There is an "ascetic instinct" (or perhaps a "survivalist instinct") in
many people that causes them to delight in going without material
comforts. Monasteries and nunneries were once full of such people --
with the Byzantine stylites perhaps the most striking example. Many
Greenies (other than Al Gore and his Hollywood pals) have that instinct
too but in the absence of strong orthodox religious committments they
have to convince themselves that the world NEEDS them to live in an
ascetic way. So their personal emotional needs lead them to press on us
all a delusional belief that the planet needs "saving".
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31 July, 2016
Lake Tahoe: Warmest water temperatures ever recorded
Absurd to think that a climate record that goes back to 1968 only can
give you a picture of a long term trend. But since the record
goes back to 1968 only, we cannot test for a long term trend. We
can however look at the air temperature record from the nearby Tahoe
station. It's below. What do we see? We see that
temperatures in the Tahoe area were markedly higher in the 1920s and
1930s. Tahoe as a whole has been COOLING long term. How
likely is it that the lake is going to be different from its
region? Clearly, the scare below is an artifact of inadequate data
Lake Tahoe's average surface temperature last year was the warmest ever
recorded, the latest evidence that climate change is altering
California's iconic Sierra Nevada landmark.
In a report released Thursday by UC Davis, scientists said that the
lake's waters in the past four years have been warming at 15 times their
historic average.
The air temperature at the lake is becoming steadily hotter too. The
winter of 2014-15 saw just 24 days where the average temperature dropped
below freezing at the lake, according to the report, and only 6 percent
of last year's precipitation fell as snow -- both all-time lows.
The ominous evidence threatens efforts in recent years to improve Lake
Tahoe's famed blue clarity by reducing pollution. That's because the
warming water will likely result in more algae growth, silt and invasive
species, researchers said.
"The lake is changing, and it is changing at an increasing rate," said
Geoffrey Schladow, director of the UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research
The picture of a steadily warming lake -- and a vacation wonderland with
a relentless trend toward hotter weather, more rain and less snow --
emerged from the 2016 "State of the Lake" report, a document the center
publishes every year.
Straddling the California-Nevada border, Lake Tahoe is the second
deepest lake in America. It's 1,645 feet at its deepest point, behind
only Crater Lake in Oregon. If the Empire State Building were submerged
in Lake Tahoe, the top of its spire would still be below 200 feet of
water. Roughly 3 million people visit each year.
"This year's report is definitely a warning," said Darcie Goodman
Collins, executive director of the League to Save Lake Tahoe, an
environmental group. "We need to improve our efforts."
America blighted by industrial wind
Green gangsters rip us off while enriching the 0.1% and trashing the environment
Mary Kay
“America is being auctioned off to the highest bidder.” – Donald J. Trump
A recent Joe Mahoney article, NY looks to the wind to replace its fossil fuel diet, was full of half-truths and misinformation.
There is nothing “free,” “clean” or “green” about industrial wind.
Quite the contrary: the true costs of industrial wind development are
astronomical. Yet, the wishful thinking of Governor Andrew Cuomo,
Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, “green” ideologues, and “renewable”
energy hustlers and subsidy seekers who benefit from this massive
taxpayer and ratepayer rip-off has been repeated by countless
“journalists” without question for years now.
Mahoney’s article highlighted Cuomo’s approval of the proposed wind
factory off Montauk, NY. It claimed: “The offshore ‘wind farm’ could be a
symbol of how the state can meet Cuomo’s ambitious goal of getting half
of New York’s energy from carbon-free sources by 2030. Now those
sources represent about 23 percent of the state's energy draw.”
The statement is grossly misleading and inaccurate.
New York State’s emissions-free hydro power (including what it imports
from Canada) already supplies approximately 23% of New York State
electricity generation all by itself. New York State’s emissions-free
nuclear power supplies approximately another 30% of the state’s
electricity generation. “Other Renewables” (wind, solar, biofuels,
geothermal) now provide a measly 3% (US Energy Information
Administration or EIA).
Clearly, current hydro and nuclear power supplies in New York State
alone already exceed Cuomo’s emissions-free target of 50 percent. But
for some reason emissions-free nuclear is not counted toward NY’s
“emissions-free” goal.
Most infuriating for New York State taxpayers and ratepayers is the fact
that New York State was already getting approximately 50% of its
electricity from emissions-free sources (19% from hydro + 29% from
nuclear + 1% from “Other Renewables”) way back in 2000 – before Governor
Cuomo & Co. began throwing billions of taxpayer and ratepayer
dollars into the wind, plastering rural NY with these bird-slaughtering
lemons, as reported by
Scientific proof MIA
As our government officials continue to throw billions of dollars into
the wind, the key question that needs to be asked by everyone is this:
Where is the Scientific PROOF that wind energy is a net societal benefit?
The answer is that there is no such scientific proof. Zero. Zip. Nada. None.
However, there is much proof that development of sprawling, unreliable,
subsidized, mandated industrial wind factories has been vastly
detrimental across the nation and the world. So much so that President
Obama and his Fish & Wildlife Service had to approve 30-Year
EAGLE-KILL permits specifically to accommodate the bird-slaughtering
wind industry – letting it off scot free for butchering our wildlife.
Governor Cuomo’s pie-in-the-sky ‘green’ energy policy is bereft of any
realistic assessment of the expensive lessons already learned in Europe
and elsewhere as a result of pushing these ‘renewable’ energy policies.
Results include, but are not limited to: “skyrocketing”
electricity rates, industries fleeing, 2 – 4 jobs lost for every ‘green’
job created, destroyed habitats and countryside, birds and bats
slaughtered, lost property values, health issues, utter civil discord
among people forced to live with these behemoths, and increasing numbers
of people being thrust into ‘energy poverty.’
All this as a result of the same ‘green’ mess that Governor Cuomo,
President Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party continue to
While they demonize fossil fuel use and promise to rid us of this vital
energy, the truth is that the availability of reliable, affordable power
thanks to fossil fuels is directly correlated with greatly improved
health and longevity here in the USA, as Alex Epstein explains in his
book, The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels.
It’s all about the money!
WHY do they continue to push such an obvious failure as industrial wind, you ask? Simple: “It’s all about the money!’
Manhattan Institute scholar Robert Bryce recently reported that the wind
industry has garnered $176 BILLION of crony-capitalist cash here in the
United States. It’s no wonder the American Wind Energy Association
spends over $20 million per year lobbying for more of the same!
Big Wind and the Big Banks who back them are playing the system to tap
into taxpayers’ and ratepayers’ wallets, while the crony-politicians who
enable the whole dastardly deal get hefty ‘campaign donations’ in
return. The greatest Ponzi schemes of all time pale in comparison to the
eco-heist these Green Gangsters are pulling off.
Industrial wind was initiated in the United States by ENRON as a tax
shelter generating scheme. Nothing about that has changed. Big Wind
enriches the 0.1% at taxpayers' and ratepayers' expense.
Just ask Warren Buffett, who said: “We get tax credits if we build ‘wind
farms.’ That's the only reason to build them. They don’t make sense
without the tax credits.”
Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump was absolutely correct
when he underscored the critical need to address our nation’s economic
demise, saying: “America is being auctioned off to the highest bidder.”
The Industrial Wind Blight across America exemplifies this sad reality!
Via email
The World's Largest Solar Plant Just Torched Itself
The technology is inherently risky due to the high temperatures employed
A small fire was reported yesterday morning at the Ivanpah Solar
Electric Generating System (ISEGS) in California, forcing a temporary
shutdown of the facility. It’s now running at a third of its capacity (a
second tower is down due to scheduled maintenance), and it’s not
immediately clear when the damaged tower will restart. It’s also unclear
how the incident will impact California’s electricity supply.
Putting out the blaze was not easy task, either. Firefighters were
forced to climb 90m up a boiler tower to get to the scene. Officials
said the fire was located about two-thirds up the tower. Workers at the
plant actually managed to subdue the flames by the time firefighters
reached the spot, and it was officially extinguished about 20 minutes
after it started.
Located on 4000 acres of public land in the Mojave Desert, the sprawling
concentrated solar thermal plant is equipped with 173,500 heliostats —
each with two mirrors — that focus sunlight on boilers located on top of
three 140m towers. The tremendous heat created by the concentrated
solar power produces steam that drives turbines to produce electricity.
The plant, the largest of its kind in the world, features a gross
capacity of 392 megawatts, enough to power 140,000 homes. Each of the
computer-controlled solar-reflecting mirrors is about the size of a
garage door.
A spokesperson for the plant said it’s too early to comment on the
cause, but it appears that misaligned mirrors are to blame. The
Associated Press quoted Mike McClintock, the San Bernardino County fire
captain, who said that some mirrors delivered sunlight to a different
level on the third unit, causing electrical cables to catch fire.
Inevitably, the incident reveals the inherent dangers of concentrated
solar power as well as the need to ensure that the mirrors are always on
target. Concentrated solar power plants, in addition to being a menace
to themselves, can also pose a hazard to local wildlife. Last year, a
plant in Nevada torched over a hundred birds when they flew through the
plant’s “flux field”.
It’s yet another setback for the Ivanpah facility. For the past few
months, the plant has been unable to meet the output levels stipulated
in its power purchase agreement, and it was given an extension until 31
July 2016 to improve performance. This fire obviously isn’t going to
? Hillary’s energy policies: Enriching Wall Street cronies, while the poor are pawns in their political game
In his less-than-enthusiastic endorsement of Hillary Clinton as the
Democrat’s choice for President, Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.) decried
“Greed, recklessness, and illegal behavior” and declared that we
couldn’t let “billionaires buy elections.” Perhaps his opposition
research team discovered what we have about Clinton’s connections with
the very entities he despises: Wall Street — which he’s accused of
“gambling trillions in risky financial instruments;” and “huge financial
institutions” that he says: “simply have too much economic and
political power over this country.”
Wall Street and its “huge financial institutions” are Clinton allies —
supporting both her campaign and donating big bucks to the Clinton
In the batch of Democrat National Committee (DNC) emails WikiLeaks made
public on July 23, DNC Research Associate Jeremy Berns tells his
colleagues: “She [Clinton] doesn’t want the people knowing about her
relationships on Wall Street.” He adds: “She wants to achieve
consistency and the best way to do that is to keep the people ignorant.”
For the past four years, I’ve collaborated with citizen
activist/researcher Christine Lakatos (she’s been at it for six years)
on what we’ve called: President Obama’s green-energy crony-corruption
scandal. Together we’ve produced the single largest body of work on the
topic. In her blog, the Green Corruption Files, she posts her exhaustive
research—what I affectionately refer to as the
drink-from-the-fire-hydrant version. I, then, use her research to draft
an overview that is appropriate for the casual reader.
More recently, our efforts have morphed to include the Democrats’
presidential nominee, as Lakatos found the same people are her “wealthy
cronies,” too.
In Lakatos’ most-recent, and final Green Corruption File, released on
July 19, she states: “While there are numerous ways you can ‘buy access
to the Clintons,’ I’m only going to connect the dots to the Green
Gangsters, which we’ve already established are rich political pals of
President Obama, as well as other high-ranking Democrats and their
allies, who were awarded hundreds of billions of ‘green’ taxpayer cash.”
Her lengthy report, is “devoted to proving beyond a reasonable doubt
that the Democrat presumptive presidential nominee, Hillary Rodham
Clinton, is not on only in bed with Big Money (Wall Street, the
Uber-Rich, special interests groups and lobbyists) and Dark Money (Super
PACS and Secret Cash), she’s also bankrolled and is in cahoots with —
directly and through her husband and her family foundation — the wealthy
Green Gangsters, who are robbing U.S. taxpayers in order to ‘save the
While the dozens of pages prove the involvement of names you know—like
former vice president Al Gore, former Governor Bill Richardson, and
billionaire donors Tom Steyer and Warren Buffett, and names you likely
don’t know: David Crane, John Doerr, Pat Stryker, and Steve Westly —
I’ve chosen to highlight the Clinton’s Wall Street connections that have
benefited from the green deals that were cut in the Obama White House
and that will continue on if Clinton wins.
Lakatos points out: “Clinton’s ‘ambitious renewable energy plans’ move
far beyond Obama’s green mission that has been rife with crony
capitalism, corporate welfare, and corruption.” Along with more climate
rules, she “wants an open tab for green energy.” Remember the DNC’s
official platform includes: “the goal of producing 100 percent of
electricity from renewable sources by 2050” and “a call for the Justice
Department to investigate fossil fuel companies for misleading the
public on climate change.”
Three Wall Street names of my limited-word-count focus are Goldman
Sachs, Citigroup, and Bank of America. Each is a top-contributing
Clinton campaign supporter and a Clinton Foundation donor. They have
benefited from the hundreds of billions in taxpayers dollars given out
for green energy projects through the Obama Administration. All three
have expectations that Clinton will continue the green programs put in
place by the Obama administration.
Goldman Sachs: donated between $1 million to $5 million and the Goldman
Sachs Philanthropy Fund has contributed between $250,000 to $500,000 to
the Clinton Foundation.
As Lakatos pointed out in previous reports, Goldman Sachs is connected,
via various roles, to at least 14 companies and/or projects that won
green taxpayer cash––a tab that exceeded $8.5 billion. One specific
example: Goldman is credited as the “exclusive financial adviser” for
the now bankrupt Solyndra ($570.4 million loss). Then there is
now-bankrupt SunEdison—an early Goldman Sachs investment. SunEdison
received $1.5 billion in federal and state subsidies. And, in 2010,
Goldman Sachs handled the IPO of government winner, Tesla Motors that
was awarded $465 million from the Department Of Energy (DOE) ATVM
program—they got much more if you factor in the state and local
subsides: $2,406,805,253 to be exact. Also, according to Goldman, “In
May 2013, [they] helped raise over $1 billion in new financing for Tesla
Citigroup/Citi Foundation: donated between $1 million to $5 million to the Clinton Foundation.
This big bank is connected to approximately $16 billion of taxpayer
money. Lakatos, in 2013, reported that Citi was actively involved in
securing the 1703/1705 DOE loans; was a direct investor; and/or served
as an underwriter for the initial public offering (IPO) of at least 16
of Citi’s clients that received some form of government subsidies. One
green company where Citi is a major investor is SolarCity, which has
been subsidized through various stimulus funds, grants and federal tax
breaks at the tune equaling almost $1.5 billion. (Billionaire Elon Musk
is CEO of Tesla and Chairman at SolarCity. He’s a Clinton Foundation
donor ($25 million to $50 million) and Hillary supporter, too.)
Bank of America/Bank of America Foundation: donated between $500,000 to $1 million to the Clinton Foundation.
Bank of America, amongst other green efforts, participated in Project
Amp — a four-year, $2.6 billion project to place solar panels on
rooftops in 28 states. At the time, the Wall Street Journal reported:
“Bank of America Merrill Lynch unit will provide $1.4 billion in loans
for the project,” of which “the financing is part of Bank of America’s
plan to put $20 billion of capital to work in renewable energy,
conservation and other clean technologies that address climate change.”
In the final days of the DOE loan program (September 2011), the DOE
awarded a partial guarantee of $1.4 billion loan to Project Amp.
According to a press release, Bank of America increased its second
environmental business initiative from $50 billion to $125 billion in
low-carbon business by 2025 through lending, investing, capital raising,
advisory services and developing financing solutions for clients around
the world.
It’s important to remember that climate change—which is the foundation
of the green agenda — is part of the Clinton Foundation’s mission
statement: “In communities across the globe, our programs are proving
that we can confront the debilitating effects of climate change in a way
that makes sense for governments, businesses, and economies.”
Additionally, the Foundation’s coffers were enriched when Clinton and
her State Department staff solicited contributions from foreign
governments to the Clinton Global Initiative, as we detailed in our
coverage of her clean cookstove campaign.
In addition to Clinton’s obvious Wall Street connections, one of the
many startling realizations that can be gleaned from the report on
Hillary’s Horrendous Hypocrisy, is the fact that these companies — some
of which would not be in existence without the grants and tax credits —
that received millions in taxpayer dollars, took our money and gave it
to the Clinton Foundation and to the Clinton Campaign. As was the case
with Clinton Foundation donor/campaign fundraiser George Kaiser, these
billionaires are making lucrative profits, at taxpayer expense, from
bankrupted green companies like Solyndra.
In short, we, the taxpayers, are subsidizing the well-connected
millionaires and billionaires — and Hillary Clinton is part of all of
it. Meanwhile, she admonishes the average American to combat climate
change by driving less and reducing our personal use of electricity.
Bernie Sanders was right to be alarmed. Huge financial institutions do
have too much political power. Wall Street billionaires are trying to
buy Clinton the White House. In return, she’ll be sure their green
energy investments pay off for them by demanding that America go green.
Rhode Island’s AG Sued For Withholding Docs In Global Warming Investigation
A conservative legal group is suing Rhode Island Attorney General Peter
Kilmartin for withholding records regarding a “secret pact” the office
has with other attorneys general investigating ExxonMobil’s global
warming stance.
The Energy & Environment Legal Institute (EELI) is suing Kilmartin’s
office for refusing to release some records regarding a “common
interest agreement” between Democratic AG offices that participated in a
March event hosted by New York AG Eric Schneiderman.
At the event, AGs reaffirmed their commitment to defending Obama
administration global warming rules, and some even committed to
investigating Exxon and free market think tanks and groups with supposed
ties to the oil company. EELI says they have evidence Kilmartin’s
office is part of a “secret pact” to come out of the meeting.
“E&E Legal expects to do whatever is necessary to get these public
records before the public, to educate on this unprecedented abuse of
power”, EELI Executive Director Craig Richardson said in a statement
EELI says Kilmartin’s office has “imposed extensive delays and
considerable amounts of fees before handing over some records while
refusing to release others,” according to their release. They also say
Kilmartin withheld the pact “without even acknowledging its existence in
their itemized list of withholdings.”
“All that we have found indicates that these AGs and their outside
activist partners will make litigation necessary at every turn,”
Richardson said.
EELI uncovered an email in early July showing Kilmartin’s office signed
onto a common interest agreement with other AGs who were at the March
event in New York City. EELI says the agreement is being used to block
groups, like EELI, from getting certain documents in government records
EELI said the email s evidence AGs have entered into an agreement to
block records requests regarding investigations into ExxonMobil’s
alleged campaign to mislead the public on global warming. Those
investigations have ensnared conservative think tanks, policy experts
and scientists with alleged ties to Exxon.
EELI’s lawsuit comes as three of the four investigations into Exxon have stalled or fallen apart.
Exxon has won legal victories against AGs of Massachusetts and the U.S.
Virgin islands, both of which subpoenaed the company and
supposedly-affiliated groups.
California AG Kamala Harris’s office opened an investigation into Exxon,
but the company has yet to receive a subpoena from Harris. She’s not
likely to push the investigation much further since she’s running for
U.S. Senate.
Greenie moans about Australia's Barrier Reef are putting tourists off -- NOT
As with the boy who cried wolf, most people probably discount the incessant Greenie moans
FAR North tourism operators are flat strap as cashed-up visitors take advantage of easy access to Tropical Queensland.
Data released by Cairns Airport this week shows about 43,000 passengers
travelled through the international terminal last month, marking a 13.3
per cent rise from June last year.
Domestic passengers last month topped 335,600, about 14,400 more than the previous June.
According to the data, European passports used when clearing immigration
at Cairns Airport have exceeded 68,600 over the past 12 months, a
growth of 75 per cent.
A record number of international competitors also contested the 2016 Cairns Ironman in June.
Tourism Tropical North Queensland director of business and tourism
events, Rosie Douglas, said the June growth continued to reflect the
trends being experienced by the region’s industry.
“The addition of direct flights from Hong Kong and the Philippines has
given greater access to the Asian and European markets, which also have
been using the direct flights from Singapore,” she said.
“This increase in aviation capacity from Asia was instrumental in Cairns
winning the right to host the prestigious Ironman Asia-Pacific, the
feature event of the Cairns Airport Adventure Festival during June.
“June also marks the start of the school holidays for the United
Kingdom, Northern Europe and Australia, bringing stronger numbers from
those markets.”
Cairns Airport last month celebrated a milestone five million passengers
for the year, with the total number now having reached about 5,011,000.
The influx of international and domestic visitors is being felt throughout the Far North.
Skyrail general manager Craig Pocock said the tourism heavyweight was experiencing “pre-global financial crisis” numbers.
“We’ve certainly seen strong growth across all markets,” he said. “This
season we’ve also been strong both before and after the school break,
and now we’re benefiting from the Japanese holiday period.
“This is a bright and optimistic period we’re experiencing, and bookings indicate that it will continue for some time.”
Mr Pocock said Skyrail was having to “ramp up” its operations to cater for the ongoing growth.
“We’ve had to increase resources, staffing and modify the way we operate to cater for the volume of visitors,” he said.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
29 July, 2016
Food for Thought on the Eve of the Real Hurricane Season
Joe Bastardi
There are many examples of hurricane seasons that start quickly then fall apart completely before they come roaring back.
We believe this is a big impact season on the U.S. coast. Our pre-season
forecast was initially released in April — with the biggest concern in
the Gulf of Mexico — which we then finalized in May, lighting up the
western Atlantic and Gulf. The closer to the U.S., the bigger the worry
about the intensity of storms this year given the very warm sea surface
temperatures near the shore.
That warm water is eerily similar to the hurricane seasons of 1954 to
1960, when eight major hurricanes impacted the U.S. East Coast in seven
years, including five in the back-to-back years of 1954 and 1955. This
means that storms may not be much way out in the Atlantic, but as they
get closer to the U.S. we have the threat of them increasing in
intensity rather than backing off a peak reached out at sea.
Now imagine it’s 1960. Kennedy vs. Nixon is looming and up comes the
ultimate East Coast storm, Hurricane Donna. It hits Florida as a
Category 4, North Carolina as a Category 3, New England as a Category 2.
The monster brings hurricane winds to every state on the East Coast,
never before recorded in the nation’s history (and never since!). And as
the storm is marching across the Atlantic a set of people decide to use
it as a wedge issue in the election.
Think about it — the admonitions that this is the “worst ever” from a
set of politicians using hysteria about something that nature is in
control of, who then blame it on policies that their ideological
opponents are advocating. And a willful press, which simply follow along
with anything they are told, without examining facts, parrots it. Some
of the politicians even suggest people who don’t side with what they
believe should be prosecuted. Given that the nation had just spent time,
treasure and blood on defeating that ideology and was still battling it
in the form of the Cold War, can you imagine the response of the nation
to something like that? Add to this the heat and hurricanes of the
1930s, 1940s and 1950s, and no person in their right mind in 1960 would
even think to push such an idea.
But it’s not 1960 anymore. And we have people who willingly do these
things. So here is a forecast: If the kind of worry I have about this
season — which I have been very public about since spring — occurs
because of a plainly natural cause, we will hear the very thing that was
laughable in a day and age when JFK was running for president.
The people who become targets had better have their facts lined up,
because I still believe in 2016 you can counter fantasy with fact. And
so part of this is to get our forecast idea out there, for one, but also
to lay the ground work before it happens. What would not even be an
issue in 1960 after 30 years of record heat and hurricane hits (and
there has been nothing close since) would be today in spite of the
relative calm we have had been blessed with as far as hurricanes go.
Sandy may have changed the course of history given the actions and
reactions of the people involved as a nation. It’s one of those events
in history that, years from now, people may look at like the sinking of
the Spanish Armada in a storm off England. Or the weather for D-Day.
History favors the bold, and I would suggest a bold response be at the
ready for whatever comes out of this hurricane season. The why before
the what is not in the hands of any party, but nature. Those who know
how to use it to educate the public as to the reasons are the ones that
could win the hearts and minds of people in this pivotal time in our
nation’s history.
And the weather could certainly be a player!
Weak Minds Think Alike
Belief in climate catastrophism is a social phenomenon, and requires an
explanation in terms of the social sciences. There are a number of
interesting psychological theories around – in fact every climate
sceptic seems to have one. But while a psychological analysis may
explain why certain people choose to be environmentalists, it can never
explain how environmentalism – and in particular its most acute form,
climate catastrophism – came to conquer the world; how, in other words,
belief in climate catastrophism managed to attain a critical mass that
permitted it to impose itself as a consensus belief, or ideology. Only a
sociological explanation can do that. And a sociological explanation
must account for a unique event – the rise of climate catastrophism – in
terms of unique, or at least rarely repeated, social phenomena.
It’s easy enough to identify the social group which has most fervently
adopted the climate catastrophism ideology. It’s the
university-educated, upper-middle-class intelligentsia:- metropolitain;
left-liberal; more likely to be humanities graduates than scientists;
often working in academia, the media, or in related professions involved
in the collection and exchange of information of all sorts. The
libertarian social theorist Thomas Sowell in his book “Intellectuals and
Society” defines “idea workers” as “people whose occupations deal
primarily with ideas (writers, historians, academics, etc.) [and who]
usually consider themselves as “anointed”, or as endowed with superior
intellect or insight with which to guide the masses and those who have
authority over them.”[Wiki]
I’ve often mentioned the work of the French historian Emmanuel Todd and
its usefulness for understanding the catastrophist phenomenon (though he
has never, to my knowledge, mentioned environment policy in his
numerous comments on current politics).
One of his major achievements is to have convincingly demonstrated the
close correlation between political revolutions and the attainment of
universal literacy: in 16th century Germany at the time of the
Protestant Reform; in England in the 17th century, announcing the Civil
War and the Glorious Revolution; in France in the late 18th and in
Russia in the early 20th century. His demonstration that literacy,
rather than economic exploitation, is the prime cause of social upheaval
destroys a major pillar of Marxism, but it also confirms Marx’s
fundamental insight about the importance of class struggle in the
evolution of society.
In an aside somewhere on the decline of the French Socialist Party Todd
highlights one of the unintended consequences of advances in education.
Whereas the attainment of universal literacy naturally reinforces
egalitarian tendencies in society – leading, if not always to democracy,
at least to nominal respect for the Common Man – the advent of mass
tertiary education has the opposite effect.
For most of the 20th century university education was the reserve of a
tiny élite, highly concentrated in the professions (law, medicine,
academia..) Though they undoubtedly exercised disproportionate
influence, as does any élite group, whether in Parliament, in their
clubs and learned societies, or in the letter page of the Times, they
were too few and isolated to be able to ignore entirely the opinions of
their less educated fellow citizens, particularly as the latter included
a large number of people (in industry, finance, the armed services, the
media, as well as in the organised working class) who were obviously
their intellectual equals.
[The late Guardian political correspondent Simon Hoggart recalled
arriving at the Guardian in the fifties as one of just two graduates who
were allowed in every year, by-passing the union rule that demanded two
years’ apprenticeship on a provincial paper before setting foot in
Fleet Street. Sixty years on, I transcribed a Greenpeace debate
moderated by Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger, who spent an inordinate
amount of time boasting that his ten or eleven environmental journalists
all had three or four degrees apiece. Hasn’t he heard that anything
above two degrees is dangerous?]
In just over a half a century the percentage of graduates in the
twenties age group has risen from a few percent to 20-30%. Graduates in
my crusty generation of baby boomers were always conscious of being
members of a privileged minority (about 5% in the sixties I believe) and
of the fact that the most talented members of our generation (Lennon,
Jagger) only entered college to drop out again. Todd points out that
when graduates are counted in millions, accounting for 20-30% of an age
group, they cease to be a dispersed minority and become an autonomous
class, with their own culture and ideology, firmly anchored on the
centre left and in the professional classes, but largely transcending
traditional social categories. Whether in hippy commune or
government-sponsored thinktank, they share a common belief in their
superiority to the undiploma-ed masses. They notoriously rule the centre
left parties, having all but ousted their traditional working class
core, and have, via their control of academia and the media, imposed
their ideologies on society at large: (pro-Europeanism and wilful
blindness to the effects of uncontrolled immigration at the expense of
the working class; militant sexual liberalism at the expense of the
feelings of religious minorities; climate catastrophism at the expense
of scientific rigour and common sense). Their disdain for the common man
was long masked by their leftwing pose, but their reaction to the
victory of the Brexit campaign has brought it out in the open. (See for
example the emails in Ian Woolley’s recent article).
The idea of an autonomous educated class reversing the trend of several
centuries of increasing egalitarianism and unconsciously adopting
anti-egalitarian policies (while continuing to declare itself as “of the
left”) because of supposed intellectual superiority has tremendous
explanatory power, not least in accounting for catastrophic
enviro-mentalism. As with many of Todd’s creative perceptions, it is
highly speculative, but also scientific, because rooted in empirical
Todd has expanded his criticisms of the educated middle class and its
epiphenomenon, the French Socialist Party, in a book on the reaction to
the Charlie Hebdo massacre in January 2015 – “Qui Est Charlie?”
(translated as Who is Charlie? Xenophobia and the New Middle Class:
Polity Press) which has brought him media notoriety and the detestation
of most of the French intelligentsia.
In this book Todd examines the relative strength of the turnout at the
huge public demonstrations in sympathy with the families of the murdered
journalists, in favour of Charlie, and in defence of its right to
publish blasphemous cartoons mocking Mohammed. He discovered that
turnout was highest, not in the centre and south of France characterised
by an egalitarian family structure – the part of France which
instigated the French Revolution and has voted left for two centuries –
but on the East and West peripheries, characterised by an inegalitarian
family structure and a continuation of an anti-republican Catholic
tradition into the mid-twentieth century. He had already established in a
recent cartographic study of French voting patterns that support for
the Socialist Party had migrated in recent decades from the egalitarian
Paris basin and Mediterranean coast to the ex-Catholic strongholds of
the Atlantic coast and German border. This led him to posit the
existence of a socio-political force he labelled “Zombie Catholicism”.
As Catholic belief collapsed in the mid-twentieth century, ex-believers
sought refuge in the Socialist Party, which shared some of the
characteristics of the church they had so recently deserted (a
universalist ethic, belief in social justice, internationalism…) This
movement changed the nature of the Socialist Party, effacing its
egalitarian principles and links with the urban working class, and
raising pan-Europeanism and worship of the Euro to the status of an
Todd places himself on the centre left, but is a wicked critic of the
ruling Socialist Party, President Hollande, and the chattering classes
in general, who have betrayed a two hundred-year-old tradition of
radical middle class activism in ignoring the suffering imposed on the
working classes by austerity and endemic mass unemployment provoked by
economic liberalism and the economic nonsense of the single currency.
Add climate catastrophism to the list of ingredients of the blinkered
dominant ideology and you have an excellent framework for analysing
what’s wrong with the modern developed world.
Qui Est Charlie? was largely written off in the French media as a
bilious anti-Hollande pamphlet. In fact it is a densely written
sociological thesis, as are all his books. And it introduces one new
theoretical concept which seems particularly apposite to the analysis of
climate catastrophism: the explanation of how a weak affect arising
from an unconscious social structure can be transformed into a strong
social force.
After accusing the socialist governments since 1983 of having pursued
economic policies which penalise the working class and maintain the
immigrant minority in a state of apartheid which the socialists then
accuse certain immigrants of maintaining in the name of
“communitarianism”, Todd then proposes the following explanation of what
seems to be a contradiction in his thesis: (The translation is mine,
and sometimes deviates from the literal in the interest of transmitting
its polemical flavour)
The Insignificance of the Actors and the Violence of their Ideologies
“I’m very conscious of the fact that the anthropological model proposed
above is difficult to accept…The interpretation which I have given
suggests, not only an extreme violence and an immense hypocrisy on the
part of the people involved, but also a high level of conviction, of
determination and of strength.
“It’s easy to imagine such characteristics in the case of far right
politicians; or Moslem fundamentalists, or militant atheists, but how
can you explain them in the case of people who place themselves on the
centre left? The President of the Republic for example, is someone
easy-going, insignificant, “an ordinary bloke”, according to his own
“The socialists are moderate in all things. Our thesis seems to be
incompatible with the reality of a bunch of big girls’ blouses who
believe in nothing very much, an army of militant softies. How to
explain how such weak tendencies towards differentiation and
inegalitarianism can result at the level of society at large, in an
obstination of such a rare violence?”
Todd goes on to suggest that weakly held beliefs (such as the
fundamentally inegalitarian world view unconsciously held by recently
converted socialists emanating from a “Catholic Zombie” background) are
particuarly prone to being transmitted in the holders’ milieu by a kind
of mimetism: the weaker, the vaguer the idea, the more easily it can be
adopted by the surrounding milieu. And Todd cites his personal
experience of being able, in one-to-one conversation, to persuade a
pro-European that current EU policies can only lead to the sacrifice of
Southern European countries on the altar of a German ideal of economic
rigour. But once the conversation terminated, the interlocutors revert
to their (firmly held, because socially determined) belief in the
importance of maintaining the Euro at any price, suppressing political
dissent in recalcitrant countries, etc.
Here is a sociological model that seems to apply perfectly to the case
of climate catastrophism. Who has not had a conversation in which he has
seemingly persuaded his interlocutor that global temperature measures
are not all they’re cracked up to be; that maybe some environmentalists
exaggerate a little; that scientists are not saints; that windpower and
electric cars are rubbish: only to find at the end of the conversation
the interlocutor activating the kind of spring mechanism that rewinds
the cord on your vacuum cleaner and retracting all the admissions he’s
made in order to revert to the position of faithful Guardian reader he
assumed at the outset?
And who, among those of you who place sceptical comments at warmist
articles (and Gaia bless you for your efforts) has not been astonished
at the pathetic nature of the opposition? I’m thinking of a couple of
articles at the New Statesman (a once great journal that boasted
Bertrand Russell and George Orwell among its contributors) by Brian Cox
and Naomi Klein. These are mega stars in the intellectual firmament, yet
their pro-catastrophe articles provoked opposition from maybe a half
dozen of us sceptics, and we found ourselves opposed, not by 97% of the
intellectual world, but by a handful of peabrained greenies who couldn’t
reason or form proper sentences. Environmentalism, like Gravity, is a
weak force which appears to govern the universe – until a stronger force
opposes it. (Neither Klein nor Cox have been back, and the Statesman
has now suppressed all comments on its articles).
It does seem a bit cheeky to accuse the likes of Sir Paul Nurse and
Professor Brian Cox of mimetism, as if they were some kind of rather
unimaginative reptile, but – frankly – has anyone got a better
Greenie groups now seek overhaul of U.S. renewable fuel quota
Program blamed for boosting corn crops at prairie’s expense
Environmentalists who once championed biofuels as a way to cut pollution
are now turning against a U.S. program that puts renewable fuels in
cars, citing higher-than-expected carbon dioxide emissions and reduced
wildlife habitat.
More than a decade after conservationists helped persuade Congress to
require adding corn-based ethanol and other biofuels to gasoline, some
groups regret the resulting agricultural runoff in waterways and
conversion of prairies to cropland -- improving the odds that lawmakers
might seek changes to the program next year.
"The big green groups that got invested in biofuels are tacitly
realizing the blunder," said John DeCicco, a research professor at the
University of Michigan Energy Institute who previously focused on
automotive strategies at the Environmental Defense Fund. "It’s really
hard for the people who really -- shall we say -- hate oil viscerally,
to think that this alternative that we’ve been promoting is today worse
than oil."
The green backlash could give a boost to long-stalled congressional
efforts to overhaul the Renewable Fuel Standard, including proposals to
limit the amount of traditional, corn-based ethanol that counts toward
the mandate, as environmentalists side with anti-hunger groups and even
the oil industry in calling for change. The RFS forces refiners to blend
steadily escalating amounts of biofuel into the gas supply. Most of the
mandate is currently fulfilled by corn-based ethanol, which makes up
nearly 10 percent of U.S. gasoline and provides oxygen that helps the
fuel burn cleaner.
Broken Promise
The Natural Resources Defense Council used a 96-page report in 2004 to
proclaim boundless biofuel benefits: slashed global warming emissions,
improved air quality and more wildlife habitat.
Instead, farmers plowed millions of acres of prairie grasses to grow
corn for making ethanol, with fertilizer runoff contributing to a dead
zone in the Gulf of Mexico. Scientists warned that carbon dioxide
emissions associated with corn-based ethanol were higher than expected.
And alternatives using switchgrass, algae and other non-edible plant
materials have been slow to penetrate the market.
"The ethanol policy was sold to environmentalists as something that was
going to clean up the environment, and it’s done anything but," said
Democratic Representative Peter Welch of Vermont, who is co-sponsoring
legislation to revamp the RFS. "It’s truly been a flop. The
environmental promise has been transformed into an environmental
‘Unintended Consequences’
The Environmental Working Group, Clean Air Task Force and Friends of the
Earth argue that the program has propelled corn-based ethanol without
delivering a similar boost to advanced biofuels with potentially bigger
climate benefits.
Collin O’Mara, president of the National Wildlife Federation, told a
House committee last month that the RFS program, created with "good
intentions," has instead wreaked "severe, unintended consequences,"
including the loss of prairie land and water-supply damage that
threatens wildlife.
Even the NRDC that once lobbied for the RFS bemoans that "the bulk of
today’s conventional corn ethanol carries grave risks to the climate,
wildlife, waterways and food security." In NRDC’s "OnEarth" magazine, an
essay headlined "Played for a Fuel" argues that corn-based ethanol
isn’t sustainable because it requires "huge amounts" of water,
fertilizer and land.
NRDC spokesman Ed Chen said the group continues to monitor the RFS
"because low-carbon cellulosic biofuels can play an important role in
reducing transportation pollution,” but added that the organization is
“far more focused” on other carbon-cutting strategies with more
immediate climate payoffs.
Corn Belt
For supporters and opponents, the debate over the RFS is politically
complicated. On Capitol Hill, it divides Republicans along regional
lines, with Corn Belt lawmakers determined to preserve the program they
see helping to boost prices for the commodity. Green groups that seek
changes risk alienating or angering go-to allies, including
environmental champions in the House and Senate who staked out pro-RFS
positions years ago. And the push to revamp the RFS creates
uncomfortable alliances between Big Oil and environmental groups who
fight fossil fuels.
Some biofuel proponents say alternatives are worse.
"In the absence of ethanol, your next barrel of transportation fuel is
going to be coming from petroleum from fracking or tar sands or
deep-water drilling," Bob Dinneen, president of the Renewable Fuels
Association, said in a phone interview. "So you sort of have to assess
ethanol in the context of what its replacement would be, and quite
frankly, by that measurement we are the stone-cold winner."
Experts disagree about the extent to which corn has displaced other
crops, wetlands and prairie, though in the Dakotas, acreage was
withdrawn from the federal Conservation Reserve Program at the same time
corn plantings grew. Dinneen said land conversion has not been an
But there’s no disagreement that corn production is up -- boosted by
demand from China as well as ethanol sales. In July, the U.S. Department
of Agriculture estimated this year’s crop would be the largest on
record: 14.54 billion bushels. And nationwide, farmers grew corn on 88
million acres in 2015 -- a 7.6 percent increase since 2005, when
Congress created the Renewable Fuel Standard.
Agricultural Assessment
It wasn’t supposed to be this way. When Congress expanded the RFS in
2007, environmentalists pushed for safeguards designed to prevent land
conversion, including a requirement that biofuels accepted under the
program only come from tracts that were in agricultural production
before 2007. But instead of tracking the flow of corn from specific
farms to refineries, U.S. regulators chose to assess agricultural land
use in aggregate -- an approach that the Environmental Working Group’s
Emily Cassidy says "obscures what’s happening locally."
Jeremy Martin, who leads fuel policy for the Union of Concerned
Scientists’ clean vehicles program, said the RFS has become a scapegoat,
unfairly blamed as boosting demand for ethanol that probably would have
reached current levels in gasoline even without the program. He casts
the climb in ethanol use and the expanding footprint of corn that
accompanied it as a "a one-time transition" as the U.S. fuel sector made
a big shift, essentially adopting a 10 percent ethanol blend as the
default gasoline.
Even if the RFS is dismantled, Martin said, "that’s not going to go away."
House Vote
Still, the growing environmental outcry is fueling calls to revamp the RFS.
There now may be enough votes in the House to pass an overhaul, despite
expected defections from corn-state Republicans, says analyst Tim
Cheung, vice president of ClearView Energy Partners. Lobbyists for
advanced biofuels manufacturers and refiners have been discussing a
possible compromise. And the National Wildlife Federation’s O’Mara sees
potential for a grand bargain that combines support for advanced
biofuels with assistance for farmers, including strengthened incentives
to set aside land for conservation.
Welch, one of the lead sponsors of legislation that would cap ethanol
volumes at 9.7 percent of projected gasoline demand, said the concerns
set the stage for congressional action.
"For the Democrats who have an environmental constituency, when you have
these respected environmental groups change their mind and say corn
ethanol doesn’t work, that’s going to be a big boost that will give them
a lot of comfort and cover," Welch said. "You’re going to see more
Democrats starting to question the wisdom of this mandate."
Hillary commissions her own disaster movie and gets James Cameron,
Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Sigourney Weaver to issue an ominous warning
about global warming
What might be the scariest Hollywood-produced movie of the year isn't
airing in theaters – but it will be shown to delegates of the Democratic
National Convention in Philadelphia.
Blockbuster movie director James Cameron has helped produce a
teeth-rattling short film about the dangers of global warming, deploying
skills he usually uses to jolt viewers in his epic thrillers to get
them worried about the threat of climate changes.
'Crops are failing. Food prices are rising. … our children are at risk,'
says narrator Sigourney Weaver, who starred in the 'Alien' movies.
Weaver later appeared at the Democratic National Convention to warn that Donald Trump doesn't care about climate change.
'Can Donald Trump look these people in the eye and tell them that
climate change is a hoax? That he doesn't care about their pain.
'Hillary Clinton, she gets it - she cars.'
The film begins with scary images of burning forests, cracked earth,
vicious storms, pollution, and waves slamming into a sea wall.
As the images of calamities roll, actor and former California governor
Arnold Schwarzenegger weighs in: 'Because of global warming, mountain
snow melts earlier each year. And when that happens, the ground dries up
earlier too,' he says.
Weaver delivers the films most political anti-Trump lines in the film, which runs just under 5 1/2 minutes.
'It's not reality TV. Make no mistake – Trump's reckless denial of
climate change is dangerous. A threat to your livelihood, your safety,
your children, and the prosperity of this nation.'
The film is named 'Not reality TV' in another shot at Trump.
Then the films directors let Trump do the talking, with clips of him on
the campaign trail ridiculing the science of global warming,
notwithstanding the near consensus among climate scientists that the
world's climate is rising due to man-made events.
'A lot of it's a hoax – It's a hoax!' Trump says.
'We're going to cancel the Paris climate agreement,' Trump says.
Then he is shown laughing off the threat. 'Speaking of global waring, where is ... We need some global warming. It's freezing!'
One interview subject calls it a non-partisan issue, while a pastor raises religious issues about global warming.
An unnamed woman who lost her daughter in a flood tells her own personal
horror story. 'She said, 'Mommy, hold me, I'm scared.' I held her, and
then a wave started coming up over me. I felt the water rising and then
she went under. And I knew I lost her immediately.'
Then the film switches to Clinton, speaking in uncharacteristically soft
tones. 'Our country is ready to tackle the challenge of climate
change,' she says.
Former President George H.W. Bush and Pope Francis are both quoted speaking to the dangers of climate change.
'A threat to your livelihood, your safety, your children, and the prosperity of this nation,' says weaver.
An advance copy of of the film was sent out by Clinton's campaign press office.
Cameron has produced and director such films as Avatar, Terminator, The Abyss, and Titanic.
Weaver starred in the Alien movies, while Schwarzenegger starred in The Terminator, Predator, and Total Recall.
Schwarzenegger has longstanding connections to the Bush family, who
notably skipped Trump's Republican convention. George H.W. Bush
appointed him to head a council on physical fitness. While serving as
governor, he appeared with George W. Bush during California wildfires.
In 1991, on a visit to Camp David, he went sledding with then-President George H.W. Bush.
'Not Reality TV' underscores that climate change is an urgent threat to
our planet and a defining challenge of our time, and makes clear how
high the stakes are in this election,' according to a statement from the
Democratic convention press office.
'The video reminds viewers that Donald Trump has made clear that he
believes climate change is a hoax, and how as president he would not
only refuse to take steps to curb climate change but actually roll back
the progress we've made.'
Law to fight global warming gets strong support in California
A new poll found that California voters strongly support the landmark
state law adopted a decade ago to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and
that voters favor expanding efforts to fight climate change.
The Public Policy Institute of California survey released Wednesday
shows 62 percent of likely voters favor the law, with most support
coming from Democrats and independent voters. Eight in 10 Democrats
favor the law, while 56 percent of independent voters did. That’s
compared with 44 percent of Republicans who favored the law.
The Legislature adopted AB32, the California Global Warming Solutions
Act, in 2006. The law calls for California to reduce greenhouse gases to
1990 levels by 2020. Greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane,
ozone, nitrous oxide and sulfur hexafluoride, which trap heat in the
Earth’s atmosphere near the planet’s surface.
Under AB32, the state determined greenhouse gas levels were the
equivalent of 431 million metric tons of carbon dioxide in 1990.
Emissions from factories, power plants, cars and farms spewed 441.5
million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions in 2014, according to
newly released data from the California Air Resources Board, which
oversees AB32. That was less than a 1 percent decline from 2013, but
still puts the state on track to reach its 2020 goal under the law.
Last year, California reaffirmed its commitment to fighting global
warming when Gov. Jerry Brown issued an executive order to lower the
state’s greenhouse gas emissions to 40 percent of 1990 levels by 2030.
The PPIC survey found that 68 percent of adults and 59 percent of likely
voters agreed with expanding the goals, with Democrats nearly twice as
likely to support those targets.
While many voters supported AB32, a majority have never heard of the
cornerstone to California’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions —
the state’s cap-and-trade system. Some 55 percent of voters said they
had heard nothing about the cap-and-trade program, which forces large
carbon dioxide emitters in the state to reduce their output of
greenhouse gases by putting a cap on carbon emissions and requiring that
they buy permits for any additional greenhouse gases they release.
Support for AB32 comes despite voters acknowledging the targets mean
higher costs to them. Among those who said gas prices will rise as a
result of greenhouse gas reduction goals, 64 percent support AB32 and 63
percent favor expanding the targets. A majority of voters said they are
willing to pay more for electricity generated by renewable sources like
wind and solar in order to reduce global warming.
In the presidential race, 8 in 10 voters in the state said the
candidates’ views on environmental issues were important. The PPIC poll
found the gap of support between Democratic presidential nominee Hillary
Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump grew in recent months.
Clinton is favored 46 to 30 percent over Trump, which is up from May,
when Clinton led 49 to 39 percent in the strong Democratic state.
In the U.S. Senate race, Kamala Harris leads fellow Democrat Loretta
Sanchez 38 to 20 percent. Half of Republicans surveyed said they do not
plan to vote in the Senate race.
The PPIC surveyed 1,703 adults in California between July 10 and 19 in
English and Spanish depending on the caller’s preference. The survey has
a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percent.
Hypocrite Leonardo DiCaprio at his annual St. Tropez party: "We are
the last generation that has a chance to stop climate change"
Leonardo DiCaprio and the usual celebrity crowd have again been partying in St. Tropez. And there is no end to the hypocrisy:
“While we are the first generation that has the technology, the
scientific knowledge and the global will to build a truly sustainable
economic future for all of humanity — we are the last generation that
has a chance to stop climate change before it is too late,” DiCaprio
said, according to EcoWatch.
The star’s weighty message didn’t dampen the festivities: del Rey and
the Weeknd performed while Mariah Carey flitted about the room snapping
pictures with her fellow celebrities. --
Dozens of A-list stars made the trek to the French Riviera for the
Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation’s annual Gala to Fund Climate and
Biodiversity Projects, including U2 frontman Bono, actors Bradley
Cooper, Edward Norton, Jonah Hill, Tobey Maguire and Chris Rock and
singers Mariah Carey, Lana del Rey and The Weeknd.
The event’s co-chairs included Robert De Niro, Kevin Spacey, Kate
Hudson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Penelope Cruz, Cate Blanchett and
Charlize Theron.
Breitbart´s Daniel Nussbaum comments:
If just one of the celebrities who attended the event traveled the
12,000-mile round trip from Los Angeles to France by private jet, they
would have burned enough fossil fuel to emit approximately 86 tons of
carbon dioxide. The average American, for comparison, puts out around 19
tons of carbon dioxide on airline flights per year.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
28 July, 2016
"Climate models are accurately predicting ocean and global warming: A
new study from my colleagues and I vindicates climate models, which are
accurately predicting the rate of ocean heat accumulation"
It's good old Prof. Abraham back at the barrow below. He says
that the estimates of global warming yielded by climate models are
validated by measurements of ocean heat present. But the measures
of heat are themselves estimates -- so all he has shown is that two sets
of estimates tally. Not hard to do of course but it proves
nothing. It's not even a good con trick
For those of us who are concerned about global warming, two of the most
critical questions we ask are, “how fast is the Earth warming?” and “how
much will it warm in the future?”.
The first question can be answered in a number of ways. For instance, we
can actually measure the rate of energy increase in the Earth’s system
(primarily through measuring changing ocean temperatures).
Alternatively, we can measure changes in the net inflow of heat at the
top of the atmosphere using satellites. We can also measure the rate of
sea-level rise to get an estimate of the warming rate.
Since much of sea-level rise is caused by thermal expansion of water,
knowledge of the water-level rise allows us to deduce the warming rate.
We can also use climate models (which are sophisticated computer
calculations of the Earth’s climate) or our knowledge from Earth’s past
Many studies use combinations of these study methods to attain estimates
and typically the estimates are that the planet is warming at a rate of
perhaps 0.5 to 1 Watt per square meter of Earth’s surface area.
However, there is some discrepancy among the actual numbers.
So assuming we know how much heat is being accumulated by the Earth, how
can we predict what the future climate will be? The main tool for this
is climate models (although there are other independent ways we can
study the future). With climate models, we can play “what-if scenarios”
and input either current conditions or hypothetical conditions and watch
the Earth’s climate evolve within the simulation.
Two incorrect but nevertheless consistent denial arguments are that the
Earth isn’t warming and that climate models are inaccurate. A new study,
published by Kevin Trenberth, Lijing Cheng, and others (I was also an
author) answers these questions.
The study was just published in the journal Ocean Sciences; a draft of
it is available here. In this study, we did a few new things. First, we
presented a new estimate of ocean heating throughout its full depth
(most studies only consider the top portion of the ocean). Second, we
used a new technique to learn about ocean temperature changes in areas
where there are very few measurements. Finally, we used a large group of
computer models to predict warming rates, and we found excellent
agreement between the predictions and the measurements.
According to the measurements, the Earth has gained 0.46 Watts per
square meter between 1970 and 2005. Since, 1992 the rate is higher (0.75
Watts per square meter) and therefore shows an acceleration of the
warming. To put this in perspective, this is the equivalent of
5,400,000,000,000 (or 5,400 billion) 60-watt light bulbs running
continuously day and night. In my view, these numbers are the most
accurate measurements of the rate at which the Earth is warming.
What about the next question – how did the models do? Amazingly well.
From 1970 through 2005, the models on average showed a warming of 0.41
Watts per square meter and from 1992-2005 the models gave 0.77 Watts per
meter squared. This means that since 1992, the models have been within 3
% of the measurements. In my mind, this agreement is the strongest
vindication of the models ever found, and in fact, in our study we
suggest that matches between climate models and ocean warming should be a
major test of the models.
Exactly What's Wrong With Cliff Mass' Approach to Global Warming
Cliff Mass is a Washington State meteorologist who sticks to
meteorology. The Solon below, Ethan Linck, thinks Mass should link
weather to global warming. And Linck seems to think he has made a
great point by saying that one part of Antarctica is cooling while the
rest warms. He probably should have asked Cliff Mass about that --
because ALL of Antarctic is cooling -- as Zwally's study showed. Linck is a clown. He thinks he knows it all when he actually knows nothing
Perhaps the most frustrating aspect of climate change denialism is the
willful idiocy of using local exceptions to a widely supported trend as
evidence that trend is false. Climate science—like meteorology, biology,
and political science—is a field defined by intrinsic variation of its
object of study, and is reliant on statistical tools with the power to
infer signal from noise.
The inherent uncertainty of this pursuit can lead some researchers (like
UW’s Cliff Mass) to avoid attributing any single weather event to
climate change, even if the event itself is consistent with predictions
of weather under future climate regimes, for fear of discrediting
climate research more broadly.
(It will not surprise regular Puget Sound news readers to learn this is
not a universally supported position. Which is why a recent Nature study
highlighting one such local exception—the absence of 21st century
warming on the Antarctic Peninsula in the face of overall increasing
temperatures elsewhere across the continent—is both good, necessary
science, but at the same time it's sure to be seized upon from
predictable quarters, the deniers of a widely supported trend, global
Researchers can now monitor global warming due to human activity in real time
Amusing confidence below. All they have done is a careful
back-cast. But lots of models look good in back casts. But
they still don't yield accurate forecasts. It's just hope below, not
accurate prediction
A research team including a Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the
University of California San Diego climate scientist simulated in a
computer model, for the first time, the realistic evolution of global
mean surface temperature since 1900.
In doing so, the researchers also created a new method by which
researchers can measure and monitor the pace of anthropogenic global
warming, finding that the contribution of human activities to warming in
the surface waters of the Pacific Ocean can be distinguished from
natural variability.
Former Scripps researcher Yu Kosaka, now at the University of Tokyo, and
Shang-Ping Xie, the Roger Revelle Chair in Environmental Science at
Scripps, created the simulation by forcing sea surface temperature over
the tropical Pacific to follow the observed variability.
“The climate system includes naturally occurring cycles that complicate
the measurement of global warming due to the anthropogenic increase in
atmospheric greenhouse gases,” said Xie. “We can isolate the
anthropogenic warming by removing the internally generated natural
Climate policymakers have sought to limit the rise of global
temperatures to 2 degrees Celsius higher than pre-industrial levels.
That figure is considered a threshold beyond which society and natural
systems are virtually assured of experiencing significant and dangerous
instability. Scientists have estimated that the planet is already
roughly 1 degree Celsius warmer at the surface than before the
Industrial Revolution.
The 2 degrees Celsius target was reaffirmed during the 2015 Conference
of the Parties, known as COP21, that was held in Paris in December.
Kosaka and Xie’s research could provide an easily generated and more
accurate means to measure society’s success in keeping temperatures
below that threshold.
The research is further confirmation of the primary importance of the
Pacific in controlling global-scale climate that researchers have come
to understand in recent decades. Kosaka and Xie plotted the rise of
global mean temperatures over the past 120 years. The rise of
temperatures ascends in a staircase fashion with the steps becoming
larger over the past 50 years.
When Kosaka and Xie removed as a variable the natural warming and
cooling of the Pacific Ocean, the rise of global mean surface
temperature became a more linear increase, one that began to accelerate
more sharply in the 1960s. It had been natural Pacific decadal
variations that temporarily slowed down or speeded up the warming trend,
leading to the staircase pattern.
For example, global mean surface temperature has not changed much for
1998-2014, a time period known as the hiatus that has been tied to
naturally occurring tropical Pacific cooling. Raw data show a warming of
0.9 degrees Celsius for the recent five-year period of 2010-2014
relative to 1900 while Kosaka and Xie’s calculation yields a much higher
anthropogenic warming of 1.2 degrees Celsius after correcting for the
natural variability effect.
Observed global mean surface temperature (GMST) based on three datasets
(black curves in degree C), and the new estimates of anthropogenic
global warming (AGM). The simulated GMST change without considering
tropical Pacific internal variability is plotted as reference (white
curve with blue shading indicating the uncertainty).
“Most of the difference between the raw data and new estimates is found
during the recent 18 years since 1998,” said Xie. “Because of the
hiatus, the raw data underestimate the greenhouse warming.”
Kosaka and Xie suggest that though Pacific Ocean trends are an essential
variable control on global temperature rise, the accuracy of their
warming estimate will be improved in the future as other climate modes
are added as variables. An international initiative involving more than a
dozen climate models is being planned to improve the estimates included
in upcoming assessments by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC).
The paper, "The tropical Pacific as a key pacemaker of the variable
rates of global warming," appears in the journal Nature Geoscience.
The National Science Foundation and NOAA supported Xie’s contribution to
the research. The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology supported Ko
You couldn't make it up. Warmists are treating Inhofe's grand-daughter as an authority
The heading on the article excerpted below was: "Jim Inhofe’s
Granddaughter Asked Him Why He Didn’t Understand Global Warming" --
implying that she was the one in the right.
And the temperature rise they refer to was due to El Nino, not carbon dioxide. CO2 did NOT rise in 2015
Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK), the chair of the Senate Environment and Public
Works Committee, is a famous climate denier. He has written a book about
global warming, arguing it is a hoax.
Like many Americans — 64 percent of which are concerned about climate
change — Inhofe’s granddaughter wants to know why he does not understand
the science.
On the last day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland last
week, Inhofe told radio host Eric MeTaxas about a conversation he had
with one of his granddaughters, Right Wing Watch reported on Tuesday.
"You know, our kids are being brainwashed? I never forget because I was
the first one back in 2002 to tell the truth about the global warming
stuff and all of that. And my own granddaughter came home one day and
said “Popi (see “I” is for Inhofe, so it’s Momi and Popi, ok?), Popi,
why is it you don’t understand global warming?” I did some checking and
Eric, the stuff that they teach our kids nowadays, you have to
un-brainwash them when they get out"
Right now, the United States, including Oklahoma, is in the middle of a
record-breaking heat wave that has left at least six dead. This month,
the world learned that the first half of 2016 was the hottest start to a
year on record, building on 2015’s record as the hottest year on record
— data that strengthen the longer trends signifying the reality of
climate change.
Famously, Inhofe brought a snowball onto the senate floor last year in
an effort to prove that global warming was a hoax, citing the cold
“unseasonable” temperatures. This was in February.
U.S. Hits Record 129 Months Since Last Major Hurricane Strike
No major hurricane has made landfall in the continental United States
for a record-breaking 129 months, according to data going back to 1851
compiled by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
The last major hurricane to make landfall on the continental United
States was Hurricane Wilma, which slammed into Florida on Oct. 24,
2005--129 months ago.
The 2016 hurricane season--which officially opened on June 1 and ends on
November 30--is expected to be “near normal”, with more hurricane
activity than last year’s “below normal” season.
“The outlook calls for a 45% chance of a near-normal season, a 30%
chance of an above-normal season, and a 25% chance of a below-normal
season,” according to NOAA’s 2016 Atlantic Hurricane Season Outlook.
The agency predicts that there will be “10-16 named storms” this
season--including “4-8 hurricanes” and “1-4 major hurricanes.” A "major
hurricane" is defined as one that is Category 3 or above on the
Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale, which means it has sustained wind
speeds of more than 111 miles per hour and is capable of causing
“devastating” or “catastrophic” damage.
But because of several “competing climate factors” this year, “there is
reduced confidence in predicting whether the season will be above normal
or below normal,” NOAA stated.
At a May 27 press conference, NOAA Administrator Kathryn Sullivan told
reporters that due to the cooling phase of the Atlantic Multi-Decadal
Oscillation (AMO), there is “uncertainty about whether the high-activity
era of Atlantic hurricanes has ended.”
“During the past three years, weaker hurricane seasons have been
accompanied by a shift towards the cool signature of the AMO, cooler
Atlantic Ocean temperatures, and a weaker West African monsoon,”
Sullivan said.
“If this shift proves to be more than short-lived, if it’s not just a
temporary blip, then it could be signaling the arrival of a low activity
era for Atlantic hurricanes.”
The last time the AMO entered a cold phase was the 23-year period
between 1971 and 1994, when there were only two above-normal hurricane
seasons and half were below normal, said Dr. Gerry Bell, head of NOAA’s
hurricane forecasting team.
In 2005, four major hurricanes – Dennis, Katrina, Rita, and Wilma–
struck the mainland of the United States, killing nearly 4,000 people
and causing nearly $160 billion in damages, according to NOAA.
Since 2005, no Category 3 or above hurricane has made landfall in the continental United States.
President Obama is the longest-serving president to have no major hurricanes strike during his time in office.
During Obama's presidency, four hurricanes have made landfall, but all
were at lower than Category 3 intensity: Irene (2011), Isaac and Sandy
(2012) were all Category 1 when the hit the mainland, and Arthur (2014)
was a Category 2.
Clinton’s VP Pick Targeted Global Warming Skeptics On Senate Floor
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential running
mate targeted global warming skeptics on the Senate floor in July,
potentially hurting claims the nominee is someone constitutional
conservatives can support.
Sen. Tim Kaine, a Democrat from Virginia, was tasked with heaping scorn
on conservative nonprofit groups in early July for opposing Democratic
policies addressing man-made global warming.
Kaine was chosen as Democratic presidential nominee Clinton’s running
mate on July 22, no more than a week after the Virginia senator was
tasked with criticizing Virginia-based nonprofit groups for not toeing
the line on Democratic policies addressing climate change.
There is a cabal of organizations that “knowingly try to misrepresent
the status of climate science, and suggest that climate change is not
occurring,” Kaine said July 11 on the Senate floor.
The Virginia Institute for Public Policy “makes statements that are
promoting a false point of view,” he said, adding, that the free market
group “promotes the idea that ‘oh, well, we shouldn’t do anything about
it (global warming).”
It is one thing to disagree about how climate change should be
approached, Kaine argued, it is quite another to openly deny that the
climate is changing.
The inquisition began when Rhode Island Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, a
Democrat, directed 19 of his fellow Democratic senators to attack
conservative and libertarian organizations such as Americans for
Prosperity and the Cato Institute on the chamber floors for engaging in
what the senators call a “web of denial.”
Sens. Harry Reid of Nevada, as well as Chuck Schumer of New York joined Kaine on July 11 targeting groups like Mercatus Center.
Emily Enderle, a top environmental policy adviser to Whitehouse, who is
leading the hit parade, constructed the strategy in an internal email
with several leading environmental groups — some of the groups include
the Sierra Club, Union of Concerned Scientists, and the Clean Water
Conservative groups argued the move by Kaine, among others, is an
example of senators unfairly targeting the free speech rights of
organizations not falling in lock step with global warming orthodoxy.
“It’s unbelievable the level of coordination the Senate Democrats have
taken to political intimidate free market organizations,” Molly
Drenkard, a spokeswoman with the American Legislative Economic Exchange
(ALEC), told The Daily Caller News Foundation on July 11. ALEC was one
of the conservative groups targeted by the senators.
But now some conservatives are attempting to paint a different picture
of Kaine, who is currently running against Republican presidential
nominee Donald Trump, a candidate many conservatives feel is not fit to
be president.
Washington Post columnist George Will, for one, has begun laying down a
coda suggesting Kaine might be the most palatable candidate for
constitutional conservatives.
“There probably is no Democratic governor or senator more palatable than
Kaine to constitutional conservatives,” Will wrote in an editorial
Tuesday. “Such conservatives are eager to bring presidential power back
within constitutional constraints, and Kaine is among the distressingly
small minority of national legislators interested in increased
congressional involvement in authorizing the use of military force.”
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
27 July, 2016
Another clunk-headed academic who can't read
Jarrod Gilbert, a New Zealand sociologist no less, says climate
denial ought be seen as a crime. Sociologists are generally
far-Left so a bit of Stalinism from one is no surprise. And in
true Stalinist style he is a good Trofim Lysenko too. Lysenko had
the basics of biology wrong and this guy has the sociology of climate
science wrong.
How so? Because his basic "97%" claim shows
he can't read. The paper usually quoted in support of the 97% in
fact says that only ONE THIRD of climate scientists supported global
warming. The other two thirds took no position on the matter.
Since Jarrod has such bad eyes, I reproduce the Cook et al.
abstract below and highlight the bit that jarring Jarrod
missed. What a clown! He might one day learn the importance of
doing your research before you open your mouth. But he does admit to
being a liberal wanker so maybe he won't
"We analyze the evolution of the scientific consensus on anthropogenic
global warming (AGW) in the peer-reviewed scientific literature,
examining 11?944 climate abstracts from 1991–2011 matching the topics
'global climate change' or 'global warming'. We find that 66.4% of abstracts expressed no position on AGW,
32.6% endorsed AGW, 0.7% rejected AGW and 0.3% were uncertain about the
cause of global warming. Among abstracts expressing a position on AGW,
97.1% endorsed the consensus position that humans are causing global
warming. In a second phase of this study, we invited authors to rate
their own papers. Compared to abstract ratings, a smaller percentage of
self-rated papers expressed no position on AGW (35.5%). Among self-rated
papers expressing a position on AGW, 97.2% endorsed the consensus. For
both abstract ratings and authors' self-ratings, the percentage of
endorsements among papers expressing a position on AGW marginally
increased over time. Our analysis indicates that the number of papers
rejecting the consensus on AGW is a vanishingly small proportion of the
published research"
There is no greater crime being perpetuated on future generations than
that committed by those who deny climate change. The scientific
consensus is so overwhelming that to argue against it is to perpetuate a
dangerous fraud. Denial has become a yardstick by which intelligence
can be tested. The term climate sceptic is now interchangeable with the
term mindless fool.
Since the 1960s, it has been known that heat-trapping gasses were
increasing in the earth's atmosphere, but no one knew to what effect. In
1979, a study found "no reason to doubt that climate changes will
result and no reason to believe that these changes will be negligible".
Since then scientists have been seeking to prove it, and the results are
Meta studies show that 97 per cent of published climate scientists agree
that global warming is occurring and that it is caused by human
activities. The American Association for the Advancement of Science
compared it to the consensus linking smoking to cancer. The debate is
over, yet doubt continues.
For decades, arguments denying the harms caused by smoking were made. A
tobacco executive once said: "Doubt is our product since it is the best
means of competing with the 'body of fact' that exists in the minds of
the general public. It is also the means of establishing a controversy."
Such doubts can be highly effective, particularly if they allow people
to support agendas that are politically or economically useful to them.
One person who has managed to successfully merge expert and popular
opinions is English physicist Professor Brian Cox, whose books and
television programmes explain complex scientific phenomena in highly
accessible ways. He recently said that ignoring best evidence and
turning against experts is "the road back to the cave".
Modern civilisation, he says, has grown not because of gut instinct and
guesswork but because of scientific understanding and thinking. "Being
an expert does not mean that you are someone with a vested interest; it
means you spend your life studying something. You're not necessarily
right - but you're more likely to be right than someone who's not spent
their life studying it."
If 100 of the best-qualified engineers were asked to assess the
structural integrity of a house and 97 of them said it was unsafe, who
would listen to the other three engineers and buy the house? Yet that is
the foolishness of climate change denial. Furthermore, the basis for
these decisions is often arbitrary and variable.
