There is an "ascetic instinct" (or perhaps a "survivalist instinct") in
many people that causes them to delight in going without material
comforts. Monasteries and nunneries were once full of such people --
with the Byzantine stylites perhaps the most striking example. Many
Greenies (other than Al Gore and his Hollywood pals) have that instinct
too but in the absence of strong orthodox religious committments they
have to convince themselves that the world NEEDS them to live in an
ascetic way. So their personal emotional needs lead them to press on us
all a delusional belief that the planet needs "saving".
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31 July, 2014
Fun! With kidney stones!
AS soon as I had put up yesterday my demolition of
the idiotic Warmist use
of the latest kidney stone study, I tweeted a short summary of
it, with link. Marc Morano retweeted my tweet, as he often
does. And that generated further tweets.
One tweeter (Dennis Krupski @Dkrupski) tweeted that, instead of saying I
had demolished the kidney stone claims, I should have said that I
*pulverized* the claims. That was rather witty. Lithotripsy is
the first line of defence against kidney stones and pulverizing the
stones is what lithotripsy hopefully does.
But a much more amusing tweet was by a Solon going by the name of
"Thetracker" (@IdiotTracker). He is evidently a Warmist so wanted
to disrespect my kidney stone comments. And he did it in a classic
Warmist way: By abusing me and appealing to authority. He
made absolutely no mention of the scientific points I had made.
And even his abuse was not clever. He accused me of writing from
"Mom's basement". Since I am a 71 year old academic with a couple
of hundred published academic journal articles behind me, that little
speculation was way off.
It is rather saddening how often Warmists talk about "The science" as
supporting their ideas but rarely mention one single scientific
fact. Actual science clearly freaks them. Skeptics, by contrast,
post scientific facts about the alleged warming all the time.
And the appeals to authority which Warmists substitute for scientific
debate are logically problematic anyway. The "argumentum ad
verecundiam" (appeal to authority) is well known to logicians as one of
the classic informal fallacies in logic. It is quite simply
illogical. That Warmists rely on it is therefore pathetic. They
are poor souls indeed. Their pernicious cult is founded on speculation
only -- JR
Report on racism and elitism in Greenie organizations
A direct quote from the report concerned: "Recruitment for new staff
frequently occurs through word-of-mouth and informal
networks. This makes it difficult for ethnic minorities, the
working class, or anyone outside of traditional environmental networks
to find out about job openings and apply for those jobs"
those who have the patience, particularly worth looking at is
Chapter 8 where they interview long term members of the environmental
movement. There are comments (page 144) from insiders who belie the myth
of environmentalism as a "grass roots" movement and paint a picture of a
well-funded, top-down astroturf "movement"
A new report,
released today, shows that the staffs of mainstream green groups have
been overrepresented with white men despite the groups’ intentions to be
more colorful. One of its most damning findings is that “the dominant
culture of the organizations is alienating to ethnic minorities, the
poor, the LGBTQ community, and others outside the mainstream.”
The report, called “The State of Diversity in Environmental
Organizations,” is billed as “the most comprehensive report on diversity
in the environmental movement.” It was compiled by a working group of
thought leaders on environment and race called Green 2.0, led by
University of Michigan professor Dorceta Taylor. The report explores the
history of tension between green activism and racial justice, and the
many attempts at rapprochement.
From Earth Day 1970 until today, the report says, the majority of the
people directing, staffing, and even volunteering at green groups have
not only been white men, but they also hail from wealthier households
with elite educational pedigrees. A 1972 study of 1,500 environmental
volunteers nationwide showed that 98 percent of them were white and 59
percent held a college or graduate degree. Compare that to Taylor’s more
recent demographic profiling of environmental orgs where, based on data
collected on 166 mainstream organizations from 2004 to 2006, she found
that minorities comprised just 14.6 percent of their staffs.
People of color make up 37 percent of the U.S. population today. Census
figures predict that white Americans will no longer be the majority as
early as 2043.
The report also found a gap between white environmental leaders’ desires
and their actions when it comes to diversity. Of the near-300 people
surveyed — from major environmental groups, foundations, and federal
environmental agencies — 70 percent expressed interest in ideas to
include more people of color and low-income in the workforce, but only
50 percent of environmental org and foundation members said they’d
actually act on such ideas if proposed. For federal government agencies,
it was 40 percent.
This is far from the first indictment of the environmental movement on
this front, but the Green 2.0 group says it plans to hold the movement
accountable. Its recommendations for finally moving the needle on this
problem include creating diversity assessment plans with transparency
for tracking progress, and increasing resources for diversity
initiatives (one finding of the report is that not one green foundation
has a diversity manager).
2007: A great year for growing bad legislation like the ethanol mandate
President Obama and his administration have enacted so many foolish and
cost-increasing energy policies, it is easy to think that they are his
purview alone. But in 2007, Republicans were just as guilty. Seeds were
planted and a garden of bad legislation took root in a totally different
energy environment. At the time, the growth seemed like something
worthy of cultivation. However, what sprouted up more closely resembles a
weed that needs to be yanked out.
Last week, I wrote about Australia’s carbon tax that was pulled on July
17. Its seeds were also planted in 2007, though not germinated until
2011. Prime Minister Abbott promised to eradicate the unpopular plant —
and after nearly a year of struggle, he did.
2007 was also the year of the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS). Around
that time, more than half the states put in a mandate requiring
increasing amounts of wind and solar power be incorporated into the
energy mix the local utilities provided for their customers. It was
expected that the RPS would become a much-admired garden with wind
turbines blowing in the breeze and solar panels turning toward the sun
like sunflowers.
Instead, the RPS has been an expensive folly. Angering the ratepayers,
electricity prices have gone up. Groups, like the American Bird
Conservancy, have filed suit against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
because it allows bald and golden eagles to be chopped up by wind
turbines without punishment to the operators. Industrial solar
installations are in trouble due to the massive land use and literally
frying birds that fly through the reflected sunlight. The mandates have
created false markets and bred crony corruption that has the
beneficiaries squawking when legislatures threaten to pull plans that
have grown like kudzu. Yet, many states have now introduced legislation
to trim, or uproot, the plans that sounded so good back in 2007. Though
none has actually been yanked out, Ohio just put a pause on its RPS.
The RPS was state legislation; the RFS, federal.
Enacted, in 2005 and strengthened in 2007, the Renewable Fuel Standard
(RFS) — also known as the ethanol mandate — had true bipartisan support
(something that is difficult to imagine in today’s political climate).
Both Republicans and Democrats lauded the RFS as America’s solution to
U.S. dependence on foreign oil. In signing the Energy Independence and
Security Act that contained the RFS, President George W. Bush promised
it would end our addiction to oil by growing our gas. Although it was
passed by Congress with the best of intentions, it, too, has become a
costly, wasteful, and politically-charged fiasco that has created an
artificial market for corn-based ethanol and driven up both fuel and
food prices while threatening to damage millions of families’ most
prized and essential possessions: their cars and trucks.
Times have changed. People are no longer lining up to view the garden of
renewables as they do to stroll through the spectacular floral displays
at Las Vegas’ Bellagio — where teams of specialized staff maintain the
stylized gardens. At the Bellagio, you can gaze gratis. America’s
renewable garden is costly at a time when our citizens are forced to cut
back on everything else.
Compared to 2007, several things are different today. The big one is the
economy. We, as a country, were still living large in 2007. We were
also still dependent on oil from overseas and our purchases were funding
terrorism. Plus, it was, then, generally believed by many that our
globe was warming — and it was our fault because of burning fossil
fuels. When presented with the idea of growing our gasoline, even though
it might cost more, it seemed worth it—after all, what was a few cents a
gallon to thumb our nose at the Middle East and save the planet?
But this is a different day. A few cents a gallon matters now. Thanks to
the combined technologies of horizontal drilling and hydraulic
fracturing, America is rich with oil-and-gas resources — and we could be
truly energy secure if there were greater access to federal lands.
Since 2007, the U.S. has trimmed our CO2 emissions — while they’ve grown
globally. The predicted warming (and accompanying catastrophes) hasn’t
happened. Instead, it appears that the increased CO2 has generated
record harvests — despite predictions to the contrary.
But the seeds planted in 2007 have grown false markets that need the
mandates — both for electricity generation and transportation fuels — to
stake them up, as they can’t survive on their own. Talk of yanking the
mandates is likened to cutting down the once-a-year blossom of the Queen
of the Night. “How could you?” “You’ll kill jobs!” Elected
officials, such as Congressman Steve King (R-IA), who are normally
fiscally conservative, vote to continue the boondoggles that benefit his
When the Energy Independence and Security Act was passed in 2007, it was
assumed that gasoline demand would continue to rise indefinitely so
larger volumes of ethanol could be blended into gasoline every year to
create E10, a motor fuel comprised of 90 percent gasoline and 10 percent
ethanol. Rather than requiring a percentage of ethanol, the law
mandated a growing number of gallons of ethanol be used.
Instead, due to increased vehicle efficiencies and a bad economy,
gasoline demand peaked in 2007 and began to decline, reducing the amount
of gasoline consumed in the U.S. Still, the law requires refiners to
blend ever-increasing volumes of ethanol into gasoline every year until
36 billion gallons of ethanol is blended into the nation’s fuel supplies
by 2022.
It is the mandate that allowed the ethanol tax credit (a.k.a. subsidy)
to expire at beginning of 2012. The growing mandates gave the corn
farmers plenty of incentive.
In the modern era, with ethanol no longer needed due to America’s
increasing oil production and the mandates’ unreasonable requirements,
an unusual collection of opponents has risen up against ethanol:
environmentalists and big oil, auto manufacturers and anti-hunger
Much to everyone’s surprise, last November the EPA came out with a
proposal to use its authority to make a practical decision to keep the
mandate from increasing that resulted in a cut in the amount of biofuels
that refiners would need to mix into their fuels — a decision that was
required to be made by the end of November 2013. To date, in the seventh
month of 2014, the EPA still has not released the 2014 mandates.
Refiners are still waiting.
On Thursday, July 24, White House Advisor John Podesta met with select
Democrat Senators including Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) and Al Franken (D-MN)
to discuss the EPA’s November 2013 proposal to lower ethanol targets —
which, according to reports, Franken called: “unacceptable.” The Hill
quotes Franken as saying: “White House adviser John Podesta has
indicated the administration plans to raise the amount of ethanol and
other biofuels that must be blended into the nation’s fuel supply.” And,
in another report, The Hill says: “That may mean Podesta’s signal —
that the levels of ethanol, biodiesel and other biofuels will be
increased in the EPA’s final rule — is as good as gold.” A decision from
the EPA is expected to “be imminent.”
All of this amid new reports that ethanol has little if any effect on
reducing greenhouse gas emissions blamed for climate change. A
Congressional Budget Office report, released on June 26, states:
“available evidensce suggests that replacing gasoline with corn ethanol
has only limited potential for reducing emissions (and some studies
indicate that it could increase emissions).”
It may have been Bush who planted the ethanol mandate, but it is the
Obama administration that is fertilizing it and keeping it alive, when
it should be yanked out by its roots.
Average Price of Electricity Climbs to All-Time Record
All the "environmental" burdens heaped on electricity producers are now hitting the consumer
For the first time ever, the average price for a kilowatthour (KWH) of
electricity in the United States has broken through the 14-cent mark,
climbing to a record 14.3 cents in June, according to data released last
week by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Before this June, the highest the average price for a KWH had ever gone
was 13.7 cents, the level it hit in June, July, August and September of
last year.
The 14.3-cents average price for a KWH recorded this June is about 4.4 percent higher than that previous record.
Average Price for a KWH of Electricity
Typically, the cost of electricity peaks in summer, declines in fall,
and hits its lowest point of the year during winter. In each of the
first six months of this year, the average price for a KWH hour of
electricity has hit a record for that month. In June, it hit the
all-time record.
Although the price for an average KWH hit its all-time record in June,
the seasonally adjusted electricity price index--which measures changes
in the price of electricity relative to a value of 100 and adjusts for
seasonal fluctuations in price--hit its all-time high of 209.341 in
March of this year, according to BLS. In June, it was slightly below
that level, at 209.144.
Back in June 1984, the seasonally adjusted price index for electricity was 103.9—less than half what it was in June 2014.
Electricity prices have not always risen in the United States. The BLS
has published an annual electricity price index dating back to 1913. It
shows that from that year through 1947, the price of electricity in the
United States generally trended down, with the index dropping from 45.5
in 1913 to 26.6 in 1947.
Electricity Price Index 1913-2013
In the two decades after that, electricity prices were relatively
stable, with the index still only at 29.9 in 1967—an increase of 12.4
percent over two decades.
However, from 2003 to 2013, the annual electricity price index increased from 139.5 to 200.750, a climb of almost 44 percent.
So far, overall annual electricity production peaked in the United
States in 2007. Per capita electricity production also peaked in 2007,
based on calculations made using data published by the Energy
Information Administration and the Census Bureau.
UN and its Auspices Bear Responsibility for Global Warming Hysteria
President Obama has made 2014 his “year of action” and plans to use his
executive authority to implement various actions of his agenda that are
too divisive for Congress to consider. John Podesta, as White House
adviser, was brought on board late last year to help Obama find ways to
use executive orders to unilaterally push climate policies.
The EPA has already released emissions limits for existing coal-fired
plant. Early last month the EPA rolled out new proposed rules that
would require power plants to slash carbon emissions by 30 percent over
the next 15 years as part of the Obama administration efforts to curb
air pollution and fight climate change.
Recently (July 23) a coalition of top business groups expressed rising
concerns over the Environmental Protection Agency’s plans to cut carbon
emissions from existing power plants and demanded more time to
respond. The same business group coalition is also eying a legal
battle against the Obama administration if called for. According
to the EIA (Energy Information Administration), if power companies are
further mandated to comply with the EPA’s Mercury and Air Toxics
Standard (MATS) which limit mercury emissions and others pollutants, it
is estimated that by 2040 this nation will have lost 15% of its
coal-fired capacity.
Before drastic action is taken to curb CO2 emissions which would result
in higher energy prices, the loss of jobs, certain electricity black
outs, and an overall drag on this nation’s economy and productivity,
shouldn’t both sides of the global warming argument be heard?
Given a fair and balanced approach, those Americans who accept Global
Warming as settled science might not be so willing to go along with
alarmists who are prepared to ruin the economy, sacrifice jobs, and our
standard of living all for the sake of a crusade being promoted and
conducted by politicians and world leaders seeking to tell everyone else
how to live.
Undoubtedly Al Gore has done much to promote alarm and concern that
catastrophic Global Warming is taking place through his 2006 Academy
Award winning documentary film, An Inconvenient Truth.
UN as a Promoter of One World Government through social engineering
Understanding how the issue of Climate Change originated and why green
energy vs. carbon-produced energy sources is now being pushed by nations
all over the world (including the U.S.), requires some historical
knowledge. Social engineering has been the orchestrated role of
the progressive-oriented United Nations since its founding in 1945, when
50 nations and several non-governmental organizations signed the U.N.
Charter. Today almost every fully recognized independent states
are member states in the U.N. If accepted for U.N. membership,
member states must accept all obligations outlined in the Charter and be
willing to carry out any action to satisfy those obligations.
An attempt at U.N. social engineering took place this week on Tuesday,
July 22nd, when the U.S. Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee began
discussion of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities(CPRD). Should the Senate approve the UN CPRD
treaty, it could threaten U.S. sovereignty and parental rights, putting
this nation under international law when it comes to parenting our
special needs children by giving the U.N. discretion over healthcare and
education decisions for special needs kids. Our nation
already has laws to protect Americans with disabilities!
UN’s Rio+20 conference: a blueprint for sustainable development worldwide, with emphasis on the environment
Operating within the U.N. is the United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP) established in 1972, with its mandate “to promote the wise use
and sustainable development of the global environment.” This
agency has become the leading global environmental authority that sets
the global environmental agenda, that promotes the coherent
implementation of the environmental dimensions of sustainable
development within the United Nations system, and that serves as the
authoritative advocate for the global environment.
Twenty years after the establishment of the UNEP, the UN Climate Change
crusade began in earnest. Initiated at the UN Rio+20 Conference
(also known as the “Earth Summit”) held from June 3-14, 1992, the
Conference themes were that of a green economy in the context of an
institutional framework for “sustainable development” to eradicate
poverty. The two-week 1992 UN Earth Summit produced Agenda 21,
adopted as a climax to a process that had begun in 1989 through
negotiations among all U.N Member States. Its intent was to serve
as a wide-ranging blueprint for action to achieve sustainable
development worldwide. As written, Agenda 21 was a
Declaration on Environment and Development, the Statement of Forest
Principles, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
and the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity.
172 governments participated in the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, 108 as heads
of State of Government. George H. Bush represented the U.S.
The UN Rio+20 “Earth Summit” set the agenda for further UN conferences,
at which time the emphasis continued on the need for “environmentally
sustainable development” — that which meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
needs. Subsequent U.N. Conferences included those held Copenhagen
(2009), Cancun (2010), and Durbin (2011).
Sustainable government in the here and now
An example of sustainable development presently being enacted throughout
the world under the guise of saving the planet from global warming, was
brought home in a recent article titled, “Agenda 21: Home Sweet
Home in Freight Shipping Containers,” written by senior columnist for
Canada Free Press, Ileana Johnson, and best-selling author of UN Agenda
21: Environmental Piracy. Ileana Johnson relates how damaged
shipping containers are now being tuned into housing units in this
nation and throughout the world
Writes Ileana Johnson: These tiny spaces are expensive but they
give the occupants a false sense of saving money and the planet by not
using a car, walking or biking everywhere, just like the zoning
environmentalists have been pushing for a while now, high density, and
high rise living, five minutes from work, school, shopping, and play
while the metro is nearby. Absolute heaven if you want to live like a
rat in an 8-by-40-foot box! Who would not enjoy living in “lovingly
repurposed steel husks” that have been previously sloshing across
So it is that the progressive UN-inspired social engineering projects of
Sustainable Urbanism, Sustainable Development, and Equitable
Communities are now being implemented around the world. Having
been adopted at the UN’s Rio+20, the UN’s social engineering
projects are not just aimed at destroying national sovereignty,
language, and cultural identity. Social engineering, as being
imposed on entire neighborhoods, is resulting in a massive replacement
of rural areas and suburban sprawl with high density, high rise urban
dwellings, all in the name of green environmentalism as a way of saving
the planet from the destruction of manufactured man-made global
warming/climate change.
UN International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
In tandem with the UN Conferences, which have colored the thinking of
world leaders since 1992 and have led them to become advocates of Global
Warming, is the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a
scientificintergovernmental body under the auspices of the United
Nations, set up at the request of member governments. So far there
have been five reports. All of the IPCC reports assess scientific
information relevant to:
1. Human-induced climate change.
2. The impacts of human-induced climate change.’
3. Options for adaptation and mitigation.
The IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report (WGII AR5) was the product of this
year’s March 25-29 meeting in Yokohama, Japan. As with the other four
assessment reports, the consequences of Global Warming were many and
required the issuance of a thirty-two page report for
policymakers! The AR5 report reads like a bad novel with
consequence after consequence stated unless human induced climate change
is addressed without delay.
Evaluatng IPCC scientists
John Christy, Professor of Atmospheric Science, University of Alabama,
describes the IPCC as a framework around which hundreds of scientists
and other participants are organized to mine the panoply of climate
change literature to produce a synthesis of the most important land
relevant findings. These finding are published every few years to
help policymakers keep tabs on where the participants chosen for the
IPCC believe the Earth’s climate has been, where it is going, and what
might be done to adapt to and or even adjust the predicted outcome.
Although Christy refers to most IPCC participants as scientists who
bring an aura of objectivity to the task, he does note two drawbacks
which limit the objectivity of IPCC scientists:
1. IPCC is a political process to the extent that governments are
involved. Lead Authors are nominated by their own governments.
2. Scientists are mere mortals looking at a system so complex that it’s
impossible to predict the future state even five day ahead. It
doesn’t help that it’s tempting among scientists as a group to succumb
to group-think and the herd-instinct (now formally called the
“informational cascade.” Scientists like to be the “ones who know”
and not thought of as “ones who do not know.
As far as process is concerned, IPCC scientist trust computer
simulations more than actual facts and actual measurements. Many
times there are not exact values for the coefficients in computer
modes. There are only ranges of potential values. By moving a
bunch of these parameters to one side or the other, a scientist of
computer modeler can usually get very different results — ones that are
favorable to the individual or institution doing the study which, in
turn, insures a continuance of government funding.
Moore co-founded the environmental activist group Greenpeace as a PhD
student in ecology in 1971, but left Greenpeace in 1986 after the group
became more interested in “politics” than science. Patrick
Moore has angered environmentalist groups after saying climate change is
“not caused by humans” and there is “no scientific proof” to back
global warming alarmism.
On February 28, 2014, Moore told a US Senate Committee: “There is
no scientific proof that human emissions of carbon dioxide are the
dominant cause of the minor warming of the Earth’s atmosphere over the
past 100 years,” “If there were such a proof, it would be written
down for all to see. No actual proof, as it is understood in
science, exists.”
Patrick Moore is critical of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) for claiming “it is extremely likely” that human activity
is the “dominant cause” for global warning, noting that “extremely
likely” is not a scientific term.
Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout: The Making of a Sensible
Environmentalist is Moore’s firsthand account of his many year as an
ultimate Greenpeace insider.
Australia: Stopping farmers from farming leads to bloodshed
This is ultimately traceable to Greenie-inspired land use restrictions
An elderly man accused of murdering an Environment and Heritage officer near Moree in north-western NSW has been refused bail.
Ian Robert Turnbull, 79, appeared in Moree Local Court on Wednesday
charged with murdering father-of-two Glendon Turner, 51, of Tamworth, on
The court was told Mr Turnbull fired a number of shots at Mr Turner
before a bullet struck the victim in the back, fatally injuring him.
Mr Turner had been serving a notice about 5.40pm on Tuesday near Talga
Lane at Croppa Creek, relating to an inspection of a property after
reports of illegal land clearing in the area.
His family said on Wednesday they would miss him greatly. Mr Turner, who
was born near Port Macquarie, was married and had two children -
Alexandra, 10, and Jack, 9.
"His passing comes at a time when his dreams of the farm and family,
which he had planned and lovingly built together with Alison, were
coming to fruition," a statement from the family said.
"Glen was an accomplished pianist, a gourmet enthusiast and cook, and
appreciated a fine wine ... He always gravitated to the outdoor life and
particularly loved taking his kids to the beach, whenever he returned
to Port Macquarie - as well as enjoying his quiet time at home with the
family and working together with Alison on their property."
Moree Plains Shire mayor Katrina Humphries said frustration over
environmental issues around the Moree area had been so great in recent
years that she had feared that it would erupt in violence, but that it
"shouldn't get to this".
During the bail hearing, the court heard Mr Turnbull had been in a long
running dispute with the Office of Environment and Heritage over illegal
land clearing in the Croppa Creek area.
He was charged with illegally clearing native vegetation between
November 2011 and January 2012 and pleaded guilty in the Land and
Environment Court.
The prosecutor, the Director-General of the Office of Environment and
Heritage, said Mr Turnbull used a bulldozer to clear 421 hectares of the
property called "Colorado", owned by his son Grant Wesley Turnbull, and
73 hectares of the adjacent property, called "Strathdoon", owned
by his grandson Corey Ian Turnbull.
After contracts were exchanged but before the sales settled, Mr Turnbull
and another unnamed man felled 2708 trees on Colorado and 694 trees on
Strathdoon. Trees were pushed over and formed into piles and set alight.
The family then raked out the ash heaps, ploughed the cleared land,
applied herbicides to kill any emerging vegetation and sowed commercial
crops of wheat and barley.
Mr Turnbull, who was arrested late on Tuesday night, appeared distraught
and emotional when he was led into the dock on Wednesday.
Magistrate Darryl Pearce said there was an unacceptable risk that could
not be mitigated by proposed bail conditions and the serious nature of
the allegations meant imprisonment would be likely if Mr Turnbull was
Mr Turnbull will remain in custody until the case returns to court on August 5.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
30 July, 2014
Kidney stone nonsense demolished
Warmists are chortling over a recent report that associated increased
kidney stones with higher temperatures. A close reading of
the press release that announced the findings is interesting,
however. First note the following excerpt:
"A painful condition that brings half a million patients a year to
U.S. emergency rooms, kidney stones have increased markedly over the
world in the past three decades. While stones remain more common in
adults, the numbers of children developing kidney stones have climbed at
a dramatically high rate over the last 25 years. The factors causing the increase in kidney stones are currently unknown, but may be influenced by changes in diet and fluid intake. When stones do not pass on their own, surgery may be necessary."
The study team also found that very low outdoor temperatures increased the risk of kidney stones in three cities: Atlanta, Chicago and Philadelphia.
The authors suggest that as frigid weather keeps people indoors more,
higher indoor temperatures, changes in diet and decreased physical
activity may raise their risk of kidney stones.
Then look at
the international prevalence of stones
-- in Table 1. We find that the USA in 1988-1994 had a kidney
stone prevalence of 5.2% whereas Italy has a prevalence of 1.72% in
1993-1994. We also find that Spain had an incidence of 2.0% in
1987 and a prevalence of 10.0% in 1991.
So what is going on? It's hard to know where to start. But
let me draw attention to the statements highlighted in red. They
first admit that they DON'T know what causes stones. Climate
change is simply a speculation. Then they admit that LOW
temperatures go with more stones in some cities. Global warming
does not affect Atlanta, Chicago and Philadelphia?? It's not very
global in that case is it?
And, going to the statistics, why should the USA have a prevalence that
is 3 times higher than Italy? Is the USA 3 times warmer than
Italy? Obviously not. And, finally, the Spanish statistics
suggest that the whole thing is basically a mystery. So the
careful scientific conclusion by the authors that "The factors causing
the increase in kidney stones are currently unknown" is well
justified. The Warmists have however ignored that scientific
conclusion and hopped on to the speculations attached to it. -- JR
Increasing amounts of water in the upper troposphere are a direct result of human activity
Just more computer modelling. You can get any conclusion you want with modelling. The paper is "Upper-tropospheric moistening in response to anthropogenic warming"
Rising levels of water vapour high above the Earth are likely to
intensify the effects of global warming in coming decades, say
The increasing amounts of water in the upper troposphere are a direct result of human activity, research suggests.
Computer simulations predict that as burning fossil fuels warms the climate, concentrations of water vapour will rise.
The moistening of the atmosphere in turn absorbs more heat and raises the Earth’s temperature further.
To investigate these effects scientists measured levels of water vapour
in the upper troposphere, a region three to seven miles above the
Earth’s surface.
Their findings were compared with climate model predictions of water circulation between the ocean and atmosphere.
The results showed that increasing levels of atmospheric water vapour
could not be explained by natural forces such as volcanoes or changes in
solar activity.
But they did appear to be linked to emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide.
Lead scientist Professor Brian Soden, from the University of Miami, US,
said: 'The study is the first to confirm that human activities have
increased water vapour in the upper troposphere.'
The findings are published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Climate Alarmists Never Quit!
By Alan Caruba
In the same way Americans are discovering that the Cold War that was
waged from the end of World War Two until the collapse of the Soviet
Union in 1991 is not over, Americans continue to be subjected to the
endless, massive, global campaign to foist the hoax of global
warming--now called climate change—on everyone.
The campaign’s purpose to convince everyone that it is humans, not the
sun, oceans, and other natural phenomenon, and that requires abandoning
fossil fuels in favor of “renewable” wind and solar energy.
“It is not surprising that climate alarmists, who desire above all else
blind allegiance to their cause, would demand all school teachers toe
the ‘official party line’ and quash any dissent on the subject of
man-made global warming in their classroom,” says Craig Rucker, the
Executive Director of co-founder of the Committee for a Constructive
Tomorrow (CFACT). “What is absurd is that any teacher or free-thinking
person for that matter would listen to them.”
These days when I am challenged regarding my views about global warming,
climate change or energy I send the individual to and, two constantly
updated websites filled with links to information on these topics. Both
are maintained by CFACT.
It’s not just our classrooms where Green indoctrination goes on. It is
also our news media that continue to distort every weather event to
advance the hoax. Guiding and feeding them is a massive complex of
organizations led by the United Nations—the International Panel on
Climate Change—that maintains the hoax to frighten people worldwide in
order to achieve “one world order.”
On September 23, heads of state, including President Obama, will gather
in New York City for what the Sierra Club calls “a historic summit on
climate change. With our future on the line, we will take a weekend and
use it to bend the course of history” to save the world from “the
ravages of climate change.” This is absurd. Suggesting that humans can
alter the climate in any way defies centuries of proof they do not.
One of the leading Leftist organizations, the Center for American
Progress, focused on the July 14 Major Economics Forum in Paris, offered
four items for its agenda. Claiming that “the Arctic is warming two
times faster than any other region on earth”, they wanted policy changes
based on this falsehood. They blamed climate change for “global
poverty” and wanted further reductions in so-called greenhouse gas
emissions from energy use. The enemy, as far as they were concerned was
energy use.
Mary Hutzler, a senior research fellow of the Institute for Energy
Research, testified before a July 22nd meeting of the Senate Foreign
Affairs Subcommittee on International Development and Foreign
Assistance, that due to Europe’s green energy (wind and solar) policies,
industrial electricity prices are two-to-five times higher than in the
U.S. and that, by 2020, 1.4 million European households will be added to
those experiencing energy poverty.
There are lessons to be learned, for example, from Spain’s investment in
wind energy that caused the loss of four jobs for the electricity it
produced and 13 jobs for every megawatt of solar energy. In Germany, the
cost of electricity is three times higher than average U.S. residential
prices. Little wonder that European nations are now slashing wind and
solar programs.
Billions Wasted to Combat Global Warming
In the U.S., the Obama administration used its “stimulus” to fund
Solyndra—$500 million dollars—and fifty other Green energy projects that
have failed or are on their way to failure. Undeterred with this
appalling record, on July 3 the Energy Department announced $4 billion
for “projects that fight global warming.”
But there is no global warming. The Earth has been in a cooling cycle
for seventeen years and it shows no indication of ending anytime soon.
This is the same administration that has waged a war on coal, forcing
the closure of many plants that produced electricity efficiently and
affordably, and had throughout the last century.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s 2014 weather
highlights showed that, from January to June, the temperature in the
U.S. has risen by a miniscule 0.1 degrees Fahrenheit compared with the
average temperature for the 20th century. NOAA also noted that recorded
temperatures for the first half of 2014 are the coldest since 1993 when
the cooling cycle began. The exception to this has been California.
Brainwashed for decades about global warming, 20% of likely voters,
according to a July Rasmussen poll, still believe that global warming is
not over, colder weather or not, 17% were not sure, but fully 63%
The results of a Pew Research Center poll in June revealed that 35% of
Americans say there is not enough solid evidence to suggest mankind is
warming the Earth while another 18% says the world has warmed due to
“natural patterns”, not human activity. Pew found that liberals remain
convinced that humans are to blame, but the bottom line is that 53%
disputed the President’s claims.
That means that a growing number of Americans are now skeptics.
In the months to come we will see marches and meetings intended to
further the global warming lies. The good news is that fewer Americans
are being influenced by such efforts.
Venezuela climate summit comes to far-Left conclusions
A UN-backed conference in Venezuela has ended with a declaration to scrap carbon markets and reject the green economy.
The Margarita Declaration was issued at the end of a four-day meeting of
around 130 green activist groups, which the Venezuelan government
hosted in order to raise the volume of civil society demands in UN
discussions on climate change.
“The structural causes of climate change are linked to the current
capitalist hegemonic system,” the final declaration said. “To combat
climate change it is necessary to change the system.”
The declaration will be handed to environment ministers when they meet ahead of the UN’s main round of talks in Lima this year.
The meeting, called the Social Pre-COP, is the first time that civil
society has been invited to participate with the UN at this scale at
international climate talks.
Groups who participated in the meeting include WWF, CAN International, Third World Network and Christian Aid.
Venezuela said the purpose of the meeting is to “set the basis of an alliance between peoples and governments”.
While it is unclear who signed the declaration, it contrasts with the
views of many national governments, which see the transition to a green
economy as underpinning efforts to tackle climate change.
‘False solution’
The declaration also conflicts with the UN’s own schemes to tackle climate change.
It says carbon markets are a “false solution” to the problem of climate
change and brands a UN-backed forest conservation scheme “dangerous and
The forests programme, called Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and
Land Degradation (REDD), was first introduced into UN proceedings in
2005 at the request of the governments of Papua New Guinea and Costa
Under this mechanism, rich countries pay developing nations to preserve
their forests, removing some of the financial incentive to chop them
Deforestation is a significant contributor to climate change as it releases the carbon that is stored in trees.
Similarly, the UN has set up its own carbon market, called the Clean
Development Mechanism, which allows developed countries to pay for
projects that will reduce the carbon footprint of poor countries.
The latest set of proposals for a global climate treaty recently
released UN officials explicitly includes references to market-based
solutions aimed at tackling environmental degradation and raising
investment capital.
Maria de Pilar García-Guadilla, a professor at the Simon Bolivar
University in Venezuela, said that there was an underlying assumption in
the declaration that capitalism was the cause of climate change – a
position maintained by the Venezuelan government in its own development
plan – but that this was a “fallacy”.
“Venezuela relies heavily on the use of hydrocarbons, or the extractive
economies, to support their anti-neoliberal socialist policies. The
extractive economy has a severe negative social and environmental
impacts in the indigenous communities and in the most biodiverse areas,”
she said.
She added that the Margarita Declaration is “very discursive and the real issues are not inside.”
Mixed opinions
Objections to the concept of a “green economy”, which encourages green
growth through carbon markets and clean energy investments, prompted a
walkout at the Rio+20 summit in 2012.
Some developing countries are concerned that this model could put them
at a commercial disadvantage, and that rich countries should instead
focus on how to transfer cash and sustainable technologies to poorer
Venezuela, a staunchly socialist government, has long opposed the “green
economy” concept, alongside other Latin American countries including
Argentina, Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, and Nicaragua.
But the opinions of civil society are more mixed. CAN International, a
coalition of green NGOs which was present at the Social Pre-COP, said
that REDD is “key to emissions reductions” in the manifesto that it
released before the UN’s last climate conference, in Warsaw last year.
One participant at last week’s meeting told RTCC on condition of
anonymity that: “In terms of being a neutral observer, [the Venezuelan
government] do have their views and they definitely have their ways”.
He added that most of the Venezuelan groups present at the meeting were
supportive of the government’s position, in contrast to the 34
Venezuelan NGOs who rejected their invitation to the gathering, due to
concerns that it would provide an opportunity for the government to push
their socialist agenda.
“That made Venezuela not need to actively push for things, letting the movements propose their views instead,” he said.
GMO Scare Mongering -- more from Rich Kozlovich
Mike Adams, who publishes Natural News and styles himself as the Health
Ranger recently posted an article entitled, The Agricultural Holocaust
explained: the 10 worst ways GMOs threaten humanity and our natural
world on July 27, 2014.
He claims "genetically modified organisms (GMOs) a serious threat to
humanity and the environment? The reasons span the realms of science,
social justice, economics and the environment, and once you understand
this, you'll readily understand why so many environmentalists,
humanitarians, responsible scientists and social justice advocates are
strongly opposed to GMOs", and lists ten reasons why?
His second claim is - GMOs have never been safety tested for human consumption, and goes on to say;
"Although GMO advocates ridiculously claim GMOs have been "proven safe
in thousands of studies," what they don't tell you is that those were
all short-term studies on animals, not humans.
In fact, GMOs have never been shown to be safe for long-term human
consumption. What happens when a child eats GMOs for two decades? Does
it substantially increase their risk of cancer, diabetes, kidney failure
or future Alzheimer's? Nobody knows, exactly, because the tests haven't
been done.
As often happens with other chemicals, GMOs are simply let loose into the world with an attitude of "let's see what happens!"
Although I’ve largely addressed this in my previous post, I will add
this. Nothing can be proven safe; it’s called proving a negative.
Scientifically impossible! You can only prove what things do, not what
they don’t do. It’s like demanding someone “prove” they’re “not”
cheating on their spouse. Can’t be done! And these people know this,
making it another lie of omission.
Since these products have been used for decades, and there’s no
indication that GMO’s cause anything, including “cancer, diabetes,
kidney failure or future Alzheimer's” why does he say it? Because
speculation is easy! He might just as well make the claim – “we don’t
know if GMO’s causes AIDS!”
You can make any accusation and frame it in the form of a question and
not have to prove anything one way or another. But the thought is
planted in people’s minds there’s something nefarious about GMO’s, and
the companies producing them. This has been the scare tactic activists
have been using going back to Silent Spring and the mother of junk
science, Rachel Carson.
Dr. Madeleine Pelner Cosman, Ph.D. notes that there are seven steps to this process and usually follow this pattern:
1. Create a "scientific" study that predicts a public health disaster
2. Release the study to the media, before scientists can review it
3. Generate an intense emotional public reaction
4. Develop a government-enforced solution
5. Intimidate Congress into passing it into law
6. Coerce manufacturers to stop making the product
7. Bully users to replace it, or obliterate it
One more thing that needs to be addressed and that’s exactly what
pesticide is he talking about? Since GMO Bt cotton is his theme later in
his article, we need to see what the EPA thinks:
"Bt products are found to be safe for use in the environment and with
mammals. The EPA (environmental protection agency) has not found any
human health hazards related to using Bt. In fact the EPA has found Bt
safe enough that it has exempted Bt from food residue tolerances,
groundwater restrictions, endangered species labeling and special review
requirements. Bt is often used near lakes, rivers and dwellings, and
has no known effect on wildlife such as mammals, birds, and fish.
Humans exposed orally to 1000 mg/day for 3-5 days of Bt have showed no
ill effects. Many tests have been conducted on test animals using
different types of exposures. The results of the tests showed that the
use of Bt causes few if any negative effects. Bt does not persist in the
digestive systems of mammals.
Bt is found to be an eye irritant on test rabbits. There is very slight
irritation from inhalation in test animals which may be caused by the
physical rather than the biological properties of the Bt formulation
Bt has not been shown to have any chronic toxicity or any carcinogenic
effects. There are also no indication that Bt causes reproductive
effects or birth defects in mammals.
Bt breaks down readily in the environment. Because of this Bt poses no
threat to groundwater. Bt also breaks down under the ultraviolet (UV)
light of the sun."
We have to get past this outrageous scare mongering and realize they're
big argument is that GMO's are "unnatural" because of how the genes are
implanted. That's completely the wrong take. Our only concern should be
what the genes are supposed to do, not how they got there. More to come.
2 Charts Show Why Wind Power Won't Solve the Carbon Problem
When discussing electricity, the words "carbon dioxide" invariably come
into play. The utility industry's use of carbon based fuels is
responsible for roughly 40% of the generation of this greenhouse gas
domestically. Alternative power options are often held up as the
solution to this problem. But wind turbines are a great example of why
this isn't true—and these two graphs show why.
Getting into wind
Xcel Energy (NYSE: XEL ) has made a big commitment to wind power.
This mid-western utility got just 3% of its power from wind in 2005,
which happens to be the backdated starting date for CO2 emission
regulations being proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
By 2020, however, wind is projected to make up 22% of the company's
That's a huge increase, with coal taking most of the hit. However, even
after the rapid wind power growth coal will still account for 43% of
Xcel Energy's power pie. Natural gas, which is cleaner than coal but
still emits carbon dioxide, and nuclear power will throw in another 30%.
And the Texas experience with wind power shows why:
According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), "At 8:48 p.m.
on March 26, wind generation on the electric grid covering most of the
state of Texas reached a new instantaneous peak output of 10,296
megawatts (MW). At that moment, wind supplied almost 29% of total
electricity load." While that's impressive, note the use of the word
"instantaneous" as you look at the graph above.
The power generated by wind turbines is anything but constant. It juts
up and down with often severe moves. For example, before and after
hitting that peak, wind turbines in Texas were only producing around
2,000 MW of power. It's not because someone in Texas turned the turbines
off, it's because the wind stopped blowing. That's why Xcel Energy
isn't giving up on the base-load trio of coal, gas, and nuclear.
I have the power!
This trio is controlled by the utility and can be run as hard as needed.
Nuclear, for example, is usually run between 80% and 100% of capacity.
Coal and natural gas tend to run at lower levels, but could easily be
pushed higher if needed. The important thing is that how hard these
power sources are worked is within the control of the utility.
In fact, the next graphic shows how important the interplay between
nature-controlled wind and man-controlled power is. Look at the lines
for wind and coal. When wind is up, coal is down. And when wind is down,
coal is up. The same dynamic is true for natural gas.
This isn't a fluke -- it's because utilities like Excel need to have a
reliable power source to offset the peaks and valleys of an inherently
unreliable fuel source. It's the same reason why Southern Company (NYSE:
SO ) is building 1.5 gigawatts of nuclear and coal plants right
now. It wants to maintain its flexibility.
For example, in 2020, the company expects to have the option to generate
as much as 50% of its power from coal or gas, whichever is cheaper.
Nuclear, meanwhile, is expected to run at a steady state of around 18%.
Renewables? Well, they are just small slice of the pie at 8% of total
capacity in 2020.
Note, however, that renewable sources provided 4% of Southern Company's
power last year, despite coming in at 6% of the utility's total
capacity. And the 4% is elevated by the fact that hydro, which tends to
run at high capacity rates, is a big part of the mix. Despite investing
in solar and wind, Southern Company isn't willing to give up the control
offered by natural gas, coal, and nuclear power plants.
Good and bad
Renewable power like wind turbines is a wonderful thing. However, it
isn't an answer to the CO2 problem. The generation profiles of Xcel
energy and Southern Company prove this out. Expect the wind to become an
increasingly important utility player, but don't expect it to kill
coal, gas, or nuclear anytime soon.
Do you know this energy tax "loophole"?
You already know record oil and natural gas production is changing the
lives of millions of Americans. But what you probably haven't heard is
that the IRS is encouraging investors to support our growing energy
renaissance, offering you a tax loophole to invest in some of America's
greatest energy companies. Take advantage of this profitable opportunity
by grabbing your brand-new special report, "The IRS Is Daring You to
Make This Investment Now!," and you'll learn about the simple strategy
to take advantage of a little-known IRS rule. Don't miss out on advice
that could help you cut taxes for decades to come.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
29 July, 2014
Climate change and air pollution will lead to famine by 2050, study claims
Garbage predictions like this are common, even though they run
against all plant science. To put it in simple language, plants
LIKE warmth and they REALLY like CO2. If there ever is global
warming, plantlife, including crops, will boom! I grew up in the
tropics, which are really warm, and I know how plantlife flourishes
there. Creepers almost reach out and grab you, for
instance. And glasshouse farmers deliberately pump up the CO2
content in their glasshouses to more than double the general atmospheric
level. CO2 is plant food.
And warming should open
up more of Canada to agriculture, and Canada is already a major producer
of grain crops. Give Canadian farmers more usable land to work
with and Canada will be a cornucopia.
And there is an area
in Australia, Cape York peninsula, that is about the size of Britain
but which produces no food crops at the moment because most crops are
usually in glut worldwide. But the rain there is adequate and
Chinese farmers in the goldrush days grew all sorts there
The world is expected to need 50 per cent more food by 2050, with around four billion more mouths to feed.
But this food could soon be in short supply due to increasing temperatures and ozone pollution, according to a U.S. study.
As a result, rates of malnourishment in the developing world could
increase from the current 18 per cent to 27 per cent within the next
four decades.
Previous research has shown that both higher temperatures and ozone
pollution can damage plants and reduce crop yields, but until now,
nobody has looked at these together.
And while rising temperatures are widely studied, the impact of air
quality on crops is less recognised, the study's authors claim.
The latest research looked in detail at how both these changes affect
global production of four leading food crops - rice, wheat, corn, and
These crops currently account for more than half the calories humans consume worldwide.
It predicts that effects will vary considerably from region to region,
and that some of the crops are much more strongly affected by one or the
other of the factors.
For example, wheat is very sensitive to ozone exposure, while corn is much more adversely affected by heat.
A separate study by the the IPCC warned that as well as lack of food
supply, climate change would cause storm surges, flooding and heatwaves
in the coming decades.
In the U.S, tougher air-quality regulations are expected to lead to a
sharp decline in ozone pollution, mitigating its impact on crops.
But in other regions, the outcome 'will depend on domestic air-pollution
policies,' Professor Heald said. 'An air-quality cleanup would improve
crop yields.'
Overall, with all other factors being equal, warming may reduce crop
yields globally by about 10 per cent by 2050, the study found.
The research was carried out by Colette Heald, an associate professor of
civil and environmental engineering (CEE) at MIT, former CEE postdoc
Amos Tai, and Maria van Martin at Colorado State University.
Ozone pollution can be tricky to identify, Professor Heald says, because
its damage can resemble other plant illnesses, producing flecks on
leaves and discoloration.
And while heat and ozone can each damage plants independently, the factors also interact.
For example, warmer temperatures significantly increase production of
ozone from the reactions, in sunlight, of volatile organic compounds and
nitrogen oxides.
Because of these interactions, the team found that 46 per cent of damage
to soybean crops that had previously been attributed to heat is
actually caused by increased ozone.
Under some scenarios, the researchers found that pollution-control
measures could make a major dent in the expected crop reductions
following climate change.
For example, while global food production was projected to fall by 15
per cent under one scenario, larger emissions decreases projected in an
another scenario reduce that drop to nine per cent.
Agricultural production is 'very sensitive to ozone pollution,'
Professor Heald says, adding that these findings 'show how important it
is to think about the agricultural implications of air-quality
‘Ozone is something that we understand the causes of, and the steps that need to be taken to improve air quality.'
Earlier this year, the IPCC warned that as well as lack of food supply,
climate change would cause storm surges, flooding and heatwaves in the
coming decades.
It argued that rising temperatures will exacerbate poverty and damage land and marine species.
It also claimed that the world is in ‘an era of man-made climate change’
and has already seen impacts of global warming on every continent and
across the oceans.
And experts warned that in many cases, people are ill-prepared to cope with the risks of a changing climate.
New paper finds 'high correlation between solar activity and Earth's temperature over centuries'
The article is in Chinese but there is an English abstract. On the
longer time scales, the correlations are quite high. The Warmist
dismissal of solar influence is thus absurd
Periodicities of solar activity and the surface temperature variation of the Earth and their correlations
By ZHAO XinHua & FENG XueShang
Based on the well-calibrated systematiCmeasurements of sunspot numbers,
the reconstructed data of the total solar irradiance (TSI), and the
observed anomalies of the Earth’s averaged surface temperature (global,
ocean, land), this paper investigates the periodicities of both solar
activity and the Earth’s temperature variation as well as their
correlations on the time scale of centuries using the wavelet and cross
correlation analysis techniques. The main results are as follows. (1)
Solar activities (including sunspot number and TSI) have four major
periodic components higher than the 95% significance level of white
noise during the period of interest, i.e. 11-year period, 50-year
period, 100-year period, and 200-year period. The global temperature
anomalies of the Earth have only one major periodic component of
64.3-year period, which is close to the 50-year cycle of solar activity.
(2) Significant resonant periodicities between solar activity and the
Earth’s temperature are focused on the 22- and 50-year period. (3)
Correlations between solar activity and the surface temperature of the
Earth on the long time scales are higher than those on the short time
scales. As far as the sunspot number is concerned, its correlation
coefficients to the Earth temperature are 0.31-0.35 on the yearly scale,
0.58-0.70 on the 11-year running mean scale, and 0.64-0.78 on the
22-year running mean scale. TSI has stronger correlations to the Earth
temperature than sunspot number. (4) During the past 100 years, solar
activities display a clear increasing tendency that corresponds to the
global warming of the Earth (including land and ocean) very well.
Particularly, the ocean temperature has a slightly higher correlation to
solar activity than the land temperature. All these demonstrate that
solar activity has a non-negligible forcing on the temperature change of
the Earth on the time scale of centuries.
Developers To Clear 850,000 Sq M Of Virgin Forests On UNESCO Nature Reserve To Make Way For 700-Foot Turbines
The days of an open welcome to “environmentally-friendly” wind parks in Germany are over.
When the turbines were small-scale and novel, people were generally open
to them. But now that they have reached skyscraper dimensions, have
proven to be unsightly, and have demonstrated poor performance, they are
not welcome anymore.
Palantinate Forest
German developers plan to install 60 wind turbines, each 700-foot tall,
in one of Central Europe’s last remaining untouched regions, the
Palantinate Forest, a UN designated natural monument.
Nowhere is this better illustrated than in the picturesque southwest
German region of Palatinate, where the online Die Welt here reports on
the mounting fierce opposition that wind turbine developers are facing.
The developers have their sights aimed at the hilltops of Germany’s
fairy-tale-like Palatinate forest…an area that has been designated by
UNESCO as a natural treasure and biosphere reserve. Here they hope to
install wind parks with skyscraper-dimensioned turbines. Die Welt writes
of the area:
It was the first cross-border natural reservation of this type in all of
Europe because it also includes the Alsatian mountain range. Not very
many Germans know that it is the largest uninterrupted landscape in
Central Europe. Whoever wishes to see it, had better hurry up.”
850,000 sq m of virgin forest to be cleared
According to Die Welt, hungry wind park developers with deep pockets
plan to install 60 wind turbines, each 209 meters (700 feet) tall in the
area. Unsurprisingly this looming large-scale green industrialization
of this particularly idyllic landscape has become too much to take, even
for the most avid climate activist groups. Die Welt writes that for the
first time all ten local environmental groups have closed ranks against
the project, says Bernd Wallner of the Pfälzerwald-Verein (Palantinate
Association). Opponents are rallying, calling it a matter of “homeland
Die Welt provides the technical details of the monster-size turbines:
Each blade is 60 meters long and they will need elaborate roads to allow
their transport to the site where they are to be installed. Each
turbine will require 3000 tonnes of concrete and 100 tonnes of steel. In
total 200,000 tonnes of concrete and 130,000 cubic meters of gravel
will have to be hauled in by 60,000 trips by heavy cargo vehicles, which
will involve the burning of 600,000 liters of diesel fuel and the
clearing of 850,000 square meters of virgin forest.
Like putting turbines on Ayer’s Rock!
Environmentalists are fuming. Opponents accuse the wind turbine
developers and the local and state authorities of covering up the
environmental costs and impacts of the project and misleading the
public. Critics say the senselessness of the project is tantamount to
putting wind turbines on Ayers Rock.
Unrealistic profit projections used to “bait the public”
Opponents also accuse the wind park developers of putting out overly
optimistic figures for expected wind turbine performance in order to
bait the public. Die Welt writes:
Ernst Gerber believes the promises of profitability, with which
investors and local representatives are being baited, are estimates from
a naïve milkmaid: ‘Despite the subsidies, things are moving towards the
lower limits of profitability.’”
Die Welt itself characterizes the promise of profitability made by the
wind park developers as “rotten”, and that the region is one that is
“low in wind”.
Threat to wildlife…violates the law
The wind park opponents also say that the monster turbines are a threat
to wildlife and birds. What’s more, turbine critic Rainer Becker thinks
they would violate the law, “The construction of the wind parks are
clearly in violation of the existing laws and the international species
protection act“.
Other opponents claim that big business and power companies in Luxemburg
are ramming the projects through and ignoring the wishes of the local
inhabitants, Die Welt writes.
Wind and solar power are even more expensive than is commonly thought
SUBSIDIES for renewable energy are one of the most contested areas of
public policy. Billions are spent nursing the infant solar- and
wind-power industries in the hope that they will one day undercut fossil
fuels and drastically reduce the amount of carbon dioxide being put
into the atmosphere. The idea seems to be working. Photovoltaic panels
have halved in price since 2008 and the capital cost of a solar-power
plant—of which panels account for slightly under half—fell by 22% in
2010-13. In a few sunny places, solar power is providing electricity to
the grid as cheaply as conventional coal- or gas-fired power plants.
But whereas the cost of a solar panel is easy to calculate, the cost of
electricity is harder to assess. It depends not only on the fuel used,
but also on the cost of capital (power plants take years to build and
last for decades), how much of the time a plant operates, and whether it
generates power at times of peak demand. To take account of all this,
economists use “levelised costs”—the net present value of all costs
(capital and operating) of a generating unit over its life cycle,
divided by the number of megawatt-hours of electricity it is expected to
The trouble, as Paul Joskow of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
has pointed out, is that levelised costs do not take account of the
costs of intermittency.* Wind power is not generated on a calm day, nor
solar power at night, so conventional power plants must be kept on
standby—but are not included in the levelised cost of renewables.
Electricity demand also varies during the day in ways that the supply
from wind and solar generation may not match, so even if renewable forms
of energy have the same levelised cost as conventional ones, the value
of the power they produce may be lower. In short, levelised costs are
poor at comparing different forms of power generation.
To get around that problem Charles Frank of the Brookings Institution, a
think-tank, uses a cost-benefit analysis to rank various forms of
energy. The costs include those of building and running power plants,
and those associated with particular technologies, such as balancing the
electricity system when wind or solar plants go offline or disposing of
spent nuclear-fuel rods. The benefits of renewable energy include the
value of the fuel that would have been used if coal- or gas-fired plants
had produced the same amount of electricity and the amount of
carbon-dioxide emissions that they avoid. The table summarises these
costs and benefits. It makes wind and solar power look far more
expensive than they appear on the basis of levelised costs.
Mr Frank took four sorts of zero-carbon energy (solar, wind,
hydroelectric and nuclear), plus a low-carbon sort (an especially
efficient type of gas-burning plant), and compared them with various
sorts of conventional power. Obviously, low- and no-carbon power plants
do not avoid emissions when they are not working, though they do incur
some costs. So nuclear-power plants, which run at about 90% of capacity,
avoid almost four times as much CO{-2} per unit of capacity as do wind
turbines, which run at about 25%; they avoid six times as much as solar
arrays do. If you assume a carbon price of $50 a tonne—way over most
actual prices—nuclear energy avoids over $400,000-worth of carbon
emissions per megawatt (MW) of capacity, compared with only $69,500 for
solar and $107,000 for wind.
Nuclear power plants, however, are vastly expensive. A new plant at
Hinkley Point, in south-west England, for example, is likely to cost at
least $27 billion. They are also uninsurable commercially. Yet the fact
that they run around the clock makes them only 75% more expensive to
build and run per MW of capacity than a solar-power plant, Mr Frank
To determine the overall cost or benefit, though, the cost of the
fossil-fuel plants that have to be kept hanging around for the times
when solar and wind plants stand idle must also be factored in. Mr Frank
calls these “avoided capacity costs”—costs that would not have been
incurred had the green-energy plants not been built. Thus a 1MW wind
farm running at about 25% of capacity can replace only about 0.23MW of a
coal plant running at 90% of capacity. Solar farms run at only about
15% of capacity, so they can replace even less. Seven solar plants or
four wind farms would thus be needed to produce the same amount of
electricity over time as a similar-sized coal-fired plant. And all that
extra solar and wind capacity is expensive.
A levelised playing field
If all the costs and benefits are totted up using Mr Frank’s
calculation, solar power is by far the most expensive way of reducing
carbon emissions. It costs $189,000 to replace 1MW per year of power
from coal. Wind is the next most expensive. Hydropower provides a modest
net benefit. But the most cost-effective zero-emission technology is
nuclear power. The pattern is similar if 1MW of gas-fired capacity is
displaced instead of coal. And all this assumes a carbon price of $50 a
tonne. Using actual carbon prices (below $10 in Europe) makes solar and
wind look even worse. The carbon price would have to rise to $185 a
tonne before solar power shows a net benefit.
There are, of course, all sorts of reasons to choose one form of energy
over another, including emissions of pollutants other than CO2 and fear
of nuclear accidents. Mr Frank does not look at these. Still, his
findings have profound policy implications. At the moment, most rich
countries and China subsidise solar and wind power to help stem climate
change. Yet this is the most expensive way of reducing greenhouse-gas
emissions. Meanwhile Germany and Japan, among others, are mothballing
nuclear plants, which (in terms of carbon abatement) are cheaper. The
implication of Mr Frank’s research is clear: governments should target
emissions reductions from any source rather than focus on boosting
certain kinds of renewable energy.
German Utilities Bail Out Electric Grid at Wind’s Mercy
Germany’s push toward renewable energy is causing so many drops and
surges from wind and solar power that the government is paying more
utilities than ever to help stabilize the country’s electricity grid.
Twenty power companies including Germany’s biggest utilities, EON SE and
RWE AG, now get fees for pledging to add or cut electricity within
seconds to keep the power system stable, double the number in September,
according to data from the nation’s four grid operators. Utilities that
sign up to the 800 million-euro ($1.1 billion) balancing market can be
paid as much as 400 times wholesale electricity prices, the data show.
Germany’s drive to almost double power output from renewables by 2035
has seen one operator reporting five times as many potential disruptions
as four years ago, raising the risk of blackouts in Europe’s biggest
electricity market while pushing wholesale prices to a nine-year low.
More utilities are joining the balancing market as weak prices have cut
operating margins to 5 percent on average from 15 percent in 2004, with
RWE reporting its first annual loss since 1949.
“At the beginning, this market counted for only a small portion of our
earnings,” said Hartmuth Fenn, the head of intraday, market access and
dispatch at Vattenfall AB, Sweden’s biggest utility. “Today, we earn 10
percent of our plant profits in the balancing market” in Germany, he
said by phone from Hamburg July 22.
Price Plunge
In Germany’s daily and weekly balancing market auctions, winning bidders
have been paid as much as 13,922 euros to set aside one megawatt
depending on the time of day, grid data show. Participants stand ready
to provide power or cut output in notice periods of 15 minutes, 5
minutes or 30 seconds, earning fees whether their services are needed or
German wholesale next-year electricity prices have plunged 60 percent
since 2008 as green power, which has priority access to the grid, cut
into the running hours of gas, coal and nuclear plants. The year-ahead
contract traded at 35.71 euros a megawatt-hour as of 3:54 p.m. on the
European Energy Exchange AG in Leipzig, Germany.
Lawmakers last month backed a revision of a the country’s clean-energy
law to curb green subsidies and slow gains in consumer power prices that
are the second-costliest in the European Union. Chancellor Angela
Merkel’s energy switch from nuclear power aims to boost the share of
renewables to at least 80 percent by 2050 from about 29 percent now.
Power Premium
Jochen Schwill and Hendrik Saemisch, both 33, set up Next Kraftwerke
GmbH in 2009 to sell power from emergency generators in hospitals to the
power grid. Today, the former University of Cologne researchers employ
about 80 people and have 1,000 megawatts from biomass plants to gas
units at their disposal, or the equivalent capacity of a German nuclear
“That was really the core of our founding idea,” Schwill said by phone
from Cologne July 21. “That the boost in renewable energy will make
supply more intermittent and balancing power more lucrative in the long
Thomas Pilgram, who has sold balancing power since 2012 as chief
executive officer of Clean Energy Sourcing in Leipzig, Germany, expects
the wave of new entrants to push down balancing market payments.
“New participants are flooding into the market now, which means that
prices are coming under pressure,” Pilgram said. “Whoever comes first,
gets a slice of the cake, the others don’t because prices have slumped.”
Increased Competition
German grid regulator Bundesnetzagentur welcomes the increase in balancing market participants.
“That’s in our interest as we want to encourage competition in this
market,” Armasari Soetarto, a spokeswoman for the Bonn-based authority,
said by phone July 18. “More supply means lower prices and that means
lower costs for German end users.”
The average price for capacity available within five minutes has dropped
to 1,109 euros a megawatt in the week starting July 14, from 1,690
euros in the second week of January, Next Kraftwerke data show. Payments
for cutting output within 15 minutes dropped to 361 euros from 1,615
euros in January.
The number of participants has increased as the country’s four grid
operators refined how capacity is allocated. In 2007, the grids started
one common auction and shortened the bidding periods. Since 2011, power
plant operators commit their 5-minute capacity on a weekly basis instead
of a month before.
Balance Payments
Balancing-market payments to utilities totaled 800 million euros last
year, similar to the amount in 2012, grid data show. Utilities were
asked to reserve 3,898 megawatts this week, which compares with
Germany’s total installed power generation capacity of 183,649 megawatts
as of July 16. One megawatt is enough to power 2,000 European homes.
Tennet TSO GmbH, Germany’s second-biggest grid operator, told power
plant operators to adjust output 1,009 times to keep the grid stable
last year, compared with 209 times in 2010. The interventions, used
alongside the balancing market, are expected to be as frequent this year
as in 2013, Ulrike Hoerchens, a spokeswoman for the Bayreuth,
Germany-based company, said by phone on July 23.
To adapt to volatile supply and demand, RWE invested as much as 700
million euros on technology for its lignite plants that allow the units
to change output by 30 megawatts within a minute. The coal-fired
generators were originally built to run 24 hours a day.
RWE’s lignite generators, which have a total capacity of 10,291
megawatts, are flexible enough to cut or increase output by 5,000
megawatts on a sunny day, when power from solar panels floods the grid
or supply vanishes as skies turn cloudy, according to Ulrich Hartmann,
an executive board member at RWE’s generation unit.
“Back in the days, our lignite plants were inflexible, produced power
around the clock and were always earning money,” Hartmann in Bergheim,
Germany, said in a July 9 interview. “Now they are as flexible as gas
Australia: Giant new coal mine gets approval
The federal government has approved a giant Queensland coalmine that it
says will generate as much as $300 billion for the economy, but which
environmental groups say will contribute to a “carbon bomb” and risk
causing significant damage to the Great Barrier Reef.
Environment Minister Greg Hunt on Monday said that he had approved the
Carmichael Coal Mine in the Galilee Basin and its associated rail link
to the coast with “the absolute strictest” environmental conditions.
The 36 conditions, which include offsets of about 30,000 hectares for
habitat destroyed, water returns for the Great Artesian Basin and $1
million for further research in protecting threatened species, will
ensure the mine owner, India’s Adani, “meets the highest environmental
standards”, Mr Hunt said in a media statement.
At full capacity, the Carmichael mine would produce as much as 60
million tonnes of coal a year, with a “resource value of $5 billion per
annum over 60 years”, the statement said.
Apart from the boost to the local economy to the tune of 3920 jobs for
operations and 2475 during construction, the mine will also “provide
electricity for up to 100 million people in India”, Mr Hunt said.
Environmental groups including Greenpeace, though, warn the mine’s
output would generate almost 130 million tonnes of carbon dioxide when
burnt each year, or equal to about a quarter of Australia’s current
annual emissions.
Billionaire MP Clive Palmer also owns two Galilee coal reserves that may
produce as much as 80 million tonnes of coal a year if those mines get
developed. Australia’s richest person, Gina Rinehart also holds a
minority stake with India’s GVK in mines with a similar annual capacity.
“History will look back on the Abbott Government’s decision today as an
act of climate criminality,” said Greens Senator Larissa Waters, the
party’s environment spokeswoman.
“The proponent, Indian-owned Adani, is in financial dire straits and has
already faced complaints about breaches of environmental laws in its
home country
“There’s no guarantee Adani will be able to pay for the environmental
conditions attached to the approval and with the Abbott and Newman
governments slashing environment department staff, there’s no capacity
to enforce them."
'Coffin' for the Reef
The mine, if it proceeds, would also increase the number of ships
entering the Great Barrier Reef by about 450 a year, according to
Felicity Wishart, a spokeswoman for the Australian Marine Conservation
“This is yet another nail in the coffin for the Great Barrier Reef,”
said Ms Wishart, adding that Carmichael and other proposed coal mines
and gas plants in the region would likely increase the number of ships
entering the reef area from about 4000 a year to 7000 by 2020.
Paul Oosting, campaigns director at social organising group GetUp!, said the approval was an “outrageous decision”.
“GetUp! will fight tooth and nail to make sure it will never occur,” Mr
Oosting said. He said campaigns had succeeded in discouraging the
involvement of banks such as Deutsche Bank, Barclays and RBS in the
Abbot Point coal export terminal that will link to Carmichael.
The government should also have taken greater account of Adani’s “proven
and documented track record of bribery, corruption and environmental
degradation” in India, Mr Oosting said.
Water watch
One of the government’s conditions is that the mine will return a
minimum of 730 megalitres of water to the Great Artesian Basin every
year for five years.
However, Lock the Gate’s Central Queensland spokeswoman, Ellie Smith,
said the mine would do “great damage to ground and surface water systems
and the communities that depend on them”.
“Environment Minister Greg Hunt has ignored his own panel of top water
scientists and is putting the Great Artesian Basin at further risk by
allowing mine dewatering to drain the Basin,” Ms Smith said.
Adani has said the Carmichael mine would extract as much as 12.5 gigalitres of water every year, Lock the Gate noted.
Market hurdle
Getting government approval may be easier than winning over markets that
have soured on coal, with prices of the commodity dropping about 50 per
cent over the past five years.
Concerns about over-supply as nations such as Russia, Indonesia and
Mongolia join Australia in preparing to ramp-up production have lately
been complemented by signs that global action on climate change will see
carbon costs imposed on coal to curb its usage.
South Korea, for instance, this month slapped a coal tax of about $18
per tonne of coal and will introduce a broad carbon price from 2015.
Neighbouring China, easily the world’s largest producer and consumer of
coal, has also unveiled plans for a national carbon emissions market and
may aim to curb coal consumption within coming years.
Tim Buckley, a former Citibank analyst and now a director at the
Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis, said the
environmental approval itself was no surprise.
“I never expected [Mr] Hunt to go against Premier [Campbell] Newman nor
Prime Minister [Tony] Abbott's desire to promote foreign firms trying to
sustain Australia's coal industry,” Mr Buckley said.
“Ironically, should the Galilee proceed, it will actually accelerate the
longer-term destruction of our coal export industry by dramatically
expanding the capital invested, whilst at the same time taking coal
prices globally down another 10-20 per cent.”
Adani, though, said it was standing by its longstanding guidance that the first coal from the mine will be produced in 2017
"The Carmichael mine, together with North Galilee Basin Rail and Abbot
Point, will be an enduring provider of more than 10.000 jobs, ongoing
partnerships with our small and medium business suppliers, and long-term
export opportunities for Queensland," an Adani spokesman said.
"All commodity prices are by their nature subject to volatility," the
spokesman said. "Having said that, Adani is an integrated mining,
infrastructure and power company that is both the miner, infrastructure
owner and operator, and eventual customer for the cost efficient and
high quality coal exported from our Carmichael mine."
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
28 July, 2014
American Farmers Just Love Their GMOs and You Should Too
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has released its latest data on
farmers planting of crops genetically enhanced to tolerate herbicides
(HT) crops and to resist insect pests (Bt).
HT soybeans went from 17 percent of U.S. soybean acreage to 94 percent
in 2014. Plantings of HT cotton expanded from about 10 percent of U.S.
acreage in 1997 to 91 percent in 2014. The adoption of HT corn reached
89 percent of U.S. corn acreage in 2014.
Plantings of Bt corn grew from about 8 percent of U.S. corn acreage in
1997 to 80 percent in 2014. Plantings of Bt cotton also expanded
rapidly, from 15 percent of U.S. cotton acreage in 1997 to 84 percent in
Why are modern biotech crops so popular with farmers? Earlier this
year, U.S. News reported the views of Illinois farmer Katie Pratt:
According to Pratt, her family uses GMO crops because of the clear value
they bring to their family business. They have greatly reduced the
amount of insecticide that needs to be sprayed, and they only need to
treat the weeds at one point, not several times over a growing season.
Her soil has now improved, because she and her family don't have to
tromp through the fields as often. The family also uses less fuel,
because they spend less time in the tractor. “No one is more aware than
the farmer of the impact we have on the environment, in addition to the
urgency to feed and fuel a growing population, while reducing our
footprint on the planet,” she maintains.
And remember folks, biotech crops are not only good for the environment,
eating them as caused not so much as a cough, sniffle, sneeze or
bellyache. For example, a statement issued by the Board of Directors of
the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the largest
scientific organization in the United States, on October 20, 2012 point
blank asserted that “contrary to popular misconceptions, GM [genetically
modified] crops are the most extensively tested crops ever added to our
food supply. There are occasional claims that feeding GM foods to
animals causes aberrations ranging from digestive disorders, to
sterility, tumors and premature death. Although such claims are often
sensationalized and receive a great deal of media attention, none have
stood up to rigorous scientific scrutiny.” The AAAS Board concluded,
“Indeed, the science is quite clear: crop improvement by the modern
molecular techniques of biotechnology is safe.”
GMO's: Scare Mongering at Its Worst!
By Rich Kozlovich
Mike Adams, who publishes Natural News and styles himself as the Health
Ranger recently posted an article entitled, The Agricultural Holocaust
explained: the 10 worst ways GMOs threaten humanity and our natural
world on July 27, 2014.
He claims "genetically modified organisms (GMOs) a serious threat to
humanity and the environment? The reasons span the realms of science,
social justice, economics and the environment, and once you understand
this, you'll readily understand why so many environmentalists,
humanitarians, responsible scientists and social justice advocates are
strongly opposed to GMOs", and lists ten reasons why?
He starts out with - "Every grain of GM corn contains poison", and goes on to say;
"GM corn is genetically engineered to develop a deadly pesticide in
every grain of corn. When this corn is harvested and turned into Corn
Flakes, corn tortillas, corn syrup or other corn-based foods, that same
poison remains in the corn.
What is the effect of human children eating all the poisons grown in GM
corn? Nobody knows for sure because the tests haven't been conducted on
human consumption. That's why GMOs remain an untested experiment that
exploits humans as guinea pigs."
First of all, this “deadly” pesticide isn’t deadly to anything except
the targeted insect pests because it's the dose that makes the poison –
basic chemical science! When they use this kind of language it’s a lie
of omission, because presence doesn’t mean toxicity, and they know it.
Furthermore it’s more likely that cooking will destroy what minute
amounts exist in it anyway but even if it didn't just because some
chemical is detectable it doesn’t mean it’s harmful. We can test
down for parts per quadrillion and even lower in some cases. As a
health issue those numbers are meaningless because the molecular load
will be so small cells won’t react to it.
As for "no tests being conducted on human beings", there’s a reason for
that. We’re not allowed to test human beings, and these eco-activists
know it, yet they continue to use this same lie of omission over and
over again. In the real world everything - and I mean everything - gets
its final testing when its released to the public, and GMO’s have been
used for decades in this country without one iota of evidence of harm.
What they fail to tell you – making another lie of omission – are the
benefits of GMO’s, including less total land needed to plant the needed
food to feed a growing world population, less pesticide use (including
herbicides) because they’re now more resistant to insect pests and
weeds, and can even allow for planting in soil that has high levels of
salt, expanding usable acreage numbers substantially. Since the plants
are healthier because they're disease resistant, all of this allows for
higher better quality yields.
Without modern agricultural tools, including GMO’s, according to Norman
Borlaug 25 years ago, we would need all the land east of the Mississippi
with the exclusion of three states to generate the same level of crop
production they had then. With the world's growing population how
much more land would be needed. Picture that as a worldwide
Lawsuit Seeks Damages From EPA, ‘A Toxic Waste Dump of Lawlessness’
A conservative legal group is asking a federal judge to punish the
Environmental Protection Agency for destroying or failing to preserve
emails and text messages requested in August 2012 under the Freedom of
Information Act.
The Landmark Legal Foundation believes the requested -- but never
delivered -- messages to outside groups would have revealed EPA attempts
to influence the 2012 presidential election.
"The EPA is a toxic waste dump for lawlessness and disdain for the Constitution,” said Landmark Legal President Mark Levin.
His legal group wants the federal court to fine the EPA “in an amount sufficient to deter future wrongdoing.”
Landmark Legal also is asking the judge to appoint an independent
monitor to ensure that EPA is properly preserving and searching for all
records that fall under Landmark’s original FOIA request.
“EPA cannot be trusted,” the lawsuit states. “The appointment of an
independent monitor is essential to ensure that EPA complies fully with
its obligation to preserve documents…”
And finally, the lawsuit asks the judge to direct the EPA to inform
parties in other lawsuits that it may have destroyed or failed to
preserve records they had a legal right to receive in their litigation.
“When any federal agency receives a FOIA request, the statute says it
must preserve every significant repository of records, both paper and
electronic, that may contain materials that could be responsive to that
request,” Levin said. “When an agency gets sued it must also notify
everyone who might be involved in the suit to preserve everything in
their possession that could be discoverable in the litigation.
"But the people at the EPA, from the Administrator on down, think
they’re above the law, that no one has the right to question what or how
they do their jobs. Well, they’re wrong. The laws apply to everyone,
even federal bureaucrats.”
The lawsuit says EPA should have searched the personal emails and text
messages used by top EPA officials, including then-Administrator Lisa
Jackson, to conduct official business, but it failed to do so.
"EPA didn’t and doesn’t care, an attitude that it has carried into every
aspect of its dealings with Landmark," the lawsuit says. "EPA has
treated Landmark as an adversary from the receipt of its FOIA request,
not as a rightful participant in a FOIA regime as enforcing principles
of open government subject to oversight by its citizens."
This is the second time Landmark Legal has sought sanctions against the EPA in FOIA litigation.
In 2003, the Agency was held in contempt by a federal judge for
destroying email backup tapes in a similar suit over “midnight”
regulations hurried into law in the final days of the Clinton
Administration. In that case, the EPA was fined nearly $300,000.
"The EPA has to learn that you can’t save the planet by destroying the
rule of law,” Levin said. “It also must understand that some of our most
precious resources are the principles of limited government and
official accountability enumerated in the Constitution. If we don’t
protect those, saving the snail darter or the spotted owl won’t mean a
Landmark Legal isn’t the only information-seeker to be frustrated by EPA
stonewalling: EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy recently informed
Congress that EPA was unable to obtain requested records because of a
computer crash.
According to Landmark Legal’s current lawsuit, “Imposition of these
sanctions will also deliver a larger message to the EPA and the entire
federal bureaucracy to take its data preservations obligations
Landmark Legal Foundation is a nonprofit, public interest law firm with offices in Kansas City, MO. and Leesburg, Va.
Gov't Spends $156,493 to Identify Species Vulnerable to Climate Change -- in Maine
The National Park Service is awarding $156,493 to the Schoodic
Education and Research Center (SERC) Institute to fund an award to
“identify species vulnerable to climate change at Acadia National Park.”
According to the grant, “Climate change is a serious threat to national
areas. SERC Institute will develop and communicate stories describing
local impacts of climate change on well-known species in Acadia National
Park. The results from this project will provide valuable tools to
communicate to the public and interested audiences how species are
responding to climate change and which species might be most vulnerable
to climate change.”
Acadia National Park is on the coast of Maine, about halfway up the length of the state next to Bar Harbor.
As part of the grant, SERC will develop and communicate stories
describing impacts of climate change on well-known species; develop a
curriculum for a training course that will provide an introduction to
citizen science and include lesson plans; organize and hold a climate
change workshop that includes a discussion of stories on the impacts of
climate change; and work with the National Park Service staff to hold a
workshop on the vulnerability of archaeological resources to climate
change, as well as many other initiatives.
The National Park Service lists research and education activities as
some of the SERC Institute’s qualifications. (See Park Service
Grant (1).doc)
“Much of SERC Institute’s work has specifically focused on supporting
research and education related to long-term changes in Acadia National
Park and the surrounding area,” the grant states. “They have developed
innovative methods, such as citizen science and data literacy,
inquiry-based learning, and storytelling techniques to support these
activities and integrate science and education.”
“This expertise makes SERC Institute uniquely qualified to lead and work
with NPS on the project described in this Task Agreement,” reads the
grant. “Their qualifications exceed those of any other potential
The grant was posted on July 10, 2014 and had a closing date for applications of July 15, 2014. contacted Jennifer Fleming, the National Park Service’s NER
Agreements Officer to question whether the grant was a good use of
taxpayer dollars, but Fleming did not respond by press time
Green Group Under Scrutiny for Trespassing, Harassment at Woman’s Farm
Robert Marmet knew he was supposed to inspect Martha Boneta’s farm, but
he didn’t know exactly what for. He knew there were limits on what he
could inspect, but he had no idea where they were.
So when Marmet, a senior energy policy analyst with the Piedmont
Environmental Council, and his partner Mike Kane, a conservation officer
with the group, turned up June 12 to inspect Boneta’s Liberty Farm in
Paris, Va., they more or less inspected what they wanted to inspect.
They walked through the upstairs and downstairs portion of the barn that
sits on the property. They inspected every room within—bathrooms,
closets, storage rooms and offices. They looked over the farmer’s
personal effects and even toured the basement area of the barn that
housed some of the animals. They inspected “The Smithy,” an historical
structure on the property that was once a blacksmith shop. They stood on
chairs to peer into the loft area.
What were they looking for? They were there on behalf of the PEC to
enforce an easement on Boneta’s property. Easements are documents
property owners sign that compensate them for agreeing to withhold land
from commercial development. In Boneta’s case, the PEC accused her in a
previous lawsuit of violating the agreement in a number of ways, the
main one of which was to operate apartments on the property.
An agreement to settle that suit required PEC to acknowledge the
accusation was false and Boneta did not have apartments on the property,
but it permitted PEC to “measure for the size of an apartment.” This
inspection obviously went far beyond that.
Boneta claims in a lawsuit filed last month in Fauquier County Circuit
Court the inspections are part of a pattern of harassment. Her case
accuses Peter Schwartz, a member of the elected Fauquier County Board of
Supervisors and former member of the PEC board of directors, of, among
other things, telling zoning officials he wants the rules “aggressively
enforced” with regard to the farm.
She also claims PEC should not be allowed to be involved in the
enforcement of the easement. She said before the PEC sold her the farm
in 2006, it owned both the property and the easement, which is illegal
under Virginia law.
Almost all property owners with easements must endure routine
inspections by the land conservancies or other organizations that
enforce the easements. Usually, they are low-key and friendly.
Landowners are apprised of violations, and the sides work together to
address them.
This is not the case with Martha Boneta.
She told Marmet and Kane when they entered her property in June they
could inspect only what the easement language allows. “It’s very clear,”
she said. And if they “exceed what the language says, it is considered
trespassing. In the past, you have demanded to inspect my closets and
have photographed my personal private possessions, and this exceeds your
Marmet replied that, yes, he is an attorney—and a former judge,
according to his bio on the PEC website—but he is not licensed to
practice law in Virginia and is not familiar with the terms of the
easement. If he was about to violate any of its terms, he told Boneta,
“I ask that you give me notice.”
At which point, Mark Fitzgibbons, an attorney and neighbor who has
supported legislation to protect traditional farming practices from
intrusive zoning rules, stepped in. “The PEC has been placed on notice,”
Fitzgibbons told Marmet. “The obligation is on you, not Martha Boneta,
to know what the easement terms are.”
Fitzgibbons told The Daily Signal the inspections have gotten out of
hand. “From what I’ve observed, these inspections are being conducted
with an agenda greater than ensuring fidelity to the easement,” he said.
It does seem to me the PEC has crossed a line. They are going anywhere
and everywhere across Martha’s property, and it does seem excessive. So,
either they do not know what the easement terms really say, or they do
know and are pushing boundaries of their easement authority. Also, if
the terms of easement are vague, they are to be construed against the
inspector, which opens the issue of trespassing.
Fitzgibbons is not alone in thinking the PEC has gone too far with its
handling of Boneta. Several recent events suggest frustration with the
organization and what many view as its heavy-handed tactics may be
reaching critical mass.
There is Boneta’s lawsuit, in which she claims the PEC “attempted to
convince the [county] zoning administrator and other local government
officials” to issue zoning citations against her farm—and plenty of
email and written correspondence obtained through Freedom of Information
Act requests to support her version.
There is something called the Boneta Bill, signed into law by Terry
McAuliffe, Virginia’s Democratic governor, and effective July 1. The
legislation, which prevents local authorities from requiring special-use
permits for conventional farming activities outlined in the law, proves
members of Virginia’s General Assembly recognize the problem and have
sympathy for Boneta.
And there is the audit of Boneta’s 2010 and 2011 tax records that some
suggest may amount to using the IRS against Boneta. A former IRS
director sits on PEC’s board.
Tom DeWeese, president of the American Policy Center, a non-profit,
free-enterprise group based in Virginia, is circulating a petition that
calls on House Speaker John Boehner and other congressional leaders to
investigate the PEC, its relationship with the county government and the
actions the group has taken against Liberty Farm.
