% of
the period studied. A detailed study in USA showed that 8.3% of total
wind energy produced was consumed by the towers themselves. This is not
usually counted in the carbon equation.
The service life of wind
towers is far shorter than traditional power plants. Already many
European wind farms have reached the end of their life and contractors
are now gearing up for a new boom in the wind farm demolition and scrap
removal business. This phase is likely to pose dangers for the
environment and require much diesel powered equipment producing yet more
carbon dioxide.
Most estimates of carbon dioxide “saved” by
using wind power look solely at the carbon dioxide that would be
produced by a coal-fired station producing the rated capacity of the
wind turbine. They generally ignore all the other ways in which wind
power increases carbon energy usage, and they ignore the fact that wind
farms seldom produce name-plate capacity.
When all the above
factors are taken into account over the life of the wind turbine, only a
very few turbines in good wind locations are likely to save any carbon
dioxide. Most will be either break-even or carbon-negative - the massive
investment in wind may achieve zero climate “benefits” at great cost.
or consumers who choose wind power should be free to do so but
taxpayers and electricity consumers should not be forced to subsidise
their choices for questionable reasons. People who claim climate
sainthood for wind energy should be required to prove this by detailed
life-of-project analysis before getting legislative support and
Otherwise we are just blowing our dollars in the wind.
SOURCEAxe carbon tax to keep lights on and cut energy bills, says ScottishPower chiefBritain's
unilateral carbon tax should be scrapped before it causes blackouts,
pushes up household bills and makes the UK uncompetitive, ScottishPower
Keith Anderson, chief corporate officer, warns that the
“carbon price floor” (CPF), which taxes companies for burning fossil
fuels, will make Britain’s remaining coal plants “largely uneconomic by
around the middle of the decade”.
With Britain’s spare power
margin already forecast to fall as low as 2pc by 2015, the carbon tax
will force more closures and “threatens to make us even more vulnerable
to the risk of blackouts”, he warns.
Writing in Monday’s
Telegraph, Mr Anderson also calls for a review of Britain’s £12bn
programme to install “smart” electricity and gas meters in every home,
suggesting costs should be cut to reduce the impact on consumer bills.
coal-fired power plants have already shut this year under EU rules to
help curb acid rain and pollution. About a dozen plants remain
operational and provide about 40pc of UK power; ScottishPower’s own
Longannet coal plant powers about one-quarter of Scottish homes.
a combination of further EU rules and the carbon tax, which increases
steeply every year, means most of these coal plants may be forced to
close by 2015 or 2016.
“Abolishing the CPF, or freezing it at the
current rate, would help to reduce upward pressure on bills, improve UK
competiveness and help in cost effectively maintaining security of
supply,” Mr Anderson says. “We estimate that abolishing it could save
some £33 from a typical dual fuel bill in 2015/16; freezing it at the
current rate from April 2014 would save around £24.”
bodies and consumer groups both attacked the Chancellor for failing to
cut or scrap the carbon tax in last week’s Autumn Statement, despite the
Prime Minister's pledge to “roll back” green levies.
Mr Anderson
also calls for other changes to reduce customer bills, including “a
careful review” of the £12bn programme to install meters that send
automatic gas and electricity usage readings back to suppliers. His
comments come as both EDF and Centrica called for greater co-operation
between politicians and companies to address rising bills and keep the
lights on.
Ministers hope new wind farms and gas plants will
replace old coal plants but investment in both is stalling amid policy
The Government wants some coal plants to convert to
burn biomass instead and is offering subsidies for plants to do so. The
giant Drax and Eggborough coal-fired power stations are both pursuing
this option. However, Eggborough’s plans are now in disarray after
ministers announced last week an annual cap on subsidies, which appears
too low for both projects to go ahead.
Eggborough, which supplies
about 4pc of UK power, hoped to start conversion in January but is now
waiting to find out whether it will get the necessary subsidies.
O’Hara, Eggborough’s chief said: “The carbon price floor means just at a
time where the UK desperately needs to keep capacity on the grid, it
becomes very difficult to see... whether it will be economic to run past
“It’s a race against time for affordable, shovel-ready
projects like Eggborough to convert [to biomass]. Time is running out
and the signals from Government are currently highly contradictory.”
SOURCEEPA Blames Texas for Illinois Air PollutionThe
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is blaming power plants in Texas
for Illinois air pollution and is using the accusation to justify
restrictions on Texas power plants. EPA claims its cross-state pollution
rule, intended to protect communities in one state from pollution
drifting from other states, justifies placing restrictions on Texas
power plants EPA claims are polluting Granite City, Illinois.
New EPA Authority
states have challenged EPA’s asserted authority to enact and enforce
the cross-state rule, but two months ago the U.S. Supreme Court upheld
it. Nevertheless, the Court ruled individual states can challenge
specific applications of the rule if a state believes EPA is restricting
emissions beyond what is necessary to prevent its contribution to
another state’s air pollution.
Texas, Louisiana, and Wisconsin took the Supreme Court up on its offer and filed challenges to EPA applications of the rule.
Texas-Illinois Link Challenged
assertion Texas power plants are causing Illinois pollution raised
eyebrows for several reasons. Granite City is approximately 500 miles
from the Texas border and even farther away from Lone Star State major
metropolitan regions. Granite City is northeast of Texas, with
prevailing winds rarely trekking in that direction from Texas. In
addition, a local steel mill, which has been an important source of the
town’s prosperity since the 1890s, has long been recognized as a primary
source of air pollution in Granite City.
EPA, however, claims it
has devised computer models that indicate some sulfur dioxide from
Texas power plants may reach Granite City, which has a population of
“Texas was only included in portions of the rule based on
the projected impact on a single county in Illinois. And the air
quality monitor in Illinois which EPA claims had the fingerprints of
Texas pollution on it was located right next to a smelter. On this thin
legal reed the EPA is imposing restrictions on Texas several times as
severe as states with much more significant interstate pollution
problems,” said Kathleen White, director of the Armstrong Center for
Energy and the Environment at Texas Public Policy Foundation.
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) agreed, saying EPA
failed to account properly for the steel mill's influence on Granite
City's air pollution. Of the three air pollution monitors in the town
and surrounding Madison County, the only one allegedly linked to Texas
is the one downwind of the steel mill.
Even if the appellate
court finds Texas does contribute to Granite City’s air problem, the
TCEQ says EPA is requiring emissions cuts significantly greater than the
state's contribution to the pollution problems.
Lose-Lose Options
EPA’s cross-state pollution rule, electric utilities will be forced to
install expensive scrubbers to reduce emissions from smokestacks.
Alternatively, they can join in a 28-state trading program in which they
can purchase credits to cover their emissions. If neither of those two
options are feasible, they can cut back production, mothball, or retire
coal-fired power plants to achieve the limits. State officials and
utility executives predict the final option will be the most likely
SOURCEKerry thinks children are the authority on climateLike nearly all Warmists, he talks about "The Science" but fails to mention a single climate statisticThe
global impact of climate change is “the biggest challenge of all that
we face right now,” Secretary of State John Kerry told an audience in
Hawaii Wednesday, putting an issue he feels passionately about at the
center of a speech entitled “U.S. Vision for Asia-Pacific Engagement.”
science is screaming at us,” he said. “Ask any kid in school. They
understand what a greenhouse is, how it works, why we call it the
greenhouse effect. They get it.”
“If you accept the science,”
Kerry continued. “If you accept that the science is causing climate to
change, you have to heed what those same scientists are telling us about
how you prevent the inevitable consequences and impacts.”
why President Obama has made climate change a top priority. He’s doing
by executive authority what we’re not able to get the Congress to do.”
SOURCEThe Big ChillAs
I start to write these words, I am on my Manhattan balcony savoring a
Friday evening. It normally is oppressive this time of year. Stifling
humidity and sweltering temperatures relentlessly squeeze New Yorkers in
a brutal vice. The infernal stickiness typically keeps it from cooling
down, even at night. It is not unusual to wilt beneath 2:00 a.m. lows in
the high 80s.
But not tonight.
After a mid-day high of just
83 and a dry, 81-degree breeze at dusk (headed for a morning low of 66),
it feels downright autumnal. It's Santa Monica on the Hudson. It
has been like this around much of the country.

this delights most people, it must make the "global warming" crowd hot
under the collar. After the severely frigid winter of 2013-14 (which
shivered Americans coast to coast and even stranded icebreakers in the
South Pole during the Antarctic summer), the warmists' cute little
theory increasingly appears to be on the rocks.
Consider, first, one normally blistering spot.
Valley, Calif., which is known for being the world's hottest location,
maxed out at a relatively chilly 89 degrees on Sunday," August 3, wrote
Angela Fritz in the Washington Post. This reading, she added, "was its
coolest high temperature on record for the date by a whopping 15
degrees. The previous record of 104 was set in 1945." Local
meteorological data stretch back to 1911.
Fritz noted that Death
Valley's average high in August is 115. "This makes Sunday's high
temperature a ridiculous 26 degrees below normal," she marveled. Death
Valley that day was cooler than Spokane, Wash. (which reached 93),
Missoula, Mont.(91), and Boise, Idaho (99).
stated the National Weather Service in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Communicating in ALL CAPS as NWS dispatches do, the Little Rock office
AVERAGE IN MUCH OF THE STATE." Including those at Hot Springs Airport,
Murfreesboro, and Pine Bluff, NWS identified 38 stations with record-low
average monthly high temperatures. In some places, these readings began
in the 1880s.
"Statewide this will certainly be among the top 10
coolest Julys going back to 1895 and will likely be in the top five,"
according to Stuart Foster, Kentucky's state climatologist. The Bowling
Green airport last month observed nine days with lows of 59 degrees or
fewer. Reports WKU News: "This is the most since July 1947, when 15 such
days were recorded."
"Northeast Ohio is in the middle of the
summer that really hasn't felt much like summer," wrote Frank Macek for
WKYC in Cleveland. Last month was the tenth coldest on record there.
Cleveland's daily mean reading in July was 69.3 degrees, "last achieved
in 1920."
*Meanwhile, back in the Big Apple, America's premier
city typically endures 15 days above 90 degrees and at least one heat
wave, defined as three or more consecutive days above 90. So far, Gotham
has had only four 90+ days this summer. The hottest day has been just
91, and there has been no heat wave.
"It doesn't look like
we have any heat waves in the near future," the National Weather
Service's David Stark told the New York Post. The last time New Yorkers
escaped such a scorching was 2004.
These milder temperatures have chilled business at local beaches.
is the coldest I've experienced in a while," Ahmad Hussian, told the
Post. His father owns Sun & Fun, a shop on Coney Island's Surf
Avenue. "Not a lot of people are coming here at all, but I have sold a
lot of hoodies."
The warmists, who concede nothing, hastily point
to the west coast, which has been unusually warm this summer. Fair
enough. So, as most people understand, conditions vary from one locale
to another. Yet if so-called "global warming" - driven by rising levels
of carbon dioxide - is truly the planetary menace that the warmists
claim it is, it should not be so easy to find abundant evidence that
things are going in totally the opposite direction. And never mind that
CO2 levels keep rising, without the widely advertised, boiling

are far more reliable temperature gauges than are Earth-bound
thermometers. Unlike objects in space, the latter can be affected by
urbanization, engine exhaust, and - in the case of one university-based
gauge - an adjacent barbecuegrill.

RSS satellite dataset shows no global warming at all for 213 months
from September 1996 to May 2014," writes Lord Monckton of Brenchley. "No
one now in high school has lived through global warming." This British
expert on climatology and the political controversy that encircles it
wrote for He added: "The fastest measured centennial
warming rate was in Central England from 1663-1762, at 0.9 Cº [1.62 Fº]
/century - before the industrial revolution. It was not our fault."
aside, global-warming theory is driven far less by instruments that
observe the world as it is, and much more by models that imagine how the
world might be. Unfortunately for the warmists, their computer models
have done a dreadful job of predicting in the past what temperatures
would be today. Thus, there is little reason to believe that they
suddenly will become accurate and dependable. One would be just as wise
to invest with a broker who forecast a decade ago that today's Dow Jones
Industrial Average would stand at 25,000.
Along those lines,
consider Obama's comments from November 14, 2012: "What we do know is
the temperature around the globe is increasing faster than was predicted
even ten years ago."
This is yet another of Obama's countless lies.
senator Timothy Endicott Wirth (D., Colo.) allowed a peek behind the
curtain. As he told The National Journal's Rochelle Stanfield way back
in August 13, 1988, when all of this got started:
we've got to do in energy conservation is try to ride the global warming
issue," said Wirth, now the vice chairman of the United Nations
Foundation and the Better World Fund. "Even if the theory of global
warming is wrong, to have approached global warming as if it is real
means energy conservation, so we will be doing the right thing anyway in
terms of economic policy and environmental policy." How chilling.
SOURCE Electrical Workers vs. the EPAWe union members oppose new anticarbon rules that will cost jobs and endanger the gridBy
EDWIN D. HILL (Mr. Hill is president of the International Brotherhood
of Electrical Workers (IBEW) representing 750,000 members in utilities,
construction, railroads, manufacturing, broadcasting, telecommunications
and government)
Late last month more than 1,600 witnesses
testified at hearings held by the Environmental Protection Agency on its
Clean Power Plan, which will impose drastic, 30% cuts in carbon
emissions by 2030, with most of the cuts taking place by 2020. The EPA's
proposal has attracted such a large response for a very good reason.
The plan would have a dramatic impact on the American economy but only a
minimal effect on global carbon emissions.
The EPA's plan,
according to its own estimates, will require closing coal-fired power
plants over the next five years that generate between 41 and 49
gigawatts (49,000 megawatts) of electricity. That's approximately enough
capacity to power the state of Georgia at any given time. Unless that
capacity is replaced, the nationwide equivalent of the Peach State would
go dark.
When gauged by accepted industry metrics, the agency's
plans also would result in the loss of some 52,000 permanent direct jobs
in utilities, mining and rail and at least another 100,000 jobs in
related industries. High-skill, middle-class jobs would be lost, falling
heavily in rural communities that have few comparable employment
The U.S. is already facing the loss of 60
gigawatts of power over the next three years, the result of older coal
plants' being forced to shut down because they cannot comply with the
EPA's Mercury and Air Toxics Standards enacted in 2012. At the time, the
EPA claimed that only four gigawatts of capacity would be lost. Those
of us familiar with the industry knew better, and the agency now does
not contest that 60 gigawatts of coal-generated electricity will be
lost. Ninety percent of the plants slated to close due to the MATS rule
were needed to provide power during the polar vortex and other periods
of severe weather last winter. Is the EPA willing to gamble that we
won't have another harsh winter in the next five years?
The U.S.
cannot lose more than 100 gigawatts of power in five years without
severely compromising the reliability and safety of the electrical grid.
That would pose a danger for the entire economy and all Americans.
the electricity lost as coal plants are closed will require building or
retrofitting facilities powered by other sources, the costs of which
will be borne by consumers. Natural gas is the only energy source that
could conceivably meet the expected demand over the next five years.
the market for natural gas is volatile, even with the current abundance
resulting from new discoveries. Prices could spike, saddling
residential and commercial customers with higher electric bills.
Renewables such as solar and wind can't take up the slack. Most industry
experts agree that solar and wind technologies will not be capable of
producing the required gigawatts for at least 20 years.
There is a
better way. The EPA could, for example, provide states with credit for
prior reductions in carbon emissions dating back to 2005 instead of
setting the baseline for further action at 2012 levels. This would
acknowledge the progress that has already been made and build from that.
important, the agency could develop a more realistic timetable,
softening the economic impact of its rules. Delaying the 2020 deadline
for the carbon cuts to be in place by several years would allow the
industry to test and install new technology enabling some plants to
remain in service and still meet emission targets.
The EPA's
Clean Power Plan is a classic example of federal tunnel vision—focusing
on a single goal with little heed for the costs and dangers. The Obama
administration and Congress need to put aside partisan bickering and
develop a plan for the nation's energy future that utilizes all of
America's abundant sources of power, encourages the development of
renewable energy on a large scale and replaces the inevitable lost jobs
with new opportunities for a trained, skilled workforce.
SOURCE Australia: ABC bias against coal hurts the poor and the workers: Sell the ABCA
new report shows ABC journalists are fond of renewables and overlook
their dismal economic value, while putting out bad news on coal, and
ignoring the benefits of vast cheap profitable energy. Who could have
seen that coming: a large public funded institution attracts employees
who like large public funding?
The IPA arranged for a media analysis firm to compare the ABC reporting on coal and renewables.
analysis of 2359 reports broadcast on the ABC over six months before
March 15 this year found 15.9 per cent of stories on coalmining and 12.1
per cent of those about coal-seam gas mining were favourable, while 53
per cent of those on renewable energy were favourable.
It also
found 31.6 per cent of stories on coal mining and 43.6 per cent of
stories on coal-seam gas were unfavourable, while only 10.8 per cent of
stories on renewable energy were unfavourable.
The ABC has
become its own best case for privatizing the ABC. How much could we get?
The funds from its sale, and the savings of the $1.25 billion it costs
annually, would help to pay down the massive debt left by the
Rudd-Gillard government. The real benefits could be much much
higher. The ABC has become an advertising agency for any group dependent
on public funding. Without the constant one-sided promotion of wasteful
spending, Australian policy might shift towards self sufficient
entrepreneurs instead of rent-seekers. How many countless billions is
that worth?
The economic situation of renewables and coal is blindingly obvious:
and Black coal provide electricity in Australia at less than 4c /KWhr,
while Solar costs nearly 20c. Figures thanks to Alan Moran:
Submission to the Renewable Energy Target Review Panel, IPA, 2014
energy generation, coal, oil, gas, renewables, hydro, biomass.To put a
perspective on it, coal is Australia’s largest exporter industry,
producing 33% of our energy and a whopping 75% of our electricity. (Wind
and solar produce all of 1%.) The coal industry provides the ABC with
funds, via tax, while the wind and solar industries are a net drain on
the public purse. The cheapest way to reduce CO2 (and by a whopping 15%)
looks like being an upgrade for our coal fired plants so they are like
the hot new Chinese plants. But how important is reducing CO2 to the
ABC? Apparently it’s not quite as important as cheering on other
big-government babies.
We can debate the environmental pluses and
minuses of coal, but the economic case is a lay down misere. Renewables
are anywhere from 200% to 500% more expensive.
The renewables
industry on the other hand makes expensive electricity, which punishes
the lower income earners and makes everything from health, to education
to organic hemp hairshirts more expensive. Higher energy costs makes it
harder for employers to employ people.
Because renewables are
awful for the poor and reduce jobs for workers, we can expect the ABC
will leave no stone unturned in accurately reporting the economic effect
of renewables. Or not…
In a sane world we could expect a
broadcaster serving the people to relentlessly pursue poor
government decisions — like, say, a plan to buy overpriced energy in the
hope of changing global weather.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
17 August, 2014
Two very different Warmists meet -- and we see which is rationalKevin
Trenberth is allegedly a scientist but is certainly a global warming
evangelist. His second most famous quote is: "The planet is
warming", but "the warmth just isn’t being manifested at the
surface". Pielke Jr. says he believes in global warming but
doesn't think anyone can do anything about it. Pielke enrages
other Warmists. He reports via Twitter:Roger Pielke Jr. @RogerPielkeJr
debated Trenberth last week. From Kevin there was yelling, spittle
& an apology. I stuck to IPCC AR5 which he called totally wrong.
IPCC AR5 is the latest U.N. climate reportClaim: 'State-of-the-art modeling techniques' reveal that 'Humans Are to Blame for Earth's Rapidly Melting Glaciers'The paper is Attribution of global glacier mass loss to anthropogenic and natural causes
and it is a glaringly obvious piece of propaganda that starts out with a
lie. "The ongoing global glacier retreat" doesn't exist.
Overall glacier retreat stopped in about 1950. See here.
And their failure to include solar factors in their models is also
revelatory -- since sunspots have been known for many years as
correlated with climate change. And models will give you any
result you want of courseThe steady melt of glacial ice
around the world is largely due to man-made factors, such as
greenhouse-gas emissions and aerosols, a new study finds.
have caused roughly a quarter of the globe's glacial loss between 1851
and 2010, and about 69 percent of glacial melting between 1991 and 2010,
the study suggests.
"In a sense, we got a confirmation that by
now, it is really mostly humans that are responsible for the melting
glaciers," said lead researcher Ben Marzeion, an associate professor of
meteorology and geophysics at the University of Innsbruck in Austria.
glaciers are often associated with global warming, and other studies
have estimated past ice loss and made projections of future melt. But
until now, researchers were unsure how muchglacial loss was tied to
human factors.
"So far, it has been unclear how much of the
observed mass losses are caused by humans rather than natural climate
variations," Regine Hock, a professor of geophysics at the University of
Alaska Fairbanks who was not involved in the study, wrote an in email
to Live Science.
The researchers used "state-of-the art modeling techniques," in their work, Hock said.
research team relied on 12 climate models, most of them from the latest
reports from theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, an
international group of climate-change experts convened by the United
Nations. By combining the models, along with data from the Randolph
Glacier Inventory (a catalog of nearly 200,000 glaciers), the
researchers created a computer model that included only natural
contributions to glacier melt, such as volcanic eruptions and solar
variability, and another model with both human and natural factors.
data from 1851 to 2010, the researchers compared the two models with
real measurements of glaciers to determine which one better represented
reality. The study did not include glaciers in Antarctica, because not
enough data on the region was available during the 159 years covered by
the study.
The model with the man-made influences was a better fit, they found.
thin and retreat around the world as a result of rising air
temperature, but the glaciers don't care whether or not the increase in
temperature is due to natural or human causes," Hock said. "Over the
last 150 years, most of the mass loss was due to natural climate
variability, caused, for example, by volcanic eruptions or changes in
solar activity.
"However, during the last 20 years, almost 70
percent of the glacier mass changes were caused by climate change due to
humans," she wrote.
Interestingly, the study found that
glaciers, which are slow to react to climate change, are still
recovering from the end of the Little Ice Age that lasted from the 14th
to the 19th centuries. During the Little Ice Age, temperatures
were about 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit (1 degree Celsius) colder than they
are today.
Warmer temperatures after the Little Ice Age affected the
glaciers. "Essentially, what we find is that glaciers would be melting
without any human influence," Marzeion told Live Science.
melt, however, would not be happening as quickly as it is today if it
weren't for man-made contributions, such as aerosols from wood or coal
fires, he said. Aerosols are particles suspended in the atmosphere that
absorb and scatter the sun's radiation.
Even if climate change
from both man-made and natural causes stopped today, the glaciers would
continue to melt and are projected to raise ocean levels by 2.7 inches
(7 centimeters) during this century, Marzeion said.
As global
temperatures continue to rise, the glaciers will continue to disappear.
The melt may provide more water for irrigation and other needs, but it
won't be sustainable because the glaciers may eventually vanish,
Marzeion said. In the meantime, people can try to reduce man-made
contributions to global warming and adapt to the changing planet, he
The study was published online today (Aug. 14) in the journal Science.
SOURCE The glaciers have stopped retreatingA
paper published today in The Cryosphere studies glacier length data
available worldwide since 1800 and finds that glaciers retreated faster
during the first half of the 20th century than the second half from
This is the opposite pattern that would be expected
if man-made greenhouse gases were the cause, and suggests a natural
origin. Most warmists and the IPCC claim man-made greenhouse gases did
not begin to affect climate until after 1950, and thus can't be blamed
for the fastest rate of glacier retreat from ~1850-1950 and subsequent
The authors find glaciers showed little change in
length during the latter part of the Little Ice Age 1800-1850, but
following the end of the Little Ice Age in ~1850 most began a relatively
rapid retreat that began to decelerate after ~1950. The data shows that
calving glaciers reversed to a net advancing trend after ~2001, and
that the number of calving glaciers has sharply decreased from
~99% to 50% since the year 2000.
The paper:
A data set of worldwide glacier length fluctuations
P. W. Leclercq et al.
fluctuations contribute to variations in sea level and historical
glacier length fluctuations are natural indicators of past climate
change. To study these subjects, long-term information of glacier change
is needed. In this paper we present a data set of global long-term
glacier length fluctuations. The data set is a compilation of available
information on changes in glacier length worldwide, including both
measured and reconstructed glacier length fluctuations. All 471 length
series start before 1950 and cover at least four decades. The longest
record starts in 1535, but the majority of time series start after 1850.
The number of available records decreases again after 1962. The data
set has global coverage including records from all continents. However,
the Canadian Arctic is not represented in the data set. The available
glacier length series show relatively small fluctuations until the
mid-19th century, followed by a global retreat. The retreat was
strongest in the first half of the 20th century, although large
variability in the length change of the different glaciers is observed.
During the 20th century, calving glaciers retreated more than
land-terminating glaciers, but their relative length change was
approximately equal. Besides calving, the glacier slope is the most
important glacier property determining length change: steep glaciers
have retreated less than glaciers with a gentle slope.
SOURCE Warmists are the climate deniersAn
interesting comment by Major Combs on the article above. Warmists
really are pathetic. Their inability to handle reality shows that
they desperately need their mental simplificationsI had the
pleasure of discussing glacier retreat with James Balog of "Chasing
Ice" fame, and Dr. Robert Bindschadler, retired NASA, on a recent
Lindblad/National Geographic Antarctic voyage. Both seemed
unknowledgeable about the history of glacier advances and retreats,
perhaps because such information did not serve their anthropogenic
global warming/climate change agendas. Dr; Bindschadler ridiculed my
mention of warmer periods this interglacial, like the Medieval warm
period, and denied knowledge of previous sea level high stands, such as
during the Holocene Climate Optimum 8,000 to 4,000 years ago. Sadly, it
appears that anything that predates Al Gore's alarmism is something that
neither gentlemen cared to discuss. I consider both of them to be
natural climate change deniers.
Bill Nye, Al Gore Get The Physics Of Global Warming WrongCritics
are saying Bill Nye “the science guy” and former Vice President Al Gore
got their global warming science wrong, citing previously published
Back in 2011, Nye and Gore teamed up to show that
global warming was real using “a simple lab experiment.” The problem is
that such experiments have been discredited by scientists who the say
these demonstrations show heat transport, not global warming.
not an accurate demonstration of the physics of climate change, the
experiment we have considered and related ones are valuable examples of
the dangers of unintentional bias in science, the value of at least a
rough quantitative prediction of the expected effect, the importance of
considering alternative explanations, and the need for carefully
designed experimental controls,” according to a paper by scientists from
Tufts and the Technical Education Research Centers.
During a
2011 “24 hours of climate reality” by the Climate Reality Project, a
group founded by Gore to sound the alarm on global warming, Nye put
together a “Climate Change 101” video which used “a simple lab
experiment” to demonstrate how increasing levels of carbon dioxide
emissions heat the planet.
Nye’s “simple” experiment involved
sealing thermometers inside two identical bottles, which were sealed. To
illustrate the effects of increased carbon dioxide on temperature, Nye
fits a hose from a CO2 canister into one of the bottles. Both bottles
are then placed placed under heat lamps.
“Within minutes you will
see the temperature of the bottle with carbon dioxide in it rising
faster and higher,” Nye said in his video experiment. “The bottles are
like our atmosphere, the lamps are like our sun.”
A paper
published in a 2010 edition of the American Journal of Physics found
that experiments like Nye’s are “not an accurate demonstration of the
physics of climate change.”
These experiments have not just been
reproduced by Nye, but by scientists and teachers around the country to
illustrate the cause of global warming in a simple, easy to understand
way. But they all suffer a fatal flaw: they illustrate “processes
related to convective heat transport that plays no role in climate
“All involve comparing the temperature rise in a
container filled with air with that of the same or a similar container
filled with carbon dioxide when exposed to radiation from the Sun or a
heat lamp,” the scientists wrote. “Typically, a larger temperature rise
is observed with carbon dioxide and the difference is attributed,
explicitly or implicitly, to the physical phenomena responsible for the
climate change.”
“We argue here that great care is required in
interpreting these demonstrations. … The results arise primarily from
processes related to convective heat transport that plays no role in
climate change,” the paper continues.
“The greater density of
carbon dioxide compared to air reduces heat transfer by suppressing
convective mixing with the ambient air,” the scientists continued.
“Other related experiments are subject to similar concerns. Argon, which
has a density close to that of carbon dioxide but no infrared
absorption, provides a valuable experimental control for separating
radiative from convective effects.”
Nye’s “Climate Change 101?
video is still featured prominently on the Climate Reality Project’s
website, along with content that sounds the alarm on global warming and
bashes those skeptical that man-made carbon dioxide is warming the
“Take Climate 101 with Bill Nye (the Science Guy) and
you’ll be schooled in the scientific fundamentals of climate change in
under 5 minutes,” Climate Reality Project’s website reads.
“Separate fact from fiction, and we can end the debate and denial and move on to solutions, together,” the site adds.
SOURCE Wind farm 'needs 700 times more land' than fracking site to produce same energyA
wind farm requires 700 times more land to produce the same amount of
energy as a fracking site, according to analysis by the energy
department’s recently-departed chief scientific advisor.
David MacKay, who stood down from the Government role at the end of
July, published analysis putting shale gas extraction “in perspective”,
showing it was far less intrusive on the landscape than wind or solar
His intervention was welcomed by fracking groups, who are
battling to win public support amid claims from green groups and other
critics that shale gas extraction will require the “industrialisation”
of the countryside.
Hundreds of anti-fracking protesters on
Thursday occupied a field near Blackpool neighbouring a proposed
fracking site for energy firm Cuadrilla.
Prof MacKay said that a
shale gas site uses less land and “creates the least visual intrusion”,
compared with a wind farm or solar farm capable of producing the
equivalent amount of energy over 25 years.
He rated each
technology’s “footprint” against six criteria covering aspects of land
use, height, visual impact and truck movements to and from the site.
shale gas site or “pad” was the “winning” technology on three measures,
solar farms won on two, while wind farms did not win any. None was
deemed to have “won” on truck movements as all types generated “lots” of
Prof MacKay, who is Regius Professor of Engineering at
the University of Cambridge, said that a shale gas pad of 10 wells would
require just 2 hectares of land and would be visible - due to an
85-foot-high drilling rig - from 77 hectares of surrounding area.
However, the drilling rig would be in place for "only the first few
years of operations".
By contrast, a wind farm capable of
producing the same energy would span an area of 1,450 hectares,
requiring 87 turbines each 328-foot tall.
Prof MacKay noted that
the actual turbines, access roads and other installations for the wind
farm would have a smaller footprint, of 36 hectares, as “the wind farm
has lots of empty land between the turbines, which can be used for other
But the large area covered by the farm as a whole
would mean it would be visible from a surrounding area of between 5,200
and 17,000 hectares.
A solar farm generating equivalent energy would span a 924 hectare area, directly building on 208 hectares of it.
An estimated 7,800 lorry movements would be required for the wind farm and between 3,800 and 7,600 for the solar farm.
fracking site could require the fewest lorry movements, at 2,900, if
water is piped to and from the site. However, it could require
significantly more than the other technologies - 20,000 trips - if water
was transported by truck.
Prof MacKay said the analysis showed
that “perhaps unsurprisingly, there is no silver bullet – no energy
source with all-round small environmental impact”. He said that all
sources “have their costs and risks” and said the public should “look at
all the options”.
A spokesman for Cuadrilla said: "This
comparison by David MacKay clearly demonstrates that, contrary to what
some people may assume, exploration for and production of shale gas
would actually have less far less impact on the countryside than wind or
solar energy.
"To supply an equivalent amount of energy a shale
gas site would occupy just a small fraction of the land required for
either wind or solar sites, would have less visual intrusion and
significantly less transport impact, given that in the UK we do not
anticipate having to truck water to our proposed sites."
Cronin, chief executive of the UK Onshore Operators Group, which
represents fracking firms, said: "David MacKay’s review is a useful
addition to the debate. We are going to need all these energy sources to
be part of a balanced energy mix.
"We mustn’t ignore the fact
that over 80 per cent of homes and businesses are heated by gas. As an
industry we are committed to informing and consulting fully with the
communities in which we operate."
Dr Jimmy Aldridge, energy
analyst for Greenpeace UK, said: “The visual impact of fracking isn’t
really the main issue – everyone knows that wind turbines are taller
than drilling rigs, so you can see them from further away, but
government figures show three times as many people support wind power
than shale gas, and that difference just gets more pronounced when it’s
in their local area.
"That’s partly because of the risk of
localised air and water pollution, partly noise and inconvenience, but
most importantly, because shale gas is a high-carbon energy source,
which is exactly what we need a lot less of.”
The Department of
Energy and Climate Change caused controversy last autumn when it
published and then deleted from its website a graphic showing that
onshore wind farms covering 250,000 acres would be required to generate
as much power as the proposed Hinkley Point C nuclear power station in
Somerset, which would cover 430 acres.
SOURCE ***************************************
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
15 August, 2014
U.S. Democrats Embrace Shale Boom Ahead Of Midterm ElectionsWhen
House Republicans took up a measure to speed the government's reviews
of applications to export natural gas, a move long sought by energy
companies, the unexpected happened: The bill won "yes" votes from 47
The bill's sponsor, Rep. Cory Gardner (R., Colo.),
anticipated some Democratic backing, but not that much. Rep. Steve
Israel of New York, who leads the Democrats' House campaign arm, was a
yes, as was House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer of Maryland. Both voted in
2012 to restrict oil and gas exports.
The energy boom is shaping a
new kind of Democrat in national politics, lawmakers who are giving
greater support to the oil and gas industry even at the risk of
alienating environmental groups, a core of the party's base. The trend
comes as oil-and-gas production moves beyond America's traditionally
energy-rich states, a development that also is increasing U.S.
geopolitical influence abroad.
"It's a huge business opportunity
for the country," said Rep. John Delaney (D., Md.), who was among 17
first-term lawmakers who voted yes on Mr. Gardner's bill. It passed the
House and now awaits action in the Senate.
Mr. Delaney, whose
district extends from the Washington-area suburbs to the West Virginia
border, opposes a moratorium Maryland has placed on fracking. "I think
that has really hurt the western part of my district."
"When four
or five states were responsible for the vast majority of oil and gas
production, it was easy to say this is a Republican issue, because most
of those states happened to be Republican states," said Kevin Book,
managing director at the Washington, D.C.-based consulting firm
ClearView Energy Partners. "But now that oil and gas production is
spreading through unconventional technologies, there's many more
It is a theme playing out ahead of November's midterm
elections, with some Democrats trying to balance environmental groups'
concerns about climate change and an industry they see as carrying
economic benefits.
This tension recently flared in Colorado,
where Democrats have been at odds over measures restricting fracking, a
process that has unlocked vast supplies of oil and natural gas from
rocks deep underground.
In response to concerns about potential
groundwater pollution and drilling close to homes, Rep. Jared Polis, a
liberal Democrat, had been pushing for a ballot initiative to limit
fracking. His move drew opposition from Gov. John Hickenlooper and Sen.
Mark Udall, Democrats in tight re-election races in Colorado. Party
leaders feared the measures would allow the GOP to cast Democrats as
anti-industry. Mr. Polis retreated last week after the governor agreed
to set up a commission to address the issue.
Some Republicans are
skeptical of the Democratic Party's growing support and note many
Democrats want more regulations. At the same time, GOP leaders say the
phenomenon has moved beyond rhetoric. Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.),
the new House Majority Leader, said in a recent interview he has noticed
Democrats being more supportive of the energy boom, "because they see
their economy grow by it."
Mike McKenna, president of
conservative lobbying firm MWR Strategies, which has close ties to GOP
congressional leadership, said "it's a genuine shift and an important
one." Among the drivers, he said, is the local tax revenue that comes
from related economic growth.
Since March 2008, oil production
has increased 58% and natural-gas output has risen 21%, making the U.S.
the world's largest producer of both fuels, according to federal and
international agency statistics. Jobs directly related to oil and gas
production have nearly doubled in the past 10 years to 697,600,
government data shows.
Support is strongest in states that reap
the most from new production and the development export terminals for
liquefied natural gas in places like Maryland and Oregon. Fracking is
poised to start or already has in swing states including Ohio, North
Carolina and Nevada.
SOURCEHail Shale: World Awash In Oil Shields Markets From Price ShocksFighting
across Iraq, Libya, Ukraine and Gaza, and an accelerating economy,
should mean higher oil prices. Yet crude is falling. What’s changed is
the shale fracking boom.
Six years ago, oil soared to a record
$147 a barrel as tension mounted over Iran’s nuclear program and the
world economy had just seen the strongest period of sustained growth
since the 1970s. Now, West Texas Intermediate, the U.S. benchmark price,
has traded below $100 for 10 days and Brent, the European equivalent,
tumbled to a 13-month low yesterday.
What’s changed is the shale
fracking boom. The U.S. is pumping the most oil in 27 years, adding more
than 3 million barrels of daily supply since 2008. The International
Energy Agency said yesterday that a supply glut is shielding the market
from disruptions. Bank of America Corp., Citigroup Inc. and BNP Paribas
SA concur.
“North America has pushed out an incredible amount of
crude oil that it used to import,” Ed Morse, the head of commodities
research at Citigroup, said in a phone interview from New York
yesterday. “The world doesn’t need that much.”
The U.S. imported
7.17 million barrels a day of crude in May, a 26 percent drop from the
same month in 2008, according to data compiled by the Energy Information
Administration, the Energy Department’s statistical arm. Foreign
deliveries will meet 22 percent of U.S. demand next year, the lowest
level since 1970, the agency said yesterday.
U.S. Growth
gross domestic product will grow 3 percent in 2015, accelerating from
1.7 percent this year, according to the median forecast from 84
economists surveyed by Bloomberg. Job openings rose in June to the
highest level in more than 13 years, firming up the labor market picture
for the second half of the year, according to the U.S. government.
nation’s output is forecast to climb to 9.28 million barrels a day next
year, the highest level since 1972, the EIA said. The agency cut its
2014 price forecast for WTI to $100.45 a barrel yesterday from a July
projection of $100.98.
Oil markets became more resilient to the
threat of global supply disruptions because of “spare capacity” and
softer global demand, Francisco Blanch, the head of commodities research
at Bank of America in New York, said by phone yesterday.
in oil demand was far outpacing our ability to physically supply oil”
in the first half of 2008, Harry Tchilinguirian, the head of commodity
markets strategy at BNP Paribas in London, said by phone yesterday. “The
price of oil needed to rise promptly to ration demand.”
SOURCEThe Next Energy Revolution: Deep Water Fracking Energy
companies are taking their controversial fracking operations from the
land to the sea — to deep waters off the U.S., South American and
African coasts.
Cracking rocks underground to allow oil and gas
to flow more freely into wells has grown into one of the most lucrative
industry practices of the past century. The technique is also widely
condemned as a source of groundwater contamination. The question now is
how will that debate play out as the equipment moves out into the deep
blue. For now, caution from all sides is the operative word.
the most challenging, harshest environment that we’ll be working in,”
said Ron Dusterhoft, an engineer at Halliburton Co., the world’s largest
fracker. “You just can’t afford hiccups.”
Offshore fracking is a
part of a broader industrywide strategy to make billion-dollar deep-sea
developments pay off. The practice has been around for two decades yet
only in the past few years have advances in technology and vast offshore
discoveries combined to make large scale fracking feasible.
fracking is also moving off the coasts of Brazil and Africa, the big
play is in the Gulf of Mexico, where wells more than 100 miles from the
coastline must traverse water depths of a mile or more and can cost
almost $100 million to drill.
Those expensive drilling projects
are a boon for oil service providers such as Halliburton, Baker Hughes
Inc. and Superior Energy Services Inc. Schlumberger Ltd., which provides
offshore fracking gear for markets outside the U.S. Gulf, also stands
to get new work. And producers such as Chevron Corp., Royal Dutch Shell
Plc and BP Plc may reap billions of dollars in extra revenue over time
as fracking helps boost crude output.