We all believe in the expertise at Nasa when it launches a rocket into
earth's orbit then flicks it into space and lands it on a rock, but so
many people conveniently ignore the organisation's knowledge and
expertise when it confirms humans created climate change.
All of this might be a strange curiosity if the ramifications weren't so
serious. Whether it is the erosion of coastal properties, an influx of
climate refugees from the Pacific, or the economic impacts on our
primary industries from severe weather events, New Zealand must prepare
for some significant realities.
The worst of these problems will impact more greatly on generations to
come, but to ignore them now is as unconscionable as it is selfish. It
ought be seen as a crime.
One way in which everyday crime can be discouraged is to ensure that
"capable guardians" are around to deter criminal activity. When it comes
to climate change, the capable guardians are educated members of the
public who counteract the deniers.
There may be differing opinions on what policies to pursue, but those
who deny that climate change exists ought be shouted down like the
charlatans that they are. Or better yet, looked upon with pitiful
contempt and completely ignored.
There is no room to sit on the fence and say, "I don't know if it's
true". Ignorance of the law excuses no one - and so it is with the laws
of science.
Could climate change lead to a WAR? Global warming will increase the risk of armed conflict between ethnic groups (?)
The headline above is just speculation. The study below was of
natural disasters, not global warming. The authors admit that they
cannot link the two
Man-made climate change is expected to increase the risk of natural
disasters around the world from severe droughts to more intense tropical
But the impact of these may go far beyond the immediate suffering of
those caught up in them. Researchers believe that climate
disasters could increase the risk of armed conflict in countries where
different ethnic groups live side by side.
The research, from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research,
Germany, suggests that climate-related natural disasters could
exacerbate tensions between different ethnic groups.
Dr Carl Schleussner, who led the study, said: 'Devastating
climate-related natural disasters have a disruptive potential that seems
to play out in ethnically fractionalized societies in a particularly
tragic way.'
The researchers found that almost one quarter of conflicts in ethnically
divided countries happen at the same time as climatic problems - even
without taking climate change into account.
Dr Schleussner added: 'Climate disasters are not directly triggering
conflict outbreak, but may enhance the risk of a conflict breaking out
which is rooted in context-specific circumstances.
'As intuitive as this might seem, we can now show this in a scientifically sound way.'
Previous studies have focused on variables in climate, such as
temperature increase. However it was not possible to use this
information to see the direct impact it had on societies.
Instead, the new study focuses directly on the economic damage caused by
natural disasters, based on data from Munich Re from 1980-2010.
The researchers used computer models to analyse the data, to see how
conflict within countries coincided with natural disasters.
Dr Jonathan Donges, who worked on the study, said: 'We've been surprised
by the extent that results for ethnic fractionalised countries stick
out compared to other country features such as conflict history,
poverty, or inequality.
'We think that ethnic divides may serve as a predetermined conflict line
when additional stressors like natural disasters kick in, making
multi-ethnic countries particularly vulnerable to the effect of such
The researchers used the internal conflict within Iraq as an example. In
their paper, they write: 'Although not highly ethnically
fractionalised, ethnic identities appear to play a prominent role in the
ongoing civil wars in Syria and Iraq.
'It is clear that the roots of these conflicts, as for armed conflicts
in general, are case specific and not directly associated with
climate-related natural disasters.
'Nevertheless, such disruptive events have the potential to amplify
already existing societal tensions and stressors and thus to further
destabilize several of the world's most conflict-prone regions.'
However, the results of the study cannot be used to predict the risk in specific states.
Dr Hans Joachim Schnellnhuber, co-lead of the study, said: 'Armed
conflicts are among the biggest threats to people, killing some and
forcing others to leave their home and maybe flee to far-away countries.
'Human-made climate change will clearly boost heatwaves and regional droughts.
'Our observations combined with what we know about increasing
climate-change impacts can help security policy to focus on risk
Many of the world's most conflict-prone regions, including North and
Central Africa as well as Central Asia, are both vulnerable to
human-made climate change and characterized by deep ethnic divides.
The researchers hope that their findings can help in the design of security policies in these high-risk areas.
Dr Schellnhuber added: 'Our study adds evidence of a very special co-benefit of climate stabilization - peace.'
Oakland Coal Ban Won’t Protect Vulnerable
Good intentions don’t necessarily make good public policy. Yet last week
the Oakland City Council unanimously fell into the same tired old “feel
good” political trap.
On a 7-0 vote, council members passed an ordinance prohibiting the
storage and handling of coal and petroleum coke within city limits and
then followed up by approving a resolution extending the ban to the
Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal (OBOT), a new facility being built
on a former U.S. Army base.
Fortunately, the ordinance and resolution will come back for a second
reading on July 19, so the City Council has an opportunity to reverse or
amend its decision. If the ban is upheld, City Council members will
have chosen to sacrifice an opportunity to boost economic development on
the mistaken premise that doing so is in the best interest of the
City councilman Abel Guillen stated that last week’s vote was meant to
“protect the health and safety of our most vulnerable population.” That
is a noble goal but who are the vulnerable members of Oakland’s
population that the council is trying to protect?
In assessing the health and safety risks of importing coal and petroleum
coke, primarily from Utah, and then transshipping it to Asia, the City
Council relied on a report by Zoe Chafe, Ph.D. Chafe’s report referred
to the Environmental Protection Agency’s definition of vulnerable
citizens, namely, “children, older adults, people with heart or lung
diseases, and people living in poverty.”
The problem in acting to protect Oakland’s “most vulnerable population”
is that doing so leads to a contradiction. The council members’ decision
pits the interests of one group of vulnerable people against those of
“The public” is not a single entity, but rather an aggregation of many
individuals, each having his or her own interests and preferences.
Concerns about moving coal and petroleum coke through Oakland’s port
facilities certainly can be raised. No one wants to live where a child
or elderly parent would have trouble breathing.
On the other hand, no one wants to struggle to feed their family because
they can’t find a job. The economic growth that accompanies a project
like OBOT, which will create an estimated 2,400 jobs, can help alleviate
the problems of poverty faced by members of Oakland’s most vulnerable
Terminal Logistics Solutions (TLS), which will operate the $500 million
OBOT facility, has indicated that it is determined to comply with the
standards prescribed by the California Environmental Quality Act. These
standards allow Oakland’s citizens to hold TLS responsible for any air-
or water-quality violations.
This means that Oakland can both protect its environment and remain
committed to raising living standards—a proverbial win-win option.
Instead, City Council members are hung up on creating a feel-good policy
that may hurt the very people they think they are protecting.
EPA Plans to Address Pollution 'From Engines Used on Large, Commerical Jets'
The Environmental Protection Agency already sets pollution limits on
cars and trucks, and now it plans to do the same thing with new
commercial jets.
Invoking the Clean Air Act, the EPA on Monday announced its finding that
greenhouse gas emissions from certain types of aircraft engines
"contribute to the pollution that causes climate change and endangers
Americans' health and the environment."
"These particular GHGs come primarily from engines used on large, commercial jets," EPA said.
The agency is not yet ready to issue emissions standards for aircraft
engines, but that will come, now that it has determined that those
engines contribute to climate change.
“Addressing pollution from aircraft is an important element of U.S.
efforts to address climate change," said Janet McCabe, EPA’s Acting
Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation. "Aircraft are the third
largest contributor to GHG emissions in the U.S. transportation sector,
and these emissions are expected to increase in the future."
The EPA said its endangerment" findings do not apply to small
piston-engine planes (often used for recreational purposes) or to
military aircraft, including Air Force One.
The new rules are still years away, and any proposed standards would be
open to public comment and review before they take effect.
For the record, the EPA announcement came one day after Sen. Bernie
Sanders described Republican Donald Trump as "a guy who rejects science,
doesn't even believe that climate change is real, let alone that we
have to take bold action to transform our energy system."
Has Global Warming Influenced Large-Scale Atmospheric Variability? No.
Paper Reviewed:
Sardeshmukh, P.D., Compo, G.P. and Penland, C. 2015. Need for caution in
interpreting extreme weather events. Journal of Climate 28: 9166-9187.
Introducing their work, Sardeshmukh et al. (2015) note there is great
scientific and public interest in discerning the influence (if any) of
global warming on extreme weather events, writing that "it is tempting
to seek an anthropogenic component in any recent change in the
statistics of extreme weather." What is more, they note that, for many
people, "the occurrence of any extreme event not previously observed
'within living memory' or 'since records began' (in both cases, about
100 years) immediately becomes a candidate for attribution to global
Sardeshmukh et al., however, are quick to caution that such efforts may
well "lead to wrong conclusions if the distinctively skewed and
heavy-tailed aspects of the probability distributions of daily weather
anomalies are ignored or misrepresented." And it was against this
backdrop that they began their study, which involved the development of a
protocol to adequately detect and attribute changes in extreme weather
events. Thereafter, they tested this protocol in an effort to assess
changes "in the observed distributions of daily wintertime indices of
large-scale atmospheric variability in the North Atlantic and North
Pacific sectors over the period 1872-2011."
With respect to their protocol (see the original paper for details), the
authors presented a series of mathematical and statistical procedures
that ultimately produced, in their words, "a sharper tool for
investigating the statistical significance of observed changes in
extremes over the twentieth century and of projected changes over the
twenty-first century." And in applying that protocol to two indices of
atmospheric variability (North Atlantic Oscillation Index and North
Pacific Index), Sardeshmukh et al. report they found "no significant
changes either in the mean or in the entire probability density
functions of these indices over the last 140 years" despite "an apparent
upward trend in the NAO index and a downward trend in the NP index
during much of the second half the twentieth century."
In discussing the significance of this finding, Sardeshmukh et al. say
it "has important implications for understanding the atmospheric
circulation response to global warming, and casts doubt on inferences
about this response drawn in studies that focus only on the second half,
or other subsets, of the full record."
Hawaii Phasing Out Solar Subsidies For Cost Reasons
Hawaii’s taxpayer support for solar power is set to end in July due to cost and reliability concerns.
The state government repealed its previous programs to boost solar power
last October and replaced them with a much more limited subsidy system
that caps the total number of users to reduce the cost to the state and
minimize power grid damage. That cap will probably be reached this month
or in early August. The cap was essential to maintaining the states’
power grid, despite the state’s goal of using only green energy by 2045.
“It comes down to a financial issue,” Democratic state Rep. Chris Lee,
the chairman of the state House Committee on Energy and Environmental
Protection, told The Associated Press. “The more distributed generation,
the more power that individuals generate themselves, the less of a
customer base the utility ultimately has in the long run.”
Hawaii and many other states enacted net-metering subsidies for
homeowners with solar panels in 2010, but are now backing away from
them. Rooftop solar companies supported these subsidies as a way to
encourage solar power and fight global warming. This, however, shifted
the costs of maintaining the electrical grid onto households that don’t
have solar panels, effectively transferring money from the poor to the
Hawaii gets 3.66 percent of its electricity from solar, a higher portion
than any other state, but already has the nation’s highest electricity
costs. Last year, solar power only accounted for 0.6 percent of all
electricity generated in America, according to the U.S. Energy
Information Administration.
A 2015 study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
concluded rooftop solar subsides are inefficient and costly, and that
rooftop solar companies simply cannot compete without government
Solar power by itself receives more federal subsidies than all fossil
fuel sources combined, according to the EIA. Green energy in the U.S.
got $13 billion in subsidies during 2013, compared to $3.4 billion in
subsidies for conventional sources and $1.7 billion for nuclear,
according to EIA data. Solar companies simply cannot maintain their
current high levels of growth without government support.
Most state solar subsidies go to rooftop solar panels and include a 30
percent federal tax credit, while industrial scale solar is thus
somewhat more efficient per dollar spent. Solar-leasing companies
install rooftop systems, which cost a minimum of $10,000, at no upfront
cost to the consumer. Companies do this because the state and federal
subsidies are so massive that such behavior is actually profitable.
TheDCNF previously used statistical analysis to show that the more
pro-green energy policies a state has, the less likely it was to reduce
carbon dioxide emissions.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
26 July, 2016
The latest environmental scare
Do you notice the dog that didn't bark in the report below? Did
you notice that there is no EVIDENCE about how harmful microparticles
are? It's all theory and falls into the category of things that
are OBVIOUSLY bad and so must be discouraged.
All too
often, however, things that are OBVIOUSLY bad turn out not to be bad at
all -- with dietary fat being the most recent major example of
that. So you need to be able to put numbers on just HOW bad a
thing is. Doing so can generate surprising revelations --
such as the fact that dietary fat can be GOOD for you.
So what DO
the numbers say? What is the research evidence on how bad these
things are? And how come there was no mention of any such evidence
below? I think I know. In just ten minutes of searching I
found the following sentence in a review article on the subject: "Bioavailability
and the efficiency of transfer of the ingested POPs across trophic
levels are not known and the potential damage posed by these to the
marine ecosystem has yet to be quantified and modelled".
other words, nobody knows how harmful they really are. The
article is from 2011 so much knowledge my have accumulated since then
but I am not hopeful. I suspect that microbeads are a very minor
problem in the great scheme of things
I note that I searched the
"Marine Pollution Bullein" which did have lots of up to date articles on
the subject -- but they were all about how prevalent the beads were in
various locations. That they were just obviously bad seemed to be taken
for granted. Nowhere could I see any quantification of harms
if there is a seminal article quantifying harms I would be delighted to
scrutinize its metholoogy. As a former university teacher of
research methods and statistics, and as as frequent practitioner of
same, much that seems plausible to others seems hilarious to me. I
can often tell where the bodies are buried, even with no knowledge of
the particular field. As is now widely recognized, junk science is
in epidemic proportions these days
Facial scrubs are used daily by millions of people to exfoliate their
skin - but scientists have exposed the tiny toxic plastic beads hidden
in the products.
Each wash contains up to 94,500 microbeads, while one tube comprises up
to 2.8million of the beads, which experts at Plymouth University
Microbeads, among the fastest-growing forms of marine pollution, can
cause physical damage or poison sea life with the chemicals and microbes
on their surface.
Richard Thompson, professor of marine biology at Plymouth University,
published a photograph of the amount of microbeads extracted from
popular facial scrubs.
He told The Sunday Times: 'It can be hard to convey in words how small
these beads are and how many are released by one wash, but the picture
shows the scale of the impact much better.'
He said the beads ranged in size from from a 0.01mm up to 1mm. 'Their
size means they can pass through sewage treatment screens and be
discharged into rivers and oceans,' he explained.
When the facial scrubs are washed away, they are washed into sewage
sludge and can spread onto farmland. Smaller beads can escape filters
and are subsequently washed out to sea.
Experts say the size of the beads looks like food to plankton and baby
fish - and can poison them when eaten. This is then passed up the food
chain to larger fish and birds.
Mary Creagh, the Labour MP and chairwoman of the environmental audit
committee, which is holding an inquiry into microplastics, told the
Sunday Times: 'Most of us would be horrified to learn how many bathroom
products contain this plastic rubbish.'
The Plymouth researchers only examined facial scrubs but microbeads are widely found in many cosmetics.
The US government has banned microbeads in consumer products under a law that will go into full effect in 2017.
This month Waitrose announced it will ban microbeads from all products
sold in its shops. The supermarket chain has already removed them from
its own beauty products and has promised that from September it will
stock only branded products which do not contain them.
Banning microbeads makes sense, campaigners say, because they are not
necessary for washing products. Their abrasive effect can be replicated
by natural exfoliants such as tiny fragments of rice, apricot seeds,
walnut shells and bamboo.
Banning microbeads, however, will not end microplastic pollution. All
plastic items that end up in lakes, rivers and the sea tend to
disintegrate, creating tiny scraps of plastic with a similar effect.
Synthetic fabrics, such as nylon and polyester, also disintegrate, and
tiny plastic ‘microfibres’ are also eaten by marine life, with a similar
effect to microbeads.
John Kerry claims air conditioner chemicals are as dangerous as ISIS at climate conference
Many gases can be used in refrigeration but their efficiency varies
greatly. With the phasing out of HFCs we are getting a long way
away from the most efficient one, which means that more electricity will
have to be used to get the same cooling effect. But aren't we
supposed to be reducing demand for electricity? More Greenie
foot-shooting, it seems. And there is general agreement that HFCs
make only a trivial contribution (1% is often quoted) to global warming
so that foot could reasonably have been left unshot
Chemicals used in refrigerators and air conditioners pose as big of a threat as ISIS, John Kerry said.
The Secretary Of State traveled to Vienna, Austria on Friday to
negotiate an amendment to the 1987 Montreal Protocol, created to protect
the ozone layer.
The amendment phases out hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), compounds that are
mostly used as refrigerants and act as potent greenhouses gases.
Kerry went to Vienna with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
administrator Gina McCarthy and compared the fight against climate
change to the fight against terrorism during talks with parties to the
Montreal Protocol.
'Yesterday, I met in Washington with 45 nations — defense ministers and
foreign ministers — as we were working together on the challenge of [the
Islamic State], and terrorism,' Kerry said according to the Washington
'It's hard for some people to grasp it, but what we — you — are doing
here right now is of equal importance because it has the ability to
literally save life on the planet itself.'
Amending the Montreal Protocol to phase out HFCs is one of the most
cost-effective and consequential ways to combat climate change, the
Department Of State said in a statement.
HFCs became widely used in the late 1980s, after a previous Montreal
Protocol agreement led countries to stop using ozone-depleting chemicals
in the air conditioning and refrigeration sectors.
This helped protecting the ozone layer, but companies began using HFCs as an alternative to the banned chemicals.
While HFCs do not harm the ozone layer, they have a strong potential to warm the planet - more so than carbon dioxide.
Reducing the use of HFCs could help limit the global temperature rise and avoid the most severe consequences of climate change.
HFCs can now be replaced with more climate-friendly materials.
California announced earlier this week that it would give half a million
dollars to a $6 million project to research alternatives to HFCs.
'We have the technologies and chemicals to get this done, and are
confident we can produce an HFC amendment that works,' the EPA said on
its blog.
The EPA hopes to pass the amendment to the Montreal Protocol by the end of the year.
Obama Administration Continues Regulatory Assault on Offshore Oil and Gas
Last week the Obama administration released yet another regulation
intended to undermine the viability of the offshore oil and gas industry
in the United States. On July 7, the Department of Interior announced
its new rules for drilling offshore in Alaska.
For the first time ever, the administration decided to create special
rules for Alaska, more onerous than the rules that apply to offshore
production in the rest of the country. No accidents or incidents have
occurred to warrant these new aggressive rules, but then for a regulator
when it comes to regulation, there never seems to be a need to ask why.
The Beaufort and Chukchi Seas in Alaska are estimated to hold about 23
billion barrels of oil and more than 2.8 trillion cubic meters of
natural gas according to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. This
vast bounty has drawn significant interest from oil and gas companies
for many years. However, the technical challenges of drilling in the
Arctic are significant: freezing temperatures, floating ice, storms, and
the like. These challenges make offshore drilling in Alaska quite
expensive from the outset. These high costs have been on display since
oil prices crashed as leaseholders in the Arctic have delayed drilling
activity to wait until prices rebound.
But this pause in activity was not enough for the regulators and their
environmentalist allies; they want to choke off any possibility of
future development in the Arctic. Thus, last week’s rules. These
stringent new rules follow the administration’s decision last year to
cancel offshore lease sales in the Arctic and refusal to extend existing
leases. As Sen. Murkowski of Alaska commented recently, “above all, it
is the chaotic federal regulatory regime that is discouraging
investment.” Regulators are designing and implementing a de facto ban on
offshore drilling in Alaska, usurping the role of Congress and ignoring
the free market .
These actions in the Arctic are just another entry in the Obama
administration’s regulatory attack on offshore drilling. In April of
2016, the administration issued new well control rules that industry
associations warned would force many small operators out of business due
to increased regulatory costs. In March 2016, reversing his own
administration’s decision of just a few years ago, the president
announced that he would ban offshore drilling in the Atlantic. In 2011,
the Obama administration was held in contempt of court for slow-walking
offshore permits in an illegal effort to prevent development by not
acting, just one skirmish in the months-long “permitorium” imposed by
Over the Obama presidency, this hostility has had predictable results:
oil and gas production offshore has fallen throughout, even as oil and
gas production on state and private land has boomed. That decrease has
meant less revenue for the federal government, fewer jobs for Americans,
and more oil supplies that must come from foreign countries. All to
make far left environmentalists feel good. This is the danger of an
unaccountable regulatory state captured by left-wing special interests:
the power of the government wielded against an industry viewed as the
US says fuel economy likely won't meet 2025 targets
The U.S. government says the nation's cars and trucks are well on their
way to meeting fuel economy and emissions standards set for 2025, but
cheaper gas prices could ultimately lower those targets by encouraging
consumers to buy less-efficient vehicles.
A report on the standards was issued Monday by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, the U.S. Department of Transportation and the
California Air Resources Board. The report kicks off a two-year review
that will determine whether to keep the 2025 fuel economy and greenhouse
gas emissions targets in place or change them.
Under standards set in 2012, automakers' fleets were expected to get an
average of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025. That's not the real-world
mileage vehicles will get; it includes credits for things like more
efficient air conditioning systems. The real-world mileage is closer to
40 miles per gallon.
The government calculates an automakers' average based on the vehicles
it sells. A company could fail to meet standards on pickup trucks but
exceed them with fuel-efficient cars and still meet the requirements,
said Alan Baum, a consultant in Detroit who advises automakers on
fuel-economy regulations. But if it fails to sell those cars, it could
wind up being fined.
As gas prices have fallen, SUV sales have risen, and that could wind up
lowering the averages that automakers are expected to meet, the report
said. The government now forecasts average fuel economy between 50 mpg
and 52.6 mpg in 2025, depending on the price of gas.
The report noted that in October 2012, when the fuel economy standards
were finalized, U.S. average gas prices were $3.87 per gallon. They
ended 2015 at $2.15 per gallon. So far this year, sales of the Toyota
Prius hybrid are down 25 percent while sales of SUVs and other light
trucks are up 9 percent, according to Autodata Corp.
But gas prices alone aren't likely to convince the government to weaken
the standards adopted in 2012. The report says automakers can meet the
original 2012 targets by continuing to make more advanced gasoline
engines; the EPA says only about 2 percent of vehicles would need to be
hybrids or electric vehicles to meet the standards.
"Today's draft report shows that automakers are developing far more
technologies to improve fuel economy and reduce greenhouse gas
emissions, at similar or lower costs, than we thought possible just a
few years ago," said Janet McCabe, acting assistant administrator for
EPA's Office of Air and Radiation.
The government says 100 car, SUV, and pick-up truck versions on the
market today already meet fuel economy standards targeted for 2020 or
later. Automakers also have been making more use of lightweight
materials, like aluminum, and improving vehicles' aerodynamics. They're
also adding features like stop-start technology, which automatically
shut down the engine and save fuel while a vehicle is stopped in
Those advances come at a cost. The EPA estimates the fuel economy
standards will cost $1,017 per vehicle between 2021 and 2025, while
NHTSA estimates they will cost up to $1,245 per vehicle. The agencies
differ on how much consumers would save in gas, but they estimate it's
between $680 and $1,620 per vehicle.
Those costs, and consumers' reluctance to buy the smallest, most
fuel-efficient vehicles, mean the auto industry will likely argue that
the standards should be relaxed. The Alliance of Automobile
Manufacturers, a lobbying group that represents 12 automakers, including
BMW, Toyota and General Motors, says meeting the standards is "a
daunting challenge."
"Absent a vigorous commitment to focus on marketplace realities,
excessive regulatory costs could impact both consumers and the employees
who produce these vehicles," the alliance said in a statement.
But environmental groups will urge the government to strengthen the
standards. In a statement, Sierra Club President Andrew Linhardt said
the report proves that the standards are working.
"Due to technological innovation, our cars are cleaner and more efficient than ever before," he said.
Former NASA Scientist Dispels Notion Global Warming Is ‘Settled’ Science
A former NASA climate scientist has put out a new report criticizing the argument that global warming is settled science.
“It should be clear that the science of global warming is far from
settled,” said Dr. Roy Spencer, a former NASA scientist who now co-runs a
major satellite temperature dataset at the University of
“Uncertainties in the adjustments to our global temperature datasets,
the small amount of warming those datasets have measured compared to
what climate models expect, and uncertainties over the possible role of
Mother Nature in recent warming, all combine to make climate change
beliefs as much faith-based as science-based,” Spencer wrote in a report
published by the conservative Texas Public Policy Foundation.
“Until climate science is funded independent of desired energy policy
outcomes, we can continue to expect climate research results to be
heavily biased in the direction of catastrophic outcomes,” Spencer
Spencer’s report covers a wide swath of climate science topics from the
factors behind global warming, to how scientists make adjustments to
climate data, to the “97 percent” consensus figure often cited by
politicians and environmentalists.
“Besides, if global warming is settled science, like gravity or the
Earth not being flat, why isn’t the agreement 100 percent?” Spencer
asked. “And since when is science settled by a survey or a poll? The
hallmark of a good scientific theory is its ability to make good
“From what we’ve seen, global warming theory is definitely lacking in this regard,” Spencer wrote.
Spencer also explained why climate models tend to over-predict how much
warming will occur as greenhouse gas emissions rise. Spencer argues a
warming bias is built into the models themselves.
“Since climate models can be ‘tuned’ to produce a rather arbitrary
amount of warming, they were tuned to be ‘sensitive’ enough so
increasing carbon dioxide alone was sufficient to cause the observed
warming,” he wrote.
“It was assumed that there was no natural component of the warming,
since we really don’t know the causes of natural climate variations,” he
wrote. “As a result, none of the models were prepared for the global
warming “hiatus” we have experienced since about 1997, because their
climate sensitivity was set too high. The models continued to warm after
2000, while the real climate system essentially stopped warming.”
Indeed, Spencer’s satellite data, which measures the average temperature
of the lowest few miles of the atmosphere, showed no significant global
warming trend for more than 21 years before an incredibly powerful El
Nino warming event hit late last year.
El Nino is a naturally occurring warming of the tropical Pacific Ocean
and tends to warm the planet. Satellite temperatures are extremely
sensitive to El Ninos (and La Nina cooling events), so mid-tropospheric
readings spiked in early 2016.
But temperatures have come down after El Nino faded, and now it looks
like a La Nina is setting in. Some even expect the so-called “hiatus” in
global warming to return after this year’s La Nina ends.
Australia: Conflict of interests over wind and solar power
Changing to "renewables" without conventional backup is a recipe for
disaster -- and it's happening in South Australia right now. The
Green/Left S.A. government just ignored the risks and forced its
coal-fired stations to close down. And South Australians are now paying
the price of that. The response of the S.A. energy minister?
Blaming other states for not sending enough of their backup power to
S.A. Blaming everyone but yourself is childish but common
With electricity prices spiralling as South Australia struggles to
digest a world-breaking build of wind farms without firm power backup,
federal Environment and Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg is facing a
challenge that defines the conflict and mixed signals of his new super
The challenge was delivered on a windswept blustery paddock about 200km
west of Melbourne where Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews announced state
approval for the $65 million, 96-turbine Dundonnell wind farm.
What the Premier did not tell reporters was that the 300 megawatt
project, claimed to be the state’s biggest, had yet to receive federal
government approval under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Act.
If Frydenberg does not give EPBC approval for Dundonnell he can expect a
fiery backlash and accusations of turning his back on renewables and
new economy jobs.
If he does give EPBC approval Frydenberg will be accused of grand-scale
environmental vandalism against the Victorian brolga, which is listed as
threatened and nests at the proposed wind farm site.
The New Zealand wind farm developer, Trustpower, claims to have
accommodated the brolga in its layout plans. But the planning process
for Dundonnell has been long and tortured with accusations of hidden
records and dodgy environmental investigations.
The complaints have not come from peak environment groups but local bird
enthusiasts because — rather than endangered fauna — organised
environmental activists such as Friends of the Earth have preferred to
concentrate on the need for renewable energy and a long-running campaign
to make permanent the existing moratorium on coal-seam gas exploration
in the state.
In the great circle of energy and environmental politics it is all connected.
For Frydenberg, the gas ban is as significant as the brolgas and the windmills.
And it has all been supercharged by the parlous state of South
Australia’s electricity network and what it may portend for the rest of
the nation, under pressure to roll out of renewable power.
Frydenberg is clearly aware of the scale of the challenge. He argued for
amalgamation of energy and environment portfolio responsibilities and
he knows Australia must respond to a fundamentally changing energy
In an address to the Brookings Institution in the US earlier this year,
Frydenberg said “technology will be the swing factor to achieving the
world’s climate goals”.
“Home batteries, carbon capture and storage, high-efficiency,
low-emissions coal-fired plants, large-scale solar, are all likely to
feature going forward,” he said.
But, politically, Frydenberg’s task is to avoid becoming known as the minister for sky-high electricity prices.
Events in South Australia — where wholesale power prices have spiked,
household electricity costs are the highest in the nation and industry
is threatening to quit— provide a good opportunity for a reality check.
Wholesale prices are usually below $100 per megawatt hour but in South
Australia they have repeatedly spiked past $10,000 and sometimes
touching the $14,000 limit.
There are many reasons advanced for the unstable electricity situation in South Australia.
These include high demand for electricity and gas during a cold snap,
restricted competition, limited interconnector capacity to the national
grid and the high costs of transporting gas. The gas squeeze has been
exacerbated by fierce objections to coal-seam gas exploration in NSW and
Victoria as the giant liquefied natural gas export projects in
Queensland suck vast quantities of what used to be domestic supplies.
Clean Energy Council network specialist Tom Butler says the reasons for
South Australia’s high power prices compared with the rest of the
country remain the same as they were before a single wind turbine or
solar panel was installed.
A briefing paper released by the Australian Conservation Foundation says renewable energy wrongly is being blamed.
“In fact the problem is not a failure of renewable energy; it is a
failure of the national electricity market,” the ACF says. This may be
true. But it is disingenuous to suggest renewable energy is not having a
leading impact.
The Australian Energy Market Operator conducted a survey of why wholesale prices spiked during the same period last year.
An analysis of the findings by Frontier Economics says the common denominator was a low level of wind generation at the time.
“As has been long predicted, increasing penetration of wind, and its
inherent intermittency, appears to be primarily responsible for the
(price spike) events,” the Frontier Economics report says.
“While the events have coincided with relatively high demand conditions
in South Australia and some minor restrictions on imports of electricity
from Victoria, low wind production levels are the key common feature of
every event.
“The market response at such times has been to offer higher-priced
capacity to the market, leading to high prices, just as the National
Electricity Market was designed to do under conditions of scarcity.”
The Frontier report says the level of wind and solar penetration in
South Australia presents a fascinating natural experiment in the impact
of intermittent generation on wholesale prices.
“Unfortunately, this test is anything but academic and the people of
South Australia are increasingly likely to bear increased electricity
costs as wind makes up a greater proportion of South Australian
generation,” Frontier says.
“While policymakers may be tempted to act to force thermal and/or wind
to behave uneconomically, the likely outcome means South Australian
consumers will bear more costs.”
Fast forward 12 months and the same weather conditions have produced the
same outcomes in the wholesale market, with higher prices to consumers
starting to flow through as well.
In the meantime, Alinta Energy has been forced to close its two
coal-fired power stations in South Australia early because their
business model has been wrecked by the introduction of low-cost,
subsidised wind generation into the wholesale market.
Renewable energy champions have always argued the so-called merit order
effect, in which abundant cheap renewable energy suppresses the
wholesale market, is a positive for consumers. But the evidence is that
there are limits.
South Australia is being watched closely by traditional energy companies
and renewable energy specialists worldwide as a test case for what
happens when high levels of intermittent energy, such as wind and solar,
are introduced into a system that is not fully covered by other sources
of readily available power.
Elsewhere, such as Denmark, where there is a high percentage of wind
power in a national market there is also access to sufficient baseload
power from hydro, nuclear or coal from neighbouring countries available
to cover the fluctuations.
In South Australia the backup from the Victorian interconnection is 23 per cent.
Modelling by Deloitte Access Economics suggests that by 2019 the
interconnector will be importing all the Victorian electricity it can
handle into South Australia for almost 23 hours a day. It does not leave
much margin for error if things go wrong.
“The last few weeks in South Australia have been a perfect storm but it
shows that we have to be very careful how we design markets and policies
to decarbonise,’’ Australian Energy Council policy specialist Kieran
Donoghue says.
This is the real challenge for Frydenberg in his new portfolio.
The ACF wants a national plan to manage the transition to clean energy.
It says this plan should “deal with intermittent generation and energy
security, appropriate interconnections, careful placement of renewable
facilities to maximise flexibility, an orderly closure of coal-fired
power plants and detailed strategies to help affected communities with
the transition”.
“The benefits of renewable energy are numerous, but without national
leadership and a national plan to transition our energy sector we are
certain to see a rocky transition with more price fluctuations,” the ACF
Powerful South Australian senator Nick Xenophon has said he will support
a Senate inquiry to examine the mix of renewable energy in Australia.
Australian energy ministers are due to meet soon to consider exactly
these issues. But no one has yet put forward a credible plan of how this
should be done or what the cost would be.
At best, there will be a Band-Aid solution to the immediate problems in South Australia.
Industry specialists say the Council of Australian Governments certainly
will look at options for additional interconnectors to deepen ties
between states in the national electricity market.
The cheapest option will be to expand the connection to Victoria, but
that is unlikely to give South Australia the sort of diversity of supply
it is seeking.
It is further complicated by Victoria’s own plans to lift renewables —
through projects such as Dundonnell — and the desire of environment
groups nationally that Victoria’s big baseload brown coal generators,
which underpin the system, be forcibly retired as soon as possible.
Another option would be to connect to NSW or Tasmania.
The cost of a new interconnector is high, with estimates of up to $3.75
billion for a connection between NSW and South Australia. Experience
shows costs can blow out by almost double.
Meanwhile, rapid advances in technology, particularly in battery storage
and grid management, make it uncertain whether expensive
interconnectors are the right solution for the long term.
South Australian Energy Minister Tom Koutsantonis wants the ability to
ship his state’s wind power to other states, something coal-fired
generators in NSW and Queensland would resist.
The challenge is to stop what is happening in South Australia from
occurring elsewhere as the amount of intermittent power is expanded
nationally to meet the state-based and federal renewable energy targets.
Already, existing generators are arguing for greater payment for the
ancillary services they provide to keep the electricity network stable.
Payments for standby reserve power and voltage regulation that cannot be
provided by wind and solar would lessen the dependence of baseload
plants on the spot electricity market.
But is this not a Band-Aid solution rather than long-term vision?
Central planning can be a slippery slope.
“It is important to be clearer that this transition is not costless,” Donoghue says.
“Instead of thinking that the wind and sun are free, it would be better
to give a more realistic understanding of what the costs will be.”
The more governments mandate things such as the amount of renewable
energy in the market, the likelier they are to find themselves having to
also support remaining dispatchable generators.
“If they (governments) want to direct the transition they are going to
be on the hook for all the infrastructure as well,” Donoghue says.
And under the pathways put forward by the ALP and Greens they are also
going to be on the hook for the heavy social transition costs as well.
It remains uncertain what pathway Frydenberg intends to take.
In his Brookings Institution address in February, Frydenberg said it was
clear the global energy supply dynamic was moving to lower emission
energy sources.
He said country comparisons showed that lowering emissions from the
energy sector could not be one-dimensional because countries were
starting from different positions and faced different challenges.
“One such challenge will be the need to question traditional energy
supply” and “such a discussion is currently taking place in South
Australia”, he said.
He was talking about the South Australian royal commission into nuclear
energy, which he said had “revived the discussion about the role nuclear
power could play in a low carbon economy”.
“Given South Australia has 78 per cent of Australia’s uranium reserves
and the stable geology to store high-level waste, this debate is
shifting community attitudes and has some way to run,” he said.
The Environment and Energy Minister has a substantial challenge ahead.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
24 July, 2016
The Arctic is leaking methane 200 times faster than usual: Massive
release of gas is creating giant holes and 'trembling tundras'
It has long been known that different parts of Siberia burp CH4 from
time to time and it may perhaps be in response to warming -- either a
local warming event or an El Nino warming. It is not however due
to anthropogenic global warming because there has been none of that for
many years.
The present eruptions seem to be confined to the Yamal peninsula area, which is only a very small part of Siberia. See Here regarding the inability of CH4 to affect global temperatures
And let me be really pesky by noting the finding: "No signi?cant increase in long-term CH4emissions on NorthSlope of Alaska despite signi?cant increase in air temperature".
Alaska is geologically and climatically continuous with Siberia so if
warming does not elevate methane levels in Alaska it seems likely
that it is not doing so in Siberia either. So warming is NOT the
cause of the CH4 burps presently being observed
Strange bubbles have been discovered in the Arctic permafrost - adding
to mysterious behaviour seen in the region, including the sudden
appearance of giant holes in northern Siberia.
Now Russian scientists have revealed the bubbles in the wobbly Earth are
are leaking methane gas some 200 times above the norm in the
The 'trembling tundra' also contains concentrations of carbon dioxide 20 times higher than usual levels.
The extent of the harmful greenhouse gases buried in this new phenomenon
of jelly-like bubbles poses 'very serious alarm' concerning the impact
of global warming, expert Alexander Sokolov warned.
Some 15 examples of this swaying Siberian ground were revealed this week
on Belyy Island, a polar bear outpost 475 miles (764km) north of the
Arctic Circle in the Kara Sea.
One account from a Russian research team at the scene said: 'As we took
off a layer of grass and soil, a fountain of gas erupted.'
'An early theory is that warm summer heat has melted the permafrost
causing the release of long-frozen gases,'The Siberian Times reported.
The newspaper was the first to report the weird sight and has now shared the gas readings.
Startling video footage shows the ground wobbling under the feet of scientists.
'It was like a jelly,' said one researcher, who continued: 'We have not come across anything like this before.'
He warned there is 'serious reason to be concerned if gas bubbles appear
in the permafrost zone' with 'unpredictable' consequences.
Dr Sokolov said he first saw the spectacle during an expedition on this Siberian island last year.
'I've been working in Yamal for twenty years now - some of my peers have
been working here even longer - and it's the first time I have ever
seen this,' said the ecological expert with the Urals Department of the
Russian Academy of Sciences.
He explained: 'The day after seeing this bubble, we came across another
one. 'As shown on our video, we punctured it and, let's say, "air"
starting coming out quickly - it had no smell - and there was no liquid
The researchers went back and measured the gas that was released when
the thin layer of grass and soil sealing in the methane and carbon
dioxide was punctured.
'Gases are typically measured in parts per million or ppm,' he said.
'The gas analyser showed that one of these gases was dozens of times
higher and another was hundreds of times higher than normal.'
The peak carbon dioxide measurement was 7750 ppm, while the methane reading was 375 ppm.
The island - which lies in the Kara Sea off the Yamal Peninsula - has
had unusually warm weather this summer, including temperatures in the
20ºC (68ºF).
'It is likely that 10 days of extraordinary heat could have started some
mechanisms, (and the) higher level of permafrost could have thawed and
released a huge amount of gases,' Dr Sokolov said.
Three feet (one metre) down there is 'solid permafrost' so he believes
the greenhouse gases are caused by the thawing of the surface layer
'It is evident even to amateurs that this is a very serious alarm,' he
said, continuing: 'As for the future, we are interested in further study
of the bubbles. 'We have discovered over a dozen of them. We need
interdisciplinary study.'
South of Belvy Island, another phenomenon is being closely observed by
scientists - the sudden formation of craters, caused by eruptions or
explosions of methane gas, which has melted below the surface.
These Siberian craters are believed to have been caused by the release of gas previously frozen in the permafrost.
When the craters first appeared on the Yamal Peninsula - known to locals
as 'the end of the world' - they sparked bizarre theories as to their
They ranged from meteorites to stray missiles fired by Vladimir Putin's
military machine, and from man-made pranks to the work of visiting
Most experts now believe they were created by explosions of methane gas
unlocked by warming temperatures in the far north of Russia.
On Yamal, the main theory is that the craters were formed by pingos -
dome-shaped mounds over a core of ice - erupting under pressure of
methane gas released by the thawing of permafrost caused by climate
The Yamal craters, some tiny but others large, were created by natural
gas filling vacant space in ice humps, eventually triggering eruptions,
according to leading authority Professor Vasily Bogoyavlensky, of
Moscow's Oil and Gas Research Institute.
Recently there were accounts of a 'big bang' leading to the formation of
a crater on the Taimyr Peninsula. However, there was no pingo on this
spot before the eruption in 2013.
The noise could be heard up to 60 miles away and one resident saw a
'glow in the sky' after the explosion, it was recently revealed.
Keeping the poor impoverished
Callous eco-imperialists use lies, scare stories to deny poor countries better living standards
Paul Driessen
We are just now entering the age of industrialization, newly elected
President Rodrigo Duterte said recently, explaining why the Philippines
will not ratify the Paris climate accords. “Now that we’re developing,
you will impose a limit? That’s absurd. It’s being imposed upon us by
the industrialized countries. They think they can dictate our destiny.”
More developing nations are taking the same stance – and rightly so.
They increasingly understand that fossil fuels are needed to modernize,
industrialize, electrify, and decrease poverty, malnutrition and
disease. Many supported the 2015 Paris climate treaty for three reasons.
They are not required to reduce their oil, natural gas and coal use,
economic development and greenhouse gas emissions, because doing so
would prevent them from improving their people’s living standards.
They want the free technology transfers and trillions of dollars in
climate “adaptation, mitigation and reparation” funds that now-wealthy
nations promised to pay for alleged climate transgressions. But they now
know those promises won’t be kept – especially by countries that
absurdly insist on slashing their energy use, economic growth and job
creation, while developing countries surge ahead.
Climate has always changed. It is far better to have energy, technology,
modern housing and wealth to adapt to, survive, recover from and even
thrive amid inevitable warming, cooling and weather events, than to
forego these abilities (on the absurd assumption that humans can control
climate and weather) – and be forced to confront nature’s onslaughts
the way previous generations had to.
The November 7-18 Marrakech, Morocco UN climate conference (COP-22) thus
promises to be a lot of hot air, just like its predecessors.
Officially, its goal is to accelerate GHG emission reductions,
“brainstorm” with government and business leaders to achieve “new levels
of cooperation and technology sharing” (and subsidies), and embrace
“urgent action” to help African and small island nations survive the
supposed ravages of manmade droughts and rising seas.
The true purposes are to pressure industrialized nations to end most
fossil fuel use by 2050; intentionally replace free enterprise
capitalism with a “more equitable” system; “more fairly” redistribute
the world’s wealth and natural resources; and ensure that poor countries
develop “sustainably” and not “too much” – all under the direction and
control of UN agencies and environmentalist pressure groups.
We might ask: Replace capitalism with what exactly? Dictatorial UN
socialism? Redistribute what wealth exactly? After we’ve hobbled
developed countries’ energy use, job creation and wealth creation, what
will be left? As poor countries get rich, do you UN bureaucrats intend
to take and redistribute their wealth to “less fortunate” nations that
still fail to use fossil fuels or get rid of their kleptocratic leaders?
Africans are not endangered by manmade climate change. They are
threatened by the same droughts and storms they have confronted for
millennia, and by the same corrupt leaders who line their own pockets
with climate and foreign aid cash, while doing nothing for their people
and nothing to modernize their countries. Africa certainly does not need
yet more callous outsider corruption dictating its future.
Pacific islanders likewise face no greater perils from seas rising at
seven inches per century, than they have from seas that rose 400 feet
since the last Ice Age glaciers melted, and their coral islands kept
pace with those ocean levels – unless they too fail to use fossil fuel
(and nuclear) power to modernize.
The Morocco-Paris-Bali-Rio manmade climate chaos mantra may protect
people and planet from climate hobgoblins conjured up by garbage
in-garbage out computer models. But it will perpetuate energy and
economic poverty, imposed on powerless populations by eco-imperialist
US, EU and UN functionaries.
Virtually every other environmentalist dogma has similar effects.
Sustainability precepts demand that we somehow predict future
technologies – and ensure that today’s resource needs “will not
compromise” the completely unpredictable energy and raw material needs
that those unpredictable technologies will introduce. They require that
we safeguard the assumed needs of future generations, even when it means
ignoring or compromising the needs of current generations – including
the needs, aspirations, health and welfare of the world’s poorest
Resource depletion claims fail to account for hydraulic fracturing and
other new technologies that increase supplies, reduce their costs – or
decrease the need for previously essential commodities, as fiber optic
cables reduced the need for copper. The Stone age didn’t end because we
ran out of stones. If we run out of something, it’s generally because
governments prevented us from developing the resource.
Precautionary principles say we must focus on the risks of using
chemicals, fossil fuels and other technologies – but never on the risks
of not using them. We are required to emphasize minor, alleged,
manageable, exaggerated or fabricated risks that a technology might
cause, but ignore the risks it would reduce or prevent.
Because of illusory risks from biotechnology, we are to banish GMO
Golden Rice and bananas that are rich in beta-carotene (which humans can
convert into Vitamin A), and continue letting millions of children go
blind or die. We are to accept millions more deaths from malaria, Zika,
dengue, yellow fever and other diseases, because of imagined dangers of
using DDT and insecticides. Must we also accept millions of cancer
deaths, because of risks associated with radiation and chemo therapies?
Over the past three decades, fossil fuels helped 1.3 billion more people
get electricity and escape deadly energy and economic poverty – over
830 million because of coal. China connected 99% of its population to
the grid, also mostly with coal, enabling its average citizens to be ten
times richer and live 32 years longer than five decades previously.
But another 1.2 billion people (the US, Canadian, Mexican and European
populations combined) still do not have electricity. Another 2 billion
have electrical power only sporadically and unpredictably and must still
cook and heat with wood, charcoal and animal dung. Hundreds of millions
get horribly sick and five million die every year from lung and
intestinal diseases, due to breathing smoke from open fires and not
having refrigeration, clean water and safe food. Because of climate
“risks,” we are to let this continue.
Or as former Earth Island Institute editor Gar Smith so charmingly put
it: “African villagers used to spend their days and evenings sewing
clothing for their neighbors on foot-peddle-powered sewing machines.”
Once they get electricity, they spend too much time watching television
and listening to the radio. “If there is going to be electricity, I
would like it to be decentralized, small and solar-powered.”
Of course, as a young black California mother reminded me a few years
ago, eco-imperialism is not just a developing country issue. It is a
global problem. “Because of their paranoid fear of sprawl,” LaTonya told
me, “elitist eco-imperialists employ endless regulations and
restrictions that prevent upwardly-mobile people of color from improving
their lot in life. Only we, the wealthy and privileged, they seem to
insist, can live in nice homes and safe neighborhoods, have good jobs
and enjoy modern lifestyles.”
These ideologies and policies are absurd, callous, immoral,
eco-imperialistic and genocidal. They inflict unconscionable crimes
against humanity on the poorest among us. They can no longer be
Rich nations used fossil fuels to advance science, create wondrous
technologies beyond previous generations’ wildest imaginings, eradicate
killer diseases, increase life expectancy from 46 in 1900 to 78 today,
and give even poor families better living standards than kings and
queens enjoyed a century ago.
Instead of holding poor countries and billions of less fortunate people
back for still more decades, we are ethically bound to do everything we
can to encourage and assist them to throw off their shackles, and join
the world’s wealthy, healthy, technologically advanced nations.
Via email
Golden Rice: the miracle crop greens love to hate
Rice is the staple food of over 3.5 billion people, most of whom live in
the poorest parts of the world. But the world’s staple does come with
one major drawback. Despite being loaded with other nutrients, rice is
naturally lacking in vitamin A.
The Lancet estimates that, every year, around 670,000 children under the
age of five die as a result of vitamin-A deficiency. Imagine, then, the
development potential of a genetically modified, mass-market strain of
rice that is packed with all the typical nutrients you’d expect, but
which also comes loaded with vitamin A.
Golden Rice is such a crop, and it’s the genetically modified organism
(GMO) the South has been waiting for. Unfortunately, certain groups are
agitating against Golden Rice over claims it is dangerous – despite it
having passed every test and safety check it has ever faced. This
resistance is largely thanks to environmental organisations like
Greenpeace, who have spent decades campaigning relentlessly against GMOs
on the basis of unfounded health concerns.
This is despite the fact that GM foodstuffs are commonplace in the US,
where the crops are needed far less than they are in the poorest parts
of the world. Yet Greenpeace continues to wage war on these
revolutionary new foodstuffs, batting away study after study that
emerges in defence of GMOs like Golden Rice.
Greenpeace has become so blindly dogmatic in its approach that, late
last month, 110 Nobel Laureates signed an open letter condemning its
rejection of GMOs. The signatories, who account for one third of living
Nobel laureates, went so far as to suggest that Greenpeace’s
demonisation of perfectly healthy GMOs, particularly Golden Rice, is
akin to a ‘crime against humanity’. They estimate that many of the two
million annual deaths attributed to vitamin-A deficiency could be
prevented by Golden Rice.
In its response, Greenpeace claimed that its opposition to Golden Rice
is down to the failure of manufacturers to produce it cheaply and
plentifully. This is a bit rich, considering obstructions by
environmentalists has made production of Golden Rice difficult. In 2013,
green activists destroyed trial plots of Golden Rice in the Philippines
– setting its development back by years.
Perhaps eco-alarmists genuinely believe, in their own paternalistic way,
that they are helping the global poor by restricting their access to
these new crops. However, their dogmatic resistance to scientific
progress is doing more damage than all the GMOs in the world ever could.
Greenpeace should consider looking at the facts. Throughout the history
of their existence, nobody has died as a result of eating GMOs.
Countless lives have certainly been lost in that time, however, and many
development opportunities have been stifled, thanks to hunger.
It’s time organisations like Greenpeace ended their ingrained opposition
to Golden Rice and other GM crops. It’s time we all embraced the
life-changing potential of such crops.
Court Sinks Navy Over Whales
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decided that federal rules don’t give
enough protection to inhabitants of the world’s oceans. This ruling was
a reversal of a lower court’s ruling in 2012 that had approved of rules
for naval peacetime operations. It was not that the Navy had gone
beyond the regulations. The court stated, “We have every reason to
believe that the Navy has been deliberate and thoughtful” in keeping the
rules, but the court believed that the rules did not go far enough in
protecting marine mammals — specifically whales.
The ruling on the federal regulations dealt specifically with the Navy’s
use of low-frequency sonar, which is used by the Navy primarily in the
detection of submarines. What environmental groups have contested is
that the use of this sonar technology is dangerous to various mammal sea
life, specifically whales. It is known that sonar activity affects
whales, but it is not well established specifically how dangerous the
activity is to the whales.
In 2008 a California judge had ruled that naval ships using sonar had to
stay clear of a 12-mile wide stretch along the coast. This ruling was
challenged by the Navy and later that year the U.S. Supreme Court rule
in favor of the Navy, concluding that national security was of greater
importance than specious environmental concerns.
This latest ruling once again pits environmental groups and their
interests against that of national security. While it is rarely a good
idea to dismiss environmental concerns out right, the ability of the
U.S. to defended itself is of a higher priority. For without the
security secured by our nation’s military forces, Americans would not
enjoy the freedom to engage in promoting protections for the
Australia: Business angry as S.A. wind turbines suck more power than they generate
Wind turbines in South Australia were using more power than they
generated during the state’s electricity crisis, which has prompted
major businesses to threaten shutdowns and smaller firms to consider
moving interstate.
The sapping of power by the turbines during calm weather on July 7 at
the height of the crisis, which has caused a price surge, shows just
how unreliable and intermittent wind power is for a state with a
renewable energy mix of more than 40 per cent. Australian Industry
Group chief executive Innes Willox yesterday said the rise in prices,
already the highest in the country, had disrupted industry and served
as a warning for the rest of the nation. “That is a serious blow to
energy users across SA and has disrupted supply chains upon which
thousands of jobs depend,” he said.
“The real risk is if this volatility becomes the norm across the National Electricity Market.
“In June, electricity cost South Australia $133 per megawatt hour on
average — already a high price. But since July 1, electricity prices
have spiked above $10,000 per MWh at times.”
Mr Willox echoed warnings of the South Australian government on the
weekend, saying “We will see similar episodes again, and not just in
SA”, and backing calls for major reform of the NEM.
“Changes in the pattern of energy demand and the ongoing build-up of
wind and solar make life increasingly difficult for ‘baseload’
electricity generators across the country,” he said.
The power crisis comes amid growing pressure from independent senator
Nick Xenophon to invest hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars into
struggling South Australian businesses to save jobs, and as the Turnbull
government attempts to establish a hi-tech submarine manufacturing
industry in the state.
An analysis of data from the Australian Energy Market Operator,
responsible for the administration and operation of the wholesale NEM,
shows the turbines’ down time on July 7 coincided with NEM prices for
South Australia reaching almost $14,000 per MWh
NEM prices in other markets have been as low as $40 per MWh with the AI
Group estimating this month’s power surge in South Australian
electricity prices had cost $155 million.
While all wind farms in South Australia were producing about 5780MW
between 6am and 7am, by 1pm the energy generation was in deficit as the
turbines consumed more power than they created. By mid-afternoon, energy
generation by all wind farms was minus-50MW.
The situation forced several major companies, including BHP Billiton and
Arrium, to warn the state government of possible shutdowns because of
higher energy prices, forcing Treasurer and Energy Minister Tom
Koutsantonis to intervene by asking a private operator of a mothballed
gas-fired plant in Adelaide for a temporary power spike.
BHP, which employs about 3000 people at its Olympic Dam mine in the
state’s far north, said its operations in South Australia were under a
cloud. “The security and reliability of power have been a
significant concern for BHP Billiton and the sustainability of Olympic
Dam,” the miner’s head of corporate affairs, Simon Corrigan, said.
Opposition energy spokesman Dan van Holst Pellekaan said the snapshot of
wind power operations in the state showed the Labor government’s energy
policies had created an oversupply of cheap wind energy at times but
that forced it to import from interstate when prices shot up.
“This wouldn’t be a problem if we still had a reasonable amount of base
load generation but we don’t,” he said.
Mr Koutsantonis yesterday said improved interconnection for a “truly
national electricity market” would drive prices down immediately.
Federal Energy Minster Josh Frydenberg declined to be interviewed
yesterday, but said he would convene a Council of Australian Governments
meeting as soon as possible.
Not everyone is unhappy — farmer Peter Ebsary hosts four turbines from
the Snowtown wind farm in South Australia’s mid north. The wind farm,
owned by TrustPower, is the state’s largest.
“We get a financial return and don’t have to do anything ... we just sit
back and collect the money as long as the wind blows,” he said.
‘Quintessential Insider Deal’: Taxpayers Finance Family Ties of 2 Failing Green Companies
Grassroots conservative activists who run a reboot of Ronald Reagan’s
political action committee want to know why the government allows one
failing company to buy another failing company while both get taxpayer
They also want to know why corporate executives with friends in high
places have not been subjected to more scrutiny after receiving a
multimillion-dollar compensation package at a time when their company
remains heavily subsidized at taxpayer expense.
“This is the quintessential insider deal,” one taxpayer advocate said in an interview with The Daily Signal.
Citizens for the Republic, a nonprofit, grassroots lobbying group, posed
the two questions in a July 15 letter to members of the House and
Senate as the lawmakers left Washington for summer recess.
The group calls on Congress to investigate the CEO and the chief
technology officer of SolarCity, a renewable energy company based in San
Mateo, California. The two SolarCity executives happen to be brothers;
Lyndon and Peter Rive also happen to be first cousins to Elon Musk,
chairman and co-founder of SolarCity.
Musk is also chairman and founder of Tesla Motors Inc., an electric car
company based in Palo Alto, California. In June, Tesla Motors offered to
buy SolarCity.
Musk is the largest shareholder in both companies, according to Securities and Exchange Commission filings.
The proposed $2.8 billion deal would provide Musk and his cousins, the
Rive brothers, with an additional $700 million in Tesla stock, according
to media reports.
Musk anticipates a “supermajority of shareholders” will approve his bid,
The Wall Street Journal reported. The 45-year-old business mogul was
expected to unveil a new master plan for the combined companies as early
as this week.
“Elon Musk has been getting bailout after bailout to prop up his
companies that never succeed,” Diana Banister, partner in Shirley &
Banister Public Affairs and executive director of Citizens for the
Republic, told The Daily Signal in an interview, adding of Musk:
"Why is the government bailing him out and giving him
taxpayer money when last year he said he doesn’t need subsidies? Musk
is bailing out his own company with taxpayer dollars. That’s how much of
a racket this is. Musk is getting subsidies for one company and then
using those subsidies to bail out another company that’s also
Questioning Compensation Packages
Its letter to Congress is an extension of Citizens for the Republic’s
Sunlight Project, set up in 2015 “to monitor and expose corruption and
cronyism at the nexus of government and business.”
Sunlight Project keeps tabs on Musk’s corporate enterprises at the Stop
Elon From Failing Again website, unveiled in June. The site says it is
devoted to “challenging the waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer money by
the failures of Elon Musk.”
The Daily Signal obtained a version of the July 15 letter addressed to
Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., a member of the Senate Appropriations
Committee. It reads in part:
"As heads of grassroots organizations devoted to
fiscal responsibility and government accountability, we urge Congress to
launch an immediate investigation of Lyndon Rive, the chief executive
officer of SolarCity, and his brother Peter Rive, the company’s chief
technology officer, for their $128.9 million cumulative compensation
package while the company is simultaneously receiving more than half a
billion dollars in federal direct grants and just as much, if not more,
from state and local governments"
The letter is signed by Banister and Craig Shirley, her partner in
Shirley & Banister Public Affairs and chairman of Citizens for the
Republic, which is a nonprofit under 501(c)(4) of the tax code.
Shirley is the founder, chairman, and CEO of the pair’s public relations
and marketing company, where Banister is president.
Also signing the letter were David Williams, president of the Taxpayers
Protection Alliance, a nonprofit focused on government’s effects
on the economy and tax burden, and Seton Motley, president of Less
Government, a nonprofit seeking to reduce government’s power and
safeguard First Amendment rights
Reagan originally established Citizens for the Republic in 1977, three
years before he won the presidency. Conservative activists rebooted the
political action committee in 2010, with Banister and Shirley as board
members. Shirley is the author of three books on Reagan, including one
on his unsuccessful 1976 campaign for the White House.
‘Taking a Hard Look’
With Congress on recess, the political action committee has not received
any official response to its letters regarding Musk and the Rive
Banister, however, said she received encouraging feedback from a few key
lawmakers, including Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, chairman of the Senate
Finance Committee, and Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, chairman of the
House Committee on Financial Services.
Banister said she sees an opportunity for lawmakers to revisit and
review the merits of the Solar Investment Tax Credit if they press ahead
with investigations into the Rive brothers and their compensation
“Once congressional investigations get started, they could possibly
start a conversation about public policy reforms that could better
protect taxpayer interests,” Banister said. “This means taking a hard
look at the Solar Investment Tax Credit.”
The tax credit was extended as part of the 2015 omnibus spending package
that passed Congress late last year. The PAC’s letter says:
"The solar leasing industry is propped up by the
Solar Investment Tax Credit, which subsidizes every panel that they
lease. The [credit] was intended to provide subsidies for the growth of
renewable technology, but we are concerned that it is being used to pad
the paycheck of solar executives, like the Rive brothers"
The letter claims SolarCity “lost more than 50 percent of its value”
over the past year, but persists because of government subsidies and the
intervention of Musk.
“Doesn’t this all seem a little incestuous and little corrupt?” Banister
asked. “I’d say it’s actually extremely corrupt, and it’s time for
Congress to start paying attention.”
‘Corporate Favoritism’
The Daily Signal contacted both Tesla Motors and SolarCity, inviting
both companies to comment on the letter calling for congressional
investigations. Tesla has not yet responded.
In an email, Will Craven, SolarCity’s director of policy and electricity
markets, said the “compensation numbers” are “tied to ambitious goals
that will take years to achieve, and will only be paid out should
SolarCity hit those goals, for example a stock price of $400 per share.”
Craven also referred to a blog post from Lyndon Rive, SolarCity’s CEO, addressing the compensation issue. In it, Rive writes:
"My own compensation is based on this principle: If
SolarCity does not significantly increase value for shareholders and
employees and deliver a better experience for customers, then I do not
deserve more than my base salary, and that’s the only pay I will
“If this wasn’t a green energy company, you would have both Democrats
and Republicans screaming about this,” Williams, the Taxpayers
Protection Alliance president, told The Daily Signal, adding:
"This is the quintessential insider deal. But because
this involves green energy you have the left overlooking corporate
welfare and corporate favoritism because it’s something they like. But
if it involved a big bank or some other company, the left and the right
would be up in arms about this".
Tesla is the subject of a Securities and Exchange Commission
investigation of the fatal crash of its Model S car. The driver was
using the car’s autopilot when it crashed.
The investigation appears to be focused on finding out whether the crash
was material to Tesla’s $2.3 billion secondary offering May 18, a few
weeks later.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
24 July, 2016
San Diego sets an example for Mass. on renewable energy
A love note to SanDiego from Boston below. We read that San
Diego now has "legally binding" orders to run on renewable energy by
2035. And that is held up as a marvellously wise and powerful step.
unrealism of the Green/Left never ceases to astound. The fact
that a legislature passes a law that something in the future must happen
is described as making that prescription "legally binding". But
it is binding only in a trivial sense. The past cannot dictate to
the future and no legislature is bound by the edicts of a previous
legislature. A new legislature can and does reverse the laws of a
previous legislature. And so it is with these absurd Greenie
"targets". They are just for show. They are not legally binding if
a future legislature decides they are inconvenient and chooses to
repeal them. They entrench nothing. They are a fantasy
San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer chuckled when he was recently asked to
compare his attitude about climate change with the denial displayed by
many elected Republicans. Speaking in a beach park after cutting the
ribbon for a boardwalk-restoration project, Faulconer noted how
California’s droughts, fires, and floods put the state on the front
lines of climate change.
“Protecting the environment is not a partisan issue,” he said. “I’ve
never viewed it through the lens of what we have right now, but what
we’ll have for future generations. You have to start with the premise
that sustainability is the right thing.”
Was that a Republican talking Sierra Club? Doing the right thing on
sustainability is making this city a national role model of
bipartisanship on major environment issues. In December, its city
council of five Democrats and four Republicans unanimously mandated that
the city be completely run on renewable energy by 2035.
That makes San Diego the largest city in the United States to impose
legally-binding municipal targets for renewable energy. Faulconer
proposed putting $127 million toward the mandate, through bike and
pedestrian improvements, tree planting, energy efficient street lights,
water conservation, and trash trucks powered by gas from landfills.
This raises the bar everywhere else, including here in Massachusetts. At
this moment, the Legislature is hammering out a groundbreaking energy
bill that begins to reduce emissions with hydroelectric power and
offshore wind, and Boston Mayor Marty Walsh recently spoke at a Beijing
summit of cities pledging to cut emissions. But though both the city and
state have set goals for cutting greenhouse gas emissions, and the
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court recently ruled that the
Commonwealth’s targets are legal, there is yet no official path for how
to get there.
San Diego shows a way. For years, debates on energy goals came to a
standstill over toothless voluntary targets, according to environmental
attorney Nicole Capretz. But in 2013, interim San Diego mayor Todd
Gloria declared that the city, second only to Los Angeles in solar power
capacity, should be a leader on climate change. He asked Capretz to
draft a comprehensive climate action plan. Capretz said that the plan
had to be enforceable.
The next elected mayor was Faulconer. The coast-loving boater and
cyclist shared enough of Capretz’s dream to lobby the business community
in ways unimaginable in Washington, D.C., where the US Chamber of
Commerce vigorously opposes President Obama’s landmark pollution and
greenhouse gas regulations.
In San Diego, the chamber’s president, former mayor Jerry Sanders, said
Faulconer urged members to embrace the plan, while giving businesses the
flexibility to make adjustments, and to take advantage of the city’s
clean tech industry and science expertise.
“Otherwise, we can have federal or state government tell us what to do,” Sanders said. “We chose to embrace this now.”
Faulconer has the soft-spoken manner of Massachusetts’ moderate
Republican Governor Charlie Baker. Both say they cannot vote for
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. But on energy, Baker’s
commitment to renewables remains unclear. He could learn from Faulconer,
who said, “There is no substitute for leadership. Get all the players
in the room and don’t let ‘em leave.”
Capretz, who remains a leading climate activist, said, “We still don’t
see eye-to-eye on everything, but it turned out to be better to have a
Republican mayor sell this to industry and the business community. It
eliminated a lot of negativity.”
No negativity can be found in the office of Cody Hooven, the city’s
sustainability manager. She is getting calls from all over the world
about the renewable plan, including solar and wind powerhouse Germany.
“They’re all asking, ‘How are you doing that?’” Hooven said. “We’re
saying, why not try for 100 percent? If we don’t try, we’ll never get
It is a question worth asking in Massachusetts. San Diego has thrown
down a gauntlet. It is easy to say you will cut emissions. It is another
to say how you’ll get there.
More on 2016 being "hottest year on record"
On 21st,
I pointed out that the prophecy about 2016 becoming the "hottest" year
was a flight of fancy. I put up the actual GISS temperature
figures and pointed out that global temperatures were in fact dropping
like a stone. Steve Goddard has made a similar point, saying that:
"The past four months is the largest four month cooling in the GISS
LOTI record. WMO describes this as "2016 warming faster than
He provides the following graph to ilustrate his point:
UK: Mini ice-age which could freeze the Tyne is on the way, says Newcastle academic
Solar expert Valentina Zharkova warns that the earth is about to be affected by a solar event that will see temperatures plunge
This damp and cold summer may be a sign of things to come with the earth
poised to enter a 30-year mini ice-age which may freeze the Tyne, says a
world-leading Newcastle academic. Peter McCusker reports.
The sun is in good shape and has a ‘healthy heartbeat’ which will last
at least another five billion years, says Prof Valentina Zharkova, of
Northumbria University.
Ms Zharkova, a professor in the department of mathematics, physics and
electrical engineering, says this regular heartbeat of the sun is
subject to predictable fluctuations of its magnetic field, and over the
next few years as it enters a lull temperatures, here on earth, will
This time last year Prof Zharkova announced she had discovered a key
solar event which determines magnetic field variations over time.
And she ‘confidently’ predicts we will be heading to another ‘Solar
Grand Minima’ in solar cycle 25, beginning in 2020 and lasting until
During the last such event on the sun between 1645 and 1715 - and known
as the Maunder Minimum - people skated on a frozen Thames as the average
temperature in England fell by almost 2°C.
Prof Zharkova believes the cool summer we are currently experiencing is a precursor of things to come.
People take shelter from a sudden downpour of rain
For over 400 years people have associated such cooler periods with reduced sun spot activity on the sun’s surface.
Prof Zharkova and her team postulate from their observations of the
whole sun that sun spots on the solar surface are caused by the movement
of a pair of background magnetic waves across its interior and surface,
in both hemispheres.