DeWeese said the documents reveal Schwartz, the county supervisor, knew
about Boneta’s audit before she received the notice in the mail, and
Fitzgibbons said he learned of the audit during a meeting with Schwartz
in the supervisor’s private home on July 21, 2012—a few days before
Boneta received her IRS letter.
“Martha [Boneta] stood up and resisted, and so now she is being
targeted,” DeWeese said in an interview. “But this is not just Fauquier
County. We see this happening all over the country. The PEC is one of
many quasi groups operating behind the scenes. There are hundreds,
perhaps thousands of green groups just like the PEC pulling the strings
of government.”
DeWeese also said he is talking to state lawmakers about placing a
“five-year opt out” provision on easements that would give property
owners some flexibility.
“Right now the easements exist in perpetuity, and this is a problem
because there is no real oversight for how they are managed,” DeWeese
said. “The PEC can move the easements around to the government and other
land trusts, and it’s a profit for them. But the landowner is stuck
forever with the easement.”
If there is a congressional investigation, DeWeese would like to see the PEC’s non-profit 501(c)(3) status come under scrutiny.
“The PEC was given an IRS designation as a non-profit educational
institution and this comes with restrictions,” he said. “Given how they
have interacted with the Fauquier County government and how they have
treated Martha, I think this calls out for an investigation. If you cut
off the PEC’s 501(c )(3) status, you can cut off PEC at the knees.”
The PEC has moved to dismiss Boneta’s suit in its entirety because it
“has failed to set forth valid claims,” said Heather Richards,
vice-president of conservation and rural programs, wrote in an email.
The group also released a detailed post on its website that presents its side of the story.
“PEC and other land trusts across the country take our responsibility to
uphold conservation easements in perpetuity seriously, and work hard to
maintain positive relationships with landowners,” the post says. “We
are saddened by the public misrepresentations about both the terms of
this conservation easement and the facts surrounding the court case and
its ensuing settlement, which was agreed to by all parties.”
But questions remain.
Why was Boneta singled out for an audit, and how did Schwartz and others
know about it beforehand? What does it say about the relationship
between the PEC and Fauquier County government that a supervisor can
encourage “aggressive enforcement?” How much inspection is needed to
determine whether there are apartments in the barn?
Bonner Cohen, a senior fellow at the National Center for Public Policy
Research in Washington, has studied conservation easements for decades.
He said what began as a laudable effort to provide financially stressed
landowner with tax breaks in exchange for setting aside land for
conservation has been converted into a vehicle for government land
grabs. The actions taken against Liberty Farm appear to bolster these
concerns, he said.
“Mr. Marmet showed an appalling ignorance of the terms of the
conservation easement he, representing the PEC, was on Martha Boneta’s
property to enforce,” said Cohen, who witnessed the inspection in June.
“One is left with the impression that the inspection was little more
than a fishing expedition to find out how much he could get away with.
That’s not right.”
EPA Chief: 'This Is Not About Pollution Control...It's an Investment Strategy'
She wouldn't know an investment if she fell over one
EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy told Congress on Wednesday that the
EPA's sweeping carbon-regulation plan "really is an investment
opportunity. This is not about pollution control."
Spouting warnings about "climate change" ("The science is clear. The
risks are clear...We must act."), McCarthy described and defended the
EPA's plan to reduce pollution from existing power plants by setting
various carbon-reduction goals for each state to meet by the year 2030.
"And the great thing about this proposal is it really is an investment
opportunity. This is not about pollution control. It's about increased
efficiency at our plants...It's about investments in renewables and
clean energy. It's about investments in people's ability to lower their
electricity bills by getting good, clean, efficient appliances, homes,
rental units," McCarthy told the Senate Environment and Public Works
"This is an investment strategy that will really not just reduce carbon
pollution but will position the United States to continue to grow
economically in every state, based on their own design," McCarthy added.
In her opening statement, McCarthy said the Clean Power Plan "paves a
more certain path for conventional fuels in a clean energy economy." But
in the course of her testimony, it became clear that the EPA actually
is paving a more certain path for clean energy in what is now a
fossil-fuel economy.
Under the plan, it's up to each state to figure out how to arrive at the
federally prescribed carbon-reduction goals by 2030. But "clean" energy
and "efficiency" (reducing demand for fossil-fuel sources) would
certainly have to be part of the mix.
Sen. John Barroso (R-Wyo.) said the proposed regulation may cause
Americans pain by raising electricity prices, but it "can't make a dent"
in terms of global pollution.
"Sir, what I know about this rule is that I know it will leave the
United States in 2030 with a more efficient and cleaner energy supply
system -- and more jobs in clean energy, which are the jobs of the
future," McCarthy responded.
McCarthy said the EPA, whenever it issues a new rule, "always" hears
criticism from "some small groups" about harm to the economy.
But she said she doesn't expect any adverse impact from this rule --
"other than to have jobs grow, the economy to grow, the U.S. to become
more stable, the U.S. to take advantage of new technology, innovation
and investments that will make us stronger over time."
The EPA says it derives its authority to steer the economy toward "clean" energy from Section 111 of the Clean Air Act.
But Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions argued that the agency has "not been
given explicit statutory power to do what you're doing. You've achieved
it by, I guess, a 5-4 ruling some years ago by the Supreme Court.
And it ought to be viewed with skepticism."
Asked to explain what consumers can expect from the new rule, McCarthy
said EPA expects people to see lower energy bills "because we're getting
waste out of the system." In other words, if electricity costs more,
people will use less of it.
Sen. Ed Markey, a Massachusetts Democrat who supports the proposed rule,
asked McCarthy is she is considering stricter carbon reduction targets
for states that already have achieved the levels set out in the proposed
"Well, Senator, we are looking at all comments that we receive. We have a
very long coment period, 120 days. We're looking forward to four public
hearings next week. So we will be certainly listening to those and
making appropriate changes, one way or another," McCarthy replied.
The public comment period on the proposed rule runs through October 16, 2014.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
27 July, 2014
Half of Britain to be opened up to fracking
Ministers are this week expected to offer up vast swathes of Britain for
fracking in an attempt to lure energy companies to explore shale oil
and gas reserves.
The Department for Energy and Climate Change is expected to launch the
so-called “14th onshore licensing round”, which will invite companies to
bid for the rights to explore in as-yet untouched parts of the country.
The move is expected to be hugely controversial because it could
potentially result in fracking taking place across more than half of
Britain. Industry sources said the plans could be announced at a press
conference tomorrow.
The Government is a big proponent of fracking and last year revealed that it would “step up the search” for shale gas and oil.
Ministers said they would offer energy companies the chance for rights
to drill across more than 37,000 square miles, stretching from central
Scotland to the south coast.
Michael Fallon, the former energy minister, has previously described
shale as “an exciting prospect, which could bring growth, jobs and
energy security”.
A previous government-commissioned report said as many as 2,880 wells
could be drilled in the new licence areas, generating up to a fifth of
the country’s annual gas demand at peak and creating as many as 32,000
However, the report warned that communities close to drilling sites
could see a large increase in traffic. Residents could face as many as
51 lorry journeys each day for three years, the study said.
It also warned of potential strain on facilities for handling the waste
water generated by hydraulic fracturing, the process known as fracking,
which involves pumping water, sand and chemicals into rocks at high
pressure to extract gas.
There were also concerns over the potential environmental impact on the countryside.
Controversies include plans to offer land within national parks, despite National Trust opposition.
The areas expected to attract the most interest are the Bowland basin in
the north of England, where it is estimated there could be enough gas
to supply the UK for 40 years.
Ministers also anticipate strong interest in the South East and the central belt of Scotland.
New York Senate Rejects Fracking Ban
The New York Senate has declined to pass a bill extending a statewide
moratorium on hydraulic fracturing energy production in the state.
Instead, Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) and local governments will decide the
fate of fracking in New York.
The New York State Assembly voted 89 to 34 on June 16 to continue the
statewide moratorium, which was imposed as a temporary measure by former
Gov. David Paterson (D). The Cuomo administration is currently
reviewing the moratorium, and some legislators are trying to pass a law
that would ban fracking even if Cuomo lifts the executive moratorium.
The Senate, however, declined to vote on the bill.
New York environmental officials have missed multiple deadlines to issue
final rulings on hydraulic fracturing. The Cuomo administration’s
ongoing delay in making a final decision on fracking keeps the ban in
place while enabling the governor to avoid the political consequences of
making it permanent.
“Gov. Cuomo appears to be appeasing urban, far-left environmental
activists while paying lip service to upstate voters who will decide his
fate in the November election,” said Jay Lehr, science director for The
Heartland Institute, which publishes Environment & Climate News.
“This is the same political strategy employed by President Obama
regarding the Keystone XL pipeline.”
UK: Stop building offshore wind farms, says energy company
Britain should stop building expensive offshore wind farms, energy giant
Centrica has said, claiming that billpayers could be saved £96bn by
2030 if ministers pursued a cheaper green strategy.
The British Gas owner - whose chief executive Sam Laidlaw is preparing
to step down after eight years - on Wednesday took the unusual step of
issuing its own manifesto for how to solve Britain’s energy crisis,
claiming its plans were three times cheaper than Government’s.
Mr Laidlaw, whose exit and replacement by BP executive Iain Conn is
expected to be confirmed as soon as next week, is said to have grown
tired of taking the flak for rising energy bills.
The report, which points the finger of blame at Government for backing
expensive green technologies, offers a “more affordable pathway to a
lower-carbon future”, Mr Laidlaw said. It advocates building no
more offshore wind farms, which it calls “an expensive option that may
not be needed”, stopping solar panel deployment, “since it generates no
output at times of peak demand” and restricting use of expensive solid
wall insulation for homes.
Instead it backs gas, nuclear and carbon capture and storage (CCS)
plants. It claims the plan would save consumers £100 a year by 2030,
compared with the Government’s strategy, while still hitting 2050 carbon
But the manifesto would involve Britain failing to meet its
legally-binding EU target for renewable energy generation by 2020, and
would also involve weakening green targets for the late 2020s.
One Whitehall source dismissed the report, saying: “Centrica ignores legally binding targets that are not going to go away.”
Peter Atherton, of Liberum Capital, said Centrica had entered the debate
on policy “at least five years late” having previously supported
policies such as offshore wind “as that suited their short term profit
Centrica last year sold its interest in the proposed Race Bank offshore
wind farm after deciding subsidies were inadequate, and hopes now to
build gas-fired power plants.
Sophie Neuburg, of Friends of the Earth, said the report was “cynical”
and served Centrica’s own interests. She said it was "ridiculous" to
stop building offshore wind when it was not clear if CCS would work.
Joss Garman, of think-tank IPPR said: "Centrica’s proposals could
fatally damage the UK’s efforts to reduce harmful carbon pollution
because they directly contradict the recommendation of the Committee on
Climate Change to introduce a 2030 decarbonisation target for the power
sector. To regain the trust of consumers and bring down costs, Centrica
needs to embrace new technologies and be part of the solution to climate
change, not part of the problem.”
The energy department said it was working to “ensure the UK’s energy
security and achieve our carbon targets in the most cost effective way
Guillotine climate change skeptics?
Don Surber
If the world is warming, it is doing so at one-quarter of the rate the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicted in its 2007 report.
The IPCC admits in a yet-to-be released report that it overestimated global warming, the London Daily Mail reported.
“But the new report says the observed warming over the more recent 15
years to 2012 was just 0.05C per decade -- below almost all computer
predictions,” the newspaper reported.
That is a change of five-hundredths of a degree annually. Feel the burn.
The weather is doing what Leona Woods Marshall Libby forecast 30 years
ago. She’s a big deal. At 23, she was the only female on physicist
Enrico Fermi’s team that built the first nuclear reactor and first atom
Dr. Libby later developed the method used to measure temperatures
centuries ago using tree ring data, which is a key tool in climatology.
In 1979 -- when the scientific consensus was global cooling -- Dr. Libby
forecast a rise in temperatures until the year 2000 when it would get
colder again for the next 50 years.
“Easily one to two degrees,” she told the Los Angeles Times. “And maybe
even three or four degrees. It takes only 10 degrees to bring on an Ice
The first half of her prediction proved true. Temperatures peaked in 1998.
But why bother with the facts? Global warming is politics, not science.
The head of the IPCC is an economist. Its Nobel is a Peace Prize.
Yes, horticulturists use water vapor and carbon dioxide in their
greenhouses. But that is to feed their plants. Carbon dioxide is
your friend, not a pollutant.
As the evidence mounts that this is junk science, its promoters are getting ugly.
Two years ago, Professor Richard Parncutt of Graz University in Austria called for the execution of skeptics.
He later retracted his statement, but pardon people for being nervous. Austria was part of Nazi Germany.
And history shows that being right is small comfort. In the 18th
century, the scientific consensus backed the theory of phlogiston, which
held that there were three elements.
Along came Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier who determined this was
wrong. People now consider Lavoisier as the Father of Modern
Chemistry, because he did the math and used experimentation to prove his
But some people held on to the phlogiston theory for a while longer.
They did so because everyone else had said it is true. And if you do not
believe what everyone else believes, then you are an idiot.
Hans Christian Andersen mocked this conformity in his story, “The
Emperor’s New Clothes,” in which con men sold the emperor cloth that
didn’t exist. They told him the cloth was invisible to the hopelessly
stupid and people who are unfit for their office.
Not wishing to be known as a fool or unfit, the emperor pretended to see
the cloth. He put on the non-existent clothing and paraded naked
before the people, who were silent lest they be considered fools.
Finally, a child blurted out that the emperor was wearing nothing. That
broke the spell.
And so it goes with global warming. If you do not believe then you are a
denier, anti-science, and a tool for that great bogeyman, Big Oil.
The truth is every flood, every drought, every tornado, every hurricane,
every cyclone, every dip in the polar vortex, every derecho, every
wildfire, every blizzard and every other weather phenomenon does not
prove global warming.
Forces that are beyond man’s comprehension control and deterimine the weather.
Skeptics beware, they guillotined Lavoisier. His execution was
unrelated to his debunking phlogiston, but his status as the father of
chemistry did not spare him.
Legend has it that when he pleaded for a stay of execution so he could
complete one final experiment, the judge replied: “La République n’a pas
besoin de savants ni de chimistes; le cours de la justice ne peut être
That translates into “The Republic needs neither scientists nor chemists; the course of justice cannot be delayed.”
A motto fit for today’s global warming fanatics.
Just Who is Waging the ‘War on Science’?
Paul Driessen
Left-leaning environmentalists, media and academics have long railed
against the alleged conservative “war on science.” They augment this
vitriol with substantial money, books, documentaries and conference
sessions devoted to “protecting” global warming alarmists from supposed
“harassment” by climate chaos skeptics, whom they accuse of wanting to
conduct “fishing expeditions” of alarmist emails and “rifle” their file
cabinets in search of juicy material (which might expose collusion or
manipulated science).
A primary target of this “unjustified harassment” has been Penn State
University professor Dr. Michael Mann, creator of the infamous “hockey
stick” temperature graph that purported to show a sudden spike in
average planetary temperatures in recent decades, following centuries of
supposedly stable climate. But at a recent AGU meeting a number of
other “persecuted” scientists were trotted out to tell their story of
how they have been “attacked” or had their research, policy demands or
integrity questioned.
To fight back against this “harassment,” the American Geophysical Union
actually created a “Climate Science Legal Defense Fund,” to pay mounting
legal bills that these scientists have incurred. The AGU does not want
any “prying eyes” to gain access to their emails or other information.
These scientists and the AGU see themselves as “Freedom Fighters” in
this “war on science.” It’s a bizarre war.
While proclaiming victimhood, they detest and vilify any experts who
express doubts that we face an imminent climate Armageddon. They refuse
to debate any such skeptics, or permit “nonbelievers” to participate in
conferences where endless panels insist that every imaginable and
imagined ecological problem is due to fossil fuels. They use hysteria
and hyperbole to advance claims that slashing fossil fuel use and carbon
dioxide emissions will enable us to control Earth’s climate – and that
references to computer model predictions and “extreme weather events”
justify skyrocketing energy costs, millions of lost jobs, and severe
damage to people’s livelihoods, living standards, health and welfare.
Reality is vastly different from what these alarmist, environmentalist, academic, media and political elites attempt to convey.
In 2009, before Mann’s problems began, Greenpeace started attacking
scientists it calls “climate deniers,” focusing its venom on seven
scientists at four institutions, including the University of Virginia
and University of Delaware. This anti-humanity group claimed its effort
would “bring greater transparency to the climate science discussion”
through “educational and other charitable public interest activities.”
(If you believe that, send your bank account number to those Nigerians
with millions in unclaimed cash.)
UVA administrators quickly agreed to turn over all archived records
belonging to Dr. Patrick Michaels, a prominent climate chaos skeptic who
had recently retired from the university. They did not seem to mind
that no press coverage ensued, and certainly none that was critical of
these Spanish Inquisition tactics.
However, when the American Tradition Institute later filed a similar
FOIA request for Dr. Mann’s records, UVA marshaled the troops and
launched a media circus, saying conservatives were harassing a leading
climate scientist. The AGU, American Meteorological Society and American
Association of University Professors (the nation’s college faculty
union) rushed forward to lend their support. All the while, in a
remarkable display of hypocrisy and double standards, UVA and these
organizations continued to insist it was proper and ethical to turn all
of Dr. Michaels’ material over to Greenpeace.
Meanwhile, although it had started out similarly, the scenario played
out quite differently at the University of Delaware. Greenpeace targeted
Dr. David Legates, demanding access to records related to his role as
the Delaware State Climatologist. The University not only agreed to
this. It went further, and demanded that Legates produce all his records
– regardless of whether they pertained to his role as State
Climatologist, his position on the university faculty, or his outside
speaking and writing activities, even though he had received no state
money for any of this work. Everything was fair game.
But when the Competitive Enterprise Institute filed a FOIA request for
documents belonging to several U of Delaware faculty members who had
contributed to the IPCC, the university told CEI the state’s FOIA Law
did not apply. (The hypocrisy and double standards disease is
contagious.) Although one faculty contributor clearly had received state
money for his climate change work, University Vice-President and
General Counsel Lawrence White falsely claimed none of the individuals
had received state funds.
When Legates approached White to inquire about the disparate treatment,
White said Legates did not understand the law. State law did not require
that White produce anything, White insisted, but also did not preclude
him from doing so. Under threat of termination for failure to respond to
the demands of a senior university official, Legates was required to
allow White to inspect his emails and hardcopy files.
Legates subsequently sought outside legal advice. At this, his academic
dean told him he had now gone too far. “This puts you at odds with the
University,” she told him, “and the College will no longer support
anything you do.” This remarkable threat was promptly implemented.
Legates was terminated as the State Climatologist, removed from a state
weather network he had been instrumental in organizing and operating,
and banished from serving on any faculty committees.
Legates appealed to the AAUP – the same union that had staunchly
supported Mann at UVA. Although the local AAUP president had written
extensively on the need to protect academic freedom, she told Legates
that FOIA issues and actions taken by the University of Delaware’s
vice-president and dean “would not fall within the scope of the AAUP.”
What about the precedent of the AAUP and other professional
organizations supporting Dr. Mann so quickly and vigorously? Where was
the legal defense fund to pay Legates’ legal bills? Fuggedaboutit.
In the end, it was shown that nothing White examined in Legates’ files
originated from state funds. The State Climate Office had received no
money while Legates was there, and the university funded none of
Legates’ climate change research though state funds. This is important
because, unlike in Virginia, Delaware’s FOIA law says that regarding
university faculty, only state-funded work is subject to FOIA.
That means White used his position to bully and attack Legates for his
scientific views – pure and simple. Moreover, a 1991 federal arbitration
case had ruled that the University of Delaware had violated another
faculty member’s academic freedom when it examined the content of her
research. But now, more than twenty years later, U Del was at it again.
Obviously, academic freedom means nothing when one’s views differ from
the liberal faculty majority – or when they contrast with views and
“science” that garners the university millions of dollars a year from
government, foundation, corporate and other sources, to advance the
alarmist climate change agenda. All these institutions are intolerant of
research by scientists like Legates, because they fear losing grant
money if they permit contrarian views, discussions, debates or anything
that questions the climate chaos “consensus.” At this point, academic
freedom and free speech obviously apply only to advance selected
political agendas, and campus “diversity” exists in everything but
Climate alarmists have been implicated in the ClimateGate scandal, for
conspiring to prevent their adversaries from receiving grants,
publishing scientific papers, and advancing their careers. Yet they are
staunchly supported by their universities, professional organizations,
union – and groups like Greenpeace.
Meanwhile, climate disaster skeptics are vilified and harassed by these
same groups, who pretend they are fighting to “let scientists conduct
research without the threat of politically motivated attacks.” Far
worse, we taxpayers are paying the tab for the junk science – and then
getting stuck with regulations, soaring energy bills, lost jobs and
reduced living standards…based on that bogus science.
Right now, the climate alarmists appear to be winning their war on
honest science. But storm clouds are gathering, and a powerful
counteroffensive is heading their way.
Warmists have rivals for crookedness in journal publication
Every now and then a scholarly journal retracts an article because of
errors or outright fraud. In academic circles, and sometimes beyond,
each retraction is a big deal. jvc
Now comes word of a journal retracting 60 articles at once.
The reason for the mass retraction is mind-blowing: A “peer review and
citation ring” was apparently rigging the review process to get articles
You’ve heard of prostitution rings, gambling rings and extortion rings. Now there’s a “peer review ring.”
The publication is the Journal of Vibration and Control (JVC). It
publishes papers with names like “Hydraulic engine mounts: a survey” and
“Reduction of wheel force variations with magnetorheological devices.”
The field of acoustics covered by the journal is highly technical:
Analytical, computational and experimental studies of vibration
phenomena and their control. The scope encompasses all linear and
nonlinear vibration phenomena and covers topics such as: vibration and
control of structures and machinery, signal analysis, aeroelasticity,
neural networks, structural control and acoustics, noise and noise
control, waves in solids and fluids and shock waves.
JVC is part of the SAGE group of academic publications. Here’s how it describes its peer review process:
[The journal] operates under a conventional single-blind reviewing
policy in which the reviewer’s name is always concealed from the
submitting author.
All manuscripts are reviewed initially by one of the Editors and only
those papers that meet the scientific and editorial standards of the
journal, and fit within the aims and scope of the journal, will be sent
for peer review. Generally, reviews from two independent referees
are required.
An announcement from SAGE published July 8 explained what happened, albeit somewhat opaquely.
In 2013, the editor of JVC, Ali H. Nayfeh, became aware of people using
“fabricated identities” to manipulate an online system called SAGE Track
by which scholars review the work of other scholars prior to
Attention focused on a researcher named Peter Chen of the National
Pingtung University of Education (NPUE) in Taiwan and “possibly other
authors at this institution.”
After a 14-month investigation, JVC determined the ring involved
“aliases” and fake e-mail addresses of reviewers — up to 130 of them —
in an apparently successful effort to get friendly reviews of
submissions and as many articles published as possible by Chen and his
friends. “On at least one occasion, the author Peter Chen reviewed his
own paper under one of the aliases he created,” according to the SAGE
The statement does not explain how something like this happens. Did the
ring invent names and say they were scholars? Did they use real names
and pretend to be other scholars? Doesn’t anyone check on these things
by, say, picking up the phone and calling the reviewer?
In any case, SAGE and Nayfeh confronted Chen to give him an “opportunity
to address the accusations of misconduct,” the statement said, but were
not satisfied with his responses.
In May, “NPUE informed SAGE and JVC that Peter Chen had resigned from his post on 2 February 2014.”
Each of the 60 retracted articles had at least one author and/or one
reviewer “who has been implicated in the peer review” ring, said a
separate notice issued by JVC.
Efforts by The Washington Post to locate and contact Chen for comment were unsuccessful.
The whole story is described in a publication called “Retraction Watch”
under the headline: “SAGE Publications busts ‘peer review and citation
“This one,” it said, “deserves a ‘wow.’”
Update: Some additional information from the SAGE statement: “As the
SAGE investigation drew to a close, in May 2014 Professor Nayfeh’s
retirement was announced and he resigned his position as Editor-in-Chief
of JVC….
Three senior editors and an additional 27 associate editors with
expertise and prestige in the field have been appointed to assist with
the day-to-day running of the JVC peer review process. Following
Professor Nayfeh’s retirement announcement, the external senior
editorial team will be responsible for independent editorial control for
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
25 July, 2014
Invertebrate populations have dropped by 45 percent in the last four decades
"Invertebrate" means "no backbone". At that rate America has an
ample supply of invertebrates -- in Congress. Seriously, though, how
can anybody know how many beetles, wasps etc there are? It's a
fantasy. They might as well have just made the number up --
which they probably did
Much has been said about the loss of bird, mammal, reptile, and
amphibian species around the world. By current estimates, at least 322
species have gone extinct in the last 500 years. And researchers
estimate that 16 to 33 percent of the world’s vertebrate species —
animals with developed spinal cords — are currently threatened or
endangered. But a new article, published today in Science, paints an
even more alarming picture, as scientists have found that the number of
individual insects, crustaceans, worms, and spiders decreased by 45
percent on average over the past 40 years — a period in which the global
human population doubled.
"We had strong suspicions that the problem was largely with the
vertebrates," said Rodolfo Dirzo, an ecologist at Stanford University,
in an email to The Verge. "But it was surprising to see this now, also,
among the invertebrates," or animals without developed spines. Dirzo
calls this loss of animal life "defaunation," and he blames it on
humans. "The richness of the animal world of our planet is being
seriously threatened by human activities," he said. Many species have
gone extinct and the ones that remain — mammals, birds, and insects
alike — are showing dramatic declines in their abundance.
In the article, Dirzo and his colleagues reviewed past studies, and
compiled a global index of all invertebrate species over the past 40
years. Overall, they found that 67 percent of the world’s invertebrates
have declined in numbers by an average of 45 percent. In the UK, for
instance, there has been a 30 to 60 percent decline in the number of
butterflies, bees, beetles, and wasps. This, the researchers write, is
important because too often we measure animal diversity in terms of
number of species, or in terms of extinctions. But an animal’s
contribution is about more than the mere presence of its species on the
planet — it’s also about local shifts in populations that could impact
everything from agriculture to human health.
Making Earth a ‘High-Energy Planet’
Electricity for Africa may become a reality
If all goes smoothly, President Obama will be able to sign a landmark
bipartisan energy-for-Africa bill when more than 40 African heads of
state — all looking to attract more U.S. investment for their economies —
convene at the White House for the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit on Aug. 5
and 6.
Two bills in Congress are waiting in the wings for their high voltage
debut — the “Electrify Africa” measure (HR 2548), which has passed the
House of Representatives and the Senate’s companion “Energize Africa”
bill (S 2508), which is ready for a floor vote. Both bills abandon
yesterday’s foreign aid handouts and propose only private sector-based
incentives such as loans, guarantees, and political risk insurance as a
shock absorber for U.S. businesses willing to enter frontier African
The mere possibility of an energy-for-Africa bill with the president’s
signature on it is already sparking angry outbursts from Obama’s
political base. That’s bizarre but predictable — congressional action
would give Obama a big boost for his June 30, 2013, “Power Africa”
initiative, which — amazingly — is an “all of the above” energy program
and not one of those weasel-worded “all except fossil fuels” shams the
White House usually perpetrates. The White House fact sheet specifically
said, “Power Africa will partner with Uganda and Mozambique on
responsible oil and gas resources management.” It was silent about coal,
which is plentiful in Africa.
When Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz touts his department’s “Beyond the
Grid” initiative to encourage greenie-approved off-grid and small-scale
energy projects, he takes care to avoid disparaging fossil fuels because
they’re part of Obama’s Power Africa plan.
Obama’s Big Green base is furious that a measly president of the United
States would dare to thwart their exalted global mission to force people
in developing nations to live off-grid with only the energy for two
lightbulbs, a fan and a radio — a standard measure of “energy access”
used by the U.N.’s callous “Sustainable Energy for All” initiative.
A recent Sierra Club report, “Clean Energy Services for All,” defines
energy access for poor nations as living on 0.15 percent of the average
Californian’s annual usage, according to several critiques. Sierra
Clubbers, please lead by example.
The Sierra Club’s sourpuss misers got a nasty slapdown in June from the
Breakthrough Institute, a brainstorming enterprise formed in 2004 by Big
Green bad boys Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger. The unknown pair
published a provocative essay titled “The Death of Environmentalism” —
drubbing everything wrong with mainstream environmentalism — and
presented all the dirty laundry at the annual retreat of the
Environmental Grantmakers Association. They weren’t unknown afterward.
They have matured wonderfully into welcome thought leaders with their
April publication, “Our High Energy Planet — A Climate Pragmatism
Project.” In the past I have disparaged some of their more leftward
shenanigans, so I offer the following quote from their executive summary
as part contrition, part admiration:
“Today, over 1 billion people around the world — 500 million of them in
sub-Saharan Africa alone — lack access to electricity. Nearly 3 billion
people cook over open fires fueled by wood, dung, coal, or charcoal.
This energy poverty presents a significant hurdle to achieving
development goals of health, prosperity, and a livable environment.”
I have friends in sub-Saharan Africa, from my days working with leaders
of the Congress of Racial Equality, two of whom run CORE Uganda, Fiona
Kobusingye and her husband Cyril Boynes. Kobusingye is also an outspoken
promoter of DDT sprays as coordinator of Uganda’s Kill Malarial
Mosquitoes Now Brigade. She is a victim of malaria herself, requiring
lifelong medical treatment — I was seated next to Fiona at a 2004
conference in New York City when she suffered an attack and went to a
hospital where none of the doctors had ever seen malaria — and she has
lost many cherished family members to the disease.
I asked CORE’s national chairman, Roy Innis, how he felt about the two
energy-for-Africa bills now in Congress. Although best known for his
activism in the civil rights movement of the 1960s, he is also a
long-time champion of energy access for the disadvantaged — and author
of “Energy Keepers, Energy Killers: The New Civil Rights Battle.”
Innis said, “A short visit to most of Africa reveals a crushing shortage
of controlled and developed energy. It appears that on this
legislation, HR 2548 and S 2508, we can avoid the usual fights that
bogged down the legislative branch. We hope that the executive branch
can follow.”
CORE Uganda hopes so in particular. The Ugandan census of 2002 reported
that 7.7 percent of households used electricity for lighting (only 2.6
percent of rural households), with 74.8 percent of households using
“tadooba,” a form of paraffin candle, for lighting. Most tourist areas
need backup generators because of grid failures. In 2002, the network
fed by hydroelectric dams on Lake Victoria provided power to only 33 of
the 54 districts of Uganda. Things have improved with diesel-fueled
power turbines and co-generation from sugar works, bringing most numbers
up about 50 percent since 2002. And in February, the Ugandan Ministry
of Energy signed a deal with three European — not American — oil
companies to develop its petroleum reserves estimated at over 3.5
billion barrels, based on limited drilling and testing.
Assuming that Congress does the right thing and puts an
energy-for-Africa bill on Obama’s desk soon, the new law and his Power
Africa initiative may together have the momentum to steamroller the
would-be energy-starvation despots of the world into the frozen darkness
of Dante’s Ninth Circle of Hell and lift the Breakthrough Institute’s
report title into global reality — “Our High-Energy Planet.”
Property Rights at Stake in EPA’s Water Power Grab
Thanks to the federal government, it soon may become far more difficult
to use and enjoy private property. The Environmental Protection Agency
and the Army Corps of Engineers want to make a water—and land—grab that
should scare everyone.
Under the Clean Water Act, the federal government has jurisdiction over
“navigable waters,” which the statute further defines as “the waters of
the United States, including the territorial seas.” Property owners
often need to get permits if waters covered under the law will be
impacted. Therefore, a critical question is what types of “waters” are
covered under the CWA. That’s what the EPA and Corps seek to address
with a new proposed rule that would define “the waters of the United
States.” As expected, the EPA and the Corps are seeking to expand their
authority to cover waters never imagined when the Clean Water Act was
passed in 1972.
For example, the new proposed rule would regulate all ditches, except in
narrow circumstances. This even includes man-made ditches. The rule
would apply to tributaries that have ephemeral flow. This would include
depressions in land that are dry most of the year except when there’s
heavy rain.
There’s widespread opposition to the proposed rule. Farmers and ranchers
are concerned that the rule could affect normal agricultural practices.
Homebuilders could face additional development costs that would likely
be passed on to buyers. Counties are concerned because of costly new
requirements that could impact municipal storm sewer systems, roadside
ditches, among other things.
This broad overreach could have significant costs and delays for permit
applicants. In Rapanos v. United States (2006), a major CWA case,
Justice Antonin Scalia cited a study highlighting the following costs
and delays for one of the major types of permits (Section 404 permits),
“The average applicant for an individual permit spends 788 days and
$271,596 in completing the process, and the average applicant for a
nationwide permit spends 313 days and $28,915—not counting costs of
mitigation or design changes.”
The American Farm Bureau Federation launched a national campaign to
inform people why the Clean Water Act should be 'ditched.' (Photo:
American Farm Bureau Federation Facebook)
The American Farm Bureau Federation launched a national campaign to
inform people why the Clean Water Act should be ‘ditched.’ (Photo:
American Farm Bureau Federation Facebook)
If the EPA and Corps expand their authority over more waters, property
owners will have to secure additional permits. They will have to get
permission from federal bureaucrats to enjoy and use their property
because of waters that were never intended to be regulated under the
CWA. If property owners don’t comply with the law, they could face civil
penalties as high as $37,500 per day per violation, or even criminal
In their craving for more power, the EPA and Corps are ignoring a
critical aspect of the CWA: cooperative federalism. Both the states and
federal government are supposed to play a role in implementation of the
law. Yet, this power grab is an attempt by the federal government to
push out state and local governments.
At the start of the CWA it states, “It is the policy of the Congress to
recognize, preserve, and protect the primary responsibilities and rights
of States to prevent, reduce, and eliminate pollution, to plan the
development and use (including restoration, preservation, and
enhancement) of land and water resources…” The EPA and Corps are
pretending that this important policy doesn’t exist.
The EPA also had to ignore sound science and proper rulemaking to move
forward with its power play. The agency developed a draft report
entitled Connectivity of Streams and Wetlands to Downstream Waters: A
Review and Synthesis of the Scientific Evidence. A Scientific Advisory
Board was convened to peer review the study, which when finalized would
provide the scientific foundation for implementation of the rule.
However, the EPA finalized the proposed rule before the Scientific
Advisory Board even met. The EPA defends this action by claiming that
the final study will still help inform the final rule. But this is
putting the cart before the horse (or the rule before the science). The
scientific foundation should inform the proposed rule so that the public
can provide informed comments and have a meaningful voice in the
The public may be commenting on a proposed rule that seems to be a mere
placeholder rather than a real policy proposal, or more likely, a
proposal that already reflects the final conclusions of the EPA. The EPA
has a strong incentive to avoid making major changes to the draft
scientific report and, as a result, the final rule. If major changes are
made, the EPA might be forced by law to restart the rulemaking process
Congress is taking notice. The House Transportation and Infrastructure
Committee passed a bill (H.R. 5078) that would prohibit implementation
of the proposed rule, and legislation (S. 2496) has been introduced in
the Senate to prohibit implementation as well. In addition, the FY 2015
House Interior and Environment appropriations bill that passed out of
the appropriations committee includes a provision that withholds funds
for implementation of the rule.
Ultimately though, it is the responsibility of Congress to define the
term “navigable waters” instead of deferring to the EPA and the Corps.
History shows these agencies will continue to seek to expand their
authority. As with other laws, Congress needs to reassert its authority
and rein in agency overreach. Private property rights are at stake.
Another comment on Risbey et al
The more you look at it the stranger the paper becomes. The
fact that it has among its authors two old Warmist warriors with no
expertise in climate science may help explain that
The Risbey et al. (2014) "Well-estimated global surface warming in
climate projections selected for ENSO phase" is yet another paper trying
to blame the recent dominance of La Niña events for the slowdown in
global surface temperature warming, the hiatus. This one, however,
states that ENSO contributes to the warming when El Niño events
dominate. That occurred from the mid-1970s to the late-1990s. Risbey et
al. (2014) also has a number of curiosities that make it stand out from
the rest. One of those curiosities is that they claim that 4 specially
selected climate models (which they failed to identify) can reproduce
the spatial patterns of warming and cooling in the Pacific (and the rest
of the ocean basins) during the hiatus period, while the maps they
presented of observed versus modeled trends contradict the claims.
I’ve read and reread Risbey et al. (2014) a number of times and I can’t
find where they identify the “best” 4 and “worst” 4 climate models
presented in their Figure 5. I asked Anthony Watts to provide a second
set of eyes, and he was also unable to find where they list the models
selected for that illustration.
Risbey et al. (2014) identify 18 models, but not the “best” and “worst”
of those 18 they used in their Figure 5. Please let me know if I’ve
somehow overlooked them. I’ll then strike any related text in this post.
Further to this topic, Anthony Watts sent emails to two of the authors
on Friday, July 18, 2014, asking if the models selected for Figure 5 had
been named somewhere. Refer to Anthony’s post A courtesy note ahead of
publication for Risbey et al. 2014. Anthony has not received replies.
While there are numerous other 15-year periods presented in Risbey et al
(2014) along with numerous other “best” and “worst” models, our
questions pertained solely to Figure 5 and the period of 1998-2012, so
it should have been relatively easy to answer the question…and one would
have thought the models would have been identified in the Supplementary
Information for the paper, but there is no Supplementary Information.
Because Risbey et al. (2014) have not identified the models they’ve
selected as “best” and “worst”, their work cannot be verified.
The Risbey et al. (2014) paper Well-estimated global surface warming in
climate projections selected for ENSO phase was just published online.
Risbey et al. (2014) are claiming that if they cherry-pick a few climate
models from the CMIP5 archive (used by the IPCC for their 5th
Assessment Report)—that is, if they select specific climate models that
best simulate a dominance of La Niña events during the global warming
hiatus period of 1998 to 2012—then those models provide a good estimate
of warming trends (or lack thereof) and those models also properly
simulate the sea surface temperature patterns in the Pacific, and
Those are very odd claims. The spatial patterns of warming and cooling
in the Pacific are dictated primarily by ENSO processes and climate
models still can’t simulate the most basic of ENSO processes. Even if a
few of the models created the warning and cooling spatial patterns by
some freak occurrence, the models still do not (cannot) properly
simulate ENSO processes. In that respect, the findings of Risbey et al.
(2014) are pointless.
Additionally, their claims that the very-small, cherry-picked subset of
climate models provides good estimates of the spatial patterns of
warming and cooling in the Pacific for the period of 1998-2012 are not
supported by the data and model outputs they presented, so Risbey et al.
(2014) failed to deliver.
There are a number of other curiosities, too.
The Risbey et al. (2014) abstract reads:
"The question of how climate model projections have tracked the actual
evolution of global mean surface air temperature is important in
establishing the credibility of their projections. Some studies and the
IPCC Fifth Assessment Report suggest that the recent 15-year period
(1998–2012) provides evidence that models are overestimating current
temperature evolution. Such comparisons are not evidence against model
trends because they represent only one realization where the decadal
natural variability component of the model climate is generally not in
phase with observations. We present a more appropriate test of models
where only those models with natural variability (represented by El
Niño/Southern Oscillation) largely in phase with observations are
selected from multi-model ensembles for comparison with observations.
These tests show that climate models have provided good estimates of
15-year trends, including for recent periods and for Pacific spatial
trend patterns."
Curiously, in their abstract, Risbey et al. (2014) note a major flaw
with the climate models used by the IPCC for their 5th Assessment
Report—that they are “generally not in phase with observations”—but they
don’t accept that as a flaw. If your stock broker’s models were out of
phase with observations, would you continue to invest with that broker
based on their out-of-phase models or would you look for another broker
whose models were in-phase with observations? Of course, you’d look
Unfortunately, we don’t have any other climate “broker” models to choose
from. There are no climate models that can simulate naturally occurring
coupled ocean-atmosphere processes that can contribute to global
warming and that can stop global warming…or, obviously, simulate those
processes in-phase with the real world. Yet governments around the globe
continue to invest billions annually in out-of-phase models.
Risbey et al. (2014), like numerous other papers, are basically
attempting to blame a shift in ENSO dominance (from a dominance of El
Niño events to a dominance of La Niña events) for the recent slowdown in
the warming of surface temperatures. Unlike others, they acknowledge
that ENSO would also have contributed to the warming from the mid-1970s
to the late 1990s, a period when El Niños dominated.
The fifth paragraph of Risbey et al. (2014) begins (my boldface):
In the CMIP5 models run using historical forcing there is no way to
ensure that the model has the same sequence of ENSO events as the real
world. This will occur only by chance and only for limited periods,
because natural variability in the models is not constrained to occur in
the same sequence as the real world.
Risbey et al. (2014) admitted that the models they selected for having
the proper sequence of ENSO events did so by chance, not out of skill,
which undermines the intent of their paper. If the focus of the paper
had been need for climate models to be in-phase with obseervations, they
would have achieved their goal. But that wasn’t the aim of the paper.
The concluding sentence of the abstract claims that “…climate models
have provided good estimates of 15-year trends, including for recent
periods…” when, in fact, it was by pure chance that the cherry-picked
models aligned with the real world. No skill involved. If models had any
skill, the outputs of the models would be in-phase with observations.
5 million Scottish trees felled for wind farms
ONLY a fraction of Scottish forests felled to make way for wind farms
have been replanted, figures show, sparking calls for a ban on new
Forestry Commission statistics reveal that about five million trees –
almost one for every person in Scotland – have been cut down to clear
space for turbines in the past six years but less than a third of them
have been replaced.
Of the 2,510 hectares stripped of woodland to make way for turbines
since 2007, just 792 hectares were reforested after construction was
The Scottish Conservatives, who obtained the figures through a Freedom
of Information request, claimed the figures are evidence that the
Scottish Government is “destroying nature” in a bid to meet its own
climate targets, which aim for all the country’s electricity to come
from renewable sources by 2020.
MSP Murdo Fraser, energy spokesman for the party, said: “The SNP is so
blindly obsessed with renewable energy that it doesn’t mind destroying
another important environmental attribute to make way for it.
“It’s quite astonishing to see almost as many trees have been destroyed as there are people in Scotland.”
The government has hit back at the claims, saying the figures do not represent the full picture.
Environment and climate change minister Paul Wheelhouse said: “We have
replanted nearly 800 hectares and have restored significant areas of
important open habitat where this is best for the environment. The
result is that, of the area felled for wind farms, only 315 hectares of
land suitable for another rotation of trees has not been replanted.”
He also pointed out that 31,400 hectares of new forestry was planted
around the country in the same six-year period. “That’s a staggering 62
million trees in the ground across Scotland,” he said.
“Scotland is also shouldering the vast majority of tree-planting in
Britain, with nearly two and a half times more in Scotland compared to
south of the Border.”
Mr Fraser, who has previously voiced his opposition to wind farms, is
calling for a year-long moratorium on planning applications for new
The regional MSP for Mid-Scotland and Fife said: “The contribution of
trees to our environment has been well established through the ages.
“I’m still waiting to see compelling evidence of the contribution wind
farms make. They are an expensive, intermittent and unreliable
alternative, and not one that it’s worth making this level of sacrifice
to accommodate.
“If the Scottish Government cooled its ludicrous renewable energy
targets, we wouldn’t see this kind of wanton destruction and intrusion
on our landscape.”
Mr Wheelhouse defended Scotland’s planning rules, which he said require
developers to plant new trees to replace any cut down to make way for
wind farms.
He added: “It was the Scottish Government that took a proactive role in
protecting Scotland’s forests and woodlands. In 2009, we tightened up
the guidance around felling from wind farm developments.
“A key component is to keep any felling to a minimum and compensatory
planting undertaken where suitable. Every energy company building wind
farms has to comply with this policy. All renewable developments are
subject to environmental scrutiny through the planning process and this
manages any impacts on the natural environment, landscape and
Smart Growth Facts vs. Ideology
Debates over smart growth–sometimes known as new urbanism, compact
cities, or sustainable urban planning, but always meaning higher urban
densities and a higher share of people in multifamily housing–boil down
to factual questions. But smart-growth supporters keep trying to twist
the arguments into ideological issues.
For example, in response to my Minneapolis Star Tribune article about
future housing demand, Thomas Fisher, the dean of the College of Design
at the University of Minnesota, writes, “O’Toole, like many
conservatives, equates low-density development with personal freedom.”
In fact, I equate personal freedom with personal freedom.
Fisher adds, “we [meaning government] should promote density where it
makes sense and prohibit it where it doesn’t”; in other words, restrict
personal freedom whenever planners’ ideas of what “makes sense” differ
from yours. Why? As long as people pay the costs of their choices, they
should be allowed to choose high or low densities without interference
from planners like Fisher.
Another writer who makes this ideological is Daily Caller contributor
Matt Lewis, who believes that conservatives should endorse new urbanism.
His weird logic is conservatives want people to love their country,
high-density neighborhoods are prettier than low-density suburbs, and
people who don’t have pretty places to live will stop loving their
country. Never mind that more than a century of suburbanization hasn’t
caused people to stop loving their country; the truth is there are many
beautiful suburbs and many ugly new urban developments.
Lewis adds, “Nobody I know is suggesting that big government–or the
U.N.!–ought to mandate or impose these sorts of development policies.”
He apparently doesn’t know many urban planners, and certainly none in
Denver, Portland, San Francisco, Seattle, the Twin Cities, or other
metropolitan areas where big government in the form of regional planning
agencies (though not the U.N.) are doing just that. If new urbanism
were simply a matter of personal choice, no one would criticize it.
The real issues are factual, not ideological.
Fact #1: Contrary to University of Utah planning professor Arthur
Nelson, most people everywhere prefer low-density housing as soon as
they have transport that is faster than walking. While a minority does
prefer higher densities, the market will provide both as long as there
is demand for them.
Fact #2: Contrary to Matt Lewis, American suburbanization did not result
from a “post-World War II push for sprawl” coming from “the tax code,
zoning, a federally financed highway system, and so on.” Suburbanization
began before the Civil War when steam trains could move people faster
than walking speed. Most American families abandoned transit and bought
cars long before interstate highways–which, by the way, more than paid
for themselves with the gas taxes collected from the people who drove on
them. Nor did the tax code promote sprawl: Australians build bigger
houses with higher homeownership rates in suburbs just as dispersed as
America’s without a mortgage interest deduction.
Fact #3: Contrary to Thomas Fisher, low-density housing costs less, not
more, than high-density. Without urban-growth boundaries or other
artificial restraints, there is almost no urban area in America short of
land for housing. Multifamily housing costs more to build, per square
foot, than single-family, and compact development is expensive because
the planners tend to locate it in areas with the highest land prices.
The relative prices in my article–$375,000 for a 1,400-square-foot home
in a New Urban neighborhood vs. $295,000 for a 2,400-square-foot home on
a large suburban lot–are typical for many smart-growth cities. Compare
these eastside Portland condos with these single-family homes in a
nearby Portland suburb.
Fact #4: Contrary to Fisher, the so-called costs of sprawl are nowhere
near as high as the costs of density. Rutgers University’s Costs of
Sprawl 2000 estimates that urban services to low-density development
cost about $11,000 more per house than services to high-density
development. This is trivial compared with the tens to hundreds of
thousands of dollars added to home prices in regions whose policies
promote compact development.
Fact #5: Contrary to University of Minnesota planning professor Richard
Bolan, the best way to reduce externalities such as pollution and
greenhouse gases is to treat the source, not try to change people’s
lifestyles. For example, since 1970, pollution controls reduced total
air pollution from cars by more than 80 percent, while efforts to entice
people out of their cars and onto transit reduced pollution by 0
Fact #6: Contrary to Lewis, suburbs are not sterile, boring places.
Suburbanites have a strong sense of community and are actually more
likely to engage in community affairs than city dwellers.
Fact #7: Smart growth doesn’t even work. It doesn’t reduce driving:
After taking self-selection into account, its effects on driving are
“too small to be useful.” It doesn’t save money or energy: Multi-family
housing not only costs more, it uses more energy per square foot than
single-family, while transit costs more and uses as much or more energy
per passenger mile as driving. When planners say smart growth saves
energy, what they mean is you’ll live in a smaller house and have less
Fact #8: If we end all subsidies and land-use regulation, I’ll happily
accept whatever housing and transport outcomes result from people
expressing their personal preferences. Too many planners want to control
population densities and transport choices through prescriptive
land-use regulation and huge subsidies to their preferred forms of
transportation and housing.
These planners think only government can know what is truly right for
other people. Even if you believe that, government failure is worse than
market failure and results in subsidies to special interest groups for
projects that produce negligible social or environmental benefits.
If urban planners have a role to play, it is to ensure people pay the
costs of their choices. Instead, it is planners, rather than economists
such as myself, who have become ideological, insisting density is the
solution to all problems despite the preferences of 80 percent of
Americans for low-density lifestyles.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
24 July, 2014
Mega pesky: Deep Oceans have been Cooling For The Past 20 Years
In polite scientific language, this study demolishes the Warmist
explanation for "missing heat". At every point of the warmist
explanation, the data show the opposite of what that explanation
requires. In addition, and as even I have repeatedly pointed out,
the authors note that there is no known mechanism that would cause ocean
heat to move in the paradoxical way that Warmists theorize. It's
all BS, to put it in layman's terms
Two of the world’s premiere ocean scientists from Harvard and MIT have
addressed the data limitations that currently prevent the oceanographic
community from resolving the differences among various estimates of
changing ocean heat content. They point out where future data is
most needed so these ambiguities do not persist into the next several
decades of change.
As a by-product of that analysis they 1) determined the deepest oceans
are cooling, 2) estimated a much slower rate of ocean warming, 3)
highlighted where the greatest uncertainties existed due to the ever
changing locations of heating and cooling, and 4) specified concerns
with previous methods used to construct changes in ocean heat content,
such as Balmaseda and Trenberth’s re-analysis (see below). They
concluded, “Direct determination of changes in oceanic heat content over
the last 20 years are not in conflict with estimates of the radiative
forcing, but the uncertainties remain too large to rationalize e.g., the
apparent “pause" in warming.”
Wunsch and Heimbach (2014) humbly admit that their “results differ in
detail and in numerical values from other estimates, but the determining
whether any are “correct" is probably not possible with the existing
data sets.”
They estimate the changing states of the ocean by synthesizing diverse
data sets using models developed by the consortium for Estimating the
Circulation and Climate of the Ocean, ECCO. The ECCO “state
estimates” have eliminated deficiencies of previous models and they
claim, “unlike most “data assimilation" products, [ECCO] satisfies the
model equations without any artificial sources or sinks or forces. The
state estimate is from the free running, but adjusted, model and hence
satisfies all of the governing model equations, including those for
basic conservation of mass, heat, momentum, vorticity, etc. up to
numerical accuracy.”
Their results (Figure 18. below) suggest a flattening or slight cooling
in the upper 100 meters since 2004, in agreement with the -0.04 Watts/m2
cooling reported by Lyman (2014).6 The consensus of previous
researchers has been that temperatures in the upper 300 meters have
flattened or cooled since 2003,4 while Wunsch and Heimbach (2014) found
the upper 700 meters still warmed up to 2009.
The deep layers contain twice as much heat as the upper 100 meters, and
overall exhibit a clear cooling trend for the past 2 decades. Unlike the
upper layers, which are dominated by the annual cycle of heating and
cooling, they argue that deep ocean trends must be viewed as part of the
ocean’s long term memory which is still responding to “meteorological
forcing of decades to thousands of years ago”. If Balmaseda and
Trenberth’s model of deep ocean warming was correct, any increase in
ocean heat content must have occurred between 700 and 2000 meters, but
the mechanisms that would warm that “middle layer” remains elusive.
The detected cooling of the deepest oceans is quite remarkable given
geothermal warming from the ocean floor. Wunsch and Heimbach (2014)
note, “As with other extant estimates, the present state estimate does
not yet account for the geothermal flux at the sea floor whose mean
values (Pollack et al., 1993) are of order 0.1 W/m2,” which is small but
“not negligible compared to any vertical heat transfer into the
abyss.3 (A note of interest is an increase in heat from the
ocean floor has recently been associated with increased basal melt of
Antarctica’s Thwaites glacier. ) Since heated waters rise, I find it
reasonable to assume that, at least in part, any heating of the “middle
layers” likely comes from heat that was stored in the deepest ocean
decades to thousands of years ago.
Wunsch and Heimbach (2014) emphasize the many uncertainties involved in
attributing the cause of changes in the overall heat content concluding,
“As with many climate-related records, the unanswerable question here
is whether these changes are truly secular, and/or a response to
anthropogenic forcing, or whether they are instead fragments of a
general red noise behavior seen over durations much too short to depict
the long time-scales of Fig. 6, 7, or the result of sampling and
measurement biases, or changes in the temporal data density.”
Given those uncertainties, they concluded that much less heat is being
added to the oceans compared to claims in previous studies (seen in the
table below). It is interesting to note that compared to Hansen’s
study that ended in 2003 before the observed warming pause, subsequent
studies also suggest less heat is entering the oceans. Whether those
declining trends are a result of improved methodologies, or due to a
cooler sun, or both requires more observations.
No climate model had predicted the dramatically rising temperatures in
the deep oceans calculated by the Balmaseda/Trenberth re-analysis,13 and
oceanographers suggest such a sharp rise is more likely an artifact of
shifting measuring systems. Indeed the unusual warming correlates with
the switch to the Argo observing system. Wunsch and Heimbach (2013)2
wrote, “clear warnings have appeared in the literature—that spurious
trends and values are artifacts of changing observation systems (see,
e.g., Elliott and Gaffen, 1991; Marshall et al., 2002; Thompson et al.,
2008)—the reanalyses are rarely used appropriately, meaning with the
recognition that they are subject to large errors.”3
More specifically Wunsch and Heimbach (2014) warned, “Data assimilation
schemes running over decades are usually labeled “reanalyses.”
Unfortunately, these cannot be used for heat or other budgeting purposes
because of their violation of the fundamental conservation laws; see
Wunsch and Heimbach (2013) for discussion of this important point. The
problem necessitates close examination of claimed abyssal warming
accuracies of 0.01 W/m2 based on such methods (e.g., Balmaseda et al.,
2013).” 3
So who to believe?
Because ocean heat is stored asymmetrically and that heat is shifting
24/7, any limited sampling scheme will be riddled with large biases and
uncertainties. In Figure 12 below Wunsch and Heimbach (2014) map the
uneven densities of regionally stored heat. Apparently associated with
its greater salinity, most of the central North Atlantic stores twice as
much heat as any part of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Regions where
there are steep heat gradients require a greater sampling effort to
avoid misleading results. They warned, “The relatively large heat
content of the Atlantic Ocean could, if redistributed, produce large
changes elsewhere in the system and which, if not uniformly observed,
show artificial changes in the global average.” 3
Furthermore, due to the constant time-varying heat transport, regions of
warming are usually compensated by regions of cooling as illustrated in
their Figure 15. It offers a wonderful visualization of the current
state of those natural ocean oscillations by comparing changes in heat
content between1992 and 2011. Those patterns of heat re-distributions
involve enormous amounts of heat and that make detection of changes in
heat content that are many magnitudes smaller extremely difficult. Again
any uneven sampling regime in time or space, would result in
“artificial changes in the global average”.
Figure 15 shows the most recent effects of La Nina and the negative
Pacific Decadal Oscillation. The eastern Pacific has cooled, while
simultaneously the intensifying trade winds have swept more warm water
into the western Pacific causing it to warm. Likewise heat stored in the
mid?Atlantic has likely been transported northward as that region has
cooled while simultaneously the sub-polar seas have warmed. This
northward change in heat content is in agreement with earlier
discussions about cycles of warm water intrusions that effect Arctic sea
ice, confounded climate models of the Arctic and controls the
distribution of marine organisms.
Most interesting is the observed cooling throughout the upper 700 meters
of the Arctic. There have been 2 competing explanations for the
unusually warm Arctic air temperature that heavily weights the global
average. CO2 driven hypotheses argue global warming has reduced polar
sea ice that previously reflected sunlight, and now the exposed dark
waters are absorbing more heat and raising water and air temperatures.
But clearly a cooling upper Arctic Ocean suggests any absorbed heat is
insignificant. Despite greater inflows of warm Atlantic water, declining
heat content of the upper 700 meters supports the competing hypothesis
that warmer Arctic air temperatures are, at least in part, the result of
increased ventilation of heat that was previously trapped by a thick
insulating ice cover.7 That second hypothesis is also in agreement with
extensive observations that Arctic air temperatures had been cooling in
the 80s and 90s. Warming occurred after subfreezing winds, re-directed
by the Arctic Oscillation, drove thick multi-year ice out from the
Regional cooling is also detected along the storm track from the
Caribbean and along eastern USA. This evidence contradicts speculation
that hurricanes in the Atlantic will or have become more severe due to
increasing ocean temperatures. This also confirms earlier analyses of
blogger Bob Tisdale and others that Superstorm Sandy was not caused by
warmer oceans.
In order to support their contention that the deep ocean has been
dramatically absorbing heat, Balmaseda/Trenberth must provide a
mechanism and the regional observations where heat has been carried from
the surface to those depths. But few are to be found. Warming at great
depths and simultaneous cooling of the surface is antithetical to
climate models predictions. Models had predicted global warming would
store heat first in the upper layer and stratify that layer. Diffusion
would require hundreds to thousands of years, so it is not the
mechanism. Trenberth, Rahmstorf, and others have argued the winds could
drive heat below the surface. Indeed winds can drive heat downward in a
layer that oceanographers call the “mixed-layer,” but the depth where
wind mixing occurs is restricted to a layer roughly 10-200 meters thick
over most of the tropical and mid-latitude belts. And those depths have
been cooling slightly.
The only other possible mechanism that could reasonably explain heat
transfer to the deep ocean was that the winds could tilt the
thermocline. The thermocline delineates a rapid transition between the
ocean’s warm upper layer and cold lower layer. As illustrated above in
Figure 15, during a La Nina warm waters pile up in the western Pacific
and deepens the thermocline. But the tilting Pacific thermocline
typically does not dip below the 700 meters, if ever.8
Unfortunately the analysis by Wunsch and Heimbach (2014) does not report
on changes in the layer between 700 meters and 2000 meters. However
based on changes in heat content below 2000 meters (their Figure 16
below), deeper layers of the Pacific are practically devoid of any deep
The one region transporting the greatest amount of heat into the deep
oceans is the ice forming regions around Antarctica, especially the
eastern Weddell Sea where annually sea ice has been expanding.12 Unlike
the Arctic, the Antarctic is relatively insulated from intruding
subtropical waters (discussed here) so any deep warming is mostly from
heat descending from above with a small contribution from geothermal.
Counter-intuitively greater sea ice production can deliver relatively
warmer subsurface water to the ocean abyss. When oceans freeze, the salt
is ejected to form a dense brine with a temperature that always hovers
at the freezing point. Typically this unmodified water is called shelf
water. Dense shelf water readily sinks to the bottom of the polar seas.
However in transit to the bottom, shelf water must pass through layers
of variously modified Warm Deep Water or Antarctic Circumpolar Water.
Turbulent mixing also entrains some of the warmer water down to the
abyss. Warm Deep Water typically comprises 62% of the mixed water that
finally reaches the bottom. Any altered dynamic (such as increasing sea
ice production, or circulation effects that entrain a greater proportion
of Warm Deep Water), can redistribute more heat to the abyss.14 Due to
the Antarctic Oscillation the warmer waters carried by the Antarctic
Circumpolar Current have been observed to undulate southward bringing
those waters closer to ice forming regions. Shelf waters have generally
cooled and there has been no detectable warming of the Warm Deep Water
core, so this region’s deep ocean warming is likely just re-distributing
heat and not adding to the ocean heat content.
So it remains unclear if and how Trenberth’s “missing heat” has sunk to
the deep ocean. The depiction of a dramatic rise in deep ocean heat is
highly questionable, even though alarmists have flaunted it as proof of
Co2’s power. As Dr. Wunsch had warned earlier, “Convenient assumptions
should not be turned prematurely into ‘facts,’ nor uncertainties and
ambiguities suppressed.” … “Anyone can write a model: the challenge is
to demonstrate its accuracy and precision... Otherwise, the scientific
debate is controlled by the most articulate, colorful, or adamant
To reiterate, “the uncertainties remain too large to rationalize e.g., the apparent “pause" in warming.”
HERE (See the original for links, graphics etc.)
Warmist paper was just being wise after the event
Dr David Whitehouse
This new paper allows great headlines to proclaim that the warming
“pause” in global surface temperature is explainable by climate models.
As is often the case in climate reporting the details do not back up the
Risbey et al (2014) in Nature Climate Change is yet another paper
suggesting that the global surface temperature hiatus of the last
15-years or so is due to changes in the character of the ENSO. But they
go a little further and say that once the observational timing of ENSO
changes is included in climate models they do a good job. Unfortunately,
whilst an interesting and thought provoking paper, it does not support
its own conclusion that “climate models have provided good estimates of
the 15-year trends for recent periods.”
Climate models have many uses and are essential tools to discover what
is going on and, with major caveats, suggest future possibilities. It is
well-known that as a whole the CIMP5 ensemble of models does not
represent reality that well with only two models coming anywhere near
reflecting the hiatus in global surface temperature seen in the last
15-years or so.
With a climate model ensemble that is mainly unrepresentative of reality
there are several possibilities for further action. One is to have
faith in the models that over longer timescales realities departure from
them is temporary. Another is to select those models that best simulate
reality and concentrate on them, and the other is to refine the models.
Risbey et al (1014) carry out both the latter options.
They selected 18 out of 32 CIMP5 models choosing the ones that had sea
surface temperature as a model output. In itself this introduces a
selection effect whose influence on subsequent selections of “suitable”
models is unknown. Out of those 18 they selected the four best and four
worst. The best included ENSO parameters that are in phase with
observations. They argue that when the phase of ENSO is got right
climate models do represent reality. Unfortunately the evidence they
provide for this is not convincing.
If the ENSO with El Nino dominant is having the effect of flattening the
global surface temperature of the past 15 years or so then the converse
must also be true. ENSO with La Nina dominant would have contributed to
the warming seen since about 1980.
Our lack of understanding of the ENSO process also affects the stated
conclusions of this paper. We cannot predict these events with any
certainty and we cannot simulate them to any degree of great accuracy.
So while there are ENSO components in a climate model, to say that those
in the right phase do better could mean nothing. In addition there are
other semi-regular changes such as the Atlantic oscillation that might,
or might not, be in phase with the observations.
Supplementary information would have helped understand this paper,
especially the selection of the models, but unfortunately there are
none. This means that given the information in this paper alone it would
not be possible to retrace the author’s footsteps.
This paper allows great headlines to be written proclaiming that the
“pause” in global surface temperature is explainable by climate models.
As is often the case in climate reporting the details do not back up the
What this paper has really done is to draw attention to the limitations
of the climate models. One can select subsets of them and argue that
they are better than others but the real test is if the Risbey et al
(2014) paper has predictive power. In science looking forward is always
more powerful than looking back and adjusting models to fit the data.
Risbey et al (2014) say they expect the observed trend to bounce back.
So do many others for different reasons. If it does how will we know who
is right?
Deficient Chicago infrastructure blamed on climate change
Since there has been no climate change for 17 years, we can KNOW that to be false
Sewage gushed up Lori Burns’s toilet. It swept the floor. It wrecked the
water heater, the deep freezer, her mother’s wedding veil.
This basement invasion was the third in five years. Burns, 40, could no
longer afford to pay a cleanup crew. So she slipped on polka dotted rain
boots, waded into the muck, wrenched out the stand-pipe and watched the
brown water drain.
The South Side native, a marketing specialist, estimated damages at
$17,000. And that did not include what she could not replace: the family
heirlooms, the oriental rugs, her cashmere sweaters. The bungalow had
flooded four times from 1985 to 2006, when her parents owned it. Lately,
it flooded every other year. Burns felt nature was working against her.
In a way, it was.
As Washington still fights over whether or not climate change is real,
people across the country are already paying costs scientists ascribe to
it — sometimes in unexpected places. You might think about climate
change in terms of rising sea levels threatening coastal cities. But all
over the Midwest, from Chicago to Indianapolis and Milwaukee, residents
face just as many difficult issues as changing weather patterns collide
with aging infrastructure. The costs — for governments, insurance
companies and homeowners — are measured not only in dollars, but in
quality of life.
In Chicago over the past century, downpours that force human waste up
pipes and into homes — storms that dump at least 1.5 inches of rain in a
single day — have struck the city more often. Annual precipitation in
the Midwest grew about 20 percent during the past century. Rains of more
than 2.5 inches a day are expected to increase another 50 percent in
the next 20 years. That means more flooding — and more clean-up costs
for people like Burns.
As the April rain poured, she texted her brother: How much bleach do you have?
On came the snowsuits, goggles and face masks. They dumped bleach on the
floor, mopped and reminisced about what they had survived in this
basement: a midnight home intruder, the occasional pop-pop of
neighborhood gunfire, their parents’ divorce. Here they played Monopoly
and watched “The Cosby Show” and learned the truth about Santa Claus.
Soon the silt, as Burns euphemistically called it, was gone. Fans would dry the dampness. The worst was over, it seemed.
In May, a year after sewage swamped Burns’s basement, an insurance giant
took to an Illinois courtroom for what might have been a publicity
stunt, or what might be a preview of a nationwide battle over who foots
the bill for extreme weather events linked to climate change. Farmer’s
Insurance Co. sued the city of Chicago for failing to prepare for the
effects of global warming.
The city “should have known,” the lawsuit alleged, “that climate change
in Cook County has resulted in greater rainfall volume … than pre-1970
rainfall history evidenced.” The storms are not an act of God, the suit
claimed, but a carbon-driven reality outlined in Chicago’s own Climate
Action Plan, published in 2010.
Last April, sewage water flooded roughly 600 Chicago buildings,
according to the lawsuit: “Geysers of sewer water shot out from the
floor drains, toilets, showers. … Elderly men and women and young
children were forced to evacuate.” That could have been prevented, the
company claimed, if Chicago would have remedied an underground
storm-water storage that has become, over time, “obsolete.”
“Farmers has taken what we believe is the necessary action to recover
payments made on behalf of our customers,” spokesman Trent Frager said
in a statement, “for damages caused by what we believe to be a
completely preventable issue.”
Two months later, the company dropped the suit — “We hoped that by
filing … we would encourage cities and counties to take preventative
steps,” Frager said — but not before raising issues that are sure to
return to the courts if current climate trends persist.
“The debate we have entered now is: Why does it seem more and more
disasters are happening?” said Erwann Michel-Kerjan, executive director
of the Wharton Risk Management and Decision Processes Center at the
University of Pennsylvania. “And, as a nation, who’s supposed to pay for
The National Climate Assessment, released by the Obama administration in
May, predicts that the “frequency and intensity” of the Midwest’s
heaviest downpours will more than double over the next hundred years. A
handful of heavy spring and summer storms, the kind that flood homes,
can supply 40 percent of the region’s annual rainfall, according to the
Environmental Protection Agency.
If weather patterns follow projections, that means trouble for aging
urban infrastructures and the cities, like Chicago, that rely on them:
“Designs are based upon historical patterns of precipitation and stream
flow,” the climate assessment says, “which are no longer appropriate
The link between climate and flooding in Chicago, however, can’t be
summarized with, It’s warmer out, so this storm happened. Inherent
uncertainties in science make it difficult to disentangle just what
forces play Rainmaker.
The American Association for the Advancement of Science, which calls
itself the world’s largest non-government group science advocacy group,
released a report this year called “What We Know,” which offers a
nuanced look at climate change and its effects. The report concludes
that natural disasters, like floods, are striking harder and more often.
But, beyond anecdotes and weather projections, it adds, it’s hard
to link one specific flood to carbon emissions.
Increased storm frequency is particularly problematic in Chicago, where
the sewer system was designed to absorb rain nearly 120 years ago. The
city’s storm water systems were built on the assumption that the biggest
storms happen only once each decade, at a time when the population was
much smaller, said Robert Moore, who leads a climate preparation team at
the Natural Resources Defense Council in downtown Chicago. “Climate
change will only amplify an existing issue.”
The combined sewer system overflows when an inch of rain soaks the city,
directing waste into the Chicago River. If more than 1.5 inches of rain
fall city-wide in a day, Moore said, it floods basements across town,
disrupting lives and bank accounts.
District engineers agree the problem is serious, and they’re building
heavily to address it. They’ve seen the data and the changing weather
patterns, but don’t think it suggests any particular cause. They don’t
blame a man-made Apocalypse.
“Climate change is a political term,” said David St. Pierre, head of
Chicago’s Metropolitan Water Reclamation District.“But you can’t ignore
that our weather has changed drastically in the past five years.”
The city’s underground storm and wastewater storage can now hold about
2.7 billion gallons of overflow. By 2015, storage should total 7.5
billion gallons, St. Pierre said. By 2029, 17.5 billion gallons.
“I don’t see any overflows happening when that’s done,” he said. “We’re
getting this under control, maybe more than any other city in the U.S.”
Britain Won’t Sign New Climate Treaty Unless China, India Agree CO2 Caps
Britain will not sign a global deal on climate change unless it includes
commitments from China and India on reducing emissions, the energy and
climate change secretary said on the eve of visiting the two countries.
China is the world’s highest emitter of greenhouse gases and India the
third. Neither has agreed any cap on emissions. In an interview with The
Times, Ed Davey said that there was little point in Britain making
great efforts to cut emissions if other countries did not. “If I looked
around the world and no one was doing anything I would have to ask
myself the question: is it worth us doing anything if no one else is?”
he said.
Speaking before meetings in Beijing and Delhi this week to discuss
contributions to a global climate deal due to be signed in Paris next
year, Mr Davey said: “We won’t do a deal unless these countries come on
board. We need a deal that’s applicable to all — that’s what we didn’t
get at Kyoto [the 1997 conference in Japan at which binding targets were
set for the emissions of industrialised nations].” Mr Davey said that
developing countries should be allowed to carry on increasing their
emissions for a few years but at a lower rate and with clear targets for
when the level should peak and start declining.
“We expect the rich, developed countries to cut aggressively, emerging
economies to peak and then decline and the developing countries and the
poorest to increase but hopefully at low rates and have a more
sustainable development model than we had.”
On China, he said: “The key for them and the world is when they will
peak. The earlier the better. I would like it to be 2025 or earlier. If
the Chinese were to say ‘we are not going to commit to a peaking point’,
I’m not sure you would get a deal.
A Great Plan to Replace the EPA
By Alan Caruba
For years now I have been saying that the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) must be eliminated and its powers given to the fifty
states, all of which,have their own departments of environmental
protection. Until now, however, there has been no plan put forth to do
Dr. Jay Lehr has done just that and his plan no doubt will be sent to
the members of Congress and the state governors. Titled “Replacing the
Environmental Protection Agency” it should be read by everyone who, like
Dr. Lehr, has concluded that the EPA was a good idea when it was
introduced in 1971, but has since evolved into a rogue agency
threatening the U.S. economy, attacking the fundamental concept of
private property, and the lives of all Americans in countless and costly
Dr. Lehr is the Science Director and Senior Fellow of The Heartland
Institute, for whom I am a policy advisor. He is a leading authority on
groundwater hydrology and the author of more than 500 magazine and
journal articles, and 30 books. He has testified before Congress on more
than three dozen occasions on environmental issues and consulted with
nearly every agency of the federal government and with many foreign
countries. The Institute is a national nonprofit research and education
organizations supported by voluntary contributions.
Ironically, he was among the scientists who called for the creation of
the EPA and served on many of the then-new agency’s advisory councils.
Over the course of its first ten years, he helped write a significant
number of legislative bills to create a safety net for the environment.
As he notes in his plan, “Beginning around 1981, liberal activist groups
recognized EPA could be used to advance their political agenda by
regulating virtually all human activities regardless of their impact on
the environment. Politicians recognized they could win votes by posing
as protectors of the public health and wildlife. Industries saw a way to
use regulations to handicap competitors or help themselves to public
subsidies. Since that time, not a single environmental law or regulation
has passed that benefited either the environment or society.”
“The takeover of EPA and all of its activities by liberal activists was
slow and methodical over the past 30 years. Today, EPA is all but a
wholly owned subsidiary of liberal activist groups. Its rules account
for about half of the nearly $2 trillion a year cost of complying with
all national regulations in the U.S. President Barack Obama is using it
to circumvent Congress to impose regulations on the energy sector that
will cause prices to ‘skyrocket.’ It is a rogue agency.”
Dr. Lehr says that “Incremental reform of EPA is simply not an option.” He's right.
“I have come to believe that the national EPA must be systematically
dismantled and replaced by a Committee of the Whole of the 50 state
environmental protection agencies. Those agencies in nearly all cases
long ago took over primary responsibility for the implementation of
environmental laws passed by Congress (or simply handed down by EPA as
fiat rulings without congressional vote or oversight.”
Looking back over the years, Dr. Lehr notes that “The initial laws I
helped write have become increasingly draconian, yet they have not
benefited our environment or the health of our citizens. Instead they
suppress our economy and the right of our citizens to make an honest
living. It seems to me, and to others, that this is actually the
intention of those in EPA and in Congress who want to see government
power expanded without regard to whether it is needed to protect the
environment or public health.”
Eliminating the EPA would provide a major savings by eliminating 80% of
its budget. The remaining 20% could be used to run its research labs and
administer the Committee of the Whole of the 50 state environmental
agencies. “The Committee would determine which regulations are actually
mandated in law by Congress and which were established by EPA without
congressional approval.”
Dr. Lehr estimates the EPA’s federal budget would be reduced from $8.2
billion to $2 billion. Staffing would be reduced from more than 15,000
to 300 and that staff would serve in a new national EPA headquarters he
recommends be “located centrally in Topeka, Kansas, to allow the closest
contact with the individual states.” The staff would consist of six
delegate-employees from each of the 50 states.”
“Most states,” says Dr. Lehr, “will enthusiastically embrace this plan,
as their opposition to EPA’s ‘regulatory train wreck’ grows and since it
gives them the autonomy and authority they were promised when EPA was
first created and the funding to carry it out.”
The EPA was a good idea when it was created, the nation’s air and water
needed to be cleaned, but they have been at this point. Since then, the
utterly bogus “global warming”, now called “climate change”, has been
used to justify a torrent of EPA regulations. The science the EPA cites
as justification is equally tainted and often kept secret from the
“It’s time for the national EPA to go,” says Dr. Lehr and I most emphatically agree. “All that is missing is the political will.
The EPA takes aim at Tesla, electric cars
The cornerstone of personal independence and commerce in the modern
world is motorized mobility — the car. Ever since Henry Ford’s Model T
revolutionized travel in the United States over a hundred years ago,
people have relied on the automobile for virtually every personal
interaction and business expenditure. Today, the car may very well be at
the precipice of its evolutionary leap into the 21st century, and
Obama’s regulatory state could kill it on arrival.
Elon Musk, founder and CEO of Tesla Motors, has been a pioneer in the
development of electric cars that are as practical as they are
attractive. Tesla cars are inherently American: efficient, sleek, fast,
and, well, sexy. Everything we look for in the vehicles that represent
such an enormous part of the American experience.
Recent stories have revealed Musk’s plan to release a $35,000 Tesla
model with the capability of traveling more than 200 miles per charge —
or about double what the unattractive, euro-like Nissan Leaf can travel —
said to possess the amenities and attractiveness of the current, far
more expensive Tesla models. A top-end electric car for the every-man.
If achieved successfully, this may mark the beginning of the commonly
used exhaust-free, electric automobile. What a glorious achievement for
the environmentalist left! … Right?
Well, not quite.
As one can easily deduce, the electric car requires electricity. For
electricity to be a more efficient way to power said electric car over,
say, petrol fuels, it needs to be available in inexpensive abundance.
That’s the non-starter for the EPA and the environmental extremist
allies of the Obama administration.
Most American energy is generated by coal and natural gas. Coal is
already on its way out. Regardless of the resource’s ability to power
the nation for over 500 years at current energy usage rates, the EPA has
recently laid down a regulation forcing all plants to reduce emissions
by 30 percent — a crippling blow to an already suffering industry. The
regulations may actually work far better, and worse, than expected. They
very well reduce emissions from power generated by coal by 100 percent
when the industry is unable to afford the amazing costs of retrofitting
plants with new government-regulated technology. They may also,
ironically, kill an industry that actually lures the American public
away from the gasoline-fired automobile that the same regulatory
clear-cutters want to do away with.
If energy prices skyrocket, as Obama said would be an inevitable outcome
of his environmental policies, there is no practical purpose to
investing in an electric car at any price point.
The free market could be ready to be rid of the carbon-puffing car and
the alarmist, reactionary left may have already killed it upon arrival.
What exactly does the Obama administration want for the future of
American energy? The market knows what it wants, the people know what
they want. But it seems like the environmentalist radicals behind the
Obama administration’s energy and environment public policies have an
indiscriminate taste to destroy, rather than build for the future.
Progress is just over the horizon, only the self-titled “progressives” stand in the way.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
23 July, 2014
Record high global temperature in June a lie
Drawing on NOAA data, it is asserted below that we did have a record
high global temperature in June. But the "record" temperature
exceeded the previous high by only one twentieth of one degree, a figure
that would be non-trivial only if it were repeated
frequently. More importantly, it is well outside the
accuracy inherent in the data. Temperature measurement is very
spotty worldwide with large areas such as China, Russia and Africa
having very few data sources. So a great deal of the "data" used to
calculate world temperature is in fact "interpolations", in plain
language guesses. So one immidiately suspects that the guesses
were simply more expansive in June.
And the U.S. temperature data
strongly supports that suspicion. The USA by far has the best
temperature record. The measurements are not perfect. They
are affected by siting problems in many cases but there are so many
meassuring stations that interpolations are rarely needed. So what
does out best source of uninterpolated data show? You can see it
on the map below. The USA was mostly one big COOL spot! QED,
as they used to say. The global data is fudged
A minor source of amusement is that the NOAA report
that formed the basis for the article below tabulates national
temperatures for a number of nations, including such places as
Latvia, but does NOT give U.S. average temperatures! I
wonder why?
Last month was a scorcher for global temperatures with warmth over land
and sea breaking records for June while sea-surface temperatures posted
their largest departure from long-term averages for any month.
Combined average temperatures over land and sea were 0.72 degrees above
the 20th century average of 15.5 degrees, making it the hottest June and
adding to the record May and equal record April, according to the US
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
More striking for climatologists, though, were the sea-surface
temperatures. These came in 0.64 degrees above the 20th century average
of 16.4 degrees – the first time any month had exceeded the long-run
norm by more than 0.6 degrees.
Parts of all major ocean basins notched their warmest June, with almost
all the Indian Ocean and regions off south-eastern Australia the hottest
on record.
An El Nino event remains about a 70 per cent chance of forming during
the northern summer, which could see more records tumble. The weather
pattern sees the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean becoming
relatively warm compared with western regions, and typically brings
hotter, drier than usual conditions to south-east Asia and Australia.
Climate scientists say man-made emissions of greenhouse gases are
trapping more solar heat and leading to the global warming that
increasing the likelihood that hot rather than cold records will be
The first half of the year tied 2002 as the third-warmest on record for land and sea-surface temperatures, NOAA said.
Myths Busted at Climate Change Conference
Attendees of The Heartland Institute's 9th International Conference on
Climate Change held in Las Vegas from July 7-9, "Just Don't Wonder About
Global Warming, Understand It," heard some of the world's leading
climate scientists and researchers discuss the latest state of global
warming science, including questions of whether manmade global warming
will harm plants, animals, or human welfare. Eight hundred participants
gathered to hear 64 speakers from 12 different countries despite the
fierce summer heat of Las Vegas. At one point 4,000 individuals were
listening to the conference as it was streamed live from Las Vegas.
Speakers addressed myths of climate alarmism, specifically refuting the
often-repeated assertion that 97 percent of scientists disagree with
so-called global warming skeptics. On the contrary, speakers noted, only
0.5 percent of the authors of 11,944 scientific papers on climate and
related topics over the past 21 years have said they agree most of the
warming since 1950 was manmade, and that is only one of the necessary
preconditions for an asserted global warming crisis. Speakers also
cited the Remote Sensing Systems satellite record which shows
there now has been no global warming for 17 years and 10 months.