Fracking in the Gulf of
Mexico is expected to grow by more than 10 percent over a two year
period ending in 2015, said Douglas Stephens, president of pressure
pumping at Baker Hughes, which operates about a third of the world’s
offshore fracking fleet.
SOURCECoal getting cheaper tooCoal
imports to the U.S. are rising sharply even as coal mines close
throughout Central Appalachia. A big reason: price. Total U.S. coal
consumption is expected to increase 3% to 862 million tons this year.
costs $26 a ton to ship coal from Central Appalachia to power plants in
Florida compared with $15 a ton to get coal from a mine in Colombia,
according to research firm IHS Energy.
Labor costs are lower in
Colombia, and it’s much more cost effective to move coal by ship, which
can transport well over 50,000 tons of coal, than by train, usually made
up of more than 100 railcars, each carrying only 100 tons of coal. In
addition, a global coal glut has helped weaken prices for Colombian
Coal imports surged 44% to 5.4 million metric tons during
the first six months of 2014, compared with a year ago, according to
Global Trade Information Services. Two-thirds came from Colombia, which
ramped up coal production and exported 24% more coal during the first
five months, compared with the same period in 2013, the data provider
Total U.S. coal consumption is expected to increase 3% to
862 million tons this year, according to the Energy Information
Administration. The expected rise reflects frigid weather earlier this
year, which boosted demand at all power plants, including those relying
on coal.
SOURCE Why we still need coalEven
while hundreds of coal-fired electric power plants are being retired or
converted to natural gas on account of new Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) regulations — 361 units so far according to over the coming years — an odd thing happened this
Coal electricity production increased dramatically, by
8.5 percent, to 543.4 billion kilowatthours (kWh) for the months of
January through April compared to the same period in 2013. The culprit?
The particularly cold and harsh winter.
Overall, end use of all
electricity from all providers was up 3.6 percent to 1.265 trillion kWh
for January through April, and overall generation was up 3.98 percent to
1.278 kWh. Increased coal electricity generation accounted for more
than 87 percent of the increase.
Natural gas electricity
generation, on the other hand, took a big hit the first four months of
the year, down 3.2 percent to 289.1 billion kWh. This followed delivery
problems for gas this past winter in the northeast, leading to
communities with those types of plants to lean on coal-generated grid
power from Midwestern states.
This past winter, according to, in New York and New England, “insufficient pipeline capacity to
deliver growing peak demand gas needed for gas-fired electric
generators, as well as residential and commercial consumers” led to
supply shortages in the northeast and big price jumps.
That’s not
good, since natural gas is supposed to be what replaces coal on the
grid, yet it does not appear to be capable of fulfilling peak demand.
the same thing happen over the coming years, the grid will become
increasingly taxed as the remaining coal-powered plants attempt to fill
in the gap, only with less capacity to do so.
Consider that coal
as a percent of the grid had dropped from 51 percent in 2005 to 38.5
percent market share in 2012. But because of the cold surge, that figure
jumped back up to over 42 percent the first four months of 2014.
that trend might not last much longer as more coal plants are brought
off-line by the EPA, resulting in a 16 percent cut to coal electricity
This is something even the New York Times acknowledged
in a March 10 article by Matthew L. Wald. “Scores of old coal-fired
power plants in the Midwest will close in the next year or so because of
federal pollution rules intended to cut emissions of mercury, chlorine
and other toxic pollutants. Still others could close because of a
separate rule to prevent the damage that cooling water systems inflict
on marine life,” writes Wald.
The Times warns ominously, “For
utilities, another frigid winter like this one could lead to a squeeze
in supply, making it harder — and much more expensive — to supply power
to consumers during periods of peak demand.”
So, we’re cutting
coal electricity’s supply via the regulatory process, precisely at a
time when demand appears to be increasing.
In short, increased
coal electricity production was needed during this harsh winter to meet
increased electricity demand and delayed natural gas supplies. So, why
are we shutting down 16 percent of coal electricity capacity with
punitive EPA regulations?
If anything, it appears we need coal now more than ever. Is anyone at the EPA or White House listening?
SOURCE GREENIE ROUNDUP FROM AUSTRALIAThree current articles belowGreenies criticize new coal railway in Qld.THE
state's coordinator-general has approved Indian firm Adani's 300km rail
line, linking the Galilee Basin with the Abbot Point coal terminal on
the Great Barrier Reef.
But Australia Institute analyst Mark Ogge
says the massive project will drive down global coal prices and could
potentially cause the closure of Surat and Bowen Basin coal mines.
has all the signs of an economic train wreck for the state," Mr Ogge
warned. "If you are a farmer, tourist operator, manufacturer or
coal miner other than in the Galilee basin, today's approval is almost
certainly bad news for you."
Greenpeace's Ben Pearson was
disappointed that the railway, planned to transport more than 100
million tonnes of coal per year, had been given the state's nod.
"It's very bad news for landowners along the route and it is very bad
news for Australians who care about the climate and care about our Great
Barrier Reef," he told AAP. "We certainly haven't given up on
stopping federal approval of the rail line."
But Queensland
Resources Council chief executive Michael Roche congratulated Adani and
described the rail and mine project as a pioneer plan.
Premier Campbell Newman said the project would be giving back to the state for at least 50-60 years.
he's asked the coordinator-general to be mindful of impacts on
landholders because local member and government MP Vaughan Johnson has
concerns about the route. "Vaughan is quite rightly being the
voice of his constituents," the premier said.
"I have asked him (the coordinator-general) to be very mindful on the ground. We'll do our best to mitigate those impacts."
Federal government approval, required for the project to go ahead, is due by September 30.
SOURCE Great Barrier Reef still facing significant threats, assessment for World Heritage Committee showsPanic
about the reef is a hardy perennial; I remember it from 50 years
ago. But coral recovers quickly from damage. The Greens
would only be happy if all human influences were removedTwo
major reports into the health and management of the Great Barrier Reef
have found parts of the World Heritage site are still under pressure and
the central and southern areas are deteriorating.
Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt today released a strategic assessment and a five-yearly outlook for the reef.
United Nations' World Heritage Committee is concerned about the Abbot
Point port expansion and the plan to dump of three million cubic metres
of dredge spoil within the marine park.
It is due to decide next year whether to list the reef as a World Heritage site "in danger".
outlook report, prepared by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
Authority (GBRMPA), found the health of the reef was still worrying
compared to its last report five years ago.
"Even with the recent
management initiatives to reduce threats and improve resilience, the
overall outlook for the Great Barrier Reef is poor and getting worse,"
the authority's chairman Russell Reichelt wrote.
While pollutants entering the reef had measurably reduced since 2009, the greatest risks have not changed.
They include climate change, farm run-off, coastal developments and fishing.
recent years, a series of major storms and floods have affected an
ecosystem already under strain, and the accumulation of all impacts had
the potential to further weaken its resilience.
"This is likely
to affect its ability to recover from series disturbances, such as major
coral bleaching events, which are predicted to become more frequent,"
the report said.
"The Great Barrier Reef is an icon under pressure.
promptly reducing threats, there is a serious risk that resilience will
not be improved and there will be irreversible declines in the region’s
The report found the northern third of the region has good water quality and its ecosystem was in good condition.
the habitat, species, and ecosystem in the central and southern inshore
areas had continued to deteriorate because of human use and natural
The dugong population, which was already at very low levels, had declined further in those areas.
Overall, some species were rebounding, including humpback whales, estuarine crocodile and loggerhead turtles.
Hunt confident reef won't be listed as 'in danger'
Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt said there had been some improvements, but there needed to be more.
"The report is a mixture of pressure and progress," he said.
"In the south, there were some real negatives, to be honest. Now is the moment that we have to turn around the reef."
said he was confident the Government would do enough to save the reef
from being listed "in danger", including reducing port developments.
was put on the review list on somebody else's watch," he said.
"Our task is to not just remove it from the watch list, but to make sure
the reef recovers to its former glory."
Environmentalists want the Government to commit billions to reduce water pollution.
CEO Dermot O'Gorman said billions were being spent to save the Murray
River, and the reef needed the same commitment.
"Australians are deeply concerned that our national icon is dying on our watch," he said.
SOURCEUriarra solar farm west of Canberra will increase bushfire risk: reportA
proposed solar farm near Uriarra Village west of Canberra would
increase the risk of bushfire, a report commissioned by residents has
Elementus Energy has submitted an application to build a
26,000-panel solar farm near the village, which could power more than
1,400 homes.
But residents have long called for its relocation further away from their homes.
report by fire analysis expert Helen Bull found the solar farm would
increase the likelihood and risk of fire affecting the Uriarra Village
community, and proposed tree screening could hamper firefighting
But the company behind the project has argued that infrastructure at the site would mitigate the risk of bushfire in the area.
report recommended the proponent work with the fire services and
community to further investigate risks presented by the project and
opportunities to improve fire-response times.
"A fire burning in
the proposed screen planting is expected to impact on the village
through radiant heat and ember attack, although the effect would be
short-term," the report said.
Ms Bull's report was partly based
on a review of the development application and a site inspection, and
noted there were limitations to its analysis, including limited
information and a short time frame for its preparation.
residents' spokeswoman Jess Agnew said the report's finding strengthened
residents' arguments for the relocation of the solar farm.
this is what we've been pushing for all along and this finally confirms
what we need as well as putting the 22 kilowatt power lines
underground," she said.
Solar farm will 'mitigate bushfire risk'
Elementus Energy's managing director Ashleigh Antflick told told 666
ABC Canberra Uriarra residents already lived in a zone of high bushfire
risk and previous plans for the village had called for dense visual
screening along its northern edge.
"My suggestion to the
villagers is the use of the land across the road from the village will
in fact be a bushfire mitigant for them because we will be taking very
good care of the land upon which the solar facility is located," he
"The screening that we've proposed is there obviously to
mitigate the visual impact of the solar farm and that it represents a
fire risk in and of itself we can I think accept.
"But what you
need to do is look a bit further beyond the trees themselves and say in
the direction that a fire would ordinarily approach Uriarra Village
where those trees could become a concern, what are we doing?
we're doing is having a very well managed 40 hectare solar farm site
where there are significant pieces of firefighting infrastructure
including roads for Rural Fire Service vehicles to make quick and speedy
access right to the very far edge of the site."
Mr Antflick said
there would also be a 40,000 litre water tank on the site and the
company had shifted the planned solar farm away from the village at
residents' request.
"The nearest home is 150 metres away from the leading edge of the nearest solar panel," he said.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
14 August, 2014
More Warmist deceptionThe
notorious Mark Serreze fails to mention below that there was open water
at the North pole on several occasions throughout the 20th.
century. As NOAA says:
"Recently there have been newspaper articles describing the existence
of open water at the North Pole. This situation is infrequent but has
been known to occur as the ice is shifted around by winds. In itself,
this observation is not meaningful."
And Serreze is simply
lying about the Northwest passage. It too has been navigated on
many occasions in the past. It was first navigated by Roald Amundsen in
1903–1906. The North Pole may be briefly ice-free by
September as global warming melts away Arctic sea ice, according to
scientists from the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder,
"We kind of have an informal betting pool going around
in our center and that betting pool is 'does the North Pole melt out
this summer?' and it may well," said the center's senior research
scientist, Mark Serreze.
It's a 50-50 bet that the thin Arctic
sea ice, which was frozen in autumn, will completely melt away at the
geographic North Pole, Serreze said.
The ice retreated to a
record level in September when the Northwest Passage, the sea route
through the Arctic Ocean, opened briefly for the first time in recorded
"What we've seen through the past few decades is the
Arctic sea ice cover is becoming thinner and thinner as the system warms
up," Serreze said.
Specific weather patterns will determine whether the North Pole's ice cover melts completely this summer, he said.
year, we had sort of a perfect weather pattern to get rid of ice to
open up that Northwest Passage," Serreze said. "This year, a different
pattern can set up. so maybe we'll preserve some ice there. We're in a
wait-and-see mode right now. We'll see what happens."
The brief lack of ice at the top of the globe will not bring any immediate consequences, he said.
the viewpoint of the science, the North Pole is just another point in
the globe, but it does have this symbolic meaning," Serreze said.
"There's supposed to be ice at the North Pole. The fact that we may not
have any by the end of this summer could be quite a symbolic change."
said it's "just another indicator of the disappearing Arctic sea ice
cover" but that it is happening so soon is "just astounding to me."
years ago, to think that we'd even be talking about the possibility of
the North Pole melting out in the summer, I would have never thought
it," he said.
The melting, however, has been long seen as inevitable, he said.
you talked to me or other scientists just a few years ago, we were
saying that we might lose all or most of the summer sea ice cover by
anywhere from 2050 to 2100," Serreze said. "Then, recently, we kind of
revised those estimates, maybe as early as 2030. Now, there's people out
there saying it might be even before that. So, things are happening
pretty quick up there."
Serreze said those who suggest that the Arctic meltdown is just part of a historic cycle are wrong.
not cyclical at this point. I think we understand the physics behind
this pretty well," he said. "We've known for at least 30 years, from our
earliest climate models, that it's the Arctic where we'd see the first
signs of global warming.
"It's a situation where we hate to say we told you so, but we told you so," he said.
SOURCEEarth has been getting hotter for the past 10,000 YEARS, contradicting studies that humans started global warmingWas the Earth in a period of global warming or cooling before the 20th century?
to answer this question has thrown up a conundrum for scientists, with
some studies showing a warming trend, while others suggesting it cooled
until humans intervened.
Now a new study hopes to settle the
issue by arguing that data points to the fact that Earth's climate has
been warming over the past 10,000 years - long before human activity is
thought to have changed the climate.
It argues that previous research that showed a cooling trend was wrong because it used contradictory ice core data.
The research was undertaken by University of Wisconsin-Madison's Professor Zhengyu Liu.
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change requested a figure to
show global temperature trends over the last 10,000 years, Professor Liu
knew that was going to be a problem.
'We have been building
models and there are now robust contradictions', he said. 'Data from
observation says global cooling. The physical model says it has to be
In his latest study, Professor Liu describes a
consistent global warming trend over the course of the Holocene, our
current geological epoch.
Scientists ran simulations of climate influences and each on revealed global warming occurring over the last 10,000 years.
Liu explained that we know atmospheric carbon dioxide rose by 20 parts
per million before the 20th century, and the massive ice sheet of the
Last Glacial Maximum has been retreating.
These physical changes
suggest that, globally, the annual mean global temperature should have
continued to warm, even as regions of the world experienced cooling,
such as during the Little Ice Age in Europe between the 16th and 19th
The team ran simulations of climate influences that
spanned from the intensity of sunlight on Earth to global greenhouse
gases, ice sheet cover and meltwater changes.
Each showed global warming over the last 10,000 years.
the bio- and geo-thermometers used last year in a study in the journal
Science suggest a period of global cooling beginning about 7,000 years
It claimed that this continued until humans began to leave a
mark - the so-called 'hockey stick' on the current climate model graph -
which reflects a profound global warming trend.
In that study,
the authors looked at data collected by other scientists from ice core
samples, phytoplankton sediments and more at 73 sites around the world.
The data they gathered sometimes conflicted, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere.
Because interpretation of this data is complicated, Professor Liu believes they may not adequately address the bigger picture.
instance, biological samples taken from a core deposited in the summer
may be different from samples at the exact same site had they been taken
from a winter sediment.
'In the Northern Atlantic, there is
cooling and warming data the climate change community hasn't been able
to figure out,' said Professor Liu.
'Both communities have to look back critically and see what is missing. I think it is a puzzle.'
their current knowledge, Professor Liu and colleagues don't believe any
physical forces over the last 10,000 years could have been strong
enough to overwhelm the warming.
The study does not, the authors
emphasise, change the evidence of human impact on global climate
beginning in the 20th century. [They have to say that]
SOURCEWe’re ill-prepared if the iceman comethWHAT
if David Archibald’s book The Twilight of Abundance: Why Life in the
21st Century Will Be Nasty, Brutish, and Short turns out to be right?
What if the past 50 years of peace, cheap energy, abundant food, global
economic growth and population explosion have been due to a temporary
climate phenomenon?
What if the warmth the world has enjoyed for the past 50 years is the result of solar activity, not man-made CO2?
a letter to the editor of Astronomy & Astrophysics, IG Usoskin et
al produced the “first fully adjustment-free physical reconstruction of
solar activity”. They found that during the past 3000 years the modern
grand maxima, which occurred between 1959 and 2009, was a rare event
both in magnitude and duration. This research adds to growing evidence
that climate change is determined by the sun, not humans.
during the past 20 years the US alone has poured about $US80 billion
into climate change research on the presumption that humans are the
primary cause. The effect has been to largely preordain scientific
conclusions. It set in train a virtuous cycle where the more scientists
pointed to human causes, the more governments funded their research.
the same time, like primitive civilisations offering up sacrifices to
appease the gods, many governments, including Australia’s former Labor
government, used the biased research to pursue “green” gesture politics.
This has inflicted serious damage on economies and diminished the
West’s standing and effectiveness in world affairs.
of Pennsylvania professor of psychology Philip Tetlock explains: “When
journal reviewers, editors and funding agencies feel the same way about a
course, they are less likely to detect and correct potential logical or
methodological bias.” How true. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change and its acolytes pay scant attention to any science, however
strong the empirical evidence, that may relegate human causes to a
lesser status.
This mindset sought to bury the results of Danish
physicist Henrik Svensmark’s experiments using the Large Hadron
Collider, the world’s most powerful particle accelerator. For the first
time in controlled conditions, Svensmark’s hypothesis that the sun
alters the climate by influencing cosmic ray influx and cloud formation
was validated. The head of CERN, which runs the laboratory, obviously
afraid of how this heretical conclusion would be received within the
global warming establishment, urged caution be used in interpreting the
results “in this highly political area of climate change debate”. And
the media obliged.
But Svensmark is not alone. For example,
Russian scientists at the Pulkovo Observatory are convinced the world is
in for a cooling period that will last for 200-250 years. Respected
Norwegian solar physicist Pal Brekke warns temperatures may actually
fall for the next 50 years. Leading British climate scientist Mike
Lockwood, of Reading University, found 24 occasions in the past 10,000
years when the sun was declining as it is now, but could find none where
the decline was as fast. He says a return of the Dalton Minimum
(1790-1830), which included “the year without summer”, is “more likely
than not”. In their book The Neglected Sun , Sebastian Luning and Fritz
Varenholt think that temperatures could be two-tenths of a degree
Celsius cooler by 2030 because of a predicted anaemic sun. They say it
would mean “warming getting postponed far into the future”.
the world does indeed move into a cooling period, its citizens are
ill-prepared. After the 2008 financial crisis, most economies are still
struggling to recover. Cheap electricity in a colder climate will be
critical, yet distorted price signals caused by renewable energy
policies are driving out reliable baseload generators. Attracting fresh
investment will be difficult, expensive and slow.
Only time will
tell, but it is fanciful to believe that it will be business as usual in
a colder global climate. A war-weary world’s response to recent events
in the Middle East, Russia’s excursion into the Crimea and Ukraine and
China’s annexation of air space over Japan’s Senkaku/Daioyu Islands has
so far been muted. It is interesting to contemplate how the West would
handle the geopolitical and humanitarian challenges brought on by a
colder climate’s shorter growing seasons and likely food shortages.
Abundance is conducive to peace. However, a scenario where nations are
desperately competing for available energy and food will bring
unpredictable threats, far more testing than anything we have seen in
recent history.
During the past seven years, Australia has
largely fallen into line with Western priorities and redistributive
policies. It is reminiscent of a family that has inherited a vast
fortune constantly fighting over the legacy but showing little interest
in securing the future.
However, a country that is so rich in
nature’s gifts should not be complacent or assume that in other
circumstances there will not be adversaries prepared to take what we
But, in times of peace and when government debts and
deficits are growing daily, it is hard to persuade voters to trade off
immediate benefits for increased defence spending, let alone prepare
them, after all the warming propaganda, that global cooling is a
Yet the global warming pause is now nearly 18 years
old and, as climate scientist Judith Curry says, “attention is moving
away from the pause to the cooling since 2002”. Anastasios Tsonis, who
leads the University of Wisconsin Atmospheric Sciences Group, talks of
“massive rearrangements in the dominant pattern of the weather”.
the political establishment is deaf to this. Having put all our eggs in
one basket and having made science a religion, it bravely persists with
its global warming narrative, ignoring at its peril and ours, the clear
warnings being given by Mother Nature.
Voltaire was right when
he said: “Superstition is to religion what astrology is to astronomy,
the mad daughter of a wise mother. These daughters have too long
dominated the Earth.” Indeed.
SOURCE Colorado Dems frack backtrack is all about NovemberIn
June, in a sparsely populated county in northern New Mexico, a primary
election surprisingly unseated an incumbent County Commissioner. No one
seemed to notice. But, apparently, high-ranking Democrats to the north
were paying attention.
The northern New Mexico county is Mora.
The high-ranking Democrats: from Colorado. The election upset was about
Mora County’s oil-and-gas drilling ban.
In April 2013, the Mora
County Commission voted, 2 to 1, and passed the first-in-the-nation
county-wide ban on all oil-and-gas drilling. It was spearheaded by
Commission Chairman John Olivas — who also served as northern director
for the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance. Since then, two lawsuits have
been filed against the little county because of the anti-drilling
A little more than a year after Olivas’ pet project,
the Mora County Water Rights and Self-Governance Ordinance, was passed,
he was ousted. Olivas didn’t just lose in the Democrat primary election,
he was, according to the Albuquerque Journal, “soundly beaten” by
George Trujillo — 59.8 percent to 34.2 percent. Both Olivas and Trujillo
acknowledged that the ban had an impact on the outcome, with Olivas
saying: “In my opinion, it was a referendum on oil and gas.” Trujillo
campaigned on a repeal of the ordinance (which, due to the language of
the ordinance will be difficult to do) and has said he is open to a
limited amount of drilling in the eastern edge of the county.
County’s ban on all drilling for hydro-carbons, not just fracking, was
incited by an out-of-state group: the Pennsylvania-based Community
Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF),which has also been active in
CEDLF holds Democracy Schools around the country where
attendees are taught the “secrets” of peoples’ movements focusing on the
rights of communities, people, and the earth. In Mora, CELDF’s
Democracy School was organized by Olivas’ mother—who, along with his
friends, also chaired subcommittees believed to have been organized to
monitor Olivas’ interests.
In Colorado, a Boulder-based Democrat
Congressman and environmental activist, Jared Polis, has worked hard to
collect thousands of signatures—spending, according to the Wall Street
Journal (WSJ), “millions of dollars of his own cash to promote the
measures” — to get two anti-oil-and-gas initiatives on November’s
ballot. His blue-haired mother (No, I am not elder-bashing. She has it
dyed blue and purple.) has campaigned with him.
Polis’ proposed
initiative 89 would have given local governments control over
environmental regulations under an “environmental bill of rights” —
which mirrors language promoted by CELDF and used in Mora County. Polis
also backed ballot measure 88 that would have limited where hydraulic
fracturing could be conducted.
The presence of 88 and 89 on the
ballot, sparked two opposing measures: 121 and 137. 121 would have
blocked any oil-or-gas revenue from any local government that limits or
bans that industry — an idea also proposed, but not passed, in the New
Mexico legislature. 137 would have required proponents of initiatives to
submit fiscal impact estimates.
Much to the horror of environmental activists, the battle of ballot initiatives ended before anyone ever got to vote on them.
Monday, August 4, Polis and Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper held a
news conference where they pushed for a compromise to avoid a “messy
ballot fight.” Instead, they are proposing an 18-member task force to
issue recommendations to the Colorado Legislature next year on how to
minimize conflicts between residents and the energy industry. Later in
the day, an agreement was reached and both sides pulled the opposing
Backers of proposed initiatives 88 and 89 are outraged. They feel Polis sold out.
said the suggested restrictions, if passed, posed “a significant threat
to Colorado’s economy” — which they would. However, given the history
of the lowly New Mexico county commissioner, the compromise may be more
about “a significant threat to Colorado’s” Democrat party.
November 2013 Quinnipiac poll found that most Coloradans support
fracking — only 34 percent oppose it. Noteworthy is the political
divide: 80 percent of Republicans support fracking, only 9 percent
oppose it. More Democrats oppose fracking, 54 percent, while only 26
percent support it. But the numbers indicate that Republicans are most
likely to come to the polls in November to insure the economically
advantageous activity is not curtailed — and this scares Democrats such
as Hickenlohooper and Senator Mark Udall, who are both up for reelection
in November. Udall, according to the WSJ, “ran in 2008 as a
full-throated green-energy champion.” His 2014 Republican opponent
Congressman Cory Gardner points to the economic benefits of fracking, as
seen in North Dakota and Texas.
Had the measures not been pulled, the WSJ reports: “the issue would have been at the center of the fall debate.”
addition to driving Republicans to the polls, the anti-fracking
measures didn’t have a high probability of survival. While Colorado
communities have previously passed anti-drilling initiatives — Boulder,
Broomfield, Fort Collins, Lafayette, and Longmont — the most recent
attempt in Loveland failed after an organized industry effort to educate
voters on the safe track record of fracking and its economic benefits.
Additionally, in late July, a Boulder County District Court judge struck
down Longmont’s fracking ban. The Denver Post reported: “Under Colorado
law, cities cannot ban drilling entirely but can regulate aspects of it
that don’t cause an ‘operational conflict’ with state law.”
New Mexico, the lawsuits have not yet made their way into court, but it
is expected that, like Colorado, the courts will rule in favor of state
statutes. Constitutionally protected private property rights should
Polis, who made his millions from the sale of the Blue
Mountain Arts greeting card website, presented his initiatives as a
“national referendum on fracking.” As the WSJ states: “In that sense he
was right.” Colorado Democrats realize that allowing an anti-fracking
fervor to drive an election is a dangerous decision. The Democrats
support for banning fracking — while killing jobs, hurting the local and
national economy, damaging America’s energy security, and threatening
private property rights — should unseat two top Democrats by driving
Republicans to the polls. And, this could become the national referendum
on fracking.
SOURCEEU green energy laws 'put 1.5m UK manufacturing jobs at risk’Green
policies imposed by Brussels are endangering 1.5m UK jobs by saddling
manufacturers with high energy costs, an influential group of business
leaders has warned.
A report published on Wednesday by Business
for Britain (BfB), a Eurosceptic lobby group, says that EU policies are
to blame for up to 9 per cent of costs on energy bills for industrial
companies and warns this could rise to 16 per cent by 2030.
are now considering moving their operations to countries where energy
is cheaper, risking “devastating” job losses in the UK, it warns.
than 1.5m people are employed in energy-intensive industries, such as
metals, ceramics and glass, with 363,000 of those in direct employment
and therefore deemed to be at “high risk”.
The report says that
the cost of the EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme, and the Renewables
Obligation (RO), a UK subsidy scheme for wind farms and other green
technologies designed to hit EU renewables targets for 2020, together
account for 9pc of energy bills for manufacturers.
acknowledges “there is a good chance that the UK would have introduced
similar policies had it been outside of the EU” and that the UK has “in
some areas gone considerably further than the EU in introducing
expensive policies”. Despite this the UK “enjoys relatively low energy
prices compared to many other EU countries”.
However, it says
this “should not cloud the fact that the EU does play a role in driving
up the cost of energy and has introduced expensive policies”.
notes that ministers have rejected EU moves for further renewable energy
targets beyond 2020, arguing that decarbonisation targets allow
countries to pursue cheaper ways of going green.
Opting out of
the existing renewables target could see manufacturers’ bills fall by up
to 7 per cent, the report claims, although its authors do not explain
how this would happen. Most of the RO costs already on bills are for
projects that have already been promised they will be paid the subsidies
for at least a decade.
The report estimates that the total costs
to the UK economy of policies that help meet EU energy laws could be as
much £93.2bn. Its authors said this was based on adding up the net
impact figures from UK government impact assessments. This includes
policies implemented since the 1970s, and includes the lifetime costs
and benefits of some policies extending several decades from now.
board includes John Mills, the chairman of JML and Labour party donor,
while its advisory council includes Roger Bootle, David Buik, Sir
Christopher Meyer and Helena Morrissey.
The group was founded
around a mission statement calling for a renegotiation of the terms of
Britain’s EU membership, which has been backed by City grandees
including Lord Wolfson, chief executive of Next, and Lord Rose, the
former Marks & Spencers chairman.
SOURCEPG poll: Scientific consensus on climate change has not permeated the publicDespite
the scientific consensus that global warming is occurring and caused by
human activity, a new survey conducted for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
demonstrates that many Americans remain uncertain about the impact of
climate change and the need for government action to address it.
is contrary to some polls suggesting wide support for steps to counter
the phenomenon. David W. Moore, director of the iMediaEthics survey,
said the results suggest that, because of flaws in methodology or
wording, some other surveys have overstated the degree of public
knowledge on the issue, and the intensity of support for measures to
curb carbon emissions. [See Mr. Moore’s essay in today’s Forum section,
“Climate Partisans.” The poll report is available here, along with a
description of the methodology.]
Mr. Moore argues that while many
poll respondents will express an opinion on issues such as global
warming, closer scrutiny shows that they do not have strong feelings on
it one way or another. One indication of the relative lack of intense,
informed views on the issue is the way responses can be influenced by
outside factors. As an example, the survey of 1,000 respondents was
divided into subsamples with half asked about their support for “federal
government” action to regulate greenhouse gases, and the other half
asked about the “Obama administration.”
Specifically, half of the
respondents were asked: “Would you approve or disapprove of the federal
government requiring power plants to reduce greenhouse gases, even if
it would mean higher utility bills for consumers, or are you unsure?”
The other half were asked: “Would you approve or disapprove of the Obama
administration requiring power plants ...”
The results differed
significantly with the use of the name Obama eliciting a margin of
support of 42 percent to 28 percent, compared with 36 percent approval
and 32 percent disapproval for the federal government. That may seem
counterintuitive, given the president’s overall job approval ratings,
but Mr. Moore explained that while the use of the Obama name reduced
support among Republicans, it increased support, by a greater margin,
among independents and Democrats.
Republicans disapproved of
“federal government” regulation by a margin of 51-27; but opposed “Obama
administration” regulation by a margin of 48-18. Independents
disapproved of “federal government” regulation, 28-26, but that turned
around with the mention of “Obama administration.” In that case,
independents approved of the prospective regulation, 36-27. For
Democrats, the mention of Obama had an even more positive effect,
boosting approval from 50-16, to 64-13. In both cases, about a third of
the sample said they were undecided.
Pointing to another way that
wording can prejudice polling results, Mr. Moore noted another survey
that asked people repeatedly about “the problem of climate change,”
conditioning them to consider it a problem regardless of their views
before taking the survey.
Beyond the uncertainty that wording can
introduce into a survey, Mr. Moore and the iMediaEthics poll drilled
down further to assess how much people actually cared about the proposed
regulation, asking if they would be upset if the regulations were
imposed or not. In his analysis of the results, Mr. Moore pointed out
that, “Many respondents immediately acknowledged that they wouldn’t be
upset if the opposite happened to what they had just said. The net
result, 30 percent strongly favored the Obama administration trying to
curb greenhouse gases; 22 percent strongly opposed the idea, with the
rest not caring one way or the other.’’
Mr. Moore said that the
relative lack of intense views on the issue was consistent with other
findings that showed that many Americans are uncertain about the impact
of climate change and of the broad consensus among climate scientists
that climate change is a man-made problem.
“Just 41 percent of
Americans are confident that ‘most scientists agree that climate change
is happening now caused mainly by human activities,’ while 18 percent
firmly believe “there is little agreement among scientists’ on the issue
and the rest are unsure.”
Mr. Moore suggests at least two
lessons from the divergence between these poll findings and those of
some other surveys showing greater support for government action. One is
that environmental activists still face a significant challenge in
recruiting deep public support for government actions such as the
greenhouse gas regulations recently promulgated by the Obama
The second is that readers should be wary of
surveys, “which — however well intentioned, — manipulate respondents
into giving answers that sound positive but don’t represent the views of
the larger population.”
SOURCE ***************************************
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
13 August, 2014
Climate Change has a new logoAfter
4.5 billion years, finally climate change has a new logo. But
even some fans of the the Big Scare Campaign don’t like it. I can’t
think why…

(It is dying – the fear of a carbon crisis.)
looks to me like an inverse-SEO campaign designed by someone deeply
afflicted with ASE (Artistic Status Envy — see also its Literary
equivalent). Is the aim here just the banal trickery of ambushing the
new skeptics who type “It’s not warming” into their search engines? Will
gullible teens type in the phrase and find nothing but links to
soft-green propaganda? (This could so easily backfire).
Or is
this a new form of mental programming for the inductees into the climate
faith? Now, when they hear “it’s not warming”, they’ll be getting
confirmation — warming means “bad stuff”, now not warming means “bad
stuff too!” It’s a form of deep psychology — so deep it’s done right
through the magma and come out the other side.
If it looks upside down, that’s because it is. Jeremy Porter on Grist is not impressed:
not warming, it’s dying.” That’s the message from the man behind the “I
? NY” logo, Milton Glaser. The message comes with a logo and buttons
that people can buy and wear. Glaser says that “global warming” is not
good language. On that, he’s right, but reframing it as “global dying”
is worse."
In an interview with WNYC’s Brian Lehrer, Glaser said,
“Global warming in its own way sounds sort of reassuring and comforting
… that’s terrible. You begin by attacking the phrase itself — the word
and what the word means — because the truth of the matter is that the
earth is dying. And wouldn’t it be nice if today was the beginning of
the most important date in human history which is the date we decided
not to let the earth die?”
Arguing that the earth is dying is serious error and will probably do more harm than good. Two reasons why:
“Global dying” keeps the issue firmly in the abstract.
The earth isn’t dying. People are.
No self respecting climate-goth would be without one.
Porter finds something nice to say: “At least the buttons don’t have any words on them.”
That really sums up their arguments perfectly.
I think this is a case of over-reach. It’s a clumsy attempt at a segue
from the not-so-scary “climate change” and the failed “global warming”
to see if they can get to “global dying”. And there they go following a
hero again. Glaser is a “legend” who designed something “iconic”. What
could possibly go wrong?
SOURCE The world is actually getting greenerThe Political Play Behind the Keystone DelayThe
Keystone XL Pipeline is a $5.3 billion project meant to carry Canadian
oil sands to refineries on the Gulf Coast. The southern leg, from
Nebraska to the Texas coast, is already built; the remaining section
awaiting approval from the Obama administration would stretch from
Steele City, Nebraska, to Hardisty, Alberta. The primary goal is energy
provision and production, but other benefits include jobs and cleaner,
safer transport for oil. Yet environmentalists have made it their
mission to thwart the pipeline, and the Obama administration has stalled
for years on approving it.
The latest wrench in the works is a
new study published in Nature Climate Change claiming that building the
pipeline would create at least four times the State Department’s
estimate of greenhouse gases. According to the Los Angeles Times, “In
its environmental impact statement issued in February, the State
Department estimated that the Keystone XL pipeline, which would
ultimately carry 830,000 barrels of oil daily, could increase emissions
of heat-trapping greenhouse gases by 1.3 million to 27.4 million metric
tons annually.” The new Nature Climate Change study, on the other hand,
estimates annual emissions could exceed 100 million metric tons.
reach their conclusion, study authors Peter Erickson and Michael
Lazarus, both scientists at Seattle’s Stockholm Environment Institute,
calculate the pipeline would mean cheaper oil and gas, leading to higher
consumption and, therefore, more greenhouse gases. They write, “We find
that for every barrel of increased production, global oil consumption
would increase 0.6 barrels owing to the incremental decrease in global
oil prices.” The State Department’s own study, on the other hand,
estimated that oil consumption would not increase because alternative
means already exist for transporting the oil to refineries.
June 2013, Barack Obama said Keystone would win his approval only if “it
does not significantly exacerbate the problem of carbon pollution.” In
February, the State Department found just that, though in a Good Friday
news dump in April, the administration said it was delaying its decision
again. Perhaps Obama’s comments in June last year were a signal to his
environmental allies to come up with their own alarm bells, and the
Easter delay was a bid to give them more time.
In related oil
news, the administration recently teased the idea of oil and natural gas
exploration in the Atlantic Ocean, perhaps even moving toward opening
the Atlantic to drilling. The Hill reports, “In June, the administration
gave its strongest signal to date that the Atlantic would likely be
included in the Interior Department’s five-year lease plan for
2017-2022, by opening it up to new oil and gas exploration for the first
time in 30 years.” That would be a huge policy shift.
ecofascist groups jumped to action. The Hill notes, “Environmentalists,
and lawmakers who oppose opening new areas to development are already
pushing back, flooding the Interior Department will comments arguing
against new drilling.” On the other side, the governors of Virginia and
both Carolinas support Atlantic drilling for the economic benefits to
their states.
Obama likes to have it both ways with energy by
obstructing fossil fuel exploration, drilling and production at every
turn while boasting of the increased oil production during his tenure.
As we have noted on numerous occasions, however, the current oil boom is
thanks entirely to increased production on private and state lands.
Federal lands (and waters) have remained almost entirely off limits. And
even if Obama did approve drilling in the Atlantic, it wouldn’t begin
until after he leaves office.
In the case of the Atlantic,
Obama’s play may be the same as with Keystone – signal that he’s about
to approve something so as to motivate his ecofascist constituents to
plead their case, allowing him to hear their concerns and respond by
stalling, all right before November’s election. For this president,
everything is politics, so whatever his angle, it’s not with an eye on
the nation’s best interests regarding critical energy needs.
debunks junk climate science in the 'global warming causes ocean
acidification' debate. Established Chemistry proves that if temperatures
were rising then, conversely, acidification would be falling, not
increasing. Such is the woeful science ignorance (or intentional deceit)
of climate alarmists.
Indisputable facts
dioxide (CO2), dissolved in pure water, makes a weak, unstable acid,
whilst the ocean water is a very stable buffer with a pH averaging
around 8, which means it is alkaline;
there isn’t enough CO2 in the atmosphere to make much difference to the ocean’s pH;
the concentration of enough CO2 to significantly reduce the ocean’s pH will not come from the atmosphere;
the mass of the oceans is a huge 268 times the mass of the atmosphere;
CO2 is currently only 0.04% of that atmosphere.
Discussion about those facts
the above chemical and physical facts, it is well known that an
increase in water temperature will reduce the solubility of CO2.
any opened cold carbonated drink – from champagne to Coke - to warm up
and see what happens to the fizz, which is CO2 in case you didn’t know.
Your warmed champagne/Coke goes 'flat' because the carbon dioxide has
escaped the liquid and entered the atmosphere.
It is therefore
not rocket science to state with complete confidence that warm water
naturally contains less CO2 than cold water.
The oceans are
outgassing CO2 due to the slight warming trend since the end of the Mini
Ice Age (c. 1850's). The exact cause of this trend IS NOT known and
remains the subject of much scientific debate! There is evidence that
there is a gap of many centuries between planet-wide temperature swings
and atmospheric CO2 concentrations.
The Climate Alarmist’s Case
alarmists are stunningly contradictory and actually amusing if they
didn’t hold the world at ransom over this non-problem of a slight
increase in CO2 concentrations.
They point out the slight increasing trend in temperatures as alarming!
They point out the side effect of this slight increasing trend in temperatures – rising sea levels – as alarming!
Then they claim man’s CO2 emissions will increase ocean acidification – as alarming!
But you simply cannot have it both ways – that is an “Inconvenient Truth”!
Summary and Conclusion
the oceans are getting warmer and the CO2 concentration in seawater is
decreasing, which means that ocean acidification from man-made CO2 from
the atmosphere is nonsense.
Or the oceans are getting cooler and
the man-made CO2 from the atmosphere is dissolving in those cooler
oceans and causing – insignificant – ocean acidification, which means
that warming oceans and the associated sea level rises are nonsense.