The magnetic waves start their journey from opposite hemispheres and
when they interact with each other on this journey sun spots develop.
The intensity and number of sun spots depends on the amplitude of the magnetic waves when they cross.
We are now entering a period where the sun’s pair of magnetic waves will
cross at low amplitudes, beginning with solar cycle 25 in 2020.
And in solar cycle 26, beginning in 2031, we may enter a period of
little, or no sunspot activity - and much cooler temperatures - as the
pair of magnetic waves fail to cross at any point as they will remain
fully separated in the opposite hemispheres of the sun.
Prof Zharkova and her colleagues have been able to simulate this on
computer models allowing them to predict future cycles for the next
Prof Zharkova says her research is ‘the first serious prediction of a
reduction of solar activity and upcoming Maunder Minimum that might
affect human lives’.
She said her eureka moment came in 2010 when she thought up a way of using existing research to tackle this dilemma.
And many researchers investigating terrestrial oceans and forests, as
well as other planets, have come to the similar conclusions about an
upcoming Maunder.
Minimum of solar and terrestrial activity and a possible reduction of temperatures on all planets in the solar system.
Prof Zharkova said: “We have now established a mathematical law which
others can use to apply to this area of research, and so far we have
been able to match our research with proven meteorological records
dating back 3000 years to 1000 BC.
“This has given us the confidence to predict what will happen to solar
activity in the future decades. This decrease poses a question about
expected reduction of the temperature of the planet in the coming years
because the sun, as we are confidently predicting, will enter into a
grand minimum beginning in 2020 - the first such one since the Maunder
“We confidently predict this minimum will last for three cycles (33
years), not as long as the last one, but during this time global
temperature may fall by an average of 1.5°C although there will be
fluctuations across the globe.”
She continued: “I am absolutely confident in our research. It has good
mathematical background and reliable data, which has been handled
“In fact, our results can be repeated by any researchers with the
similar data - daily synoptic maps of full disk magnetic fields -
available in many solar observatories, so they can derive their own
evidence of upcoming Maunder Minimum in solar magnetic field and
She went on to say that the Tyne may freeze over, but as it is a lot
deeper now than it was back in the 17th Century - due to all of the
development on both banks - this is uncertain.
Prof Zharkova’s predictions also fly in the face of much of what is being said and written about global temperatures.
This worldwide movement was crystallised in last year’s Paris Agreement
which saw almost all of the nations of the world unite to vow to try and
keep temperature rises to less than 2°C by the end of the century.
Prof Zharkova said: “When it comes to controlling the earth’s temperature the sun trumps the work of mankind infinitesimally.
“The sun controls the temperature of all of the planets and anything
else is pure fallacy. As the earth’s ice caps have melted so have the
ones on Mars, and Jupiter has had more typhoons in the last decade than
in any previous period.
“I accept and agree that we should be doing all we can to reduce our
reliance on fossil fuels, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as
cutting pollution, but the models that are being used to support this
idea of manmade global warming are flawed.
Wnter snow scenes on the B6341 near Alnwick Northumberland
“Much of the research is mis-leading, the models downplay solar activity
but solar activity is by far and away the key player in any attempt to
explain fluctuations in global temperatures.”
She added: “How this reduction of temperature will be offset by global
warming and increasing temperatures caused by the technological progress
of human civilization remains to be seen.”
Just last week it was reported by NASA that the sun was in ‘cue ball’
mode, with no visible sunspots on its surface, marking its quietest
period for a century.
Prof Zharkova explained that during periods of low solar activity the
earth is no longer protected as robustly from cosmic rays coming in from
across the Universe and these consequently subdue the earth’s
“We are beginning to see the change taking pace and the cool weather we
are now experiencing is not just limited to the UK. Weather observers
across the globe are reporting similar findings,” she said.
When Prof Zharkova unveiled her findings at a National Astronomy Meeting
in Wales, last year, it received widespread publicity in the
international media.
She told The Journal: “We have been pleased by the reaction and we have
helped other people from across the global academic community with their
own research into this.”
She added: “We now only have to wait five years to show that our predictions are true.”
Scots offshore wind 'pretty much dead', former minister claims
A former energy minister has claimed "offshore wind in Scotland is
pretty much dead" after a legal challenge against four major projects.
A judge upheld RSPB Scotland's challenge to consent for turbines in the Firth of Forth and Firth of Tay.
Brian Wilson said the charity now "hold all the cards" over the schemes, which were to include hundreds of turbines.
The Scottish government said it remained "committed" to renewable energy but wanted to study the ruling.
And Energy Minister Paul Wheelhouse said Mr Wilson's comments were "irresponsible, incorrect and ill-informed".
The four projects - Inch Cape, Neart na Gaoithe and Seagreen Alpha and
Bravo - were approved by Scottish ministers in October 2014, and could
power more than 1.4 million homes.
RSPB Scotland lodged a legal challenge, saying the turbines could have
"serious implications" for wildlife, and argued that the government had
breached legal requirements when making the original decision by not
giving proper consideration to this.
Judge Lord Stewart ruled in favour of the charity, calling the consents
"defective", meaning ministers will have to reconsider the planning
decisions and address the points put forward by the RSPB's lawyers.
'Serious setback'
Former Labour MP and UK energy minister Mr Wilson, a longtime critic of
the SNP's energy policy, said the legal challenge was an "extremely
serious setback".
He said: "On the face of it, offshore wind in Scotland is pretty much dead. The RSPB now hold all the cards.
"They were forced into this comprehensive action because the Scottish
government delayed consent and then clustered these four wind farms
together, so the RSPB went to court on the basis of cumulative impact.
"What they have to decide is if they want to kill all four schemes or
prepare to take a more balanced view, but the ball is in the RSPB's
court without a doubt."
Mr Wilson said only the Neart na Gaoithe project had access to
subsidies, and as such had been the only one likely to go ahead in the
near future, and blamed the Scottish government for not dealing with the
case more quickly.
He said: "They took five years to determine that application. They then
delayed it further until after the independence referendum to avoid any
controversy, and by that time three other applications had stacked up,
and they consented all four together.
"If Neart na Gaoithe had been consented separately, then the RSPB
probably would not have taken action against it. They could have lived
with one, with a kind of balanced policy.
"But understandably once they were faced with four they were dealing
with something entirely different, with a very large capacity."
Mr Wilson also said it was difficult to see how the "damning" ruling could be appealed, as it was "so comprehensively critical".
The Scottish government said ministers needed time to study Lord Stewart's extremely detailed ruling before commenting further.
Minister for business, innovation and energy Mr Wheelhouse said the
government remained "strongly committed" to offshore wind energy in
He added: "Brian Wilson's comments about the future of offshore wind
are, in my view, irresponsible, incorrect and ill-informed. The offshore
wind energy sector has a very bright future in Scotland - not least in
terms of existing and new projects; most notably with the £2.6bn
Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm which has reached financial close and is now
being constructed using significant input from the Scottish supply
"The Scottish government, the RSPB and renewables developers all
recognise the importance of decarbonising our electricity supply and
have all made very clear, following Lord Stewart's judgement, that we
will work together to ensure delivery of more offshore wind energy
'Rigorous assessment'
RSPB Scotland has insisted that it is "very much supportive" of
renewable energy projects in principle, but only in the right form and
Lloyd Austin, the society's head of conservation policy, told Good
Morning Scotland that the group would expect "more effective
environmental assessment to be done" if the government moves again for
He said: "Renewable energy projects are absolutely needed to address
climate change, and the key issue is to get them in the right place, of
the right type, and managed in the right way, and to ensure that you
have rigorous environmental assessment process to make sure that you do
get them in the right place.
"It may be that some development in this area is possible, it may be
that they need to be in other areas. The question is that the process of
determining where developments take place needs to be rigorous and take
into account the impact on wildlife."
Green MSP Andy Wightman said it was "so frustrating" that ministers had not made the decision in line with the rules.
He said: "The framework is in place to make these decisions, and they've failed to make the decision properly.
"The burden is on ministers to make these decisions appropriately and
follow due process. Had they done so, the RSPB would not have been in a
position to take judicial review - or if they had, they would have lost.
"It's important that ministers pay close attention to this document,
identify where they have failed in their decision-making process and are
absolutely clear that they're going to improve that process, and make
sure that when they come to a judgement on whether to go ahead with
these things that it's a competent one that can stand up in court."
Australia: Brisbane's enjoys hottest July day for 70 years
We have indeed had quite a few days of summery warmth. I have
been getting around the house in just undershorts. And my poor
Mulberry tree out the front has been completely tricked. It is
deciduous but has just started to put out its summer
foliage: Months too soon. And earlier this year we had
a summer that was so cool my Crepe Myrtles failed to blossom. The whole
thing is a good reminder of the power of natural variability
Queensland has more than made up for rudely thrusting extra days of winter upon her unsuspecting citizens.
On Saturday, the Sunshine State absolutely lived up to its name and
offered the warmest July day in 70 years in Brisbane, matching the
previously held record from 1946 when the temperature reached a balmy
29.1 degrees.
It was the peak of a run of unseasonably warm days as a trough passed
through southern Queensland dragging warm air down from the north and
returning the weather to that we would expect in summer and came on the
back of some unseasonably cold weather.
It was warm throughout the south-east with warm July records being smashed all over the place.
The Sunshine Coast bore the brunt of the hot day, reaching 31.4 degrees,
beating its previous record of 27.7. On the Gold Coast it got to
29.6, beating its previous record of 26.9. Archerfield, Brisbane Airport
and Gold Coast Seaway observation stations all recorded record-breaking
temperatures for July.
But before you book a week off to make the most of the warm spell, the
Bureau of Meteorology has sad news... things return to "winter"
temperatures from Sunday with the mercury tipped to drop to average
Bureau forecaster Adam Blazak said a change in the wind would bring a
change in the temperature. "We will have more of a slight southerly wind
direction change with the winds coming slightly more from the south,"
he said.
"So we won't be getting the hot air being dragged down from the north
and that will see temperatures getting back to around average for this
time of the year.
"(On Sunday) we are going for 22 and it will stay around that number roughly for most of the week."
The good news is the days will be clear and sunny, so we can all be
thankful we are spending winter in Queensland and not somewhere dreadful
like Sydney, where a top of 16 is expected on Sunday, or Melbourne
where they can only manage a measly 12.
Lawyers Make Millions Off Taxpayers, Endangered Species Act, as Ranchers Try to Live With Rare Bird
Feathers are flying over whether the federal government is
overprotecting a rare bird in Colorado, in what critics grouse is an
example of lawyers making millions while abusing the Endangered Species
Trial lawyers who collect taxpayer-funded fees under the law file so
many suits that they undermine local conservation efforts in Western
states, according to government officials, industry advocates, and legal
analysts familiar with the situation.
In Colorado, the situation prompted Gov. John Hickenlooper, a Democrat, to sue the Obama administration early last year.
Over 25 years, Colorado officials spent more than $40 million to
preserve the habitat of a paunchy, ground-dwelling, chickenlike bird
known as the Gunnison sage grouse.
Colorado officials worked in partnership with ranchers in Gunnison
County, who voluntarily entered into conservation easements on their
property that protected the bird while allowing for robust ranching
In the past few years, the Gunnison sage grouse population not only has
stabilized but increased in the part of southwestern Colorado where
they’re concentrated, local government figures show.
Even so, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service saw fit to list the species
as “threatened” under the Endangered Species Act in November 2014.
Kent Holsinger, a natural resources lawyer based in Denver, says he sees
a perverse set of incentives at work that allow green groups such as
WildEarth Guardians, a nonprofit environmental group, to file suits that
ultimately work against the bird’s environment and the local community.
Under a section of the Endangered Species Act providing for citizen
suits, nonprofit environmental groups may bring litigation against the
federal government. U.S. taxpayers often foot the bill for the
substantial fees the groups pay to their attorneys.
In the U.S. House of Representatives, the Natural Resources Committee
has obtained documents from the Justice Department that show U.S.
taxpayers paid out more than $15 million in attorney’s fees over four
years to cover the costs of lawsuits brought under the Endangered
Species Act.
Some lawyers are paid as much as $500 an hour, the documents show.
Time for Reform?
“We desperately need reforms to the Endangered Species Act,” Holsinger said, adding:
"So long as these litigation provisions are around,
it will create openings for habitual abusers of the law like WildEarth
Guardians to continuously sue. They are nothing more than a group of
trial lawyers who have found a profitable niche to collect attorney’s
fees at taxpayer expense and to perpetuate these legal actions that do
no good for the environment or for the community as a whole, but they
are very good for WildEarth Guardians".
The Gunnison County ranchers entered into agreements with state
officials so they could help to preserve the Gunnison sage grouse while
obtaining some level of certainty that they wouldn’t be punished for
their ranching activities, Holsinger said.
But, he warned, if “radical environmental groups” continue to litigate
and put pressure on government agencies to apply more restrictions,
especially where public lands are concerned, it could mean ranchers will
be forced to sell their property.
“This is about their livelihood,” Holsinger said of the ranchers. “If
they are cut back from the status quo, which is a distinct possibility,
then their ability to earn a living will be impacted and that means they
will have to sell their property, with the most likely purchaser being a
Erik Molvar, a wildlife biologist with WildEarth Guardians, sharply
disagrees with critics of the Endangered Species Act, including the
provision for lawsuits, and said he would prefer no major changes.
“Without the ESA, it would be politics as usual and extractive
industries would continue to have the right to drive [wildlife]
populations into extinction,” Molvar said. “The ESA was created to make
decisions based solely on science so politics could not enter into these
decisions. This gets us past the political roadblocks to prevent the
extinction of rare species.”
In January 2015, WildEarth Guardians and another environmental group,
the Center for Biological Diversity, filed separate lawsuits against the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. They argued that the listing of
“threatened” for the Gunnison sage grouse doesn’t provide sufficient
protection and should be raised to “endangered.”
WildEarth Guardians joined in its suit with Clait Braun, a retired sage
grouse researcher with the Colorado Division of Wildlife who since 2000
has operated Grouse Inc., an Arizona-based consulting firm that studies
the sage grouse. In the second case, the Center for Biological Diversity
joined with the Western Watersheds Project.
A few weeks later, Hickenlooper, a Democrat, filed a lawsuit against
President Barack Obama’s Interior Department and the agency’s Fish and
Wildlife division in an effort to overturn the “threatened” listing.
Gunnison County, which is heavily Democratic, later joined with the
governor in the suit.
Colorado Democrats “felt like they had no recourse but to file suit
against their own party in Washington, D.C.,” and that “shows just how
out of touch the Obama administration is with sound public policy,”
Brian Seasholes, director of the Endangered Species Project for the
Reason Foundation, said in an interview with The Daily Signal.
“For over two decades now, Gunnison County has been engaged in a very
successful effort to boost the sage grouse population, but it appears
Fish and Wildlife either failed to properly analyze the facts on the
ground or simply ignored what the science said about the bird’s
The “best available science” demonstrates that the Gunnison sage grouse
“is not threatened throughout its range,” Hickenlooper’s lawsuit argues,
"The Gunnison Basin population, which comprises the
vast majority of the species, is not presently in danger of extinction,
nor is it likely to be at risk of extinction in the foreseeable future.
In fact, experts cited in [the Fish and Wildlife Service’s] Final
Listing Rule estimated that the risk of extinction over the next 50
years is no more than 1 percent. Thus, [the wildlife agency’s] decision
to list the Gunnison sage grouse as threatened was arbitrary,
capricious, and not in accordance with law".
“The Interior Department’s penalty-based approach to sage grouse
conservation is going to harm the bird while Colorado’s approach, which
is incentive-based, cooperative, and draws heavily on partnerships, has a
proven track record of helping the sage grouse,” Reason Foundation’s
Seasholes said.
Paula Swenson, the longtime Democratic chair of the Gunnison Board of
County Commissioners, told The Daily Signal that it’s evident to
her that the federal wildlife agency did not rely upon sound scientific
data in making its determination.
She points out that for almost 20 years now, the Fish and Wildlife
Service has said that the survival of the Gunnison sage grouse is
dependent upon the viability of the Gunnison Basin population, located
primarily in Gunnison County and in a small part of Saguache County.
In total, there are about 5,000 Gunnison sage grouse spread throughout
southwestern Colorado and southeastern Utah, according to federal
figures, with about 85 percent residing in Gunnison Basin.
Swenson notes that Colorado Parks and Wildlife, the state agency charged
with monitoring and providing science on conservation efforts, has
determined that the Gunnison sage grouse population is stable and not
threatened in the foreseeable future. Moreover, federal officials at the
Fish and Wildlife Service concurred with the state’s findings, Swenson
explained in an email:
"They also agree that the efforts of our local
government, property owners and partnerships with state and federal
agencies have sustained this population. However, since the six
satellite populations, which combined only make up about 15 percent of
the total population, are not seeing the same sustainability numbers
that the Gunnison [River] Basin is, the [Fish and Wildlife Service]
chose to list this species as threatened. The [federal agency]
systematically divided the species into Gunnison Basin and all other
populations instead of looking at the species viability as a whole. The
rationale provided was all speculation, not science".
Swenson said she was incredulous at the reasoning behind the federal agency’s decision-making.
“The reasons for listing that were stated to me included [that] if a
disease came into the Gunnison Basin it could wipe out the species, or
my favorite [reason]: A meteor could crash in the Gunnison Basin
and wipe out the species.”
Molvar, the WildEarth Guardian biologist, said he is not convinced the
population is stable. The main population is probably less than 5,000,
he estimates, the “bare minimum to have a stable population.”
Green Lawsuits Seen as the Problem
John Swartout, a Republican, is a senior policy adviser to Hickenlooper.
A bipartisan consensus is emerging in favor of reforming the Endangered
Species Act so that it can “live up to its full potential without being
so dominated by litigation,” the governor’s adviser said in an
interview with The Daily Signal.
The problem is “with the adversarial structure” attached to the law and
not U.S. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell or her department, Swartout
“We have no complaints about the secretary of interior and the people who work with her,” he said, adding:
"She has been great to work with and she’s done a lot
to be helpful despite the fact that we filed litigation. This has been a
bad situation not of her creation. The governor felt like the
landowners had done everything we asked them to do and made a superhuman
effort. They really stepped up and did everything that was necessary.
This isn’t about us being mad at the [Obama] administration. It’s about
us having the backs of the people who tried to do what they could to
protect the sage grouse".
The Gunnison sage grouse is a close cousin of the greater sage grouse, which resides in Colorado and 10 other Western states.
In September 2015, the Fish and Wildlife Service declined to list the
greater sage grouse as either threatened or endangered under the federal
law. But, the Interior Department and Agriculture Department instead
have imposed 15 land use amendments covering more than 60 million acres
of federal land that restrict activities in the habitat of the greater
sage grouse.
Federal bureaucrats are making a deliberate effort to subdivide species
that have few or no biological differences, said Ethan Lane, executive
director of both the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and the
Public Lands Council, an advocacy group for Western ranchers who hold
grazing permits for public lands.
“The fact that these [grouse] populations have been split off into
separate species is done to create more opportunities for lawsuits and
this speaks to a big part of the problem with the Endangered Species
Act,” Lane told The Daily Signal. “In order to keep the machine pumping,
the litigation factory culture that has taken over the environmental
community has found that it’s easy to split off populations that are not
really so different.”
The land use plans, set in motion by Interior’s Bureau of Land
Management and USDA’s Forest Service, impose limits on where livestock
can graze with the intent of creating buffer zones around the sage
grouse’s habitat.
State and local officials in Utah, Idaho, and Nevada filed suit to overturn the land use amendments.
Four environmental groups—WildEarth Guardians, the Center for Biological
Diversity, the Western Watersheds Project, and the Prairie Hills
Audubon Society—filed a suit against the federal government aimed at
closing off what they view as “loopholes” in the amendments.
The Denver-based Western Energy Alliance filed a separate suit challenging oil and gas restrictions in the land use plans.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
22 July, 2016
The Antarctic peninsula is COOLING
Laughs all round with this one. They want to say that this finding
has no implications for the globe as a whole. Since Antarctica has
96% of the world's glacial ice, it surely has BIG implications for the
scare about rising sea levels. Zwally
has shown that Antractica as a whole is gaining mass so put the two
findings together and it undermines the very thing that Warmists have
made central to their cries of doom! Unless there is significant
warming and melting in Antarctica, there is no doom! The way it's going,
we are headed for a sea-level FALL!
And their explanation for
the cooling is pathetic. They say it's caused by the ozone hole
shrinking. But it isn't. The hole was at its largest in
October. Not October 10 years ago or even October 5 years
ago. It was October LAST YEAR. The ban on our best
refrigerant gases has clearly had no effect whatever.
Their other explanation is: "Temperatures have decreased as a
consequence of a greater frequency of cold, east-to-southeasterly
winds". But why? Why did these winds spring up promptly at the
beginning of the 21st century. If they have been going for around 20
years now, why did they not spring up earlier? What has
changed? It's essentially a non-explanation, which is why they
have defaulted to "natural variability" as an explanation. But in
that case why is the slight warming of the 20th century not natural
variability too? They're getting into some very deep water
When big icebergs break off Arctica or Antarctica that is regularly said
to be evidence of global warming. I wonder why "natural
variability" is not invoked on those occasions? It seems to be a
case of Warmists trying to have their cake and eat it too.
But whatever the cause, we have in the work below yet another example of
global warming prophecy failing. I append the extract from the
underlying journal article
The Antarctic is one part of the world you might have thought would be
affected by global warming. But for the last two decades, the
Antarctic peninsula – the tip of the continent nearest to South America -
has not got any warmer, scientists have found.
Research stations on the peninsula show that a while temperatures rose
rapidly since the 1950s, the temperature has stayed steady and even
declined since the late 1990s.
A new study has recorded an ozone increase in the icy region, suggesting
the agreement signed nearly three decades ago to limit the use of
substances responsible for ozone depletion, is having a positive effect.
As well as creating an identifying ozone increase, it’s slowing the rate
of ozone depletion in the stratosphere - Earth's second major
atmospheric layer.
Part of the answer why the Antarctic peninsula has not got any warmer in
the past two to three decades is because more cold south-easterly and
easterly winds are blowing towards the area from the Weddell Sea.
A further reason is because the hole in the ozone layer – caused by
gases in aerosols called CFCs – is beginning to heal up – helping to
shield Antarctica from solar radiation.
The hole has started to close since the polluting CFCs have been banned.
The scientists behind the finding are keen to stress that the ‘pause’ in
Antarctic warming does not mean that global warming worldwide has come
to a stop.
They say the six research stations on the peninsula cover only 1 per cent of the total continent of Antarctica.
Glaciers are still retreating – and ice shelves are still collapsing in the region.
They also note that temperatures are still warmer than at the beginning of the century.
Reporting this week in the journal Nature researchers from British
Antarctic Survey (BAS) said changing wind patterns may also be
‘temporarily masking’ the warming influence of greenhouse gases.
The authors also note that the ‘pause’ in warming coincides with the
controversial ‘global warming hiatus’ or slowdown, which claims that
global temperatures started to slowdown from 1996 from rising 0.14°C per
decade up to 1996 and rising to 0.07°C per decade afterwards.
But the authors argue that the pause in the Antarctic is ‘independent of the global warming hiatus’.
Lead author, Professor John Turner of British Antarctic Survey says:
‘The Antarctic Peninsula is one of the most challenging places on Earth
on which to identify the causes of decade-to-decade temperature
They said that the peninsula ‘shows large natural variations which can overwhelm the signals of human-induced global warming’.
He added: ‘The ozone hole, sea-ice and westerly winds have been
significant in influencing regional climate change in recent years.
‘Even in a generally warming world, over the next couple of decades,
temperatures in this region may go up or down, but our models predict
that in the longer term greenhouse gases will lead to an increase in
temperatures by the end of the 21st Century.’
Antarctic Peninsula temperatures increased by up to 0.5°C per decade
until the 1950s when they stopped rising, the researchers said.
The research team analysed ice cores taken from drilling into the soil –
which allow scientists to calculate the temperature at the time the ice
was laid down.
They found that the warming of the peninsula ‘was not unprecedented’ over the past 2,000 years.
Recently, they found that warming started in the 1920s, and revealed
‘periods of warming and cooling over the last several centuries that
were comparable to those observed in the post-1950s instrumental
The authors said the findings ‘highlights the large natural variability
of temperatures in this region of Antarctica that has influenced more
recent climate changes.’
Dr Robert Mulvaney, is a leading ice core researcher at British
Antarctic Survey, said: ‘Meteorological observations from the Antarctic
Peninsula research stations only cover the last 60 years or so. If we
are to get a better idea of the long-term trend we need to look back in
‘The ice core record helps us see how the climate evolves over the
longer term. We can also look at the levels of carbon dioxide and other
chemicals that were in the atmosphere and compare them with observations
from today.’
‘Climate model simulations predict that if greenhouse gas concentrations
continue to increase at currently projected rates their warming effect
will dominate over natural variability (and the cooling effect
associated with recovering ozone levels) and there will be a warming of
several degrees across the region by the end of this century.’
Absence of 21st century warming on Antarctic Peninsula consistent with natural variability
John Turner et al.
Since the 1950s, research stations on the Antarctic Peninsula have
recorded some of the largest increases in near-surface air temperature
in the Southern Hemisphere1. This warming has contributed to the
regional retreat of glaciers2, disintegration of floating ice shelves3
and a ‘greening’ through the expansion in range of various flora4.
Several interlinked processes have been suggested as contributing to the
warming, including stratospheric ozone depletion5, local sea-ice loss6,
an increase in westerly winds5, 7, and changes in the strength and
location of low–high-latitude atmospheric teleconnections8, 9. Here we
use a stacked temperature record to show an absence of regional warming
since the late 1990s. The annual mean temperature has decreased at a
statistically significant rate, with the most rapid cooling during the
Austral summer. Temperatures have decreased as a consequence of a
greater frequency of cold, east-to-southeasterly winds, resulting from
more cyclonic conditions in the northern Weddell Sea associated with a
strengthening mid-latitude jet. These circulation changes have also
increased the advection of sea ice towards the east coast of the
peninsula, amplifying their effects. Our findings cover only 1% of the
Antarctic continent and emphasize that decadal temperature changes in
this region are not primarily associated with the drivers of global
temperature change but, rather, reflect the extreme natural internal
variability of the regional atmospheric circulation.
Nature 535, 411–415 (21 July 2016) doi:10.1038/nature18645
Global Warming Expedition Stopped In Its Tracks By Arctic Sea Ice
A group of adventurers, sailors, pilots and climate scientists that
recently started a journey around the North Pole in an effort to show
the lack of ice, has been blocked from further travels by ice.
The Polar Ocean Challenge is taking a two month journey that will see
them go from Bristol, Alaska, to Norway, then to Russia through the
North East passage, back to Alaska through the North West passage, to
Greenland and then ultimately back to Bristol. Their objective, as laid
out by their website, was to demonstrate “that the Arctic sea ice
coverage shrinks back so far now in the summer months that sea that was
permanently locked up now can allow passage through.”
There has been one small hiccup thus-far though: they are currently
stuck in Murmansk, Russia because there is too much ice blocking the
North East passage the team said didn’t exist in summer months,
according to Real Climate Science.
Real Climate Science also provides a graph showing that current Arctic
temperatures — despite alarmist claims of the Arctic being hotter than
ever — is actually below normal.
The Polar Ocean Challenge team is not the first global warming
expedition to be faced with icy troubles. In 2013, an Antarctic research
vessel named Akademik Shokalskiy became trapped in the ice, the problem
was so severe that they actually had to rescue the 52 crew members.
In 2015 a Canadian ice breaking ship, the CCGS Amundsen, was forced to
reroute and help a number of supply ships that had become trapped by
The icy blockade comes just over a month after an Oxford climate
scientist, Peter Wadhams, said the Arctic would be ‘completely ice-free’
by September of this year. While it obviously isn’t September yet, he
did reference the fact that there would be very little ice to contend
with this summer.
“Even if the ice doesn’t completely disappear, it is very likely that
this will be a record low year,” Wadhams told The Independent in June.
Wahdams says he expects less than one million square kilometers by
summers end, but the current amount of Arctic sea ice is 10.6 million
square kilometers, according to data from the National Snow and Ice Data
Center (NSIDC).
IMAGINE if our new Prime Minister Theresa May could wave her wand and achieve the following miracles within five years.
Create 500,000 new jobs, slash our electricity bills, restore British
manufacturing, boost our economy, make us richer and stop our energy
supplies being held to ransom by Putin, the Arabs, the French and other
foreign regimes.
Well, the good news is she can, right now, and doesn’t need magic to do
it. All she needs to do is get fracking — the marvellous
technology that extracts shale gas and oil from the ground.
Fracking has worked wonders for the US economy and could do the same for
Shale gas is just as valuable and useful as the natural gas we’ve been
harvesting from the North Sea for decades. The only difference is
that, because it’s mixed up with rock sediment, it used to be impossible
to recover.
Then along came fracking. Suddenly the world had a new energy source
just waiting to be harvested by those countries lucky enough to have
shale gas and oil deposits. Britain is one of them. We’ve got
loads of the stuff.
Beneath Lancashire and Yorkshire alone, in the Bowland Shale, there are
reserves so vast — around 1,300 trillion cubic feet — that even if we
could extract just a tenth of them it would be enough to supply our gas
needs for 50 years. There may be similar energy gold mines
everywhere, from the Sussex Weald to the north of Scotland.
Under the North Sea, the British Geological Survey estimates there may
be ten times as much still. This would make the UK one of the
world’s top gas producers, with enough cheap, clean, homegrown energy to
last us for well over a century.
But our progress in tapping this has been painfully slow, with the green lobby and councils strangling the process.
For example, Cuadrilla was granted a licence to explore for shale in
Lancashire in 2007. A decade on, not one single cubic foot of
shale gas has yet been extracted in Lancashire or anywhere else in
And it’s still waiting, as Lancashire County Council has rejected
Cuadrilla’s planning applications to develop two sites to explore for
shale gas, due to noise and transport complaints.
So, though the Government last December sold licences for 159 new gas
and oil exploration blocks — including 21 to the Anglo-Swiss chemicals
giant Ineos — it could be years before any come on stream.
In Texas it takes seven days to get permission to frack a site. In
Britain, it can take ten years or more to clear the regulatory hurdles.
Across the Pond, they have been fracking for more than a decade.
It is so advanced it is known as the shale gas “miracle”. The shale oil
and gas industry in the US is now worth in excess of 200billion dollars
and is expected to get much bigger.
In 2015 a BP Energy Outlook report predicted that within 20 years the US
could become self-sufficient in oil and will hold 75 per cent of the
world’s shale gas market.
As a result, America now has the world’s lowest electricity prices and cheapest gas (half what it costs in Europe).
It now exports more petroleum products than it imports (so is no longer
reliant on the Middle East) and its heavy manufacturing industries are
enjoying a huge renaissance.
Lower energy costs mean higher productivity, so that suddenly US
manufacturers can compete on equal terms with countries like China.
Contracts previously outsourced abroad are now increasingly being done
at home (“reshoring”), which has meant a rise in jobs (more than 800,000
since 2011) for US blue-collar workers.
Could the same happen here? Most definitely, but for one problem.
For many people fracking is a dirty word. Not only does it sound rude,
it has been the victim of a prolonged smear campaign by various green
lobby groups such as Greenpeace which see it as a threat to their
beloved renewable energy.
And they’re right. It is a threat. Unlike solar or wind turbines (a.k.a.
bat-chomping, bird-slicing eco- crucifixes), shale gas is cheap,
reliable and does not need any taxpayer subsidies. Nor does it
kill wildlife or ruin the landscape for years on end.
The gas goes into a contraption, much smaller than a turbine, called a
“Christmas tree”, which only stays up for a few months then disappears
forever once the gas has been harvested. It’s also clean and safe.
The horror stories you hear put out by green activists — gas leaks,
contaminated water, dodgy chemicals, “earthquakes” — have been
investigated and exposed as lies, propaganda and nonsense.
Real climate denial
Potential Democratic VP nominee misrepresents Cornwall Alliance on Senate floor
Megan Toombs
Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) is a potential running-mate choice for
presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Yet he
recently joined other Democratic Senators on the Senate floor to attack
the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation and other
Virginia-based organizations, in an attempt to defend climate alarmism
against its critics.
As has been the case with other attempts to vilify, intimidate and
silence experts who disagree with alarmist views on global warming and
climate change, Kaine presented an argument rife with logical fallacies –
appeals to emotion, straw men, ridicule, oversimplification and
The one thing the good Senator forgot to include in his speech was any sound science and ethics!
According to Kaine, the Cornwall Alliance is part of a “web of denial,” a “shadow organization,” “bizzaro,” and “greedy.”
Senator Kaine read just a tiny piece of our Open Letter to Pope Francis
on Climate Change, in which we quoted Psalm 19. He then said, “So
somebody is really using Scripture to argue that making our energy
production cleaner, safer, cheaper, violates the Christian tenet of
caring for the poor?”
No, Senator Kaine, if you read the full Open Letter, you would discover
that it addresses both science and economics. More important, it
explains that pushing wind, solar, biofuel and other technologies that
are not currently cheaper or better for the environment also hurts those
in poverty. You would also have seen that it was signed by hundreds of
scientists, including over 20 climate scientists. But you didn’t mention
any of that.
Senators Kaine, Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and others have banded
together to attack the alleged “web of denial” that appears to be made
up only of conservative organizations that they claim are funded by
ExxonMobil and other fossil fuel corporations that they consider immoral
– even though the energy they provide has been indispensable to lifting
and keeping billions of people out of poverty, and even though
ExxonMobil has not given any of these groups a dime for a decade or
Moreover, there is another “web of denial,” the one created by climate
alarmist organizations that are funded by renewable energy corporations,
wealthy liberal foundations and government agencies that stand to gain
money, prestige and power from promoting scares about climate change. As
Kathleen Hartnett White brilliantly demonstrates in her booklet Fossil
Fuels: The Moral Case, they have been caught exaggerating, fabricating
and falsifying data to support their views, suppressing contrary data,
intimidating scientists who disagree, and corrupting the scientific
peer-review process.
Senator Kaine claims that 70% of Virginians agree with the “scientific
consensus” that catastrophic anthropogenic global warming is real and
that “it is urgent that we do something about it.”
There is no evidence that 70% of Virginians (or Americans) agree with
this. They may agree that global warming and climate change are “real”
and that humans today are contributing somewhat to these cycles and
fluctuations, which have been ongoing for millennia. But to convert that
into saying a huge majority believe humans are causing catastrophic
changes is disingenuous. To say they want to spend trillions of dollars
to try controlling Earth’s climate has no basis in fact.
And what “scientific consensus” is he talking about? The “97% of
scientists” that is the go-to statistic for alarmists has been debunked
so thoroughly that it takes serious chutzpah to use it.
Then there is the fact (observable fact, mind you, not computer models)
that shows there has been no statistically significant long-term global
warming for nearly all of the last 19 years.
Yet they deny this too.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) has increased quite significantly during this time,
as developing countries built coal-fired power plants, created jobs,
lifted people out of abject poverty, dramatically improved the living
standards for billions, built roads and highways, and put millions of
cars and trucks on them. So where is the correlation between increased
temperature and rising CO2 levels?
There is none.
No one argues that humans have absolutely no effect on the environment or on potential warming.
What is in question is whether human CO2 emissions will create
temperature increases and other planetary changes so dramatic that they
will cause catastrophes that justify spending trillions of dollars in
vain efforts to stabilize climates and temperatures that have never been
stable. What is also in question is whether we can ethically do so by
restricting or eliminating the fuels that countries all over the world
depend on for 80% of the energy that makes economic growth, jobs,
poverty reduction, health and welfare possible.
Those trillions of dollars should instead be spent to lift billions more
people out of poverty, and reduce the high rates of disease,
malnutrition and premature death that invariably accompany that poverty.
Right now, the only “proof” alarmists have is computer model projections
that are wildly inaccurate, and a “hockey stick” graph that is utterly
worthless and has been derided by the scientific community for the
ability of that computer model to create suddenly rising global
temperatures when it is fed random numbers from a phone book.
That’s some serious denial – of the uselessness of climate models, of
what is actually happening in the real world, and of the fundamental
human right of people everywhere to use fossil fuels to improve their
living standards, health and well-being.
Via email
Court gives EPA huge victory over coal mining
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the Environmental
Protection Agency and environmentalists Tuesday by upholding the
agency's decision on the harm caused by a coal mining operation in West
The court ruled that the EPA reasonably and lawfully decided that a huge
mountaintop removal mine in the state would cause an unacceptable level
of environmental harm if allowed to continue operating.
The Mingo Logan coal firm, a subsidiary of mining giant Arch Coal, said
the EPA did not adequately assess cost in withdrawing the permit for its
Spruce No. 1 strip-mining operation, nor did it explain the
environmental harm it posed.
But the court did not buy into any of the coal company's arguments.
The EPA's "withdrawal" of the permit "is a product of its broad veto
authority under the [Clean Water Act], not a procedural defect," the
court's majority ruling read.
The EPA's resistance to the mine permit has come to the court before,
and this is the second time the court has ruled in the agency's favor.
Republicans have argued that the agency does not possess the authority
to reject the permits under the Clean Water Act.
Environmentalists felt vindicated by the decision.
"Today, EPA and Appalachian communities won again in the long legal
battle over the Spruce No. 1 mine," said a statement from
environmentalists with Earthjustice. "The U.S. Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia Circuit upheld the 2011 decision by the head of the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to block a permit for the mine
issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers due to unacceptable
environmental harm it would cause."
The decision upholds the EPA's "broad authority to protect water quality
from extreme practices like mountaintop removal coal mining," said Ben
Luckett, attorney with Appalachian Mountain Advocates. "Going forward,
we urge EPA to use its power to protect the people of Appalachia and
beyond from having their water supplies further degraded by
irresponsible extractive industries."
EPA enters into memoranda of understanding with UN and foreign governments
Under President Obama, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
has entered into a series of “memoranda of understanding” (MOU) with the
United Nations and various foreign governments. As so many other things
this administration has done, the public likely has little awareness
that this has occurred.
Suppose you are an Obama Administration official seeking to influence
international affairs. You know Congress is unlikely to go along with
your ideas. What do you do? You put it in a MOU, have it signed by your
agency head, and by the head of the international body or foreign
government that is your target. You phrase the MOU in such a manner as
to not actually create any legal obligations. You do this at the same
time making clear what the Administration’s preferences are, pledging
support for the signatory’s operations, with the implication that such
support requires backing the Administration’s preferences.
This is an easy way to influence while largely escaping scrutiny.
Consider the following sampling of MOUs that the EPA has with various
foreign entities and governments.
The EPA’s MOU with the United Nations states: “Cooperation
pursuant to this Memorandum may take the following forms, consistent
with each Participant’s mandate: information exchange… temporary
assignments of personnel from one Participant to another.”
The MOU further states: “Some of the activities under the
Memorandum may, through appropriate funding mechanisms, involve a
transfer of funds by or through one or both of the Participants or the
use of funds from other organizations.”
I doubt this means that the United Nations will be sending money to us. The reverse is significantly more likely.
The EPA has a MOU with Indonesia, and apparently we’re paying to train
their officials. “In December 2014, EPA provided environmental
enforcement training to over fifty Indonesian officials. In 2013, MOE
[Ministry of Environment] participated in environment inspections
training courses led by EPA in Singapore, Taiwan, and Bangkok.”
The EPA has a MOU with the Chinese government. This one, like those
discussed above, provides for among other things “exchanges, and
temporary assignments from one Party to the other.” Why an agency that
was created to deal with domestic issues in the U.S. needs to be
involved in these types of international affairs is a question worth
asking. Maybe they have too much money and are looking for additional
uses for it.
Based on EPA travel records we know they are not afraid to spend heavily
on premium travel to Asian countries. Some officials have bought
premium tickets to China costing as much as $15,319, when coach fare
would have been $1,156.
Also, considering how aggressive the Chinese have been in using coal to
produce energy, is it really likely that they will listen to what people
sitting in a Pennsylvania Avenue conference room have to say?
Some MOU provisions are inane. Representative of these is the following
provision from the MOU the EPA has with the Ministry of the Environment
of the Federative Republic of Brazil:
“The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to strengthen
and coordinate the efforts of the Participants to effectively protect
the environment while promoting economic growth and social development;
promoting the role of the private sector in development; and encouraging
social inclusion, women’s advancement, and environmental justice
[emphasis added].”
This is an attempt at social engineering gone wild, one requiring
further explanation. Exactly how is dealing with international
environmental issues even remotely related to “women’s advancement”?
Even if this was the case, how are these activities within the scope of
the Congressional authorization for the agency?
If the EPA has the ability to fly its personnel around the world to
negotiate and sign these MOUs it clearly has too many personnel and too
much money at its disposal.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
21 July, 2016
2016 is on track to be the hottest year on record (?)
This is absolute rubbish. Global temperatures peaked in
February and have been falling like a stone ever since. Below are
the temperatures given in the latest figures from GISS.
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
114 133 129 109 93 79
figures are for hundredths of a degree above baseline
(1951-1980). And don't think that this is seasonal. These
are GLOBAL figures so the Southern winter should cancel out the Northern
summer etc. The temperature hike caused by El Nino is now on its last
The comparable figures for 2014, the last year before any El Nino influence were as under
73 50 77 79 86 65
As you can see, they were of course much lower without El Nino but there was no falling trend in them, unlike 2016
I can't finish without noting again the absurdity of bothering about
temperature changes denominated only in hundredths of one degree
Celsius. There has been no REAL temperature change at all in
recent times
IF YOU feel like it took a long time for winter to arrive this year, you weren’t wrong.
The first six months of 2016 were the hottest on record around the
world, according to scientists at NASA and America’s National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration.
It’s become a familiar narrative each year, but a no less worrying one.
Last year currently holds the mantle for the hottest year on record “but
2016 has really blown that out of the water,” said the head of NASA’s
Goddard Space Institute, Gavin Schmidt.
Scientists found that every month in the first half of 2016 set a record
as the warmest respective month globally since modern temperature
records began in 1880.
The universal increase has led scientists to believe by the time it’s
all said and done, 2016 will be the warmest year on record.
According to Schmidt, the calculations “indicate that we have roughly a 99 per cent chance of a new record in 2016”.
The first six months of 2016 have been 1.3C above the average in 1880
and nearly 1.5C higher than pre-industrial levels, he said.
While temperature fluctuations are a climatological consistent and may
seem rather benign, the persistent warming over decades is what changes
the atmosphere and has resulted in steady changes to climate indicators
that have researchers worried.
Five of the first six months in 2016 also set records for the lowest
amount of sea ice in the Arctic since consistent satellite records began
in 1979.
March was the only exception — which recorded the second lowest Arctic sea ice extent on record.
Researchers from the space agency are currently working across the
Arctic to better understand the processes driving sea ice melt.
NASA has 19 Earth observing space mission but the agency’s work on the
ground also plays a vital role, and the picture is a pretty bleak one.
“It has been a record year so far for global temperatures, but the
record high temperatures in the Arctic over the past six months have
been even more extreme,” said Walt Meier, a sea ice scientist at NASA
“This warmth as well as unusual weather patterns have led to the record low sea ice extents so far this year.”
Dr Schmidt attributed some of the rise in temperatures to the El Niño
weather pattern in which warmer water in the equatorial Pacific Ocean
push heat into the atmosphere.
“While the El Niño event in the tropical Pacific this winter gave a
boost to global temperatures from October onwards, it is the underlying
trend which is producing these record numbers,” he said.
The weather pattern has created an extra “wobble” in the trend and with
the passing of El Niño 2017 could prove to be cooler than its
However NASA scientists are keen to point out the long term trend that
has seen the world’s climate continually warm in recent years.
An aptly named fraud is exposed
"Krebs" is German for cancer. The UK's Committee on Climate Change (CCC)
has published a new report on the risks facing the UK from climate
change. In a video announcing the report, chair of the CCC's Lord Krebs
highlighted the 3 main risks identified by the report. But below
are the actual facts from the GWPF
U.N. pushes fast-track ratification of Paris climate deal as countries get cold feet
The United Nations has issued a plea for nations to fast-track
ratification of the Paris Climate Agreement as some countries are
backtracking on support for the deal’s sweeping restrictions on
greenhouse gas emissions.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged nations to attend a “special
event” Thursday where they may deposit their “instruments of
ratification, acceptance, approval or accession to the Paris Agreement
on climate change.”
“I urge you to accelerate your country’s domestic process for
ratification of the Agreement this year,” Mr. Ban said in a statement.
His push for rapid ratification comes amid the increasingly chilly
reception for the agreement, adopted by 195 parties to the U.N.
Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris, by nations concerned
about the impact of the carbon restrictions.
The change of heart even has a name: “Clexit,” short for “climate exit,”
a take-off on “Brexit,” the successful June 23 British vote to leave
the European Union.
The most dramatic repudiation was from Philippines President Rodrigo
Duterte, elected in November, who said Monday that he “will not honor”
the proposed restrictions on emissions. He called them stupid and cited
his country’s need for greater economic development and
Developed nations “were enjoying the booming [economy] and flooding the
air with contaminants. Now that they are rich because of coal and
industrialization, we are being asked to cut emission and limit our
activities,” Mr. Duterte said in the Philippine Star.
Meanwhile, U.N. special envoy for climate change Mary Robinson decried
Monday what she described as recent efforts by Germany and Britain to
support the fossil fuel industry despite their previous support for the
The British government “introduced new tax breaks for oil and gas in
2015 that will cost U.K. taxpayer billions between 2015 and 2020, and,
at the same time, they’ve cut support for renewables and for energy
efficiency,” Ms. Robinson told The Guardian newspaper.
“It’s regrettable. That’s not in the spirit [of Paris],” she said. “In
many ways, the U.K. was a real leader, and hopefully the U.K. will
become again a real leader. But it’s not at the moment.”
Marc Morano, who runs the skeptics’ website Climate Depot, said Tuesday
that the cold feet on global warming shows that some countries are
realizing the international climate agreement is “not in their best
“More and more nations are realizing that the U.N. climate treaty is
nothing more than an effort to empower the U.N. and attack national
sovereignty while doing absolutely nothing for the climate,” said Mr.
Morano, who debuted his film “Climate Hustle” during the negotiations in
He said that the “time has come for a U.S.-led ‘Clexit’ from … the climate treaty.”
President Obama has positioned himself as a strong champion of the
accord, which is viewed as a cornerstone of his policy legacy as he
prepares to leave office in January.
Under the Paris Agreement, 177 nations and the European Union agreed to
set nonbinding limits on their carbon output in an effort to keep global
warming to “well below” 2 degrees Celsius.
Since then, 19 countries have ratified the agreement, which goes into
effect 30 days after ratification by 55 nations responsible for 55
percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.
The Obama administration is expected to follow with an executive order
before the end of the year, despite objections from Republicans who
argue that the agreement is a treaty and therefore must be ratified by
the Senate.
The clock is ticking: Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald
Trump has said he will “cancel” the agreement if elected in November.
The website Climate Analytics estimates that 51 countries accounting for
53.28 percent of global emissions are expected to ratify the agreement
by Dec. 31, which would fall short of placing the accord into effect.
In Australia, climate skeptics launched what they dubbed the “Clexit”
movement after Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull participated in a
ceremonial signing of the agreement April 22 at U.N. headquarters in New
York City.
Signers from 175 nations participated in the ceremony, including U.S. Secretary of State John F. Kerry.
Mr. Ban said an accelerated ratification for the agreement would “create
incentives for early implementation of nationally determined
contributions and build support within markets and societies for
increased climate ambition.”
“As Ban Ki-moon’s tenure as U.N. secretary-general draws to a close, he
is no doubt thinking about his legacy, how history will remember him,”
said Eric Worrall in a Monday post on the skeptics’ website Watts Up
With That.
“Given the accelerating collapse of political climate enthusiasm across
the world, my prediction is Ban Ki-moon will be remembered as the U.N.
Secretary General who presided over the downfall of the green movement,”
Mr. Worrall said.
United Nations head gets it right
He blames ElNino for bad weather, rather than global warming: Amazing. He must be serious this time
The lives and livelihoods of more than 60 millions people around the
world have been turned upside down by the extreme weather events linked
to the El Niño phenomenon, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
today said, calling for a scaled-up, unprecedented response that goes
beyond humanitarian action.
“Extreme weather events reverse development gains. People and
communities cannot escape poverty or banish hunger if their resources
are wiped out by floods, storms or droughts every few years,” the
Secretary-General said at a high-level event at the UN Headquarters in
New York on Responding to the Impacts of and Mitigating Recurring
Climate Risks, organized by the UN Office for the Coordination of
Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).
“Even when malnutrition is treated and children survive, they can be
affected for life by stunting and impaired development. This has serious
implications for education, the ability of people to make a living, and
the opportunities for societies and nations to prosper and develop in a
sustainable way,” he added.
El Niño is the term used to describe the warming of the central to
eastern tropical Pacific that occurs, on average, every three to seven
years. It raises sea surface temperatures and impacts weather systems
around the globe so that some places receive more rain while others
receive none at all, often in a reversal of their usual weather pattern.
Edesi Sipanki and her nephew Regison, 7 months, check Regison's
nutritional status at the Dolo health centre, Malawi. Regison was last
breastfed when he was three months old and is currently suffering from
severe acute malnutrition. Photo: UNICEF/ Chikondi
The high-level meeting aimed to focus attention on the multi-dimensional
impacts of El Niño and its links to human-induced climate change. While
the El Niño event has returned to a neutral phase, its impacts on food
security, livelihoods, health, nutrition, water and sanitation are
likely to grow throughout this year.
The meeting also advocated for a proactive and preventive approach to a
possible La Niña event later this year and future climate events.
In his remarks, the Secretary-General noted that he had personally
witnessed the effects of El Niño in Ethiopia – where the phenomenon has
affected millions of people – as well as during trips to Malawi, South
Africa, Kenya and Rwanda.
How Renewable Energy Is Blowing Climate Change Efforts Off Course
Is the global effort to combat climate change, painstakingly agreed to in Paris seven months ago, already going off the rails?
Germany, Europe’s champion for renewable energy, seems to be having
second thoughts about its ambitious push to ramp up its use of renewable
fuels for power generation.
Hoping to slow the burst of new renewable energy on its grid, the
country eliminated an open-ended subsidy for solar and wind power and
put a ceiling on additional renewable capacity.
Germany may also drop a timetable to end coal-fired generation, which
still accounts for over 40 percent of its electricity, according to a
report leaked from the country’s environment ministry. Instead, the
government will pay billions to keep coal generators in reserve, to
provide emergency power at times when the wind doesn’t blow or the sun
doesn’t shine.
Renewables have hit a snag beyond Germany, too. Renewable sources are
producing temporary power gluts from Australia to California, driving
out other energy sources that are still necessary to maintain a stable
supply of power.
In Southern Australia, where wind supplies more than a quarter of the
region’s power, the spiking prices of electricity when the wind wasn’t
blowing full-bore pushed the state government to ask the power company
Engie to switch back on a gas-fired plant that had been shut down.
But in what may be the most worrisome development in the combat against
climate change, renewables are helping to push nuclear power, the main
source of zero-carbon electricity in the United States, into bankruptcy.
The United States, and indeed the world, would do well to reconsider the
promise and the limitations of its infatuation with renewable energy.
“The issue is, how do we decarbonize the electricity sector, while
keeping the lights on, keeping costs low and avoiding unintended
consequences that could make emissions increase?” said Jan Mazurek, who
runs the clean power campaign at the environmental advocacy group
Addressing those challenges will require a more subtle approach than just attaching more renewables to the grid.
An analysis by Bloomberg New Energy Finance, narrowly distributed two
weeks ago, estimated that nuclear reactors that produce 56 percent of
the country’s nuclear power would be unprofitable over the next three
years. If those were to go under and be replaced with gas-fired
generators, an additional 200 million tons of carbon dioxide would be
spewed into the atmosphere every year.
The economics of nuclear energy are mostly to blame. It just cannot
compete with cheap natural gas. Most reactors in the country are losing
between $5 and $15 per megawatt-hour, according to the analysis.
Nuclear energy’s fate is not being dictated solely by markets, though.
Policy makers focused on pushing renewable sources of energy above all
else — heavily subsidizing solar and wind projects, and setting legal
targets for power generation from renewables — are contributing actively
to shut the industry down. Facing intense popular aversion, nuclear
energy is being left to wither.
As Will Boisvert wrote in an analysis for Environmental Progress, an
environmental organization that advocates nuclear energy, the industry’s
woes “could be remedied by subsidies substantially smaller than those
routinely given to renewables.” The federal production tax credit for
wind farms, for instance, is worth $23 per megawatt-hour, which is more
than the amount that nuclear generators would need to break even.
Nuclear generators’ troubles highlight the unintended consequences of
brute force policies to push more and more renewable energy onto the
grid. These policies do more than endanger the nuclear industry. They
could set back the entire effort against climate change.
California, where generators are expected to get half of their
electricity from renewables by 2030, offers a pretty good illustration
of the problem. It’s called the “duck curve.” It shows what adding
renewables to the electric grid does to the demand for other sources of
power, and it does look like a duck.
As more and more solar capacity is fed onto the grid, it will displace
alternatives. An extra watt from the sun costs nothing. But the sun
doesn’t shine equally at all times. Around noon, when it is blazing,
there will be little need for energy from nuclear reactors, or even from
gas or coal. At 7 p.m., when people get home from work and turn on
their appliances, the sun will no longer be so hot. Ramping up
alternative sources then will be indispensable.
The problem is that nuclear reactors, and even gas- and coal-fired
generators, can’t switch themselves on and off on a dime. So what
happens is that around the middle of the day those generators have to
pay the grid to take their power. Unsurprisingly, this erodes nukes’
profitability. It might even nudge them out of the system altogether.
How does a renewables strategy play out in the future? Getting more
power from renewables at 7 p.m. will mean building excess capacity at
noon. Indeed, getting all power from renewables will require building
capacity equal to several times the demand during the middle of the day
and keeping it turned off much of the time.
Daily fluctuations are not the end of it. Wind power and sunlight change
with the seasons, too. What’s more, climate change will probably change
their power and seasonality in unforeseen ways. Considering how
expensive wind and sun farms can be, it might make sense to reconsider a
strategy that dashes a zero-carbon energy source that could stay on all
the time.
A report published last month by the White House’s Council of Economic
Advisers suggests there is space for more renewable energy on the grid.
New technologies — to store power when the sun is hot or to share it
across wider areas — might allow for a bigger renewable footprint.
But there are limits. “There is a very real integration cost from
renewables,” said Kenneth Gillingham, an economist at Yale who wrote the
report. “So far that cost is small.”
In Germany, where renewables have mostly replaced nuclear power, carbon
emissions are rising, even as Germans pay the most expensive electricity
rates in Europe. In South Australia, the all-wind strategy is taking
its toll. And in California, the costs of renewables are also apparent.
Nuclear energy’s fate is not quite sealed. In New York, fears that the
impending shutdown of three upstate reactors would imperil climate
change mitigation persuaded Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s office to extend
subsidies comparable to those given to renewables, to keep them afloat.
Even in California, where nuclear energy has no friends, Diablo Canyon,
the last remaining nuclear plant, is expected to stay open for almost
another decade.
Still, both New York and California expect to eventually phase out
nuclear power entirely. An analysis by Bloomberg puts the cost of
replacing Diablo Canyon’s zero-carbon power with solar energy at $15
billion. This sum might be better spent replacing coal.
Displacing nuclear energy clearly makes the battle against climate
change more difficult. But that is not what is most worrying. What if
the world eventually discovers that renewables can’t do the job alone?
“I worry about lock-in,” Ms. Mazurek said. “If it doesn’t work, the
climate doesn’t have time for a do-over.”
South Australia has become a test-case for what happens when
"renewables" become a large part of the electricity supply
Judith Sloan finds much folly in it, including insanely high prices:
It is unusual for any story related to South Australia to appear on the
front page of this newspaper. But when wholesale electricity prices in
that state reached more than 30 times the prices recorded in the eastern
states last week, the broader interest in the issue is obvious.
To give you a feel for the figures, last Thursday at 1.45pm, the
wholesale power price in South Australia was recorded at $1001 per
megawatt hour, compared with prices of between $30/MWh and $32/MWh for
the eastern states. At one point, the maximum price in the state hit
Unsurprisingly, several companies operating in South Australia,
including BHP Billiton and beleaguered steelmaker Arrium, warned state
Treasurer and Energy Minister Tom Koutsantonis that they might
temporarily close their plants because of the high and erratic
electricity prices.
But more worrying still are the medium-term prospects for the state: the
chairman of the Energy Users Association warns that “large end-user
customers are feeling the pain. As large customers roll off their energy
contracts and need to renew those contracts, they are faced with
significantly higher prices in South Australia”.
Electricity contracts for delivery next year and in 2018 are priced at
between $90/MWh and $100/MWh in South Australia, compared with between
$50/MWh and $63/MWh in Victoria, NSW and Queensland.
How could this happen? How could it go so wrong for South Australia? The
short answer is, contrary to Roy and HG’s famous prognostication that
too much is never enough, too much is too much when it comes to
intermittent and unreliable renewable energy. South Australia is paying a
heavy price for its misguided energy policy, potentially leading to the
further deindustrialisation of the state while also reducing its
citizens’ living standards. But the real tragedy is that this outcome
was entirely foreseeable.
Let us not forget that South Australia continues to boast about its
status as the wind power capital of the country and having the highest
proportion of its electricity generated by renewable sources. Since
2003, the contribution of wind to South Australian electricity
generation has grown to more than one-quarter of the total.
Late last year, the state government issued the Climate Change Strategy
for South Australia, ignoring completely the problems that were already
apparent in the system. The wholesale electricity price in the state
has been consistently above the national average since early 2015.
The statement reads that “to realise the benefits, we need to be bold.
That is why we have said that by 2050 our state will have net zero
emissions. We want to send a clear signal to businesses around the
world: if you want to innovate, if you want to perfect low carbon
technologies necessary to halt global warming — come to South
But last week the confidence of that statement had been forgotten.
Koutsantonis hysterically blamed what he saw as failures in the
national electricity market and inadequate electricity interconnection
for his state’s high and volatile wholesale electricity prices.
He even pledged to “to smash the national electricity market into a
thousand pieces and start again”. How he thought this suggestion would
be helpful is anyone’s guess.
The main problem with electricity generated by renewable energy — in
South Australia’s case, overwhelmingly by wind — is what is technically
called the non-synchronous nature of this power source, because of its
inability to match generation with demand.
When the power is needed, the wind isn’t necessarily blowing. Or if the
wind is blowing too hard, the turbines must be switched off and again
the demand has to be met from other sources — in South Australia’s case,
mainly from electricity generated in Victoria from brown coal.
What is clear is that overdevelopment of variable generation using
renewable resources is a recipe for higher prices and lower than
expected reductions in emissions because of the increasing costs of
ensuring system stability and reliability.
Feasible storage options are down the track and, in any case, likely to be expensive.
The system can cope with some renewable energy and, in the short term,
wholesale prices may even fall. But across time expansion of renewable
energy undermines the profitability of traditional base-load generators
while increasing the need for more back-up supply (up to 90 per cent of
the maximum generating capacity of the renewable energy sources).
The decision by the South Australian government to sit on its hands when
the coal-fired Northern Power station in Port Augusta closed in May was
an act of wilful madness. The alternative would have been for the
government to pay the owner, Alinta Energy, to keep the loss-making
plant operating, certainly before an expansion of the interconnector
But Koutsantonis thought he knew better. “The truth is the reason it is
closing is it couldn’t make money in this market,” he said. “The reason
it can’t make money in this market is even though it does pour in
relatively cheap power into the grid, renewable energy is cheaper.”
That would be cheaper only after taking into account the huge subsidies
that are thrown at renewable energy courtesy of the renewable energy
target and ignoring the need for back-up capacity.
Last week, the situation became so dire that Koutsantonis pleaded with
the privately owned, mothballed gas-fired electricity generator located
on the Port River in Adelaide to fire up to make up the electricity
shortfall in the state.
In fact, gas should be the next cab off the rank when it comes to
electricity generation. It is much less emissions-intensive than coal,
particularly brown coal, but there is much less gas-generated
electricity in South Australia because of the distortions in the market
caused by the subsidies to renewable energy.
There are some important lessons in this disaster for the country as a
whole; after all, there is no interconnector to another country as
there is an interconnector between South Australia and the eastern
states. And note that Victoria has a target of 50 per cent renewable
energy by 2030.
Notwithstanding his exasperation, Koutsantonis did make one valid point
last week: “This is coming to Victoria, this is coming to NSW … every
jurisdiction is facing what we’re facing now.”
Bill Shorten should take note and immediately ditch his fanciful target
of 50 per cent renewable energy lest the South Australian experience
befall the rest of the country.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
20 July, 2016
Total abandonment of science by the Congressional Left
The professional Warmists at DeSmog Blog have put up
a number of pages from the Congressional Record that report testimony
on climate change by Harry Reid, Elizabeth Warren and other well-known
scientists. The testimony by Harry Reid is a particular
hoot. He has repeated for the umpteenth time his sweeping
condemnation of the Koch Bros. They are a worm in Harry's brain.
He can't get past them. According to him they are
responsible for all climate skepticism.
And Pocohontas is not much better. She aims her spray rather more
widely, with Lord Monckton coming in for a big blast. She claims
that he is not a scientist and seems to think that what he says is
therefore worthless -- quite overlooking the fact that she is not a
scientist either. Is her opinion worthless? I think so but
I'm betting that she does not.
But in the end the whole session is just "ad hominem" argument,
argument which is of zero logical force. The pages concerned are
awash with sweeping and unreferenced personal vilification. When
Pocohontas says that a Monckton claim has been disproved, we might have
expected the name or names of the person/s who did the disproving.
But no such luck. And nowhere is there any mention of a single climate
datum, fact or figure.
It's all rather Satanic, actually: An unending flow of hate and nothing but hate.
The Guardian has up an article
headlined: "Matt Ridley accused of lobbying UK government on behalf of
coal industry". It's an attempted "Gotcha". Viscount Ridley
is a skeptic of sorts so tying him to coal companies fulfils the Leftist
fantasy that all skeptics are in the pocket of Big Coal or Big Oil
Matt Ridley replies:
What's wrong with drawing attention to a new technology?
Damian Carrington in the Guardian has attempted to imply criticism of me
for writing an email to the energy minister in the House of Lords to
draw his attention to a new technology for emissions reduction as a
byproduct of an innovative manufacturing process.
I explicitly was not lobbying. I have absolutely no interest in the
technology or the company, but I happened to meet them through a friend
and thought their technology sounded interesting and the British
government might be interested, since it might be a way for the UK to
generate jobs and revenue while cutting emissions; the company was not
asking for a subsidy.
I met them over a drink – and I paid. I have acted entirely
appropriately, and the Guardian article is trying to make a scandal
where there is none.
The source of the Guardian article is a Freedom of Information Request
from Friends of the Earth. The FoE individual quoted in the article is
Guy Shrubsole, who has a criminal conviction for aggravated trespass as
he prevented people getting to work at a surface coal mine in
Northumberland on the Blagdon Estate. Mr Shrubsole was given a
conditional discharge after pleading guilty to chaining himself to
mining machinery to cause disruption at the site. He was also given a
three year restraining order preventing him from coming within 50 metres
of the mining company’s sites or offices.
Mr Shrubsole appears to be under the mistaken impression that I was
telling the energy minister about a carbon capture and storage
technology. Even if I had been, there would be no scandal.
The real scandal is that the Guardian relies on a criminal as a source.
This is the email I sent to Mr Carrington when he approached me about it. He omitted key parts of my reply in his article:
"I am afraid you or FOE have got the wrong end of the stick.
The company is not Summit. It’s not an energy company. It’s not in
carbon capture and storage. It’s a chemical company. It offers potential
for emissions reduction (which I thought FoE favoured) as a byproduct
of manufacturing something useful, that’s all. It did not seek a
subsidy, as I made clear. I have no interest in it now or in the future,
because my coal interests will expire long before anything happens. The
distant possibility of interest I mentioned was on behalf of
Northumbrian workers who might want to keep their jobs, not on behalf of
myself. I am in favour of jobs for people in the North-east. I have not
contradicted myself in any way.
Please quote all the above paragraph in full or not at all.”
The Guardian ignored the last request.
The Hillary treatment for climate fraudsters?
State AG actions reveal double standard for scientists who promote alarmist climate claims
Paul Driessen
This past March, seventeen attorneys general launched a coordinated
effort to investigate, pursue and prosecute companies, think tanks and
other organizations who say there is little credible evidence that human
“greenhouse gas” emissions are causing “dangerous” or “catastrophic”
manmade climate change.
The AGs said their targets’ actions constitute “fraud” – which they
described as using “polished public relations campaigns” to “muddle the
truth,” “discredit prevailing climate science,” and “mislead” people
about threats from higher temperatures, rising seas, floods and more
severe weather. Their real goal is to intimidate and silence targeted
groups, and bankrupt them with legal fees, court costs and lost funding.
The Competitive Enterprise Institute, Heartland Institute, CFACT,
ExxonMobil and other “climate denier” organizations fought back
vigorously, refusing to surrender their constitutional rights to
participate in this vital public policy debate. The AGs’ bravado and
prosecutions began fraying at the edges.
But one wonders: How will these intrepid protectors of the public
interest respond to Real Climate Fraud? To intentional
misrepresentations of material facts, with knowledge of their falsity,
and for the purpose of inducing persons or institutions to act, with
resulting injury or damage.
Will those AGs – or other state AGs, Congress, state legislatures or the
Justice Department – investigate the growing list of highly
questionable actions by scientists and others who receive billions in
taxpayer and consumer funds for renewable energy programs and research
into manmade climate cataclysm scares … to justify policies, laws and
regulations that raise energy costs, destroy fossil fuel companies and
jobs, force layoffs in other industries, and harm poor, minority and
working class families?
Or will they respond the way FBI Director Comey did to Hillary Clinton’s
reckless disregard for national security secrets: ignore the bad
conduct, and reward transgressors with more money, prestige and power?
The case for widespread misconduct by members of the
$1.5-trillion-per-year Climate Change & Renewable Energy Complex
grows more compelling, and disturbing, by the day. A complete listing
and analysis would require books, but these few examples underscore the
seriousness of the global problem.
Crisis fabrication. After warming 1910-1940, cooling 1940-1975, warming
1975-1998, not budging 1998-2015, Earth warmed slightly 2015-2016 amid a
strong El Niño. No category 3-5 hurricane has hit the United States for
a record 10-1/2 years. Seas are rising at 7 inches per century. Arctic
ice is near normal; Antarctic ice at a record high. There are more polar
bears than ever.