Busting Myths
During the opening dinner, meteorologist Joe Bastardi explained extreme
weather events are not becoming any more frequent or severe as the
planet warms. To the contrary, Bastardi documented how hurricanes,
tornadoes, wildfires, and other extreme weather events are declining in
frequency and severity. To the extent there are short-term increases in
extreme weather events at some places within the overall global decline,
Bastardi showed those follow weather and climate patterns that existed
long before recent global warming.
During the breakfast session on Day 2, Greenpeace cofounder Patrick
Moore chronicled the radicalization of once-noble environmentalist
groups. Standing before photographs of himself leading environmental
protests and provocative actions against whalers and other corporate
entitites, Moore explained how Greenpeace and other environmental
activist groups are now harming human health and welfare by demanding so
many resources be dedicated to the fictitious global warming crisis.
True environmental progress would be made fighting for land conservation
and other real environmental concerns rather than trumped-up global
warming claims, Moore explained.
Patrick Michaels, a past president of the American Association of State
Climatologists and former program chair for the Committee on Applied
Climatology of the American Meteorological Society, explained during the
Day 2 luncheon how government research grants are promoting the false
notion of an alarmist consensus. Large government research grants are
handed out almost uniformly to scientists who will promote the idea of
global warming crisis, which ensures more budgetary dollars for
government agencies addressing the topic and subsequently more research
grants for the participating scientists, he noted.
Presenting the Science
The breakout sessions featured additional dozens of compelling presentations.
Howard Hayden, emeritus professor of physics at the University of
Connecticut, demonstrated how all energy sources have environmental
drawbacks. Hayden, moreover, showed scientifically how wind, solar, and
other renewable power sources simply cannot meet the nation’s energy
demands. Wind and solar power require tremendous amounts of land to
produce even a very small amount of electricity. Although there may be
room for expensive renewable power at the margins, global warming
strategies that aim to shut down conventional power will not find enough
replacement renewable power to keep the lights on, Hayden demonstrated.
True land conservationists, said Hayden, are among the most vocal
opponents of wind and solar power facilities.
Dr. John Dunn, a medical doctor, attorney, and advisor for the American
Council on Science and Health, debunked EPA assertions that restrictions
on power plant emissions will save lives and benefit human health. Dunn
documented that human mortality rates are much higher during cold
spells and winter months than during heat waves and summer months.
Addressing EPA’s claims that tangential reductions in particulate matter
and other emissions will save lives, Dunn showed that EPA’s assertions
are totally unsupported and defy comprehensive health and mortality
data. Also worth noting, EPA reports power plant emissions of the Six
Principal Pollutants have already declined 70 percent even without EPA’s
proposed carbon dioxide restrictions. Existing rules and regulations
will reduce those emissions even further, with or without the proposed
carbon dioxide restrictions.
Heartland Institute Senior Fellow James M. Taylor provided a concise and
compelling summary of the scientific evidence for modest instead of
severe global warming. Taylor’s presentation, along with all of the
ICCC-9 presentations, was videotaped and is available online. Taylor
gave a lively 10-minute talk with visual-friendly charts and graphs to
share with family, friends, and acquaintances who would like to learn
more about the global warming debate.
Denying Blessings of Modernity
At the final panel discussion, "Panel 21: Global Warming as a Social
Movement," on Wednesday afternoon, the distinguished panelists included
E. Calvin Beisner, Ph.D., founder and national spokesman of the Cornwall
Alliance; Paul Driessen, J.D., a senior advisor to the Committee For A
Constructive Tomorrow and Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise; and
Peter Ferrara, J.D., a senior fellow of The Heartland Institute.
Serving as moderator was Minnesota State Rep. Pat Garofalo.
Panelists Beisner, Driessen, and Ferrara all argued climate alarmists
tend to be radical environmentalists who view people primarily as
polluters and consumers who use up Earth's resources and poison the
planet in the process, never seeing free people as voluntarily being
good stewards of natural resources. Through the manmade global warming
alarm, activists have used governments to deny affordable and reliable
energy and other modern blessings to the developing world, panelists
Only 20% Think Debate About Global Warming Is Over
Voters strongly believe the debate about global warming is not over yet
and reject the decision by some news organizations to ban comments from
those who deny that global warming is a problem.
Only 20% of Likely U.S. Voters believe the scientific debate about
global warming is over, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports
national telephone survey. Sixty-three percent (63%) disagree and say
the debate about global warming is not over. Seventeen percent (17%) are
not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Forty-eight percent (48%) of voters think there is still significant
disagreement within the scientific community over global warming, while
35% believe scientists generally agree on the subject.
The BBC has announced a new policy banning comments from those who deny
global warming, a policy already practiced by the Los Angeles Times and
several other media organizations. But 60% of voters oppose the
decision by some news organizations to ban global warming skeptics. Only
19% favor such a ban, while slightly more (21%) are undecided.
But then 42% believe the media already makes global warming appear to be
worse than it really is. Twenty percent (20%) say the media makes
global warming appear better than it really is, while 22% say they
present an accurate picture. Sixteen percent (16%) are not sure.
Still, this is an improvement from February 2009 when 54% thought the
media makes global warming appear worse than it is. Unchanged, however,
are the 21% who say the media presents an accurate picture.
(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our
polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or
The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on July 7-8, 2014 by
Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage
points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen
Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See
Consistent with earlier polling is the finding that 60% of voters
consider global warming a serious problem, with 37% who describe it as a
Very Serious one. Thirty-five percent (35%) disagree and don’t
believe global warming is that serious a problem, with 14% who say it is
Not At All Serious.
But even among those voters who consider global warming a Very Serious
problem, 57% say the debate is not yet over. These voters by a 49% to
34% margin also oppose the decision by some news organizations to ban
global warming skeptics.
The older the voter, generally speaking, the more likely they are to believe that the debate about global warming is not over.
Most voters across all demographic categories say the debate is not
over. Most also oppose the decision by some media outlets to ban global
warming critics.
Men and those over 40 are more skeptical of the media’s coverage of global warming than women and younger voters are.
Sixty-four percent (64%) of Republicans and a plurality (45%) of voters
not affiliated with either major political party believe the media makes
global warming appear to be worse than it really is. Just 22% of
Democrats agree. But Democrats also believe much more strongly than the
others that global warming is a serious problem.
Twenty-seven percent (27%) of voters in President Obama’s party think
the scientific debate about global warming is over, a view shared by
only 12% of GOP voters and 16% of unaffiliateds.
Sixty-seven percent (67%) of all voters say they have been following
recent news reports about global warming at least somewhat closely, with
33% who are following Very Closely.
Because congressional Republicans oppose most of the initiatives he has
proposed, the president has signaled that he is prepared to take
whatever actions he can alone to deal with a problem he attributes
largely to certain human activities. However, just 30% of voters think
the president should take action alone if necessary to deal with global
warming. Twice as many (59%) say the federal government should
only do what the president and Congress jointly agree on.
While most voters have expressed concern about global warming for years,
only 41% are willing to pay more in taxes or in utility costs to
generate cleaner energy and fight global warming. That includes 23% who
are willing to pay no more than $100 extra a year.
Understanding of ice age still developing
Brand new research published today (Friday 27th June 2014) in the
journal Nature Specific Reports has provided a major new theory on the
cause of the ice age that engulfed large parts of the Northern
Hemisphere 2.6 million years ago.
The study, which was co-authored by Dr Thomas Stevens, of the Department
of Geography at Royal Holloway, University of London, discovered a
previously unknown mechanism by which the joining of North and South
America changed the salinity of the Pacific Ocean and caused substantial
ice sheet growth across the Northern Hemisphere.
This change in salinity encouraged ice to form, which caused a change in
wind patterns, leading to intensified monsoons. The monsoons provided
moisture that enabled an increase in snowfall and the growth of major
ice sheets, some reaching 3km thick.
The team of researchers analysed deposits of wind-blown dust known as
red clay that accumulated between six million and two and half million
years ago in north central China, adjacent to the Tibetan plateau, and
used them to reconstruct changing monsoon precipitation and temperature.
“Until now, the cause of the Quaternary ice age had been a hotly debated
topic”, said Dr Stevens. “Our findings suggest a significant link
between ice sheet growth, the monsoon and the closing of the Panama
Seaway, as North and South America drifted closer together. This
provides us with a major new theory on the origins of the ice age, and
ultimately our current climate system.”
Astonishingly, the research team discovered there was a strengthening of
the monsoon during global cooling, rather than the intense rainfall
that has usually been associated with warmer climates.
Dr Stevens added: “This led us to discover a previously unknown
interaction between plate tectonic movements in the Americas and
dramatic changes in global temperature. The intensified monsoons created
a positive feedback cycle, promoting more global cooling, more sea ice
and even stronger precipitation, culminating in the spread of huge
glaciers across the Northern Hemisphere.”
Australia shoots down climate lobby’s scare mongering
By Marita Noon
Thursday, July 17 was a big news day. The world was shocked to learn
that a Russian-made missile shot down a Malaysian Airlines jet with 298
on board as it flew over Ukraine en route to Kuala Lumpur from
Amsterdam. Though flight 17 eclipsed the news cycle, there was another
thing shot down on July 17.
Almost a year ago, Australia’s Prime Minister Tony Abbott won a
landslide election with a nearly single-issue campaign: repeal the
carbon tax. On July 17, he made good on that promise, as the Australian
Senate voted, 39 to 32, to abolish the “world’s biggest carbon tax”—a
tax that was reported to “do nothing to address global warming, apart
from imposing high costs on the local economy.”
Australia was one of the first major countries, outside of the European
Union, to adopt a carbon price—first suggested in 2007 and passed under
Labour Prime Minister Julia Gillard in 2011. Gillard’s campaign
promised: “There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead.”
While she attempted to brand it a carbon price, not a “tax,” Sinclair
Davidson, a professor in the school of Economics, Finance and Marketing
at RMIT University, said: “The electorate had a very specific
understanding of her words” and perceived it as a broken promise.
Australia’s carbon tax, according to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), was
“recognized by the International Energy Agency as model legislation for
developed countries.” The WSJ reports that when Australia’s carbon tax
was passed, the Brookings Institution “described Australia as an
‘important laboratory and learning opportunity.’”
So, what do we learn from the “laboratory” the now-failed “model legislation” offered?
First, the WSJ states: “The public hates it.” The (UK) Telegraph calls
the tax: “one of the most unsuccessful in history” and points out that
it is “unique in that it generated virtually no revenue for the
Australian Treasury due to its negative impact on productivity;
contributed to the rising costs that have taken the gloss off the
country’s resources boom; and essentially helped to bring down Ms.
Gillard’s former Government.” The Telegraph, in an article titled:
“Australia abandons disastrous green tax on emissions,” adds that the
tax failed in “winning over voters who faced higher costs passed on by
the companies that had to pay for it.” In Slate, Ariel Bogel claims the
2011 bill required “about 350 companies to pay a penalty for their
greenhouse gas emissions.”
While Australia is, as the WSJ put it: “the world’s first developed
nation to repeal carbon laws that put a price on greenhouse-gas
emissions,” it is not the only one to back away from such policies. New
Zealand has weakened its emissions trading scheme; Japan has retreated
from its pledges to cut greenhouse emissions and instead committed to a
rise in emissions; Canada withdrew from the Kyoto protocol in 2011;
England, where “the bill for green policies is rising,” has “so far
resisted calls to expand tax on carbon emissions”; the European Union
carbon emissions trading scheme—the biggest in the world and the heart
of Europe’s climate-change program—is in dire straits; and, just the day
after Australia’s news was announced, South Korea—whose planned 2015
emissions trading market launch would make it the world’s second
largest—hinted at an additional delay due to projected costs to
The Telegraph offers this summary: “Carbon trading mechanisms and green
taxes have largely been a failure elsewhere and especially so in Europe
where they have dragged on investment and threatened long-term energy
These are important lessons in light of the renewed push for a carbon
tax in the U.S. Consider the partnership of President George W.
Bush’s Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, former New York Mayor Michael
Bloomberg, and liberal billionaire Tom Steyer, who are, together, who
are calling for a climate tax.
According to the WSJ, the World Bank called Australia’s repeal “one of
the biggest international threats to the rollout of similar programs
elsewhere.” The climate lobby is concerned as “Australia’s vote shows
that the real obstacle to their dreams of controlling more of the
world’s economy is democratic consent.”
In the U.S., similar efforts to reduce CO2 emissions by increasing costs
to emitters, and therefore consumers—in our case, cap and trade—failed
to achieve “democratic consent” even when
Democrats had control. The people didn’t want it. So, the Obama
Administration now is trying to go around Congress with onerous rules
and regulations on emissions.
As in the U.S., a carbon tax—or cap and trade—is not the only policy
increasing energy costs to Australian consumers. In the U.S., we have
the Renewable Portfolio Standard; Australia has its Renewable Energy
Target (RET). Both require the addition of expensive wind-and-solar
Jennifer Marohasy, Ph.D., who worked for 12 years as a scientist for the
Queensland government, told me: “Of course while the carbon tax needed
to be repealed, its abolition will go only some way to reducing
pressures on Australian businesses and households. The so-called Clean
Energy Act 2011 is part of a tsunami of regulation and legislation
introduced over recent years that has seen the average electricity price
in Australia increase by 70% in real terms. Next in line must be the
mandatory RET, a government-legislated requirement on electricity
retailers to source a specific proportion of total electricity sales
from renewable energy sources including wind and solar, with the
extraordinary costs serving as a hidden tax—paid by all electricity
In the Australian Financial Review, Alan Moran, an economist
specializing in regulatory matters, in particular covering energy,
global warming, housing, transport, and competition issues, and Director
of the Institute of Public Affairs’ Deregulation Unit, agrees that the
carbon tax is just one of the burdens holding down the Australian
economy. He sees a cascade of programs for support of high-cost
renewables and penalties for fossil-fuel use and “a bewildering array of
subsidies and programs.”
Both see the RET as the bigger issue. Marohasy says: “In short, repeal
of the carbon tax is a big symbolic win. But it’s mostly just
window-dressing: to appease the masses. In the background, proponents of
anthropogenic global warming who dominate our political class still
very much control the levers of government and intend to continue to
terrorize the population with claims of catastrophic global warming,
while consolidating their rent-seeking through the RET.” She explained:
“Money collected from the carbon tax went to government, money collected
through the RET largely goes to the global warming industry.” Which is
why some in the Australian Senate agreed to vote for the repeal—as long
as the RET isn’t touched.
However, Abbott has stated: “All of us should want to see lower prices
and plainly at the moment the renewable energy target is a very
significant impact on higher power prices.” Time will tell how Abbott
fares in the RET battle. But for now, he’s given the world a “learning
opportunity” on climate change and energy policy.
Meanwhile, the climate lobby resorts to hyperbole to push its
scare-mongering tactics. In closing her piece in Slate, Bogle whines:
“As someone who has to live in the quickly cooking world Abbott leaves
behind…” Perhaps she’s missed the data that the planet’s predicted
warming hasn’t happened—despite ever-increasing CO2 emissions. According
to satellite records, there has been no warming in almost 18 years.
May America learn from, as the Brookings Institution observed, the
“important laboratory” of Australia’s foray into climate schemes.
'Sure Hope So': Harry Reid Wants to Pass Carbon Tax Bill After Midterms
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) was asked Monday if Democrats will move a carbon tax bill after the midterm election.
"I sure hope so," he told a "clean energy" conference call.
The reporter asked Reid what would change after the midterm to put carbon tax legislation back on the table:
"Well, I think what's happening in the world," Reid replied. "I mean we
have -- as we speak, we have wildfires raging in five or six different
states in the west. I mean raging.
"I heard in a briefing I had this morning, a big fire in Washington is
zero percent contained -- zero. You can see the fires burning in the
west from satellites miles above the sky. It's -- so there are lots of
reasons why we need to take another look at this."
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) is among the Democrats pushing for a
carbon tax, which would raise the price of energy for everyone.
In a speech on the Senate floor last month, Whitehouse said the federal tax code should be used to address climate change:
"I believe carbon-driven climate change hurts our economy, damages our
infrastructure, and harms public health," Whitehouse said on June 25.
"Yet those costs are not factored into the cost of fossil fuels. That
means the cost of the pollution has been borne by the public.
"I believe we should adopt a carbon fee to correct this market failure and return all its revenue to the American people..."
A carbon tax bill won't advance unless Democrats retake the House and
retain control of the Senate in November. With that goal in mind,
President Obama was heading west on Tuesday to raise money for his
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
22 July, 2014
This weathercaster has earned farmers’ trust. He also believes climate change doesn’t exist
This is a rather idiotic reporter from WaPo -- A business
reporter. Seems to think every Warmist believes any bad weather is
part of AGW trend. Reporter goes to absurd lengths to make
skeptic look like lone extremist. Despite all peer reviewed
studies and data showing extremes having no trend or declining
Bledsoe has cultivated a strong following among the tough men and women with whom he’s able to identify.
“We give this guy a little more credence than we do others because he
comes from a ranch family,” says Larry Fillmore, who owns some 15,000
acres of high plains, and has been pasturing his herd in South Dakota
through the drought. “He knows the environment, and he knows the
problems we have.” His neighbor, Dwight Watson, nods agreement. “It’s
more than just a computer.”
That’s fine, when Bledsoe is telling farmers when to plant and what kind
of winter to expect. But inevitably, he gets asked whether any of the
withering dryness they’ve been through over the past decade has to do
with that thing they’ve been hearing about on the news — global warming.
His answer: Not the man-made kind.
“If you go back through history, there were droughts that lasted
decades. Something drove the Anastasi out of the Southwest,” Bledsoe
explains, talking about how tree ring data suggests the late 1800s were a
dry time too. “If someone comes to me and says, ‘Do you believe man is
changing and driving our climate and how it works?’ I’m just not there,
because I see other drivers as being much bigger governors in where we
Even as the rest of the nation has started coming around to the idea
that human activity has contributed to the extreme weather of the past
few years, Bledsoe is among the holdouts, spreading climate skepticism
in person, on the air, and online — and he’s not alone. According to one
2011 survey, more than a third of weather casters deny that pumping
carbon dioxide into the air has anything to do with the increasingly
extreme conditions they’re reporting. And they’re as close to scientific
expertise as many households get.
The meteorologist profession has cast a weather eye on the idea of
anthropogenic climate change ever since the 1980s, when it was a
crackpot theory in a NASA lab. Doubts really took root in the 1990s,
when President Bill Clinton first invited weathercasters to the White
House, to try to win their support for the U.S.’ bid to negotiate a
global treaty on climate change (a trick that President Barack Obama
tried recently as well). As the Columbia Journalism Review chronicled,
many of them reacted negatively to the idea of a politician getting them
to buy into a scientific conclusion and a policy prescription, all at
“Climate change and global warming are so value-laden,” says Bob Henson,
a spokesperson at the Boulder, Colo.-based University Center for
Atmospheric Research, who published a history of broadcast meteorology
in 2010. “People think it’s not referring to the physical effect so much
as it is to the policy response.”
Henson says the outright refusal to acknowledge global warming has
softened somewhat in recent years. At the annual meeting of the American
Meteorologists Association, the issue has been so contentious that
attendees requested small group sessions to talk through it, but this
year the voices of climate denial weren’t as loud. “The dialogue is much
more, ‘what does it mean?’” Henson says.
That may have something to do with an outreach campaign by
weathercasters able to model how to talk about climate change
effectively, even in the 2-minute weekend forecast format. Since climate
is a complicated and nuanced subject, broadcasters are also encouraged
to take their message to Facebook or blogs, where they can explain
at more length.
When Bledsoe blogs, though, his message just becomes more anti-climate
change, not less. And often, because of the pairing of climate science
and the policies deemed necessary to address it, that’s what his
conservative rural audience wants to hear. On his blog last November, he
recounted being asked about climate change during a speaking engagement
at a California Beef Improvement Association conference in Reno, Nev.
“I told them that I think it is a economic and political agenda that has
nothing to do with climate or protecting the environment,” Bledsoe
wrote. “I told them it has to do with taxes and control…They said it was
refreshing to hear that from a scientist, as almost all of those that
attended believe it is nothing but a hoax.” Bledsoe opposes Colorado’s
renewable energy mandates, which he says will raise electricity costs
for drought-stricken farmers, and it’s easier to do that when you don’t
think there’s anything wrong with the status quo.
But Bledsoe isn’t just pandering. He also feels he’s well-grounded in
the science, having closely studied ocean currents, which he says are
stronger drivers of the current warming trend.
“I see both sides fudging the data. What I try to do is take all that
out of the way, and show them what I believe are the natural drivers of
our climate, because our climate has been changing forever,” Bledsoe
says. “The misinformation campaign is being run at a high level, and a
high speed, and most people are too busy to do the research for
That’s why Mike Nelson, chief meteorologist at ABC 7NEws in Denver,
thought Bledsoe was worth trying to win over. Two summers ago, he
invited the younger weathercaster to meet with climate scientists at the
National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, so they could hash
out the science. A healthy exchange of opinions followed, but both
parties went home with their minds unchanged.
“Brian Bledsoe is the one I respect the most — he’s not just throwing
back the normal Fox News talking points,” Nelson says. “He’s just
unconvinced that the increase in greenhouse gas emissions is going to be
outweighed by these deep ocean circulations.” Nelson figured they’d
agree to disagree, and the two haven’t talked since.
Ultimately, Bledsoe probably isn’t harming the farmers who trust his
advice — in the medium term, his forecasts look similar to those of
someone who thinks the greenhouse effect is causing the longer dry
spells, not ocean currents. He’s still telling people in Southeast
Colorado to buckle down for another couple decades of drought, and not
to have any illusions that the rainfall of the 80s and 90s will return
anytime soon.
“The thing that’s got me as much traction as it has, is I’ve been
right,” Bledsoe says.”I want to show you what the weather’s going to be
like going forward, so you can deal with it. It’s knock-down, drag-out
depending on who you talk to. And I hate that, because it really sucks
the science out of it.”
Hunt for oil and gas to begin off East Coast
The Obama administration opened up the Atlantic to oil and gas exploration for the first time in nearly four decades on Friday.
The announcement from Interior's Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
(BOEM) allows the use of air guns and sonic sensors to search off of the
East Coast.
It is a major step toward allowing future drilling in the Atlantic, which has remained off-limits for over 30 years.
While the decision doesn't guarantee that lease sales for drilling in
Atlantic waters will be included in the Interior Department's five-year
plan for 2017-2022, it is a step in that direction.
"After thoroughly reviewing the analysis, coordinating with Federal
agencies and considering extensive public input, the bureau has
identified a path forward that addresses the need to update the nearly
four-decade-old data in the region while protecting marine life and
cultural sites,” acting BOEM Director Walter D. Cruickshank said.
Geophysical research companies contracted by the oil and gas industry
will still need to apply for individual permits before conducting tests
and undergo strict environmental reviews.
Still, the decision is a win for industry, which will get a chance to
prove the potential in the Atlantic for oil, gas, and renewable energy.
Environmentalists, on the other hand, expressed frustration with the
administration for allowing testing, which they argue is harmful to
marine life in the Atlantic.
"For more than 30 years, the Atlantic coast has been off limits to
offshore drilling. Today, our government appears to be folding to the
pressure of Big Oil and its big money," said OCEANA spokeswoman Claire
Green groups say the tests could kill thousands of marine mammals, injuring dolphins and endangered whales.
The Natural Resources Defense Council called seismic testing the "gateway drug to offshore drilling."
While the decision favors the industry, oil and gas companies aren't getting everything they want.
The American Petroleum Institute said Interior is keeping in place
"arbitrary" restrictions that "lack scientific support," and that will
"discourage" exploration.
BOEM doesn't expect surveys to begin until early next year but will consider permit applications as they come in.
After a permit is issued, the contractor will have one year from that date to conduct tests.
The decision comes after the release of an environmental impact study in
February that detailed precautions companies should take when
conducting tests.
The sun has gone quiet…solar cycle 24 continues to rank as one of the weakest cycles more than a century
Ten days ago, the sun was quite active and peppered with several large
spots. Now the sun has gone quiet and it is nearly completely blank. It
appears that the solar maximum phase for solar cycle 24 may have been
reached and it is not very impressive. It looks as if this solar cycle
is “double-peaked” (see below) which is not all that uncommon; however,
it is somewhat rare that the second peak in sunspot number during the
solar max phase is larger than the first. In fact, this solar cycle
continues to rank among the weakest on record which continues the recent
trend for increasingly weaker cycles. The current predicted and
observed size makes this the smallest sunspot cycle since Cycle 14 which
had a maximum of 64.2 in February of 1906. Going back to 1755, there
have been only a few solar cycles in the previous 23 that have had a
lower number of sunspots during its maximum phase. For this reason, many
solar researchers are calling this current solar maximum a “mini-max”.
Solar cycle 24 began after an unusually deep solar minimum that lasted
from 2007 to 2009. In fact, in 2008 and 2009, there were almost no
sunspots, a very unusual situation during a solar minimum phase that had
not happened for almost a century.
Consequences of a weak solar cycle
First, the weak solar cycle has resulted in rather benign “space
weather” in recent times with generally weaker-than-normal geomagnetic
storms. By all Earth-based measures of geomagnetic and geoeffective
solar activity, this cycle has been extremely quiet. However, there is
some evidence that most large events such as strong solar flares and
significant geomagnetic storms tend to occur in the declining phase of
the solar cycle. In other words, there is still a chance for significant
solar activity in the months and years ahead.
Second, it is pretty well understood that solar activity has a direct
impact on temperatures at very high altitudes in a part of the Earth’s
atmosphere called the thermosphere. This is the biggest layer of the
Earth’s atmosphere which lies directly above the mesosphere and below
the exosphere. Thermospheric temperatures increase with altitude due to
absorption of highly energetic solar radiation and are highly dependent
on solar activity.
Finally, if history is a guide, it is safe to say that weak solar
activity for a prolonged period of time can have a negative impact on
global temperatures in the troposphere which is the bottom-most layer of
Earth’s atmosphere - and where we all live. There have been two notable
historical periods with decades-long episodes of low solar activity.
The first period is known as the “Maunder Minimum”, named after the
solar astronomer Edward Maunder, and it lasted from around 1645 to 1715.
The second one is referred to as the “Dalton Minimum”, named for the
English meteorologist John Dalton, and it lasted from about 1790 to
1830. Both of these historical periods coincided with below-normal
global temperatures in an era now referred to by many as the “Little Ice
Age”. In addition, research studies in just the past couple of decades
have found a complicated relationship between solar activity, cosmic
rays, and clouds on Earth. This research suggests that in times of low
solar activity where solar winds are typically weak; more cosmic rays
reach the Earth’s atmosphere which, in turn, has been found to lead to
an increase in certain types of clouds that can act to cool the Earth.
The increasingly likely outcome for an historically weak solar cycle
continues the recent downward trend in sunspot cycle strength that began
over twenty years ago during solar cycle 22. If this trend continues
for the next couple of cycles, then there would likely be more talk of
another “grand minimum” for the sun. Some solar scientists are already
predicting that the next solar cycle, #25, will be even weaker than this
current one. However, it is just too early for high confidence in these
predictions since some solar scientists believe that the best predictor
of future solar cycle strength involves activity at the sun’s poles
during a solar minimum and the next solar minimum is still likely
several years away.
BBC, Climate Change & Censorship: Interview With Benny Peiser
Benny Peiser is a social anthropologist best known for his work on the
portrayal of climate change. The founder of CCNet, a leading climate
policy network, Peiser is co-editor of the journal Energy and
Environment and director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation.
Following the BBC's recent decision to uphold a complaint against
comments made by climate change sceptic Lord Lawson on the Today
programme, we spoke to Peiser about scientific consensus and climate
change in the media.
Q. The BBC's head of editorial complaint recently said that Lord
Lawson’s views are not supported by any evidence from such things as
computer modelling scientific research; thus, they should strengthen
their editorial procedures to avoid misleading the public.
Do you think there is such a thing as a unanimous scientific consensus about climate change today?
A. I think this is irrelevant. I mean, there is a general agreement on
CO2 and greenhouse gas: that we are pumping CO2 into the atmosphere and
that this will have a warming effect. This is agreed by everyone so that
is not the real issue. Even the sceptics agree to that. So, this is a
red herring, because no one denies the basic physics, no one denies the
basic facts.
And that was not part of the discussion at the BBC anyhow. It was about
the flooding this winter and whether it was caused by climate change, as
well as what to do about climate change. And, of course, there is no
consensus about these issues. So, the BBC is using a red herring to deny
critics of climate policies and climate alarmism a forum.
Q. A question of rhetoric then?
A. No. It's a bit like saying, “do you accept that there is a European
Union?” This is the consensus, right, and because Euro-sceptics don’t
accept that there is a European Union, they shouldn’t be interviewed on
the BBC because they deny the existence of the European Union.
Q.I see.
A. It’s an argument that no one denies, but which is used to silence
critics of the policies, and the subsidies, and the billions of pounds
being thrown at the problem. So I think it is basically censorship,
using a scientific argument that is standing on water. No one really
questions this general consensus.
Q. So this is a problem of censorship? We know that climate change is a
debate that attracts some extremely strong opinions. Why do you think
this is?
A. This is not about scientific proof. It’s about how serious is it and
what should we do about it, you see. It is only the BBC who claims this
is about scientific proof. As I’ve just said, no one is questioning the
basic physics; no one is question the basic consensus. So this is not
about denying climate change or denying the effects of greenhouse gas or
that there is human contribution… this is all a red herring. This is
about denying anyone who criticises the green lobbyists and the green
agenda from raising their criticisms. This is what is at stake. It’s not
about the science.
Q. So do you think that, when it comes to the media, it is a one-sided
kind of alarmist perception of risk that comes into question?
A. Of course, because they are well-known for pointing out everything
that is alarming and being silent on reports that show it is not as
alarming. So you have a bias in favour of alarm, and a kind of ignoring
any evidence that suggests that it might not be that alarming.
It’s about people who think we are facing doomsday, and people who are
thinking that the issue of climate change is exaggerated. And if you
deny anyone sceptical of the apocalyptic doomsday prophecies, then you
get in a position where the BBC is so biased that MPs are beginning to
consider cutting the license fee, or abolishing the license fee
altogether, because people are beginning to be upset by the BBC’s bias.
This is a self-defeating policy; the BBC is digging its own grave by
annoying half of the population who are known to be sceptical about the
alarmist claims which are not substantiated, which are not founded on
any evidence. They are only based on on some kinds of computer
modelling, which is not scientific evidence.
Q. So scientific evidence, such as computer modelling and research, is being used as an instrument in the rhetoric?
A. Well there is a big difference between observation, what you actually
observe in reality – that’s what I would call evidence – and computer
models that try to model the climate in 50 or 100 years time. I wouldn’t
call that evidence. There is a difference between evidence and people
saying, “if we don’t act now then in 50 or a 100 years time we will face
mega catastrophe”. That’s not evidence, it is speculation.
Q. So, for example, if someone were to say, “scientific knowledge or
evidence is always a requirement to express criticism toward the
prevailing views on climate change as portrayed in the media,” would you
agree with that kind of comment?
A. No, of course not. Because what is scientific knowledge, you know?
Who decides what scientific knowledge is? Do you have to be a climate
scientist to have scientific knowledge or do you have to have enough
information? Who decides who’s qualified to decide what the right policy
is? Because at the end of the day, the scientist cannot tell us what is
the best approach to deal with climate change.
The scientists have no idea about costs and benefits; about policy and
economics. The scientists only know the atmosphere, they know how the
atmosphere functions. But if you want to decide what to do about climate
change then the climate scientists are really the least likely to
understand what policies or alternatives there are.
The climate debate is not just about the science, but also about
policies, about economics, costs, benefits. That’s where the scientists
are unequipped, and where the economists and policy makers are those at
the forefront of the debate. The BBC makes it out as if it was all about
the science, but it isn’t. There are so many other questions where the
climate scientists simply haven’t got the expertise, or certainly less
Q. Do you think this is part of the reason why there was a controversy
with Lord Lawson when the argument was made that he shouldn’t be
censored because he had an argument more in terms of economics and
policy making, rather than science?
A. Of course. And in any case, if the BBC were to adhere to this policy,
they would never ever again interview Ed Miliband or any MPs or
Minister or policy maker on climate change, right? For example, you
mention Lord Lawson, who has written extensively about climate change
issues over the last six, seven years. If he can’t be interviewed
because he is not a scientist, well then you cannot interview any
Q, Do you think Lord Lawson is an authoritative and representative
figure of the views of climate change when it comes to critics or
Well of course. He’s one of the world’s leading authorities who has
written, as I said, extensively on climate change. He is not a climate
scientist, but I just said this was not about science. It is about what
to do about climate, how Britain may again be flooded in the future. So
it’s not about science, it is about what are the best ways of dealing
with flooding in the future.
Q. In the press, the argument has been put forward quite regularly that
sceptics or critics are already over-represented in media coverage,
which is said to be misleading the public. Is that a fact? Or do you
think the BBC should give more air time to climate change critics/
A. Well they haven’t in the past. Take Lord Lawson. That was the first
time ever that he’s been interviewed on climate change. And if you think
about the hundreds of reports over the years by the BBC, climate
sceptics are a very and increasingly rare species.
Climate sceptics are definitely not under-represented, but simply absent
when it comes to the number of media outlets. However, because there is
that bias in the BBC and other news organisations, they are finding
their own outlets. The climate-sceptical bloggers are increasingly
popular and have huge readerships, and a number of newspapers can see
that there is a real market for more balanced views.
Take for instance the Times, the Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail.
These newspapers have realized that the BBC and others are ignoring
alternative views and so they are providing the half of the population
who are sceptics an opportunity to have more balanced reporting. They
can see the big opportunity that the BBC is ruling out.
As I said, from surveys, more than half of the British public is
sceptical, so if the BBC alienates more than half of the population then
they only have themselves to blame if the British public don’t anymore
want to pay for the BBC.
Q. Do you think there might also be a confusion created by separating
people in two strict camps: either you are a sceptic or you are a firm
believer in climate change? Perhaps there could be a more constructive
critic of authoritative knowledge or prevailing rhetoric?
A. When the BBC interviewed the sceptical scientists like Professor
Carter they also got complaints from those who said it was wrong, so
it’s not about knowledge or because you are not a climate scientist.
They don’t even interview scientists who are sceptical, and on the very
rare occasion – once every two years – that they perhaps have an
interview with a sceptical scientist, they also get complaints. So this
is not about people not being knowledgeable, it’s that people don’t want
to listen to any critics. That is as simple as that, they do not want
to, or do not like the idea of a debate on this issue.
Q. Do you think this is because it threatens the status quo and stability on the issue of climate change?
A. Well, they realise that ‘facts’, the simple facts of climate change
do not adapt to some kind of doomsday alarming scenario. That is their
biggest fear. And that is what they don’t want the public to hear. They
want their message to be that we are facing global disaster and unless
we act now it will be too late. They don’t want to hear anyone who says,
“hold on! Look out of the window, it’s not as bad as the models
Q. So it is rhetoric of risk?
A. At the end of the day there is a big industry behind this campaign,
let’s not forget. There’s a huge green energy industry which relies on
billions of subsidies on government policy. All the people who own wind
farms and solar panels and bio-fuel lands all rely on government
support. Without the alarm there would not be that much money going into
their pockets. So there are big industrial claims behind this campaign
who make hundreds of millions of pounds on the back of this alarm.
Q. Why do you think that climate change discussion generally has divided
largely along political lines? For example, some might associate
scepticism about climate change with right wing politics etc.
A. Well in Europe this is not the case. That is the case in the U.S. and
perhaps in Australia. In Europe, it is really that almost all parties
have signed up to the climate agenda. There is no political divide on
the climate agenda. I mean, it's beginning to look as if more and more
governments, both left and right, are becoming concerned because the
costs are piling up and because Europe is becoming uncompetitive as a
result. So there is a growing concern that Europe, through its climate
policies, is damaging the economy and making energy costs ever more
expensive, and that therefore European industries are becoming
increasingly uncompetitive. But that is a general concern, not a left or
right issue, though in the US it is, yes.
Q.Do you think the problem of competitiveness is related to the avoidance of a more constructive debate?
A. Well initially, 10 or 20 years ago, the Europeans thought that the
climate alarm would help their economy. They thought that Europe would
create or produce renewable technologies which could then be exported to
the rest of the world. That was the idea, but they forgot that China
and other Asian countries could produce these renewable technologies
much cheaper and much quicker. So now they are concerned about the
Chinese selling solar panels to Europeans, and the Europeans subsidising
Chinese solar panels.
So, there are all sorts of big problems in the whole concept that
climate change policies could be good for the economy. In reality they
have just added to energy costs and it’s a much bigger problem now for
many governments around Europe, not least because the shale revolution
has brought down the energy crisis in the U.S. and is making live
industry in Europe very difficult. As I said, there are other issues
involved aside from the science which make the climate debate so
contentious, because you are talking about a multi-billion Euro industry
that relies on governments to keep handing out money.
If the alarm goes, a lot of green industries that rely on subsidies will
go bankrupt as they rely on people being alarmed. Without the alarm, we
would not have wind and solar energy; we would not have the need for
renewable energy without the climate alarm.
Q. How could the discussion about climate change be improved in the
media more generally? How could we make the discussion more
A. Well, it is difficult. By and large you improve it by making it as
factual, as objective, and as balanced as possible. Also, moving away
from the basic scientific issues to focus on the real, big divides and
problems which have to do with what we are going to do about climate
change. That is where the big question mark remains. And, as you may
have noticed, it is much more difficult and more complex than the
simplistic way the BBC portrays the controversy.
Owen Paterson: I’m Proud Of Standing Up To The Green Lobby
Like the nationalised industries and obstructive trade unions of the
1970s, the Green Blob has become a powerful self-serving caucus; it is
the job of the elected politician to stand up to them
Every prime minister has the right to choose his team to take Britain
into the general election and I am confident that my able successor at
Defra, Liz Truss, will do an excellent job. It has been a privilege to
take on the challenges of the rural economy and environment. However, I
leave the post with great misgivings about the power and
irresponsibility of – to coin a phrase – the Green Blob.
By this I mean the mutually supportive network of environmental pressure
groups, renewable energy companies and some public officials who keep
each other well supplied with lavish funds, scare stories and green
tape. This tangled triangle of unelected busybodies claims to have the
interests of the planet and the countryside at heart, but it is
increasingly clear that it is focusing on the wrong issues and doing
real harm while profiting handsomely.
Local conservationists on the ground do wonderful work to protect and
improve wild landscapes, as do farmers, rural businesses and ordinary
people. They are a world away from the highly paid globe-trotters of the
Green Blob who besieged me with their self-serving demands, many of
which would have harmed the natural environment.
I soon realised that the greens and their industrial and bureaucratic
allies are used to getting things their own way. I received more death
threats in a few months at Defra than I ever did as secretary of state
for Northern Ireland. My home address was circulated worldwide with an
incitement to trash it; I was burnt in effigy by Greenpeace as I was
recovering from an operation to save my eyesight. But I did not set out
to be popular with lobbyists and I never forgot that they were not the
people I was elected to serve.
Indeed, I am proud that my departure was greeted with such gloating by
spokespeople for the Green Party and Friends of the Earth.
It was not my job to do the bidding of two organisations that are little
more than anti-capitalist agitprop groups most of whose leaders could
not tell a snakeshead fritillary from a silver-washed fritillary. I saw
my task as improving both the environment and the rural economy; many in
the green movement believed in neither.
Their goal was to enhance their own income streams and influence by myth
making and lobbying. Would they have been as determined to blacken my
name if I was not challenging them rather effectively?
When I arrived at Defra I found a department that had become under successive Labour governments a milch cow for the Green Blob.
Just as Michael Gove set out to refocus education policy on the needs of
children rather than teachers and bureaucrats and Iain Duncan Smith set
out to empower the most vulnerable, so I began to reorganise the
department around four priorities: to grow the rural economy, to improve
the environment, and to safeguard both plant and animal health.
The Green Blob sprouts especially vigorously in Brussels. The European
Commission website reveals that a staggering 150 million euros (£119?
million) was paid to the top nine green NGOs from 2007-13.
European Union officials give generous grants to green groups so that
they will lobby it for regulations that then require large budgets to
enforce. When I attended a council meeting of elected EU ministers on
shale gas in Lithuania last year, we were lectured by a man using
largely untrue clichés about the dangers of shale gas. We discovered
that he was from the European Environment Bureau, an umbrella group for
unelected, taxpayer-subsidised green lobby groups. Speaking of Europe, I
remain proud to have achieved some renegotiations.
The discard ban ends the scandalous practice of throwing away perfectly
edible fish, we broke the council deadlock on GM crops, so decisions may
be repatriated to member countries and we headed off bans on fracking.
Judge me by my opponents.
When I proposed a solution to the dreadful suffering of cattle, badgers
and farmers as a result of the bovine tuberculosis epidemic that Labour
allowed to develop, I was opposed by rich pop stars who had never been
faced with having to cull a pregnant heifer. (Interestingly, very recent
local evidence suggests the decline in TB in the cull area may already
have begun.)
When I spoke up for the landscapes of this beautiful country against the
heavily subsidised industry that wants to spoil them with wind turbines
at vast cost to ordinary people, vast reward to rich landowners and
undetectable effects on carbon dioxide emissions, I was frustrated by
colleagues from the so-called Liberal Democrat Party.
When I encouraged the search for affordable energy from shale gas to
help grow the rural economy and lift people out of fuel poverty, I was
opposed by a dress designer for whom energy bills are trivial concerns.
Yes, I’ve annoyed these people, but they don’t represent the real countryside of farmers and workers, of birds and butterflies.
Like the nationalised industries and obstructive trade unions of the
1970s, the Green Blob has become a powerful self-serving caucus; it is
the job of the elected politician to stand up to them. We must have the
courage to tackle it head on, as Tony Abbott in Australia and Stephen
Harper in Canada have done, or the economy and the environment will both
continue to suffer.
* Owen Paterson is a former secretary of state for environment, food and rural affairs.
Australia: Why is it The Greens are treated by the media as having the moral high ground?
The snobs in the Canberra press pack tend to ignore Senator John Madigan
of the DLP so chances are you won't see much of this speech he gave in
Parliament reported.
However, here, he raises some quite significant questions about the
integrity of the Greens when it comes to what really motivates their
"clean energy" commitment ..... $$$
He also joins the dots between interesting figures lingering behind the scenes of The Greens and the Palmer Party.
Senator Madigan asks a question that deserves some pondering .... why is
it that The Greens are treated by the media as having the moral high
ground on just about every subject?
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
21 July, 2014
Warmists assume what they have to prove
There are a great number of models that have been put out out by
Warmists -- all with slightly different assumptions. And the
assumptions are the key. With different assumptions you could
predict cooling. But there are only a small minority that come
close to the temperatures actually observed.
So the latest effort
by some well-known Warmists simply picks out those models that have
done best and says: "Aha! The models are good after all!"
the abstract below and see for yourself. They say: "only those
models with natural variability (represented by El Niño/Southern
Oscillation) largely in phase with observations are selected" and
then say "These tests show that climate models have provided good
estimates of 15-year trends". It is just one huge cherry-picking
exercise where they pick out models that have for some reason got close
to the facts and then proclaim that they have predicted something.
It is a classical example of being wise after the event. Newpaper
article followed by the journal abstract below
A common refrain by climate sceptics that surface temperatures have not
warmed over the past 17 years, implying climate models predicting
otherwise are unreliable, has been refuted by new research led by James
Risbey, a senior CSIRO researcher.
Setting aside the fact the equal hottest years on record - 2005 and 2010
- fall well within the past 17 years, Dr Risbey and fellow researchers
examined claims - including by some members of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change - that models overestimated global warming.
In a study published in Nature Climate Change on Monday, the team found
that models actually generate good estimates of recent and past trends
provided they also took into account natural variability, particularly
the key El Nino-La Nina phases in the Pacific.
“You’re always going to get periods when the warming slows down or
speeds up relative to the mean rate because we have these strong natural
cycles,” Dr Risbey said.
In roughly 30-year cycles, the Pacific alternates between periods of
more frequent El Ninos - when the ocean gives back heat to the
atmosphere - to La Ninas, when it acts as a massive heat sink, setting
in train relatively cool periods for surface temperatures.
By selecting climate models in phase with natural variability, the
research found that model trends have been consistent with observed
trends, even during the recent “slowdown” period for warming, Dr Risbey
“The climate is simply variable on short time scales but that
variability is superimposed on an unmistakable long-term warming trend,”
he said.
While sceptics have lately relied on a naturally cool phase of the
global cycle to fan doubts about climate change, the fact temperature
records continue to fall even during a La-Nina dominated period is
notable, Dr Risbey said.
The temperature forcing from the build-up of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere “is beginning to overwhelm the natural variability on even
shorter decadal time scales”, he said.
“We will always set more heat records during an El Nino [phase] ... than
we will during the opposite but we’re still setting records even during
the cold phase because we’re still warming,” Dr Risbey said.
While climatologists are wary about picking when the Pacific will switch
back to an El-Nino dominated phase, the world may get an inkling of
what is in store if an El Nino event is confirmed later this year.
The Bureau of Meteorology last week maintained its estimate of a 70 per
cent chance of an El Nino this year. It noted, though, that warming
sea-surface temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific had yet to
trigger the consistent reinforcing atmospheric patterns such as a
stalling or reversal in the easterly trade winds.
Even without the threshold being reached, however, El-Nino-like
conditions had already contributed to the warmest May and June on record
and equal-warmest April. Australia too has continued to see well-above
average temperatures, with last year and the 12 months to June 30
setting records for warmth.
Data out this week from the US may confirm early readings that June's
sea-surface temperatures were the biggest departure from long-term
averages for any month.
Well-estimated global surface warming in climate projections selected for ENSO phase
By James S. Risbey, Stephan
Lewandowsky, Clothilde Langlais, Didier P. Monselesan,
Terence J. O’Kane & Naomi Oreskes
The question of how climate model projections have tracked the actual
evolution of global mean surface air temperature is important in
establishing the credibility of their projections. Some studies and the
IPCC Fifth Assessment Report suggest that the recent 15-year period
(1998–2012) provides evidence that models are overestimating current
temperature evolution. Such comparisons are not evidence against model
trends because they represent only one realization where the decadal
natural variability component of the model climate is generally not in
phase with observations. We present a more appropriate test of models
where only those models with natural variability (represented by El
Niño/Southern Oscillation) largely in phase with observations are
selected from multi-model ensembles for comparison with observations.
These tests show that climate models have provided good estimates of
15-year trends, including for recent periods and for Pacific spatial
trend patterns.
Warmists admit that skeptics are right
There is a big sulk from "Salon" below about the fact that the NYT
printed a favorable story about skeptic John Christy. But it is
hard to fathom how Warmist minds work because towards the end of their
screed below they admit exactly what Christy and most skeptics are
saying. I have highlighted the passage
The New York Times missed the mark big time in its new profile of John
Christy, a professor of atmospheric science at the University of
Alabama, Huntsville, and prominent climate skeptic who “finds himself a
target of suspicion” — and derision, and sometimes even insults — from
his peers. Ostensibly, it’s an examination of the way that climate
science has become politicized, to the extent that those with dissenting
views are silenced or attacked by the cult of mainstream climate
science. In reality, it’s an overly credulous and sympathetic portrayal
of someone who, his claims having been almost completely discredited, is
trying to spin the story in a way that makes him out to be a victim.
Perhaps, writer Michael Wines speculates, the reason why other climate
scientists are so mean to Christy (people drew mean cartoons about him!)
is because he’s “providing legitimacy to those who refuse to
acknowledge” that the consequences of climate change are likely to be
dire. The use of the word “legitimacy” is questionable: Unlike those who
contest the scientific consensus on climate change with little or no
background in climate science themselves, Christy does boast a bevy of
credentials, as Wines is careful to denote. Christy’s actual research,
on the other hand, along with the data that he insists, in the profile,
to be beholden to — well, that’s been deflated, disproven and debunked
by all manner of other, highly qualified experts. A dispute over his
inaccurate climate models that Wines dismisses as a “scientific tit for
tat,” meanwhile, is seen by others as a conscious attempt to misinform
the public, in the interest of promoting climate skepticism.
A difference in perspective, perhaps. But in downplaying the many and
legitimate issues with Christy’s research, Wines fails to treat this
“skeptic” with much skepticism of his own. And worse still, the profile
plays into an image that Christy has been working to build — one not of
an anti-science “denier,” but instead of a modern-day Galileo, one who
dares to contradict mainstream opinion and who will be vindicated by
history — in this case, when the effects of climate change turns out to
not be so bad, after all. See, for example, the Wall Street Journal
Op-Ed Christy authored this February with fellow skeptic Richard
McNider. In response to comments by Secretary of State John Kerry, who
accused climate skeptics of belonging to the “Flat Earth Society,” they
"But who are the Flat Earthers, and who is ignoring
the scientific facts? In ancient times, the notion of a flat Earth was
the scientific consensus, and it was only a minority who dared question
this belief. We are among today’s scientists who are skeptical about the
so-called consensus on climate change. Does that make us modern-day
Flat Earthers, as Mr. Kerry suggests, or are we among those who defy the
prevailing wisdom to declare that the world is round?"
This interpretation of history, as Joe Romm pointed out at the time, is
yet another misconception, as the flat Earth myth was a pre-scientific
belief, disproven by — you guessed it — science. Christy and McNiders’
inflated perception of themselves only serves to further confuse the
public’s understanding of the scientific consensus on climate change.
Their rhetoric, while appealing, falls apart upon examination.
As for the contention, among environmentalists, that Christy may be “a
pawn of the fossil-fuel industry who distorts science to fit his own
ideology”? Wines dismisses that in a parenthetical comment from Christy
(“I don’t take money from industries”), and leaves it at that. This,
again, plays right into Christy’s desire to be seen as misunderstood —
he’s been careful to avoid associations not just with polluting
industries, but with most of the groups dedicated to spreading climate
denial. He doesn’t attend the Heartland Institute’s annual climate
denial conferences, he told the Times’ Andrew Revkin several years back,
because he wants to avoid “guilt by association.”
Yet Christy’s perspective on global warming — that the effects will be
mild, and potentially even beneficial — is more or less aligned with
those voiced by the participants in Heartland’s most recent conference,
which took place last week. Aside from a few remaining loonies, most
deniers have by now conceded the two most basic facts of climate change:
that the climate is changing, and that man-made emissions of greenhouse
gases are at least partially responsible. Christy’s not special in this
regard. Instead, he’s part of a growing movement that Will Oremus,
writing in Slate, describes as an effort to rebrand climate denial as
“climate optimism”: the idea that climate change, while real, isn’t
something worth worrying about — and certainly not worth making an
effort to mitigate. In some ways, this is even more dangerous than
flat-out denial, which is at least easy to shut down; climate optimism,
instead, conflates science with conservative political ideology, as
Oremus explains:
"In fact, it’s not unreasonable to see the climate
fight as part of a much broader ideological war in American society,
says Anthony Leiserowitz, director of the Yale Project on Climate Change
Communication. The debate over causes is often a proxy for a debate
over solutions, which are likely to require global cooperation and
government intervention in people’s lives. Leiserowitz’s research shows
that climate deniers tend to be committed to values like individualism
and small government while those most concerned about climate change are
more likely to hold egalitarian and community-oriented political views.
That doesn’t mean, of course, that the evidence on
both sides is equal. There’s a reason the climate deniers are losing the
scientific debate, and it isn’t because academia is better funded than
the energy industry. All of which helps to explain how climate optimism
might be a more appealing approach these days than climate denial.
Models of how climate change will impact society and the economy are
subject to far more uncertainty than the science that links greenhouse
gas emissions to the 20th-century warming trend. The costs of mitigating
those emissions are more readily grasped: higher energy bills,
government spending on alternative energy projects, lost jobs at coal
Accepting climate change, but not accepting that we should do anything
about it: It’s that ideologically driven belief, and not a debate over
science itself, that is the real way in which climate change has become
None of this
is to suggest that there shouldn’t be a debate about science, or that
all climate science is settled. Most of what we know about the future
effects of climate change, including just how severe they will be,
remains decidedly unsettled, and will remain so until they
actually come to pass. Because 97 percent of scientists agree that human
activity is contributing to changes in our climate, the debate now can
and should be about what the evidence suggests, and what we ought to do
about it. But the reason why Christy has attracted so much vitriol is
because he’s on the radical fringe of both of those conversations: he’s
using error-laden research and misleading claims to advocate for some
adaptation and zero mitigation. The American Association for the
Advancement of Science compares such a strategy to barreling down the
highway without the benefit of seat belts or airbags; more colorfully,
in Wines’ article, MIT professor Kerry Emanuel suggests “It’s kind of
like telling a little girl who’s trying to run across a busy street to
catch a school bus to go for it, knowing there’s a substantial chance
that she’ll be killed. She might make it. But it’s a big gamble to
Christy’s supporters are already up in arms about that one. But the
comparison is apt, and it’s the reason why, even if history does turn
out to vindicate Christy, he won’t be remembered as an
anti-establishment hero. He’ll just be someone who, against all evidence
to the contrary, got really, really lucky, and put not just a little
girl, but the entire world at risk in the process.
One of the sadder examples of what the human race produces
German scientists show that constant alarmist messages about dramatic
and dangerously rising sea levels cannot be confirmed by raw tidal
measurements. According to expert Klaus-Eckart Puls “measurements are
actually showing the opposite.” Only "mysterious" government computer
models show rises in sea levels, says the report.tidal measure
Making the announcement on behalf of the European Institute for Climate and Energy Klaus-Eckart Puls says:
“Worldwide, neither tidal gauge data (200 years) nor satellite data (20
years) show any acceleration of sea level rise. That is in stark
contrast to all past and current statements by the IPCC and several
climate (research) institutes and climate-models. Moreover, there are
indications that the satellite data (showing a higher [double] rate of
increase) are significantly “over-corrected.”” [See ref 28 in the
‘Mysterious Case’ or Data Rigging?
The European Institute for Climate and Energy expressed their concerns
about the reliability of certain official computer models adding,
“Instead of adjusting the satellite data to those actually measured on
the ground and correcting them downward, the discrepancy between gauge
and satellite measurements continue to this date. Somehow, that does not
appear to bother anyone. A mysterious case.”
Wilhelmshaven coast scientist, Karl-Ernst Behre from the Lower Saxony
Institute for Historical Coastal Research (NIHK ) explains that the best
evidence shows sea levels have only been rising naturally “since the
end of the last ice age we have good knowledge of the sea level changes
on the German North Sea coast.”
The latest German research shows that sea level has risen naturally due
to global warming by more than 50 meters in the past 10,000 years, says
Behre. It has been nothing to do with humans.
"The increase has increasingly slowed when one considers the overarching
trend of the last 3000 years. In the "youngest" 400 years (1600-2000)
there have been (without the GIA correction) an increase of 1.35 m, in
the past 100 years, only one such 25 cm, thus slowing it down further."
No Evidence of Increased Floods
The European Institute for Climate are also able to confirm there is no
evidence that the floods are getting worse. 'We have measured the flood
levels for 100 years, during which time the mean high water is up by
25cm which fits the natural rise in sea level. There is no evidence of
more frequent floods. "
Sea levels alone are not the only factor – changes in the landmass due
to the rise and fall of geological movements, especially plate
tectonics, volcanism and glacial processes can superficially affect sea
levels (Isostasy and Eustasie).
Not helping the cause of alarmism is the fact well-known German land
subsidence should be making any supposed sea level rise look even more
pronounced, as the report shows.
As for the German North Sea coast Behre explains that in 2011, a work
was published on the trends of 15 coastal levels in the German Bight. A
graph detailing the findings shows the actual extent of sea level
rises, proving no human signal.
This was part of a wider range of studies dealing with the ongoing
Holocene vertical land movements of the last millennium in southern
Scandinavia, Jutland, the North Frisian Islands, the south arch over
Denmark and the middle Baltic Sea. It proved:
"The North Sea basin is already a very long time an area of subsidence,
tectonic subsidence and this holds true even today. The German coast
lies on the upper part of this reduction area. In the area of the German
Bight there is shown to be a tectonically induced mean decrease from
0.64 cm / century, in the West it is 0.54 cm / century as in the east
and consequently is overall a small amount.”
As such, the authors are able to confirm there is no trend. All measured
changes in sea levels can thus be attributed only to a natural origin
conistent with the ongoing glacial retreat our planet has been
experiencing since the onset of the Holocene Period around 11,000 years
Killing marine life with ethanol
Ethanol damages your cars, small engines, food budget – and kills Gulf of Mexico animals
Paul Driessen
Ethanol and other biofuel mandates and subsidies got started when
politicians bought into claims that we are rapidly depleting our
petroleum, and fossil-fuel-driven global warming is boiling the planet.
Hydraulic fracturing destroyed the depletion myth. It also reminds us
that “peak oil” applies only if we wrongly assume that resource needs
and technologies never change. The 18-year “hiatus” in planetary warming
has forced alarmists to change their terminology to climate change,
climate disruption and extreme weather mantras – which allow them to
continue demanding that we stop using the hydrocarbons that provide 82%
of the energy that makes our economy, jobs and living standards
In recent years, people have discovered that ethanol harms lawn mowers
and other small engines. The fuel additive also drives up gasoline
prices, reduces automotive mileage and corrodes engine parts.
Corn-for-ethanol growers make a lot of money. But meat, egg and fish
producers pay more for feed, driving up family food bills. Biofuel
mandates also mean aid agencies pay more for corn and wheat, so more
malnourished people go hungry longer. This is not what most would call
“environmental justice.”
The 10% blends are bad enough. 15% ethanol is much worse, and truckers
say a highly corrosive 20% blend will be needed to meet California’s
looming low carbon fuel standards.
US law mandates that ethanol production must triple between 2007 and
2020 – even though motorists are driving less and thus using less
gasoline, which then means refiners need less ethanol to produce 10%
blends. That “blend wall” (between what’s needed and what’s produced) is
driving the push to allow 15% ethanol blends, which would void most car
engine warranties.
The guaranteed income incentivizes farmers to take land out of
conservation easements, pasture land and wildlife habitat, and grow corn
instead. Just to meet current ethanol quotas, US farmers are now
growing corn on an area the size of Iowa. Growing and harvesting this
corn and turning it into ethanol also requires massive quantities of
pesticides, fertilizers, fossil fuels and water.
Corn-based ethanol requires 2,500 to 29,000 gallons of fresh water per
million Btu of energy – compared to at most 6.0 gallons of fresh or
brackish water per million Btu of energy produced via fracking. Across
its life cycle, ethanol production and use also releases more carbon
dioxide per gallon than gasoline.
Now we learn that ethanol is bad for the environment in another way. It kills marine life.
A large portion of the nitrogen fertilizers needed to grow all that corn
gets washed off the land and into streams and rivers that drain into
the Gulf of Mexico, where they cause enormous summertime algae blooms.
When the algae die, their decomposition consumes oxygen in the water –
creating enormous low-oxygen (hypoxic) and zero-oxygen (anoxic) regions.
Marine life cannot survive in those “dead zones.” Fish swim away, but
shrimp, oysters, clams, mussels, crabs, sea cucumbers and other
stationary or slow moving bottom dwellers cannot escape. They just die.
Thousands of square miles of water off the coast of Alabama,
Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas as far southwest as Corpus Christi can
remain blanketed by a dead zone until fall winds or tropical storms or
hurricanes come through. These events cool the water down, churn up the
anoxic zones, bring in new oxygen supplies, and restore livability.
In 2012, nearly 2,900 square miles (about the size of Delaware) turned
into a dead zone. Last year, because of much greater water flow from the
Corn Belt, the region of animal cadavers covered nearly 8,560 square
miles (New Jersey). This year, the zone of death could cover a more
average Connecticut-size 4,630 to 5,700 square miles, say Louisiana
State University, Texas A&M and other researchers, due to lower
water flows; strong eddy currents south of the Mississippi Delta could
also be playing a role.
A friend of mine recently observed vast stretches of green algae blooms
in the normally “blue water” areas beyond the 15-mile-wide region where
fresh Mississippi River waters mix with Gulf of Mexico salt water, in
the Mississippi Canyon area south of Louisiana. The green zone extended
to some 40 miles from shore, he said. As the algae die, they will create
huge new suffocation zones, rising up into the water column, invisible
from the air and surface, but deadly to millions of creatures that
cannot swim away.
The dead zones also mean fishermen, crabbers, shrimpers and other
recreational and commercial boaters must travel much further from shore
to find anything, putting them at greater risk in the event of storms.
“More nitrate comes off corn fields than it does from any other crop, by
far,” says Louisiana State University zoologist Gene Turner. The
nitrogen drives the formation of dead zones, and the “primary culprit”
driving the entire process is corn-based ethanol, adds Larry McKinney,
executive director of the Harte Research Center for Gulf of Mexico
Studies at Texas A&M University in Corpus Christi.
The US Geological Survey estimates that 153,000 metric tons of nitrogen
fertilizer and other nutrients flowed down the Mississippi and
Atchafalaya Rivers in May 2013. That was 16% more than the average
amount over the previous three decades. The enormous nutrient runoff is
primarily the result of feeding just one crop: corn for ethanol, the
USGS affirms. The lost seafood is worth tens of millions of dollars.
Fertilizer and pesticide runoff is substantially higher in wet years.
But in dry years much of the excess chemical application just builds up
in the soil, waiting for the next big rainy season to unleash it. The
more acreage we put in corn for ethanol – and soybeans for biodiesel –
the worse the fertilizer and pesticide runoff, algae blooms, dead zones
and eradicated marine life become in wet years.
Water use is also skyrocketing to grow these biofuel crops. And if it
weren’t for biotechnology, the problems would be far worse. GMO corn is
engineered to need less water, and to kill insects that feed on the
crops with far lower pesticide use than for traditional, non-biotech
varieties. However, the same greens who hate hydrocarbons and promote
ethanol and biodiesel also detest biotechnology. Go figure.
Some biofuel advocates tout cellulosic ethanol as a partial solution –
because switchgrass requires less fertilizer, and this perennial’s roots
help stabilize the soil and reduce runoff. But no one has yet been able
to turn this pipedream source into ethanol on a commercial scale.
Another potential manmade fuel could be methanol from natural gas
produced via hydraulic fracturing, but greens continue to oppose
This algae boom, bust and dead zone phenomenon may not be an ecological
crisis, and it’s been going on for decades. But why make it worse, with
an expensive, engine-wrecking fuel that eco-activists, politicians and
ethanol lobbyists pretend is better for the planet than fossil fuels?
Why don’t biofuel boosters at least include this serious, recurring
environmental damage in their cost-benefit analyses?
And why do we continue to tolerate the double standards?
Environmentalists, politicians and bureaucrats come down with iron fists
on any private sector damages involving fossil fuel or nuclear power.
They have different standards for the “natural” and “eco-friendly”
“alternatives” they advocate. Ethanol from corn is just one example. An
even more grotesque double standard involves wind turbines.
Big Green activists and Big Government bureaucrats (especially Fish
& Wildlife Service) let Big Wind companies kill eagles and other
raptors, conduct deliberately insufficient and incompetent body counts,
hide and bury carcasses, and even store hundreds of dead eagles in
freezers, away from prying eyes. Using German and Swedish studies as a
guide, Save the Eagles International experts calculate that the real US
wind turbine death toll is probably 13 million or more birds and bats
every year, slaughtered in the name of saving the planet from
computer-concocted ravages of manmade global warming.
These policies are unsustainable and intolerable. The same environmental
and endangered species standards must be applied to all our energy
alternatives – and the ethanol quotas must be terminated.
Via email
Iowan’s USDA appointment raises concern
The appointment of Iowa’s Angela Tagtow, a controversial “environmental
nutritionist” and local food activist, to head the U.S. Department of
Agriculture’s Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion is causing more
headaches for the agency, already facing criticism about politicization
of federal nutrition advice and its consequences for public health.
By using the government’s official dietary guidelines as a tool to
advance her well-established environmentalist agenda, Tagtow would
undermine the USDA’s mandate — to provide families with science-based,
impartial nutrition advice.
The USDA and the Department of Health and Human Services administer the
Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, which makes recommendations
regarding the dietary guidelines mandated by Congress. The guidelines,
now being revised, are the basis for federal food and nutrition programs
and welfare benefits such as SNAP and educational campaigns, including
MyPlate (formerly the food pyramid). The USDA touts them to be
“authoritative advice for people 2 years and older about how good
dietary habits can promote health and reduce risk for major chronic
The fourth meeting of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee started Thursday and will conclude today.
According to Politico, recent advisory committee meetings raised
eyebrows because “hot-button issues, such as diet and climate change,”
are being discussed in an unprecedented way. The committee has even
dedicated one of five subcommittees to “food sustainability and safety”
to discuss how the food we eat contributes to climate change and how the
government should recommend changes to our diets based on those
Sustainable food systems and environmental protection may be important,
but these issues don’t belong in discussions of healthy eating.
That hasn’t stopped the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee from
delving deeply into them over the past year. In the January meeting of
the committee, member Miriam Nelson gushed about the importance of
promoting foods that have the “littlest impact on the environment” and
invited testimony from sustainability expert Kate Clancy, who argued it
would be “perilous” not to take global climate change into account when
dispensing dietary advice.
In April, a USDA spokesperson seemed to back away from the row by
minimizing the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee’s role in
policy-making, saying, “The committee is still in the early stages of
its work, so it is premature to guess what their recommendations might
be, and even more premature to speculate about what will be included in
the final dietary guidelines.”
But the appointment of Tagtow to the USDA office responsible for not
only developing and promoting the dietary guidelines, but advancing
prominent programs such as MyPlate, suggests that the USDA is doubling
down on raising the profile of our diet’s alleged effect on the climate
and other issues that have more to do with political science than
nutritional science.
For instance, Tagtow boasts that the mission of her consulting firm,
Environmental Nutrition Solutions, “is to establish healthier food
systems that are resilient, sustainable, ecologically sound, socially
acceptable and economically viable.”
This isn’t nutrition. This is code language for politically charged
activism. In what amounts to her policy platform statement, Tagtow
writes that we should select meat and dairy products from animals that
have been fed only grass diets.
She also repeats the myth that meat is an environmentally reckless form
of protein, suggesting a plant-based diet instead. She says we should
reduce our consumption of meat, lean or not, not because of any
potential health benefits, but in order to “conserve natural resources
and energy.”
Tagtow has suggested that Iowans could improve the state’s economy by
eating only food grown in the state, at least part of the year.
She touted a Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture study, claiming
that ” if Iowans ate five servings of fruits and vegetables per day, and
Iowa farmers supplied that produce for three months of the year, these
additional crops would add $300 million and more than 4,000 jobs to the
Iowa economy.”
She fails to mention that in her utopian Iowa, residents wouldn’t likely
enjoy the benefits of staples like oranges or pineapples for those
months. Nor does she consider the devastation to Iowa’s agricultural
community if her agro-protectionist ideals were implemented in other
Well, now she’s headed to the federal government to promote her narrow ideology.
The maxim that in government, “personnel is policy,” is especially true
here, given Tagtow’s policymaking role. The priorities she’s spent her
career advancing are far from the consensus among mainstream
Her appointment is a slap in the face to thousands of men and women in
nutrition who daily work tirelessly and impartially to help Americans
eat better. And it casts doubt over whether USDA is willing to dispense
nutrition advice based on science rather than an activist agenda.
Australia: Greenie meat pies rejected
Meat pies are often said to be Australia's national food and I
certainly am a fancier of them. The ones I buy have chunks of
steak in them and cost around $3.50
Sustainable. Organic. Locally sourced. These four words bulldoze us at
every supermarket corner, on every menu and during many a MasterChef ad
break. But how happy are we to pay a higher price for such produce?
A Victorian bakery has removed a meat pie from its menu because of complaints the price was too high.
At RedBeard Bakery in Trentham, about an hour north-west of Melbourne, a
conversation similar to the following took place at least 10 times a
“One pie, thanks mate.”
“No worries. That'll be $8.”
“You're bloody kidding me! That's highway robbery!”
“Our ingredients are sourced locally and we know the farmers. The meat
is grass-fed and sustainable. The pastry is made with organic butter and
hand-rolled. The pie is put together by hand and cooked in our 19th
century Scotch oven. It actually costs us $8 to make, so we're really
providing a community service.”
“Whatever, mate. I didn't ask for a sermon.”
Fed up with explaining the price to tourists and tradies alike, RedBeard
co-owner and baker Al Reid ceased making the pie in June.
“Every day there were embarrassing, stilted conversations with customers
trying to justify why you're charging what is actually quite a
reasonable price given the quality of the product and the labour input,”
Reid says. “Customers' perceptions of what a pie should cost seem to be
based on what you pay at a footy match. Pies ain't pies, just like oils
ain't oils.”
Reid says cheap, mass-produced factory pies are often just gravy, corn
starch and pastry made with margarine and transfats. They're cheap for a
The removal of RedBeard's pie ignited a flutter of comments on its
Facebook page. Most of these lamented the loss and suggested the
complainers buy their frozen pies elsewhere.
But where does popular opinion lie?
An article this writer penned about Sydney's best dumplings attracted a
wealth of comments on the theme that prices at high-end dumpling houses
are absurd when you can purchase 12 dumplings for $4 “down the road”.
This is true. The Chinatowns of Melbourne and Sydney are rife with
dumpling houses that trade potstickers by the pound. However, for the
most part these little parcels of (admittedly delicious) mystery meat
are in no way organic or sustainable. This is why you'll pay more “up
the road”.
At Mr Wong, dim sum master Eric Koh uses Alaskan king crab in his noodle
wraps (one for $12) and dumplings. It's not cheap, but then, Alaskan
king crab fishing isn't easy: it takes place only in autumn; specific
size requirements must be met, and only males can be kept.
“I think that in the past many dim sum chefs did not necessarily
appreciate the importance of quality ingredients,” Koh says. “It
required a vast amount of research to develop my knowledge about the
individual ingredients and the skills needed to make the best quality
dumplings possible. In the last five to 10 years more people are
appreciating the value of dumplings and understanding that you pay for
what you get.”
If RedBeard Bakery was selling $8 organic pies in Surry Hills or
Collingwood, would it have attracted the same daily criticism? Probably
not. Mary's burger bar in Newtown sells cheeseburgers for $14 – and not
the type of baby-elephant-sized cheeseburgers that even a Texan would
struggle to finish. They're not much bigger than one from Macca's but
Mary's is packed to its exposed rafters every night with punters
scoffing them down.
The price is justified: Mary's burger patties are made from a mix of
high quality, house-smoked brisket, chuck and rump. But a takeaway store
charging $14 for a burger this size in country NSW would be
Then there are the hand-cut chips at Hooked Healthy Seafood in
Melbourne. Made from locally grown potatoes that are delivered fresh and
unfrozen, the chips are big, fat and incredibly tasty. They will also
set you back $7.95 for a large serving. That price would be laughed at
in a palm-oil-using fish-and-chippery, but at Hooked (which has shops in
Fitzroy, Windsor and Hawthorn) the chips have a status approaching
Despite justified prices and no shortage of customers, user review sites
for Hooked host a good deal of “overpriced” and “rip-off” rants –
especially comparing it to chippies (again) “down the road”.
Will Australia reach a point where we can all agree that $8 for a pie
made from local, organic ingredients is justifiable? Signs are
promising. But while buzzwords like "organic" and "sustainable" are
bandied around without wider education on the processes and costs
associated with producing organic and sustainable food, that day seems
some time away.
And Coles selling four frozen pies for $4 doesn't help.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
20 July, 2014
Climate data from air, land, sea and ice in 2013 reflect trends of a
warming planet; Increases in temperature, sea level and CO2 observed
The Warmists at NOAA are clutching at straws here.
They say that just three countries in the Southern hemisphere had record
high temperatures. But if it's GLOBAL warming, shouldn't the high
temperatures have happened in more countries than that? Nothing in the
Northern hemisphere? If a phenomenon is not global it is local and of no
use in upholding Warmist dogma. There are plenty of local weather
2). And it's a wonder that they mention the rise in
CO2 at all, now at a level that was once predicted to be
catastrophic. Where is the catastrophe?
3). And they say
that the global temperature ranked "between second and sixth
depending upon the dataset used". So which is it? The ranking is
obviously far from solid.
4). And they say: "sea surface
temperature for 2013 was among the 10 warmest on record". That
means that there were 9 years when it was warmer. So it actually
COOLED in 2003.
I will comment no further on such hilarious garbage
In 2013, the vast majority of worldwide climate indicators—greenhouse
gases, sea levels, global temperatures, etc.—continued to reflect trends
of a warmer planet, according to the indicators assessed in the State
of the Climate in 2013 report, released online today by the American
Meteorological Society.
Scientists from NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C.,
served as the lead editors of the report, which was compiled by 425
scientists from 57 countries around the world (highlights, visuals, full
report). It provides a detailed update on global climate indicators,
notable weather events, and other data collected by environmental
monitoring stations and instruments on air, land, sea, and ice.
“These findings reinforce what scientists for decades have observed:
that our planet is becoming a warmer place,” said NOAA Administrator
Kathryn Sullivan, Ph.D. “This report provides the foundational
information we need to develop tools and services for communities,
business, and nations to prepare for, and build resilience to, the
impacts of climate change.”
The report uses dozens of climate indicators to track patterns, changes,
and trends of the global climate system, including greenhouse gases;
temperatures throughout the atmosphere, ocean, and land; cloud cover;
sea level; ocean salinity; sea ice extent; and snow cover. These
indicators often reflect many thousands of measurements from multiple
independent datasets. The report also details cases of unusual and
extreme regional events, such as Super Typhoon Haiyan, which devastated
portions of Southeast Asia in November 2013.
Greenhouse gases continued to climb: Major greenhouse
gas concentrations, including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and nitrous
oxide, continued to rise during 2013, once again reaching historic high
values. Atmospheric CO2 concentrations increased by 2.8 ppm in 2013,
reaching a global average of 395.3 ppm for the year. At the Mauna Loa
Observatory in Hawaii, the daily concentration of CO2 exceeded 400 ppm
on May 9 for the first time since measurements began at the site in
1958. This milestone follows observational sites in the Arctic that
observed this CO2 threshold of 400 ppm in spring 2012.
Warm temperature trends continued near the Earth’s
surface: Four major independent datasets show 2013 was among the warmest
years on record, ranking between second and sixth depending upon the
dataset used. In the Southern Hemisphere, Australia observed its warmest
year on record, while Argentina had its second warmest and New Zealand
its third warmest.
Sea surface temperatures increased: Four independent
datasets indicate that the globally averaged sea surface temperature for
2013 was among the 10 warmest on record. El Niño Southern Oscillation
(ENSO)-neutral conditions in the eastern central Pacific Ocean and a
negative Pacific decadal oscillation pattern in the North Pacific had
the largest impacts on the global sea surface temperature during the
year. The North Pacific was record warm for 2013.
Sea level continued to rise: Global mean sea level
continued to rise during 2013, on pace with a trend of 3.2 ± 0.4 mm per
year over the past two decades.
The Arctic continued to warm; sea ice extent remained
low: The Arctic observed its seventh warmest year since records began
in the early 20th century. Record high temperatures were measured at
20-meter depth at permafrost stations in Alaska. Arctic sea ice extent
was the sixth lowest since satellite observations began in 1979. All
seven lowest sea ice extents on record have occurred in the past seven
Antarctic sea ice extent reached record high for
second year in a row; South Pole station set record high temperature:
The Antarctic maximum sea ice extent reached a record high of 7.56
million square miles on October 1. This is 0.7 percent higher than the
previous record high extent of 7.51 million square miles that occurred
in 2012 and 8.6 percent higher than the record low maximum sea ice
extent of 6.96 million square miles that occurred in 1986. Near the end
of the year, the South Pole had its highest annual temperature since
records began in 1957.
Tropical cyclones near average overall / Historic
Super Typhoon: The number of tropical cyclones during 2013 was slightly
above average, with a total of 94 storms, in comparison to the 1981-2010
average of 89. The North Atlantic Basin had its quietest season since
1994. However, in the Western North Pacific Basin, Super Typhoon Haiyan –
the deadliest cyclone of 2013 – had the highest wind speed ever
assigned to a tropical cyclone, with one-minute sustained winds
estimated to be 196 miles per hour.
State of the Climate in 2013 is the 24th edition in a peer-reviewed
series published annually as a special supplement to the Bulletin of the
American Meteorological Society. The journal makes the full report
openly available online.
"State of the Climate is vital to documenting the world's climate," said
Dr. Keith Seitter, AMS Executive Director. "AMS members in all parts of
the world contribute to this NOAA-led effort to give the public a
detailed scientific snapshot of what's happening in our world and builds
on prior reports we've published."
Owen Paterson to give climate sceptic group's keynote address
Owen Paterson, the sacked Environment Secretary, has signed up to
deliver the annual lecture of the controversial climate sceptic group
founded by former Chancellor Nigel Lawson.
Mr Paterson, who was frequently accused of climate scepticism by
environmental campaigners during his tenure, was axed in Monday's
reshuffle and had already warned the Prime Minister he intended to be
vocal from the backbenches.
The Global Warming Policy Foundation, founded by Mr Lawson in 2009,
describes itself as "open-minded on the contested science of global
warming" but "deeply concerned about the costs and other implications of
many of the policies currently being advocated".
Critics say it misleads people by casting doubt on the overwhelming scientific consensus over manmade climate change.
Mr Paterson will deliver the GWPF's annual lecture in October, the group announced on Friday.
Last year's lecture was delivered by John Howard, the former Australian
Prime Minister, who described advocates of tackling climate change as
“alarmists” and “zealots”.
Asked on Friday whether he GWPF engagement confirmed he was a climate
sceptic, Mr Paterson said only: "I am a realistic country person."
"I'm giving the lecture, my views will be made clear then," he told the Telegraph, while appearing at the CLA Game Fair.
Mr Paterson's speech will have the potential to embarrass David Cameron,
who has said climate change is one of the most serious threats facing
the UK.
Mr Paterson was criticised for his response to the floods last winter,
which Mr Cameron said he "strongly suspected" were linked to climate
Environmental groups suggested that Mr Paterson had failed to take the
increasing risk of floods seriously because he was sceptical of climate
Tony Bosworth, Friends of the Earth energy campaigner, tweeted that Mr
Paterson was revealing his "true colours" while Ben Stewart, Greenpeace
UK's head of news, tweeted "that didn't take long".
Guy Shrubsole, Friends of the Earth climate campaigner said: "This is
beyond satire, and confirms that Owen Paterson was never fit to hold the
post of Environment Secretary.
"Liz Truss must make a clean break with her predecessor by backing
urgent action to slash emissions, and by speaking to scientists and
experts - not the climate quacks at the GWPF."
Mr Paterson said he was “disappointed” to lose his job on Monday night
after being summoned to the Prime Minister’s Commons office, and said he
wanted to push his “clear ideas” about the future of the country.
“At this critical moment in our nation’s history, I have clear ideas on
the future of the UK and its place in the world. I intend to continue to
serve my country and constituents from the backbenches,” he said in a
letter released by Downing Street.
The Prince Really is Potty – Dangerously So!
By Rich Kozlovich
Prince Charles has been criticized a lot over the years, including for
claiming how ‘crucial’ it is to talk to plants. He claims, "I happily
talk to the plants and trees, and listen to them. I think it's
absolutely crucial," "Everything I've done here, it's like almost with
your children. Every tree has a meaning for me."
I’m willing to bet the ancient Druids felt the same way.
One thing we must come to understand about these ‘green’ loons is
this. The issue is now and has always been, the battle between
nature worshipers and worshipers of God. Modern environmentalism is
nothing more than a neo-pagan nature worshiping movement that is
irrational, misanthropic and morally defective, dressed up to appear
modern and science based in its approach and thinking.
I’ve been reading R. Mark Musser’s Nazi Oaks, which outlines the
historical accuracy of my statement. The policies, philosophy and
programs promoted by the Green movement in the West, including the
Prince’s, originated in the dark mist covered forests of ancient
Germania and the nature worship of the ancient Celtic religion of the
Druids, who were the educated, professional class, whose function was to
be the intermediaries between the gods and mankind. They would make the
decisions for their people. Sound familiar?