Take your pick – REAL SCIENCE says you can’t have both.
the so called pause in global warming continues, space scientists may
be giving climate scientists some pause for thought. sunnspot number
surface temperatures have remained statistically flat for over a decade
following a rapid rise in the second half of the 20th century despite
the fact that the long-term increase in carbon dioxide associated with
this rapid global warming has continued throughout the whole of the
pause period.
Two pieces of research published this year suggest
that the sun has played a bigger role in these events than is widely
accepted by climate scientists and they imply, as a result, that the
role of 'greenhouse gases' may be less significant than climate
scientists currently believe.
The research shows that the sun is
far more variable than we had previously thought and that variations in
solar activity correlate very closely with changes in global surface
temperature. This challenges the prevailing orthodoxy in climate science
that our star plays no significant role in global warming.
Minuscule solar impact on climate change
climate scientists believe that the sun is a stable star and
contributes relatively little to climate change compared with the
massive warming impact – or radiative forcing – of human greenhouse gas
emissions. And, for a quarter of a century, this has been the settled
view of the international climate science establishment led by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
The most recent
IPCC scientific report published last year – the AR5 WG 1 – states that
the total natural contribution to global warming “from solar irradiance
changes and stratospheric volcanic aerosols made only a small
contribution to the net radiative forcing throughout the last century”.
And the evidence they cite would appear to support this contention.
heating on the Earth is measured by what is called total solar
irradiance – the average amount of solar energy falling on the Earth.
Total solar irradiance is measured in watts of energy per square meter
(W/m2) and data in the last IPCC report shows that solar irradiance
between 1755 and 2012 varied in a narrow band throughout this period by
only around 0.02 per cent… Minuscule.
Indeed, the IPCC report
states that the warming effect due to human greenhouse gas emissions –
what it calls the effective radiative forcing – is 2.3 W/m2 compared
with a radiative forcing due to the small variations in solar irradiance
of around 0.05 W/m2. In other words, the impact of the sun on the
climate is only around 2 per cent of the scale of the impact of human
'greenhouse gas' emissions.
Strong correlation between the sun and climate
research from an international team of space scientists shows that the
second half of the last century – the very time when global temperatures
started to tick up significantly – coincided with a once in 3,000 year
record high in solar activity (see the graph at the top of the page).
The paper, published in a specialist space science journal called
Astronomy & Astrophysics, makes only passing and understated
reference to the implications of the research on climate science
reporting that: “These results provide important constraints for both
dynamo models of Sun-like stars and investigations of possible solar
influence on Earth’s climate”.
But another group of space science
researchers from China took a much more combative stance earlier this
year when they published a paper in the Chinese Science Bulletin which
showed a strong correlation between the variation in the temperature of
the surface of the Earth and variations in solar activity. Their paper
explicitly stated solar activity has a “non-negligible” effect on the
temperature change of the Earth”. Furthermore, they issued a press
release to coincide with the appearance of their paper stating: “The
climate models of IPCC seem to underestimate the impact of natural
factors on the climate change, while overstate that of human activities.
Solar activity is an important ingredient of natural driving forces of
climate”. In the rarefied atmosphere of scientific debate, this
constitutes fighting talk.
A mechanism connecting sun spot activity with the atmosphere
there is a link between solar activity and the climate then it would
need to be more subtle than the simple heating impact of solar radiation
which appears to vary little. One possibility, suggested by NASA, is
that solar magnetism associated with sun spots plays a role. In 2010
research published in Nature reported that NASA’s Solar Radiation and
Climate Experiment (SORCE) satellite had measured significant falls in
ultraviolet emissions linked to reduced sun spot activity.
NASA notes on a specialist web page dedicated to solar activity:
“Although sunspots themselves produce only minor effects on solar
emissions, the magnetic activity that accompanies the sunspots can
produce dramatic changes in the ultraviolet and soft x-ray emission
levels. These changes over the solar cycle have important consequences
for the Earth’s upper atmosphere.”
Sun spots have been implicated
with climate change in the past. The lack of sun spots between 1645 and
1715, known as the Maunder Minimum, has been blamed for the so called
Little Ice Age. Worryingly, sun spot numbers appear to be in a long term
decline at the moment with a number of solar scientists speculating
that if this continues then, far from global warming, we may be in for a
repeat of the Little Ice Age.
Furthermore, the sun is currently
going through a particularly quiet cycle phase – the quietest in over a
century – and this has led some climate change sceptics to argue that
the sun is in fact the cause of the global warming pause. Now, sceptics
would say that, wouldn’t they, and climate scientists stress that
changes in solar output are just too small to affect the climate.
the space physics research on solar activity is not the work of climate
sceptics and it is showing a strong correlation between solar activity
and global temperature.
It is important to state that correlation
does not imply causation and none of this solar research alters the
fact that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases undoubtedly have a
warming effect on the atmosphere.
But the circumstantial evidence
that the sun plays a bigger role in climate change than hitherto
thought is growing and a potential mechanism connecting sun spot related
magnetic activity with upper atmospheric changes has been hypothesised.
is now high time for climate scientists to set the established
orthodoxy to one side and to reassess the contribution of the sun to
climate change.
independent climate analysis reveals what may be the greatest flaw in
modern climate science- a simplistic over-reliance on the assumption of
steady state atmospheric conditions. New research from France employs a
two-way formulation for heat evacuation by radiation from the planet
rather than the standard one-dimensional 'greenhouse gas theory.'
reveals that convection plays a more dominant role than radiation in
our climate and that number fudging by so-called climate “experts” may
be the only truly discernible extent of “man-made” global warming.
a new paper, 'Diurnal Variations of Heat Evacuation from a Rotating
Planet,' submitted to open peer review at Principia Scientific
International (PSI), Joseph Reynen, a retired Dutch scientist living in
France, puts standard climate science calculations under the microscope
and reveals that for too long the “experts” used an outdated
guesstimating process relied on before the modern era of accurate
Reynen's study is yet further validation to what an
increasing number of independent scientists are saying is a major error
by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The IPCC
gave an uncritical free pass to an assumed physical interpretation from a
pre-computer era approximation which put a great emphasis on a fixed
artificial energy absorption rate instead of actual absorption for the
real energy flux coming from our sun.
As Reynen delves into the
technicalities he explains, “In the beginning of the 1900's computers
were not available and by splitting-up the radiation in up-ward and
down-ward components, and introducing a co-ordinate transformation with
the so-called optical thickness concept, analytical solutions were
possible, although in the form of integrals. Quadrature techniques were
available at that time to evaluate numerically those integrals, with no
need for computers.”
But that assumption of fixed solar energy
flux has been blown apart by the latest physical measurements by
satellite and by rigorous ground-based analysis from experts from the
“hard” sciences. Indeed, the scope of Reynen's paper is not to give
detailed results for diurnal variations of the sun power, but rather to
demonstrate that one-dimensional steady state models based on the
one-way heat flow concept of Swedish professor, Claes Johnson is an
accurate tool to show the very small influence of infrared-sensitive
gases for the global and annual mean heat budget of the planet.
innovative open peer review process being pioneered by PSI encourages
anyone with an insight of specialist training from the “hard” sciences
to cast a critical eye over papers such as this astonishing one from
Reynen. “Although we are excited by Jef's findings we always let our
knowledgeable readers be part of the review process” says PSI CEO, John
O'Sullivan. “Unlike the biased establishment science journals we do our
peer-review in public and papers such as these stand or fall by the
judgment of the wider scientific community, not by a secret, hand-picked
clique,” adds O'Sullivan, who highlights where readers will find some
of the most fascinating details of Reynen's paper.
In figure 1,
taken from [1, 2, 4 in Reynen's paper] readers can see where the
implementation of the one-way heat flow finite element model has been
described in detail, it has been shown that the evacuation of heat from
the planet surface in steady-state is not by radiation but rather by
In diurnal transients radiation has more effect.
is of course also in steady state conditions the mechanism to evacuate
the heat to outer space from higher levels of the atmosphere by means of
the IR-sensitive gases with 3 or more atoms per molecule.
It has
been shown in [2, 4] that doubling the concentration of the
IR-sensitive CO2 from 0.04% to 0.08% is causing a mere 0.1 °C increase
in surface temperature, the so-called CO2 sensitivity.
SOURCE ***************************************
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
12 August, 2014
The latest survey cookery (Verheggen, Cook, et al.) by Warmists is worthlessA
new survey of climate scientists has been published. The author team is
headed by Bart Verheggen and includes John Cook. Here's the abstract:
"Results are presented from a survey held among 1868 scientists
studying various aspects of climate change, including physical climate,
climate impacts, and mitigation. The survey was unique in its size,
broadness and level of detail. Consistent with other research, we found
that, as the level of expertise in climate science grew, so too did the
level of agreement on anthropogenic causation. 90% of respondents with
more than 10 climate-related peer-reviewed publications (about half of
all respondents), explicitly agreed with anthropogenic greenhouse gases
(GHGs) being the dominant driver of recent global warming. The
respondents’ quantitative estimate of the GHG contribution appeared to
strongly depend on their judgment or knowledge of the cooling effect of
aerosols. The phrasing of the IPCC attribution statement in its fourth
assessment report (AR4) providing a lower limit for the isolated GHG
contribution may have led to an underestimation of the GHG influence on
recent warming. The phrasing was improved in AR5. We also report on the
respondents’ views on other factors contributing to global warming; of
these Land Use and Land Cover Change (LULCC) was considered the most
important. Respondents who characterized human influence on climate as
insignificant, reported having had the most frequent media coverage
regarding their views on climate change."
Having Cook on the
author team is obviously going to lead many people to write the paper
off without even taking a look at it. When you are proven to have set
out to write a paper to meet a predetermined conclusion, that is the way
people will treat your work.
SOURCEFurther comments by JR:Note the following statement from
the full paper:
in our survey was sought from scientists having authored or coauthored
peer-reviewed articles or assessment reports related to climate change"
Also note:
"1868 questionaires were returned, although not all of these were fully completed. This amounts to a response rate of 29%"
these were NOT atmospheric scientists. They were anybody who had
mentioned global warming in some paper or other. It is hence NOT
an expert sample.
Furthermore, the response rate was so low that
it is not a representative sample either. It is entirely possible
that people who wanted to keep their heads down in a very
controversial area were the core of the non-respondents -- and a major
reason for wanting to keep heads down would be the risks of
acknowledging skepticism. The way Warmists have attacked and
penalized skepticism has made it impossible to get open responses in the
matter and hence vitiates any survey of the field. The
conclusions of the study are therefore worthless.
Warmist reasoning at workLAT's just put this up:
'Remarkable' warming reported in Central California coastal waters
"The warmer ocean correlated with weaker winds, which reduced coastal
upwelling, allowing warmer water to move inshore, according to the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration"
Interestingly, back on July 3, 2014, they put this up:
Coastal winds intensifying with climate change, study says. The illustration accompanying the piece notes:
"Illustration of the coastal upwelling process, in which winds blowing
along the shore cause nutrient-poor surface waters to be replaced with
nutrient-rich, cold water from deep in the ocean."
One wonders if they talk amongst themselves
Prof Tim Ball's documentary?Professor Tim Ball’s new documentary has been released. It’s available through here:
Or directly here:
is arguably the world’s most complete climate scientist. He’s a
climatologist and understands the big picture scientifically across many
disciplines. He understands the details and first principles. He
understands the politics globally and the influences pushing the UN to
corrupt climate science. He understands history and human behaviour.
He’s a true environmentalist and is highly respected worldwide for his
competence, integrity and strength of character.
Dr. Patrick Moore's tour of Australia?
The Galileo Movement is proud to announce that Dr. Patrick Moore
(Greenpeace Co-founder), has accepted an invitation to visit Australia
later this year. Dr. Moore is a Canadian and a respected leader in the
genuine environmental movement.
Patrick has a fascinating background as an environmental activist
(initially Greenpeace), Ecologist, Sustainability campaigner and most
recently as a sensible, ‘science-based’ environmentalist, and
importantly, a sceptic of catastrophic man-made global warming. His
personal website is
Patrick’s lecture at the recent International Climate Change Conference
in Las Vegas is on video. It outlines his journey from eco-warrior to
defender of science, logic and the environment. He explains his
scepticism of recent catastrophic global warming claims here:
His tour will include personal meetings with journalists, politicians
and business leaders. He’ll include public lectures and town hall
meetings for the general public across Australia.
We believe that his visit can have a substantial influence on decision
makers in Australia, on both the scientific arguments against man-made
global warming and promoting sensible environmental policies.
Via emailDeclare a Ceasefire in EPA’s War on Coal Before
we become too optimistic about the prospects for using renewable energy
sources to curb carbon emissions, it’s worth looking at a study
commissioned by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which should give pause to
even the most confident advocate of action against climate change.
study forecasts that new EPA regulations—regulations intended to cut
carbon emissions by 30% from coal-, oil- and natural gas-fired plants by
2030—will lead to higher energy costs, fewer jobs, and slower economic
growth in the United States. That, in turn, will lower Americans’
standards of living. A typical household could lose up to $3,400 in
disposable income annually by 2030.
With carbon emissions
projected to rise 31% worldwide by 2030, the study estimates that EPA
regulations would reduce emissions here at home by just 1.8%. In other
words, American consumers—especially working people—and businesses will
bear huge costs for trivial reductions in the U.S. contribution to
“global warming.”
President Obama’s EPA is pushing to speed up
the substitution of fossil fuels by “renewable” energy sources, such as
the sun, the wind, the Earth’s own geothermal heat, and plant-based
ethanol. But he and others who insist that those renewable energy
sources can replace fossil fuels in generating electricity are engaged
in economically costly wishful thinking.
Less than 4% of the
nation’s electricity is produced by solar and wind power, despite tax
credits and mandates in many states requiring their use. The bald truth
is that, while solar and wind power can help satisfy peak demands for
electricity, they simply are too undependable to provide “base-load”
power and therefore can’t get us anywhere close, anytime soon to the
goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions significantly.
that goal and meeting a growing demand for power requires new
electricity generating capacity to replace aging power plants with
low-carbon energy sources, the most cost-effective of those now being
natural gas, nuclear power, energy-efficiency improvements, and advanced
coal combustion technologies. One such technology—ultra-supercritical
pulverized coal plants—can burn coal as much as 30% more efficiently
than conventional coal plants and therefore cut carbon emissions
significantly. Unlike the “green” alternatives, that technology is
proven on a commercially viable scale: power plants of that design
already are producing electricity in the United States and Europe.
EPA has proposed two regulations on new construction and upgrades of
existing power plants that are designed to dramatically reduce the use
of coal, which generates 40% of the nation’s electricity. The agency’s
forthcoming restriction on carbon emissions actually would block the
construction of coal plants using advanced, environmentally friendly
coal-burning technologies.
Coal gasification, now up and running
in Sasol, South Africa, transforms coal into everything from gasoline to
other petrochemicals; the ashy byproduct of that process is used in
The EPA is waging a ruthless war on coal, which will
have untold adverse consequences for millions of Americans, especially
those living in Appalachia and other economically depressed areas where
coal historically has been the fuel of choice for generating
electricity. Electricity prices will be forced up both there and
At one time, the politics of coal was a contest
between West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and other eastern states where coal
is high in sulfur, versus the West, where the sulfur content of coal is
far lower. Nowadays, the political contest pits fossil fuels against
the sun and the wind, but is no less contentious. But Washington, not
economics, still will determine the political winner.
China has just issued an order banning coal in Beijing by 2020. But our president is not an autocrat.
matter how much he may want to go “green”, Mr. Obama should not ignore
the market forces that will, left unimpeded, select the most
cost-effective mix of energy sources and the best-available technologies
for generating electricity. His job is to promote the general welfare
and not the special interests of bureaucrats or other groups that lobby
for government handouts to finance electricity production by
demonstrably inefficient means.
Perhaps Mr. Obama should ask Secretary of State John Kerry to negotiate a truce.
SOURCEStudy: Proposed EPA Ozone Regulation Costliest in U.S. History A
study commissioned by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)
on the impact of a proposed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
regulation shows that it could be the costliest federal rule by reducing
the Gross National Product by $270 billion per year and $3.4 trillion
from 2017 to 2040 and adds $2.2 trillion in compliance costs for the
same time period.
The study, conducted by the National Economic
Research Associates Economic Consulting, also predicts that reducing the
parts per billion ozone standard from the current 75 to 60 could result
in 2.9 million fewer job equivalents (total labor income change divided
by the average annual income per job) each year on average through
2040, and increase energy costs from manufacturers and consumers.
regulation has the capacity to stop the manufacturing comeback in its
tracks while imposing $270 billion in annual costs to our economy,” Jay
Timmons, CEO and president of NAM said on its website announcing the
July 31 release of the study.
“Proposed levels of reduction to 60
parts per billion would leave nearly all of the United States in a
so-called ‘non-attainment’ zone, ending the manufacturing boon,
restricting development of our resources and driving up the cost of
nearly every manufactured product,” Timmons said.
At an event for
reporters on Friday, the American Petroleum Institute introduced a map
it has produced showing how the new regulation would harm the economy in
states across the country.
API also claims that the nation’s air
quality is improving and health benefits from the lower ozone standards
are not backed by the science.
“The nation’s air quality has
improved over the past several years, and ozone emissions will continue
to decline without new regulations,” the API analysis of the NAM study
stated. “These new standards are not justified from a health
perspective, because the science is simply not showing a need to reduce
ozone levels.”
“We are rapidly approaching a point where we are
requiring manufacturers to do the impossible,” Ross Eisenberg, NAM vice
president of energy and resources policy, said of the EPA proposal. “The
EPA is considering setting ozone levels below what exists at national
parks, such as Yellowstone and Denali.
“It is vital that the
Obama Administration allow existing ozone standards to be implemented
rather than move the goalposts with another set of requirements for
manufacturers,” Eisenberg said. “Trillions of dollars are at stake.”
The EPA is expected to announce the rule in December.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
11 August, 2014
“Climate-smart” policies for Africa are stupid, and immoralObama-Kerry policies would perpetuate energy poverty, malnutrition, disease and deathPaul Driessen
2014 US-Africa Leaders Summit hosted by President Obama this past week
brought together the largest-ever gathering of African government
officials in Washington, DC. They discussed ways to bolster trade and
investment by American companies on a continent where a billion people –
including 200 million aged 15 to 24 – are becoming wealthier and better
They have steadily rising expectations and recognize
the pressing need to create jobs, improve security, reduce corruption,
and control diseases like Ebola, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.
They also understand that better roads and air transportation, improved
agriculture and nutrition, and far more energy – especially electricity –
are the sine qua non to achieving their aspirations. Indeed, nearly 700
million Africans still do not have electricity or get it only
sporadically, a few hours a day or week.
“The bottom line is, the
United States is making a major and long-term investment in Africa’s
progress,” Mr. Obama stated. One has to wonder whether his rhetoric
matches his policy agenda – and whether Africans would do well to
remember the president’s assurances that Americans could keep their
doctors, hospitals and insurance, when they hear his fine words and
lofty promises for Africa.
The fact is, no modern economies,
healthcare systems or wealth-building technologies can function in the
absence of abundant, reliable, affordable electricity and motor fuels.
They require far more than can possibly come from “climate-smart” wind,
solar and biofuel sources. Adequate food and nutrition require modern
agriculture. Eradicating malaria requires chemical insecticides, DDT and
ACT drugs.
Obama Administration policies on all these matters are likely to hold Africa back for decades.
President Obama, everything revolves around fears of “dangerous manmade
climate change” and a determination to slash or end fossil fuel use. He
has said electricity rates must “necessarily skyrocket.” His former
Energy Secretary wanted gasoline prices to reach European levels: $8-10
per gallon. His EPA is waging a war on coal. And his own requirements
would prevent Africa from modernizing.
In 2009, the president
told Africans they should focus on their “bountiful” wind, solar,
geothermal and biofuel resources, and refrain from using “dirty” fossil
fuels. He signed an executive order, directing the Overseas
Private Investment Corporation to ensure that any projects it finances
reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2020. He launched a
number of domestic and international climate initiatives.
when Ghana asked OPIC to support a $185 million gas-fired electrical
generator (that would utilize natural gas being flared and wasted at its
oil production operations), OPIC refused to help. When South Africa
sought a World Bank loan for its state-of-the-art Medupi coal-fired
power plant (which will reduce dangerous pollutants 90% below what
1970s-era plants emitted), the White House ”abstained” from supporting
the loan. Thankfully, approval squeaked by anyway, and Medupi will soon
be a reality.
Even more absurd and unethical, the White House
announced last October that it will now oppose any public financing for
coal-based power projects, except in the world’s poorest nations, unless
they meet the draconian carbon dioxide emission standards now imposed
on new coal-fired generators in the USA.
These policies prolong
reliance on open fires fueled by wood and dung. They mean families are
denied lights, refrigeration and other benefits of electricity, and
millions die every year from lung and intestinal diseases, and other
effects of rampant poverty. With hydrocarbons still providing 82% of the
world’s energy – and China, India and other rapidly developing
countries building numerous coal-fired generating plants – retarding
Africa’s development in the name of preventing climate chaos is useless
and immoral.
Meanwhile, President Obama is still guided by
science advisor John Holdren, a fervent opponent of fossil fuels who
infamously said the United States should support only the “ecologically
feasible” development of poor countries, in line with his perceived
“realities” of ecology and rapid energy resource depletion. How that
translates into official policy can be seen from Mr. Obama’s 2013
remark: “Here in Africa, if everybody is raising living standards to the
point where everybody has got a car, and everybody has got air
conditioning, and everybody has got a big house, well, the planet will
boil over.”
Secretary of State John Kerry’s inane recent
statements are equally problematical for Africa. His fixation on
“climate-smart” energy and agriculture suggests that he lives on another
planet and cannot imagine life outside a $5-million mansion – and
certainly not life for destitute families in sub-Saharan Africa.
proof of manmade climate change, Kerry told US-Africa Summit attendees,
one need only look at the “hotter temperatures, longer droughts and
unpredictable rainfall patterns” that farmers must now deal with. Not
only are global temperature trends flat for the past 18 years; actual
records show clearly that drought and rainfall fluctuations are no
different from what North American, African and other farmers have had
to deal with for centuries. Moreover, increasing evidence suggests that
the sun’s ongoing “quiet” period may portend several decades of markedly
colder global temperatures.
Even more absurd, Kerry told
attendees that “carbon pollution” is making food “less nutritious.”
First, it’s not carbon (soot). It’s carbon dioxide, which makes food
crops, trees and other plants grow faster and better, and survive better
under adverse conditions like droughts. Second, hothouses routinely
increase their CO2 levels to two or more times what is in Earth’s
atmosphere, to spur crop growth. Are these German, Israeli and American
tomatoes and cucumbers less nutritious than field-grown varieties? In
fact, recent studies have found increased nutrient concentrations in
food crops, thanks to higher CO2.
To the extent that “research”
supports any of these ridiculous claims, it merely underscores what
scientists will concoct when tempted by billions in government grants –
or intimidated by activists and colleagues who attack them as climate
change “deniers” if they do not play the Climate Armageddon game.
Kerry did suggest that the best way to help farmers is through
“climate-smart agriculture” and “creative solutions that increase food
production.” But it’s a virtual certainty he did not mean any of the
things that really would help: biotechnology, modern mechanized farming
and chemical fertilizers.
Genetically engineered Golden Rice and
bananas are rich in beta-carotene, which humans can convert to Vitamin
A, to prevent childhood blindness and save lives. New Bt corn varieties
both kill insect pests, dramatically reducing the need for pesticides,
and enable corn (maize) plants to survive droughts. New rice varieties
can survive prolonged submergence during monsoons and floods. These
crops, modern hybrid seeds and chemical fertilizers multiply traditional
yields many times over. Other developments let farmers practice no-till
farming, which protects vital soil organisms and nutrients and reduces
These solutions won’t just improve adaptation to
whatever climates might confront us in the future. They will also enable
us to feed billions of people – including some 250 million malnourished
Africans – without having to plow under millions of acres of wildlife
habitat. However, Big Green activists in and out of government oppose
GMO crops, fossil fuels and modern farming, whatever their benefits to
humanity – and regardless of the death and destruction that result when
people are denied access to them.
Africa is blessed with abundant
oil, gas and coal. Turning food into fuel would squander those
resources and divert land, water, fertilizers and energy from feeding
people – to produce expensive fuels and leave people malnourished. This
is not “climate-smart” energy or agriculture. It’s just plain stupid.
and solar will let people in remote areas have light bulbs, tiny
refrigerators and cell phone chargers, until they can be connected to an
electrical grid. They cannot support modern economies, factories,
shops, schools, hospitals or families. Coal, natural gas, nuclear and
hydro-based electricity are essential.
Here is the real bottom
line: Africans should not do what the United States is doing now that it
is rich. It should do what the United States did to become rich.
Via emailThe tropics should actually get better oxygenated as the climate warms upAs
the complex story of climate change unfolds, many of the endings are
grim. But there are exceptions. Predictions that the lowest-oxygen
environments in the ocean would get worse may not come to pass. Instead,
University of Washington research shows climate change, as it weakens
the trade winds, could shrink the size of these extreme low-oxygen
The low-oxygen zone is below the surface off the coasts
of Mexico and Peru. Sediment cores were collected at the northern
low-oxygen zone, near Santa Monica and Baja California.
water contains less gas, so climate change is expected to reduce oxygen
levels. Observations show this is already taking place in many places
around the world. Declines during the past 20 years in the tropical
low-oxygen zones, the lowest-oxygen waters on the planet, had led to a
2008 study proposing that these zones would also get worse over time.
regions are usually associated with an abundance of life, but they have
some of the most inhospitable places for ocean dwellers. The oxygen
minimum zones off Mexico and Peru have oxygen levels already too low to
support most animals (so, unlike in other low-oxygen zones, here there’s
no risk of killing fish).
But when those levels drop even
further, a particular group of bacteria, which can use nitrogen instead
of oxygen as a source of energy, thrive. Nitrogen is an essential and
very scarce nutrient for marine plants. When oxygen levels get low
enough for that particular group of bacteria to take over, significant
amounts of the ocean’s fertilizer get deep-sixed to the bottom of the
tropical ocean.
The new paper shows that water flowing into the
tropics is indeed likely to get lower in oxygen, decreasing the initial
oxygen supply. But demand will also shift under climate change.
Specifically, as the trade winds weaken, the whole sequence of events
that feeds this bacterial food chain will slow down, and the low-oxygen
zone will shrink.
“If we want to understand how biological and
chemical aspects of the ocean will change in the future, we really have
to pay a lot of attention to what happens with the winds,” Deutsch said.
“The winds can lead to conclusions that are exactly the opposite of
what you’d expect.”
Trade winds from the west cause deep water to
percolate up along western coasts, bringing nutrients up from the deep
sea. These nutrients feed marine plants, which feed marine animals,
which decompose to feed bacteria that use up the remaining oxygen. As
trade winds weaken, less nutrient-rich water percolates up from the
deep. Fewer plants grow at the surface. Finally, fewer oxygen-gobbling
bacteria can survive.
Sediment records show nitrogen from
bacteria that thrive without oxygen has been decreasing for most of the
time that carbon dioxide has been increasing. The past 20 years shows a
different trend, possibly related to changes in Pacific Ocean winds.
is a climate modeler who studies tropical ocean circulation. He learned
of sediment cores, collected off Mexico by co-authors William Berelson
at the University of Southern California and Alexander van Geen at
Columbia University, that showed a puzzling longer-term trend. The
authors worked together to interpret the samples. Results show that for
most of the time since 1850 the population of these nitrogen-eating
bacteria has been going down, coincident with warming oceans and
weakening trade winds. This implies that the local oxygen levels, for
which few direct measurements exist, have been rising.
“I find it
an interesting question for understanding the way the ocean functions
on climatic or geologic timescales,” Deutsch said.
Most climate
models predict that trade winds will continue to weaken in the future,
shrinking the oxygen-minimum zones in the Pacific Ocean off the coasts
of Mexico, Chile and Peru, and in the Indian Ocean off western
Decreasing oxygen in the wider ocean is still a major
concern, Deutsch said, as are overfishing, ocean acidification and
warming water temperatures.
“This study shows that what happens
to the winds, which is sometimes overlooked, is really important for
predicting how the oceans will respond to climate change,” Deutsch said.
SOURCEMore obscenity from WarmistsI headlined yesterday's posts about thisCNN
news anchor Bill Weir took to his Twitter account last week to launch
an obscene attack on more than half of the nation regarding global
warming skepticism. Weir’s outburst was apparently triggered by people
making fun of Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project for engaging in silly
demonstrations outside EPA field hearings on global warming. The Climate
Reality Project rolled out “I’m Too Hot!” banners and attempted to hand
out ice cream even though temperatures were unusually cool at EPA
hearings throughout the country.
“Weather is not climate, you willfully ignorant fucksticks,” Weir blasted on his Twitter account.
opinion polls show Americans are largely skeptical of global warming
alarmism. A Pew Research Center poll in late June found only 40 percent
of Americans believe the Earth is warming and humans are the primary
reason. A Rasmussen poll in early July found only 20 percent believe
“the debate is over” in alarmists’ favor.
Apparently realizing
Weir was obscenely chasing away over half of CNN’s potential American
audience, CNN pressured Weir to apologize. “Dumb move. My bad,” Weir
tweeted a day later
SOURCEScientist Reveals Inconvenient Truth to AlarmistsDr.
Christian Schlüchter’s discovery of 4,000-year-old chunks of wood at
the leading edge of a Swiss glacier was clearly not cheered by many
members of the global warming doom-and-gloom science orthodoxy.
finding indicated that the Alps were pretty nearly glacier-free at that
time, disproving accepted theories that they only began retreating
after the end of the little ice age in the mid-19th century. As he
concluded, the region had once been much warmer than today, with “a wild
landscape and wide flowing river.”
Dr. Schlüchter’s report might
have been more conveniently dismissed by the entrenched global warming
establishment were it not for his distinguished reputation as a giant in
the field of geology and paleoclimatology who has authored/coauthored
more than 250 papers and is a professor emeritus at the University of
Bern in Switzerland.
Then he made himself even more unpopular
thanks to a recent interview titled “Our Society is Fundamentally
Dishonest” which appeared in the Swiss publication Der Bund where he
criticized the U.N.-dominated institutional climate science hierarchy
for extreme tunnel vision and political contamination.
the ancient forest evidence discovery Schlüchter became a target of
scorn. As he observes in the interview, “I wasn’t supposed to find that
chunk of wood because I didn’t belong to the close-knit circle of
Holocene and climate researchers. My findings thus caught many experts
off guard: Now an ‘amateur’ had found something that the [more recent
time-focused] Holocene and climate experts should have found.”
evidence exists that there is really nothing new about dramatic glacier
advances and retreats. In fact the Alps were nearly glacier-free again
about 2,000 years ago. Schlüchter points out that “the forest line was
much higher than it is today; there were hardly any glaciers. Nowhere in
the detailed travel accounts from Roman times are glaciers mentioned.”
criticizes his critics for focusing on a time period which is “indeed
too short.” His studies and analyses of a Rhone glacier area reveal that
“the rock surface had [previously] been ice-free 5,800 of the last
10,000 years."
Such changes can occur very rapidly. His research
team was stunned to find trunks of huge trees near the edge of Mont Miné
Glacier which had all died in just a single year. They determined that
time to be 8,200 years ago based upon oxygen isotopes in the Greenland
ice which showed marked cooling.
Casting serious doubt upon
alarmist U.N.-IPCC projections that the Alps will be nearly glacier-free
by 2100, Schlüchter poses several challenging questions: “Why did the
glaciers retreat in the middle of the 19th century, although the large
CO2 increase in the atmosphere came later? Why did the Earth 'tip' in
such a short time into a warming phase? Why did glaciers again advance
in the 1880s, 1920s, and 1980s? . . . Sooner or later climate science
will have to answer the question why the retreat of the glacier at the
end of the Little Ice Age around 1850 was so rapid.”
Although we
witness ongoing IPCC attempts to blame such developments upon evil
fossil-fueled CO2 emissions, that notion fails to answer these
questions. Instead, Schlüchter believes that the sun is the principal
long-term driver of climate change, with tectonics and volcanoes acting
as significant contributors.
Regarding IPCC integrity with strong
suspicion, Schlüchter recounts a meeting in England that he was
“accidentally” invited to which was led by “someone of the East Anglia
Climate Center who had come under fire in the wake of the Climategate
As he describes it: “The leader of the meeting spoke
like some kind of Father. He was seated at a table in front of those
gathered and he took messages. He commented on them either benevolently
or dismissively.”
Schlüchter’s view of the proceeding took a
final nosedive towards the end of the discussion. As he noted: “Lastly
it was about tips on research funding proposals and where to submit them
best. For me it was impressive to see how the leader of the meeting
collected and selected information.”
As a number of other
prominent climate scientists I know will attest, there’s one broadly
recognized universal tip for those seeking government funding. All
proposals with any real prospects for success should somehow link
climate change with human activities rather than to natural causes. Even
better, those human influences should intone dangerous consequences.
warns that the reputation of science is becoming more and more damaged
as politics and money gain influence. He concludes, “For me it also gets
down to the credibility of science . . . Today many natural scientists
are helping hands of politicians, and are no longer scientists who
occupy themselves with new knowledge and data. And that worries me.”
Yes. That should worry everyone.
SOURCEGlobal Warming? Death Valley Shatters Cool Temperature RecordGlobal
warming – er, that is, global climate disruption – claimed another
victim Sunday as Death Valley shattered its all-time record for coolest
August 3 high temperature in history. Remarkably, Death Valley was a
full 15 degrees cooler than its previous coolest August 3. The high
temperature at Death Valley reached only 89 degrees Sunday, which was 33
degrees cooler than normal for August 3 and 15 degrees cooler than the
previous record minimum high temperature of 104 degrees.
With no
global warming during the past 17 years and remarkable cool weather
becoming more frequent, global warming alarmists claim any departure
from average – be it a warm departure or a cool departure – is more
“proof” of a global warming crisis. Undoubtedly, alarmists will seize
upon Sunday’s remarkably cool temperatures in Death Valley as more
“proof” of a global warming crisis.
More likely, the shattering
of all-time cool temperature records at Death Valley is a result of the
Heartland Institute Effect. Just as cold temperatures invariably occur
when Al Gore makes public appearances to raise the alarm about global
warming, cold temperatures also invariably occur when the Heartland
Institute hosts climate realism events. Just last month, the Heartland
Institute hosted its 9th International Conference on Climate Change in
Las Vegas, just a short drive from Death Valley. Last August, Atlanta
set new records for lowest high temperatures when the Heartland
Institute hosted its Emerging Issues Forum in the Peach State capital.
SOURCEAustralia faces unprecedented oversupply of energy, no new energy generation needed for 10 yearsIncreased costs have reduced demandSouth-eastern
Australia will not need to ramp up energy generation for the next 10
years, even under a worst-case scenario, a report says.
Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) report says Australia is facing
an energy glut never before seen in the history of the national
electricity market.
It raises serious questions about the ongoing
viability of existing coal-fired power stations, but might also result
in more pressure on the Federal Government to reduce the Renewable
Energy Target (RET).
A spokesman for AEMO, Joe Adamo, says there is no additional generation required to maintain the reliability.
that's under all three scenarios that we model. So what we're saying is
that there's an oversupply of generation capacity at present. It
doesn't affect the reliability," he said.
For the next year
alone, Australia will produce up to 8,900 megawatts more than is needed.
That is around four times the power produced in a year by Australia's
largest coal-fired power station.
Electricity use in Australia
has been falling now for about four years due to the take-up of rooftop
solar systems, greater use of energy-efficient appliances and the
downturn in some manufacturing industries that use lots of electricity.
"Many of them will have to trade unprofitably as many of them already have been doing for the last year or two," Mr Sadler said.
Just last week energy company HRL announced it would close a small coal-fired power station in Victoria's La Trobe Valley.
was one that was kind of earmarked for closure some three or four years
ago but was propped up by some of the industry assistance measures of
the previous Labor government," the Alternative Technology Association's
Damien Moyse said.
"Those measures have now run out and so as
soon as they have that power station has found that it's no longer
economical to operate.
"That's really because there just isn't the need for so much base load power at the moment," he said.
Despite the oversupply, Australians have continued to pay more for their electricity.
prices have been rising because of the other parts of the cost of
electricity, which is the cost of getting it from the boundary of the
power station through the meters of all the individual consumers," Mr
Sadler said.
"And that's considerably more than half of the total
cost of the total electricity that's supplied to households or small
"That's the part that's been rising very rapidly over the last three or four years."
all this has been going on, the Federal Government has been reviewing
the Renewable Energy Target, which stipulates a certain amount of
renewable electricity should be in use by 2020.
The big
electricity companies have been lobbying the Government to axe or at
least reduce the RET because renewables like wind and solar are hitting
their bottom line.
"On a demand basis we don't need any
additional investment for generations for some time, and that's what the
AEMO report says," Mr Moyse said.
"But the mechanisms that
leverage investment into renewable energy and into low-carbon
technologies like the Renewable Energy Target are not about, ultimately,
providing enough electricity supply to match demand.
they're about is industry development and restructure mechanisms.
They're trying to, over time, restructure the industry so that more of
our generation, irrespective of what the demand level is, comes from
renewables or low-carbon technology and less from carbon-intensive
generation, such as coal and gas."
At present there are millions
of dollars in renewable projects sitting on the shelf while their
developers wait to see what the Government does with the RET.
The bottom line, Mr Sadler says, is that there is no future for the large-scale renewable sector in Australia without the RET.
But he says that goes for other technologies too.
fact, some of the very new gas-fired power stations are going to be
withdrawn from the market in a few months' time even though they are the
newest power stations in Australia, apart from the renewable ones,
because of the high price of gas means that they can't compete in the
current market," he said.
In the meantime, Australians are increasingly voting with their wallets as electricity prices continue to rise.
There are around 1.5 million rooftop solar systems in the country and the number is increasing.
SOURCE ***************************************
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
10 August, 2014
When obscenity trumps the factsObscenity
is a strange way to make a scientific point. I have never seen it
before. But I think I know why the guy below used it. He is
desperate. He must be aware of the latest findings in his own
field and the latest finding is that current changes in the Arctic,
particularly in thermokarsts, have a net COOLING effect. See "A shift of thermokarst lakes from carbon sources to sinks during the Holocene epoch".
That study concerns CO2 but the Warmist below makes no attempt to
offset that finding against the methane observations that are giving him
orgasms. That the methane emissions ARE being offset in some way
would seem to follow from the fact that there has been no global warming
for 18 years. And note that in the original methane study, most of the "vast plumes" did not reach the surface so could not therefore affect the atmosphereThe
planet is 'f**cked' after scientists found huge plumes of deadly
methane escaping from the seafloor. This is according to Dr Jason
Box who claims that methane will be the main driver of climate change if
it escapes into the atmosphere.
He said: 'If even a small fraction of Arctic sea floor carbon is released to the atmosphere, we're f'd'
scientist, based at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland,
tweeted the provocative statement after a Swedish study found methane
leaking beneath the Arctic.
Some of this methane – which is over 20 times more potent than CO2 at trapping heat - is now making it to the ocean's surface.
leaking gas from the seafloor may have its origins in collapsing
clusters of methane trapped in frozen water due to high pressure and low
Scientists at Stockholm University called the
discovery 'somewhat of a surprise,' which, according to Dr Box, is an
Methane is the second-largest greenhouse gas
contributor to climate change. The gas is 23 times more potent
than carbon dioxide in trapping heat and is currently being targeted by
government in an attempt to mitigate global warming.
Methane pollution has declined by 11 per cent since 1990 even as the governments has pushed for greater use of natural gas.
the longer view on methane pollution show that it will rise. The Obama
administration points to studies that show that methane pollution is
projected to increase to a level equivalent to over 620 million tonnes
of carbon dioxide pollution in 2030, if no action is taken.
conventional thought is that the bubbles would be dissolved before they
reached the surface and that microorganisms would consume that methane.