But the White House, EPA, UN and media falsely claim we face an
unprecedented crisis – and must quickly replace reliable, affordable
hydrocarbons with expensive, subsidized, unreliable renewable energy,
and let unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats control our lives,
livelihoods and living standards. Any warming, any weather event, is our
fault – the result of using fossil fuels to power our economy.
Data manipulation. When actual measurements don’t support climate chaos
claims, dishonest scientists “homogenize” and manipulate them to create
imaginary warming trends. Phil Jones, his British team and their US
counterparts eliminated centuries of Little Ice Age cooling and created
new records showing planetary temperatures suddenly spiking in recent
decades. They used ClimateGate emails to devise devious schemes
preventing outside analysts from examining their data, computer
algorithms and methodologies – and then “lost” information that peer
reviewers wanted to examine.
NOAA’s clever climate consortium adjusted accurate sea-surface
temperature data from scientific ocean buoys upward by a quarter-degree,
to “homogenize” them with records from engine intake systems
contaminated by shipboard heat – thereby creating a previously
undetected warming trend.
Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology revised Rutherglen weather station
data to convert 100 years of data showing a slight cooling trend into a
warming of several degrees per century. As with other “adjustments” (by
NASA, for instance) the revisions always create warming trends – never a
slight cooling – and climate crisis scientists always say humans caused
the warming, even though they are unable to separate natural forces,
cycles and fluctuations from alleged human influences.
GIGO computer models. Climate models assume post-1975 warming is due to
manmade carbon dioxide; exaggerate climate sensitivity to CO2 levels;
and simplify or ignore vital natural forces like solar energy
variations, cosmic ray fluxes, heat-reflecting clouds, and recurrent
phenomena like El Niño and La Niña. They conjure up “scenarios” that
alarmists treat as valid predictions of what will happen if we don’t
slash fossil fuel use. Models replace actual evidence, and play an
important role in climate battles.
It’s complete GIGO: faulty assumptions, data, algorithms, analytical
methodologies and other garbage in – predictive garbage out. That’s why
“hockey stick” and other models are so out of touch with reality. In
fact, an official IPCC graph showed that every UN climate model between
1990 and 2012 predicted that average global temperatures would be as
much as 0.9 degrees C (1.6 F) higher than they actually were! The
inconvenient graph was revised for the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change’s 2014 report.
Report manipulation. Activists and bureaucrats always finalize the
Summary for Policymakers, the only IPCC climate document that most
voters, elected officials and journalists ever read. They want to ensure
that already politicized climate “science” does not undermine or
contradict political themes and agendas.
A 1995 State Department document reveals the extent of this interference
and manipulation. The 30-page document gave detailed instructions as to
how the Clinton White House wanted the summary’s scientific
explanations and conclusions revised, to make alleged climate and
weather trends even more worrisome. Donna Laframboise and others
document the bias, distortion and deception that dominate IPCC actions.
Consensus fabrication. Claims of a 97% consensus on climate cataclysm
science are likewise slippery, and based on bait-and-switch tactics that
look only at study abstracts of studies and then misrepresent what the
abstracts say, ask one question but base their conclusions on a
different one, or use other strategies and misrepresentations to hide
the disagreements and debates that still dominate this topic.
Cost-benefit falsification. The US Government has mastered this
fraudulent tactic, especially in its “social cost of carbon”
calculations. EPA and other agencies blame methane and carbon dioxide
emissions for every conceivable impact on agriculture, forests, water
resources, “forced migration” of people and wildlife, human health and
disease, rising sea levels, flooded coastal cities, too much or too
little rain. They totally ignore the way more CO2 makes plants grow
faster and better, with less water.
They also ignore the enormous benefits of fossil fuels for 80% of all
the energy we use to transport people and products, generate reliable,
affordable electricity, and manufacture fertilizers, plastics and
thousands of other products. And they ignore the ways anti-energy
regulations raise hospital, factory and small business costs, kill jobs,
and reduce living standards, health and welfare for millions of people.
Why would they do these things? The US federal government alone spent
$11.6 billion on “green” energy and climate “research” and “mitigation”
programs in 2014. That money did not go to scientists who question
“dangerous manmade climate change” doctrines.
Recipients and their parent institutions are determined to preserve this
funding, protect their reputations and prestige, and maintain their
influence and control over policies, laws, regulations, and wind, solar
and biofuel mandates and subsidies. It is all inextricably tied to
silencing inconvenient questions and, if needs be, engaging in systemic,
systematic exaggeration, falsification and misrepresentation. And then
they claim these Orwellian tactics are Best Practice standards,
essential for quality control in climate science!
So, AGs, by all means let’s investigate. But let’s not criminalize
differences of opinion. Let’s root out actual fraud, let real science
prevail, and protect our livelihoods and living standards from
unscrupulous people and organizations that are using fraudulent climate
chaos claims to control energy use, transform the US and global economic
systems, and redistribute the world’s wealth.
Via email
Hillary Clinton: Climate Change ‘Is an Opportunity as Well as a Problem’
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, speaking at Northern Virginia
Community College in Annandale, Va., on Thursday, said that climate
change is “an opportunity as well as a problem.”
Clinton said it is an “opportunity that smart, innovative people in
Virginia—particularly young people--can address by creating new
businesses and jobs.”
Here is an excerpt from speech:
“I have set five big goals: We need more good paying jobs and we need to
provide more opportunities for hardworking Americans. So we are
going to invest in our infrastructure, our roads, our bridges, our
tunnels, our airports, our electric grid, our water systems. And
we are going to be the clean-energy super power of the 21st Century.
Unlike Donald Trump, who thinks climate change is a hoax, we think it is
an opportunity as well as a problem. An opportunity that smart,
innovative people in Virginia—particularly young people--can address by
creating new businesses and jobs.
"I want to grow the economy so we have greater prosperity. And I
particularly want to pay attention to those parts of our country that
are not as fortunate as others: coal country, Indian country, inner city
neighborhoods. I want us all to rise together. This is now just
about some people, it needs to be about all of America.
“And while we grow together we will become fairer, too. That’s why I
want to raise the minimum wage so people working full-time are not left
in poverty."
Did Dr. Mark Z. Jacobson just call anyone supporting nuclear energy a zealot?
An honest Greenie encounters a typical closed-mind Greenie
Recently, Jesse Jenkins, a PhD student at MIT studying decarbonization
pathways, was blocked on twitter by Dr. Mark Z. Jacobson. Dr. Jacobson
has made it a habit to block seemingly anyone who disagrees with him,
but this time it was pretty absurd. Jenkins was trying to have a dialog
with Dr. Jacobson about his claim that a 100% Wind/Water/Solar (WWS)
strategy is the fastest, cheapest way to reduce carbon emissions. This
is a claim that Dr. Jacobson has made repeatedly, but most other
research in the topic disagrees.
Jenkins specifically pointed out that in Dr. Jacobson’s own studies,
nuclear is cheaper than geothermal, off-shore wind, concentrating solar
power, rooftop solar, wave power, and tidal power – meaning adding
nuclear would make the plan cheaper. Jenkins also pointed out that Dr.
Jacobson hasn’t compared his preferred pathway against others that
include nuclear [1].
Jenkins made point [2] after point [3] about how other studies have
shown adding nuclear makes plans cheaper and that even the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the UN scientific
authority on climate change, says excluding nuclear increases costs [4].
The entire thread (tweetstorm) is great, and can be found here and here
[5,6,7,8,9,10]. (Sidenote, in this piece, I’m including the link to
each tweet, followed by a link to a screenshot of it, like this: link
[link to screenshot]).
Jenkins wasn’t attacking Dr. Jacobson; he laid out a clear and cogent
argument for why adding nuclear is cheaper, and how nuclear has
historically scaled faster than renewables. And at the end, Jenkins
added an open invitation to work together with Dr. Jacobson on further
research. And instead, Dr. Jacobson blocked Jenkins. But not only that,
Dr. Jacobson repeatedly called Jenkins a zealot for supporting nuclear
I’ve personally had a similar thing happen to me with Dr. Jacobson – I
had a conversation with him on twitter in December of 2015 where I made
the argument that we should keep existing low carbon nuclear operating
for as long as possible, and at least then, Dr. Jacobson said “There’s
an argument to be made for that. Most efficient to replace coal, gas,
oil first.“[12]
However, during June of 2016, it was announced that Diablo Canyon, a
nuclear facility in California, would be shut down, and Dr. Jacobson
said people, “Should cheer“[13] for its closure.
I sent out a slightly snarky tweet with the juxtaposition of the two
statements [14], and Dr. Jacobson claimed (without citing any numbers
for the cost of relicensing or building the new sources) that it would
be cheaper to build new WWS than to relicense Diablo Canyon [15].
I made the point that closing Diablo Canyon and replacing it with WWS
would not actually decrease fossil fuel usage and carbon emissions, and
restated the point that he made in December, that we should work on
replacing fossil fuels. He responded back saying “You don’t know the
first thing about solving the climate, air pollution and energy security
problem. Stop pretending you do.” [16] And then he blocked me as well.
The definition of a zealot from Merriam-Webster is, “a person who has
very strong feelings about something (such as religion or politics) and
who wants other people to have those feelings: a zealous person“. In
this context, you could say that someone who chooses to hold a belief
despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, and forcefully promotes
that belief is a zealot. I’ve followed Jesse Jenkins work for a while,
he does good work, is willing to debate with people about it, is willing
to defend his work, and is willing to admit when he’s wrong. Because of
this, I don’t think he’s a zealot as Dr. Jacobson claims.
But more to the point, Dr. Jacobson essentially just said that any
person who supports nuclear energy is a zealot. As someone who supports
nuclear energy and actively does research that can help make it safer, I
wholeheartedly reject this assertion. Nuclear energy has its benefits,
drawbacks, and risks, just like any other technology. And it’s important
to recognize that. But to call that anyone that disagrees with you a
“zealot” is a ludicrous statement.
Moreover, if anyone who supports nuclear energy is a zealot, then
President Obama, Secretary Clinton, many prominent scientists, and even
the members of the IPCC would be considered zealots. Surely that’s not
what Dr. Jacobson meant, but that is what he said.
And instead of engaging in thoughtful debate with an open mind, Dr.
Jacobson ignores criticism and shuts down debates through blocking
people. In fact, you can search Dr. Jacobson’s entire twitter feed for
the words “wrong” or “mistake”, and in his almost 4000 tweets, he’s
never admitted that he’s wrong or that he made a mistake. He’s always
saying other people are wrong.
According to Dr. Jacobson, the EIA is wrong [17], the IPCC is wrong
[18], the Washington Post is wrong [19], Dr. James Hansen is wrong [20],
the Breakthrough Institute is wrong [21], Bill Gates is wrong [22],
Jesse Jenkins is wrong [23], I’m wrong [24], just to name a few. Dr.
Jacobson clearly has a certain set of beliefs, and those beliefs seem to
be unshakable, even when the other researchers or the IPCC disagree
with him.
It’s my personal opinion that we’ll need both renewables and nuclear,
along with policy changes (price on carbon, clean energy standards) and
other solutions like demand response, storage, and electric vehicles if
we are going to significantly reduce emissions. I don’t know exactly
what role nuclear will play in the future, but it is currently playing a
large role in many countries (including the US) and will continue to be
the largest single source of low carbon energy in the US for many years
to come. Prematurely closing this generation will result in higher
emissions, something that is becoming all too frequent.
The biggest problem in my opinion is the lack of political will and
political action for climate solutions. It is important to debate what
the best solutions are. But when Dr. Jacobson purposefully blocks people
and calls people names for trying to critique his work or engage him in
a dialogue, he is actively fracturing people into two competing
“teams”, one team supporting nuclear, the other against it; in reality
both sides want the same thing, to solve climate change.
So to anyone reading this, please try to tone down the rhetoric, and
really try to understand other people’s views. It’s the only way that we
can find some common solutions and move forward, together.
Renewable Power Push Threatens Last Two New England Reactors
A proposal by Massachusetts to boost the use of renewable energy may put
New England’s last two nuclear reactors out of business and undermine
the state’s efforts to cut carbon emissions, according to an industry
Legislation requiring utilities to use renewable power to meet nearly
half the state’s energy needs would test reactors already grappling with
cheap natural gas prices and falling demand, said Dan Dolan, president
of the New England Power Generators Association Inc. The legislative
session ends July 31. Governor Charlie Baker supports the measure.
While backers says the measure is needed to help the state meet a target
to cut carbon emissions 25 percent below 1990 levels by 2020, Dolan
said it could backfire. If Dominion Resources Inc.’s Millstone plant in
Connecticut and NextEra Energy Inc.’s Seabrook plant in New Hampshire
close as result of the renewable mandate, Massachusetts will lose a
major source of zero-emitting electricity, he said.
“You could very well do all this contracting and knock out the nukes,
and from an emissions standpoint you end up at the same place,” Dolan
said in an interview July 8. The legislation “says the rest of the
competitive generation industry isn’t allowed to compete for roughly 50
percent of the market.”
The proposal comes as states face a raft of reactor closures. Entergy
Corp. shut its Vermont Yankee reactor in 2014 and announced it will
close its Pilgrim reactor in Massachusetts in June 2019 as the shale gas
boom sent prices for the fuel plummeting. New York said last week it
could provide about $965 million in subsidies over two years to help
support struggling nuclear plants as part of a plan to promote clean
On Wednesday, Entergy said it’s in talks to sell its James A.
FitzPatrick nuclear plant in New York to Exelon Corp. The deal depends
“largely on the final terms and timeliness of the New York State Clean
Energy Standard,” Bill Mohl, president of Entergy’s wholesale
commodities unit, said in a statement.
Matt Mooren, a Denver-based energy markets analyst with PA Consulting
Group, said historically low wholesale power prices are a bigger threat
to nuclear generators than the renewable mandate.
The legislation won’t have “a major impact on nuclear relative to what
natural gas prices are already doing,” Mooren said. “While it is a
negative as it relates to base load nuclear economics, it’s not as big
of a negative.”
“This legislation has the potential to not just forestall, but avoid the
increase in carbon resources,” Greg Cunningham, director of clean
energy and climate change for the Conservation Law Foundation, said in
an interview. “It really could be transformational, not just for
Massachusetts but for the region itself.”
Power generators, including Exelon and Calpine Corp. oppose the
renewable mandate. It will mean lower sales for the region’s power
suppliers and higher-cost hydropower from Canada, with the added expense
passed on to consumers, the companies said in a September letter to
“It’s hugely disappointing that Massachusetts’ elected leadership are
considering an out-of-market deal that is likely to undermine the
economics of other, existing zero-carbon resources, such as existing
nuclear plants,” Susan Tierney, a Denver-based senior adviser at the
Analysis Group, a consulting company, said by e-mail July 11.
Australia: Rich Greenies now buying the results they want
The WWF has already spent $100,000 buying a Great Barrier Reef shark
fishing licence (N4) which it intends to retire, although the licence
has not been active since 2004.
It's one of five N4 licences in Queensland and, according to WWF, it
will presumably save the lives of 10,000 sharks, based on each shark
weighing 4kg.
Queensland Seafood Industry Association chief executive Eric Perez says
the WWF is meddling in a heavily regulated industry that focuses on
sustainable fishing.
"They don't have a point. They are trying to interfere with fisheries management by stealth," Mr Perez told AAP.
"They can't force their way into regulating the industry the way they
want to, so they get cashed up individuals with a green tinge or bent
... which is a way to undermining us."
Mr Perez said the purchase of one, or even two, of the licences was not
going to have an impact but if the WWF bought up more then eventually
there would be repercussions.
He said family businesses and micro businesses would be affected and
Queenslander retailers would either have to buy fish from interstate or
import more.
"It's alarmism for no good. Over time ... employment will be impacted," he said.
"My understanding of the current statistics is that there are no fisheries in Queensland that are deemed unsustainable."
Mr Perez warned that conservation groups were trying to stake a claim in all primary industries.
"It demonstrates that they want relevance in every form of agriculture in the country," he said.
The WWF says it bought the licence on the belief that several hammerhead
shark species were in decline along the Great Barrier Reef and it was
considering purchasing another.
The federal environment department is undertaking a two-year study in
scalloped, great and smooth hammerhead sharks which will be completed by
the end of September.
"The aim is to stop licences that were fishing for sharks returning to
shark fishing and impacting on shark populations, particularly
hammerheads. But we're also concerned about dugongs, dolphins and
turtles killed as bycatch," said WWF-Australia conservation director
Gilly Llewellyn.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
19 July, 2016
A church with a Greenie religion
At this church, salvation comes not from the risen Lord but from
solar panels. Note the following summary of the religion concerned from
Wikipedia. No mention of that pesky old JC guy:
Universalism is a liberal religion characterized by a "free and
responsible search for truth and meaning". The Unitarian Universalist
(UU) Church does not have a creed. Instead UUs are unified by their
shared search for spiritual growth. As such, UU congregations include
many agnostics, theists, and atheists among their membership. The roots
of UU are in liberal Christianity, specifically Unitarianism and
Universalism. Unitarian Universalists state that from these traditions
comes a deep regard for intellectual freedom and inclusive love, so that
congregations and members seek inspiration and derive insight from all
major world religions"
You can read here
one of their sermons, which calls the Tea Party, "The American
Taliban". It's news to me that the Taliban believe in small
government. So Leftist hate-speech is alive and well at the
Unitarian Universalist "church" in Bedford, Massachusetts. What would
Leftists do without people to hate?
Anchoring the common, the Unitarian Universalist church hosts community
events, welcomes all comers to its Sunday services, and frequently
serves as a venue for weddings and memorial services — not only for its
own parishioners but also for community members who lack established
religious connections.
But global warming may bring a chill to that relationship.
Last month, the town’s Historic District Commission denied a request
from First Parish to install solar panels on the roof of its
meetinghouse. The congregation, in turn, filed an appeal June 27 in
Middlesex Superior Court, arguing that the decision violated members’
constitutional right to freely exercise their religious beliefs.
“We consider this to be a religious act,” said Dan Bostwick, spokesman
for the church’s solar energy committee. “Stewardship of our natural
environment is central to our faith. Unitarian Universalists, along with
people of many faiths all over the world, are compelled by religious
beliefs to take action to mitigate the effects of climate change. By
installing solar panels to reduce carbon footprint, we are acting on our
core spiritual beliefs.”
Members of the Historic District Commission did not respond to emails requesting comment.
In denying the application on June 1, however, the commission said that
installation of solar panels on the roof would be “highly visible and
incongruous to the historic aspect of the church and its architectural
Bostwick, a longtime Bedford resident whose study on reducing the
church’s carbon footprint led to the request, said he did not anticipate
the outcome.
“Our proposal goes to great lengths to balance respect for the historic
importance of our building with the wish to reduce climate impact in
light of the current environmental crisis,” he said.
Given the church meetinghouse’s prominence in the town center, First
Parish members knew there would be questions about the visual impact to
the 199-year-old building, constructed in 1817 after the parish’s
original structure was destroyed by a windstorm.
But Bostwick, along with other members of his committee, believes they
did all they could to meet any potential objections related to the
visual impact of solar panels.
“The panels would be visible from only one side of the building, not the
iconic front view. In addition, they are not the silver and blue shiny
panels you usually see but a new product, all black, with a matte
finish,” he said. “We planned to reshingle the roof in black to minimize
the contrast. We presented the HDC with photographs, artists mockups
and videos showing how little impact it would have.”
The wish to install solar panels isn’t just about saving money on heating the building, the Rev. John Gibbons pointed out.
“Although First Parish is Bedford’s oldest house of worship, we are a
living institution that must remain relevant to the present and be
accountable to the unprecedented environmental demands of the future,”
he said in a statement. “Solar panels are an essential expression of our
faith, to honor the interdependent web of all existence of which we are
a part.”
First Parish has already restored the meetinghouse’s windows and
installed new storm windows, insulation, and updates to the heating and
air conditioning system, according to the complaint. The goal is for the
solar panels to generate 75 percent of the parish’s energy needs from
the sun — thereby allowing the congregation to remove four gas-fired
HVAC units from the roof of the church buildings.
Several significant churches located in historic districts in other
Massachusetts communities have received permission from their local
commissions to install solar panels, according to the complaint,
including South Church in Andover.
Other groups in Bedford supported First Parish’s plan. Letters of
support in favor of the solar panel installation were filed with the
Town Clerk by the Bedford Interfaith Clergy Association, the Bedford
Chapter of Mothers Out Front, the Bedford Chamber of Commerce, and the
Bedford Historic Preservation Commission.
The complaint asks the court to annul the Historic District Commission’s
decision. First Parish also filed an Open Meeting Law complaint with
the commission.
“First Parish regrets that it was necessary to file both complaints, and
values its relationship with the town of Bedford,” the congregation
said in a statement. But the congregation is “committed to pursuing all
of its legal rights” to achieve its environmental goals
The ‘Entire’ Atlantic Ocean is Cooling, contrary to media reports
Scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and
many universities are at a loss to explain recent conflicting
temperature trends from Earth’s oceans and atmosphere. It can be boiled
down to this: temperatures of the Earth’s three big fluid systems are
each trending in different directions. The temperature of the Pacific
Ocean is rising, the temperature of the atmosphere has remained
constant, and the temperature of the Atlantic Ocean is cooling.
That’s a problem.
These variances in temperature trends are not fitting previous climate
model predictions and talking points released to the media. To counter
this problem and almost, as predictably as rain in springtime, climate
scientists favoring the theory of man-made global warming are flooding
the media with new, and this time supposedly very reliable, explanations
that are generated from their latest super-computer climate models.
Their explanations, or better yet, their rationalizations for two of the
three fluid temperature trends, Pacific Ocean warming and the
atmospheric warming “pause”, have been discussed in previous CCD posts.
This article will discuss the validity of the latest explanation put
forward by the consensus climate science community concerning recent
cooling of the North Atlantic Ocean. These scientists contend that
recent cooling of the northern portion of the Atlantic Ocean is the
result of increased worldwide human induced atmospheric warming which is
acting to melt the Greenland ice cap at alarming rates. This Greenland
ice cap melt water is flooding into the northern portion of the Atlantic
Ocean, thereby lowering the seawater temperature in this region.
As further supporting evidence they cite previous research publications
which supposedly prove that ancient atmospheric warming also melted the
Greenland Ice Cap and cooled the northern portion of the Atlantic Ocean.
There are many problems with this explanation as summarized below.
The atmosphere has not warmed in 18.7 years according to the most
accurate data derived from satellites. Even utilizing NASA’s recently
“adjusted” atmospheric temperature data, there has only been very minor
and uniform increases in the temperature during the last 18.7 years.
Neither of these trends properly explains / fits the recent cooling of
the entire Atlantic Ocean.
Recent research from NASA’s Operation Ice Bridge clearly shows that
Greenland’s ice mass loss is only occurring in areas immediately
adjacent to the ocean. This perimeter-based ice loss is greatest in
areas where the ice cap overlays known deep geological fault zones that
are emitting geothermal heat onto the base of the ice cap. The interior
portions of the Greenland Ice Cap are in ice mass balance. NASA admits
they are not completely sure why the Operation Ice Bridge results do not
fit into a nice neat global warming theory context.
The extent of Arctic Ocean sea ice has increased the last three years, and not decreased as predicted.
The Antarctic Ice Cap extent has increased steadily for thirty five years, and not decreased as predicted.
The ancient melting of the Greenland Ice cap is most likely related to
ancient volcanic eruptions (see previous CCD post) and associated local
geothermal heat flow, not paleo-atmospheric warming.
The true nature of what drives ocean heating and cooling is not well
understood. It is likely a mixture of many forces including: variations
in deep ocean geological heat and fluid flow, long-term variations in
astronomical phenomenon, and long-term variations in major deep ocean
Lastly, and most telling, by carefully examining the shallow SST (sea
surface temperature) anomaly maps atop this article (Figure 1.), it
becomes very apparent that the entire Atlantic Ocean is cooling, and not
just in the northern portion of the Atlantic that is adjacent to
This strongly suggests that outflow of summertime Greenland Ice Cap melt
water into the northern portion of the Atlantic Ocean is not the
primary driving force behind cooling the entire Atlantic Ocean.
Many noted and well-intentioned climate scientists and universities are
now starting to publicly admit that overwhelming amounts of new research
indicates that the theory of man-made global warming does not properly
explain many observed climate trends. It certainly does not explain why
the temperatures of Earth’s three most dominant fluid systems—the
Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the atmosphere—are trending in
different directions.
Reason dictates that a more balanced approach to studying climate trends
is needed. Any approach needs to take into account the effects of
natural variability and whether man is having a real influence. Let’s
stop trying to force fit every observed climate occurrence, including
cooling of the entire Atlantic Ocean, into a global warming context.
It’s time to jump off the consensus bandwagon!
Effects of Sea Level Rise on Economy of the United States
By Richard S.J. Tol et al.
We report the first ex post study of the economic impact of sea level
rise. We apply two econometric approaches to estimate the past effects
of sea level rise on the economy of the USA, viz. Barro type growth
regressions adjusted for spatial patterns and a matching estimator. Unit
of analysis is 3063 counties of the USA. We fit growth regressions for
13 time periods and we estimated numerous varieties and robustness tests
for both growth regressions and matching estimator. Although there is
some evidence that sea level rise has a positive effect on economic
growth, in most specifications the estimated effects are insignificant.
We therefore conclude that there is no stable, significant effect of sea
level rise on economic growth. This finding contradicts previous ex
ante studies.
Former Attorney General Attacks Dem Global Warming Inquisition
The former attorney general of New York doesn’t think the case against
ExxonMobil’s global warming stance has anything in common with the cases
states and the federal government brought against the tobacco industry
in the 1990s.
“I can tell you from experience that our fight against the tobacco
industry has almost nothing in common with today’s campaign by several
state attorneys general against ExxonMobil — despite what supporters of
the effort would like you to believe,” Dennis Vacco, a Republican who
was New York’s AG from 1995 to 1999, wrote in the Washington Post
Vacco is attacking arguments made by Democratic lawmakers — one in
particular — that the Department of Justice should open a Racketeer
Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, or RICO, investigation into
oil companies, trade associations and nonprofits spreading “doubt” about
global warming.
The former attorney general also called out an investigation by his
successor, Democratic AG Eric Schneiderman, into how Exxon represented
the risks of global warming to its shareholders. Schneiderman has also
convinced other AGs to investigate Exxon and conservative think tanks as
well, though those efforts have largely stalled.
“It is important to note that the fight against the tobacco industry was
bipartisan and that never, during our battle to require the tobacco
companies to meet their obligations, did we align ourselves with the
industry’s business competitors,” Vacco wrote.
“In the current campaign, the attorneys general have linked up with
investors in renewable energy in an unseemly alliance that presents
serious conflicts of interest,” he wrote.
Vacco cited a June letter signed by 13 Republican AGs and noted an event
Schneiderman hosted in March to announce more investigations into Exxon
and support for green energy “featured a senior partner of a venture
capital firm that invests in renewable energy companies.”
“Causing confusion — if that’s what happened — is hardly a crime, but to
hold one party to a national debate to a higher standard tilts the
debate unfairly in the other direction,” Vacco noted.
For years, environmental activists have been thinking of ways to punish
oil companies for contributing to global warming. Activists have
increasingly backed securities and anti-racketeering investigations by
state and federal prosecutors, often drawing parallels between fossil
fuel companies and the tobacco industry.
“In the case of tobacco, we found that the companies knew about the
life-threatening, addictive nature of smoking but covered up that
knowledge,” Vacco wrote, refuting such comparisons.
“In the case of global warming, ExxonMobil began research as early as
the 1970s and was open about what it found in more than 50 papers
published in scientific journals between 1983 and 2014, according to
company documents,” he wrote. “ExxonMobil’s scientists have participated
in the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change since its
inception and were involved in the National Academy of Sciences review
of the third U.S. National Climate Assessment Report.”
“The tobacco companies were deceivers. ExxonMobil has been open,” he
wrote. “But that doesn’t seem to matter to the politicized attorneys
general pursuing the company. A chilling impact on public debate is not
in our collective interest.”
Mike Pence, Trump’s running mate, on global warming
A summary by Warmist Chris Mooney below. I have deleted Mooney's comments as he provided no links in support of them
Trump has said that he is “not a big believer in man-made climate
change.” Now watch Mike Pence discuss both climate change and evolution
on a 2009 episode of MSNBC’s “Hardball with Chris Matthews”.
The full transcript of this interview is actually available online, right here. Some key quotes from Pence from the interview:
On climate change: “I think the science is very mixed on the subject of
global warming, Chris.” “In the mainstream media, Chris, there is a
denial of the growing skepticism in the scientific community about
global warming.”
A scan of stories from local media in Indiana, Pence’s home state,
similarly confirms that, like Trump, he is a climate change “skeptic” at
In 2006, he told the Muncie, Ind., Star Press that, “Any fair reading of
the science today, while global warming has taken place, it is not yet
clear that it is being driven by human activity. But I’m trying to read
as much as I can. And my mom used to say ‘better safe than sorry,’ so I
am glad the energy bill authorized construction of a number of nuclear
power plants in this country, which represent electric-generating
facilities that don’t produce so-called greenhouse gases.”
Two years later, when a number of Indiana politicians were asked by the
Star Press whether they agreed with a variety of statements about
climate change, Pence responded, “I would not agree that there is broad
consensus on man-made or human activity being the proximate cause of
global warming. I think there is more diversity of opinion among many
scientists in this area of discipline than most people realize. I don’t
think global warming as caused by human activity is a settled question
in the scientific community.”
CO2 levels in office buildings are becoming dangerously high (!)
This is just ignorance talking. CO2 levels in U.S. Navy
submarines go as high as 8,000 parts per million, about 20 times current
atmospheric levels. And there are no ill effects. The
levels agonized over below are trivial in comparison
You know that inexplicable way that working among cubicles or sitting on
a packed plane makes you feel like you’ve taken an Ambien? Well, you
now have another life altering issue to thank global warming for. The
rising levels of Co2 in our atmosphere combined with the Co2 exhaled
from breathing are having detrimental effects in small areas congested
with people.
A recent article in Smithsonian Magazine by Joshua Rapp Learn, outlines
how high levels of Co2 in tightly stuffed places like office buildings,
schools, and planes can cause low productivity, fatigue, and even
shortcomings in decision making.
“As temperatures rise- even allowing for air conditioning- the average
temperature in offices is rising,” said Harvard Business School
historian Nancy Koehn on Boston Public Radio Tuesday. “Crowded office
buildings are full of people… and you end up with relatively high
and in some cases unhealthy high amounts of carbon dioxide released into
the air. It lowers our productivity, it makes us more tired, and it
makes us less able to make good decisions,” she Koehn said.
In May, Co2 levels reached 400 parts per million in our atmosphere.
“Medical experts believe that somewhere less than a 1000 parts per
millions of carbon dioxide is an acceptable range. In a crowded airplane
waiting to take off, we are talking about 4000 part per million,” says
According to Smithsonian Magazine, office buildings currently range from
600 parts per million to 1,200 parts per million. "Economies in
climates that our quite warm over 75 degrees on average, have lower
rates of productivity," said Koehn.
[Why most of the tropics are
backward is another story, with a long history of debate. I have had
academic journal articles on it published]
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
18 July, 2016
Canadian banker is a climate fanatic
He predicted doom if Britain voted for Brexit but seems to have learnt nothing from the complete failure of that prediction
There on stage at a Toronto Board of Trade breakfast event sat Bank of
England Governor Mark Carney, the world’s Alarmist-in-Chief, basking in
Liberal adulation and fielding lob-ball questions in which he is asked
to rehash his notes from a speech he gave last September on the subject
of climate change and financial stability.
Carney was introduced as the former governor of the Bank of Canada
“whose calm and steady hand helped guide our country, and arguably the
global financial system, on the heels of the global financial crisis.”
And today “the world again is looking to him as we face uncertainty in
the wake of Brexit.”
And also now, apparently, the world continues to turn to Mark Carney for climate change salvation.
Looking tanned and fit, Carney then engaged in mutual climate policy
admiration with Catherine McKenna, Canada’s minister of the environment
and climate change, who felt it necessary to remind the audience that
they were sitting in downtown Toronto on territory that belongs to First
Nations. Carney’s message, like McKenna’s, is that climate change poses
severe century-long risks to the economy that must be addressed now by
the world’s corporate leaders.
From too much short-termism, the business world is now being asked to
engage in extreme long-termism, planning for 2030 and galaxies beyond.
Carney’s September speech to Lloyds of London, already viewed by many as
inappropriately political climate alarmism from a central banker
masquerading as financial common sense, set in motion an international
movement to impose long-range climate predictions on short-term
investment decisions. As climate alarmist-in-chief, he warned of
“stranded” oil, coal and gas assets as climate policy shifts, putting at
risk trillions of dollars in value and threatening financial stability.
As he did with Brexit, Carney portrays climate change as a potential
financial catastrophe unless steps are taken now by the world’s
financial players to integrate climate and carbon risks into all their
decision-making and financial disclosure. For example (in case there
were any complacent corporate directors in the audience) Carney raised
the prospect of directors’ liability over climate change. With no
information, he asked, “When would you know with a reasonable degree of
certainty about the potential damage of the activities of the
corporation?” Would failure to know send directors to jail?
The broad concept seems simple enough. “From a financial regulatory
perspective,” as Carney explained it Friday, “the issue we have is that
investors, credit providers, management, other stakeholders, can’t make
assessments today about how well prepared companies are.” How ready are
they for carbon pricing and other regulatory mega-policies that could
dramatically alter the economic structure of the world?
One of Carney’s approaches, repeated in Toronto, is to warn of possible
“Minsky moments.” If corporations and financial institutions were to
reveal all climate risks, the world could avoid “a climate ‘Minsky
moment’” — a reference to the work of economist Hyman Minsky who tried
to understand the causes of sudden massive financial collapses and
crashing asset values. Could carbon policy-making and climate change
produce another Minsky moment?
If corporations tabulated, understood and disclosed their carbon and
climate risks, the financial system would be ultimately safer, Carney
says. If corporations and the financial system were assessed via a
market for information around climate, it would allow “feedback between
the market and policymaking, making climate policy a bit more like
monetary policy.”
That note, to central bank watchers, may not be all that comforting. The
world’s monetary policymakers, with all the credit and institutional
information at their disposal, have a dismal if not catastrophic record
of anticipating Minsky moments. Monetary policy, moreover, has a
short-term horizon of a few months to a few years and seldom gets it
right. To expect corporate managers to be able to analyze, forecast and
disclose risks that a business might face over decades is a wild
stretch. Over time, half the public institutions in
existence today could well be out of business in half a century for any
number of reasons.
Greenie-inspired policies cause chaos in Australia's electricity supply
No reserve capacity to support periods of peak demand, after various
coal-fired plants were shut down with nothing to replace them and all
new investment is diverted into useless windmills, meaning big price
leaps now happening during periods of high demand. Wanton
destruction of Australia's infrastructure
A “PERFECT storm” has hit the wholesale electricity market, with households just beginning to feel its ferocity.
Many big businesses are already being severely buffeted, leading to
calls for government intervention to limit job losses and damage to the
Those large users buy their electricity on the spot market where prices
were substantially higher last financial year than in 2014-15 (NSW they
rose 46 per cent, in South Australia 57 per cent, Queensland 14 per cent
and Victoria 52 per cent). These increases, however, are dwarfed by the
rises since July 1: 79 per cent in NSW, 514 per cent in SA, 38 per cent
in Queensland and 96 per cent in Victoria.
Households’ power is mostly priced on the futures market, with a third
purchased 12 to 24 months before new retail tariffs are set and the
balance in the 12 months before. Recent movements and forward prices
from data supplied by ASX Energy put the wholesale cost of power about
two cents per kilowatt hour higher in NSW and Victoria for the next
three years.
That could add $120 to annual bills within two years. The increase in
Queensland is set to be about $100. But in SA a likely 4c/kWh increase
in wholesale costs may leading to a bill surge of $240 annually.
Households there, and to a lesser extent in NSW, have already started to
feel the consequences of the wholesale market chaos via prices rises
that took effect on July 1.
One of the nation’s leading experts on electricity prices, Grattan
Institute energy program director Tony Wood, said “we are seeing the
beginning of the real cost of changes we have imposed on our electricity
Mr Wood said a “dog’s breakfast” of climate change policies dating back
to the first Rudd government had contributed to rising prices because
investors haven’t known types of generation capacity to support.
Even as an advocate for renewable energy, he said Australia should be
running more on gas and “cleaned-up” black coal and less on wind and
solar, which currently can’t provide reliable supply.
Mr Wood said the electricity market was responding to rising demand and
falling supply, as well as a jump in the cost of gas needed to run
gas-fired power plants.
“Those three factors are coming together to create a perfect storm,” Mr
Wood, a former Origin Energy executive, said. “No-one forecast this.”
A source at a major electricity retailer agreed: “I don’t think anyone in the industry saw this coming. It’s serious.”
The body that represents large energy users such as Woolworths, ANZ
Bank, BlueScope Steel and Crown casino, said the cost of electricity is
now holding Australia back.
“It’s gone from being a competitive advantage 15 years ago to now being a
burden on the economy due to high cost,” said Energy Users Association
of Australia chairman Brian Morris.
“We have to take energy out of the political agenda. It’s a national
issue,” Mr Morris said. “We need both sides of politics, the state and
federal governments, all pulling in the same direction on this.”
He called on the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Energy Council
to take the lead and provide “guidance” to the electricity market.
El Niño, La Niña and natural gas
Death Valley, California, is known as “the hottest place on earth.” But,
if you hear the news that the “Hottest Place on Earth Has
Record-Breaking Hot June” — when “temperatures exceeded average June
temperatures by about 6 °F” — it might be easy to ascribe the heat to
alarmist claims of climate change. While Southern California was
experiencing power outages due to a heat wave, Death Valley hit 126 °F —
though the previous June high was 129 °F on June 30, 2013, and Death
Valley holds the highest officially recorded temperature on the planet:
134 °F on July 10, 1913.
Yes, it is a hot summer for most of the U.S. — but that was predicted by
WeatherBELL’s Joe Bastardi who, on Ground Hog Day, referenced El Niño
and said: “we may have the hottest summer since 2012.” Dr. Roy Spencer,
Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville,
explains: “it is usually the second calendar year of an El Niño event
that is the warmest.” The current El Niño event made 2015 “the 3rd
warmest year in the satellite record” — records, which have been
kept for 38 years (all three of the hottest years were during an El Niño
event). The 2015-16 El Niño is one of the strongest on record.
El Niño is a natural weather pattern first discovered centuries ago by
Peruvian fisherman who noticed that the ocean would often warm late in
the year. They called the phenomenon El Niño, after the Christ Child.
“Modern researchers,” according to Bloomberg, “came to realize its
importance to global weather in the 1960s, when they recognized the link
between warm surface water and corresponding atmospheric changes.”
El Niño usually means warmer or milder winters and cooler summers in the
U.S. — which has been bad for producers of America’s natural gas, as
less has been needed for heating and air conditioning. Describing the
winter of 2015-16, one account said: “warm, wet or even ‘what winter?’”
This past winter’s milder temperatures coincided with abundant output
from shale formations, that continued to grow through last winter, and,
as reported by Natural Gas Intelligence (NGI): “collapsed natural gas
prices to the lowest levels since 1999.” As a result, wholesale
electricity prices also tumbled.
The trend away from coal for power generation has previously helped
natural gas producers, as the increased production easily met
strengthening demand. However, that demand has slowed as, according to
NGI: “most U.S. regions that could switch out of coal on economic terms
have already done so.”
While the warmer winter and oversupply condition coincided to drive
natural gas prices to their lowest levels in almost 17 years, weather
and supply are now driving them back up.
El Niño patterns are usually followed by what is called La Niña — which
happens as the ocean temperatures cool. La Niña generally takes place
three months, or as much as twelve months, after an El Niño cycle. A
report from CNBC, back in January, projected that this year’s El Niño
would “fade by May-July” — which is what we are seeing and that is
causing the hotter, drier summer. The Browning World Climate Bulletin
says: “The factors that cooled so much of North America in April and May
are retreating and the hot marine air masses will surge inland.”
Likewise, NGI States: “The El Niño event that led to record North
American winter temperatures has made way for the transition to La Niña,
which usually results in hotter-than-normal summer temperatures.”
Addressing these weather patterns, Bloomberg cites Kevin Trenberth,
distinguished senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric
Research in Boulder, Colorado, as saying: “The cycles occur every two or
three years on average and help regulate the temperature of the Earth,
as the equatorial Pacific absorbs the heat of the sun during the El Niño
and then releases it into the atmosphere. That can create a La Niña: a
‘recharge state’ when ‘the whole Earth is cooler than it was before this
While experts differ on the exact timing, most expect La Niña to form as
early as July or as late as December — or even January. Trenberth
explains: “La Niña is more like a strong case of ‘normal.’ If a region
is typically dry, it could become arid in a La Niña. If it’s usually
wet, there may be floods.” Which translates to a colder, and more
volatile, than average winter — though predictions are for drier and
warmer in the southwest U.S. Reports indicate that a strong La Niña
could push more polar vortexes down into the U.S. and typically a strong
El Niño, as we’ve just experienced, is followed by a strong La Niña.
On June 29, the Financial Times announced: “US natural gas prices have
leapt 30 per cent this month as hot weather boost demand for
air-conditioning and slowing supplies point to a gradually tightening
market.” It adds: “After years with prices in the doldrums, US gas
output has also begun to level off.”
The hot summer, according to Bastardi, will continue with widespread
warmth through the fall — with the Northeast and Midwest possibly
hitting 90 °F into October. Then, going from one extreme to the other,
when winter hits, it is expected to be, as previously addressed,
colder-than-normal across the Northwest, Upper Midwest, and Northeast.
These conditions create higher cooling and heating demand for natural
gas. And that, coinciding with reduced supply, will give a boost to U.S.
natural gas prices — rebalancing the market and bringing price
For investors, Bloomberg states: “Seeing as North American Winters are
expecting to be stronger with La Niña, SocGen [Societe Generale
Corporate & Investment Banking] recommends investing in natural
gas.” The Price Group’s Phil Flynn, seen daily on the Fox Business
Network, concurs. He told me that in the rush to convert electricity
generation to natural gas, we are now in a place, unlike the winter of
2014, where there are not enough coal-fueled power plants to fill the
demand gap. The idea was that with global warming, winters would remain
mild, but with the naturally occurring La Niña cycle, and the projected
cold winter, we are facing high demand at a time when natural gas
production is “getting ready to fall off a cliff.” With reduced supply
and pipeline constraints, natural gas may not be able to meet all of the
demand. He is encouraging his clients into natural gas.
For consumers this may mean that, because wholesale electricity prices
strongly correlate to natural gas prices, power supply costs could be
impacted — resulting in higher utility bills. Because of low natural gas
prices, homeowners have not felt the full hit of higher cost renewables
— but that could be changing as we head into a La Niña winter.
Britain's new PM abolishes environment Dept.
In a decisive cull of David Cameron's closest allies, the new Prime
Minister's shake-up of the top team saw promotions for women and
The move will follow Mrs May's sweeping Cabinet clear-out which saw her
sack Mr Cameron's right-hand man George Osborne within hours of taking
office on Wednesday, and then going on to axe Michael Gove, Oliver
Letwin, Nicky Morgan and John Whittingdale.
But Jeremy Hunt kept his job as Health Secretary, despite being widely tipped for the chop.
The creation of specific Cabinet posts for exiting the EU, and boosting
international trade " underlines the commitment to delivering on the
decision of the British people," the official spokeswoman said.
Mrs May announced changes to the machinery of Whitehall which spelled
the end for the Department of Energy and Climate Change - established by
Gordon Brown in 2008 to lead the UK's contribution to the fight against
global warming.
Greg Clark was appointed to the new role of Secretary of State for
Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, while his old role at the head
of the Department for Communities and Local Government went to former
business secretary Sajid Javid, in an effective job-swap.
Green MP Caroline Lucas denounced the decision to shut down DECC as a
"serious backwards step", as it would mean no dedicated minister for
climate change at the Cabinet table.
A week after seeing his hopes of the Tory leadership dashed when he came
third in a poll of Tory MPs, Mr Gove lost his Justice Secretary job to
Liz Truss, who became the first female Lord Chancellor in the
thousand-year history of the role.
Prominent Brexit backer Andrea Leadsom, who paved the way for Mrs May's
rapid elevation to the premiership by pulling out of the Tory leadership
contest on Monday, was promoted from energy minister to the Cabinet
role of Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
The Conservatives' only MP north of the border, David Mundell, retained his position as Scotland Secretary.
British Parliament's devotion to the religion of climate change might be ending
Ever since the week in October 2008 when our MPs voted almost
unanimously for the Climate Change Act, I have been trying to explain
here why this was the most disastrous Act ever passed by Parliament.
This insane piece of legislation, committing us to a far greater cut in
our emissions of CO2 than any other country in the world, could only
eventually lead to the almost total destruction of our economy.
But now, at long last, it seems we have someone in a position of
influence who recognises this. Nick Timothy, described as Theresa May’s
“right hand man”, last April publicly described the Climate Change Act
as “a unilateral and monstrous act of self-harm”.
The Department for Energy and Climate Change is to be abolished.
Responsibility for energy policy (no mention of “climate change”), has
been returned where it belongs, to the ministry in charge of strategy
for our trade and industry.
If this marks the beginning of the end for the most damaging collective
flight from reality in Britain’s history, it is easily the most
far-reaching achievement so far of Mrs May’s premiership.
But we must never forget that all but five of our MPs voted for this
lunacy, without any conception of what they were setting in train. The
only way they can now atone for such criminal irresponsibility is by
repealing the Climate Change Act completely.
"Wind Power Mafia” Clandestinely Destroys Rare Stork Nests To Clear Way For Turbines!
German real environmental activist Andreas Kieling here at Facebook has
posted a video showing the gruesome and sickening destruction of
birdlife by windmills and tells of the premeditated criminal dismantling
of rare black stork nests by the “wind power mafia”.
The video is in German, but the pictures are of universal language.
At the start of the video Kieling shows 5 birds of different endangered
species that he and his dog allegedly found in just 15 minutes at one
single turbine. “That’s unbelievable,” Kieling announces. He is visibly
disturbed by this.
The high profile activist believes that the number of birds killed is
likely much higher, because many of the victims are soon dragged off by
scavenging animals such as foxes during the night.
The birds have little chance against the wind turbines, as the blade
tips travel at speeds of up to 270 km/hr. At the -3.15 mark:
That means a bird that flies in the vicinity underestimates this speed and gets cut to pieces, as is the case with this one.”
He adds that for bats it is not even necessary to be hit because the
under-pressure created by the blade swooshing by causes the bats’ lungs
to burst.
Also at the -2.38 mark Kieling explains that predatory birds also have
no chance because they often fly with their heads looking down in search
of prey, and so never see the high speed turbine blades. They end up
getting “shredded”.
What’s really bad is that wind developers are planning even more, larger turbines close by.
“Wind power mafia” destroying stork nests
If things were not bad enough, Kieling tells of stork nests only 1000
meters away that were criminally dismantled, likely by the “wind power
mafia” in order to clear the way for the new turbines. At the -2:05 mark
he shows a large oak tree that was allegedly once home to a black stork
nest for more than 40 years. He explains:
Suddenly the nest disappeared without a trace. The same happened to the
secondary nest. The storks often have two nests. It was about 800 meters
away. Also disappeared without a trace. The wind park is just about a
kilometer away. And it is probably the reason for this.”
“I’m so angry I could throw up”
Kieling explains how storks like to build their nests on large trees
located near streams, not up in the tree’s crown but on the fork of a
large branch. The nests he says can grow to weights of up to 500 kg over
20 to 30 years, and thus the branch and nest can eventually collapse
under the weight. At the -1.00 mark he explains:
But under this tree you’d find some remnants of the nest or the broken
branch, and this is precisely not the case. Not for this tree, and not
for the other tree. And in the neighboring town where I live, Ahrenberg,
it’s the same – there’s been a black stork’s nest since a long time.
This one here was the last black stork nest in the North Eifel area.
In the meantime the number of storks has fortunately gone up again. But I
ask myself just how concealed and hidden do these birds have to live
before they aren’t bothered. What is happening here is criminal. This
was done by professionals. In the forest, under the tree, there are no
traces of anything. The tree branch fork is very much intact, but the
nest is gone. The nest was dismantled. Likely it was done using aluminum
ladders and the nest material was carefully scattered in the
surrounding area in the forest. At the other nest the exact same thing.
I’m so angered; I could throw up. What can you do – it’s a battle
against the wind turbines.”
In the meantime not a peep of protest coming from WWF or other high
profile environmental groups. Kieling’s frustration and sense of
desperation are understandable. We can only wish him the best in the
fight against this crony “wind mafia” and the deplorable politicians who
look away.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
17 July, 2016
Mankind is playing 'ecological roulette': Decline in biodiversity could have devastating effects on human societies (?)
And pigs might become airborne. How do we know that reduced
biodiversity will be harmful? We don't. It's just a faith, a
personal ideal. The stuff below is based on the broadest of
assumptions. It tells us nothing about any particular organism or
its place in the ecology. All we know is that the species we do
use fulfil our needs. It's only threats to them which might impact
us. And we know that they grow under many climatic conditions
It seems that almost daily we hear about the discovery of a new species,
whether it's a silver snake in the Caribbean, or a new tree in the
Despite these regular discoveries, levels of global biodiversity are on
the decline, which scientists say could have a devastating global
New research suggests this loss in the variety of species around the
world could damage the way ecosystems function and even harm the
sustainability of human societies.
A team from UCL have found that levels of biodiversity loss are so high
that if left unchecked, they could undermine efforts towards long-term
sustainable development.
In particular, the researchers have highlighted that grasslands,
savannas and shrublands are more affected by the biodiversity lost.
They say the ability of biodiversity in these areas to support key
ecosystem functions such as growth of living organisms and nutrient
cycling has become increasingly uncertain.
The team used data from hundreds of scientists across the globe to
analyse 2.38 million records for 39,123 species at 18,659 sites.
The results were then used to estimate how biodiversity has changed since before humans modified the habitat.
The estimates suggest that biodiversity hotspots – those that have seen
habitat loss in the past but have a lot of species only found in that
area – are threatened, showing high levels of biodiversity decline.
However, other high biodiversity areas, such as the Amazon, have higher
levels of biodiversity and more scope for proactive conservation.
Dr Tim Newbold, who led the study, said: 'We've found that across most
of the world, biodiversity loss is no longer within the safe limit
suggested by ecologists.
'We know biodiversity loss affects ecosystem function but how it does this is not entirely clear.
'What we do know is that in many parts of the world, we are approaching a
situation where human intervention might be needed to sustain ecosystem
The team used data from hundreds of scientists across the globe to
analyse 2.38 million records for 39,123 species at 18,659 sites.
The results were then used to estimate how biodiversity has changed since before humans modified the habitat.
The estimates suggest that biodiversity hotspots – those that have seen
habitat loss in the past but have a lot of species only found in that
area – are threatened, showing high levels of biodiversity decline.
However, other high biodiversity areas, such as the Amazon, have higher
levels of biodiversity and more scope for proactive conservation.
Dr Newbold said: 'The greatest changes have happened in those places
where most people live, which might affect physical and psychological
'To address this, we would have to preserve the remaining areas of natural vegetation and restore human-used lands.'
Analysis suggests there may be so many species of tree in the Amazon that it will take humanity 300 years to discover them all
It seems that almost daily we hear about the discovery of a new species,
whether it's a silver snake in the Caribbean, or a tree in the Amazon
The researchers suggest that for 58.1 per cent of the world's land
surface - which is home to 71.4 per cent of the global population -
biodiversity loss is substantial enough to question the ability of
ecosystems to support human societies.
Professor Andy Purvis, from the Natural History Museum, who also worked
on the study, said: 'Decision-makers worry a lot about economic
recessions, but an ecological recession could have even worse
consequences – and the biodiversity damage we've had means we're at risk
of that happening.
'Until and unless we can bring biodiversity back up, we're playing ecological roulette.'
The team hope the results will be used to inform conservation policy, both nationally and internationally.
Britain's new cabinet is more climate-skeptical than its previous one
The Warmist writing below sees it as part of an evil conspiracy but
seeing a slowly expanding awareness of how shaky Warmist theory is
provides a more parsimonious explanation
Prime Minister Theresa May has been in office for less than two days and
already the impacts of the Brexit climate denier connection are being
The Cabinet reshuffle dealt a series of surprises, from Boris Johnson
becoming Foreign Secretary to the offices of the now former Department
for Energy and Climate Change set to be occupied by the new ‘Brexit
One thing that remained consistent, however, was the presence of the
close-knit 55 Tufton Street network of neoliberal think tanks and
climate science deniers.
To highlight these changes, DeSmog UK has expanded its ‘Brexit climate
denier’ map to include new connections which have come to light since
the 23 June vote to leave the European Union.
As this new map shows, those within the network have been elevated to powerful positions within May’s new government.
Andrea Leadsom has, for instance, been promoted to Environment
Secretary, and new additions to the web David Davis and Liam Fox have
been appointed the Minister for leaving the EU and International Trade
Secretary respectively.
In June, DeSmog UK first mapped the deep-rooted connections between
those campaigning for Britain to leave the European Union and those who
deny the science on climate change. DeSmogUK showed the many overlapping
relationships between those working in the same Westminster building,
just a stone’s throw from Parliament.
This updated map not only includes further links between the original
members of the web – including donations and neighbouring Tufton street
residents – but also branches out to include members of the new
Conservative Government.
Democrat AGs Targeting Climate ‘Dissenters’ Face Legal Demand to Disclose Ties to Environmental Groups
State government figures spearheading an effort to obtain documents from
scientists and researchers who dissent from the Obama administration’s
position on climate change are being asked, once again, to come clean
about their relationships with environmental organizations.
But this time around, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and
Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey have only two weeks to
comply with a demand for information from a House committee that the two
Democrats have resisted previously.
That’s because the demand comes in the form of subpoenas issued
Wednesday to Schneiderman, Healey, and eight environmental advocacy
groups. The House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology took the
action after being rebuffed in previous efforts.
In response, a spokesman for Schneiderman lashed out at the committee as
“radical Republican House members” with “zero credibility” who are
trying to “block a serious law enforcement investigation.”
Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, the committee chairman, saw it differently.
“The attorneys general have appointed themselves to decide what is valid
and what is invalid regarding climate change,” Smith said in a press
statement. “The attorneys general are pursuing a political agenda at the
expense of scientists’ right to free speech.”
Smith added:
The committee has a responsibility to protect First Amendment rights of
companies, academic institutions, scientists, and nonprofit
organizations. That is why the committee is obligated to ask for
information from the attorneys general and others. Unfortunately, the
attorneys general have refused to give the committee the information to
which it is entitled. What are they hiding? And why?
On March 29, state attorneys general calling themselves AGs United for
Clean Power held a press conference in New York with former Vice
President Al Gore to announce formation of “an unprecedented coalition
of top law enforcement” that would “defend climate change progress made
under President Obama.”
All but one of the attorneys general are Democrats.
Some of the elected officials, also dubbed the Green 20, have subpoenaed
documents, communications, and research in an effort to acquire the
work material of more than 100 academic institutions, nonprofit
organizations, and individual scientists, the House committee notes.
These organizations and individuals were targeted because they
questioned the merits of President Barack Obama’s climate change agenda,
the panel says.
On July 6, Smith sent letters to Schneiderman, Healey, and the
environmental groups now on the receiving end of the subpoenas. He
reminded them of his May 18 and June 20 requests for documents and
Smith set a deadline of noon July 13 for compliance. The committee
issued the subpoenas when the state attorneys general and the
environmental groups declined to comply.
The eight green groups subject to the committee’s inquiries include the
Union of Concerned Scientists, Greenpeace,, the Climate
Accountability Institute, the Climate Reality Project, the Rockefeller
Family Fund, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and Pawa Law Group.
The Daily Signal sought comment from Schneiderman’s office in New York and Healey’s office in Massachusetts.
“The extent to which Chairman Smith and Republican committee leadership,
at the behest of Big Oil, [are] attacking the legal authority of state
attorneys general to investigate whether major corporations misled
investors and consumers is very troubling, and an affront to states’
rights,” Healey spokeswoman Cyndi Roy Gonzalez said in an email to The
Daily Signal, adding:
This isn’t a fight about the First Amendment because the First Amendment
doesn’t protect false and misleading speech. Our office seeks only to
understand what Exxon’s own scientists knew about the impact of burning
fossil fuels on climate change and on Exxon’s business and assets, when
they knew it, and what they told the public. Congress does not have the
authority to interfere with a state inquiry into whether a private
company violated state laws, and we will continue to fight any and all
efforts to stop our investigation.
Schneiderman’s office did not respond, but a spokesman for the New York attorney general, Eric Soufer, released this statement:
The American public will wake up tomorrow morning shaking their heads
when they learn that a small group of radical Republican House members
is trying to block a serious law enforcement investigation into
potential fraud at Exxon. Chairman Smith and his allies have zero
credibility on this issue, and are either unwilling or unable to grasp
that the singular purpose of these investigations is to determine
whether Exxon committed serious violations of state securities fraud,
business fraud, and consumer fraud laws.
This committee has no authority to interfere with these state law
enforcement investigations, and whether they issue a subpoena or not,
this Attorney General [Schneiderman] will not be intimidated or deterred
from ensuring that every New Yorker receives the full protection of
state laws.
Where the New York attorney general sees “serious law enforcement,”
however, others see an assault on free speech rights and honest
scientific inquiry.
“The state attorneys general who are spearheading the green witch hunt
are not just sabotaging Americans’ First Amendment rights. They are
carrying out a frontal assault on the fundamentals of scientific
inquiry,” Bonner Cohen, senior fellow at the National Center for Public
Policy Research, told The Daily Signal.
Cohen added:
In saying the science is ‘settled’ on climate change, they are only
revealing their colossal ignorance of what science is all about.
The science isn’t settled on anything. What we think we know about
biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, and, yes, climate science, is
constantly undergoing revision resulting from new findings and
discoveries. What’s really going on here is the ruling class telling the
rest of us to shut up and do as we are told. And if we don’t, there’ll
be a knock at the door.
In response to the House committee’s subpoena, Ken Kimmell, president of
the Union of Concerned Scientists, released a statement challenging the
congressional investigation.
“Chairman Smith’s subpoena is an abuse of power that goes way beyond the
House Science Committee’s jurisdiction and amounts to nothing more than
harassment,” Kimmell said, adding:
By attempting to interfere with the attorneys general investigations,
Chairman Smith directly undermines efforts to hold Exxon Mobil
accountable for misrepresenting climate science. It’s also just plain
wrong to investigate a nonprofit for doing its job—in this case,
providing public officials with science and evidence to hold fossil fuel
companies accountable for deception on climate change, one of the
world’s most pressing problems.
But Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation who has tracked the story, said he detected hypocrisy.
“The reaction of the state attorneys general shows what total hypocrites
they are,” von Spakovsky told The Daily Signal. “They have clearly
conspired with environmental groups to initiate these outrageous
investigations and prosecutions of anyone who doesn’t agree with them
about an unproven, disputed scientific theory, including voluminous,
harassing subpoenas. Yet when they are targeted with inquiries about
what they are doing, suddenly they are outraged.”
Committee members insist Schneiderman, Healey, and the other state
attorneys general, along with the environmental groups, are at fault for
jeopardizing free speech and honest scientific inquiry about whether
human activity has resulted in global warming—what adherents to the idea
now call climate change.
“Since March, these attorneys general have attempted to use questionable
legal tactics to force the production of documents and communications
from a broad group of scientists, companies, and nonprofit
organizations,” said Rep. Brian Babin, R-Texas, who chairs the space
“These actions are an attempt to chill the scientific research of those
who do not support the attorneys general and environmental groups’
political positions,” Babin said in a formal statement adding:
These actions amount to a political attack rather than a serious inquiry
based on the law. Today’s action by the Science Committee and Chairman
Smith sustains the commitment to protect the First Amendment rights of
the individuals and groups targeted by the attorneys general and
environmental activists.
If the committee does not receive a response from Schneiderman, Healy,
or any of the green groups, it could hold a vote on whether a “contempt
of Congress” finding should be sent to the full House.
Global Warming Skepticism Is Not Fraud
Professor Robert C. Post, dean of the Yale Law School, appeared recently
in the Washington Post defending investigations by state attorneys
general into ExxonMobil and the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI),
saying such investigations are standard operating procedure for
addressing possible fraud. He dismissed the protests of the targets of
these investigations, saying, “It is grossly irresponsible to invoke the
First Amendment in such contexts.”
The subsequent withdrawal of both subpoenas issued by the Virgin
Islands’ attorney general and counter-suits launched by both ExxonMobil
and CEI suggest Prof. Post was wrong. But let’s try to understand his
Prof. Post seems to believe the common meme that “97% of scientists
agree climate change is man-made and dangerous,” which leads him to
believe the scientific debate is over (though when it ended isn’t
clear), that ExxonMobil knew this (though when it knew isn’t clear), and
since then ExxonMobil has sowed doubt by financing false and misleading
research (although much of the research it funded was considered solid
enough to be published in peer-reviewed science journals) in order to
keep regulators from shutting it down and investors from selling its
Believing all this, Prof. Post might then conclude that CEI and the 100
or so other organizations and individuals cited in the subpoenas (a list
apparently cribbed from a Greenpeace website) may all be “shills” or
“front groups” funded by ExxonMobil, and therefore their claims to be
participating in a legitimate scientific debate are to be discounted.
The attorneys general of Massachusetts, New York, and the Virgin Islands
presumably all follow this same and somewhat tortuous path of
If belief in the “consensus” meme is in fact driving Prof. Post and the
attorneys general, then the whole premise of this litigation is false.
Because in fact, there is no consensus, but instead a lively academic
debate taking place.
The first chapter of The Heartland Institute’s newest book, Why
Scientists Disagree About Global Warming, identifies and takes apart the
four sources given by NASA as proof of a consensus: They were written
by a socialist historian, two college students, and a wacky Australian
blogger. The book then identifies surveys and abstract-counting
exercises that show considerable disagreement within the scientific
community, and then explains why scientists will probably never agree on
this issue.
The rest of the book summarizes the perspective on climate change of the
Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), an
international network of climate scientists who are much less alarmist
than the experts relied on by the Obama administration. NIPCC’s
findings, reported in a series of 1,000-page-plus books published by The
Heartland Institute in the Climate Change Reconsidered series, are so
credible they have been cited in more than 100 peer-reviewed articles.
Part of that series was translated into Chinese and published by the
Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Because there is a lively academic debate over the causes and
consequences of climate change, this litigation has First Amendment
implications. One side in a bona fide scientific debate is declaring,
falsely, that the debate is over and therefore its opponents are engaged
in a fraud. This baseless accusation is libelous: It damages the
reputations and threatens the livelihoods of scientists who oppose the
alarmist narrative and organizations that provide them with platforms
from which they can be heard.
In light of this, it seems clear that the wrong individuals and
organizations are being investigated. Greenpeace, the Union of Concerned
Scientists, and similar groups that are the source of the false
“consensus” meme ought to be put on trial for libeling groups that
disagree with them. But nice people don’t sue people who disagree with
them, so skeptics have rarely resorted to doing this.
There is a second and independent reason to view this litigation as a
threat to First Amendment rights: This isn’t about potential consumer or
investor fraud or even about climate science. It’s about restricting
political free speech.
The AGs, with the encouragement of the U.S. Department of Justice, are
entering this debate on the side of alarmists because the alarmists
almost without exception are partisans. They are spokespersons for the
Obama administration, or contributors to Mr. Obama’s political
campaigns, or stand to benefit financially from the Obama
administration’s war on fossil fuels (environmental advocacy groups,
academics who have made their careers by exaggerating the threat of
global warming, and the renewable energy industry angling to keep
massive subsidies). Often, they are all three all at once.
Virtually every so-called expert or activist who “believes in global
warming” is paid to hold that belief. Scratch the surface and their
conflicts of interest are immediately apparent. Skeptics of the
anthropogenic global warming theory, on the other hand, are most often
financially independent and have no financial stake in the outcome of
the debate. They are retired from academic positions or operate as
scientists outside the academy. They “looked under the hood” at the
science and saw there was nothing there. True believers never look under
the hood. Why would they?
Businesses and organizations being targeted by the AGs are exercising
their First Amendment right to “petition the Government for a redress of
grievances.” It is not the possibility of harm to the public that led
the AGs and DOJ to decide to enter into a wickedly complicated
scientific debate, but the possibility of harm to the current
administration in the White House.
Their objective is to silence opposition by ExxonMobil and CEI (and
other nonprofit organizations similar to CEI) to this administration’s
draconian energy policies. Proof of its partisan nature can be found in
the fact that there was no talk of similar litigation during the
administrations that preceded Obama … see for example this brief history
by the Federalist Society.
It seems to me the basis of this litigation is an abuse of authority by
the Obama administration and its cat’s paws in the states. They base
their claims on a myth, readily disproven, that a scientific consensus
exists on the causes and consequences of climate change.
Why anyone – least of all the dean of a prestigious law school – would
dignify such a crude and corrupt assault on justice is a mystery, and
very troubling to me.
Cheeky South Australian Greenies want more interconnetors with other states in order to prop up their windmill-reliant power
They have to to import coal-fired power when the wind is not blowing
there and want to export their windpower to other States when the wind
IS blowing. Typical Greenies: Demand, demand, demand
An energy crisis in South Australia created by an over-reliance on
untrustworthy and expensive wind and solar will force the state Labor
government to seek greater access to cheaper coal-fired electricity from
the eastern states.
This comes amid rising concern that federal renewable energy targets
will force other states down the path taken by South Australia, which
has the highest and most variable energy prices in the national
electricity grid.
South Australian Treasurer Tom Koutsantonis, who is also the Energy
Minister, yesterday put the eastern states on notice, vowing to “smash
the national electricity market into a thousand pieces and start again”.
He warned other states that the energy crisis was “coming to get
them”. “This is coming to Victoria, this is coming to NSW ...
every jurisdiction is facing what we’re facing now,” the Treasurer said.
South Australian Labor’s admission that it needed urgent reform of the
national energy market rules, so that in addition to upgrading
connection with Victoria it also could tap into NSW baseload power,
reveals the vulnerability of its reliance on renewables. The last
coal-fired power stations in South Australia closed in May.
Wind and solar make up more than 40 per cent of the state’s energy mix
under a green policy agenda driven by Labor, in power in South Australia
since 2002.