In the mid to late 1800’s German philosophers attempted to define these
pagan originated concepts into a modern philosophy, and people like
Martin Heidegger, who promoted his green claptrap well into the 20th
century, helped to develop it into codified law under the Nazis.
Everything the green movement has espoused in modern times is nothing
more than a carbon copy of Nazi green laws, including the Precautionary
It has been claimed that the Precautionary Principle originated in the
1970's, with the German green movement and the influence of Rachel
Carson’s Silent Spring. That may have been a strong influence for
adopting it in the Maastricht treaty, but while the origin is clearly
German, the philosophy goes back much further. According to Sonja
Boehmer-Christiansen in a chapter which appeared in the book
“Interpreting the Precautionary Principle” edited by Tim O’Riordan and
James Cameron, the Precautionary Principle;
“evolved out of the German Socio-legal tradition, created in the heyday
of democratic socialism in the 1930’s, centering on the concept of good
household management. This was regarded as a constructive partnership
between the individual, the economy and the state to manage change so as
to improve the lot of both society and the natural world upon which it
deepened for survival.
This invested the precautionary principle with a managerial or
programmable quality, a purposeful role in guiding future political and
regularity action.
In short, under the concept of Precautionary Principle – which no matter
what is claimed is virtually indefinable in the real world, or if you
will, unendingly re-definable according to someone's whim - was
codifying central planning for everything by elitists bureaucrats that
“know best” for everyone and who would make all the decisions using
‘saving the planet’ as a theme to justify tyranny. Remember who ran
Germany in the 1930’s? Adolph Hitler! A monstrous incompetent who’s
“Interior Minister Wilhelm Frick considered those who were mentally ill,
incurable sick or handicapped to be useless eaters”. He was one of the
primary authors of Nazi euthanasia law. Accordingly his contribution to
“Nazism was to envisage the monstrous and cloak it in law”.
Please keep that sentence in mind as we go along.
The Prince has been quoted as saying, "I got a lot of flak for a lot of
things”….."I mean, potty this, potty that, loony this, loony that."
Well, maybe there’s a reason for those expressed views. They're
This is a future monarch who privately ‘consorts’ with government
ministers to promote his pet policies, including his views on climate
change, modern agricultural practices, genetically modified organisms,
which he claims, “despite all evidence to the contrary, will lead to
mass extinction of our species”. One journalist, Jeff Randall, suggested
to the Prince that the future of farming perhaps should be with
industrial-scale production, the Prince 'exploded' saying 'That would be
the complete destruction of everything!' And he’s frustrated because no
one in government will go along with his ‘potty’ views on
'complementary medicine’, which would include coffee enemas as a cure
for cancer.
Quite frankly, I never understood why the British has a Constitutional
Monarchy that’s not permitted to express opinions, privately or
publically. If that’s the case just dump them, but that’s another issue.
It’s claimed the Prince isn’t an unkind man, in fact it appears just the
opposite according to one writer, but that truly calls the caliber of
his mind into question. It’s been said, “If you are waiting to be the
King of the United Kingdom, and you’ve waited a very long time, you
genuinely have to engage with something or you’d go spare.” Well,
perhaps that’s the problem. This is man who has lived an amazingly
privileged life, for which he did nothing to earn, and desperately
desires to be meaningful.
Well, he chose poorly and he’s failed! One writer noted;
“Everything that Charles holds dear, certainly. While he is always
accorded the reputation of being a 'progressive', in fact, he is a
spectacularly reactionary figure, whose ideal vision of Britain is a
kind of pre-industrial paradise — which never existed.“
There are a number of things we know for sure. The policies the Prince
promotes such as; “renewable energy only, no pesticides, no
industrial-scale farming — would lead to a crippling increase in the
prices of everything from home heating to the cereal we feed our
children.” “The point is that all the technological advances the Prince
detests have been designed to reduce the cost of living for the public.
Yes, the companies that make those breakthroughs are motivated above all
by the desire to increase profits — but that does not make their
achievements contemptible. “
As for Nobel-Prize winner Norman Borlaug’s Green Revolution which saved
untold millions in India - the Prince denounced it. Truth is the sublime
convergence of history and reality, and the ‘self sufficient and
sustainable’ practices the Prince promotes “slaughtered millions of
populations on the subcontinent”. Is it possible he can’t be aware of
that? That’s a historical fact he must be aware of. The Prince is,
as all the world’s leaders, at the center of the information
world. How can he be unaware of the history of what occurred
before modern agriculture?
Norman Borlaug was what Prince Charles would love to be. A truly great
man, and may have been the greatest man to live in the 20th century for
his “Green Revolution”, possibly saving the lives of a billion people
from starvation. A man who earned all the accolades accorded to him
including the Nobel Peace Prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the
Congressional Gold Medal and India’s second highest civilian honor, the
Padma Vibhushan.
When Borlaug's work has been challenged by these prominent pampered people like the Prince he states:
'They have never experienced the physical sensation of hunger. If they
lived just one month amid the misery of the developing world, as I have
for 50 years, they'd be outraged that fashionable elitists were trying
to deny them these things.”
Of course the Prince and his cohorts make the claim they’re saving the
planet, but the reality is they’re codifying or attempting to codify
laws that would be monstrous to billions of people. They’re not saving
the planet they’re attempting to impose a worldwide government that will
plan and execute laws at the expense of the people living on it. The
number one thought that's shared by all these greenies is there are too
many people on the planet. The 'moderates' among them wish to
eliminate between four and five billion people. The minority
wishes for mankind to cease to exist.
The Prince is dangerous in a number of ways because he has a platform on
the world's stage, and he’s is either historically ignorant- or chooses
to be. He is intellectually and scientifically ignorant – or
chooses to be. And he must be morally clueless - and chooses
to be - because he’s chosen to ignore the history and science showing
all his views are irrational, misanthropic and morally defective.
An eco-friendly Harley Davidson – worst idea ever?
Within a year, an eco-friendly, electronic version of the famous
motorcycle will be on sale – without the va-va-vroom which gives us such
a thrill.
The idea of an electronic version of the Harley Davidson is the worst
idea in commercial history – after Cherry Coke and the autobiography of
Michaela Biancofiore, the Italian politician. The Harley Davidson is
akin to a garish bimbo - and yet the whole essence of such a bimbo is
her very appearance.
To deprive the Harley Davidson of its infamous noisome rumble, and to
replace it with an electric alternative, is not only an awful idea, it’s
just weird. It’s like taking away the chug-chug sound from an espresso
machine, or the school bell from playtime, or the fanfare of a military
parade. These are unrivalled sounds, and the vulgar, bombastic noise of a
Harley is also historic, it being the only motor sound to be protected
by copyright.
That’s not all. Women say that a Harley’s roar is the last bastion of
true virility, a hallmark of authentic masculinity. You feel and even
know that a heterosexual male is driving one. Even if it’s a bit
boorish, the bike is still masculine.
My fear now with this metrosexual version of the Harley is that your
typical biker will soon adapt himself to it. Before you know it, we’ll
be finding hordes of these one-time ex-centurions of the road dressed in
dyed skinny-jeans and moccasins.
You can’t ride a Harley that makes no noise. You can’t ask for a ride in
a contraption that makes the same sound as a golf cart or a child’s
toy. Be gone with your puny, eco-Harley Davidson, I implore you. Perhaps
the planet won’t be grateful to us for saying as much, but women will
be. And how!
People, your TVs are too big!
Earlier this year, Ed Davey, the Liberal Democrat secretary of state for
energy, hit a new low in proposals to deal with Britain’s inadequate
and pricey energy supply. In a startling new insight, he declared that
the government would pay factories to shut down at times of peak demand,
that no economic activity would be curtailed by such a measure, and
that it was ‘cheaper than building new power stations’.
Now he has gone one worse.
The Department of Energy and Climate Change and the Department of the
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs have just published a report with
the oxymoronic title Powering the Nation 2: Electricity use in homes,
and how to reduce it. It pretty much does to households what Davey’s
earlier scheme proposed for factories. True, the government won’t pay
you to switch off the TV, lights and other appliances in your home; but,
to save on Britain’s consumption of energy, it would like you to buy
smaller TVs, if you’re a working-class telly addict. And, if you’re
middle class, it would like you to stop buying big fridges.
‘We cannot make informed decisions about electricity generation’, the
report pompously declares, ‘without also understanding the potential for
efficiencies and savings from households… This relies on robust data
and analysis.’ What the authors – researchers at Loughborough University
and consultancy firm Cambridge Architectural Research – mean by this
turns out to be simple. Manufacturers of household appliances need to
improve the energy efficiency of their machines – despite the fact that,
according to DECC itself, they have been doing exactly this.
Old people and poor people (or members of Britain’s ‘claimant culture’,
according to the classification quoted from the market research company
Experian) need to stop using electricity to heat their homes, and switch
to gas instead. And everyone should cut back, so that, in sum, energy
savings equivalent to ‘more than the annual output of two large (1.5 GW)
power stations’ can be made.
Related categories
As Nicola Terry, a co-author of the report, put it: ‘Why do we need a
bigger TV, and why do we need a bigger fridge? [The trouble is that]
when people go to the shop they think, that’s bigger it must be better.’
The disdain felt by the authors for the populace is all too palpable.
The possibility that people might want a bigger screen to enjoy the
World Cup does not seem to occur to our learned experts. And have they
never considered the possibility that dispensing with big freezers and,
instead, making a daily visit to get your super fresh in-season
organically-grown pesticide-free victuals could actually use a lot of
No, they haven’t. They know better than the plebs. Just keep on with
fruitless efforts to lower demand for energy. Anything, anything but
build new power stations!
Australian carbon price helped curb emissions, ANU study finds
As something of a coincidence with Australia's repeal of the carbon
tax, a study has come out claiming that the tax did have the effect
intended. A report of the study plus the journal abstract is given
below. There is no intrinsic problem with that conclusion.
Taxing something does generally reduce demand for it. I
nonetheless think that the report is pure guesswork. I cannot see
how they can separate out the effect of the tax from other factors
bearing down on electricity generation.
For most of the
period surveyed the Labor government was in power, energetically
pressing a variety of policies designed to have the same effect as the
tax. The winding back of brown coal powered generation in Victoria
is the most obvious example of that. Shutting down the cheapest
power generators in the country took some time but it did eventually
happen to some extent in the latter phase of ALP rule.
if you read the abstract, it is clear that estimates (guesses) were
involved. Their admission: "There are fundamental
difficulties in attributing observed changes in demand and supply to
specific causes" is very much to the point
Australia cut carbon dioxide emissions from its electricity sector by as
much as 17 million tonnes because of the carbon price and would have
curbed more had industry expected the price to be permanent, according
to an Australian National University study.
The report, due to be submitted for peer-reviewed publication, found the
two years of the carbon price had a discernible impact on emissions
even assuming conservative responses by consumers and businesses.
“We see the carbon price doing what it was meant to do, and what it was
expected to do, namely dampen demand and shift the supply from dirtier
to cleaner sources of electricity,” said Associate Professor Frank
Jotzo, director of the Centre for Climate Economics and Policy, and a
co-author of the report with the centre’s Marianna O’Gorman.
The paper comes as the Senate voted on Thursday to bring almost five
years of Coalition campaigning against a price on carbon to an end by
repealing the tax. Labor and the Greens say they will continue to push
for a price on emissions.
The ANU report, which used official market data to the end of June,
found the drop in power demand attributed to the carbon price was
between 2.5 and 4.2 terawatt-hours per year, or about 1.3 to 2.3 per
cent of the National Electricity Market serving about 80 per cent of
Australia’s population.
Emissions-intensive brown and black coal-fired power generators cut
output, with about 4 gigawatts of capacity taken offline. The emissions
intensity of NEM supply dropped between 16 and 28 kilograms of carbon
dioxide per megawatt-hour of supply, underscoring the role of carbon
pricing rather than slumping demand in curbing pollution, the paper
However, investors’ doubts that the carbon tax would last – fostered in
part by then opposition leader Tony Abbott’s “blood oath” to repeal it
if the Coalition took office - meant high-emissions generators were
mothballed rather than permanently closed.
“We’d expect the impact of the carbon price would have been larger,
perhaps far larger, if there had been an expectation that the carbon
price would have continued,” Professor Jotzo said.
Falling demand
Environment Minister Greg Hunt has said repeatedly that the carbon tax
was ineffective, stating Australia’s total emissions fell 0.1 per cent
in the first year.
More recent figures, though, show the emissions drop accelerated, with
2013’s 0.8 per cent economy-wide fall the largest annual reduction in
the 24 years of monitoring. In the power sector, the industry most
directly covered by the carbon price, emissions fell 5 per cent.
“As confirmed by Origin Energy managing director Grant King, there are
other factors resulting in lower emissions in the electricity sector –
including lower demand, the impact of the [Renewable Energy Target],
flooding at the Yallourn power station and increased hydro output,” a
spokesman for Mr Hunt said.
However, the ANU paper takes those factors into account in estimating the carbon price impact, Professor Jotzo said.
Rather, the impact of the carbon price is probably understated. The
highly politicised debate preceded its implementation by about a year,
prompting energy consumers to focus more on electricity costs – and
presumably to begin making savings – well before the tax began.
“We would expect politically motivated talk ... may well have had a
large impact on people’s power usage patterns,” Professor Jotzo said....
“The only thing that went wrong in Australia was the politics of climate
change policy,” Professor Jotzo said. “There was nothing inherently
wrong with scheme.”
Impact of the carbon price on Australia’s electricity demand, supply and emissions
Marianna O'Gorman, Frank Jotzo
Australia’s carbon price has been in operation for two years. The
electricity sector accounts for the majority of emissions covered under
the scheme. This paper examines the impact of the carbon price on the
electricity sector between 1 July 2012 and 30 June 2014, focusing on the
National Electricity Market (NEM). Over this period, electricity demand
in the NEM declined by 3.8 per cent, the emissions intensity of
electricity supply by 4.6 per cent, and overall emissions by 8.2 per
cent, compared to the two-year period before the carbon price. We detail
observable changes in power demand and supply mix, and estimate the
quantitative effect of the effect of the carbon price. We estimate that
the carbon price led to an average 10 per cent increase in nominal
retail household electricity prices, an average 15 per cent increase in
industrial electricity prices and a 59 per cent increase in wholesale
(spot) electricity prices. It is likely that in response, households,
businesses and the industrial sector reduced their electricity use. We
estimate the demand reduction attributable to the carbon price at 2.5 to
4.2 TWh per year, about 1.3 to 2.3 per cent of total electricity demand
in the NEM. The carbon price markedly changed relative costs between
different types of power plants. Emissions-intensive brown coal and
black coal generators reduced output and 4GW of emissions-intensive
generation capacity was taken offline. We estimate that these shifts in
the supply mix resulted in a 16 to 28kg CO2/MWh reduction in the
emissions intensity of power supply in the NEM, a reduction between 1.8
and 3.3 per cent. The combined impact attributable to the carbon price
is estimated as a reduction of between 5 and 8 million tonnes of CO2
emissions (3.2 to 5 per cent) in 2012/13 and between 6 and 9 million
tonnes (3.5 to 5.6 per cent) in 2013/14, and between 11 and 17 million
tonnes cumulatively. There are fundamental difficulties in attributing
observed changes in demand and supply to specific causes, especially
over the short term, and in this light we use conservative parameters in
the estimation of the effect of the carbon price. We conclude that the
carbon price has worked as expected in terms of its short-term impacts.
However, its effect on investment in power generation assets has
probably been limited, because of policy uncertainty about the
continuation of the carbon pricing mechanism. For emissions pricing to
have its full effect, a stable, long-term policy framework is needed.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
18 July, 2014
Global Warming Reaches New Records
If you look up the Japanese records concerned,
you find that the exciting temperature concerned is in fact only three
tenths of one degree Celsius above the 30 year average. Such a
tiny rise would excite only a Warmist and if real, could easily be
just a natural fluctuation
And since the temperature concerned
is for June only, the rise could well be cancelled out over the rest of
the year. Attaching any weight to just one month is cherrypicking
Scientific evidence about the rising of average global temperatures seems to be piling up.
According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, average global
temperatures in April, May and June this year were the highest since the
beginning of official records, in 1891.
The Japanese records, released on Monday, show that this year’s second
quarter was about 0.68 degrees Celsius warmer than the average for the
whole 20th century.
U.S. space agency NASA uses different method for calculating average
temperature, but its records, released Monday, show almost identical
In addition, the U.S. Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Mauna Loa
Observatory reports that the monthly average of carbon dioxide levels
in the earth’s atmosphere reached 400 parts per million, the highest in
the last 800,000 years.
U.S. Amb. Blames 'Climate Change' for Hotel That Collapsed 12 Yrs Ago on African Beach
Against all the evidence. About what you would expect of Samantha Power
U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power posted photos on
Twitter Wednesday to illustrate the purported effects of climate change
on a West African nation’s coastline, but the pictures show a hotel that
collapsed into the sea 12 years ago, the victim of erosion blamed
largely on years of illegal mining of coastal sand.
“Had sobering meeting with Benin’s U.N. Ambassador, who described the
devastating effects of climate change on his coastal country,” she
tweeted. “Showed me chilling photos of eroding coastline, said ‘that’s
climate change – a daily life of falling in the sea.’”
Although not identified by Power, the two photos posted with the tweet
are of the remains of the Palm Hotel in Cotonou, the largest city in
Benin, a small, narrow country tucked between Nigeria and Togo. The
building collapsed in 2002, 20 years after it was built.
A Nexis search of news reports going back almost two decades shows that
Benin, like its Gulf of Guinea neighbors, has long struggled with
coastal erosion, a problem recorded since the 1960s.
The earlier reports, however, say nothing about climate change, rising sea levels or melting icecaps.
Instead, the erosion is attributed largely to activity by locals and
poor decision-making by authorities in the affected countries, and in
Cotonou’s particular case to the city’s location on a narrow strip of
low-lying land, between a large lake and the sea.
A 1997 Pan African News Agency (PANA) report blamed Benin’s coastal
erosion on a “lack of coherent environmental policy, high population
growth and over-exploitation of natural resources.”
Another PANA report the following year quoted an Organization for
African Unity (now African Union) scientific commissioner as saying in a
speech on Benin’s coastal erosion that the causes were both local human
activity and natural phenomena, including “very low coastal topography,
intense waves and high winds and weak soils.”
In 2001, a report by the United Nations’ Integrated Regional Information
Network (IRIN) news service referred to disruptions of natural sand
movement along the West African coast, including Benin, caused by the
construction decades earlier of the port of Lome in neighboring Togo,
which included the construction of a 1.1 mile-long protective jetty
An IRIN report in 2003 noted the collapse of Cotonou’s Palm Hotel the
previous year, but made no reference to global climate change or rising
sea levels.
“Environmentalists say the building of a new port [in Cotonou] 40 years
ago, the construction of dams on rivers near the coast, the removal of
sand from beaches to make cement, and other human activities are partly
responsible for the coastline’s rapid retreat,” it said.
“The city began to suffer coastal erosion in 1962 after the construction
of breakwaters for new deep-water port interrupted the wave-driven
movement of sand along the coastline,” the report said. “For the next 25
years the waterfront to the east of the breakwaters, deprived of new
sediments to make up for those being washed further down the coast,
retreated by 15 to 20 meters a year.”
The report quoted a Port of Cotonou coastal management expert as saying
that more than one million cubic meters of sand are removed from Benin’s
beaches each year.
A 2005 BBC report on erosion in Cotonou referred to plans to build
levees along the coast to protect the city from “the invasion of the
But it, too, did not refer to rising sea levels or climate change.
“It is claimed that the taking of sand from the beaches is, in effect, digging the city’s grave,” the report said.
A U.N. Development Program (UNDP) project started in 2008 points to
another contributor to Benin’s erosion problems – the harvesting of
oysters in ways that damage mangrove trees by chopping healthy branches.
Encouraging more sustaining methods of removing the oysters, the UNDP
noted that the mangrove trees help to “protect the coastline from
‘All due to climate change’
Only in more recent years have references to climate change started to appear in news reports on Benin’s erosion problems.
An IRIN report in Aug. 2008 quoted a German environmental activist as
saying coastal erosion along the Gulf of Guinea “is all due to climate
change – the greenhouse gas emissions result in global warming and
subsequent melting of the Greenland ice cap.”
A month later, another IRIN report said, “Coastal erosion in the Gulf of
Guinea, including Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin and Nigeria, has been
linked to climate change, and in turn to rising sea levels, flooding,
and waterborne diseases.”
However, the same report also reported on the sand removal problem.
“Until recently, it was legal for companies in Benin to pump sand from
the beach for construction projects, further shrinking the coast,” it
said. “The government banned this practice in September 2007, but locals
say they still see companies hauling away sand.”
(Another IRIN report, in Oct. 2008, said the ban had in fact been put in
place 15 years earlier, but that “coastal sand mining is still common
in Benin.”)
A 2011 Inter Press Service report on coastal erosion in the area blamed both local human activity and global climate change.
“Climate change-induced rises in sea levels are part of the problem, but
other activities such as unregulated sand mining and the destruction of
coastal mangrove forests have also played a role throughout the
region,” it said.
Benin, a country with a population of around 10 million, is slightly smaller than Pennsylvania.
EPA ‘Changes the Rules in the Middle of the Game', Congress Told
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) "changes the rules in
the middle of the game" by vetoing previously issued dredge-and-fill
permits, representatives from multiple business associations told
members of the House Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment at a
hearing on Capitol Hill Tuesday.
“The developer enters the permitting process believing that once it
proves it can meet every condition imposed by the government, that it
will hold the permit for a specific number of years to both complete and
operate the project,” William Kovacs, vice president of the
environment, technology, and regulatory affairs at the U.S. Chamber of
Commerce, testified at the hearing.
Kovacs stated that it often takes several years and costs developers
“millions of dollars” to get a permit, only to have it revoked, creating
"great uncertainty” for developers that discourages them from pursuing
new projects.
“A permit has value only as long as the administrator believes it should
not be revoked,” Kovacs said, adding that "seeking a permit becomes an
expensive gamble with company and stockholder assets."
Harold Quinn, the president and CEO of the National Mining Association,
echoed Kovacs’ remarks, stating that permit certainty is an “essential
and highly valued commodity.”
“We need to be able to rely upon the fact that the permits conditions
will not change,” agreed Nick Ivanoff, senior vice chairman of the
American Roads and Transportation Builders Association. He stated that
developers “could lose permits through no fault of their own, but simply
because EPA changes the rules in the middle of the game.”
“If EPA has its way, every permit will forever remain subject to
modification and even revocation at literally any time, simply because
EPA unilaterally changes its opinion of information that it has long
possessed,” said Leah Pilconis, senior environmental advisor to the
Associated General Contractors of America.
According to a summary by the House Committee on Transportation and
Infrastructure, the Army Corps of Engineers has the authority to issue
dredge-and-fill permits with EPA oversight under Section 404(c) of the
Clean Water Act of 1972.
However, Patrick Parenteau, a professor at Vermont Law School, who
worked as a regional counselor with the EPA for over 40 years, stated
that the agency has every right to retroactively veto permits, but added
that it has rarely chosen to exercise this option.
“This law [Clean Water Act] authorizes EPA to exercise this very rare,
last resort, very carefully crafted authority before, during, or after
the issuance of a 404 permit,” he said, adding that the EPA has only
exercised its veto authority 13 times out of 2 million permit
“404(c) is not broken,” Parenteau told subcommittee members. “It should be retained.”
In 2011, the EPA vetoed a 404(c) permit for Arch Coal on its Spruce
Mine, located in Logan County, West Virginia. According to the
Transportation Committee’s summary, Arch Coal conducted an extensive
10-year environmental review prior to receiving its permit in 2007 and
had complied with all provisions of Section 404 following authorization.
In March 2012, a U.S. District judge overruled the EPA’s use of its
retroactive veto, calling it “a stunning power for an agency to arrogate
itself when there is absolutely no mention of it in the statute.”
But this decision was overturned in 2013 by the U.S. Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Supreme Court has declined to
take up the case at this time.
Wind turbine fires 'ten times more common than thought', experts warn
Wind turbines may catch on fire ten times more often than is publicly
reported, putting nearby properties at risk and casting doubt on their
green credentials, researchers have warned.
The renewable energy industry keeps no record of the number of turbine
fires, meaning the true extent of the problem is unknown, a study backed
by Imperial College London finds on Thursday.
An average of 11.7 such fires are reported globally each year, by media,
campaign groups and other publicly-available sources, but this is
likely to represent just the “tip of the iceberg”.
There could in fact be 117 turbine fires each year, it argues, based on
analysis showing just 10pc of all wind farm accidents are typically
Fires tend to be “catastrophic”, leading to turbines worth more than £2
million each being written off, because the blazes occur so high up that
they are almost impossible to put out, it warns.
Turbines are prone to catching on fire because their design puts highly
flammable materials such as hydraulic oil and plastic in close proximity
to machinery and electrical wires, which can ignite a fire if they
overheat or are faulty.
“Lots of oxygen, in the form of high winds, can quickly fan a fire
inside a turbine,” it says. “Once ignited, the chances of fighting the
blaze are slim due to the height of the wind turbine and the remote
locations they are often in.”
It warns: “Under high wind conditions, burning debris from the turbine
may fall on nearby vegetation and start forest fires or cause serious
damage to property.”
The main causes of fires are lightning strikes, electrical malfunction,
mechanical failure, and errors with maintenance, it finds.
The academics used data compiled by the Caithness Windfarm Information
Forum (CWIF), an anti-wind lobby group, which records 1,328 accidents
involving wind farms globally between 1995 and 2012. Of these, 200 – 15
per cent - involved turbines catching on fire, implying 11.7 fires per
But the report, published in the journal Fire Safety Science, also back CWIF’s view that the true number is far higher.
It points out that the wind industry body, Renewable UK, has admitted
there were 1,500 wind farm accidents and incidents in the UK alone
between 2006 and 2010 - while just 142 individual accidents in the UK
were documented in CWIF’s database over the same period.
This implies that less than 10pc of incidents are publicly reported.
Dr Guillermo Rein, of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at
Imperial, said: “Fires are a problem for the industry, impacting on
energy production, economic output and emitting toxic fumes. This could
cast a shadow over the industry's green credentials. Worryingly our
report shows that fire may be a bigger problem than what is currently
He told the Telegraph he believed it was “the responsibility of the
industry” to keep a proper database and believed the industry itself had
been “surprised by the magnitude of the problem”.
UK cases highlighted in the report include a 100-metre tall turbine that
caught fire during hurricane-force winds at Ardrossan in North Ayrshire
in December 2011, reportedly due to a lightning strike. The wind
turbine was completely burnt out and debris scattered over large
distances due to the strong wind.
In 2005, a turbine at the Nissan factory in Sunderland was engulfed in
fire before falling onto a nearby A-road, causing traffic disruption.
The blaze was believed to be caused by a loose bolt jamming a mechanism,
causing it to overheat.
Dr John Constable, director of Renewable Energy Foundation, which has
published research showing that wind turbine performance declines
sharply with age, said: “This new study on wind turbine fire hazards is
an important reminder that there are hidden operation and maintenance
costs affecting the economic lifetime of what is after all very
expensive equipment. Just because the wind is free doesn’t mean that it
is a cheap way of generating electricity.”
A spokesman for Renewable UK said it did “not have numbers of fires as in many cases these do not need to be formally reported”.
Renewable UK’s director of health and safety, Chris Streatfeild, said:
“The wind industry welcomes any research that will help reduce
maintenance times and improve safety standards. However, the industry
would probably challenge a number of the assumptions that are presented
in the research, which include the questionable reliability of the data
sources referenced and perhaps more importantly a failure to understand
the safety and integrity standards for fire safety that are in effect
standard practice in any large wind turbine.”
He said: “Fire is a very important issue for the industry in terms
worker and public safety as well in reducing costs through minimising
any operational down time. However the operational practices and design
standards are such that the actual safety risks associated fire are
extremely low. No member of the public has ever been injured by a wind
turbine in the UK.”
Though Scorned by Colleagues, a Climate-Change Skeptic Is Unbowed
John Christy, a professor of atmospheric science at the University of
Alabama in Huntsville, says he remembers the morning he spotted a
well-known colleague at a gathering of climate experts.
“I walked over and held out my hand to greet him,” Dr. Christy recalled.
“He looked me in the eye, and he said, ‘No.’ I said, ‘Come on, shake
hands with me.’ And he said, ‘No.’ ”
Dr. Christy is an outlier on what the vast majority of his colleagues
consider to be a matter of consensus: that global warming is both
settled science and a dire threat. He regards it as neither. Not that
the earth is not heating up. It is, he says, and carbon dioxide spewed
from power plants, automobiles and other sources is at least partly
But in speeches, congressional testimony and peer-reviewed articles in
scientific journals, he argues that predictions of future warming have
been greatly overstated and that humans have weathered warmer stretches
without perishing. Dr. Christy’s willingness to publicize his views,
often strongly, has also hurt his standing among scientists who tend to
be suspicious of those with high profiles. His frequent appearances on
Capitol Hill have almost always been at the request of Republican
legislators opposed to addressing climate change.
“I detest words like ‘contrarian’ and ‘denier,’ ” he said. “I’m a
data-driven climate scientist. Every time I hear that phrase, ‘The
science is settled,’ I say I can easily demonstrate that that is false,
because this is the climate — right here. The science is not settled.”
Dr. Christy was pointing to a chart comparing seven computer projections
of global atmospheric temperatures based on measurements taken by
satellites and weather balloons. The projections traced a sharp upward
slope; the actual measurements, however, ticked up only slightly.
Such charts — there are others, sometimes less dramatic but more or less
accepted by the large majority of climate scientists — are the essence
of the divide between that group on one side and Dr. Christy and a
handful of other respected scientists on the other.
“Almost anyone would say the temperature rise seen over the last 35
years is less than the latest round of models suggests should have
happened,” said Carl Mears, the senior research scientist at Remote
Sensing Systems, a California firm that analyzes satellite climate
“Where the disagreement comes is that Dr. Christy says the climate
models are worthless and that there must be something wrong with the
basic model, whereas there are actually a lot of other possibilities,”
Dr. Mears said. Among them, he said, are natural variations in the
climate and rising trade winds that have helped funnel atmospheric heat
into the ocean.
Dr. Christy has drawn the scorn of his colleagues partly because they
believe that so much is at stake and that he is providing legitimacy to
those who refuse to acknowledge that. If the models are imprecise, they
argue, the science behind them is compelling, and it is very likely that
the world has only a few decades to stave off potentially catastrophic
And if he is wrong, there is no redo.
“It’s kind of like telling a little girl who’s trying to run across a
busy street to catch a school bus to go for it, knowing there’s a
substantial chance that she’ll be killed,” said Kerry Emanuel, a
professor of atmospheric science at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. “She might make it. But it’s a big gamble to take.”
By contrast, Dr. Christy argues that reining in carbon emissions is both
futile and unnecessary, and that money is better spent adapting to what
he says will be moderately higher temperatures. Among other
initiatives, he said, the authorities could limit development in coastal
and hurricane-prone areas, expand flood plains, make manufactured
housing more resistant to tornadoes and high winds, and make farms in
arid regions less dependent on imported water — or move production to
rainier places.
Dr. Christy’s scenario is not completely out of the realm of possibility, his critics say, but it is highly unlikely.
In interviews, prominent scientists, while disagreeing with Dr. Christy,
took pains to acknowledge his credentials. They are substantial: Dr.
Christy, 63, has researched climate issues for 27 years and was a lead
author — in essence, an editor — of a section of the 2001 report of the
United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the definitive
assessment of the state of global warming. With a colleague at the
University of Alabama in Huntsville, Dr. Roy Spencer, he received NASA’s
medal for exceptional scientific achievement in 1991 for building a
global temperature database.
That model, which concluded that a layer of the atmosphere was
unexpectedly cooling, was revised to show slight warming after other
scientists documented flaws in its methodology. It has become something
of a scientific tit for tat. Dr. Christy and Dr. Spencer’s own
recalculations scaled back the amount of warming, leading to further
assaults on their methodology.
Dr. Christy’s response sits on his bookshelf: a thick stack of yellowed
paper with the daily weather data he began recording in Fresno, Calif.,
in the 1960s. It was his first data set, he said, the foundation of a
conviction that “you have to know what’s happening before you know why
it’s happening, and that comes back to data.”
Dr. Christy says he became fascinated with weather as a fifth grader
when a snowstorm hit Fresno in 1961. By his high school junior year, he
had taught himself Fortran, the first widely used programming language,
and had programmed a school computer to make weather predictions. After
earning a degree in mathematics at California State University, Fresno,
he became an evangelical Christian missionary in Kenya, married and
returned as pastor of a mission church in South Dakota.
There, as a part-time college math teacher, he found his true calling.
He left the pastoral position, earned a doctorate in atmospheric
sciences at the University of Illinois and moved to Alabama.
And while his work has been widely published, he has often been vilified
by his peers. Dr. Christy is mentioned, usually critically, in dozens
of the so-called Climategate emails that were hacked from the computers
of the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Center, the British
keeper of global temperature records, in 2009.
Continue reading the main storyContinue reading the main storyContinue reading the main story
“John Christy has made a scientific career out of being wrong,” one
prominent climate scientist, Benjamin D. Santer of the Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory, wrote in one 2008 email. “He’s not even a
third-rate scientist.”
Another email included a photographic collage showing Dr. Christy and
other scientists who question the extent of global warming, some
stranded on a tiny ice floe labeled “North Pole” and others buoyed in
the sea by a life jacket and a yellow rubber ducky. A cartoon balloon
depicts three of them saying, “Global warming is a hoax.”
Some, including those who disagree with Dr. Christy, are dismayed by the treatment.
“Show me two scientists who agree on everything,” said Peter Thorne, a
senior researcher at Norway’s Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing
Center who wrote a 2005 research article on climate change with Dr.
Christy. “We may disagree over what we are finding, but we should be
playing the ball and not the man.”
Dr. Christy has been dismissed in environmental circles as a pawn of the
fossil-fuel industry who distorts science to fit his own ideology. (“I
don’t take money from industries,” he said.)
He says he worries that his climate stances are affecting his chances of
publishing future research and winning grants. The largest of them, a
four-year Department of Energy stipend to investigate discrepancies
between climate models and real-world data, expires in September.
“There’s a climate establishment,” Dr. Christy said. “And I’m not in it.”
Man Sentenced to 30 Days for Catching Rain Water on Own Property Enters Jail
Gary Harrington, the Oregon man convicted of collecting rainwater and
snow runoff on his rural property surrendered Wednesday morning to begin
serving his 30-day, jail sentence in Medford, Ore.
“I’m sacrificing my liberty so we can stand up as a country and stand
for our liberty,” Harrington told a small crowd of people gathered
outside of the Jackson County (Ore.) Jail.
Several people held signs that showed support for Harrington as he was taken inside the jail.
Harrington was found guilty two weeks ago of breaking a 1925 law for
having, what state water managers called “three illegal reservoirs” on
his property. He was convicted of nine misdemeanors, sentenced to 30
days in jail and fined over $1500 for collecting rainwater and snow
runoff on his property.
The Oregon Water Resources Department, claims that Harrington has been
violating the state’s water use law by diverting water from streams
running into the Big Butte River.
But Harrington says he is not diverting the state's water -- merely
collecting rainwater and snow melt that falls or flows on his own
Harrington has vowed to continue to fight the penalty, stating that the
government has become “big bullies” and that “from here on in, I’m going
to fight it.”
“They’ve just gotten to be big bullies and if you just lay over and die
and give up, that just makes them bigger bullies, Harrington said in an
interview two weeks ago with
"We as Americans, we need to stand on our constitutional rights, on our
rights as citizens and hang tough. This is a good country, we’ll
prevail,” he said.
His release is expected in early September.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
17 July, 2014
Australia has just abolished its carbon tax. It has now passed both houses and awaits only the formality of Royal Assent
Australia's conservative Prime Minister, Tony Abbott today
Climate Change Quackery
“He who seeks to deceive will always find someone who will allow himself
to be deceived.” – Niccolo Machiavelli, “The Prince,” 1532
A truly scientific case for man-made “climate change” has yet to be
made, but never underestimate the ability of the “climate changers” to
hide that reality – and nowhere does that lack show up more tellingly
than in their “Appeal to Authority” campaign to convince lay-people that
it’s all “settled science.”
NASA itself, for example, has been stating for years that “97 percent of
climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past
century are very likely due to human activities” (“Consensus: 97 percent
of climate scientists agree”).
Wow. No kidding? And 100 percent of the people that lived in 1542
believed the Sun orbited the Earth. Believing it, however, just didn’t
make it so, as Copernicus was able to demonstrate with his heliocentric
theory a mere year later. Need I point out that scientific truth is not
determined by the number of a postulate’s adherents?
But this oft-parroted statistic of NASA’s, used to bludgeon any
legitimate dissent in the climatology arena, actually merits a little
research of its own.
* And, upon engaging in such research, one will find that
the major source for this figure, W.R.L. Anderegg’s “Expert credibility
in climate change,” conducted his research in the following fashion:
“We compiled a database of 1,372 climate researchers based on authorship
of scientific assessment reports and membership on multisignatory
statements about anthropogenic climate change (ACC).” And, after that,
researchers imposed a criterion “that a researcher must have authored a
minimum of 20 climate publications to be considered a climate
researcher, thus reducing the database to 908 researchers”… And, then,
after that, Mr. Anderegg found that “97percent of self-identified
actively publishing climate scientists agree with the tenets of ACC.”
(National Academy of Sciences,” April 9, 2010.)
So… “97 percent of scientists agree”… Unless you’ve only written 19 or less papers. How convenient.
* Another leading source of the “97 percent” figure is John
Cook’s “Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the
scientific literature” (Environmental Research Letters, May 15, 2013).
Well, here’s how Mr. Cook reached his conclusions: He analyzed “11,944
climate abstracts from 1991–2011 matching the topics ‘global climate
change’ or ‘global warming.’ We find that 66.4 percent of abstracts
expressed no position on AGW, 32.6 percent AGW, 0.7 percent rejected AGW
and 0.3 percent were uncertain about the cause of global warming.”
And, surprise! “Among abstracts expressing a position on AGW, 97.1
percent endorsed the consensus position that humans are causing global
warming.” I guess we’ll just ignore the fact that more than two-thirds
of those papers promoted no position at all.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is what passes for scientific “research”
today. “It is on the basis of this kind of stuff that you are being
pushed into a new Dark Age.” (Ayn Rand, “The Anti-Industrial
Revolution,” 1971.)
Now, since this entire “debate” (as well as the EPA regs that will soon
completely hamstring Wyoming’s economy) is being driven by the impact of
“greenhouse gases” in general and carbon dioxide in particular on the
Earth’s average temperatures, let’s present the actual facts regarding
such supposed correlations.
* “There have been many warmings and coolings in the past
when the CO2 levels did not change. A well-known example is the medieval
warming, about the year 1000, when the Vikings settled Greenland… This
warm period was followed by the ‘little ice age’ when the Thames would
frequently freeze over during the winter. There is no evidence for
significant increase of CO2 in the medieval warm period, nor for a
significant decrease at the time of the subsequent little ice age.”
(William Happer, “Happer on the truth about greenhouse gases,” Watts Up
With That, May 21, 2011.)
* And, indeed, as Happer continues, when significant
correlations between temperature and CO2 levels do exist, such as
correlations discovered by examining the ice-core records of glacial and
interglacial cycles, the evidence quite clearly shows the exact
opposite effect: That “changes in temperature preceded changes in CO2
levels, so that the levels were an effect of temperature changes.”
(Emphases mine.)
Oops. Gee, do you think there might just be something wrong with climatology models? “Garbage In, Garbage Out.”
But let’s just forget about all of this. We’ll just rush, like lemmings
off cliffs, to impose ridiculous “standards” regarding CO2 emissions
that will have the sole impact of closing power plants, throwing
thousands of Wyomingites out of work and jacking everybody’s utility
bills sky-high. And all in the name of environmental “science” that is
anything but science.
And more: The fact that you, the American taxpayer, are funding nearly
all of this garbage whether you like it or not, with thanks to the
collectivization and control such “science” breeds, can only be
described as criminal.
Keep the EPA's Hands off Your Wages
The EPA wants to pick your pocket
The Environmental Protection Agency, apparently not content with the
obscene amount of power it already possesses, has announced a new rule
that further distances itself from the traditional checks and balances
in government.
The rule would give the agency the power to garnish the wages of private
citizens, without a court order, if it is deemed that a violation of
the EPA’s Byzantine environmental regulations has taken place. It’s the
same power the IRS has when dealing with tax evasion, with the key
difference that environmental regulations are not laws passed by
Congress, and most people have no idea what these rules actually
After imposing a fine for a violation, which can total hundreds of
thousands of dollars per day, the EPA claims the right to unilaterally
seize up to 15% of a person’s wages without any due process of law.
Until now, people have been able to contest rule violations in court
before having to submit to fines. The new rule will place the burden of
proof on the accused, who is punished as if guilty until he can
demonstrate otherwise.
There has always been a concerning lack of accountability in regulatory
agencies. Now, the EPA wants to circumvent the courts and just do
whatever it wants. It has assumed the role, not only of lawmaker, but of
law enforcement as well. It is wrong for one agency, run by unelected,
unaccountable bureaucrats, to both make the rules, determine
punishments, and carry out those punishments without any check from the
other branches of government.
Several Republican senators, including David Vitter (R-LA), have penned a
letter opposing the rule asking that it be withdrawn, and citing the
case of a woman who was fined $37,500 per day because rain water running
across her property had come in contact with dust, feathers, and
manure. These type of fines do not just affect big corporations, but
individual farmers who lack the resources to comply with such outrageous
You can read the full text of the rule here. The period for public
comment is open until August 1st, and the EPA has indicated that, with
enough public opposition, they may reconsider the rule. We need every
American to push back against these intrusive regulations that allow
government bureaucrats to take your money without court approval.
A “Smart-Growth” Revolt in California
Larkspur City Council voted unanimously to kill a high-density
“smart-growth” development plan for this community of 12,000 people 16
miles north of San Francisco.
The plan called for building 39,500 square feet of office space, 60,000
square feet of hotel space, 77,500 square feet of retail space, and up
to 920 residential units in a half-mile radius around a proposed
Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit station in Larkspur. The goal was to jam
future residents into high-density housing and high-intensity commercial
space near a future rail station to purportedly decrease greenhouse gas
emissions. But local residents weren’t buying it.
According to the Marin Independent Journal, about 325 people attended
the city council meeting, and all but a handful of speakers opposed the
Station Area Plan, as it’s called, and cheered the city council for an
“historic” no vote.
The plan was created after Larkspur received $480,000 in 2011 from the
Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay
Area Governments (ABAG). The city of Larkspur and other agencies, such
as the Transportation Authority of Marin, also kicked in $120,000 to
complete the plan — money wasted to develop a rejected plan.
Unsurprisingly, the MTC and ABAG bankrolled the Larkspur
“stack-and-pack” blueprint. These two unelected regional-government
bodies also approved Plan Bay Area in 2013, a master plan for
high-density housing, rail-intensive transit, and restricted land use in
the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area through 2040. Larkspur City
Councilman Dan Hillmer has called Plan Bay Area “fundamentally flawed.”
The resident outcry and vote by the Larkspur City Council point to the
public’s unwillingness to passively accept Plan Bay Area and its vision
of tomorrow, which unelected regionalists want to impose on local
Hopefully, this vote is the opening shot of widespread revolts in the
Bay Area and throughout California against similar “smart-growth” plans.
But expect the MTC, ABAG, and other unelected regionalists to
As reported by the Marin Independent Journal, during the city council
meeting, Larkspur Councilwoman Catherine Way asked if “Larkspur could be
at a disadvantage when seeking future transportation-project funding
because of the council’s decision to stop the Station Area Plan.”
It is almost certain that the MTC will retaliate, withholding
transportation funding for Larkspur and other communities that refuse to
go along with Plan Bay Area. But preserving local control over
communities is more important than accepting MTC bribes.
NASA’s Children’s Climate Change Website, and the book 1984: Creating Spies One Child at a Time
What would you say if your child accused you of a thought crime, and
turned you in to the thought police? Would you say it was
Perhaps you would say, “There is no ‘thought crime’ in the United States.”
Surely your children would never try to accuse you of a crime or try to change your behavior.
Well, think again, because that is exactly what websites like NASA’s
Climate Kids intends to do, except they won’t accuse you of thought
crime, they will accuse you of a climate crime.
This colorful, fun website has two serious flaws. First, it teaches
“pseudo facts” about climate change in a childlike manner that is easy
to understand. “Facts” such as
Eleven of the last 12 years have been the warmest on record. Earth has
warmed twice as fast in the last 50 years as in the 50 years before
that. (Actually, there hasn't been global warming in almost 18 years,
and climate alarmist scientists know this.)
Climate change is causing unusual, extreme weather, some places are
suffering long droughts and others are getting far too much rain in a
short period. (Actually, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change says there is no evidence that global warming has increased the
frequency or severity of extreme weather events.)
"We don't know enough about Earth's ice to know just how many meters sea
level is likely to rise as ice melts in various locations." (Actually,
sea-ice melt makes no difference in sea level, and land-ice melt doesn't
appear to have accelerated during the period of recent, allegedly
manmade global warming. As a result, there's been no increase in the
rate of sea level rise, which has been happening ever since the end of
the Ice Age.)
All that carbon stored in all those plants and animals over hundreds of
millions of years is getting pumped back into the atmosphere over just
one or two hundred years. (Actually, there is good evidence that putting
it there is not causing dangerous global warming, but it most certainly
is causing improved plant growth all over the world, including of
agricultural crops, adding $3.2 trillion worth of crop yield 1960–2011
and a projected $9.8 trillion more by 2050.)
...Since 1979, ice has been getting smaller and smaller and thinner and
thinner. Check out the Climate Time Machine and watch the ice shrink.
(Actually, both land and sea ice expand and shrink over time in cycles
in response to largely natural influences.) [Update, July, 2014: NASA's
own National Snow And Ice Data Center show record ice levels at
Antarctica currently.]
This is a really interesting slideshow of images across time on various
climate topics. The blue image represents 1885 (when humans supposedly
weren’t putting out so much CO2), and the red, frightening image
represents 2007 when humans have burned the dinosaurs (The CO2 section
tells how dead dinosaurs are part of what created the fossil fuels we
burn.) in their cars and caused anthropogenic global warming.
There is of course no mention of the fact that the prosperity made
possible in large part by converting those fossil fuels into electricity
and liquid fuels for transport has raised human life expectancy since
that time from under 48 in 1885 to near 80 today. That would reveal to
these impressionable children that there are tradeoffs involved. No, the
message must be clear, simple, and hideously unbalanced. Fossil fuels
are evil. And those who use them are evil.
The entire site is full of “facts” of climate alarmism, scaring children
with lies while they have fun “learning” and playing games with NASA.
Of course these children will feel indignation once they learn that
their space ship (the metaphor for the Earth) isn’t being properly cared
for. “Whatever shall we do!?” They will say. “We must stop evil
eco-terrorist man and his dinosaur burning machines!”
Thus we proceed to the “What Can We Do to Help?” section. This contains
the second serious flaw, for instead of just teaching bad science, NASA
here encourages children to act on that bad science in a way that brings
to mind the specter of poor Mrs. Parsons and her two indoctrinated
There are, of course, the typical suggestions: plant a tree or a garden;
unplug appliances, etc. but there are other suggestions as well.
NASA wants children to grow up and drive energy-efficient cars, put
solar panels on their houses, and go into a green career to help prevent
climate change. (“Green” careers are the way to help people now, not
traditional careers like becoming a doctor or a nurse, or a pastor or a
teacher, or a farmer or an inventor, or just a helpful person). Some of
these suggestions are good things to do, while some aren’t helpful to
the environment at all. But what are really disturbing are the
suggestions that children should attempt to control the behavior of the
adults in their lives (which means their parents).
According to NASA, a child who cares about the environment is encouraged to:
“... ask your driver to park the car and let you walk inside (at a
fast-food restaurant), rather than sitting in a line of cars with the
engine running and polluting.”
“Walk or ride your bike instead of taking a car everywhere.”
“Ask your parents to buy reusable grocery bags. Help them to remember to
get them out of the car and take them into the store.” (Never mind the
risk of disease from the contamination of these bags.)
“BYOM.” Bring your own mug. That’s what you can tell your parents when they stop to buy their morning coffee.”
At face value these suggestions may seem innocuous, but at their deepest
level they suggest to the child that their parents are guilty of
wrongdoing, and that it is the child’s responsibility to correct them.
In effect, the government is attempting to coerce parents through their
children to further this pseudo-science agenda, and it doesn’t mind
driving a wedge between parent and child to accomplish its goal.
The environmental lobby and your government (this is a government
website after all) want to use your children against you. They want to
indoctrinate your children into envirospies watching your every move and
harassing you until you change your behavior.
“Mommy, don’t forget the reusable grocery bags.”
“Daddy, how dare you use a paper cup for your coffee!”
“You are hurting our Space Ship!”
Just further evidence that no federal agency, once created, cannot
continue to justify its need for greater and greater power and money, no
matter how far removed from its original purpose.
Your tax dollars at work!
Climate change is good for you
Human Evolution Rewritten: We owe our existence to our ancestor’s flexible response to climate change
Many traits unique to humans were long thought to have originated in the
genus Homo between 2.4 and 1.8 million years ago in Africa. A large
brain, long legs and the ability to craft tools along with prolonged
maturation periods were all thought to have evolved together at the
start of the Homo lineage as African grasslands expanded and Earth’s
climate became cooler and drier. Now a paper published in Science today
outlines a new theory that the traits that have allowed humans to adapt
and thrive in a variety of varying climate conditions evolved in Africa
in a piecemeal fashion and at separate times.
These fossil skulls, representing pre-erectus Homo and Homo erectus,
exhibit diverse traits and indicate that the early diversification of
the human genus was a period of morphological experimentation. In July
2014, Smithsonian paleoanthropologist Richard Potts and a team of
researchers analyzed new scientific data and concluded that the ability
of early humans to adjust to changing conditions ultimately enabled the
earliest species of Homo to vary, survive and begin spreading from
Africa to Eurasia 1.85 million years ago. (Kenyan fossil casts – Chip
Clark, Smithsonian Human Origins Program; Dmanisi Skull 5 – Guram,
Bumbiashvili, Georgian National Museum)
These fossil skulls, representing pre-erectus Homo and Homo erectus,
exhibit diverse traits and indicate that the early diversification of
the human genus was a period of morphological experimentation. (Photos:
Kenyan fossil casts – Chip Clark, Smithsonian Human Origins Program;
Dmanisi Skull 5 – Guram, Bumbiashvili, Georgian National Museum)
New climate and fossil evidence analyzed by a team of researchers
suggests that these traits did not arise as previously thought, in a
single package in response to one specific climatic trend. Rather, these
defining Homo traits developed over a much wider time span in response
to a much more climatically variable environment, with some traits
evolving in earlier Australopithecus ancestors between 3 and 4 million
years ago and others emerging in Homo significantly later. The research
team includes Smithsonian paleoanthropologist Richard Potts, Susan
Antón, professor of anthropology at New York University, and Leslie
Aiello, president of the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological
“The traits that typify our own species Homo sapiens weren’t there right
at the beginning of the evolution of the Homo genus; instead, humanness
evolved in much more of a mosaic pattern,” explains Potts, curator of
anthropology and director of the Human Origins Program at the
Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History.
“Climate instability we have found would have translated to major shifts
in resource availability including fresh water and food. This
instability favored genetic traits and behaviors that promoted the
evolution of flexibility in how well early humans responded to change.
This is quite different from the idea of adaptation to a particular
ancestral habitat and is a very important change in our thinking” Potts
A large brain, long legs, the ability to craft tools and prolonged
maturation periods were all thought to have evolved together at the
start of the Homo lineage in response to the Earth’s changing climate;
however, scientists now have evidence that these traits arose separately
rather than as a single package. In July 2014, Smithsonian
paleoanthropologist Richard Potts and a team of researchers analyzed new
scientific data and concluded that the ability of early humans to
adjust to changing conditions ultimately enabled the earliest species of
Homo to vary, survive and begin spreading from Africa to Eurasia 1.85
million years ago. ((Image courtesy Rick Potts, Susan Antón and Leslie
A large brain, long legs, the ability to craft tools and prolonged
maturation periods were all thought to have evolved together at the
start of the Homo lineage in response to the Earth’s changing climate;
however, scientists now have evidence that these traits arose separately
rather than as a single package. (Image courtesy Rick Potts, Susan
Antón and Leslie Aiello)
To reach these conclusions, the team took an innovative research
approach, including developing a new climate framework based on the
Earth’s astronomical cycles from 2.5 million to 1.5 million years ago.
This paleoclimatic data was integrated with new fossils and
understandings of the genus Homo, archaeological remains and biological
studies of a wide range of mammals (including humans). However, it was
the recently discovered skeletons of Australopithecus sediba (~1.98 Ma)
from Malapa, South Africa, that really cemented the idea for Potts that
the evolution of the Homo genus involved a period of evolutionary
experimentation and mixing of traits.
“A. sediba possesses a bizarre combination of features. It has a really
small brain, the size of a chimpanzee’s, but also a human-like hand. It
also has aspects of the face that resemble the genus Homo but has a foot
that doesn’t look anything like the genus” Potts explains. “This makes
sense from the standpoint of the environment at the time, where habitats
were fluctuating between more wooded and more open grassland landscapes
due to shifting intensity of wet and dry periods. Small populations
would have become isolated at times and later merged, which would have
lead to a novel evolutionary combinations of traits.”
This chart depicts hominin evolution from 3.0-1.5 million years ago and
reflects the diversity of early human species and behaviors that were
critical to how early Homo adapted to variable habitats, a trait that
allows people today to occupy diverse habitats around the world. In July
2014, Smithsonian paleoanthropologist Richard Potts and a team of
researchers analyzed new scientific data and concluded that the ability
of early humans to adjust to changing conditions ultimately enabled the
earliest species of Homo to vary, survive and begin spreading from
Africa to Eurasia 1.85 million years ago. (Image courtesy Rick Potts,
Susan Antón and Leslie Aiello)
This chart depicts hominin evolution from 3.0-1.5 million years ago and
reflects the diversity of early human species and behaviors that were
critical to how early Homo adapted to variable habitats, a trait that
allows people today to occupy diverse habitats around the world. (Image
courtesy Rick Potts, Susan Antón and Leslie Aiello)
We live today in a very unusual period where there is only one species
that exists in our evolutionary tree. Multiple species of Homo are known
to have lived concurrently during the earlier time of morphological
experimentation. Along with the climate and fossil data, evidence from
ancient stone tools, isotopes found in teeth and cut marks found on
animal bones came together in this research to depict how these species
may have coexisted.
“Taken together, these data suggest that species of early Homo were more
flexible in their dietary choices than other species,” Aiello said.
“Their flexible diet—probably containing meat—was aided by stone
tool-assisted foraging that allowed our ancestors to exploit a range of
Evolutionary and historic climate studies not only shed light on how we
came to be, says Potts, but also give us a broader view of current
climate change problems.
“These kinds of studies show that we do live on an unstable Earth in
terms of its climate, however, humans are adding totally new influences
to the environment in ways perhaps more precarious than we even
“Human features were selected for adaptability, but our earlier
ancestors show there have always been limits to that. Our astonishing
ability to adjust to new and changing circumstances is something that I
think gives us some hope for the future,” Potts says.
“The question ahead for human beings is whether we can use our capacity
for technology, culture and social interaction to a sufficient extent to
avoid the kinds of precarious situations even members of our own
evolutionary history faced in their past,” he added.
The team concluded that the flexibility demonstrated by our ancestors to
adjust to changing conditions ultimately enabled the earliest species
of Homo to vary, survive and begin spreading from Africa to Eurasia 1.85
million years ago. This flexibility continues to be a hallmark of human
biology today, and one that ultimately underpins the ability to occupy
diverse habitats throughout the world.
Future research on new fossil and archaeological finds will need to
focus on identifying specific adaptive features that originated with
early Homo, which will yield a deeper understanding of human evolution.
Ban Ki-moon’s New Climate Envoy Supports Divestment From Fossil Fuel Companies
Another reason to ban Ki-moon. Targeting companies despite
absolutely no proof that they have done anything wrong o0r even done
anything anti-Greenie. Most are in fact Greenie donors
A new “special envoy” on climate change appointed by U.N.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon – the fourth in seven months – has voiced
support for divestment from the fossil fuel industry, which she accuses
of helping to fund global warming denialism.
Pushing ahead with a drive to achieve a global climate change agreement
by late 2015, Ban announced this week that Mary Robinson, a former Irish
president and former U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, will
become his “special envoy for climate change,” effective immediately.
Robinson’s new task is to interact with world leaders in the run-up to a
climate summit Ban is hosting on September 23 in New York. There he
hopes leaders from governments, businesses and civil society will help
to lay the groundwork for a global deal to be finalized at the next in a
long series of U.N. climate megaconferences, in Paris, France in
November 2015.
Robinson is an enthusiastic climate activist, who set up a foundation in
late 2010 called the Mary Robinson Foundation–Climate Justice, focusing
on human rights- and development-related aspects of the climate issue.
“Our work on climate justice emphasizes the urgency of action on climate
change from a people’s perspective, and I intend to take this approach
in my new mandate as special envoy for climate change,” she said in a
statement after Ban announced her appointment.
Robinson has voiced support for divestment from the fossil fuel
industry, which she accuses of helping to fund global warming denialism.
“I know there are deniers, and there’s money supporting these deniers to
try to confuse us,” she told the left-wing Democracy Now news program
last October. “But we can’t be confused anymore because actually the
impacts of climate are undermining human rights all over the world.”
Asked about the source of that money, Robinson replied, “I think a lot
of it is coming from those who benefit at the moment from selling fossil
fuel, so the coal and oil communities.”
“We can no longer invest in companies that are part of the problem of the climate shocks that we’re suffering from,” she said.
“So I speak openly and encourage students and colleges to be part of
that,’ Robinson continued. “It’s to me a little bit like the energy
behind the anti-apartheid movement when I was a student. We were all
involved because we saw the injustice of it. There’s an injustice in
continuing to invest in fossil fuel companies that are part of the
Robinson is not the only prominent person Ban has recently recruited to the cause.
Last January he announced that former New York City Mayor Michael
Bloomberg would be his “special envoy for cities and climate change,”
helping to mobilize support and action from cities to advance climate
change efforts at the September summit and beyond.
A month earlier, Ban appointed former Norwegian Prime Minister Jens
Stoltenberg and former Ghanaian President John Kufuor as “special envoys
on climate change,” saying the two would help to mobilize political
will and action ahead of the September summit.
“As part of their work, the special envoys will assist the
secretary-general in his consultations with leaders to raise the level
of ambition to address climate change and to accelerate action,” the
U.N. secretariat said at the time.
It’s not clear why Ban needs multiple special envoys to fulfil this
function, although Stoltenberg was recently named NATO’s next
secretary-general, a post he will take up from October.
Ban’s spokesman, Farhan Haq, said Robinson succeeds Stoltenberg and will
“work closely with special envoys John Kufuor and Michael Bloomberg in
her new role.”
Robinson has served since March 2013 in another U.N. role, as Ban’s
special envoy for the Great Lakes region of Central Africa. She now
relinquishes that post, which dealt with efforts to bring a lasting
peace to the conflict-ridden Democratic Republic of Congo and
surrounding areas.
‘Time is not on our side’
The U.N. has high hopes for the summit Ban will host on Sept. 23.
“The summit will be an important milestone to mobilize political
commitment for the conclusion of a global agreement by 2015, as well as
to spur enhanced action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build
climate resilient communities,” it said.
Ban, a former South Korean foreign minister, has long voiced anxiety
about the need for a far-reaching global agreement to combat and
mitigate the effects of the emission of carbon dioxide and other
“greenhouse gases” (GHGs) blamed for climate change.
As an earlier U.N. climate conference loomed – in Copenhagen in late
2009 – Ban hosted a summit in New York aimed, like this year’s one, to
build momentum. In a speech that August, Ban warned that the world had
“just four months to secure the future of our planet.”
In the event, Copenhagen came and went without the result activists
wanted so badly – a global agreement on binding GHG emission-reduction
Last week Ban was again warning darkly of the threats of climate change.
“[U.N.] member-states have agreed that we cannot exceed two degrees
celsius above pre-industrial temperatures,” he said at an event at U.N.
headquarters introducing a new report on ways major industrial economies
can reduce their GHG emissions.
“Beyond this limit, science indicates that we may face dangerous and
irreversible climate disruption,” he said. “We know that we are not on
track, and time is not on our side.”
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
16 July, 2014
Big Green’s lethal agenda
The outstanding presentations at this Ninth International Conference on
Climate Change clearly demonstrate that activist climate science is
increasingly devoid of evidence … increasingly removed from the
scientific method – and yet is increasingly being used to devise,
justify and impose policies, laws, and regulations that govern our
Indeed, rules formulated on the basis of “dangerous manmade climate
change” allegations control the hydrocarbons that power America and the
world, improve and safeguard our lives, lift billions out of abject
poverty, and allow us to achieve technologies and dreams never before
thought possible.
Put simply, those who control carbon control our lives … our
livelihoods, liberties, living standards, and even life spans. It is
therefore essential that climate science reflects the utmost in
integrity, transparency, and accountability.
Sadly, the opposite is true. As we have seen, far too much of the
supposed science used to justify IPCC, US, EU, and other actions is
distorted, exaggerated, even fabricated. If it were used to market
private sector investments, products or services, the perpetrators would
be prosecuted for fraud.
The latest White House claims are no better. The assertion that shutting
down affordable, reliable coal-based electricity will somehow reduce
asthma and protect children’s health is as baseless as any other
arguments advanced in support of claims that we face an imminent manmade
climate change catastrophe.
A primary reason for the fervor and longevity of these claims is that
global warming is a social movement – or more accurately one
manifestation of a social movement. It is a major part of a near
religious Deep Ecology movement that is anti-energy, anti-people, and
opposed to modern economies, technologies, and civilizations. In its
determination to impose its worldview on the rest of humanity, it is
dogmatic, imperialistic, and authoritarian.
It is also a Big Green and Big Government movement – with tens of
billions of dollars at its disposal: over $13 billion per year just in
the United States for Big Green organizations.
Global warming, climate change, climate disruption, and extreme weather
mantras are almost interchangeable with sustainable development. When
ClimateGate, fizzled confabs in Copenhagen and Durban, and a
then-15-year pause in Earth’s warming made the world weary of climate
change disaster demagoguery – Rio+20 Summit organizers simply repackaged
climate crisis claims under the sustainability mantra. Fossil fuels,
they intoned, must be replaced because we are running out of them, and
their use is unsustainable.
Like climate change, sustainability is infinitely elastic and malleable,
making it a perfect weapon for anti-development activists. Whatever
they support is sustainable. Whatever they oppose is unsustainable.
For other times and audiences, climate and sustainability are replaced –
in whole or in part – with over- population, resource depletion, the
precautionary principle, mass species extinction … or chemical
contamination. That’s why the White House is now talking about carbon
pollution and asthma.
Think of the T-1000 android in the movie Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
This vastly improved villain had the ability to morph into any shape it
desired, giving it previously unimaginable powers and near
indestructibility – all with the goal of controlling the future of
And so we have Alexander King, co-founder of the Club of Rome and its
concept of Limits to Growth. “When DDT was introduced for civilian use,”
King wrote, within 2 years Guyana had almost eliminated malaria. “But
at the same time the birth rate had doubled. So my chief quarrel with
DDT in hindsight is that it has greatly added to the population
The Population Bomb author Paul Ehrlich likewise blamed DDT for the
“drastic lowering of death rates” in underdeveloped countries. He
suggested that, because those countries were not practicing a “birth
rate solution” – they needed to have a “death rate solution” imposed on
them. Ban DDT.
Global warming, sustainability, and attacks on fossil fuels and
biotechnology must therefore be understood as other components of their
“death rate solution” and their intense desire to control all human
In his 1973 Human Ecology book with Paul Ehrlich, President Obama’s chief science advisor John Holdren put it this way:
“A massive campaign must be launched to … de-develop the United States
[and bring] our economic system … into line with the realities of
ecology and the global resource situation…. Once the United States has
clearly started on the path of cleaning up its own mess, it can then
turn its attention to the problems of the de-development of the other
[developed countries] and the ecologically feasible development of the
[underdeveloped countries].”
“Limits to growth,” “the global resource situation,” and “ecologically
feasible development” of course are synonyms for “resource depletion,”
“peak oil,” “sustainable development,” and “dangerous manmade global
warming” – with radical Deep Ecologists in and out of government making
all the decisions.
Never mind that fracking has obliterated their “peak oil and gas”
mantra. Never mind that human ingenuity and innovation – Julian Simon’s
ultimate resource – has and will always discover new ways to find and
extract the energy and other materials needed to make new technologies
that will continue improving lives, living standards and planetary
For eco-imperialists, whatever they support is sustainable. Whatever
they oppose is unsustainable. Whatever they support complies with the
“precautionary principle.” Whatever they disdain violates the principle.
Or as Competitive Enterprise Institute founder Fred Smith once put it,
“For radical environmentalists, ‘sustainable development’ means don’t
use it today, and the precautionary principle means don’t produce it
The precautionary principle always focuses on the alleged risks of using
technologies – but never on the risks of not using them. It spotlights
risks that a technology – such as coal-fired power plants – might cause,
but ignores the risks that the technology would reduce or prevent.
That is a major part of the reason why over 700 million people and 300
million Indians (three times the population of the U.S. and Canada
combined) still have no access to electricity, or only sporadic access.
Worldwide, almost 2.5 billion people – nearly a third of our Earth’s
population – still lack electricity or have access only to little solar
panels or unreliable networks.
That means they must burn wood and dung for heating and cooking, which
results in widespread lung diseases that kill 2 to 4 million people
every year. It means they also lack refrigeration, safe water, and
decent hospitals, resulting in virulent intestinal diseases that kill
another 2 million people a year.
But when anyone points out these cold-as-grave realities, the Terminator
2 ideological android morphs yet again – shifting the topic to “global
cataclysms” of manmade global warming and unsustainable development. The
Deep Ecologists’ callous indifference to these intolerable and immoral
death tolls is stunning.
To the extent that they do want to improve these people’s lives, they
advocate wind turbines in villages and solar panels on huts – but never
abundant, affordable, reliable electricity from large-scale coal,
natural gas, hydroelectric, or nuclear facilities. Their opposition to a
gas-fired plant in Ghana, coal-fired plant in South Africa, and
hydroelectric projects in China, India, and Uganda underscores their
inhumane worldview.
So Big Green activists shift the topic again: to mass global species
extinctions. But these claims are based on completely irrelevant
examples of predators introduced into island populations. Moreover, the
true threats to wild plant and animal species are the very technologies
that Deep Ecology/Climate Chaos ideologues love the most: biofuels and
wind turbines.
Both of these “eco-friendly alternatives” blanket vast acreage that
would otherwise be wildlife habitats – and wind turbines slaughter
millions of birds and bats annually, nearly wiping out some species
across broad areas near industrial wind turbine facilities.
The key point to remember is this. Climate change, sustainability, and
these other mantras give Mr. Holdren and his ideological soul-mates the
justification and power to determine the fate of nations … to decide how
much development each should be allowed to have … to compel rich
countries to de-develop and reduce their living standards … and to force
poor countries to accept whatever the Deep Ecologists decide is the
proper, sustainable, climate-stabilization level of development,
population, poverty, disease, malnutrition, and premature death.
On and on it goes, with “climate justice” yet another weapon that these
wealthy, powerful, arrogant, intolerant, immoral, mostly white elites
are using in their crusade to control the rest of humanity – regardless
of the human and animal death tolls. As Stalin once said, “A single
death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic.”
Their double standards … secret science … morphing mantras … and vicious
attacks on anyone who dares to disagree with them – are all designed to
seize power over the energy that powers modern civilization … and to
control every aspect of our lives, livelihoods, living standards,
fundamental liberties, health, welfare, dreams, and aspirations.
These mantras are truly weapons of mass destruction in a movement war on
modern civilization. It is a war that pits wealthy elites against poor,
minority, elderly, and working classes – and rich nations against poor
nations. And in those poor nations, it is a war on women and children,
for they are the most vulnerable, and they die in the greatest numbers
from malaria, lung infections, malnutrition, and severe diarrhea.
Equally revealing and frightening is the fact that this Big Green/Big
Government movement refuses to budge an inch in its opposition to fossil
fuels, fracking, and reliable electricity – even when confronted by the
turmoil and destruction we are witnessing in Ukraine, the Middle East,
Libya, Nigeria, and other parts of the world … many of them energy-rich,
and with the prospect of Al Qaeda controlling countless billions of
dollars in oil wealth.
The eco-imperialist movement’s focus on distant, conjectural, fabricated
risks a century from now remains unchanged. It is truly the great moral
and ethical battle of our time.
That is what we’re up against.
We have struck a blow here at this conference for honest, evidence-based
science … for transparency and accountability, and open, robust debate …
for the freedom and courage to stand up to the forces of tyranny,
darkness, and death. But our work is not yet finished.
Like the Thirty Years War and other religious and ideological
confrontations of the ages, this battle will go on, and the global death
toll will rise.
However, I am heartened by the knowledge that we here gathered today
will fight on – for honest science, affordable energy, accountable
government, and better lives for billions of people … and against the
dark forces of climate fanaticism. I also know we are being joined by
more and more countries, as they increasingly understand the true nature
of this ideological conflict.
In the immortal words of Sir Winston Churchill: “We shall fight in the
fields, in the streets and in the hills. We shall never surrender. We
shall fight on until victory, however long and hard the road may be. For
without victory, there is no survival.”
Greenpeace showcases its anti-human side
Greenpeace activist confirms every negative story you’ve ever read about this activist group
Paul Driessen
It was a surreal experience. As the Heartland Institute’s hugely
successful Ninth International Conference on Climate Change ended, I
agreed to let Greenpeace activist Connor Gibson interview me.
I’d just given a presentation on Big Green’s lethal agenda, describing
how “dangerous manmade climate change” is just one of many mantras
invoked by the Deep Ecology movement to advance an agenda that is
anti-energy, anti-people, and opposed to modern economies, technologies
and civilizations. As readers of my book and articles know, this
unaccountable movement inflicts lethal consequences on millions of
people every year – the result of malaria, malnutrition, lung and
intestinal diseases, and other afflictions of rampant poverty imposed or
perpetuated by unelected and unaccountable eco-imperialists.
“I read your book,” he told me, and attended some of the talks by
globally renowned experts on climate, weather, species extinction, human
health and other topics. If so, he obviously hadn’t listened, or had
simply chosen to ignore every fact and explanation presented, as not in
accord with his ideologies. That would certainly include the keynote
address by Greenpeace cofounder Patrick Moore, explaining how he left
the organization over its increasingly bizarre, irrational and inhumane
attitudes and actions.
Gibson’s “interview” quickly became a prosecutorial interrogation,
marked by ignorance or denial of basic facts and repeated interruptions
to contest my observations. He insisted that hurricanes are more
frequent and devastating than ever before (though not one Category 3 or
higher ‘cane has made US landfall in eight-plus years, breaking a
century-long record, as a panel discussion I had chaired that day made
clear); wildfires are worsening (though their number and acres burned
are down significantly, and could be driven lower via more intelligent
forest management and fire suppression policies); and rising seas will
soon drown coastal communities (hardly likely at the current rate of
seven inches per century).
He likewise denied the 18-year pause in global warming, even though the
IPCC and other alarmists have finally admitted it is real. My references
to conference participants and the exhaustive NIPCC report were met
with claims that it had not been peer-reviewed. Perhaps not by the
closed circle of well-funded IPCC scientists, bureaucrats and activists
who rubberstamp one another’s work – while refusing to share data and
methodologies, allow outside experts to review their work products,
attend Heartland conferences, or debate NIPCC scientists in any forum.
(Alarmists know their data, claims, conclusions and economy-killing
demands cannot withstand scrutiny.) However, the NIPCC reports and the
studies they laboriously analyze and summarize were fully peer-reviewed
by numerous scientists.
(Alarmists say twenty years of warming proves Earth is at a “tipping
point” for runaway climate chaos, requiring the end of fossil fuels.
They say the subsequent 18 years of no warming, and even a slight
cooling, is irrelevant and meaningless. Whom do you believe, they ask?
Us alarmists and our computer models, or a bunch of “fringe” scientists
who cite actual temperature and other evidence?)
After twenty minutes, Gibson got to his real issue: money. Where does
CFACT get its funding? The Koch brothers and ExxonMobil? That would be
nice, to compliment the cash that Exxon gives to radical green groups.
But no, they don’t support us. My mention of Chesapeake Energy’s $26
million to the Sierra Club, to fund anti-coal campaigns, did force him
to admit this is a problem for Big Green’s social responsibility mantra.
But when I noted Tom Steyer’s billions from hedge fund investments in
coal mines and power plants, Gibson insisted that this money was
second-hand and thus pure – whereas Koch money was earned directly (via
producing energy and creating jobs) and thus was tainted by
That “ethical” distinction without a difference would also apply, I
suppose, to the tens of millions of dollars that Greenpeace and the
Greenpeace Fund have received from fat-cat liberal foundations that are
heavily invested in fossil fuel and other corporate securities.
Gibson also brought up his organization’s attempted 2003 anti-chemicals
rally in New Jersey’s Liberty Park. The event turned into a resounding
protest against Greenpeace, when scores of black and Hispanic
demonstrators from the Congress of Racial Equality completely flummoxed
the Rainbow Warriors with stilt walkers, bongo drums and chants of “Hey
hey Greenpeace, what do you say? How many children did you kill today?”
He dropped his inquisition when I pointed out that I’m a life-member of
Indeed, what Gibson really did not want to discuss were the destructive,
even lethal effects of Greenpeace policies and campaigns. Some 2.5
billion people still do not have electricity or get it only
sporadically, and so must burn wood and dung for heating and cooking,
which results in widespread lung diseases that kill two to four million
people every year. No electricity also means no refrigeration, safe
water or decent hospitals, which means virulent intestinal diseases kill
another two million annually.
Worldwide, some two billion people still live in malaria-infested areas,
500 million get the disease every year, and nearly a million die. A
primary reason is their inability to acquire insecticides to kill
mosquitoes and DDT to keep the flying killers out of homes. Another
billion people face malnutrition and Vitamin A deficiency that causes
blindness and death in children. In fact, eight million children have
died from Vitamin A deficiency since Golden Rice was invented and made
available at no charge to poor farmers.
But the Rainbow Warriors and other callous eco-imperialists wage
well-funded campaigns against Golden Rice, insecticides and DDT, and
coal-fired, gas-fueled, hydroelectric and nuclear power generation –
perpetuating poverty, malnutrition, disease, misery and death. To them, a
planet free from the wildly conjectural and exaggerated dangers of
these technologies is far more important than the billions of lives
improved and millions of lives saved by them. It is a vicious war on
dark-skinned women and children, who die in the greatest numbers from
malaria, lung infections, malnutrition and severe diarrhea.
Greenpeace actions are akin to denying chemotherapy to cancer patients
or antibiotics to pneumonia sufferers. Their anti-technology campaigns
are eco-manslaughter and should no longer be tolerated.
Personally, I cannot imagine life without modern technologies. I can’t
imagine living in electricity-free, disease-ridden, malnourished,
polluted poor nation squalor. As my grandmother used to tell me, “The
only good thing about the good old days is that they’re gone.”
But of course, Gibson has an air-conditioned malaria-free home, fine
food, access to affordable, reliable electricity and transportation, a
refrigerator, video camera and cell phone. He would never give them up,
nor would I ask him to. However, some of my African friends would gladly
let him “enjoy” a few months in a state-of-the-art, mosquito-infested
hut, rely solely on a bed net, drink parasite-infested water, breathe
polluted smoke from cooking fires, and walk miles to a clinic when he
gets malaria, TB or dysentery – hoping the nurse has some non-fake
medicines to treat him. I’d gladly help make the arrangements.
Financially motivated innovators, entrepreneurs and companies have
worked wonders to improve and save the lives of billions. Yes, there
have been accidents, some of which have killed hundreds of people or
thousands of animals. However, the real killers are governments and
anti-technology nonprofit activist corporations. Their death tolls are
in the millions – via wars and through misguided or intentional policies
that institute or perpetuate starvation and disease from denial of food
and life-saving technologies.
Gibson is a bright guy. Perhaps one day he will understand all of this,
hopefully before the death toll rises much higher. To that end, he and
his alarmist colleagues would profit mightily from reading my
Eco-Imperialism book and new report Three Faces of Sustainability; the
new book About Face: Why the world needs more carbon dioxide; and
several recent studies: Climate Change Reconsidered: Physical Science;
CCR: Biological Impacts, and Climate Catastrophe: A superstorm for
global warming research.
Countless jobs, living standards and lives hang in the balance. The eco-imperialist crimes against humanity must end.
Via email
Murdoch on global warming
Report from Australia
News Corp chairman Rupert Murdoch has dubbed Prime Minister Tony Abbott
an admirable, honest and principled man, and said Australians should not
be building windmills and "all that rubbish".
In an interview on Sky News on Sunday, Mr Murdoch spoke candidly about
climate change, Australia's political environment and its relationship
with China.
If the temperature rises 3 degrees in 100 years, "at the very most one of those [degrees] would be man-made," he said.
"If the sea level rises six inches, that's a big deal in the world, the
Maldives might disappear or something, but OK, we can't mitigate that,
we can't stop it, we have to stop building vast houses on seashores.
"We can be the low-cost energy country in the world. We shouldn't be building windmills and all that rubbish," he said.
"The world has been changing for thousands and thousands of years. It's
just a lot more complicated because we are so much more advanced."
On Mr Abbott, Mr Murdoch said he had met him "three, four times, and the
impression is that he is an admirable, honest, principled man and
somebody that we really need as Prime Minister who we can all look up to
and admire.
"However, how much does he understand free markets and what should be
happening? I don’t know. Only time will tell. It's too early to make a
judgment on this government."
The big All-Star chill: Is the hockey stick broken?
Baseball fans across the nation will be turning their eyes to
Minneapolis, Minn. for the next couple of days as the stars of the game
congregate to showcase their skills.
But one thing will be missing — summer weather.
Almost as if the Michael Mann hockey stick had been turned upside down,
Minneapolis is expected to see record low temperatures on Monday and
possibly Tuesday nights as temperatures dip down into the low 50s in
another so-called polar vortex. High temperature readings in the Twin
Cities for the two days range between the low 60s and 70s Fahrenheit.
With all eyes on Minnesota for two days in July, it suddenly became fall
football weather. Is this just some cruel joke by Roger Goodell and his
all-powerful NFL shield to cause baseball viewers to pine for the
opening of training camp?
Is it an anti-Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce plot designed to keep visitors away from the beautiful and friendly northern city?
Or is it just bad luck for baseball and Minnesota that Arctic air has
chosen to put a chill over the festivities for all America to see.
Weather is weather, and obviously no climactic lessons can be derived by
the big All-Star chill as a stand-alone event. However, the exact logic
that dictates not jumping to conclusions based upon an unfortunately
timed bout of mid-July cold weather should also be used to combat those
who use each and every tornado or hurricane to somehow justify their
global warming theories and the economy-destroying solutions they offer.
President Obama used episodic, individual weather events as the backbone
justification for his Climate Action Plan to crush carbon-emitting
industry, citing Hurricane Sandy as a pretext. He did so in spite of
meteorologists telling us that we haven't had a major hurricane hit the
United States in a record period of time (Sandy was not a major
hurricane by National Weather Service definitions.)
While Minneapolis is cold for this time of year, it also should be noted
that so is Antarctica. The South Pole sea ice hit record wintertime
levels with more than 2.1 million square miles more ice than normal this
time of year. To put that into perspective, the entire subcontinent of
India is only 1.2 million square miles.
What's more, this dramatic growth of Antarctic sea ice is in spite of
massive volcanic activity on the ocean floor of the western part of the
continent that threatens the collapse of a major glacier system by
warming the water beneath it.