Dr Box said if the plumes are making it to the surface, there's a new
source of heat-trapping gases that the planet needs to worry about.
This, he claims, is particularly disturbing because the Arctic is warming faster than nearly anywhere else on Earth.
His comments follow research in May which found that freshwater sources may be an unrealised source of methane.
carbon dioxide, which is highly soluble in water, methane exists in two
forms in these freshwater sources: as a dissolved gas and encapsulated
in bubbles that rise from sediments.
And this methane can lead to
ozone production and levels of the gas in the atmosphere are 150 per
cent higher than they were before the industrial revolution in U.S.
is already known that in the melting regions of the Arctic where lakes,
known as thermokarsts, which are lakes that break down plant material
into methane.
This methane can then escape out of the lake, and once lit, could set ice on fire.
'I may escape a lot of this,' Dr Box told Motherboard, 'but my daughter might not. She's three years old.'
SOURCESorry, Alarmists, Lies and Insults Don’t Change Cooling TrendJames M. Taylor
a recent column at I called attention to the latest, most
accurate data showing U.S. temperatures have cooled during the past
decade. At the end of the article I predicted global warming alarmists
would try to claim the temperatures are irrelevant. Sure enough,
freelance blogger Erik Sherman did not disappoint, subsequently
performing an epic face plant making that very argument.
As I
noted in my initial article, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) in January 2005 began collecting temperature data
from a nationwide network of more than 100 pristinely located
temperature stations immune to corruption by human development or other
factors. After a decade of collecting data, NOAA has released the first
decade of data. The data show a fairly consistent cooling throughout the
decade. Temperatures are cooler now than they were in 2005. Moreover,
with the exception of a very brief period in 2011 and 2012, cooler
temperatures have dominated since 2007.
I noted, “Of course, 10
years is hardly enough to establish a long-term trend.” Nevertheless, I
drew three lessons from the cooler temperatures: (1) Global warming is
not as dramatic and uniform as alarmists claim. (2) U.S. temperatures
are consistent with the global temperature stagnation of the past
17-plus years. (3) The temperature data debunk assertions that rising
temperatures caused various extreme weather events in the United States
during the past year.
In a column abrasively titled, “The Latest
Climate Change Denial Fact Twisting,” Sherman unleashed a torrent of
misinformation and character assaults to the effect that I “inaccurately
characterized and misrepresented the information and what it shows.” In
the process, Sherman not only fulfilled my prediction that alarmists
would try to claim the temperatures are irrelevant, but he additionally
displayed an impressive lack of reading comprehension skills.
opened his column saying I “claim[ed] the new government data debunks
the concept of global climate change.” That is quite rich. To the
contrary, I have consistently maintained that climate is constantly
changing and humans have likely played a role in recent planetary
warming. Sherman did not identify anywhere in my article where I say the
data debunk the concept of global climate change.
Sherman next
admitted that “yes, the stations showed a slight end-to-end drop over
the time they’ve run.” That was nice to see. But he then argued the very
brief temperature uptick in 2011-2012 means the long-term temperature
trend may end up oscillating while remaining rather flat rather than
being one of long-term cooling. OK, that may or may not turn out to be
the case, but where did I claim that Sherman’s admitted 10-year cooling
portends a longer-term cooling trend? Which part of “Of course, 10 years
is hardly enough to establish a long-term trend” was Sherman incapable
of understanding? Moreover, even if a long-term oscillating temperature
stagnation does indeed occur, that would also support my larger argument
that the temperature data contradict claims of accelerating warming.
next claimed “Over the period show[n], six years saw temperatures above
normal; only three years saw lower than normal temperatures.” Well,
that may be true, but Sherman conveniently forgot to mention that most
of those above-average temperatures occurred at the very beginning of
the 10-year period. When a time series shows warmer temperatures at the
beginning of a time period and cooler temperatures at the end of the
time period, this hardly disproves the notion that temperatures were
warm early in the time period.
After launching several additional
character assaults, Sherman concluded by claiming, “I had first asked
Heartland last week for someone to interview. Although a representative
said that a person would be made available, the organization has yet to
provide a name or contact information for a discussion. If and when I
hear more, I’ll update this post.”
I laughed out loud when I read
this final mischaracterization and disparagement. Sherman sent an email
to generic Heartland Institute staff on a Friday afternoon. I guess
that qualifies as “last week” in the most generous sense of the term. A
more precise and less misleading way of putting it would have been, “I
sent an email Friday afternoon to generic Heartland Institute staff but
nobody called me back over the weekend.”
Also, Sherman claimed he
sought “a name or contact information for a discussion.” Considering I
wrote the article in question and he was attacking me and my article by
name, I am surprised he could not identify the most appropriate “name or
contact information” for a discussion. My email address is all over the
Internet. Sherman could have easily contacted me directly if he desired
an open and honest conversation rather than an excuse to assert the
Heartland Institute was dodging him.
The long and short of it is –
as Sherman admitted – U.S. temperatures have indeed declined over the
past decade. The verdict still stands. All the constructed straw men in
the world won’t change that, nor will Sherman’s desperate insults and
character attacks. To his credit, however, Sherman finally and
parasitically found his 15 minutes of fame. Nice effort, Erik
SOURCEGlobal Warming Pause Puts 'Crisis' In PerspectiveMuch
has been written and argued, from all sides in the global warming
debate, about the meaning of the asserted 17-year pause in global
warming. Is a 17-year pause significant? Is a pause even occurring? Does
the pause signal a longer-term halt to global warming or even a
long-term cooling trend? Would a resumption of global warming to
pre-pause rates end the global warming debate? A look at recent
temperatures and their appropriate context provides helpful meaning to
the much-discussed global warming pause.
Satellite instruments
began uniformly measuring temperatures throughout the Earth’s lower
atmosphere in 1979. Climate scientists overseeing these NASA satellite
instruments produced the chart below showing the following temperature
a plateau of temperatures, with absolutely no warming, from 1979 through 1997
a large temperature spike in 1998
a return to the 1979-1997 mean in 1999-2000
a modest escalation of temperatures in 2001
an elevated plateau of essentially flat temperatures from 2002-2014
we choose a starting point of mid-1998, the planet has cooled during
the past 16 years. If we choose a starting point of late 1997 or early
1999, temperatures have been flat during the past 15 and 17 years.
Examining the totality of the 35-year temperature record, we see
approximately 1/3 of 1 degree Celsius warming during the period.
Accordingly, global warming has occurred at a pace of approximately 1
degree Celsius per century over the duration of the satellite record.
Sensing Systems (RSS) also compiles data from the satellite
instruments, though RSS measures a slightly different range of the lower
atmosphere. RSS reports a similar temperature history, available here.
In the RSS compilation, we see not just a recent temperature plateau,
but actual cooling. Again, the pace of warming throughout the entirety
of the record is approximately 1 degree Celsius per century.
what can we glean from the temperature data? Thirty-five year
temperature trends are likely more meaningful than 17-year temperature
trends. Nevertheless, 17-year temperature trends are nothing to sneeze
at. Either way, whether the global temperature pause continues or not,
temperatures have risen much more slowly than United Nations computer
model predictions.
Computer models, of course, are only as
accurate as their programmed data, formulas, and assumptions. The United
Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) acknowledges
there are many components to climate change for which climate scientists
are merely making their best guesses. The IPCC-affiliated scientists
have made guesses that the unknown climate components will dramatically
accelerate the modest warming caused directly by human carbon dioxide
emissions. So-called climate skeptics have argued the UN guesses
consistently overestimate the warming propensity of the unknown climate
The real-world temperature data appear to support the
skeptics. Even before the recent global warming pause, temperatures
were warming at a relatively modest pace. The ongoing global warming
pause is rendering the longer-term pace of warming still more modest.
computer models dating from 1990 through the present have consistently
predicted at least 2.4 degrees of global warming per century. Such
warming would require at least 0.24 degrees Celsius per decade, for
which we should see at least 0.80 degrees Celsius warming since 1979.
However, real-world warming since 1979 is occurring at less than half
that pace. And there has been absolutely no real-world warming during
the past 17 years.
IPCC adherents claim short-term variance is
masking longer-term climate trends. According to this line of reasoning,
the 35 years since 1979 are simply not long enough to form meaningful
conclusions about the longer-term pace of global warming. This line of
argument is unpersuasive for two important reasons: First, the
admittedly less reliable ground-based mercury temperature readings from
the mid-1940s through the late 1970s reported global cooling during the
three decades immediately prior to the satellite era. Accordingly, the
time period for which real-world temperatures are not rising nearly as
rapidly as IPCC predictions is now not just 35 years, but approximately
70 years. Second, and even ignoring the 1940s-1970s global cooling, for
global temperatures to meet IPCC’s predicted 2.4 degree rise by late
this century, global temperatures must immediately – and that means
immediately – begin rising at a sustained 0.30 degrees Celsius per
decade. That has never come close to occurring during our modern warm
period, and the ongoing global warming pause suggests that is unlikely
to begin happening any time in the foreseeable future, either.
El Nino/La Nina oscillation, moreover, provides some interesting
context to the Earth’s recent temperature history. El Ninos warm the
global climate while La Ninas cool the global climate. The 1998 global
temperature spike was associated with the strongest El Nino in modern
history. Also, El Ninos dominated the global climate from the late 1970s
through the mid-2000s. Since 2007, however, modest La Nina conditions
have prevailed.
The ongoing global warming pause is likely being
assisted by the recent modest La Ninas. At some point between now
and 2030, however, the cycle should flip back to one dominated by El
Ninos. When that occurs, it is likely that global temperatures will
again rise.
The ongoing global warming pause and the longer-term
temperature record, however, indicate any future El Nino-assisted
temperature rise will likely be modest once again. If the IPCC’s guesses
on unknown climate components were correct, global temperatures would
still be rising – even during this La Nina phase – at a fairly rapid
pace. Moreover, global temperatures should have risen much more rapidly
than was the case during the last El Nino phase. If IPCC model
predictions were relatively accurate, global warming should be occurring
at a pace of approximately 0.15 degrees Celsius per decade during La
Ninas and approximately 0.35 degrees Celsius per decade during El Ninos.
Neither has even come close to occurring in the real-world temperature
Pulling this all together, we can reach the following conclusions:
The global warming pause is real.
The global warming pause is significant.
The global warming pause is not likely to be permanent.
future resumption of global warming at pre-pause rates – or even
modestly accelerated rates – would not validate IPCC global warming
predictions, and would instead continue to undermine the IPCC’s
predictions of very rapid 21st century global warming.
The most
meaningful aspect of the global warming pause isn’t that temperatures
have flattened for 17 years, but rather that the global warming pause
extends and solidifies the longer-term record of smaller-than-predicted
global temperature rise.
SOURCE Your Whole Foods Tote Could Be More Harmful Than a Plastic Bag Banning
plastic bags doesn't reduce litter, threaten sea life or contribute to
greenhouse gases nearly as much as proponents would have you believe
you want paper or plastic? You’ve probably been told that the
right answer is paper – unless you want to hasten climate change and
choke marine life. But the plastic bag has been wrongfully convicted.
And labeling it as an environmental villain – and banning its usage – is
blinding us to better behavior.
Plastic bags haven’t always been
Public Enemy No. 1. Introduced by Safeway and Kroger in 1982, they soon
dominated the grocery bag market – by 1996, 80 percent of all bags were
made from lightweight plastics. Customers loved ‘em. They became
thinner, lighter and able to contain more recycled material. And
then…the tide turned.
In 2007, San Francisco became the first
major city in America to ban the lightweight plastic shopping bag. Since
then, over 150 municipalities across the country, including the cities
of Seattle, Los Angeles, and Chicago have passed ordinances imposing
similar bans. Most of these ordinances also include mandatory fees on
paper and “reusable” plastic bags – like the five cent bag tax in
Washington, D.C. In California, home to around 100 plastic bag bans, the
state senate is considering a bill (SB 270) that would impose
restrictions statewide.
Where did this ire come from? Ban
proponents claim that restricting the distribution of plastic bags will
have significant environmental benefits and reduce municipal costs. That
means money saved for taxpayers. In a recent study for Reason
Foundation, Brian Seasholes and I investigated these claims and found
they’re mostly untrue.
Let’s start with the basic environmental
claims: Banning plastic bags won’t make litter disappear, dissipate
litter removal costs, or save innocent animals. Plastic bags constitute a
tiny proportion of all litter, so banning them has very little impact
on the amount of litter generated. A recent review of numerous analyses
of litter in our streets found that plastic shopping bags constituted
one percent or less of visible litter in the United States. They also
comprise only .4 percent of all municipal solid waste that’s discarded.
To that end, there’s no evidence that banning plastic bags has reduced
litter removal costs, and it won’t do much in the way of reducing trash
collection costs, either. This first point isn’t surprising since litter
removal tends to be done by municipal employees or contractors who are
not paid per item, so a tiny reduction in the number of items of litter
generated makes essentially no difference to costs of removal.
sea, the impact may be even smaller. Plastic bags have not caused a
giant “garbage patch” in the North Pacific. Sure, plastic in the oceans
has increased over the past four decades, corresponding to the increase
in plastic use in general. Yet the notion that this has resulted in a
gigantic landfill at sea is contradicted by the evidence, which shows
that most plastic in the oceans is widely dispersed and in the form of
tiny pieces.
Plastic bags aren’t threatening the fish, either. Or
birds for that matter. Claims that plastic bags kill hundreds of
thousands of marine animals seem connected to a misreading of a study
that investigated the impact of discarded fishing gear. As David
Santillo, a senior biologist with Greenpeace, explained to The Times of
“It’s very unlikely that many animals are killed by
plastic bags. The evidence shows just the opposite…. With larger mammals
it’s fishing gear that’s the big problem. On a global basis plastic
bags aren’t an issue.”
So the animals are safe–but what about us and
our homes? Another common claim is that plastic shopping bags block
storm drains, so banning them will reduce the risk of flooding. That’s
not true. Reducing litter in general and cleaning storm drains are far
more effective solutions to the problem.
Okay, you say, but what
about the use of resources and emissions of greenhouse gases? Those must
be pretty bad, right? Wrong again. Lightweight plastic shopping bags
are made from high density polyethylene, the feedstock for which –
ethylene – is nearly entirely (over 97 percent) derived from natural
gas. Given the newfound abundance of such gas in the United States and
globally, there is little reason to be concerned about plastic shopping
bags as a significant cause of resource depletion. And if you look at
the per bag consumption of energy, water and emissions of greenhouse
gases across different types of bags, those numbers are far lower for
lightweight plastic bags than for paper or reusable ones.
course that does not tell the full story, since some bags are reused
more than others. Surveys suggest that most people reuse their
lightweight plastic bags, mainly for trash disposal, and on average each
one is used 1.6 times. By contrast, paper bags are typically used only
once. The thicker plastic bags, made from low density polyethylene, now
being promoted as “reusable,” typically are used about 3.1 times.
of this means that an average consumer using only lightweight plastic
bags consumes less energy and water and generates fewer greenhouse gas
emissions than a consumer sporting a Whole Foods tote. Perversely,
restrictions on the distribution of plastic bag likely results in an
increase in the overall environmental impact of the bags we use to shop.
to mention that reusable bags are kind of disgusting, from the public
health perspective. Putting food into bags that have previously been
used to carry perishable items poses a health risk. Several outbreaks of
food-borne diseases have been traced to unhygienic reuse of bags. To
solve this problem, consumers are advised to disinfect bags before reuse
– a process that consumes resources and time – and to store bags away
from sources of germs. Surveys suggest that consumers rarely wash or
otherwise disinfect their reusable bags. What a surprise.
that’s not enough to sell you, consider this: plastic bag bans and
mandatory fees on alternative bags disproportionately affect the working
poor, for whom the cost of paying for bags represents a greater burden.
A dollar spent on ten paper bags is a dollar not available for other
purchases. That obviously matters more to a household on a tight budget.
Let’s bag the ban. I’ll take plastic, please.
SOURCEKerry: More Farmland Exacerbates Global WarmingState
Secretary John Kerry, addressing the U.S.-Africa Summit, claimed that
global warming will be worsened by developing more farms and praised
Africa for limiting the amount of land allocated for agriculture.
“Certain agricultural processes can actually release carbon pollution
and help contribute to the problem [of global warming] in the first
place,” he explained. “It’s a twisted circle. Always complicated. But we
also know there are ways to change that.
For example, rather
than convert natural areas to new farmland – a process that typically
releases significant amounts of carbon pollution – we can instead
concentrate our efforts on making existing farmlands more productive.
Now this is an area where African leaders have actually been …
significantly ahead of the game for some time.”
Yes, and that’s evidently worked quite well for poor, hungry Africans and their economies.
SOURCE The Great Diesel ScandalJames Delingpole
year, for the first time since passing my driving test three decades
ago, I finally bit the bullet and bought the kind of car my dad had been
urging me to get for as long as I can remember: a sensible diesel
one. ‘They’re so much more economical,’ my dad had kept telling
He isn’t necessarily right about everything, but I trust him
on cars. In his youth he used to race them as a hobby and, unlike me, he
knows a piston from a spark plug.
‘Quite a bit of poke under the
bonnet, too. What with fuel injection, they’re just as nippy as petrol
cars. Also, they hold their value for much longer . . .’
So when I
proudly unveiled my new diesel automobile, I thought he’d be
impressed. Instead, he said: ‘Oh. Haven’t you heard?’ And he broke
the bad news.
Apparently, far from investing in the motoring
sale of the century, what I had, in fact, gone and bought was a
four-wheeled cancer machine.
Not only, he went on, are diesels
extremely bad on the pollution front, spewing tiny carcinogenic
particles into the air which lurk in your lungs and cause thousands of
deaths in Britain every year, but they’re also terrible value for money.
was so incensed to hear this, that I decided to investigate diesel cars
— and I now realise my father was right. They are an out-and-out scam,
and we have been scandalously gulled into buying them by our political
According to the latest research, all that stuff about their being more efficient than petrol cars is nonsense.
2012 report by the consumers’ association Which? found that because the
pump price of petrol is lower, and because diesel cars are usually
£1,000 to £2,000 more expensive than their petrol equivalents, it can
take diesel owners around eight years of driving before they see any
financial benefit from that so-called efficiency.
For drivers doing fewer than 10,000 miles a year, it concluded, ‘petrol will almost always be the best choice.’
now they’re about to become more expensive still. Already, Islington
council in London is introducing £20 on-the-spot fines for any diesel
driver caught with his engine running when stationary.
Mayor of
London Boris Johnson has announced, in response to the threat of fines
from the EU for breaching air pollution limits, that from 2020 diesel
owners driving into the capital will have to pay a £10 pollution
Oh the irony! Time was — and really not so long ago —
when diesel car owners came second only to hybrid electric cars such as
the Toyota Prius in the eco-friendly stakes. Our vehicles, we were
assured by the experts, were about as green as you could get short of
riding a bicycle.
Yet suddenly here we diesel-heads are, nearly
11 million of us, being accorded the same pariah status traditionally
reserved for filthy-rich drivers of those so-called Chelsea tractors
that take up one-and-a-half parking spaces and do about three miles to
the gallon.
Frankly, we’ve all gone and bought a lemon, been sold
a pup and had ourselves taken to the cleaners. Whatever did we do to
deserve this?
Absolutely nothing, says the AA’s president Edmund
King, who believes that motorists have every right to be angry.
‘Many drivers will feel deeply betrayed and misled after being
encouraged over many years to go for the dash for diesel.
in the 1990s there was a near hysteria about the dangers of carbon
dioxide and yet nobody bothered to look at the bigger picture.
‘Britain’s drivers thought they were doing the right thing and were told
as much by politicians and ministers.’
He has a point. For two
decades, politicians have been deliberately rigging the market in favour
of diesel — among them Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. In 2001, they
introduced a new tax regime whereby cars were taxed according to how
much CO2 they emitted.
Because diesel cars have lower CO2 emissions than petrol ones, this tax incentive suddenly made them a more attractive buy.
coincided with another labyrinthine tax arrangement set up by the then
Chancellor Gordon Brown, whereby a 3 per cent levy on diesel cars in
company fleets scheduled to be introduced in 2002 would be waived on
‘Euro compliant’ diesel cars bought before 2006.
Yes, it sounds
incomprehensible — as Brown’s tax measures usually were. But the net
result was this: for a four-year period, companies were massively
encouraged by the tax system to buy diesel cars for the fleets rather
than petrol ones.
Why, though, would a supposedly green-leaning
government like New Labour have done such a thing, given that long
before then the damaging effects of diesel pollution were widely
To answer that, you have to go back to the years
immediately following the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. This was the period of
hot summers when the world’s temperatures seemed dramatically to be
rising and when everyone was convinced they knew the culprit: carbon
With CO2 elevated to Public Enemy Number One, no price was too great for trying to combat it.
article in the motoring pages of the Independent newspaper in 1993
captured the mood of the time, urging the then-Chancellor Ken Clarke to
give more tax breaks to diesel drivers in the way his predecessor Norman
Lamont had done.
It quoted Dr Jeremy Vanke, the RAC’s
environmental manager, saying: ‘We need to know the Government’s
environmental priority. If carbon monoxide emissions are the chief
concern, then diesel vehicles need to be brought to the fore.’ [The
‘monoxide” was surely a mis-speak or a misprint — he meant dioxide].
him was a spokesman from car-maker Peugeot, who said: ‘We consider
diesels are less damaging to the environment when taken as a
whole.’ A report produced in the same year for the Department of
the Environment agreed with this assessment.
‘While much remains
to be done to complete our comprehension of climatic change phenomena,
it may be that diesel emissions have a greater net positive effect upon
global warming than emissions from an equivalent fleet of petrol
vehicles,’ it said.
But this statement, though somewhat cautious, made no mention of growing concerns about the impact of this so-called green fuel.
rest of that 1993 report could hardly have been more damning about the
potentially lethal health impacts of diesel emissions, yet this was
conveniently overlooked by politicians and Greens.
While diesel
produces lower emissions of three greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide,
methane and nitrous oxide), the report said, it produces larger
emissions of ‘nitrogen oxides’ and ‘most importantly, far larger
emissions of particulate matter and black smoke’.
These, it
transpires, are the ingredients now causing such concern about diesel
cars. Nitrogen oxides have been linked to bronchitis and heart disease,
the black smoke can exacerbate asthma, while the ultra-fine particles
can penetrate deep into the lungs and bloodstream.
In 2012, the
World Health Organisation classified diesel fume particulates as a
carcinogen, while other research suggests that they can cause brain
damage and autism.
According to Professor Frank Kelly, chairman
of the Department of Health’s committee on air pollution, diesel engines
could be responsible for more than 7,000 deaths a year. The most
scandalous aspect of the situation though is surely this: that it all
happened as a direct result of UK government policy — under both Labour
and Conservative administrations — which, as a result of EU carbon
directives, pushed us all towards diesel because supposedly it was less
likely to create global warming.
This concern seems especially
laughable today given that as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change admits, there has been no global warming since 1997.
even those who remain passionately concerned about ‘climate change’
ought surely to recognise the bitter irony here: in the name of
combating an environmental ‘threat’ that so far exists only in the realm
of computer-modelled theory, successive governments decided it would be
a good idea to increase the number of cars whose exhausts can most
definitely give you asthma, breathing problems, heart disease and
Not for the first time where the great climate change
scare is concerned, it seems that our political class threw common sense
out of the window, ran around like headless chickens and inflicted on
us a policy that has done enormous harm at great expense for no
discernible benefit.
There’s also the madness of something called
STOR, which the government is currently keeping very quiet about for
reasons which will become obvious.
It stands for Short Term
Operating Reserve and is a taxpayer-funded scheme whereby owners of
diesel generators are paid millions of pounds — up to eight times the
market electricity rate — to produce emergency power when renewable
energy is impossible because the wind isn’t blowing or the sun isn’t
There are banks of these diesel generators all over the
country, and yes, as with the fumes from diesel cars, the energy they
produce at almighty expense is about as dirty and polluting as you can
But for years these sceptical voices have been drowned out
by the yells of hypocritical politicians, greedy corporations, green
zealots and a gullible public that ‘something must be done’ to deal with
the supposed menace of man-made carbon dioxide.
The great dash
for diesel was a huge, expensive con inflicted on us by people who
should have known better — and indeed did know better — but were so
dazzled by the climate change scare that they could not see the bigger
picture. It isn’t the first time this has happened, and it won’t be the
By the way, does anyone want to buy a diesel motor? One careful (if somewhat disillusioned) owner.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
8 August, 2014
The hidden “persuaders” of the environmentalist elite
We can scarcely imagine the countless ways the ultra-rich Big Green /
Big Government movement acts in consort to control our lives – at the
behest of the 0.01% of uber-elites ... and at the expense of the 99% of
American taxpayers, consumers, workers and citizens. Even worse, just
when we think we are beginning to grasp the enormity of the problem,
another report emerges to demonstrate that we still don’t know the half
of it, or even the fiftieth. In this article, Washington Examiner
columnist and Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise executive vice
president Ron Arnold exposes still more of the dirty little secrets
these would-be global dictators strive so mightily to keep hidden
America’s Big Green environmental agenda is set by elite foundations
that decide which activists get the money. They form “affinity groups”
to collude with President Obama’s bureaucracy, which funnels tax dollars
to Democratic advocates to enforce that agenda.
And they don’t just attempt to develop public policy and persuade
Americans to adopt them. They find numerous ways to impose those
policies on us – without our advice or consent, and despite the harm
they inflict on our economy, national security, jobs, living standards
or well-being.
Meet the conservation cash cartel of the uber-rich: the Environmental
Grantmakers Association, a veteran organization (founded in 1985) of
more than 200 ultra-wealthy foundations now caught in the spotlight of a
new 92-page US Senate report exposing Big Green wealth eating away
America’s industrial strength.
This is the same EGA that emerged as an issue during Senate confirmation
hearings for Rhea Sun Suh, the Interior Department’s new head of
national parks and the Fish and Wildlife Service – and a veteran EGA
member who invited colleagues to come visit her at Interior any time.
Suh once worked for the Packard Foundation on programs to block oil and
gas production in the western United States. Ironically, Packard’s
investment portfolio – the profits from which the foundation pays its
anti-oil and gas grants – holds more than $350,000 in ExxonMobil shares,
and millions in dozens of other lesser-known fossil fuel securities.
Most of the EGA’s foundation members have similar million-dollar dirty
little secrets. But of course their tax-exempt activist recipients are
not morally conflicted by taking fossil fuel cash and keeping it a
secret – as long as the loot furthers their corrosive goals of reducing
America’s hydrocarbon use and economic power, and regardless of the
impacts their policies inflict on the jobs, living standards, health and
welfare of poor, elderly, blue-collar and minority families.
The classic unintentional self-parody displayed by Greenpeace, for
example, is fascinating to watch, as it concocts convoluted “ethical”
explanations for why its oil-soaked funding is purified by the “lofty”
save-the-planet intent of its donors, whenever the funding is exposed.
The new report is titled “The Chain of Environmental Command: How a Club
of Billionaires and Their Foundations Control the Environmental
Movement and Obama’s EPA.” It was produced by the Republican staff of
the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, under the direction
of Senator David Vitter of Louisiana, the committee’s ranking minority
Its executive summary states, “an elite group of left-wing millionaires
and billionaires, which this report refers to as the ‘Billionaire’s
Club,’ directs and controls the far-left environmental movement, which
in turn controls major policy decisions and lobbies on behalf of the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.”
Having researched over $80 billion in green grants during the past few
decades, I was impressed by the scope and detail of the oversight team’s
work, and asked Vitter how he felt about it.
“This report really gets to the core of tracking the money and exposing
the collusion,” Vitter told me. “The complicated, layered system is
intended to create a lack of transparency. There is an unbelievable
amount of money behind the environmental movement, and far too much
collusion between far-left environmental groups and the Obama EPA.”
The collusion is like something out of a bad spy movie. For example,
Vitter’s oversight team uncovered a June 2009 deal in which the
Rockefeller Family Fund offered then-EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson
money to pay for a plant inside the President’s Council on Environmental
Quality, to “stake the EPA’s claim there,” and then slip the shill into
a pre-arranged EPA job, giving the agency a White House insider on
staff –while not coincidentally tightening the Rockefeller Fund’s power
grip over the EPA.
Jackson wrote to her chief of staff Diane Thompson, “I think it’s a fine
idea and can only help EPA in the long run.”Jackson then used her fake
Richard Windsor email account to send the note, in an attempt to prevent
exposure of her unethical shenanigans. Thompson replied, “My thoughts
exactly. The more inside connections, the better.”
The Rockefeller shill was Shalini Vajjhala, who agreed to leave her
minor position at the Washington think tank Resources for the Future for
a two-month stint at the CEQ, holding the pretentious title of “deputy
associate director for energy and climate.” The EPA then slipped her in
as deputy assistant administrator of its Office of International &
Tribal Affairs. Vajjhala remained there until her 2011 appointment as
EPA’s special representative leading a presidential US-Brazil
After Vajjhala cycled through the White House and EPA, she got her
personal reward in 2012: approval to found and manage a new investment
portfolio supported by the Rockefeller Foundation. (This is the original
1913 John D. Rockefeller philanthropy, not the fourth generation’s
Family Fund. There are many Rockefeller tentacles, which makes all of
this even more confusing.) Vajjhala now contributes to the Huffington
Post, funded in part by the wealthy Park Foundation.
EGA foundations are metastasizing into hundreds of far-left funds. The
report drills into one of them, the Sea Change Foundation, “a private
California foundation, which relies on funding from undisclosed donors
and funnels tens of millions of dollars to other foundations and
prominent environmental activists who strive to control both policy and
There is an incredible seedbed of Sea Change front groups. Bill Gates’
foundation gave Sea Change Capital Partners $2.5 million. eBay’s Omidyar
Network Fund gave the same partners $2 million. David Rockefeller’s
personal foundation gave loads of cash to the Center for Sea Change.
Wal-Mart’s foundation gave $500,000 to Strategies for the Global
Foundation Sea Change, an international tentacle into the White House.
But it’s not just the environment. The Crime Prevention Research Center,
a nonprofit that tracks gun control activists, reported: “On January 8,
2013, the Obama Administration met with 23 large foundations to
organize a push for national gun control. They included such
organizations as the Open Society Institute, the McCormick Foundation,
the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation” and the MacArthur Foundation.
Foundations appear to be colluding with almost every Executive Branch
department in the Obama administration. And it’s not just the Big Green
donors. It’s all kinds of left-wing activists and bureaucrats who want
to control our lives, liberties and living standards – with no
accountability for mistakes they make, intentional harm and emotional
distress they intentionally inflict, or damage they cause to millions of
American businesses, families and communities.
It’s time for Congress to hear testimony from some of the manipulative
foundation program directors and investment managers, as they try to
explain their actions to those whose lives they have wrecked and
Via email=
Use of the phrase “extreme weather” in news stories has exploded in
recent years. Almost a decade ago, before former Vice President Al
Gore’s film “An Inconvenient Truth” was released, the broadcast news
networks rarely used the term. Gore’s 2006 movie and book of the same
name used the phrase “extreme weather” and linked the hurricanes,
floods, drought and other natural disasters to global warming. The
networks have lauded Gore and his film for years.
Between July 2004 and July 2005, a year before Gore’s movie, the three
networks only used the phrase “extreme weather” in 18 stories on their
morning and evening news shows in that entire year.
Now, it is a favorite phrase of the networks. In the past year (July
2013 through July 2014), the same network news shows talked about it 988
percent more: in a whopping 196 stories. That’s more than enough
stories to see one every other day on average.
During that time, extreme weather was frequently used by the networks to
describe heat waves, droughts, tornadoes, hurricanes and winter storms,
and they often included the phrase in onscreen graphics or chyrons
during weather stories. ABC even has an “extreme weather team” dedicated
to covering such events. Some of those reports explicitly linked the
events to climate change, but even when they didn’t the stories fueled
the narrative of climate alarmism.
The networks have worked tirelessly to promote the idea that extreme
weather events were more common than they actually have been. What used
to just be called weather, is now extreme. On May 6, 2014, NBC White
House Correspondent Peter Alexander told “Nightly News” viewers to “just
think of all the extreme weather headlines in the last months. Floods,
tornadoes, record cold and record droughts.”
ABC correspondent Dan Harris announced on Feb. 22, 2014, “Good Morning
America” that “much of America [is] dealing with extreme weather right
now. A really nasty mix of twisters, high winds and flooding rains.”
But even alarmist scientists who worried about the danger of global
warming admitted connecting so-called “extreme weather” to climate
change was “controversial” and lacks proof. The United Nations reduced
its certainty regarding a connection between heat waves, droughts and
tropical cyclones and climate change in 2013.
While discussing extreme weather, including simultaneous “extended
periods of cold” and “unprecedented winter warmth,” climate alarmist
Michael Mann of Penn State University said that connections to climate
change were “a speculative and genuinely controversial area of the
As for claims that storms are becoming more frequent, that hasn’t been
the case with hurricanes. Climatologist Dr. John Christy who has looked
back to the 1850s told the MRC in 2013 “there is no trend in
hurricanes.” He said, “[I]f you look at the last seven years, there has
not been single major hurricane hit the United States. This is the
longest period of such a dearth of hurricanes in that entire record.”
In early 2014, when the networks hyped a drought in California as the
“worst drought on record,” Dr. Martin Hoerling, a federal climate
researcher, disagreed and told the MRC it was consistent with previous
California droughts.
Is It The Sun?
In 2008 William Livingston and Matthew Penn of the National Solar
Observatory in Tucson, in a controversial paper that contradicted
conventional wisdom and upset global warming theorists, predicted that
sunspots could more or less disappear after 2015, possibly indicating
the onset of another Little Ice Age. They stated, “The occurrence of
prolonged periods with no sunspots is important to climate studies,
since the Maunder Minimum was shown to correspond with the reduced
average global temperatures on the Earth.” The Maunder Minimum lasted
for approximately 70 years from about 1645 to 1715, and was marked by
bitter cold, widespread crop failures, and severe human privation. (2)
There has been increasing evidence in recent years to support this
supposition that global warming is linked with solar activity.
In 2011, three papers suggested the Earth could be heading for a ‘little ice age’ as solar activity drops once again. (3)
Other research also confirmed that solar effects could bring on little
ice ages. Sarah Ineson and her colleagues report that changes in the
Sun’s emissions of ultraviolet radiation coincided with observed cold
winters over southern Europe and Canada between 2008 and 2011. (4)
And Katja Matthes and colleagues report that simulations with a climate
model using new observations of solar vulnerability suggests a
substantial influence of the Sun on the winter climate in the Northern
Hemisphere. (5)
A 2014 paper by Chinese scientists reported the impact of carbon dioxide
on climate change may have been overstated with solar activity giving a
better explanation of changes in the Earth’s temperature. The paper
found ‘a high correlation between solar activity and the Earth’s
averaged surface temperature over centuries,’ suggesting that climate
change is intimately linked with solar cycles rather than human
activity. Indeed, the study says that the ‘modern maximum’ – a peak in
solar activity that lasted much of the last century corresponds very
well with an increase in global temperatures. (6)
Russian scientists foresee an even more dramatic situation. They predict that a little ice age will begin in 2014. (7)
In their book, The Neglected Sun, authors Fritz Vahrenholt and Sebastian
Luning pose that temperatures could be two-tenths of a degree lower by
2030 as a result of an anemic sun, which would mean warming getting
postponed far into the future.
Note that these reports are from researchers around the world.
Nick Hallet observes, “The research shows that the current warming
models of the IPCC seem to underestimate the impact of natural factors
on climate change, while overstating that of human activities. Solar
activity is an important ingredient of natural driving forces of
climate. Therefore, it is valuable to investigate the influence of solar
variability on the Earth’s climate change on long time scales.” (6)
Add to all this a very recent paper that says the modern Grand maximum
of the sun (which occurred during solar cycles 19-23, i. e., 1950-2009)
was a ‘rare or even unique event in both magnitude and duration in the
past 3,000 years.’(8)
Unfortunately, it was beyond the scope of this paper to address the
potential impact of solar activity on climate. Yet the reconstruction
leaves a very big question unanswered—What effect did the Grand maximum
have on Earth’s climate? As a ‘unique’ and ‘rare’ event in terms of both
magnitude and duration, one would think a lot more time and effort
would be spent by IPCC and others in answering that question.
Instead, as noted earlier, IPCC scientists have conducted relatively few
studies of the Sun’s influence on modern warming, assuming that the
temperature influence of this rare and unique Grand maximum of solar
activity, which has occurred only once in the past 3,000 years, is far
inferior to the radiative power provided by the rising CO2 concentration
of the Earth’s atmosphere. (9)
Lawrence Solomon sums this up well, “The upshot for scientists and world
leaders should be clear, particularly since other scientists in recent
years have published analyses that also indicate that global cooling
could be on its way. Climate can and does change toward colder periods
as well as warmer ones. Over the last 20 years, some $80 billion has
been spent on research dominated by the assumption that global
temperatures will rise. Very little research has investigated the
consequences of the very live possibility that temperatures will
plummet. Research into global cooling and its implications for the globe
is long overdue.” (2)
Grassroots to Congress: Stop the EPA Power Grab
This past week the Environmental Protection Agency held a series of
regional hearings throughout the country—in Denver, Atlanta, Pittsburgh,
and Washington. EPA representatives heard from the public about the
job-killing rules on power plants it proposed in June, which would force
states to impose draconian restrictions on carbon emissions by 2030.
Although the regional hearings drew many high-profile speakers including
members of Congress and state governors, what was more remarkable was
the high number of everyday Americans that testified. People at the
grassroots level are increasingly concerned about what the new rules
will mean for their wallets and their well-being. Hundreds of Americans
for Prosperity activists and our coalition partners, together
representing millions of Americans, rallied in the shadow of the
Colorado state house in Denver and on the steps of the EPA building in
Atlanta. Together, Americans called on President Obama's EPA to stop its
power grab.
Many were coal miners, concerned that regulations will cause energy
production — as well as the jobs that they support — to go overseas to
countries like China that do not enforce these rules. Many miners drove
long distances in order to weigh in, from states as far away as Wyoming
and Arizona.
Others focused on how this rule would impact economic growth. A
representative from the National Federation of Independent Business
(NFIB) talked about how small businesses are hard-pressed to shoulder
higher energy costs during these lean times. Hotel owners also rallied,
concerned that this proposed rule would reduce visitors to mining towns
and hurt the local economy.
Federal overreach by the Obama administration is nothing new. But when
it comes to the President’s EPA agenda, the President says he has no
problem going around Congress and disregarding the will of the people to
force greater burdens on the American middle class. In fact, the EPA
would unilaterally decide which states will get hit hardest by the power
plant rules.
We heard concerns from families, too. In Denver, a single mom took the
podium. She said that the EPA’s proposal would mean bigger electricity
bills and a tighter family budget – a simple concept, but one that
politicians and bureaucrats seem to have difficulty comprehending.
Everything from putting gas in the car to buying groceries could become
Polling data among registered voters reflect this opposition at the
grassroots level. A recent survey from the American Energy Alliance
shows that the majority of American voters oppose EPA’s recently
proposed power plant regulations after they learn about the sweeping
impacts the rule would have on jobs and economic growth. Before
receiving any information about the regulations, no less than 57 percent
of voters in any state supported the regulations. But after listening
to arguments both for and against the new rules, fewer than half of
respondents in each state supported them. The survey looked at
registered voters in Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Montana, and North
What this poll shows is that the more people learn about the impacts of
the new proposed rules on power plants, the more they turn against them.
Folks may be initially open to the rules when they first hear the Obama
administration’s vague claims about how this latest ream of top-down
EPA red tape will improve the environment, but their support evaporates
when they learn more about the rules and the harm they will do to the
Given this growing grassroots opposition to the proposed rules and the
harm they will inflict on fragile local economies, lawmakers should seek
ways to push back on this federal takeover of the energy market. At the
state and local level, too, elected officials should stand up against
President Obama's EPA and protect American prosperity and access to
affordable energy.