Several major companies, including BHP Billiton and Arrium, this week
warned Mr Koutsantonis of possible shutdowns because of high energy
prices, forcing him to plead for a temporary power spike from a private
owner of a mothballed gas-fired power plant. Private energy supplier
ENGIE fired up its Pelican Point plant near Port Adelaide for a short
time yesterday, bringing an extra 239 megawatts of power into the grid.
Mr Koutsantonis said the federal government had encouraged South
Australia, which has the best conditions for wind farms, to chase the
energy source as part of Australia’s renewable energy target of about 24
per cent by 2020.
“Wind is paid by the commonwealth to produce power ... if you are going
to pay wind farms to produce electricity regardless of demand, you
better make sure that is distributed equally across the country because
you can’t have a national policy implicating just one state,” he said.
He called on Malcolm Turnbull to immediately appoint an energy minister
and schedule an urgent meeting of federal and state ministers to
undertake energy market reform. “If you want a true national
electricity market, you really need to have all of the states
“What we have is a series of state-based markets with very poor interconnection between them,’’ Mr Koutsantonis said.
The market was supposed to integrate the east coast states with South
Australia and Tasmania to allow the free flow of electricity across
borders via a series of interconnecters, he said. It excludes West
Australia and the Northern Territory.
An upgraded interconnecter with Victoria is scheduled for completion
next month, and South Australia also wants a larger interconnecter with
NSW, at a cost of between $300 million and $700m.
“Victoria has multiple markets it can draw from; we have one, NSW has
two and Queensland has one. That’s not a national electricity market,”
he said.
Australian Federal election 2016: Rising minor parties leave Greens in shade
The Greens’ vote in the Senate has fallen in every state apart from
Queensland, leaving the minor party facing the possible loss of three of
its 10 senators once all ballot papers have been counted.
Nationally, the Greens have suffered a 0.9 per cent swing against them
in the Senate as other minor parties have risen in popularity, led by
One Nation (up 3.8 per cent), the Nick Xenophon Team (1.3 per cent) and
Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party (1.8 per cent).
The party’s vote in the Senate peaked at 13.1 per cent in 2010 but has fallen to 8.3 per cent so far in this count.
The Greens have already lost a senator in South Australia, Robert Simms,
who was second on the ticket behind Sarah Hanson-Young, after the NXT
clinched three seats in the state.
Political analysts are now predicting the Greens could lose a Senate
seat in Western Australia, where Rachel Siewert is trying to snatch the
final spot, and another in Tasmania where former state leader Nick McKim
is nervously awaiting his fate.
Those losses would mean the Greens’ 10 senators in the last parliament —
its best representation in the Senate — would be cut to between seven
and nine senators.
In Western Australia, the Greens’ vote has fallen 5.3 per cent from its
strong showing in the 2014 Senate re-run election despite the Greens
boasting of their biggest grassroots campaign ever organised in the
state in the lead-up to the July 2 poll.
Senator Siewert will rely on preferences to secure the final Senate spot over the Nationals candidate Kado Muir.
Election analyst William Bowe told The Australian that based on an
analysis he did yesterday of past Senate preference flows it appeared
the contest between the Greens and the Nationals for the final seat in
WA was a virtual dead heat.
“It is extremely close,” he said.
The battle between the Greens and Nationals comes as One Nation’s
controversial candidate in Western Australia, Rod Culleton, appears to
have secured the 11th spot in the Senate.
Mr Culleton has rejected suggestions that he will be ineligible to serve in the Senate due to a conviction for larceny in NSW.
It is understood the Greens are reasonably confident that Senator
Siewert will win enough preferences from “progressive” parties,
including the Australian Sex Party and Animal Justice Party, to
outperform the Nationals’ Mr Muir.
Mr Muir stood for the Greens at the 2007 and 2010 elections. The
antinuclear campaigner is aiming to become WA’s second indigenous
senator after Pat Dodson.
Greens leader Richard di Natale declined to comment.
But sources in the party stressed they expected that the Greens’
performance would improve as the count progressed because absentee and
below-the-line votes tended to favour the Greens.
The Greens’ vote in the Senate is down 0.8 per cent in NSW, 0.4 per cent
in Victoria, 1.6 per cent in South Australia and 0.8 per cent in
Tasmania, but is up 0.74 per cent so far in Queensland.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
15 July, 2016
South Australian "green" energy faltering
When they shut down their last coal-fired electricity generator, S.A.
crowed about how their electricity was now wholly "green". That was a
typical Greenie lie from the beginning. They rely on importing
electricity from Victoria when the wind isn't blowing. And that
electricity is generated by burning "dirty" LaTrobe brown coal, the most
polluting form of coal.
They thought they could get away with
that but now they are hitting problems. The interconnector from
Victoria can only supply so much power and that is often not
enough. So they jack up the prices of their electricity when the
wind is not blowing. They equalize supply and demand by penalizing
and hence restricting demand from big users -- businesses.
such an attack on business that they have begun to backtrack.
They are now asking for more output from a big private generator,
powered by -- guess -- a "fossil" fuel -- natural gas. The
Green is now pretty brown at the edges and it will get browner as the
folly of "sustainable" power makes itself felt. Blackouts are
waiting in the wings
A private power station in Adelaide has been asked to boost its output
because some of South Australia's biggest businesses have been
struggling to cope with a huge jump in their electricity prices at times
of peak demand.
The owner of Pelican Point Power Station in Adelaide's north-west,
Engie, has been asked by the SA Government to provide an extra 239
megawatts of supply.
The Government said a planned outage of the Heywood power interconnector
with Victoria, higher gas prices and severe cold weather were to blame
for price volatility in the local energy market.
Treasurer Tom Koutsantonis said there was little the Government could do
reduce price fluctuations because of past privatisation of the state's
electricity assets.
But Opposition frontbencher Rob Lucas blamed the SA Government's
reliance on renewable energy for the surge in electricity prices at
times of peak demand.
"The massive rush into wind energy and alternative
energy in South Australia, without ensuring the continuation of base
load power, is the major problem that we've got here in South
Australia," he said.
Comment from a reader:
People have a way of coming up with their own solutions. Most likely as
soon as the brown-outs become a way of life people will start relying on
their own generators and same for industry. You are likely to see a
surge in purchases of back up units ........ and more air pollution
because these generators run on gasoline and diesel. They will even
discover that you can put an inverter on a car electrical system and let
the car idle.
People will revert to candles and oil lamps and shutting down their
aircon units, all create bad health exposure. Hospitals come into risk
and also have to rely on back up generation. Street lights get turned
off leading to higher crime.
But at least the world will not over heat and melt the polar ice.
Vacation spots will benefit as more people go to the beach to cool off
and use someone else's stand by power.
Sorry to hear that Australia has its fair share of fools. May they die
of heat stroke while they sit in the dark eating melted ice cream made
from spoiled milk ......... on dirty dishes washed in cold water. There
will be plenty of hard coal for their Christmas stockings.
The Left’s Climate Change Hysteria
In the latest bout of political theater, 19 congressional Democrats took
the stage of the Senate floor Tuesday to attack free-market
organizations for allegedly spinning a “web of denial” on global
warming. Casting the right to free speech aside, the senators are
spinning a web of climate hysteria and economic illiteracy.
Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., said, “We have to be open to different points of
view, but when the science is settled and people who know better are
fighting against it, we should know better.”
In other words, as far as liberals are concerned, it’s now a
self-evident truth that climate change is urgent, catastrophic, and
man-made, and the only way to stop it involves massive government
It’s not surprising liberals view the issue as urgent, given they
believe such absurdities as that man-made global warming is irreversibly
cooking our planet, melting the ice caps , creating climate refugees in
the tens of millions, and will ultimately result in Manhattan being
underwater. Suddenly, it makes (a little) sense why they want us to
de-develop to the Stone Age by keeping the world’s natural resources in
the ground to stop climate change.
Let’s move back to the initial belief that climate change is real. The
fact of the matter is that no overwhelming consensus exists among
climatologists on the magnitude of future warming, man’s impact on the
climate, or on the urgency to reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
gas emissions.
In fact, looking at the data from the federal government’s own National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the United Nations
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change provides plenty of reason to
slow down on alarmism.
There are a number of climate phenomena that activists warn are signs of
oncoming, catastrophic global warming. Among these alleged markers of
environmental doom are: increasing hurricanes, widespread floods and
droughts, and a sea level rise that will harm coastal communities.
Hurricanes Are Not Becoming More Frequent. The IPCC notes in its most
recent scientific assessment that there are “no robust trends in annual
numbers of tropical storms, hurricanes, and major hurricanes counts have
been identified over the past 100 years in the North Atlantic basin,”
and that there are “no significant observed trends in global tropical
cyclone frequency.” Further, “confidence in large-scale changes in the
intensity of extreme extratropical cyclones [such as ‘Superstorm’ Sandy]
since 1900 is low.”
Floods and Droughts. The IPCC noted that it overstated previous
conclusions about increasing trends and that “the compelling arguments
both for and against a significant increase in the land area
experiencing drought has hampered global assessment.” The IPCC found
evidence for increases, decreases, and no trend at all in flood activity
or severity. So whatever your theory on climate change and floods, the
IPCC has studies to back you up—which suggests that there’s a lot of
uncertainty on this topic.
Sea Level Rise. Though every year seems to bring on a prediction of
imminent sea level rise direr than the last, the observed reality does
not reflect this. Corresponding to the recovery from the Little Ice Age,
sea level has risen about eight inches in the past 130 years. During
this period, the rate of this rise has varied on multidecadal time
scales, making identifying exact reasons behind upswings, such as what
has been observed over the past few decades, difficult. But whatever the
cause, the current rate of sea level rise (about 12-13 inches per
century) lies far beneath alarmist projections of several feet or more
by the year 2100.
President Barack Obama has proposed a “keep it in the ground”
environmental agenda, which pushes American policy away from cultivating
energy from fossil fuels and natural gas. This economic ignorance is as
alarming as the scientific ignorance. The proposed policy nonsolution
of avoiding fossil fuels, which Obama’s scientific adviser recently
called “unrealistic,” will exact significant economic pain on families
and businesses.
Conventional fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas primarily power the
American and global economy. These natural resources meet 80 percent of
the world’s energy needs because they are affordable and reliable. They
also significantly improved the quality of life and health for billions
of people all over the world. Regulating conventional fuels out of
existence will raise energy prices that hit families again and again
because almost everything we buy requires energy to make.
Keeping fuel in the ground keeps the world’s poorest citizens trapped in
poverty. It will deprive the 17 percent of the world’s population who
don’t have access to electricity and 35 percent who don’t have clean
cooking facilities from achieving a better standard of living.
The web of denial charade might provide enough hot air to make some
subsidized windmills spin, but it carries a concerning message that
threatens scientific debate and dismisses economic realities.
Coal on the Fast Track to Elimination
The Obama administration’s end goal is the complete elimination of coal.
And if new data is to be believed, the administration is well ahead of
schedule. According to U.S. Energy Information Administration
calculations, “Coal-fired generating capacity in the United States
dropped from 299 gigawatts (GW) at the end of 2014 to 276 GW as of April
2016.” Moreover, “Coal-fired generation’s share of total electricity
generation fell from 39% in 2014 to 28% in the first four months of
That’s a steep decline. And it’s nowhere near what the EPA
unrealistically projected in its December 2011 “Regulatory Impact
Analysis for the Final Mercury and Air Toxics Standards.” In that
report, the agency estimated, “A small amount of coal-fired capacity,
about 4.7 GW (less than 2 percent of all coal-fired capacity in 2015),
is projected to be come uneconomic to maintain by 2015.”
Coal, by design, is on the fast track to elimination. And if it’s phased
out quicker than expected? Well, tough luck. What’s bad news for the
coal industry and the overall economy is good news for the EPA and its
Democrat operatives. The Democratic Platform Committee just endorsed a
provision “calling on the Department of Justice to investigate alleged
corporate fraud on the part of fossil fuel companies who have reportedly
misled shareholders and the public on the scientific reality of climate
change.” Too bad the committee won’t endorse an investigation into the
fraudulent projections government officials cling to whenever they seek
to implement devious and onerous regulations.
Africa has enough problems without Greenies adding to them
Steven Lyazi writes from Uganda. He may not be aware that
Greenies WANT to reduce the population of Africa, with starvation being a
highly acceptable method to them. They hate people
Africa is still battling “transitional periods,” from slavery and
colonialism, to neocolonialism and eco-imperialism. Its wars, diseases
and suffering will never end until we stop having greedy leaders who
only care about their families, cronies and tribal members.
The continent has enough natural resources to bring peace, health and
prosperity to nearly everyone. And yet 90% of Africans still lack
electricity and basic necessities, while corrupt leaders who could help
transform our nations embezzle billions and leave parents and children
starving and poor.
From Rwanda and Liberia to the Sudan and Uganda, we see every day the
horrible effects of war – crippled men, widowed women, orphaned children
and frail old people, without hands and legs, with slash marks all over
their bodies. They struggle as scavengers, collapse and perish from
hunger and disease, while politicians get rich.
Meanwhile, environmental activists, western powers and UN agencies
dictate what issues are important – and use them to keep us poor and
deprived: manmade climate change, no GMO foods, no DDT to prevent
malaria, using wind and solar power and never building coal, natural gas
or nuclear power plants. This is a criminal trick that denies us our
basic rights to affordable energy, jobs and modern living standards.
Earlier this year, in South Sudan, I saw thousands of starving people
suffering from war wounds, malaria, meningitis, hepatitis, vitamin
deficiencies, cholera and other diseases. Here in Uganda, I see hundreds
trying to survive and recover from these diseases, heart attacks,
diabetes, kidney failure and cancer, receiving little or no medication
and terribly inadequate care in hospitals and clinics that are
falling apart and don’t even have window screens or safe running water.
In January 2015, I was in Kampala’s Mulago Hospital caring for my friend
and mentor, Cyril Boynes, who was dying from a stroke and kidney
failure. The doctors and nurses tried to save him, but they had old,
broken equipment and constantly battled electricity failures. Many
times, the power went out, the lights and equipment stopped working, and
people died before the electricity came back on.
For those who cannot fly to Europe for care, death does not distinguish
between rich and poor, Ugandan or foreign. The same terrible facilities
and lack of medicine affect everyone. In a world with so much money,
technology and knowledge, there is no reason this should continue, year
after year.
Before war broke out in South Sudan in 2013, there was some stability
and a lot of nongovernmental organizations, companies like Ford Motor
Company, private investors and other people arrived to do business. Many
thought they could earn good profits, and some succeeded.
Some East African people in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi,
Somalia, the Republic of Congo and other countries around South Sudan
received new opportunities and skills. They were able to feed their
families, send their children to school, pay medical bills and cover
other expenses.
But today there is war and economic recession, oil prices have
collapsed, and Ford and other companies closed their operations and
left. Some 80% of the people again have no jobs. Their families are
again impoverished and starving.
In South Sudan, most people still practice primitive subsistence
farming. A UN Development Program report says 90% of the land in South
Sudan is suitable for agriculture, but less than 5% of it is cultivated.
This is because oil was the primary source of income for the country,
the economy has collapsed, and few farmers have modern equipment,
fertilizers or seeds to make any profits.
If South Sudanese people have electricity at all, it is from small
diesel-powered generators for homes, businesses and hospitals. It is not
sufficient, it’s available only some of the time, and there is almost
no electricity outside of Juba and other big towns. Few people have
motor fuels either, for cars or farm machinery, and the land is too vast
to be cultivated by hand hoe or animals.
Calls for us to live “sustainably,” use wind and solar and biofuel
power, and never use fossil fuels, are a demand that we accept prolonged
starvation and death in our poor countries. They mean desperate people
will do horrible things to survive, even just another day.
In 2006, I met a lady in Mulago Hospital whose son was dying from
malaria. The Congress of Racial Equality people I was with asked her if
she knew that DDT could help prevent malaria, by keeping diseased
mosquitoes from coming into their homes. She said, yes, “but DDT is bad
for the environment,” so she opposed using it.
It is crazy how lies about this chemical have made mothers willing to
let their children die, rather than spray it on their homes. Malaria has
killed millions of people in Uganda and is still the number-one killer
disease in Africa. Over 1,000 babies and mothers die every day from this
disease. We protect the environment from imaginary problems and die
from environmental diseases.
What good is having an environment without people, without me and you?
In 2010, 32 coal miners where shot dead in South Africa. They were
protesting for salary increases, which the mine owners and South African
government said they could not afford, because of the terrible world
economy and low coal prices. Meanwhile, the miners’ families are
Our government is planning to construct a pipeline from western Uganda
to Tanzania. The project could employ over 15,000 people. Along with
other oil operations, it will boost our economy and give us more
critically needed energy. But some agencies and organizations oppose it
because it would “contribute to global warming,” and they would rather
see us remain poor beggars to the West.
Like these “environmental” activists, African leaders do not care about
the well-being of our citizens. They are incompetent, greedy, callous
criminals, driven by ideologies and a love of power over people.
They love their armies and fast cars, treat their own people like
terrorists, and have betrayed our continent. They pay no attention to
the most critical and fundamental needs and concerns of people who are
jobless, poor, hungry, and at the mercy of diseases and the environment.
They do not care that most of their people never have clean water, a
decent home, enough food to live, or electricity for even one light bulb
and a tiny refrigerator.
In 2007, Cyril Boynes organized a 332-kilometer (206-mile) people’s
march from Kampala to Gulu, Uganda, to support using DDT to eradicate
malaria. This year, I participated in a march from Gulu to Kampala, to
remember those who suffered during the long war with Joseph Kony’s
murderous Lord’s Resistance Army, to honor my mother, who walked 20 km
every day so that her children could eat and live – and to promote
health and prosperity for our country and continent.
When will that day come? When will politicians and activists who say
their care about the world’s poor stop worrying about global warming,
pesticides and GMO crops – and start helping us get the energy, food,
medical facilities, technology, jobs and economic growth we need to
improve our lives?
Via email
Ban AC for DC
Glenn Harlan Reynolds
Everyone talks about global warming, but nobody does anything about
it. At least, the people who talk about saving the planet the most
seem to have the biggest carbon footprint. But I have some ideas
for fixing that.
In this, I’m inspired by Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Tex., who noticed something
peculiar recently. It seems that EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy, who
spends a lot of time telling Americans that they need to drive less, fly
less, and in general reduce their consumption of fossil fuels, also
flies home to see her family in Boston "almost every weekend"; the head
of the Clean Air Division, Janet McCabe, does the same, but she heads to
In air mileage alone, the Daily Caller News Foundation estimates that
McCarthy surpasses the carbon footprint of an ordinary American. Smith
has introduced a bill that wouldn't target the EPA honchos’ personal
travel, though: It provides, simply, that “None of the funds made
available by this Act may be used to pay the cost of any officer or
employee of the Environmental Protection Agency for official travel by
This makes sense to me. We’re constantly told by the administration that
“climate change” is a bigger threat than terrorism. And as even
President Obama has noted, there’s a great power in setting an example:
“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes
on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries
are going to say OK.”
Likewise, it’s hard to expect Americans to accept changes to their own
lifestyles when the very people who are telling them that it’s a crisis
aren’t acting like it’s a crisis. So I have a few suggestions to help
bring home the importance of reduced carbon footprints at home and
Extend Smith’s bill to cover the entire federal government. We have
Skype now, and Facetime. There’s no reason to fly to meetings. I’d let
the President keep Air Force One for official travel, but subject to a
requirement that absolutely no campaign activity or fundraisers take
place on any trips in which the president travels officially.
Obama makes a great point about setting the thermostat at 72 degrees. We
should ban air conditioning in federal buildings. We won two world wars
without air conditioning our federal employees. Nothing in their
performance over the last 50 or 60 years suggests that A/C has improved
things. Besides, The Washington Post informs us that A/C is sexist, and
that Europeans think it’s stupid.
In fact, we should probably ban air conditioning in the entire District
of Columbia, to ensure that members of Congress, etc. won’t congregate
in lobbyists’ air-conditioned offices.
Speaking of which, members of Congress shouldn’t be allowed to fly home
on the weekends. Not only does this produce halfhearted attention to
their jobs — the so-called “Tuesday to Thursday Club” — but, again, it
produces too much of a carbon footprint. Even if they pay for the travel
out of campaign funds, instead of their own budgets, they need to set
an example for the rest of us — and for those skeptical foreigners that
Obama mentioned.
But, you know, it’s not just the government. We’ve been told that global
warming will cause rising sea levels that will inundate coastal cities
and produce devastation. I think we need to get ahead of that
problem by encouraging people to move away from the coasts before things
get bad. We can do that by a steadily-increasing tax on coastal
property that will discourage people from moving to, or staying in,
coastal cities. Sure, this will hurt property values in Boston or New
York, but we all have to do our share.
Delusional Al Gore calls himself the ‘Jackie Robinson’ of global warming
Al Gore is the perfect poster boy for the corruption and hypocrisy of
contemporary American progressivism. Reputedly a billionaire from
his error-ridden documentary film and books, speaking fees, and Apple
directorship, he squanders energy on vast mansions and private
jets. Yet he urges the little people to give up their roomy
vehicles and ride trolleys in order to “save the planet.”
As Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit often says, we can start believing
global warming advocates when they start living as if their C02
emissions mattered as much as ours.
As Ed Lasky points out, Gore has led a charmed life: “Son of a senator,
political royalty,” and yet he now makes a completely inappropriate,
indeed offensive claim. Via the Washington Examiner:
As a man on a "great social mission," former Vice President Al Gore says
he feels like baseball trailblazer Jackie Robinson, the messenger of
integration who was often ridiculed and worse when he hit the bases as
the first black to play professional ball.
"There is a time-honored tradition of people who strongly disagree with a
message and take it out on the messenger, and opponents of integration
had a personal animus for Jackie Robinson. Opponents of all the great
social movements would take out after the advocates that were most
effective in asking people to change," Gore told his one-time employer,
Nashville's Tennessean newspaper.
"As a result, I don't take it personally when the criticism comes at me.
I believe so passionately in this mission, if you will. The word
'mission' might sound a little grandiose, but that's kind of what it
feels like to me. Honestly, it is a joy and a privilege to have work
that justifies pouring every ounce of energy you can pour into it. That
is a blessing that is to be cherished," he added in an interview to
discuss the 10th anniversary of his movie and book, "An Inconvenient
If a Republican had compared himself to a black pioneer who overcame
racism and poverty, the denunciations would already be deafening. I
suspect that the corrupt “civil rights leaders” of the left will sigh
and keep their mouths shut because Gore is perceived as an ally, despite
the devastation high electricity prices inflict on poor families.
Gore strikes me as a deeply troubled man, rejected by his longtime wife,
reportedly acting as a crazed sex poodle with a woman of lower status
in a service occupation, and living a life that directly contradicts
what he claims are his deep beliefs.
I hope Gore lives long enough for his karma to fully manifest.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
14 July, 2016
Sanders: “This election is about climate change"
And he said it with Hildabeest alongside him nodding like a
bobble-headed doll. Lets hope the both of them continue to hammer
that message. All the polls put climate change way down in
people's priorities. Trump has got the subject right:
Immigration. It would be exquisite if climate change cost Hillary
the election
Bernie Sanders officially threw in the towel on Tuesday in New Hampshire
by endorsing Hillary Clinton for president. Hitting on the themes his
campaign has stressed throughout the primaries, Sanders laid out what
this election is really about. One of his themes has been climate
change, which featured heavily in his speech:
"This election is about climate change, the greatest environmental
crisis facing our planet, and the need to leave this world in a way that
is healthy and habitable for our kids and future generations.
Hillary Clinton is listening to the scientists who tell us that if we do
not act boldly in the very near future there will be more drought, more
floods, more acidification of the oceans, more rising sea levels. She
understands that we must work with countries around the world in
transforming our energy system away from fossil fuels and into energy
efficiency and sustainable energy — and that when we do that we can
create a whole lot of good paying jobs.
Donald Trump: Well, like most Republicans, he chooses to reject science —
something no presidential candidate should do. He believes that climate
change is a hoax. In fact, he wants to expand the use of fossil fuel.
That would be a disaster for our country and our planet"
The endorsement rally was kicked off by climate activist (and Grist
board member) Bill McKibben. “Secretary Clinton, we wish you Godspeed in
the fight that now looms,” McKibben said.
The "97%" hit with logic
In a video for Prager University, author Alex Epstein address the highly
touted claim, “97% of climate scientists agree that climate change is
real.” Epstein debunks this shoddy assertion with a simple analogy — the
side effects vs. overall health risks of vaccinations.
Global warming pause continues as temperatures continue to plummet
Satellite temperatures show no statistical difference with June 2016
temperatures and 1998’s, showing a steep drop in global temps once El
Nino ended.
According to the now-finalized RSS satellite-derived June 2016
temperatures, measurements show that the global warming pause (or
hiatus) is on track to resume with a prediction for even lower temps
this winter.
For June 2016, The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s
(NASA) RSS satellite record showed Earth was only 0.46 degrees Celsius
(0.84°F) above the 30-year average, a marked decline since its peak in
February 2016.
They also show worldwide temperatures dropping a full half a degree
Celsius since their peak and are actually below 1998 levels for the past
three months. The RSS data is also on par with the UAH satellite
dataset. Once the El Niño in the tropical Pacific Ocean officially
stopped, NOAA also showed a precipitous decline in temperatures using
land and sea-based measuring systems.
El Nino’s effects on Satellite Dataset
Dr. Christy, a climatologist at the University of Alabama/Huntsville
(UAH) who maintains and produces the UAH satellite records, notes that
16 of the warmest months in the satellite record (and 21 out of the
warmest 25) all occurred during one of three major El Niño events:
1997/1998, 2009/2010, and 2015/2016. He says that the effects from an El
Niño are especially noticeable when comparing temps from a specific
For example, just looking at a previous month like May shows it was
warmer during an El Niño by a statistical margin. Dr. Christy says that
June 2016 was the second warmest month in the Northern Hemisphere (0.51
Celsius compared to June 1998 at 0.60 Celsius above seasonal norms), but
only the eighth warmest in the Southern Hemisphere.
Despite the effects of El Niño warming, it was only the sixth warmest
June in the tropics. This is quite a stretch from so-called ‘hottest
year on record’ claims based on heavily jiggered land and sea
temperature data used by NASA GISS and NOAA. Dr. Christy notes that
while there is a clear sign of warming in the satellite record, trying
to infer long-term trends about our climate based on months or a few
years is imprudent. Especially when above-average months are driven by
El Niño events.
Regional and Global differences
Regionally, the June 2016 UAH global temperatures show the Northern
Hemisphere was only 0.51 degrees Celsius (0.92°F) warmer over the
30-year average, the Southern Hemisphere was roughly 0.17 degrees
Celsius (0.79°F) warmer, and the Tropics were 0.38 degrees Celsius
(0.68°F) warmer. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) says there is a 75 percent likelihood a La Niña will form just in
time for the 2016/2017 winter, likely bringing colder winters,
resulting in higher heating bills.
Compared to seasonal norms, Christy says, the warmest average
temperature anomaly on Earth in June was in the eastern Antarctic, south
of the Zhongshan station. June temperatures there were roughly 4.24
degrees Celsius (about 7.63°F) warmer than seasonal norms. When
contrasted to seasonal norms, the coolest average temperature on Earth
in June 2016 was in northeastern Russia, near the town of Vayegi, where
the average June temperature was 3.40 degrees Celsius (about 6.12°F)
cooler than normal for June. NASA recently announced that Antarctica has
grown about 33 percent in size, adding more ice than it’s losing.
Cape Wind Project Suffers Loss at Federal Appeals Court
A three-judge panel at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit on
July 5 threw out two government approvals for the Cape Wind Energy
Project, which is a proposal to generate electricity from windmills off
the coast of Massachusetts.
The project involves the construction, operation and maintenance of 130
wind turbines in the Horseshoe Shoal region of Nantucket Sound. The
turbines have an estimated life-span of 20 years, and during that time
they are expected to generate up to three-quarters of the electricity
needs for Cape Cod and the surrounding islands. The project’s
“underlying purpose” is to help the region achieve Massachusetts’s
renewable energy requirements, the court noted.
Offshore energy providers like Cape Wind must comply with a "slew" of
federal statutes designed to protect the environment, promote public
safety, and preserve historic and archeological resources on the outer
continental shelf, said the court. They must also go through several
regulatory and administrative procedures to satisfy regulations
promulgated under these statutes.
Cape Wind first sought government approval for its project in 2001 when
it filed a permit application with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the
federal agency then regulating outer continental shelf wind energy
projects. Four years later, the Energy Policy Act of 2005 amended the
Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act and transferred primary regulatory
authority over offshore renewable energy projects to the Bureau of Ocean
Energy Management, an agency within the Department of the Interior.
Regulations require the Bureau both to collect information about
projects and to consult with relevant federal agencies, including the
U.S. Coast Guard and the Fish and Wildlife Service.
The plaintiffs in this case are the Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound,
Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, and others. They
claim that the government violated half a dozen federal statutes in
allowing Cape Wind’s project to move through the regulatory approval
process. The Bureau allegedly violated the National Environmental Policy
Act (NEPA), the Shelf Lands Act, the National Historic Preservation Act
and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The Bureau and the Coast Guard
allegedly violated the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act. The
Fish and Wildlife Service allegedly violated the Endangered Species Act.
In March 2014, a U.S. District Court rejected most of these claims and
granted partial summary judgment to the government agencies. In November
2014, the lower court rejected plaintiffs’ remaining claims, granted
summary judgment, and dismissed the case.
In this case at the appeals court level, plaintiffs challenge the
Bureau’s decision to issue the lease for Cape Wind’s project without
first obtaining “sufficient site-specific data on seafloor and
subsurface hazards” in Nantucket Sound. They argue that the Bureau
violated the National Environmental Policy Act by relying on inadequate
geophysical and geotechnical surveys. "We agree," said the appeals court
By relying solely on data that was roundly criticized by its “own
experts,” the Bureau failed to fulfill its duty, the court said. "Of
course, an agency need not be clairvoyant. In some cases it may be
appropriate for an impact statement to provide for ongoing monitoring in
order to gather more data," said the court ruling. "But that does not
excuse the Bureau from its NEPA obligation to gather data about the
seafloor. Without adequate geological surveys, the Bureau cannot 'ensure
that the seafloor [will be] able to support' wind turbines."
Delaying construction or requiring Cape Wind to redo the regulatory
approval process could be quite costly, the court noted. The project has
"slogged" through state and federal courts and agencies for more than a
decade. Meanwhile, Massachusetts’s renewable energy requirements
continue to increase.
Said the court: "Allowing the project to move forward could help meet
these [state] requirements. On the other hand, it would be imprudent to
allow Cape Wind to begin construction before it can 'ensure that the
seafloor [is] able to support' its facilities. Cape Wind has 'no prior
experience developing/operating offshore wind farms,' and the
construction site 'lie[s] in the frontier areas of the [outer
continental shelf,] where detailed geological, geophysical, and
geotechnical data and information is generally lacking.' Therefore, we
will vacate the impact statement and require the Bureau to supplement it
with adequate geological surveys before Cape Wind may begin
construction. We will not, however, vacate Cape Wind’s lease or other
regulatory approvals based on this NEPA violation."
The court also ruled against the Service's incidental take finding for
marine life. "We reverse the district court’s judgment that the Bureau’s
environmental impact statement complied with NEPA and that the
Service’s incidental take statement complied with the Endangered Species
Act, and we vacate both statements. We affirm the district court’s
judgment dismissing plaintiffs’ remaining claims, and remand the case
for proceedings consistent with this opinion."
"Roundup", the world’s safest, cheapest and most effective weedkiller, facing ban
Banning a comparatively safe pesticide would be counterproductive
I once tried the organic alternative to the herbicide roundup for
clearing weeds from garden paths: a flame-thrower. It was brutal for the
environment, incinerating innocent insects and filling the air with
emissions. Next week I might have to go back to that. Roundup, the
world’s safest, cheapest and most effective weedkiller, may be illegal
within days in Europe.
Roundup (chemical name glyphosate) was due to have its licence extended
for 15 years. Normally it would have been nodded through. But this time
the relevant French and German ministers, Segolene Royale and Barbara
Hendricks, nervous about the green vote, have blocked the renewal, and
the best that farmers and gardeners can hope for is an 18-month
extension till after French and German elections.
Yet almost everybody agrees that glyphosate is safe: the European Food
Safety Authority, the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, the
United States Environmental Protection Agency, the World Health
Organisation, our government. Even at absurdly high concentrations, lab
tests show it is only one-tenth as carcinogenic as coffee – and you
ingest coffee, which you don’t roundup.
Just one rogue study, driven by an environmental activist working for a
body called the International Agency for Research on Cancer, disagreed,
but on the basis of cherry-picked data and elementary errors of
interpretation. Yet these days, it’s not the evidence but the headline,
or the tweet, that counts. By the time the rogue study’s flaws were
known, activists had got to politicians.
Ironically, Monstanto, which invented glyphosate, may not mind much if
roundup is banned. It is off-patent, so not very profitable. This may
explain why the company has been curiously absent from the debate.
This episode is part of a wider political campaign. Having failed to
persuade all but a few affluent consumers to go organic, the greens are
now trying to force us instead. If we did, Earth would be in trouble.
Many organic farmers plough their land five times as often, to control
weeds, harming soil structure, moisture and biodiversity.
Over the past 50 years fertilisers, pesticides and tractors have reduced
the amount of land needed to produce a given quantity of food by 68%.
Had we not achieved this, not only would far more people be starving,
but there would be no nature reserves left.
The city of Petaluma in California recently stopped using roundup in
parks and school grounds. The result was a 1700% increase in cost of
weed control, and a new requirement for operators to wear respirators
(unnecessary with roundup which is less toxic than vinegar) while
spraying with the far more toxic organic alternatives.
Global cooling is serious in Mongolia
The country's extreme winter disaster saw temperatures drop to minus 50
degrees Celsius between 2015 and 2016, killing more than 850,000
Japanese photographer Madoka Ikegami travelled to the Zavkhan province,
Nalaikh and Ulaanbaatar in April this year to document the effects of
the unique disaster on the animal herders.
Known as the Dzud disaster in native language, the freezing conditions
resulted in the mass death of camels, cows, horses, sheep and goats.
Ikegami said: 'According to the UN data of April 25, more than 850,000 animals perished in the 2015-2016 disaster.
'I documented the lives of displaced former herders who lost all their
livestock in previous Dzud and had to give up on herding and move to a
city for a new job.'
Ikegami originally visited Mongolia last year where she experienced the
welcoming nature of local reindeer herders. And as soon as she heard
about the latest disaster, she wanted to make sure the herders were safe
and find out what it was really like for them to fight off such
terrible conditions.
The 33-year-old said: 'The sisters I spoke to lost over 200 livestock,
the corpses of which lay around just a few minutes away from their ger
(traditional yurt).
'There was no sign of human life at ground level, or upon the endless snow terraces.
'The sisters tried to save their starving, dying animals just by
themselves in such a lonely place where the older sister hadn't seen
anyone apart from her younger sister for five months.'
Displaced former herders and seasonal workers often resort to conducting
dangerous and illegal mining jobs to prevent the fall into extreme
Ikegami realised the full extent of the catastrophe caused by the Dzud
when she saw a dog feeding off the flesh and bones of other animal
She said: 'Suddenly being exposed to the sight of piles of animal
corpses, I was simply frightened and learned what the Dzud disaster
really means to the people. 'In our day to day lives we're not
exposed to such a tragedy.'
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
13 July, 2016
Earth's clouds are shifting towards its poles
LOL! By applying heavy "corrections" to their data they got a
story that would correspond to global warming theory. I don't know
where to start here, it's such a hoot. Could there have been some
bias in the "corrections"? One would have to be naive to dismiss
And why did they not segregate their data into the
20th and 21st centuries? If their theories are right that would
have been a splendid way to test them. If the clouds kept moving
polewards in C21, that would disprove their theory -- as there was no
statistically significant warming in C21 until last year. They
obviously did NOT want to test their theory.
And what they say is
wrong anyway. They found "growing dry regions" as rain-bearing clouds
move polewards. But what about the Sahel? The Sahel is
actually in the tropics so should be very strongly affected by what they
claim. And it is a very large dry region so would seem an
excellent test of their theory. So has the Sahel got any
drier? To the contrary, it has shrunk in recent years. Much
that was once desert is now green. That's one test of their
junk theory that they could not fudge -- and the theory fails its test
Journal article appended
Bands of cloud cover that swirl around the globe are slowly creeping
towards the poles, causing dry regions to expand around the equator,
climate scientists have warned.
Using satellite data captured between the 1980s and 2000s, researchers
found that channels of cloud cover which carry storms around the globe
have shifted closer to the poles over time.
As well as poleward shift in cover and expanding dry regions, they
findings show the height of cloud tops have increased at all latitudes,
all of which impacts on the global climate and agree with predictions
for the impact of climate change.
Cloud cover is a key factor in regulating the planet's temperature, with
cover reflecting solar radiation back into space or acting as a blanket
to keep surface heat from escaping, depending on the type and thickness
of clouds.
But while the effects of such a variable system are almost impossible to
decipher in the short term, over a period of decades long-term trends
begin to emerge.
Led by climate scientists at the University of California, the team was
able to correct the satellite data from several sources to show such
long term trends, removing errors and inaccuracies from satellite
sensors and erroneous trends.
They found that dry bands over the subtropical regions are expanded – a
belt which covers regions including the Southern United States, North
Africa and Central Australia – and the height of cloud tops at all
latitudes has increased.
Climate scientists in the US looked at several datasets going back to the early 1980s.
By removing errors caused by satellite sensors, incorrectly calibrated
systems and countering for erroneous trends, they were able to show
long-term trends in cloud coverage.
They found the band of clouds which carries tropical storms around the
planet have moved from the subtropical regions towards the poles.
But in their wake, they have further opened up dry areas in subtropical
regions – in a belt which covers regions including the Southern United
States, North Africa and Central Australia.
What's more, they found the height of cloud tops at all latitudes has increased.
The researchers have said that their observations align with predictions previously made in complex climate models.
They say the findings agree with climate models, which predict a warming
climate will be accompanied with less cloud coverage in the tropics and
growing dry regions.
'What this paper brings to the table is the first credible demonstration
that the cloud changes we expect from climate models and theory are
currently happening,' said Professor Joel Norris, a climate scientist at
the Scripps Institute for Oceanography in California, who led the
According to the researchers, the effect on cloud cover has been caused
by a combination of greenhouse gases from human activity over several
But compounding this warming effect is the bounce back from two large
volcanic eruptions – the El Chichón eruption in Mexico in 1982 and the
1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines – which had a far
reaching cooling effect on the climate.
When combined, these two factors result in a positive feedback loop, warming the climate.
Evidence for climate change in the satellite cloud record
Joel R. Norris et al
Clouds substantially affect Earth’s energy budget by reflecting solar
radiation back to space and by restricting emission of thermal radiation
to space. They are perhaps the largest uncertainty in our understanding
of climate change, owing to disagreement among climate models and
observational datasets over what cloud changes have occurred during
recent decades and will occur in response to global warming. This is
because observational systems originally designed for monitoring weather
have lacked sufficient stability to detect cloud changes reliably over
decades unless they have been corrected to remove artefacts.
Here we show that several independent, empirically corrected satellite
records exhibit large-scale patterns of cloud change between the 1980s
and the 2000s that are similar to those produced by model simulations of
climate with recent historical external radiative forcing. Observed and
simulated cloud change patterns are consistent with poleward retreat of
mid-latitude storm tracks, expansion of subtropical dry zones, and
increasing height of the highest cloud tops at all latitudes. The
primary drivers of these cloud changes appear to be increasing
greenhouse gas concentrations and a recovery from volcanic radiative
cooling. These results indicate that the cloud changes most consistently
predicted by global climate models are currently occurring in nature.
SOURCE. [doi:10.1038/nature18273]
Crookedness at The University of Cincinnati
They published a thoroughly incompetent study which reported air
pollution from fracking. They then did a better study of water
pollution which exonerated fracking. They have now withdrawn the
bodged air pollution study and held off on publishing the water
pollution study. "Fracking is bad" is the only conclusion they will
allow. Is there such a thing as an honest Greenie?
The University of Cincinnati (UC) has yet to publish the results of a
now year-old study that found no water contamination from hydraulic
fracturing in a scientific journal, despite scrutiny, media attention,
and numerous calls from groups and elected officials to do so.
This indefinite delay is all the more interesting considering that UC
couldn’t wait to publish the results of its 2015 study that claimed
fracking was causing significant air pollution in Carroll County. That
study appeared in Environmental Science & Technology just three
months after it was completed.
But the UC researchers’ urgency has apparently come back to bite them as
they have just retracted the study due to “errors” and “incorrect”
UC’s rush to publish its air study while it dawdles for a year in
publishing its groundwater study finding no harm from fracking is even
more interesting considering the results of both studies were first
announced at events hosted by Carroll County Concerned Citizens (CCCC), a
well-known anti-fracking group. The same professor that presented the
air quality study results to CCCC, study co-lead author Dr. Erin Hayes,
has also participated in other anti-fracking events.
The retraction of the Carroll County air study comes as no surprise to
Energy In Depth, which pointed out its many flaws last May. Not only
were the study participants recruited by an anti-fracking activist
group, the researchers did not use random testing, did not account for
sources of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) other than oil and gas
activity, and assumed worst case scenarios in their cancer hazard
A Carroll County landowner also informed EID that some of the highest
PAH levels detected by the researchers were collected on his property,
which is more than 10 miles from the nearest shale gas well. This
completely refuted the researchers’ summation that high PAH levels
correlated directly to close proximity to shale gas wells.
The authors even admitted that the sample size used for their study was
too small and that the chief assumption used for their research model
was “totally impractical,” according to media reports.
That didn’t keep several media outlets from accepting the authors’
conclusions as gospel with such headlines as: “Fracking may cause air
pollution, respiratory issues” and “Fracking could increase risk of
cancer, new study finds.” This is a prime example of a rushed study,
designed to scapegoat fracking, that fails to fully vet the data
collected — yet garners media coverage anyway.
Making matters worse is the fact that the Carroll County air study was
100 percent taxpayer funded. UC’s Center for Environmental Genetics
(CEG) received federal tax dollars for this study in the form of a grant
from the NIH’s National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
(NIEHS) for $47,910.
Of course, the authors of the study do not disclose whether their
revised calculations show much lower emissions – but considering this
background and the fact that the researchers just omit that data in
their retraction, it’s difficult to imagine their corrected results show
anything other than a repudiation of their original conclusions.
Regardless, the real problem is this: By not providing that information
UC is not being forthcoming with data again, just as it has by refusing
to release its groundwater study.
Ohioans deserve a full explanation as to why a study that generated
numerous alarmist headlines by promoting fear was retracted. It will
also be interesting to see if the retraction gets as much media
attention as the flawed study generated.
But, considering Ohioans are still waiting for UC to release its
groundwater study (which cost taxpayers $400,000, by the way), it might
not be a good idea to hold your breath on that.
Already 240 Published Papers In 2016 Alone Show AGW “Consensus” Is A Fantasy!
It is apparently regarded as “consensus” science that more than half of
the climate changes occurring since the mid-20th century have been
caused by humans. For example, the IPCC’s “consensus” statement
from 2013 reads like this:
"It is extremely likely more than half of the observed increase in
global average surface temperature from 1951 to 2010 was caused by the
anthropogenic increase in greenhouse gas concentrations and other
anthropogenic forcings together"
The “extremely likely” designation for this position seems to suggest
there is little to no disagreement with this statement in the scientific
community, or at least this is what we are apparently supposed to
Interestingly, since January 2014, the last 2 and half years, 770
peer-reviewed scientific papers have been published in scholarly
journals that call into question just how settled the “consensus”
science is that says anthropogenic or CO2 forcing dominates weather and
climate changes, or that non-anthropogenic factors play only a
relatively minor and inconsequential role.
Instead of supporting the “consensus” science, these 770 papers support
the position that there are significant limitations and uncertainties
apparent in climate modeling and the predictions of future climate
catastrophes. Furthermore, these scientific papers strongly suggest that
natural factors (the Sun, multi-decadal ocean oscillations [AMO/PDO,
ENSO], cloud and aerosol albedo variations, etc.) have both in the past
and present exerted a significant influence on weather and climate,
which means an anthropogenic signal may be much more difficult to detect
or distinguish as an “extremely likely” cause relative to natural
Papers questioning the “common-knowledge” viewpoints on ocean
acidification, glacier melt and advance, sea level rise, extreme weather
events, past climate forcing mechanisms, the “danger” of high CO2
concentrations, etc., have also been included in this volume of 770
This 2016 list includes 43 papers supporting a Sun-Climate link, which
can be added to the 188 papers linking the Sun to climate changes
published in 2014 (93 papers) and 2015 (95 papers).
Voluminous evidence
This voluminous evidence of a strong non-anthropogenic influence on
climate would seem to undermine the IPCC’s contention that the
“consensus” position (e.g., climate change is mostly caused by humans)
has been wholly accepted in the scientific community.
Would it be too much to ask for the IPCC to consider this scientific evidence when issuing their next report?
When human cost of 'going green' can be far too high
Buncrana tragedy shows the banning of some unpopular chemicals, such as
those which could have cleared pier of slippery algae, can be
The Buncrana pier tragedy should give us pause. It's a moment to
consider life, hug our loved ones and contemplate how we might prevent
such horrors happening in the future.
A major piece missing from the Buncrana pier discussion is how empty
platitudes and feel-good environmental policies may have contributed to
the death of five family members. We owe it to the McGrotty and Daniels
families - and our own families - to take a hard look at the culture of
dogmatic environmentalism.
You can't ask basic questions of environmentalists anymore without being
labelled a "denier", or "anti-science" or, worst of all, a
"conservative". We're supposed to "go green" without a second thought.
But when we turn off our brains for the sake of dogma - any dogma - we
lose sight of the consequences of our choices. It's likely the McGrotty
and Daniels families weren't thinking about environmental policy on
their St Patrick's weekend outing.
They were rightfully enjoying each other's company, the weather and the
beautiful view from Buncrana pier. It was their last stop before the six
of them were to return home.
But, as Sean McGrotty made a three-point turn on the pier, his tyres
slipped on the dangerously thick layer of algae and never regained
traction. The car plummeted into the water.
"The algae was absolutely lethal," said Davitt Walsh, an eyewitness who,
after seeing the accident, dived into the water and by sheer willpower,
fighting the rising tide and exhaustion, was able to rescue
four-month-old Rioghnach-Ann - the only family member to survive.
"When I was heading out to the family, I slipped and nearly cracked my
head. On my way back, holding the baby, I could not get my feet again. I
never experienced anything like it," Davitt recalled.
"The slipway is like a skating rink because of all that algae and those
poor people didn't stand a chance, because they didn't know the area."
How could such a tragedy happen? How could a popular pier become so algae-dense that it contributed to five people's deaths?
The answer should cause us to question green dogma and consider the real-life cost of environmental policies.
According to an Irish Times report, this build-up of algae is a new
phenomenon: "Restrictions on use of chemicals harmful to crustaceans and
the marine environment also mean that algae removal on piers, slipways
and at popular bathing spots is more difficult and more labour-intensive
for local authorities."
"Going green" feels warm and fuzzy. It makes for good headlines and good feelings.
But no amount of emotion can overcome reality: five people lost their
lives, in part because of our fear of "chemicals" and environmental
Deciding to power-wash Buncrana pier instead of using more effective
chemicals directly contributed to the dangerous conditions and was a
major factor in this tragedy.
We must confront this truth and ask ourselves: Is it really worth it?
If the McGrotty and Daniels families were the only victims of
environmental dogma I suspect some people maybe could look past their
senseless deaths for the "greater good".
Although just how many crustaceans are worth a child's life these days?
But the frightening part is that these families are only the latest
victims. They are five deaths out of millions. Consider the
environmentalists' attack on DDT.
The use of DDT to combat malaria around the world was widely considered
one of the biggest successes in scientific history. In 1965 the US
National Academy of Sciences said of DDT: "To only a few chemicals does
man owe as great a debt as to DDT. It is estimated that, in little more
than two decades, DDT has prevented 500 million human deaths due to
malaria that would otherwise have been inevitable."
By every account DDT was a miracle chemical with little risk and big rewards.
Enter Rachel Carson. Her book, Silent Spring, which started the modern
environmentalist movement, purported to show the effects of DDT on
birds, mammals and the wider ecosystem (her "scholarship" has since been
widely debunked).
The media fell in love with the book and it gained so much traction in
pop culture that, in 1972, the US banned DDT. Other countries quickly
Since the DDT ban more than 50 million people have died from malaria.
Yes, you read that right. And malaria is particularly dangerous to
humans with weak immune systems, so children and pregnant women are
over-represented in the silent slaughter.
Environmentalists often talk about "externalities" - examining the
"true" societal costs of modern development. That's fair. We should
examine these costs.
But we must also look at the externalities - the true costs - of going green.
What are the costs of enforcing green policies? Well, in the US car
companies are producing smaller and lighter cars to meet green-inspired,
government-enforced "mile-per-gallon standards".
Again there is a great feel-good factor that ignores the facts that these cars are more dangerous in crashes.
The environmental movement seems to hate "chemicals". They use the fear
of chemicals to push for banning everything from fracking to cleaning a
pier. And what are the costs of banning unpopular chemicals in Ireland?
The McGrotty and Daniels families know all too well.
After the recent election the SDLP announced it was meeting the Green
Party MLAs as part of its outreach to other "progressive" parties. But,
with its unfounded fears of modern chemicals, the Green Party seem to be
progressives who no longer believe in progress.
There are costs to banning chemicals, drilling and other industrial
progress. There is a cost to "encouraging" people to "go green". There
is a cost to dogmatic platitudes and feel-good laws. Sometimes
these costs are people's lives. We must never forget that.
The death cult of environmentalism
It's a striking development. As The Washington Post reports, 107 Nobel
laureates have signed a letter blasting Greenpeace for opposing the
deployment of a GMO rice which would help fix a dreaded condition,
vitamin A deficiency. As the letter states:
The World Health Organization estimates that 250 million people, suffer
from VAD, including 40 percent of the children under five in the
developing world. Based on UNICEF statistics, a total of one to two
million preventable deaths occur annually as a result of VAD, because it
compromises the immune system, putting babies and children at great
risk. VAD itself is the leading cause of childhood blindness globally
affecting 250,000 — 500,000 children each year. Half die within 12
months of losing their eyesight.
Sounds pretty serious. So what does Greenpeace have against "Golden
Rice," the GMO strain that is proposed to deal with this. Well, strictly
speaking, nothing. As the letter notes:
Scientific and regulatory agencies around the world have repeatedly and
consistently found crops and foods improved through biotechnology to be
as safe as, if not safer than those derived from any other method of
production. There has never been a single confirmed case of a negative
health outcome for humans or animals from their consumption. Their
environmental impacts have been shown repeatedly to be less damaging to
the environment, and a boon to global biodiversity.
The mania around GMOs is a strange thing. In the U.S. it's still
relatively a fringe phenomenon, but in Europe, particularly France, it's
completely mainstream. Centrist politicians compete over who will ban
GMOs more.
The simple fact of the matter is that humans have been modifying their
environment — animal and vegetal — for millennia. There's no such thing
as a wild cow, or a wild pig, or a wild shih-tzu. Wheat and corn as we
know them bear almost no resemblance to their wild and distant
How a Donald Trump rout could lead to immigration reform in 2017
There's nothing new, unusual, or dangerous about GMOs. Nothing. And all
the science confirms it. And yet a strong and vocal fringe, and indeed a
majority of people in some advanced countries, are opposed to GMOs.
Here's Bernie Sanders vowing to fight for GMO labeling at the federal
This anti-science fringe is much less attacked than other fringes,
because it is associated with the political left, and much of our media
and commenting class assume that hostility to science is a value of the
political right.
But the environmentalist left has a long history of damaging hostility
to evidence, a hostility which has cost many, many lives over the
Let's come up with just two examples. The biggest cause célèbre, which
is also known as the founding of the modern environmentalist movement,
is the (in)famous case of DDT. As a long article by Robert Zubrin in the
review The New Atlantis explains, this miraculous insect-killer
eliminated malaria, as well as many other insect-borne diseases, from
the Southern United States, Southern Europe, and parts of South Asia,
and was poised to do the same thing to Africa until it was banned by a
fledgling EPA on unscientific grounds.
In 1970, in a comprehensive review on the pesticide, the National Academy of Sciences stated:
To only a few chemicals does man owe as great a debt as to DDT. It has
contributed to the great increase in agricultural productivity, while
sparing countless humanity from a host of diseases, most notably,
perhaps, scrub typhus and malaria. Indeed, it is estimated that, in
little more than two decades, DDT has prevented 500 million deaths due
to malaria that would otherwise have been inevitable.
But no matter. DDT might have endangered the spotted owl (there's no evidence it did, by the way). And so it had to go.
Another famous example is nuclear power, which has almost no carbon
emissions, is very cheap to run, and works fine. Opposition to nuclear
power seems mostly motivated by superstition. Indeed, coal kills 4,000
times more people per unit of energy than nuclear, but in almost every
country in the world, it's basically impossible to build a nuclear power
plant. After Fukushima, despite a notable lack of tsunamis on German
shores, Germany banned nuclear power and replaced it with a mix of dirty
coal power and imported French (i.e. nuclear) power.
And what about all those ludicrously insane predictions of Armageddon
that all those scientists made in the 1970s, warning that we would all
be dead, or something like it, by the year 2000, if we didn't shut down
power plants and oil wells right this minute?
Environmentalism sometimes has a little bit of a whiff of a death cult.
It sometimes leans towards an anti-human worldview, one that views the
Earth goddess as the only valuable "life-form" and humans as parasites.
And it sometimes feels like more of a fundamentalist religion than
anything else.
And as we all know, fundamentalism can be mostly funny, until it kills.
Protecting the environment is a great good. But environmentalist fads
and junk science have killed a lot of people, and continue to, and too
few people know about it. It's a shame.
Dems Push Bill Condemning Companies, Think Tanks Who ‘Cast Doubt’ On Global Warming
Democratic lawmakers are set to introduce a resolution condemning fossil
fuel companies and pro-fossil fuel groups that “deliberately cast doubt
on science in order to protect their financial interests.”
California Rep. Ted Lieu and Rhode Island Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse will
introduce resolutions in both chambers of Congress that “urges fossil
fuel companies and allied organizations to cooperate with active or
future investigations into their climate-change related activities.”
The bill is meant to draw attention to investigations into ExxonMobil’s
global warming stance, though the company is never mentioned by name.
The bill is also meant to target groups, many of which are conservative
think tanks, with alleged ties to Exxon.
At least four state attorneys general have opened investigations into
Exxon based on accusations by liberal journalists that the company knew
its product caused global warming and funded groups to oppose
regulations on greenhouse gas emissions.
Exxon and a libertarian think tank have fought back and managed to
defeat two of the four probes, which has effectively left only New York
Attorney General Eric Schneiderman with an active investigation into the
Democrats’ bill “disapproves of activities by certain corporations,
trade associations, foundations, and organizations funded by those
corporations to deliberately mislead the public and undermine
peer-reviewed scientific research about the dangers of their products;
and to deliberately cast doubt on science in order to protect their
financial interests.”
Neither of these bills are likely to even be voted on, but that’s not
really the point. Lieu and Whitehouse have been pushing for state and
federal prosecutors to investigate fossil fuel companies for months.
Whitehouse even argued the Justice Department should launch a
racketeering case against fossil fuel companies casting doubt on the
liberal position on global warming.
“A lot of people haven’t seen through the scam that’s being
perpetrated,” Whitehouse said in 2015. “So that’s one of the reasons I
hope that we get another lawsuit out of the Department of Justice, like
the one they brought against the tobacco industry that showed that the
whole fraudulent scam was a racketeering enterprise, held them
accountable for it.”
Emails uncovered by the Competitive Enterprise Institute — one of the
think tanks targeted by liberal attorneys general — showed Whitehouse
and one of his staffers were in communication with a group of scientists
who asked the White House and DOJ to prosecute global warming skeptics.
Lieu has also been a huge proponent of prosecuting companies he sees as
funding skeptics to protect their financial interests. He recently sent a
letter to California Attorney General Kamala Harris, urging her to keep
investigating Exxon and its allies because freedom of speech “is not
designed to protect fraud and deceit.”
“The First Amendment protects freedom of speech, but it does not protect
companies from defrauding the American people or improperly disclosing
information to their shareholders,” Lieu and others wrote to Harris in
Harris is one of the initial four AGs to begin investigating Exxon,
though it’s unclear how serious the probe is, since the company has not
received a subpoena from her office on this matter. Harris is also
running for U.S. Senate, so she may not actually follow through on
investigating Exxon.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
12 July, 2016
Bigger graph here
Note that this is about global ice not Arctic ice. A global theory should be supported by global data. It isn't
Updated NASA data on the polar ice cap is showing results that are
contrary to all who claim global warming is shrinking it. Reportedly,
global warming (better known presently as climate change) has not caused
any recession of polar ice.
According to a report by Forbes, a NASA satellite instrument revealed
that the Earth’s polar ice caps have not receded at all since it began
its measurements back in 1979. From what was shown in its data, total
polar ice has generally remained above the post-1979 average, a finding
that contradicts the most-frequently spoken claims by those who push
global warming as the primary reason why the polar ice caps are
Polar Ice Cap
To be fair though, the aforementioned information on the polar ice caps
not receding is taken as a whole. What scientists who pushed the the
global warming agenda kept concentrating on was the sea ice loss, often
associated with huge chunks of the polar ice cap itself falling into the
ocean. Beginning in 2005, said sea ice receded at a modest pace for
several years and by 2012, it was approximately 10 percent from the 1979
measurement. This fact has many of the same scientists, who push the
global warming or climate change agenda, screaming it is the reason why
10 percent of sea ice has receded. In the full scope of things, 10
percent is considered a poor number to utilize as “proof.”
Actually, an article written by Daily Mail back in 2013 reports the
opposite of what all the global warming and climate change enthusiasts
are pushing. According to their report, the polar ice caps were growing
by 29 percent in a year, a result that has caused them to coin the term
“global cooling.” As visual proof, the report provided NASA photographs
of the Arctic Ocean’s polar ice cap in August of 2012 and August of
2013. By comparing the photographs, there is clearly an expansion of
said ice cap from the previous year.
Sea Ice, Arctic Ocean, Polar Ice Cap
The Daily Mail provided a graphic of two NASA photographs of the Arctic
Ocean’s polar ice cap in August of 2012 and August of 2013. Comparing
the two pictures, it is shown said ice cap has increased.
Despite the aforementioned sources showing that the polar ice caps have
generally not receded, many global warming and climate change
enthusiasts are still crying wolf, pushing the agenda the polar ice caps
are melting away. All anyone has to do is do a simple internet news
search (Google, Bing, Yahoo!, etc.) for “polar ice caps” and they will
find numerous articles on the doom and gloom caused by global warming
and climate change. What’s funny is that some of those articles even
have fixed countdowns that have already passed, yet have not come true.
With that in mind, one person who should be shoving his foot in his
mouth is former Vice President Al Gore. Back in 2007, while receiving
the Nobel Peace Prize for campaigning global warming especially through
An Inconvenient Truth, he predicted there would be no more polar ice
caps by 2014. Seven years later, we had a polar ice cap that is thicker
and covers 1.7 million square kilometers.
The Link between Extreme Environmentalism and Hard-Core Racism
In my reading and writing on the history of eugenics (here, here, and
here), I’ve begun to discern a common trait between the people called
environmentalists and racists from a century ago.
They share a common outlook that is illiberal to its core. They imagine
that a wise and powerful state can better plan a future for both nature
and man. Both groups were panicked about unplanned progress, assuming it
could only resort in degeneration, mongrelization, and destruction.
They dreamed of a future in which they and not the unwashed masses would
be in charge of how resources are used and how the human race
propagates itself.
Madison Grant Saves the Trees and the White Race
Thanks to Mother Jones, my suspicions have been confirmed. An essay that
pleads with the progressive movement to deal forthrightly with its own
grim history of racism discusses the life and work of Madison Grant
(1865-1937). This bushy-lipped aristocrat was the hero of the
environmentalists in the Progressive Era. He saved the redwoods of
California from logging. He was the guru behind the creation of national
parks. He undertook the most aggressive efforts ever to preserve
species from extinction. He was handsome, urbane, ridiculously well
educated and well connected, and “the greatest conservationist who ever
Also, Grant wrote the book that Adolf Hitler described as “my Bible.”
The book is the 1916 The Passing of the Great Race. A bestseller for
many years, on the coffee tables in all the fashionable houses, it is
quite possibly the crudest, crankiest, and most bloodthirsty racialist
tract ever written; and there’s a lot of competition for that title. He
championed segregation, exclusion, sterilization, immigration
restrictions, a welfare state (to keep women from working), a high bar
for professional employment (minimum wages), and aggressive central
The Passing is a hard read actually. You will discover more than you
ever want to about the inferiority of everyone but people like Grant
himself. He sounded alarm bells about the coming “mongrelization” of the
race, given the influx of Jews, Italians, Slavs, Africans, and every
group other than the one that supposedly built civilization and made it
great. Uncontrolled procreation is destined to ruin all things. Along
the way, you find wicked ethnic caricatures covered by the gloss of
science (the “Polish Jew, whose dwarf stature, peculiar mentality, and
ruthless concentration on self interest are being engrafted upon the
stock of the nation…”).
Racism Is an Ideology
Once you read this literature – it was almost impossible to avoid in the
period between 1880 and 1935 or so – you begin to get the hang of it.
The word racism – thrown around far too recklessly – exists as an
accurate description of a special version of anti-liberal ideology. This
isn’t about off-color jokes, prejudice, or even a preference for one’s
own people. It’s a settled worldview that postulates race, far above any
other concern, as the driving-force of history. It has a nightmare
scenario of random race-mixing as a consequence of free-wheeling sexual
association. And it has a utopia in mind: a great nation inhabited only
by the purest stock. It is anti-capitalist, anti-individualist, and
anti-liberal to the core, and it views government as savior.
From a scientific point of view, the racists are deeply confused. They
find differences between people and posit irreconcilable conflict. If
they grappled with what Carlyle called the “dismal science,” they would
discover a more beautiful picture: the division of labor, the exchange
economy, and free association lead people to find value and dignity in
other human beings regardless of race, and to discover it is in
everyone’s self interest to respect the equal freedom of others. For
this reason, the historical trajectory of commercial society has always
been toward integration, inclusion, equality, and liberalization. This
is also why racism as an ideology ultimately turns against
Grant’s theory of government sums it all up:
Mankind emerged from savagery and barbarism under the leadership of
selected individuals whose personal prowess, capacity, or wisdom gave
them the right to lead and the power to compel obedience. Such leaders
have always been a minute fraction of the whole, but as long as the
tradition of their predominance persisted they were able to use the
brute strength of the unthinking herd as part of their own force, and
were able to direct at all the blind dynamic impulse of the slaves,
peasants, or lower classes. Such a despot had an enormous power at his
disposal which, if he were benevolent or even intelligent, could be
used, and most frequently was used, for the general uplift of the race.
Even those rulers who most abused this power put down with merciless
rigor the antisocial elements, such as pirates, brigands, or anarchists,
which impair the progress of a community, as disease or wounds cripple
an individual.
This is a restatement of the views of Thomas Carlyle, the founding
father of fascism, united with pseudoscience of racial uplift, resulting
in a worldview that serves as a perfect foil to the liberal tradition
of Thomas Jefferson through F.A. Hayek. Is the fabric of history woven
by brilliant planners with power, or by the cooperative and
decentralized choices of millions of individual actors? There’s no
question where people like Carlyle, Grant, and the fascist tradition
stand on this question. To their minds, a unplanned social order is
chaos and decline in the making, and is saved only by strong men.
Redwoods and Nordics
Thanks to the profile in Mother Jones, I had the chance to read some of
Grant’s work on the environment as well, which predates his race books
and continued even after. What one finds here is the same spirit at
work. There is a theory of environmental history during which the
fittest of the fit survive (think of the majestic trees of the Redwood
Parks) while the unfit are culled. What is going wrong? The demands of
commercial society are prompting stupid people to destroy this
evolution. There is an apocalyptic scenario of a coming doom if
government doesn’t act. But there is also a solution: total government
ownership and control under the firm hand of intelligent people like
It’s truly bizarre. Replace the mighty redwoods with the white race and
you have an identical paradigm unfolding here. The enemy is the same
(too many inferior people doing random things in their own commercial
interest). The fear-mongering is the same: we are doomed if this keeps
up. The solution is the same: government needs to act with ferocity.
Mother Jones is to be commended for its conclusion: “it's worth
remembering because the movement has always struggled with elitist and
exclusionary elements in its ranks.”
But, listen, this isn’t about the grim intellectual personalities of
some of these Progressive-Era monsters. This isn’t even a personal
attack or exposé. This is a problem of a worldview that is anti-liberal
at its core. Whether we are talking about environmental purity or racial
hygiene, the loathing of freedom itself is the issue and the factor
that unites greens, browns, and reds of all stripes.
Enemies of freedom come in many flavors. The deeper you look into this
history, the more the flavors blend together. We tend to think of these
varieties of authoritarianism as being opposed to each other. It is more
correct to think of them as the inevitable splits within the same
Analysis: Green Energy Is Growing 5 Times Slower Than Dems Demand
America isn’t even close to getting enough energy from wind and solar
power to the levels Democrats say are required despite extremely
lucrative subsidies, according to an analysis of 2014 data from the U.S.
Energy Information Administration (EIA) conducted by The Daily Caller
News Foundation.
A draft of the Democratic Party’s proposed platform for this year’s
election would require every state get 50 percent of its electricity
from “clean sources” by 2020 and 100 percent by 2050. Though the
platform never defines what constitutes a “clean” source, wind and solar
energy are the only “clean” sources that can significantly expand.
Wind and solar power provided 4.4 and 0.4 of all electricity produced in
America in 2014 respectively, according to the EIA. Last year, wind and
solar power only accounted for 4.7 and 0.6 percent of all electricity
generated in America respectively, according to data from the EIA.
Hydropower and biofuels account for six and 1.6 percent of all
electricity generated last year, but both are increasingly targeted by
the green movement, difficult to rapidly expand and dependent upon
regional conditions.
This means that the percent of wind power provided substantially more
electricity, but grew at a slow rate of less than 6.4 percent, while
solar produced far less electricity, but grew at a much faster rate of
50 percent. If both wind and solar power continue growing at their
present rates, they will only provide 6.41 and 4.56 percent of America’s
electricity by the 2020 deadline.