Given all the predictions of rising tides, melting polar ice caps, and
the decade-long fear campaign used as justification for regulations
designed to destroy the U.S. coal and fossil fuel industries, perhaps
this cold weather baseball event will remind Americans that the one
thing government-grant-driven climate scientists haven't actually
delivered is warmer weather.
A point the big All-Star chill is likely to drive home to baseball lovers everywhere.
Renewable Fuel Standards Are a Pain In the Gas
Washington has a long-standing fascination with the nation's energy
markets that generates an endless stream of legislation and regulation
in pursuit of a wide range of policy objectives, from energy
independence to climate change. For almost a decade, the government has
been struggling to implement renewable fuel standards with the aim of
increasing the role of ethanol and other biofuels. New mandates have
been established, but it is becoming increasingly obvious that the law
has created more questions than solutions. Problems first began to
emerge when the economy collapsed, and with it, demand for fuel. What
seemed like easily attainable targets in a rosy economy were now out of
reach. Recently, the Congressional Budget Office released a study
highlighting the ongoing problems with the renewable fuel standard
program, raising serious concerns about the viability of the program.
The Energy Policy Act of 2005 created the first renewable fuel standard,
a mandate that required 7.5 billion gallons of renewable fuel be
blended into gasoline by 2012. Practically, this meant increasing the
quantity of ethanol used in gasoline. The Energy Independence and
Security Act of 2007 revised the standard with a 15-year plan, requiring
an increase in ethanol use to 9 billion gallons in 2008, with the
ultimate goal of 36 billion gallons of ethanol in the gasoline supply by
2022. Not content with simply expanding the use of biofuel, the new law
also created mandates for specific types of biofuels: conventional,
advanced, cellulosic and biodiesel.
Washington's ambitious plans to wean the nation off fossil fuels quickly
failed the market test. The 2008 economic downturn eviscerated the
targets and timetables for introducing renewable fuels. Gasoline
consumption declined, which meant that there was less gasoline that
needed ethanol. At the same time, cars were becoming more
fuel-efficient, which also put downward pressure on gasoline
consumption. With less gasoline being used, the amount of ethanol needed
fell well below the mandated level.
The problem is exacerbated by the technical limitations defined by the
blend wall. Ethanol is corrosive, and too much ethanol, particularly in
older cars, can lead to engine troubles. Consequently, E10, or
10-percent ethanol, is the limit for safely blending ethanol. The
exception is more recent flex-fuel cars, which are rated for an E85
blend, or 15-percent ethanol.
At the same time, the new mandates for subcategories of renewable fuels
have also been problematic. As the CBO report notes, "the supply of
cellulosic biofuels is limited because such fuels are complex and
expensive to produce." In fact, there is a huge discrepancy between
Washington and reality with respect to this particular mandate. As of
2013 there were no commercial plants producing cellulosic biofuels, and
the Energy Information Administration estimates capacity in 2022 to be
only 327 million gallons - far below the EPA's 16-billion gallon
With the mandate for renewable fuels relegated to a failing academic
exercise, the market for fuel is being increasingly displaced by
centrally planned prices contrived in Washington, D.C. Tacitly
acknowledging the infeasibility of its regulations, the EPA has been
exercising its waiver authority to delay implementation of the mandates.
Just recently, the EPA delayed compliance with the 2013 standards until
September 2014 while it attempts to establish the 2014 standards.
With such ad hoc and arbitrary changes, it is discretionary decisions in
Washington rather than market forces that are shaping America's energy
In recent years federal regulations have supplanted market forces in
vast swathes of the economy, including health care, financial services
and the energy sectors. All too often, federal courts defer to agency
expertise when these regulations are challenged. Yet the renewable fuel
standard raises serious questions about such expertise. As Friedrich
Hayek argued more than 50 years ago, regulators are incapable of
incorporating the "particular knowledge of time and place" that markets
so effectively exploit. As a result, regulations fall short, disrupting
markets and misallocating economic resources.
In the case of renewable fuel standards, the government's forecasts
woefully missed their mark with respect to both the demand and supply in
energy markets. The government also assumed the existence of
technologies that have yet to be proved commercially viable. And
finally, technical limitations of ethanol given the composition of the
current vehicle fleet were ignored. With the EPA scrambling to keep the
program afloat and the CBO acknowledging the "significant challenges" of
compliance, Congress should revisit the Energy Independence and
Security Act and repeal the renewable fuel standard.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
15 July, 2014
Is Australia drying out because of global warming?
The usual Warmist dishonesty. They carefully note that it is
Southern Australia that has been experiencing lower rainfall but then
fail to say what is going on in Northern Australia! All that has
happened is a normal oscillation whereby the rain has moved North.
It is raining outside as I write this (in the North), during what
is normally the driest month of the year. The rain will
move South again in its own good time
And note that The Australian bureau of statistics
says: "Australia's most severe drought periods since the
beginning of European settlement appear to have been those of 1895-1903
and 1958-68". So the claims below are garbage to the core
The devastating droughts that are plaguing southern Australia are caused
by greenhouse gases and ozone depletion - and they will only get worse.
This is according to a new high-resolution climate model by a U.S.
government-based organisation which warns the cause was not due to
natural events but man made.
Southern Australia has seen a decline in the amount of autumn and winter
rain since the 1970s with the decline increasing in pace over the last
four decades.
Climatologists claim droughts are predicted to get much worse with a
further 40 per cent decrease in rainfall in the southwest around
Australia's fourth city Perth by the end of the century.
'This new high-resolution climate model is able to simulate
regional-scale precipitation with considerably improved accuracy
compared to previous generation models,' said Tom Delworth of the
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory.
'This model is a major step forward in our effort to improve the
prediction of regional climate change, particularly involving water
The study by the U.S. government's National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration conducted several climate simulations using the global
climate model to study long-term changes in rainfall in various regions
across the globe.
Simulating natural and man made climate drivers, scientists showed that
the decline in rainfall is largely a response to man-made increases in
greenhouse gases as well as a thinning of the ozone caused by man made
aerosol emissions.
Several natural causes were tested with the model, including volcano eruptions and changes in the sun's radiation.
But none of these natural climate drivers reproduced the long-term
observed drying, indicating this trend is due to human activity.
The model predicts a continued decline in winter rainfall throughout the
rest of the 21st century, with significant implications for regional
water resources.
The drying is most severe over southwest Australia where the model
forecasts a 40 per cent decline in average rainfall by the late 21st
[S.W. Australia has always had water shortages]
Mr Delworth said: 'Predicting potential future changes in water resources, including drought, are an immense societal challenge.
'This new climate model will help us more accurately and quickly provide
resource planners with environmental intelligence at the regional
'The study of Australian drought helps to validate this new model, and
thus builds confidence in this model for ongoing studies of North
American drought.'
Parts of Australia have been gripped by devastating drought and heatwaves in recent years.
In March, the World Meteorological Organisation said record high
temperatures in 2013 would have been 'virtually impossible' without
human emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases.
The 2013-2014 summer saw sweltering temperatures in Perth, in the
southwest, and Adelaide, in the south, while Sydney went through its
driest summer in 27 years, an independent watchdog, the Climate Council,
[There was a similar heatwave in 1790! Yes. 1790, not 1970]
BBC Wobbles On Ban For Sceptics
Climate change sceptics 'must be heard on the BBC'
BBC shouldn't "squeeze out" climate change sceptics just because scientists say they're wrong, says editor of Today programme
The BBC must air the views of climate change sceptics even though they
are in the minority, the editor of Radio 4’s Today programme has said
after he was criticised for allowing Nigel Lawson to feature in a
Lord Lawson, the former chancellor, now heads a think tank casting doubt on the science of global warming.
Appearing on the programme in February, Lord Lawson questioned whether
extreme weather events - including flooding in the UK - had any link to
climate change. Some listeners complained, and the BBC's editorial
complaints unit ruled tha his views had been given undue prominence in
the debate.
Lord Lawson claims the "Stalinist" BBC has now banned him from appearing
on the programme because his views clash with the corporation’s “own
party line”.
But Jamie Angus, editor of Today, said Lord Lawson deserved to be heard despite holding a minority view.
“The BBC can’t say, ‘We aren’t going to put that point of view on air because scientists tell us it’s not right’,” Angus said.
“People always raise flat earth at this point, but if you go into a pub
on Oxford Street you won’t find anyone who says the earth is flat, but
you will probably find a couple of people who are unconvinced by the
science of climate change.
“Clearly the BBC has to reflect what is a relatively settled view of the
majority of scientists… but absolutely should not squeeze out
alternative points of view, and we haven’t.”
A BBC spokesman insisted Lord Lawson had not been banned, but said
implying that his views were on “the same footing” as those of the
climate scientist who featured in the debate had created "a false
The BBC sings a very different tune when Al Gore is speaking
Paul Homewood points us to this incredibly soft BBC interview with Al
Gore, who is in Australia promoting his pet climate project. The powers
that be at the corporation seem to have decided that they want to put
their considerable weight behind Mr Gore's campaign and interviewer Paul
Donnison is right on message, apparently viewing his role as providing
the maximum PR opportunity for Mr Gore: most questions are along
the lines of "are your opponents dishonest or irresponsible" and there
is litte by way of challenge to the great man.
Not that there weren't opportunities to do so. When An Inconvenient
Truth was mentioned, it would have been a great opportunity to question
Mr Gore about the UK judicial ruling on the film's "errors", something I
don't think Mr Gore has ever discussed. However, a BBC interviewer is
never going to tread on the toes of a prominent environmentalist and
Gore was left free to propagate some wholly new errors, declaring that
we have seen nothing like recent Australian droughts before. This
position is, I think, probably without any scientific support
We can now begin to see how the BBC's editorial policy is going to pan
out. Sceptics are wrong even when they are right; politicians who
question alarmism will therefore be introduced as being "wrong" and will
be challenged on everything they say. Greens are right even when they
are lying; they will be given a free pass and no challenge of their
views is to be permitted.
The key to that 97% consensus: Scientific publishing is a licence to print money, not the truth
Publicity-hungry journals have created a climate in which dishonest scientists can thrive
Earlier this year, newspapers reported on the discovery of a simple
protocol that could turn any kind of cell into a super-pluripotent stem
cell – referred to as a Stap cell. The discovery, published in two
articles in the prestigious scientific journal Nature, held out the
promise that scientists could develop simple procedures to create
patient-matched stem cells. These stem cells would then be used to
repair damaged or diseased organs.
The story was too good to be true. The Stap phenomenon pushed the
envelope of biological plausibility a bit too far, yet its appearance in
Nature granted a hefty advance of credibility. Immediately, numerous
labs all over the world set out to reproduce the amazing technique and
failed, without exception. As the evidence for insidious data
manipulation and falsification grew, it was believed that Stap cells
never existed in the first place.
Misconduct and even data falsification are much more common in science
than one would hope. It's likely that the banal motivation behind this
is money, in this case (Stap) public funding. Though it is hardly ever
pocketed (there are cases), a scientist is always as big as his funding
What turns scientists into money-magnet bigwigs? It's all about where
they publish their work. In life sciences, it is the big three: Nature,
Science, and Cell, followed by several other, slightly smaller journals,
often from the same publisher. The pledge these journals claim to
sustain their influence and the tremendous cashflow is that they select
only the most relevant and top-quality research.
A licence to print money
For scientists, a publication in the big three is basically a licence to
print money. Easily impressed by journals' respectability, the funding
bodies throw cash after the big name authors, mistaking their talent for
storytelling for great science. In the end, science publishers,
combined with eminence- and applicability-obsessed funding agencies,
have created a rather unhelpful climate for dishonest and greedy
scientists to thrive in.
The scientific quality of a publication is supposed to be ensured by the
peer review, where equally-qualified colleagues anonymously examine the
research results submitted to the journal by the authors. However, the
final decision lies with the journal's editors, who sometimes drop even
the basic scientific and editorials standards. Occasionally, such
stories are reported to be false or even fake, such as Hwang's
never-cloned human embryos.
However, when confronting misconduct, journals tend to lose all
enthusiasm. Retractions, which permanently remove an unreliable or
fraudulent study from the annals of science, are prestige-damaging and
something journals tend to avoid at all costs.
Beginners' blunder
Just as a bad film can boost its audience with a famous actor, so can a
scientifically weak study from a bigwig attract attention from big
journals. After the Stap crash, these scientists look like gullible
dupes. Yet the authors committed a huge beginners' blunder by portraying
their Stap method as simple. It took just some days in the lab for
people to start getting suspicious.
That is why many studies refer to complicated, time-consuming and
knowhow-demanding methods when their reproducibility in other labs is
questioned. Now, even Nature sees no way to avoid retracting Stap.
From talking to other scientists I learned the stem cell community has
hardly ever really believed the Stap story. However, even now they do
not show any anger or indignation.
Researchers have become accustomed and indifferent to results in
top-tier journals that can't be reproduced. The only thing that counts
is to have published. In this respect, Stap was almost a success for its
authors. If they could have resisted retraction for a couple of years,
the storm would have blown over.
In one sense, the closed system of research works quite well for the
purpose of enabling those who publish in prestigious journals to get
Getting caught on suspicious data or retraction is bad, but there are
enough examples that even this is not the career death one might expect.
Boat-owners fight ethanol increases that could damage boat motors
BoatUS is opposing increases in ethanol blends in gasoline, claiming they are damaging outboard motors.
"Ever since 10 percent ethanol gas has been on the market, boaters have
experienced problems with engine and fuel systems," said David Kennedy
of BoatUS, the Alexandria, Va.-based boating group with more than a half
million members. "Now, with higher blends like 15 percent ethanol (E15)
coming to the pump, consumers need to be really careful about
Gas stations are required to post on the pump that a gasoline contains
ethanol, and the list the percentages. Some gas stations in boating
areas, such as the Mickey Mart station in Marblehead, Ohio, now
advertise non-ethanol fuel being sold at its station.
The BoatUS announcement was made last month after the Missouri Corn
Growers Association blaming volatile markets for high gasoline prices.
The MCGA called for more corn-based ethanol at the gas pump to lower gas
"On a boat, bad fuel can escalate quickly to a stopped engine, placing
those aboard and the boat itself in jeopardy," said Kennedy. "Boaters
know higher ethanol blends, such as E15, will only cause more damage to
outboard boat engines. The EPA has specifically prohibited the use of
E15 in marine engines."
Excellent, so that’s climate change entirely sorted then
Tim Worstall applies some badly needed logic to Warmism
I take this to be exceedingly good news. Our struggles to contain
climate change are entirely over and we can all go back to sleep:
Solar has won. Even if coal were free to burn, power stations couldn’t compete
As early as 2018, solar could be economically viable to power big
cities. By 2040 over half of all electricity may be generated in the
same place it’s used. Centralised, coal-fired power is over.
It’s true that we don’t normally believe The Guardian on matters environmental. But let us just take them seriously here.
As we all know the predictions of future climate change are based upon
economic predictions of the future. How many people will there be, how
rich will they be and what technologies will they be using to generate
the power to create that wealth for that many people. And of the models
that are used the one that tells us that we’ve a serious problem with
climate change insists that we’ll still be using coal for 50% of our
power needs in 2080 or so.
We don’t actually have to believe that in order to be able to observe that that is the central point of the alarmist case.
Excellent, so, if no one is going to be using coal in the future then we’ve not got a problem with climate change, do we?
Do note that this is not to take as being true, nor even seriously, any
of the predictions that are being made by anyone. It is, rather, just to
point out an important piece of logic. If solar is now, or will be
imminently, cheaper than coal so that we all start to use it purely on
economic grounds then the problems with climate change are over. For all
of the models and predictions insist that we only get major problems if
we don’t stop using coal.
It cannot be true that solar is wholly (and unsubsidised) competitive,
or cheaper, than coal and we still have a problem. Alternatively, it
cannot be true that we still have a problem in hte future if we believe
what we are being told about the imminent cost competitiveness of solar.
It’s an either or thing.
Looking at the true numbers, rather than those provided by the boosters
of solar power, it’s probably a little early, 2018, to be saying that
solar will be truly competitive. But by 2025 (as Bjorn Lomborg has long
been saying) it almost certainly will be. Meaning that we don’t actually
have a problem and that we can indeed all go back to sleep.
The only way that this cannot be true is if solar doesn’t become so
competitive. In which case we shouldn’t be working so hard to install it
either, should we?
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
14 July, 2014
Six bucks a gallon? Where gas prices might be without the U.S. energy boom
If you think the price of gas is high, imagine paying up to $6 a gallon.
That’s what energy expert Dan Steffens thinks the price could be if not for the domestic oil boom.
“With what’s going on the Middle East, I think it would five or six
bucks (a gallon),” said Steffens, president of the Energy Prospectus
Group out of Houston. “If it wasn’t for the shale revolution, you’d be
in big trouble.”
Technological breakthroughs in recent years have led to an explosion in the energy industry in the United States.
Just how did fracking save American drivers from $6 gas?
Extraction from shale rock formations in places such as the Bakken
Formation in North Dakota, the Eagle Ford Formation in south Texas and
the Permian Basin in west Texas and eastern New Mexico has been so
dramatic that, last month, the International Energy Agency announced the
U.S. surpassed Russia and even Saudi Arabia in oil production.
A report from the commodities division of Bank of America says daily
output in the U.S. exceeded 11 million barrels in the first quarter of
this year.
“If we didn’t have the oil industry and oil and drill activity, the
economy would be much, much slower,” Joseph Dancy, investment partner at
LSGI Advisors, Inc., based in Dallas, told New Mexico Watchdog.
Drivers have been grumbling about the increase in the price at the pump.
Here’s a look at the average price per gallon for the Fourth of July in
the U.S. since 2008:
But the message from energy experts? It could have been much worse.
Violence in Mideast nations such as Syria, Iraq and Libya, as well as
political unrest in the oil-rich nations of Nigeria and Venezuela, might
have sent the price of gasoline through the roof. But benchmark U.S.
crude was at $104 a barrel Monday and Brent crude, a benchmark for the
international market, was down 33 cents last week to $110.91 a barrel in
“There’s no question that this his new-found abundance of oil from shale
plays is having a significant impact on the global market,” said
Bernard Weinstein, associate director at the Maguire Energy Institute at
Southern Methodist University.
“We’d probably be at $150 oil with this thing in Iraq going on,” Steffens said.
“While the situation in Iraq seems to be getting worse, oil prices have
actually fallen (in some sectors) because the markets now understand
that Iraq could go totally off the market and there’s still plenty of
oil going around, not just here in the United States,” Weinstein said.
“The world is swimming in oil right now.”
The political irony is that President Obama is a beneficiary of
relatively stable gas prices, even though the energy explosion is
happening in red states such as North Dakota and Texas, where Obama lost
to Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney in 2012 by nearly 20
points and more than 15 points, respectively.
“It’s a wild boom and it’s all generating economic activity for a
president who really does not favor the oil and gas sector at all,”
Dancy said. “It is really ironic.”
But environmental organizations lament, rather than celebrate, the shale
boom because energy producers use hydraulic fracturing — fracking — to
get to the oil and natural gas under the earth’s surface.
“We can’t afford to support the extractive industries,” said Eleanor
Bravo, senior organizer for Southwest Food and Water Watch. “The earth
and the environment cannot afford to be burning any more fuel. Plus, the
fracking process, when you count in the amount of methane that escapes
during the extraction process, it’s as dirty or dirtier than burning
But there’s little indication the boom will stop anytime soon.
According to Weinstein’s statistics, there’s been a 60 percent increase
in domestic oil production in the past six years, and Dancy cites
figures showing global demand increasing 1 percent per year.
“If you look at the amount of refining exports that are going out of the
United States, they’re hitting 20- and 30-year highs,” Dancy said.
by Dr Klaus L.E. Kaiser
Certain western governments and their science advisers think that
alternative energy sources (like wind and solar power) and biofuels in
particular are the salvation from “climate change,” previously called
“global warming.” biofuels
They view “carbon pollution” (a misnomer, as they actually mean carbon
dioxide, CO2) as the root cause of the current economic and
environmental malaise in general. That’s why they blessed the nation
with the “Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).”
I think the opposite is true; neither CO2 nor the “carbon footprint” is
the cause of today’s many problems. In fact, the world today would be
much better off if that (scientifically proven) nonsense had never
become a political football.
If anything, the world today is not suffering from excessive “carbon
footprints” but from excessive “carbon think” by politicians in cahoots
with all kinds of NGO (non-governmental organization) “experts.” The
“grow-your-fuel” idea is just one of those NGO-driven and
politician-embraced problems that do more harm than good. Let’s look at
biofuels more closely.
The push to have a large proportion of corn converted to bio-ethanol for
admixture into the nation’s gasoline supplies came from then
Vice-President Al Gore as a means to garner votes in his home state of
Tennessee. Then termed “global warming” was perceived as the number one
threat to mankind’s survival and prosperity on the planet.
Agitators like Maurice Strong, Al Gore, David Suzuki and others promoted
the idea of CO2 as a “global evil” that would cause runaway global
warming, the starvation of millions of people and, ultimately, the
wholesale destruction of life on earth. Thus was born the idea of
growing fuel.
The farmers in the corn-growing areas were very receptive to that idea
as they could foresee rising demand for their product, supported by the
biofuel mandate and government handouts. Since its inception in 2005
this mandate has been expanded at least twice, from an initial 5%
ethanol in gasoline to the current 15% (with seasonal and geographical
variations) on average. That represents a lot of corn; in fact somewhere
in the order of one third of what is grown in the U.S.
But the biofuel mandate goes further than just ethanol in gasoline. Even
the U.S. military was compelled to use biofuels for the powering of
ships and airplanes. Those types of biofuels come from oil plants like
canola that were previously also grown strictly for human consumption.
Of course, the canola farmers on the continent were equally receptive to
such ideas.
Bio-diesel and bio-jet fuel can certainly be made from plant-derived
oils. Chemically, such oils differ from normal diesel or jet fuel by
having some oxygen atoms in their structure, but are comparable in many
physical properties. However, the cost of growing and refining such oils
for use in jets is prohibitive at ten to twenty times the cost of
traditional fuel made from fossil oil. So why does the mandate persist?
Does it prevent “climate change” or preserve the natural environment?
Are Bio-Fuels Good?
Less CO2?
Whether you believe CO2 to be a “greenhouse gas” or not (it certainly is
not) is entirely irrelevant in this context. The question here is only
if growing (bio)-fuels and manipulating them to be used for powering
various engines will reduce the CO2 output relative to the use of fossil
resources. The unequivocal answer to that question is NO.
Every study performed that includes the often hidden costs of plowing
the fields, sowing, fertilizing, irrigating, harvesting, drying,
storing, transporting, converting, and distributing the fuel shows
clearly that there is no energy gain at all but rather a loss. That
energy loss automatically translates into a higher “carbon footprint”
than otherwise necessary.
Good for nature?
Perhaps you think that pressing the (nearly) last piece of marginal land
into agricultural production will enhance the local wildlife like the
Monarch butterflies or protect the polar bears in the Arctic or be good
for the penguins in the Antarctic.
Unfortunately, none of these is the case. The Monarch butterflies are
close to being wiped out by conversion of marginal land which is the
prime habitat for the milkweed plant (the preferred food for their
caterpillars) and both the bears and penguins don’t give a hoot; they
live off the other species in the oceans.
Good for the economy?
If you are a consumer of fuel like gasoline or diesel the biofuel
mandate is certainly a part of increased fuel costs in recent years.
Those increased costs come out of your pocket and largely go to the
governments and biofuel producers by way of direct and indirect
transfers. Of course and despite all protestations to the contrary
nearly all levels of government are quite happy to see higher fuel
prices as such automatically raise the revenue from cost-based taxes.
Any claim to the contrary is a bold-faced lie.
Good for your mileage?
If your engine needs to deliver energy output at a certain level, the
ethanol biofuel mandate is actually diminishing the available energy
output from the ethanol-type fuel. The reason is easy to understand:
both bio-ethanol and bio-diesel are, energetically speaking, already
partly combusted hydrocarbons. Therefore, they cannot possibly deliver
the same amount of energy as “un-combusted” fuel. Your fuel consumption
will increase to compensate for that. Even if that were not a critical
issue, ethanol in fuel can cause other problems in your vehicle.
Good for your vehicle?
Anything but. In fact most car manufacturers have clearly stated that
using gasoline with more than 10 or 15% ethanol will void any and all
warranties. Even small amounts of water, for example from the air
humidity can lead to phase separation, particularly so for two-cycle
engines and in colder weather. Apart from that, ethanol is an excellent
solvent that can dissolve many different materials that are fully
resistant to pure gasoline.
Very simply, it is bad for your engine.
Good for business?
A considerable part of the bio-ethanol and other biofuel consumed in the
U.S. is either imported directly from Brazil or produced in the U.S.
from sugar imported from Brazil. For example, at least one U.S. company
produces fuels from sugar. Without various government subsidies and
mandates in support of such “green” enterprises, none of these
alternative energy suppliers would have ever come about at all and most
depend on the continuation of these incentive programs.
In reality, the cost for all that green comes right out of taxpayers’
wallets. Too many of such enterprises have gone bust soon after they
received their last government “pay check.”
Good for farming?
While many farmers welcomed the original ethanol mandate as it supported
demand for their products, new findings show an unexpected flip side:
Some weeds are becoming resistant to herbicides, such as glyphosate,
that are widely used to increase corn yields, For example, the magazine
Nature reports that in the U.S. alone some 60 million acres of farmland
are infested with glyphosate-resistant weeds.
Indirectly, the biofuel mandate is also to blame for the increased
resistance to glyphosate and other herbicides because it spurred reduced
crop rotation. All in the name of “saving the climate” from a
non-existent “greenhouse gas” effect by the 0.04% CO2 in the earth’s
The EPA is now seeking comments and direction from users on how to cope
with the problem they have helped to create in the first place. Their
assessment and new regulations to be forthcoming will likely introduce
substantial new requirements on corn and soybean farming that will
entail additional costs for the farmers in several ways.
I think the time may not be far off when even farmers will come to
realize that the biofuel mandate is more of a curse than a blessing.
In apologising for having Nigel Lawson on to discuss climate change, the BBC has breached its charter
Rational debate is poisonous to Warmists
It is only a matter of time before Nigel Lawson — if he is allowed on
the BBC at all — has to have his words spoken by an actor in the manner
of Gerry Adams at the height of the IRA’s bombing campaign during the
1980s. In the case of Mr Adams, whose voice was banned from the airwaves
by the government, the BBC stood up for free speech. But it is quite a
different story with Lord Lawson. The BBC has effectively banned the
former chancellor (and former editor of this magazine) from appearing on
its programmes to debate climate change, unless he is introduced with a
statement discrediting his views.
The BBC’s Editorial Complaints Department this week ruled that the Today
programme broke BBC guidelines in February by inviting Lord Lawson to a
debate with Sir Brian Hoskins, chairman of the Grantham Institute for
Climate Change. It bizarrely claimed that his views are ‘not supported
by the evidence’ — though he had pointed out, correctly, that the planet
has not been warming for the past 17 years. Nevertheless, the BBC
politburo warned, listeners should have been warned that Lord Lawson is
in a minority and, therefore, his words ‘should not be regarded as
carrying equal weight to those of experts such as Sir Brian Hoskins’.
Lord Lawson is, of course, not a scientist. But a great many people
speak on the BBC on subjects in which they do not have any formal
qualifications: Al Gore, for example. Or Rajendra Pachauri, a railway
engineer by training, who now runs the Intergovernmental Panel for
Climate Change (IPCC). Neither does the BBC seem to be worried about
non-scientists addressing scientific issues when it comes to such things
as fracking or GM crops, on which any green activists are welcome to
speak, however bizarre their scaremongering theories.
What Lord Lawson is, however, is chairman of the Global Warming Policy
Foundation (GWPF), a think-tank that has no quarrel with the idea of
global warming. Its aim is to appeal to reason, and to engage in mature
argument rather than hysteria. Lord Lawson is advised by scientists who
until recently included Lennart Bengtsson, a research fellow at the
University of Reading. Professor Bengtsson was hounded off the GWPF
board by his fellow scientists.
When people try to close down debate rather than engage with it, there
is a pretty clear conclusion to be drawn: they lack confidence in their
own case. The suppression of debate was shown again this week when
Vladimir Semonov, a climate scientist at the Geomar Institute in Kiel,
Germany, revealed that a paper he wrote in 2009 questioning the accuracy
of climate models used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
was effectively censored by the scientist to whom it was sent for
review. Their reasons for demanding passages be removed seems rather
less than scientifically rigorous: one wrote that the offending material
would ‘lead to unnecessary confusion in the climate science community’
and another said that ‘this entire discussion has to disappear’.
The process of peer review used in the scientific press is often held up
as a mark of quality, which enables poorly conducted scientific
research to be weeded out before it reaches the eyes of readers less
qualified to judge the rigour of the work. This may to some extent be
true, even if peer review failed to spot weaknesses in the now
discredited Fleischmann-Pons cold fusion experiments of 1989 or stop the
MMR scare.
But the peer review process is also open to abuse. Just as the social
sciences became infected by political correctness 20 years ago, climate
science has become governed by climatic correctness. To question the
consensus that the world is facing fire and tempest as a result of
anthropocentric global warming is, in the eyes of some working in the
field, simply not allowable. That is something which was revealed in the
Climategate scandal of 2009 when leaked emails from the University of
East Anglia caught out scientists who had been withholding data, trying
to keep rivals’ papers out of journals and in one case threatening
violence against a sceptical scientist.
The BBC at first declined to go into the content of the emails,
preferring to treat the story as a case of data theft. The fact that the
emails contained material of extreme public interest seemed to count
for nothing. The unknown individuals who leaked the emails can only
dream of the hero worship afforded to Edward Snowden and Julian Assange;
attitudes on the left towards release of information seem to swing
dramatically depending on what information is being released.
The same is true of the BBC’s attitude towards balanced debate —
something which is supposed to be guaranteed by its charter. The BBC has
decided that it is allowable to debate such issues as whether benefit
cuts are causing distress or whether sports-women are being
discriminated against by male-dominated bastions — something the Today
programme does virtually every morning. But dare to question whether it
is wise for the country to embark on the economic experiment of
abandoning fossil fuel on the back of some far-from-robust scientific
models, and you will have to find another media outlet.
Frack to the Future
"I think it’s appropriate that George Osborne is dieting,” Nigel Lawson
says, with a knowing smile.“Controlling public expenditure is about
saying ‘No’ and sticking to it. And dieting is exactly the same.”
As a former chancellor of the exchequer and the author of his own
best-selling diet book, Lord Lawson of Blaby knows whereof he speaks on
the issue of belt-tightening. And with a sprightliness and energy that
belie his 82 years, one of the Tory party’s biggest of big beasts is
relishing his role as a troublesome éminence grise.
The recipient of The House magazine’s Lifetime Achievement Award earlier
this year, he’s helped redraft the UK’s banking regulation, runs a
thinktank on climate change and is a constant critic of HS2 and the EU. A
regular attendee in the House of Lords, Lord Lawson appears to be more
politically active than at any time since his departure from Margaret
Thatcher’s Cabinet 25 years ago. Far from resting on his laurels, he’s
as focused on the future as any new intake MP.
Energy policy is one of his chief passions, not least since the creation
of his own Global Warming Policy Foundation in 2009. But his keen
interest in the issue stretches back to the early 1980s, when he was
Margaret Thatcher’s energy secretary. With the coal strike looming,
Lawson sought to redefine the way the UK bought and sold energy. Given
the way the subject has soared up the political agenda of late, does he
think he was ahead of the game?
“I do, if I may say so,” he says. “If you want an impartial witness, the
leading energy economist in this country is Professor Dieter Helm, who
has written the definitive account of British energy policy since the
war. He says that the 1982 speech which I made to a meeting of the
International Association of Energy Economists in Cambridge was the most
important speech ever made by an energy secretary and it defined the
whole of our energy policy for a long time to come.”
The main thrust of that speech was to say there is no reason to treat
energy any differently from any other area of policy, despite the habit
of British governments to interfere in the largely state-owned industry.
“A sensible energy policy should be part and parcel of our economic
policy,” Lawson says. “And just as our economic policy was to give the
state a reduced role and to give market forces a greater role, so that
should apply to energy as well.” Crucially, he prepared the ground for
the gas and electricity privatisations to come.
The former chancellor has long defied the conventional wisdom on climate
change too. When the world was congratulating itself on the Kyoto
Treaty in 2004, Lawson was among those who wrote a letter to the Times
warning of uncertainties in the science. Last year, he won a bet with
Oliver Letwin that Kyoto would expire without any successor in place.
“I was not the first, but I think that certainly I realised very early
on that this had been accepted as gospel by people who had not done any
proper analysis,” he says. “It’s a new religion. That is why it is so
difficult to change people’s minds, because they are not interested in
the facts – it’s a belief system.” The Treasury still strong in his
bones, he says the real issue is not so much the science as the policy
response and a proper cost-benefit analysis. “What is the extent of the
damage? And how does it compare with the benefits from warming? Because
there undoubtedly are benefits, even the IPCC [International Panel on
Climate Change] accepts that; it’s where does the balance lie?
“Then there is also the political issue that because it’s an extremely
costly policy, it means we go from relatively cheap and reliable energy
to relatively expensive and unreliable energy. And you’re not getting
any benefit on the climate front because there isn’t a global
One Cabinet minister who was brave enough to voice claims that there
could actually be benefits from global warming was Owen Paterson. The
Environment Secretary’s remarks to a Tory conference fringe last year
caused uproar among some green groups. But Lawson is a big fan and says
Paterson should not be moved in the coming reshuffle.
“I would be disappointed to see him moved out of government, not just
because of this issue but because I think he’s one of the best ministers
in the Government. I think he did a very good job in Northern Ireland
and I think that he understands the countryside and farming very well,
but he also has a very good mind. It would be a great loss to the
Government, which needs all the talent it can get.”
He points out that conservation is a key Conservative belief. “Owen
Paterson is very conscious of that. The green issue is not just one
issue. If you get hung up on the evils of fossil fuel and as a result
you litter the countryside with wind farms, not only is that economic
nonsense in energy terms, but it is not environmentally friendly either.
Solar farms, too, they are appalling environmentally. Wind turbines
kill really serious numbers of birds.”
Of course, one of David Cameron’s first acts as Tory leader was to
underline his ‘green’ credentials with his infamous trip to the polar
ice cap. Lawson understands why David Cameron felt the need to ‘rebrand’
the Conservatives, but clearly feels it was misguided. “Margaret
Thatcher, even though she was a really great prime minister, I think the
country had got tired of her, as it gets tired of almost anybody after a
long period of government,” he says. “But it was largely about her
manner, not her policies. So there was no need to get a whole new raft
of different policies in a great rebranding exercise. But the ‘hugging
huskies’ and all that was part of the rebranding and of ‘going green’ in
“I think it was a great mistake. I think that, without really admitting
it, I think they are trying quite hard to row back from that. But of
course it’s always hard to row back from anything you’ve made a big
splash about, but it’s all the harder because of the Coalition.”
Given his own enthusiastic backing for the expansion of the City during
the Thatcher years, it’s perhaps not surprising that the former
chancellor is not over-keen on the Coalition’s rhetoric about
“rebalancing the economy” at the expense of financial services. “I think
that is foolish and unwise,” he says. “The only sort of rebalancing I
would like is to see the north of England share more in the economic
success. But the way to do that is not by building this absurdly
expensive High Speed 2, for which there is no sensible case at all.
“The way to do it is by developing shale gas resources in the north of
England, particularly in the north-west,” he adds. “We need to go for
that. If you look at what’s happened in the United States, it has
completely transformed the economies of some of the poorest parts of the
United States. We could have that here.”
George Osborne is resolutely behind HS2, but he does appear to have
listened to people like Lawson and others who strongly support fracking.
How often do the pair of them talk? “I do see him from time to time,
but George sees quite a lot of people so I have no special locus,” he
explains. The informal ‘council of former chancellors’ (Howe, Lawson and
Lamont) no longer meets Osborne, however. “When I see him, which is
only infrequently, I see him just à deux.”
The Real Climate Dogmatics
Some people find climate change ‘deniers’ the most irritating people on
God’s green earth. On her Telegraph blog Martha Gill equates them with
flat-earthers, which says a lot for the depth of her analysis. She
points to a piece on the Huffington Post by Bob Ward of the Grantham
Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment (funded by
billionaire Greenpeace contributor Jeremy Grantham, who also sponsors an
$80,000 prize for environmental reporting – which this article will
stand no chance of winning) and says it demolishes the deniers’
arguments. The problem is that it doesn’t.
Those who think ‘deniers’ are a problem and seek to put them down are in
doing so misrepresenting the science they want to uphold. Once they
said ‘deniers’ did not believe that carbon dioxide was a greenhouse gas
or that mankind was pumping it into the atmosphere, or even that the
globe had warmed in recent decades. And so-called deniers never took
issue with any of this. Their questions were at a deeper level, but it
took years for the media to notice.
You can make a strong case that all this ‘denial’ has been good for
climate science. Some of these ‘deniers’ actually found that the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s supreme icon – the ‘hockey
stick’ graph showing a recent alarming rise in global temperature – was
wrong. Then they pointed out that the global annual average surface
temperature was not rising as predicted. To some it was an obviously
fictitious, mischievous ploy to cast doubt on climate change, a
misinterpretation of a minor recent blip in what is obviously an upward
trend in global surface temperature that has been going on for well over
a century.
But the ‘deniers’ were right. The non-publicity seeking real climate
scientists who published their thoughts in peer-reviewed literature knew
something was going on with global surface temperatures, and debated
its significance and possible causes in unreported papers that only the
‘deniers’ seemed to read. Eventually the pause was recognised for what
it is. The journal Nature called it the biggest problem in climate
science, and so it is. Something that was said to be a denier’s ploy has
now more than a dozen serious scientific possible explanations. The
so-called deniers were closer to the science and far ahead of media
But there is still trouble with climate change ‘denial’ according to Bob
Ward. He criticises Lord Lawson for saying that he denies any link
between climate change and the weather events of earlier this year. Bob
Ward said the Met Office has laid it out. Yes they have, and this is
what their report said:-
‘As yet, there is no definitive answer on the possible contribution of
climate change to the recent storminess, rainfall amounts and the
consequent flooding. This is in part due to the highly variable nature
of UK weather and climate.’
Bob Ward also cherry-picks his answer to counter Lord Lawson’s statement
that the effect of carbon dioxide on the earth’s atmosphere is probably
less than was previously thought. That is actually a fair and
scientifically reasonable standpoint to take and were it made amongst
scientists at a conference there would be sober discussion. It is
significant that the latest IPCC report on climate sensitivity to carbon
dioxide does not cite a best estimate, whereas the previous one did.
The latest report notes a substantial discrepancy between
observation-based estimates of the effect of carbon dioxide and
estimates from climate models. This is not settled, there is room for
Regarding the freezing of the Thames in the 17th century and the
occurrence of Frost Fairs, Bob Ward says it is a ‘sceptic canard’ that
this was due to a cold climate. He believes the narrowness of bridges
and not the so-called Little Ice Age was to blame. Actually both had an
influence, as did the building of embankments. The Little Ice Age – once
thought to be confined to Europe but now recognised to have occurred
worldwide – was a definite period of colder climate that had devastating
consequences. We still cannot explain what happened.
Few scientists would say that scepticism is not a good thing in science,
but somehow those who ask valid questions of climate science are
different. Motives are impugned, qualifications questioned. The problem
lies not with their questions but with the inflexible and dogmatic way
that some commentators and indeed some scientists regard climate
science. There is also a major problem with the quality of the
scholarship of many commentators who are all too quick to dismiss
sensible questions as ‘obviously fantastical rubbish supported only by
anecdote and untested assertions.’
Climate science is important. We must deal with it and we must
understand it. But it’s complicated. Not everything fits or is settled
or consistent. Today’s obvious answers may not be tomorrow’s. Things
change, values are revised up and down, and people have different
opinions about the same data. Simple answers are seldom totally
waterproof. It’s science and science is all about the awkward questions.
The ‘deniers’ know this. Some others seem not to.
Holding Greenpeace accountable
Poor countries should hold Big Green groups and directors liable for deaths, ravage they cause
Paul Driessen
Fossil fuel and insurance company executives “could face personal
liability for funding climate denialism and opposing policies to fight
climate change,” Greenpeace recently warned several corporations. In a
letter co-signed by WWF International and the Center for International
Environmental Law, the Rainbow Warriors ($155 million in 2013 global
income) suggested that legal action might be possible.
Meanwhile, the WWF ($927 million in 2013 global income) filed a formal
complaint against Peabody Energy for “misleading readers” in
advertisements that say coal-based electricity can improve lives in
developing countries. The ads are not “decent, honest and veracious,” as
required by Belgian law, the World Wildlife ethicists sniffed. Other
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) make similar demands.
These are novel tactics. But the entire exercise might be little more
than a clever attempt to distract people from developments that could
create problems for thus far unaccountable Big Green organizations.
I don’t mean Greenpeace International’s $5.2 million loss a couple weeks
ago, when a rogue employee (since fired) used company cash to conduct
unauthorized trades on global currency markets. Other recent events
portend far rougher legal and political waters ahead for radical
eco-imperialists, especially if countries and companies take a few more
pages out of the Big Green playbook.
India’s Intelligence Bureau recently identified Greenpeace as “a threat
to national economic security,” noting that these and other groups have
been “spawning” and funding internal protest movements and campaigns
that have delayed or blocked numerous mines, electricity projects and
other infrastructure programs vitally needed to create jobs and lift
people out of poverty and disease. The anti-development NGOs are costing
India’s economy 2-3% in lost GDP every year, the Bureau estimates.
The Indian government has now banned direct foreign funding of local
campaign groups by foreign NGOs like Greenpeace, the WWF and US-based
Center for Media and Democracy. India and other nations could do much
more. Simply holding these über-wealthy nonprofit environmentalist
corporations to the same ethical standards they demand of for-profit
corporations could be a fascinating start.
Greenpeace, WWF and other Big Green campaigners constantly demand
environmental and climate justice for poor families. They insist that
for-profit corporations be socially responsible, honest, transparent,
accountable, and liable for damages and injustices that the NGOs allege
the companies have committed, by supposedly altering Earth’s climate and
weather, for example.
Meanwhile, more than 300 million Indians (equal to the US population)
still have no access to electricity, or only sporadic access. 700
million Africans likewise have no or only occasional access. Worldwide,
almost 2.5 billion people (nearly a third of our Earth’s population)
still lack electricity or must rely on little solar panels on their
huts, a single wind turbine in their village or terribly unreliable
networks, to charge a cell phone and power a few light bulbs or a tiny
These energy-deprived people do not merely suffer abject poverty. They
must burn wood and dung for heating and cooking, which results in
debilitating lung diseases that kill a million people every year. They
lack refrigeration, safe water and decent hospitals, resulting in
virulent intestinal diseases that send almost two million people to
their graves annually. The vast majority of these victims are women and
The energy deprivation is due in large part to unrelenting, aggressive,
deceitful eco-activist campaigns against coal-fired power plants,
natural gas-fueled turbines, and nuclear and hydroelectric facilities in
India, Ghana, South Africa, Uganda and elsewhere. The Obama
Administration joined Big Greeen in refusing to support loans for these
critically needed projects, citing climate change and other claims.
As American University adjunct professor Caleb Rossiter asked in a
recent Wall Street Journal article, “Where is the justice when the U.S.
discourages World Bank funding for electricity-generation projects in
Africa that involve fossil fuels, and when the European Union places a
‘global warming’ tax on cargo flights importing perishable African
Where is the justice in Obama advisor John Holdren saying ultra-green
elites in rich countries should define and dictate “ecologically
feasible development” for poor countries? As the Indian government said
in banning foreign NGO funding of anti-development groups, poor nations
have “a right to grow.”
Imagine your life without abundant, reliable, affordable electricity and
transportation fuels. Imagine living under conditions endured by
impoverished, malnourished, diseased Indians and Africans whose life
expectancy is 49 to 59 years. And then dare to object to their pleas and
aspirations, especially on the basis of “dangerous manmade global
warming” speculation and GIGO computer models. Real pollution from
modern coal-fired power plants (particulates, sulfates, nitrates and so
on) is a tiny fraction of what they emitted 40 years ago – and far less
harmful than pollutants from zero-electricity wood fires.
Big Green activists say anything other than solar panels and
bird-butchering wind turbines would not be “sustainable.” Like climate
change, “sustainability” is infinitely elastic and malleable, making it a
perfect weapon for anti-development activists. Whatever they support is
sustainable. Whatever they oppose is unsustainable. To them,
apparently, the diseases and death tolls are sustainable, just, ethical
and moral.
Whatever they advocate also complies with the “precautionary principle.”
Whatever they disdain violates it. Worse, their perverse guideline
always focuses on the risks of using technologies – but never on the
risks of not using them. It spotlights risks that a technology –
coal-fired power plants, biotech foods or DDT, for example – might
cause, but ignores risks the technology would reduce or prevent.
Genetically engineered Golden Rice incorporates a gene from corn (maize)
to make it rich in beta-carotene, which humans can convert to Vitamin
A, to prevent blindness and save lives. The rice would be made available
at no cost to poor farmers. Just two ounces a day would virtually end
the childhood malnutrition, blindness and deaths. But Greenpeace and its
“ethical” collaborators have battled Golden Rice for years, while eight
million children died from Vitamin A deficiency since the rice was
In Uganda malnourished people depend as heavily on Vitamin A-deficient
bananas, as their Asian counterparts do on minimally nutritious rice. A
new banana incorporates genes from wild bananas, to boost the fruit’s
Vitamin A levels tenfold. But anti-biotechnology activists repeatedly
pressure legislators not to approve biotech crops for sale. Other crops
are genetically engineered to resist insects, drought and diseases,
reducing the need for pesticides and allowing farmers to grow more food
on less land with less water. However, Big Green opposes them too, while
millions die from malnutrition and starvation.
Sprayed in tiny amounts on walls of homes, DDT repels mosquitoes for six
months or more. It kills any that land on the walls and irritates those
it does not kill or repel, so they leave the house without biting
anyone. No other chemical – at any price – can do all that. Where DDT
and other insecticides are used, malaria cases and deaths plummet – by
as much as 80 percent. Used this way, the chemical is safe for humans
and animals, and malaria-carrying mosquitoes are far less likely to
build immunities to DDT than to other pesticides, which are still used
heavily in agriculture and do pose risks to humans.
But in another crime against humanity, Greenpeace, WWF and their ilk
constantly battle DDT use – while half a billion people get malaria
every year, making them unable to work for weeks on end, leaving
millions with permanent brain damage, and killing a million people per
year, mostly women and children.
India and other countries can fight back, by terminating the NGOs’
tax-exempt status, as Canada did with Greenpeace. They could hold the
pressure groups to the same standards they demand of for-profit
corporations: honesty, transparency, social responsibility,
accountability and personal liability. They could excoriate the Big
Green groups for their crimes against humanity – and penalize them for
the malnutrition, disease, economic retractions and deaths they
perpetrate or perpetuate.
Actions like these would improve billions of lives and bring some accountability to Big Green(backs).
Via email
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
13 July, 2014
Pop musician creates skeptical video
According to, founding OVERKILL drummer Lee "Rat Skates"
Kundrat has written ad directed a new ad that uses graphic Holocaust
footage in an apparent attempt to downplay the idea of global warming.
Check it out below.
Skates, who grew up in a middle-class household in New Providence, New
Jersey, has reportedly been making short videos for conservative causes
for the last few years. The 53-year-old former musician raised eyebrows
last December when he created a seemingly pro-Christian ad dubbed "War
On Christmas" (see below) which was described by one site as "freakish
and a bit disturbing." Skates also wrote and directed a short video in
2012 featuring teens puzzling over the policies of President Obama. The
clip, which can be seen below, was described by Skates as "the boldness
of Bill O'Reilly meets the encouragement of Joel Osteen in this
street-level documentary and study guide."
Rat has been professionally involved in the filmmaking industry since
1999, writing and producing a wide variety of projects, from corporate
advertising and television commercials to the performing arts. He also
worked with director Rick Ernst as associate producer on the documentary
"Get Thrashed".
SOURCE Videos at link
Informing a Slate Reporter (politely) About Heartland’s Climate Skeptic Conference
by Jim Lakely
Slate reporter Will Oremus reached out to me on Tuesday afternoon
seeking comment about Heartland’s climate conference in Las Vegas this
week. We talked for about 20 minutes and I tried to fill in what he
might have missed while he watched the conference from home.
Oremus was cordial enough — as was I — but the information I tried to
impart didn’t take in his story for Slate. Below is the email I sent
Ormeus to correct the record:
After wrapping up The Heartland Institute’s 9th International Conference
on Climate Change, I saw your piece in Slate titled “The Climate
Optimists.” That term has a good ring to it, and is a pretty accurate
description of the views expressed at the world’s leading conference of
scientific “skeptics” of man-caused global warming. Considering all the
doom and gloom the media has reported about the climate over the last
couple of decades, the optimistic and data-based truth needs quite a bit
more play in the media.
As I explained over the phone to you, the term “denier” is a calumny the
eco-left has long employed to equate skepticism of catastrophic
man-caused global warming with Holocaust denial. It is shameful, and I’m
disappointed to see you employed that slur in your story. Nonetheless, I
appreciate your efforts to write a story about Heartland’s latest
climate conference remotely by watching some of the live feed.
You would have served yourself and Slate’s readers better, however, if
you had come to Las Vegas in person. Your understanding of the data and
viewpoints of the speakers and scientists would have been greatly
enhanced by a chance to talk to them on the side between sessions, as
other journalists did. Since you were not able to do that, let me
correct some errors, and fill in some of the facts and context your
story lacked.
For starters, a lot more than “several” of the speakers at the
conference were scientists. Twenty-eight of the 61 presenters have
earned PH.Ds, while others have masters degrees. Also, you note that
many of the scientists who presented aren’t “climate scientists.” But
what is a “climate scientist”?
Bob Carter, Ph.D., is a paleogeologist. His expertise allows him to
closely examine the historical climate record. Is understanding that
climatic history irrelevant to examining what’s been happening since the
Industrial Revolution? Of course not. So he is a “climate scientist.”
Willie Soon, Ph.D., specializes in solar activity. Indeed, he is among
the world’s leading scientists in that field. Sebastian Lüning, Ph.D.,
is a geologist who has also been keenly focused on how the sun affects
the climate and is a leader in this field. Is solar activity irrelevant
to the earth’s climate? Of course not. So they are “climate scientists.”
Jennifer Marohasy, Ph.D., specializes in analyzing and interpreting
historical rainfall data. Is an examination of precipitation patterns
over a long period of time irrelevant to the earth’s climate? Of course
not. So she is also a “climate scientist.”
I could do that all day with only the 28 Ph.D.s who presented at our
conference. As I explained in our phone interview, gaining the full
picture of what is happening to our climate requires bringing together
experts in various disciplines to share their data and analysis. Any
single person who claims to be strictly a “climate scientist” — and
suggests he has definitive authority — is merely preening for the sake
of PR. Understanding the climate is a team effort, as the scientists who
presented at The Heartland Institute’s latest conference would attest.
You write: “Still, the Heartland crowd is careful to frame its arguments in terms of science and skepticism rather than dogma.”
The “Heartland crowd” was not being “careful” about that. It just
happens — because the scientists who speak at our conferences actually
do frame their arguments in terms of science. You really should have
come to or watched more of the conference, which you can still do here
by clicking on the links below the “live feed.”
You write: The nearly 18-years of no global warming “has been a godsend
for those looking for holes in the prevailing models of catastrophic
future warming.”
Another way to write that sentence would be:
“The lack of global warming for almost 18 years pokes holes in the prevailing models of catastrophic future warming.”
The models the IPCC and alarmists rely upon to make policy have been
wrong for decades. (See Dr. Roy Spencer’s presentation at our conference
here.) If they couldn’t accurately predict what’s happened for the last
30 years, why should we trust them to be right in predicting the next
100 years? You should have a little more healthy skepticism about that,
and be asking the alarmists why their models have failed so
You write: “Many are still focused on disputing the basic link between
atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and global temperatures. As I watched
the conference, it became clear that some have little trouble flipping
between the two viewpoints.”
As I explained to you over the phone, unlike the alarmists — who all
sing in perfect harmony about man-caused climate calamity from the
group-think hymnal — the scientists who speak at our conferences don’t
all agree on everything. That’s the nature of bringing together
scientists who study the climate from diverse disciplines. That’s
healthy for science, as well as the goal of advancing greater public
understanding of what is actually happening to the climate.
Also, there is no “basic link” between CO2 levels and global
temperatures. As I mentioned to you on the phone, global human-caused
CO2 emissions have increased over the last 17 years and 10 months, but
global temperatures have not risen along with it. Yet 95 percent of the
UN IPCC’s climate models said temperatures would. Doesn’t that tend to
disprove the “basic link”?
As Patrick Moore showed in his presentation at the conference — and
others did in their turns at bat — the long-term historical record shows
no causal connection between CO2 and global temperature. Correlation is
not causation, and there isn’t even a strong correlation — as we’ve
seen for the last 17 years and 10 months.
You write: “That doesn’t mean, of course, that the evidence on both
sides is equal. There’s a reason the climate deniers are losing the
scientific debate, and it isn’t because academia is better funded than
the energy industry.”
This is a non sequitur that presumes the climate realist side is
swimming in “energy industry” money. As I told you on the phone,
Heartland’s conference was not funded by the energy industry, and no
skeptic scientist is getting rich. To the contrary, many of the
scientists at our conferences suffer professionally because they do not
toe the alarmist line, but instead concentrate on the data that
contradicts the alarmist, always-wrong computer models. That level of
basic scientific and personal integrity has cost the skeptic scientists
plenty. There’s an excellent story for you in that fact, shared often
during the conference.
You single out Patrick Michaels, and dismiss him as receiving
“fossil-fuel industry” money. Dr. Michaels was past president of the
American Association of State Climatologists. He was a professor at the
University of Virginia for 30 years. His credentials are impeccable.
Michaels’ presentation this year focused on how science has been
corrupted because anyone who dares to apply the scientific method to the
alarmist conclusions is blackballed from science journals — and also
doesn’t receive university support or grants. You really ought to watch
Michaels’ presentation. There’s another story just in that.
Academia is better funded than the “energy industry” in the only aspect
that matters: funding to support climate research. The federal grants
flow only to university professors who will toe the alarmist line.
Exxon, which stopped donating to Heartland in 2006 (two years before our
first climate conference) donates generously to green groups.
Chesapeake Energy has donated (as of 2012) $26 million to the Sierra
Club. There are scores more examples of the “fossil fuel industry”
supporting alarmists and green groups a whole lot more than any skeptic
One last thing on the idea that the skeptics are “losing the scientific
debate.” A Rasmussen poll released July 9, the last day of Heartland’s
conference, showed that only 20 percent of Americans “think the global
warming debate is over.” Sixty-three percent said “the debate about
global warming is not over” and another 17 percent is “not sure.” That
means this: Decades of media and academic alarmist indocrination have
left only 20 percent of Americans agreeing with Al Gore, various climate
alarmist groups, Hollywood, and the mainstream media’s insistence that
“the debate is over” about the hypothesis that human activity is causing
a climate crisis.
The Heartland Institute is proud to have played any part in that poll
result. For what it’s worth, a Gallup poll from January showed that 23
percent of Americans identify themselves as “liberal.” Most liberals
believe in man-caused global warming and have little interest in hearing
the other side of the scientific argument. While I’m not a fan of
correlation studies, the data match is interesting and something to
You write: “Touting the recent slowdown in global average surface
temperatures, for example, implies that such temperatures do in fact
tell us a lot about the health of the climate. That will become an
awkward stance in a hurry if the temperatures soon resume their climb.”
Again, isn’t the “recent slowdown in global average temperature” a much
more troubling problem for the alarmists? None of them predicted it. But
for them, the rising temperatures from about 1950 forward in the 20th
Century was “proof” that AGW is a “fact” — a huge problem that requires
massive, government-directed reorganization of the energy economy. As
Patrick Moore and others pointed out at our conference, we’re actually
not all that warm today from a long-term (epochal) perspective. And even
if you want to shrink that perspective down to the dawn of human
history, the earth has still often been significantly warmer in the past
than it is today. Those periods of warming, by the way, have been
beneficial to humans, plants, and animals.
Indeed, many of the scientists at our conference agree with what Patrick
Moore stated in his plenary address: Living things on Earth would
benefit from even more CO2 in the atmosphere, not less. You surely think
that is a radical statement, but the science backs it up. Again, watch
Moore’s presentation.
Finally, “extreme weather events” are not on the rise. Category 3
hurricanes striking the US are at an all-time low since record-keeping
began — which means tomorrow and the next day set a new record for major
hurricanes not hitting the US. Tornadoes, especially the number of
strong ones, are significantly fewer these days than the most recent
20th century peak in the 1970s. And Joe Bastardi was right: Wildfires
have burned up less acreage of land in 2013 than in many years past.
That is all directly opposite of what climate alarmists predicted. Maybe you should ask them some questions.
Climate Change, Human Health, and Adaptation
Panel 11 of the 9th International Conference on Climate Change was on
the subject of “Climate Change, Human Health, and Adaptation.” The panel
was primarily concerned about how climate change, and government
responses to it, might affect the quality and extent of human life in
the future.
The featured speakers in this panel were Dr. Craig Loehle, Dr. John Dale
Dunn, and Myron Ebell. These three panelists argued that the negative
health effects touted by the IPCC and the federal government are not
realistic and that the real threat people face is regulatory overreach.
In his talk, Dr. Loehle, an ecologist, asks the question at the
beginning of his talk: “Will warming increase disease?” This is what the
IPCC and the Obama administration’s 2014 Climate Assessment Report
contend. But is that the case?
Contrary to the IPCC narrative, Loehle argues that an historical survey
of the diseases in question will reveal that warming is not so great a
threat as is believed. He explains that most diseases have been fought
by improvements in infrastructure and general welfare, not
In the case of malaria particular, Loehle challenges some of the
prevailing narratives. The contention of the IPCC and various public
health organizations is that increased temperatures will increase
mosquito populations, warm the water and increase the incidence of
flooding. Loehle says that malaria is not prevalent because of
temperature, but because of other factors. Indeed, he says that malaria
was endemic in Russia and Scandinavia until very recently.
The defeat of malaria in the Western world was thanks in large part to
elimination of standing water, particularly in rain barrels, in favor of
piped water. By denying mosquitoes their breeding grounds near humans,
the disease was eradicated. Loehle suggests that the same could be
accomplished in the developing world by focusing on economic development
over environmental issues. He also favors the widespread use of DDT to
control mosquito populations.
Dr. Dunn, a physician, carries the torch of public health further in his
presentation. He contends that warmer temperatures tend to be better
for humans, as their cardiovascular and circulatory systems tend to be
overtaxed in winter. He points to the fact that deaths in winter are 10%
higher than in summer. Climate change may thus provide some positive
public health benefits to people.
Myron Ebell turns the panel toward the subject of regulations and other
responses to the perceived threats of climate change. Ebell argues that
the dominant paradigm in which the issue of climate change is viewed is
misguided, saying that, “We should not be talking about mitigation of
climate change. We should be talking about adaptation to environmental
change and environmental challenges.”
Ebell shows particular concern for the Obama administration’s plans to
beef up the EPA and policies that will radically increase the scope of
the Endangered Species Act. As government projects will be required to
take into account climate change impacts before being undertaken, and as
“habitat corridors” are carved out of the nation’s landscape,
individuals’ freedoms look sure to be curtailed.
The problem with regulations of such a sweeping sort as the Obama
administration is rolling out is that they do not allow for much nuance,
and invariably stifle the economic development that is at the core of
America’s prosperity. It does not seem like the administration realizes
the full extent of the damage it might do to the economy. We can only
hope they wise up before it’s too late.
EPA Is Desperately in Need of Budget Cuts. Here’s a Few Places to Start
Of late, it seems the Environmental Protection Agency has been acting
like a misbehaved child—recklessly doing what it wants at the expense of
others without any supervision. And just as parents punish children by
taking away their allowance, Congress should do the same to the EPA and
cut its budget.
Cutting the EPA’s budget does not mean a world of unchecked polluters
and environmental degradation in America. Tightening the agency’s purse
will rein in the EPA’s heavy-handed, unilateral reach into the economy.
EPA’s $8 billion-per-year budget has remained steady through the last
decade, (see table 5.1) with some significant peaks from the Obama
stimulus package. But the EPA has a disproportionately large impact on
Americans in terms of both freedom and economic burden that is passed on
to states, localities and individuals. It issued 21 major regulations
with annual compliance costs of $37.8 billion in President Obama’s first
term alone.
Shrinking the EPA budget, then, is more about returning the federal
government to a more acceptable size and empowering states and
individuals to once again take care of the environment, as they have
proven they can do successfully.
Reducing the EPA’s budget and regulatory reach isn’t a question of
choosing between clean or unsafe air, water and lands. It’s about
putting management back into the right hands. States have unique
incentive to manage the environment and have networks that are much
bigger and more varied than EPA’s, especially given the size of the area
EPA is trying to manage compared to individual states.
Innovation and the free market promote prosperity and improve
environmental quality, not command and control under the premise of
“partnerships” with and “flexibility” for the states.
Congress should prevent the EPA from implementing regulations that will
drive up living costs for American families for little, if any,
environmental benefit. These include:
Regulating carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas
emissions, including regulations for vehicles, power plants and other
major emitters.
Federalizing all of America’s “navigable waters”,
which poses enormous risk to individual freedom, property rights and
economic growth
Implementing more stringent National Ambient Air Quality Standards.
Imposing a new Stream Buffer Zone rule that
fundamentally changes the federal–state relationship in protecting the
environment from coal mining and reclaiming abandoned mined lands.
Rather than tailor regulatory requirements to regional and local needs,
the EPA approach would usurp the role of states.
Garnishing wages and creating difficult and flawed
procedures to collect from those who violate EPA regulations.
Administering any new regulations on hydraulic fracturing.
Implementing Tier 3 gas regulations to lower the amount of sulfur in
gasoline beginning in 2017. More stringent sulfur regulations could add 6
cents to 9 cents per gallon to the cost of manufacturing gasoline—and
the EPA has declared no measurable air quality benefits would occur.
Eliminating New Source Review that stifles innovation
and prevents businesses from making major upgrades that would reduce
Prohibiting funding for the Renewable Fuel Standard,
which has been an economic and environmental boondoggle, and
artificially raises the price of gasoline.
Further, Congress should cut back EPA spending and eliminate programs
that are either wasteful, duplicative or simply not the role of the
federal government. A first cut at the EPA’s budget would save $1.38
billion from the FY2013 Continuing Resolution numbers. Programs that
Congress should cut immediately include:
Oil spill programs (Savings from FY2013: $15.3
million). The onus to prepare, prevent and clean up oil spills should be
on oil companies, not taxpayers. In fact, the fines received from the
Deepwater Horizon spill should offset some of the need for taxpayers to
foot the bill for the EPA. According to the agency’s budget support
document, the EPA obtained $1.1 billion in federal administrative and
civil judicial penalties in FY 2013—a record $1 billion of it from
Transocean for its liability in the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf
of Mexico. That’s 1/8th of the agency’s entire budget. Some money may be
necessary to enforce and administer laws and for immediate response,
but the large majority of oil spill cleanup activities should be
devolved to the state and local level.
Climate Protection Program (Savings: $47.8 million)
The Air, Climate and Energy program spends money on climate reporting,
assessing climate impacts, state and local technical assistance programs
and on biofuels research. We shouldn’t have a biofuel program to begin
with, and the EPA definitely does not need one since the Department of
Energy operates several. Moreover, the EPA’s budget justification says
money is available to enable “the EPA to investigate the impact of a
changing climate on air pollution emissions at a reduced level.” In
other words, the EPA not only wants to impose regulations that cost
Americans billions but reduce global temperatures by less than a degree,
it wants more money to measure that change.
Leasing Underutilized Space (Savings: approximately $21 million)
According to a 2013 EPA Inspector General report, the agency could save
more than $21 million by leasing underutilized space.
Grant programs and Information Exchange/Outreach: (Savings: $1.14
billion) The EPA should not be funding Environmental Education Grants
and other grant programs such as job training grant programs. EPA has
allocated taxpayer money to projects that educate and increase awareness
about stewardship. Previous education money has gone toward funding for
poster contests that have included contests on sun protection, asthma
awareness and radon. The majority of grants have been awarded to
nonprofits with schools being a distant second, and the most popular
topics are biodiversity and general “environmental literacy.” Even the
Obama administration has recognized a need to cut back on revolving
state grants, reducing its FY2014 budget request by $581 million.
Clean Diesel Program (savings: approximately $30 million) Only $30
million was authorized for the EPA’s clean diesel program in 2012, but
hundreds of millions have been spent over the years to develop more than
60,000 pieces of clean diesel technology, such as “emissions and idle
control devices, aerodynamic equipment, engine and vehicle replacements,
and alternative fuel options.” If these technologies are economically
viable and consumer demand exists, these products will be developed
without the help of taxpayers.
Regional programs that state and local governments should own and manage
($124.5 million). The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative is supported
by the Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, Department of Health and Human Services, Department
of Homeland Security, Department of Housing and Urban Development,
Department of the Interior, Department of State, Department of
Transportation … and the EPA. Both the Obama administration and
Republicans support cuts for GLRI, the entirety of which should be
phased out and/or transitioned fully to state ownership.
Environmental Justice (Savings: $7.3 million) The EPA’s environmental
justice program is unnecessary and spends money superfluously, such as
the $1.6 million it spent on a hotel for a conference this June or the
$1.2 million for the “Environmental Justice Collaborative
Problem-Solving Cooperative Agreement Program.” Congress should
eliminate this program.
The proposed cuts outlined here merely scratch the surface of a rogue
agency that has wildly spent and regulated outside its purview. It’s
time for Congress to step up and rein in the agency, and a healthy round
of budget-cutting is a good place to start.
EPA easing radiation restrictions
Raising the EPA Radiation Limit Will Save Thousands of Lives and
Billions of Dollars. Radiation limits were far more restrictive
than science justified and caused hundreds of billions of dollars of
economic loss to America and the world
The EPA is raising the radiation threat level by a factor of 350. That
may sound unbelievable but it is assuredly a good thing: The previous
limits were far lower than science justified and caused hundreds of
billions of dollars of economic loss to America and the world.
The trigger for the change was the government recognizing the
ramifications of two things. The first is the reality of nuclear
terrorism. The Government Accounting Office (GAO) has recently insisted
that the EPA establish realistic limits in accordance with the latest
science. Under the old limits, a tiny “dirty bomb” explosion in an
American city would have meant evacuating hundreds of thousands of
The second is Fukushima. After the catastrophic meltdown at the Japanese
nuclear power plant in 2011, some 130,000 people were forcibly removed
from their homes in accordance with strict radiation standards. This
resulted in the unnecessary and unfortunate deaths of some 1600 elderly
and ill persons. Yet no residents died—or even became ill—from the
radiation. Even so, Japan closed down 48 nuclear plants and Germany
announced it would close all of its plants. The cost to their citizenry
in higher electricity prices—and higher carbon emissions—is staggering.
The cost to U.S. citizens is staggering as well. Ultra-low limits have
delayed and prevented the construction of new nuclear power plants,
added billions to the cost of refurbishing old reactors and Superfund
clean-up sites, scared Nevada residents into opposing the opening of the
Yucca Mountain nuclear waste storage facilities, and triggered panic
whenever there has been a slight increase in radiation almost anywhere
for any reason. One remembers the Three Mile Island nuclear leaks, where
residents were exposed to less radiation than they got from the granite
building blocks at the Senate hearing room when they testified.
Fortunately, the EPA is making changes that acknowledge the shortcomings
of ultra-low radiation limits. The EPA has now asked for public comment
on changing its standards for nuclear power plants. The deadline
was June 4.
Further, in Florida, the EPA has given up on enforcing a very expensive
radiation cleanup under the old rules. This is a tremendous move that
has nevertheless come under attack from environmental extremists who
promised to resist the new rules even if “health effects prove
reliable.” Some 100 watchdog groups have joined the attack.
Much of the reason for the EPA’s prior low exposure fears comes from a
theory in computer models that the cancer risk is directly proportional
to the dose of radiation. This is untrue below the 10 REM threshold of
exposure as is well detailed in a Forbes article. Yet the theory, called
LNT (linear no-threshold model), has done untold damage to America.
(Further explanation and links are available in my earlier article
Terrorism and Radiation.) The EPA change specifically refers to one time
events, although its historic 15 millirem limit barely distinguished
between short and long term exposure. Nuclear workers with prolonged
exposure face a different risk. The first ICRP (International Commission
on Radiological Protection) recommended a “tolerance dose” of no more
than 70 REM per year (0.2 roentgen per day), but more research needs to
be done in this area, e.g. a 40 hour work week of exposure compared to
continuous exposure. EPA’s limit was a maximum 5 REM over a full year.
The new nuclear limits should prompt the EPA to modify the extreme 15-25
millirem limits in other areas under its jurisdiction. Specifically,
these should include allowing new nuclear electric plants to follow the
same rules. Clean-up of past nuclear waste disposal sites would be
another area of multi-billion dollar savings. The difference in cost is
astronomical. Southern California Edison has now shut down its San
Onofre nuclear plant because of the high cost of replacing steam
generators. Higher radiation limits might make the repairs economically
viable. The Yucca Mountain storage site costs should be recalculated
from the past 15 millirem limit using the new risk numbers. However, the
EPA has also specifically stated that the new guide “will not affect
the agency’s Superfund authorities, existing cleanup regulations or
current health and safety standards.” Currently the EPA’s Superfund
clean up standards are based upon a risk factor of 1 person in 10,000
possibly developing cancer under LNT models. LNT theory does not
distinguish between one-time exposure and continuous exposure.
Then there is the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Using the same old EPA
limits, it fanned the flames of panic in Japan by urging Americans up to
50 miles away to flee Fukushima. It should also update its risk
What’s missing now are some reliable analyses of the billions of dollars
in savings that will result from using the new limits. In the nuclear
weapons programs, the new limits should be analyzed and new safety rules
put in place. Canadian nuclear physicist Jerry Cuttler, to whom I am
indebted for much of the above information, suggests that the ALARA
limits (as low as reasonably achievable) should be changed to AHARS (as
high as reasonably safe).
Equally important, the EPA change brings attention to the issue that
economic costs can be considered in its rulings. Historically, EPA
denies this premise based upon its original mandate, which does not call
on the agency to consider economic costs, it claims. The EPA has won in
court with this argument. Most recently, Politico reported that “a
three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit
upheld EPA’s rule, known as MATS, denying challenges from states,
utilities and industry groups which argued the rules came out of a
flawed regulatory process and illegally imposed exorbitant costs on
power producers that will force dozens of power plants to close down.”
The industry argued that this decision would substantially raise
electricity rates for consumers in much of the nation. EPA decisions are
based on the same linear no-threshold models that any minimal exposure
will cause cancer or asthma among some proportion of the population. But
under this theory, even tiny amounts of sunlight are a threat to some
human beings. As science advances to allow measuring parts per billion
or even per trillion, EPA has proceeded to continuously tighten its
Other skeleton in the EPA’s closet are environmental limits caused by
its policy of “chasing the last molecule.” If EPA could be forced to
modify its radiations limits, what about its other extremes? Take
sulfur, for example. Its prevalence has already been reduced by 90
percent. Still, using its now discredited LNT theory, EPA is has ordered
refiners to eliminate the last 10 percent. This will add between 6 and 9
cents per gallon to the cost of gasoline.
There is another major implication. Many if not most of the EPA's other
limits on pollutants and carcinogens are also deduced from the faulty
LNT theory. Eliminating 90 percent of some chemical or dust is often
easily accomplished, however, eliminating the last 10 percent can cost
billions more than the first 90 percent. For example, a Wall Street
Journal report on ozone explains that new EPA limits reducing ozone from
today’s 75 parts per billion to 60 to 70 ppb would cost industry some
$90 billion, according to the EPA itself. These are the costs that many
industries are howling about and a real reason that Americans’ standard
of living has stopped increasing. Much analysis, beyond the scope of
this report, needs to be researched for dozens of other excessive limits
imposed by Washington, D.C.
The yearly cost of unnecessary EPA regulations is in the many hundreds
of billions of dollars, reducing wages and hurting the world's standard
of living. And yet these positive modifications are under severe attack
from green extremists. Rather than fighting sensible and cost-saving
reforms, they should help rescue the legitimate environmental movement
from far-left activists whose hysterical opposition to logical standards
truly threatens world prosperity.
Australia: So-called protectors the real marine polluters
LISTEN to the Greens, Labor or their broadcast arm, the ABC, and you
might think the biggest threats to the pristine waters of north
Queensland and the Great Barrier Reef came from the mining industry and
the ships that serve our export industry.
Dig a little deeper though and you will find it is the ecoterrorist
group Sea Shepherd, a darling of the Leftist media, that has been
fouling our northern waters.
Not that you would know about it if you were wedded to the
taxpayer-funded broadcaster, Fairfax or the other news services which
pander to the group. Yet it was Sea Shepherd Ltd, whose Australian arm
is chaired by former Greens leader Bob Brown, which was found guilty of
pouring up to 500 litres of diesel into the Trinity Inlet, the
mangrove-lined estuary which serves as the port to the city of Cairns,
and fined $15,000 last month for marine pollution.
Another case of do what I say, not what I do, for the global green
movement. According to court records, Sea Shepherd’s ship New Atlantis
pumped diesel fuel into the harbour as the ship was moored alongside the
Cairns wharf on October 13, 2012.
It was claimed that a crew member failed to manually flick the “low
level” switch during a fuel transfer, despite being aware the switch was
The court was told Sea Shepherd Australia, which had only recently taken
possession of the ship and brought it from Japan a week earlier, had
yet to translate signage and manuals or repair the switch.
Crew members had been given basic handover information but the chief
engineer had to work out the ship’s systems “by his own devices” due to
instruction manuals and other materials all being in Japanese.
All crew members were volunteers and were either German, Dutch or
American. Fortunately, a member of the public noticed diesel flowing
into the sea and after unsuccessfully attempting to alert crew members
notified the master of a ship moored alongside who boarded the New
Atlantis and notified its crew.
“She noticed a strong smell of diesel fuel and saw liquid running from
the New Atlantis into the water,” the court document read.
“The smell was so strong the passer-by had to put a jumper over her nose ...”
Magistrate Kevin Priestly called the amount “not insignificant” and
questioned why a crewmen carried out the fuel transfer and not the chief
engineer. No conviction was recorded against Sea Shepherd and the group
was given six months to pay.
While Sea Shepherd’s polluting activities were not reported by some,
every accusatory claim made by the Greens about the development of the
deep water Abbot Point harbour has been unquestioningly repeated, even
though they have been baseless
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
11 July, 2014
Warmer Climate Could Mean More Kidney Stones?
Crap! The underlying journal article is Daily Mean Temperature and Clinical Kidney Stone Presentation in Five U.S. Metropolitan Areas: A Time-Series Analysis.
The findings are correlational ones so do not enable inferences about
causes. And the elevation of risk associated with temperature was
very slight anyway. Relative risks were around 1.3. The
Federal Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence, Second Edition says (p.
384): "the threshold for concluding that an agent was more likely than
not the cause of an individual's disease is a relative risk greater than
The consequences of global warming and climate change isn’t just limited
to the decline in population of endangered species. A new study has now
linked warmer climate to an increased risk of kidney stones among the
individuals residing in the area.
Rising temperatures, it is believed, may be linked to an increase in the
number of people who fall prey to kidney stones and other painful
urinary tract obstructions.
“These findings point to potential public health effects associated with
global climate change,” study leader Dr. Gregory Tasian, a pediatric
urologist and epidemiologist at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia,
The researchers examined medical records of over 60,000 patients who
were diagnosed with kidney stones between the years 2005 to 2011, and
also compared the information so obtained with the daily temperature
data. The patients recruited for the study lived in cities with
different climates- Philadelphia, Dallas, Chicago, Atlanta and Los
Careful observation revealed that as the annual temperature rose above
50 degrees, the number of individuals affected by kidney stones rose.
Also, the number of kidney stone diagnosis rose within three days of
rise in temperature.
“Although 11 percent of the U.S. population has had kidney stones, most
people have not,” Tasian added. However, he believes that “it is likely
that higher temperatures increase the risk of kidney stones in those
people predisposed to stone formation.”
While the exact reason behind this strange relation is not very well
understood, researchers believe that warmer temperatures contribute to
dehydration, which in turn, cause calcium and other minerals to deposit
in the urine, which can spur kidney stone formation.
“Kidney stone prevalence has already been on the rise over the last 30
years, and we can expect this trend to continue, both in greater numbers
and over a broader geographic area, as daily temperatures increase,”
Tasian concluded.
The results from this study are now published in the journal Environmental Health.
Power grab: EPA wants to garnish wages of polluters
Accused violators of pollution laws would have little recourse
The Environmental Protection Agency has quietly floated a rule claiming
authority to bypass the courts and unilaterally garnish paychecks of
those accused of violating its rules, a power currently used by agencies
such as the Internal Revenue Service.
The EPA has been flexing its regulatory muscle under President Obama,
collecting more fines each year and threatening individuals with costly
penalties for violating environmental rules. In one case, the agency has
threatened fines of up to $75,000 per day on Wyoming homeowner Andy
Johnson for building a pond on his rural property.
“The EPA has a history of overreaching its authority. It seems like once
again the EPA is trying to take power it doesn’t have away from
American citizens,” Sen. John Barrasso, Wyoming Republican, said when he
learned of the EPA’s wage garnishment scheme.
Others questioned why the EPA decided to strengthen its collection muscle at this time.
Critics said the threat of garnishing wages would be a powerful
incentive for people to agree to expensive settlements rather than fight
EPA charges.
EPA officials did not respond to repeated questions by The Washington
Times about why they thought it was necessary to garnish people’s wages.
The EPA announced the plan last week in a notice in the Federal
Register, saying federal law allows it “to garnish non-Federal wages to
collect delinquent non-tax debts owed the United States without first
obtaining a court order.”
The agency cited authority under the Debt Collection Improvement Act of
1996 that centralized federal collection operations under the Treasury
Department, which oversees garnishments of wages or tax refund checks.
Under the law, every federal agency has the authority to conduct
administrative wage garnishment, provided the agency adopts approved
rules for conducting hearings where debtors can challenge the amount of
debt or terms of repayment schedule, a Treasury official said.
Still, the rule would give the EPA sweeping authority to dictate how and
whether Americans could dispute fines and penalties, even as the amount
of EPA fines collected from individuals, businesses and local
governments steadily increase.
The amount of fines raked in by the agency has jumped from $96 million
in 2009 to $252 million in 2012, a more than 160 percent increase,
according to EPA annual reports.
Putting the collection powers on a fast track, the agency announced it
in the Federal Register as a “direct final rule” that would take effect
automatically Sept. 2, unless the EPA receives adverse public comments
by Aug. 1.
The EPA said it deemed the action as not a “significant regulatory action” and therefore not subject to review.
The negative reactions began almost immediately.
In a comment letter submitted to the EPA, the conservative Heritage
Foundation faulted the rule for giving the government “unbridled
discretion” in controlling the process for challenging fines and wage
garnishment, such as dictating the site of a hearing without
consideration of the time and travel expense placed on the accused
The rule allows the EPA to decide whether a debtor gets a chance to
present a defense and then picks whomever it chooses to serve as a
hearing officer, even someone not trained as an administrative law
judge, wrote David S. Addington, group vice president for research at
The Heritage Foundation.
It also puts the burden of proof on the debtor, not the EPA, he said.
The EPA has been on the front lines of the battle over Mr. Obama’s
climate change agenda, including issuing proposed rules that would
require coal-fired power plants to cut carbon dioxide emissions by 30
percent over 15 years.
Critics say it will cause massive increases in the cost of electricity,
lead to power shortages and eliminate jobs, while making scant impact on
the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted worldwide.
The agency has been a magnet for criticism over new rules on things such
as wood-burning stoves and small streams or ponds on private land,
including waterways on farms and golf courses.
The EPA’s New Water Rule Leaves the Economy High and Dry
When the Clean Water Act was first conceived, the EPA could only
restrict entrepreneurs when they attempted to pollute bodies of water
that were used by their fellow businesses, or what the EPA calls
‘navigable waters.’ However, its original mission is far too modest for
modern-day bureaucrats.