EPA Regulation Supporters Defend Electric Bill Increase
On June 2nd, President Obama announced new EPA regulations that would impose significant restrictions on power plants.
Last week, environmental activists gathered in front of the EPA
headquarters to show their support for the new regulations. There
was live music, toys for the kids and free ice cream provided by Ben
& Jerry’s.
The new regulations are intended to cut down on carbon emissions which
the activists insist are endangering life on planet Earth. But
imposing these regulations will come with a steep cost to American
consumers who will have to cover the new costs imposed on the energy
companies with higher utility bills.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce estimates the regulations could put 224,000
Americans out of work annually and increase electricity costs by more
than $289 billion.
Even the EPA itself estimates that the new regulations will cause
electricity prices to increase dramatically over the next 6 years.
Americans don’t hear much about these new costs from environmental
activists or the Obama Administration, so I decided to head down to the
rally and ask them about it myself.
Breakthrough in the Australian State of NSW: Government go-ahead for fracking project
NSW is very fearful of unconventional gas, even though the neighboring State of Queensland is gung ho about it
AGL Energy has moved a step closer to developing a controversial
coal-seam gas project in New South Wales after the state government
allowed it to conduct fracking activities at four test wells.
The Gloucester project is significant because it could provide the state
with 15 per cent of its natural-gas needs and power close to one
million homes if it goes lives in 2016 as planned. Energy companies,
including AGL, say the state is facing a supply squeeze, as three giant
gas-export projects in neighbouring Queensland threaten to deplete
domestic reserves when they start up next year.
Proposed developments in NSW, however, are facing stiff opposition from
environmentalists and farmers concerned that drilling practices for
extracting methane trapped in coal seams could contaminate underground
water supplies.
AGL’s decision to invest in the project will partly rest on the results
of the four-well pilot project, which will test the quality of the
resource. To proceed with the tests, the company had been relying on
state government approval for it to carry out hydraulic fracturing, a
controversial drilling technique that cracks underground rocks using
high-powered bursts of water, sand and chemicals.
“This will not be the only solution to our reliance on gas from
interstate, but it is a significant and vital step in the right
direction to improve supply for NSW,” state Energy Minister Anthony
Roberts said today.
NSW currently provides only 5 per cent of its own natural gas, but this
could rise to 20 per cent if the Gloucester project goes ahead, AGL
chief executive Michael Fraser said.
None of the Gloucester project’s output would be exported overseas, he said.
NSW has some of the country’s toughest coal-seam gas rules, having
banned wells within two kilometres of residential areas, and land
containing vineyards and horse studs. The rules, which came into effect
in October, forced AGL to write down the value of its proposed Camden
and Hunter gas projects.
The Gloucester project is in a more remote area, so it isn’t exposed to the same regulatory impediments.
The project, however, is still likely to face opposition from
environmentalists and some farmers and community groups that claim it is
still too risky.
Credit Suisse last week said it has only attributed $88 million in value
to the project out of a $347.5 million book value, due to delay risks.
The broker said AGL might have to guarantee land values in the areas to win the blessing of farmers.
“A coordinated campaign targeting AGL’s electricity and gas customers could result in customer loss,” it said.
The state government’s tough stance is in stark contrast to neighbouring
Queensland, where companies including ConocoPhillips and Total SA are
spending more than $60 billion combined to liquefy coal-seam gas for
export to Asia.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
7 August, 2014
Brain-dead Warmist logic again
D'oh! If the Arctic is warming at twice the rate of the rest of
the world, then it is not warming at all: The rest of the world
is not warming and 2 multiplied by zero gives a sum of zero. And
if the Arctic is indeed warming while the rest of the world is not then
the warming is clearly the product of local influences, not global
ones. Hence Arctic warming does not prove global warming
Scientists were baffled by the mysterious craters that appeared in
northern Russia earlier this month. Researchers now believe these
craters may have been created by a build-up of methane over centuries
that then erupting out of the thawing ground.
But strange, unexplained holes are just the beginning of what could be a
series of mysterious happenings on the planet – all caused by melting
Arctic ice, scientists believe.
According to a report by David Biello in Scientific American,
temperatures across the Arctic are warming roughly twice as fast as the
rest of the globe.
‘At some point, we might get into a state of permafrost that is not
comparable to what we know for 100 years or so, some new processes that
never happened before,’ geologist Guido Grosse of the Alfred Wegener
Institute for Polar and Marine Research told Mr Biello.
A similar process is taking place in the melting regions of the Arctic
where lakes, known as thermokarsts, which are lakes that break down
plant material into methane.
This methane can then escape out of the lake or the ground, and once lit, could set ice on fire.
Permafrost is also leading to ‘drunken trees’ as the firm soil slowly
transforms into mud causing the plants that grow in them to lean to one
Nasa claims that arctic permafrost soils have accumulated vast stores of
organic carbon - an estimated 1,400 to 1,850 billion tonnes of it.
That's about half of all the estimated organic carbon stored in Earth's
soils. In comparison, about 350 billion tonnes of carbon have been
emitted from all fossil-fuel combustion and human activities.
Most of the Arctic’s sequestered carbon is located in thaw-vulnerable topsoils within 3 meters of the surface.
'Permafrost soils are warming even faster than Arctic air temperatures -
as much as 1.5 to 2.5 degrees Celsius in just the past 30 years,' said
Nasa's Charles Miller.
'As heat from Earth's surface penetrates into permafrost, it threatens
to mobilise these organic carbon reservoirs and release them into the
atmosphere as carbon dioxide and methane, upsetting the Arctic's carbon
balance and greatly exacerbating global warming.'
But separate research earlier this week suggested that some Arctic lakes
store more greenhouse gases than they emit into the atmosphere.
This counters a widely-held scientific view that thawing permafrost
accelerates atmospheric warming.
The study shows that permafrost rich in organic material will see the
growth of mosses and other plants flourish, leading to greater amounts
of carbon absorption.
Supported by the National Science Foundation, the study was published
this week in the journal Nature and focused on thermokarst lakes.
EPA Power Grab Has Huge Economic Consequences
Barack Obama’s checkered history – his string of scandals, his divisive
demeanor as chief executive, his unconstitutional executive fiats and
his damaging foreign policy – causes many people to wonder whether he
even cares about the U.S. or her people and wants to punish us simply
for being America.
Case in point: The EPA rules for coal plants. In 2008, Barack Obama
promised that “[u]nder my plan of a cap and trade system electricity
rates would necessarily skyrocket. Coal-powered plants … [and] natural
gas, they would have to retrofit their operations.”
Rep. John Dingle (D-MI) pointed out, “People don’t realize this is a
tax, and a great big one.” This is one promise Obama intends to keep.
After having his pet project denied by Congress, Obama decided to create
an alternative system for reducing carbon emissions. EPA Administrator
Gina McCarthy recently introduced the Clean Power Plan proposal, a mess
of regulations that would deal a huge blow to the power industry and the
entire economy if enacted. Even though over 80% of the nation’s
electricity is produced by power plants burning fossil fuels, the EPA
would require them all to lower carbon emissions enormously.
“Even before we put pen to paper,” said McCarthy, “we … held 11 public
listening sessions nationwide. We heard from thousands of people through
phone calls, emails, meetings, and more.”
She added, “Starting June 2 … we officially entered the public comment
period … We expect great feedback at these sessions. [W]e also expect a
healthy dose of the same tired, false and worn out criticism that
commonsense EPA action is bad for the economy.” So the EPA expects the
debate to be over before it even begins.
McCarthy claimed that by 2030, the EPA would shrink electricity bills roughly eight percent. Right.
For a bit of perspective, average electricity prices more than doubled
between 1984 and 2014. Prices reached a record high in June, but annual
per capita production peaked in 2007. Meanwhile, the Census Bureau says
that between 2007 and 2014 the population increased 6%. So while there’s
an increasing demand for electricity, production is being cut to
Obama’s target levels for carbon output. The Congressional Budget Office
estimates Obama’s witch hunt against coal will cost the average family
an additional $1,600 per year.
The EPA’s regulations treat old and new coal-burning plants differently.
Those for the new plants are so harsh that any further construction
would almost certainly be canceled.
Those for existing plants vary according to the state where they’re
located, but the EPA’s formula would still result in plant closures.
Those who manage to retrofit and stay profitable would have to raise
prices astronomically. Many plants already operating wouldn’t make the
cut. Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS) predicts Mississippi’s entire coal
industry would be shut down. Of course, any business that uses
electricity would be seriously affected as well.
As usual, Obama hits people hardest who can least afford it. People
who’ve lost jobs and families living paycheck to paycheck face the
impossible – choosing between heating their homes in the winter and
feeding their families. This is how the NeoComs add to their underclass.
Obama’s senseless policy will devastate the American middle class.
Some activist groups are angry. One NAACP representative writes, “[T]he
race to a cleaner energy future is … like a bad game of dodge ball with
communities of color on the losing side.” Historic loyalty to the
Democrat party among blacks is beginning to slip.
Obama acknowledged the biggest challenge is making voters understand the
necessity of the changes. But his efforts at converting them are
failing. In a recent Pew study, 55% of the public doesn’t believe in
man-made global warming. Hence he simply acts against the people’s will.
Two rays of hope could foil Obama’s designs. First, states have been
directed only to develop plans by 2016 for executing the changes,
allowing Obama to dodge responsibility once the rules are implemented. A
Republican president and congressional majority in 2016 could rescind
the entire plan before it gets off the ground.
Second, a study conducted by the Center for Strategic and International
Studies and the Rhodium Group concluded that while Obama’s plan would
cut demand for coal, it would simultaneously stimulate the already
rapidly growing demand for natural gas. Several states sit atop fields
of enough natural gas that over time could make us energy independent,
create thousands of good-paying jobs and powerfully stimulate the
The short-term news isn’t good. But if enough of the American people
refuse to go along such as Gov. Rick Perry, who has previously defied
EPA regulations in Texas, the U.S. economy could yet survive Obama.
EPA's Gina McCarthy Broke the Law by Destroying Official Text Messages and Should Resign
Text messages sent on a private telephone between Maureen McDonnell,
wife of Bob McDonnell, and businessman Johnnie Williams are key evidence
in the corruption trial of the former Virginia governor, according to
the Washington Post.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s aides also produced text messages in
the “Bridgegate” investigation, again using private telephones.
Just like email, text messages can be preserved and produced. Federal
employees are required to preserve text messages concerning official
But it appears they often aren't. Will there be any consequences for this systematic lawbreaking?
As we recently learned in the IRS affair, federal agencies are destroying their text messages.
Coincidentally, political appointees and political activists in career
civil service positions in the federal government are increasingly
turning to texting just as the watchdogs using the Freedom of
Information Act and congressional investigators are more frequently
exposing improper activity against the taxpayer.
It was in this context that I recently received a Friday afternoon
document production under a FOIA lawsuit I and colleagues at the
Competitive Enterprise Institute filed seeking nothing but text
Our first such suit was for Environmental Protection Agency
Administrator Gina McCarthy’s texts generated while leading President
Obama’s “war on coal.”
After EPA claimed none existed, McCarthy admitted through the Department
of Justice that she had in fact deleted each and every one of her many
thousands of texts on her EPA-provided phone.
She claimed they were all “personal,” even after we proved her correspondents indeed included multiple members of her EPA team.
So we sought the texts of senior EPA aides with whom McCarthy corresponded, according to metadata we obtained.
This led to Friday’s production of 76 pages of text messages. None that
remained were to or from McCarthy. All that did remain were mundane.
Their content isn’t the point. Their existence is.
From years of working with FOIA and inquiring of other watchdog
attorneys and congressional investigators, it is my understanding that
EPA has never before produced text or instant messages.
This is despite the fact that many, possibly even most, FOIA and
congressional oversight requests cover them (e.g., seeking "records" or
"electronic records" on particular subjects or to/from certain
At least with Obama’s EPA and the IRS, it appears we now know why — they
are destroying them, illegally. This isn't a "gaping open-records
loophole," it is wanton lawbreaking because the law is quite clear.
The texts EPA produced on Friday prove that EPA's IT system does not
automatically delete text messages; that is, for messages not to be
there now, they had to be deleted from the system.
These texts also show that not everyone destroyed all of their messages,
as McCarthy has admitted she did. Her behavior was deliberate, serial
and flagrant.
That she permitted and even engaged in this behavior as the official
designated with responsibility for ensuring her and her office’s texts
were properly maintained should send her packing, as happened with her
predecessor, Lisa Jackson, after exposure of Jackson’s false-identity
email account in the name of “Richard Windsor.”
There is, however, an even more important aspect to this behavior, and
it extends beyond EPA to every federal agency where we find such
The messages McCarthy admitted to destroying were all from her tenure leading President Obama’s “war on coal.”
As I and colleagues at another group, the Energy and Environment Legal
Institute, have informed the EPA, the administrative record underlying
its war on coal is inherently incomplete as a result of this behavior.
EPA’s rules should be suspended, or withdrawn, until it recreates the
discussions it moved over to an alternative to email with no backup,
then destroyed.
It is unimaginable that a court, presented with an agency admission of
having destroyed each and every one of another class of legally
identical records — email — would shrug and permit the regulators to
continue unimpeded with radical regulatory changes.
There is therefore no reason why EPA should be permitted to continue
with its “war on coal,” which each and every one of the officials we
have now caught destroying records was materially involved in executing,
unless and until it recreates the deleted correspondence which we know
from agency documents number in the many thousands.
The Federal Records Act requires this. That this is the result not of
incidental loss but serial and deliberate destruction only compounds the
We have sued EPA seeking this. Their answer called it an “intrusive”
attempt to make them comply with record-keeping laws that no one can
make them obey.
Congress to date has been powerless or simply uninterested in offering the response that EPA’s regulatory assault demands.
While not a reassuring prospect, it is now up to the courts to do what
obviously must be done, at least as far as making EPA try to reconstruct
what its senior officials destroyed.
So far, EPA and Obama’s Department of Justice have fought us every step of the way.
It's about the Money, Not the Climate
By Alan Caruba
Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), the Irish poet and dramatist, wrote “Pray don't
talk to me about the weather. Whenever people talk to me about the
weather, I always feel quite certain that they mean something else.”
These days, when some world leader or politician speaks of the
climate—the weather is what is happening right now wherever you are—they
are not talking about sunshine or rain. They are talking about a
devilishly obscene way of raising money by claiming that it is humans
that are threatening the climate with everything they do, from turning
on the lights to driving anywhere.
That’s why “global warming” was invented in the late 1980s as an immense
threat to the Earth and to mankind. Never mind that Earth has routinely
passed through warmer and cooler cycles for billions of years; much of
which occurred before mankind emerged. And never mind that the Earth has
been a distinct cooling cycle for the past seventeen years and likely
to stay in it for a while. If the history of ice ages is any guide, we
could literally be on the cusp of a new one.
If, however, a government can tax the use of energy, it stands to make a
lot of money. That is why carbon taxes have been introduced in some
nations and why the nearly useless “clean energy” options of wind and
solar have been introduced even though they both require the backup of
traditional coal, natural gas and nuclear energy plants because they
cannot produce electricity if the wind isn’t blowing and the sun is
obscured by clouds.
Taxing energy use means taxing “greenhouse gas” emissions; primarily
carbon dioxide (C02) so that every ton of it added to the atmosphere by a
power plant and any other commercial activity becomes a source of
income for the nation. The Australians went through this and rapidly
discovered it drove up their cost of electricity and negatively affected
their economy so much that they rid themselves of a prime minister and
the tax within the past year.
Fortunately, every effort to introduce a carbon tax has been defeated by
the U.S. Congress, but that it has shelled out billions for “climate
research” over the years. That doesn’t mean, however, that 41 demented
Democrats in the House of Representatives haven’t gotten together in a
“Safe Climate Caucus” led by Rep. Henry A. Waxman. The Washington Post
reported that when it was launched in February 2013, the members
promised to talk every day on the House floor about “the urgent need to
address climate change.”
Check out the caucus and, if your Representative is a member, vote to replace him or her with someone less idiotic.
When you hear the President or a member of Congress talk about the
climate, they are really talking about the scheme to generate revenue
from it through taxation or to raise money from those who will
personally benefit from any scheme related to the climate such as “clean
The need of governments to frighten their citizens about the climate in
order to raise money is international in scope. A United States that has
a $17 trillion debt is a prime example, much of it due to a government
grown so large it wastes taxpayer’s money in the millions with every
passing day whether it is sunny or rainy, warm or cold.
In late July, Reuters reported that Christine Lagarde, the chair of the
International Monetary Fund, (IMF) opined in her new book that “energy
taxes in much of the world are far below what they should be to reflect
the harmful environmental and health impact of fossil fuels use.”
Please pay no attention to the billions of dollars that coal, oil and
natural gas already generate for the nations in which they are found.
Nations such as India and China are building coal-fired plants as fast
as possible to provide the electricity every modern nation needs to
expand its economy, provide more employment, and improve their citizen’s
lives in every way imaginable.
“For the first time,” Reuters reported, “the IMF laid out exactly what
it views as appropriate taxes on coal, natural gas, gasoline, and diesel
in 156 countries to factor in the fuel’s overall costs, which include
carbon dioxide emissions, air pollution, congestion and traffic
accidents.” The problem with this is that the costs cited are bogus.
“Nations," said Lagarde, "are now working on a United Nations deal for
late 2015 to rein in greenhouse gas emissions that have hit repeated
highs this century, but progress has been slow as nations fret about the
impact any measures may have on economic growth.” As in bad impacts!
Ignore the claims that carbon dioxide affects the climate. Its role is
so small it can barely be measured because CO2 represents 380 parts per
million. When our primate ancestors began to climb down out of the
trees, CO2 levels were about 1,000 parts per million. More CO2 means
more crops, healthy growing forests, and all the other benefits that
every form of vegetation provides. The breath we humans exhale contains
about 4% of CO2.
The fact is that the United States and other nations are being run by
politicians who are incapable of reducing spending or borrowing more in
order to spend more. Venezuela just defaulted again on the payment of
bonds it issued to raise money. They did this in 2001 and one must
wonder why any financial institution purchases them.
There are eleven other nations whose credit ratings are flirting with
big trouble. They include Greece, Ukraine, Pakistan, Cypress, and in the
Americas Argentina, Venezuela, Cuba, Ecuador and Belize. Borrowing by
such nations is very expensive. A U.S. Treasury Note pays an annual
coupon of just 2.5%, but the yields on 10-year bonds issue by Greece
reached 29% in early 2012, just before it defaulted.
Adding to problems in the U.S. is the Obama agenda being acted upon by
the Environmental Protection Agency whose “war on coal” has shuttered
several hundred plants that produce the electricity needed to maintain
the economy. In coal producing states this is playing havoc and it is
driving up the cost of electricity in others.
The growth of oil and natural gas production in the U.S. is almost
entirely on privately owned land as opposed to that controlled by the
government. Supporting the attack on energy are the multi-million dollar
environmental organizations like Friends of the Earth and the Sierra
There is no “global warming” and the climate is determined by the Sun,
the oceans, clouds, and volcanic activity. Nothing any government does,
here and worldwide, has any impact on it, but if nations can demonize
the use of energy and tax the CO2 it produces, they can generate more
money to spend and waste.
The lies that governments, the United Nations, and the International
Monetary Fund tell about the climate are about the money they can
extract from citizens who must be kept frightened enough to pay taxes on
their use of energy.
Global warming’s public relations gambit
By Rick Manning
Get ready America, many of the world’s largest public relations firms
are creating a climate change litmus test by asserting that they will
not work for companies or organizations that don’t buy the global
warming mantra that is being used to destroy the free market system.
What these PR geniuses apparently fail to realize is that by taking this
action, any company or group that they currently represent has to be
assumed to hold the same global warming position that they so lovingly
cling to, making them prime economic boycott targets by those who oppose
the climate change agenda.
One wonders if they have already gone to their clients in the energy
field and informed them that they will no longer represent them unless
they sign a note certifying that they corporately bow to the PR firm’s
political beliefs?
Will they drop representing a company’s interests on real estate
matters, because the company supports free market groups that oppose the
global warming mantra?
Will they refuse to represent investment groups that have holdings of
energy companies that are fighting against the global warming agenda?
Will they force all their employees to sign an oath of fealty to the global climate change gods?
To enforce their edict they would have to do all of these things, but
none of them matter. The market system allows people and companies
to make choices about whom they hire to provide public relations
advice, and it would be counter to a company’s interest to hire a public
relations firm that opposes their core, underlying business. If
corporate decision makers act rationally, they will seek out public
relations firms that message to as broad of a group of people as
possible rather than limiting themselves to those who mindlessly bleat
to the same hype.
What’s more, public relations firms don’t really create anything other
than ideas on how to convey a position to targeted audiences usually
with the goal of selling a product, or presenting a client in a positive
These firms have to understand market segments and how to speak with
them in order to effectively do their job. Raising the obvious
question, why would anyone hire a firm that does not have a single
person on staff who can admit that they relate to the more than 40
percent of Americans who Gallup has found believe that man-made global
warming is overstated?
Would any truck company hire a PR firm that not only despises their product, but also looks down upon their potential customers?
And that is why this grand announcement will fall flat into
meaninglessness. In the end, it is about getting the
business. There are many public relations firms that provide
essentially the same services. Potential clients have lots of choices.
This decision opens the door for a new group of public relations firms
who aren’t hamstrung by global warming dogma, and the corporate
behemoths that currently dominate the landscape will either collapse of
their own self-important weight or quietly change their policy.
Being very smart at analyzing downstream impacts of their actions, these
public relations behemoths certainly know the ramifications of their
global warmist only pledge. A pledge that leads to one of two
conclusions: either this is just standard PR puffery signifying
nothing, or they mean it, revealing a market myopia unsuitable for
anyone in their business.
Either way, the free market will decide the wisdom of their politics,
and many large corporate accounts will now be available to young, hungry
entrepreneurs as a result.
Rich Kozlovich debunks yet another Greenie claim about GMOs
"Resistance" to herbicides will develop whether it is sprayed on or bred in
The Health Ranger’s fifth complaint against these products is that, “GMO
agriculture is breeding a new generation of chemical-resistant
superweeds”, saying:
“The rise of chemical-resistant superweeds is a horrible problem for
modern farmers. In the same way that deadly superbugs have arisen from
the abuse of antibiotics in hospitals, "Frankenweeds" have arisen from
the continued growing of GMOs and the routine application of glyphosate
to crop fields.
Glyphosate-resistant superweeds have become such a problem that the very
industry which once claimed GMOs would require "fewer chemicals" to
grow food is now recommending fields be treated with a triple or
quadruple layer of multiple chemicals to attack the superweeds with
different chemicals.
That's why agriculture experts are right now sounding the alarm over
glyphosate, GMOs and superweeds, calling for an end to the unsustainable
GMO farming practices that seriously threaten the sustainability of
Crops such as cotton, corn, soybeans, alfalfa and sugar beets have been
genetically altered to tolerate glyphosate in order to increase yields
and avoid the costly and time consuming weed control processes of the
past. This has been so successful eco-activists claim farmers have
adopted an over reliance on GMO’s (which increased production by more
than 98 billion dollars over the last twenty plus years and saving from
having to use hundreds of millions of kilograms of pesticides from being
sprayed) resulting in “overuse” of glyphosate creating “superweeds”,
such as Palmer amaranth. And it would appear weeds are showing up in
fields all over the world that have become resistant to the herbicide
Palmer amaranth is particularly insidious because it out competes cotton
– and other crops - for all the things necessary for productive
harvests – moisture, light and nutrients. So, are these now
Before we answer that question we have to understand what exactly
“resistance” is. Often times I will see commentaries
claiming an evolutionary spurt is causing resistance.
Nonsense! Evolution has nothing to do with these changes in plants
or insects, bacteria or virus’ for that matter. I’m going to
address this from an insect control perspective because it’s easy to
explain and the pattern is universal.
Resistance is a genetic phenomenon where-in a percentage of the target
pests are naturally resistant to some compound. Hence each
successive generation will pass that trait to some of their offspring
thus having more resistant numbers in the population. Eventually
the resistant members become the dominant gene pool. However
they’re not “super-roaches”, “super-rats”, or super anything else for
that matter. Whether its cockroaches, weeds, or
pathogens – resistance is the pattern in nature! Something we only
fully realized after insect pests developed resistance to DDT,
including bed bugs. We didn’t know we were following nature’s
patterns and cycles. We know that now and can adapt.
While hyperventilating one writer claimed “Chemicals Are Creating
Frightening New Superweeds.” Then disparagingly asked, The 'Solution'?
More Chemicals.
Yes - that is the solution!
Eco-activists state that this has to stop because these “superweeds”
have found their way into organic fields. Let’s understand this
correctly. This is another logical fallacy that’s a lie of
omission. Whether it’s these resistant varieties of weeds or the
non resistant varieties these organic farmers are going to be devastated
without the use of herbicides, so making this claim is nothing more
than a red herring fallacy, since they're not allowed to use synthetic
herbicides anyway and still be 'organic'. As for those farmers who
are not 'organic' farmers, but still aren't using transgenics - they're
would still have to face the problem of resistance eventually.
Transgenics didn't create the resistance problem, but transgenics will
be the solution!
Companies such as Monsanto, Dow AgroSciences and other biotech companies
didn’t stop researching new and innovative approaches to transgenics
when the current products went on the market. They clearly
understand the “resistance” factor in pesticides and have been working
of herbicide resistant crops which will become available. Will these new
products eventually become ineffective? Of course! But that’s no
reason to abandon chemistry that works – especially when there’s no
alternative, and it’s more environmentally friendly than plowing and
If there is no alternative there is no problem!
Ah, but there is – according to eco-activists – an alternative.
Heirloom varieties! These are varieties that have been grown for
hundreds of years and breed true year after year. In other words,
“organic” farming, which I addressed in a previous post!
Heirlooms are hardy, but as is the case with all these old hardy
varieties - they aren’t that productive. And they’re still left
with the problem of weeds and insect pests because even these varieties
come under attack from something, and then there are all the other
negative issues surrounding “organic” farming.
They claim we can only thrive by obeying nature’s rules. I
couldn’t agree more. And what’s nature’s rule regarding plant
pests? Plants can’t run away when attacked, they don’t have claws,
they don’t have teeth, they don’t have heavy fur coats to protect
themselves – so what do they do? They make their own pesticides to
sicken, kill or repel pests. The vast majority of pesticides we
consume are naturally occurring in the food we eat, and most of them
test carcinogenic. So I subscribe to nature’s pattern. Build
a better pesticide, and create more GMO’s to tolerate them.
Eco-activists demand perfection - from everyone else. A perfection
they're incapable of delivering. They demand utopia, claiming
they can deliver it if we just listen to them, but when you consider
their policies have killed more people over the last 60 years, (probably
more than the socialist monsters of twentieth century like Stalin,
Hitler and Mao combined) we must believe the facts of history.
They only deliver dystopia - squalor, misery, poverty, disease,
suffering and early death. The legacy of the left!
Those who are rational recognize that history and sanity forces upon us
the conclusion the best we can hope for is the most acceptable
imperfection. And as imperfect as these modern agricultural marvels are -
they've saved more lives than any advancement in all of humanity's
previous history.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
6 August, 2014
The Warmists really think you're dumb
The graph below was provided with the article below. Yet the
graph clearly shows a DECLINING trend, exactly the opposite of what they
are claiming! And if you look at the statistics for the number of fires between 1960 and 2013 all the big numbers occur in the '60s and '70s -- again the opposite of what they are claiming!
The administration released a video Tuesday aimed at clarifying
the link between climate change and one of the most tangible products of
climate change: wildfires. Wildfires have been an an increasing topic
of conversation on Capitol Hill, thanks both to the record wildfire
years we've had this decade and to a strain on funding to fight them.
If you want to make the case that we need to act on climate change,
linking warming to the destructive power of more wildfires makes a nice
impetus. And so, John Holdren, Obama's science adviser, sat down in
front of the camera.
"Climate change," he says, "has been making the fire season in the
United States longer and more intense." This isn't only because
temperatures are higher and the soil contains less moisture, he says;
it's also because the changing climate is "bringing us more dead trees
-- kindling, in effect -- killed by a combination of heat stress, water
stress, and attacks by pests and pathogens that multiply faster in a
warmer world." And that trend, which is affecting the Southeast even
more than the Western U.S., is expected to continue and grow.
The documentation for this is at the government's National Climate
Assessment, a document released this year that combines
governmental and external research into the likely effects of the
warming climate. These fires, the White House is saying explicitly, are
what warming looks like. The ongoing California drought, which is likely
worsened by a warming Atlantic Ocean and prompting strict water
rationing across the state, is affecting more people right now. But a
burning house and a soot-blackened firefighter are much more compelling
visuals in what is a mostly political fight.
The administration has stumbled upon another bit of bad luck in making
the case on climate change. While 2014 has given the world its hottest
May and June on record, and while California has had the hottest first
half of the year in its known history, North America has actually been
colder than normal. People are more likely to accept climate change
after it has been warmer, according to a study. And 2014 has been less
warm than, say, 2012 -- the warmest year in recorded U.S. history.
Colorado to Pull Anti-fracking Initiatives
Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper has persuaded anti-fracking groups to
scrap two ballot initiatives that would have curtailed oil and gas
drilling, and news of the agreement on Monday lifted share prices of oil
Hickenlooper, in a televised news conference, said he had instead put
together a task force with representatives from industry, environmental
groups and local communities to set standards for the state's growing
petroleum industry.
This "will provide an alternative to ballot initiatives that, if
successful, would have regulated the oil and gas industry through the
rigidity of constitutional amendments and posed a significant threat to
Colorado's economy," he said in a broadcast by Denver's CBS station.
The compromise was seen as a positive for energy companies with big
operations in Colorado like Noble Energy Inc and Anadarko Petroleum
Corp, sending their share prices up more than 5 percent.
Several municipalities in Colorado worried about environmental issues
have sought to ban the practice of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking,
which uses a mix of pressurized water, sand and chemicals to unlock
hydrocarbons from rocks.
But those efforts have faced challenges, with lawyers and courts saying
their legality would depend on the state's own laws for fracking.
Coal country sues EPA over climate rule
A dozen states representing America’s coal country are suing the
Environmental Protection Agency to block forthcoming regulations
imposing new limits on greenhouse gas emissions from power plants.
The lawsuit, filed late last week in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals,
accuses the agency of overstepping its authority under the Clean Air
West Virginia, Alabama, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Nebraska, Ohio,
Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Wyoming and Indiana are named as
plaintiffs in the case.
“Congress has already rejected legislation that would put limits on
carbon dioxide emissions, and a law of this significance should be
passed by the legislative branch,” said Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R), a
former member of Congress who served in the House Republican leadership,
about the legal challenge.
At issue is the EPA’s move to dramatically cut greenhouse gas emissions
from existing power plants via new standards to be imposed under the
Clean Air Act. The regulation, a centerpiece of President Obama’s
climate initiative, aims to cut carbon pollution from plants by 30
percent by 2030.
The states contend that the Clean Air Act prohibits the EPA from
regulating emissions from existing sources. The EPA offered the
regulation under Section 111(d) of the statute. But the states argue
that plants are already regulated under Section 112, so the EPA has no
authority to regulate power plants under Section 111(d).
The lawsuit comes a month after most of the states joined a lawsuit
filed by the coal company Murray Energy, which made the same legal
argument against the rule.
Feds Will Spend $450K to Help Native Americans Adapt to 'Climate Change’
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) plans to spend up to $450,000 in
taxpayer dollars to teach Native American tribes in the Great Basin
region ”climate adaptation plans” for their hunting, fishing and
gathering activities.
“Due to climate change, the natural landscapes are becoming impacted,”
and the “traditional practices for hunting, fishing, and gathering for
ceremonial purposes” can potentially create further impacts,” according
to BLM’s Cooperative Agreement announcement.
“It is important to educate those who are engaging in these gathering
activities to reduce impacts on public lands. If tribes are able to
develop adaptation plans for their gathering activities, they would have
a process to follow that could reduce negative impacts on the
landscape,” the Request for Applications (RFA) explains. (See RFA
Template MLR (1).doc)
The applicant “will focus on climate change impacts in the Great Basin
region,[and] target tribes from the region to attend,” the grant
application stated. “The course is intended for tribal environmental and
natural resource professionals who expect to be involved in climate
change adaptation planning.”
The Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GBLCC), is one of 22
LCCs nationwide established by the Department of the Interior (DOI) in
2010 to “better integrate science and management to address climate
change and related issues.” The Great Basin area covers parts of
Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and California.
The Duckwater Shoshone Tribe, the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah, the Upper
Snake River Tribes Foundation, and the Confederated Tribes of the
Goshute Reservation all have representatives on the GBLCC.
Todd Hopkins, GBLCC's science coordinator, told that the
trainings will focus on “actions that the tribes can take in response to
changing climatic conditions.”
Hopkins said that GLBCC collaborated on a similar three-day training
course with the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP)
last fall, which was funded through the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) and titled “Climate Adaptation Training for Tribes.”
The RFA says the proposed training “will build on existing collaborations” from that earlier course.
Hopkins said that the upcoming trainings will work off of ITEP’s Climate Change Adaptation Planning curriculum.
As part of last year’s training, Dr. Kurt Johnson, national climate
scientist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, created a guide which
provides an introduction to “climate change vulnerability assessment”
and provides a chart categorizing local species’ potential vulnerability
to climate change.
Hopkins said that the climate change adaptation training is focused on
Great Basin tribes because they are “place-based and their gathering is
very much traditional in a sense that they use certain traditional foods
and resources at certain times of the year, and because of climate
shifts they are more impacted than other folks who may, say, go hunt in
another place.”
“We making a special effort to reach out to tribes and provide training
on climate adaptation so that they can decide how best to sustain and
secure their culture for future generations,” he added.
In July, President Obama announced the Tribal Climate Resilience Program
to “help tribes prepare for climate change.” As part of this
initiative, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell will “dedicate $10
million in funding for tribes and tribal organizations to develop tools
to enable adaptive resource management, as well as the ability to plan
for climate resilience.”
“Tribes are at the forefront of many climate issues, so we are excited
to work in a more cross-cutting way to help address tribal climate
needs,” said EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy in the White House
statement announcing the program. “We’ve heard from tribal leaders loud
and clear: when the federal family combines its efforts, we get better
results - and nowhere are these results needed more than in the fight
against climate change.”
BLM estimates that the training for Great Basin tribes, which is not
part of Obama's $10 million initiative, will cost $450,000 over the next
five years, with an award ceiling of $90,000 for the first year. The
grant was announced on July 22 and will remain open for applications
until August 8.
Rich Kozlovich knocks another GMO scare on the head
The Health Ranger’s ninth complaint is that; “GMOs may be harming pollinators”. He goes on to say:
“Although the evidence on this isn't yet conclusive, GMOs may be
contributing to the harming of all-important pollinators, without which
we would all starve from lack of food crops.
Honeybee pollinators are dying in record numbers across North America,
and many scientists fear we may be witnessing a catastrophic collapse of
pollinator populations. Evidence is already emerging that
neonicotinoids -- a class of pesticide chemicals -- may be responsible
for the collapse, but there's also evidence that GMOs may be worsening
the population decline.
Were GMOs ever tested for their long-term impact on pollinators in the
wild? Of course not. That would cost too much money, and the promotion
of GMOs is all about making money; the environment be damned.”
"If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would
have only four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no
more plants, no more animals, no more man." - Albert Einstein"
Well, let’s take that last part first. Although this Einstein quote is
spouted over and over again, it’s not clear that Albert Einstein ever
said any such thing. And if he did it proves beyond any shadow of a
doubt he may have been a great physicist, but he stunk as an
Secondly – and there he goes again – claiming GMO’s “may” be harming
pollinators. Another weasel word claim based in the Precautionary
Principle. Criticism in the form of a question without one iota of
evidence. As for his question; “Were GMOs ever tested for their
long-term impact on pollinators in the wild? Of course not. That would
cost too much money, and the promotion of GMOs is all about making
money; the environment be damned.”
Testing the long term impact in the wild (what does that mean?) isn’t
too expensive – it’s impossible. How do you define “in the wild”? What
tests should be conducted? What should be tested? Where should it be
tested? However, the decades of continued use of GMO’s has demonstrated
no harm in the wild, whatever “in the wild” means. Once again – the real
world is the final testing ground for every new product. The question
he needs to answer is this. What “in the wild” harm can anyone point to?
None of that can be properly defined, which is a common tactic among
the eco-activists, that way they can keep asking the same questions
without being specific. Specifics are what pin them down and they avoid
that like the plague because when they do they enter the world of facts
and science, where they consistently lose, because they’re fighting a
battle of emotion, and always have.
We need to get this. They win the battle of emotions. We win the battle
of facts. To win the war we need to start winning both the battle of
emotions and facts.
As for GMO’s having a detrimental impact on pollinators, the article
Let's deal with the idea there really is a any problem with pollinators
in the first place. Let’s start with European honey bees and whether
their numbers are declining – and what are the real facts about what
would happen if every bee on the planet died tomorrow.
On January of 2012 I pointed out in my article, Colony Collapse Disorder: Cause – All Natural:
“First, it is not true that there has been a mysterious worldwide
collapse in honey bee populations. In fact managed hives (which contain
the bees which do the vast majority of our pollinating) have increased
by a remarkable 45 per cent over the last five years. Lawrence D. Harder
from the department of biology at the University of Calgary and Marcelo
Aizen from Buenos Aires set about pinning down a couple of myths…….The
bee disaster scenario is dependent upon data which is far too regional
to take seriously and ‘not representative of global trends’. The truth
is that there are more bees in the world than ever. They go on to say;
‘It is a myth that humanity would starve without bees.’ While some 70
per cent of our most productive crops are animal-pollinated (by bees,
hoverflies and the like), very few indeed rely on animal pollination
completely. Furthermore, most staple foods — wheat, rice and corn — do
not depend on animal pollination at all. They are wind-pollinated, or
self-pollinating. If all the bees in the world dropped dead tomorrow
afternoon, it would reduce our food production by only between 4 and 6
per cent.....‘Overall we must conclude that claims of a global crisis in
agricultural production are untrue.’"
President Obama signed an executive order this past June to all Cabinet
secretaries and agency heads requiring “the federal government to
develop a plan for protecting pollinators such as honey bees,
butterflies, birds and bats in response to mounting concerns about the
impact of dwindling populations on American crops.” The President
claimed,“the problem is serious and requires immediate attention to
ensure the sustainability of our food production systems, avoid
additional economic impact on the agricultural sector, and protect the
health of the environment".
Blatant nonsense! On Saturday, June 21, 2014 I posted the article,
Presidential PollinatorProtection: More Activity as Substitute for
Accomplishment, dealing with each pollinator the President addressed. I
went on to say:
Let's now deal with the slaughter of bats - which are all protected -
and birds - many of which are protected or endangered. It's the green
movement that must take responsibility for their slaughter through their
promotion of wind energy. Bats are killed extensively by the
“low-pressure air pockets created around the swirling blades of the
turbines cause bats' lungs to implode, instantly killing them”.
This is a direct result of following the same idiotic green energy
production ideas that failed under Jimmy Carter, and another lack of
consistent thinking that should concern everyone. These Cuisinarts are
causing massive slaughters worldwide of protected birds and bats;
massively larger than environmentalists claimed was being caused by DDT
(which was a lie and doesn’t kill bats at all) and the government has
given them a pass!
As I pointed out in my article, "Green Power and Precautionary Double
Standards”;We absolutely know these monsters are killing at least
573,000 birds every year, including some 83,000 eagles, hawks and other
raptors - in clear violation of US laws. Other estimates put the toll at
closer to 13,000,000 birds and bats annually. Why are the
"precautionary" activists stone-cold silent about that? Why? Because
“unintentional kills are to be expected”! If you killed a bald eagle in
an “unintentional” accident would you get the same kind of pass? No!