That’s only one-fifth of the electricity called for by the proposed
Democratic platform, even if the extremely high growth rates of wind and
solar continue. Even if hydropower, biofuels and geothermal,which are
either growing at much slower rates or cannot be expanded, are added in,
that would still only account for less than 20 percent of American
electricity by 2020. Claiming that America will get 50 percent of its
electricity from “clean” power by 2020 is therefore exceedingly
unrealistic, even with generous subsidies.
Green energy generation is concentrated in only a handful of states,
making the situation much worse. The EIA doesn’t break down wind power
use by the state level, but its does for solar in 2014, and the results
show that there may be no good way of encouraging solar power to grow
more rapidly.
Out of the 50 US states, only Hawaii, California, Arizona and Florida
got more than 1 percent of energy from solar power. Each one of these
states has noticeably favorable weather environments for solar power.
Only California had a notably high number of pro-solar power state
policies and a majority of US states got less than 0.1 percent of their
energy from solar power in 2014.
Statistical regressions run by The DCNF found no statistically
significant correlation between the number of policies and the
percentage of solar power obtained by the state. The DCNF mapped and
displayed the data to demonstrate this clear lack of correlation.
Objectively, Hawaii gets a higher portion of its electricity from solar
than any other state, getting 3.66 percent of its energy from solar.
However, Hawaii only has 29 policies supporting green energy, which is
far fewer than the national average of 51 policies.
Minnesota gets a mere 0.031 percent of its energy from solar, even
though it has 141 pro-green energy policies, making it the second most
pro-solar regulatory environment in the nation. Other states like
Colorado, Oregon, Texas, New York and Washington all had at least 90
pro-green energy policies, but all get less of their electricity from
solar than the national average. Alaska, Mississippi, North Dakota,
South Dakota and Wyoming got so little energy from solar power that the
EIA found that the amount was legally indistinguishable from zero.
A 2014 study by the left-leaning Brookings Institution found wind power
is twice as expensive as the conventional power it replaces and that
solar is three times as expensive.
Solar power gets 326 times more in subsidies than coal, oil, and natural
gas per amount of energy generated, according to 2013 Department of
Energy data collected by Forbes.
Solar power by itself receives more federal subsidies than all fossil
fuel sources combined, according to the EIA. Green energy in the U.S.
got $13 billion in subsidies during 2013, compared to $3.4 billion in
subsidies for conventional sources and $1.7 billion for nuclear,
according to EIA data. Solar companies simply cannot maintain their
current high levels of growth without government support, but even more
support likely won’t speed up that growth enough to meet the Democrat’s
goals. .
Most solar subsidies go to residential installations and include a 30
percent federal tax credit, while wind is usually industrial scale and
is thus somewhat more efficient per dollar spent. Solar-leasing
companies install rooftop systems, which cost a minimum of $10,000, at
no upfront cost to the consumer. Companies do this because the state and
federal subsidies are so massive that such behavior is actually
The DCNF previously used statistical analysis to show that the more
pro-green energy policies a state has, the less likely it was to reduce
carbon dioxide emissions.
The Green/Left obsession with the oil industry
Looking back on the 20th century and the first sixteen years of the
21st, future historians may find an extraordinary thread running through
left-wing politics in the developed world – the systematic and
never-ending assault on oil companies.
The assault has been relentless. It began with the 1911 antitrust laws
in the US that were used to break up the Standard Oil Company into Esso,
Sohio, Mobil, Amoco and Chevron.
It was seriously believed by some that that both world wars (and all
subsequent ones), were driven by the oil companies, and not by the
politicians alone.
Then in the last 30-odd years, communists and socialists of every stripe
agreed that the oil industry, virtually on its own, was responsible for
destroying the planet by emitting carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide
It is now rare to find commentators in the major media prepared to
challenge a theory that defies history and common sense, especially as
the basis is the assumption that carbon dioxide, and recently it seems
carbon of any kind – even trees if you follow the weird logic of some
extremists – is a poison.
Whole industries, entire governments with their associated
bureaucracies, the UN, the EU, churches and universities have all
embraced the idea of carbon emissions poisoning the climate and causing
an impending world disaster of Armageddon proportions.
Those few who dare to challenge this orthodoxy are subject to ad hominem attacks of extraordinary viciousness.
They are pilloried, chased out of employment; their motives questioned,
scorned, ridiculed, ostracised and treated as Protestants once were in
16th century Europe.
Is all this rational? Are oil companies and their products uniformly bad
for human health and the world itself? Are the oil companies engaged in
some vast conspiracy that works behind the scenes to suppress truth?
Such thoughts used to be the stuff that mad people spouted on street
corners. Now it is in the mainstream of political life, taking on a
momentum of its own.
In the US, public prosecutors (who are politicians first and
professionals second it seems) have now chosen to use legal means to
silence critics of global warming theory, on the grounds that it is not a
theory but a fact, and to say otherwise is fraud.
The prime target of this assault on free speech is the Exxon oil
company, of course. It is the largest company in the oil industry.
Destroying it will be a major triumph for the climate alarmists and
their socialist hangers-on.
It will be a victory for those who believe in a central all-powerful
sate that controls every aspect of the life of its citizens. That this
assault on essential democratic freedoms that were wrenched from the
superstition and intolerance that gripped Europe before the industrial
revolution, is a major shift from reason to emotion and fear.
Now no less than 16 US public prosecutors have banded together to demand
that Exxon-Mobil hand over e-mails, paper memos, documents of any kind
that so much as use words like “climate change”, “global warming” or
“carbon dioxide emissions”, as well as all communications with those who
oppose climate alarmism.
These guardians of US law and the US constitution and Bill of Rights
want to hunt through decades of company documents in a massive fishing
expedition to find Exxon guilty of something.
Those who follow the climate change phenomenon and its political
offshoots have long been suspicious, and even alarmed, by some of its
manifestations, and the steady march towards greater intolerance of
dissent from its orthodoxy.
Climate change
The latest to join the Exxon hunt is the Massachusetts attorney-general
Maura Healey who has broadened the chase to include 40 years of Exxon
communications with a handful of conservative organisations known
colloquially as “think tanks”.
Allegedly involved in the antiglobal warming doctrine is the Heritage
Foundation, Americans for Prosperity, the Beacon Hill Institute and the
Acton Institute.
Curiously, neither the Beacon Hill nor the Acton Institute has ever
received funds from Exxon. Never mind, they are conservative
organisations, so bring them in for a grilling; they are bound to be
guilty of something.
Healey isn’t the first attorney-general to target conservative groups
that disagree with most Democratic politicians on global warming policy.
The Virgin Islands attorney-general in March gunned for Exxon, issuing a
subpoena to Exxon for its communications with dozens of conservative
think tanks, policy experts and scientists.
New York’s attorney-general launched an investigation into Exxon’s
global warming stance in November, based on reporting by liberal
journalists at Inside Climate News and Columbia University, that Exxon
had been covering up climate science for decades while funding
right-wing activist groups.
He led a conference in March, which announced that more prosecutors
would probe Exxon and fight against Republican attacks on federal
environmental regulations.
Former vice-president Al Gore attended the event, as did a group of
environmental activists. He even suggested that global warming sceptics
should be jailed, claiming that freedom of speech did not mean the right
to commit fraud. It was a veiled attack on scientific inquiry.
Exxon has responded by filing a complaint against the New York
attorney-general, supported by two Republican attorneys-general. It has
also filed against the Massachusetts attorney-general, claiming she has
attacked Exxon as a calculated political stunt, alleging that she
announced the results of her investigation before she served her
subpoena to the company.
It will be a great legal fight that Exxon has the resources to bear. It
is ironic that a private company should now bear the banner of
individual liberty to prove that it is not the enemy of democracy but by
force majeure, its defender.
Global Warming Insurance Requires Reasonable Premiums
Global warming advocates are increasingly claiming carbon dioxide
restrictions are a prudent and conservative insurance policy against
severe global warming. Insurance policies, however, are only prudent and
conservative when the price of the premiums is reasonable considering
the likelihood and severity of the risk. Global warming insurance
policies based on affordable natural gas, nuclear, and hydro power might
make reasonable investments, but insurance policies based on unreliable
and prohibitively expensive wind and solar power do not. If global
warming advocates hope to forge a broad consensus for American
policymakers to purchase insurance, they need to stop jacking up the
premiums through expensive wind and solar power.
A mountain of scientific evidence, with some noteworthy examples found
here, here, here, and here, strongly indicates (1) we are unlikely to
experience rapid warming in the foreseeable future and (2) the
consequences of any future warming are likely to be only modestly
harmful, at worst. Many scientists, including highly credentialed
scientists and policy experts at the CO2 Coalition, make a strong
argument that the net impacts of our moderately warming planet are
beneficial rather than harmful. Even so, the unlikely but plausible
possibility that very harmful future warming will occur might justify
reasonably priced global warming insurance.
Energy is the lifeblood of our economy. The price of energy directly
impacts how much money people have left over for food, clothing,
housing, health care, education, and consumer goods after paying
electricity and fuel bills. The price of energy also factors into every
good and service that is purchased and traded in our economy. When
energy prices go up, it is like a tax increase – with the exception that
people theoretically get something of value in return when they pay
higher taxes to government. When energy prices go down, it is like a tax
cut giving people more money to spread throughout the economy and
improve the quality of their lives.
Carbon dioxide reductions can come in many forms. Some of the most
prominent environmental activists insist on wind and solar power to
achieve those reductions. However, nuclear and hydro power are also
zero-emissions power sources. Nuclear and hydro power are much more
dependable than variable wind and solar power, making them even more
effective and reliable at reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Also,
natural gas cuts carbon dioxide emissions in half versus coal power.
These multiple options to reduce carbon dioxide emissions give us
multiple means of purchasing global warming insurance. When purchasing
life, home, health, or auto insurance, a prudent investor engages in
comparison shopping to avoid overpaying. Policymakers considering
purchasing global warming insurance must do the same thing.
Wind and solar power clearly impose expensive insurance premiums. A
study by the left-of-center Brookings Institution found replacing
conventional power with wind power increases electricity prices by 50
percent. The same study found replacing conventional power with solar
power triples electricity prices. Even these price premiums don’t tell
the full story, as the variable nature of wind and solar power poses
additional costs and strains on electrical generation and distribution.
Fortunately for people seeking carbon dioxide reductions, natural gas,
nuclear, and hydro power offer more affordable alternatives. Natural gas
and hydro power are cost-competitive with coal. Nuclear power is
somewhat more expensive, but still more affordable and reliable than
wind and solar. Conservatives are wary of taking too much money out of
consumers’ household budgets as “insurance” against unlikely global
warming harms, but conservatives may well sign on to global warming
insurance that entails adding more affordable energy sources to our
power mix.
This leaves global warming advocates with a choice: continue insisting
on expensive wind and solar power that lack public support and will
slowly get implemented if at all, or immediately assure substantial
reductions in carbon dioxide emissions by supporting natural gas,
nuclear, and hydro power.
Greenie versus Greenie in Australia
Sadly, the realistic ones were defeated by the sentimentalists.
With few dingoes and no Aborigines to hunt them, kangaroo numbers have
grown into pest proportions, which endangers other, smaller
animals. But that is too cerebral for the sentimentalists
Bush Heritage Australia has forfeited the inheritance of a 350-acre
property near Bega and lost numerous donors as they face backlash from a
planned kangaroo cull at Scottsdale? Reserve, south of Canberra.
Regular supporters of the non-profit organisation have pulled donations
following reports of a cull, with one referring to the organisation as
"hopeless frauds".
Bush Heritage aims to "conserve biodiversity" at properties either purchased or donated across Australia.
However, the Australian Society for Kangaroos unveiled a practice of culling which has left supporters feeling lied to.
"I've cancelled my donation forever," one email read, in correspondence with ASK.
"If so-called saviours of the bush can't do it without this slaughter they shouldn't be doing it. Hopeless frauds."
Another person emailed ASK to say they would no longer be leaving their "precious" property to Bush Heritage in their Will.
"Following what seems to be a constant stream of horror stories
[including] secretive native animal culling, we have now changed our
Wills by omitting any reference to Bush Heritage," the email reads.
Bill Taylor, of Bywong, said he was a contributor to the non-profit for a
number of years, before "pulling the plug" when the organisation didn't
respond to questions about kangaroo culling he raised in reference to
their annual report.
In response to the protests, Bush Heritage Australia has cancelled the
kangaroo cull, which was approved by the NSW Office of Environment and
Science and research manager at Bush Heritage Australia, Jim Radford,
said kangaroo culls had been undertaken at the Scottsdale Reserve in the
past, however the planned cull was called off due to, in part, concerns
for public safety.
He said one the main concerns was "unauthorised access onto the site".
"We didn't have any direct evidence of that and we weren't approached
directly but we considered there was a risk," he said.
He said Bush Heritage had a range of ways to manage the kangaroo
population, but as a last resort they turned to culling the macropods.
"Under certain circumstances we do need to reduce the pressure applied
by an excessive number of kangaroos," he said.
The Scottsdale Reserve is home to a variety of flora and fauna classed
as vulnerable or critically endangered, including the Rosenberg's
monitor and Yellow-box grassy woodland.
Mr Radford said the kangaroo population in the grasslands at Scottsdale
Reserve was at more than twice the recommended level for maintaining
ecologically sustainable populations.
"I think there is a great misunderstanding out there," Dr Radford said.
"In some landscapes there are hugely elevated and unsustainable numbers
of roos.
"We aim to maintain a healthy, resilient kangaroo population but there
comes a point where their a risk to their own welfare from starvation
stress. But to be honest our primary concern is the other species that
are potentially impacted."
He said there would not be a kangaroo cull undertaken in the "foreseeable future" at Scottsdale Reserve
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
11 July, 2016
Now it's mangroves (persongroves?)
All bad things are caused by global warming. That seems to be
the orthodoxy. Evidence be damned. Warmists are like the people who see
UFO's ..... every light in the sky is a UFO. So coral bleaching in
2015 was due to global warming; kelp dieback was due to global warming
and now dieback among some mangroves in Northern Australia is due to
global warming. And, as we all surely know, global warming is
caused by increasing levels of CO2 in the atmosphere. As CO2
increases, so we get hotter. So if all these diebacks were caused
by a warming globe, CO2 levels should have been shooting up, right?
the guy below can pinpoint the time when the mangroves died off.
He says it happened "in September-October 2015". So CO2 levels
should have shot up around that time, right? In fact, 2015 was the
one year in which CO2 levels stagnated. 2015 CO2 levels at Mauna Loa
just fluctuated up and down from month to month around the 400ppm
mark. See the record below, a screen grab from Mauna Loa.

4th column is the actual average CO2 level in ppm. So, far from
shooting up, CO2 was in stasis. So any warming CANNOT be
attributed to a CO2 rise. Dr Norm Duke is talking through his
anus. There WAS warming in 2015 but that was due to El Nino. It
cannot have been due to a CO2 rise, because there wasn't any
Close to 10,000 hectares of mangroves have died across a stretch of
coastline reaching from Queensland to the Northern Territory.
International mangroves expert Dr Norm Duke said he had no doubt the "dieback" was related to climate change.
"It's a world-first in terms of the scale of mangrove that have died," he told the ABC.
Dr Duke flew 200 kilometres between the mouths of the Roper and McArthur
Rivers in the Northern Territory last month to survey the extent of the
He described the scene as the most "dramatic, pronounced extreme level of dieback that I've ever observed".
Dr Duke is a world expert in mangrove classification and ecosystems,
based at James Cook University, and in May received photographs showing
vast areas of dead mangroves in the Northern Territory section of the
Gulf of Carpentaria.
Until that time he and other scientists had been focused on mangrove
dieback around Karmuba, Queensland, at the opposite end of the Gulf.
"The images were compelling. They were really dramatic, showing severe
dieback of mangrove shoreline fringing — areas just extending off into
infinity," Dr Duke said.
"Certainly nothing in my experience had prepared me to see images like that."
Dr Duke said he wanted to discover if the dieback in the two states was
related. "We're talking about 700 kilometres of distance between
incidences at that early time," he said.
The area the Northern Territory photos were taken in was so remote the
only way to confirm the extent and timing of the mangrove dieback was
with specialist satellite imagery.
With careful analysis the imagery confirmed the mangrove dieback in both
states had happened in the space of a month late last year, coincident
with coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef.
"We're talking about 10,000 hectares of mangroves were lost across this
whole 700 kilometre span," Dr Duke said. "It's
not only unprecedented, it's extensive, it's severe and it's noticeable.
"I have not seen such imagery anywhere before, from all over the world. I
work in many places around the world and I look at damaged mangroves as
part of my work all the time. These are the most shocking images of
dieback I've ever seen."
Dr Duke flew to the Northern Territory in June to judge the physical
extent of the mangroves' damage. With the support of the NT Parks and
Wildlife Commission he flew in a helicopter between the mouths of the
Roper and McArthur Rivers.
What is causing the 'dieback'?
Dr Duke said the cause of such extensive damage was not immediately evident.
"Like a large oil spill, like a cyclone or severe storm — none of those
things had occurred in the region in recent times," he said.
"But in that mix of things that were going on at the same time we're
starting to hear about coral bleaching ... [and] hot water on the east
The coincident timing of coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef and
the dieback of mangroves in the north led Dr Duke to look at climatic
"I started hearing that the wet season was missing from the Northern
Territory over that time period," he said. "The wet season was only
one-month-long in the year before. Usually the wet season in the
Northern Territory in that area is three or four months long," Dr Duke
He said he was convinced unusually low rainfall in the 2014 wet season
and elevated temperatures led to the massive mangrove dieback. He said a
deadly lack of fresh water and increased water and atmospheric
temperatures stressed the plants beyond their tolerance.
Satellite imagery pinpoints the damage to a period of around four weeks in September-October 2015.
Highland bog reveals global warming threat to peatlands
The article below is just another Greenie fraud. As you will
see from the appended journal abstract, the research neither used nor
had any data on global warming. All they showed is that sea-level
rise exposes peat to more salt, which is bad for it. Sea levels
have of course been rising ever since the end of the little ice-age
Rising sea levels and increased pollution linked to global warming are
posing a huge threat to the future of the world’s peatland areas, new
research has concluded.
Geologists based their findings on a major study of Kentra Moss, in
Lochaber, a blanket bog deemed a special conservation area. They found
climate change is increasing salt levels in peatlands which makes it
less able to store carbon.
Peat bogs cover 3 per cent of the Earth’s surface and play a crucial role in absorbing and storing carbon from the atmosphere.
Experts say that natural ecosystems are now under “considerable threat”
around the world – and significantly in Scotland, where 20 per cent of
the land is covered in peat, storing 1.6 billion tonnes of carbon.
Peatlands are also vital for providing natural filters for clean water,
sustaining plants and wildlife, and providing some rural areas with fuel
as well as the water used to give whisky its distinctive taste and
Study leader Dr Angela Gallego-Salas, senior lecturer in physical
geography at Exeter University, said: “The results were startling.
Peatland areas are vital for our ecosystems. We need to act now to
protect our peatlands. The effects of global warming are already being
observed, but the longer we wait to act, the quicker changes to our
environment, which would have a devastating impact on many regions
around the world, will take place.”
Her team examined the impact salt found in seawater has on how
successfully peatland ecosystems accumulate carbon from the atmosphere.
They discovered that the rate at which peatland areas accumulated carbon
was significantly impacted as the concentration of salt rose.
The results – which appeared in the scientific journal Scientific
Reports – highlighted how sea levels linked to predicted climate change
pose a serious threat to the future security of peatlands.
Vulnerability of the peatland carbon sink to sea-level rise
Alex Whittle & Angela V. Gallego-Sala
Freshwater peatlands are carbon accumulating ecosystems where primary
production exceeds organic matter decomposition rates in the soil, and
therefore perform an important sink function in global carbon cycling.
Typical peatland plant and microbial communities are adapted to the
waterlogged, often acidic and low nutrient conditions that characterise
Peatlands in coastal locations receive inputs of oceanic base cations
that shift conditions from the environmental optimum of these
communities altering the carbon balance. Blanket bogs are one such type
of peatlands occurring in hyperoceanic regions.
Using a blanket bog to coastal marsh transect in Northwest Scotland we
assess the impacts of salt intrusion on carbon accumulation rates. A
threshold concentration of salt input, caused by inundation, exists
corresponding to rapid acidophilic to halophilic plant community change
and a carbon accumulation decline.
For the first time, we map areas of blanket bog vulnerable to sea-level
rise, estimating that this equates to ~7.4% of the total extent and a
0.22?Tg yr?1 carbon sink. Globally, tropical peatlands face the
proportionally greatest risk with ~61,000?km2 (~16.6% of total) lying
?5?m elevation. In total an estimated 20.2?±?2.5 GtC is stored in
peatlands ?5?m above sea level, which are potentially vulnerable to
Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 28758 (2016) doi:10.1038/srep28758
Fuel me or fool me
America has centuries of fossil fuels, but hydrocarbon deniers want to strangle our future
Paul Driessen
Fool me once, the adage says, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
The reality-based fossil fuel version states: Fuel me for 150 years,
fuel me forever – or at least until creative, entrepreneurial spirits
can devise reliable, affordable alternatives. The 2016 Democratic Party
would change this adage to read: Fuel me for 150 years, fuel me never
Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton want to regulate drilling and
fracking into oblivion, or ban them outright. Clinton also says she is
“going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.”
The draft Democratic Party platform supports a “phase down” of fossil
fuel production on public lands, turning those lands into “engines of
the clean energy economy,” getting 50% of US electricity from “clean
sources” by 2027, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80% below
2005 levels by 2050.
This Big Green, Bigger Government, Democratic ideology represents destructive madness.
1) Oil, natural gas and coal replaced human and animal muscle, wood,
waterwheels and whale oil. They provided the energy that lifted billions
from abject poverty, disease, malnutrition and early death, to the
amazing living standards and longevity we enjoy today. They still
provide over 80% of America’s and the world’s energy, and the vast
majority of nations are burning them in ever-increasing amounts to power
their own health and economic transformations. Even wealthy developed
countries are reexamining punitive climate and “renewable” energy
policies, to embrace fossil fuels anew.
2) Fears that we will run out of oil and gas are unfounded. In 1945, the
Institute for Energy Research (IER) reports, the USA had 20 billion
barrels of oil reserves. Between 1945 and 2014 we consumed 177 billion
barrels – and still had 40 billion barrels of proven reserves left in
the ground. It’s the same story with iron, copper, aluminum, titanium
and other vital raw materials. The more we use, the more we have –
thanks to constantly improving exploration, production and other
technologies, driven by rising demand and prices, conceived and built by
mankind’s increasingly creative genius, our Ultimate Resource.
3) In fact, we are still blessed with centuries of fossil fuels.
Oslo-based Rystad Energy consulting calculates that the United States
has 264 billion barrels of technologically and economically recoverable
oil: 8 billion more than Russia and 52 billion more than Saudi Arabia.
Based on current consumption rates, IER and EIA (Energy Information
Administration) data show that US “proven reserves” (recoverable at
today’s prices) total 5 years of oil, 13 years of natural gas and 319
years of coal. As prices rise and technologies improve, “technically
recoverable” figures soar to 206 years for oil, 83 years for gas and 597
years for coal. “In-place total resource” estimates send these
calculations to an astronomical 536, 510 and 12,849 years respectively!
4) According to the IER and economist Steve Moore, this amazing
abundance could translate into 6 million new jobs and $1 trillion a year
in energy exports. America’s non-environmentally sensitive western
public lands could hold $50 trillion in energy resources – which new
pipelines, refineries and liquefied natural gas terminals could bring to
the world, unleashing incredible job and economic growth. However, Mrs.
Clinton and Democrats oppose these facilities and want the resources
locked up.
Those policies would be disastrous, especially for western states that
would be turned into playgrounds for rich and famous elites, and for our
manufacturing heartland. A University of Colorado Leeds School of
Business study projects that eliminating 75-80% of hydraulic fracturing
for oil and gas in the Centennial State would cost it $11 billion per
year and 62,000 jobs by 2030.
5) In the absence of government diktats, we will gradually and
voluntarily make a transition to new energy sources that we cannot even
imagine today, long before we run out of these fossil fuel bounties. We
would do it without destroying jobs and economies – just as we did over
these past 150 years. Who among us, just 100 years ago, could have
predicted the coal, gas, hydroelectric and nuclear power plants that
generate 93% of today’s electricity … or the cell phone, internet,
medical, entertainment, manufacturing and other incredible technologies
that are made possible by electricity?
Any coerced transition will destroy millions of jobs and send families,
communities, states and nations into social and economic chaos – for no
environmental or climate benefit.
6) Widespread wind and solar facilities would have monumental impacts.
Industry data reveal that getting 50% of US electricity from wind would
require some 465,000 turbines and 48,000 miles of new transmission
lines, across croplands and wildlife habitats equal to North Dakota
(45,000,000 acres) – and 675,000,000 tons of concrete, steel, copper,
fiberglass and rare earth metals. They would impair human health and
kill millions of birds and bats annually. This is unconscionable and
And to top it off, we would still need backup coal or gas generators –
unless we are willing to have to only minimal, expensive, constantly
interrupted electricity, when it is available, rather than sufficient,
affordable, dependable power, when we need it for modern lives,
livelihoods and living standards.
Ruling elites may be happy to impose that on “commoners.” They will never tolerate it for themselves.
7) Every one of these “clean,” “green,” “sustainable,” “renewable”
energy edicts and fantasies is based on assertions that fossil fuels
emit greenhouse gases that are causing “dangerous manmade climate
However, as my Climate Hype Exposed book, my numerous articles, and
studies and books by hundreds of climate scientists reveal, there is no
convincing evidence that carbon dioxide and other GHG emissions have
replaced the powerful, interconnected natural forces that have always
driven climate change. Climate alarmists cannot show that recent or
ongoing climate and weather fluctuations, cycles and events are
significantly different from those of the last 50, 150 or 1,500 years.
Climate alarmists cannot separate human influences from natural causes
for any recent changes. They do not know how much Earth will warm by
2100. They cannot say at what point further warming will be “dangerous” –
or for which plant, wildlife or human populations. They admit that
slashing America’s fossil fuel use will reduce global warming by only a
few hundredths of one degree (assuming CO2 drives climate change),
especially if most countries continue burning coal, oil and natural gas.
8) If we truly want to Make America great again, Help working class
Americans, and Care about the poor – we will not “Keep it in the
ground.” We will not squander our bounteous fossil fuel inheritance on
the pagan altar of climate chaos. We will not sacrifice our children’s
future for illusory ecological benefits.
The draft Democratic Party platform essentially says we must safeguard
the assumed needs of future generations, even if it means ignoring or
compromising the real needs of current generations – including the
needs, aspirations and welfare of America’s and the world’s poorest
It says we must protect poor and working classes from alleged,
exaggerated and imagined climate disasters decades from now – by
imposing very real energy policy disasters that will adversely affect
their jobs, living standards, health, wellbeing and life spans today.
That’s why the Obama EPA alone has issued more than 3,900 new tiny-print
rules and regulations, totaling nearly 76,000 pages in the Federal
Register, and costing us tens of billions of dollars a year.
Big Green Democrats think they can fool Americans again and again, and
continue asserting their moral superiority, condescension and contempt
for anyone who does not accept their ideologies and agendas. They
believe it’s good policy to send America deeper into energy and economic
Are they right? Or are voters finally waking up? The coming months will tell.
Via email
Lake Poopo again
The NYT has a podcast on this unpleasant-sounding lake. Below
is the promotional screed for the podcast. I first commented on
the lake last February. I might as well repeat what I said then:
a lot of Poopo! Since there was no statistically significant
terrestrial warming for over 18 years the lake was not affected by it.
There may have been some local warming due to last year's El Nino but
but diversion of water flowing into it will be the big culprit.
And it is shallow so does dry out periodically anyway
There used to be a lake in Bolivia. Lake Poopó. Then it disappeared —
along with most of the villagers who depended on the lake, for
The Andes bureau chief, Nicholas Casey, went with the Times photographer
Josh Haner to Llapallapani, Bolivia, and wrote what is a cautionary
tale about climate change and its consequences.
In this podcast, Mr. Casey and Mr. Haner talk about a world of pink
flamingos and fish-rich seas that is no more. Mr. Casey describes the
difficulty involved in explaining “flying cameras” — drone cameras — to
village leaders. And Mr. Haner talks about the special challenges
presented when he is tasked with documenting something — like Lake Poopó
— that is no longer there.
MIT Study: No Scientific Consensus On Global Warming Crop Impact
Scientists disagree on the effects of global warming on American
agriculture, according to a Massachusetts Institute of Technology study
published Friday.
The research used climate and agricultural computer models to conclude
that global warming would have numerous positive impacts on US farming,
including fewer frosts, a longer growing season and an earlier start of
?eld operations by the end of the century. However, the study also found
that plants could potentially suffer from more heat stress and more dry
The study’s one firm conclusion was that farmers would likely be able to
adapt to the potential challenges caused by global warming.
“The new study, and its approach to trying to better identify the type
and character of future climate changes that may be best related to
future agricultural productivity is useful, primarily, as the authors
point out, in helping to drive adaptive strategies,” Chip Knappenberger,
climate scientist at the libertarian Cato Institute, told The Daily
Caller News Foundation. “It is silly to think that U.S. farmers will not
adapt to climate change—after all adaptive measures are at the heart of
agriculture, as different crop varieties, different farming techniques,
different technologies, etc., are what drives crop yields ever higher,
even in the face climate change. This has happened in the past and will
continue to happen in the future.”
The study rebukes previous claims that global warming could cause the total collapse of American and global agriculture.
“Projections of agricultural collapse (in the U.S. or abroad) as a
result of human-caused global warming are naive at best, intentionally
misleading at worst,” Knappenberger continued. “The new paper largely
avoids such pitfalls as it recognizes that a) all climate change is not
bad for U.S. agriculture, and b) more importantly, that the future of
agricultural productivity depends on continuing adaptation—something
that the authors of the new paper hope that their results aid in.”
The study was authored by a research team from MIT and the University of
California at Davis and was published in the peer-reviewed scientific
journal Environmental Research Letters. The new research is an enormous
boost for scientists skeptical of global warming, as it indicates they
were correct about a long running positive effect of rising CO2
Previous studies have estimated that global warming is causing roughly
half of Earth’s land-mass to demonstrate “significant greening” and that
only 4 percent of the world saw a decrease in plant life. The increased
vegetation growth caused by warmer temperatures is likely slowing
global warming as well, since more trees and plants equates to more
sequestered CO2.
Other research suggests that increasing global temperatures means the
air has more capacity to hold moisture from the oceans, leading to more
rains in arid regions of the world. This is even true in the Earth’s
driest regions, such as the Sahara desert. The research concludes that
arid areas and deserts in Australia, California, Central Asia, Sinai and
Southwestern Africa can all expect more rain.
This is the latest scientific study to show that nature is considerably
more resilient to global warming than scientists suspected and even
United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change now believes
that the evidence linking global warming to extinctions is sparse.
Global warming will likely have many positive environmental impacts such
as helping Canadian trees recover from a devastating insect
infestation, creating more food for fish in the ocean, making life
easier for Canadian moose, improving the environment better for bees and
literally causing deserts to bloom with foliage.
Despite this growing consensus, environmental groups still believe that
plants and animals aren’t capable of adapting to changing temperatures,
leading to mass extinctions and agricultural disruptions caused by
global warming.
“One-fourth of the Earth’s species could be headed for extinction by
2050 due to climate change,” The Nature Conservancy claims. “Rising
temperatures are changing weather and vegetation patterns across the
globe, forcing animal species to migrate to new, cooler areas in order
to survive.”
The Climate Police Crack-Up
Those Exxon Mobil subpoenas? Never mind
Free-speech advocates have reason to cheer as two state attorneys
general have walked back their subpoenas against Exxon Mobil Corp.,
tacitly admitting that their climate-change harassment lacks a legal
Virgin Islands AG Claude Walker recently withdrew his subpoena of Exxon
Mobil. He was a leader among the 17 AGs charging that the oil giant
defrauded shareholders by hiding the truth about global warming. That’s
hard to prove when the company’s climate-change research was published
in peer-reviewed journals.
Mr. Walker also targeted some 90 think tanks and other groups in an
attempt to punish climate dissent. These groups and others, including
these columns, pushed back on First Amendment grounds, and the
Competitive Enterprise Institute counter-sued Mr. Walker and demanded
sanctions. He pulled his subpoena against CEI last month.
Mr. Walker claimed he is dropping his Exxon subpoena so the U.S. Justice
Department can more easily pursue its racketeering charges against the
company. But that’s glitter on a surrender document. The reason the
state AGs chose to pursue Exxon for shareholder fraud is because anyone
with legal knowledge knows how difficult it would be for the feds to
bring a successful RICO case. To our knowledge, Justice doesn’t even
have such an investigation underway.
Meantime, Massachusetts AG Maura Healey filed court documents declaring
she won’t enforce her subpoena against Exxon until the oil giant’s
countersuits against the AGs are settled. Exxon has sued Ms. Healey in
Texas federal court to quash her subpoena as a violation of its First
and Fourth Amendment rights. Mrs. Healey clearly sensed the political
dangers of dragging her office on a long, anti-free-speech march and is
putting the investigation to the side.
That leaves California’s Kamala Harris and New York’s Eric Schneiderman
as the two remaining AGs with outstanding Exxon subpoenas. Mrs. Harris
joined this escapade to burnish her progressive bone fides as she runs
to replace retiring Senator Barbara Boxer, and her office has done
little investigating. Mr. Schneiderman has the most prosecutorial leeway
under his state’s egregious Martin Act, which doesn’t require proof of
intent in civil cases. But he has also been on the political defensive
for trying to punish policy disagreements.
The climate police would do more for their cause if they spent more time
persuading the public on the merits of climate risks and policy. Their
resort to abusive government power suggests that they think they have a
weak case.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
10 July, 2016
Spectacular 'forests of the sea' kelp fields which span thousands of
kilometres and fund a $10 BILLION tourism and seafood industry wiped out
by a marine heatwave
Greenies can't help themselves. They can't resist tying any
natural disaster to global warming. The dieoff described
below happened in 2011, in the middle of a global temperature stasis
that had lasted 12 years at that point. Over that period, global
temperatures had risen and fallen to the tune of only hundredths of one
degree per annum. It was as clear an era of NON-warming as one
would ever be likely to find. So global warming CANNOT be
responsible for what happened to the kelp: There wasn't any such warming
at that time
Hundreds of kilometres of a remarkable kelp forest off the western coast
of Australia have been wiped out by marine heatwaves, a study has
These 'forests of the sea' make up 90 per cent of the north-western tip
of the Great Southern Reef and underpin tourism and fishery industries
that pump $10 billion into the Australian economy each year.
About 2,000 kilometres of the Western Australian coastline from Cape
Leeuwin in the south to Ningaloo in the north of Western Australia was
analysed in a study that spanned 14 years from 2001.
A heatwave in 2011 has been named the primary cause of loss, with 100
kilometres of kelp destroyed, which made up 43 per cent of the kelp in
Western Australia. Above-average ocean temperatures in 2012 and
2013 were said to 'compound' these effects.
The demise of the kelp forests is likely permanent researchers have said
in a study published in the journal of Science on Thursday.
The forests that covered 70 per cent of shallow rocky reefs in
mid-Western Australia have now become 'barren', researcher Dr Scott
Bennett told ABC.
Dr Bennett who helped in the survey said he thought his team had
initially made an error when they dived into the reefs off Kalbarri.
'We jumped into these waters at sites we've been going to for the past
10 years expecting to see large kelp forests and it was just a desert,'
he said.
'We thought we'd made a mistake and got the location wrong. It is just
heartbreaking to see such a complex, beautiful, vibrant ecosystem
Turf algae had multiplied and tropical fish communities had increased
which were preventing the regrowth of the kelp because they were being
eaten before they managed to re-establish.
The extensive loss of kelp forests in Western Australia provides a
strong warning of what the future might be like for Australia's
temperate marine environments.
Climate change was creating more frequent heatwaves helping the
southward movement of warmer waters and tropical species to increase in
the region.
The survey also revealed that 2.5 degrees Celsius is the 'tipping point' for kelp forests.
Associate Professor Thomas Wernberg, from the University of Western
Australia worked alongside Dr Bennett and described the kelp forests as
the 'biological engine' of the reef system.
'They are as critical to the Great Southern Reef as corals are to the Great Barrier Reef,' he said.
'They are up to 16 times more productive than our most productive wheat fields and provide the foundations for the ecosystem.'
Species such as abalone and rock lobster thrive in these environments
which are some of the most valuable species of marine life for fisheries
in Australia.
'The impact has been particularly prominent at northern reefs, where
kelp forests have disappeared completely,' Professor Wernberg said.
'Recovery is unlikely because of the large grazing pressure, continued
warming and the likelihood of more heatwaves in the future.'
Climate change is already killing people (?)
Amusing that the only evidence put forward for the claim in the
headline above is something that happened in just two cities way back in
2003. Would the solution to this be to cut off their cheap power
so that they cannot afford air conditioning? Or perhaps impoverish
them so much that they can't afford to install air-conditioning in the
first place?
As we constantly strive to reduce our fossil fuel emission and our
impact on the world, climate change can sometimes seem like a problem
that is still a few years away from impacting our daily lives.
But a new study has revealed the dangers of climate change are already
affecting us in a and man-made climate change led to the death of
hundreds of people across Europe sixteen years ago.
A heatwave in 2003 killed 506 people in Paris and 315 in London, experts have said in a new study.
The study led by University of Oxford scientists said there were 315
heat-related deaths as Europe experienced its hottest summer on record.
But a fifth of those can be blamed on man-made pollution.
It found human-induced climate change increased the risk of heat-related
deaths in central Paris by around 70 per cent and by 20 per cent in
No heatwave on record has ever had such a widespread effect on human health, as experienced during those months of 2003.
A fifth of those deaths can be blamed on man-made pollution.
The study led by University of Oxford scientists said there were 315
heat-related deaths in London as Europe experienced its hottest summer
on record, out of which 64 were caused by climate change.
The study was the first to calculate the number of premature deaths and
it's link to air pollution and warned heatwaves will become more common
and more severe in the future.
From June, apart from a brief respite, the UK languished under sustained above average temperatures until the end of August.
Several weather records were broken including the UK's highest recorded
temperature 38.5 °C (101.3 °F) at Faversham in Kent on 10 August and
Scotland's highest temperature record with 32.9 °C (91.2 °F) recorded a
day earlier in Greycrook in the Scottish borders.
France was hardest hit and in Paris, the hottest city in Europe, 506 out
of 735 summer deaths were due to a heatwave made worse by man-made
climate change.
The results were based on climate modelling and should help officials
prepare for future heatwaves and protect the elderly who are most at
It found human-induced climate change increased the risk of heat-related
deaths in central Paris by around 70 per cent and by 20 per cent in
Researchers stressed the findings apply to just the two cities and the
numbers affected by climate change across Europe will be higher.
'It is often difficult to understand the implications of a planet that
is one degree warmer than preindustrial levels in the global average,
but we are now at the stage where we can identify the cost to our health
of man-made global warming,' Dr Daniel Mitchell, from Oxford's
Environmental Change Institute said.
'This research reveals that in two cities alone hundreds of deaths can
be attributed to much higher temperatures resulting from human-induced
climate change.'
The study published in the journal Environmental Research Letters looked at the three months June to August.
It warned no heatwave on record has ever had such a widespread effect on
human health, as experienced during those months of 2003.
Previous studies have attributed changes in heatwave frequency and
severity to human-caused climate change, or demonstrated the effect of
extreme heat on human mortality.
But the study was the first to attribute the number of premature deaths to climate change during extreme heat waves.
Co-author Dr Chris Huntingford, of Oxford's Centre for Ecology and
Hydrology, added: 'Traditionally, climate research has linked increasing
levels of greenhouses gases simply to trends in weather, such as
generally higher day-to-day temperatures.
'However, linking the impact of burning of fossil fuels right through to
health implications enables much better planning to prepare for any
further climatic changes.'
'By starkly showing we can measure the toll in human lives that climate
change is already taking through worsening extreme heat, this study
shines a spotlight on our responsibilities as a society for limiting
further damage,' said co-author Dr Peter Frumhoff of the Union of
Concerned Scientists in Cambridge, US.
The “Climate Protection Plan 2050? is supposed to make Germany’s economy
more environmentally friendly. But it is stirring resistance among
Christian Democratic leaders who fear the plan endangers Germany’s
prosperity and social peace.
There is great discontent among the parliamentary Christian Democratic
Party (CDU) about the “Climate Protection Plan 2050? presented by
Federal Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks (SPD). With her draft,
which is currently under review at the Federal Chancellery and which
should be decided in the autumn by the Cabinet, Hendricks is essentially
“proscribing a command economy.” According to a report by Frankfurter
Allgemeine Zeitung, the accusation is being made by four deputy
parliamentary leaders of the CDU and CSU in a letter to Chancellery
minister Peter Altmaier (CDU).
In their letter, the leaders call for early discussions about the basic
thrust of the climate plan before the government takes any decisions.
The CDU politicians Georg Nüßlein (CSU), Gitta Connemann (CDU), Michael
Fuchs (CDU) and Arnold Vaatz (CDU) claim that the plan is “basically
wrong”, that it would have “a massive impact on the future
competitiveness of the business location Germany” and was likely to
“jeopardise the economy, prosperity and social peace in our country.”
The Chancellery is currently examining Hendricks’ plan before it goes to
further consultation in other ministries. The Cabinet is expected to
decide the “plan” in the autumn. It is supposed to be a kind of road map
for German climate policy in the coming decades and will be updated
According to the plan, Germany will essentially be completely
decarbonised. It includes the progressive withdrew from coal, the full
conversion of the transport system to electrical cars by 2030, the ban
of central gas and oil heating systems for new buildings, the promotion
of cycling and organic farming, the reducing of meat consumption by at
least half by 2050 and a rise in taxes that take into consideration
environmental issues.
Japan’s solar boom is beginning to falter
Until recently, the resource-poor nation has been one of the leading
markets for photovoltaics, helping to prop up an industry hurt by
falling prices for the technology and policy changes. But four years
after the introduction of generous incentives to promote clean energy in
the wake of the Fukushima atomic meltdown, data show the boom is losing
The slowdown -- after several years of rapid growth -- threatens to
undermine the government’s push to find a clean alternative to nuclear
power and dims what has been a bright spot for the global photovoltaic
“As the declining volume of PV module shipments shows, the market is
shrinking,” said Takehiro Kawahara, an analyst for Bloomberg New Energy
Repeated tariff cuts and difficulty securing land and grid connections
are among some of the reasons that have led to a drop in new
applications to develop solar, Kawahara said.
For Japanese panel makers such as Sharp Corp. and Kyocera Corp., “the
shrinking domestic market forces them to lower costs to remain in
competition with international players or consider exiting the segment,”
he said.
More Bankruptcies
Solar power-related bankruptcies are increasing, according to Teikoku
Databank Ltd. The number of companies that went bust rose to 36 in 2015,
from 17 in 2013 and 21 in 2014. Bankruptcies continue to accelerate,
with 17 seen in just the first five months of 2016, Teikoku said.
Some question what has Japan got for all the money spent on promoting
clean energy. While more solar energy is being produced, it still
comprises a fraction of the nation’s power generation mix.
Solar has grabbed the lion’s share of what’s known as feed-in tariffs --
above market rates awarded to producers of clean energy. With available
land for solar in short supply and some utilities saying they can’t
accept more intermittent solar power, that’s a worry for some. Moreover,
only about a third of the solar projects awarded the preferred rates
have actually begun producing power.
“Feed-in tariffs have proved there’s potential for 80 gigawatts of solar
in Japan,” said Masaaki Kameda, secretary-general at the Japan
Photovoltaic Energy Association, the country’s solar lobby. “But to
bring online this potential, various policies need to be applied
continuously,” he said.
The government has tightened rules for projects that have been delayed
and plans to introduce an auction system for large-scale solar next
“Now that we know that solar power generation systems can certainly
supply energy, it is important to find out how we can make the most of
the generated power,” Kameda said.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has tried to play it both ways --
saying he’s a supporter of clean energy, while also backing a continued
role for nuclear and a big role for coal.
Despite clouds over the nuclear industry and repeated failed attempts to
get reactors back online, Japan’s latest policy pronouncements see
nuclear accounting for as much as 22 percent of Japan’s power mix by
2030. Similarly, the government sees a bright future for coal at 26
‘Carbon markets in US, Europe & Asia are collapsing, with prices so low they’ve become virtually valueless’
Carbon markets, the free-enterprise solution to saving the world from global warming, are now in danger themselves.
The idea was simple enough: Set a cap on carbon emissions, issue enough
permits to allow power plants, refineries and the like to stay within
those limits and then shrink the cap over time to achieve reductions.
The companies whose emissions fall fastest can sell their permits for a
profit to slower responders — call it a reward for good behaviour.
The reality, though, is more complex. Undercut by a lack of political
will on the size of caps and overtaken by costly new environmental
mandates, carbon markets in the US, Europe and Asia are collapsing, with
prices so low they’ve become virtually valueless. The credits auctioned
in the US Northeast in June, for instance, sold for just US$4.53
(RM18.27) a short tonne, a 40 per cent drop from December.
“Climate policy has been muddled and messy,” said Michael Grubb, a
professor at University College London’s Institute for Sustainable
Resources who has advised the UK energy regulator. “Governments have set
inadequate targets due to lobbying pressures and because they didn’t
think carefully enough about overlapping efforts. That has destroyed
investor confidence that carbon prices will rise.”
The idea of a carbon market originated 20 years ago with Richard Sandor,
an economist who also pioneered interest-rate futures and derivatives
at the Chicago Board of Trade. Today, there are 38 countries, cities,
states and provinces using pricing systems in an attempt to put a lid on
greenhouse gases, according to the World Bank.
The problem is that the permits are selling at a slower and slower rate.
The surplus of allowances is becoming so large in systems run by
Europe, California and Quebec — which together account for more than 90
per cent of global trading — that by 2022 it could cover the emissions
spewing from every car on Earth for a full year, according to estimates
by the London environmental group Sandbag Climate Campaign CIC and
Bloomberg New Energy Finance.
In California’s market, all 23 million allowances sold in an auction in
2014. In May, 7.3 million permits found buyers, only 11 per cent of what
was put up for sale.
‘Extreme paranoia’
The markets are crumbling just as the UK’s vote to leave the European
Union throws into question the future of the world’s largest market by
threatening to shrink demand. Nor does the collapse bode well for China,
as the world’s top greenhouse-gas emitter prepares to start its own
next year.
Alex Rau, a principal at the carbon-trading advisory group Climate Wedge
Ltd, chalks up the downfall largely to “an extreme paranoia” that the
price of carbon will rise too high. So instead of strengthening caps
unpopular among some oil companies, polluting factories and consumers
who ultimately shoulder costs, politicians around the world have
stitched together a patchwork of overlapping measures that are less
vulnerable to lobbyists.
Take the US, where states including California run carbon markets but
have also imposed other regulations that require gasoline suppliers to
cut the carbon intensity of their fuel and utilities to buy increasing
volumes of solar and wind power.
“When you put in place all these other mandates, there is little work
left for carbon markets,” said Meredith Fowlie, an economist and
research associate at the University of California at Berkeley
department of agriculture and resource economics.
In California, the state Air Resources Board still has the authority to
pull excess permits from circulation to avoid a glut, said Dave Clegern,
a spokesman for the agency. “One auction tells us very little,” he
said. “We’re in the long game here.”
Anna-Kaisa Itkonen, a spokeswoman for the European Commission in
Brussels, noted that its emissions targets under a climate agreement
hammered out by leaders in Paris last year were among the most ambitious
in the world. EU carbon allowances fell as much as 3.1 per cent to
€4.44 euros (RM19.81) a metric tonne on ICE Futures Europe in London
today, the lowest since July 1. They’ve dropped 46 per cent in the year
to date.
Germany, meanwhile, acknowledged that the system run by the EU is in
need of an overhaul, especially in light of the Paris climate pact. “We
will need to look at our ambition,” Michael Schroeren, a spokesman for
Germany’s environment ministry, said in a statement. “After more than 10
years of emissions trading in Europe, we can look back on the lessons
China risks falling into the same trap as others. While regulators
looking to establish a national market there appear to be trying to
avoid an oversupply, prices are already plummeting in pilots they’re
running, said Sophie Lu, an analyst in Beijing at Bloomberg New Energy
Just as carbon market history has repeated itself around the world, Lu
said, China “may not be willing to pay the political and economic
costs.” — Bloomberg
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
8 July, 2016
Global temperature back into the normal range
GISS have not yet updated for June but Roy Spencer has -- using the satellite data:
Second largest 2-month drop in global average satellite temperatures.
Largest 2-month drop in tropical average satellite temperatures.
NOTE: This is the fifteenth monthly update with our new Version 6.0
dataset. Differences versus the old Version 5.6 dataset are discussed
here. Note we are now at “beta5” for Version 6, and the paper describing
the methodology is still in peer review.
The Version 6.0 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT)
anomaly for June, 2016 is +0.34 deg. C, down 0.21 deg. C from the May
value of +0.55 deg. C
This gives a 2-month temperature fall of -0.37 deg. C, which is the
second largest in the 37+ year satellite record…the largest was -0.43
deg. C in Feb. 1988.
In the tropics, there was a record fast 2-month cooling of -0.56 deg. C,
just edging out -0.55 deg. C in June 1998 (also an El Nino weakening
Cosmo Blames Shark Attacks On Global Warming, Doesn’t Read Own Sources
The women’s magazine Cosmopolitan claimed Friday that global warming
will cause a surge in shark attacks this year — but the article’s own
sources contradict the claim.
Cosmo’s assertion is based on a National Geographic article from
February that states more shark attacks occurred last year than in any
other, as well as a study that says sharks are migrating farther north
than before.
National Geographic’s explanation for the unusually high number of
attacks is that warm El Nino weather encouraged people to go swimming
more often. The magazine even quoted shark biologist Frank Schwartz of
the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill who “says there’s too
much natural variability in weather cycles to blame the recent shark
attacks on global warming.”
Shark experts support this position, saying “the number of shark-human
interactions occurring in a given year is directly correlated with the
amount of time humans spend in the sea,” according to the International
Shark Attack File at the Florida Museum of Natural History.
Cosmo’s claim that sharks will soon start migrating into the
waters of New York and New Jersey is countered by the fact that of the
98 total shark attacks worldwide last year, precisely 30 of them
occurred in the state of Florida, while the biggest surge of attacks
occurred in North Carolina.
Cosmo’s article also says that humans shouldn’t be afraid of sharks
because scientists have captured “the first ever sonogram of a pregnant
tiger shark, which is pretty cute.”
Other media outlets such as The Daily Mail, Investors Business Daily and
CBS News also claimed that global warming should be blamed for any
shark attacks this summer. They cited a single expert who told Reuters
that rising temperatures might make swimming more popular, which could
lead to more attacks.
Environmentalist media, such as EcoWatch, has a long history of linking
shark attacks to global warming, but the existence of such a link is
doubted by scientists.
There is less than one shark-attack death every two years in America,
according to a 2005 study by National Geographic. Statistically
speaking, cows are much more dangerous than sharks as they cause 20
deaths annually in the U.S.
Study: US Has More Oil Reserves Than Saudis And Russians
America has more oil reserves than both Saudi Arabia and Russia,
according to a study published Monday by the Norwegian oil and gas
consulting firm Rystad Energy.
The study estimates that America has 264 billion barrels of economically
recoverable oil in existing fields, proven reserves and even in fields
that haven’t been discovered yet. America’s reserves are larger than
Saudi Arabia’s 212 billion and Russia’s 256 billion in oil reserves. The
state of Texas alone has roughly 60 billion barrels of shale oil
according to the study.
Rystad Energy estimates that there are 2,092 billion barrels in total
global oil reserves, or 70 times the current production rate. For
comparison, all the oil ever produced up until 2015 only amounts to
1,300 billion barrels.
“There is little potential for future surprises in many other countries,
but in the US there is,” Per Magnus Nysveen, an analyst at Rystad
Energy, told The Financial Times Monday. “Three years ago the US was
behind Russia, Canada and Saudi Arabia.”
American oil and natural gas reserves are at their highest levels since
1972. American reserves of crude oil and natural gas have risen for six
consecutive years despite the U.S. producing more oil and natural gas
than any other country. Oil production last year was 80 percent higher
than it was in 2008.
The massive expansion of America’s oil reserves is due to new drilling
techniques like hydraulic fracturing, fracking, and horizontal drilling.
The American frakcing boom was the driving factor behind the recent oil
price collapse from a mid-2014 high of $115 a barrel to below $30
earlier this year.
These innovations have allowed America to increase its oil production
faster than at any time in history. The process helped America surpass
Russia as the world’s largest and fastest-growing producer of oil last
year. American oil production in 2015 was 80 percent higher than it was
in 2008. The U.S. produced an average of about 9.3 million barrels of
crude oil per day in June.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration reported that in 2000 America
got roughly 2 percent of its oil, about 102,000 barrels per day, from
fracking. America got 51 percent of its oil, about 4.3 million barrels
per day, from fracking in 2015.
The study does not include oil shale, which excludes the fact that
America controls the world’s largest untapped oil reserve, the Green
River Formation in Colorado. This formation alone contains up to 3
trillion barrels of untapped oil shale, half of which may be
recoverable. That’s five and a half times the proven reserves of Saudi
Arabia. This single geologic formation could contain more oil than the
rest of the world’s proven reserves combined.
Eco-Terrorists May Have Spiked Logs To Cripple Lumber Mills
A lumber mill in Oregon is on the look out after learning
environmentalists and conservationists may have jammed metal spikes in
its logs in an effort to slow down or stop logging in the state.
A green group calling itself SAP claimed on environmental website “Earth
First! Newswire” that it used the eco-terrorist tactic — which was
popular in the 1990s as a way to seriously injure loggers — at the
Swanson Brothers mill June 11 near Eugene, Ore.
Larry Konnie, the president of the mill, said his crew was operating as
usual for two days prior to learning about SAP’s claim. “It makes me
think they wanted to hurt somebody,” Konnie added.
No spikes have been found yet, according to Konnie.
African farming sacrificed to European green politics, blocking GMO innovation
The call, in a report made by the Members of European Parliament (MEPs)
to the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, not to support
genetically modified (GM) crops in Africa is unfortunate and an attempt
to institutionalize poverty on the continent.
The G7 group of nations’ joint initiative with the New Alliance—aimed at
lifting 500 million people out of poverty by 2022 using 10 African
countries as pilot studies—to start using genetically modified tools in
agricultural production is being thrown out of the window.
The report recommended that intensive agriculture that made Europe, the
Americas, and many parts of Asia food secure should not be applied in
Africa, but that the continent remain with small-scale farming practices
that have not been able to meet our food and nutrition needs. Despite
the huge tonnage of GM cereals and legumes imported into Europe used as
feedstuff, their cultivation is prohibited—to ‘protect’ the environment,
to maintain the organic market and, more importantly, for ideological
This was nicely described as ‘cultivation forbidden, importation
indispensable‘ by Giovanni Tagliabue in a 2016 paper (The EU Legislation
on “GMOs”: Between Nonsense and Protectionism, a paper for the 20th
ICABR Conference) in which the author gave the example of the
genetically modified Amflora potato which, due to long delays, was not
commercialized only to be produced through mutagenesis and
commercialized with no fuss as it was politically a “non-GMO”.
This saga between Europe and America makes Africa suffer. It has been
established that agricultural biotechnology is needs-based in Africa.
Reports from other developing countries that adopted the technology
speaks volume on benefits; the risk aspects being properly managed by
their regulators. The African end users, farmers and consumers need to
be given the opportunity to access and assess the technology themselves.
The African political leadership is aware of the responsibilities of
adopting the technologies properly. This is the reason most African
countries and the EU Member States are parties to the Convention on
Biological Diversity (CBD) which states in Article 16 that the transfer
of technology, including biotechnologies, is essential to the attainment
of the goals of the Convention. The CBD further urges Parties in
Article 19 to promote priority access to the benefits arising from
biotechnologies, especially for developing countries. Furthermore, 44
out of the 54 African Union Member States have signed and ratified the
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.
This call for Africa not to grow GMOs will be in contravention of the
Convention on Biological Diversity. In addition to this, the African
Union Commission together with its technical arm, the New Partnership
for Africa’s Development Planning and Coordinating Agency, developed a
Biotechnology Strategy for Africa in 2007 and in 2008 established a unit
to see to the safe and responsible application of the technologies
called the African Biosafety Network of Expertise (ABNE). The mandate is
to build functional regulatory systems in Member States that would like
to adopt the technologies. It is also to build capacity for African
regulators in all aspects of agricultural biotechnology regulatory work
and thereby build confidence in decision making.
Moreover, other biosafety service providers in Africa include the USAID
Program for Biosafety System, the Biosafety Unit of the International
Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) and a number of
biosafety civil society groups. This is intended to point out that
regulatory systems are optimal especially in those Member States that
have adopted or are in the process of adopting GM technologies in
Africa. What we are striving to achieve in Africa is to embrace a
science-based approach in the GMO policy decisions, with European Food
Safety Authority as our excellent reference point although the MEPs have
difficulties with some of its findings.
On trade, once Africa Member States are able to harmonize the regulatory
frameworks properly within the regional economic communities (REC),
intra-Africa trade is big enough to mop up GM products. Aside from this,
the application of GM technologies focuses on African commodities that
are of little or no significance in Europe except for Africans in
diaspora and Europeans who have developed a taste for such
commodities—as such, the level of trade for these purposes is minimal.
It is on these aforementioned opinions that the European Parliament
should uphold its tenets of respect for human dignity, liberty,
democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights by not
opposing African Union’s efforts to make use of all available
beneficial technologies.
It is surprising to note that this call is only for Africa but not to
other developing countries in Latin America and Asia. The African farmer
must have the right to decide whether to plant improved seeds and must
have access to safe new products that will benefit the family farm,
local communities and also contribute to improved livelihoods and
socio-economic development.
Report: New Documents Confirm: ‘Climate RICO’ AGs Attempting to Write
Themselves Out of Transparency Laws to Hide Abusive Campaign
New responses from state Attorneys General offices (OAGs) obtained by
the Energy & Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal) and the
Free Market Environmental Law Clinic (FME Law) confirm that the
coalition of Democratic Attorneys General using racketeering laws to
investigate universities, climate scientists, free market think tanks
and energy companies are hiding behind a contract with each other — also
apparently with outside activists helping the campaign — to avoid
releasing public records relating to their pursuit of political
This confirms suggestions in prior emails, obtained under state open
records laws, that the AGs had entered what they are calling a Common
Interest Agreement (CIA), with green activists and other AGs, and are
using this contract of nondisclosure among themselves to keep public
records regarding their RICO push from the public.
CIAs are common instruments, but what the AGs and green groups have
attempted is not; nor is keeping the pact itself from the public
normal. To be legitimate, parties to a common interest agreement
must have imminent litigation, a clear scope and clearly shared
interests. Instead, documents obtained to date show that these AGs
and their green-group colleagues with inherently disparate interests
have entered not a legitimate CIA, but a pact of secrecy, covering broad
topics, not specific matters, simply to avoid scrutiny of otherwise
public records relating to their extraordinarily controversial abuse of
political opponents’ First Amendment rights.
“We have confirmed that the Democratic AGs are citing a Common Interest
Agreement to avoid releasing crucial information to the public, as they
continue their abuse of power”, said David W. Schnare, E&E Legal
General Counsel. “The earlier draft we obtained showed the desire to
exempt AGs’ correspondence, which are deemed public records by their
legislatures, from open records laws if they related not just to defense
of the Obama administration’s EPA rules, but to investigations and
nearly anything else they might not want released involving “fossil
fuels”, “renewable energy”, or “climate”.” It appears these terms
survived in a new agreement.
This pact of secrecy, written by New York’s Eric Schneiderman, promises
to alert each party about, and force requesting parties to sue for
satisfaction of, public (or media) records requests seeking information
about this abuse of office in going after opponents of the “climate”
This revelation, and that these AGs think they can hide from the public
even the names of outside activists with whom they have contracted a
promise to stonewall FOIA requests, as well as the vow of secrecy
itself, raises more questions about the scope and intentions behind the
“In short, these activist AGs are trying to write themselves out from
freedom of information laws their legislatures have written them into,”
said E&E Legal senior fellow Chris Horner. Horner continued,
“they are hiding behavior that seems to be precisely the sort of abuse
lawmakers sought to expose to sunlight when deciding to cover their
states’ chief law enforcement officers under FOIA laws, particularly
their use of nearly limitless powers to chill opposition and damage
political opponents.”
In March, E&E Legal obtained documents showing that NY Attorney
General Schneiderman’s office circulated a CIA to a coalition of AGs
participating in a press conference with Al Gore to announce their
cooperation on a wide array of possible steps to protect the Obama
administration’s “climate” agenda, from defending EPA rules to
investigating “fossil fuel” companies. Staff from Vermont’s OAG raised
concerns in an email, specifically their discomfort about contracting a
default promise to make requesters of public records sue to obtain the
Vermont OAG clearly became more comfortable with this position after
revelations of the first open records act release blew up in all their
faces, now forcing E&E Legal to sue in an ongoing case to obtain
further public records.
That first release also revealed a March 30, 2016 email from NY OAG
indicating it would circulate a new agreement prior to their April 12
organizing call. Clearly it did so, and activist AGs signed on, possibly
also with activist groups but regardless promising to keep their work
with these “outside consultants” from the public and the media.
Late last week, in response to an E&E Legal appeal of withholding
records relating to the Illinois Attorney General’s Office involvement
in the RICO push,that office told E&E Legal that it was withholding
the disclosure of certain records because “a common interest agreement
(Agreement) was entered into by the Office of the Illinois Attorney
General and the other affected stakeholders related to a number of the
withheld records. Under the terms of that Agreement, particular
categories of documents are to remain confidential.”
In an earlier email, Rhode Island OAG Special Assistant Attorney General
Gregory Schultz emailed his agreement to sign an April 12, 2016 CIA,
though by that time no office had yet acknowledged the existence of such
a pact. Indeed, the New York, Vermont and California OAGs denied
public records requests by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI)
for any such contracts to secrecy.
Thus, the states have decided that they can not only write a contract
making public records invisible to the citizenry, but prevent citizens
from even taking a look at the contract itself.
Yesterday, Rhode Island offered further, facially absurd reasons for not
providing the agreement itself, a wholly separate issue and even more
facially abusive than claiming records are exempt from FOIA laws because
one OAG promised another, and some green-group activists, that it
wouldn’t release them.
What are these crusading AGs afraid of the public learning about their
investigations? Why are they invoking absurd claims to try and
withhold documents — and writing themselves a blank check to self-exempt
from the FOIA laws their legislators apparently thought those with the
authority to exercise police powers had better be subject to? Why
are they making parties sue to obtain these public records, which even
Vermont’s OAG acknowledged was improper?
The obvious answer to all of this is that they are afraid of the
embarrassment they will suffer once people see what they hastily agreed
to, which also subjects these offices to potential civil rights lawsuits
and other countersuits by those they’ve targeted.
“E&E Legal expects to do whatever is necessary to get these public
records before the public, to educate on this unprecedented abuse of
power”, said E&E Legal’s Executive Director Craig Richardson. “All
that we have found indicates that these AGs and their outside activist
partners will make litigation necessary at every turn.”
UK Government Asserts Unlocking Shale Gas Won't Hurt Emission Goals
The UK government Thursday said developing the shale gas industry would
not impact its ambition to lower carbon emissions and said there is a
"clear need" to explore the resource to better understand the potential
size and impact of the industry.
However, unlocking the onshore petroleum market will require the UK to
lower carbon emissions elsewhere in the economy to facilitate the rise
that would come from exploiting the potentially vast resource lying
underneath the UK.
Current estimates from the British Geological Survey suggest there could
be anywhere between 23.2 to 64.6 trillion cubic metres of gas lying
within the Bowland-Hodder basin under Northern England alone -
potentially equivalent to somewhere between 4.00 to 11.00 trillion
barrels of oil.
However, it is not known how much of that potential resource would be
extractable, either on a technical or economic basis, but the UK
government is keen to open up the industry to strengthen the country's
own energy supplies.
To put that potential resource into perspective, the UK currently
consumes around 70.00 billion cubic feet of gas on annual basis, and the
commodity accounts for around one third of the country's overall energy
supply - but none of that comes from shale gas production at the
The government's comments on Thursday were in response to the report
conducted by the Committee on Climate Change that evaluated the onshore
petroleum potential in the UK.
Natural gas is seen as the key to bridging the gap that is expected to
emerge while coal generation is phased out and new renewable and nuclear
energy comes online. The current aim is to have all coal plants closed
by 2025 and although all of the current UK nuclear fleet will be
decommissioned in the next two decades, at least six new sites are set
to come online in the future.
Gas has an advantage as an energy supply, as it can be used not only to
generate electricity but also directly for heating and cooking. Crude
oil cannot be used in this way without processing.
The UK been importing gas from abroad since 2004 after the UK's main
home for energy production, the North Sea, began to experience declining
production rates. Although oil still flows offshore the UK, the area is
mature and expensive to operate in, especially during the current oil
Around 45% of the UK's gas consumption in 2014 was imported, and
estimates show this will continue to rise in the foreseeable future,
placing further pressure on the government to find new sources of
domestic energy.
Compared to 2014, the oil and gas sector in the UK is expected to have
cut 120,000 jobs by the end of this year, but the government plans to
transfer the skills currently being lost into the wider engineering
sector - and the shale industry, if unlocked, could create around 64,000
new jobs.
In tandem, investment has also slowed in the UK oil and gas industry,
but the government forecasts investment into the shale industry could
reach GBP33.00 billion if pursued, including the boost it would give to
associated markets such as construction and engineering.
One the main issues that was analysed by the Committee on Climate Change
was the compatibility of opening up an onshore petroleum market in the
UK with the country's climate change commitments and ambitions.
The UK signed off its fifth carbon budget last week that outlines the
country's target to reduce emissions by 57% during the next period, part
of the longer-term goal of reducing emissions by 80% by 2050. The
reduction targets are based on emission levels in 1990.
Environmental groups have also been concerned by the potential
implications of fracking, the popular method of extracting gas in the US
which is highly controversial in the UK, slowing the industry's
development over recent years.
Not all onshore projects require fracking. One of the most eagerly
watched projects onshore the UK at the moment is the Horse Hill project
near Gatwick Airport that is being developed by a number of
London-listed companies and involves no fracking.
Under test conditions, one well at Horse Hill managed to produce 1,688
barrels of oil per day from three intervals. Notably, that well is only
recovering a minor amount of the total oil that lies beneath the
project, somewhere between 3.0% to 15% - demonstrating the uncertainty
over estimates made about potential shale gas resources in the UK.