In March the EPA unveiled their proposed “Waters of the U.S.” rule. If
finalized, this rule would expand the federal government’s regulatory
authority over millions of acres of wetlands and millions of miles of
streams. It would place virtually all bodies of water, no matter how
small their size or impact on commerce, under EPA authority.
Thankfully, legislators are taking action against this agency’s
extraordinary power grab. Last week, 31 senators, including Ted Cruz of
Texas and Mike Lee of Utah, introduced The Protecting Water and Property
Rights Act of 2014, a bill that would prevent the EPA from expanding
their authority under the CWA.
In the words of Senator Cruz, “The EPA is following in the footsteps of
our lawless President. The EPA's unilateral expansion of the Clean Water
Act to include regulation of puddles and temporarily flooded areas is
an abuse of power that would allow the EPA to march into the backyards
of many Americans. Congress must exercise its power to strictly define
what the EPA may do under the Clean Water Act to protect our nation's
landowners, farmers, and homeowners from undue harassment by the EPA."
In the House of Representatives, the Appropriations Committee approved a
bill on June 18 that would fund the Army Corps of Engineers, but with a
provision that bars the agency from enforcing the Waters of the US
rule, a move in the right direction.
The way the agency justified this exponential expansion of their powers
over bodies of water traditionally regulated by states and localities
was by making the case that all bodies of water in one way or another
flow into these larger navigable waters. In a study published last
September, the EPA made the case that because all bodies of water have a
connection to one another, pollution in a single stream could flow to
the rest. Coincidentally, this study was released to the public the very
same day that they proposed the rule.
If the EPA were to expand its authority over even more of America’s
waters, its damaging effect on the economy would only grow. A business
or property owner who simply wishes to move soil from one area of a body
of water to another must apply for a permit, since this movement is
considered to be polluting. The average permit can cost upwards of
$271,000 and take 788 days to be processed which leads to private
companies and municipalities annually being forced to pay $1.7 billion
to the EPA for the right to develop or build over bodies of water. And
if a developer fails to secure the proper permits, $37,500 in fines can
be incurred every day for unlawfully developing a stream or wetland.
This is not the first time that the EPA has overreached in its
authority. In 1986 the agency claimed that any body of water that a
migratory bird landed in was under its jurisdiction. Its blatant and
repeated abuse of its authority was checked first in 2001 and again in
2006 when the Supreme Court ruled in Rapanos v. The United States that
the EPA could not block a developer from filling in a wetland in order
to build a mall even though it was connected by a stream to a larger
body of water. As Justice Kennedy wrote in his decision, the EPA must
prove that a “significant nexus (connection)” exists between the body of
water the agency claims jurisdiction over and navigable waters. So
rather than accept the court’s decision, the EPA concocted a study last
year that claims that all bodies of water have a significant connection
to navigable waters, and thus should be under its authority.
At a time when it is still unclear if the country is on the road to
economic recovery, we can’t afford additional burdensome regulations
that inhibit entrepreneurs and farmers from working and investing on
their own property.
Bast: If There’s No Global Warming, There’s No Climate Change Problem
With satellite data showing no global warming for 17 years and 10
months, and even the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) acknowledging a “pause” in rising temperatures, it’s time
to stop talking about a climate change problem, says Joe Bast,
president and CEO of the Heartland Foundation.
"Global warming is still at the heart of climate change. All the climate
changes are attributable to the increase in temperature in the climate,
so even if they might want to talk about sea level rise and heat being
stored in the lower ocean and all these indirect climate effects, the
engine for that, the cause of all that is global warming,” Bast told
“And if there is no global warming, or if it’s paused, or if it’s less
than what they thought, or if the human impact is less than they
thought, then that whole paradigm collapses. Whether you call it climate
change or global warming, if there’s no warming going on, it’s not a
“I would say two years ago, we could have concluded that,” Bast added.
“NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said 15
years was the cut-off date in an influential [2008] report…. But even
the alarmists said that if there was no warming for 15 years, that that
would invalidate the models that they were using. So it’s rare that the
other side puts a date on something like that, but they did it this
time, and I think we ought to hold them to it.”
Noting that the behavior of prominent climate change scientists is
“characteristic of a movement that’s about to crash,” Bast pointed out
that the “alarmists” invited to debate the “skeptics” at Heartland’s 9th
Annual Conference on Climate Change in Las Vegas this week declined to
defend their contention that the Earth is facing catastrophic warming
and that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are to blame.
“We invited scores of scientists who are on the alarmist side of this
debate to attend and present their ideas,” Bast told “In
the past, we’ve had one or two willing to do that, and they’ve always
been treated with great politeness and allowed to debate. But none of
them this time agreed to take us up on our offer.”
“Why do you think that is?” asked Bast.
“I think they’re afraid to debate. They’re just afraid,” he replied.
“They know in front of an audience of their peers that they will lose.”
On June 25, President Obama mocked those who challenge the theory that
man-made global warming is causing catastrophic climate change, telling
the League of Conservation Voters that it is a fact despite 17-plus
years of evidence to the contrary.
"You can ignore the facts; you can't deny the facts," the president said.
But Bast criticized the Obama administration for doing just that by
promulgating energy policies based on flawed computer models’
predictions of global warming, which actual temperature data have since
proven to be wrong.
“I don’t think this administration’s policies are based on science at
all, which is why they just ignore every report and every scientist who
says they’re wrong on this,” Bast told
He also criticized Senators Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
and Ben Cardin (D-MD) for claiming that “97 percent of scientists agree
that [carbon dioxide] is leading to dangerous climate change that is
affecting our families” at a June 18 hearing of the Senate Environment
and Public Works Subcommittee.
“The scientific community is deeply divided on some of the underlying
science issues, like whether or not models can forecast future climate,
and what the trade-offs, the feedbacks are in the environment, so
there’s just tremendous uncertainty,” Bast said.
“This is one of the big unsolved scientific issues of our day, and for
politicians to be saying 97 percent of all scientists agree on this is
“Frankly, the science doesn’t matter to President Obama or to any of
those Democratic senators. They’ve decided that they want to wage a war
on fossil fuels, they’ve decided that they want to subsidize and promote
a new energy industry, renewables, and global warming is just a handy
excuse, or smoke and mirrors, that they can use to sell this agenda,"
Bast told
Asked whether most Americans are aware that the Earth has not warmed for close to 18 years, he replied:
“I think the people who are paying attention have figured this out. The
American people see prominent left-wing politicians talking about this
issue and the more they talk about it, the more the public understands
that this is a political issue, not a science debate.”
Now that actual temperature data has confirmed the skeptics’ view that
carbon dioxide is not causing catastrophic global warming, Bast says
it’s time to move on, especially since billions of dollars have already
been spent trying to stop a non-existent threat.
“I think the other side is just going to double down on ad hominen
attacks and outrageous lies, like the 97 percent consensus and claims
about the weather. They’re going to try to keep the focus away from what
the real issue now should be,” he said.
“Going forward, the issue is: what do we do legislatively? How
should public policy be changed, now that we know global warming is not a
crisis, now that we know the costs of trying to reduce emissions are
enormous and would cause lots of negative consequences?”
“I would love to have that debate,” Bast continued. “We tried to start
that debate a good 10, 15 years ago and people were so concerned about
the science that they didn’t want to discuss how much it would cost to
try to stop this thing. Now that the science has been thrown out, we
need to be having a debate about what we should be doing.
“And that debate, I think, logically leads to we should start getting
rid of all the subsidies to wind and solar and ethanol, we should start
looking at ways of adapting to climate change regardless of whether it’s
natural or man-made, and probably encourage innovation, both in the
energy sector and manufacturing, because that’s where we have win-win
Meanwhile, he pointed out, more and more scientists are quietly backing
away from their prior claims that the Earth has a “fever,” as former
vice-president Al Gore once put it.
“I think the IPCC in its last report kind of hit a dead end, and some
very prominent folks are saying that. The editors of Nature
editorialized that this should be the last report from the IPCC,” Bast
said, characterizing the reports as “massive compilations of obsolete
research” trying to prove “a broken paradigm.”
“Now the folks at Nature are still committed alarmists, although I think
they’re walking that back, admitting that it’s more complicated, or
that it might take longer, or that reducing emissions might not be the
way to try to respond to the possible problems,” he said.
Even groups that have been “sitting on the sidelines, not willing to
challenge the science,” are now speaking out publicly, he added, noting
that the Heartland Institute has done so since its founding in Chicago
in 1984.
“We took a lot of bullets, a lot of arrows for doing that,” Bast said. “But it’s great. I love the company.”
Missouri Lawmaker Introduces Bill To Halt All EPA Regulations
For one Missouri lawmaker, fighting individual Environmental Protection
Agency regulations — like the recent rule on carbon emissions from power
plants — isn’t enough.
Rep. Sam Graves (R-MO) introduced a bill on Wednesday that would halt
all EPA rules that are currently in the works and prompt a review of all
previous EPA regulations. H.R. 5034, titled the Stop the EPA Act, would
also require Congress to approve all previous and new regulations that
cost $50 million or more. Under the bill, any that aren’t approved by
Congress won’t become law.
“My legislation will give the American people a voice in the regulator’s
room when the President and the EPA try and go around Congress,” Graves
said in a statement. “EPA aggression has reached an all-time high, and
now it must be stopped.”
Graves’ legislation was prompted by the EPA’s “Waters of the United
States” proposal, which aims to clarify what streams and rivers are
under the jurisdiction of the federal government, under the Clean Water
Act. It’s also aimed at the EPA’s new rule on carbon emissions from
power plants, a proposal that multiple other lawmakers have attempted to
undermine or overturn in recent months. House Republicans introduced an
EPA funding bill this week that would block the agency’s new power
plant rule, and nine states have signed on to coal company Murray
Energy’s lawsuit against the agency, claiming that the new rule
constitutes EPA overreach.
The EPA has long been the target of attacks from industry and lawmakers, however.
“The Obama EPA has waged an all-out War on Coal, promulgating a series
of rules and regulations seeking to eliminate the United States coal
industry, and the very good jobs, and low cost electricity, which it
provides,” Murray Energy said in a release after filing its lawsuit
against the EPA. “Indeed, the lives and livelihoods of entire families
in many regions of America are being destroyed.”
Super pollutants
Joe Romm ups the ante below. CO2 causes only 60% of warming, he
says. We have to fight the 40% caused by "super pollutants" too
Some confusion has been generated on this issue by a Tuesday New York
Times piece, “Picking Lesser of Two Climate Evils,” which frames our
optimum climate strategy as a choice between targeting CO2 and targeting
super pollutants like methane, hydrofluorocarbons, and black carbon,
that together cause some 40% of the warming we’re experiencing now.
But that is a “false choice,” as longtime NASA climate scientist Drew
Shindell explained to me. We have to do both to maximize lives saved and
minimize the chances of dangerous warming. That’s a point Climate
Progress has made consistently.
The New York Times piece builds off an analysis by climatologist Raymond
Pierrehumbert on “Short-Lived Climate Pollution” (SLCP). He concludes
that an “implementation of SLCP mitigation that substitutes to any
significant extent for carbon dioxide mitigation will lead to a climate
irreversibly warmer than will a strategy with delayed SLCP mitigation.
SLCP mitigation does not buy time for implementation of stringent
controls on CO2 emissions.”
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
10 July, 2014
High quality NOAA Data Show U.S. in Decade-Long Cooling
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s most accurate,
up-to-date temperature data confirm the United States has been cooling
for at least the past decade. The NOAA temperature data are driving a
stake through the heart of alarmists claiming accelerating global
Responding to widespread criticism that its temperature station readings
were corrupted by poor siting issues and suspect adjustments, NOAA
established a network of 114 pristinely sited temperature stations
spread out fairly uniformly throughout the United States. Because the
network, known as the U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN), is so
uniformly and pristinely situated, the temperature data require no
adjustments to provide an accurate nationwide temperature record. USCRN
began compiling temperature data in January 2005. Now, nearly a decade
later, NOAA has finally made the USCRN temperature readings available.
According to the USCRN temperature readings, U.S. temperatures are not
rising at all – at least not since the network became operational 10
years ago. Instead, the United States has cooled by approximately 0.4
degrees Celsius, which is more than half of the claimed global warming
of the twentieth century.
Of course, 10 years is hardly enough to establish a long-term trend.
Nevertheless, the 10-year cooling period does present some interesting
First, global warming is not so dramatic and uniform as alarmists claim.
For example, prominent alarmist James Hansen claimed in 2010, “Global
warming on decadal time scales is continuing without letup … effectively
illustrat[ing] the monotonic and substantial warming that is occurring
on decadal time scales.” The word “monotonic” means, according to
Merriam-Webster Online, “having the property either of never increasing
or of never decreasing as the values of the independent variable or the
subscripts of the terms increase.” Well, either temperatures are
decreasing by 0.4 degrees Celsius every decade or they are not
Second, for those who may point out U.S. temperatures do not equate to
global temperatures, the USCRN data are entirely consistent with – and
indeed lend additional evidentiary support for – the global warming
stagnation of the past 17-plus years. While objective temperature data
show there has been no global warming since sometime last century, the
USCRN data confirm this ongoing stagnation in the United States, also.
Third, the USCRN data debunk claims that rising U.S. temperatures caused
wildfires, droughts, or other extreme weather events during the past
year. The objective data show droughts, wildfires, and other extreme
weather events have become less frequent and severe in recent decades as
our planet modestly warms. But even ignoring such objective data, it is
difficult to claim global warming is causing recent U.S. droughts and
wildfires when U.S. temperatures are a full 0.4 degrees Celsius colder
than they were in 2005.
Even more importantly than the facts above, the USCRN provides the
promise of reliable nationwide temperature data for years to come. No
longer will global warming alarmists be able to hide behind thinly
veiled excuses to doctor the U.S. temperature record. Now, thanks to the
USCRN, the data are what the data are.
Expect global warming alarmists, now and for the foreseeable future, to
howl in desperation claiming the USCRN temperature data are irrelevant.
Of course, to global warming alarmists, all real-world data are irrelevant.
Less than Half of Americans Say Humans Causing Global Warming
A newly released poll by the Pew Research Center reveals a majority of
Americans believe either there is no solid evidence of recent global
warming or recent global warming is caused by nature rather than human
activity. According to the poll, merely 40 percent of Americans believe
there is solid evidence of recent global warming and such warming is
caused primarily by humans.
Looking more closely at the numbers, 61 percent say there is solid
evidence the Earth is warming while 35 percent say there is no such
solid evidence. Within the 61 percent saying there is solid evidence of
warming, 40 percent say humans are likely the cause, while 18 percent
say nature is the cause and 3 percent are unsure.
According to Pew, political liberals constitute the only group saying
global warming is occurring and humans are the primary cause. The poll’s
results show those same political liberals believe by overwhelming
margins that politicians should “do whatever it takes to protect the
The same poll shows Americans support building the Keystone XL pipeline by a margin of 61 percent to 27 percent.
Salvation and Conservation, or Ruination and Confiscation?
“I’ve preserved more than 3 million acres of public lands for future
generations, and I am not finished,” President Obama proudly declared
before signing a proclamation newly designating the 500,000-acre Organ
Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument in New Mexico in mid-May. “I’m
searching for more opportunities to preserve federal lands where
communities are speaking up, because wherever I see an opening to get
things done for the American people, I’m going to take it.”
In the perfect centrally-planned fantasy world inhabited by Obama and
his fellow Big-Government progressives, politicized and top-down
bureaucratic control really is the smartest and most effective means for
ensuring proficient environmental stewardship and preserving our
natural heritage for future generations.
But back here in the real world, Big Government simply isn’t getting the job done.
Passed at the height of the progressive movement in 1905, the
Antiquities Act empowers the executive to unilaterally declare public
landmarks and assign the federal government with the seemingly simple
and innocuous task of environmental preservation.
Back in March, the president used the act to designate more than 1,600
acres along the Northern California coast as the Point Arena-Stornetta
Public Lands. And in March of last year, he used the act to “protect”
more than 240,000 acres as the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument,
also in New Mexico. And all of this despite the fact that the National
Park Service (which only directly manages about 15 percent of all
federal lands) already has an estimated deferred maintenance backlog of
at least $12 billion.
Deferred maintenance projects include repairs for roads, bridges, hiking
trails, sewer systems, and pollution controls which go unaddressed
while the fate of our national parks and natural resources are often
left to await the mercy of political and fiscal decisions in Washington,
The federal government already owns almost a third of the entire surface
area of the United States, but is constantly in a position to acquire
more through the Land and Water Conservation Fund, a funding mechanism
derived mostly from offshore oil and gas leases and used as a means for
the federal government to grab more land without having to also provide
for the funds to steward its existing lands. Obama’s 2014 budget asked
that Congress fully fund the LWCF to the tune of $900 million, never
mind that it is egregiously irresponsible for the federal government to
be in the business of growing the federal estate when it cannot even
properly manage the land that it already owns.
It can be quite politically difficult for opponents to argue against any
executive action that gets to use something as apparently innocuous as
environmental conservation as its ostensible mission statement, and
don’t progressive environmentalist know it!
For decades, litigious environmentalist groups have used the growing
reams of regulations governing the federal estate to go to court to
steer public-land management and policy decisions in the direction that
they prefer. That direction reliably means pushing land-use policies
away from the sort of dynamism and innovation that allows for
diversified, productive uses like cattle grazing, timber harvesting,
energy development, and even recreation, and usually toward shutting off
entire areas from human use on the supposed behalf of the desert
tortoise or the sage grouse or some other almost-approaching- endangered
Clinton-era U.S. Forest Service chief Jack Ward Thomas once noted that court battles have tied the agency into a
“Gordian knot” that creates a “vicious cycle of increasing costs, time
delays, and inability to carry out management actions.” As a result, the
Forest Service is severely limited in their forest- thinning and other
fire-suppression activities. This has led to catastrophic wildfires that
have ravaged the arid West.
Instead of bringing still more lands under the inept umbrella of
top-down management, the federal government needs to start selling off
federal lands, both for the sake of the environment and the budget (and
if that seems a bridge too far for too many, then the Obama
administration can at least open up the federal estate to innovative,
more free-market techniques like commercial leasing or public-private
park partnerships that can actually generate revenue and court
management decision from the people on-the-ground with the most complete
Big-Government-loving environmentalist types are all too happy to accept
on faith that the federal government is the best possible steward of
environmental quality across the American landscape, rather than the
hotbed of inefficiency, incompetence, and increasing costliness that
ruins ecosystems, restricts access, dampers rural economies, and runs up
the national deficit that it actually is
The corporation now seems to take its orders from the green lobby and is generating alarm over the environment
The BBC’s behaviour grows ever more bizarre. Committed by charter to
balanced reporting, it has now decided formally that it was wrong to
allow balance in a debate between rival guesses about the future. In
rebuking itself for having had the gall to interview Nigel Lawson on the
Today programme about climate change earlier this year, it issued a
statement containing this gem: “Lord Lawson’s views are not supported by
the evidence from computer modelling and scientific research.”
The evidence from computer modelling? The phrase is an oxymoron. A model
cannot, by definition, provide evidence: it can provide a prediction to
test against real evidence. In the debate in question, Lord Lawson said
two things: it was not possible to attribute last winter’s heavy rain
to climate change with any certainty, and the global surface temperature
has not warmed in the past 15 to 17 years. He was right about both, as
his debate opponent, Sir Brian Hoskins, confirmed.
As for the models, here is what Dr Vicky Pope of the Met Office said in
2007 about what their models predicted: “By 2014, we’re predicting that
we’ll be 0.3 degrees warmer than 2004. Now just to put that into
context, the warming over the past century and a half has only been 0.7
degrees, globally . . . So 0.3 degrees, over the next ten years, is
pretty significant . . . These are very strong statements about what
will happen over the next ten years.”
In fact, global surface temperature, far from accelerating upwards, has
cooled slightly in the ten years since 2004 on most measures. The Met
Office model was out by a country mile. But the BBC thinks that it was
wrong even to allow somebody to challenge the models, even somebody who
has written a bestselling book on climate policy, held one of the
highest offices of state and founded a think-tank devoted to climate
change policy. The BBC regrets even staging a live debate between him
and somebody who disagrees with him, in which he was robustly challenged
by the excellent Justin Webb (of these pages).
And why, pray, does the BBC think this? Because it had a complaint from a
man it coyly describes as a “low-energy expert”, Mr Chit Chong, who
accused Lord Lawson of saying on the programme that climate change was
“all a conspiracy”.
Lawson said nothing of the kind, as a transcript shows. Mr Chong’s own
curriculum vitae boasts that he “has been active in the Green party for
25 years and was the first Green councillor to be elected in London”,
and that he “has a draught-proofing and insulation business in Dorset
and also works as an environmental consultant”.
So let’s recap. On the inaccurate word of an activist politician with a
vested financial and party interest, the BBC has decided that henceforth
nobody must be allowed to criticise predictions of the future on which
costly policies are based. No more appearances for Ed Balls, then,
because George Osborne’s models must go unchallenged.
By the way, don’t bother to write and tell me that Lord Lawson is not a
scientist. The BBC also rebuked itself last week for allowing an earth
scientist with dissenting views on to Radio 4. Professor Bob Carter was
head of the department of earth sciences at James Cook University in
Australia for 17 years. He’s published more than 100 papers mainly in
the field of paleoclimatology. So bang goes that theory.
The background to this is that the BBC recently spent five years
fighting a pensioner named Tony Newbery, including four days in court
with six lawyers, to prevent Mr Newbery seeing the list of 28
participants at a BBC seminar in 2006 of what it called “the best
scientific experts” on climate change.
This was the seminar that persuaded the BBC it should no longer be
balanced in its coverage of climate change. A blogger named Maurizio
Morabito then found the list on the internet anyway. Far from consisting
of the “best scientific experts” it included just three scientists, the
rest being green activists, with a smattering of Dave Spart types from
the church, the government and the insurance industry.
Following that debacle, the BBC commissioned a report from a geneticist,
Steve Jones, which it revisited in a further report to the BBC Trust
last week. The Jones report justified a policy of banning sceptics under
the term “false balance”. This takes the entirely sensible proposition
that reporters do not have to, say, interview a member of the Flat Earth
Society every time they mention a round-the-world yacht race, and
stretches it to the climate debate.
Which is barmy for two blindingly obvious reasons: first, the UN’s own
climate projections contain a range of outcomes from harmless to
catastrophic, so there is clearly room for debate; and second, this is
an argument about the future not the present, and you cannot have
certainty about the future.
The BBC bends over backwards to give air time to minority campaigners on
matters such as fracking, genetically modified crops, and alternative
medicine. Biologists who thinks GM crops are dangerous, doctors who
thinks homeopathy works and engineers who think fracking has
contaminated aquifers are far rarer than climate sceptics. Yet
Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth spokesmen are seldom out of
Broadcasting House.
So the real reason for the BBC’s double standard becomes clear: dissent
in the direction of more alarm is always encouraged; dissent in the
direction of less alarm is to be suppressed.
I sense that some presenters are growing irritated by their bosses’ willingness to take orders from the green movement.
Liberal Mega-Donor Wants to ‘Penalize People’ Who Add to ‘Climate Risk’
Speaking in New York City last week, Wall Street billionaire Tom Steyer
outlined his vision for penalizing people whose actions may contribute
to climate change.
“We need to reward people whose behavior reduces climate risk and
penalize people who add to it,” Steyer said. “If we can get this right, I
think there’s no doubt that our economy is going to continue to do very
Steyer’s comments came at an event with several wealthy businessmen—such
as former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg and former bankers and
government officials Hank Paulson and Robert Reich—to unveil a report
from Risky Business, an economic analysis of the financial impact to be
caused by climate change.
Deemed the “liberal answer to the Koch Brothers,” Steyer is one of the
richest businessman in America and played a key part in raising millions
of dollars to elect President Obama in 2008 once Hillary Clinton lost
the Democratic nomination.
Steyer met with Obama this week to discuss what the White House could do
to tackle climate change, and the “insurance industry’s role in helping
American communities prepare for extreme weather and other impacts of
climate change,” according to Reuters.
That points to a plan to allow insurance companies to begin assessing
for “climate risk” in certain industries, a more market-focused approach
to discourage industries from emitting large amounts of carbon dioxide.
Some of the people who may be “penalized” for adding to climate risks,
however, are workers in plants and factories all over the rust belt of
the United States. Although they recognize the need to mitigate the
effects of climate change, some believe this shouldn’t come to the
detriment of industries and traditional blue-collar workers.
“It is a fact that global warming threatens our planet. Scientists are
as certain of this as they are of the dangers of smoking or riding in a
car without a seatbelt,” said Tony Montana, spokesman for the local
United Steelworkers union in Pittsburgh. “Declaring ‘war’ on entire
industries, such as coal, oil, or natural gas, however, is not the
answer. These industries created and supported a way of life for workers
and their communities for generations.”
If the idea of penalizing carbon emitters eventually makes it to the
political process, Steyer has assured he will have allies in the fight.
NextGen Climate Action, a multi-million dollar political action
committee funded by Steyer, has already beefed up the Democratic Senate
Majority PAC with more than $5 million in hopes of guaranteeing the
issue of climate change remains a political issue in many key states.
Key union groups have similarly received funding by Steyer.
More taxpayer dollars for green energy?
There is an intentional tension in Washington. Our founding fathers
planned that opposing views would balance each other out — a push-pull
takes place. Spend. Don’t spend.
This tug-of-war is seen, perhaps most obviously, in the so-called
renewable energy field. After Solyndra, and the more than fifty other
stimulus-funded green energy projects that have failed or are circling
the drain, the public has grown weary, and wary, of any more spending on
green energy. The money isn’t there to spend and the motive behind the
2009 rush to push billions of taxpayer dollars out through the
Department of Energy has been tainted by corruption and illegal
The green-energy emphasis was sold as a job creator for unemployed
Americans, as a cure for global warming, and a way to slow a perceived
energy shortage. It sounded so positive in the many speeches President
Obama gave as a sales pitch to the American public.
Today, Americans know better.
They knew about Solyndra — which took millions and then folded. Thanks,
in large part to my exposé, many now know about Abengoa and the Solana
solar project—which took billions of tax-payer dollars and is now
functioning and producing electricity but does so by breaking
immigration and labor laws, giving foreigners hiring preference, and
stiffing American suppliers.
Watching multiple predictions fail and proponents get rich, Americans
instinctively know that the whole global warming agenda doesn’t add up —
as evidenced by this week’s International Conference on Climate Change
where more than 600 “skeptics” from around the world gather to discuss
real science and policy.
With headlines heralding: “North Dakota has joined the ranks of the few
places in the world that produce more than a million barrels of oil per
day,” people know there isn’t an energy shortage. And America’s new
energy abundance is on top of our rich reserves of coal and uranium that
can provide for our electrical needs for centuries to come.
Yet, the White House keeps pushing the green-energy narrative and, on
July 3, 2014, “The Energy Department Just Announced $4 Billion For
Projects That Fight Global Warming,” as the headline reads at
Wind Energy and the Production Tax Credit
Simmering just below the headlines is the push-pull over the Production
Tax Credit (PTC) for Wind energy that expired at the end of 2013.
A recent study from the Institute for Energy Research (IER) that
examined the state-by-state burden of the PTC, called the PTC “an
amazing subsidy” because it can “effectively give a utility a bigger
subsidy than the actual market price. It would be as if Uncle Sam
allowed car dealers to knock off $60,000 from their tax bill for every
$50,000 car they sold. Indeed, the PTC is so generous that it can result
in negative wholesale electricity prices.” The “Sharing the Burden of
the Wind PTC” report shows which states benefit most from the federal
subsidy and which lose—with Texas being the biggest winner having
received $394 million in the form of PTC credits.
Texans might be elated at their good fortune, however the IER study
points out that individual consumers “still lose from the existence of
the wind subsidies.” It states: “it’s not as if the IRS takes the
population of Texas and divides $394 million among them, evenly. Rather,
the wind subsidies are concentrated in the hands of a small group of
wind producers.” As a result, wind serves as a tax shelter for large
On June 26, wind energy proponents — including pages of signatories who
benefit financially from the tax credit — sent a letter to the top
Congressional leaders urging them to “support the immediate passage of
the Expiring Provisions Improvement Reform and Efficiency (EXPIRE) Act.”
On the other side, citizens, like Mary Kay Barton of New York, are
sending their elected federal representatives letters asking them not to
support a PTC extension as proposed in EXPIRE. She sent a letter to
Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) and he sent one back to her.
Schumer opens: “Thank you for writing to express your opposition to tax
credits, and subsidies for alternative energy. I share your opposition
to unsuccessful and unnecessary subsides.”
He then goes into a long paragraph about his effort to put an “end to
subsidies for huge oil companies” and brags about being a “cosponsor of
S.940, the Close Big Oil Tax Loopholes Act, which would roll back huge
subsidies and tax credit for large oil companies.” Green energy
supporters, such as Schumer, like to mix the terms “subsidies” and “tax
credits” with “tax deductions” — when they are completely different. A
subsidy, or loan guarantee, and tax credit involves taxpayer dollars
being doled out—or taxes not collected — to incentivize a favored
activity. This is not how America’s oil-and-gas producers are treated.
They do, however, receive tax deductions — like any other business —
that allow them to write of losses and the cost of doing business
against income. Additionally, as the New York Times, in a story about
corporate tax rates, reported last year: “Large oil companies typically
pay high rates.” It shows that the average tax rate among
companies is roughly 29 percent, while “large oil companies” are paying
37 percent and utility companies that “benefited from the 2009 stimulus
bill, which included tax breaks,” have an “overall” rate of 12 percent.
In response to Barton’s letter about ending the PTC for industrial wind,
Schumer continues: “I believe that it is necessary to balance our
country’s increasing energy needs with the need to protect the
environment. We must also focus on renewable energy and energy
conservation in order to meet our growing energy demands. According to
one study, if the U.S. increases its efficiency by 2.2 percent per year,
it could reduce foreign oil imports by more than 50 percent. Such
actions would not only reduce our dependence on foreign oil but would
also safeguard the environment.”
Barton told me: “You’ll note that Senator Schumer still seems to think
that subsidies for wind energy (electricity) will somehow ‘reduce
foreign imports,’ and then references increasing ‘efficiency’ in
response to a letter about inefficient, unreliable wind?” She’s picked
up on one of my favorite soapboxes: we could cover every available acre
with wind turbines and solar panels and it would do nothing to “reduce
our dependence on foreign oil” or increase America’s energy
independence. Wind and solar produce electricity and, through our coal,
natural gas, and uranium supplies, we are already electricity
independent. We import oil to fuel our transportation fleet.
As the fight over the PTC points out, wind energy cannot survive without the tax credits.
High Cost, Low Benefit
Wind energy is also more expensive than almost all other electricity
sources — only solar is higher. A new study from the Brookings Institute
on the “best path to a low-carbon future,” assumes that CO2 emissions
are causing climate change and therefore must be reduced. It analyzes
the costs and benefits of the most common solutions. The study found:
“Adding up the net energy cost and the net capacity cost of the five
low-carbon alternatives, far and away the most expensive is solar. It
costs almost 19 cents more per KWH than power from the coal or gas
plants that it displaces. Wind power is the second most expensive. It
costs nearly 6 cents more per KWH.” The study puts these additional
costs in context: “The average cost of electricity to U.S. consumers in
2012 was 9.84 cents per KWH, including the cost of transmission and
distribution of electricity. This means a new wind plant could at least
cost 50 percent more per KWH to produce electricity, and a new solar
plant at least 200 percent more per KWH, than using coal and gas
technologies.” The study concludes: “renewable incentives that are
biased in favor of wind and solar and biased against large-scale hydro,
nuclear and gas combined cycle are a very expensive and inefficient way
to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.”
Wind energy proponents cling to the idea that we must reduce fossil fuel
use and believe, therefore, that the extra cost is worth it. However,
because of the intermittency issues with wind and the reliability demand
from the consumer, it requires fully dispatchable back-up power
generation. Natural gas is the best form of back up because it can be
easily adjusted to produce more or less electricity — however the
constant adjustment results in less efficient use and more CO2
I like to explain the preference for natural-gas back ups this way.
Suppose you are going to cook a hamburger. You can cook it over charcoal
or natural gas/propane. To use charcoal, you mound up the charcoal in
the grill, soak it in lighter fluid, and toss in a match. You then wait
30 minutes for the coals to get nice and hot. Once hot, you put on your
burger and cook it for 5-8 minutes. You remove your burger and leave the
coals to die down — which could take several hours. On natural
gas/propane, you simply turn it on and light the grill. After giving it 5
minutes to heat up, you toss on your burger. When your burger is
cooked, you turn off the grill, and it is cool in minutes.
Natural gas is the preferred back up for wind (and solar) energy
because, as in the burger example, its production can more easily be
increased and decreased to follow the needed output — even though it
operates most efficiently at a consistent level. Coal-fueled electricity
generation cannot be simply turned up and down.
By way of answering the question: “Why are the costs of wind and solar
so much higher, and the benefits not much different from other
low-carbon alternatives?” the Brookings study states: “The benefits of
reduced emissions from wind and solar are limited because they operate
at peak capacity only a fraction of the time.”
It’s Not Just About the Money
If cost issues weren’t enough to make you a wind energy opponent, think of the health issues.
In late June, the American Bird Conservancy (ABC) took President Obama
up on his “so sue me” challenge and filed a lawsuit over his
administration’s modification of the 1940 Bald and Golden Eagle
Protection Act that now allows wind energy producers a thirty year
permit to kill the majestic birds. According to ABC spokesman Bob Johns,
“the Obama administration has gone too far with incentives for the wind
industry.” The Washington Times quotes Johns: “Since the 1980s, wind
turbines have killed an estimated 2,000-3,000 eagles, but the industry
has paid only one fine.”
Wind turbines hurt more than birds. On June 16, a Michigan judge agreed
with residents who live near the 56-turbine Lake Winds facility and who
complained of health problems that began just after the turbines began
operating. A lawsuit filed on April 1, 2013 argued that noise,
vibrations, and flickering lights emanating from Lake Winds were
adversely affecting their health.
Cape Wind
Despite these, and other harmful impacts — which include a loss of
property values when wind turbines are installed in a neighborhood — and
opposition from environmental groups and local fisherman, the
Department of Energy has just approved a stimulus-funded $150 million
loan guarantee for the controversial Cape Wind project planned to be
built in the Nantucket Sound. Cape Wind, scheduled to begin construction
in 2015, will be the first utility-scale wind facility in U.S. waters.
Addressing the loan guarantee announcement, the Boston Globe states:
“Now, with a large portion of financing in place, regulatory approvals
in hand, and most legal challenges resolved, the project has finally
reached a threshold where it is likely to get done.” Validating my
earlier point of higher cost, the Globe says the two largest utilities
in Massachusetts “agreed to purchase a total of 77.5 percent of the
power generated by Cape Wind at a starting price of 18.7 cents per
kilowatt hour—well above typical wholesale prices.”
Like other wind energy projects, Cape Wind is dependent on the PTC
extension. It is time for everyone who opposes government intervention
in markets to contact his or her representatives — as Mary Kay Barton
did — and voice opposition to the PTC extension. Call and say: “Stop
supporting wind energy. It is an inefficient system that leads to
perverse outcomes. The massive expansion of wind energy that we’ve seen
in the past six years would not survive on a level playing field.”
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
9 July, 2014
Climate Science Paper Censored By American Meteorological Society Journal
Research that questioned the accuracy of computer models used to predict
global warming was “censored” by climate scientists, it was alleged
One academic reviewer said that a section should not be published
because it “would lead to unnecessary confusion in the climate science
community”. Another wrote: “This entire discussion has to disappear.”
The paper suggested that the computer models used by the UN’s
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) were flawed, resulting
in human influence on the climate being exaggerated and the impact of
natural variability being underplayed.
The findings could have profound implications. If correct, they could
mean that greenhouse gases have less impact than the IPCC has predicted
and that the risk of catastrophic global warming has been overstated.
However, the questions raised about the models were deleted from the
paper before it was published in 2010 in the American Meteorological
Society’s Journal of Climate. The paper had been submitted in July 2009,
when many climate scientists were urging world leaders to agree a
global deal on cutting emissions at the Copenhagen climate change summit
in December that year.
Vladimir Semenov, a climate scientist at the Geomar institute in Kiel,
Germany, said the questions he and six others had posed in the original
version of the paper were valid and removing them was “a kind of
He decided to speak out after seeing a former colleague, Professor
Lennart Bengtsson, vilified for questioning the IPCC’s predictions on
global warming.
Professor Bengtsson, a research fellow at the University of Reading,
resigned from the advisory board of the Global Warming Policy
Foundation, Lord Lawson of Blaby’s climate sceptic think-tank, in May
after being subjected to what he described as McCarthy-style pressure
from fellow academics.
Dr Semenov said some seemed to be trying to suppress suggestions that
the climate was less sensitive to rising emissions than the IPCC had
“If you say there are some indications that the sensitivity is wrong,
this breaks the stone on which the whole building is standing,” he said.
“People may doubt the whole results.”
Dr Semenov said the reviewers who objected to the questions were
technically correct because they “were not explicitly based on our
results”. However, he said: “We had a right to discuss it . . . If your
opinion is outside the broad consensus then you have more problems with
publishing your results.”
A third reviewer was much more supportive of the paper, saying its “very
provocative” suggestion that climate models were flawed was “so
interesting that it needs to be discussed more fully”.
However, almost the entire paragraph was deleted, along with the
conclusion that “the average sensitivity of the IPCC models may be too
The journal chose to publish only the opening sentence: “We would like
to emphasise that this study does not question the existence of a
long-term anthropogenic warming trend during the 20th century.”
A spokesman for the American Meteorological Society said: “It is a
natural part of the review process for the author to be asked to make
changes, edits, and rewrites . . . The changes that are made in response
to the peer review ensure that the research results are as accurate as
How Green Activists Were Allowed To Draft Obama’s White House Energy Policy
President Barack Obama’s aggressive and controversial Climate Action
Plan grew out of a draft proposal from one of America’s richest
environmental activist groups, it emerged Monday.
The Natural Resources Defense Council, which spent $41 million of its
$210 million nest egg last year pushing for changes in energy policy,
circulated a 110-page document in 2012 that outlined what would become
the president’s latest salvo in the global-warming wars.
Now that the Obama administration has adopted the green-group’s plan,
the NRDC’s insider status is widely seen as an in-your-face response to
oil, gas and coal companies that had a seat at the table 13 years ago
when then-Vice President Dick Cheney convened meetings in secret to
chart future energy policy.
While the Bush administration focused on extracting as much energy out
of the ground as legally possible, the current White House’s policy is
to erect roadblocks in the path of ‘big coal’ while rewarding
alternative energy speculators with loan guarantees and other sources of
public funds.
The NRDC’s proposal departed from the green movement’s previous
one-size-fits-all approaches, allowing states to determine how to meet
stringent carbon-emission targets while drawing them all toward the
central goal of squeezing coal-generated electricity to the margins of
the U.S. national power picture.
As with the Obamacare law, however, state-based solutions could result
in a patchwork quilt of crisscrossing rules that aggravate tensions
between businesses and the White House, while opening up the floodgates
for a wealth of legal avenues by lawsuit-waving opponents.
Environmental Protection Agency regulators were among a narrow group of
stakeholders who got private briefings on the proposal beginning in
2012, and based their eventual written rules on what they heard.
‘Once enacted,’ The New York Times reported on Monday, the new EPA
regime ‘could do far more than just shut down coal plants; it could spur
a transformation of the nation’s electricity sector.’
Such a wholesale shift is high on the list of NRDC’s priorities, and its
three activists who wrote the proposal – and frequently advocate for
green policies with government agencies – had all the resources they
wanted to pull it off, according to an NRDC insider.
‘This was the most talked-about thing going on inside the organization,’
the veteran D.C. activist told MailOnline. ‘Nothing else we were doing –
not pollution control or ESA [Endangered Species Act] work or marine
protected areas – nothing had as much juice behind it.’
‘Of course, fundraising was always a trump card, but other than that,
the carbon policy team got everything it wanted and pretty much had a
blank check.’
The statistical analysis alone coast ‘a few hundred thousand dollars,’ NRDC lawyer David Doniger told the Times.
Doniger wrote the document along with fellow lawyer David Hawkins and
Daniel Lashof, an activist described by the Times as a ‘climate
Lashof holds a Harvard bachelor’s degree in physics and mathematics, and
a Berkeley Ph.D. from an ‘Energy and Resources’ program that describes
its goal not in research terms but as a policy outcome: ‘a sustainable
environment and a just society.’
Before co-authoring what became the Obama White House’s latest climate
rules, he helped draft the U.S. Senate’s failed ‘cap and trade’ carbon
emissions bill.
Data Deleted From UN Climate Report Highlight Controversies
A chart removed from the IPCC summary but published in Science shows
that much of the growth in recent greenhouse gas emissions comes from
When the United Nations' last major climate change report was released
in April, it omitted some country-specific emissions data for political
reasons, a trio of new papers argue, sounding a warning bell about the
global politicization of climate science.
Written by thousands of science, policy, and economics experts from
around the world, the UN International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
reports represent a synthesis of existing climate research knowledge,
focusing on the evidence of a warming climate ("virtually certain"), the
global impacts, and the ways we might avert its most catastrophic
effects. The Summary for Policy-makers draws on the detailed technical
report and offers recommendations on cutting carbon emissions and
preparing for climate change.
Although the underlying technical material in the IPCC's fifth major
report was widely agreed upon and published intact, "heated negotiations
among scientific authors and diplomats led to substantial deletion of
figures and text from the influential 'Summary for Policy-makers,'"
writes Brad Wible, an editor at the journal Science, in the introduction
to three papers published Thursday.
Wible notes there is "some fear that this redaction of content marks an
overstepping of political interests, raising questions about division of
labor between scientists and policy-makers and the need for new
strategies in assessing complex science."
On the other hand, some observers have suggested that the policy
summaries be even more explicitly co-produced with national governments,
says Wible.
This discussion was sparked just days after the publication of the IPCC
report in April, when report co-author and Harvard environmental
economics professor Robert Stavins released a controversial open letter
to the IPCC leadership. Stavins criticized the last-minute intervention
by several governments in the approval process of the IPCC report in
Berlin and called the resulting policy summary document "a summary by
policy-makers, not a summary for them."
"Over the course of the two hours of the contact group deliberations, it
became clear that the only way the assembled government representatives
would approve text for SPM.5.2 [the Summary for Policy-makers] was
essentially to remove all 'controversial' text (that is, text that was
uncomfortable for any one individual government), which meant deleting
almost 75 percent of the text," Stavins wrote on his blog on April 25.
Scientists vs. Diplomats
Wible points out that the stated intention of the IPCC since it was
founded in 1988 has always been to "balance governmental and scientific
That mandate is unlikely to change, says David Victor, one of the lead
authors of the policy discussion in the April IPCC report and the head
writer of one of the papers published Thursday in Science, called
"Getting Serious About Categorizing Countries."
"I think in an ideal world there would be a firmer separation between
the diplomats and the scientists" when it comes to the IPCC process,
says Victor, who is a professor of international relations at the
University of California, San Diego.
However, Victor adds that he "can't imagine" the national governments
from around the world that participate in the IPCC process agreeing to
any substantial reforms in that area.
The best that can be hoped for are small changes that streamline the
report process, says Victor. "Intergovernmental bodies that require
consensus are very bad at handling politically difficult topics," he
says. "I don't see a way to fix that problem."
Instead, the public should look more to individual governments and
organizations and national climate assessments (such as the one released
by the Obama administration May 6) for more concrete action on
controversial topics like emissions caps and geoengineering. (See
"Climate Report Provides Opportunity for Bridging Political Divide.")
But the second paper in the Science series, "Political Implications of
Data Presentation," disagrees. Written by other authors of the last IPCC
report, led by Navroz Dubash of the Centre for Policy Research in New
Delhi, the paper suggests that what is needed are more and earlier
discussions between scientists and policymakers in development of future
"Claiming government overreach and calling for greater insulation of the
process come from a misleadingly simple interpretation" that would
hinder the effectiveness of IPCC reports in actually influencing policy,
Dubash and co-authors write. The fact that governments must approve the
policy summary gives it more weight than other technical reports, which
is a "process worth preserving."
Victor calls that argument "overly optimistic" and says he doubts
earlier conversations between scientists and diplomats would have made a
difference. In the 38,000 comments received and evaluated over the IPCC
report's development, almost none hinted at the battle over individual
country data that erupted in Berlin just days before the document was
released, he says.
When governments hold the power to approve the policy document, "they
are going to use that power to avoid having anything in the summaries
that is politically inconvenient," says Victor.
IPCC co-author Charles Kolstad, a Stanford economist who was not
involved with any of the papers released in Science, tells National
Geographic that there is a "perception that the main product was the
summary for policymakers and that it appeared to be a censored version
of what we wrote." Kolstad says it would be better if the public had a
clearer distinction of the two sides of the report and says "it would be
a mistake to move the policymakers away from the process."
Kolstad adds that it was gratifying "how much the diplomats seemed to
care about what was in the IPCC product" and says "remaining relevant is
of paramount importance."
Value of Individual Country Data
When the IPCC met in Berlin in April to approve the latest report,
representatives from several countries objected to a section in the
summary that listed emissions by nation and classified countries
according to their economies, says Victor. Those objecting countries
included Brazil, China, Malaysia, and Saudi Arabia, he says.
Victor and colleagues wrote in Science that growth in a country's income
was the strongest correlating factor with emissions. Developed
countries continue to produce the highest emissions on a per capita
basis, but most of the growth in global emissions over the past few
decades has occurred in developing countries.
A chart removed from the IPCC summary but published in Science shows
that much of the growth in recent greenhouse gas emissions comes from
Asia, with smaller contributions from the Middle East, Africa, and Latin
America. Emissions in developed countries have continued to rise, but
at a much slower rate.
To Victor, the logical conclusion of this trend is that "developed
countries should be doing more to address climate change, but it is also
the case that it is not mathematically possible to stabilize the
world's climate unless developing countries are involved."
If the IPCC were to classify countries by their economies, it would "set
the stage for political discussions" about what each country's
responsibility might be, he says.
However, some governments worried that classification "could be
disadvantageous in upcoming negotiations for a new international climate
regime," IPCC authors Ottmar Edenhofer and Jan Minx write in the third
policy paper in Science, called "Mapmakers and Navigators, Facts and
Still, when all country data was stripped out of the policy summary,
other useful information was lost, Victor and colleagues argue. For
example, without that data it is harder to understand the impact of
trade on emissions.
Reaching Consensus?
Although Dubash and colleagues suggest that the IPCC process can be
improved with more collaboration between scientists and policymakers,
Victor argues that the fundamental international nature of the group
makes it unlikely to be able to reach consensus on controversial topics.
"The IPCC is an inherently conservative body," says Victor.
Edenhofer and Minx write that "the real challenge is how the IPCC
conducts assessments and deals with entanglement of facts and values at
the science-policy interface." They suggest that future reports attempt
to allow for different perspectives on policy questions and introduce
analysis of how past climate policies have worked.
The IPCC has a choice, say Edenhofer and Minx. It can produce more
sanitized reports that are even less relevant to policy or attempt to
take on policy questions more directly, with a rational approach that
acknowledges different viewpoints.
Stanford's Kolstad says he prefers the latter, although he acknowledges
that it can be challenging because "any diplomat can veto any sentence."
He adds that colleagues at Stanford and Harvard and their European
counterparts are planning a workshop in February on how the IPCC might
work better, in preparation for the next round of work.
Despite the most recent report's shortcomings, "when the IPCC says
something declarative, such as that humans are responsible for most of
the changes to the climate we are seeing, that means there is tremendous
consensus around that," says Victor.
There's No Place Like Foam
Washington, DC, being the seat of the U.S. Government, has a higher than
average tendency to exert legislative control over its citizens. For
some reason, the issue of food storage seems to be a particularly high
priority, as evidenced by the city's abhorrent 5 cent tax on plastic
grocery bags.
In the latest effort to choke off just a little more freedom from DC
residents, the government has announced a ban on single-serving
styrofoam containers - the kind used for take out food or to hold
inexpensive beverages. In a town where busy workers rely heavily on food
trucks and where home cooking is a time-consuming luxury few can
afford, this is going to be a major blow to the city’s hungry.
The ban is being justified on environmental grounds. Styrofoam is
famously durable, not able to be broken down by the ordinary bacteria
that helpfully take care of the rest of our waste. This, it has been
decided, poses an unacceptable risk to our planet, and must be stopped,
without much - if any - consideration for the costs.
When a business makes a decision to use a certain type of product, it is
calculated to be in that business’ best interest. This means not only
inexpensive, but providing the customer with a value that will keep them
coming back for more. There are very good reasons, apart from mere
greed, that so many food service businesses rely upon styrofoam rather
than alternative materials. As mentioned above, it’s durable. Food
doesn’t leak out of it or gradually render it useless, as tends to
happen with plain paper containers. It’s lightweight, it doesn’t impart
an alien taste to its contents, and yes, it’s cheap. Simply put, it’s
ideally adapted to food service.
So what will be the consequences of a ban on this most perfect of
containers? Lower quality products for consumers at a higher price. A
basic understanding of supply and demand shows that any kind of cost
increase on business will be shared between the customer and the
business owner, depending on how responsive consumer demand is to price
changes. This means that not only will customers be paying higher
prices, but business owners will be making less money. This might not be
a problem for national chains like McDonalds and Starbucks, but for
businesses on the margin - and a great many of DC’s food trucks are
undoubtedly operating on the margin - increased costs could mean the
difference between entrepreneurial life and death.
There are further unintended consequences to these kind of bans, as when
cities like Los Angeles banned single--use plastic grocery bags in
favor of reuasable cloth ones in an effort to be eco-friendly, not
realizing that these bags turned out to be breeding grounds for
dangerous diseases.
A cost-benefit analysis is only useful, however, once you accept that
there is a role for government intervention in the market in the first
place. Economic theory, recognizing the benefit of free markets,
dictates that a market failure be demonstrated before government gets
involved. Let's take a moment to see whether this criterion is met in
the case of styrofoam containers.
The argument traditionally offered by economists is the problem of
externalities, situations where the full cost of a good’s use is not
borne by those who use it. The customer pays for the production of the
styrofoam in the price of his food, but the costs to the environment are
borne by everyone. Thus, there is a market failure resulting in
overproduction of styrofoam, and the government must intervene to
correct it.
There are problems with this argument, most notably the tenuous claim
that styrofoam results in externalities at all. When someone finishes
using a styrofoam container, assuming they don’t violate existing
anti-littering laws, they typically contract with a private company to
carry the trash away and store it on land designated for that purpose.
If the owners of that land decide they want to store styrofoam there,
they are free to refuse (no pun intended) and consumers will have to
find another way of dealing with the waste. However, if they are willing
to store the trash, then what is the problem? Where is the externality?
The environmental cost is borne entirely by landowners voluntarily
accepting waste. There is no market failure, and no justification for
government intervention.
If the issue is that many landfills are classified as public land,
Congress is free to make a law prohibiting the storage of styrofoam on
public land, but to outright ban a privately made product that satisfies
the needs of consumers and businesses alike simple because it is
durable is an unacceptable violation of individual rights from a city
that makes a habit out of that sort of thing.
Lord Lawson, The Climate And The BBC: Who’s The Real Expert?
Lord Lawson, the former Chancellor of the Exchequer, is now the
[Chairman] of the Global Warming Policy Foundation. So when global
warming policy is debated, he has sometimes been invited to debate the
issue on television and radio, often with climate scientists.
Last week it was revealed that the Radio 4 Today Programme has been
rebuked over a particular exchange between Lord Lawson and Sir Brian
Hoskins, director of the Grantham Institute for Climate Change at
Imperial College, London. In the exchange in question, Lord Lawson
contended that nobody knows the extent of climate change and that 2013
was unusually quiet for tropical storms. The BBC’s Editorial Complaints
unit accepted that it was not made sufficiently clear that Lord Lawson’s
views on climate change are not accepted by the majority of climate
If the debate is about how many storms there were in a particular year,
and Lord Lawson got his facts wrong, that is obviously a mistake on his
part. But the affair points to a more general issue. Lord Lawson
has no extensive scientific training or track record of peer-reviewed
research into climate change science. So when he is invited on to debate
climate change policy with some established mainstream climate
scientist, is it genuinely a debate between peers, or is it a matter in
which viewers and listeners should be clear that one of the debaters is a
established expert with a long track record of productive work in the
relevant area and the other is, at best, a semi-informed amateur?
I say the latter – it is not a debate between equals. Let’s see why.
A debate about climate change policy is a debate about what policies
should be introduced to respond to the consequences or risks of
human-induced climate change. What does that involve and which of
the components of the discussion are matters on which Lord Lawson has
any relevant knowledge or expertise, and which are those on which his
climate scientist adversary is really the expert?
Well, first, we need insights into how humans have induced and/or
will in the future induce climate change (absent any policy change
or other human response – e.g. via market forces). The first part of
that is an economic model. All models of human-induced climate change
include, at their core, economic models – otherwise how would we
forecast the human contribution without a model of how much output there
will be, how much energy will be used in producing that output, and so
on. Who, out of Lord Lawson, former Chancellor the Exchequer and before
that the Chief Secretary to the Treasury and before becoming an MP for
many years an economics writer, and a climate scientist, do you suppose
might have the more relevant expertise in the assessment of economic
models or forecasts for the future of the economy?
Maybe some climate modellers do in fact have knowledge of the relevant
economic models, but many others will actually be experts in the physics
of the atmosphere and related matters. Normally, Lord Lawson will have
the advantage here.
Next, we need a model of how carbon emissions will affect the climate
(absent any automatic equilibrating mechanisms of the earth responding
to carbon emissions). On this the climate scientist will clearly have
the advantage. But then again, Lord Lawson is most unlikely to disagree
with the climate scientist about anything to do with this, since the
science on this point is pretty much undisputed by anyone sensible (and
certainly not disputed by Lord Lawson).
Third, we need a model of how the earth might respond to changes in CO2
or other greenhouse gases. This is a point on which the climate
scientist will undoubtedly have more direct expertise than Lord Lawson.
It is also the non-human aspect of the issue that climate science
understands the least. For example, see this transcript of the American
Physical Society climate change statement review workshop of January
this year. The very limited increase in global surface temperatures over
the past fifteen years now goes well beyond anything that could be
written off as “noise” in climate change models – it simply wasn’t
initially predicted.
It obviously in no way follows that climate change is not real or not
human-induced. But what does follow is that our models of how the earth
responds to increased CO2 could be improved materially. Some researchers
have been seeking to explain the current hiatus for a number of years,
but the conclusion a number of perfectly respectable mainstream
scientists draw is, as per the American Physical Society workshop
transcript (p105): errors in current models “raise serious questions
about the ability to simulate processes and feedbacks that are
temperature dependent“. So, to be sure, the climate scientist will
probably understand more about the detailed drawbacks of such models
than Lord Lawson does, but it is a hotly debated topic (genuinely hotly
debated, not 99pc vs 1pc) with each climate scientist having her own pet
theory and no consensus at this time. Let’s score this one to the
Since government policy interventions only become an issue if market
processes or other forms of natural ingenuity would not address climate
change automatically, the next element we need is a view about how
market processes and ingenuity might respond to climate change. That’s
obviously again an economics question, on which Lord Lawson will be
fairly expert and most climate scientists almost nowhere. [...]
So, overall, I agree. Given that how, if at all, we should respond to
climate change is a matter of economics and political judgement, not
(emphatically not) atmospheric physics (for nothing whatever follows
from any climate change model about what policy should be adopted in
response to its findings), I entirely agree that when Lord Lawson
debates climate change policy with climate scientists there is only one
person there with relevant expertise and the other party is, at best, a
semi-informed amateur. The relevant expert is Lord Lawson.
The sooner people grasp that climate change policy is not a scientific
question, the sooner our debate on this matter will become a whole lot
more rational and balanced.
The Rage of the Climate Central Planners
The conversation with a good friend — brilliant man but a head full of
confidence in the planning state — was going well. We’ve agreed on so
much, such as war, civil liberties, the dangers of religious intolerance
and so on. We’ve always argued about points concerning economics and
property rights but it has always been polite.
Then the other day that changed. For the first time ever, the topic of
climate change and policy response came up. I casually dismissed the
idea that mandatory steps away from industrialization plus global
regulatory controls could accomplish anything. Plus, how can we really
know the relation between cause and effect, cost and benefit, problem
and solution?
These are not radical points. The same crew — tax-funded experts and
functionaries — that claims to be able to fix global temperature and
save humanity from melting ice caps decades from now also said 25 years
ago that they would bring peace, happiness, and understanding to Iraq.
They spent $2.4 trillion and smashed a civilization.
This is what bureaucrats do. They always pretend to know what they
cannot really know, and are more than happy to squander other people’s
money and liberty in order to realize their dreams. When they screw up,
no one pays the price. This is why government almost always, make that
always, gets it wrong.
Whatever the problem, government is not the answer. Hardly any proposition concerning life on earth strikes me as more obvious.
So, my tossed-off, slightly dismissive comments on the global warming
crusade didn’t seem so outlandish to me. I was merely extending F.A.
Hayek’s “knowledge problem.”
We can’t know with certainty whether, to what extent, and with what
result, and in light of possible countervailing factors, how climate
change (especially not 50 years from now) really affects life on earth.
We can’t know the precise causal factors and their weight relative to
the noise in our models, much less the kinds of coercive solutions to
apply and whether they have been applied correctly and with what
outcomes, much less the costs and benefits.
We can’t know any of that before or after such possible solutions have
been applied. Science requires a process and unrelenting trial and
error, learning and experimentation, the humility to admit error and the
driving passion to discover truth. In other words, real science
requires freedom, not central planning. The idea that any panel of
experts can have the requisite knowledge to make such grand decisions
for the globe is outlandish and contrary to pretty much everything we
Plus, throw politics into the mix and matters get worse. From everything
I’ve read, I’m convinced that fear over climate change (the ultimate
public goods “problem”) is the last and best hope for those lustful to
rule the world by force. Some people just want to run the world, and
this entire nightmare scenario that posits that our high standard of
living is causing the world to heat up and burn is the latest and
greatest excuse. And that remains true whether or not everything they
claim to be true is all true or all nonsense.
In my conversation with my friend, I didn’t say all of this; I just
hinted at it vaguely. It was enough. He began to shake. He turned white
and began to pace. He called me a denialist. He was horrified to
discover that his good friend turns out to be some kind of extremist
weirdo who disparages science. He began to accuse me of believing in
things I never said, of failing to read the science (though later
admitting that he hadn’t read the science).
I stood there stunned that I could have so quickly and inadvertently
changed the whole dynamic of our conversation and even friendship — all
for having suggested that something seemed a bit out of whack with
mainstream opinion on this topic.
This is not the first time this has happened. In fact, I should have
come to expect it by now. Every time this subject comes up with anyone
who favors government action on climate change, the result has been the
same. We seem to be unable to have a rational conversation. It’s like an
article of faith for them, and I’m suddenly the dangerous heretic who
believes the world is flat.
Now, in light of this, I read Paul Krugman this morning. He writes in
his column: “Read or watch any extended debate over climate policy and
you’ll be struck by the venom, the sheer rage, of the denialists.”
The denialists? My whole experience has been the opposite. By
denialists, I’m assuming he means people who doubt the merit of his
grand central plan for the world economy. Among them, I’ve found a vast
range of views, an open mindedness, and curiosity about the full range
of opinion, and, quite often, an attitude that seems to me — if anything
— to be far too quick to defer to all main conventions of this debate.
I have no interest in taking on the science of climatology but every
time I’ve looked into this in depth, I’ve found that the consensus is
far more loose than people like Krugman would suggest. Real scientists
do not have the intensity of certainty that the politicians and pundits
demand they have.
Discerning cause and effect, cost and benefit, problem and solution, in a
field that touches on the whole of the social and natural science —
come on. We are kidding ourselves if we think there is just one way to
look at this.
If you want tolerance and humility, and a willingness to defer to the
evidence and gradual process of scientific discovery, you will find it
among those who have no desire to manage the world from the top down.
What can we say about those who want to empower a global coterie of
elites to make the decision about what technologies we can use and how
much under the guise of controlling something so gigantically amorphous
and difficult to measure, detect, and precisely manage as earth’s
surface temperature?
This is a level of chutzpah that surpasses the wildest fantasies of any socialist planner.
Even without knowing anything of the literature, without having read any
of the best science on the topic, anyone with knowledge of the politics
of science and the politics of public policy can know this much: this
is not going to end well.
And perhaps this explains the incredible intolerance, belligerance, and
stunning dogmatism of those who are demanding we shut down the free
market in order to accommodate their wishes.
They really can’t allow a debate, because they will certainly and absolutely and rightly lose.
When that is certain, the only way forward is to rage.
Which is precisely what I expect to happen in the wake of what I’ve just written.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
8 July, 2014
Could Consuming MORE Energy Help Humans Save Nature?
By John Horgan
Even before I arrived at the annual “Dialogue” of the Breakthrough
Institute, an Oakland, California, think tank that challenges mainstream
environmental positions, I was arguing about it.
"Ecopragmatists" contend that higher energy consumption may help us
"decouple" from, or reduce our impact on, the environment. Photo:
Breakthrough Institute.
When I explained some of the institute’s positions to two green friends,
they were aghast that I would hobnob with a group that favors nuclear
power, natural gas, genetically-modified food—and, more generally, the
notion that environmentalism is or should be compatible with rapid
economic growth.
My friends agree with ethicist Clive Hamilton that the Institute’s
“ecopragmatist” policies (other common descriptors are ecomodernist,
neogreen and techno-utopian) “will lead us to disaster.” Hamilton argues
in Scientific American that Michael Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus,
founders of the Breakthrough Institute, “do not deny global warming;
instead they skate over the top of it, insisting that whatever limits
and tipping points the Earth system might throw up, human technology and
ingenuity will transcend them.”
Like environmental journalists Andrew Revkin and Keith Kloor, who are
friends, I admire the work of Shellenberger and Nordhaus. We share (I
think) several basic assumptions, which for me are emotional as well as
intellectual. First, optimism about the future is reasonable, given how
much progress humans have already achieved in the realms of medicine,
human rights, prosperity and even the environment. Second, optimism,
even wishful thinking, are more conducive to achieving further progress
than alarmism and despair. Third, we can solve our problems by being
more open-minded and creative–and scrutinizing all our assumptions.
Take, for example, the provocative agenda of the 2014 Dialogue, which
was held in Sausalito, California, June 22-24, and was titled
“High-energy Planet.” (See also the institute’s recent report “Our
High-Energy Planet.”) Here is how the Dialogue brochure introduces the
"For the past 40 years, rising energy production and consumption have
been widely viewed as inherently destructive of nature. A steady stream
of government, United Nations, and environmental proposals have
identified lowered energy consumption as the highest goal of climate and
environmental policy. But during that same period, global per capita
energy consumption has risen by 30 percent. And over the next century,
global energy consumption is anticipated to double, triple, or more. The
reality of our high-energy planet demands that we rethink environmental
protection. The question for Breakthrough Dialogue 2014 is, ‘How might a
high-energy planet save nature?’
Universal energy is a fundamental requisite of development. The
transformation of natural energy assets into usable energy services
allows not just for household lighting and electricity, but also modern
infrastructures and societies. Affordable energy is used to power
tractors, create fertilizers, and power irrigation pumps, all of which
improve agricultural yields and raise income. Cheap and reliable grid
electricity allows factory owners to increase output and hire more
workers. Electricity allows hospitals to refrigerate lifesaving vaccines
and power medical equipment. It liberates children and women from
manual labor and provides light, heat, and ventilation for the schools
that educate the workforce.
A world with cheaper and cleaner energy could be a world where humans
tread more lightly, leaving more space for other species while reducing
pollution. Cheap, clean energy could power advanced water treatment
plants that remove phosphorus from livestock effluents, returning clean
water to rivers and recycling phosphorous as a fertilizer. Desalination
could spare aquifers, rivers, and lakes, while rehabilitating freshwater
ecosystems. Materials recycling and incineration could make landfills a
thing of the past. And vertical agriculture could spare more land for
There is no guarantee that a high-energy planet will be a better place
for nature. While land used for agriculture has grown only modestly,
frontier agriculture continues to devastate old-growth rainforests in
Indonesia and Brazil. Coal continues to be the fastest-growing fuel, and
the carbon intensity of the global economy has been increasing in
recent years. And while consumption of some key resource inputs such as
wood and non-agricultural water appear to have peaked, demand for others
is still growing rapidly.
Ultimately, what will determine whether our high-energy planet is better
or worse for nature will be the ways in which our technologies, our
economies, our values, and our politics evolve. What are the ways that
we might shape the trajectory of the current transition and what are the
ways that we won’t? What does an ecomodernist politics look like that
is simultaneously realistic and aspirational about the future of the
Agricultural innovations have boosted the productivity of farmland over
the last 50 years, sparing enormous swathes of land, according to a 2012
analysis by Jesse Ausubel of Rockefeller University and co-authors.
Other energy-consuming innovations could help further reduce humanity's
impact on nature, according to Ausubel."
Breakthrough speakers did not all find the concept of a sustainable,
high-energy planet plausible. Far from it. The vision of a prosperous,
green, “high-energy planet” was supported by some speakers, notably
environmental scientist Jesse Ausubel of Rockefeller University, who
received the 2014 “Breakthrough Paradigm Award.”
Ausubel emphasized that energy-consuming advances such as tractors and
synthetic fertilizers already enable humans to produce food far more
efficiently, using less land and water. Ausubel asserted that our
technologies are allowing us to “decouple” from nature–that is, to meet
our needs with much less impact on the environment. Environmental
researcher Roger Pielke of the University of Colorado argued, moreover,
that large increases in energy consumption are required to eradicate the
poverty that still afflicts a large proportion of humanity.
But key tenets of the high-energy proposal were criticized by other
speakers. Energy analyst Arnulf Grubler of the International Institute
for Applied Systems Analysis questioned whether nuclear energy will ever
be as economically viable as proponents hope. Kieran Suckling of the
Center for Biological Diversity feared that by the time humans achieve
their green, high-energy utopia, much of the planet’s biodiversity will
have already been wiped out.
I saw these disagreements as productive. The conference fulfilled its
goal of “achieving disagreement,” defined as “overcoming
misunderstandings to get at genuine disagreements.”
I have one suggestion for the Breakthrough Institute: I hope it
considers how militarism can exacerbate our environmental problems, and,
conversely, how reducing militarism can benefit environmentalism and
other social causes. Perhaps a topic for a future Dialogue?
“Demand-side management”: Blackouts by another name
UK: In a recent speech Ed Davey announced that energy intensive
companies would be paid to switch off their machinery during times of
high demand. As many have noted, this not what happens in healthy energy
markets. Although this policy is called ‘demand-side management’,
jargon does not disguise what is still a blackout. But simple economics
can determine a much better approach to energy policy than the managed
decline preferred by the deeply unpopular minority party in the
The problem of the UK’s diminished capacity is caused by energy
policies, (not shortages of fuel), largely but not entirely driven by EU
directives to reduce CO2 and other emissions from power stations.
Much of the UK’s generating capacity has been forced to close by the
EU’s Large Combustion Plant Directive (LCPD), followed by the Industrial
Emissions Directive (IED), both of which are intended to reduce the
emissions responsible for pollution. Nobody is against clean air, but
the combination of these policies has compounded the UK’s energy
problems, leaving an energy gap which threatens wide-spread blackouts.
The LCPD and IED force the operators of coal-fired power stations either
to shut down within a given time (17,500 operational hours between 2016
and 2023), or to add systems to comply with the standards they set
out. Retro-fitting older but still serviceable plants may not be
economically viable, so the operational lifespan of these plants is
reduced by a decade or more. Somewhat late in the day, the
Department for Energy and Climate Change commissioned a report on the
feasibility of building new gas and coal-fired capacity and extending
the life of the UK’s existing power plants by making them compliant with
the IED.
The existence of the report demonstrates that the current and previous
governments’ plans for a greener energy sector have not materialised,
and cannot now be achieved. No amount of wind turbines and domestic
solar PV installations can replace the capacity that has already been
lost to the LCPD and will be lost to the IED. So the government is now
forced to face the consequences: begging energy companies to keep
remaining coal and legacy gas plants operational for as long as possible
in order to avert a deeper crisis.
Along the way, the report shows some interesting things about the
history of the UK’s fleet of power stations. The following graph shows
two main periods of building. Approximately 3.3GW a year of coal plant
between 1965-75 and 2.5GW a year between 1990 and 2000, under different
economic regimes.
This demonstrates that relatively rapid deployment of conventional plant
is technically feasible. In contrast, the UK’s onshore wind fleet
expanded by an average of just 0.5GW a year between 2004-12, equivalent
to just 0.15GW when we take into account the variability of wind energy.
At this rate, it would take nearly 80 years for onshore wind to replace
the 11.8GW of coal and gas-fired capacity that will have been shut down
by 2020, by the LCPD and IED. If we include the 6.1GW of nuclear
capacity that will have been closed by 2020, the current rate of onshore
wind farm construction will take 120 years to replace what took fewer
than 6 years to build in the 1960s. So much for green economic
And the cost? The report rules out building new coal-fired plants, but
more interestingly finds that new gas-fired plants can be built for
around £500 per KW of capacity – £500 million per GW at a build rate of
up to 6GW a year. This is consistent with DECC’s own estimates, which
includes onshore wind at £960 per KWh of capacity, or £3,300, when we
take into account wind variability. That’s £3.3 billion per GW. So
to close the energy gap with gas-fired capacity would cost around £9
billion, and take three years. But closing the gap with onshore wind
energy would cost £59 billion (not including the cost of extensive
changes to the Grid to cope with intermittent sources like wind) and
take longer than a century. And we’d still need to spend the £9 billion
on gas-fired back-up anyway.
It is remarkable, given these facts, that the government should ever
doubt the need to keep the legacy power stations open. According to
research by The Tax Payer’s Alliance, green energy subsidies will amount
to £5.8 billion a year by 2018-19. That could pay for the energy gap to
be closed in just 18 months.
These are of course, rough calculations. And they don’t take into
account the cost of fuel. But the cost of financing £59 billion worth of
wind farms – interest payments – would be far greater than the cost of
fuel for gas plants, which is one reason why wind farms need to be so
heavily subsidised. No wonder green campaigners are so violently opposed
to fracking, and so resistant to a second ‘dash for gas’. The argument
for closing down coal and gas-fired power stations, and replacing them
with wind farms and other renewables is factually, empirically and
morally bankrupt. And no wonder the government is so worried about
keeping the lights on that it is asking factories to shut down. It is
policies, not technical, economic or environmental challenges, that have
caused the energy gap to open up.
U.S. Fracking Has 'Cut Carbon More Than The Whole World's Wind And Solar'
Fracking in the US has led to a greater reduction in carbon emissions
than all the wind turbines and solar panels across the entire globe put
together. This is the stark fact presented at a meeting at the Council
of Europe in Strasbourg last week.
Chris Faulkner, who is chief executive of Breitling Energy Corporation
based in Texas, explained: "Fracking has succeeded where Kyoto and
carbon taxes have failed. Due to the shale boom in the US, the use of
clean burning natural gas has replaced much more polluting coal by ten
per cent. In 2012, the shift to gas has managed to reduce CO? emissions
by about 300 megatonnes (Mt).
"Compare this to the fact that all the wind turbines and solar panels in
the world reduce CO? emissions, at a maximum, by 275 Mt. In other
words, the US shale gas revolution has by itself reduced global
emissions more than all the well-intentioned solar and wind in the
The economic impacts of fracking and shale gas are also indisputable: as
natural gas prices in the European Union have doubled since the year
2000, US prices have fallen by about 75 per cent in the past few years.
Annually, the global solar and wind subsidies cost $60B, whereas the US
is saving at least $100B from cheaper energy
The Economist predicts that by 2020 the fracking revolution will have
added 2 to 4 per cent ($380–$690B) to American GDP and created more than
twice as many jobs as car makers provide today. US GDP today is about
$16T, and US car makers employ about 800,000 people.
Chris Faulkner continued: "Many countries in Europe, and across the
world, have similar opportunities to reduce their carbon footprint, and
to experience the same economic benefits.”
"These are not opportunities governments should overlook, or discount,
as carbon reduction targets will not be achieved through renewables or
any other current energy generation technology.
"But shale is not a silver bullet, it is a stop-gap fuel while other
energy generation technologies are developed, which will replace
carbon-based fuels in the coming years.
"Opponents of fracking and shale exploitations cite various risks. Yet a
million and a half wells have been fracked in the US since 1947 and 95
per cent of all wells in the US are fracked today. It is a very safe
method of exploration and production. Fracking occurs at several
thousand feet below freshwater aquifers. It is virtually impossible for
any of the fracking fluid to climb back up through the rock formations
between the shale gas deposits and the aquifer.
"As with any energy source,” added Chris Faulkner, "there are risks. But
if there is proper regulation and enforcement, those risks can be
managed and minimized. In many states in the US there are effective
regulations and monitoring in place.”
Chris Faulkner was invited to present at the Council of Europe by UK MP
David Davies. The 'fringe' meeting was attended by over 30 Council of
Europe members from across Europe, including eight UK MPs.
"The UK is the only country in Europe which is progressing with shale
exploration,” added Chris Faulkner. "The rest of Europe is watching the
UK very closely to see what happens.
"The UK government is making every effort to get this right, albeit
without much help from the shale industry which has spectacularly failed
to properly engage with governments and, more importantly, with the
public at large.
"The handful of companies operating in the field have not made any real
effort to engage with local communities around sites, enter into proper
discussions with local councils, or discussed fracking with
environmentalists, allowing them free range to influence public
perceptions using inaccurate, misinterpreted or exaggerated information
mainly from the US experience.
"The industry has also failed to come forward with any suggestions for
compensating landowners and local communities, seemingly leaving it to
government to regulate.
"The UK government has suggested a lump sum payment and then 1 per cent
of revenue going forward. This is very limited compared to the model
that operates in the US where landowners can get over 20 per cent of
revenue over the life of a well.”
UK: Green ‘smart meters’ are plain stupid
Ideology is a bad guide to action in the real world. It makes otherwise
sensible people ignore important facts and pursue policies which are
obviously flawed.
The current Green dogma is constantly pushing governments, businesses
and much of the media into policies and actions which we will later
The plan for ‘smart meters’ is one such mistake. Even those who now
promote them do not fully understand them. Experience in other countries
shows they will not fulfil their optimistic official targets and that
they are fraught with risks.
They do not work properly in several types of building. Their complex technology could take years to bed down.
Yet the policy is to be implemented anyway, publicised at great expense
with a launch event starring Bob Geldof. And we, the actual consumers,
will pay for it for many years ahead in higher charges, even if we opt
not to have the new equipment in our homes.
This is a classic example of starting with a theory and trying to force
reality to fit. Similar attitudes led to the sclerosis and ultimate
collapse of the old Communist systems, which promised utopia and
produced poverty, concrete-headed official obduracy and rust.
The Green fashion has gone unchallenged long enough.
It is time for Ministers, MPs and the media to re-examine the claims of a
belief system which has so far brought nothing but higher prices,
diminished efficiency and ugly blights on the landscape.
Report from a British summer
By the end of this week, the Met Office is predicting it will be Phew,
What A Scorcher! time again. It’s called the British summer.
Not according to the Government, it isn’t. Officially, we don’t have weather any more.
We have ‘climate change’, a catch-all excuse for everything from raising
taxes and refusing to empty the bins to exploding manhole covers.
That’s right, exploding manhole covers. The Health and Safety Executive
has warned pedestrians to be on the alert after a series of manhole
cover explosions in London’s West End.
There have been 64 such incidents already this year, compared with just
nine in 2011. ‘Experts’ blame the ‘wettest winter on record’ for
rainwater damaging underground electric cables.
The heavy rainfall, which brought flooding to many parts of the country,
is naturally attributed to ‘climate change’, which is also allegedly
responsible for last week’s hot weather and the subsequent deluge at the
Today’s political class thinks the answer to unpredictable weather is to
close perfectly serviceable coal-fired power stations, litter the
landscape with useless windmills and jack up the cost of fuel to meet
‘green’ energy targets.
They also assume the right to lecture us about our behaviour. An outfit
called ‘Public Health England’ has taken it upon itself to draw up a
‘Heatwave Plan 2014’ to be distributed to all homes.
I only became aware of this patronising drivel when Mail reader Tony
Singleton sent me a copy of a leaflet which had been pushed through his
letter box by Devon County Council’s ‘Emergency Management’ team.
It begins: ‘Although many of us enjoy the sunshine, as a result of
climate change we are increasingly likely to experience summer
temperatures that may be harmful to health.’
We are instructed to obey a shopping list of precautions to keep us
safe. For instance: ‘Keep out of the sun between 11am and 3pm. If you
have to go out in the heat, walk in the shade, apply sunscreen and wear a
hat and light scarf.
‘Eat cold foods, particularly salads. Take a cool shower, bath or body
wash. Sprinkle water over the skin or clothing or keep a damp cloth on
the back of your neck.’ (I never leave home without one.)
As if this isn’t sufficiently insulting to our intelligence, we are also told how to act in our own homes.
‘Close curtains that receive morning and afternoon sun. However, care
should be taken with metal blinds and dark curtains, as these can absorb
heat. Consider replacing or putting reflective material in between them
and the window space.’
What? Covering your windows with Bacofoil is normally associated with
lunatics who are convinced they are being targeted by invisible death
rays from alien space ships. It’s the kind of thing which gets people
Now, though, it appears to be official Government policy. After reading
this rubbish, I presumed it couldn’t be confined only to Devon.
I was right. The Heatwave Plan 2014 has been adopted by councils and NHS
Trusts all over Britain as part of a national action plan.
I’ve stumbled across websites called ‘Norfolk Prepared’ and ‘Staffordshire Prepared’ giving identical advice.
The author of this extraordinary 45-page document is Professor
Sally C. Davies, Chief Medical Officer and Chief Scientific Officer at
the Department of Health.
She has drawn on the expertise of a wide range of healthcare
‘professionals’ from across the public sector. It even contains advice
to Muslims on how to avoid becoming dehydrated in the event of a heat
wave coinciding with fasting during Ramadan.
They think of everything, don’t they? It was only a matter of time
before the ‘climate change’ and ‘diversity’ agendas collided. Goodness
knows how much all this madness is costing us.
Meanwhile, in other news, the BBC has decided to stop giving airtime to
‘unqualified climate change deniers’ and the EU is issuing new recycling
rules and demanding higher petrol taxes to ‘combat climate change’.
‘Energy Independence’: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
“Unfortunately, at the first sign of political and
economic trouble most people are spontaneously inclined to put the
brakes on international trade and to increase local production of
critical things such as food and energy. This stance often has dire
As some apparently inexplicable behaviour illustrates (say, being a
die-hard fan of the Chicago Cubs), humans are profoundly territorial
creatures. According to evolutionary psychologists, this is because for
approximately 90% of their time on this planet, modern humans belonged
to small groups that were constantly fighting each other over the
possession of land and resources. Deep down, most people’s behaviour is
not all that different from that observed on Animal Planet’s Meerkat
Peace and Open Trade
As recent events in the Ukraine remind us, sometimes the other tribe is
still out there to get us. By and large, however, the Harvard
psychologist Steven Pinker demonstrates in his book The Better Angels of
our Nature that we are living “in the most peaceful time in our
species’ existence,” a relatively blessed state of affairs made possible
through ever greater international trade and the worldwide exchange of
ideas and culture over the last few centuries.
More than two centuries before Pinker, the French philosopher Montesquieu had similarly observed:
Commerce is a cure for the most destructive prejudices; for it is almost
a general rule, that wherever we find agreeable manners, there commerce
flourishes; and that wherever there is commerce, there we meet with
agreeable manners… Peace is the natural effect of trade.” In the
immortal words of another French thinker of the time, Voltaire: “Go into
the [Stock] Exchange in London, that place more venerable than many a
court, and you will see representatives of all the nations assembled
there for the profit of mankind. There the Jew, the Mahometan, and the
Christian deal with one another as if they were of the same religion,
and reserve the name of infidel for those who go bankrupt.