Because this double standard is deliberate.
(Editor's Note: Since this article was published some have finally
stepped up, but they also fail in consistent thinking because they're
willing to accept kills in smaller numbers.)
What about butterfly protection? That is nothing more than a direct
attack on genetically modified crops. In reality there’s no real
evidence GMO’s impact butterflies negatively, except for a Cornell study
in 1999, and even the author, Professor John Losey, noted the study was
a "laboratory study” and not to be taken too seriously against real
world activity. The butterflies in the study were forced to feed on corn
pollen, which proved something entomologists already knew – Bt enhanced
corn pollen can kill Monarchs. Apparently he doesn’t believe this study
lays ground work for any real concern saying; "our study was conducted
in the laboratory and, while it raises an important issue, it would be
inappropriate to draw any conclusions about the risk to Monarch
populations in the field based solely on these initial results."
In the real world Monarch butterflies don’t like, and generally don’t
eat corn pollen, or anything corn pollen rests on if given other
options. As for Bt enhanced corn pollen landing on other plants such as
milkweed - it had better be right next to the corn field since corn
pollen is heavy and doesn’t travel far, and there is very little
milkweed around corn fields. Also the study did not display how much
Monarchs would have to eat to be harmed or how much exposure there would
have to be to Bt in the real world.
Steve Milloy notes other scientist who’ve weighed in on this subject saying:
"Warren Douglas Stevens, senior curator of the Missouri Botanical
Garden, suspects that in a natural setting butterflies, which apparently
don't like corn pollen, would avoid eating it if they encountered it on
their food source.
Tom Turpin, professor of entomology at Purdue University, believes there
is little threat to Monarch butterflies encountering Bt pollen on
milkweed because there is very little milkweed in and around cornfields.
Preliminary studies have shown that corn pollen, which is fairly heavy,
does not travel very far.
John Foster, professor of entomology at the University of Nebraska,
believes automobiles pose a greater risk to Monarchs than Bt corn."
However this Cornel study provoked a very real effort to discover what
impact Bt enhanced corn pollen would have on Monarchs and answer the
questions regarding dose and exposure by a “large informal group of
scientists who came together in workshops held by ARS to discuss the
questions" of dose and exposure. Their work demonstrated that:
“monarch caterpillars have to be exposed to pollen levels greater than 1,000 grains/cm to show toxic effects.
Caterpillars were found to be present on milkweed during the one to two
weeks that pollen is shed by corn, but corn pollen levels on milkweed
leaves were found to average only about 170 pollen grains/cm in corn
Reports from several field studies show concentrations much lower than
that even within the cornfield. In Maryland, the highest level of pollen
deposition was inside and at the edge of the corn field, where pollen
was found at about 50 grains/cm2. In the Nebraska study, pollen
deposition ranged from 6 grains/cm2 at the field edge to less than 1
grain/cm2 beyond 10 meters. Samples collected from fields in Ontario
immediately following the period of peak pollen shed showed pollen
concentrations averaged 78 grains at the field edge.
In the Nebraska study, pollen deposition ranged from 6 grains at the
field edge to less than 1 grain/cm beyond 10 meters. Samples collected
from fields in Ontario immediately following the period of peak pollen
shed showed pollen concentrations averaged 78 grains at the field edge.”
The conclusion arrived at by this group of scientists? "There is no
significant risk to monarch butterflies from environmental exposure to
Bt corn."
The claim that we don’t know if GMO’s have an impact on pollinators is a
red herring that has no basis in reality, and we need to understand
Australia: Moree Solar Farm Puts Big Solar in Big Sky Country
PM Abbott plans to scrap the Australian Renewable Energy Agency. The sooner he gets it done the better
The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) today announced $101.7
million of support for Moree Solar Farm, which upon completion will be
one of the largest solar plants in Australia.
ARENA CEO Ivor Frischknecht congratulated renewable energy company
Fotowatio Renewable Ventures (FRV) who are set to begin construction on
the project shortly.
"Moree Solar Farm will be the first large-scale solar plant in Australia
to use a single-axis horizontal tracking system, where panels follow
the sun across the sky to capture sunlight and maximise power output,"
Mr Frischknecht said. "The 56MWac (70MWp) farm will produce enough
electricity to power the equivalent of 15,000 average New South Wales
Mr Frischknecht said the Moree community would benefit from the project
and had been keen supporters, along with the Moree Plains Shire Council,
for several years. "The $164 million Moree Solar Farm will benefit the
local economy and will also deliver an estimated 130 local jobs during
the construction phase over 2014-2016.
"More than 50 locations around Australia were investigated before the
developers selected the site 10 kilometres out of Moree in NSW's
northern wheat belt, an area known as 'big sky country'. The location
benefits from high levels of solar radiation and also allows the solar
farm to connect to the national electricity grid."
Mr Frischknecht said the project, which is also being supported by the
Clean Energy Finance Corporation, would aim to demonstrate that
large-scale solar power plants can be constructed and operated within
Australia's major electricity grids.
"ARENA will work with FRV to share the valuable knowledge gained in
delivering the Moree Solar Farm with the rest of the industry," Mr
Frischknecht said. "We recognise reducing early mover disadvantage and
supporting the transfer of information will help advance development of
more utility scale solar plants in Australia."
Moree Solar Farm is a solar flagship project ARENA inherited when it was
established in July 2012. Last week another former flagship project
supported by ARENA reached a major milestone when the first of
approximately 1.35 million panels were installed at AGL's large-scale
solar plant in Nyngan, NSW.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
5 August, 2014
Persecution of a skeptic
John Droz reports on more ruthless Leftism
Dr. Henrik Møller, is an world-renowned expert on infra-sound, and has
published several high-quality studies on low-frequency acoustics (like
here, here, here, and here). More recently, some of these have dealt
with industrial wind energy noise (e.g. here — which was peer-reviewed).
He has been praised as Denmark's "leading noise researcher." What’s even
more important is that he has been courageous enough to have publicly
spoken out against poor government policies, as well as the
misinformation disseminated from the wind energy cartel.
In Denmark there have been several newspaper reports about this
surprising firing, but I'm sending this to the AWED list as such an
event should have much wider coverage. Here are English translations of a
few Danish articles (I have the originals as well). It seems to me that
some of the key points made in them are:
— Dr. Møller has had thirty eight (38) years of distinguished service for Aalborg University.
— Ironically, this institution publicly prides itself as looking out for
its professors: “At Aalborg University we focus intensively on staff
welfare and job satisfaction.”
— He was the only one of 200± researchers at the Department of Electronic Systems in Aalborg who was let go...
— The purported reason for his firing, is that the professor is no longer “financially lucrative" for the university...
— Despite claiming that the termination was due to a shortage of funds,
the university had recently hired two additional people in the same
— Dr. Møller's reasoned responses were:
1) During the last year he may not have produced that much income, but
in many other years his work resulted in substantial profit to the
2) Statistically, approximately half of the faculty would be operating at a loss — so why single him out?
3) In his prior 38 years of employment, and reviews, he was never informed that his job was solely dependent on outside funding.
4) Additionally, prior to the sacking, he had not been informed that his
income production was a problem that need to be addressed — giving him a
chance to do so.
— The Danish Society of Engineers, and the Danish Association of Masters
and PhDs, have gone on record stating that it is unreasonable to
dismiss researchers due to a lack of grants. Furthermore they reportedly
said such a policy is contrary to the Danish University Act, which
specifies that the purpose of research is to promote education, not to
be a profit-making venture...
— The VP of the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations stated that it's rare that a Danish professor is fired.
— It has been reported that the wind industry has frequently complained
about Dr. Møller to his boss (Dean Eskild Holm Nielsen)...
— Consider this: the same Dean Nielsen was a keynote speaker at the Wind
Industry Association’s meeting, the day after he fired Dr. Møller!
— As one article explains, this termination might have also come from
the fact that the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) has a very close
association with the wind industry, and that Dr. Møller's scientific
research had resulted in embarrassing revelations.
— The same article states that with Dr. Møller out of the picture, wind
industry friendly DTU will now take over responsibility for assessing
acoustical impacts of industrial wind turbines on Danish citizens. (I
wonder what conclusions they will reach?)
As one report accurately stated: it takes courage for academics to focus
on scientific research, instead of pursuing outside funding.
Please consider writing a short, polite email to Dr. Møller's boss (the
person who fired him), Dean Nielsen (, objecting
to this shameful termination.
[It would be helpful to cc a reporter at an important Danish newspaper:
Axel Pihl-Andersen (, and bcc Dr. Møller
Via email
Big rethink on the Arctic
That terrifying methane-filled permafrost is not so terrifying after all
Research suggests that some Arctic lakes store more greenhouse gases than they emit into the atmosphere.
This counters a widely-held scientific view that thawing permafrost accelerates atmospheric warming.
The study shows that permafrost rich in organic material will see the
growth of mosses and other plants flourish, leading to greater amounts
of carbon absorption.
Supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the study was
published this week in the journal Nature and focused on thermokarst
These occur when permafrost thaws and create surface depressions that
fill with melted fresh water, converting what was previously frozen land
into lakes.
The research suggests that Arctic thermokarst lakes are 'net climate
coolers' when observed over longer time scales, namely several thousand
years, although they initially warm the climate.
'Until now, we've only thought of thermokarst lakes as positive
contributors to climate warming,' said lead researcher Dr Katey Walter
Anthony, associate research professor at the University of Alaska
Fairbanks Institute of Northern Engineering.
'It is true that they do warm climate by strong methane emissions when
they first form, but on a longer-term scale, they switch to become
climate coolers because they ultimately soak up more carbon from the
atmosphere than they ever release.'
The researchers observed that roughly 5,000 years ago, thermokarst lakes
in ice-rich regions of North Siberia and Alaska began cooling, instead
of warming the atmosphere.
'While methane and carbon dioxide emissions following thaw lead to
immediate radiative warming, carbon uptake in peat-rich sediments occurs
over millennial time scales,' the authors write.
They found that high rates of carbon absorption in lake sediments were
stimulated by several factors including erosion and nutrient release
from thawing permafrost.
'These lakes are being fertilised by thawing yedoma permafrost,'
explained co-author Dr Miriam Jones, a research geologist for the US
Geological Survey.
Yedoma is a type of permafrost that is rich in organic material, which means mosses and other plants flourish in the lakes.
This leads to increased carbon uptake rates that are among the highest in the world.
The study also revealed another major factor of this process: when the
lakes drain, previously thawed organic-rich lake sediments re-freeze.
The new permafrost formation then stores a large amount of carbon
processed in and under thermokarst lakes, as well as the peat that
formed after lake drainage.
Researchers note that the new carbon storage is not forever, since
future warming will likely start re-thawing some of the permafrost and
release some of the carbon in it via microbial decomposition.
As roughly 30 per cent of global permafrost carbon is concentrated
within 7 per cent of the permafrost region in Alaska, Canada and
Siberia, this study's findings also renew scientific interest in how
carbon uptake by thermokarst lakes offsets greenhouse gas emissions.
The News Media Now Reports All Weather as "Extreme"
By Alan Caruba
In a desperate effort to keep the global warming hoax alive even though
it is now called “climate change”, the meteorologically challenged print
and broadcast media is now declaring all weather “extreme” these days.
The Media Research Institute recently analyzed broadcast network
transcripts between July 1, 2004 and July 1, 2005, along with those
between July 1, 2013 and July 1, 2014. What it discovered was the
network coverage of “extreme weather” had increased nearly one thousand
As Sean Long reported, “during that time, extreme weather was frequently
used by the networks to describe heat waves, droughts, tornadoes,
hurricanes, and winter storms, and they often included the phrase in
onscreen graphics or chyrons during weather stories.”
Thanks to Al Gore who continues to lie about global warming despite the
fact that the Earth has been in a cooling cycle for seventeen years, the
news media, print and broadcast, now substitutes its latest
reincarnation, “climate change”, when reporting the weather. It’s worth
noting that the weather is what is outside right now wherever you are
and climate is something that is measured in decades and centuries.
The one thing you need to keep in mind is that every form of weather has
been around for much of the Earth’s 4.5 billion years. Long before
humans were blamed for causing it, they developed ways to adapt and
survive, but tornadoes, hurricanes and floods, among other events, still
kill humans with the same indifference to them that Mother Nature has
always demonstrated.
Gore became a multi-millionaire based on the global warming scam and,
along the way; the U.S. wasted an estimated $50 billion on alleged
“research” whose sole purpose was to give credence to it. Too many
scientists lined their pockets with taxpayer dollars and many government
agencies increased their budgets while falsifying their findings.
The entertainment media got into the act by producing films such as
Showtime’s “documentary series” called “Years of Living
Dangerously.” It has received two nominations for “Outstanding
Documentary or Nonfiction Series and Outstanding Writing for Nonfiction
Programming.” Its executive producer, Joel Bach, said “Every day, more
Americans are experiencing the devastating impacts of a warming world
and we had to tell their story.” Except that the world is NOT warming.
The Showtime series featured those noted climatologists and
meteorologists, Harrison Ford, Jessica Alba, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and
Matt Damon among others. The final episode featured President Obama
whose climate lies rival Al Gore’s. “Science is science”, said the
President. “And there is no doubt that if we burned all the fossil fuel
that’s in the ground right now, that the planet’s going to get too hot
and the consequences could be dire.”
The real dire consequences people around the world are encountering include frostbite and freezing to death.
In a June article in Forbes magazine, James Taylor, editor of The
Heartland Institute's Environmental & Climate News, noted that “The
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s most accurate,
up-to-date temperature data confirm the United States has been cooling
for at least a decade. The NOAA temperature data are driving a stake
through the heart of alarmists claiming accelerating global warming.”
The latest data support the longer cooling cycle that began around 1997.
The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) recently announced that “The
growing consequences of climate change are putting many of the country’s
most iconic and historic sites at risk”, citing Ellis Island, the
Everglades, Cape Canaveral and California’s Cesar Chavez National
Monument. The UCS said that “we must work to minimize these risks in the
future by reducing the carbon emissions that are causing climate
change…” This is utter rubbish.
Called a “pollutant” by the Environmental Protection Agency, carbon
dioxide is, along with oxygen, a natural gas that is vital to all life
on Earth as the “food” on which all vegetation depends.
William Happer, the Cyrus Fogg Bracket Professor of Physics at Princeton
University, told the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee
that “Our exhaled breath contains about 4% CO2. That is 40,000 parts
per million or about 100 times the current atmospheric concentration.
Our own primate ancestors evolved when the levels of atmospheric CO2
were about 1000 parts per million, a level that we will probably not
reach by burning fossil fuels, and far above our current level of about
380 parts per million.”
The Earth would benefit from more, not less, CO2.
How concerned is the public? Not very. In May, a Gallup poll noted that
Americans consider unemployment/jobs, government corruption, and the
economy as the three “most important” problems facing the nation. “Just
3% of those surveyed listed the environment/pollution as America’s most
important problem. From a list of thirteen problems, it was number
The news media will continue to misrepresent the weather and/or climate
and those determined to keep us from accessing and using the USA’s vast
reserves of coal, oil and natural gas will continue to lie about it. The
good news is that a growing portion of the public no longer believes
the three decades of lies.
Sheer speculation about GMOs
Another one of Rich Kozlovich's systematic replies to a Greenie loon
Mike Adams, who publishes Natural News and styles himself as the Health
Ranger recently posted an article entitled, The Agricultural Holocaust
explained: the 10 worst ways GMOs threaten humanity and our natural
world on July 27, 2014.
The Health Ranger’s sixth complaint is that, “GMOs may have long-term
unintended consequences on the environment”. His logic is as
"What happens when genetically engineered plants cross-pollinate with
non-GMO plants and are then subjected to the random mutations of plant
No one knows because it's never been tested in the open world. Or, I
should say, it's being tested right now on us all, in the world's
largest genetic experiment ever conducted (without our consent, no
The problem in all this is that Mother Nature has a way of bringing
about unintended consequences, even from well-meaning scientists. Is it
possible that an artificial, genetically engineered trait could dominate
future plant generations but begin to show a completely unintended
physiological trait that scientists never intended? You bet it is. From
Thalidomide to Fukushima, the world is full of examples of catastrophic
consequences that scientists once swore could never happen."
First of all I’m not aware of any “random mutations” caused by GMO’s,
and apparently neither is the Health Ranger since he didn’t list
any. Another lie of omission and another logical fallacy! He says
this hasn’t been tested in the open world, and then states the world is
an ongoing testing lab. Did he really say that? It can’t be
both ways!
However, I can tell you absolutely what will happen to any of these
plants if they were subjected to “random mutations”, or mutations of any
kind. First of all, if this was an issue of plant evolution as he
speculates, it would be meaningless because evolutionary theory
requires millions of years and an untold number of mutations before any
meaningful change would take place. However, in the real world
versus the theoretical world, 99 out of 100 mutations are harmful, and
about 20 out of the 99 are lethal. Ergo, those that survived would
not last long in the real world and thus have no impact on anything,
because only those things that survive and thrive affect their
surrounding environment. And why exactly is that bad?
I often see ec0-activists claiming that DDT “destroyed whole
ecosystems”. I have yet to see anyone tell me which ecosystem was
destroyed. I have yet to see anyone who can actually define an
ecosystem. Let’s try and understand that these so-called
ecosystems can’t be destroyed. Ecosystems change, that’s not
destruction. Too little water, too much water, too much heat, too
much cold, and the plants and animals that populated that are will cease
existance in an area and will be replaced with different animals and
plants. That’s not destruction - that’s change - and that’s gone
on throughout Earth’s history.
As for defining an ecosystem; the only legitimate ecosystem is the
planet itself, and the environmental variations are extreme.
Everything else is a temporary environment that’s subject to change to
the detriment of some species and the benefit of others.
When products are released for use to the public - that is the final
testing ground for every new product there is. Whether it’s paint,
cars, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, shampoo or baby formula! Since
GMO's have been used extensively for decades we can definitively state -
GMO’s have been seriously tested worldwide and none of his speculations
have any foundation in reality.
So what is foundational logic for the views expressed by
eco-activists? As is always the case they make unwarranted claims
via speculative questions, spew out logical fallacies, lies of omission,
lies of commission and freely make use of weasel words such as – “this
may occur”, or “is it possible”, or “could dominate” which is purely
speculatory, but raises concerns in people’s minds. All of which
is an appeal to the Precautionary Principle, an irrational concept that
demands we “must” prove something is safe before it can be used. If the
world had adopted the Precautionary Principle in 1850 we wouldn’t have
electricity – because we know electricity isn’t safe.
Since there is no foundational evidence for their claims for harm, which
is presented in the form of questions. This is an attempt
to put the ball in someone else’s court for answers they know can't be
supplied because – as I have said before, and it gets a bit tiring
saying it – they’re demanding someone prove a negative. Can’t be
Are there unintended or even undesirable consequences with technology
old and new? Of course! We live in a risk versus benefit
world. Every new advancement will have negative potentials - which
eco-activists harp on constantly - but they never evaluate the
consequences of not adopting new technology.
Perhaps they're needing help to achieve clarity? Well then, here it is!
All these amazing modern technological agricultural advancements of the
twentieth and twenty first centuries have benefitted humanity far beyond
anything medieval mankind ever dreamed of, including average life spans
of 70 and even 80 years in some areas of the world.
Admittedly, medical science has made amazing progress during that same
time frame, but there's two things the most amazing medical wonders ever
devised can't cure - malnutrition and starvation! That falls
under the purview of pesticides and GMO's and those who utilize that
Wind Turbines & White Elephants
Following the story about the Welsh Govt’s £48K wind turbine in
Aberystwyth, which has only produced £5 worth of electricity in the last
five years, readers have sent me some more examples of wasted money.
1) Dover
Dover Express report:
THE much-trumpeted £90,000 wind turbine installed outside the council
offices has generated just a tenth of the energy it should have done,
the Express can reveal.
"The 17-metre machine, erected outside the Dover District Council
headquarters in Whitfield, was supposed to generate 45,000 kW hours per
year, producing 7 per cent of the electricity used in the offices.
But the Express can reveal that just 22,080 kWhrs has been generated in
total since November 2007 – less than 4,500 kWhrs per year.
Critics have called the project a "white elephant", but the authority
has defended the scheme and said it has "raised the profile" of
renewable energy by educating people across the district."
At 15 pence/KWh, the value of electricity produced is just £675 pa.
Assuming (very generously!) no maintenance or interest charges, the
payback is 133 years!
Interestingly, the paper reports:
"Responding to a Freedom of Information Act request about costs and
savings six months after the grant-funded turbine was installed, DDC
said at the time: "It should save 45,000 kWhrs per year, producing 7 per
cent of the electricity used in the offices."
But, this week, it appeared to backtrack from the numbers, saying the
45,000 kWhrs figure was the upper limit it could generate and was only
achievable with constantly favourable wind speeds and direction.
A spokesman said: "The 45,000 kWhrs quoted is the optimum generation –
in order to achieve this, the wind speed would always need to be at the
maximum speed that the turbine could operate safely in, and the wind
direction would always have to be favourable"
Confusion between capacity and output is commonplace. Did the council
get its sums wrong in the first place? Or did they knowingly waste £90K
of ratepayers money, just to “raise the profile of renewable energy?
2) Derby
We then have the story from the Derby Telegraph of two turbines owned by
Severn Trent Water, which have yet to produce any power, despite being
ready last December.
The reason? They interfere with the radar at nearby East Midlands Airport.
They are now waiting for the airport to install new radar equipment to
“ensure that the airport can operate safely”. I wonder who will pay for
3) Milton Keynes
It gets worse, as the Milton Keynes Citizen reports!
"Three costly wind turbines built in the grounds of a school are now to
be dismantled – after allegedly generating just £3.67 worth of
electricity in NINE years.
Milton Keynes Council paid £170,000 for the giant turbines at Oakgrove School at Middleton .
But shortly after the school opened in 2005, the structures were
switched off for health and safety reasons due to a manufacturing
A source told the Citizen: “It all seems to be an extraordinary waste of
money. None of it is the fault of the school itself – they’ve just been
stuck with these huge things that have proved useless.”
The turbines were provided by a German company which has since gone into
liquidation, leaving the council unable to get compensation
4) Hinckley
The Hinckley Times have the story of the £40K turbine at North
Warwickshire and Hinckley College, which has used more electricity than
it has generated.
"An eco-friendly wind turbine installed to save energy at a Hinckley
college has been labelled a “disaster” after revelations it has expended
more power than it has produced.
In its three year lifespan the 31.5ft turbine – thought to have a price
tag of around £40,000 – has turned only 8% of the time and has not
created electricity but used enough to run an energy hungry household
for two years.
When installed on the roof of the new North Warwickshire and Hinckley
college campus on Lower Bond Street in September 2011, education chiefs
lauded it as part of their commitment to embed sustainability across all
college activities and a weapon in the fight to cut carbon emissions by
35% within four years.
But since its set up the vertical axis blades of the turbine have only
been spinning for 8% of the time and only been working for 38% – during
the remaining 62% of the time, because of its settings, conditions have
been ‘unsuitable’ – ie the wind at 5m/s, a fresh breeze – has been
deemed too strong and it switches off.
This means the device has used 497 kHw more than it has made – enough to
run a fridge for a year, a microwave daily for half-an-hour for two
years and a tumble drier daily for six months."
Figures from the college show (based on the average price of a kHw at
17p) the turbine has used £1,730 worth of electricity, twice the annual
bill of a high energy usage household.
But what the hell? As was the case in Dover, it is apparently OK to waste taxpayers’ money, just to promote “sustainability”.
Andy Crowter, group director of facilities and estates at North Warwickshire and Hinckley College, said:
”The turbine is not there primarily to create income but to promote
sustainability – one of the most important challenges facing the UK. The
turbine is a symbol of the college’s awareness of its environmental
responsibilities, an icon of good practice to its students and
recognition of the college’s award winning Carbon Reduction Plan. “
5) Canada
And it’s not just in Britain, as the National Post report:
"Several Prince Edward Island rinks that were convinced to make the
expensive conversion to wind power, but never saw the promised savings,
are now trying to get rid of the trouble-plagued turbines and win
compensation for their troubles.
“We went into debt to purchase this windmill on the promise that it
would make us money and it would help us with our power costs,” said Tom
Albrecht, vice-president of the South Shore Actiplex in Crapaud,
P.E.I., which spent $70,000 and received another $230,000 from the
federal and provincial governments to install a turbine.
“The bottom line is buy us out and give us our money back.”
Last week, the Wind Energy Institute of Canada apparently decided to
shut down turbines at at least some of the rinks, as it worked through
technical problems, according to Darin Craig, past president of the
South Shore Actiplex board.
HERE (See the original for links)
Australia: Self-righteous Greens must obey law
"IF you are going to steal," they say in America, "steal big." Jonathan
Moylan did just that: by issuing a fraudulent ANZ press release claiming
the bank had withdrawn its support from the Maules Creek mining
project, he knocked $300 million off the market capitalisation of
Whitehaven Coal.
But far from imposing the maximum penalty for market manipulation of 10
years in jail, the NSW Supreme Court has now let him off with a gentle
slap on the wrist, releasing him from a sentence of 20 months’
imprisonment in exchange for $1000 and a two-year good behaviour period.
Moylan, you see, is a green; and although “the market was manipulated,
vast amounts of shares were unnecessarily traded and some investors lost
their investment entirely”, the court concluded leniency was warranted,
as the anti-coal activist, who has a long string of trespass offences
to his name, did not act for or obtain a personal financial gain.
No, Moylan wasn’t motivated by a thirst for yachts, fast cars and the
company of starlets. He gets his kicks dreaming of a world without coal.
But if fanaticism excuses crime, are jihadists now entitled to issue
misleading financial information about Jewish-owned companies in their
quest for the global caliphate?
Or is there one law for the zealots of Gaia and another for everyone else?
Moylan was hardly unaware that he was committing a crime. On the
contrary, immediately before issuing the fraudulent press release, he
downloaded the relevant legislation, which specifies that the maximum
penalty for the offence of market manipulation was doubled in 2010,
reflecting the harm fraud does to investors and to public confidence in
the financial system.
But Moylan was convinced that “change doesn’t happen without people
taking risks”; so he methodically prepared his crime, creating a false
web address with the ANZ’s name, analysing previous ANZ market
announcements, illegally copying the ANZ logo, and identifying the names
and phone numbers of the ANZ officers listed on press releases of
investor information.
He also studied the impact that market developments had had on
Whitehaven’s share price, found its share price to be “volatile” and
concluded that Whitehaven’s “current profit margin is paper thin”. It
must have been obvious to him that his false press release could cause
And indeed it did. On the day of his fraud, trading in Whitehaven shares
was three times greater than it had typically been, as panic-stricken
small investors and managed funds liquidated their holdings, taking
heavy losses.
Nor did Moylan try to prevent the chaos once it started to unfold.
Masquerading as an employee of the ANZ to a journalist who phoned the
number he had given, his first reaction was to try to bluff his way
through. It was only when it became clear that the press release was a
hoax that he fronted up, and even then he continued to lie, including to
callers from the ANZ itself.
Yes, once he was uncovered, Moylan confessed; but the evidence against
him was overwhelming. It is also true that he subsequently apologised to
the investors he harmed. But as the court found, until sentencing
loomed, “many of the earlier expressions of remorse were somewhat
qualified”, and he has never expressed regret for the damage to the
ANZ’s reputation and to Whitehaven Coal itself. Instead, he blamed the
media for not spotting the fraud more quickly and submitted that “the
journalists more than the offender ought to be held to account for the
ultimate effect on the market”.
Moreover, Moylan is no Nelson Mandela: lacking the moral courage to take
responsibility for his actions, he “chose not to give evidence at the
sentencing proceedings”, preventing “his understanding and expectations”
of how the market works from being tested.
This was, in short, “offending attended with a considerable degree of
planning and premeditation”, whose consequence in terms of “actual
damage was considerable”, undertaken in full knowledge of the penalties
by a well-educated man who “has been prepared to break the law on a
number of occasions”.
Sure, he sought “to further the causes in which he believes”. And he is,
no doubt, full of “passion and concern for social justice”. But he
committed the serious crime of fraud, using “thorough planning so that
at least in the short term the recipients of the false media release
would believe the truth of what was contained within it”.
The leniency therefore not only adds insult to the injury Moylan’s
victims suffered; it also suggests an abhorrent double standard, in
which the self-appointed guardians of the planet are shielded from the
law’s full force.
Yet it would be wrong to blame the court alone. Rather, its decision
reflects an environment in which, day after day, the Greens, led by
Christine Milne, paint mining coal as a crime, thus legitimising those
who, having failed to convince voters of their cause, descend into
illegality to prevent mining occurring. And it is merely the latest
incident in which the greens and their fellow-travellers celebrate
actions, such as those of the Sea Shepard, which flaunt a disregard for
But to have one law for the greens and another for everyone else is to
have no law at all. If that is where we are, then our clocks, like
Baudelaire’s, should have their hands removed and bear the legend “it is
too late”. Too late for thought; but not too late for stupidity so
grievous as to slow the rotation of the earth. Too late for honesty; but
not too late for the shrill arrogance of the self-righteous. And worst
of all, too late for justice, which, no longer blind, has been struck
deaf and dumb.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
4 August, 2014
Trade, the Precautionary Principle, and Post-Modern Regulatory
Process: Regulatory Convergence in the Transatlantic Trade and
Investment Partnership
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (“TTIP”) has been
hailed as an opportunity for the world’s two largest consumer markets to
expand inter-regional trade, investment and jobs, and to secure greater
regulatory convergence that could considerably reduce costly and
market-distorting extra-territorial non-tariff regulatory trade
barriers. This opportunity notwithstanding, Europe’s precautionary
principle (“PP”) has been identified as a potential obstacle to a
successful TTIP outcome. In our view, the TTIP presents a significant
opportunity for creating a process for regulatory cooperation,
harmonization, and convergence.
In this article, we focus on the PP and related differences in
regulatory procedures. Specifically, we discuss the PP’s relation to
post-modernism, and its influence on EU regulatory procedure and
science, highlighting the paradoxes inherent in the PP. To put these
issues into perspective, we also review the ‘reality of precaution.’ In
light of this analysis, we assess the effectiveness of the trading
partners’ attempts to reduce the regulatory divide, and explore what the
EU and US can learn from each other. We then proceed to present some
recommendations on how they should proceed in the TTIP negotiations.
A further reply to an anti-GMO liar
By Rich Kozlovich
Mike Adams, who publishes Natural News and styles himself as the Health
Ranger recently posted an article entitled, The Agricultural Holocaust
explained: the 10 worst ways GMOs threaten humanity and our natural
worldon July 27, 2014.
He claims that, “GMOs collapse biodiversity”, saying;
"In an effort to monopolize the global seed supply, GMO companies are
buying up smaller seed companies and shutting them down, collapsing
their seed supplies. The following chart shows some of the seed
consolidation activity that's concentrating ownership over seeds into
the hands of a very small number of powerful, unethical corporations:"
(Editor’s Note: He provides a chart in the article. However, there’s no
citation or link as to its origin. I can’t confirm anything the chart
shows, except there seem to be an awful lot of seed companies - and
based on everything else he’s said in this article – I have to wonder if
he doesn’t want anyone to know its origin.)
"This consolidation of seed companies has caused an alarming collapse in
seed diversity over the last decade, placing humanity at increased risk
for catastrophic crop failures due to a loss of genetic diversity.
That's the problem with genetic conformity: it makes the crops far more
susceptible to systemic diseases that can cause catastrophic crop
failures. Precisely this scenario is happening right now with banana
crops, as most commercial banana trees are genetically identical clones.
As a result, a fungus has attacked banana cropsand is causing
devastating destruction across the banana industry. The industry is
responding by -- guess what? -- foolishly turning to genetically
engineered bananas which will suffer from the exact same weakness of
genetic conformity, practically guaranteeing a future disease epidemic.”
Before I go on, let me state from the outset that the worst lies start
with the truth. But once the truthful statements have been twisted with
lies of omission and logical fallacies it’s perverted to generate
erroneous conclusions. It’s a lot like snake oil salesmen and a fast
hustle. It’s true that genetic diversity is important to continued
health in seeds, but everything he says after that is seriously flawed.
Let’s start with this business of loss of genetic diversity he claims is
being caused by “unethical” companies deliberately causing a “collapse”
(what does that mean?) in the seed market. That’s a load of horsepucky!
When I first read his claims I have to admit it took me by surprise
because not once could I remember seeing any commentaries about this,
and there was nothing in my files. So I sent out a request for
information to my net hoping someone out there could provide some
information on this. People started responding back about what he
portrays as a deliberate and nefarious effort to destroy biodiversity.
We have to understand that, just as in any industry, there are natural
ebbs and flows. There is a constant ebb and flow regarding seed stock
involving GMO’s, non-GMO’s, hybrids, self pollinators, and cross
pollinating plants. Just as there is in any business. Recently there’s a
resurgence in non-GMO breeding efforts because it appears we’re in a
growers market. This makes sense as the ASTA -American Seed
TradeAssociation states on its web site – “everything starts with the
One of my correspondents, who works for a large international trade
association involved in Agriculture, stated the entire seed industry is
very “robust….big and small companies alike”. All these so-called
consolidations have actually strengthened the mid-sized and small
companies because they’re more agile than the larger companies and can
move more quickly into profitable situations.
As for these companies deliberately trying to “collapse” the seed market
– I keep asking - what does that mean? Does he imply these companies
are buying up smaller seed companies and destroying their seed stock? It
seems to me that’s what he’s trying to convey – but he won’t dare say
it because he knows it’s a lie. No company would deliberately destroy
seed stock because these large science based companies know better than
anyone how science is constantly moving forward and tomorrow they may
suddenly discover a new tool to unlock some “genetic assets in a seed
line”. “Self interest alone would compel companies to preserve genetic
Is he trying to say these large companies are buying up all the small
companies and hiding seed stock? Well, that’s loony. They’re buying seed
stock to utilize it in some fashion, and they’re not ever going to
eliminate the small and mid-size companies, and I doubt if they want to.
It wouldn’t be worth the cost and it wouldn't prevent new companies
from forming. GMO companies are not causing a loss in genetic diversity,
they’re preserving genetic diversity and enhancing the genetic
diversity that already exists.
About twenty five years ago Waste Management Incorporated decided the
pest control industry was a good fit for their corporation because they
felt they had corporate expertise in the legislative and regulatory
arena that was compatible with the pest control and lawn care
industries. So they went around the country and bought up a large number
of quality regional pest control companies. Overnight they became the
number three company in the nation.
A lot of prominent people in the pest control industry started covering
themselves in sackcloth and ashes, wringing their hands, believing this
was the end of the small pest control companies – the conglomerates were
taking over – “it’s the end of the pest control industry as we know
it!” A few old hands just chuckled, shook their heads and said – that
will never happen – and they were right, and the conglomerate
“consolidation” scare ended.
Are bigger companies still buying smaller companies? Of course! That’s
the nature of business! Are small companies still coming into existence?
Of course! That’s the nature of business! Everything else is
There’s one more thing about his claim that large companies are
deliberately “collapsing” (what does that mean?) the seed market that
bothered me from the start. He provides not one piece of evidence other
than a chart without a source link - not one link to a commentary
explaining the information on the chart - not one commentary from anyone
in the seed market, including any small companies warning us of these
alleged abuses - not one quote from an honest broker of information and
not one news story! Why?
He then asks us to take a leap of faith and believe that GMO’s are
destroying the banana crops in the world. He now issues another really
big lie of omission, claiming;
“This consolidation of seed companies has caused an alarming collapse in
seed diversity. As a result, a fungus has attacked banana crops and is
causing devastating destruction across the banana industry. The industry
is responding by -- guess what? -- foolishly turning to genetically
engineered bananas which will suffer from the exact same weakness of
genetic conformity, practically guaranteeing a future disease epidemic.”
There’s a real problem with this Jeremiad in that he fails to include in
his statement. The lack of bio-diversity is common in bananas because
bananas are self pollinating. Bananas are not suffering from a lack of
diversity due to GMO’s. There are wild species that are pollinated by
bats, but those used in food production aren’t. I don’t know about
anyone else, but somehow I think that’s an important piece of
information. Don’t you?
Currently the banana we’re most familiar with the a variety called the
Cavendish, and it is under attack from something called the Black
Sigatoka fungus, which is becoming resistant to fungicides. Did any kind
of genetic engineering have anything to do with this. NO!
The variety that preceded the Cavendish was called the Gros Michal, also
a self fertilizing banana. It became commercially “unviable” in the
1950’s due to the Panama Disease, which is caused by a fungus to which
the Cavendish is immune. However, the Gros Michel isn’t extinct and can
be used where the Panama disease isn’t found. But let’s understand this.
The Gros Michel variety became commercially interesting in the 1820’s
and it took about 130 years before this naturally occurring problem
struck. All that happened long before GMO's.
Within the next 10 to 20 years is seems likely the Cavendish, which like
almost all bananas lacks genetic diversity, will suffer attacks that
can’t be thwarted with fungicides. This will have a serious impact on
large commercial and small farm agriculture. However there are a very
large number of varieties of bananas out there we’re not familiar with
which could produce one or more replacements, although they would be
substantially different than what we’re used to. But no matter
what direction agriculture goes in this matter we must come to realize
that this problem is a naturally occurring one that can’t be blamed on
GMO’s. In fact it seems rational that GMO’s will be the answer!
Scientists have made announcements about the complete sequencing of the
banana genome, and by utilizing genes from wild species that reproduce
via seeds they could potentially develop a non-seed variety that would
be immune to fungi and even pathogens. Resistant genes from onions and
dahlias were introduced into plantains –a member of the banana family
used in cooking - which are demonstrating resistance to a greenhouse
fungus. Will they make it in the real world? The only rational answer is
yes - eventually! Will this lead to high tasty high yield bananas at
some point. The only rational answer must be a resounding YES,
eventually! But only if we abandon all this scare mongering about GMO’s.
GMO’s will save commercial banana production and will end the need to
make so many applications of fungicides, which is a very real financial
burden for small farmers. That's why American Farmers Just Love Their
GMOs and You Should Too.
Roger Pielke Jr. on FiveThirtyEight and his Climate Critics
By Keith Kloor
Earlier in the year, Roger Pielke Jr. was named as a contributing writer
for Nate Silver’s newly re-launched FiveThirtyEight site. Shortly after
that, Pielke, a climate policy scholar and political scientist at the
University of Colorado, in Boulder, published an article at
FiveThirtyEight headlined, “Disasters Cost More Than Ever–But Not
Because of Climate Change.”
Critics pounced immediately in blogs and on Twitter. That harsh reaction
was then reported and commented on at Salon, Huffington Post, Slate,
the Columbia Journalism Review, and elsewhere.
I recently conducted a Q & A with Pielke about this episode and the
aftermath. The links in my questions are from me. I asked Pielke to
provide his own links.
KK: It’s been noted on Twitter that you are not listed on the main
contributors page for FiveThirthyEight. Does this mean you no longer
write for the site? If so, can you explain what happened?
RPJR: That is correct, I no longer write for 538. Last month, after 538
showed some reluctance in continuing to publish my work, I called up
Mike Wilson, the lead editor there, and told him that it was probably
best that we part ways. I wished them well in their endeavor going
forward. I remain a fan. Since then I have joined up with
SportingIntelligence, a UK-based website that focuses on analyses of
economic and other quantitative aspects of sport. It’s a great fit. And
of course, I continue to publish in places like USA Today and the
Financial Times on a wide range of subjects
KK: What do you make of the uproar your FiveThirtyEight piece generated?
I know it quickly degenerated into an ugly pile-on, which I and some
other journalists found unseemly. But did critics have any legitimate
points you want to acknowledge?
RPJR: Well, that first piece was written on a subject that I have
written on many times before (and perhaps as much as anyone) – disasters
and climate change. The short essay was perfectly consistent with the
recent assessments of the IPCC. The fact that some folks didn’t like it
was not surprising — most anything on climate change is met with
derision by somebody. What was a surprise was the degree to which the
negative response to the piece was coordinated among some activist
scientists, journalists and social media aficionados. I think that took
everyone by surprise. I learned some new things about certain colleagues
and journalists — both really good things and some really pathetic
things. Seeing a campaign organized to have me fired from 538 also
taught me a lesson about the importance of academic tenure.
KK: If you could write the piece over again, what would you do differently, if anything?
RPJR: Looking back, probably the main thing I would do differently would
be to simply not write about climate change at 538. When I was
originally hired there was actually zero discussion about me focusing on
climate or even science, but rather covering a wide range of topics. I
made clear to Nate and Mike that I was looking to at least partially
escape from the climate change wars by focusing on other issues.
The climate change piece was an obvious place to start even so because
the IPCC reports had just been released and the topic is also covered so
thoroughly in the peer reviewed literature. Clearly, that judgment was
KK: Have you and Nate Silver talked about this ordeal? What was his reaction?
RPJR: I have not spoken with or corresponded with Nate since that first
piece. Of course, I do wish that 538 had shown a bit more editorial
backbone, but hey, it is his operation. If a widely published
academic cannot publish on a subject which he has dozens of
peer-reviewed papers and 1000s of citations to his work, what can he
write on? Clearly Nate is a smart guy, and I suspect that he knows
very well where the evidence lies on this topic. For me, if the price
of playing in the DC-NYC data journalism world is self-censorship for
fear of being unpopular, then it is clearly not a good fit for any
academic policy scholar.
KK: The condemnation of your 538 piece quickly spiraled into ugly
personal broadsides painting you (incorrectly) as a climate skeptic.
This happened in various high profile venues, such as Slate. How did you
feel when this happened?
RPJR: If you are engaged in public debates on issues that people care
passionately about, then you will be called names and worse. It goes
with the territory. It is not pleasant of course, but at the same time,
it is a pretty strong indication that (a) your arguments matter and (b)
people have a hard time countering them on their merits. Even so, it is
remarkable to see people like Paul Krugman and John Holdren brazenly
make completely false claims in public about my work and my views. That
they make such false claims with apparently no consequences says
something about the nature of debate surrounding climate.
HERE (See the original for links)
No Evidence That Climate Change Is Increasing Disaster Losses
Roger Pielke Jr.
A new paper appeared in Climatic Change this week by Visser et al. which
looks at disasters and climate change (open access here). Like
other studies and the IPCC assessment, Visser et al. find no trends in
normalized disaster loses, looking at several metrics of economic and
human losses.
They conclude:
"The absence of trends in normalized disaster burden indicators appears
to be largely consistent with the absence of trends in extreme weather
events. This conclusion is more qualitative for the number of people
killed. As a consequence, vulnerability is also largely stable over the
period of analysis."
The top line conclusion here is not surprising, though it is interesting
because it uses independent methods on largely independent data. It is
consistent with previous data and analyses (e.g., Bouwer 2011, Neumayer
and Bartel 2011, Mohleji and Pielke 2014) as well as with the
conclusions of the recent IPCC assessments (SREX and AR5).
What is perhaps most interesting about this new paper is their
discussion of vulnerability. Some have argued that our methodological
inability to fully account for possible changes in vulnerability to
losses over time may mask a climate change signal in the data. (It's
gotta be there somewhere!) This line of argument has always been
suspect, because there are not relevant trends in phenomena such as
floods and hurricanes which would lead to an expectation of increasing
normalized losses.
Visser et al. take this issue on and offer several explanations as to why vulnerability does not mask any hidden signals:
"Firstly, global disaster management initiatives have only recently been
put in place. The Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) was adopted by 168
Member States of the United Nations in 2005 to take action to reduce
vulnerabilities and risks to disasters (UNISDR, 2011). Although these
highly important efforts will certainly pay off in the near future, it
is unclear whether they are reflected in the sample period chosen for
this study. Similar conclusions are drawn in IPCC (2014). . .
Secondly, it is unclear to what extent adaptation measures work in
practice. Heffernan (2012) argues that many countries, and even the
richest, are ill-prepared for weather extremes. As an example, he names
Hurricane Sandy, which wreaked a loss of 50 billion USD along the
northeast coast of the US in 2012. As for early warning systems,
Heffernan states that not all systems are functioning well. For example,
in 2000, Mozambique was hit by a flood worse than any in its history,
and the event was not at all anticipated. Warnings of above-average
rainfall came too late and failed to convey the magnitude of the coming
Thirdly, a positive trend in vulnerability may be offset by the
increasing number of people moving from rural to urban environments,
often situated in at-risk areas (UN 2012). Since many large cities lie
along coastlines, these movements will make people more vulnerable to
land-falling hurricanes (Pielke et al. 2008), coastal flooding and
heatwaves (due the urban heat island effect). With regard to economic
losses, Hallegatte (2011) argues that these migration movements may have
caused disaster losses to grow faster than wealth.
Fourthly, it is unclear how political tensions and violent conflicts
have evolved over large regional scales since 1980. On the one hand,
Theisen et al. (2013) show that the number of armed conflicts and the
number of battle deaths have decreased slightly at the global scale
since 1980. On the other hand, these methods are rather crude as far as
covering all aspects of political tensions are concerned (Leaning and
Guha-Sapir et al. 2013).
We conclude that quantitative information on time-varying vulnerability
patterns is lacking. More qualitatively, we judge that a stable
vulnerability V t, as derived in this study, is not in contrast with
estimates in the literature."
In short, those who claim that a signal of human caused-climate change
is somehow hidden in the disaster loss record are engaging in a bit of
unjustified wishful thinking. The data and evidence says otherwise.
The bottom line? Once again, we see further reinforcement for the
conclusion that there is no detectable evidence of a role for
human-caused climate change in increasing disaster losses. In plain
English: Disaster losses have been increasing, but it is not due to
climate change.
Gina McCarthy's strange conception of "investment"
In the laguage of the Left, government spending is called
"investment" but the head of the EPA goes even further off the rails in
the matter
I don’t think Gina McCarthy had thought this through. McCarthy to the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee:
“And the great thing about this proposal is it really is an investment
opportunity. This is not about pollution control. It’s about increased
efficiency at our plants…It’s about investments in renewables and clean
energy. It’s about investments in people’s ability to lower their
electricity bills by getting good, clean, efficient appliances, homes,
rental units,”
“This is an investment strategy that will really not just reduce carbon
pollution but will position the United States to continue to grow
economically in every state, based on their own design,” McCarthy added.
She is discussing something called the Clean Power Plan. Mark this day.
She goes on to find the perpetual motion machine of economics:
"Sir, what I know about this rule is that I know it will leave the
United States in 2030 with a more efficient and cleaner energy supply
system — and more jobs in clean energy, which are the jobs of the
future,” McCarthy responded.
The EPA doesn’t just have a landline to God. They are God. They can use
less energy to generate more wealth, more employment, and global peace.
But she said she doesn’t expect any adverse impact from this rule —
“other than to have jobs grow, the economy to grow, the U.S. to become
more stable, the U.S. to take advantage of new technology, innovation
and investments that will make us stronger over time.”
Asked to explain what consumers can expect from the new rule, McCarthy
said EPA expects people to see lower energy bills “because we’re getting
waste out of the system.” In other words, if electricity costs more,
people will use less of it.
The whole supply-demand idea of economics is obviously wrong. By making
electricity cost more and shifting people off electricity to other forms
of energy, demand will fall for electricity. OK. At the same time
increasing demand for other energy will make that cheaper instead of
more expensive. Somehow technological advance only works on EPA approved
We should have done this years ago. If we had stopped using coal, oil and gas in 1970, we could have been so rich now.
UK: Proposals to fight climate change will trigger 'astronomical costs', campaigners warn
The Climate Change Committee said Britain needs to "strengthen" its
policies and do more to boost renewable energy such as windfarms.
It said that without tougher action Britain will miss its 31 per cent
target of cutting emissions by 2025 and may only manage a 21 per cent
That will hinder it meetings its commitment to cut emissions by 80 per cent of 1990 levels by 2050.
The CCC called for more progress on insulating homes, promoting the
uptake of ground source and air source heat pumps, and investment in
support for electric vehicles.
The CCC also urged the Government to end the "high degree of uncertainty" about its support for renewable energy.
It urged ministers to provide funding to deliver strategies for commercialising offshore wind.
Critics warned that households which already pay an average £1,264 for
electricity and gas would face higher bills if the Government follows
the CCC's advice.
The Department for Energy and Climate Change already forecasts that
green levies will account for 5 per cent of gas and 11 per cent of
electricity bills by 2020.
But Benny Peiser of the Global Warming Policy Foundation said: "UK
households and consumers already face a cumulative £50 billion bill for
renewable energy subsidies by 2020 in the form of the green Levy Control
"If the CCC's post-2023 proposal were to succeed, the additional costs
would be astronomical. This is politically unsustainable."
Dr Peiser also pointed to Chancellor George Osborne's scepticism about
green policies and his pledge not to make Britain uncompetitive in the
global market.
He said: "George Osborne has repeatedly made clear that the government
will not cut UK CO2 emissions faster and deeper than other countries in
Dr Lee Moroney of the Renewable Energy Foundation, a think-tank which
opposes energy subsidies, said: "In spite of the Chancellor’s sensible
promise in 2011 not to cut emissions faster than our competitors, the
Climate Change Committee is recommending faster, deeper cuts than the
"The Committee’s proposal is an enormous and very risky gamble on the
future price of fossil fuels with the costs falling on consumers and
taxpayers already groaning under the burden of ever-increasing energy
But the CCC said that action now offers "significant cost savings" compared to delaying.
It argued that reducing emissions can be achieved "at affordable cost".
Lord Deben, Chairman of the Committee on Climate Change, said: “Climate Change demands urgent action.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
3 August, 2014
Kidney Stoned and Global Warming?
You can correlate an increasing trend of one phenomenon to an increasing
trend for any other thing and ... Eureka! ... someone stupid enough
will attribute causation.
First of all, observations are affected by observation tools. A
year ago, my wife went to the ER in terrible abdominal pain. They
gave her two shots of morphine and antibiotics for a urinary tract
infection. When she continued to have pains in the following days,
she saw a specialist who did an ultrasound scan and found a bulging in
her kidney tract cause by a large stone that had recently passed.
The point being that there is a strong likelihood that better analysis
reveals more incidents.
That said, there are many dietary factors that can increase the
possibility of kidney stones, including higher protein
consumption. Strangely, my wife went on a low-carb, high protein,
high fat diet several years ago. But, no, it was global warming.
Anything to get published.
Above comment received from a reader
Senate Committee Report Details Environmentalists' Inner Workings
None dare call it a conspiracy
Over the past fifty years, America’s environmental movement has grown
from college kids adorning flowers to a billion dollar industry. With
huge budgets to employ lobbyists, lawyers, and public relations
professionals, many of America’s leading environmental non-profits are
unrecognizable from their modest beginnings. What may seem like an
organic, disparate movement is actually a well oiled machine that
receives its funding from a handful of super rich liberal donors
operating behind the anonymity of foundations and charities, according
to a new report out today by the Committee on Environment and Public
Works (EPW).
The EPW report titled The Chain of Command: How a Club of Billionaires
and Their Foundations Control the Environmental Movement and Obama’s EPA
meticulously details how the “Billionaires’ Club” funds nearly all of
the major environmental non-government organizations (NGO), many media
outlets, and supposed grassroots activists. The Billionaire Report
continues by describing the cozy relationship many environmental groups
have with the executive branch and the revolving door that makes this
The most striking aspect of the Billionaire Report is the sheer amount
of money that is in play. In 2011 alone, ten foundations donated upwards
of half a billion dollars to environmental causes. Many of these
foundations, whose assets are valued in the billions, meet and
coordinate under the framework provided by the Environmental Grantmakers
Association (EGA). Described as the “funding epicenter of the
environmental movement,” EGA members doled out $1.13 billion to
environmental causes in 2011. EGA’s membership is not public but its
clout is self-evident given the amount of money its members direct to
recognizable environmental NGOs.
Often times, EGA members will elect to indirectly fund organizations
that are the face of the environmental movement. For example, instead of
directly cutting a check to the Natural Resources Defense Council
(NRDC) or the Sierra Club, the Hewlett Foundation or the Packard
Foundation will contribute to the Energy Foundation. The Billionaire
Report describes the Energy Foundation as “a pass through charity
utilized by the most powerful EGA members to create the appearance of a
more diversified base of support, to shield them from accountability,
and to leverage limited resources by hiring dedicated energy/environment
staff to handle strategic giving.”
Not all of this money is being used to write white papers about how wind
is going to power our country or how the EPA should implement this or
that regulation. In fact, millions of dollars from the Energy Foundation
find their way into political spending. The Billionaire Report
illuminates this process by showing how the Green Tech Action Fund is
Between 2010 and 2012, both foundations [Hewlett Foundation and Packard
Foundation] donated hundreds of millions of dollars to ClimateWorks
Foundation, a 501(c)(3) foundation. ClimateWorks then gave nearly $170
million to the Energy Foundation. Hewlett and Packard gave directly to
the Energy Foundation. The Energy Foundation then gave $5,676,000 to
Green Tech, and ClimateWorks gave it $1,520,000. The Energy Foundation
was incredibly brief, broad and vague in describing the purpose of its
2011 and 2012 grants of $1 million, respectively, to Green Tech. The
2011 description states: “To support clean energy policies,” while in
2012 the purpose is listed as: “To advance clean technology markets,
especially energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies.”
Green Tech, in turn, donated heavily to at least three 501(c)(4)
far-left environmental activist organizations during the 2010 and 2012
election cycles.
In addition to playing in national politics through the Energy
Foundation, New York and California based foundations use a handful of
other charities to prop-up local activist groups. The Billionaire Report
looks at the efforts in New York and Colorado to prohibit and hamstring
hydraulic fracturing:
A pseudo-grassroots effort to attack hydraulic fracturing has germinated
from massive amounts of funding by three foundations: Schmidt Family
Foundation, Tides Foundation and Park Foundation…In typical secretive
billionaire donor fashion, the foundations’ funding was funneled through
fiscal sponsors. Funding through these intermediary organizations, such
as the Sustainable Markets Foundation (SMF) and Food & Water Watch,
create distance between the wealthy foundations and alleged
community-based outfits….
One scheme, led by the New York-based Park Foundation and
California-based Schmidt Family Foundation, provides numerous grants to
the New York-based SMF, which serves as the fiscal sponsor for multiple
New York groups engaged in this effort, including Water Defense, Frack
Action and Artists Against Fracking. During 2011, SMF gave $147,750 to
Water Defense. The following year, SMF funneled a $150,000 grant “to
support Water Defense” from Schmidt. Notably, Water Defense was founded
in 2010 by actor Mark Ruffalo, who has an estimated net worth of $20
million and was listed on Time Magazines’ 2011 “People Who Mattered” for
his anti-fracking efforts. In 2011, SMF gave Frack Action $324,198,
with $150,000 stemming from Schmidt grants to SMF. Ironically, one of
the Schmidt grants specified that $100,000 go “to support Frack Action’s
grassroots campaign fighting for a ban on horizontal hydraulic
fracturing” (emphasis added).
However, the mere funding from the California-based Schmidt demonstrates
Frack Action’s campaign is anything but grassroots. In 2012, SMF
received $185,000 for Frack Action through grants from Park and Schmidt.
While the amount of money funneled to Yoko Ono’s Artists Against
Fracking cannot be identified, as SMF’s 2012 IRS Form-990 is
unavailable, Artists Against Fracking’s now-removed website directs
donations to SMF.
While even passive political observers are aware of environmentalists’
political activities – who could forget American Lung Association’s
coughing baby? – few people fully appreciate how interconnected the
environmental movement is with the current White House and its
regulatory agencies. For evidence of the environmental movement’s
influence, look no further than the EPA’s recent GHG regulation for
existing plants. This regulation, hailed by its supporters as the
crowning achievement of the Obama Administration, drew heavily from a
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) model regulation. The New York
Times wrote that the EPA used NRDC’s regulation as its “blueprint.”
NRDC’s clout within Democrat circles is well known and inspired the 2009
Greenwire article “NRDC Mafia Finding Homes on Hill, in EPA .”
But NRDC is by no means the only activist group with alumni in key
executive branch positions. The Billionaire’s Report calls attention to
Deputy Administrator for the EPA Bob Perciasepe was the former Chief
Operating Officer of the National Audubon Society. The EPA’s Region 9
Administrator used to work for the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund as
well as the NRDC. Acting Administrator/Deputy Administrator for the
Office of Water Nancy Stoner was Co-Director and Senior Attorney for
NRDC’s Water Program. EPA’s Region 2 Administrator was previously the
Executive Director of the Environmental Advocates of New York.
While former hedge fund billionaire Tom Steyer may be grabbing headlines
over his pledge to spend $100 million dollars this election cycle, it
is clear that the modern environmental movement is already well funded
and organized. Totaling more than 90 pages and containing over 400
citations, the Billionaire Report will begin an important conversation
about who really funds the environmental left and what they really
Updated list of 29 excuses for the 18 year 'pause' in global warming
"If you can't explain the 'pause', you can't explain the cause"
RSS satellite data showing the 18 year 'pause' of global warming
An updated list of at least 29 excuses for the 18 year 'pause' in global
warming, including recent scientific papers, media quotes, blogs, and
related debunkings:
1) Low solar activity
2) Oceans ate the global warming [debunked] [debunked] [debunked]
3) Chinese coal use [debunked]
4) Montreal Protocol
5) What ‘pause’? [debunked] [debunked] [debunked] [debunked]
6) Volcanic aerosols [debunked]
7) Stratospheric Water Vapor
8) Faster Pacific trade winds [debunked]
9) Stadium Waves
10) ‘Coincidence!’
11) Pine aerosols
12) It's "not so unusual" and "no more than natural variability"
13) "Scientists looking at the wrong 'lousy' data"
14) Cold nights getting colder in Northern Hemisphere
15) We forgot to cherry-pick models in tune with natural variability [debunked]
16) Negative phase of Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation
17) AMOC ocean oscillation
18) "Global brightening" has stopped
19) "Ahistorical media"
20) "It's the hottest decade ever" Decadal averages used to hide the 'pause' [debunked]
21) Few El Ninos since 1999
22) Temperature variations fall "roughly in the middle of the AR4 model results"
23) "Not scientifically relevant"
24) The wrong type of El Ninos
25) Slower trade winds [debunked]
26) The climate is less sensitive to CO2 than previously thought [see also]
27) PDO and AMO natural cycles and here
28) ENSO
29) Solar cycle driven ocean temperature variations
SOURCE (See the original for links)
The Environmental Corruption Agency
By Michelle Malkin
The lofty motto of the Environmental Protection Agency is "protecting
people and the environment." In practice, however, EPA bureaucrats
faithfully protect their own people and preserve the government's
cesspool of manipulation, cover-ups and cronyism.
Just last week, Mark Levin and his vigilant Landmark Legal Foundation
went to court to ask federal district judge Royce Lamberth to sanction
the EPA "for destroying or failing to preserve emails and text messages
that may have helped document suspected agency efforts to influence the
2012 presidential election." The motion is part of a larger Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit to force EPA to release emails and
related records from former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson and others
"who may have delayed the release dates for hot-button environmental
regulations until after the Nov. 6, 2012, presidential election."
Thanks to Levin and Landmark, Jackson and other EPA officials admitted
in depositions that they used personal, nongovernmental email accounts
to hide communications about official EPA business sent and received on
their government-issued BlackBerries and smart phones. The agency has
continued to drag its feet for two years in response to Landmark's FOIA
Levin minced no words: "The EPA is a toxic waste dump for lawlessness
and disdain for the Constitution." Not to mention disdain for the
public's right to know. As Levin added: "When any federal agency
receives a FOIA request, the statute says it must preserve every
significant repository of records, both paper and electronic, that may
contain materials that could be responsive to that request."
The agency is legally obliged to notify all involved in the suit to
preserve everything in their possession that could be discoverable in
the litigation. But the feds have bent over backward to delay and deny.
"(T)he people at the EPA, from the administrator on down, think they're
above the law, that no one has the right to question what or how they do
their jobs," Levin blasted. "Well, they're wrong. The laws apply to
everyone, even federal bureaucrats."
That's a bedrock principle the EPA has defied over and over again. As I
first reported 13 corruption-stained years ago in 2001, former EPA head
Carol Browner oversaw the destruction of her computer files on her last
day in office under the Clinton administration — in clear violation of a
judge's order requiring the agency to preserve its records. Browner
ordered a computer technician: "I would like my files deleted. I want
you to delete my files." In 2003, the agency was held in contempt and
fined more than $300,000 in connection with another email destruction
incident under Browner's watch.
It was Levin's Landmark Legal Foundation — upheld by Judge Lamberth —
that held the corruptocrats accountable then, as they are now.
As President Obama's energy czar, Browner went on to bully auto execs
"to put nothing in writing, ever" regarding secret negotiations she
orchestrated on a deal to increase federal Corporate Average Fuel
Economy (CAFE) standards. She was also singled out by Obama's own
independent oil-spill commission for repeatedly misrepresenting
scientists' findings and doctoring data to justify the administration's
draconian drilling moratorium.
Browner previously had been caught by a congressional subcommittee using
taxpayer funds to create and send out illegal lobbying material to more
than 100 left-wing environmental organizations. She abused her office
to orchestrate a political campaign by liberal groups, who turned around
and attacked Republican lawmakers for supporting regulatory reform.
The names may change, but the politicized rot stays the same. The GOP
staff of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee issued a
detailed report this week on the secretive "Billionaire's Club" behind
EPA. The analysis exposed how a massive network of left-wing
foundations, activists and wealthy donors exploits IRS-approved
"charitable" status and tax-deductible donations to lobby illegally on
behalf of the EPA and operate a "green revolving door" between
government and far-left groups.
Among the key players: the Environmental Grantmakers Association, which
coordinates green grants and refuses to divulge its membership list to
Congress, and Democracy Alliance, the dark-money outfit led by Philip
Gara LaMarche that does not disclose its members or donor-recipients.
"These entities propagate the false notion that they are independent
citizen-funded groups working altruistically," according to the report.
"In reality, they work in tandem with wealthy donors to maximize the
value of the donors' tax-deductible donations and leverage their
combined resources to influence elections and policy outcomes, with a
focus on the EPA."
Saving the planet? Ha. The leftist-controlled Environmental Corruption
Agency is only in business to serve its pals and subvert its political
enemies, while endangering resource security and sabotaging the
deliberative process. Real environmental protection starts with draining
this fetid swamp.
British anti-fracking 'expert' and question marks over his credentials: Ex punk rocker 'lied and peddled pseudo science'
Anti-fracking campaigners describe him as ‘a world-class star of
geological research’, but David Smythe was accused today of being less
than totally honest about his credentials as a shale gas expert.
The retired geologist and former punk rock guitarist has been prominent
in highlighting the dangers of fracking and last week helped to persuade
a county council to reject an application to drill an exploratory shale
But a professor at his old university now accuses him of ‘pseudo-scientific scaremongering’.
The Geological Society has also written to Mr Smythe – who has the title
‘Emeritus Professor of Geophysics, University of Glasgow’ – demanding
that he stops claiming to be a chartered geologist.
Glasgow University, where he last worked in 1998, has told him he must not suggest that its academics share his views.
And Prof Paul Younger, Glasgow’s professor of energy engineering, said
Mr Smythe – who played bass guitar in the 70s punk band The Rezillos –
was unqualified to give expert evidence on fracking, having retired 16
years ago.
’He has published nothing on (shale gas) in any proper scientific forum –
no doubt because he knows he would never get past peer review with his
pseudo-scientific scaremongering.’
But Mr Smythe, 67, who now lives in the South of France, hit back saying
he could find no publications on fracking by Professor Younger, adding:
‘So you could say he is no more an expert than me.’
In recent months Mr Smythe – who was head of Geophysics at Glasgow from
1988 until the department was closed in 1998 – has warned of the
potentially serious environmental damage that fracking poses, including a
huge risk of water contamination.
Last week he helped to persuade West Sussex County Council to reject an
application by Celtique Energie to explore for shale oil, describing its
application as ‘incomplete, incompetent and disingenuous.
He has also given evidence on behalf of campaigners against a
subterranean methane project involving drilling 22 bore holes 800 metres
deep into the Falkirk countryside.
Mr Smythe suggested the process of removing the gas could result in
earthquakes becoming more likely in the area and potential contamination
of streams and rivers, posing a threat to human health.
In a recent newspaper interview Professor Younger said: ’He falsely
claims to be a chartered geologist. That’s fraudulent. It’s wilful
‘I am concerned about the damage to the reputation of the university by
someone who never fails to use his university affiliation.’
Professor David Manning, president of the Geological Society, wrote last
month to Mr Smythe telling him not to use the title ‘chartered
David Smythe has given evidence on behalf of anti-fracking campaigns and
claims to have done extensive research into unconventional energy
Mr Smythe, who believes he may be an illegitimate descendant of Prince
Albert, admitted that he should not have claimed to be a chartered
geologist but said that it was a ‘completely trivial matter’ because he
had been one once but had stopped paying his subscription in 1996.
But a spokeswoman for the Geological Society said that the title
required proof of ‘continuous professional development’, not just
payment of a subscription.
Mr Smythe, who lives in the Languedoc and rents out a self-catering
apartment in his mansion overlooking the Canal du Midi, insists he had
done extensive research into unconventional energy extraction.
He said Professor Younger sent him a ‘very abusive email’ after he
appeared on a recent radio programme in Scotland ‘ accusing me of
arm-waving and talking nonsense.’
Mr Smythe, whose 1970s punk band had its biggest success with a cover
version of the Fleetwood Mac song ‘Somebody’s Gonna Get Their Head
Kicked In Tonight’ added: ’You could say it is sour grapes.’
The University of Glasgow confirmed Mr Smythe has right to use the title
‘emeritus professor’ and the retired scientist said he had never
suggested that his views were shared by the university.
‘A lot of British academics have in effect been bought off by the oil
industry. They depend on grants from that industry so they dare not
speak out critically,’ he said.
‘I write reports [on fracking] for public inquiries to a very high
standard because my aim is that I’m providing all the evidence if any
such inquiry decision were to go to judicial review.’
Mr Smythe is advising Frack Free Fernhurst, a group opposing fracking in the South Downs national park.
Lunacy on sea: As Ministers agree to the world's biggest wind farm
off Brighton, has Britain ever succumbed to a more catastrophic folly?
By Christopher Booker
What should be our reaction to daft stories like the one recently
reported in the Daily Mail about the 60ft wind turbine put up by the
Welsh government outside its offices in Aberystwyth to proclaim to the
world just how ‘green’ it is?
Erected at a cost of £50,000 to the taxpayer, it turned out that this
turbine was so absurdly inefficient it was providing only £5 worth of
electricity a month. It would take more than 750 years to make the money
In recent years, we have seen plenty of little tales like this, showing
how often those who build these mini-turbines just to promote the
wonders of wind power seem to get horribly caught out.
There was, for instance, the windmill put up next to a school in
Portland, Dorset, which had to be switched off because it was killing so
many seagulls that the headmaster had to come in early every morning to
remove their corpses, so the children wouldn’t be upset.
There were the turbines built next to the playgrounds of 16 schools in
the north of Scotland, which had be shut down for ‘health and safety’
reasons after the blades of one flew off in a mere 40 mph wind - when,
fortunately, no children were in range.
Then, of course, there was that babyish little windmill David Cameron
wanted to put on the roof of his £2.7million Notting Hill home in West
London. It would have provided enough current to power four low-energy
light bulbs - but, fortunately, it provoked such protests from his
neighbours that it was never heard of again.
On one level, we may find stories like this darkly comical. But it is
time we stood back to take a more grown-up look at the very much larger
and more serious picture of just where we are being taken by this
infatuation with wind turbines, which lie at the very centre of our
national energy policy.
Today, we already have more than 5,000 giant turbines, with 25,000 smaller versions.
They are proliferating so fast that from Cornwall to Caithness, East
Anglia to Cumbria, hundreds of local protest groups have sprung up to
say ‘enough is enough’.
But the crucial objection to this obsession with wind farms is not just
that they disfigure our beautiful countryside or kill shocking numbers
of bird and bats.
In purely practical terms, the real issue must surely be that they are
so astonishingly useless at achieving what they are supposed to do. Put
all those 5,000 giant turbines together and their combined output still
averages less than that of our single largest coal-fired power station.
The obvious reason for this - though our politicians will never admit it
- is that the wind is the most inefficient means of producing
electricity ever devised, because it blows so variably and
In fact, the whole case for wind farms is based on a central, endlessly repeated lie.
This is the way in which its propagandists invariably talk about them
only in terms of their ‘capacity’, by which they mean the amount of
electricity they could produce if the wind was blowing at optimal speed
24 hours a day.
We are told about ‘capacity’ all the time - by the wind industry,
politicians such as Energy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Davey, the
BBC and even the pages of Wikipedia.
But the truth is that, thanks to the wind’s unreliability, they will
produce on average only between a quarter and a third of their
Often, indeed, when we need electricity the most, on freezing, windless
days in mid-winter, they produce virtually no electricity at all.
Furthermore, far from providing us, as we’re told, with unlimited clean,
green, free, planet-saving energy, wind farms are not just inefficient.
They are also so ludicrously impractical that if we weren’t all forced
to subsidise them to the tune of billions of pounds through our
electricity bills, no one would ever dream of building them.
A cursory glance at the economics of the ‘smaller’ 100 ft-plus windmills
and the giant turbines in massive wind farms illustrates my point.
When I looked at one of these smaller ones the other day, near where I
live in Somerset, I was astonished to discover that, though it is 120 ft
and would have cost at least £250,000 to install, it only has the
‘capacity’ to generate a maximum of 50 kilowatts at any given moment.
But allowing for the vagaries of the wind, its actual output will
average a mere 13 kilowatts - barely enough to boil four kettles - at
any one time.
Yet, for this, the owners can expect to receive £24,000 a year, of which
a staggering £17,500 will be subsidy, paid for by all of us through our
electricity bills.
The sums for giant turbines are just as shocking. Earlier this month, Mr
Davey gave the go-ahead to his latest monster project, to build the
largest wind farm in the world just off the Sussex coast, right opposite
Davey gave the German energy firm E.on the green light to spend £2
billion on building 100 or more colossal turbines up to 700 ft tall,
nearly 200 ft higher than the Blackpool Tower.
The ‘Rampion’ wind farm (so named, in yet another propaganda exercise,
by the children of a Sussex primary school) will cover more than 60
square miles of the English Channel.
As even its developers say on their website, it will be visible all the way from Beachy Head to the Isle of Wight.
This mighty forest of turbines, we are told, will supply to the national
grid ‘700 megawatts’ of power, enough to heat and light ‘450,000
Yet, in truth, thanks to the vagaries of the wind, their actual output -
as E.on’s own website admits in very small print - will be lucky to
reach 240 megawatts, a third of that figure.
Even for this, E.on can hope to earn £325 million a year. Yet,
shockingly, more than two-thirds of that sum, £220 million a year, will
be paid by all of us in subsidies.
To see just how crazy this is in money terms, we can compare E.on’s wind
farm with our latest large gas-fired power station, opened two years
ago by another German firm, RWE, at Pembroke in south Wales.
Its capital cost was £1billion, half that of the wind farm. But, in
return for that, the gas-fired plant can be relied on to generate nearly
ten times as much electricity, 2000 megawatts, 24 hours of every day.
For that constantly available supply of power, even taking into account
the price of gas compared with wind power which is free, the cost is £50
per megawatt hour. While for the wildly unreliable supply we shall get
from Mr Davey’s monster wind farm, it is £155 per megawatt hour, more
than three times as much.
This is the kind of mad mathematics I come across all the time when
taking a hard look at the price we are increasingly having to pay for
what I have called the great wind scam.
It’s this weird delusion that we can base more and more of our national
electricity supply on subsidising ever more grotesquely expensive wind
It is a course we first seriously embarked on in 2003 under Tony Blair.
In 2008, Gordon Brown boasted that he wanted us to spend £100billion on
wind farms.
It was a claim echoed by Chris Huhne, Davey’s Coalition predecessor as
Energy secretary, who talked of how we would need to build as many as
30,000 turbines to achieve a government target, six times as many as we
have now.
The reason why all our politicians feel they must aim for such
recklessly ambitious targets is that, in 2007, Tony Blair agreed with
his EU colleagues that Britain would, by 2020, be producing 15 per cent
of our energy from ‘renewables’, such as wind power.
But Blair was so technically illiterate in making this pledge that he did not realise what he was letting us in for.
Because much of our energy, such as the gas we use to cook and heat our
buildings, cannot be sourced from renewables, he was committing us to
produce nearly a third of our electricity - 32 per cent - from
renewables. And most of it had to come from wind power.
This was a far greater jump than that required from other EU members,
which were already producing much more of their power from renewables
such as hydro-electric schemes.
In practice, there is no conceivable way we could hope to achieve
Huhne’s plan for 30,000 turbines. It would mean building 11 giant ones
every day for the next six years, which is completely out of the
But that has not prevented Mr Davey and his colleagues from trying. And,
in doing so, they are offering the mainly foreign-owned firms that
build those wind farms subsidies which are higher than those available
anywhere else in the world.
For onshore turbines, Davey is prepared to give wind farm owners a
subsidy of nearly 100 per cent on top of the market rate for
However, subsidies for electricity provided by offshore wind farms is
now more than twice as much - which is why firms from Germany, France,
Sweden and other countries have been rushing to cash in on Britain’s
unique subsidy bonanza.
But all this creates yet another huge practical problem that Mr Davey
does his best to keep from public view. This is the fact that the more
wind farms those subsidies call into being, the more we must look to
conventional power stations to provide back-up for whenever the wind
speed varies.
At the moment, by far the cheapest source of electricity is coal, still
providing more than a third of our power and costing six times less than
what we get from Mr Davey’s subsidised offshore wind farms.
But Mr Davey and his predecessors have been steadily closing down what
they see as those dreadful, polluting, CO2-emitting coal-fired power
stations - and the ones that remain are not flexible enough to provide
the instant back-up needed to keep our lights on whenever the wind
The more wind farms we build, the more we will need gas-fired power
stations to provide that instantly available back-up, not just to keep
our lights on but to keep our computer-dependent economy running at all.
And guess who is going to have to pay to keep those gas-fired plants
permanently and expensively running on stand-by for when they are
needed, chucking out more of Mr Davey’s hated CO2 than is saved by all
his wind farms? We are, of course, through our electricity bills.
We are looking here at the makings of a national catastrophe: one that
will not just push our electricity bills through the roof, but could
well lead to major power cuts and blackouts.
This will be the price we pay for a bout of collective insanity over
renewable energy, for which it is hard to think of any historical
parallel. It truly is time we woke up to the reality of where this
crazed obsession with wind turbines is leading us.
Rather like the mammoth new Rampion offshore wind farm, when it comes to our policy on wind farms, Britain really is all at sea.
Australia: Green Army ready to march (but it's not work for the dole)
Australia's alternative to the carbon tax is to plant trees etc.
The government's $525 million Green Army conservation initiative was rolled out on Saturday.
Launching the project at Carss Bush Park in Sydney's south, Prime
Minister Tony Abbott and Environment Minister Greg Hunt said it would be
the largest environmental workforce the country had mobilised. About
2500 young people were expected to join up this year to work on 250
projects around Australia.
"It's six months of good work and good comradeship that you can come
back and look at in the years ahead and say, 'I did that for my
country'," Mr Abbott said.
"This is not a work for the dole project, I want to stress this. It's an environmental traineeship."
The workers would be paid between $10 to $16 an hour while engaged in
the project, less than minimum wage but higher than the Newstart or
Youth Allowance rate.
Mr Hunt said he didn't anticipate the hourly rate would discourage young Australians from signing up.
"They not only earn the funds, but most significantly the work skills,
and hopefully they'll come out of it with certificates and occupational
health and safety training and first aid training," he said.
The number of participants was expected to rise to 15,000 by 2018.
The Green Army, one of a range of proposals put forward by the federal
government as an alternative to the repealed carbon tax, will recruit
young Australians to engage in restoration and heritage protection
The project will include pest animal management and the monitoring of threatened local animal species.
Workers will be able to obtain certificate I and II qualifications in various environmental fields for their efforts.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
1 August, 2014
'Chill out about GM food': We've been modifying crops for thousands of years, claims scientist
Supporters of genetically modified food claim they it help feed the
world and eradicate disease, while their opponents believe they could
contaminate natural food and even harm people.
Now, American astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, who presents the TV
documentary Cosmos, has defended controversial genetically modified
organisms (GMOs), saying that people should just ‘chill out’.
He claims that practically every type for food for sale is genetically
modified in some way already and that there are few ‘wild’ crops and
animals left.
The scientist, who has already spoken out against critics of evolution
and climate change, gaves his opinion in a video first spotted by Mother
He can be seen answering a question about his views on GM food, to which
he replied: ‘I'm amazed at just how much objection genetically modified
foods are receiving.
'It smacks of the fear factor that exists at every new emergent science,
where people don't fully understand it or don't fully know or embrace
its consequences and are therefore rejecting it.
‘What most people don't know, but should, is that practically every food
you buy in a store for consumption by humans is genetically modified
‘There are no wild seedless watermelons; there's no wild cows…You list
all the fruit, and all the vegetables, and ask yourself: “Is there a
wild counterpart to this?” If there is, it's not as large, it's not as
sweet, it's not as juicy, and it has way more seeds in it.
‘We have systematically genetically modified all the foods, the
vegetables and animals that we have eaten ever since we cultivated them.
It's called artificial selection. That's how we genetically modify
them. So now that we can do it in a lab, all of a sudden you're going to
He suggests that opponents to GM food should eat apples that grow in the
wild that are small and sour, unlike the sweeter and larger types that
are sold in supermarkets.
‘We are creating and modifying the biology of the world to serve our
needs. I don't have a problem with that, because we've been doing that
for tens of thousands of years. So chill out,’ he said.
It is not clear from the video at which event the scientist made his remarks and when it took place.
While government organisations and other top scientists may have stopped
short of telling protestors to ‘chill out,’ many institutions,
including the National Academy of Sciences and the European Commission
say that GM food is not unsafe.
Some people question the wisdom of tampering with nature, but a number
of prominent scientists believe that GM crops are the key to feeding the
world's rapidly expanding population.
By manipulating the genes in wheat and potatoes, experts have managed to
make them resistant to fungal infections, which leads to food
'Super bananas' laced with vitamin A could be on sale in 2020 in a bid
to tackle deficiency in Africa, while scientists believe that GM
mosquitoes could be the secret to wiping out dengue fever.
Testimony on EPA’s proposed rules for existing power plants — Atlanta, Georgia
Marita Noon
Today, I have come to address the EPA’s proposed rule regarding carbon
emissions from existing power plants. I speak on behalf of myself and my
personal views.
I also represent the Washington DC based group: Committee For A
Constructive Tomorrow and its 60,000 supporters. Committee For A
Constructive Tomorrow has been working on issues of environment and
development for more than twenty-five years with a board consisting of
more than fifty scientists and academic advisors from leading
universities, think tanks, and laboratories from around the world. I
serve as a policy analyst for Committee For a Constructive Tomorrow.
I was here yesterday and earlier today. I’ve listened to the well
intentioned pleas from many who have begged you, the EPA, to take even
stronger action than this plan proposes. One even dramatically claimed;
“You are the Environmental Protection Agency. You are our only hope. If
you don’t protect us no one will.”
I heard a teary-eyed, young woman tell a tale about a man she knows who
is dying of cancer, supposedly, because he grew up near a coal-fired
power plant—he couldn’t be here, so she told his story. She also said:
“I am fortunate enough to have not been around in the 1960s when there
was real smog.” Her father has told her about it.
Another addressed how she gets headaches from emissions. She told how
lung tissue can be burned. And, how particulates are why people can no
longer see the mountain in her region.
An attorney’s testimony told about seeing “carbon pollution” every day
from his 36th floor office “a few blocks from here” from where he looks
“out over a smog covered city.”
The passion of these commenters supersedes their knowledge as none of
the issues I’ve mentioned here, and there are many more, are something
caused by carbon dioxide—a clear, colorless gas that each of us breathe
out and plants breathe in.
Carbon dioxide is a natural, and essential, part of the environment—with
massive, unknown, quantities of carbon dioxide emitted each year from
natural sources such as volcanoes. Were you able to eliminate carbon
dioxide from every industrial source in the United States, it will have
virtually no impact on global carbon dioxide emissions.
I understand the concerns over true smog and pollution. I grew up in
southern California—graduating from high school in 1976. At that time,
we had made a mess of our environment. We had polluted the air and
water. Cleaning up our collective act was an important public policy
issue. San Bernardino, California, where my family lived, was in a
valley, surrounded by mountains. If was not uncommon for a family to
move into the area in the summer, when the smog was the worst, and not
even know the beautiful mountains existed. In the fall when the winds
came in and blew the smog out to sea, newcomers where amazed to discover
the mountains.
But that pollution, that smog, has largely been cleaned up. Utilities
have spent hundreds of billion dollars on scrubbers, and other highly
technical equipment, to, successfully, remove the vast majority of the
particulates. People often see a billowing white cloud coming from the
stacks at a coal-fueled power plant and confuse it with pollution when
it is really H2O—water in the form of steam. Depending on the time of
year, or the time of day, it may be more or less visible. The weather
conditions may make it settle like fog until the sun burns it off. And
this, I believe, is mistaken for pollution.
If you haven’t seen Randy Scott Slavin’s Bird’s-Eye-View of New York
City, I encourage you to check it out as it shows an amazingly clean
city—despite the more than 800 million people living in those compact
469 square miles. New York City is one of the most populated places on
the planet, yet its air is sparkling.
This rule is not about pollution. It is about shutting down coal-fueled
power plants and killing jobs and raising electricity rates—both of
which punish people who can least afford it. But plenty of others have
addressed the economic impact so I won’t take more of my time on that
But, I do want to address the constitutionality of the proposed plan as
it does exactly what the Supreme Court admonished the EPA about on June
23. Justice Antonin Scalia, for the majority, wrote this about the
Tailoring Rule decision: “Were we to recognize the authority claimed by
EPA in the Tailoring Rule, we would deal a severe blow to the
Constitution’s separation of powers… The power of executing laws…does
not include a power to revise clear statutory terms that turn out not to
work in practice.” Yet, this is exactly what this proposed plan will
Later in the decision, Scalia says: “When an agency claims to discover
in a long-extant statute an unheralded power to regulate “a significant
portion of the American economy” . . . we typically greet its
announcement with a measure of skepticism. We expect Congress to speak
clearly if it wishes to assign an agency decisions of vast “economic and
political significance.”
I believe on these grounds, this plan must not go forward.
I fear that if it does, America will pay a dear price. This hearing was
scheduled to take place down the street at the Sam Nunn Federal Center.
However, it was moved due to a power outage. Note: business cannot be
done without power. You were able to move this hearing. In a
reduced-power environment businesses will move to places where they have
access to energy that is effective, efficient, and economical. They
will move, as many have already done, to places with far-looser
environmental policies and the perceived gain will be lost.
Thinking that what we do in the United States will have a serious impact
on global carbon dioxide emissions is like thinking that declaring a
“no pee” sectionin the swimming pool will keep the water urine free.
I’ll end with a quote from the smog-viewing attorney who closed with: “I
am hopeful that my new grandchildren. Who will live into the 22nd
century, will enjoy a world that my grandparents, born in the 19th
century, would recognize.” If this plan is passed, he may get his wish.
His grandparents’ world contained of none of the energy-based modern
conveniences or medical miracles we consider standard and essential
today—let alone those yet to be developed or discovered by the 22nd
Remember, the countries with the best human health and the most material
wealth are those with the highest energy consumption. America needs
energy that is abundant, available and affordable.
Carbon Rebates: Better than Carbon Regulations?
The New York Times is running today an op/ed, "The Carbon Dividend," by
University of Massachusetts economist James Boyce touting a new bill by
Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) that would set up a cap-and-dividend
program that aims to limit U.S. emissions of globe-warming carbon
dioxide. Boyce explains that the plan...
"...would require coal, oil and natural gas companies
to buy a permit for each ton of carbon in the fuels they sell. Permits
would be auctioned, and 100 percent of the proceeds would be returned
straight to the American people as equal dividends for every woman, man
and child...
The number of permits initially would be capped at
the level of our 2005 carbon dioxide emissions. This cap would gradually
ratchet down to 80 percent below that level by 2050. Prices of fossil
fuels would rise as the cap tightened, spurring private investment in
energy efficiency and clean energy. Energy companies would pass the cost
of permits to consumers in the form of higher fuel prices. But for most
families, the gain in carbon dividends would be greater than the pain.
In fact, my calculations show that more than 80 percent of American
households would come out ahead financially—and that doesn’t even count
the benefits of cleaner air and a cooler planet.
As the cap tightened, prices of fossil fuels would
rise faster than quantity would fall, so total revenues would rise. The
tighter the cap, the bigger the dividend. Voters not only would want to
keep the policy in place for the duration of the clean energy
transition, they would want to strengthen it.
The net effect on any household would depend on its
carbon footprint—how much it spent, directly and indirectly, on fossil
fuels. The less carbon it consumed, the bigger its net benefit. But why
would a vast majority emerge as winners?
There are two reasons. First, among final consumers,
households account for about two-thirds of fossil fuel use in the United
States. Most of the remainder is consumed by government. In Mr. Van
Hollen’s bill, households would receive these other carbon dollars, too.
Republicans should welcome this feature, since over
the years it would return billions of dollars from the government to the
people. Unlike a carbon tax, which brings in more revenue for the
government, Mr. Van Hollen’s bill is, in effect, a tax cut."
Boyce likens the proposal to the popular Alaska permanent fund that
divvies up oil and gas royalties to each Alaskan citizen. (To get a
better idea how the Alaska fund works, see my colleague Jesse Walker's
"One State Already Has A Basic Income Plan.")"
Given that the bastards in Washington and various statehouses are going
to "do something" about climate, this proposal could be thought of as a
least bad policy alternative policy. After all, our policymakers have
already screwed up the economy with ethanol mandates, EPA coal
regulations, CAFE standards, feed-in tariffs, renewable portfolio
standards, tax credits for solar, wind, and electric cars, and on and on
and on. So what about a deal? Get rid of all of those regulations,
mandates and requirements in exchange for this straigtforward carbon
dividend plan.
Obama Invited to Meet Coal Miners Losing Their Jobs Because of EPA Regulations
As the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) holds public meetings this
week on its latest round of proposed regulations to limit greenhouse gas
emissions from the nation’s fossil-fuel-fired power plants, Rep. Mike
Kelly (R-Pa.) said President Barack Obama should trade a trip to the
golf course for a visit with coal miners across America who are losing
their jobs.
“I’ve got an invitation here. This is a letter I sent to the president
of the United States,” Kelly said on Wednesday at a press conference
outside of the Capitol. “And this is an invitation for him to come to
the coal nation.
“I want him to get off of the back nine and come into the mines,” Kelly
said. “I want to get his golf cap off and get his hard hat on.”
On June 2, the EPA announced its Clean Power Plan “to cut carbon pollution from existing power plants.”
"Climate change, fueled by carbon pollution, supercharges risks to our
health, our economy, and our way of life,” EPA Administrator Gina
McCarthy said in the press release announcing the plan. “EPA is
delivering on a vital piece of President Obama's Climate Action Plan by
proposing a Clean Power Plan that will cut harmful carbon pollution from
our largest source – power plants.
"By leveraging cleaner energy sources and cutting energy waste, this
plan will clean the air we breathe while helping slow climate change so
we can leave a safe and healthy future for our kids,” McCarthy said.
On Monday, EPA announced a series of public meetings on the proposed
rule, with the comment period before it becomes finalized ending on Oct.
The executive summary of the rule states: “This rule, as proposed, would
continue progress already underway to lower the carbon intensity of
power generation in the United States (U.S.). Lower carbon intensity
means fewer emissions of CO 2, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes
to climate change. This proposal is a significant step forward in the
EPA and states partnering to reduce GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions in
the U.S.”
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) opened the Wednesday’s
press conference by saying the EPA’s rules have already hurt people in
his state.
“In Eastern Kentucky we’ve lost 7,000 coal mining jobs during the Obama
years,” McConnell said. “It hasn’t always been that way – we actually
gained over 3,000 during the Bush years.”
Then McConnell introduced Jimmy Rose, a finalist on season eight of the
television series “America’s Got Talent,” who sang his hit song “Coal
Keeps the Lights On.”
“They went plumb down crazy in Washington.
They're talking about closing the mines.
They're gonna bleed us all dry from the inside out.
They don't care that much about the little man or the calloused hands.
It's a way of life 'round, just like it's always been.
Coal keeps the lights on.
My hometown keeps food on the spoon in my youngin's mouth.
Tires on the truck and a sundress on my baby girl.
Coal keeps the bills paid, the clothes on the backs,
and shoes on the feet in the high school halls of the Mountain Lions
and the Bill County Bobcats on the hill.”
Rose, who is also a military veteran, got a rousing response to his song from both lawmakers and others at the press conference.
Then Kelly echoed Rose’s sentiments in his song by saying that coal is
vital not only to coal miners and their families, but the U.S. economy.
“This is coal’s day in court,” Kelly said. “This is our chance to stand
up and say what we believe in, what we know is right and what we know is
“And we know what is truly American about this,” Kelly said. “The workhorse of this nation’s economy has always been coal.”
Both McConnell and another Kentucky lawmaker - Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) –
spoke at the press conference about the EPA’s unilateral actions on U.S.
energy policy.
McConnell said even if coal production is increasing at rapid rates and
without regulation in places like China and India, the United States is
suffering under EPA rules.
“And yet here we are in our native country suffering from the policies
of this administration and this EPA that’s out of control – as the
federal courts have said – and leaving our people in desperate straits,”
McConnell said. “It’s time for that to stop.”
Paul said Obama needs “to understand that in our country the legislature passes laws.
“The greenhouse law or regulation won’t pass Congress so he’s going around Congress,” Paul said.
“I say to the president, Come to our state and see the despair,” he
added. “But also read the Constitution – this isn’t the way that it
should be.”
The Carbon TAX Scam
By Alan Caruba
In a recent appearance before a congressional committee, EPA
Administrator Gina McCarthy told them that the agency’s proposed
sweeping carbon-regulation plan was “really an investment opportunity.
This is not about pollution control.”
If the plan isn’t about pollution, the primary reason for the EPA’s
existence, why bother with yet more regulation of something that is not a
pollutant—carbon dioxide—despite the Supreme Court’s idiotic decision
that it is. Yes, even the Court gets things wrong.
Carbon Tax
What the Greens want most of all is a carbon tax; that is to say, a tax
on CO2 emissions. It is one of the most baseless, destructive taxes that
could be imposed on Americans and we should take a lesson from the
recent experience that Australians had when, after being told by a
former prime minister, Julia Gillard, that she would not impose the tax,
she did. They get rid of her andthen got rid of the tax!
As Daniel Simmons, the vice president of policy at the American Energy
Alliance, wrote in Roll Call “Australia is now the first country to
eliminate its carbon tax. In doing so, it struck a blow in favor of
sound public policy.” Initiated in 2012, the tax had imposed a
$21.50 charge (in U.S. dollars), increasing annually, on each ton of
carbon dioxide emitted by the country’s power plants.” At the time
President Obama called it “good for the world”, but Australians quickly
found it was not good for them or their economy.
Favored by several Democratic Senators that include New Hampshire’s
Jeanne Shaheen, Alaska’s Mark Begich, and North Carolina’s Kay Hagan,
the Heritage Foundation, based on data provided by the Energy
Information Administration, took a look at the impact that a proposed
U.S. carbon tax would have and calculated that it “would cut a family of
four’s income by nearly $2,000 a year while increasing its electricity
bills by more than $500 per year. It would increase gas prices by 50
cents per gallon. It could eliminate more than a million jobs in the
first few years.”
Simmons noted that “It only took (Australians) two years of higher
prices, fewer jobs, and no environmental benefits before they abandoned
their carbon tax.”
We don’t need, as Gina McCarthy told the congressional committee,
“investments in renewables and clean energy” because billions were
wasted by Obama’s “stimulus” and by the grants and other credits
extended to wind and solar energy in America. They are the most
expensive, least productive, and most unpredictable forms of energy
imaginable, given that neither the wind nor the sun is available
full-time in the way fossil fuel generated energy is. Both require
backup from coal, natural gas, and nuclear energy plants.
In addition to all the other White House efforts to saddle Americans
with higher costs, it has now launched a major effort to push its
“climate change” agenda with a carbon tax high on its list. A July 29
article in The Hill reported that “Obama is poised to sidestep Congress
with a new set of executive actions on climate change.”
If we don’t jump-start our economy by tapping into the jobs and revenue
our vast energy reserves represent, secure our southern border, and
elect a Congress that will rein in the President, the U.S. risks
becoming a lawless banana republic. Carbon taxes are one more nail in
the national coffin.
Hostages to a renewable ruse
Comment from Australia
IF there is a sound more pitiable than the whine of a pious
environmental activist, it is the wail of a financier about to do his
The mournful chorus now wafting from Greg Hunt’s waiting room is the
sound of the two in unison, pleading with the Environment Minister to
save the life of their misshapen bastard child, the renewable energy
You have to hand it to Hunt, who either has nerves of steel or is stone
deaf, for he has retained both his cool and his fortitude.
The RET review by Dick Warburton on the government’s behalf has brought
the rent-seekers out in force, for billions of dollars of corporate
welfare is resting on its outcome.
As it stands, the RET will produce a bounteous return for a small group
of investors shrewd enough to get into the windmill game while the rest
of us are slapped with four-figure power bills.
Wind farms may be ugly but they are certainly not cheap, nor is the
electricity that trickles from them. No one in their right minds would
buy one if they had to sell power for $30 to $40 a megawatt hour, the
going rate for conventional producers.
But since the retailers are forced to buy a proportion of renewable
power, the windmill mafia can charge two to three times that price, a
practice that in any other market would be known as price gouging.
As if a $60 premium were not reward enough, the transaction is further
sweetened with a renewable energy certificate that they can sell to
energy producers who insist on generating power in a more disreputable
The going rate of $40 a megawatt hour means the total income per
megawatt for wind farms is three to five times that of conventional
power, and unless the government changes the scheme that return is only
going to get better.
In an act of rent-seeking genius, the renewable lobby managed to
persuade the Rudd government to set the 2020 target as a quantity — 41
terawatt hours — rather than 20 per cent of overall power as originally
Since the target was set, the energy generation forecast for 2020 has
fallen substantially, meaning the locked-in renewable target is now more
like 28 per cent.
That will send conventional producers scrambling for certificates,
pushing up their price beyond $100. It’s a mouth-watering prospect for
the merchant bankers and venture capitalists who were smart enough to
jump on board, and brilliant news for Mercedes dealerships on the lower
north shore, but of little or any benefit to the planet.
The cost of this speculative financial picnic will be about $17 billion
by 2030 or thereabouts, according to Deloitte, which produced a report
on the messy business last week.
Since the extra cost will be added to electricity bills, the RET is a
carbon tax by another name, a regressive impost that will fall most
heavily on those with limited incomes, such as pensioners.
The lowest income households already spend 7 per cent of their
disposable incomes on energy, according to the Australian Council of
Social Service. Energy takes just 2.6 per cent of the budget of those on
high incomes.
Thus under the cover of responding to climate change — “the greatest
moral, economic and social challenge of our time” — billions of dollars
are taken from the poor and given to the rich investors in the unsightly
industrial turbines that are blighting the lives of rural communities
and stripping value from the properties of people who just wish to be
left to live in peace.
If the anti-Abbott budget bashers who are squealing about a minor
adjustment to pension indexation were serious, they would demand the end
of the RET’s iniquitous transfer of wealth.
Yet ironically they find themselves on the side of crafty merchant
bankers in the romantic expectation that this complex financial ruse is
doing something to assist the planet.
To speak up in opposition to this social injustice is to find oneself
condemned as a climate change denier, right-wing ideologue, apologist
for the coal industry or, worse still, to be ignored altogether, as the
ABC’s Four Corners managed to do in its renewable energy special last
The corporation flew reporter Stephen Long to California to tell us how
wonderful the renewable energy bonanza is going to be and how foolish
Tony Abbott’s government is to even question the proposition that too
many windmills are barely enough.
“This government has an ideological agenda,” insisted John Grimes, chief executive of the Australian Solar Council.
“They want to carve out the impact of renewable energy on the network and they want to stop renewals in their tracks.”
Jeremy Rifkin, author of a book called The Third Industrial Revolution,
told Long: “Australia’s the Saudi Arabia of renewable energy. There’s so
much sun; there’s so much wind off the coast, and so it makes
absolutely no sense when you have an abundance of renewable energy, why
would you rely on a depleting supply of fossil fuels with all of the
attendant consequences to society and the planet?”
Fatuous arguments of this kind are rarely challenged on the ABC, nor are
the purveyors of renewable energy subjected to the degree of scepticism
that others with corporate vested interests can expect. Instead they
find themselves in the company of a cheer squad.
“The new developments with renewable energy and storage seem to have
passed the Prime Minister by,” Long editorialised halfway through his
dispiriting report.
Finally, however, as Long was about to run out of time and throw back to
Kerry O’Brien, he let slip the awkward truth he had managed so far to
avoid. “Yes, it costs money to create the infrastructure for
renewable energy,” he says. “A lot of money.”
Indeed it does, and if the arbitrary, inefficient and regressive
mechanism of the RET is all that is left to overcome that hurdle, we may
as well give up.
It is through this complicated method that the consumers are forced to
pay a subsidy to wind farms without the need for a carbon tax.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
This site is in favour of things that ARE good for the environment. That
the usual Greenie causes are good for the environment is however
Context for the minute average temperature change recorded: At any
given time surface air temperatures around the world range over about
100°C. Even in the same place they can vary by nearly that much
seasonally and as much as 30°C or more in a day. A minute rise in
average temperature in that context is trivial if it is not meaningless
altogether. Warmism is a money-grubbing racket, not science.
By John Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.), writing from Brisbane, Australia.

"The growth of knowledge depends entirely on disagreement" -- Karl Popper
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
"The desire to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it" -- H L Mencken
'Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action' -- Goethe
“Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.” -- Voltaire
Lord Salisbury: "No lesson seems to be so deeply inculcated by
experience of life as that you should never trust experts. If you
believe doctors, nothing is wholesome; if you believe theologians,
nothing is innocent; if you believe soldiers, nothing is safe."
Calvin Coolidge said, "If you see 10 troubles coming down the road, you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you." He could have been talking about Warmists.
Some advice from long ago for Warmists: "If ifs and ans were pots and pans,there'd be no room for tinkers".
It's a nursery rhyme harking back to Middle English times when "an"
could mean "if". Tinkers were semi-skilled itinerant workers who fixed
holes and handles in pots and pans -- which were valuable household
items for most of our history. Warmists are very big on "ifs", mays",
"might" etc. But all sorts of things "may" happen, including global
Bertrand Russell knew about consensus: "The fact that an opinion has
been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd;
indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a
widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.”
There goes another beautiful theory about to be murdered by a brutal gang of facts. - Duc de La Rochefoucauld, French writer and moralist (1613-1680)
"Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate" -- William of Occam
"In science, refuting an accepted belief is celebrated as an advance in knowledge; in religion it is condemned as heresy". (Bob Parks, Physics, U of Maryland). No prizes for guessing how global warming skepticism is normally responded to.
"Almost all professors of the arts and sciences are egregiously conceited, and derive their happiness from their conceit" -- Erasmus
"The improver of natural knowledge absolutely refuses to
acknowledge authority, as such. For him, scepticism is the highest of
duties; blind faith the one unpardonable sin." -- Thomas H. Huxley
Time was, people warning the world "Repent - the end is
nigh!" were snickered at as fruitcakes. Now they own the media and run
the schools.
"One of the sources of the Fascist movement is the desire to avoid a too-rational and too-comfortable world" -- George Orwell, 1943 in Can Socialists Be Happy?
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics
are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts -- Bertrand Russell
“Affordable energy in ample quantities is the lifeblood of
the industrial societies and a prerequisite for the economic development
of the others.” -- John P. Holdren, Science Adviser to President Obama. Published in Science 9 February 2001
The closer science looks at the real world processes involved in
climate regulation the more absurd the IPCC's computer driven fairy tale
appears. Instead of blithely modeling climate based on hunches and
suppositions, climate scientists would be better off abandoning their
ivory towers and actually measuring what happens in the real world.' -- Doug L Hoffman
Something no Warmist could take on board: "Knuth once warned a correspondent, "Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it." -- Prof. Donald Knuth, whom some regard as the world's smartest man
"To be green is to be irrational, misanthropic and morally defective.
They are the barbarians at the gate we have to stand against" -- Rich Kozlovich
This is one of TWO skeptical blogs that I update daily. During my
research career as a social scientist, I was appalled at how much
writing in my field was scientifically lacking -- and I often said so in
detail in the many academic journal articles I had published in that
field. I eventually gave up social science research, however, because
no data ever seemed to change the views of its practitioners. I hoped
that such obtuseness was confined to the social scientists but now that I
have shifted my attention to health related science and climate
related science, I find the same impermeability to facts and logic.
Hence this blog and my FOOD & HEALTH SKEPTIC
blog. I may add that I did not come to either health or environmental
research entirely without credentials. I had several academic papers
published in both fields during my social science research career
Update: After 8 years of confronting the frankly childish standard of
reasoning that pervades the medical journals, I have given up. I have
put the blog into hibernation. In extreme cases I may put up here some
of the more egregious examples of medical "wisdom" that I encounter.
Greenies and food freaks seem to be largely coterminous. My regular
bacon & egg breakfasts would certainly offend both -- if only
because of the resultant methane output
Since my academic background is in the social sciences, it is
reasonable to ask what a social scientist is doing talking about global
warming. My view is that my expertise is the most relevant of all. It
seems clear to me from what you will see on this blog that belief in
global warming is very poorly explained by history, chemistry, physics
or statistics.
Warmism is prophecy, not science. Science cannot foretell the future.
Science can make very accurate predictions based on known regularities
in nature (e.g. predicting the orbits of the inner planets) but Warmism
is the exact opposite of that. It predicts a DEPARTURE from the known
regularities of nature. If we go by the regularities of nature, we are
on the brink of an ice age.
And from a philosophy of science viewpoint, far from being "the
science", Warmism is not even an attempt at a factual statement, let
alone being science. It is not a meaningful statement about the world.
Why? Because it is unfalsifiable -- making it a religious, not a
scientific statement. To be a scientific statement, there would have to
be some conceivable event that disproved it -- but there appears to be
none. ANY event is hailed by Warmists as proving their contentions.
Only if Warmists were able to specify some fact or event that would
disprove their theory would it have any claim to being a scientific
statement. So the explanation for Warmist beliefs has to be primarily a
psychological and political one -- which makes it my field
And, after all, Al Gore's academic qualifications are in social science also -- albeit very pissant qualifications.
A "geriatric" revolt: The scientists who reject Warmism tend to
be OLD! Your present blogger is one of those. There are tremendous
pressures to conformity in academe and the generally Leftist orientation
of academe tends to pressure everyone within it to agree to ideas that
suit the Left. And Warmism is certainly one of those ideas. So old
guys are the only ones who can AFFORD to declare the Warmists to be
unclothed. They either have their careers well-established (with
tenure) or have reached financial independence (retirement) and so can
afford to call it like they see it. In general, seniors in society
today are not remotely as helpful to younger people as they once were.
But their opposition to the Warmist hysteria will one day show that
seniors are not completely irrelevant after all. Experience does count
(we have seen many such hysterias in the past and we have a broader
base of knowledge to call on) and our independence is certainly an
enormous strength. Some of us are already dead. (Reid Bryson and John Daly are particularly mourned) and some of us are very senior indeed (e.g. Bill Gray and Vince Gray) but the revolt we have fostered is ever growing so we have not labored in vain.
Climate is just the sum of weather. So if you cannot forecast the
weather a month in advance, you will not be able to forecast the climate
50 years in advance. And official meteorologists such as Britain's Met
Office and Australia's BOM, are very poor forecasters of weather. The
Met office has in fact given up on making seasonal forecasts because
they have so often got such forecasts embarrassingly wrong. Their
global-warming-powered "models" just did not deliver
Here's how that "97% consensus" figure was arrived at
A strange Green/Left conceit: They seem to think (e.g. here)
that no-one should spend money opposing them and that conservative
donors must not support the election campaigns of Congressmen they
agree with
To Greenies, Genghis Khan was a good guy, believe it or not. They love that he killed so many people.
Greenie antisemitism
After three exceptionally cold winters in the Northern hemisphere, the
Warmists are chanting: "Warming causes cold". Even if we give that a
pass for logic, it still inspires the question: "Well, what are we
worried about"? Cold is not going to melt the icecaps is it?"
It's a central (but unproven) assumption of the Warmist "models" that
clouds cause warming. Odd that it seems to cool the temperature down
when clouds appear overhead!
To make out that the essentially trivial warming of the last 150 years
poses some sort of threat, Warmists postulate positive feedbacks that
might cut in to make the warming accelerate in the near future. Amid
their theories about feedbacks, however, they ignore the one feedback
that is no theory: The reaction of plants to CO2. Plants gobble up CO2
and the more CO2 there is the more plants will flourish and hence
gobble up yet more CO2. And the increasing crop yields of recent years
show that plantlife is already flourishing more. The recent rise in CO2
will therefore soon be gobbled up and will no longer be around to
bother anyone. Plants provide a huge NEGATIVE feedback in response to
increases in atmospheric CO2
Every green plant around us is made out of carbon dioxide that the
plant has grabbed out of the atmosphere. That the plant can get its
carbon from such a trace gas is one of the miracles of life. It
admittedly uses the huge power of the sun to accomplish such a vast
filtrative task but the fact that a dumb plant can harness the power of
the sun so effectively is also a wonder. We live on a rather
improbable planet. If a science fiction writer elsewhere in the
universe described a world like ours he might well be ridiculed for
making up such an implausible tale.
warmer by contact with something warmer or by infrared radiation
shining on it or by adiabatic (pressure) effects but it cannot trap
anything. Air is a gas. Try trapping something with it!
Greenies are the sand in the gears of modern civilization -- and they intend to be.
The Greenie message is entirely emotional and devoid of all
logic. They say that polar ice will melt and cause a big sea-level
rise. Yet 91% of the world's glacial ice is in Antarctica, where the
average temperature is around minus 40 degrees Celsius. The melting
point of ice is zero degrees. So for the ice to melt on any scale the
Antarctic temperature would need to rise by around 40 degrees, which
NOBODY is predicting. The median Greenie prediction is about 4 degrees.
So where is the huge sea level rise going to come from? Mars? And
the North polar area is mostly sea ice and melting sea ice does not
raise the sea level at all. Yet Warmists constantly hail any sign of
Arctic melting. That the melting of floating ice does not raise the
water level is known as Archimedes' principle. Archimedes demonstrated
it around 2,500 years ago. That Warmists have not yet caught up with
that must be just about the most inspissated ignorance imaginable. The
whole Warmist scare defies the most basic physics. Yet at the opening
of 2011 we find the following unashamed lying by James Hansen:
"We will lose all the ice in the polar ice cap in a couple of
decades". Sadly, what the Vulgate says in John 1:5 is still only very
partially true: "Lux in tenebris lucet". There is still much darkness in the minds of men.
The repeated refusal of Warmist "scientists" to make their raw
data available to critics is such a breach of scientific protocol that
it amounts to a confession in itself. Note, for instance Phil Jones'
Feb 21, 2005 response to Warwick Hughes' request for his raw climate
data: "We have 25 years or so invested in the work. Why should I make
the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something
wrong with it?" Looking for things that might be wrong with a given
conclusion is of course central to science. But Warmism cannot survive
such scrutiny. So even after "Climategate", the secrecy goes on.
Most Greenie causes are at best distractions from real
environmental concerns (such as land degradation) and are more
motivated by a hatred of people than by any care for the environment
Global warming has taken the place of Communism as an absurdity
that "liberals" will defend to the death regardless of the evidence
showing its folly. Evidence never has mattered to real Leftists
‘Global warming’ has become the grand political narrative of
the age, replacing Marxism as a dominant force for controlling liberty
and human choices. -- Prof. P. Stott
Comparing climate alarmist Hansen to Cassandra is WRONG.
Cassandra's (Greek mythology) dire prophecies were never believed but
were always right. Hansen's dire prophecies are usually believed but are
always wrong (Prof. Laurence Gould, U of Hartford, CT)
The modern environmental movement arose out of the wreckage of
the New Left. They call themselves Green because they're too yellow to
admit they're really Reds. So Lenin's birthday was chosen to be the
date of Earth Day. Even a moderate politician like Al Gore has been
clear as to what is needed. In "Earth in the Balance", he wrote that
saving the planet would require a "wrenching transformation of
For centuries there was a scientific consensus which said that
fire was explained by the release of an invisible element called
phlogiston. That theory is universally ridiculed today. Global warming
is the new phlogiston. Though, now that we know how deliberate the
hoax has been, it might be more accurate to call global warming the New Piltdown Man. The Piltdown hoax took 40 years to unwind. I wonder....
Motives: Many people would like to be kind to others so
Leftists exploit that with their nonsense about equality. Most people
want a clean, green environment so Greenies exploit that by inventing
all sorts of far-fetched threats to the environment. But for both, the
real motive is generally to promote themselves as wiser and better
than everyone else, truth regardless.
Policies: The only underlying theme that makes sense of all
Greenie policies is hatred of people. Hatred of other people has been a
Greenie theme from way back. In a report titled "The First Global
Revolution" (1991, p. 104) published by the "Club of Rome", a Greenie
panic outfit, we find the following statement: "In searching for a
new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the
threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit
the bill.... All these dangers are caused by human intervention... The
real enemy, then, is humanity itself." See here for many more examples of prominent Greenies saying how much and how furiously they hate you.
The conventional wisdom of the day is often spectacularly wrong.
The most popular and successful opera of all time is undoubtedly
"Carmen" by Georges Bizet. Yet it was much criticized when first
performed and the unfortunate Bizet died believing that it was a flop.
Similarly, when the most iconic piece of 20th century music was first
performed in 1913-- Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring" -- half the audience
walked out. Those of us who defy the conventional wisdom about climate
are actually better off than that. Unlike Bizet and Stravinsky in 1913,
we KNOW that we will eventually be vindicated -- because all that
supports Warmism is a crumbling edifice of guesswork ("models").
Al Gore won a political prize for an alleged work of science. That rather speaks for itself, doesn't it?
Jim Hansen and his twin
Getting rich and famous through alarmism: Al Gore is well-known but note
also James Hansen. He has for decades been a senior, presumably
well-paid, employee at NASA. In 2001 he was the recipient of a $250,000 Heinz Award. In 2007 Time magazine designated him a Hero of the Environment. That same year he pocketed one-third of a $1 million Dan David Prize. In 2008, the American Association for the Advancement of Science presented him with its Scientific Freedom and Responsibility Award. In 2010 he landed a $100,000 Sophie Prize. He pulled in a total of $1.2 million in 2010. Not bad for a government bureaucrat.
See the original global Warmist in action here: "The icecaps are melting and all world is drowning to wash away the sin"
I am not a global warming skeptic nor am I a global warming
denier. I am a global warming atheist. I don't believe one bit of it.
That the earth's climate changes is undeniable. Only ignoramuses
believe that climate stability is normal. But I see NO evidence to say
that mankind has had anything to do with any of the changes observed --
and much evidence against that claim.
Seeing that we are all made of carbon, the time will come when
people will look back on the carbon phobia of the early 21st century as
too incredible to be believed
Meanwhile, however, let me venture a tentative prophecy.
Prophecies are almost always wrong but here goes: Given the common
hatred of carbon (Warmists) and salt (Food freaks) and given the fact
that we are all made of carbon, salt, water and calcium (with a few
additives), I am going to prophecy that at some time in the future a
hatred of nitrogen will emerge. Why? Because most of the air that we
breathe is nitrogen. We live at the bottom of a nitrogen sea. Logical
to hate nitrogen? NO. But probable: Maybe. The Green/Left is mad
enough. After all, nitrogen is a CHEMICAL -- and we can't have that!
UPDATE to the above: It seems that I am a true prophet
The intellectual Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-180)
must have foreseen Global Warmism. He said: "The object in life is not
to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the
ranks of the insane."
The Holy Grail for most scientists is not truth but research
grants. And the global warming scare has produced a huge downpour of
money for research. Any mystery why so many scientists claim some
belief in global warming?
For many people, global warming seems to have taken the place of
"The Jews" -- a convenient but false explanation for any disliked
event. Prof. Brignell has some examples.
Global warming skeptics are real party-poopers. It's so wonderful to believe that you have a mission to save the world.
There is an "ascetic instinct" (or perhaps a "survivalist
instinct") in many people that causes them to delight in going without
material comforts. Monasteries and nunneries were once full of such
people -- with the Byzantine stylites perhaps the most striking example.
Many Greenies (other than Al Gore and his Hollywood pals) have that
instinct too but in the absence of strong orthodox religious
committments they have to convince themselves that the world NEEDS them
to live in an ascetic way. So their personal emotional needs lead them
to press on us all a delusional belief that the planet needs "saving".
The claim that oil is a fossil fuel is another great myth and
folly of the age. They are now finding oil at around seven MILES
beneath the sea bed -- which is incomparably further down than any
known fossil. The abiotic oil theory is not as yet well enough
developed to generate useful predictions but that is also true of fossil
fuel theory
Help keep the planet Green! Maximize your CO2 and CH4 output!
Global Warming=More Life; Global Cooling=More Death.
The inconvenient truth about biological effects of "Ocean Acidification"
Cook the crook who cooks the books
The great and fraudulent scare about lead
Green/Left denial of the facts explained: "Rejection lies in this,
that when the light came into the world men preferred darkness to light;
preferred it, because their doings were evil. Anyone who acts
shamefully hates the light, will not come into the light, for fear that
his doings will be found out. Whereas the man whose life is true comes
to the light" John 3:19-21 (Knox)
Against the long history of huge temperature variation in the
earth's climate (ice ages etc.), the .6 of one degree average rise
reported by the U.N. "experts" for the entire 20th century (a rise so
small that you would not be able to detect such a difference personally
without instruments) shows, if anything, that the 20th century was a
time of exceptional temperature stability.
Recent NASA figures
tell us that there was NO warming trend in the USA during the 20th
century. If global warming is occurring, how come it forgot the USA?
Warmists say that the revised NASA figures do not matter because
they cover only the USA -- and the rest of the world is warming nicely.
But it is not. There has NEVER been any evidence that the Southern
hemisphere is warming. See here. So the warming pattern sure is looking moth-eaten.
The latest scare is the possible effect of extra CO2 on the
world’s oceans, because more CO2 lowers the pH of seawater. While it is
claimed that this makes the water more acidic, this is misleading. Since
seawater has a pH around 8.1, it will take an awful lot of CO2 it to
even make the water neutral (pH=7), let alone acidic (pH less than 7).
In fact, ocean acidification is a scientific impossibility.
Henry's Law mandates that warming oceans will outgas CO2 to the
atmosphere (as the UN's own documents predict it will), making the
oceans less acid. Also, more CO2 would increase calcification rates. No
comprehensive, reliable measurement of worldwide oceanic acid/base
balance has ever been carried out: therefore, there is no observational
basis for the computer models' guess that acidification of 0.1 pH units
has occurred in recent decades.
The chaos theory people have told us for years that the air
movement from a single butterfly's wing in Brazil can cause an
unforeseen change in our weather here. Now we are told that climate
experts can "model" the input of zillions of such incalculable variables
over periods of decades to accurately forecast global warming 50 years
hence. Give us all a break!
you doubt the arrogance [of the global warming crowd, you haven't seen
that Newsweek cover story that declared the global warming debate over.
Consider: If Newton's laws of motion could, after 200 years of unfailing
experimental and experiential confirmation, be overthrown, it requires
religious fervor to believe that global warming -- infinitely more
untested, complex and speculative -- is a closed issue
Scientists have politics too -- sometimes extreme politics. Read this: "This
crippling of individuals I consider the worst evil of capitalism... I
am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils,
namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by
an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In
such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and
are utilized in a planned fashion. A planned economy, which adjusts
production to the needs of the community, would distribute the work to
be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to
every man, woman, and child." -- Albert Einstein
The "precautionary principle" is a favourite Greenie idea -- but
isn't that what George Bush was doing when he invaded Iraq? Wasn't
that a precaution against Saddam getting or having any WMDs? So Greenies all agree with the Iraq intervention? If not, why not?
A classic example of how the sensationalist media distort science to create climate panic is here.
There is a very readable summary of the "Hockey Stick" fraud here
The Lockwood & Froehlich paper
was designed to rebut Durkin's "Great Global Warming Swindle" film.
It is a rather confused paper -- acknowledging yet failing to account
fully for the damping effect of the oceans, for instance -- but it is
nonetheless valuable to climate atheists. The concession from a
Greenie source that fluctuations in the output of the sun have driven
climate change for all but the last 20 years (See the first sentence of
the paper) really is invaluable. And the basic fact presented in the
paper -- that solar output has in general been on the downturn in
recent years -- is also amusing to see. Surely even a crazed Greenie
mind must see that the sun's influence has not stopped and that
reduced solar output will soon start COOLING the earth! Unprecedented
July 2007 cold weather throughout the Southern hemisphere might even
have been the first sign that the cooling is happening. And the fact
that warming plateaued in 1998 is also a good sign that we are moving
into a cooling phase. As is so often the case, the Greenies have got
the danger exactly backwards. See my post of 7.14.07 and very detailed critiques here and here and here for more on the Lockwood paper and its weaknesses.
As the Greenies are now learning, even strong statistical correlations may disappear if a longer time series is used. A remarkable example from Sociology: "The
modern literature on hate crimes began with a remarkable 1933 book by
Arthur Raper titled The Tragedy of Lynching. Raper assembled data on the
number of lynchings each year in the South and on the price of an
acre’s yield of cotton. He calculated the correlation coefficient
between the two series at –0.532. In other words, when the economy was
doing well, the number of lynchings was lower.... In 2001, Donald Green,
Laurence McFalls, and Jennifer Smith published a paper that demolished
the alleged connection between economic conditions and lynchings in
Raper’s data. Raper had the misfortune of stopping his analysis in
1929. After the Great Depression hit, the price of cotton plummeted and
economic conditions deteriorated, yet lynchings continued to fall. The
correlation disappeared altogether when more years of data were added."
So we must be sure to base our conclusions on ALL the data. In the
Greenie case, the correlation between CO2 rise and global temperature
rise stopped in 1998 -- but that could have been foreseen if
measurements taken in the first half of the 20th century had been
Relying on the popular wisdom can even hurt you personally: "The scientific consensus of a quarter-century ago turned into the arthritic nightmare of today."
Greenie-approved sources of electricity (windmills and solar
cells) require heavy government subsidies to be competitive with normal
electricity generators so a Dutch word for Greenie power seems graphic
to me: "subsidieslurpers" (subsidy gobblers)
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