Importantly, Horse Hill lies over the Weald basin in the south of the
country and is completely separate from the Bowland-Hodder basin in the
Both basins hold numerous onshore petroleum projects that are under
development, with many being pursued by London-listed companies, mainly
smaller exploration firms looking to benefit from an early mover
advantage when, or if, things take off.
However, a local council earlier this year approved a plan to frack the
first well in the UK for five years, and the market is hoping that means
more operations will be given the green light going forward. The
government said operations that require fracking will still need further
consents compared to conventional projects that do not use the method,
such as Horse Hill.
Importantly, the report has advised the government that a UK shale gas
industry in production "is compatible with carbon budgets if certain
conditions, set out in three 'tests', are met".
The first 'test' is to ensure the emissions released during well
development, production and decommissioning are closely monitored to
allow quick responses to any leaks or issues and the second is to ensure
the country's gas consumption remains in line with carbon budgets.
The third requires the UK to facilitate and offset the guaranteed rise
in emissions that would be caused by the shale gas industry by lowering
emissions elsewhere in the UK economy.
"The government believes that the strong regulatory environment for
shale gas development, plus the determined efforts of the UK to meet its
carbon budgets, means that the three 'tests' put forward by the
Committee on Climate Change will be met," said the government.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
7 July, 2016
Are Federal Bans on Mining for the Birds?
With little time left on its clock, the Obama administration is rushing
to place millions of acres of federal land off limits to commercial
resource extraction. Although Lighthouse subscribers have read about
regulatory obstacles to oil and gas development, a recent op-ed by
Independent Institute Senior Fellow William F. Shughart II and Strata
Research Director Megan E. Hansen emphasizes the harm that federal
restrictions impose on the development of minerals and metals that could
otherwise be used for making things like smart phones, electric car
batteries, and computer memory chips.
“Mineral resources are plentiful within our borders, but the United
States imported $41 billion worth of processed mineral materials in 2014
from foreign countries,” Shughart and Hansen write. “The production of
rare earth metals, for example, is now dominated by China, even though
the United States once was a leading rare earth elements producer. In
fact, we have now become 100 percent dependent on imports of 19 key
The Department of Interior is trying to create more obstacles. Last fall
it proposed withdrawing 10 million acres of land from resource
development—an amount equivalent of the size of Yellowstone National
Park—ostensibly in order to protect the habitat of the greater sage
grouse—a bird species that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services says is
not at risk of extinction.
“Banning mining on federal lands will weaken Western state economies to
protect a species that doesn’t seem to need protecting,” Shughart and
Hansen continue. “Claiming that the ban will save the greater sage
grouse is an absurdly deceptive justification for regulatory overreach.”
Environmentalists Blast TransCanada for Suing Obama Administration Over Rejection of Keystone XL Permit
TransCanada is suing the U.S. government for $15 billion over President
Obama’s rejection of its permit application for the Keystone XL
pipeline, a move environmental activists called “absurd” and “a bullying
tactic” in a telephone press conference earlier this week
TransCanada filed the lawsuit under the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA), claiming that the Obama administration “discriminated
against and significantly damaged” TransCanada and that the
administration’s actions were "politically drivern,"and "breached U.S.
obligations” under NAFTA.
The corporation’s complaint argues that Congress, rather than the
president, has the power to “govern the development of oil pipelines and
other infrastructure projects with significant domestic effects,”
citing the Clean Water Act, the National Historic Preservation Act, and
the Endangered Species Act as precedents.
“[T]he prohibition on construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline directly
interferes with foreign and domestic commerce, the regulation of which
is textually committed to the Congress by the U.S. Constitution,” the
complaint maintains
“Absent express statutory authority, the President simply does not have
the power to regulate such domestic facilities based on asserted harms
arising from greenhouse gas emissions,” TransCanada's lawsuit continued.
“Stated simply, the delay and the ultimate decision to deny the permit
were politically-driven, directly contrary to the findings of the
Administration’s own studies, and not based on the merits of Keystone’s
application,” according to the corporaton's Notice of Intent to seek
arbitration under NAFTA.
But environmentalist groups were quick to criticize the lawsuit.
“This lawsuit from TransCanada is both absurd and a perfect illustration
of why people around the world feel that their elites are getting out
of touch,” said Bill McKibben, founder of
“The rejection of the Keystone pipeline came out of one of the biggest
exercises in democracy in recent American history. ... It was a vast,
nationwide, continent-wide campaign. And everyone who was involved with
it took the science extraordinarily seriously,” continued McKibben.
“This was a remarkable, remarkable battle. And the idea that after all
those many, many, many millions of Americans and Canadians participated
in this fight, it could somehow be negated by three guys sitting in a
room that nobody’s ever heard of and nobody ever voted for, is all the
proof that anyone would ever need as to why these kinds of arrangements
like NAFTA are something we should be wary of to a huge degree,” he told
reporters during the press call.
“TransCanada filed this lawsuit as a bullying tactic,” agreed Jill
Kleeb, president of Bold Alliance. “Now TransCanada is trying to bully
the American taxpayers and President Obama and any future president that
they should not dare to mess with big oil.”
“President Obama did not make a political decision. President Obama made
the right climate, water, and property decision on rejecting the
Keystone XL pipeline,” continued Kleeb.
Anthony Swift, director of the Canadian division of the Natural
Resources Defense Project, told reporters that the argument that the
pipeline would not have had significant environmental impact "could not
be farther from the truth."
However, in January 2014, the State Department’s Final Supplemental
Environmental Impact Statement on Keystone XL concluded that not
building the 875-mile pipeline could result in the release of “from 28
to 42 percent” more greenhouse gases into the environment due to the
need to use alternate transportation modes -- such as railcars and
diesel-fueled trucks -- to get the oil to market.
TransCanada applied to the State Department for a presidential permit to
build Keystone XL in 2008. The pipeline would have brought crude oil
from the tar sands of western Canada into the U.S., performing the same
function as three already-existing pipelines, according to TransCanada.
President Obama denied the permit in November after seven years of
delay. “The State Department has decided that the Keystone XL pipeline
would not serve the national interests of the United States. I agree
with that decision,” he said when he announced the rejection.
“For years, the Keystone pipeline has occupied what I frankly consider
an overinflated role in our political discourse. It became a symbol too
often used as a campaign cudgel by both parties rather than a serious
policy matter,” Obama said.
Happy American Energy Independence Day
Every president since Richard Nixon has promised to make America energy
independent, but we still import nine million barrels of oil a
day, with much of it coming from the Middle East and OPEC. Now for
the first time in a half century -- thanks to the shale oil and gas
revolution -- the dream of American energy independence is not just a
pipedream but easily achievable if the next president takes the right
steps to make it happen.
This Made in America energy strategy means we could stop draining our
economy of about $200 billion a year that could be used to rebuild our
own country. This isn't just about the economy. We know from
intelligence reports that as much as $500 million a year of
petro-dollars find their way into the coffers of terrorist networks like
To achieve American energy self-sufficiency I'm not talking about the
left's strange infatuation with building more windmills (sorry Hillary).
We only get about 5% of our energy from windmills and solar panels.
What I am talking about is about taking the strategic steps necessary to
making the United States the energy dominant force on the planet within
five to 10 years by using our super-abundance of fossil fuel
resources. Thanks to the amazing made-in-America technological
breakthroughs of the last decade -- including horizontal drilling and
hydraulic fracturing to get at shale oil and gas reserves -- the U.S.
now has at least 150 years of oil and natural gas resources on top of
500 years of coal.
Consider what has happened in less than a decade with oil
production. ?In 2008 the U.S. produced about 5 million barrels a
day. We hit 8.7 million ?in 2014 and could double that by 2025.
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As we tap into the full potential of our tens of billions of shale oil
and gas we can become the number one export nation on the planet. This
could easily mean more than $1 trillion a year in oil, gas and also coal
exports each year -- perhaps exceeding 5% of GDP.
Let's not forget about coal. America was built on coal, and our
nation has far more of it than any other nation. And we burn it cleanly
and efficiently, unlike the Chinese and India who build hundreds of coal
plants every year, but spew out dirty emissions.
I estimate that with five simple steps taken by the next president, America will gain its energy independence:
1. Allow drilling and mining permits on federal lands. So far at
least 90% of the shale gas and shale oil revolution has happened on
private land. But around half of all the land west of the
Mississippi is government owned. We estimate there are $50
trillion of energy resources stored underneath non-environmentally
sensitive federal lands. This is the biggest treasure chest in the
2. Build a national network of pipelines across the country by allowing
the permitting for projects like Keystone XL and many others.
Right now the federal government is holding up as many as a dozen
necessary pipelines to get the oil and gas across the country and then
shipped across the world.
3. Build refineries and liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals in the
United States. The Energy Information Agency says the latest refiner
"began operating in 1977" – or almost 40 years ago even though the U.S.
population has nearly doubled since the mid 1970s and our energy
production has doubled as well.
4. Stop the Obama war on coal. The environmentalists have tried to
shutdown coal production, the next president should revive it.
This means putting a muzzle on the EPA to allow our energy resources to
be harnessed and used in an environmentally responsible way.
Environmental rules have to be shown to be cost-effective, meaning that
the cost to the economy of complying with the rules is justified on the
basis of the environmental benefits -- and measured honestly.
5. End all subsidies for all forms of energy. The left complains about
taxpayer subsidies for oil and gas. The best way to promote efficient
energy is to let the free market work and remove government handouts –
particularly to the green energy sector.
If we get this right, America can declare its independence from OPEC and
Middle Eastern oil. We can become the Saudi Arabia of the 21st
Pennsylvania Slashes Rooftop Solar Subsidies
The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) just ended the solar
subsidy called net metering, and the state legislature isn’t likely to
overturn the decision.
The state commission found twice that net metering solar subsidies are
not in the public interest, as they raise the price of electricity and
transfer money from poor people without solar panels to rich people with
them. The PUC is made up of both Republican and Democratic appointees
and voted unanimously both times.
The only way to stop massive subsidy cuts is if the state legislature
blocks the PUC’s plans within two weeks. But the legislature isn’t
interested in doing so and will soon leave for a summer break.
“Basically, the moon and the stars have to align in a perfect order for
this to be stopped,” Todd Stewart, a partner at a regulatory law firm in
Pennsylvania, told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. “Otherwise, if the
commission intends to promulgate the regulations anyway over the double
objection by IRRC, they can still do so.”
Net metering policies force utilities to buy electricity produced by
rooftop solar panels at retail rates, which means companies can’t cover
the fixed costs of operating the electrical grid. Rooftop solar
companies such as SolarCity, have pushed these policies as a way to
encourage solar power across the country.
The PUC found that forcing up the price of electricity via net metering
hurts the poor and ethnic minorities the most, because poor people tend
to spend a higher proportion of their incomes on basic needs like
groceries, power bills, gasoline, etc. than wealthier people. As
essential goods like electricity become more expensive, the cost of
producing goods and services that use electricity increases, effectively
raising the price of almost everything.
Policies like net metering hurt the poor 1.4 to four times more than
they hurt the rich, according to a study by the National Bureau of
Economic Research.
A 2015 study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
concluded rooftop solar subsides are inefficient and costly, and that
rooftop solar companies simply cannot compete without government
Even proponents of solar power and net metering recognize their reliance
on subsidies. Without high net metering payments, rooftop solar “makes
no financial sense for a consumer,” Lyndon Rive, CEO of SolarCity,
admitted to The New York Times in February.
Solar power receives 326 times more subsidies than conventional energy
sources relative to the amount of energy produced, according to
Department of Energy data. Green energy sources got $13 billion in
subsidies during 2013, compared to $3.4 billion in subsidies for
conventional sources and $1.7 billion for nuclear, according to data
from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).
Despite the enormous subsidies, solar power only accounted for only 0.6
percent of electricity generated in the U.S. for 2015, according to the
Mississippi Clean Coal Plant Touted By Obama Admin Plagued With Inefficiency, Secrets
A ‘clean coal’ plant in Mississippi the Obama administration touted as
an answer to global warming is now two years behind schedule, billions
of dollars over its initial budget, and under a Securities and Exchange
Commission investigation for allegations of fraud.
The Kemper coal plant in Mississippi was touted as the first commercial
scale ‘clean coal‘ power plant in the United States, meaning it was
capable of capturing and storing its own carbon dioxide emissions. A
Tuesday article from The New York Times shows just how bad things have
gotten at Kemper.
“It has nothing to do with the design, it has nothing to do with the
technology, it just has to do with poor project management,” Landon
Lunsford, a plant engineer said in a conversation with whistleblower,
Brett Wingo last year. “As long as they can talk away the results as
attributable to something else other than just poor performance, the
other public service commissions can’t hold them over the fire as much.”
The problem has gotten so bad that the Securities and Exchange
Commission has initiated an investigation into why a project that was
slated to cost $2.9 billion now costs $6.7 billion and is still not
operational. The company that runs the coal plant, Southern Company, is
also being sued by Mississippi businesses who are concerned that the
fact the project is so far over-budget may mean higher prices for its
“The people of south Mississippi are struggling,” Michael Avenatti, the
lawyer representing the customers told the Wall Street Journal in a
recent interview. “They can least afford to be saddled with this
boondoggle.” The piece goes on to say how due to the cost overruns,
Southern Company also recently saw its credit rating downgraded by Fitch
Ratings and Moody’s Investors Service.
The plant has some backers still standing up for it though, federal
energy officials claim that for a project of this size it is
‘inevitable’ that it run over-budget and past deadline, further claiming
bad weather, labor shortages and design uncertainties are responsible
for the delays.
Brett Wingo, an engineer for the Kemper plant, is a whistleblower who
first exposed the issues. “I’ve reached a personal tipping point and
feel a duty to act,” Wingo said in a email from 2014. Wingo was able to
find other engineers from the Kemper plant who think the delays and cost
overruns are directly related to ‘mismanagement or fraud’.
Wingo also sent a letter to Southern’s CEO telling the company that the
publicized open date was ‘not realistic’, but nothing came of it. Wingo
was eventually ordered to stay silent on the matter.
Australia's ABC suspends junk science reporter
The woman should have known better. There must have been some
personal reason for the BS. The effect of electromagnetic
radiation on health has been a big boogeyman for many years but the
contrary evidence is huge. A scare that a few alarmists are trying to
keep alive is that the radiation from your mobile phone will give you
brain cancer. Yet from the early days of mobile phones until now
there has been no upsurge in brain cancer. Now that mobiles are
very widely used, we should be swimming in brain cancer cases by
now. But we are not. High or low levels of mobile phone use and
the resultant radiation makes no difference. It's all just
attention-seekers big-noting themselves

she gorgeous? I suspect that it is her looks rather than her
scientific ability that has got her prestigious jobs. It happens
A CONTROVERSIAL ABC program about the health effects of Wi-Fi has led to
a presenter being suspended, after it breached impartiality standards.
ABC presenter Dr Maryanne Demasi from the popular science program
Catalyst has been suspended until September this year, after a review of
the episode titled “Wi-Fried” was conducted by the ABC’s independent
Audience and Consumer Affairs (A&CA) Unit.
Adelaide-born Dr Demasi completed a doctorate in medical research at the
University of Adelaide and worked for a decade as research scientist at
the Royal Adelaide Hospital.
She has also worked as an adviser to the South Australian Government’s Minister for Science and Information Economy.
The “Wi-Fried” episode was broadcast in February this year and contained
information about the safety of wireless devices such as mobile phones.
In a statement released by the ABC, the investigation was initiated
after the ABC received complaints from viewers about the episode. The
ABC informed readers of its findings after the show aired on Tuesday
The A&CA found the episode breached the ABC’s editorial policies
standards on accuracy and impartiality. “The A&CA Report found
several inaccuracies within the program that had favoured the unorthodox
view that mobile phones and Wi-Fi caused health impacts including brain
tumours,” the ABC’s statement said.
“ABC TV is reviewing the strategy and direction for Catalyst with a view
to strengthening this very important and popular program.
“Further, ABC TV is addressing these issues directly with the program
makers and has advised the reporter, Dr Maryanne Demasi, that her on-air
editorial assignments will be on hold until the review is completed in
September 2016.”
ABC Director of Television, Richard Finlayson said the investigation had
been thorough. “Catalyst is a highly successful and respected
science program that explores issues of enormous interest to many
Australians. There is no doubt the investigation of risks posed by
widespread wireless devices is an important story but we believe greater
care should have been taken in presenting complex and multiple points
of view,” he said.
The finding comes just two years after a separate investigation was
launched into a Catalyst program about the use of cholesterol-reducing
“ABC TV takes responsibility for the broader decision-making process
that resulted in the program going to air and acknowledges this is the
second significant breach for the program in two years,” the ABC stated.
“The ABC accepts the findings and acknowledges that errors were made in the preparation and ultimate approval of the program.”
The “Wi-Fried” program will now be removed from the Catalyst website.
Information about A&CA’s findings will be added to the Catalyst
website, and the A&CA’s investigation and findings are on the ABC
Corrections page.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
6 July, 2016
African agriculture and CO2
Below is a bit of total brainlessness. Newsweek channelling
Mother Jones in fact! Both warming and increased CO2 levels are GOOD for
plants. And warming also brings rain, which is best of all.
No doubt Africa is hungry in many places but climate is not the cause
of that. Climate change is one of the few things that could help
Agriculture in Africa is one of the most important yet underreported
stories about climate change today. It's a fascinating intersection of
science, politics, technology, culture, and all the other things that
make climate such a rich vein of reporting. At that intersection, the
scale of the challenge posed by global warming is matched only by the
scale of opportunity to innovate and adapt. There are countless stories
waiting to be told, featuring a brilliant and diverse cast of
scientists, entrepreneurs, politicians, farmers, families, and more.
East Africa is already the hungriest place on Earth: One in every three
people live without sufficient access to nutritious food, according to
the United Nations. Crop yields in the region are the lowest on the
planet. African farms have one-tenth the productivity of Western farms
on average, and sub-Saharan Africa is the only placeon the planet where
per capita food production is actually falling.
Now, climate change threatens to compound those problems by raising
temperatures and disrupting the seasonal rains on which many farmers
depend. An index produced by the University of Notre Dame ranks 180 of
the world's countries based on their vulnerability to climate change
impacts (No. 1, New Zealand, is the least vulnerable; the United State
is ranked No. 11). The best-ranked mainland African country is South
Africa, down at No. 84; Nigeria, Kenya, and Uganda rank at No. 147, No.
154, and No. 160, respectively. In other words, these are among the
places that will be hit hardest by climate change. More often than not,
the agricultural sector will experience some of the worst impacts.
Emerging research indicates that climate change could drive down yields
of staples such as rice, wheat, and maize 20 percent by 2050. Worsening
and widespread drought could shorten the growing season in some places
by up to 40 percent.
This isn't just a matter of putting food on the table. Agricultural
productivity also lies at the root of broader economic development,
since farming is Africa's No. 1 form of employment. So, even when hunger
isn't an issue, per se, lost agricultural productivity can stymie rural
communities' efforts to get the money they need for roads, schools,
clinics, and other necessities. "We only produce enough to eat,"
lamented Amelia Tonito, a farmer I met recently in Mozambique. "We'd
like to produce enough to eat and to sell." More food means more money
in more pockets; the process of alleviating poverty starts on farms.
"We only produce enough to eat," lamented Amelia Tonito, a farmer I met
recently in Mozambique. "We'd like to produce enough to eat and to
New paper finds extreme storms "seem to coincide with the COLDEST periods in Europe"
Extreme storms during the last 6500 years from lagoonal sedimentary archives in the Mar Menor (SE Spain)
Laurent Dezileau et al.
Storms and tsunamis, which may seriously endanger human society, are
amongst the most devastating marine catastrophes that can occur in
coastal areas. Many such events are known and have been reported for the
Mediterranean, a region where high-frequency occurrences of these
extreme events coincides with some of the most densely populated coastal
areas in the world. In a sediment core from the Mar Menor (SE Spain),
we discovered eight coarse-grained layers which document marine
incursions during periods of intense storm activity or tsunami events.
Based on radiocarbon dating, these extreme events occurred around 5250,
4000, 3600, 3010, 2300, 1350, 650, and 80 years cal?BP. No comparable
events have been observed during the 20th and 21st centuries.
The results indicate little likelihood of a tsunami origin for these
coarse-grained layers, although historical tsunami events are recorded
in this region. These periods of surge events seem to coincide with the
coldest periods in Europe during the late Holocene, suggesting a control
by a climatic mechanism for periods of increased storm activity.
Spectral analyses performed on the sand percentage revealed four major
periodicities of 1228?±?327, 732?±?80, 562?±?58, and 319?±?16 years.
Amongst the well-known proxies that have revealed a millennial-scale
climate variability during the Holocene, the ice-rafted debris (IRD)
indices in the North Atlantic developed by Bond et al. (1997, 2001)
present a cyclicity of 1470?±?500 years, which matches the
1228?±?327-year periodicity evidenced in the Mar Menor, considering the
respective uncertainties in the periodicities.
Thus, an in-phase storm activity in the western Mediterranean is found
with the coldest periods in Europe and with the North Atlantic
thermohaline circulation. However, further investigations, such as
additional coring and high-resolution coastal imagery, are needed to
better constrain the main cause of these multiple events.
Clim. Past, 12, 1389-1400, 2016. doi:10.5194/cp-12-1389-2016
Arctic Update
Two months ago, climate "experts" told us that the Arctic would be ice-free this summer
Arctic sea ice volume is exactly normal, and close to 15 feet thick near the North Pole.
Temperatures near the pole have been persistently below normal for the entire melt season, which almost half over.
Robert Scribbler is the same fraudster who started the “jet stream crossing the equator” scam last week.
Democrats say that it is illegal to lie about the climate, which is their own standard operating procedure.
Foolish Climate power play by the AAAS et al.
Judith Curry
The AAAS and affiliated professional societies just shot themselves in the foot with the letter to U.S. policy makers.
Last week, the American Association for the Advancement of Science
(AAAS) issued a press release entitled Thirty-One Top Scientific
Societies Speak With One Voice on Global Climate Change.
In a consensus letter to U.S. policymakers, a partnership of 31 leading
nonpartisan scientific societies today reaffirmed the reality of
human-caused climate change, noting that greenhouse gas emissions “must
be substantially reduced” to minimize negative impacts on the global
economy, natural resources, and human health.
This statement is a blatant misuse of scientific authority to advocate
for specific socioeconomic policies. National security and
economics (specifically called out in the letter) is well outside the
wheelhouse of all of these organizations. Note the American
Economics Association is not among the signatories; according to an
email from Ross McKitrick, the constitution of the AEA forbids issuing
such statements. In fact, climate science is well outside the wheelhouse
of most of these organizations (what the heck is with the statisticians
and mathematicians in signing this?)
The link between adverse impacts such as more wildfires, ecosystem
changes, extreme weather events etc. and their mitigation by reducing
greenhouse gas emissions hinges on detecting unusual events for at least
the past century and then actually attributing them to human caused
warming. This is highly uncertain territory – even within the
overconfident world of the IPCC. And the majority of the
signatories to this letter have no expertise in the detection and
attribution of human caused climate change.
‘Scientists speaking with one voice’ on an issue as complex and poorly
understood as climate change, its impacts and solutions is something
that I find rather frightening. Well, I am somewhat reassured that
this is not the population of scientists speaking, but rather the
leadership of the professional societies speaking. How many
members of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
have an educated opinion, or even care very much, about climate
change? And many of these society leaders (who were responsible
for signing on behalf of their organization) are not scientists
themselves, e.g. Chris McEntee, Executive Director of the AGU, whose
background is in nursing (Masters in Health Administration). She
is quoted in the AAAS press release:
“Climate change is one of the most profound challenges facing our
society. Consensus on this matter is evident in the diversity of
organizations that have signed this letter. Science can be a powerful
tool in our efforts to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate
change, and we stand ready to work with policymakers as they deliberate
various options for action.”
So, is this letter going to change the minds of ~50% of Congressional
members who do not support President Obama’s climate change plan, either
because they don’t like the proposed solutions, or don’t think climate
change is dangerous, or don’t think humans are the dominant cause of
recent climate change?
Those in Congress that disagree with Obama’s plan have clearly shown
themselves not to be susceptible to pressures from scientist/advocates
and their consensus enforcement. Further, by broadening the list
of signatories to include societies that have little or no expertise in
the physics of climate, this whole exercise reinforces the public
distrust of these scientific organizations.
It seems that the primary motivation of this is for the leaders of these
professional societies to be called to the big table to engage in the
Congressional policy deliberations about climate change. So, if
you are Lamar Smith or Ted Cruz, would you be calling any of these
people to participate in Congressional hearings?
The AAAS and the affiliated professional societies blew it with that
letter. They claim the science is settled; in that case, they are
no longer needed at the table. If they had written a letter instead that
emphasized the complexities and uncertainties of both the problem and
the solutions, they might have made a case for their participation in
the deliberations.
Instead, by their dogmatic statements about climate change and their
policy advocacy, they have become just another group of lobbyists,
having ceded the privilege traditionally afforded to dispassionate
scientific reasoning to political activists in the scientific
professional societies. With a major side effect of damaging the
process and institutions of science, along with the public trust in
The AAAS et al. have shot themselves in the foot with this one.
The idea that we are edging up to a mass extinction is not just wrong – it’s a recipe for panic and paralysis
by Stewart Brand
The way the public hears about conservation issues is nearly always in
the mode of ‘[Beloved Animal] Threatened With Extinction’. That makes
for electrifying headlines, but it misdirects concern. The loss of whole
species is not the leading problem in conservation. The leading problem
is the decline in wild animal populations, sometimes to a radical
degree, often diminishing the health of whole ecosystems.
Viewing every conservation issue through the lens of extinction threat
is simplistic and usually irrelevant. Worse, it introduces an emotional
charge that makes the problem seem cosmic and overwhelming rather than
local and solvable. It’s as if the entire field of human medicine were
treated solely as a matter of death prevention. Every session with a
doctor would begin: ‘Well, you’re dying. Let’s see if we can do anything
to slow that down a little.’
Medicine is about health. So is conservation. And as with medicine, the
trends for conservation in this century are looking bright. We are
re-enriching some ecosystems we once depleted and slowing the depletion
of others. Before I explain how we are doing that, let me spell out how
exaggerated the focus on extinction has become and how it distorts the
public perception of conservation.
Many now assume that we are in the midst of a human-caused ‘Sixth Mass
Extinction’ to rival the one that killed off the dinosaurs 66 million
years ago. But we’re not. The five historic mass extinctions eliminated
70 per cent or more of all species in a relatively short time. That is
not going on now. ‘If all currently threatened species were to go
extinct in a few centuries and that rate continued,’ began a recent
Nature magazine introduction to a survey of wildlife losses, ‘the sixth
mass extinction could come in a couple of centuries or a few millennia.’
The range of dates in that statement reflects profound uncertainty about
the current rate of extinction. Estimates vary a hundred-fold – from
0.01 per cent to 1 per cent of species being lost per decade. The phrase
‘all currently threatened species’ comes from the indispensable IUCN
(International Union for Conservation of Nature), which maintains the
Red List of endangered species. Its most recent report shows that of the
1.5 million identified species, and 76,199 studied by IUCN scientists,
some 23,214 are deemed threatened with extinction. So, if all of those
went extinct in the next few centuries, and the rate of extinction that
killed them kept right on for hundreds or thousands of years more, then
we might be at the beginning of a human-caused Sixth Mass Extinction.
An all-too-standard case of extinction mislabeling occurred this January
on the front page of The New York Times Magazine. ‘Ocean Life Faces
Mass Extinction, Broad Study Shows,’ read the headline. But the article
by Carl Zimmer described no such thing. Instead it was a relatively
good-news piece pointing out that while much of sea life is in trouble,
it is far less so than continental wildlife, and there is time to avoid
the mistakes made on land. The article noted that, in the centuries
since 1500, some 514 species have gone extinct on land but only 15 in
the oceans, and none at all in the past 50 years. The Science paper on
which Zimmer was reporting was titled ‘Marine Defaunation: Animal Loss
in the Global Ocean’ by Douglas McCauley, an ecologist at the University
of California, Santa Barbara, and colleagues. It stated: ‘Though humans
have caused few global marine extinctions, we have profoundly affected
marine wildlife, altering the functioning and provisioning of services
in every ocean,’ and it went on to chronicle the causes of ‘the
proliferation of ‘empty reefs’, ‘empty estuaries’, and ‘empty bays’,
with an overall decline of marine fishes by 38 per cent.
Extinction is not a helpful way to think about threats to ocean animals
because few go extinct there. The animals are highly mobile in a totally
connected vast environment where there is almost always somewhere to
hide, even from industrial-scale hunting. Atlantic cod used to be one of
the world’s great fisheries before it collapsed in 1992 from decades of
overfishing. According to Jesse Ausubel, one of the organisers of the
recent international Census of Marine Life: ‘The total estimated kilos
of cod off Cape Cod today probably weigh only about 3 per cent of all
the cod in 1815.’ (Across the Atlantic in the North Sea, however, cod
fishery is recovering, thanks to effective regulation.) No one really
expects cod to go extinct, and yet the Red List describes them as
threatened with extinction.
The best summation I have seen of the current situation comes from John C
Briggs, biogeographer at the University of South Florida, in a letter
to Science magazine last November:
"Most extinctions have occurred on oceanic islands or in restricted
freshwater locations, with very few occurring on Earth’s continents or
in the oceans. The world’s greatest conservation problem is not species
extinction, but rather the precarious state of thousands of populations
that are the remnants of once widespread and productive species"
Briggs’s point about oceanic islands is worth examining in detail.
Compared with continents, the ecosystems of remote islands are so simple
and restricted, a great deal of what we understand about ecology and
evolution has come from studying them. (Australia is considered such an
island despite its size, thanks to its long isolation.) Darwin’s
revelation about the origins of speciation was inspired by his travels
to Pacific islands such as the Galapagos. One of the core texts of
ecology and conservation biology is The Theory of Island Biogeography
(1967) by Edward O Wilson and Robert MacArthur.
Many new species readily emerge on ocean islands because of the
isolation, but there are few other species to co-evolve with and thus
they have no defence against invasive competitors and predators. The
threat can be total. An endemic species under attack has nowhere to
escape to. The island conservationist Josh Donlan estimates that
islands, which are just 3 per cent of the Earth’s surface, have been the
site of 95 per cent of all bird extinctions since 1600, 90 per cent of
reptile extinctions, and 60 per cent of mammal extinctions. Those are
horrifying numbers, but the losses are extremely local. They have no
effect on the biodiversity and ecological health of the continents and
oceans that make up 97 per cent of the Earth.
The frightening extinction statistics that we hear are largely an island
story, and largely a story of the past, because most island species
that were especially vulnerable to extinction are already gone.
The island ecosystems have not collapsed in their absence. Life becomes
different, and it carries on. Since the majority of invasive species are
relatively benign, they add to an island’s overall biodiversity. The
ecologist Dov Sax at Brown University in Rhode Island points out that
non-native plants have doubled the botanical biodiversity of New Zealand
– there are 2,104 native plants in the wild, and 2,065 non-native
plants. Ascension Island in the south Atlantic, once a barren rock
deplored by Charles Darwin for its ‘naked hideousness’, now has a fully
functioning cloud forest made entirely of plants and animals brought by
humans in the past 200 years. (The Ascension Island story opens a new
book by environmental journalist Fred Pearce, titled The New Wild: Why
Invasive Species Will Be Nature’s Salvation.)
But the main news from ocean islands is that new methods have been found
to protect the vulnerable endemic species from their worst threat, the
invasive predators, thus dramatically lowering the extinction rate for
the future. New Zealanders are the heroes of this story, beautifully
told in Rat Island: Predators in Paradise and the World’s Greatest
Wildlife Rescue (2011) by William Stolzenburg. Every ocean island in the
world has been afflicted with intensely destructive alien predators
brought by us – rats, mice, goats, pigs, burros, tree snakes (Guam),
foxes (Aleutians), and many more. In the 1980s, New Zealand
conservationists were driven to desperation by the vulnerability of
beloved unique creatures such as a ground-dwelling parrot called the
kakapo. They decided to do whatever it took to eliminate every single
rat on the kakapo’s island refuge. It took many seasons of relentless
poisoning and trapping, but when it was done, it was really done. The
kakapos could finally reproduce in safety, and did. The technique was
tried on other islands with other endangered species and other problem
predators, and it worked there too.
More than 800 islands worldwide have now been cleansed of their worst
extinction threat, with more coming. Some are pretty spectacular.
Donlan, quoted above, was in the thick of the battle to get rid of all
the goats that were destroying Santiago, Pinta and Isabela islands in
the Galapagos archipelago. It took years of work with high-powered
rifles, hunting dogs, helicopters and ‘Judas goats’ to kill every single
one of the 160,000 goats on the islands, but when it was done, the cure
was permanent. And now, according to Elizabeth Kolbert in The New
Yorker this December, New Zealanders are stepping up to a much larger
scale. An organisation called Predator Free New Zealand is co?ordinating
a massive nationwide effort to eradicate every single invasive rat,
stoat, weasel and cat, and thus make the whole country a refuge for its
native kiwis, wetas (giant insect), kakapos, saddlebacks (bird),
tuataras (bizarre lizard), and more.
Australia: The Green/Left panicked by new independent senator
Chronically angry Liz Conor is anyway. And her elitism pops out
quickly too. She says below of Pauline Hanson: "And why
does Hanson even have an opinion on climate science?". The obvious
riposte: "And why does Liz Conor have an opinion on climate
The rest of her rant is just one wild accusation
after another. I have noted some in the body of her text. I
actually wonder if she is serious. I think she just enjoys being a
dramatist. But is she right in thinking that Pauline is bad for
the Greenies?
Her offsider in Queensland, Malcolm Roberts,
is a ferociously well-informed climate skeptic so she will have real
intellectual firepower behind her. Nobody will be able to bluff
her with phony statistics etc. So it is highly probable that
Greenie policies will come under heavy challenge from her. And she
is not alone in climate skepticism. About half the Liberal party
are closet climate skeptics so if she demands anti-Warmist measures as
her price for supporting the conservatives in crucial votes, there will
be a real willingness to give that to her
Fellow Austraiyans. If you are reading me now it means that I have become murderous. Murderously, apoplectically incensed.
Pauline Hanson appears to have picked up a spot in our Senate at the
time of writing, possibly even two or more. She will represent
Queensland in our House of Review, where our nation’s proposed laws are
rejected or amended. And it’s not a three-year term. Unless Turnbull
(potentially newly rolled into Prime Minister Morrison out of revenge
for the LNP’s slashed majority) finds some other spurious reason to call
a double dissolution, Hanson’s term is Six. Six. Six.
Hanson will make extravagant use of the Senate’s committee system,
already proposing royal commissions into Islam and climate science. How
in chrissname do you conduct an inquiry into one of the three major
world religions? Imagine the terms of reference. Are there too many
believers? Should they perform the pilgrimage to Mecca? Are Humans
superior to Angels? Will the Australian Royal commission into erm, Islam
require the seventh-century originals of its foundational documents be
tendered – the Qur’an, hadith and tafsir?
And why does Hanson even have an opinion on climate science? Why are
racists climate deniers? Does Hanson have doubts about enlightenment
empiricism? Logical positivism? The verification of Authentic Knowledge?
Or has she, like most climate deniers and obstructers, featherbedded
her campaign with undeclared funds from fossil fuel conglomerates?
And this from the state where a few short weeks ago 69,000 jobs were
unceremoniously scuppered from tourism on our ghostly white Great
Barrier Reef. 5.2 billion in revenue sank without trace with the ‘jobs
and growth’ shipwreck of LNP sloganeering.
[That job loss was a Greenie prediction -- amid actual thriving of reef tourism]
The reef grief and reef rage many of us felt was bad enough. I mean it’s
nice to banner hope for the unbleached 7 per cent and ‘recovering’ 65
per cent with a donate button but let’s be honest, the waters aren’t
going to get cooler in the long-term, there will be more frequent El
Niño events, worsening storms and Crown of Thorn starfish outbreaks.
["frequent El Niño events"? They are reasonably predictable but they are not frequent]
The reef is terminal.
[The head of the GBRMPA doesn't think so and it's his job to know]
We have five years to save what little remains but instead the two
parties that oversaw this catastrophe now hang in the balance,
continuing to accept party donations of $3.7 million from the
corporations responsible. While still in unfettered power the Libs
demanded UNESCO whitewash any mention of the reef from its report into
risks to world heritage sites and tourism.
So. Once you’ve taken out the largest living organism on the planet how
precisely do you top that? It seems their ecocidal mania knows no
bounds. Both parties can lay claim to the dubious distinction of
perpetrating the only environmental catastrophe visible from space.
These people are not in jail where they belong. Instead they spent the
last eight weeks fronting up to Australians asking to be entrusted
again. We are not in safe hands.
As the Nemo who intercepted Turnbull might reasonably protest to
humans, ‘I’m fed up with being told, this is our reef. Well, where the
hell do I go? I draw the line when told I must pay and continue paying
for something that happened over 20 years ago,’ namely early and
credible warnings of global warming.
What kind of electoral dissonance are One Nation Voters suffering? As we
of the Greens voting variety have been instructed, the workers of
Australia have been so cowed by threats to Medicare they simply cannot
spare a thought for refugees. Apparently the capacity for workers to run
more than one thought process in their heads at any time is somewhat
limited. Only the left commentariat can multitask, it seems.
But how can we fathom the thinking of One Nation voters, many of them jumping ship from the Palmer United Party.
I believe we are in danger of being swamped by Caucasians, tax evasions
and Australasians. They have their own culture and religion, form
ghettos, and do not assimilate.
We are bringing in people from Oxley at the moment. There was a huge
amount coming to our polling booths, and they’ve got diseases, they’ve
got BIAS.
Either Blind Freddy or Rip Van Winkel would have to vote for a candidate
who did time for electoral fraud. Even if her conviction was overturned
it shows a hair-raising lack of judgement in whom she entrusts the
basics of organisational governance.
Where will Hanson-voters’ intolerance for Halal snackpacks take us? What
other food allergies are they intending to force on the rest of us?
Battered Islamophobia? Deep-fried homophobia? Queue-jumping dimsims?
Hanson will find a way to jumble racism with climate obstruction. As
Naomi Klein presciently argues they already go hand in glove. She
writes, “there is no way to confront the climate crisis as a
technocratic problem, in isolation. It must be seen in the context of
austerity and privatisation, of colonialism and militarism, and of the
various systems of othering needed to sustain them all.”
But let’s give Pauline the last word on facing imminent destruction: “Do
not let my passing distract you for even a moment … For the sake of our
children and our children’s children, you must fight on.”
Thanks for the tip Pauline. You can bet we will.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
5 July, 2016
Is the Tesla bubble about to burst?
How long can they keep running in the red? They're nice cars
but if you want one maybe you should buy one now -- while they last
Add yet another problem to the list at Tesla Motors: lackluster growth.
Tesla announced on Sunday that it delivered 14,370 vehicles in the
second quarter. That is well below its own forecast of about 17,000,
which it gave in May. Although sales of its Model X grew significantly
from the first quarter, its signature Model S sedan actually saw sales
fall sequentially by more than 22%. That is surprising since Tesla said
in May that Model S orders were strong. The company has now missed its
own deliveries guidance for two consecutive quarters.
The electric auto maker has delivered fewer than 30,000 cars in the
first half of the year, putting its full year forecast of 80,000 to
100,000 in serious jeopardy. Tesla says it expects to deliver “about
50,000” cars in the next six months. That isn’t impossible, but Sunday’s
news is disconcerting. Since Tesla can’t successfully forecast
deliveries more than two months out, it stretches CEO Elon Musk’s bold
forecast of 500,000 deliveries by 2018 from improbable to farcical.
For its part, Tesla cited an unusually high number of vehicles in
transit for the shortfall. The company says more than five thousand cars
are to be delivered soon, which would have helped them clear the bar.
But Tesla, which carries a market value in excess of $30 billion and has
designs on disrupting the entire automobile industry, should be far
enough in its development to be able to accurately forecast delivery
times to customers.
For shareholders, this is merely the latest in a series of worries. For
starters, the company continues to burn cash at an alarming rate, to the
tune of $2.1 billion in the last four quarters through March 31. This
means Tesla requires ongoing access to capital markets to function.
Tesla has issued shares or convertible debt in every year since 2010.
That isn’t the end of it. A proposed merger with SolarCity, the other
public company in which Mr. Musk is the largest shareholder, would
exacerbate that cash burn, cause further stock dilution and raises
questions about the firm’s corporate governance. Tesla’s reported
earnings are heavily inflated by adjustments that don’t conform with
generally accepted accounting principles. New competition looms on the
horizon. And now, federal regulators are looking into two potential
safety issues in Tesla vehicles.
Despite the litany of worries piling up, the stock remains priced for
explosive growth in the near future. It fetches over 130 times consensus
forward earnings, according to FactSet. Tesla’s shares, clinging to
such a lofty valuation even as doubts have piled up, have been more
dazzling than its vehicles.
Now, though, the bull case is running on fumes
Bees not so "threatened" after all
To listen to the Warmists you would think that there is only one
species of bee and would think that it is at risk of being burnt to
death by global warming. There are in fact around 20,000 species
of bee and all have their ecological niche. Populations of
European honeybees have had some difficulties in recent years but other
species are thriving. Below is a report on an Australian bee
Flinders Biological Sciences PhD student Rebecca Dew and Associate
Professor Michael Schwarz, together with Professor Sandra Rehan of the
University of New Hampshire in the US, have found a rapid increase in
the population size of the small carpenter bee (Ceratina australensis)
from 18,000 years ago, when the climate began warming up after the last
Ice Age.
Their findings, published in the latest Journal of Hymenoptera Research,
show future global warming could be a good sign for at least some bees,
which are major pollinators and are critical for many plants,
ecosystems and agricultural crops.
“Our findings also match those from two previous studies on bees from North America and Fiji,” Ms Dew says.
“It is really interesting that you see very similar patterns in bees
around the world. Different climate, different environment, but the bees
have responded in the same way at around the same time.”
The small carpenter bee is found in sub-tropical, coastal and desert
areas of Australia. The researchers spent almost two years conducting
field analysis near Warwick in south-east Queensland, Cowra in central
New South Wales, Mildura in north-west Victoria and West Beach in
Global warming has other potential effects on environment and ecosystems.
In another recent collaborative study between the Flinders School of
Biological Sciences team, previous Flinders research students Dr
Scott Groom and Ms Carmen da Silva, Dr Daniel Silva from Brazil and
Associate Professor Mark Stevens, from the South Australian Museum,
showed that a bee species accidentally introduced to Fiji has become
widespread and will flourish with continued global warming, perhaps even
spreading to Australia and New Zealand.
“This bee, Braunsapis puangensis, is resistant to honeybee diseases and
could well become an important ‘fall-back’ crop pollinator if honeybee
populations continue to decline, which has become a major worry in many
parts of the world, including Australia,” Associated Professor Schwarz
The findings, however, may not all be positive for bees globally, with
other studies showing that some rare and ancient tropical bees require a
cool climate to survive and, as a result, are already restricted to the
highest mountain peaks of Fiji. For these species, climate warming
could spell their eventual extinction.
“We now know that climate change impacts bees in major ways, but the
challenge will be to predict how those impacts play out. They are likely
to be both positive and negative, and we need to know how this mix will
unfold,” Ms Dew says.
Ms Dew, who was previously awarded the prestigious J.H. Comstock award
from the Entomological Society of America, is now investigating the
populations of another species of native bee (Exoneurella tridentata) in
arid areas of Australia.
Democrats Adopt a Fascist Party Plank
The Democrat Party’s totalitarian impulses have been formalized. In the
final draft of this year’s party platform, the Democratic Platform
Drafting Committee unanimously adopted a provision "calling on the
Department of Justice to investigate alleged corporate fraud on the part
of fossil fuel companies who have reportedly misled shareholders and
the public on the scientific reality of climate change." In short, the
attempt to criminalize dissent is now an official party plank.
The committee was led by DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and
Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD). "As Democrats, we believe that our
country’s greatest strength is its people, and we’re committed to the
values of inclusion and opportunity for all," Wasserman Schultz said in a
Apparently Wasserman Schultz is oblivious to her own hypocrisy. There is
nothing remotely inclusive about such a "my way or the prosecutorial
highway" take on science that is far from settled, despite all the
orchestrated hysteria by Democrats and their media enablers. Yet if
Democrats wish to prosecute fraud, perhaps they should start at the top
of the so-called food chain, as in government entities, not corporate
ones, who have pushed an agenda in lieu of scientific fact.
Take the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Goddard
Institute of Space Studies, for example. German Professor Dr. Friedrich
Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, undertook a
detailed study of NASA-GISS’s temperature data series, going all the
way back to 1881 and involving 1,153 stations. He discovered NASA-GISS
had tampered with raw temperature data to literally invent global
warming. Between 2010 and 2012 NASA-GISS altered its own data sets to
show a post-WWII warming that never existed. Moreover, apart from the
continent of Australia, the planet has been on a cooling trend.
The agency is not an outlier. The National Oceanic Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) has also cooked the books on more than one
occasion, including on ocean temperatures to make the nearly two decade
warming "hiatus" disappear.
Earlier this year, at a "hottest year ever" press briefing, NOAA
presented a graph ostensibly showing a 58-year long temperature record
compiled by "radiosondes," which are mini weather stations with radio
transmitters attached to helium or hydrogen-filled balloons that lift
them to altitudes exceeding 115,000 feet. Yet NOAA’s graph showed only
the last 37 of those 58 years. The omitted data? It revealed as much
pre-1979 global cooling as post-1979 warming.
It also revealed NOAA’s willingness to defraud the public in pursuit of the leftist agenda.
And that’s when leftists bother pursuing data at all. Speaking to the
Democratic Platform Drafting Committee, climatologist Michael Mann
de-emphasized the need for climate science because global warming has
become too obvious to ignore. "What is disconcerting to me and so many
of my colleagues," he lamented, "is that these tools that we’ve spent
years developing increasingly are unnecessary because we can see climate
change, the impacts of climate change, now, playing out in real time,
on our television screens, in the 24-hour news cycle."
That Mann would de-emphasize science is not surprising. That’s because
his own contribution to environmental radicalism includes the now
infamous temperature graph known as the "hockey stick." First published
in 1999, Mann’s effort was to reconstruct the average northern
hemisphere temperature over the past 1,000 years. His graph showed
relatively steady temperature until the last part of the 20th century,
when they allegedly began to rise dramatically — creating what looked
like a hockey stick. Unfortunately for Mann, Canadian scientists Stephen
McIntyre and Ross McKitrick found a fundamental mathematical flaw in
the computer program used to produce the hockey stick. In short, data
that accrued to the hockey stick was emphasized and data that didn’t was
Just like the Democrat Party would suppress — and now officially attempt to prosecute — those who disagree with them.
Unfortunately for Democrats, the sun itself is not cooperating. On June
23, for the second time in just this month, the sun went completely
spotless. The blank sun is a sign the next solar minimum is on its way,
leading to an increasing number of spotless days, then weeks, then
months reaching a solar minimum phase around 2019 or 2020. The last time
the sun entered a long phase with no sun spots was between 1645 and
1715. The so-called "Maunder Minimum" coincided with the Little Ice Age
that produced a series of extraordinarily cold winters in Earth’s
northern hemisphere. Some scientists believe we will experience a
similar scenario in the next few years.
Are they correct? More to the point, what gives them any less
credibility than fascist-minded Democrats and their government
collaborators at NASA and the NOAA, or the odious coalition of 16
Democrat attorneys general who are threatening legal action and huge
fines against those who refuse to abide their version of so-called
Settled Science™?
In a rare show of backbone, Republicans are fighting back. "If it is
possible to minimize the risks of climate change, then the same goes for
exaggeration," Republican AGs wrote in a letter to their Democrat
counterparts. "If minimization is fraud, exaggeration is fraud."
Yet such fraud pales in comparison to a Democrat Party willing to
formally embrace the prosecution of Americans' First Amendment
protections. A Democrat Party that is clearly green on the outside, but
red on the inside. "The draft platform we have produced in an open and
transparent manner reflects our priorities as Democrats and demonstrates
our vision for this nation," states Platform Drafting Committee Chair
Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD). Those would be the priorities of
suppression and/or prosecution, and the vision of an authoritarian
state. Democrats? Fascists is more like it.
Federal Government Says a Farmer Broke the Law by Plowing His Land
Earlier this month a federal court in California ruled that a farmer
plowing his land without a permit from the federal government is
breaking the law. In 2013, the Army Corps of Engineers, without any
notice or due process, ordered the owners of Duarte Nursery to cease use
of their land for allegedly violating the Clean Water Act (CWA). The
violation: plowing. The California court agreed with the federal
government’s action, despite the fact the CWA specifically exempts
normal agricultural activities like plowing from regulation.
This overreaching assertion of federal power is not an isolated
incident. For decades, the EPA and the Army Corps have aggressively
sought to stretch the bounds of the CWA. When Congress passed the CWA,
the federal government was given regulatory authority over “navigable
waters,” which the statute additionally defines as “waters of the United
States.” While the word navigable may seem to have an obvious meaning
to most Americans as bodies of water that can be navigated by
watercraft, federal bureaucrats have identified these terms as a license
for a massive regulatory land grab.
Asserting ambiguity, the EPA has tried to use the CWA language to claim
control over essentially any water which eventually might find its way
into a navigable waterway. They have asserted jurisdiction not just over
logical sources like large tributaries of navigable waters or wetlands
immediately adjacent to rivers but have tried to reach their regulatory
arms to isolated puddles or dry stream beds which only see running water
during large rainstorms. This overreach has been repeatedly struck down
by the Supreme Court, most recently in 2001 and 2006. But these
repeated rebukes have not stopped the regulators.
In June of 2015, EPA finalized yet another rule seeking to broadly
define “waters of the US” under the CWA. Like its previous attempts,
this rule goes well beyond any reasonable definition of “navigable
waters.” The rule would require federal permits even for ditches and
puddles, almost any water within the boundaries of the United States.
This sort of excessive permitting requirement would impose new costs on
virtually every American: not just farmers, but anyone who owns land.
Thankfully, this new rule has been put on hold nationwide for the moment
by federal courts while its legality and constitutionality is
challenged, but the danger remains. The bureaucrats have made clear with
their repeated attempts at overreach using the CWA that they will not
be dissuaded by the courts, even if this newest attempt is also struck
down by the Supreme Court.
This saga shows the folly of broad grants of power to regulatory
agencies. The bureaucracy cannot be trusted to use its powers with
restraint. When the power of the regulatory state grows, the liberty of
the American people diminishes. Reining in the power of the regulatory
state should be a priority of all American citizens.
DiCaprio flies his LA friends 6,000 miles around the world so they can listen to his speech on GLOBAL WARMING
When Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio hosts a reception for a string of
A-list stars, supermodels and wealthy philanthropists later this month,
he will make an impassioned plea for more action to be taken on global
But instead of holding the event in Los Angeles, where most of his
guests are based, they will fly halfway around the world to the glitzy
French resort of St Tropez – at enormous cost to the environment.
Last night, green campaigners were quick to criticise 41-year-old
DiCaprio, who in February used his Best Actor acceptance speech at the
Oscars to warn about the dangers posed by climate change.
The reception – the grand-sounding Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation Annual
Gala To Fund Climate and Biodiversity Projects – will be held on July 20
at the Bertaud Belieu Vineyards on the French Riviera.
Celebrities including Kate Hudson, Charlize Theron, Cate Blanchett,
Marion Cotillard, Penelope Cruz, Robert De Niro, Scarlett Johansson,
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Kevin Spacey are all expected to attend, along
with a host of international rock and pop stars, supermodels and
And while a table seating 12 people at the gala costs up to £125,000, the real price will be paid by the environment.
If just one guest among the 500 invitees chooses to fly the 12,000-mile
round trip from LA to St Tropez by private jet – a notoriously
environmentally unfriendly way to travel – they will produce 86 tons of
carbon dioxide greenhouse gas.
Even those who use a scheduled flight will be responsible for releasing
seven tons of CO2 – leading green campaigners to ask why the event could
not have been held in Hollywood or in St Tropez during May’s Cannes
Film Festival, when many of the guests would have been there anyway.
Robert Rapier, an environmental analyst, said: ‘DiCaprio demonstrates
why our consumption of fossil fuels continues to grow. It’s because
everyone loves the combination of cost and convenience they offer.
'He believes that no sacrifice is necessary; just Government policies
that can provide him with a solar-powered yacht or jet, or that give
individuals low-cost renewable energy on a broad scale.’
One guest who attended last year’s gala said: ‘It’s basically a big
party for Leo and his showbusiness friends and models. The models, of
course, do not pay for tickets, and neither do the VIP guests – they get
to have a nice big free party.’
The Mail on Sunday has learned that guests opting for the Grand Earth
Protector Package – ‘prime dinner seating for 12 guests’ at a table near
to DiCaprio – costs £125,000. The more frugal Earth Protector Package –
seating 12 at a slightly more distant table – costs £82,000, while
those content with social Siberia can choose the Ocean Steward Package,
at a mere £58,000 for 12 diners.
The Titanic star – whose love of private jets is well known – has long
been dogged by accusations that he fails to practise the carbon
footprint-aware lifestyle he preaches.
In May, he flew by private jet to New York from France, where he had
been attending the Cannes Film Festival, to receive a ‘green’ award –
before flying back the following day.
The 8,000-mile round-trip churned 55 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. In
the previous five months, he travelled more than 91,000 miles by plane
during 18 separate trips.
Where private jets are used, the carbon dioxide emitted goes up hugely – between seven and 20 times, depending on the plane.
It is estimated DiCaprio has potentially emitted up to 418 tons of CO2
this year alone because of his globe-trotting. In contrast, the average
American produces just 19 tons on flights each year.
In 2014, emails hacked from film studio Sony revealed the actor took six
private flights in just six weeks, costing £138,000, though a friend
insists most of his journeys were commercial.
DiCaprio – who sits on the boards of two eco-pressure groups – has
previously made much of his support for environmental causes, with his
foundation recently pledging more than £10 million to green projects at
this year’s World Economic Forum.
In 2008 he made his own environmental documentary, The 11th Hour, which inconveniently tanked at the box office.
A source close to DiCaprio said last night that he would be flying to St Tropez on a commercial airline and not a private jet.
UK: It might seem bad now, but wait until the lights go out!
In view of the shambles engulfing our politics in all directions, it
might seem appropriate that last Thursday MPs should blithely have
accepted that, within a few years, our lights will go out and our
economy will grind to a halt. What they allowed to be nodded through was
something called the "Fifth Carbon Budget", committing us to an energy
policy so insanely unworkable that it can only result in Britain
committing economic suicide.
As I predicted and explained in more detail on May 14, what the MPs
tacitly agreed to was that, between 2028 and 2033, we should cut our
emissions of CO2 by a far greater amount than any other country in the
world. We will put an end to any use of gas for cooking and heating.
Sixty per cent of all our transport will be powered not by fossil fuels
but by electricity. And to achieve this, we will double the amount of
electricity we need (two thirds of which still comes from those same
hated "carbon emitting" fossil fuels).
Parliament has now set us firmly on course for a disaster beyond all imagining
Much of this electricity, the Government fondly imagines (on advice from
the fantasists on Lord Deben’s Climate Change Committee), will come
from tens of thousands more lavishly subsidised wind turbines, solar
farms, new nuclear power stations unlikely ever to be built and
woodchips imported at vast expense from forests in North America.
Not one of the MPs who accepted this could plausibly explain what is to
happen to all those electric cookers, heating systems, cars, cashpoints
etc, when the wind isn’t blowing and the sun isn’t shining. Furthermore,
none seemed to notice that key ingredients in that make-believe
scenario dreamt up months ago by the Climate Change Committee are based
on assuming that by 2030 we shall still be in the EU, whose own energy
policy is now falling apart in all directions, as Germany, Poland and
other countries rush to build new coal-fired power stations.
Apart from the Global Warming Policy Foundation and 15 Tory MPs,
including three former Cabinet ministers, almost no one seems to have
pointed out that, whatever happens to Brexit, Parliament has now set us
firmly on course for a disaster beyond all imagining.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
4 July, 2016
Upper atmosphere cooling, CO2 and bluish sunsets
Global warming causes everything and is caused by everything.
That seems to be the dogma of the Warmists. So we must not be
surprised that global warming has been drafted in to explain noctilucent
clouds, or more precisely, their greater incidence in recent
decades. Their story is excerpted below.
The problem
below lies with this statement: "While increasing carbon dioxide warms
the surface of the Earth, those same molecules refrigerate the upper
atmosphere". It is a conventional explanation of the well known
fact that atmospheric layers above the tropopause are indeed getting
So how so? What is the theory linking CO2 to upper
atmosphere cooling? It relies on an assumption, that heat rising
off the earth is blocked by tropospheric CO2 and hence is not available
to warm the mesosphere and the stratosphere generally. The mesosphere is
the lower part of the stratosphere.
So the big underlying
assumption is to conceive CO2 as forming some sort of blanket around the
earth. A blanket would indeed keep the heat in and deny it to the
stratosphere. But CO2 is NOT a blanket. It is just lots of
separate molecules jiggling away doing their own thing. And ANY
heated atmospheric molecule will emanate its radiation in ALL directions
-- not just downward towards earth. CO2 molecules don't
have little compasses in them telling them in which direction to focus
their radiations.
So CO2 is not a blanket at all. It
will be just as likely to radiate upwards as downwards. It will
be just as likely to warm the stratosphere as the troposphere. So once
again Warmism is fundamentally flawed. CO2 does NOT explain
stratospheric or mesospheric cooling.
One could argue that upward
radiation is blocked by that peculiar layer called the tropopause but
if we argue that way, what do we need CO2 for? Why do we need it
to explain tropospheric warming? The tropopause already does the
blocking job that CO2 is supposed to do. CO2 blocking becomes a
surplus explanation that is put to death by Occam's razor. I don't think
Warmists would want to go there.
So what, then, does explain the
cooling of the stratosphere? I don't really think I need to go
there. I don't have to have all the explanations. I will leave
that pathology to the Warmists. I do however have some ideas
centred around the fact that column ozone levels do differ in different
parts of the world:
The stratosphere is where most of the
earth's ozone is located. And incoming solar radiation breaks it
up, producing warming. Where ozone levels are falling, there would be
less warming and hence a cooling trend. And ozone levels DO appear
to be falling, at least in Antarctica. The ozone hole there was
at its largest late last year -- for all that the ozone hole warriors
would have us think otherwise. I have dealt with their recent fantasy
about that yesterday -- including their bizarre claim about how
volcanoes work
So I can firmly say is that one part of the
explanation for noctilucent clouds is faulty. The mesosphere is
indeed getting cooler but global warming has nothing to do with it.
second part of the explanation -- that methane promotes PMCs by adding
moisture to the mesosphere, because rising methane oxidizes into water
-- I have no quarrel with
In the summer of 1885, sky watchers around northern Europe noticed
something strange. Sunsets weren’t the same any more. The red and
orange colors they were used to seeing were still there—but those
familiar colors were increasingly joined by rippling waves of luminous
At first they chalked it up to Krakatoa, which had erupted just two
years earlier. The explosion of the Indonesian super volcano hurled
massive plumes of ash and dust into the atmosphere more than 50 miles
high, coloring sunsets for years after the blast.
Eventually Krakatoa’s ash settled, yet the rippling waves of luminous
blue didn’t go away. Indeed, more than 100 years later, they are
shining brighter than ever.
Today we call them, "noctilucent clouds" (NLCs). They appear with
regularity in summer months, shining against the starry sky at the edge
of twilight. Back in the 19th century you had to go to Arctic latitudes
to see them. In recent years, however, they have been sighted from
backyards as far south as Colorado and Kansas.
Noctilucent clouds are such a mystery that in 2007 NASA launched a
spacecraft to study them. The Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere
satellite (AIM) is equipped with sensors specifically designed to study
the swarms of ice crystals that make up NLCs. Researchers call
these swarms "polar mesospheric clouds" (PMCs).
A new study published in the Journal of Geophysical Research
(doi:10.1002/2015JD024439) confirms what some researchers have long
suspected: PMCs in the northern hemisphere have become more
frequent and brighter in recent decades—a development that may be
related to climate change.
At altitudes where PMCs form, temperatures decreased by 0.5 ±0.2K per
decade. At the same time, water vapor increased by 0.07±0.03 ppmv (~1%)
per decade.
"These results settle the decades old question of whether or not the
observed long-term change in PMCs is an indicator of changing
temperature or humidity," says James Russell, AIM Principal
Investigator. "It’s both."
These results are consistent with a simple model linking PMCs to two
greenhouse gases. First, carbon dioxide promotes PMCs by making the
mesosphere colder. (While increasing carbon dioxide warms the surface of
the Earth, those same molecules refrigerate the upper atmosphere – a
yin-yang relationship long known to climate scientists.) Second, methane
promotes PMCs by adding moisture to the mesosphere, because rising
methane oxidizes into water.
Leaders ignore climate change controversy at summit …..Political correctness trumps scientific realities (1)
The North America Leaders' Summit — or what the Investor’s Business
Daily editorial board aptly calls the "‘Three Amigos’ summit" — began
Wednesday in Ottawa, Canada, and it involves that Canadian Prime
Minister Justin Trudeau along with Barack Obama and Mexico’s Pena Nieto.
According to the White House website, the trio is unveiling "[a]
historic goal to achieve 50% clean power across North America by 2025."
"The administration calls it ‘ambitious,’" says Investor’s. "We call it ‘ludicrous.’" Here’s why:
"Since the U.S. accounts for three-quarters of the total energy produced
by these three countries, the responsibility of living up to any such
agreement would fall most heavily on the U.S. … According to the
Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration, ‘clean energy’
— nuclear, hydroelectric, solar, wind, biomass, etc. — makes up less
than one-fifth of U.S. energy production. … So the only way to get there
would be to dramatically increase one or all of these sources in nine
And even then, IBD elucidates, the problem becomes fourfold: 1.
Ecofascists are opposed to an energy infrastructure that relies heavily
on hydroelectric and nuclear power. 2. Even if America did decide to
broaden its reliance on nuclear energy — and there are no plans to do so
— the process for developing the infrastructure would take far longer
than the White House’s timeframe. 3. On the remaining options — wind,
solar and biomass — "production levels from these sources would have to
increase something like 470% in nine years for clean energy to account
for half of the nation’s energy production." Even the optimists would
agree that’s an unrealistic expectation. 4. A pledge may look great on
paper, but will Canada and Mexico follow through? That’s the
trillion-dollar question.
"For a guy who is desperately fishing around for something to claim as a
legacy," IBD concludes, "President Obama’s running around making
promises that he knows will never be kept is an odd way to go about
things." In other words, when it comes to Obama fulfilling his pledges,
don’t hold your breath. On second thought, maybe you should. You might
just save the world — and his legacy.
Leaders ignore climate change controversy at summit …..Political correctness trumps scientific realities (2)
In Wednesday’s Leaders’ Statement on a North American Climate, Clean
Energy, and Environment Partnership, President Obama, Canadian Prime
Minister Trudeau and Mexican President Pena Nieto agreed, "to work
together to implement the historic Paris Agreement, supporting our goal
to limit temperature rise this century to well below 2 degrees C."
Obama told Canada’s Parliament, "This is the only planet we’ve got, and this may be the last shot we’ve got to save it!"
Underlying such assertions is the unjustified belief that climate
science is well understood. According to Obama, Trudeau, and Pena Nieto,
a global warming catastrophe awaits if we do not reduce our carbon
dioxide emissions by quickly moving away from fossil fuels.
Yet thousands of highly qualified, independent scientists do not share
this opinion. Besides their scientific publications, they have made
their views known through countless newspaper editorials and open
letters. Perhaps the most straight-forward was the Climate Scientists
Register of the International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC). In the
space of only three days in 2010, 142 climate experts from 22 countries
endorsed the following statement:
"We, the undersigned, having assessed the relevant scientific evidence,
do not find convincing support for the hypothesis that human emissions
of carbon dioxide are causing, or will in the foreseeable future cause,
dangerous global warming."
Among the 64 signatories from the United States were Syun-Ichi Akasofu,
Professor of Physics, Founding Director, International Arctic Research
Center, University of Alaska; Robert W. Durrenberger, former Arizona
State Climatologist and President of the American Association of State
Climatologists, Professor Emeritus of Geography, Arizona State
University; William Happer, Professor of Physics, Princeton University;
and Richard S. Lindzen, Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Many scientists told ICSC that they agreed with the Register but feared
reprisals from their employers or activists if they publicly endorsed
the statement.
Such concerns are not unjustified. Two of ICSC’s scientists have had
death threats and there have been cases of academic dismissal for
espousing politically incorrect views on climate change. In recent
months, we have seen attempts by state legislators in California and 16
state attorneys general to criminalize some forms of ‘climate change
denial.’ On June 25, the Democratic Platform Drafting Committee
unanimously agreed to call for the Department of Justice to investigate
corporations who disagree with political correctness on climate science.
Despite such intimidation, debate rages in the scientific community
about the causes and consequences of climate change. This is well
revealed by the reports of the Nongovernmental International Panel on
Climate Change (NIPCC). Citing thousands of peer-reviewed references
published in the world’s leading science journals, NIPCC reports
demonstrate that today’s climate is not unusual, and the evidence for
future climate calamity is weak. The NIPCC explains how the United
Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has ignored
much of the available scientific literature that does not conform to
their position on climate change and so often comes to conclusions that
do not match the facts.
Statements in support of dangerous anthropogenic global warming (DAGW)
by national science academies are also tainted. Not a single one that
officially supports the DAGW hypothesis has demonstrated that a majority
of its scientist members agree with their academy’s position. Their
statements are merely the opinions of the groups’ executives, or small
committees appointed by the executives.
Yet last year, the White House tweeted: "97% of scientists agree:
#climate change is real, man-made and dangerous." A few days later,
Secretary of State John Kerry proclaimed, "97% of the world’s scientists
tell us this is urgent."
This is unsubstantiated. There has never been a reputable, worldwide
poll of scientists who study the causes of climate change that
demonstrates that a majority of them support the DAGW hypothesis.
Even if someday a survey does show a scientific consensus in support of
the position held dear by Obama, Trudeau, and Pena Nieto, it would still
prove nothing about nature. Scientific ideas are not proven right by a
show of hands, political correctness or intimidation. Were it otherwise,
we would still believe that witches cause bad weather, Earth is the
centre of the universe, and hand-washing is unimportant in public
It is not surprising that all three leaders erred in this way. They are
relying on the IPCC which often labels its climate science conclusions
unequivocal, or statements that cannot be wrong. In support of their
position, the UN body presents empirical data. But data is always
subject to interpretation, so cannot be used to prove truth.