Unfortunately, at the first sign of political and economic trouble most
people are spontaneously inclined to put the brakes on international
trade and to increase local production of critical things such as food
and energy. This stance often has dire consequences. As the old saying
goes, if goods don’t cross borders, armies eventually will.
Less dramatically though, these policies typically deliver lower
standards of living (after all, no one would bother moving good over
long distances if they did not provide better and cheaper alternatives
to local productions) and greater insecurity (for instance, promoting
“food security” through increased local production essentially amounts
to putting more of our agricultural eggs in one regional basket, a
recipe for disaster when droughts, floods and other unavoidable natural
calamities strike).
Energy No Exception
Energy security is no different. Policies in this respect typically
involve a combination of reduced dependence on any one foreign supplier
by increasing their number, ramping up domestic production and reducing
overall demand through energy conservation measures. While none of these
things are inherently bad when they occur spontaneously (such as when
new profitable local energy sources are developed), they are
counterproductive when they occur solely as a result of government
subsidies, mandates or barriers to trade, as the history of U.S. energy
markets abundantly illustrates.
Over a century ago, the United States was the most important oil
producer in the world with significant drilling operations in states
such as Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and California. The country’s only
serious global rival back then was Russia whose large oilfields around
the Caspian sea (in what is now Azerbaidjan) had been developed largely
at the instigation of Robert and Ludvig Nobel, brothers of the better
known Alfred (of Nobel Prizes fame). In later decades though, the rapid
development of the American economy and the discovery gigantic petroleum
reserves in the Middle East, Venezuela, Canada and other places turned
the USA into a net importer.
Greater dependence on foreign imports was not problematic until the
energy crisis of the early 1970s that prompted President Nixon to launch
the Project Independence whose goal was to make the United States
self-sufficient. Similar policies were later embraced by many
politicians. As many readers know, one of the main goals of the Obama
administration was to create millions of well-paid, abundant, stable,
unionized (with full benefits), healthy, environmentally beneficial, and
geographically dispersed “green jobs” in everything from electric cars
to wind turbines.
Unfortunately, overturning the laws of physics and economics proved more
challenging than herding free-range and grass-fed unicorns. Try as they
might, no visionary policy maker found a way to convert the Green Job
Kool-Aid into an affordable, convenient, and reliable energy drink.
But while green schemes were falling apart, production of the
much-maligned hydrocarbons soared to such an extent that, according to
the U.S. Energy Information Administration, US crude oil imports peaked
in 2005, while in 2013 the country became the world’s top producer of
petroleum and natural gas, surpassing Saudi Arabia and Russia.
Of course, the sheer size of the U.S. economy means that its petroleum
consumption still depends for about 40% on imports of crude oil and
petroleum products, but BP’s Energy Outlook now forecasts that the U.S.
will produce 101% of its energy needs by 2035, making the country de
facto energy independent. While such forecasts should be taken with a
grain of salt, the possibility of an energy “Independence Day” is now,
for the first time in several decades, eminently plausible. This type of
self-sufficiency is desirable, for it rests on superior local
alternatives to those that the rest of the world could provide.
If history is any guide, however, something completely unexpected could
emerge in energy markets in the coming two decades and foreign
alternatives might again become more desirable. If that was the case,
the U.S. would be ill advised to cling to less desirable local
alternatives. As was the case before the fracking boom, energy security
would be best achieved not by reducing the physical volume of imported
oil, but by diversifying supplies and letting creative people in the
private sector come up with better alternatives.
Risk Management 101 tells us to diversify our investment portfolio. The
same is true from the perspective of energy consumers and national
governments. If energy security is the goal, then strengthening energy
interdependence the world over is the way to achieve it. The more
suppliers you depend on, the more secure you will be. As Andy Grove put
it, out true goal should be energy resilience through adaptability and
substitutability. In fact, resilience is one of the best features
of market processes as individual buyers and sellers can adapt, each in
their own way, to changes in supply and demand conditions conveyed
through market prices.
World markets not only deliver cheaper and better goods, but they also
make countries and consumers more secure and resilient. Now as in the
past, for most of the world more energy security means less energy
independence. The U.S. is now in the unique position of benefitting from
a significant local energy boom and should enjoy it while it lasts, but
this should not detract from this greater truth.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
7 July, 2014
Lame, lame, lame
There's some lame stuff written about global warming but the nonsense
below takes the cake. Hair colour is determined by your genes,
not by the temperature. The only way the frequency of a particular
gene can be reduced in nature is for that gene to be selected
against in mating. And why a slight increase in temperature would
make redheads less desirable in bed is not explained
Global warming could lead to the extinction of Scotland's redheads, expects have claimed.
Experts believe that Scotland’s gloomy climate has led to a red hair
emerging as a genetic adaptation to help exploit rare sunny days and
boost Vitamin D production.
But as the world warms up, some predict that the change in climate will
lead to more sunny days for the Scots - meaning they will no longer be
so well adapted to their environment.
Only about 1-2 per cent of the world’s population has red hair but in
Scotland the figure is much higher, with about 13 per cent, or 650,000
people, with flaming locks.
Alastair Moffat, managing director of genetic testing company
ScotlandsDNA, said the country’s dull weather was responsible for a
larger number of flame-haired men and women being born.
Dr Moffat told the Daily Record: 'We think red hair in Scotland, Ireland
and the north of England is adaptation to the climate. We do not get
enough sun and have to get all the vitamin D we can.
'If it was to get less cloudy and there was more sun, there would be fewer people carrying the gene.'
Red hair appears in people with two copies of a recessive gene on chromosome 16, which causes a mutation.
That means a person who does not have red hair can still produce
red-haired children if they and their partner is a carrier of the gene.
Despite concerns that red hair dying out, many experts say it is likely to continue for many generations.
Research publised last year by BritainsDNA found that 20million people in the UK and Ireland have ginger genes.
The most red-headed part of Britain and Ireland is the South-East of
Scotland with Edinburgh as a red-hotspot where 40 per cent carry one of
the three common red hair gene variants.
But the biggest surprise revealed by the research is just over 34 per
cent of the population of parts of the north of England are carriers,
making Yorkshire and Humberside as red-headed as Ireland.
Global warming computer models confounded as Antarctic sea ice hits
new record high with 2.1million square miles more than is usual for time
of year
The levels of Antarctic sea-ice last week hit an all-time high –
confounding climate change computer models which say it should be in
America’s National Snow And Ice Data Center, which is funded by Nasa,
revealed that ice around the southern continent covers about 16million
sq km, more than 2.1?million more than is usual for the time of year.
It is by far the highest level since satellite observations on which the figures depend began in 1979.
In statistical terms, the extent of the ice cover is hugely significant.
It represents the latest stage in a trend that started ten years ago,
and means that an area the size of Greenland, which would normally be
open water, is now frozen.
The Antarctic surge is so big that overall, although Arctic ice has
decreased, the frozen area around both poles is one million square
kilometres more than the long-term average.
In its authoritative Fifth Assessment Report released last year, the UN
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change admitted that the computer
models on which scientists base their projections say Antarctic ice
should be in decline, not increasing.
The report said: ‘There is low confidence in the scientific
understanding of the observed increase in Antarctic sea ice extent since
1979, due to… incomplete and competing scientific explanations for the
causes of change.’
Some scientists have suggested the Antarctic ice increase may itself be
caused by global warming. But Professor Judith Curry, head of climate
science at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, said the
arguments were not convincing.
She added: ‘We do not have a quantitative, predictive understanding of
the rise in Antarctic sea ice extent.’ She said it was becoming
increasingly apparent that long-term cycles in ocean temperatures were
responsible for a significant proportion of the ice decline in the
Arctic – a process that may be starting to reverse.
Prof Curry also revealed that because of the ‘pause’, in which world
average temperatures have not risen for more than 16 years, the Arctic
ice decline has been ‘touted’ by many as the most important evidence for
continued global warming.
But in her view, climate scientists have to consider evidence from
both Poles. She added: ‘Convincing arguments regarding the causes
of sea-ice variations require understanding and ability to model
both the Arctic and Antarctic.’
It's politics, not science, driving climate mania: Why are
environmentalists and scientists so reluctant to discuss long-term
increases in southern hemisphere sea ice?
For years, computer simulations have predicted that sea ice should be
disappearing from the Poles. Now, with the news that Antarctic
sea-ice levels have hit new highs, comes yet another mishap to tarnish
the credibility of climate science.
Climatologists base their doom-laden predictions of the Earth’s climate on computer simulations.
But these have long been the subject of ridicule because of their
stunning failure to predict the pause in warming – nearly 18 years long
on some measures – since the turn of the last century.
It’s the same with sea ice. We hear a great deal about the decline in Arctic sea ice, in line with or even ahead of predictions.
But why are environmentalists and scientists so much less keen to
discuss the long-term increase in the southern hemisphere?
In fact, across the globe, there are about one million square kilometres
more sea ice than 35 years ago, which is when satellite measurements
It’s fair to say that this has been something of an embarrassment for climate modellers. But it doesn’t stop there.
In recent days a new scandal over the integrity of temperature data has
emerged, this time in America, where it has been revealed as much as 40
per cent of temperature data there are not real thermometer
Many temperature stations have closed, but rather than stop recording
data from these posts, the authorities have taken the remarkable step of
‘estimating’ temperatures based on the records of surrounding stations.
So vast swathes of the data are actually from ‘zombie’ stations that
have long since disappeared. This is bad enough, but it has also
been discovered that the US’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration is using estimates even when perfectly good raw data is
available to it – and that it has adjusted historical records.
Why should it do this? Many have noted that the effect of all these
changes is to produce a warmer present and a colder past, with the net
result being the impression of much faster warming.
They draw their conclusions accordingly.
Naturally, if the US temperature records are indeed found to have been
manipulated, this is unlikely to greatly affect our overall picture of
rising temperatures at the end of the last century and a
standstill thereafter.
The US is, after all, only a small proportion of the globe.
Similarly, climatologists’ difficulties with the sea ice may be of
little scientific significance in the greater scheme of things.
We have only a few decades of data, and in climate terms this is
probably too short to demonstrate that either the Antarctic increase or
the Arctic decrease is anything other than natural variability.
But the relentless focus by activist scientists on the Arctic decline
does suggest a political imperative rather than a scientific one – and
when put together with the story of the US temperature records, it’s
hard to avoid the impression that what the public is being told is less
than the unvarnished truth.
As their credulity is stretched more and more, the public will – quite
rightly – treat demands for action with increasing caution…
Climate Scientist Who Got It Right Predicts 20 More Years of Global Cooling
Dr. Don Easterbrook – a climate scientist and glacier expert from
Washington State who correctly predicted back in 2000 that the Earth was
entering a cooling phase – says to expect colder temperatures for at
least the next two decades.
Easterbrook’s predictions were “right on the money” seven years before
Al Gore and the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for warning that the
Earth was facing catastrophic warming caused by rising levels of carbon
dioxide, which Gore called a “planetary emergency.”
“When we check their projections against what actually happened in that
time interval, they’re not even close. They’re off by a full degree in
one decade, which is huge. That’s more than the entire amount of warming
we’ve had in the past century. So their models have failed just
miserably, nowhere near close. And maybe it’s luck, who knows, but mine
have been right on the button,” Easterbrook told
“For the next 20 years, I predict global cooling of about 3/10ths of a
degree Fahrenheit, as opposed to the one-degree warming predicted by the
IPCC,” said Easterbrook, professor emeritus of geology at Western
Washington University and author of 150 scientific journal
articles and 10 books, including “Evidence Based Climate Science,” which
was published in 2011. (See EasterbrookL
In contrast, Gore and the IPCC’s computer models predicted “a big
increase” in global warming by as much as one degree per decade. But the
climate models used by the IPCC have proved to be wrong, with many
places in Europe and North America now experiencing record-breaking
Easterbrook noted that his 20-year prediction was the “mildest” one of
four possible scenarios, all of which involve lower temperatures, and
added that only time will tell whether the Earth continues to cool
slightly or plunges into another Little Ice Age as it did between 1650
and 1790.
“There’s no way to tell ‘til you get there,” he told But he
lamented the fact that governments worldwide have already spent a
trillion dollars fighting the wrong threat.
“How does it feel to have been right?” asked Easterbrook.
“To be really truthful, it’s wonderful. There’s nothing that makes you
feel better than to be right and be able to say, ‘I told you so,’”
replied Easterbrook, who was also an official reviewer of the IPCC
reports. “But I’m not gloating about it because it’s not good news. It’s
bad news.
“And in many respects, I hope that I’m wrong. And the reason I hope that
I’m wrong is because it’s going to cost several million people their
lives if I’m right. In Third World countries where food and water are a
problem right now, it’s going to get worse. Cold is way worse for
humanity than warm is.”
Easterbrook said he made his earlier prediction by tracing back “a
consistently recurring pattern” of alternating warm and cool ocean
cycles called the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) that occurs
naturally every 25 to 30 years. He discovered that the PDO corresponded
with a similar temperature cycle demonstrated by isotope ratios found in
Greenland ice cores going all the way back to 1480.
“We don’t know what the driving mechanism is, but it’s very consistent.
It’s happened five times a century and every time it’s happened, there’s
been a corresponding change in global temperature, either warm or
cool,” Easterbrook told
“What I did was I projected this same pattern forward to see what it
would look like. And so in 1999, which was the year after the second
warmest year on record, the PDO said we’re due for a climate change, and
so I said okay. It looks as though we’re going to be entering a period
of about three decades or so of global cooling.
“And so in 2000, I published a paper with the Geological Society of
America in which I predicted that we were going to stop warming and
begin cooling for about 25 or 30 years, on the basis of taking the
temperature records that go back a century or more and simply repeating
the pattern of warming and cooling, warming and cooling, and so on.
“And that in fact has happened. We have now had 17 years with no global
warming and my original prediction was right so far. But we have still
probably another 20 years or so to see if the cooling trend continues,
and if it does, then my prediction will be right and my methods will be
right. And so what it boils down to is, so far so good.”
Easterbrook added that his long-term prediction until the end of century
is “a lot more nebulous” due to the still-unknown effect of the sun,
which has entered a “grand solar minimum” occurring every 200
years. “Everything we think depends on what’s going to happen with
the sun.”
But based on past climate data, he says the most likely scenarios are
“either deep cooling, or a return to another 25-year cycle of light
warming/cooling, but nothing even approaching the 10 degrees warming the
IPCC folks are predicting.”
When asked Easterbrook if anybody from the IPCC, which
“ignored all the data I gave them,” ever admitted that he had been
right, he laughed.“No, every time I say something about the projection
of climate into the future based on real data, they come out with some
modeled data that says this is just a temporary pause, like a tiger
waiting under the rug.”
Easterbrook noted that 32,000 American scientists have signed a
statement that there’s no correlation between climate change and carbon
dioxide levels. “I am absolutely dumbfounded by the totally absurd and
stupid things said every day by people who are purportedly scientists
that make absolutely no sense whatsoever….
“These people are simply ignoring real-time data that has been
substantiated and can be replicated and are simply making up stuff,” he
told Driven by a quest for money and power, he added, “what
they’re doing in the U.S. is using CO2 to impose all kinds of
restrictions to push a socialist government.”
“One thing many people don’t realize is that CO2 by itself is incapable
of causing significant climate change. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
is 39/1,000ths of one percent. It’s nothing. Ninety-five percent of the
greenhouse effect is water vapor, and water vapor is not changing. …
“No doubt CO2 has been climbing, but the total change in atmospheric
composition [since 1945, when CO2 levels began to increase] is one
9/1,000ths of one percent. So how are you going to have a 10 degree
climate change by changing this tiny amount? You can’t do it,” he says,
which is why the trillion dollars already spent worldwide on reducing
carbon dioxide has had little effect.
“The people who are climate deniers are the people who are denying
global cooling," Easterbrook told "We haven’t had any
global warming in 17 years, and they are denying that. And so we’re not
the deniers. They’re the deniers.”
Humidity and the Greenhouse effect
CALIFORNIA?) has been touted by some as being “proof” that humidity
causes an enhanced “greenhouse effect”.
The conclusions drawn in the paper are based on the following two graphs (the red trend lines were added for clarity):
At first glance the increase in the daily minimum temperature (just
before sunrise) exceeds the decrease in daily maximum temperature
(~2:30PM) giving the impression that there was an over-all increase in
the daily mean temperature from 1930-2000, but look at the scale. Each
line in the TMin graph is 2 °C while each line in the TMax scale is 4
So, as you can see the daily minimum temperature increased about 2 °C
while the daily maximum temperature decreased by about 2 °C meaning that
the overall affect of irrigation on the daily mean temperature was nil.
Rather, the affect of irrigation in this study shows that ground water
decreases the diurnal temperature swing. This is not surprising since
water has a higher specific heat than does dry soil. As a result the
specific heat of wet soil is nearly double that of dry soil.
Specific heat water = 4.179 j/g/°C
Specific heat dry soil = 0.19 j/g/°C
Specific heat wet soil = 0.35 j/g/°C
Ergo, wet soil both warms and cools more slowly than does dry soil given
the same thermal input/output. Thus any assertion that this study
demonstrates that irrigation in the San Joaquin Valley during the 19th
century caused a net increase in average daily temperature is false
unless you both milk the data and ignore the warm temperatures present
in the 1930’s. For example, if you were to start the nighttime minimum
trend line in the 1940’s instead of the 1930’s then the nighttime
warming trend would appear to have increased about 3 °C compared to the
actual nighttime warming trend of about 2 °C, which is cancelled out by
an equivalent amount of daytime cooling.
It is interesting to note that the original paper does not quantify the
total increase in the daily minimum nighttime temperatures over the time
period studied, but only says that it was “positive”. It was a
commentary on his paper that quantified the increase to have been ~3 °C,
which, if true, would suggest that the study showed a ~1 °C net
increase in daily mean temperatures from 1930-2000. In other words,
whether the data shows a nil effect on the daily mean temperature or a
slight increase depends upon where one arbitrarily places the trend line
on the graphs.
Let’s keep something else in mind. Water vapor at a global average of
70% R/H is said to increase the global mean temperature by some 22 °C
all by itself (2/3rds of the total 33 °C of “greenhouse effect” warming
that is said to exist.)
This is roughly 3 °C for every 10% increase in humidity. If therefore
the irrigation of this otherwise desert landscape caused even a doubling
of the R/H from about 35% to 70% (70% is the current yearly mean
humidity in the San Joaquin Valley) then a water vapor enhanced
“greenhouse effect” should have been around 10 °C! Instead the data has
to be milked and the daytime cooling ignored in order to suggest that
the 35% increase in the San Joaquin Valley’s humidity has caused a
significant increase in the daily mean temperature via an enhanced
“greenhouse effect”.
What is odd about this paper is that it purports to assess the affect of
humidity on the nighttime temperature increase within the San Joaquin
Valley yet fails to report what the humidity actually was in that valley
prior it being irrigated to grow crops or even when the irrigation
reached sufficient levels to affect the regional climate.
All that it says is, “With very low humidity, such an environment saw
diurnal temperature ranges of over 15°C in the dry season. Additionally,
the hard, dry natural surface had little heat capacity and relatively
high albedo.” Curiously in this statement Christy accurately attributes
the change that the regional climate has experienced to 1) a change in
the ground’s heat capacity [as mentioned above] and 2) to a change in
the ground’s albedo.
Yet within his summary statement he drops mention of the change in heat
capacity and adds the “greenhouse effect” to his list of hypothetical
causes of the increased nighttime temperatures measured within the San
Joaquin Valley during the 20th century.
So, let’s jump to the summary of the paper that again ignores the
daytime cooling trend and bases its conclusions exclusively on the
increase in nighttime minimum temperatures. “Our hypothesis at this
point is that irrigation has altered the surface energy balance of the
valley floor, causing nighttime temperatures to remain warm.” The paper
then advances three possible reasons why irrigation might be the cause
an increase in the nighttime temperatures seen in the San Joaquin
1) “The additional water vapor supplied through evaporation, not present
formerly, enhances the downward flux of thermal radiation.” In other
words increases the “greenhouse effect”.
2) “Second, the additional vapor allows aerosols to reach the swelling
point at which they become very active in the thermal spectrum.”
3) “Last, the moist ground and vegetation absorb solar energy during the
ubiquitous cloudless days, and release the energy in the evening.”
Since Christy only hypothesizes about the cause of the increase in
nighttime temperatures and ignores in his summary the concurrent
decrease in daytime temperatures, he is only looking at one half of a
dampened diurnal temperature swing. Do the laws of physics change when
the sun goes down? Why a doubling of the humidity wouldn’t also cause an
enhanced “greenhouse effect” during the day is not explored.
To be fair to Christy, this question is never explored because doing so
would not support the meme being advanced. It is an observable
phenomenon that both up going long-wave radiation and the absolute
humidity are the highest during the daytime hours yet the daytime
temperatures in humid climates are seen to be significantly less than
the daytime temperatures in arid climates.
This would suggest that the hypothetical “greenhouse effect” is only a
mirage and that something else is causing the increased nighttime
temperatures in humid climates.
James Cameron wants you to eat all the plants to stop global warming
Bad news: Plants can hear themselves being eaten
Remember, this is the same guy who dove to the bottom of Challenger
Deep, so he probably knows something about, er… something. Apparently,
one of the next big projects for James Cameron has nothing to do with
100 year old wrecks or ten foot tall blue people who plug their pony
tails into their dragons. The director and his wife are ready to
convince all of you to eat nothing but plants. For your health? Not just
that… it’s also to stop global warming, of course.
Film director James Cameron and his wife, Suzy Amis Cameron, an actor
and model, are planning a global campaign to persuade people to move
towards a plant-only diet (where no animals or animal products are
consumed) in order to sharply reduce global carbon emissions and improve
their health…
“The project will include many different modes of communication that
will reach as many different demographics as we possibly can from
children to 90-year-olds. We want to bring awareness around the
connection between livestock production and our environment to leave the
planet a better place for our future generations to grow up in.”…
As they delved further into the subject, they recognised that the meat
and dairy industry is also the elephant in the room when it comes to
climate change.
I suppose this is a topic that’s drawing all sorts of attention around
the world. Cameron is no doubt interested in the results of a recent
study from across the pond with the rather unfortunate name, Dietary
greenhouse gas emissions of meat-eaters, fish-eaters, vegetarians and
vegans in the UK.
The production of animal-based foods is associated with higher
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than plant-based foods. The objective of
this study was to estimate the difference in dietary GHG emissions
between self-selected meat-eaters, fish-eaters, vegetarians and vegans
in the UK. Subjects were participants in the EPIC-Oxford cohort study.
The diets of 2,041 vegans, 15,751 vegetarians, 8,123 fish-eaters and
29,589 meat-eaters aged 20–79 were assessed using a validated food
frequency questionnaire…
In conclusion, dietary GHG emissions in self-selected meat-eaters are
approximately twice as high as those in vegans. It is likely that
reductions in meat consumption would lead to reductions in dietary GHG
Throughout the summary of the study results, the authors stubbornly
refuse to hone in on the one detail that I’m sure we’re all wondering.
Are they talking about the average carbon output from beef farming when
divided by the number of people who eat steak? Because both the title
and the descriptions in the following paragraph make it sound like
they’re measuring the personal, er… gaseous emissions of the meat eaters
in the study.
I know the climate warriors are a dedicated bunch and can find an angle
to tie climate change into virtually every discussion, but this may have
been a bit above and beyond the call here. I mean, who is it that was
doing the “measuring” of these “emissions” and how was that managed?
Inquiring minds want to know! (Okay… most of us probably don’t,
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
6 July, 2014
This is what happens when you express global temperature in simple degrees Fahrenheit instead of as an "anomaly"
Calibrated in whole degrees
And here it is in Celsius:
Odd that Warmists always use "anomalies", isn't it?
The Trouble With Climate Change Denial (?)
Bob Ward below must get tired talking about global warming.
It's the same old story from him over and over: Appeal to
authority, abuse, Appeal to authority, abuse, Appeal to authority,
abuse. No room for the facts about global warming -- such as
we see above. Odd that skeptics are always using graphs but
Warmists rarely do. The graphs are just too pesky
Over the past few months, the Global Warming Policy Foundation has been
strongly pushing a campaign pamphlet on 'The trouble with climate
change', written by its founder and chair, Lord Lawson of Blaby. It
provides a fascinating demonstration of the trouble with climate change
The pamphlet is a grumpy polemic by Lord Lawson in which he complains
bitterly about being subjected to "extremes of personal hostility,
vituperation and vilification" because of his views on climate change,
while also condemning "climate scientists and their hangers-on who have
become the high priests of a new age of unreason".
It shows that he is still filled with the same intense dislike of
climate scientists that he felt when he first produced an essay on the
issue for the Centre for Policy Studies, a right-wing lobby group, in
That essay, which provided the basis for his book 'An Appeal to Reason',
suggested that "the new religion is eco-fundamentalism", which he
compared with "the supreme intolerance of Islamic fundamentalism", and
"the new priests are scientists (well rewarded with research grants for
their pains) rather than clerics of the established religions".
Like his first contribution, Lord Lawson's latest pamphlet is imbued
with contempt for climate scientists, and depends on denying their
findings about the scale of the risks that are being created by
unmanaged climate change.
The former Chancellor of the Exchequer, who has no scientific training
or qualifications, accepts the undeniable fact that "by burning fossil
fuels - coal, oil and gas - we are increasing the amount of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere and thus, other things being equal, increasing
the earth's temperature". But beyond this, he presents a distorted
account of the science, apparently based on whether it is in line with
his ideological opposition to climate change policies.
For instance, Lord Lawson claims that "the effect of carbon dioxide on
the earth's temperature is probably less than was previously thought".
This is simply false. The most authoritative review of the scientific
evidence, published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) in September 2013, found that the long-term sensitivity of the
climate to a doubling of the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide
was likely (66 per cent chance) to cause global average surface
temperature to rise by between 1.5 and 4.5 centigrade degrees.
This compares with the previous assessment in 2007 which concluded that
the value of the long-term climate sensitivity is between 2.0 and 4.5
centigrade degrees. So although the lower bound is slightly lower in the
new assessment, it is not true that the value is "probably less than
previously thought".
And as the new report shows, if atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse
gases continue to grow at the current rate, even assuming a low value
of climate sensitivity, global warming will substantially exceed two
degrees by the end of this century, resulting in a global average
surface temperature that, as the IPCC points out, has not been
experienced for a sustained period on Earth since the Pliocene Epoch
about 3 million years ago, when the polar ice caps were much smaller and
global sea level was up to 20 metres higher than it is today.
However, 82-year-old Lord Lawson seems unperturbed by the prospect of
creating a prehistoric climate for future generations to deal with. He
argues that "over millennia, the temperature of the earth has varied a
great deal". That may be so, but human civilisation has developed over
the past 12,000 years since the end of the last Ice Age during a period
when global average temperature has only varied by a couple of
centigrade degrees at most.
Lord Lawson offers proof of our resilience against climate change by
citing the Little Ice Age in the 17th century, "when the Thames
frequently froze in winter and substantial ice fairs were held on it".
This is a 'sceptic' canard. The River Thames froze over only 23 times
between 1408 and 1814, and was due to the old London Bridge restricting
tidal flows. After the Bridge was replaced in the 1830, the river did
not freeze over even though London experienced many colder winters.
Finally Lord Lawson argues that even if the Earth is warming, the
consequences are nothing to worry about. He claims that it is "still
uncertain whether there is any impact on extreme weather events as a
result of warming", yet the IPCC concluded that "changes in many extreme
weather and climate events have been observed since about 1950", and,
for instance, "the frequency or intensity of heavy precipitation events
has likely increased in North America and Europe".
Lord Lawson also denies any link between climate change and the floods
that hit the UK earlier this year during the wettest winter on record,
even though the Met Office has laid out the evidence for a connection.
Instead, he accuses the Met Office of "weasel words" and accuses its
chief scientist, Professor Julia Slingo, of being "publicity-hungry".
The pamphlet provides stunning proof that the arguments put forward by
Lord Lawson and other climate change 'sceptics' require not just a
dogmatic rejection of the expert views of climate scientists, but also a
denigration of their professional competence and integrity.
That is the trouble with climate change denial.
BBC staff told to stop inviting cranks on to science programmes
The Vatican of Global Warming
BBC journalists are being sent on courses to stop them inviting so many cranks onto programmes to air ‘marginal views’
The BBC Trust on Thursday published a progress report into the
corporation’s science coverage which was criticised in 2012 for giving
too much air-time to critics who oppose non-contentious issues.
The report found that there was still an ‘over-rigid application of
editorial guidelines on impartiality’ which sought to give the ‘other
side’ of the argument, even if that viewpoint was widely dismissed.
Some 200 staff have already attended seminars and workshops and more
will be invited on courses in the coming months to stop them giving
‘undue attention to marginal opinion.’
“The Trust wishes to emphasise the importance of attempting to establish
where the weight of scientific agreement may be found and make that
clear to audiences,” wrote the report authors.
“Science coverage does not simply lie in reflecting a wide range of
views but depends on the varying degree of prominence such views should
be given.”
The Trust said that man-made climate change was one area where too much weight had been given to unqualified critics.
In April the BBC was accused of misleading viewers about climate change
and creating ‘false balance’ by allowing unqualified sceptics to have
too much air-time.
In a damning parliamentary report, the corporation was criticised for
distorting the debate, with Radio 4’s Today and World at One programmes
coming in for particular criticism.
The BBC’s determination to give a balanced view has seen it pit
scientists arguing for climate change against far less qualified
opponents such as Lord Lawson who heads a campaign group lobbying
against the government’s climate change policies.
Andrew Montford, who runs the Bishop Hill climate sceptic blog, former
children’s television presenter Johnny Ball and Bob Carter, a retired
Australian geologist, are among the other climate sceptics that have
appeared on the BBC.
The report highlighted World at One edition in September of a landmark
UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) research project
which found concluded with 95 per cent certainty that the climate is
changing and that human activity is the main cause.
The programme’s producers tried more than a dozen qualified UK
scientists to give an opposing view but could not find one willing to do
so – so they went to Mr Carter in Australia.
Pitted against Energy Secretary Ed Davey, Mr Carter described the
findings of the most authoritative report ever undertaken into the
science of climate change – put together by hundreds of scientists
around the world – as “hocus-pocus science”.
There is zero evidence that plastic bags kill fish, birds or the planet
The British government should be ashamed of itself, says Jill Bell, of
the Marine Conservation Society, for letting supermarket chain Tesco
hand out plastic bags for free.
Prime minister David Cameron has apparently heeded the message since he
now proposes to use some of his limited remaining time in power passing a
law that will oblige customers to pay five pence per bag.
Why? Because ‘animals are dying from ingesting plastic and it is
entering the food chain’, Bell told the Daily Mail, a newspaper that has
become an evangelist for the bob-a-bag cause. Seabirds and marine
mammals have died from ingesting and being entangled in disposable
shopping bags, we are told.
The number of creatures polished off by plastic in, say, the last 12
months is impossible to establish, so environmental campaigners are
obliged to make up the stats. The fatalities are ‘countless’, says
Greenpeace, ‘numerous’ in fact. ‘An increasing number’, says the United
Nations Environmental Programme; ‘thousands’, reports the Center for
Biological Diversity. ‘Between 100,000 and 500,000’, says the Winterlife
Cooperative in Seattle. The death toll for seabirds alone is ‘around
one million’, according to the Australian Marine Conservation Society
(AMCS), plus ‘100,000 marine animals’.
Chris Davies MEP, the environment spokesman for the UK Liberal
Democrats, confidently assures the Mail that ‘discarded plastic bags are
killing millions of marine animals each year’, which is why the
European Parliament has declared jihad, or as they prefer to call it, a
‘Binding European Union Target’ on plastic bags. Shoppers in Britain
face the prospect of a five-pence polybag tax because ‘it’s become a
massive problem across Europe’, says Davies, ‘one we must deal with
The phantasmal qualities of discarded plastic pouches have become part
of modern folklore. Plastic bags are seen as the harbinger of wider
eco-calamity that strikes fear into our hearts, much like the dreaded
medieval Welsh king Gwynn ap Nudd, the Lord of the Dead, with his powers
to summon the souls of unbaptised children. ‘We must change our
habits’, say the sages at the AMCS, ‘and break the deadly cycle’.
For advice on matters of impending doom, the ancient Assyrians turned to
the soothsayer, ‘the frenzied woman from whose lips the god speaks’.
Her prophecies were self-evidently beyond question; to deny her word was
tantamount to apostasy. Today we ascribe environmentalists with the
omniscient virtues of the soothsayer. Their wild claims on the
deleterious qualities of plastic, like their wild long-term weather
forecasts, are seldom questioned.
Plastic sceptics are assumed to be in the pay of Big Checkout and
lacking in compassion for our suffering airborne and aquatic friends.
When Tesco says it has reduced the number of bags it gives away, its
claims are regarded as dubious, since it has a ‘vested interest’ in
lining its own pocket. Not-for-profit campaigners, on the other hand,
are afforded great respect in media interviews. As valiant campaigners
against callous slaughter, they are immune to baser motives, like
raising money for a cause that allows them to pay their mortgage.
Curiously for a newspaper that has shown admirable scepticism towards
climate claims, the Mail appears to have swallowed the checkout
catastrophe theory hook, line and sinker. The tabloid and its readers
are understandably fed up with Eurocrats who presume to impose national
law, yet Westminster’s craven response to this particularly moral
crusade is treated with indifference. The Mail, an organ that presents
itself as a supporter of consumer rights, seems unconcerned at this
regressive impost on supermarket shoppers. Five pence a bag will be of
little, if any, consequence to the average merchant banker; it is a
tenth of the price of Waitrose gourmet pork sausages with black pepper
and nutmeg. For the price-conscious shoppers in Morrisons, however, a
shilling is half the cost of a banger.
Those who make a virtue of their compassion for the poor and vulnerable
have been notably silent on this point, for turtles trump people in the
ecological hierarchy of concerns. Looking for logic or consistency in
the arguments of the bob-a-bag vigilantes, however, is a futile
exercise. This is public policy based on gut instinct rather than
The Productivity Commission, the Australian government’s independent
policy research body, considered the case for regulating plastic bags in
2006 and concluded: ‘The case for proceeding with the phase out of
plastic bags appears particularly weak.’ Plastic bags accounted for a
mere 0.2 per cent of solid waste in landfill disposal. The inert nature
of plastic meant its environmental impact was low and there was some
evidence that it helped stabilise landfill and reduce leaching and
greenhouse gas emissions. An Australian government report in 2002
concluded: ‘Actual numbers of animals injured or killed annually by
plastic-bag litter is obviously nearly impossible to determine.’
The most commonly-quoted death toll – 100,000 – came from a 20-year-old
Canadian study on fishing nets and tackle. ‘A more cost-effective
approach to addressing the underlying issues of concern would be to
target plastic-bag litter directly’, the Productivity Commission
recommended. Anti-littering and anti-dumping laws should be enforced.
Community education and action schemes should be encouraged. Tidy-town
awards and volunteer clean-up days have a double benefit; they produce a
healthier environment and healthier communities.
Under Australia’s federal system, the state of South Australia is the
equivalent of the crash-test dummy when it comes to appraising the
efficacy of nanny-state legislation. It is the state that banned smoking
in mental hospitals to ‘provide a clear message to the community’ but
still allows smoking in prisons. It is the state that set up a Cat
and Dog Management Board to lecture citizens about responsible pet
ownership and gives free surfing lessons to graffiti vandals to try to
wean them off aerosols. And it is home to the parliament that passed the
Plastic Shopping Bags (Waste Avoidance) Act 2008 because it could not
trust its citizens to throw them in the bin.
Under the legislation, a South Australian shopkeeper who fails to charge
for a lightweight plastic bag, ‘as a means of carrying goods purchased,
or to be purchased, from the retailer’, faces a $5,000 fine. The
retailer can gain exemption if ‘he or she believed on reasonable grounds
that the bag was not a plastic shopping bag’. The law comes down hard,
however, on a person who attempts to present a plastic shopping bag as
something other than a plastic shopping bag. Section 6 of the 2008 Act
is clear: ‘If a person sells, supplies or provides a bag to another
knowing that it is a plastic shopping bag; and… represents to the other
that the bag is not a plastic shopping bag, the person is guilty of an
offence. Maximum penalty: $20,000.’
The South Australian government claims that it ‘leads the nation’ in the
crusade against lightweight, single-use, disposable bags, and that
there will be 40million fewer of them as a result. That figure, like
every other statistic in this field, is dubious to say the least.
The inconvenience to customers has been considerable and there are
unintended consequences; householders are running out of bags to line
the bin. Zero Waste SA, one of South Australia’s many statutory
authorities, has stepped in with a handy factsheet titled ‘The Bin-Liner
Dilemma’. It notes that abandoning the bin liner altogether would
reduce the volume of solid waste entering landfill, but would introduce
other problems. Water use increases, since bins require washing more
frequently. The use of bin-cleaning products has increased, along with
the associated environmental impacts.
Plastic bags, it transpires, have their good points after all.
Plastic-lined dustbins are odourless and discourage vermin. Naked bins,
on the other hand, pose health risks for garbage collectors, and burden
them with additional work. The risk of accidental littering increases,
the factsheet notes, particularly ‘if waste is collected in windy
conditions’. Zero Waste concludes: ‘There remains no clear
“environmental impact-free” solution to the bin-liner dilemma.’
And in any case, is the consumption of plastic bags really that bad, or
is our aversion to them just another food fad? It may seem a flippant
question, but a recent report in the Mail suggests it is not. ‘Man
addicted to eating plastic bags’, reads the headline. ‘They’re
delicious’, says Robert, 23, from Oakland, Tennessee, who claims to have
been eating plastic bags since he was seven years old. We are led to
believe he has eaten 60,000 in his lifetime and cruises the
neighbourhood when he gets peckish in search of a discarded bag. His
fiance persuaded him to see a doctor, but ‘even though eating plastic
can cause liver damage and intestinal blockages, Robert’s tests come
back OK’.
It’s a story that just about sums up everything the Mail has published about plastic bags. Hard to swallow.
Cellulosic alcohol hits a rock
Contrary to popular ‘green’ beliefs, a study funded by the US federal
government argues that corn-based biofuels are actually worse for the
environment than gasoline, as they emit more greenhouse gasses and
deplete soil carbon.
The $500,000 peer-reviewed analysis by the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln, published in an issue of the journal Nature Climate
Change, claims that cellulosic biofuels like ethanol, produced from
residue, the byproduct of harvested corn (left-over leaves, cobs etc.)
lead to a 7-percent increase in emissions, as well as 62 grams above the
60-percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions stipulated in the law
on energy targets of 2007.
This is a setback for those lobbying for cleaner fuels, who wish to
combat climate change. The federal government has been trying to push
through mandates for increasing ethanol production to promote the idea
of clean alternatives to gasoline. They invested over $1 billion in
federal funds to support cellulosic biofuel research. But ethanol-based
fuel alternatives have so far been a more expensive, cumbersome venture.
This should make farmers happy, as soil erosion has always been a
problem, as well as the issue of retaining residue for nourishing and
preserving soil quality.
According to experts in the field, the research is long overdue and is
the first attempt to quantify the effect of ethanol-based biofuel on
carbon depletion in soil. It looked at production in 12 Corn Belt
The key conclusion is that when left to be absorbed naturally by the
soil, the leaves, stalks and cobs are more beneficial for the soil than
when it is later burned as fuel and the residue gives off carbon into
the atmosphere. As a result, the study concludes the process contributes
to global warming.
"If less residue is removed, there is less decrease in soil carbon, but
it results in a smaller biofuel energy yield," Adam Liska, the professor
in charge of the study said, adding that the results of the study were
in line with his expectations and that he’s “amazed [the findings have]
not come out more solidly until now.”
As a preventive measure against depriving the soil of carbon it gets
from corn residue – and to reduce carbon emissions - the research
suggests planting more crops to give the earth the carbon it needs; it
also talks of using alternative feed stocks and sources of residue, as
well as harnessing more electricity from carbon-fuel stations, as
opposed to coal-operated ones.
The study received a swift response from government officials and oil
businesses, who say the research is flawed, as it uses scenarios that
are firstly too simplistic, because they don’t account for variations in
carbon depletion from soil in a given field; secondly, they are seen as
too extreme in overestimating how much residue is removed.
According to Jan Koninckx, who is the global business director for bio
refineries at DuPont, a chemical company, “no responsible farmer or
business would ever employ [the study’s suggestions], because it would
ruin both the land and the long-term supply of feedstock. It makes no
agronomic or business sense.”
But Liska believes that this is, in fact, the first study that got the carbon depletion math as close to the truth as possible.
And, as professor David Tilman of the University of Minnesota said in
support of the study: “It will be very hard to make a biofuel that has a
better greenhouse gas impact than gasoline using corn residue,”
Germany Shelves Shale-Gas Drilling For Next Seven Years
Planned Regulations Come Amid Political Standoff With Russia, Germany's Main Gas Supplier
Germany plans to halt shale-gas drilling for the next seven years over
concerns that exploration techniques could pollute groundwater.
"There won't be [shale-gas] fracking in Germany for the foreseeable future," Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks said Friday.
The planned regulations come amid a political standoff with Russia,
Germany's main natural gas supplier, and following intensive lobbying
from environmentalists and brewers concerned about possible
drinking-water contamination.
The production of shale gas requires the application of the hydraulic
fracturing technology known as fracking, which involves using a
high-pressure mixture of water, sand and chemicals to break apart rocks
to release the gas. The government plans to ban the use of hydraulic
fracturing technology for drilling operations shallower than 3,000
meters (1.9 miles) and hopes to get a bill ready early next year.
The government will reassess the ban in 2021.
"Protecting drinking water and health has the highest value for us," Ms. Hendricks said.
Fracking technology has been used since the 1960s in Germany, allowing
the industry to maximize the output of conventional gas fields. Although
there is currently an oversupply of natural gas in Europe, prices in
Germany are much higher than in the U.S. where fracking is used
But Germans are suspicious of fracking, fearing that it could pollute
drinking water. Shale-gas carrying rock formations tend to be closer to
the surface, and therefore closer to groundwater deposits.
While fracking for conventional gas deposits will remain permitted, the
government will tighten rules aimed at preventing water contamination
from fluids released during the fracking process.
A ban on fracking for shale gas is consistent with previous comments
from leading lawmakers, including Chancellor Angela Merkel. In its
coalition agreement, the government last year stated that it "rejects
the application of toxic substances" in oil and gas extraction. The
coalition, which groups Ms. Merkel's conservative Christian Democrats
and the center-left Social Democrats, has said fracking should pose no
risk to water supplies.
It has said, however, that it could change its mind if the energy
industry were to improve its environmental track record and replace
toxic substances with harmless ones.
While the new regulations are aimed at cementing an effective moratorium
on shale-gas production in Germany, they also pave the way for a
reinvigoration of conventional gas production.
Public opposition to fracking had prompted state regulators to restrict
almost all gas extraction that involves fracking. And the gas industry
has blamed dwindling domestic gas production on the authorities'
restrictive approval practices.
German domestic gas production declined by around 10% in 2012 and again
in 2013, due partly to the fracking ban, according to Wintershall AG,
Germany's largest gas and oil producer.
Declining gas production has already hit public budgets. Before the
fracking ban, Germany's gas industry contributed roughly €600 million
($816 million) annually in taxes and other income to Lower Saxony's
budget. In the coming years, the state is projecting income of around
€400 million, the state government has said.
Fracking proponents in Germany have said it could boost the country's
economy and create hundreds of thousands of jobs. The West's rising
tensions with Moscow over Ukraine has also prompted calls for more
indigenous gas production to reduce reliance on Russian energy supplies.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
4 July, 2014
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Hoax
A new study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
could mean bad news for environmental doomsayers. Forget all those
warnings about the million tons of plastic debris floating in the ocean.
Ignore the photos that you think show the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Andres Cozar of the University of Cadiz in Spain is the man who once
extrapolated the 1 million-ton estimate. Since then, however, he has led
research that collected samples at 141 ocean sites. Cozar's new
estimate: Between 7,000 and 35,000 tons of plastic are floating in the
Cozar's team didn't find country-sized islands of plastic bags
strangling baby birds and sea turtles. It found "micro plastics." What
people think of as a dump doesn't look like floating junk. Instead,
ocean current "convergence zones" are swirling with flecks of plastic --
like a snow globe a half-minute after you shake it -- and with
considerably less plastic trash than expected.
Not that plastic in the ocean is a good thing, but it's looking to be less of a peril to the planet than once suggested.
As I read about the Cozar study, I could not help but think of
California state Sen. Alex Padilla and his Senate Bill 270, which would
ban single-use plastic bags. San Francisco started the plastic bag ban
craze in 2007. More than 100 cities in the state have followed as bag
ban proponents have shopped two images -- of bags in the ocean and of
dead marine life.
The thing is that you don't find whole shopping bags in convergence
zones. Peter Davison, an oceanographer with California's Farallon
Institute for Advanced Ecosystem Research, told me he frequently has
seen plastic bags littering harbors, but in the ocean, one is likelier
to come across debris from a fishing fleet and bits of plastic from many
In support of bag bans, the Surfrider Foundation has posted a video that
asserts, "Plastics kill 1.5 million marine animals each year."
"I have no idea where they got that number," Joel Baker, environmental
science professor at the University of Washington, Tacoma, told me. He
has assigned students to track down that number, and "the trail goes
Surfrider now uses a different number -- 100,000 marine animals. As for
the 1.5 million figure, Surfrider senior staff scientist Rick Wilson
referred me to a United Nations paper with no specific sourcing. Then he
said, "I will admit it's difficult to track down a definitive
scientific study source for it."
Factoids are almost as indestructible as plastic.
Both Davison and Baker can think of animals that have died from plastic;
you can see photos on the Internet. But from bags? Davison found chunks
of plastic in about 10 percent of 150 ocean fish he dissected. "We
don't know if it kills them or not."
Neither Davison nor Baker likes the idea of plastic in the ocean, and
neither would say it is not a problem. As Baker put it, "we don't know
what effect it's having on organisms."
We do know, however, that single-use plastic bags require fewer
resources than reusable bags -- which you have to wash -- and paper
bags. Plastic bags litter harbors but also represent less than 1 percent
of the U.S. municipal waste stream. It's a mistake to believe that what
might replace them would have no downside.
BBC spends £500k to ask 33,000 Asians 5,000 miles from UK what they think of climate change
The BBC has spent hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money
asking 33,000 people in Asian countries how climate change is affecting
The £519,000 campaigning survey by little-known BBC Media Action is
designed to persuade the world to adopt more hard-line policies to
combat global warming.
It was immediately condemned yesterday as a flagrant abuse of the
Corporation’s rules on impartiality and ‘a spectacular waste of money’
by a top academic expert.
Every year, BBC Media Action gets £22.2?million from the taxpayer via
the Foreign Office and Department for International Development.
Its climate survey, published this month, is called From The Ground Up:
Changing The Conversation On Climate Change. In it, farmers and
villagers in India, China, Vietnam, Nepal, Pakistan and Indonesia were
asked how climate change was ‘affecting their lives already’ and about
their future concerns.
They described less predictable rainfall, droughts, declining harvests
and an increase in respiratory disease caused by dustier soil, and
blamed them on global warming.
The survey does not clarify whether these descriptions are supported by
data, nor whether climate change is indeed the cause. It also includes
graphs showing a steep rise in global temperatures – but they end
abruptly in 2000, when temperatures stopped rising at all.
The report ends with advice, apparently written for climate activists:
‘Do not talk about scientific or technical abstractions. Talk about the
problems they face in their daily lives… Speak in language that makes
sense to people in terms of how they experience climate change.’
Its website states it ‘belongs to the BBC’, and ‘builds on the
fundamental values of the BBC to guide its work’. Its chairman is
Peter Horrocks, director of the BBC World Service Group. Trustees
include newsreader George Alagiah.
John Whittingdale, chairman of the Commons Select Committee on Media and
Culture, said last night he was ‘astonished’ to see the BBC involved
with a survey of this kind.
He added: ‘The BBC brand carries with it a huge reputation for
impartiality and objectivity. Even though this is not a mainstream,
licence-fee-funded activity, for the BBC to attach its label to
something which is so politically controversial is unwise.
The BBC has already been attacked for paying too little attention to
climate change sceptics, and this bears those criticisms out.’
Richard Tol, professor of economics at Sussex University and a leading
authority on climate change impacts, said the BBC ‘would have been
better advised to invest this money in proper research’.
He said the survey’s assertions are often contradicted by more reliable
sources. He said: ‘Objective data do not corroborate the survey’s
reported impacts on health, droughts, predictability of rainfall, and
crop yields. Attribution of any of these effects to climate change
is by and large beyond the current level of scientific knowledge.’
Prof Tol was one of the ‘co-ordinating lead authors’ of a report on the
consequences of warming by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change in March.
UN figures show harvests have been rising across Asia for decades. The
March IPCC report stated: ‘The worldwide burden of ill-health from
climate change is relatively small compared with effects of other
stressors and is not well quantified.’
On rainfall, it stated: ‘There is now low confidence in the attribution
of changes in drought since the mid-20th Century to human influence.’
Prof Tol said the survey results were academically worthless:
‘Interviewing 30,000 people across six countries is expensive, and
cannot tell us much – previous research has shown people’s recollection
of past weather and climate is very unreliable, and people’s attribution
of observations to causes is worse.’
The BBC survey’s campaigning intention is suggested by a chapter
entitled The Policy Context which tells readers that next year, world
leaders will meet at a UN summit in Paris to hammer out a new treaty to
cut greenhouse gas emissions.
‘2015 is a propitious moment for reorienting the way that we talk about
climate change,’ the survey report says. The Paris talks will ‘open a
window of opportunity… to articulate a climate change perspective rooted
in people’s needs’.
Dr Benny Peiser, director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, which
argues that the threat from climate change is overblown, said it seemed
Media Action was ‘the campaigning arm of the BBC, [its] propaganda
bureau’ and the survey is ‘a blatant abuse of the BBC charter’.
A spokesman for BBC Media Action confirmed the survey’s £519,000 cost
but declined to comment on its alleged lack of impartiality.
Death by Delay
by Viv Forbes
There was a time, before the baby-boom generation took over, when we
took pride in the achievements of our builders, producers and
innovators. There was always great celebration when settler families got
a phone, a tractor, a bitumen road or electric power. An oil strike or a
gold discovery made headlines, and people welcomed new businesses, new
railways and new inventions. Science and engineering were revered and
the wealth delivered by these human achievements enabled the builders
and their children to live more rewarding lives, with more leisure, more
time for culture and crusades, and greater interest in taking more care
of their environment.
Then a green snake entered the Garden of Eden.
Many of the genuine conservationists from the original environmental
societies were replaced by political extremists who felt lost after the
Comrade Societies collapsed and China joined the trading world. These
zealots were mainly interested in promoting environmental alarms in
order to push a consistent agenda of world control of production,
distribution and exchange – a new global utopia run by unelected
all-knowing people just like them.
The old Reds became the new Greens.
They used every credible-sounding scare to recruit support – peak
resources, acid rain, ozone holes, global cooling, species extinction,
food security, Barrier Reef threats, global warming or extreme weather
to justify global controls, no-go areas and international taxes to limit
all human activities. However the public became disenchanted with their
politics of denial, and their opposition to human progress, so they
have adopted a new tactic – death by delay.
“We are not opposed to all development, but we want to ensure all
environmental concerns are fully investigated before new developments
get approval.”
In fact, their goal is to kill projects with costly regulations,
investigations and delay. Their technique is to grab control of
bureaucratic bodies like the US EPA which, since 2009, has issued 2,827
new regulations totalling 24,915,000 words. A current example of death
by delay is the Keystone Oil pipeline proposal which would have taken
crude oil from Alberta in Canada to refineries on the US Gulf Coast –
far better than sending it by rail tankers. It was first proposed in
2005, and immediately opposed by the anti-industry, anti-carbon zealots
who control the EPA and other arms of the US federal government. The
proposal was studied to death by US officials and green busybodies for
nine long years.
This week the Canadians lost patience and approved an alternative
proposal to take a pipeline to the west coast of Canada, allowing more
Albertan oil to be exported to Asia. Jobs and resources that would have
benefitted Americans will now go to Asia. Naturally the Green delayers
will also attempt to throttle this proposal. Over in Europe, shale gas
exploration is also being subject to death by delay. In Britain, the
pioneering company, Caudrilla, has been waiting for seven long years for
approvals to explore. In France, all such exploration is banned.
No wonder India recently accused Greenpeace and other delayers of being “a threat to national economic security”.
Turning off street lights to save money blamed for six deaths
Switching off street lights to save money has contributed to at least six deaths in five years, the AA has warned.
Five pedestrians and one cyclist have been knocked over and killed on
roads where councils turned off the lights, according to the motoring
It said accident investigators at the inquests ruled drivers had little
or no chance of avoiding the collisions on unlit streets with speed
limits of 40mph or higher. And it predicted the problem would ‘get
worse’ as councils continued to black out lights.
Road safety campaigners have long warned of the dangers of unlit streets
as councils continue to dim or turn off their lights to make savings
and meet climate change targets. The AA said some town halls were
failing to ‘recognise the dangers’.
In one of the most alarming cases, a coroner blasted a council over its
trial of switching off street lights following the death of a
76-year-old widow.
Margaret Beeson was hit by a car on the A40 between Gerrards Cross and
Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, in the early evening of January 21, 2009.
The inquest exonerated driver Phillip Galligan, who was travelling below
the speed limit, as the darkness meant he had ‘no chance at all’ of
avoiding her.
In another case, father-of-five Dr John Bendor-Samuel, 81, died after
being hit by a car while crossing the road in Studley Green,
Buckinghamshire, on January 6, 2011.
Collision investigators told his inquest the vehicle appeared to be travelling within the speed limit.
Police said street lighting, which had been turned off along the 40mph
stretch of road by Buckinghamshire County Council as part of a
cost-cutting exercise, could have saved his life.
AA president Edmund King said: ‘There is growing evidence that cost
savings from councils turning off street lights are being paid for with
lives. Inquests point to a particular danger on roads with speed limits
of 40mph or higher.
‘For that reason, drivers have no choice but to slow down and switch to
full beam on faster town roads where late-night street lighting used to
make roads and streets safer places to travel.
‘Many of these inquests clear the drivers of blame, which means these
tragic deaths are accidents waiting to happen. With many more councils
switching off their street lights for at least part of the night, the
tragedy will just get worse.
‘At what point will the Government take action or help councils to
finance the switch to energy-saving street lights: 10, 15, 20 inquests
The AA investigation followed research in April which showed there were
fewer accident reductions between 2007 and 2012 on 40mph roads where
street lights had been switched off.
Last year, a survey found that a third of councils have switched off
street lights to save money, while nearly half are making streets darker
by dimming bulbs.
The Campaign to Protect Rural England found that of 71 local authorities
which responded, 23 switched off street lights - typically between
midnight and 5am - and 32 dimmed lights.
Councils were mainly motivated by a desire to save energy and money,
with the reduction of light pollution ‘an additional benefit’.
Bradford council is running a dimming scheme designed to save £400,000 a
year and reduce power consumption by 25 per cent. Essex County Council
expects to save £1million per year by introducing a part-night lighting
A Local Government Association spokesman said: ‘Councils always consider
the safety implications before turning off street lights, monitor
subsequent safety statistics and act if presented with evidence of a
public safety risk.’
UK green taxes hit record high of £43 billion
UK households and businesses paid a record £43 billion in green taxes
last year, new official figures show. The Treasury’s revenues from
environmental levies increased by £1.7 billion last year, from £41.3
billion in 2012. They have soared from £30.4 billion in 2003.
The total green tax revenues for 2013 are the equivalent of £1,629 for
every household - up from £1,564 in 2012 and £1,221 per household in
However, the ONS said that the majority of the bill was paid by businesses, not domestic consumers.
More than £500 million of the increase in the green taxes last year was
due to rising renewable energy levies to subsidise the construction of
wind and solar farms and other green technologies
These levies accounted for £2.4 billion of the total last year, up from
just £382 million a decade ago, reflecting the huge expansion of
heavily-subsidised green technologies to meet climate change targets.
Each UK household paid a £30 levy on their energy bill to subsidise such
large-scale renewable energy projects through the Renewable Obligation
in 2013, according to energy department figures.
The cost to consumers of such green taxes has become increasingly
controversial. Ministers have pledged to roll back green levies on bills
to help ease the burden for consumers.
However, the Treasury has already approved a significant increase in
such levies, to £7.6 billion in 2020. By that point subsidies for large
green energy projects could cost £71 per household.
Of the £43 billion green tax revenues last year, the biggest chunk was
£26.7 billion paid in taxes on fuels such as petrol and diesel. Revenues
from this kind of tax have risen from £22.5 billion in 2003.
Over the decade, tax revenues from petrol decreased, as rising prices
prompted motorists to economise or switch to diesel vehicles. Takings
from diesel rose significantly.
Motoring groups have long complained that takes on fuels in the UK are some of the highest Europe.
Other transport taxes have also soared from £5.6 billion a decade ago to £10.3 billion.
The introduction of a banding system for vehicle excise duty in the
mid-2000s contributed to this increase, as did a big increase in
revenues from air passenger duty - reflecting both a higher levy and
rising passenger numbers.
The ONS was unable to say how much of the £43 billion each household
would pay but said that “commercial and industrial revenue would account
for the majority of this total”.
“This doesn’t mean each household is paying £1,629,” they said.
“Revenue from environmentally related taxes (in current prices) has
gradually increased over the past two decades, peaking at £43.0 billion
in 2013.
“This represented 7.5 per cent of total revenue from taxes and social
contributions in the UK and was equivalent to 2.7 per cent of Gross
Domestic Product (GDP),” it said.
The figures are all expressed in today’s prices, which strip out the impact of inflation.
Australian Greens in turmoil over fuel tax
You would think that Greens would welcome a fuel tax increase but
this lot show their complete lack of principle by opposing it. To
them hate of the conservative government comes first
Continuing anger within the Greens over the party's "perverse" decision
to block inflation-based adjustments to the federal petrol tax rate
could spell fresh trouble for its leader, Christine Milne.
The Abbott government wants to restore indexation to the excise, which has been frozen at 38¢ a litre for 12 years.
The move would add between 40¢ and 60¢ a week to the average household fuel bill.
Senator Milne, who first flagged supporting the change and then
announced her party's opposition after losing the debate in her party
room, could now face pressure for a second U-turn, this time led by a
grassroots members' revolt.
NSW senator Lee Rhiannon is pushing to overturn the stance amid what one Greens member called "despair" across the green base.
A meeting has been called for Saturday at the Sydney Mechanics
Institute, where NSW branch members are expected to advocate a return to
the party's original position in the interests of policy integrity.
In a sign of the intense divisions over the issue, Senator Rhiannon has
invited members to have their say, even though the policy has been
finalised, setting up a situation in which the party room has one policy
and the membership another.
The Greens' constitution in NSW means Senator Rhiannon could be
compelled by the membership to vote contrary to her leader, although
that would have to come from a formal council meeting.
Despite that risk, Senator Rhiannon used a party-wide email to declare
she was "interested to hear from members" about the issue.
Last week Senator Milne said the party would block the increase because
the government would not use the money raised to invest in public
transport, or to cut fuel subsidies for large mining companies.
But Greens inside the party room and in the broader movement conceded
that the main reason for opposing the increase was "political".
The main advocates of the change were Deputy Leader Adam Bandt, Ms
Milne's fellow Tasmanian senator Peter Whish-Wilson, and West Australian
senator Scott Ludlam.
A senior Greens source called it politics over policy. "They just
can't come at giving Tony Abbott a win, even where it is consistent with
our own policy," the exasperated member complained.
The decision appears to have doomed the $4 billion budget measure
because the Coalition had been relying on support from the Greens to get
it through the Senate.
It was not an unreasonable expectation. Historically, the Greens have
favoured higher relative prices for polluting fossil fuels.
Greens senators have received "stacks" of emails from disappointed
constituents over the reversal, as well as official correspondence from
at least one state branch protesting against the decision.
The fight over petrol comes as some in the renewable energy sector
expressed concerns over the Greens' handling of the Clive Palmer
compromise to ditch the carbon tax but keep the renewable energy target,
the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, and the Climate Change Authority
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
3 July, 2014
Goddard was right after all
Anthony Watts climbs down below. A climate record that people rely on
to justify billions of dollars of panic spending is now admitted
to contain extensive "zombie" data. Watts is still apologizing for
the Warmist "scientists" as he obviously wants to be loved. But
he has no explanation for the fact that most of the "errors" are in the
Warmist direction. If you are aware of the extensive exposition of crookedness at NOAA by Roger Pielke Sr., you would be much less optimistic about the Warmist "scientists" than Watts is
Sometimes, you can believe you are entirely right while simultaneously
believing that you’ve done due diligence. That’s what confirmation bias
is all about. In this case, a whole bunch of people, including me, got a
severe case of it.
I’m talking about the claim made by Steve Goddard that 40% of the USHCN
data is “fabricated”. which I and few other people thought was clearly
Dr. Judith Curry and I have been conversing a lot via email over the
past two days, and she has written an illuminating essay that explores
the issue raised by Goddard and the sociology going on. See her essay:
Steve Goddard aka Tony Heller deserves the credit for the initial
finding, Paul Homewood deserves the credit for taking the finding and
establishing it in a more comprehensible way that opened closed eyes,
including mine, in his post entitled Massive Temperature Adjustments At
Luling, Texas. Along with that is his latest followup, showing the
problem isn’t limited to Texas, but also in Kansas. And there’s more
about this below.
Goddard early on (June 2) gave me his source code that made his graph,
but I couldn’t get it to compile and run. That’s probably more my fault
than his, as I’m not an expert in C++ computer language. Had I been able
to, things might have gone differently. Then there was the fact that
the problem Goddard noted doesn’t show up in GHCN data and I didn’t see
the problem in any of the data we had for our USHCN surface stations
But, the thing that really put up a wall for me was this moment on June
1st, shortly after getting Goddard’s first email with his finding, which
I pointed out in On ‘denying’ Hockey Sticks, USHCN data, and all that –
part 1.
Goddard initially claimed 40% of the STATIONS were missing, which I said
right away was not possible. It raised my hackles, and prompted my “you
need to do better” statement. Then he switched the text in his post
from stations to data while I was away for a couple of hours at my
daughter’s music recital. When I returned, I noted the change, with no
note of the change on his post, and that is what really put up the wall
for me. He probably looked at it like he was just fixing a typo, I
looked at it like it was sweeping an important distinction under the
All of that added up to a big heap of confirmation bias, I was so used
to Goddard being wrong, I expected it again, but this time Steve Goddard
was right and my confirmation bias prevented me from seeing that there
was in fact a real issue in the data and that NCDC has dead stations
that are reporting data that isn’t real: mea culpa.
But, that’s the same problem many climate scientists have, they are used
to some skeptics being wrong on some issues, so they put up a wall.
That is why the careful and exacting analyses we see from Steve McIntyre
should be a model for us all. We have to “do better” to make sure that
claims we make are credible, documented, phrased in non-inflammatory
language, understandable, and most importantly, right.
Otherwise, walls go up, confirmation bias sets in.
Now that the wall is down, NCDC won’t be able to ignore this, even John
Nielsen-Gammon, who was critical of Goddard along with me in the
Polifact story now says there is a real problem. So does Zeke, and we
have all sent or forwarded email to NCDC advising them of it.
I’ve also been on the phone Friday with the assistant director of NCDC
and chief scientist (Tom Peterson), and also with the person in charge
of USHCN (Matt Menne). Both were quality, professional conversations,
and both thanked me for bringing it to their attention. There is
lots of email flying back and forth too.
They are taking this seriously, they have to, as final data as currently
presented for USHCN is clearly wrong. John Neilsen-Gammon sent me a
cursory analysis for Texas USHCN stations, noting he found a number of
stations that had “estimated” data in place of actual good data that
NCDC has in hand, and appears in the RAW USHCN data file on their FTP
What is going on is that the USHCN code is that while the RAW data file
has the actual measurements, for some reason the final data they publish
doesn’t get the memo that good data is actually present for these
stations, so it “infills” it with estimated data using data from
surrounding stations. It’s a bug, a big one. And as Zeke did a cursory
analysis Thursday night, he discovered it was systemic to the entire
record, and up to 10% of stations have “estimated” data spanning over a
And here is the real kicker, “Zombie weather stations” exist in the
USHCN final data set that are still generating data, even though they
have been closed.
Remember Marysville, CA, the poster child for bad station siting? It was
the station that gave me my “light bulb moment” on the issue of station
It was closed just a couple of months after I introduced it to the world
as the prime example of “How not to measure temperature”. The MMTS
sensor was in a parking lot, with hot air from a/c units from the nearby
electronics sheds for the cell phone tower:
Guess what? Like Luling, TX, which is still open, but getting estimated
data in place of the actual data in the final USHCN data file, even
though it was marked closed in 2007 by NOAA’s own metadata, Marysville
is still producing estimated monthly data, marked with an “E” flag:
There are quite a few “zombie weather stations” in the USHCN final
dataset, possibly up to 25% out of the 1218 that is the total number of
stations. In my conversations with NCDC on Friday, I’m told these were
kept in and “reporting” as a policy decision to provide a “continuity”
of data for scientific purposes. While there “might” be some
justification for that sort of thinking, few people know about it
there’s no disclaimer or caveat in the USHCN FTP folder at NCDC or in
the readme file that describes this, they “hint” at it saying:
"The composition of the network remains unchanged at 1218 stations"
But that really isn’t true, as some USHCN stations out of the 1218 have
been closed and are no longer reporting real data, but instead are
reporting estimated data.
NCDC really should make this clear, and while it “might” be OK to
produce a datafile that has estimated data in it, not everyone is going
to understand what that means, and that the stations that have been long
dead are producing estimated data. NCDC has failed in notifying the
public, and even their colleagues of this. Even the Texas State
Climatologist John Nielsen-Gammon didn’t know about these “zombie”
stations until I showed him. If he had known, his opinion might have
been different on the Goddard issue. When even professional people in
your sphere of influence don’t know you are doing dead weather station
data infills like this, you can be sure that your primary mission to
provide useful data is FUBAR.
NCDC needs to step up and fix this along with other problems that have been identified.
And they are, I expect some sort of a statement, and possibly a
correction next week. In the meantime, let’s let them do their work and
go through their methodology. It will not be helpful to ANYONE if we
start beating up the people at NCDC ahead of such a statement and/or
And there is yet another issue: The recent change of something called
“climate divisions” to calculate the national and state temperatures.
Certified Consulting Meteorologist and Fellow of the AMS Joe D’Aleo writes in with this:
"I had downloaded the Maine annual temperature plot from NCDC Climate at
a Glance in 2013 for a talk. There was no statistically significant
trend since 1895. Note the spike in 1913 following super blocking from
Novarupta in Alaska (similar to the high latitude volcanoes in late
2000s which helped with the blocking and maritime influence that spiked
2010 as snow was gone by March with a steady northeast maritime Atlantic
flow). 1913 was close to 46F. and the long term mean just over 41F.
Seemingly in a panic change late this frigid winter to NCDC, big changes
occurred. I wanted to update the Maine plot for another talk and got
this from NCDC CAAG.
Note that 1913 was cooled nearly 5 degrees F and does not stand out.
There is a warming of at least 3 degrees F since 1895 (they list
0.23/decade) and the new mean is close to 40F.
Does anybody know what the REAL temperature of Maine is/was/is supposed
to be? I sure as hell don’t. I don’t think NCDC really does either."
In closing…
Besides moving toward a more accurate temperature record, the best thing
about all this hoopla over the USHCN data set is the Polifact story
where we have all these experts lined up (including me as the token
skeptic) that stated without a doubt that Goddard was wrong and rated
the claim “pants of fire”.
They’ll all be eating some crow, as will I, but now that I have Gavin for dinner company, I don’t really mind at all.
HERE (See the original for links, graphics etc.)
What a nit!
"There is no such thing as right and wrong" -- except when it
suits Leftists, of course. And climate change is WRONG!
The prominent Australian earth scientist, Tim Flannery, closes his
recent book Here on Earth: A New Beginning with the words “… if we do
not strive to love one another, and to love our planet as much as we
love ourselves, then no further progress is possible here on Earth”.
This is a remarkable conclusion to his magisterial survey of the state
of the planet. Climatic and other environmental changes are showing us
not only the extent of human influence on the planet, but also the
limits of programmatic management of this influence, whether through
political, economic, technological or social engineering. A changing
climate is a condition of modernity, but a condition which modernity
seems uncomfortable with. Inspired by the recent “environmental turn” in
the humanities—and calls from a range of environmental scholars and
scientists such as Flannery—I wish to suggest a different,
non-programmatic response to climate change: a reacquaintance with the
ancient and religious ideas of virtue and its renaissance in the field
of virtue ethics. Drawing upon work by Alasdair MacIntyre, Melissa Lane
and Tom Wright, I outline an apologetic for why the cultivation of
virtue is an appropriate response to the challenges of climate change.
Swapping Climate Models for a Roll of the Dice
One of the greatest failures of climate science has been the dismal
performance of general circulation models (GCM) to accurately predict
Earth's future climate. For more than three decades huge predictive
models, run on the biggest supercomputers available, have labored mighty
and turned out garbage. Their most obvious failure was missing the now
almost eighteen year “hiatus,” the pause in temperature rise that has
confounded climate alarmists and serious scientists alike. So poor has
been the models' performance that some climate scientists are calling
for them to be torn down and built anew, this time using different
principles. They want to adopt stochastic methods—so called Monte Carlo
simulations based on probabilities and randomness—in place of today’s
physics based models.
It is an open secret that computer climate models just aren't very good.
Recently scientists on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) compared the predictions of 20 major climate models against the
past six decades of climate data. According to Ben Kirtman, a climate
scientist at the University of Miami in Florida and IPCC AR5
coordinating author, the results were disappointing. According to a
report in Science, “the models performed well in predicting the global
mean surface temperature and had some predictive value in the Atlantic
Ocean, but they were virtually useless at forecasting conditions over
the vast Pacific Ocean.”
Just how bad the models are can be seen in a graph that has been widely
seen around the Internet. Generated by John Christy, Richard McNider,
and Roy Spencer, the graph has generated more heat than global warming,
with climate modeling apologists firing off rebuttal after rebuttal.
Problem is, the models still suck, as you can see from the figure below.
Regardless of the warmists' quibbles the truth is plain to see, climate
models miss the mark. But then, this comes as no surprise to those who
work with climate models. In the Science article, “A touch of the
random,” science writer Colin Macilwain lays out the problem:
“researchers have usually aimed for a deterministic solution: a single
scenario for how climate will respond to inputs such as greenhouse
gases, obtained through increasingly detailed and sophisticated
numerical simulations. The results have been scientifically
informative—but critics charge that the models have become unwieldy,
hobbled by their own complexity. And no matter how complex they become,
they struggle to forecast the future.”
Macliwain describes the current crop of models this way:
"One key reason climate simulations are bad at forecasting is that it's
not what they were designed to do. Researchers devised them, in the
main, for another purpose: exploring how different components of the
system interact on a global scale. The models start by dividing the
atmosphere into a huge 3D grid of boxlike elements, with horizontal
edges typically 100 kilometers long and up to 1 kilometer high.
Equations based on physical laws describe how variables in each
box—mainly pressure, temperature, humidity, and wind speed—influence
matching variables in adjacent ones. For processes that operate at
scales much smaller than the grid, such as cloud formation, scientists
represent typical behavior across the grid element with deterministic
formulas that they have refined over many years. The equations are then
solved by crunching the whole grid in a supercomputer."
It's not that the modelers haven't tried to improve their play toys.
Over the years all sorts of new factors have been added, each adding
more complexity to the calculations and hence slowing down the
computation. But that is not where the real problem lies. The
irreducible source of error in current models is the grid size.
Indeed, I have complained many times in this blog that the fineness of
the grid is insufficient to the problem at hand. This is because many
phenomena are much smaller than the grid boxes, tropical storms for
instance represent huge energy transfers from the ocean surface to the
upper atmosphere and can be totally missed. Other factors—things like
rainfall and cloud formation—also happen at sub-grid size scales.
“The truth is that the level of detail in the models isn't really
determined by scientific constraints,” says Tim Palmer, a physicist at
the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom who advocates stochastic
approaches to climate modeling. “It is determined entirely by the size
of the computers.”
The problem is that to halve the sized of the grid divisions requires an
order-of-magnitude increase in computer power. Making the grid fine
enough is just not possible with today's technology.
In light of this insurmountable problem, some researchers go so far as
to demand a major overhaul, scrapping the current crop of models
altogether. Taking clues from meteorology and other sciences, the model
reformers say the old physics based models should be abandoned and new
models, based on stochastic methods, need to be written from the ground
up. Pursuing this goal, a special issue of the Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society A will publish 14 papers setting out a
framework for stochastic climate modeling. Here is a description of the
"This Special Issue is based on a workshop at Oriel College Oxford in
2013 that brought together, for the first time, weather and climate
modellers on the one hand and computer scientists on the other, to
discuss the role of inexact and stochastic computation in weather and
climate prediction. The scientific basis for inexact and stochastic
computing is that the closure (or parametrisation) problem for weather
and climate models is inherently stochastic. Small-scale variables in
the model necessarily inherit this stochasticity. As such it is wasteful
to represent these small scales with excessive precision and
determinism. Inexact and stochastic computing could be used to reduce
the computational costs of weather and climate simulations due to
savings in power consumption and an increase in computational
performance without loss of accuracy. This could in turn open the door
to higher resolution simulations and hence more accurate forecasts."
In one of the papers in the special edition, “Stochastic modelling and
energy-efficient computing for weather and climate prediction,” Tim
Palmer, Peter Düben, and Hugh McNamara state the stochastic modeler's
"[A] new paradigm for solving the equations of motion of weather and
climate is beginning to emerge. The basis for this paradigm is the
power-law structure observed in many climate variables. This power-law
structure indicates that there is no natural way to delineate variables
as ‘large’ or ‘small’—in other words, there is no absolute basis for the
separation in numerical models between resolved and unresolved
In other words, we are going to estimate what we don't understand and
hope those pesky problems of scale just go away. “A first step towards
making this division less artificial in numerical models has been the
generalization of the parametrization process to include inherently
stochastic representations of unresolved processes,” they state. “A
knowledge of scale-dependent information content will help determine the
optimal numerical precision with which the variables of a weather or
climate model should be represented as a function of scale.” It should
also be noted that these guys are pushing “inexact” or fuzzy computer
hardware to better accommodate their ideas, but that does not change the
importance of their criticism of current modeling techniques.
So what is this “stochastic computing” that is supposed to cure all of
climate modeling's ills? It is actually something quite old, often
referred to as Monte Carlo simulation. In probability theory, a purely
stochastic system is one whose state is non-deterministic—in other
words, random. The subsequent state of the system is determined
probabilistically using randomly generated numbers, the computer
equivalent of throwing dice. Any system or process that must be analyzed
using probability theory is stochastic at least in part. Perhaps the
most famous early use was by Enrico Fermi in 1930, when he used a random
method to calculate the properties of the newly discovered neutron.
Nowadays, the technique is used by professionals in such widely
disparate fields as finance, project management, energy, manufacturing,
engineering, research and development, insurance, oil & gas,
transportation, and the environment.
Monte Carlo simulation generates a range of possible outcomes and the
probabilities with which they will occur. Monte Carlo techniques are
quite useful for simulating systems with many coupled degrees of
freedom, such as fluids, disordered materials, strongly coupled solids,
and weather forecasts. Other examples include modeling phenomena with
significant uncertainty in inputs, which certainly applies to climate
modeling. Unlike current GCM, this approach does not seek to simulate
natural, physical processes, but rather to capture the random nature of
various factors and then make many simulations, called an ensemble.
Since the 1990s, ensemble forecasts have been used as routine forecasts
to account for the inherent uncertainty of weather processes. This
involves analyzing multiple forecasts created with an individual
forecast model by using different physical parameters and/or varying the
initial conditions. Such ensemble forecasts have been used to help
define forecast uncertainty and to extend forecasting further into the
future than otherwise possible. Still, as we all know, even the best
weather forecasts are only good for five or six days before they diverge
from reality.
An example can be seen in the tracking of Atlantic hurricanes. It is now
common for the nightly weather forecast during hurricane season to
include a probable track for a hurricane approaching the US mainland.
The probable track is derived from many individual model runs.
Can stochastic models be successfully applied to climate change? Such
models are based on a current state which is the starting point for
generating many future forecasts. The outputs are based on randomness
filtered through observed (or guessed at) probabilities. This, in
theory, can account for such random events as tropical cyclones and
volcanic eruptions more accurately than today's method of just applying
an average guess across all simulation cells. The probabilities are
based on previous observations, which means that the simulations are
only valid if the system does not change in any significant way in the
And here in lies the problem with shifting to stochastic simulations of
climate change. It is well know that Earth's climate system is
constantly changing, creating what statisticians term nonstationary time
series data. You can fit a model to previous conditions by tweaking the
probabilities and inputs, but you cannot make it forecast the future
because the future requires a model of something that has not taken form
yet. Add to that the nature of climate according to the IPCC: “The
climate system is a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore the
long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.”
If such models had been constructed before the current hiatus—the 17+
year pause in rising global temperatures that nobody saw coming—they
would have been at as much a loss as the current crop of GCM. You cannot
accurately predict that which you have not previously experienced,
measured, and parametrized, and our detailed climate data are laughingly
limited. With perhaps a half century of detailed measurements, there is
no possibility of constructing models that would encompass the warm and
cold periods of the Holocene interglacial, let alone the events that
marked the last deglaciation (or those that will mark the start of the
next glacial period).
Economists had been forced to deal with this type of system because the
economic system of the world is not static but always changing (see
“Econometrics vs Climate Science”). They have developed a number of
tools that can provide some insight but not a solution to this
situation. While economists have led the way for climate forecasters,
look at how untrustworthy economic forecasts remain. The sad truth is
that this effort will also not work for long-range prediction, anymore
than economists can tell us what the economic outlook is for 2100. It is
time for climate scientists to get out of the forecasting game and go
back to doing real, empirically based science.
Be safe, enjoy the interglacial and stay skeptical.
Jim Hansen's 400,000 Hiroshima bombs worth of heat per day produces RECORD Antarctic sea ice
Amid much wriggling by the Warmists
The sea ice surrounding Antarctica, which, as I reported in my book, has
been steadily increasing throughout the period of satellite measurement
that began in 1979, has hit a new all-time record high for areal
The new record anomaly for Southern Hemisphere sea ice, the ice
encircling the southernmost continent, is 2.074 million square
kilometers and was posted for the first time by the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s The Cryosphere Today early Sunday
It was not immediately apparent whether the record had occurred on
Friday or Saturday. Requests for comment to Bill Chapman, who runs The
Cryosphere Today, were not immediately returned.
The previous record anomaly for Southern Hemisphere sea ice area was
1.840 million square kilometers and occurred on December 20, 2007.
Global sea ice area, as of Sunday morning, stood at 0.991 million square
kilometers above average. (The figure was arrived at by adding the
Northern Hemisphere anomaly and the Southern Hemisphere anomaly. A graph
provided by The Cryosphere Today showed the global anomaly as 1.005
million square kilometers.)
Although early computer models predicted a diminishment of both Northern
Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere sea ice due to anthropogenic global
warming, subsequent modeling has posited that the results of warming
around Antarctica would, counter-intuitively, generate sea ice growth.
A freshening of the waters surrounding the southernmost continent as
well as the strengthening of the winds circling it were both theorized
as explanations for the steady growth of Antarctica’s sea ice during the
period of satellite measurement.
A number of prominent climatologists have discounted the growth of
Antarctic sea ice, arguing that it is less significant to global
circulation than ice in the Arctic basin.
Walt Meier, formerly of the National Snow and Ice Data Center and
currently of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, has previously
said that Antarctic sea ice, which has little ice that survives year to
year, is less significant than Arctic sea ice to the climate system.
“While the Arctic has seen large decreases through the year in all
sectors, the Antarctic has a very regional signal – with highs in some
areas and lows in others,” Meier said in 2013. “And of course, the
Arctic volume is decreasing substantially through the loss of old ice.
The Antarctic, which has very little old ice, hasn’t much of a volume
change, relatively speaking.”
The new Antarctic record anomaly was more than 10 percent greater than the previous record.
The steady growth of Antarctic sea ice and its influence on global sea
ice appeared to provide a public relations problem, at a minimum, for
those warning of global warming’s menace. According to Meier and some
other climatologists, global sea ice area is simply not a metric to
consider when examining the climate system.
“A plot of global sea ice is just not informative or useful,” Meier said.
Global sea ice, during the course of the last year and a half, has seen
its most robust 18-month period of the last 13 years, maintaining, on
average, a positive anomaly for an 18-month period for the first time
since 2001.
Phil Jones, of the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East
Anglia, waded into the global sea ice analysis in 2013 as well.
“Adding the Arctic and Antarctic sea ice extents doesn’t make that much
sense as the two regions are at opposite ends of the world, and the
seasons are opposite,” Jones said at the time.
As I also reported in Don’t Sell Your Coat, the temperature at the South
Pole has been declining during the past four decades as well.
What Is The Right Level Of Response To Anthropogenic Induced Climate Change?
What Is The Right Level Of Response To Anthropogenic Induced Climate Change?
Held at The Royal Society on 16th June, 2014
Chair: The Earl of Selborne GBE FRS
Chairman, The Foundation for Science and Technology
Sir Mark Walport FRS FMedSci
Government Chief Scientific Adviser
David Davies MP
MP for Monmouth
Professor Jim Skea CBE
Imperial College London and Committee on Climate Change
The Rt Hon Peter Lilley MP
MP for Hitchin and Harpenden
THE EARL OF SELBORNE opened the debate by explaining that the Foundation
welcomed the opportunity to provide a neutral platform for both sides
of the climate change debate to come together. He hoped that the debate
would help to identify common ground.
SIR MARK WALPORT said that it was clear that climate change was
happening; the question was ‘what should be our response?’ The physics
was accepted; the changing concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) was
leading to warming of the atmosphere. We know levels of carbon dioxide
are higher than ever before and that global emissions are rising. 36
gigatonnes of carbon dioxide were emitted in 2013. The latest report of
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)1 report discusses
the decline in Arctic ice extent and thickness, the rise in sea levels
and indications that there is an increasing likelihood of extreme
weather patterns and temperatures, such as intense rainstorms and
periods of excess temperatures.
We can respond to climate change through mitigation, adaptation or
enduring suffering. In all probability we will need all three. We can
mitigate through reducing GHG emissions, and physical works; we can
adapt - but there are limits of resources available, security issues,
and human will, and we can change lifestyles. We cannot accurately
predict regional effects of global warming, but are sure that most
effects will be negative. Limiting the rise in atmospheric temperature
is vital - if the temperature range were an increase from 2 oC to 5 oC
it could, at the upper end of the range, lead to the extinction of many
species. Above 2 oC it was possible that “tipping points” such as the
melting of the Greenland ice sheet, could occur over a very long period.
So we must try to limit global GHG emissions to keep temperature rises
below 2oC. Many countries are legislating in an effort to do this, but
international agreement is important. As a contribution to meeting the
global 2oC target the UK has set a target of reducing GHG emissions by
80% by 2050 compared to 1990 levels.
We need an urgent debate between scientists and politicians about how to
do this at affordable cost, while maintaining sustainability and
security. There is no magic single bullet - we need greater energy
efficiency, reduction of emissions from all carbon fuels wherever used -
in transport or industry or domestically - and development of low
carbon supply options and increased research and innovation in
mitigation and adaptation to climate change.
We cannot wait and see; this generation must choose what to do now to safeguard the planet for future generations.
DAVID DAVIES said that he knew no one who denied the fact that climate
was changing, because of the presence of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere. The activities of mankind and society lead to carbon dioxide
emissions but it does not follow that the observed increase in
atmospheric temperatures in the last 150 years comes from human
There is great variability in global temperature arising from natural
causes, as the effect of ice ages throughout history makes clear. Even
within historical memory we know that there were warmer and colder
periods (the little ice age of the 17th century) and it may be that we
are moving from a colder period to a warmer one simply through natural
variation. So how can we be sure that the observed 0.8 oC global
temperature rise over the last 150 years comes from anthropogenic
There is no clear correlation between temperature rises and carbon
dioxide emissions. There was no correlation in the early 20th century
and since 1997 there has been no global temperature rising trend.
There are many other causes which can effect temperature changes, such
as volcanic emissions. We need to be able to distinguish increases in
temperature due to human activity from changes from natural causes. This
we cannot do; so to base policies on the need to reduce emission from
human activities is unsound.
The precautionary principle is often evoked - we must do something in
case disaster might otherwise happen. But this ignores the possibility
that disasters can happen in other areas – pandemic disease or financial
meltdown for example. What response should be made to these or other
possible disasters? By pursuing policies which raise energy costs, the
government is driving manufacturing abroad, where manufacturing
facilities will continue to emit just as much carbon dioxide.
The UK is being expected to pay the equivalent of an insurance premium
for risks which other countries are also responsible for. He did not
accept that the increase in emissions from developing countries will be
disastrous for them because these countries will become much wealthier
and will be able to spend their increased wealth on coping with climate
He welcomed the debate because he doubted whether scientists were as
open as they should be about the data they held and their models.
Environmental groups should be challenged for pursuing contradictory
agendas - wanting to limit carbon emissions, yet opposing nuclear new
build and the development of shale gas. Gas could displace coal in power
generation reducing carbon emissions.
PROFESSOR SKEA said he sat on Working Group III of the
Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The principal concern
of Working Group III was to address the options to mitigate climate
change. A key concern was how to respond to the upward trend of the
change in temperature rise in the 20th century.
More than 190 countries have signed up to agreements to the UN goal of
keeping global temperature increases below 2 oC. This meant according to
the IPCC report reducing global emissions by 40% to 70% by 2050
compared to 2010 levels. This could only be done by a massive increase
in low carbon energy production through developing nuclear power,
renewables or deploying cost effective carbon capture and storage (CCS)
systems, and promoting energy efficiency, particularly in transport.
This meant a change in investment priorities, away from fossil fuels
towards other energy options. We do not have sufficient information
about costs to judge between expenditure on mitigation and adaptation,
but overall, if the 2 oC target is to be reached, we will need to forego
1% to 4% of consumption by 2030. But these estimates do not take into
account the reduced impacts and benefits from better air quality and
greater energy security.
Climate change is a global problem; dealing with it is a common
responsibility. The UK is not alone - consider the actions taken in the
US and China. Of course economic development is good - but it brings
unwelcome side effects which need government action. The policy response
should be based on scientific evidence. He cited the early resistance
to the passing of the Public Health Acts after the cholera epidemics in
the 19th century and the Clean Air Act of the 1950s which eventually
gained wide acceptance. Climate change is one of the biggest global
challenges. The UK is right in its response.
PETER LILLEY said that he did not doubt the science of climate change,
but he was concerned about the refusal of those committed to the
environmental cause to engage in debate about the economic consequences
of proposals. He was particularly concerned about the effects premature
decarbonisation would have on the poor and in developing countries. He
had voted against the Climate Change Act because he had read the cost
benefit analysis provided when the Bill was debated in the House. The
analysis showed that the potential cost was twice the benefit from
global warming. No one wanted to discuss the cost; they simply wished to
demonstrate moral superiority.
He particularly doubted the way that models had been used to forecast
the future path of global average temperatures. He showed a chart of 50
model plots of global temperature versus time. Only two models in his
diagram correlated with historical date. But all 50 were cited as
evidence. In short, we do not know the path of future long-term
temperature trends. Asked if the current pause is temporary or
long-term, a scientist’s reply was that they would only know in 50 years
what were the long term trends.
The poor in developing countries were vulnerable because they were poor,
not because they suffered from the weather. If their energy costs rise -
because of renewables- they will consume less energy and remain poorer
than they would otherwise be. They would be less healthy as a result.
Lord Stern in his report to HM Treasury in advocated spending now, so
that our descendants would have to spend less in the future. But this
meant in practice, sacrificing the poor - the great multitude - in
Africa and Asia.
We do not know what the effects of a 4 oC rise will be - whether it will
mean the extinction of the human race, or great inconvenience. Society
can adapt to a great deal of change; and knowledge of how to respond
increases continually. Global warming has benefits; it will reduce
temperature variability between the poles and tropics; which might be a
benefit. Our policies should be to focus on promoting energy efficiency,
innovative energy storage and developing shale gas and drop expensive
uncertain technologies such as biofuels, wind and solar generation.
Above all we should link any increases in carbon tax to actual increases
in global temperatures.
'The unaffordable energy capital of the world': Tony Abbott blames green companies for increasing power prices in Australia
Three current articles below
Tony Abbott has hit out at the green energy sector claiming the
renewable energy target (RET) is the cause of rising energy prices in
The Prime Minister said the country is well on its way to being 'the
unaffordable energy capital of the world' and that's the reason for the
government's review of the RET, report The Financial Review.
'We should be the affordable energy capital of the world, not the
unaffordable energy capital of the world and that’s why the carbon tax
must go and that’s why we’re reviewing the RET,' he told the
Clean energy companies have responded to these claims saying Mr Abbott
completely exaggerated the impact that the target would have, and in the
long run the nation would be better off financially and environmentally
from the scheme.
The RET currently states that by 2020, 20 percent of energy should come
from renewable sources, however this could be subject to change under
the government's upcoming review.
In the Senate next week the government will try to abolish the carbon
tax, but opposition leader Bill Shorten has vowed to continue the
crusade for action against climate change.
Clive Palmer is set to block the government from lowering or abandoning the RET until after the election in 2016.
Infigen, Pacific Hydro, Senvion and the Clean Energy Council are all
among the companies who have disagreed with the Prime Minister's
comments, and a spokesperson for Senvion said if the RET is kept in
place the price of power bills will drop off by 2020.
Clean Energy Council director Russell March agreed, claiming the only
other alternative to the target is a switch to gas-fired power, but the
price of that resource is on the up.
The consensus in the renewable energy industry is that power prices will
drop as more forms of renewable energy are being utilised, with some
companies citing the decrease in power bills around the $50 mark.
This week saw the Crawford Australian Leadership Forum take place in
Canberra, and economists from around the world including Nobel Prize
recipient Joseph Stiglitz and former Reserve Bank of Australia board
member Warwick McKibbin were among the experts calling for Australia to
have a price on carbon, according to AFR.
Professor Stiglitz described putting a price on carbon as a 'no-brainer'
and said it is more practical than taxing labour or capital, plus it
would set Australia up for the future.
By pricing carbon now Australia would be taking a step forward to
combating climate change he said, and the world would soon follow.
Aluminium refineries are also a big player in the RET debate, which are
currently said to be 90 percent exempt from paying for renewable energy.
The government is expected to make a move from the backbench to
completely clear the refineries from paying for any form of green
Australia: Power price hikes bite in Queensland
QUEENSLANDERS face a dramatic hike in power bills with the start of the
new financial year, and households with solar panels are also likely to
take a hit to the hip pocket.
The average power bill is expected to rise by $191, or 13.6 per cent,
pushed up by green policies and the increasing cost of poles, wires, and electricity generation.
However, prices will only go up by about 5.1 per cent if the federal government's carbon tax is repealed.
Queensland's Energy Minister Mark McArdle has blamed much of the hike on
the former Labor government's over-investment in the power distribution
"Every power bill that is issued, 54 per cent of that bill relates to
the cost of poles and wires - the gold-plated legacy of Labor that we're
now having to unravel," Mr McArdle told ABC radio.
Pensioners and seniors will be able to apply for an electricity rebate
of $320 after the government upped concessions to $165 million for this
financial year.
"The Queensland government promised to lower the cost of living wherever
we could and we're making sure that pensioners and other vulnerable
Queenslanders get some relief on household costs," Mr McArdle said.
Consumers are forking out 50 per cent more for electricity than they did
three years ago, and shadow treasurer Curtis Pitt says price hikes
under the Newman government total $560.
"Campbell Newman arrogantly promised to lower Queenslanders' electricity
bills, yet ever since he's become premier they've just gone up and up
and up," he said.
This financial year, about 50,000 homeowners who have solar panels will no longer be guaranteed a feed-in tariff of eight cents.
Government-owned distributors will no longer be responsible for paying
the tariff and households will have to negotiate directly with
electricity retailers for the price they are paid for the solar power
they generate.
The 44 cent tariff, paid to some 284,000 people who were first to sign up to the scheme, will remain unchanged.
Australian Solar Council chief executive John Grimes says consumers need
to shop around, or join forces to negotiate as a block with electricity
"As an independent customer, with an average-size system on your roof,
you really have little leverage when talking to a utility," Mr Grimes
told ABC radio.
Motorized climate change??
ADVOCATES for action against climate change do themselves few favours
when they turn legitimate concerns into outright political propaganda.
Current editions of the official NSW government handbook for learner
drivers carry a bizarre warning about the future risks of climate
change, claiming that a changed climate could cause "unpredictable
weather events” due to "greenhouse gas emissions”.
The excuse for including this information is that drivers should beware
of taking to the roads in extreme conditions brought about by climate
This is more than a little absurd. If this approach was taken to logical
extremes, we could see government climate change warnings attached to
almost every conceivable human activity.
Impressively, state Coalition government roads minister Duncan Gay
recognises the warning for the political sloganeering that it is and has
vowed to cut the lines in future editions of the handbook.
The public might be more inclined to listen to climate activists if the
activists’ messages were more realistic and less evangelical.
Which brings us to Scott Ferguson of Haberfield, who brought this to The
Daily Telegraph’s attention after a copy of the handbook was given to
his young daughter Riley.
"I haven’t been this annoyed since Riley’s old primary school made her
sit in scripture class,” Mr Ferguson said. That’s a very good
comparison. When climate change activists take their views to extremes,
they sound more like religious zealots than like advocates for a better
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
2 July, 2014
Breaking EPA’s climate science secrecy barriers
FOIA request seeks hidden data and analyses that agency claims back up its climate rulings
Paul Driessen and Lawrence Kogan
Can you imagine telling the IRS you don’t need to complete all their
forms or provide records to back up your claim for a tax refund? Or
saying your company’s assurances that its medical products are safe and
effective should satisfy the FDA? Especially if some of your data don’t
actually support your claims – or you “can’t find” key data, research
and other records, because your hard drive conveniently crashed? But,
you tell them, people you paid to review your information said it’s
accurate, so there’s no problem.
Do you suppose the government would accept your assurance that there’s
“not a smidgen” of corruption, error or doubt – perhaps because 97% of
your close colleagues agree with you? Or that your actions affect only a
small amount of tax money, or a small number of customers – so the
agencies shouldn’t worry?
If you were the Environmental Protection Agency, White House-operated US
Global Change Research Program and their participating agencies (NOAA,
NASA, NSF, etc.), you’d get away with all of that.
Using billions of our tax dollars, these government entities fund the
research they use, select research that supports their regulatory agenda
(while ignoring studies that do not), and handpick the “independent”
experts who peer-review the research. As a recent analysis reveals, the
agencies also give “significant financial support” to United Nations and
other organizations that prepare computer models and other assessments.
They then use the results to justify regulations that will cost
countless billions of dollars and affect the lives, livelihoods,
liberties, living standards, health, welfare and life spans of every
EPA utilized this clever maneuver to determine that carbon dioxide and
other greenhouse gases “endanger” public health and welfare. It then
devised devious reports, including national climate change assessments –
and expensive, punitive regulations to control emissions of those gases
from vehicles, electrical generating plants and countless other
At the very least, you would expect that this supposedly “scientific”
review process – and the data and studies involved in it – should be
subject to rigorous, least-discretionary standards designed to ensure
their quality, integrity, credibility and reliability, as well as truly
independent expert review. Indeed they are.
The Information Quality Act of 2000 and subsequent Office of Management
and Budget guidelines require that all federal agencies ensure and
maximize “the quality, objectivity, utility and integrity of information
disseminated by Federal agencies.” The rules also call for proper peer
review of all “influential scientific information” and “highly
influential scientific assessments,” particularly if they could be used
as the basis for regulatory action. Finally, they direct federal
agencies to provide adequate administrative mechanisms enabling affected
parties to review agency failures to respond to requests for correction
or reconsideration of the scientific information.
EPA and other agencies apparently think these rules are burdensome,
inconvenient, and a threat to their independence and regulatory agenda.
They routinely ignore the rules, and resist attempts by outside experts
to gain access to data and studies. EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy has
said she intends to “protect” them from people and organizations she
decides “are not qualified to analyze” the materials.
Thus EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee reviews the agency’s
CO2 and pollution data, studies and conclusions – for which EPA has paid
CASAC’s 15 members $180.8 million since 2000. The American Lung
Association has received $24.7 million in EPA grants over the past 15
years and $43 million overall via a total of 591 federal grants, for
applauding and promoting government agency decisions. Big Green
foundations bankrolled the ALA with an additional $76 million, under
2,806 grants.
These payoffs raise serious questions about EPA, CASAC and ALA integrity and credibility.
Meanwhile, real stakeholders – families and companies that will be
severely impacted by the rules, and organizations and experts trying to
protect their interests – are systematically denied access to data,
studies, scientific assessments and other information. CASAC excludes
from its ranks industry and other experts who might question EPA
findings. EPA stonewalls and slow-walks FOIA requests and denies
requests for correction and reconsideration. One lawyer who’s filed FOIA
cases since 1978 says the Obama Administration is bar-none “the worst”
in history on transparency. Even members of Congress get nowhere,
resulting in testy confrontations with Ms. McCarthy and other EPA
The stakes are high, particularly in view of the Obama EPA’s war on coal
mining, coal-fired power plants, businesses and industries that require
reliable, affordable electricity – and families, communities and entire
states whose jobs, health and welfare will suffer under this
anti-fossil fuel agenda. States that mine and use coal will be
bludgeoned. Because they pay a larger portion of their incomes on energy
and food, elderly, minority and poor families are especially vulnerable
and will suffer greatly.
That is why the House of Representatives is moving forward on the Secret
Science Reform Act. It is why the Institute for Trade, Standards and
Sustainable Development is again filing new FOIA requests with EPA and
other agencies that are hiding their junk science, manipulating laws and
strangling our economy.
The agencies’ benefit-cost analyses are equally deceptive. EPA claims
its latest coal-fueled power plant rules (requiring an impossible 30%
reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2030) would bring $30 billion
in “climate benefits” versus $7.3 billion in costs. Even the
left-leaning Brookings Institution has trashed the agency’s analysis –
pointing out that the low-balled costs will be paid by American
taxpayers, consumers, businesses and workers, whereas the highly
conjectural benefits will be accrued globally.
That violates President Clinton’s 1993 Executive Order 12688, which
requires that agencies “assess both the costs and benefits” of a
proposed regulation, and adopt it “only upon a reasoned determination
that the benefits … justify its costs.” EO 12866 specifies that only
benefits to US citizens be counted. Once that’s done, the EPA benefits
plummet to between $2.1 billion and $6.9 billion. That means its
kill-coal rules cost Americans $400 million to $4.8 billion more than
the clearly inflated benefits, using EPA’s own numbers.
Moreover, the US Chamber of Commerce calculates that the regulations
will actually penalize the United States $51 billion. Energy analyst
Roger Bezdek estimates that the benefits of using carbon-based fuels
outweigh any hypothesized “social costs of carbon” by orders of
magnitude: 50-to-1 (using the inflated SCC of $36/ton of CO2 concocted
by EPA and other federal agencies in 2013) – and 500-to-1 (using the
equally arbitrary $22/ton estimate that they cooked up in 2010).
Even more intolerable, these punitive EPA rules will have virtually no
effect on atmospheric CO2 levels, because China, India, Germany and
other countries will continue to burn coal and other fossil fuels. They
will likewise have no effect on global temperatures, even accepting the
Obama/EPA/IPCC notion that carbon dioxide is now the primary cause of
climate change. Even EPA models acknowledge that its rules will prevent
an undetectable 0.018 degrees Celsius (0.032 deg F) of total global
warming in 100 years!
Fortunately, the Supreme Court recently ruled that EPA does not have the
authority to rewrite federal laws to serve its power-grabbing agendas.
FOIA requests seeking disclosure of EPA records that could reveal a
rigged climate science peer review process – and legal actions under the
Information Quality Act seeking correction of resultant data corruption
– could compel courts to reconsider their all-too-common practice of
deferring to “agency discretion” on scientific and regulatory matters.
That clearly scares these federales.
The feds have become accustomed to saying “We don’t need no stinkin’
badges.” The prospect of having to share their data, methodologies and
research with experts outside their closed circle of regulators,
collaborators and eco-activists almost makes them soil their shorts.
Bright sunlight has always been the best disinfectant for mold, slime
and corruption. With America’s economy, international competitiveness,
jobs, health and welfare at stake, we need that sunlight now.
Via email
High Energy Costs Kill Manufacturing Jobs In Wales
Around 400 jobs are to go at the Tata steelmaking plant in Port Talbot,
the company has announced. Chief executive Karl Koehler said the
changes were vital if the company was to remain competitive.
He pointed to the UK's high business rates and "uncompetitive" energy costs as factors in the decision.
In 2012, 600 jobs went from Tata sites in Wales. It still has 7,000 staff with just over half working at Port Talbot.
The Welsh government said the news would be of concern to Tata staff,
but was encouraged that the company planned to make the redundancies
through voluntary means. A consultation process lasting at least
45 days will begin shortly.
The company said in statement the job losses would reduce costs and enable it to compete in an era of lower market demand.
Mr Koehler said: "Steel demand and prices are likely to be under
pressure for some years. Our business rates in the UK are much higher
than other EU countries' and our UK energy costs will remain
uncompetitive until new mitigation measures come into effect.
"These proposed changes then are vital if we are to build a competitive future for our strip products business in the UK."
The company spends £60m on electricity in Wales alone, and pays about
40% more for the electricity than competitors in continental Europe.
The government introduced measures in the last budget to reduce energy
costs for heavy industries but they do not come into force until 2016.
Steel has been produced on the current site for over 60 years
Mr Koehler said they would do everything possible to support staff "through this unsettling time".
He added the company had invested over £250m in the past two years in
state-of-the-art technology and were making further investments in its
hot strip mill in Port Talbot and at a site in Llanwern in Newport.
UK Business Secretary Vince Cable said: "This is understandably a
difficult time for the workforce at Tata Steel in south Wales as the
company tries to weather challenging market conditions.
A Welsh government spokesperson said: "Tata has demonstrated its
commitment to Wales by investing nearly £400m in the strip business over
the past two years. Despite this investment it is clear that the
industry is still being adversely affected by high energy costs in the
"We continue to work with Tata to ensure we create and sustain a
thriving steel industry in Wales but repeat our calls for the UK
government to implement measures to reduce the burden faced by energy
intensive companies in Wales."
Ethanol mandate Is One Reason the Price of Gas Will Increase
Not thinking things through is a chronic problem with policy-makers in
Washington. Superficial and easily sound-bite-able policies dominate the
thoughtful-but-complex ones. For instance mandates for biofuel use
would seem to be driven by basic supply and demand—more domestic fuel
would lead to lower fuel prices for consumers. But the reality is more
On June 26, the Congressional Budget Office released a study on the
impacts of the Renewable Fuels Standard and found that, if unchanged,
the RFS will increase gasoline prices by 13 to 26 cents per gallon and
increase the price of diesel fuel by 30 to 51 cents per gallon by 2017.
Part of the popular, bi-partisan and totally misguided Energy
Independence and Security Act, the RFS promoted increased production of
various forms of ethanol and biodiesel with a host of mandates and
The failure of advanced biofuels—especially cellulosic ethanol—to meet
targets,along with the constraints of blend walls and consumer rejection
of E85 gasohol, would force the oil industry to pay fines for producing
fuels consumers do want and take huge losses on forced production of
fuels consumers don’t want.
The chart below, from the CBO report, illustrates how miserably the
mandate-it-and-they-will-make-it energy policy is failing. Proponents
assured Congress and the president that commercially viable production
of cellulosic ethanol made from non-edible plant material was just
around the corner. Not only were they wrong, but as we see from the
chart, there is no end of the tunnel in sight.
On the other hand, the corn-ethanol producers responded so vigorously to
production incentives that they have been meeting targets but produce
more ethanol than can be blended into regular gasoline. In the industry
jargon, refiners have hit the 10-percent blend wall established by the
EPA to prevent damage to engines and fuel systems not designed for the
moisture-attracting higher-blend levels.
Lower energy content per gallon makes ethanol fuels unattractive to most
drivers. To a certain extent, this weakness was hidden because most
gasoline contains only 10 percent of the lower-energy ethanol. But
refiners cannot legally add any more ethanol to E10 gasoline—the most
common gasoline sold, which is comprised of 90 percent gasoline and 10
percent ethanol—and cannot get consumers to buy E85 (a blend of 15
percent gasoline and 85 percent ethanol) without selling it below cost
of production.
The CBO estimates that to induce enough consumption of E85 to allow
refiners to meet the targets set by Washington, they would have push
down the price of E85 by as much as $1.27 per gallon. The necessary
losses on the E85 are what, in large part, would drive up the cost of
E10 gasoline used by the vast majority of drivers.
The failure of cellulosic ethanol to meet the fantasy-world targets set
years ago means that the ethanol burned in our vehicles primarily comes
from diverting food to fuel—nearly 40 percent of the U.S. corn crop goes
to ethanol production. So, the net effects of the RFS are to drive up
farm commodity prices (and subsequently food prices), drive up the cost
of diesel fuel, drive up the cost of the gasoline used by the vast
majority of drivers, and provide little, at best, environmental benefit.
It’s not a simple case of supply and demand where more ethanol means
lower fuel costs. Understanding the complete picture is more complex.
But one thing is clear: The RFS is simply a bad idea whose time to go
has come.
NOAA Reinstates July 1936 As The Hottest Month On Record
Good to see that Anthony Watts has stopped apologizing for NOAA
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, criticized for
manipulating temperature records to create a warming trend, has now been
caught warming the past and cooling the present.
July 2012 became the hottest month on record in the U.S. during a summer
that was declared “too hot to handle” by NASA scientists. That summer
more than half the country was experiencing drought and wildfires had
scorched more than 1.3 million acres of land, according to NASA.
According to NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center in 2012, the “average
temperature for the contiguous U.S. during July was 77.6°F, 3.3°F above
the 20th century average, marking the warmest July and all-time warmest
month on record for the nation in a period of record that dates back to
“The previous warmest July for the nation was July 1936, when the average U.S. temperature was 77.4°F,” NOAA said in 2012.
This statement by NOAA was still available on their website when checked
by The Daily Caller News Foundation. But when meteorologist and climate
blogger Anthony Watts went to check the NOAA data on Sunday he found
that the science agency had quietly reinstated July 1936 as the hottest
month on record in the U.S.
“Two years ago during the scorching summer of 2012, July 1936 lost its
place on the leaderboard and July 2012 became the hottest month on
record in the United States,” Watts wrote. “Now, as if by magic, and
according to NOAA’s own data, July 1936 is now the hottest month on
record again. The past, present, and future all seems to be ‘adjustable’
in NOAA’s world.”
Watts had data from NOAA’s “Climate at a Glance” plots from 2012, which
shows that July 2012 was the hottest month on record at 77.6 degrees
Fahrenheit. July 1936 is only at 77.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
Watts ran the same data plot again on Sunday and found that NOAA
inserted a new number in for July 1936. The average temperature for July
1936 was made slightly higher than July 2012, meaning, once again, July
1936 is the hottest year on record.
“You can’t get any clearer proof of NOAA adjusting past temperatures,”
Watts wrote. “This isn’t just some issue with gridding, or anomalies, or
method, it is about NOAA not being able to present historical climate
information of the United States accurately.”
“In one report they give one number, and in another they give a
different one with no explanation to the public as to why,” Watts
continued. “This is not acceptable. It is not being honest with the
public. It is not scientific. It violates the Data Quality Act.”
Watts’ accusation of NOAA climate data manipulation comes after reports
that the agency had been lowering past temperatures to create a warming
trend in the U.S. that does not exist in the raw data.
The ex-post facto data manipulation has been cataloged by climate
blogger Steven Goddard and was reported by the UK Telegraph earlier this
“Goddard shows how, in recent years, NOAA’s US Historical Climatology
Network (USHCN) has been ‘adjusting’ its record by replacing real
temperatures with data ‘fabricated’ by computer models,” writes
Christopher Booker for the Telegraph.
“The effect of this has been to downgrade earlier temperatures and to
exaggerate those from recent decades, to give the impression that the
Earth has been warming up much more than is justified by the actual
data,” Booker writes. “In several posts headed ‘Data tampering at
USHCN/GISS,’ Goddard compares the currently published temperature graphs
with those based only on temperatures measured at the time.”
“These show that the US has actually been cooling since the Thirties,
the hottest decade on record; whereas the latest graph, nearly half of
it based on ‘fabricated’ data, shows it to have been warming at a rate
equivalent to more than 3 degrees centigrade per century,” Booker adds.
When asked about climate data adjustments by the DCNF back in April,
NOAA send there have been “several scientific developments since 1989
and 1999 that have improved the understanding of the U.S. surface
temperature record.”
“Many station observations that were confined to paper, especially from
early in the 20th century, have been scanned and keyed and are now
digitally available to inform these time series,” Deke Arndt, chief of
NOAA’s Climate Monitoring Branch, told TheDCNF.
“In addition to the much larger number of stations available, the U.S.
temperature time series is now informed by an improved suite of quality
assurance algorithms than it was in the late 20th Century,” Deke said in
an emailed statement.
But NOAA has apparently not just been adjusting temperatures downward, but also adjusting them upwards.
“This constant change from year to year of what is or is not the hottest
month on record for the USA is not only unprofessional and embarrassing
for NOAA, it’s bullshit of the highest order,” Watts wrote. “It can
easily be solved by NOAA stopping the unsupportable practice of
adjusting temperatures of the past so that the present looks different
in context with the adjusted past and stop making data for weather
stations that have long since closed.”
India & Developing Nations Defeat Obama’s Green Agenda
India will strengthen its climate change negotiation team and will do
"better homework" before discussing with all stakeholders, environment
minister Prakash Javadekar said on Monday.
Fresh from India's "success" at the Nairobi environment conference,
Javadekar said the country has decided to "reposition" its role in the
global stage on climate change issues by intensely "lobbying" for a
"good strategic relationship" with like-minded nations on the matter.
"And we will do more meaningful representation in the world events," Javadekar said.
He was speaking after leading the Indian delegation in the first session
of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) of the United Nations
Environment Programme held at the UNEP headquarters in Nairobi last
He said the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC
to be held in Paris in 2015 was "very important" and it is one year
window in which the post Kyoto Protocol will be decided.
"From 2020, the new protocol will start....We will strengthen our Climate Change negotiation team," the minister said.
Javadekar said unlike the past UN Climate Conferences, India will
organise side events and dinner meetings to highlight the world's
largest democracy's role in tackling the Climate Change.
"There will be big preparation....Dinner, breakfast meetings and
exhibitions to strengthen the lobbying. On international forum we have
to put forth our points very strongly and take everyone along and we are
working out plans for that," he said.
Speaking about the Nairobi Environment Conference, he said India lobbied
with Arab countries, G-77 plus China and BRICS to defeat the US
position that Rio principles should not be made part of its final
outcome document, official sources said here today.
"In negotiations, we were active this time. America was saying that don't refer to Kyoto Protocol, CBDR, Rio principles.
We resisted that...we lobbied...all Arab countries, BRICS, G-77 plus
China...all came together to oppose America's position and ultimately
Rio principles were part of the final outcome document," he said.
The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development met at Rio
de Janeiro in June 1992 had proclaimed 10 principles which include human
beings are at the centre of concerns for sustainable development and
they are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with
Bill Gates gets the need to stop shafting poor countries
For years, I took energy for granted. There’s no telling how many times I
walked into my office, flipped a light switch, and powered up a PC
without thinking at all about the magic of getting electricity any time I
wanted it. But then I started traveling to poor and middle-income
countries, and I had a very different experience.
I remember going to Buenos Aires and seeing where the government had run
big wires to distribute electricity. But people couldn’t afford it, so
they tapped their own power cables into the government’s and stole the
electricity. This is a very common experience—according to the United
Nations, some 1.4 billion people have no access to electricity, and a
billion more only have access to unreliable electricity networks. I’ve
talked to women in rural Africa who spent hours every day hauling wood
so they could cook food and light their homes. Others buy fuel to run a
generator, which pumps out pollutants that cause asthma and lung cancer
and, at 25 cents per kilowatt-hour, is more than twice as expensive as
what the average American homeowner pays for electricity. Another
example of the high cost of being poor.
Here is a picture of some students in Conakry, Guinea. They’re studying
under street lamps, because they don’t have reliable lights at home.
This is one of the most vivid examples of life without electricity at
home that I’ve seen.
Think about what it has meant to America to have access to affordable,
reliable energy. Electricity powers the streetlights that make our
cities far safer than they were a century ago. The American construction
industry never would have taken off if we didn’t have lots of
affordable energy for making cement and steel.
Our farmers became much more productive when they replaced their plows
and oxen with tractors—but only because they had fuel to run these new
machines. The historian Vaclav Smil found that in the 20th century the
average American’s energy use jumped roughly 60-fold. At the same time,
the price we pay for electricity fell by roughly 98 percent.
That’s why I think any anti-poverty agenda has to look at giving more
people access to affordable energy. For countries to lift themselves out
of poverty, they need lights in schools so students can study when it’s
dark out. Refrigerators in health clinics to keep vaccines cold. Pumps
to irrigate farmland and provide clean water.
In the rich world, we are right to worry about conserving energy, but in poor places, people need more energy.
There is also a demand side to this equation. As people get richer, they
want more energy-consuming goods, like computers and refrigerators, and
energy-hungry services like health care. We’ve seen it already in
Brazil, India, China, and other countries, and it’s a trend that will
continue well into the future. The U.S. government estimates that the
world’s energy needs will increase by more than 50 percent by 2040, but I
think it could go even higher as the global population grows and
incomes continue to rise. We want to provide this energy as efficiently
as possible, but that’s no reason to deny the poor access to the
services that rich countries enjoy.
What about climate change?
It’s a huge problem, one of the biggest we face today. The more energy
we produce with today’s technology, the more carbon dioxide we release
into the atmosphere. While there is some uncertainty about the exact
impact, there is nearly universal scientific agreement that these
effects will be bad. And they will be worst for the poorest people on
earth, who have done the least to cause the problem. Energy can’t just
be affordable—it also has to be clean.
That’s why it’s so important for the United States and other rich
countries to invest more in research into clean energy. A few years ago,
I shared a few thoughts on this subject in a TED talk about developing
energy sources that produce zero carbon. And I’m investing in a number
of projects to develop cleaner, more affordable sources of energy. I
hope to have more to share about them as they move through the R&D
These days, I don’t take energy for granted. I know what a difference it
can make in the lives of the poorest, and I’m committed to helping them
get it.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
1 July, 2014
The Global Climate Status Report (GCSR)
SUMMARY CLIMATE ASSESSMENT REPORT June 10, 2014, A product of the Space
and Science Research Corporation (SSRC) Orlando, Florida, USA
After a thorough review of the selected climate status parameters up
through June 10, 2014, the current status and predicted climate
assessment for the Earth is as follows:
1. Current Climate Status
a. Overall Climate Status. The Earth is presently in a strong and
sustained phase of GLOBAL COOLING. Though there is new evidence of
moderation in this rate during the 2013- 2014 period, the rate of
temperature decline on a 100 year trend line is the steepest seen during
that time frame going back to 1914. We conclude that the past period of
global warming, as a natural phase of climate variation caused by the
Sun, has ended, and a new cold climate epoch has begun.
b. Two Hundred Year Solar Cycle Continues to Dominate Global Climate.
The most recent multi-centennial climate epoch which began around 1830,
has begun to reverse direction from a global temperature standpoint. The
past period of generally increasing warmth for the Earth, which was
caused by the Sun’s natural and regular cycles of activity, reached a
peak of warming between 2007 and 2008 as measured by global atmospheric
temperatures in the lower troposphere. This change was observed in
oceanic temperatures as early as 2003.
Acting primarily under the influence of a repeating 206 year solar
cycle, a new “solar hibernation” has begun, and is marked by a
significant decline in the Sun’s energy output. Starting with solar
cycle #24, this energy reduction has initiated an expected reversal from
the past warm era to a new cold era.
c. Near Term Trends. Major features of the Earth’s current climate status include the following sustained trends:
(1) There has been no effective growth in global temperature for
seventeen (17) years. Temperatures in the lower troposphere have
temporarily stabilized from a previously declining short term trend
because of 2013-2014 warming. This trend is expected to revert to
cooling in the next year or two.
(2) Integrated Global Atmospheric Temperatures continue to show a long
term COOLING trend that began in 2007. (100 year trend). The Tropics
which are an especially important indicator, continue their steep drop
in temperatures which began in 2004.
(3) Integrated Global Oceanic Temperatures continue to show a long term
COOLING trend that began in 2003. The rate of oceanic temperature
decline has been slightly reduced over the past year but is expected to
continue its long term decline. Though the Indian Ocean continues its
warming trend, the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean temperatures down to the
first 100 meters depth are experiencing rapid reductions that began in
2. Climate Prediction for the Next Thirty Years.
Based on the SSRC’s Relational Cycle Theory (RC Theory) using natural
cycles as a means for climate prediction and in view of the trends
demonstrated by the twenty four global climate parameters, the following
climate prediction is believed to be the most accurate available for
the period of 2014 to 2044:
a. Highly variable and extreme weather events are expected during the
transition from the past warm period to one of rapid global cooling.
b. This next climate change to a long and deep cold era is expected to last for at least the next thirty to forty years.
c. The extent and depth of the cold weather produced in this new climate
era is estimated to be the worst in over two hundred years producing a
global temperature reduction of 1.0 to 1.5 degrees centigrade.
3. Likely Future Climate Scenarios.
The SSRC believes existing climate change indicators support the
assessment that a new potentially dangerous cold climate age has begun.
It should be emphasized that unless a significant unexpected and rapid
change in the present declining ocean and atmosphere temperature trends
occurs, there are only two climate scenarios that appear likely at this
time over the next forty years. Each scenario results in a new cold
climate era:
a. Scenario 1. A solar hibernation similar to the Dalton Minimum
(1793-1830). This would result in routine establishment of new 200 year
cold weather records. b. Scenario
2. A solar hibernation similar to the one during the Maunder Minimum
(1615- 1745). A climate period like this would see 400 year temperature
records and widespread climate and weather extremes.
Obama Continues his Attack on U.S. Energy
By Alan Caruba
The delay of the Keystone XL pipeline is a perfect example of the way
President Obama and his administration has engaged in, not just a war on
coal, but on all forms of energy the nation has and needs. Even his
State Department admits there is no reason to refuse its construction
and, as turmoil affects the Middle East, there is an increased need to
tap our own oil and welcome Canada’s.
The latest news, however, is that Canada has just approved the Enbridge
Northern Gateway Project, a major pipeline to ship Canadian oil—to Asia.
The pure evil of the delay is compounded by the loss of the many jobs
the pipeline—that will not require taxpayer funding—represents to help
reduce the nation’s obscene rate of unemployment and to generate new
revenue for the nation. That’s what oil, coal, and natural gas does.
Less visible has been the out-of-control Environmental Protection Agency
that has, since Obama took office on January 20, 2009, issued 2,827 new
final regulations totally 24,915,000 words to fill 24,915 pages of the
Federal Register. As a CNSnews article reported, “The Obama EPA
regulations have 22 times as many words as the entire Harry Potter
series which includes seven books with 1,084,170 words.” Every one of
the EPA regulations affects some aspect of life in America, crushing
economic development in every conceivable way.
The worst part of the EPA regulation orgy is the fact that virtually all
of it is based on a hoax. As reported by James Delingpole, a British
journalist, “19 million jobs lost plus $4,335 trillion spent equals a
global mean temperature of 0.018 degrees Celsius. Yes, horrible but
true. These are the costs to the U.S. economy, by 2100, of the
Environmental Protection Agency’s regulatory war on carbon dioxide,
whereby all states must reduce emissions from coal-fired electricity
generating plants by 30% before 2005 levels.”
Citing a study by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Delingpole reported that
the new regulations will cost the economy another $51 billion annually,
result in the 224,000 more lost jobs every year, and cost every
American household $3,400 per year in higher prices for energy, food,
and other necessities.”
This is an all-out attack on industry, business, and the use of electricity by all Americans.
There is absolutely no reason, nor need to reduce “greenhouse gas”
emissions, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), a gas on which all life on
Earth depends because it is to vegetation what oxygen is to all living
creatures. It is the “food” on which every blade of grass depends. More
CO2 means more crops and healthier forests.
The EPA’s regulations would yield“Less than two one-hundredths of a degree Celsius by the year 2100.
Disastrously, even the Supreme Court—the same one that signed off on
Obamacare as a tax—has not ruled against the EPA’s false assertions
about CO2. In late June, however, it did place limits on the EPA’s
effort to limit power plant and factory emissions blamed for a global
warming that does not exist. The Earth has been cooling for seventeen
years, but the Court ruled that the EPA lacked authority in some cases
to force companies to evaluate ways to reduce CO2 emissions.
As Craig Rucker, the Executive Director of the free market think tank,
CFACT, points out, “The Court served notice that the Executive Branch
cannot unilaterally write its own laws. This is an important principle.
However, the United States still remains fated to suffer most of the
economic damage EPA’s regulations will cause. True reform will require
congressional action.”
Thanks to the lies that have been taught about “global warming”, now
called “climate change”, in the nation’s schools to a generation of
Americans, and the deluge of lies about the environment that have been
repeated in the nation’s media, too many Americans still do not make the
connection between the use of the nation’s vast reserves of coal, oil
and natural gas, and their personal lifestyles and the nation’s economic
The attacks on the energy industries by environmental organizations have
been attacks on all Americans who turn on the lights or drive anywhere.
Their mantra has been “dirty coal” and “dirty oil” along with lies
about the way energy industries contribute billions to the nation’s
revenue in taxes.
An example of these attacks have been those directed against “fracking”,
the short term for hydraulic fracturing, a technology that has been in
use for more than a half century and whose development has generated a
boom in natural gas these days. Claims about fracking pollution have no
basis in fact.
A new book, “The Fracking Truth—America’s Energy Revolution: The Inside,
Untold Story”, by Chris Faulkner is well worth reading for the
extraordinary way he explains fracking and the facts he provides about
energy in America. It is published by Platform Press.
America has huge reserves of coal, oil and natural gas. “This phenomenon
of energy abundance and efficiency,” says Faulkner, “makes it almost a
certainty that the cost of powering our nation—already a bargain by
international standards—is going to become even less of a burden for our
economy for many decades to come.” But not if the EPA and other Obama
government agencies such as the Department of the Interior have their
One example: “According to the American Petroleum Institute, at least
87% of our federal offshore acreage is off-limits to drilling. API
commissioned the consultancy Wood Mackenzie to assess the foregone
offshore opportunity in specific terms. The upshot: Increased access to
oil and gas reserves underlying federal waters could, by 2025, generate
an additional 4 million barrels of oil equivalent per day, add $150
billion to government revenues, and create 530,00 jobs.”
“In fact, since 2007, about 96% of the increase in America’s oil and gas
production occurred on private lands in the United States. Meanwhile,
oil and gas production on federal lands declined to a ten-year low in
fiscal years 2011-2012.”
Who is forcing coal-fired electricity plants to close? The Obama
administration. Who is denying access to vast reserves of coal, oil and
natural gas on federal lands? The Obama administration. Who continues to
lie about “climate change” pegged to carbon dioxide emissions? The
Obama administration. And this is happening as China and India cannot
build new coal-fired plants fast enough and Europe abandons wind and
solar energy.
Who is the enemy of energy, current and future, in the United States? Barack Obama.
Climate change: The moment I became a climate skeptic
By Zev Chafets
I got my first lesson on the subject of climate change more than 10
years ago. My tutor was an internationally famous climate scientist at a
major Ivy League university. Unlike most lectures I have heard from
professors, this one was brief, to the point and extremely enlightening.
At the time I was a columnist for the New York Daily News, recently
arrived in the United States after more than 30 years in Israel. I had
heard about global warming, of course, but I hadn’t thought much about
it. Israel has other, more pressing issues.
In May 2001, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change published its third report, which got a lot of media attention. I
looked through it and realized immediately that I had no chance of
understanding the science.
I was in good company – I doubt there are half a dozen journalists in
captivity who can actually understand the mathematical and chemical
formulas and computer projections. That’s what press releases are for.
One item got my attention. It said: “Projections based on the Special
Report on Emissions Scenarios suggest warming over the 21st Century at a
more rapid rate than that experienced for at least the last 10,000
I called the professor, one of the authors of the report, for a
clarification (he remains nameless because we were off the record). “If
global warming is caused by man-made emissions,” I asked, “what accounts
for the world warming to this same level 10,000 years ago?”
There was a long silence. Then the professor said, “Are you serious?”
I admitted that I was.
The professor loudly informed me that my question was stupid. The
panel’s conclusion was indisputable science, arrived at after years of
research by a conclave of the world’s leading climate scholars. Who was I
to dispute it?
I told him I wasn’t disputing it, just trying to understand how, you
know, the world could have been this hot before without the help of
human agency. Maybe this is just a natural climate change like ice ages
that once connected continents and warming periods that caused them to
drift apart or …
At which point I heard a click. The professor hung up on me. At that
exact moment I became a climate skeptic. I may not know anything about
science, but I have learned over a long career that when an expert hangs
up in the middle of a question, it means that he doesn’t know the
This isn’t shocking. Experts, even on subjects less complicated than
what the world’s temperature will be in 200 years, are often wrong. One
tip-off is when they argue by assuring you that everybody smart already
knows they are right.
I was reminded of this encounter the other day while reading a Time
Magazine cover story titled, “Eat Butter: Scientists labeled fat the
enemy. Why they were wrong.” The article chronicled the decades-long
consensus, backed by official U.S. government policy as well as a
militant (and self-interested) scientific establishment, that fat was a
killer. According to Time, this was “so embedded in modern medicine and
nutrition that it became nearly impossible to challenge the consensus.”
Scientific journals refused to publish data challenging this orthodoxy.
People who did, like Dr. Robert Atkins, were derided as quacks.
Now that consensus has flipped (Time Magazine doesn’t publish articles
outside any current consensus). It may flip again someday as we learn
even more about nutrition and health. But for now, the danger of eating
fat – once an unshakable tenet of settled science – is out of
intellectual fashion. People who have virtuously deprived themselves of
t-bones, ice cream and cheesecake are now left with egg on their faces.
It is a reminder that bad science, backed by a politicized posse of
experts, can have distasteful consequences.
Another recent article, this one in the New York Times, also caught my
eye. It reported that a submerged forest in Wales has suddenly
re-emerged, revealing traces that humans had lived there before the sea
rose after the last ice age. “About 10,000 years ago, temperatures
warmed sharply, by eight to ten degrees Fahrenheit,” said Dr. Martin
Bates, a geoarcheologist called in to examine the situation. The
footprints found in the sediment belonged to “refugees of prehistoric
climate change,” he said (happily, Wales has since been repopulated).
Dr. Nicholas Ashton of the British Museum, a participant in the project,
was philosophical. “We can reconstruct the climate and climate change
nearly one million years ago,” he said. “The big lesson is, we have to
adapt. Whether we like it or not the climate will change – it always
has.” He quickly added that human beings were now “accelerating that
change.” The Times reporter didn’t ask him how much the change was
accelerating, or what, besides people, might be causing an eons-old
phenomenon. Perhaps she didn’t wonder. Or maybe she didn’t feel like
getting hung up on by an expert.
Prince Charles 'consorted with Labour on climate change and grammar schools'
The Prince of Wales “consorted” with Labour ministers to get tougher Government policies on climate change, it has been claimed.
The prince also helped persuade Tony Blair to turn against genetically
modified food, Michael Meacher, the former environment minister, said.
The Prince also tried to push the Labour government into expanding grammar schools, it is claimed.
The claims were made in a BBC programme that sheds new light on how far
the Prince is said to have gone to lobby ministers to adopt his pet
policies on health and the environment.
It comes amid a legal battle between the Guardian newspaper and the
Government over the release of so-called “black spider memos” –
hand-written notes sent by the Prince to ministers. Ministers say the
letters should remain private as releasing them would be “seriously
damaging to his role as future monarch” because it means he could
“forfeit his position of political neutrality as heir to the throne.”
Mr Meacher said the Prince helped him push Tony Blair for more radical action on climate change and to block GM foods.
“We would consort together quietly in order to try and ensure that we
increased our influence within government. There were always tensions
within government. And I knew that he largely agreed with me and he knew
that I largely agreed with him,” Mr Meacher told BBC Radio 4’s The
Royal Activist.
“I know he spoke to Tony Blair, obviously he would regularly speak to
the Prime Minister, and I’m sure he told him his views, so we were
together in trying to persuade Tony Blair to change course.”
Asked whether such lobbying caused a “constitutional problem,” Mr
Meacher said: “Well, over GM I suppose you could well say that. Maybe he
was pushing it a bit. I was delighted, of course.”
Peter Hain, the former Northern Ireland secretary, said the Prince
encouraged him to introduce complementary medicine on the NHS – a
position Mr Hain shared.
“He had been constantly frustrated at his inability to persuade any
health ministers anywhere that that was a good idea, and so he, as he
once described it to me, found me unique from this point of view, in
being somebody that actually agreed with him on this, and might want to
deliver it.”
Mr Hain allowed it to be introduced in Northern Ireland – a move that delighted the Prince.
British consumer energy bills to rise to keep power plants open
To subsidize standby power for when the wind isn't blowing -- or for when it is blowing too hard!
Households will fund retainer payments to keep more than 53GW of power stations ready to fire up when needed
Consumer energy bills will rise in order to pay retainers to dozens of
power stations to guarantee they are available to keep the lights on,
ministers have announced.
Under a so-called “capacity market”, ministers plan to recruit more than
53GW of power stations - enough to meet 80 per cent of Britain’s peak
demand – to ensure they can fire up when needed.
Households will each pay an average of £13 a year to the power plants, to guarantee they are ready on the system from 2018-19.
The Government has previously described the system, which will be paid
for through levies on household bills as an “insurance premium against
the risk of blackouts”. It hopes the scheme will keep existing gas and
coal power plants from mothballing and encourage the construction of
dozens of new gas plants by helping to guarantee their profitability.
Building new gas plants is otherwise unattractive, because as Britain
builds more wind farms, gas plants may only run for short periods of
time when the wind isn’t blowing.
Ed Davey, the energy secretary, said that the policy would add £2 to
consumer bills. However, the Department of Energy and Climate
Change later clarified that the £2 impact was compared with a future
scenario in which there was no capacity market, rather than compared
with today's prices.
DECC said it forecast that the new capacity market would cost consumers
about £13. However, it also predicts that it will also save consumers
about £11 by preventing future power price spikes that would otherwise
occur in the event of shortages, giving the net forecast impact of £2.
DECC had previously estimated that the policy would have a net impact of
£13-£14 to bills, again compared with a future scenario with price
spikes and blackouts. It has since significantly changed its modelling,
predicting far more severe price spikes in the absence of the policy,
resulting in the £2 net impact.
Mr Davey said: "There was a real risk back in 2010 that an energy crunch
would hit Britain in the middle of this decade and lead to damaging
power cuts. "But the excellent news is that with [this]
announcement we have the final piece of the jigsaw of our detailed
energy security plans and can now say with confidence that we have
defused the ticking time bomb of electricity supply risks we inherited."
Analyst Peter Atherton at Liberum Capital said that total payments to
energy companies under the scheme could be in the region of £1.6bn,
implying payments of at least £20 per household.
The BBC has ruled that a radio debate about climate change involving
former Chancellor of the Exchequer Lord Lawson should have been
censored. Fraser Steel, head of the BBC complaints unit, said a Radio 4
Today programme about the causes of last winter’s storms should never
have been broadcast.
Here is the transcript of the debate on the BBC Today Programme from 13 February between Sir Brian Hoskins and Nigel Lawson.
Justin Webb, BBC: Is there a link, Sir Brian, between the rain we have seen falling in recent days and global warming?
Sir Brian Hoskins: There’s no simple link – we can’t say yes or no this
is climate change. However, there’s a number of reasons to think that
such events are now more likely. One of those is that a warmer
atmosphere that we have can contain more water vapour and so a storm can
bring that water vapour out of the atmosphere and we’re seeing more
heavy rainfall events around the world. We’ve certainly seen those here.
Justin Webb: So it’s the heavy rainfall; it’s the severity of the event that points us in this direction?
Sir Brian Hoskins: Well, in this event we’ve had severe rainfall but
we’ve also had persistence, and that’s where I say we just don’t know
whether the persistence of this event is due to climate change or not.
Another aspect is sea level rise – the sea level has risen about 20cm
over the 20th Century and is continuing to rise as the system warms, and
that, of course, makes damage in the coastal region that much greater
when we get some event there.
Justin Webb: But can a reasonable person – possessed of the evidence as
it is known to us at the moment – say look at the rain we’ve had
recently and say “I do not believe that the evidence exists that links
that rain to global warming?”
Sir Brian Hoskins: I think the reasonable person should look at this
event – they should look at extremes around the world: the general rise
in temperature that’s well recorded, the reduction in Arctic sea ice,
the rise in sea level, the number of extreme rainfall events around the
world, the number of extreme events that we’ve had – we’ve had
persistent droughts, we’ve had floods, we’ve had cold spells and very
warm spells. The number of records being broken is just that much
Justin Webb: Lord Lawson, it’s joining the dots isn’t it?
Lord Lawson: No, I think that Sir Brian is right on a number of points.
He’s right, first of all, that nobody knows. Certainly it is not the
case, of course, that this rainfall is due to global warming – the
question is whether global warming has marginally exacerbated it. Nobody
knows that. He’s right too to say that you have to look at the global
picture, and contrary to what he may have implied, people have done
studies to show that globally there has been no increase in extreme
weather events. For example, tropical storms – perhaps the most dramatic
form of weather event – the past year has been unusually quiet year for
tropical storms. And again going back to the “nobody knows,” only a
couple of months ago the Met Office were forecasting that this would be
an unusually dry winter.
Justin Webb: Do you accept that, Sir Brian, just on that important point
about the global picture – do you accept that we haven’t seen the
extreme conditions that we might have expected?
Sir Brian Hoskins: I think we have seen these heavy rainfall events
around the world. We’ve seen a number of places breaking records –
Australia with the temperatures going to new levels.
Justin Webb: The trouble is we report those, and we’re interested in
them, but there is an effect that is possibly an obfuscatory effect on
the real picture, and you accept that that might be the case?
Sir Brian Hoskins: Absolutely, and we have to be very careful to not say
“oh there’s records everywhere therefore climate is changing.” But we
are very sure that the temperature has risen by about 0.8 degrees, the
arctic sea ice has reached a minimum level in the summer which hasn’t
been seen for a very, very long time, the Greenland ice sheet and the
west Antarctic ice sheet have been measured to be decreasing. There are
all the signs that we are changing this climate system. Now as we do
this – as the system warms – it doesn’t just warm uniformly, the
temperature changes by different amounts in different regions. That
means that the weather that feeds off those temperature contrasts is
changing and will change. It’s not just a smooth change – it’s a change
in the weather. It’s a change in the regional climate we can expect.
Justin Webb: Lord Lawson?
Lord Lawson: I think we want to focus not on this extremely speculative
and uncertain area – I don’t blame the climate scientists for not
knowing. Climate and weather is quite extraordinarily complex and this
is a very new form of science. All I blame them for is pretending they
know when they don’t. Anyhow, what we ought to focus on is what we’re
going to do. I think this is a wake-up call. We need to abandon this
crazy and costly policy of spending untold millions on littering the
countryside with useless wind turbines and solar panels, and moving from
a sensible energy policy of having cheap and reliable forms of energy
to a policy of having unreliable and costly energy. Give up that. What
we want to focus on – it’s very important – is making sure this country
is really resilient and robust to whatever nature throws at us, whether
there’s a climate element or not. Flood defences, sea defences – that’s
what we want to focus on.
Justin Webb: Can I just put this to you? If there is a chance – and some
people would say there is a strong chance that man-made global warming
exists and is having an impact on us; doesn’t it make sense whether or
not you believe that’s a 95% chance or a 50% chance or whatever, does it
not make sense to take care to try to avoid the kind of emissions that
may be contributing to it? What could be wrong with that?
Lord Lawson: Everything. First of all, even if there is warming – and
there’s been no recorded warming over the past 15, 16, 17 years.
Justin Webb: Well, there is a lot of controversy about that.
Lord Lawson: No there’s not, that’s a fact. That is accepted even by the IPCC.
Justin Webb: There’s no measured warming.
Lord Lawson: Can I continue my sentence?
Justin Webb: Well alright, we’ll get back to that.
Lord Lawson: No measured warming, exactly. Well that measurement is not
unimportant. But even if there is some problem, it is not going to
affect any of the dangers except marginally. What we want to do is focus
with the problems there are with climate – drought, floods and so on.
These have happened in the past – they’re not new. As for emissions,
this country is responsible for less than 2% of global emissions. Even
if we cut our emissions to 0 – which would put us back to the
pre-industrial revolution and the poverty that that gave – even if we
did that, it would be outweighed by China’s increase in emissions in a
single year. So it is absolutely crazy this policy. It cannot make sense
at all.
Justin Webb: Sir Brian?
Sir Brian Hoskins: I think we have to learn two lessons from this. The
first one is that by increasing the greenhouse gas levels in the
atmosphere, particularly carbon dioxide, to levels not seen for millions
of years on this planet, we are performing a very risky experiment.
We’re pretty confident that that means if we go on like we are the
temperatures are going to rise somewhere between 3-5 degrees by the end
of this Century, sea levels up to half to 1 metre rise.
Justin Webb: Lord Lawson was saying there that there had been a pause –
which you hear a lot about – a pause of 10 / 15 years in measured rising
of temperature. That is the case isn’t it?
Sir Brian Hoskins: It hasn’t risen very much over the last 10-15 years.
If you measure the climate from the globally averaged surface
temperature, during that time the excess energy has still been absorbed
by the climate system and is being absorbed by the oceans.
Justin Webb: So it’s there somewhere?
Sir Brian Hoskins: Oh yes, it’s there in the oceans.
Lord Lawson: That is pure speculation.
Sir Brian Hoskins: No, it’s a measurement.
Lord Lawson: No, it’s not. It’s speculation.
Justin Webb: Well, it’s a combination of the two isn’t it? As this whole
discussion is…. Lord Lawson and Sir Brian Hoskins, thank you very much.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
This site is in favour of things that ARE good for the environment. That
the usual Greenie causes are good for the environment is however
Context for the minute average temperature change recorded: At any
given time surface air temperatures around the world range over about
100°C. Even in the same place they can vary by nearly that much
seasonally and as much as 30°C or more in a day. A minute rise in
average temperature in that context is trivial if it is not meaningless
altogether. Warmism is a money-grubbing racket, not science.
By John Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.), writing from Brisbane, Australia.

"The growth of knowledge depends entirely on disagreement" -- Karl Popper
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
"The desire to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it" -- H L Mencken
'Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action' -- Goethe
“Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.” -- Voltaire
Lord Salisbury: "No lesson seems to be so deeply inculcated by
experience of life as that you should never trust experts. If you
believe doctors, nothing is wholesome; if you believe theologians,
nothing is innocent; if you believe soldiers, nothing is safe."
Calvin Coolidge said, "If you see 10 troubles coming down the road, you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you." He could have been talking about Warmists.
Some advice from long ago for Warmists: "If ifs and ans were pots and pans,there'd be no room for tinkers".
It's a nursery rhyme harking back to Middle English times when "an"
could mean "if". Tinkers were semi-skilled itinerant workers who fixed
holes and handles in pots and pans -- which were valuable household
items for most of our history. Warmists are very big on "ifs", mays",
"might" etc. But all sorts of things "may" happen, including global
Bertrand Russell knew about consensus: "The fact that an opinion has
been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd;
indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a
widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.”
There goes another beautiful theory about to be murdered by a brutal gang of facts. - Duc de La Rochefoucauld, French writer and moralist (1613-1680)
"Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate" -- William of Occam
"In science, refuting an accepted belief is celebrated as an advance in knowledge; in religion it is condemned as heresy". (Bob Parks, Physics, U of Maryland). No prizes for guessing how global warming skepticism is normally responded to.
"Almost all professors of the arts and sciences are egregiously conceited, and derive their happiness from their conceit" -- Erasmus
"The improver of natural knowledge absolutely refuses to
acknowledge authority, as such. For him, scepticism is the highest of
duties; blind faith the one unpardonable sin." -- Thomas H. Huxley
Time was, people warning the world "Repent - the end is
nigh!" were snickered at as fruitcakes. Now they own the media and run
the schools.
"One of the sources of the Fascist movement is the desire to avoid a too-rational and too-comfortable world" -- George Orwell, 1943 in Can Socialists Be Happy?
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics
are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts -- Bertrand Russell
“Affordable energy in ample quantities is the lifeblood of
the industrial societies and a prerequisite for the economic development
of the others.” -- John P. Holdren, Science Adviser to President Obama. Published in Science 9 February 2001
The closer science looks at the real world processes involved in
climate regulation the more absurd the IPCC's computer driven fairy tale
appears. Instead of blithely modeling climate based on hunches and
suppositions, climate scientists would be better off abandoning their
ivory towers and actually measuring what happens in the real world.' -- Doug L Hoffman
Something no Warmist could take on board: "Knuth once warned a correspondent, "Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it." -- Prof. Donald Knuth, whom some regard as the world's smartest man
"To be green is to be irrational, misanthropic and morally defective.
They are the barbarians at the gate we have to stand against" -- Rich Kozlovich
This is one of TWO skeptical blogs that I update daily. During my
research career as a social scientist, I was appalled at how much
writing in my field was scientifically lacking -- and I often said so in
detail in the many academic journal articles I had published in that
field. I eventually gave up social science research, however, because
no data ever seemed to change the views of its practitioners. I hoped
that such obtuseness was confined to the social scientists but now that I
have shifted my attention to health related science and climate
related science, I find the same impermeability to facts and logic.
Hence this blog and my FOOD & HEALTH SKEPTIC
blog. I may add that I did not come to either health or environmental
research entirely without credentials. I had several academic papers
published in both fields during my social science research career
Update: After 8 years of confronting the frankly childish standard of
reasoning that pervades the medical journals, I have given up. I have
put the blog into hibernation. In extreme cases I may put up here some
of the more egregious examples of medical "wisdom" that I encounter.
Greenies and food freaks seem to be largely coterminous. My regular
bacon & egg breakfasts would certainly offend both -- if only
because of the resultant methane output
Since my academic background is in the social sciences, it is
reasonable to ask what a social scientist is doing talking about global
warming. My view is that my expertise is the most relevant of all. It
seems clear to me from what you will see on this blog that belief in
global warming is very poorly explained by history, chemistry, physics
or statistics.
Warmism is prophecy, not science. Science cannot foretell the future.
Science can make very accurate predictions based on known regularities
in nature (e.g. predicting the orbits of the inner planets) but Warmism
is the exact opposite of that. It predicts a DEPARTURE from the known
regularities of nature. If we go by the regularities of nature, we are
on the brink of an ice age.
And from a philosophy of science viewpoint, far from being "the
science", Warmism is not even an attempt at a factual statement, let
alone being science. It is not a meaningful statement about the world.
Why? Because it is unfalsifiable -- making it a religious, not a
scientific statement. To be a scientific statement, there would have to
be some conceivable event that disproved it -- but there appears to be
none. ANY event is hailed by Warmists as proving their contentions.
Only if Warmists were able to specify some fact or event that would
disprove their theory would it have any claim to being a scientific
statement. So the explanation for Warmist beliefs has to be primarily a
psychological and political one -- which makes it my field
And, after all, Al Gore's academic qualifications are in social science also -- albeit very pissant qualifications.
A "geriatric" revolt: The scientists who reject Warmism tend to
be OLD! Your present blogger is one of those. There are tremendous
pressures to conformity in academe and the generally Leftist orientation
of academe tends to pressure everyone within it to agree to ideas that
suit the Left. And Warmism is certainly one of those ideas. So old
guys are the only ones who can AFFORD to declare the Warmists to be
unclothed. They either have their careers well-established (with
tenure) or have reached financial independence (retirement) and so can
afford to call it like they see it. In general, seniors in society
today are not remotely as helpful to younger people as they once were.
But their opposition to the Warmist hysteria will one day show that
seniors are not completely irrelevant after all. Experience does count
(we have seen many such hysterias in the past and we have a broader
base of knowledge to call on) and our independence is certainly an
enormous strength. Some of us are already dead. (Reid Bryson and John Daly are particularly mourned) and some of us are very senior indeed (e.g. Bill Gray and Vince Gray) but the revolt we have fostered is ever growing so we have not labored in vain.
Climate is just the sum of weather. So if you cannot forecast the
weather a month in advance, you will not be able to forecast the climate
50 years in advance. And official meteorologists such as Britain's Met
Office and Australia's BOM, are very poor forecasters of weather. The
Met office has in fact given up on making seasonal forecasts because
they have so often got such forecasts embarrassingly wrong. Their
global-warming-powered "models" just did not deliver
Here's how that "97% consensus" figure was arrived at
A strange Green/Left conceit: They seem to think (e.g. here)
that no-one should spend money opposing them and that conservative
donors must not support the election campaigns of Congressmen they
agree with
To Greenies, Genghis Khan was a good guy, believe it or not. They love that he killed so many people.
Greenie antisemitism
After three exceptionally cold winters in the Northern hemisphere, the
Warmists are chanting: "Warming causes cold". Even if we give that a
pass for logic, it still inspires the question: "Well, what are we
worried about"? Cold is not going to melt the icecaps is it?"
It's a central (but unproven) assumption of the Warmist "models" that
clouds cause warming. Odd that it seems to cool the temperature down
when clouds appear overhead!
To make out that the essentially trivial warming of the last 150 years
poses some sort of threat, Warmists postulate positive feedbacks that
might cut in to make the warming accelerate in the near future. Amid
their theories about feedbacks, however, they ignore the one feedback
that is no theory: The reaction of plants to CO2. Plants gobble up CO2
and the more CO2 there is the more plants will flourish and hence
gobble up yet more CO2. And the increasing crop yields of recent years
show that plantlife is already flourishing more. The recent rise in CO2
will therefore soon be gobbled up and will no longer be around to
bother anyone. Plants provide a huge NEGATIVE feedback in response to
increases in atmospheric CO2
Every green plant around us is made out of carbon dioxide that the
plant has grabbed out of the atmosphere. That the plant can get its
carbon from such a trace gas is one of the miracles of life. It
admittedly uses the huge power of the sun to accomplish such a vast
filtrative task but the fact that a dumb plant can harness the power of
the sun so effectively is also a wonder. We live on a rather
improbable planet. If a science fiction writer elsewhere in the
universe described a world like ours he might well be ridiculed for
making up such an implausible tale.
warmer by contact with something warmer or by infrared radiation
shining on it or by adiabatic (pressure) effects but it cannot trap
anything. Air is a gas. Try trapping something with it!
Greenies are the sand in the gears of modern civilization -- and they intend to be.
The Greenie message is entirely emotional and devoid of all
logic. They say that polar ice will melt and cause a big sea-level
rise. Yet 91% of the world's glacial ice is in Antarctica, where the
average temperature is around minus 40 degrees Celsius. The melting
point of ice is zero degrees. So for the ice to melt on any scale the
Antarctic temperature would need to rise by around 40 degrees, which
NOBODY is predicting. The median Greenie prediction is about 4 degrees.
So where is the huge sea level rise going to come from? Mars? And
the North polar area is mostly sea ice and melting sea ice does not
raise the sea level at all. Yet Warmists constantly hail any sign of
Arctic melting. That the melting of floating ice does not raise the
water level is known as Archimedes' principle. Archimedes demonstrated
it around 2,500 years ago. That Warmists have not yet caught up with
that must be just about the most inspissated ignorance imaginable. The
whole Warmist scare defies the most basic physics. Yet at the opening
of 2011 we find the following unashamed lying by James Hansen:
"We will lose all the ice in the polar ice cap in a couple of
decades". Sadly, what the Vulgate says in John 1:5 is still only very
partially true: "Lux in tenebris lucet". There is still much darkness in the minds of men.
The repeated refusal of Warmist "scientists" to make their raw
data available to critics is such a breach of scientific protocol that
it amounts to a confession in itself. Note, for instance Phil Jones'
Feb 21, 2005 response to Warwick Hughes' request for his raw climate
data: "We have 25 years or so invested in the work. Why should I make
the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something
wrong with it?" Looking for things that might be wrong with a given
conclusion is of course central to science. But Warmism cannot survive
such scrutiny. So even after "Climategate", the secrecy goes on.
Most Greenie causes are at best distractions from real
environmental concerns (such as land degradation) and are more
motivated by a hatred of people than by any care for the environment
Global warming has taken the place of Communism as an absurdity
that "liberals" will defend to the death regardless of the evidence
showing its folly. Evidence never has mattered to real Leftists
‘Global warming’ has become the grand political narrative of
the age, replacing Marxism as a dominant force for controlling liberty
and human choices. -- Prof. P. Stott
Comparing climate alarmist Hansen to Cassandra is WRONG.
Cassandra's (Greek mythology) dire prophecies were never believed but
were always right. Hansen's dire prophecies are usually believed but are
always wrong (Prof. Laurence Gould, U of Hartford, CT)
The modern environmental movement arose out of the wreckage of
the New Left. They call themselves Green because they're too yellow to
admit they're really Reds. So Lenin's birthday was chosen to be the
date of Earth Day. Even a moderate politician like Al Gore has been
clear as to what is needed. In "Earth in the Balance", he wrote that
saving the planet would require a "wrenching transformation of
For centuries there was a scientific consensus which said that
fire was explained by the release of an invisible element called
phlogiston. That theory is universally ridiculed today. Global warming
is the new phlogiston. Though, now that we know how deliberate the
hoax has been, it might be more accurate to call global warming the New Piltdown Man. The Piltdown hoax took 40 years to unwind. I wonder....
Motives: Many people would like to be kind to others so
Leftists exploit that with their nonsense about equality. Most people
want a clean, green environment so Greenies exploit that by inventing
all sorts of far-fetched threats to the environment. But for both, the
real motive is generally to promote themselves as wiser and better
than everyone else, truth regardless.
Policies: The only underlying theme that makes sense of all
Greenie policies is hatred of people. Hatred of other people has been a
Greenie theme from way back. In a report titled "The First Global
Revolution" (1991, p. 104) published by the "Club of Rome", a Greenie
panic outfit, we find the following statement: "In searching for a
new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the
threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit
the bill.... All these dangers are caused by human intervention... The
real enemy, then, is humanity itself." See here for many more examples of prominent Greenies saying how much and how furiously they hate you.
The conventional wisdom of the day is often spectacularly wrong.
The most popular and successful opera of all time is undoubtedly
"Carmen" by Georges Bizet. Yet it was much criticized when first
performed and the unfortunate Bizet died believing that it was a flop.
Similarly, when the most iconic piece of 20th century music was first
performed in 1913-- Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring" -- half the audience
walked out. Those of us who defy the conventional wisdom about climate
are actually better off than that. Unlike Bizet and Stravinsky in 1913,
we KNOW that we will eventually be vindicated -- because all that
supports Warmism is a crumbling edifice of guesswork ("models").
Al Gore won a political prize for an alleged work of science. That rather speaks for itself, doesn't it?
Jim Hansen and his twin
Getting rich and famous through alarmism: Al Gore is well-known but note
also James Hansen. He has for decades been a senior, presumably
well-paid, employee at NASA. In 2001 he was the recipient of a $250,000 Heinz Award. In 2007 Time magazine designated him a Hero of the Environment. That same year he pocketed one-third of a $1 million Dan David Prize. In 2008, the American Association for the Advancement of Science presented him with its Scientific Freedom and Responsibility Award. In 2010 he landed a $100,000 Sophie Prize. He pulled in a total of $1.2 million in 2010. Not bad for a government bureaucrat.
See the original global Warmist in action here: "The icecaps are melting and all world is drowning to wash away the sin"
I am not a global warming skeptic nor am I a global warming
denier. I am a global warming atheist. I don't believe one bit of it.
That the earth's climate changes is undeniable. Only ignoramuses
believe that climate stability is normal. But I see NO evidence to say
that mankind has had anything to do with any of the changes observed --
and much evidence against that claim.
Seeing that we are all made of carbon, the time will come when
people will look back on the carbon phobia of the early 21st century as
too incredible to be believed
Meanwhile, however, let me venture a tentative prophecy.
Prophecies are almost always wrong but here goes: Given the common
hatred of carbon (Warmists) and salt (Food freaks) and given the fact
that we are all made of carbon, salt, water and calcium (with a few
additives), I am going to prophecy that at some time in the future a
hatred of nitrogen will emerge. Why? Because most of the air that we
breathe is nitrogen. We live at the bottom of a nitrogen sea. Logical
to hate nitrogen? NO. But probable: Maybe. The Green/Left is mad
enough. After all, nitrogen is a CHEMICAL -- and we can't have that!
UPDATE to the above: It seems that I am a true prophet
The intellectual Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-180)
must have foreseen Global Warmism. He said: "The object in life is not
to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the
ranks of the insane."
The Holy Grail for most scientists is not truth but research
grants. And the global warming scare has produced a huge downpour of
money for research. Any mystery why so many scientists claim some
belief in global warming?
For many people, global warming seems to have taken the place of
"The Jews" -- a convenient but false explanation for any disliked
event. Prof. Brignell has some examples.
Global warming skeptics are real party-poopers. It's so wonderful to believe that you have a mission to save the world.
There is an "ascetic instinct" (or perhaps a "survivalist
instinct") in many people that causes them to delight in going without
material comforts. Monasteries and nunneries were once full of such
people -- with the Byzantine stylites perhaps the most striking example.
Many Greenies (other than Al Gore and his Hollywood pals) have that
instinct too but in the absence of strong orthodox religious
committments they have to convince themselves that the world NEEDS them
to live in an ascetic way. So their personal emotional needs lead them
to press on us all a delusional belief that the planet needs "saving".
The claim that oil is a fossil fuel is another great myth and
folly of the age. They are now finding oil at around seven MILES
beneath the sea bed -- which is incomparably further down than any
known fossil. The abiotic oil theory is not as yet well enough
developed to generate useful predictions but that is also true of fossil
fuel theory
Help keep the planet Green! Maximize your CO2 and CH4 output!
Global Warming=More Life; Global Cooling=More Death.
The inconvenient truth about biological effects of "Ocean Acidification"
Cook the crook who cooks the books
The great and fraudulent scare about lead
Green/Left denial of the facts explained: "Rejection lies in this,
that when the light came into the world men preferred darkness to light;
preferred it, because their doings were evil. Anyone who acts
shamefully hates the light, will not come into the light, for fear that
his doings will be found out. Whereas the man whose life is true comes
to the light" John 3:19-21 (Knox)
Against the long history of huge temperature variation in the
earth's climate (ice ages etc.), the .6 of one degree average rise
reported by the U.N. "experts" for the entire 20th century (a rise so
small that you would not be able to detect such a difference personally
without instruments) shows, if anything, that the 20th century was a
time of exceptional temperature stability.
Recent NASA figures
tell us that there was NO warming trend in the USA during the 20th
century. If global warming is occurring, how come it forgot the USA?
Warmists say that the revised NASA figures do not matter because
they cover only the USA -- and the rest of the world is warming nicely.
But it is not. There has NEVER been any evidence that the Southern
hemisphere is warming. See here. So the warming pattern sure is looking moth-eaten.
The latest scare is the possible effect of extra CO2 on the
world’s oceans, because more CO2 lowers the pH of seawater. While it is
claimed that this makes the water more acidic, this is misleading. Since
seawater has a pH around 8.1, it will take an awful lot of CO2 it to
even make the water neutral (pH=7), let alone acidic (pH less than 7).
In fact, ocean acidification is a scientific impossibility.
Henry's Law mandates that warming oceans will outgas CO2 to the
atmosphere (as the UN's own documents predict it will), making the
oceans less acid. Also, more CO2 would increase calcification rates. No
comprehensive, reliable measurement of worldwide oceanic acid/base
balance has ever been carried out: therefore, there is no observational
basis for the computer models' guess that acidification of 0.1 pH units
has occurred in recent decades.
The chaos theory people have told us for years that the air
movement from a single butterfly's wing in Brazil can cause an
unforeseen change in our weather here. Now we are told that climate
experts can "model" the input of zillions of such incalculable variables
over periods of decades to accurately forecast global warming 50 years
hence. Give us all a break!
you doubt the arrogance [of the global warming crowd, you haven't seen
that Newsweek cover story that declared the global warming debate over.
Consider: If Newton's laws of motion could, after 200 years of unfailing
experimental and experiential confirmation, be overthrown, it requires
religious fervor to believe that global warming -- infinitely more
untested, complex and speculative -- is a closed issue
Scientists have politics too -- sometimes extreme politics. Read this: "This
crippling of individuals I consider the worst evil of capitalism... I
am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils,
namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by
an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In
such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and
are utilized in a planned fashion. A planned economy, which adjusts
production to the needs of the community, would distribute the work to
be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to
every man, woman, and child." -- Albert Einstein
The "precautionary principle" is a favourite Greenie idea -- but
isn't that what George Bush was doing when he invaded Iraq? Wasn't
that a precaution against Saddam getting or having any WMDs? So Greenies all agree with the Iraq intervention? If not, why not?
A classic example of how the sensationalist media distort science to create climate panic is here.
There is a very readable summary of the "Hockey Stick" fraud here
The Lockwood & Froehlich paper
was designed to rebut Durkin's "Great Global Warming Swindle" film.
It is a rather confused paper -- acknowledging yet failing to account
fully for the damping effect of the oceans, for instance -- but it is
nonetheless valuable to climate atheists. The concession from a
Greenie source that fluctuations in the output of the sun have driven
climate change for all but the last 20 years (See the first sentence of
the paper) really is invaluable. And the basic fact presented in the
paper -- that solar output has in general been on the downturn in
recent years -- is also amusing to see. Surely even a crazed Greenie
mind must see that the sun's influence has not stopped and that
reduced solar output will soon start COOLING the earth! Unprecedented
July 2007 cold weather throughout the Southern hemisphere might even
have been the first sign that the cooling is happening. And the fact
that warming plateaued in 1998 is also a good sign that we are moving
into a cooling phase. As is so often the case, the Greenies have got
the danger exactly backwards. See my post of 7.14.07 and very detailed critiques here and here and here for more on the Lockwood paper and its weaknesses.
As the Greenies are now learning, even strong statistical correlations may disappear if a longer time series is used. A remarkable example from Sociology: "The
modern literature on hate crimes began with a remarkable 1933 book by
Arthur Raper titled The Tragedy of Lynching. Raper assembled data on the
number of lynchings each year in the South and on the price of an
acre’s yield of cotton. He calculated the correlation coefficient
between the two series at –0.532. In other words, when the economy was
doing well, the number of lynchings was lower.... In 2001, Donald Green,
Laurence McFalls, and Jennifer Smith published a paper that demolished
the alleged connection between economic conditions and lynchings in
Raper’s data. Raper had the misfortune of stopping his analysis in
1929. After the Great Depression hit, the price of cotton plummeted and
economic conditions deteriorated, yet lynchings continued to fall. The
correlation disappeared altogether when more years of data were added."
So we must be sure to base our conclusions on ALL the data. In the
Greenie case, the correlation between CO2 rise and global temperature
rise stopped in 1998 -- but that could have been foreseen if
measurements taken in the first half of the 20th century had been
Relying on the popular wisdom can even hurt you personally: "The scientific consensus of a quarter-century ago turned into the arthritic nightmare of today."
Greenie-approved sources of electricity (windmills and solar
cells) require heavy government subsidies to be competitive with normal
electricity generators so a Dutch word for Greenie power seems graphic
to me: "subsidieslurpers" (subsidy gobblers)
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