We are best served when our leaders encourage scientists to be fearless
intellectual explorers, going wherever their research leads, independent
of contemporary fashion. Wednesday’s leaders’ summit did the opposite,
merely reinforcing a point of view many scientists consider foolish.
Citizens of all three countries deserve better.
Virgin Islands AG Drops Exxon Subpoena
The attorney general of the U.S. Virgin Islands withdrew his subpoena of
oil giant Exxon Mobil on Wednesday afternoon, dealing the first setback
to a group of Democratic officials seeking racketeering charges against
the company.
Exxon told a federal court that AG Claude Walker had agreed to walk away
if the company would drop a related lawsuit alleging that the subpoena
violated its constitutional rights and the laws of its home state of
Walker was the third state attorney general, after New York and
Massachusetts, to subpoena Exxon Mobil over allegations that it
committed fraud and racketeering by misleading customers and
shareholders about the risks of climate change.
Walker is the first to walk back the effort against Exxon, but he is
also in litigation in Washington, D.C., over a separate subpoena sent to
a libertarian nonprofit that received donations from Exxon more than a
decade ago.
Both subpoenas have triggered legal action. In a federal lawsuit filed
three weeks after it was subpoenaed, Exxon alleged that Walker’s
subpoena violated its "rights under the First, Fourth, Fifth, and
Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution, the Texas
Constitution, and Texas common law."
District Judge Ed Kinkeane ordered Exxon and Walker to meet no later
than July 11 to discuss "the possibilities for a prompt resolution of
the case." Exxon’s filing notified the court that they’d reached an
agreement to withdraw both the subpoena and the resulting lawsuit.
Walker had asked for a massive number of internal Exxon documents,
including documents pertaining to its internal deliberations and
projections about climate change, but also requested communications with
nearly a hundred nonprofit groups.
They included conservative and libertarian advocacy groups, but also
more mundane organizations such as the Smithsonian Astrophysical
Observatory, the Arizona State University office of climatology, and
Africa Fighting Malaria.
New York attorney general Eric Schneiderman and Massachusetts attorney
general Maura Healey asked for communications with many of the same
research and advocacy groups, including the Heritage Foundation, the
Competitive Enterprise Institute, and the Cato Institute.
Schneiderman is the leader of a group of 20 state attorneys general that
have seized on reports from news organizations funded by
environmentalist groups that allege that Exxon misled the public about
the risks its product poses.
Exxon and other critics say it is an unconstitutional effort to use
state governments’ legal authority to shut down political speech and
advocacy with which the attorneys general disagree.
The attorneys general, all Democrats, have been planning the legal
campaign for more than a year. When a Schneiderman aide emailed a
questionnaire to other attorneys general involved in the effort, Walker
said he was "eager to hear what other attorneys general are doing and
find concrete ways to work together on litigation to increase our
Though Walker has withdrawn his Exxon subpoena, he also subpoenaed the
Competitive Enterprise Institute, a libertarian group that used to
receive Exxon funding, seeking evidence in its investigation into the
Walker has dropped his effort to enforce that subpoena in D.C., where
CEI is based, but has not actually withdrawn it. The group is now
alleging that the effort violated a DC law against lawsuits designed to
censor, harass, or intimidate a public critic. A federal judge heard
arguments on that motion on Tuesday.
The larger campaign was orchestrated behind the scenes with leaders of
prominent environmental groups and deep-pocketed foundations that fund
them and the news organizations whose reporting ostensibly spurred the
According to internal documents detailing the effort, its goals are to
"delegitimize [ExxonMobil] as a political actor," "force officials to
disassociate themselves from Exxon," "drive divestment from Exxon," and
"to drive Exxon & climate into center of 2016 election."
Democratic lawmakers have also pressed the Justice Department to bring
civil racketeering charges against Exxon over the same allegations.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch has said that she referred the case to
the FBI, which is deciding whether to prosecute.
Brexit’s energy lesson for California, et al.
"California’s largest utility and environmental groups announced a deal
Tuesday [June 21] to shutter the last nuclear power plant in the state."
This statement from the Associated Press reporting about the announced
closure of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant should startle you. The
news about shutting down California’s last operating nuclear power
plant, especially after Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (PG&E) had
sought a 20-year extension of the operating licenses for the two
reactors, is disappointing — not startling. What should pique your ire
is that the "negotiated proposal," as the Wall Street Journal (WSJ)
called it, is between the utility company and environmental groups—with
no mention of the regulators elected to insure that consumers have
efficient, effective and economical electricity.
Who put the environmental groups in charge? Not the California voters.
But unelected environmental groups — and their bureaucratic friends in
various government agencies — have been dictating energy policy for the
most of the past decade. Regarding the "negotiated proposal," WSJ points
out: "The agreement wades deeply into intricate energy procurement,
environmental and rate-setting matters that are normally the exclusive
jurisdiction of state agencies."
California has a goal of generating half of its electricity from
renewable sources by 2030 and environmental groups are calling for the
state officials to replace Diablo’s generating capacity with "renewable
power sources." Realize that this one nuclear power plant provides twice
as much electricity as all of California’s solar panels combined.
Bloomberg Intelligence analysts’ research concluded that PG&E "would
need 10,500 megawatts of new solar installations to replace all of
Diablo Canyon’s output" and that, without including potential costs of
new transmission lines or back-up resources for solar, will cost $15
billion — with totals, including decommissioning, estimated at $20
The Bloomberg report states: "PG&E will ask that customers make up any shortfall."
Actual costs, Bloomberg says: "could be lower because the company
expects to compensate for lower demand and replace only part of the
production." Why will there be lower demand? The WSJ explains: "the plan
calls for new power sources to furnish only a portion of the
electricity that Diablo Canyon generates, assuming that greater energy
efficiency in the future will also curb some power demand."
All of this is announced while California is experiencing, and expecting
more, blackouts due to "a record demand for energy" and because "there
just aren’t enough gas pipelines for what’s needed," according to CNN
Money. "Southern California," reports WSJ, "is vulnerable to energy
disruptions because it relies on a complex web of electric transmission
lines, gas pipelines and gas storage facilities — all running like
clockwork — to get enough electricity. If any piece is disabled, it can
mean electricity shortages. Gas is the state’s chief fuel for power
generation, not coal. But the pipelines can only bring in about 3
billion cubic feet of working gas a day into Southern California, below
the daily demand, which gets as high as 5.7 billion cubic feet."
California’s Independent System Operator, which runs the state’s power
grid, therefore, has warned of "significant risk" that there may not be
enough natural gas which could result in "outages for as many as 14
summer days." CNN Money reports: "Natural gas has played a bigger role
for California as the state has tried to phase out coal and nuclear
power" — environmental groups oppose the use of all of these three power
It is expected that Diablo Canyon’s generating capacity will, in part,
be replaced with more natural gas — which is good news for
fracking. Eric Schmitt, vice president of operations for the California
Independent System Operator, said: "California needs more flexibility in
how it generates power so it can balance fluctuating output from wind
and solar projects. Gas plants can be turned off and on quickly."
As coal-fueled electricity has been outlawed in California, and
environmental groups have pushed to close nuclear power plants, and
routinely block any new proposed natural gas pipelines, black outs will
become frequent. California’s energy demand doesn’t match solar power’s
This dilemma makes "energy efficiency" a key component of the
environmental groups’ decrees — which parallels the European Union’s
(EU) policies that were a part of Britain’s "exit" decision (known as
When the EU’s energy efficiency standards for small appliances were
first proposed, then German EU energy commissioner, Gunther Oettinger,
according to the Telegraph, said: "All EU countries agree energy
efficiency is the most effective method to reduce energy consumption and
dependence on imports and to improve the climate. Therefore there needs
to be mandatory consumption limits for small electrical appliances." In
2014, the EU, in the name of energy efficiency, sparked public outcry
in Britain when it banned powerful vacuum cleaners with motors above
1600 watts. It then proposed to "ban high powered kettles and toasters"
as part of the "Eco-design Directive" aimed at reducing the energy
consumption of products.
The EU’s Eco-design Directive’s specific requirements are to be
published as "Implementing Measures" — which, according to, are made "as European Law Commission Regulations." It
explains that this process allows the directives to "enter into force
in all the member states without requiring a transcription process in
their National Law. Thus they can be issued much more quickly than the
usual Directive Process."
When the EU’s high-powered toaster/tea-kettle ban was announced, it
became "a lightning rod for public anger at perceived meddling by
Brussels" — which was seen as "intruding too much into citizens’ daily
lives." When the ban was announced, retailers reported a spike, as high
as 95 percent, in toaster and electric tea-kettle sales. The European
overreach became such ammunition in Britain’s Brexit referendum, that
Brussels stalled the ban until after the election and engaged in a
now-failed public relations exercise with "green campaigners" to speak
out in favor of the toaster and tea-kettle regulations that were
believed to have "considerable energy saving potential."
The Brits didn’t buy it. It is reported that top of the list for "leave"
voters were "EU Rules and Regulations." Matthew Elliot, chief executive
of the Vote Leave campaign said: "If we vote remain we will be
powerless to prevent an avalanche of EU regulations that Brussels is
delaying until after the referendum."
Brussels’ toaster and tea-kettle ban, which were perceived as an assault
on the British staples, has been called "bonkers" and "too barmy to be
true." Specifically addressing the ban, Elliot said: "The EU now
interferes with so many aspects of our lives, from our breakfast to our
borders." David Coburn, a UK Independence party MEP from Scotland, who
recently bought a new toaster and tea kettle grumbled: "I think I must
have bought a euro-toaster, I have to put bread in it five times and
it’s still pale and pasty. Perhaps it’s powered by windmills. And the
kettle? Watching a kettle boil has never been so boring."
While energy efficiency directives banning Keurig coffee makers would be
more likely to draw similar ridicule from Californians, there is a
lesson to be learned from the Brexit decision: too much regulation
results in referendums to overturn them. It is widely believed that,
with Brexit and new leadership, many of the EU’s environmental
regulations, including the Paris Climate Agreement, will be adjusted or
More and more Americans are reaching the same conclusion as our British
cousins about the overreach of rules and regulations. As Coburn
concluded: "What we want is to let the free market reign, not this
diktat by bureaucrat."
Greenie scare fails in Australia
Australia’s Great Barrier Reef named the best place in the world to
visit. Throughout the bleaching scare, tourism operators have
never had any difficulty taking people to unspoiled areas of the reef
IN a much-needed boost for the Great Barrier Reef, the world’s largest
living organism has been voted the best place in the world to visit by
an influential US travel site.
US News and World Report’s World’s Best Places to Visit for 2016-17
ranked the Reef No.1 ahead of Paris and Bora Bora in French
Polynesia. Sydney also made the list — at 13th.
The site described the Reef as "holding a spot on every travellers’ bucket list".
"The Great Barrier Reef is a treasure trove of once-in-a-lifetime
experiences," said the description. "Whether you’re gazing at
marine life through a scuba mask, letting the tropical breeze unfurl
your sail, or in a plane gliding high above it all, the possibilities
for exploration are nearly limitless."
It comes after a series of sinister reports about the Reef’s future
following a major coral bleaching event found to have affected extensive
Tourism and Events Queensland CEO Leanne Coddington said the Reef’s
first placing on the list, was a vote of confidence in its worldwide
tourism appeal.
"The Great Barrier Reef is a living treasure and a major tourism
drawcard for visitors to Queensland," Ms Coddington said. "It is an
unrivalled experience that tens of thousands of people are enjoying
every day."
Other destinations to make the top ten included Florence in Italy;
Tokyo, Japan; the archealogocial capital of the Americas — Cusco in
Peru; London, Rome, New York and Maui.
Cape Town in South Africa and Barcelona in Spain finished ahead of Sydney, the only other Australian location on the list.
"Expert opinions, user votes and current trends" were used to compile this list.
Last year London was No.1, Bora Bora No.2 and Barcelona third — while Sydney was placed fifth.
Ms Coddington said this year’s result reaffirmed just how important the
Reef was to Australia’s tourism economy. "It’s ours to protect and
share," she said. "Experiences like the Great Barrier Reef help
inspire visitors to experience Queensland, the best address on earth."
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
3 July, 2016
Is the ozone "hole" shrinking at last?
As I pointed out recently,
the ozone levels at Mauna Loa seem to be just oscillating across an an
unchanging range, indicating no trend. And ozone is well mixed so
at least that non-trend (if not absolute levels) should also apply over
the Antarctic. And that does seem to be so. The "hole" too
just oscillates, expanding and contracting in a random way. And in
October 2015 the Antarctic ozone hole reached a record size. No
shrinking there! Which is very frustrating to Greenies.
they were determined to find something to support their thinking so
pulled together all the data they could find on the hole and tortured it
with statistics. They did something that is totally illegitimate
in statistics: Data dredging. If you look hard enough
at any set if statistics you can generally find SOME trend or
correlation somewhere. The problem is that extending the
data base in some way usually wipes out the trend or correlation.
There is a classic example of that here in a study of lynching in the American South.
what did the authors dredge out? It would be funny if it were not
so pathetic. They found a trend line going through the data for
September only. In Septembers since 2000, the ozone has been
behaving itself, too bad about the other months of the year. How you can
draw any inferences from that -- let alone the sweeping inferences they
do draw -- I do not know.
And why 2000? There's no
theoretical reason. It's just more data dredging. It's also
one of the classic tricks of chartmanship. If you are allowed to pick
your starting and end points in a trend line, you can "prove" almost
At the risk of beating a dead horse I will have one
more laugh at these galoots. What do they say about the VERY
embarrassing October 2015 ozone hole? They say the reading then
was influenced by a volcano: "the Calbuco eruption" in Southern
Chile. Being a suspicious soul, I looked up exactly when Calbuco
erupted: April 2015! Something that happened in April had no
effect until 6 months later! Pull the other one! One would expect
a big effect immediately after the eruption, tapering off in subsequent
months. Instead these Warmists ask us to believe the opposite
happened. It's not even clever lying.
And, anyway,
volcanoes are fairly common on a global scale and it is global ozone
that is supposedly affected by wicked man-made chemicals -- so how come
this eruption was so unusually significant? Was it vast?
No. It was just a level 4 event (out of 10). Clearly blaming
Calbuco is a work of desperation. The October 2015 ozone level was
just another episode in the random walk that is the ozone "hole".
The Greenies bullied us out of our best refrigerant gases for nothing.
And their crookedness and deceptions never stop
Emergence of healing in the Antarctic ozone layer
Susan Solomon et al.
Industrial chlorofluorocarbons that cause ozone depletion have been
phased out under the Montreal Protocol. A chemically-driven increase in
polar ozone (or "healing") is expected in response to this historic
agreement. Observations and model calculations taken together indicate
that the onset of healing of Antarctic ozone loss has now emerged in
September. Fingerprints of September healing since 2000 are identified
through (i) increases in ozone column amounts, (ii) changes in the
vertical profile of ozone concentration, and (iii) decreases in the
areal extent of the ozone hole. Along with chemistry, dynamical and
temperature changes contribute to the healing, but could represent
feedbacks to chemistry. Volcanic eruptions episodically interfere with
healing, particularly during 2015 (when a record October ozone hole
occurred following the Calbuco eruption).
Science 30 Jun 2016: DOI: 10.1126/science.aae0061. See
here for another summary of their findings
Greenland ice cover now tracking above average

Top: The total daily contribution to the surface mass balance from the entire ice sheet (blue line, Gt/day).
Bottom: The accumulated surface mass balance from September 1st to now
(blue line, Gt) and the season 2011-12 (red) which had very high summer
melt in Greenland. For comparison, the mean curve from the period
1990-2013 is shown (dark grey). The same calendar day in each of the 24
years (in the period 1990-2013) will have its own value. These
differences from year to year are illustrated by the light grey band.
For each calendar day, however, the lowest and highest values of the 24
years have been left out.
"Climate System Scientist" Claims Jet Stream Crossing the Equator is Unprecedented
by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.
Paul Beckwith has a masters degree in laser optics, which he has somehow
parlayed into being a "Climate System Scientist" to spread alarmism
about the climate system.
But his post "Unprecedented, Jet Stream Crosses Equator" suggests he knows little of meteorology, let alone climate.
A "jet stream" in the usual sense of the word is caused by the thermal
wind, which cannot exist at the equator because there is no Coriolis
force. To the extent that there is cross-equator flow at jet stream
levels, it is usually from air flowing out of deep convective rain
systems. That outflow often enters the subtropical jet stream, which is
part of the average Hadley Cell circulation.
There is frequently cross-equatorial flow at jet stream altitudes, and
that flow can connect up with a subtropical jet stream. But it has
always happened, and always will happen, with or without the help of
humans. Sometimes the flows connect up with each other and make it look
like a larger flow structure is causing the jet stream to flow from one
hemisphere to the other, but it’s in no way unprecedented.
We’ve really only known about jet streams since around WWII…one of my
professors, Reid Bryson, was one of the first to advise the U.S.
military that bombers flying to Japan might encounter strong head winds.
The idea that something we have been observing for only several decades
on a routine basis (upper tropospheric winds in the tropics) would
exhibit "unprecedented" behavior is rather silly.
I especially like this portion of Paul’s post: "We must declare a global
climate emergency. Please consider a donation to support my work.."
Nice touch, Mr. Beckwith.
Mulch could slow global warming: UBCO study
Something else not in the climate models
Researchers at the local campus of the University of British Columbia
have discovered mulch is much more than a landscape accessory.
Craig Nichol, senior instructor of Earth and Environmental Sciences at
UBC Okanagan, found using mulch in agriculture can cut nitrous oxide
emissions by up to 28 per cent.
In the two-year study, emissions-recording chambers were put on bare
soil and on soil covered by mulch. This was part of a larger study with
Melanie Jones and Louise Nelson, also UBC researchers.
Mulched areas had a 74 per cent reduction in soil nitrates and reduced
levels of nitrous oxide emissions. Nitrates are the source material for
nitrous oxide emissions and can seep into groundwater, according to a
UBC media release.
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada says nitrous oxide from soil makes up
one half of agriculture emissions that contribute to global warming.
Emission levels are often higher in agricultural soil because of
fertilizer and manure use.
"In addition to saving water, improving soil, combatting pests and
stopping weeds, wood mulch actually reduces the release of a greenhouse
gas 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide," Nichol says. "Provided
you are not driving great distances to obtain the mulch, it would appear
that mulch could be a powerful tool in helping to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions, particularly if used in these agricultural systems."
NOAA 1974 - Global Cooling Will Starve the World
"The poorest nations, already beset by man-made disasters, have been
threatened by a natural one: the possibility of climatic changes
...perhaps throughout the world. The implications for global food and
population policies are ominous..." - NOAA, 1974
In October 1974, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) published an alarming article in their quarterly magazine stating
that climatologists believed a recent global cooling trend would starve
the world and send the planet into another ice age.
Most forecasts of worldwide food production have been based on the
assumption that global weather will stay about the same as it has been
in the recent past. But it has already begun to change.
In the Sahelian zone of Africa south of the Sahara, the countries of
Chad, The Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, and Upper Volta are
enduring a drought that in some areas has been going on for more than
six years now, following some 40 previous years of abundant monsoon
rainfall. And the drought is spreading—eastward into Ehtiopia and
southward into Dahomey, Egypt, Guinea, Kenya, Nigeria, Somalia,
Tanzania, and Zaire.
Many climatologists have associated this drought and other recent
weather anomalies with a global cooling trend and changes in atmospheric
circulation which, if prolonged, pose serious threats to major
food-producing regions of the world.
Annual average temperatures over the Northern Hemisphere increased
rather dramatically from about 1890 through 1940, but have been falling
ever since. The total change has averaged about one-half degree
Centigrade, with the greatest cooling in higher latitudes. A drop of
only one or two degrees Centigrade in the annual average temperature at
higher latitudes can shorten the growing season so that some crops have
to be abandoned. [...]
...the average growing season in England is already two weeks shorter
than it was before 1950. Since the late 1950's, Iceland's hay crop yield
has dropped about 25 percent, while pack ice in waters around Iceland
and Greenland ports is becoming the hazard to navigation it was during
the 17th and 18th centuries. [...]
Some climatologists think that if the current cooling trend continues,
drought will occur more frequently in India—indeed, through much of
Asia, the world's hungriest continent. [...]
Some climatologists think that the present cooling trend may be the
start of a slide into another period of major glaciation, popularly
called an "ice age."
This is consistent with the documented media hysteria of the 1970s about
global cooling and demonstrates, contrary to alarmist arguments - that
many climatologists did agree with the media's representation of a
coming ice age apocalypse.
SOURCE (See the original for links)
Coal company warns of mass layoffs
Murray Energy Corp. says it might lay off up to 82 percent of its workforce in September, due in part to President Obama.
Murray Energy, owned by outspoken executive and Donald Trump supporter
Bob Murray, said the potential layoffs would affect 4,400 employees in
six states. Murray said this week that his company has 5,356 workers,
according to SNL Financial.
"These workforce reductions are due to the ongoing destruction of the
United States coal industry by President Barack Obama, and his
supporters, and the increased utilization of natural gas to generate
electricity," the company said in a Friday statement.
"Murray Energy hopes and expects to continue operating its mines, and
will retain as many employees as practicable to ensure continued
operation and to fulfill its obligations to its customers."
The warnings came three days after miners in the United Mine Workers of
America rejected the latest proposal for a new contract from Murray
Energy and other unionized coal companies.
The coal industry employs fewer than 60,000 people, compared with the more than 80,000 jobs in 2008.
Murray has been an outspoken critic of Obama and his policies that hurt
coal, calling him "the greatest destroyer America has ever had." The
company frequently files lawsuits against the Obama administration for
its environmental regulations.
He predicted that Trump "will be the best president of our lifetimes."
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
1 July, 2016
Is the march of the penguins over? Researchers warn climate change
could kill off 60% of global Adélie populations by the end of the
This is all reliant on the usual global warming models, that have never got anything right yet
Adélie penguins have roamed across Antarctica for millions of years.
However, climate change has finally reached a 'tipping point' that could
decimate their numbers, researchers have warned.
They says 30 per cent of current colonies may be in decline by 2060, and approximately 60 per cent may be in decline by 2099.
In a paper published today (June 29) in Scientific Reports, the
researchers project that approximately 30 percent of current Adélie
colonies may be in decline by 2060 and approximately 60 percent may be
in decline by 2099.
'It is only in recent decades that we know Adélie penguins population
declines are associated with warming, which suggests that many regions
of Antarctica have warmed too much and that further warming is no longer
positive for the species,' said the paper's lead author Megan Cimino.
The current work used satellite data and global climate model
projections to understand current and future population trends on a
continental scale.
'Our study used massive amounts of data to run habitat suitability
models. 'From other studies that used actual ground counts--people going
and physically counting penguins-- and from high resolution satellite
imagery, we have global estimates of Adélie penguin breeding locations,
meaning where they are present and where they are absent, throughout the
entire Southern Ocean.
'We also have estimates of population size and how their populations
have changed over last few decades,' explained Cimino, now a
postdoctoral scholar at Scripps Institute of Oceanography.
'When we combined this data with satellite information and future
climate projections on sea surface temperature and sea ice, we can look
at past and future changes in Adélie penguin habitat suitability,'
Cimino said.
Funded through the NASA Biodiversity program, the study is based on
satellite observations from 1981-2010 of sea surface temperature, sea
ice and bare rock locations, and true presence-absence data of penguin
population estimates from satellite imagery.
In particular, the researchers examined the number of years from
1981-2010 with novel or unusual climate during the Adélie penguin
chick-rearing period from past satellite observations and used an
ensemble of global climate models to make predictions about Adélie
penguin habitat suitability from 2011-2099. The team validated the
models with documented population trends.
The study results suggest that climate novelty, particularly warm sea
surface temperature (SST), is detrimental to Adélie penguins.
While the specific mechanisms for this relationship remain unknown, the
study focuses attention on areas where climate change is likely to
create a high frequency of unsuitable conditions during the 21st
Lynch noted that 'One of the key advances over the last decade is our
ability to find penguin colonies from space and, nearly as important, to
determine which areas of Antarctica do not support penguin colonies.
'Having both true presence and absence across a species' global range is
unique to this system, and opens up new avenues for modeling habitat
According to Cimino, the southern WAP, associated islands and northern
WAP regions, which are already experiencing population declines, are
projected to experience the greatest frequency of novel climate this
century due to warm SST.
This suggests that warm sea surface temperatures may cause a decrease in
the suitability of chick-rearing habitats at northerly latitudes.
'Matt and I have worked extensively at Palmer Station and we know that
penguin colonies near there have declined by at least 80 percent since
the 1970s.'
By contrast, the study also suggests several refugia -- areas of
relatively unaltered climate -- may exist in continental Antarctica
beyond 2099, which would buffer a species-wide decline.
Understanding how these refugia operate is critical to understanding the future of this species.
Leaving EU will make it harder for UK to tackle climate change, says minister
Like how? She doesn't say. This is just propaganda. The
British stockmarket is already back to where it was before the Brexit
vote and most other things should soon be back to normal too.
Britain didn't need the EU to waste a fortune on windmills
Brexit will make it harder for Britain to play its role in tackling
climate change, the UK energy and climate secretary has said.
But Amber Rudd said that the UK remained committed to action on global
warming and Whitehall sources have told the Guardian that on Thursday
she will approve a world-leading carbon target for 2032.
"While I think the UK’s role in dealing with a warming planet may have
been made harder by the decision last Thursday, our commitment to
dealing with it has not gone away," Rudd told an audience in London.
"Securing our energy supply, keeping bills low and building a low carbon
energy infrastructure: the challenges remain the same. Our commitment
also remains the same. As I said, I think the decision last week risks
making it a harder road."
She said she agreed with chancellor, George Osborne, that the UK now
faced a period of uncertainty. "The decision on Thursday raises a host
of questions for the energy sector, of course it does. There have been
significant advantages to us trading energy both within Europe and being
an entry point into Europe from the rest of the world."
She added that the UK remained committed to new nuclear, including the
planned £23bn expansion of Hinkley Point in Somerset, which some
observers have said is likely to become a casualty of last week’s leave
Rudd’s comments on Brexit having significant ramifcations for the energy
sector were at odds with her energy minister, Andrea Leadsom, a
prominent Leave campaigner during the referendum.
"In my view, for energy policy I don’t believe anything will change,"
she said on Wednesday when asked by MPs on the committee on energy and
climate change what impact Brexit would have.
"The UK’s Climate Change Act is absolutely key to our climate change
objectives, we continue to be absolutely committed to those.
"In terms of interconnectors, those are businesses, those are run on
commercial terms and nothing will change. In terms of cooperation on
climate change and decarbonisation our own commitment remains as strong,
but we never only working with EU, we were working globally."
Industry, experts and green groups broadly welcomed Rudd’s speech today.
Nick Molho, executive director of the Aldersgate Group, which represents
BT, Ikea, M&S and a group of businesses supporting sustainability,
said: "Coming a few days after the outcome of the EU referendum, it is
positive to hear Amber Rudd highlight the importance of continuing to
tackle climate change."
The leading economist Lord Stern said: "The secretary of state’s speech
has provided reassurance that the long-term direction of UK climate
change policy under the current government has not changed."
Sam Barker, director of the Conservative Environment Network, said:
"This is a welcome intervention from the energy and climate change
secretary. Ministers across this Conservative government have delivered
significant environmental improvements, from planning an ambitious coal
phase-out to creating the world’s largest marine reserve."
Greenpeace said that Rudd and Leadsom’s commitment to the Climate Change
Act was good but action was needed. "Soothing words are not good
enough. Green investor confidence in the UK was shaky before Brexit
because of the government’s ever changing and incoherent policies, which
neither minister seem willing to get to grips with even now," said John
Sauven, the group’s executive director.
On Wednesday, the wind power industry said that the uncertainty created
by Brexit meant it was time the government reconsidered its stance on
onshore wind power, for which Rudd cut subsidies last year.
RenewableUK’s chief executive, Hugh McNeal, said: "It is precisely now,
at this moment which is so unpredictable and uncertain, that I believe
we should reflect on what we can offer; cheap, homegrown electricity
able to deliver hundreds of millions of pounds of capital investment for
our economy over the next few years, helping companies all over Britain
just at a time when we need it most."
Separately, politicians expressed shock that Mark Reckless, a Ukip Welsh
assembly member had been appointed chair of the Welsh assembly’s
Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee. Ukip has
repeatedly cast doubt on climate change science and in the 2015 general
election campaigned on a manifesto promise to repeal the Climate Change
German climate alarmists are wavering
The solar slowdown has freaked them -- Schellnhuber, Rahmstorf et al.
The daily Berliner Kurier here writes today that solar physicists at the
ultra-warmist Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) are
warning that Europe may be facing "a mini ice age" due to a possible
protracted solar minimum.
The Berliner Kurier writes:
That’s the conclusion that solar physicists of the Potsdam Institute for
Climate Impact Research reached when looking at solar activity."
For an institute that over the past 20 years has steadfastly insisted
that man has been almost the sole factor in climate change over the past
century and that the sun no longer plays a role, this is quite
The Berliner Kurier reports that the PIK scientists foresee a weakening
of the sun’s activity over the coming years. "That means that conversely
it is going to get colder. The scientists are speaking of a little ice
According to the PIK scientists, the reduced solar activity will,
however, not be able to stop the global warming and only brake the
warming up to 2100 by 0.3°C.
Given the extreme warnings of warming and sea level rise put out by the
Potsdam Institute in the past, this still represents an extraordinary
admission, one that has us suspecting a major climate turnaround may be
ahead – despite all the efforts by the Potsdam Institute to play it all
down. Here we see them possibly setting up a global warming postponement
of a couple of decades. The sun plays a role after all.
The source of the Berliner Kurier report is the Austrian weather site here. The site writes that some solar physicists
suspect the current solar inactivity may be "the start of a new grand
minimum" like the one the planet saw in the 17th century and left Europe
in an ice box.
Though most scientists agree that the Little Ice Age took place, many
dispute its extent. Some insist it was localized over the North Atlantic
region. But now there are dozens of studies that show it was in fact a
global event. That should make us worry.
The $108 Million Science Swindle
The House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations shed light on
more government-sanctioned junk science. Among the things covered in
Thursday’s oversight hearing is a startling revelation concerning the
Department of the Interior that gets to the crux of climate skeptics'
dissent over the supposed effects of anthropogenic warming. According to
the hearing memorandum:
"[Office of Inspector General] found that the
operator of a mass spectrometer device at the U.S. Geological Survey
(USGS) Energy Resources Programs Energy Geochemistry Laboratory in
Lakewood, Colorado manipulated scientific results and data between 2008
and 2014. Committee staff later learned from the OIG that the individual
was the second employee to do so, and that data manipulation in the lab
began in the late 1990’s. Test results from the lab are used in the
Energy Resource Program’s coal and water quality assessments. The OIG
noted in its report transmittal letter that the full extent of the
impacts of this manipulated data are not yet known, but that they will
be serious and far ranging. According to the OIG audit, projects
potentially affected by the falsified data between FY08 and FY16 had
received $108 million in funding. USGS permanently closed the lab in
February 2016 and the scientist in question resigned in the course of
the investigation."
On Thursday, Rep. Bruce Westerman said, "It’s astounding that we spend
$108 million on manipulated research and then the far-reaching effects
that that would have. We know how research multiplies and affects
different parts of our society and our economy and … if you’re working
off of flawed data it definitely could be in a bad way."
What is it ecofascists are constantly crowing? Something about how the
science of "climate change" is settled? It’s especially easy to make
that argument — which is scientifically flawed in any case — when the
evidence is rigged. And climate alarmists have been caught again doing
just that. Last week’s hearing only affirms an inconvenient truth: In
government, science is far likelier to be manipulated than it is
Ecofascists Target Differences of Opinion
Here in America, Land of the Free, it ought to take actual wrongdoing
for government to act against individuals and organizations. And when
those in positions of authority are properly serving the people, that’s
the way it works.
Alas, that is not always so. It is growing more frequent to see
malfeasance by public servants who, rather than seeking out criminal or
civil misbehavior, use their offices for purposes outside their scope of
responsibility. Apparently, the punishment for abdicating one’s sworn
duty to honorably do his/her job is insufficient — or nonexistent — to
discourage bad behavior.
Perhaps the best-known recent episode of such public dis-service was the
IRS harassment of conservative organizations that filed for non-profit
status, a function under the control of one Lois Lerner.
During a congressional hearing investigating the affair, Lerner refused
to answer questions, hiding behind the Fifth Amendment’s protection from
self-incrimination, later resigning her federal position and, having
avoided criminal charges, lives peacefully on her government pension.
While Lerner used her IRS position against political adversaries, public
servant misbehavior also creeps into the area of harassing ideological
opponents. The environmental Left’s position that burning fossil fuels
significantly harms the environment is based upon evidence so weak and
heavily disputed that a substantial number of Americans — perhaps a
majority — reject the idea. Unable to convince people through the
strength of scientific evidence, leftists resort to using the power of
government to force people into line.
This time the target is ExxonMobil and a dozen independent groups that
are in the crosshairs of a state prosecutor because they do not accept
the idea that fossil fuels significantly damage the environment, and
have had the unmitigated gall to express their opinion publicly.
Earlier this month, ExxonMobil released a copy of an April 19 subpoena
filed by Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey demanding 40 years
of communications regarding climate change from the company and the
organizations. Exxon has filed a motion for injunction in U.S. District
Court for the Northern District of Texas, accusing Healey of waging a
politically motivated fishing expedition aimed at silencing oppositional
opinion on climate change.
Did Exxon engage in legally actionable fraud as Healy claims? "Fossil
fuel companies that deceived investors and consumers about the dangers
of climate change should be, must be held accountable," she said. She
also referred to what she called the "troubling disconnect between what
Exxon knew, what industry folks knew and what the company and industry
chose to share with investors and with the American public."
Healy’s statement suggests that someone can be held criminally liable
for knowing the Left’s argument about climate change, and then failing
to discard their own opinion in favor of that argument. Merely knowing
that ecofascists think fossil fuel use is harming the environment makes
you legally obligated to adopt that position, even if you do not agree
and, more importantly, even if there is no actual proof that assumption
is correct.
Healy and her fellow travelers seem to believe that their opinion
becomes truth merely because they believe it — even if it has never been
proven true or valid. And if you disagree you can face legal action.
Free speech and the First Amendment apparently no longer apply where
climate change is concerned.
Of this poorly thought through legal fiasco, Alex Epstein, whose Center
for Industrial Progress is one of the dozen organizations targeted by
Healy along with Exxon, had this to say: "What ExxonMobil is being
prosecuted for is expressing an opinion about the evidence that the
government disagrees with. … There is a fundamental distinction in
civilized society between fraud and opinion."
In his excellent book, "The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels," Epstein
advances the position that fossil fuel use has provided millions and
millions of people wonderful advantages in terms of higher living
standards, increased life expectancy and decreased infant and child
mortality. He also references the manic climate change narrative that
produced repeated predictions of doom that did not materialize.
A fundamental truth in the United States is that one may hold and
espouse any opinion he or she chooses, without regard to whether that
opinion is true or false; it is not a crime to disagree, even if the
subject is climate change.
This effort to force acceptance of the weak theory of fossil fuels
damaging the environment is an initiative of "AGs United for Clean
Power." This perhaps signals a coming expanded effort to silence
disagreement. But it has aroused the attention of 13 attorneys general,
who signed a letter to their counterparts across the country that said:
"We think this effort by our colleagues to police the global warming
debate through the power of the subpoena is a grave mistake."
Whether that letter will help redirect AGs tempted to the dark side or not is unknown. But it is a step in the right direction.
Greenie scare fails
Australia’s Great Barrier Reef named the best place in the world to
visit. Throughout the bleaching scare, touriswm operators have
never had any difficulty taking people to unspoiled areas of the reef
IN a much-needed boost for the Great Barrier Reef, the world’s largest
living organism has been voted the best place in the world to visit by
an influential US travel site.
US News and World Report’s World’s Best Places to Visit for 2016-17
ranked the Reef No.1 ahead of Paris and Bora Bora in French
Polynesia. Sydney also made the list — at 13th.
The site described the Reef as "holding a spot on every travellers’ bucket list".
"The Great Barrier Reef is a treasure trove of once-in-a-lifetime
experiences," said the description. "Whether you’re gazing at
marine life through a scuba mask, letting the tropical breeze unfurl
your sail, or in a plane gliding high above it all, the possibilities
for exploration are nearly limitless."
It comes after a series of sinister reports about the Reef’s future
following a major coral bleaching event found to have affected extensive
Tourism and Events Queensland CEO Leanne Coddington said the Reef’s
first placing on the list, was a vote of confidence in its worldwide
tourism appeal.
"The Great Barrier Reef is a living treasure and a major tourism
drawcard for visitors to Queensland," Ms Coddington said. "It is an
unrivalled experience that tens of thousands of people are enjoying
every day."
Other destinations to make the top ten included Florence in Italy;
Tokyo, Japan; the archealogocial capital of the Americas — Cusco in
Peru; London, Rome, New York and Maui.
Cape Town in South Africa and Barcelona in Spain finished ahead of Sydney, the only other Australian location on the list.
"Expert opinions, user votes and current trends" were used to compile this list.
Last year London was No.1, Bora Bora No.2 and Barcelona third — while Sydney was placed fifth.
Ms Coddington said this year’s result reaffirmed just how important the
Reef was to Australia’s tourism economy. "It’s ours to protect and
share," she said. "Experiences like the Great Barrier Reef help
inspire visitors to experience Queensland, the best address on earth."
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
Home (Index page)
Context for the minute average temperature change recorded: At any
given time surface air temperatures around the world range over about
100°C. Even in the same place they can vary by nearly that much
seasonally and as much as 30°C or more in a day. A minute rise in
average temperature in that context is trivial if it is not meaningless
altogether. Scientists are Warmists for the money it brings in, not
because of the facts
This site is in favour of things that ARE good for the environment. That
the usual Greenie causes are good for the environment is however
disputed. Greenie policies can in fact be actively bad for the
environment -- as with biofuels, for instance
This Blog by John Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.), writing from Brisbane, Australia.
I am the most complete atheist you can imagine. I don't believe in Karl
Marx, Jesus Christ or global warming. And I also don't believe in the
unhealthiness of salt, sugar and fat. How skeptical can you get? If
sugar is bad we are all dead
And when it comes to "climate change", I know where the skeletons are buried
Antarctica is GAINING mass
Warmists depend heavily on ice cores for their figures about the
atmosphere of the past. But measuring the deep past through ice cores
is a very shaky enterprise, which almost certainly takes insufficient
account of compression effects. The apparently stable CO2 level of
280ppm during the Holocene could in fact be entirely an artifact of
compression at the deeper levels of the ice cores. . Perhaps the gas
content of an ice layer approaches a low asymptote under pressure. Dr
Zbigniew Jaworowski's criticisms of the assumed reliability of ice core
measurements are of course well known. And he studied them for over 30
The world's first "Green" party was the Nazi party -- and Greenies are
just as Fascist today in their endeavours to dictate to us all and in
their attempts to suppress dissent from their claims.
Was Pope Urban VIII the first Warmist? Below we see him refusing to
look through Galileo's telescope. People tend to refuse to consider
evidence— if what they might discover contradicts what they believe.
Warmism is a powerful religion that aims to control most of our lives. It is nearly as powerful as the Catholic Church once was
Believing in global warming has become a sign of virtue. Strange in a skeptical era. There is clearly a need for faith
Some advice from the Buddha that the Green/Left would do well to think
about: "Three things cannot be long hidden: The Sun, The Moon and The
Leftists have faith that warming will come back some day. And they mock
Christians for believing in the second coming of Christ! They
obviously need religion
Global warming has in fact been a religious doctrine for over a century.
Even Charles Taze Russell, the founder of Jehovah's Witnesses,
believed in it
A rosary for the church of global warming (Formerly the Catholic
church): "Hail warming, full of grace, blessed art thou among climates
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb panic"
Pope Francis is to the Catholic church what Obama is to America -- a mistake, a fool and a wrecker
Global warming is the predominant Leftist lie of the 21st century. No
other lie is so influential. The runner up lie is: "Islam is a
religion of peace". Both are rankly absurd.
"When it comes to alarmism, we’re all deniers; when it comes to climate change, none of us are" -- Dick Lindzen
The EPA does everything it can get away with to shaft America and Americans
Cromwell's famous plea: "I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think
it possible you may be mistaken" was ignored by those to whom it was
addressed -- to their great woe. Warmists too will not consider that
they may be wrong ..... "Bowels" was a metaphor for compassion in those
The plight of the bumblebee -- an egregious example of crooked "science"
Inorganic Origin of Petroleum: "The theory of Inorganic Origin of
Petroleum (synonyms: abiogenic, abiotic, abyssal, endogenous, juvenile,
mineral, primordial) states that petroleum and natural gas was formed by
non-biological processes deep in the Earth, crust and mantle. This
contradicts the traditional view that the oil would be a "fossil fuel"
produced by remnants of ancient organisms. Oil is a hydrocarbon mixture
in which a major constituent is methane CH4 (a molecule composed of one
carbon atom bonded to four hydrogen atoms). Occurrence of methane is
common in Earth's interior and in space. The inorganic
theory contrasts with the ideas that posit exhaustion of oil (Peak Oil),
which assumes that the oil would be formed from biological processes
and thus would occur only in small quantities and sets, tending to
exhaust. Some oil drilling now goes 7 miles down, miles below any fossil
As the Italian chemist Primo Levi reflected in Auschwitz, carbon is ‘the
only element that can bind itself in long stable chains without a great
expense of energy, and for life on Earth (the only one we know so far)
precisely long chains are required. Therefore carbon is the key element
of living substance.’ The chemistry of carbon (2) gives it a unique
versatility, not just in the artificial world, but also, and above all,
in the animal, vegetable and – speak it loud! – human kingdoms.
David Archibald: "The more carbon dioxide we can put into the
atmosphere, the better life on Earth will be for human beings and all
other living things."
"It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how
smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong." --- Richard P. Feynman.
Consensus is invoked only in situations where the science is not solid enough - Michael Crichton
"The growth of knowledge depends entirely on disagreement" -- Karl Popper
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
"The desire to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it" -- H L Mencken
'Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action' -- Goethe
“Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.” -- Voltaire
Lord Salisbury: "No lesson seems to be so deeply inculcated by
experience of life as that you should never trust experts. If you
believe doctors, nothing is wholesome; if you believe theologians,
nothing is innocent; if you believe soldiers, nothing is safe."
Calvin Coolidge said, "If you see 10 troubles coming down the road, you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you." He could have been talking about Warmists.
Some advice from long ago for Warmists: "If ifs and ans were pots and pans,there'd be no room for tinkers".
It's a nursery rhyme harking back to Middle English times when "an"
could mean "if". Tinkers were semi-skilled itinerant workers who fixed
holes and handles in pots and pans -- which were valuable household
items for most of our history. Warmists are very big on "ifs", mays",
"might" etc. But all sorts of things "may" happen, including global
Bertrand Russell knew about consensus: "The fact that an opinion has
been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd;
indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a
widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.”
There goes another beautiful theory about to be murdered by a brutal gang of facts. - Duc de La Rochefoucauld, French writer and moralist (1613-1680)
"Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate" -- William of Occam
Was Paracelsus a 16th century libertarian? His motto was: "Alterius non sit qui suus esse potest"
which means "Let no man belong to another who can belong to himself."
He was certainly a rebel in his rejection of authority and his reliance
on observable facts and is as such one of the founders of modern
"In science, refuting an accepted belief is celebrated as an advance in knowledge; in religion it is condemned as heresy". (Bob Parks, Physics, U of Maryland). No prizes for guessing how global warming skepticism is normally responded to.
"Almost all professors of the arts and sciences are egregiously conceited, and derive their happiness from their conceit" -- Erasmus
"The improver of natural knowledge absolutely refuses to
acknowledge authority, as such. For him, scepticism is the highest of
duties; blind faith the one unpardonable sin." -- Thomas H. Huxley
Time was, people warning the world "Repent - the end is
nigh!" were snickered at as fruitcakes. Now they own the media and run
the schools.
"One of the sources of the Fascist movement is the desire to avoid a too-rational and too-comfortable world" -- George Orwell, 1943 in Can Socialists Be Happy?
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics
are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts -- Bertrand Russell
“Affordable energy in ample quantities is the lifeblood of
the industrial societies and a prerequisite for the economic development
of the others.” -- John P. Holdren, Science Adviser to President Obama. Published in Science 9 February 2001
The closer science looks at the real world processes involved in
climate regulation the more absurd the IPCC's computer driven fairy tale
appears. Instead of blithely modeling climate based on hunches and
suppositions, climate scientists would be better off abandoning their
ivory towers and actually measuring what happens in the real world.' -- Doug L Hoffman
Something no Warmist could take on board: "Knuth once warned a correspondent, "Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it." -- Prof. Donald Knuth, whom some regard as the world's smartest man
"To be green is to be irrational, misanthropic and morally defective.
They are the barbarians at the gate we have to stand against" -- Rich Kozlovich
“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of
global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.“ – Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation
“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized
civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that
about?” – Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
Leftists generally and Warmists in particular very commonly ascribe
disagreement with their ideas to their opponent being "in the pay" of
someone else, usually "Big Oil", without troubling themselves to provide
any proof of that assertion. They are so certain that they are right
that that seems to be the only reasonable explanation for opposition to
them. They thus reveal themselves as the ultimate bigots -- people with
fixed and rigid ideas.
This is one of TWO skeptical blogs that I update daily. During my
research career as a social scientist, I was appalled at how much
writing in my field was scientifically lacking -- and I often said so in
detail in the many academic journal articles I had published in that
field. I eventually gave up social science research, however, because
no data ever seemed to change the views of its practitioners. I hoped
that such obtuseness was confined to the social scientists but now that I
have shifted my attention to health related science and climate
related science, I find the same impermeability to facts and logic.
Hence this blog and my FOOD & HEALTH SKEPTIC
blog. I may add that I did not come to either health or environmental
research entirely without credentials. I had several academic papers
published in both fields during my social science research career
Update: After 8 years of confronting the frankly childish standard of
reasoning that pervades the medical journals, I have given up. I have
put the blog into hibernation. In extreme cases I may put up here some
of the more egregious examples of medical "wisdom" that I encounter.
Greenies and food freaks seem to be largely coterminous. My regular
bacon & egg breakfasts would certainly offend both -- if only
because of the resultant methane output
Since my academic background is in the social sciences, it is
reasonable to ask what a social scientist is doing talking about global
warming. My view is that my expertise is the most relevant of all. It
seems clear to me from what you will see on this blog that belief in
global warming is very poorly explained by history, chemistry, physics
or statistics.
Warmism is prophecy, not science. Science cannot foretell the future.
Science can make very accurate predictions based on known regularities
in nature (e.g. predicting the orbits of the inner planets) but Warmism
is the exact opposite of that. It predicts a DEPARTURE from the known
regularities of nature. If we go by the regularities of nature, we are
on the brink of an ice age.
And from a philosophy of science viewpoint, far from being "the
science", Warmism is not even an attempt at a factual statement, let
alone being science. It is not a meaningful statement about the world.
Why? Because it is unfalsifiable -- making it a religious, not a
scientific statement. To be a scientific statement, there would have to
be some conceivable event that disproved it -- but there appears to be
none. ANY event is hailed by Warmists as proving their contentions.
Only if Warmists were able to specify some fact or event that would
disprove their theory would it have any claim to being a scientific
statement. So the explanation for Warmist beliefs has to be primarily a
psychological and political one -- which makes it my field
And, after all, Al Gore's academic qualifications are in social science also -- albeit very pissant qualifications.
A "geriatric" revolt: The scientists who reject Warmism tend to
be OLD! Your present blogger is one of those. There are tremendous
pressures to conformity in academe and the generally Leftist orientation
of academe tends to pressure everyone within it to agree to ideas that
suit the Left. And Warmism is certainly one of those ideas. So old
guys are the only ones who can AFFORD to declare the Warmists to be
unclothed. They either have their careers well-established (with
tenure) or have reached financial independence (retirement) and so can
afford to call it like they see it. In general, seniors in society
today are not remotely as helpful to younger people as they once were.
But their opposition to the Warmist hysteria will one day show that
seniors are not completely irrelevant after all. Experience does count
(we have seen many such hysterias in the past and we have a broader
base of knowledge to call on) and our independence is certainly an
enormous strength. Some of us are already dead. (Reid Bryson and John Daly are particularly mourned) and some of us are very senior indeed (e.g. Bill Gray and Vince Gray) but the revolt we have fostered is ever growing so we have not labored in vain.
A Warmist backs down: "No one knows exactly how far rising carbon concentrations affect temperatures" -- Stefan Rahmstorf, a scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.
Jimmy Carter Classic Quote from 1977: "Because we are now running out
of gas and oil, we must prepare quickly for a third change, to strict
conservation and to the use of coal and permanent renewable energy
sources, like solar power.
Today’s environmental movement is the current manifestation of the
totalitarian impulse. It is ironic that the same people who condemn the
black or brown shirts of the pre WW2 period are blind to the current
manifestation simply because the shirts are green.
Climate is just the sum of weather. So if you cannot forecast the
weather a month in advance, you will not be able to forecast the climate
50 years in advance. And official meteorologists such as Britain's Met
Office and Australia's BOM, are very poor forecasters of weather. The
Met office has in fact given up on making seasonal forecasts because
they have so often got such forecasts embarrassingly wrong. Their
global-warming-powered "models" just did not deliver
Here's how that "97% consensus" figure was arrived at
97% of scientists want to get another research grant
Hearing a Government Funded Scientist say let me tell you the truth, is
like hearing a Used Car Salesman saying let me tell you the truth.
A strange Green/Left conceit: They seem to think (e.g. here)
that no-one should spend money opposing them and that conservative
donors must not support the election campaigns of Congressmen they
agree with
David Brower, founder Sierra Club: “Childbearing should be a punishable
crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license"
To Greenies, Genghis Khan was a good guy, believe it or not. They love that he killed so many people.
Greenie antisemitism
After three exceptionally cold winters in the Northern hemisphere, the
Warmists are chanting: "Warming causes cold". Even if we give that a
pass for logic, it still inspires the question: "Well, what are we
worried about"? Cold is not going to melt the icecaps is it?"
It's a central (but unproven) assumption of the Warmist "models" that
clouds cause warming. Odd that it seems to cool the temperature down
when clouds appear overhead!
To make out that the essentially trivial warming of the last 150 years
poses some sort of threat, Warmists postulate positive feedbacks that
might cut in to make the warming accelerate in the near future. Amid
their theories about feedbacks, however, they ignore the one feedback
that is no theory: The reaction of plants to CO2. Plants gobble up CO2
and the more CO2 there is the more plants will flourish and hence
gobble up yet more CO2. And the increasing crop yields of recent years
show that plantlife is already flourishing more. The recent rise in CO2
will therefore soon be gobbled up and will no longer be around to
bother anyone. Plants provide a huge NEGATIVE feedback in response to
increases in atmospheric CO2
Every green plant around us is made out of carbon dioxide that the
plant has grabbed out of the atmosphere. That the plant can get its
carbon from such a trace gas is one of the miracles of life. It
admittedly uses the huge power of the sun to accomplish such a vast
filtrative task but the fact that a dumb plant can harness the power of
the sun so effectively is also a wonder. We live on a rather
improbable planet. If a science fiction writer elsewhere in the
universe described a world like ours he might well be ridiculed for
making up such an implausible tale.
Greenies are the sand in the gears of modern civilization -- and they intend to be.
The Greenie message is entirely emotional and devoid of all
logic. They say that polar ice will melt and cause a big sea-level
rise. Yet 91% of the world's glacial ice is in Antarctica, where the
average temperature is around minus 40 degrees Celsius. The melting
point of ice is zero degrees. So for the ice to melt on any scale the
Antarctic temperature would need to rise by around 40 degrees, which
NOBODY is predicting. The median Greenie prediction is about 4 degrees.
So where is the huge sea level rise going to come from? Mars? And
the North polar area is mostly sea ice and melting sea ice does not
raise the sea level at all. Yet Warmists constantly hail any sign of
Arctic melting. That the melting of floating ice does not raise the
water level is known as Archimedes' principle. Archimedes demonstrated
it around 2,500 years ago. That Warmists have not yet caught up with
that must be just about the most inspissated ignorance imaginable. The
whole Warmist scare defies the most basic physics. Yet at the opening
of 2011 we find the following unashamed lying by James Hansen:
"We will lose all the ice in the polar ice cap in a couple of
decades". Sadly, what the Vulgate says in John 1:5 is still only very
partially true: "Lux in tenebris lucet". There is still much darkness in the minds of men.
The repeated refusal of Warmist "scientists" to make their raw
data available to critics is such a breach of scientific protocol that
it amounts to a confession in itself. Note, for instance Phil Jones'
Feb 21, 2005 response to Warwick Hughes' request for his raw climate
data: "We have 25 years or so invested in the work. Why should I make
the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something
wrong with it?" Looking for things that might be wrong with a given
conclusion is of course central to science. But Warmism cannot survive
such scrutiny. So even after "Climategate", the secrecy goes on.
Most Greenie causes are at best distractions from real
environmental concerns (such as land degradation) and are more
motivated by a hatred of people than by any care for the environment
Global warming has taken the place of Communism as an absurdity
that "liberals" will defend to the death regardless of the evidence
showing its folly. Evidence never has mattered to real Leftists
‘Global warming’ has become the grand political narrative of
the age, replacing Marxism as a dominant force for controlling liberty
and human choices. -- Prof. P. Stott
Comparing climate alarmist Hansen to Cassandra is WRONG.
Cassandra's (Greek mythology) dire prophecies were never believed but
were always right. Hansen's dire prophecies are usually believed but are
always wrong (Prof. Laurence Gould, U of Hartford, CT)
The modern environmental movement arose out of the wreckage of
the New Left. They call themselves Green because they're too yellow to
admit they're really Reds. So Lenin's birthday was chosen to be the
date of Earth Day. Even a moderate politician like Al Gore has been
clear as to what is needed. In "Earth in the Balance", he wrote that
saving the planet would require a "wrenching transformation of
For centuries there was a scientific consensus which said that
fire was explained by the release of an invisible element called
phlogiston. That theory is universally ridiculed today. Global warming
is the new phlogiston. Though, now that we know how deliberate the
hoax has been, it might be more accurate to call global warming the New Piltdown Man. The Piltdown hoax took 40 years to unwind. I wonder....
Motives: Many people would like to be kind to others so
Leftists exploit that with their nonsense about equality. Most people
want a clean, green environment so Greenies exploit that by inventing
all sorts of far-fetched threats to the environment. But for both, the
real motive is generally to promote themselves as wiser and better
than everyone else, truth regardless.
Policies: The only underlying theme that makes sense of all
Greenie policies is hatred of people. Hatred of other people has been a
Greenie theme from way back. In a report titled "The First Global
Revolution" (1991, p. 104) published by the "Club of Rome", a Greenie
panic outfit, we find the following statement: "In searching for a
new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the
threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit
the bill.... All these dangers are caused by human intervention... The
real enemy, then, is humanity itself." See here for many more examples of prominent Greenies saying how much and how furiously they hate you.
After fighting a 70 year war to destroy red communism we face another
life-or-death struggle in the 21st century against green communism.
The conventional wisdom of the day is often spectacularly wrong. The
most popular and successful opera of all time is undoubtedly "Carmen" by
Georges Bizet. Yet it was much criticized when first performed and the
unfortunate Bizet died believing that it was a flop. Similarly, when
the most iconic piece of 20th century music was first performed in
1913-- Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring" -- half the audience walked out.
Those of us who defy the conventional wisdom about climate are actually
better off than that. Unlike Bizet and Stravinsky in 1913, we KNOW that
we will eventually be vindicated -- because all that supports Warmism
is a crumbling edifice of guesswork ("models").
Al Gore won a political prize for an alleged work of science. That rather speaks for itself, doesn't it?
Jim Hansen and his twin
Getting rich and famous through alarmism: Al Gore is well-known but note
also James Hansen. He has for decades been a senior, presumably
well-paid, employee at NASA. In 2001 he was the recipient of a $250,000 Heinz Award. In 2007 Time magazine designated him a Hero of the Environment. That same year he pocketed one-third of a $1 million Dan David Prize. In 2008, the American Association for the Advancement of Science presented him with its Scientific Freedom and Responsibility Award. In 2010 he landed a $100,000 Sophie Prize. He pulled in a total of $1.2 million in 2010. Not bad for a government bureaucrat.
See the original global Warmist in action here: "The icecaps are melting and all world is drowning to wash away the sin"
I am not a global warming skeptic nor am I a global warming
denier. I am a global warming atheist. I don't believe one bit of it.
That the earth's climate changes is undeniable. Only ignoramuses
believe that climate stability is normal. But I see NO evidence to say
that mankind has had anything to do with any of the changes observed --
and much evidence against that claim.
Seeing that we are all made of carbon, the time will come when
people will look back on the carbon phobia of the early 21st century as
too incredible to be believed
Meanwhile, however, let me venture a tentative prophecy.
Prophecies are almost always wrong but here goes: Given the common
hatred of carbon (Warmists) and salt (Food freaks) and given the fact
that we are all made of carbon, salt, water and calcium (with a few
additives), I am going to prophecy that at some time in the future a
hatred of nitrogen will emerge. Why? Because most of the air that we
breathe is nitrogen. We live at the bottom of a nitrogen sea. Logical
to hate nitrogen? NO. But probable: Maybe. The Green/Left is mad
enough. After all, nitrogen is a CHEMICAL -- and we can't have that!
UPDATE to the above: It seems that I am a true prophet
The intellectual Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-180)
must have foreseen Global Warmism. He said: "The object in life is not
to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the
ranks of the insane."
The Holy Grail for most scientists is not truth but research
grants. And the global warming scare has produced a huge downpour of
money for research. Any mystery why so many scientists claim some
belief in global warming?
For many people, global warming seems to have taken the place of
"The Jews" -- a convenient but false explanation for any disliked
event. Prof. Brignell has some examples.
Global warming skeptics are real party-poopers. It's so wonderful to believe that you have a mission to save the world.
There is an "ascetic instinct" (or perhaps a "survivalist
instinct") in many people that causes them to delight in going without
material comforts. Monasteries and nunneries were once full of such
people -- with the Byzantine stylites perhaps the most striking example.
Many Greenies (other than Al Gore and his Hollywood pals) have that
instinct too but in the absence of strong orthodox religious
committments they have to convince themselves that the world NEEDS them
to live in an ascetic way. So their personal emotional needs lead them
to press on us all a delusional belief that the planet needs "saving".
The claim that oil is a fossil fuel is another great myth and
folly of the age. They are now finding oil at around seven MILES
beneath the sea bed -- which is incomparably further down than any
known fossil. The abiotic oil theory is not as yet well enough
developed to generate useful predictions but that is also true of fossil
fuel theory
Help keep the planet Green! Maximize your CO2 and CH4 output!
Global Warming=More Life; Global Cooling=More Death.
The inconvenient truth about biological effects of "Ocean Acidification"
Medieval Warm Period: Recent climatological data assembled from around
the world using different proxies attest to the presence of both the MWP
and the LIA in the following locations: the Sargasso Sea, West Africa,
Kenya, Peru, Japan, Tasmania, South Africa, Idaho, Argentina, and
California. These events were clearly world-wide and in most locations
the peak temperatures during the MWP were higher than current
Both radioactive and stable carbon isotopes show that the real
atmospheric CO2 residence time (lifetime) is only about 5 years, and
that the amount of fossil-fuel CO2 in the atmosphere is maximum 4%.
Cook the crook who cooks the books
The great and fraudulent scare about lead
Green/Left denial of the facts explained: "Rejection lies in this,
that when the light came into the world men preferred darkness to light;
preferred it, because their doings were evil. Anyone who acts
shamefully hates the light, will not come into the light, for fear that
his doings will be found out. Whereas the man whose life is true comes
to the light" John 3:19-21 (Knox)
Against the long history of huge temperature variation in the
earth's climate (ice ages etc.), the .6 of one degree average rise
reported by the U.N. "experts" for the entire 20th century (a rise so
small that you would not be able to detect such a difference personally
without instruments) shows, if anything, that the 20th century was a
time of exceptional temperature stability.
Recent NASA figures
tell us that there was NO warming trend in the USA during the 20th
century. If global warming is occurring, how come it forgot the USA?
Warmists say that the revised NASA figures do not matter because
they cover only the USA -- and the rest of the world is warming nicely.
But it is not. There has NEVER been any evidence that the Southern
hemisphere is warming. See here. So the warming pattern sure is looking moth-eaten.
The latest scare is the possible effect of extra CO2 on the
world’s oceans, because more CO2 lowers the pH of seawater. While it is
claimed that this makes the water more acidic, this is misleading. Since
seawater has a pH around 8.1, it will take an awful lot of CO2 it to
even make the water neutral (pH=7), let alone acidic (pH less than 7).
In fact, ocean acidification is a scientific impossibility.
Henry's Law mandates that warming oceans will outgas CO2 to the
atmosphere (as the UN's own documents predict it will), making the
oceans less acid. Also, more CO2 would increase calcification rates. No
comprehensive, reliable measurement of worldwide oceanic acid/base
balance has ever been carried out: therefore, there is no observational
basis for the computer models' guess that acidification of 0.1 pH units
has occurred in recent decades.
The chaos theory people have told us for years that the air
movement from a single butterfly's wing in Brazil can cause an
unforeseen change in our weather here. Now we are told that climate
experts can "model" the input of zillions of such incalculable variables
over periods of decades to accurately forecast global warming 50 years
hence. Give us all a break!
you doubt the arrogance [of the global warming crowd, you haven't seen
that Newsweek cover story that declared the global warming debate over.
Consider: If Newton's laws of motion could, after 200 years of unfailing
experimental and experiential confirmation, be overthrown, it requires
religious fervor to believe that global warming -- infinitely more
untested, complex and speculative -- is a closed issue
Scientists have politics too -- sometimes extreme politics. Read this: "This
crippling of individuals I consider the worst evil of capitalism... I
am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils,
namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by
an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In
such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and
are utilized in a planned fashion. A planned economy, which adjusts
production to the needs of the community, would distribute the work to
be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to
every man, woman, and child." -- Albert Einstein
The "precautionary principle" is a favourite Greenie idea -- but
isn't that what George Bush was doing when he invaded Iraq? Wasn't
that a precaution against Saddam getting or having any WMDs? So Greenies all agree with the Iraq intervention? If not, why not?
A classic example of how the sensationalist media distort science to create climate panic is here.
There is a very readable summary of the "Hockey Stick" fraud here
The Lockwood & Froehlich paper
was designed to rebut Durkin's "Great Global Warming Swindle" film.
It is a rather confused paper -- acknowledging yet failing to account
fully for the damping effect of the oceans, for instance -- but it is
nonetheless valuable to climate atheists. The concession from a
Greenie source that fluctuations in the output of the sun have driven
climate change for all but the last 20 years (See the first sentence of
the paper) really is invaluable. And the basic fact presented in the
paper -- that solar output has in general been on the downturn in
recent years -- is also amusing to see. Surely even a crazed Greenie
mind must see that the sun's influence has not stopped and that
reduced solar output will soon start COOLING the earth! Unprecedented
July 2007 cold weather throughout the Southern hemisphere might even
have been the first sign that the cooling is happening. And the fact
that warming plateaued in 1998 is also a good sign that we are moving
into a cooling phase. As is so often the case, the Greenies have got
the danger exactly backwards. See my post of 7.14.07 and very detailed critiques here and here and here for more on the Lockwood paper and its weaknesses.
As the Greenies are now learning, even strong statistical correlations may disappear if a longer time series is used. A remarkable example from Sociology: "The
modern literature on hate crimes began with a remarkable 1933 book by
Arthur Raper titled The Tragedy of Lynching. Raper assembled data on the
number of lynchings each year in the South and on the price of an
acre’s yield of cotton. He calculated the correlation coefficient
between the two series at –0.532. In other words, when the economy was
doing well, the number of lynchings was lower.... In 2001, Donald Green,
Laurence McFalls, and Jennifer Smith published a paper that demolished
the alleged connection between economic conditions and lynchings in
Raper’s data. Raper had the misfortune of stopping his analysis in
1929. After the Great Depression hit, the price of cotton plummeted and
economic conditions deteriorated, yet lynchings continued to fall. The
correlation disappeared altogether when more years of data were added."
So we must be sure to base our conclusions on ALL the data. In the
Greenie case, the correlation between CO2 rise and global temperature
rise stopped in 1998 -- but that could have been foreseen if
measurements taken in the first half of the 20th century had been
Relying on the popular wisdom can even hurt you personally: "The scientific consensus of a quarter-century ago turned into the arthritic nightmare of today."
Greenie-approved sources of electricity (windmills and solar
cells) require heavy government subsidies to be competitive with normal
electricity generators so a Dutch word for Greenie power seems graphic
to me: "subsidieslurpers" (subsidy gobblers)
Many newspaper articles are reproduced in full on this blog despite
copyright claims attached to them. I believe that such reproductions
here are protected by the "fair use" provisions of copyright law. Fair
use is a legal doctrine that recognises that the monopoly rights
protected by copyright laws are not absolute. The doctrine holds that,
when someone uses a creative work in way that does not hurt the market
for the original work and advances a public purpose - such as education
or scholarship - it might be considered "fair" and not infringing.
"Tongue Tied"
"Dissecting Leftism" (Backup here)
"Australian Politics"
"Education Watch International"
"Political Correctness Watch"
"Greenie Watch"
Western Heart
"Marx & Engels in their own words"
"A scripture blog"
"Some memoirs"
To be continued ....
Coral Reef Compendium.
IQ Compendium
Queensland Police
Australian Police News
Paralipomena (3)
Of Interest
Dagmar Schellenberger
My alternative Wikipedia
"Food & Health Skeptic"
"Eye on Britain"
"Immigration Watch International".
"Leftists as Elitists"
Socialized Medicine
QANTAS -- A dying octopus
BRIAN LEITER (Ladderman)
Obama Watch
Obama Watch (2)
Dissecting Leftism -- Large font site
Michael Darby
Paralipomena (2)
AGL -- A bumbling monster
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Optus bungling
Bank of Queensland blues
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Pictorial Home Page.
Selected pictures from blogs
Another picture page (Best with broadband. Rarely updated)
Note: If the link to one of my articles is not working, the
article concerned can generally be viewed by prefixing to the filename
the following: