SOME MEMOIRS -- by John Ray
Some occasional personal notes from a quiet life... |
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Old folk at lunch
As Oscar Wilde may have said: "Life is too important to be taken seriously". But the Hagakure had the idea too: "Matters of great concern should be treated lightly"
28 December, 2018
"Firm but Fair"
Being Firm but Fair is often recommended as the best way of handling conflict situations and a rather amusing example of that working well arose in my life recently.
Around 5 years ago a certain businessman had his business licence taken off him because he was an exceptionally bad driver, much given to speeding. Most of us have had speeding tickets etc so we probably see minor traffic offences as forgiveable -- so a lot of people would have thought that the punishment was a bit excessive. One of the journalists for News Corp. appears to have thought so too so he wrote it up as a news report.
The businessman protested that the government had treated him unfairly and a report of his protests also appeared shortly thereafter in which he defended his driving
I thought the initial report was interesting too so reproduced it on one of my blogs at the time. I did not bother with the follow-up article however. And there the matter rested until this December -- when I got a very aggressive email from the businessman concerned demanding that I delete my online copy of the initial report as he had already got the newspaper to delete their report. It was quite a threatening and unpleasant letter.
A wiser person might have begun his email in a classically polite English way as something like this:
"Apologies for bothering you but I wonder if you would mind ..."
Given my largely English culture I would of course respond well to something like that. I do normally respond favourably to any requests about my blog posts.
Anyway, there are various ways to respond to threats and some are more devious than others. So I did exactly as he asked and deleted my copy of the original article. I went further however. I replaced it with the article in which he defended himself -- an article which of course repeated all the original criticisms! That article was still online at its original source so there was nothing he could say about that -- and he didn't
I was still not finished with him, however, so I put up a recent (December) article on the matter which included the original government report about him. That was still online too if you were good at digging into government reports
He was of course upset and apologized for his earlier rough approach to me. In English/Australian culture apologies are a big deal so in response to his apology I deleted my recent article. I think I was firm but fair.
And guess what? He and I now seem to be pretty matey. "Firm but fair" works well. It would be too much to say that I have converted an enemy into a friend but the change is in that direction.
26 December, 2018
A good Christmas and a bad Boxing Day
Jenny hosted a few of us at her place for Christmas, Joe, Kate, myself and Nanna. We started at 12 noon and in her usual way Jenny did us proud with all sorts of good things to eat. Ham and a chook were the main features plus all sorts of veggies and additives. I brought along a bottle of Seaview champagne and Joe and Kate did their bit by coming over early to help set things up.
We had it in Nanna's apartment because Nanna was not up to getting up the stairs after her recent two heart attacks. It was the highlight of the occasion to see her still in reasonable form at 94. The two people present who had Nannas's genes in them must have been much encouraged by that.
We started off by opening presents under the Christmas tree. Kate got lots of things to do with cats and I got booze -- both of which reflected certain realities.
Sadly, I wasn't feeling very bright so could not do justice to the food. But the brain was still working so I was able to inject a number of different topics into the dinner table conversation. One that was of great interest to Kate and Joe was the place in history of Jon Burge, a notorious Chicago police chief recently deceased. Joe was rightly horrified and outraged at what Burge had done but I suggested some ameliorating circumstances. I am putting up an expanded version of that discussion on Thursday (27th.) on Dissecting Leftism
The trifle -- one of my favourite desserts
So after a few hours I went home for a nap and Anne arrived a bit before 6pm after having spent most of the day with her sons. We were of course not up to having much to eat for dinner after a big lunch so we had our Sunday evening dinner in the form of leftover ham with mustard on sandwiches.
I got Anne for Christmas a number of things that I hoped would be useful, chief of which was a silver gravy boat by Rodd, big-time Australian silversmiths since the '30s. I believe some of their stuff ranks as collectibles these days. One of the things Anne got me was a cocktail shaker. I make her a Martini occasionally but have always stirred the mix rather than shaking it.
And that night the family nearly lost me. At around midnight I began making multiple trips to the toilet. And the trips were all ones where I passed lots of blood. After 7 such trips I had to consider that I might be a goner. My good natural clotting ability cut in at that point however and the bleeding from my bowel stopped. But for that clotting ability I might not be here to write this.
As soon as the bleeding seemed to have stopped, therefore, I got Anne to drive me in to my usual private hospital -- where I was very promptly seen to. I have a history of diverticulitis -- so severe diverticulitis was the provisional diagnosis -- later confirmed by a scan. Getting a CAT scan at 2am in the morning of Boxing Day was pretty good going but that is the sort of service we get from at least some Brisbane private hospitals. And thanks to my health insurance, it will not cost me a cent.
So I was admitted to the hospital for the rest of the morning without incident and was seen by a gastroenterologist about lunch time -- who discharged me. My body had basically done the job of curing the problem and all the hospital had to do was diagnose and watch over me until I was sure I was in the clear. Had the bleeding resumed, they would have had to operate. So that was a very bad Boxing Day.
I got some pics from the twins in NZ however and they clearly had a much less troubled time. One of the presents I bought the kids (via Von) was a Garden Tennis set, which was apparently a great hit with the kids. Pic below.
11 December, 2018
Why a great Protestant hymn breaks my heart
I don't know if I will be able to convey what is after all a feeling but I cannot listen to the original version of the great Lutheran hymn "Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott" (A mighty fortress is our God) without being upset.
The hymn is now best known in the marvellous setting by J.S. Bach -- a supreme work of musical art -- so we usually overlook the original hymn. Both the original work and the Bach setting are works expressing Christian triumph over evil and adversity but in the original version you get a feeling for what Christians of hundreds of years ago had to triumph over.
The world they lived in was full of tragedy, hardship and disaster and they attributed it all to demons and the Devil himself. To them the Devil was real and powerful and present in their lives. They saw his cruel deeds all about them on a daily basis -- in sickness and death and disaster. There are few things, if any, more upsetting than the death of a child but they had to endure such deaths often.
So what the hymn conveys to me is both how awful their lives were and how their Christian faith gave them the heart to power on. Their faith was their only rock, their only comfort. They had no power to combat the evils around them. It cuts me up that they had so little power over their lives when we have so much. Their survival truly is a wonder.
But I have said as much as I can. Just listen to the starkly simple words of a very simple hymn and feel for those poor people.
As students of foreign languages always tell you, you cannot adequately translate a poem and that is certainly so here. The song is even more powerful in the original German: Simple punchy words
The words: "Gut, Ehr, Kind und Weib: lass fahren dahin" are not well translated above. They say that your possessions, your honour, your child and your wife can all be lost but the Devil still has not triumphed. What tragedies they had to expect!
And now listen to the wonderful things Bach did with that ultra-simple hymn:
Bach had joy in the Christian triumph over the Devil
Footnote: The opening image in the first video above depicts Luther nailing his 95 theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle church. In the background is the Wartburg castle where Luther hid from his imperial pursuers
9 December, 2018
I should not be writing about this topic at all. As an Australian, I don't have the fine-tuned perception of accents that Brits do. They can tell all sorts of things about a person from their accent -- and just about none of it is good.
There is only one accent that is prestigious in Britain: RP -- the accent of the upper and upper middle class in the home counties -- also the accent of the "public" (private) schools. It is the primary indicator of your social class position. People with that accent are the establisment -- and all Brits know it
Broadly, there are only two Australian accents -- educated and broad. And neither of them opens or closes doors. You can do well with either -- though an educated accent is by far most common among the movers and shakers of Australian society.
We even had a very popular Prime Minister -- Bob Hawke -- who changed his accent from educated to broad during his entire time in office. To some amusement he changed back to his native accent as soon as he lost office. Can you imagine present British PM Theresa May adopting a Cockney accent? It is literally unimaginable.
In Australia, all British accents are perceived as British but none of them are perceived as of higher or lower status. We just don't get or value the class distinctions that they index. You can speak Cockney or RP and you will be treated just the same in Australia.
I presume that my accent was originally broad but many years in the educational system have left me with an educated accent. And an educated Australian accent is remarkably close to RP. So when I spent a Sabbatical year in Britain in 1977, I found myself in unexpected "Good" company. I had a degree of social acceptance that most Brits would envy. I was routinely told that my accent was "soft" -- meaning that although I was not one of the top people, I was close enough
All that came back to me recently when I was talking to a distinguished member of Australia's armed forces. He was British born but some years ago had transferred from a British unit to an Australian one. And his career has taken off after the switch. He was a native of one of Britain's regions so was not a native speaker of RP. He had of course -- like all people of ambition in Britain -- modified his accent in the direction of RP but his original accent was still detectable. And if I could detect that 100% of Brits would be able to. So I hypothesize that his move to Australia was a wise one. His accent would have held his career back if he had remained in Britain
So despite my very limited awareness of British accents, I was brought up short by something he said in a recent conversation with me. He pronounced the word "master" as "masster", where I speak it as "marster". I literally did not understand him for a while. We had the situation where I was using and expecting a near-RP pronunciation where he was using a regional accent. A strange thing to happen in Australia. And except for my observer's interest in accents I would not have realized what was going on. Like just about all Australians I deplore Britain's class distinctions but they are an influential reality. We do well not to have them here.
So a Brit migrating to Australia can cast off the burden of an unprestigious accent. As long as he can be understood (not always guaranteed) he will be treated like any other person.
But not all Brits want to be liberated from their background. I know a very well-presented lady from England's North who has been in Australia for a long time. She apparently speaks prestigious versions of two European languages -- but is still detectably "Northern" in English speech. And she recently expressed to me contempt for the "posh" people of the South. The British class system runs deep.
But a truly sorry tale is what happens when a Scot moves to London -- as many do for the greater opportunities there.
A Scottish accent in London is greeted as completely hilarious so to get by at all in London a Scot has to change his accent. And many do produce a passable version of RP. But the Scots are very proud of all things Scottish so when a Scot living in London goes home he risks great contempt and contumely if any hint of his London accent creeps into his speech. It cannot be easy
8 December, 2018
Musical discoveries
In idle moments I prowl the net looking for bits of musical entertainment. And in doing so, I occasionally come across performers who are new to me. And some of them are very good. Walter Berry's rendition of the great Mache dich mein Herze rein from Bach's Matthew Passion is absolutely the best I have heard. His bass baritone voice is as good as you get.
The Bach song is very devout. Rough translation:
Make thyself pure, my heart,
I will myself entomb Jesus.
For he shall henceforth be in me
For ever and ever
Take his sweet rest.
World, begone, let Jesus in!
Another recent discovery is Stepan Hauser, from Croatia. He seems to have single-handedly revived interest in the cello as a solo instrument. The great power of the cello is very engrossing and emotionally moving so it deserves more prominence. The great champion of the cello for a time was Jacqueline du Pré but, sadly, she is now long gone -- so it is good to see a successor emerging
And it was in a duet with Hauser that I discovered American violinist Caroline Campbell. One expects lady violinists to look rather dowdy but Campbell in the opposite. She is a real glamor girl -- who also happens to be mistress of the violin while also being a most expressive interpreter of what she plays. Watching her play is very easy on the eye.
Below are some more videos, first a popular duet between Hauser and Campbell. They play the popular song "Return to Sorrento", which just about everyone should be able to get with
"Torna a Surriento" is a Neapolitan song composed in 1902 by Italian musician Ernesto De Curtis to words by his brother, the poet and painter Giambattista De Curtis.
English translation ("Come Back to Sorrento")
Look at the sea, how beautiful it is,
it inspires so many emotions,
like you do with the people you look at,
who you make to dream while they are still awake.
Look at this garden
and the scent of these oranges,
such a fine perfume,
it goes straight into your heart,
And you say: "I am leaving, goodbye."
You go away from this heart of mine,
away from this land of love,
And you have the heart not to come back.
But do not go away,
do not give me this pain.
Come back to Surriento,
let me live!
Then there is a duet in which Hauser and Campbell do a Hungarian Csardas -- which starts out slow and ends very fast. They both handle even the fastest notes effortlessly and with great panache.
I think this performance might be my favourite classical music performance. Both players really live the music and in addition to the lady being both an excellent artist and a good humoured person she is such a dish. We men are allowed to admire the female form. The human race would rapidly grind to a halt if we did not.
The venue for the performance appears to be the Arena Pula in Croatia, the best preserved Roman amphitheatre
There are some good pictures of Campbell in a variety of settings here
And just to show that Hauser takes his cello everywhere:
Note those heels! Lola Astanova is an Uzbek from Tashkent and when you are an Uzbek, you need a gimmick to get attention. She has succeeded. And she is a genuinely gifted pianist as well
5 December, 2018
Kaimak, a discovery
When I lived in Sydney, I would usually have Yugoslav food about once a week. I would usually order pola pola -- half Raznici and half Cevapcici. The Cevapcici -- a type of meatball -- were particularly good. So I was dismayed when I came to Brisbane and found NO Yugoslav restaurants.
But you can occasionally buy from a continental smallgoods shop or Woolworths trays of cevapi -- skinless sausages -- which you can cook up yourself. Cevapi and Cevapcici see to be just different shapes of the same thing. So all was well. I could cook up my own Cevapi, and I do.
But all was not quite well. With cevaps you always have Kaimak, a type of sour cream. And ordinary sour cream is NOT as good as Kaimak. A cevap meal is always good and tasty but it is not the same without Kaimak. And there seemed to be no solution to that. So I just had to do without Kaimak
But Lo! I have disovered a product that is very much like Kaimak. And it will certainly do me in lieu of Kaimak. It is a product of Bulla, a private Victorian dairy company. It is called "Spreadable Feta with Greek style garlic and herbs". It comes in small tubs and also makes a nice dip with cracker biscuits. Woolworths have it.
Let me be clear (as 0bama used to say when he wasn't) I DON'T think the Bulla product is as good as Kaimak but I think it is the best substitute for those of us living in the benighted depths of the Anglosphere
3 December, 2018
Memories of a young person
When he was one he devised big toe power to drive his ride-on toy on the polished boards of the verandah at Gordonvale. It was the only part of him that would reach.
When he was a few months older he insisted on correct daily ritual -- a morning outing between 9am and 10am. It was our custom but if we were a bit slow he would complain. He liked his outing.
One one of those outings he saw a small novelty plastic Big Mac in a supermarket. He pointed to it and said "Gamisch" -- which was as near to "sandwich" as he could get. He categorized it observantly
When we came home from the outing, he could only crawl but was confident that he could crawl up the long flight of steps to the backdoor of our house. We let him go part way but baby knees on dressed hardwood could have suffered. But he was Mr Independence so always objected when we picked him up and carried him up those steps
His pronunciation developed slowly so at age 2 he used to sing in his beautiful little silvery voice "Twinkle twinkle little car". He disliked me singing as I drove, however, so used to shout at me "Don't ding a dong"
In Brisbane he was fascinated by the ritual of opening and closing the gate when we got home from an outing. He recognized a ritual again so if we were slow to close the gate he would point and order, "Close the Glate". He went missing on one occasion and was found nearby in someone else's yard trying to close their "Glate"
At a party George used some sauce from a bottle but did not replace the lid. The little 18 months old enforcer of correct ritual pointed to it and said several times "lid on".
At about that time he used to call Ken "Daddy" -- because all the other kids did. Ken loved it and used to refer to him as "My sixth child" with a big smile. Maureen, however hated it. I just thought it was understandable and did not interfere. I think it was Suz who eventually explained it all to him.
On one occasion he was sitting on the floor trying to get his own knickers on -- not an easy task. It was then that he uttered his first full and correct sentence. He said: "Don't help". So his independent nature came out in his very first sentence
When at home I would usually just wear shorts. So when I was going to go out, he would again detect a ritual. As soon as I started putting a shirt on he would point to my hat -- the next thing I would do. As soon as I picked up my hat he would point to where I kept my keys, thus completing the ritual.
Once when he was 3, he came storming into the loungeroom, threw himself down on the sofa and raged "I can't always win". He had been used to educational games which require only patience and had just tried a commercial "Shoot-em-up" and lost. His tears lasted only 10 minutes, however. One of the girls showed him how to get "unlimery" (unlimited) lives. He has been playing games ever since
Also when he was 3 I tried to correct his pronunciation. I said: "It's not "nake". It's "snake". He was unimpressed. He replied "naker, naker, naker".
1 December, 2018
Talking to Suz.
Jenny had arranged some time ago to put on a small dinner in which I would have a chance for a good chat with Suz -- and so it was on Friday. I had got over the worst of my cold but was still obviously affected. So I just sat in a corner while Suz was seated nearby and we caught up. I was keen to hear of her life in a sub-arctic place. She has a great capacity for love and happiness, however, so nothing seemed to be bothering her.
I was however aware of what a rough time she had had in her teens so knew that her happiness could not be taken for granted. Fortunately a man who really appreciated her came along and gave us back the happy person we had always known. We all owe a great debt to Russ.
The evening was complicated by the fact that Nanna had had a heart attack just days ago. So Jenny was spending most of her time at the hospital. She therefore had no energy to cook so made the dinner a pizza and champagne night, which I shouted. But the pizza -- from Pizza Capers -- was excellent and varied so we all ate well.
Nanna is apparently on the mend so Jeff came down to make changes to her bathroom needed for her reduced capacities. It was good to see him. He has now got a funny hat.
It was great to see the children. Sahara has developed into quite a pretty girl and Dusty is looking good too. Both were full of beans and laughter. They have inherited their mother's nature. I was impressed that Sahara really likes her maths lessons. That is a bit of a rarity for a girl but it is early yet to make much of it. She is in 4th grade. She is still a very girly girl and firm that she is a princess. Since she has the looks to go with that she may well go further with that than with maths. The great thing with both kids, however, is that both seemed to be brimming over with good health and vitality.
Anyway, I did get to have a good chat with Suz, which was the aim.
When we got home Anne made me a nice cup of tea, which went down well in my woggy condition. I then introduced her to my sub-woofer, trying it out with Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor, a work using a lot of bass. It performed faultlessly, to the pleasure of both of us. Below is the work concerned.
The organist is the late Hannes Kästner on the great cathedral organ of St. Steven at Passau in Bavaria. The German lands are truly the lands of music.
29 November, 2018
A cold and a sub-woofer
I arrived back from the wedding on Sunday afternoon in good health. By nightfall, however, I was a bit sniffly and on Monday I had a very runny nose and most of the symptoms of a cold. I applied my stock of medicines to it but by Tuesday I was so congested that I had lost my voice.
Anne is however having her kitchen revamped this week and Tuesday is an evening we usually dine together so I felt obliged to cook the dinner that day. It wasn't difficult. I tipped 500g of beef mince into my crockpot followed by a bottle of Taylor's readymade curry sauce -- and 3 hours later we sat down to a very good curry -- albeit a silent one on my part
During the day, however, I had been looking for something among my great stores of "stuff" and had came across something I had forgotten that I owned: A sound-system for a computer featuring a "sub woofer". The normal sound systems you get for a computer these days are very good but tend to be a bit weak in the bass. Woofers cure that.
Next day I was feeling a fair bit better and decided to use my woofer. That meant disentangling my existing speakers from all the cables that infest the back of a computer but I sat down and did it. But then I found that my woofer system lacked the cable to connect it to the computer. I had a pretty good idea of what the cable was, however, so got my son to pick one up from Jaycar. He did and it worked! So I now have Hi Fi music from my computer
So when I went to bed that night I put on the whole of Bach's Passio secundum Matthaeum. They were much more comfortable with Latin in Bach's day so we call it the "Matthew Passion". So I was woofed to sleep.
25 November, 2019
The mystery of the vanishing neck
The real title of this post should be: "My son gets married". I tried to suggest to him that marriage is a bad idea but the fact that I have myself been married four times put me in a very weak position to argue that.
But his bride is a fine woman so my prophecy is that they will stay together -- unlikely though that is in the modern world. She is a woman of sterling character and my son admires that in her even though they have different musical tastes and she tends towards the political Left. She is quite open to reason however so that is the main thing. She is a friendly and sociable person so that helps a lot too. She and my son met when he approached her in a university cafeteria while she was eating a banana! One imagines he thought she did it well!
She has a first degree in psychology and expects to enter a higher degree soon. Her most amazing exploit has been to get a job in psychology. She wrote around 200 applications before she got that job so that showed dogged determination. Only a minority of psychology graduates ever get a job in it.
The wedding was on Saturday at her parents' property South of Canberra. Anne and I flew into Canberra on a Friday Tiger Air flight as I liked their departure times around midday. We flew on a crowded A320 is an all-economy configuration. And the Tiger Air configuration is what one might call a Japanese configuration -- only comfortable for very short people. I had noticed however that they have some "bulkhead" seats that offer more legroom so booked them.
When I arrived however I was booted out of those seats and given seats where my knees were against the seat in front. One of my knees is a bit gammy so I was pretty annoyed about that. Nobody had told me that bulkhead seats were for the young and fit and I am undoubtedly decrepit. People in bulkhead seats on Tiger have to be able to help other passengers escape during any emergency. Had I known of that restriction, I would have flown on another airline that had more varied options.
Anyhow the flight from Brisbane to Canberra was only 100 minutes so I survived in a very grumpy mood.
We were picked up at the airport by the mother of the bride, which was very kind of her as she lives quite a long way out of town. Accommodation had been arranged for us at a place I had never heard of -- a satellite city to Canberra called Tuggeranong. It was about a 20 minute drive South of Canberra. We stayed at an apartment hotel there, which was very high quality.
We arrived at the hotel a bit after lunchtime seeking a late lunch as we had shied away from Tiger food. Most places seemed to have gone into siesta mode by that time however but good old Coffee Club was open and we both ordered the unusual "Bacon & Avo Flat Grill" there, which was surprisingly good and served promptly. Coffee Clubs are all franchises, however, so other outlets will be different.
Our Friday night stay was comfortable assisted by some TV and some gin. We had twin beds as Anne and I have different sleeping times.
We didn't stray far on Saturday morning -- wedding day -- as we were due to be picked up at 11 by a kindly local couple. So we again hit the Coffee Club and were lucky to get a seat. An elderly couple got up from their seat especially to give it to us. We both had the Big Breakfast menu option which was excellent. Neither of us got through it all
We arrived at the wedding venue rather early so had a good opportunity for chats. I was particularly pleased to have some chats with Von. She and I have always been pretty much on the same wavelength but I don't see her so much now she lives in the Shaky Isles. She looked after me in some ways on the wedding day as I don't get around very easily these days.
We all eventually ended up outdoors where the wedding was to be held. Von had kindly set up a seat for me under a tree as my skin cancer gives me a great aversion to direct sunlight. Ken arrived after a while and we ended up chatting a lot while we waited, which we often do.
The actual wedding was reasonably formal in that the celebrant had arranged some very romantic wedding vows, which the bride giggled at on one occasion -- possibly out of nervousness. Now here is an odd thing: I liked the bride's makeup! Brides often do great things with makeup but this was a modest affair as the bride has generally good skin and features anyway. So what this makeup did was to accentuate the bride's brilliant blue eyes.
I am definitely a fan of blue eyes. Before political correctness set in, Germans used to say that blue eyes are treu, and I think there is something in that, but mainly I just think blue eyes are beautiful -- like blue gems in a face. So I married four blue-eyed women. But all my family are blue-eyed so maybe I an entitled to that eccentricity. Some people close to me have brown eyes, I might add.
There was lots of photography going on -- many amateur efforts supplementing professional efforts. And that is when we come to the vanishing neck! Look at the photo below. Anne has a perfectly normal neck but I have no neck at all! Where has it gone? If anybody has a suggestion about where it might be, please let me know.
And my geriatric self with my youthful son
The happy couple
After the wedding came the dinner, which was varied and well done. It was held indoors with 50 diners so there was something of a roar of conversation -- which left both Anne and me out of it to some extent as we both suffer from old age hearing loss. I had Von sitting right next to me so I was able to converse with her. Suz was sitting opposite Von and was obviously in good and happy form -- the Suz we all knew from when she was growing up.
At one stage she did something characteristic of her loving heart. The dinner was a buffet but she was seated next to Ken when she brought her plate back to the table. Ken saw that she had bread as part of her dinner and asked where she found it. She told him and he went to get up and find it. Suz, however, immediately put her piece of bread on Ken's plate so he would not have to get up, which he didn't! What a good daughter she is to him!
I also managed to have a good chat to Simon, which I often do. He has just got a Masters degree in defence studies so we discussed his dissertation. It emerged that his thinking on self-interest versus morality led him to a conclusion of which one of Mr Trump's policies is an example. I announced a little loudly that Simon agrees with Mr Trump, which was potentially embarrassing to him -- but my sense of humour sometimes gets away from me. He took it in good part however. With a smile he said that he had been called many things in his life but that was the lowest yet. I suspect that he does see some virtue in Mr Trump. Mr Trump is an endless source of entertainment to me.
And after the dinner came the bridal dance. My son had heroically learnt how to do a version of it. It was not quite a Floral Dance but it fulfilled custom. It started to rain as the dance wound up so maybe that said something.
Anyway, another kind lady drove us home to our hotel and I was able to introduce Anne that night to Tanqueray gin plus Cascade tonic water. The water was a sophisticated one with a lot more than quinine in it so it enables a very good cold and fizzy highball. Anne is always suspicious of my food and drinking explorations but liked that one.
Next morning, Sunday, Tuggeranong was as silent as the grave but we found a Chinese cafe opening at 8am nearby called the Milligram. I had a Reuben sandwich and Anne had basic bacon and eggs. And both were good
There was a bus station right next to our hotel so we then got a bus into Canberra and another bus to the airport, The seating in the bus was again "Japanese". The flight home departed a bit late but was otherwise uneventful.
18 November, 2018
A visit from Paul
Paul arrived in Brisbane from Scotland a couple of weeks ago. He now has a business in Scotland but Brisbane is still home to him as he grew up here and still has friends and family here. With a bit of financial help from me he makes the long trek out here every year, bringing one of his three little children. This year he brought his 3 year old daughter Primrose.
He brought with him three bottles of "Silent Pool" gin plus some cans of a British tonic water called "Fever Tree", both of which are very dear here but top quality. Britain is the home of gin -- and tonic water (containing quinine) has been a very common additive to gin since colonial times, when it warded off malaria. Paul and I are both gin drinkers so it was good to get a new perspective on what is available.
I was most impressed by both the gin and the tonic water but was a bit unimpressed by their price here so I looked for alternatives that would deliver a similar taste in combination.
And I found one that worked for me anyway. Cascade Brewery is a brewery established in 1824 in South Hobart, Tasmania and is the oldest continually operating brewery in Australia. As well as beer, the site also produces a range of non-alcoholic products. And their tonic water is a sophisticated product, with much more in it than just quinine. So I paired that with my usual Tanqueray gin and found that the combination was pretty much what I was after. The tonic came in small cans so a finger of gin plus a can of cold tonic made a very nice highball
Some of us had never met Primrose so that was eagerly awaited. And she did turn out to be quite a character. She is actually rather aggressive but I suspect that that is mostly because Paul is very indulgent with her. Jenny had little trouble reining her in and her mother no doubt does the same in Scotland. She climbs over Paul a lot so she clearly is a "Daddy's girl". Having had such a bond with her father will help her confidence throughout her life. She will always know that she can be loved.
Breakfasting with Primrose
At the end of the day (to be rather cliched) I suspect that Primrose is born aggressive. Personality generally is mostly inherited. So it looks like she got most of her personality off Paul, not her ladylike mother. Paul is very assertive. I am too, which Paul has always related well to. Paul has channeled his assertiveness into productive ways so Primrose in adulthood should do the same.
Paul had an active schedule of visits while he was here but he and I managed to fit in two or three breakfasts together and I also got to see him at the various family activities arranged for him, including some of Jenny's excellent dinners. He had a big private chat with Joe on one occasion which reflected how highly they think of one-another. Joe does not say much when he is part of a group. I used to be like that and I still can be sometimes.
Paul and I had one breakfast together without Primrose present when we got to cover a lot of issues, both family and political. Unlike his usual style, Paul mostly listened when I offered my observations and explanations. Paul always listens to me and we have always talked a lot.
Von arrived a couple of days before Paul left as she wanted to meet Primrose. Jenny had on a big chicken dinner for her arrival and I was pleased when Von swept into the room looking gorgeous all in black and gave me a big hug. Von and I have never chatted a lot but have always liked being around one-another, sometimes quite silently. She knows that I understand her and I know that she knows.
The last actual function of Paul's stay was a BBQ at Ken's place on Saturday. Ken doesn't do much hospitality that I know of these days but his eldest son was an obvious exception. Timmy was there too with his attractive fiancee so I took the opportunity to tell funny stories about what Timmy said and did when he was little: Including the famous "two cents for blood" stories. He was a great little kid in the day. Fortunately he is good humored so I don't think my stories bothered him. It may have helped his fiancee to understand him better, however.
Paul's flight out was tonight so a few of us went over to Jenny's place to take one last opportunity to talk with him and see Primrose. Jenny made us some excellent ham sandwiches for lunch. Joe, Kate and Von were there. Over lunch we spent a lot of time talking about old times, when we were all a lot younger.
I gave Paul a very small going away present: A can of "Cascade" tonic water. He might be able to get it in Britain. Australian beers are very widely available there.
4 November, 2018
I get a dagger and a sword
We had tonight one of the dinners for male friends and family that I put on about 3 times a year. I cook for the dinners concerned so a certain bravery is required to attend. I usually cook some form of mince and tonight I made chili con carne, which generally works well with help of certain sachets
As usual I got Graham up from Victoria for the dinner and it was mainly my doing that I was able to get Paul along too. Present were Paul, Graham, Joe and myself.
It was a great evening with lots of well-informed comments about American politics. Mr Trump was the center of attention, of course and we wondered about how iconoclastic he is.
Joe had given me a bottle of a single malt -- Laphroiag -- for my birthday so I decided to give everyone a "wee dram", using my collection of port glasses. And Graham had brought with him some Irish beer. So we were able to honour the Scottish custom of whisky with a beer chaser. Graham was particularly impressed by the Laphroaig
But the highlight of the evening for me was my acquisition of a sword and a dagger. The Sword was a 1909 British cavalry sword in amazingly original condition, including the leather straps. Graham bought it for a large sum at a militaria show at my request.
But the dagger was amazing too. I had owned for many years a rusty old dagger that had seen better days. Graham undertook to rehabilitate it last time he was here and brought it up with him tonight. It was a work of art. Graham is a very able craftsman. I think it is the best present I have ever been given. He made a new handle for it out of a deer antler and added brasswork. A picture below.
27 October, 2018
Molechex is one of many independent skin cancer clinics in Brisbane. If you knew the incidence of skin cancer in Queensland you would understand why. A lot of Queenslanders have Irish and Scottish ancestors and the effect of tropical and subtropical sun beaming down on fair Celtic skin is not a happy one.
One of Queensland's more eminent doctors -- also known as "Dr. Jazz" -- has opened two such clinics under the Molechex brand. One of them is a few minutes walk from where I normally do my shopping. So given my frequent skin cancer problems it was inevitable that I would walk in to that clinic one day.
I first walked in when I had an extremely aggressive cancer pop up on my forehead. It was rather painful and growing rapidly. In the circumstances I wanted it removed pronto. But both of the surgeons I would normally go to had significant waiting lists so it looked like I would have a 2 week wait. So I looked online at the appointments available at Molechex. The SCC (for such it was) was still quite small so I thought I might be able to get rid of it without full-scale surgery.
And I got an appointment there next day. And Dr Sandra there was a good communicator so got me to try a shave biopsy -- where she basically just scraped the cancer off my forehead, with cautery (diathermy) following.
Sandra Steele
It worked. The cancer vanished and I healed rapidly. The pathology report showed that the cancer was not fully excised -- which I expected in the circumstances -- but what the biopsy didn't kill the cautery probably did. So I was completely cured of that one.
And, like most such clinics, it is a bulk-biller, which means that the Federal government pays for everything. I didn't have to put my hand in my pocket at all. And I didn't even have to pay car-parking fees -- as the supermarket carpark next door is free. I have paid vast sums over the years in getting my cancers removed so that was a refreshing change.
And the financial benefits were not the only ones. Dr. Sandra has a vibrating device that she placed on my forehead that completely cancelled out the pain of getting a local anaesthetic injected. So my procedure was quick, successful, convenient, free and painless! Beat that!
Since then I have been back three more times to get little pimply things removed and, wonder of wonders, the pathology report came back in all cases as SCCs "completely excised". For such a simple and convenient procedure to attain complete excision is something of a wonder -- but the tumors concerned were very small so that would have been a factor.
8 October, 2018
Unexpected kindness
It is a very long time since I carried a wallet. I had one in my teens when a motorbike was my means of transport but it kept falling out of my back pocket when I rode so I thought that was a bad idea. I would lose not only my money but the various other items one carries in a wallet. So ever since I have simply kept my money loosely in a trouser pocket.
That was not a perfect solution either. In pulling money out of my pocket I would sometimes drop some. Mostly I noticed and picked it up and for the rest of the time, other people would kindly alert me to what happened and would even sometimes run after me to return it. I have always been rather surprised and pleased at how kind Australians usually are to one another. And I of course do what I can in that way too.
But I don't always get the money back so I am pretty alert about dropping it. I tend to look down at my feet before I leave any place where I have taken out money. But we all get a bit careless or distracted at times and I did drop about $200 in $50 notes recently.
It was at my favourite pie shop and I must have been a bit high at the prospect of eating one of their exceptional curry pies. They are Vietnamese there and they know all there is to know about baking. After buying my pie I hopped into my car parked close by and drove off without noticing that I had lost anything.
But the pieshop staff had noticed and were going to pick it up and hold it for me. I am a regular customer so that was reasonable. Before they could come around the counter, however, someone else picked it up and put it in his pocket. The staff said to him that the money was not his but he said "It is now" and walked off. The staff were not in a position to run after him and tackle him so the thief got away with it.
He would have seen that I am elderly so for all he knew he was ripping of a pensioner's money for the week -- which makes him a very low type. He is clearly one of the small percentage of the population who cause all the problems.
The manager told me all that when I came in to the shop next day for another pie -- and he seemed embarrassed by it. They gave me my pie free that day.
This morning, however, they told me that they felt so bad about the whole thing that they were going to give me my pies free for the next two weeks. I was inclined to refuse as I am not poor but that would have been churlish so I simply thanked them very much. They did not need to treat me so kindly but it is a credit to them that they did. If you are ever anywhere near Fortitude Valley in Brisbane, drop into the Central Brunswick Bakery and buy something. You will not regret it
5 October, 2018
Leftism is largely inborn. Is bureaucracy too?
All the twin studies how strong heritability for Left/Right political orientation. Leftists are born dissatisfied and conservatives are born contented. And Leftists love bureaucracy. They can hardly get enough of it. As V.I. Lenin remarked: "Account must be taken of every single article, every pound of grain, because what socialism implies above all is keeping account of everything". So is there also an inherited bureaucratic instinct? Something I encountered recently inclined me towards that belief.
A little background: I have a pinup on my bedroom wall. It is a picture of the Queen. No doubt many would say that I must be a poor thing to have the Queen as my pinup but it is a large and beautifully done portrait so I think it could be called a pinup.
And I am an unapologetic monarchist. I believe that a constitutional monarchy is the best form of government, Americans have to wait 4 years before they can get rid of an unpopular President but, in a monarchy on Westminster lines, parliament can boot out at will any Prime Minister who has lost popularity --which the Australian parliament has done rather a lot of in recent years. So it suits my views that I have a picture of Her Majesty and Prince Philip on my wall.
But I have acquired that picture only recently. There is an Australian tradition that Federal politicians can give out free pictures of Her Majesty to their constituents. So I wrote to my local Federal MP, Terri Butler, member for Griffith, and requested one. She represents the Labor Party so I was slightly surprised that she wrote back to me and agreed. I had to pick the picture up from her electorate office but that was not far away from me so off I went.
When I arrived and rang the bell a large sandy-hired young man appeared. When I made my request he said; "We haven't received any correspondence about this". I said, "I wrote to Parliament house". He said "Did you get a letter from Terri Butler about this?" I said I had. "Have you got it with you" -- "No". "Where is it?" -- "At home". And he went on generally in a rather circular way about having authorization to give me the picture. I inherit a rather short temper from my father however so I very soon started to shout and bang on the counter. That dislodged him and he gave me the picture.
As the pictures are freely given out, there was absolutely no need for any bureaucracy but this employee of the Labor party dreamed some up anyway. He appears to have a bureaucratic temperament. I suspect it was inherited -- JR
1 October, 2018
Mr and Mrs Smith of Rockhampton
Our mother gave my splendid sister quite a pretty Christian name but about 30 years ago she married a very fine man who was a Mr Smith. And they are still together, wonder of wonders. And Smith is a very useful surname. When you give your name as Smith and people give you strange looks you can produce ID that completely authenticates you. But you are still almost as anonymous as if you had used a real false name ("real false name"?) Who in his right mind would even try to track down a particular Mrs Smith out of all the millions of Smiths worldwide? You might be traceable if you lived in Ulan Baator but that is about all. And with all due respect to Ulan Baator, not many Smiths would want to live there.
So to preserve their valuable anonymity I am going to refer only to "Mr & Mrs Smith" in my ramblings below.
I kitted up for my brief stay by packing my genuine Cabrelli wheeled bag. Cabrelli are mostly distributors of ladies' fancy handbags but they do luggage too. I was given mine but I rather like it. I don't like the hard angles of traditional suitcases
Anne and I arrived on the Tilt Train at Rockhampton station at about 6:45pm Friday 28th and were met by Mr & Mrs Smith. They had booked us in to a very flash motel so Anne and I just dropped our bags off there and we all went to dinner at a nearby Malaysian restaurant. It was rather flash as such restaurants go but the menu had us all a bit bamboozled. I have been in Malaysian restaurants before so I immediately suspected that the cook might be rather "creative", which is often not good. Anyway we ordered and found that the food was indeed "creative". But we got it down. I paid the "creative" bill.
But the company was good so the food was not an issue. I have seen the Smiths rarely over the years so getting to know them better seemed long overdue. We discovered fairly soon that our political views are not lightyears apart. The Smiths even had a good word to say about Mr Trump! You see why I am preserving their anonymity! We are actually something of a conservative family. Myself, my son and my brother rarely disagree on much in our extensive discussions. The twin studies tell us that Left/Right orientation is highly hereditary so that should not have been a surprise.
What the Smiths approve of in Mr Trump is mainly his opposition to political correctness. As Mr Smith said to me, "If I think a thing why can't I say it?" And they also saw Trump's shaking up of the existing political system as being a very good thing.
Mr Smith is a technician by trade so is good with his hands. He enjoys putting mechanical things right. So even though he is now officially retired he still does stuff like that for its own satisfaction -- though he also is well paid for it. There are zillions of people knowledgeable in the arts but practical men are in short supply.
An interesting thing that I share with the Smiths is that we have both done rather a lot of real estate renovations and made good money doing so.
And their most recent project has been to build a really swish place for themselves to live in. The result is immaculate. It would even get approval in Amsterdam. From the outside it just looks like a simple and humble suburban home but once you get inside you find lots of rooms with every conceivable facility. And it has great views from the top story.
When they bought it, it was basically sound but a big mess -- a big enough mess to deter most buyers. So they got it for a very reasonable price. Then over a period of many months they got it right, doing a lot of the work themselves -- but getting in the experts where appropriate. They are justly proud of their result.
Mrs Smith has done many jobs over the years, including a spell at a meatworks where our father also worked. She liked the orderliness of how the place was run. You didn't know that an abattoir could be orderly, did you? It hadn't occurred to me. Nowadays she is a senior teacher at a Primary school. She does not teach a regular class but fills in doing all sorts of jobs that keep the place running.
She is very critical of the Department of Education. She says that they are always issuing new instructions about things that should be taught -- thus taking time away from the regular curriculum. But the innovations tend to drift away after a while and the school gets back to doing the same things they always did. The bureaucrats can propose and instruct but it is the workers "at the coalface" who determine what is actually done. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
The Smiths are very health conscious and avoid eating any food that might be a bit suspect. They are big on vegetarian food but are not fanatical about it. My indulgent lifestyle rather horrified them so I did mention to them that my last blood test showed me to have the internal organs of an 18-year-old. Even my blood sugar was dead centre. So my indulgent lifestyle hasn't hurt me yet. And seeing that Mrs Smith and I share 50% of our genes, what is OK for me is probably OK for her too. So I wonder whether that will move them towards a more relaxed diet in some way.
But they have me totally beaten in their fitness. They still walk miles on a daily basis and do things like cycling up hills!
On Saturday morning the Smiths took Anne and me on a tour of the region, seeing mountains and seascapes and localities etc. I was particularly impressed by the many old buildings from the Victorian and Edwardian eras that still stood in Rockhampton. Instead of tearing their beautiful old buildings down like a lot of fools elsewhere have done, the Rockhampton people have renovated most of their old buildings to look as good as new. That was a most pleasant surprise to an old sentimentalist like me
The thing I was most interested in seeing in the region was the immensely controversial Iwasaki resort at Yeppoon -- now known as the Capricorn resort. It is mostly dormant at the moment awaiting a refit but nothing has ever moved fast there. The extensive buildings are still all there but the grounds are not up to an immaculate standard at the moment. In one of the few parts of the resort that is still operating is the Japanese restaurant -- so the Smiths were kind enough to stop there even though Mrs Smith is very suspicious of Japanese food. I of course am a great fan of Japanese food.
I shouted lunch there and Mrs Smith decided on ordering the Japanese curry. I encouraged that by noting that Japanese curry is always delicious without being "hot". In the end she did seem to enjoy it. Anne and I had the pork Tonkatsu, which was as good as it comes. The restaurant was pretty packed when we arrived so many of the locals must share my opinion of the food there.
After lunch we went to have a look at Yeppoon, which I had heard of as a beach to which people from inland go for their holidays. So I expected a small village. I found however that it was a substantial town with lots of shops and facilities.
As it happened, Emu beach was nearby where Anne used at one time in the now distant past to go for holiday breaks. A friend of hers once owned a holiday house there. So she was interested to revisit the house and take some photos of it, which she did
All in all, the Smiths went to a lot of trouble to make our stay comfortable and interesting, which was much appreciated.
The Smiths also insisted on paying for our two nights at the motel. It was a large and imposing apartment motel which was very spacious and comfortable and with good views of the huge Fitzroy river.
It was however odd in having neither a minibar nor room service. Life is full of surprises.
On Saturday night neither Anne nor I felt like a big dinner after our Japanese lunch so we just had Angus burgers at a nearby steak house. And they were remarkably good.
We managed to get up at 6am the following Sunday morning to get a taxi back to the railway station. And the taxi driver was a chatty Australian, which was rather a blast from the past You mostly get Indians with limited English as drivers in Brisbane
I did not like the trip on the Tilt Train. Too slow and cramped. but I have expanded at length on that elsewhere.
The Tilt Train has been nobbled
The Tilt Train doesn't tilt any more. That's one of the most glaring proofs of how the super cautious bureaucrats at Queensland Rail have totally misused one of the few trains that they could have been proud of. It is one of the few bits of "modern" (it is 20 years old) technology that could have given passengers a modern journey time.
It chugs along at a speed averaging about 80 kmh versus the 160 kmh it is routinely capable of. It goes a little faster than the old "Sunlander" but the "Sunlander" was REALLY slow. You could have walked faster at some points on it.
Do the sums yourself: The Tilt Train does the 615 km from Brisbane to Rockhampton in 7.5 hours -- which averages out at 82 kmh -- or 51 mph in the old money. Highway traffic goes faster than that.
And that slow speed is why the train doesn't tilt any more. The whole point of Tilting technology is so it can go faster. The train does not have to slow down so much as it goes around curves. It leans into curves the way a motorbike would. But the Tilt Train goes so slowly around curves that it has no need to tilt. It handles curves in the track the same way the old "Sunlander" did -- by slowing to a crawl.
On my recent trip from Brisbane to Rockhampton, there were a few spots when the train showed something of what it can do and that was rather exciting but they never lasted for long.
Perhaps the most extraordinary example of excess bureaucratic caution was the way the train slowed to a crawl for an urban level crossing. With red lights flashing and a boom gate down, Queensland motorists can still cross rail tracks at will. In most of the world you risk your life by ignoring crossing warnings but not so in urban Queensland. The train goes so slowly that the driver could probably stop in time rather than run into you. The bureaucrats ensure that NOTHING will generate negative publicity for their train.
On my trip the train even came to a full stop for 15 minutes to deal with an ill passenger. I have no idea how that helped. I suspect regulations again.
So why are Queenslanders in the grip of bureaucrats who completely misuse their best asset? I suspect it goes back to the time when the Tilt Train did tilt. But it can only tilt so far. And in 2004 BOTH drivers were too busy noshing to slow the train down when it entered a curve. So they sent the train through a curve at twice the recommended speed. It of course crashed.
So what was clearly needed were computerized speed limiters. Queensland Rail in fact did install such a system but to be super cautious they just slowed the whole train down forever. A very bureaucratic and unintelligent response. They can now enjoy their coffee breaks without a care in the world.
I must however give credit where it is due. The food aboard is remarkably good for railway food. Their chef clearly knows what he is doing. The hot food came around hot and the cold food around came cold. And the prices are very reasonable, though the portions are rather small. And the food carts come around with great frequency, perhaps to take the minds of passengers off the painful progress of their train. I am guessing that the food supply is the only thing outsourced to private enterprise. What might upset international visitors, however, is that they only take cash. Remember that stuff? Credit cards are not accepted.
21 September, 2018
A new favourite pianist
I listen to quite as lot of music on video -- mostly classical. And the piano is of course a big part of that. So it is a very pleasant discovery for me to come across a new artist -- new to me anyway. Up until recently my favourite pianist was Yuja Wang, a gift to us all from Beijing. I have just in the last few days got to hear the playing of Alice Sara Ott, from Germany. Her mother was Japanese so she is rather tiny in build but quite pretty.
I have heard quite a few pieces by her but the one that gets to me most is Beethoven's 3rd Piano concerto. Her timing is exquisite. Below she joins with the French national radio orchestra in Paris under a Finnish conductor.
Before her the pianist I was listening to most was Yuja Wang. She is quite amazing playing Schubert. I know the words and story for quite a few Schubert Lieder and listening to Wang play I could swear she has the words in her head too. Her playing exactly reflects the poem concerned. See here:
for an example of that most dramatic Lied Der Erlkoenig -- set to a poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The Erl-King
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Who's riding so late where winds blow wild
It is the father grasping his child;
He holds the boy embraced in his arm,
He clasps him snugly, he keeps him warm.
"My son, why cover your face in such fear?"
"You see the elf-king, father?
He's near! The king of the elves with crown and train!"
"My son, the mist is on the plain."
'Sweet lad, o come and join me, do!
Such pretty games I will play with you;
On the shore gay flowers their color unfold,
My mother has many garments of gold.'
"My father, my father, and can you not hear
The promise the elf-king breathes in my ear?"
"Be calm, stay calm, my child, lie low:
In withered leaves the night-winds blow."
'Will you, sweet lad, come along with me?
My daughters shall care for you tenderly;
In the night my daughters their revelry keep,
They'll rock you and dance you and sing you to sleep.'
"My father, my father, o can you not trace
The elf-king's daughters in that gloomy place?"
"My son, my son, I see it clear
How grey the ancient willows appear."
'I love you, your comeliness charms me, my boy!
And if you're not willing, my force I'll employ.'
"Now father, now father, he's seizing my arm.
Elf-king has done me a cruel harm."
The father shudders, his ride is wild,
In his arms he's holding the groaning child,
Reaches the court with toil and dread. -
The child he held in his arms was dead.
And before that I was most often listening to Emil Gilels, a Ukrainian pianist from the Soviet era -- playing Beethoven's 5th concerto, "The Emperor". Its beauty still moves me to tears
Load it here:
2 September, 2018
A weekend of dinners
On Friday night Anne and I had our usual Friday night dinner at my place with some good Wagyu sausages on the menu. I made the salad and Anne did the cooking. Wine tends to give Anne a bit of congestion so I made her a Martini -- which she particularly likes -- while I had a can of Fourex Gold. I hear that I make a good Martini but I don't drink them myself. Adding a wormwood liquor to good Gin seems sacrilege to me.
Then on Saturday night it was the 13th anniversary of Anne and myself being together. So we had what we usually have for special occasions: Fried French (lamb) cutlets. I got some really nice ones -- big, lean and juicy -- from Woolworths for a largish sum and Anne brought over some Sydney rock oysters. We had the dinner at my place and I made up a big salad to go with it. I put a few pickled onions in the salad. Anne likes them but is a bit allergic to them. She ate them anyway. We had a bottle of a German "champagne" -- Henkel Trocken -- to wash it all down. It is Anne's favourite champagne and I like it too.
After the main meal we had some small Belgian chocolate desserts. And after that we listened to a CD of music from Vienna. It had some good arias from operetta in it so we both enjoyed it. It was a CD from a concert Anne went to in Vienna -- on one of her many trips to Europe
And on Sunday Joe gave me a Father's day dinner. He got some excellent Barramundi from a very good fish shop we have near us so I had a very enjoyable dinner of fish 'n chips, We talked about politics and Mr Trump as we usually do. I drank a can of Fourex Gold and Joe had whisky and Coke.
It was actually the second dinner we had had together that day as we also did our usual Sunday visit to the pie shop for a bacon & egg breakfast that morning.
I suspect that I see my son more often than most fathers do. He is sitting only a few yards from me as I write this in fact -- with both of us on our respective computers. The fact that we both have similar musical tastes and similar political opinions does help. On politics we are both deep into detail. We mentioned the Holodomor tonight for instance -- not something on everybody's horizon. Mostly, however we talk about American politics -- as that has most impact on the world.
I was pleased that Von sent me a Father's Day greeting. She and I have always got on especially well. When she was a little girl, I explained to everybody that she was a lady and had to be treated that way. Everybody more or less went along with that but Paul thought it was a bit of a racket.
16 August, 2018
Dutchmen and electricians
I seem to have had Nederlanders among my social contacts almost all of my life. Right now one of Anne's sons is married to a Dutch girl and Von's husband is of recent Dutch descent.
When I was just 16 and freshly out of High School (Junior) I got a job as a clerk in the Queensland Department of Public Works, Cairns depot. John Dudgeon from my class also got a job there. And a fellow clerk was Eddie Gobel, a Dutchman. He was pleased when he heard that both of us newbies liked classical music. Europeans are often into high culture whereas Australians rarely are. So he invited us both to his place for an afternoon of music. And one thing I remember is that he got out recordings of Caruso on his collection of old 12 inch 78 rpm records. I had never heard of Caruso at that point so I was glad to hear him singing all the old operatic potboilers. Eddie was quite a bit older than me so is probably no longer with us.
The next Dutchman I remember is John G., a fellow Mensa member. John was quite good looking and charming so it was a great frustration to the ladies that he was queer. I got on perfectly well with him and we co-operated in keeping Sydney Mensa going.
Then there was Will V., A Nederlander and a computer guru. He was particularly knowledgeable about Atari ST games computers. If I had trouble with any of mine he would always be able to fix it. One of his oddities was that it was difficult to get a serious word out of him. He found everything amusing. He clearly had a high IQ and such people do usually find a lot that is amusing in the word about them. The world is largely tailored to suit the average person and high IQ people tend to find a lot of that foolish.
Then there was Tom B., an electrician. I was doing a lot of house renovations in Brisbane at the time and Tom was a cheerful chap who was very co-operative with me in getting wiring done. I remember one time when I had just bought a century-old timber house and I sent Tom up the manhole to connect something. He was a tall skinny guy so negotiated manholes well. He came down shortly thereafter with a handful of my wiring in his hand and told me that it all needed re-doing. I could have been a bit cross about that but I was in fact amused. He was just being Dutch and insisting on doing everything properly. So I just said: "Well, you'd better get on with it then, Tom". As it was an old house there wasn't much wiring to replace anyhow.
And there was an interesting episode much later. Tom had by that time got the shakes and had to retire. But I had a small emergency. The kitchen light downstairs had failed, including the light fitting. So I rang Tom to see if I could get him over straight away. As a retired man he would have the time and the job was a simple one. He just asked me what he should bring and I said "just a batten holder", which he probably had on his truck anyway. He arrived within about an hour of my calling and did the job with no trouble. How often can you get an electrician that quickly?
So Tom could not do most of the jobs I needed at that time so I got another electrician called Ken T. He was very good, including not charging a callout fee. An unusual thing about him is that he was a Jewish convert. There are probably a lot of Jewish electricians in Israel but no others in Australia that I know of. But he eventually had a heart attack and had to retire too.
But my luck has held and I have recently found a very good electrician called Ralph. He recently took on a very tricky job for me and stuck to his quote even when it was more difficult than it seemed and he ran over time. I will definitely be calling him again.
4 August, 2018
An anniversary!
Peter, an old friend from my army days, invited me to his 50th wedding anniversary -- a rare occasion these days, I think.
It was a very geriatric occasion with people complaining about their knees and struggling to stand up so I was at home. Peter himself was however quite sprightly. He does exercising and comes from long lived stock. There were also some of the younger generation there, including some nice looking blonde ladies -- the best looking of whom was Peter's daughter. And there was the next generation there too -- a few lively little kids whom I enjoyed seeing -- including one or two of Peter's grandchildren.
I spent quite a lot of time talking to Peter -- about building, about our children, about his collection of old radios etc. As often happens when I meet with people I knew many years ago, Peter told me about one of my past capers from the '60s that I had myself completely forgotten -- my giving an IQ test to some women at a party if I got it correctly. So my interest in IQ tests goes back a long way. They say that if you can remember the '60s you were not there -- so that may be a partial explanation for my memory lapses.
The party was held in Peter's nice old 1950's house, the era of which I could tell as soon as I walked into it. Each decade seems to have its own style in houses and the 1950's style was very comfortable, like its era. Those of us who can remember it can get rather nostalgic about the '50s. Can you believe 2% unemployment? The current style in houses is post-modernist, which I rather loathe.
Peter must have bought his dining chairs at the same time as his house as they too were 1950s -- like a couple I have, with the curved back. But Peter obviously bought quality as they were still in very impressive condition. They were wooden chairs but noticeably lighter than previous ones, partly because of their 5-ply back.
There was quite a lot of food coming around all the time but there was one lot of food set out for the kids, including that classic Australian party food -- little cheerio sausages to be dipped in tomato sauce. It seemed however to be the adults who got into it. I was one
I arrived at around 2pm and left about 4.30 pm.
21 July, 2018
More birthday observations
Anne has returned from one of her many trips to Europe only recently. She sometimes starts what she has to say at the moment with: "When I was in Budapest ..." So it was that we had a birthday dinner together tonight.
She brought me a small chocolate cake from the famous Hotel Sacher in Vienna. An image of the box it came in above. The Sacher Torte is regarded by many as the pinnacle of chocolate cakes. Anne also brought me from her travels a one-litre bottle of Cointreau, which I quite like. I like all the orange-flavoured liquers, though I drink all liquers only rarely. My favourite is Van der Hum from South Africa but you can't get it in Brisbane.
I very much like meatloaf but you can't often buy it in the supermarkets so when I saw one for sale about six months ago I promptly bought it and put it away in my trusty freezer to come out for a birthday dinner. And today was the day I took it out. I was also going to help the celebration with my remaining bottle of Barossa Pearl but Anne had a cold so didn't feel like drinking. Anyway the meatloaf was as good as expected and Anne did some vegies to go with it which went well.
In lieu of wine, I had a small dram of Laphroiag with my dinner, which went surprisingly well with the meatloaf. I recommend it. I guess it's a bit shameful but I diluted my dram with some of my favourite bottled water. I mentioned to Anne that single malts generally have a peaty taste -- to which she replied rather sharply: "I don't know. I've never eaten peat". That gave me a laugh and I pointed out that it was the smell being referred to.
For desserts we had some good blueberries together with Street's Blue Ribbon, which went down very well indeed. It's up there with trifle and Pavlova now as a favourite dessert. Blueberries are another great North American contribution to our diet. They have been grown in Australia only recently.
And we ended with nips of Cointreau.
18 July, 2018
A birthday
My birthday was this month but I have had only three celebrations of it so far. Last Sunday, Joe and I went together to the Dutton Pk. fish shop and took our purchases back to eat on my verandah. Joe enjoyed a beefburger and I had some excellent Barramundi.
Joe had given me earlier that day a bottle of Laphroaig, a single malt from Islay. So after dinner we had a toast in that. I had mine with soda and Joe had it on the rocks. For once he did not have his spirits with Coke. He is a fan of Coke zero and drinks a lot of it.
I forget what we talked about but Mr Trump would have figured largely. Joe and I talk so often -- usually about politics -- that one occasion blurs into another.
Then on Monday, Jenny gave me one of her splendid dinners. It was an old favorite: Vietnamese lemon chicken, quite unlike Chinese lemon chicken. And as always Jenny provided various accompaniments to go with it, rice etc. And for desserts she brought out a big Pavlova, also a favourite of mine. I noticed that Nanna liked it too.
Kate took a lively part in the conversation, with queries of Joe and myself about various aspects of our very conservative thinking. Jenny was a bit scornful of Mr. Trump, which is easily understood, but I think she might not have taken full account of the fact that both her sons are very favourably disposed towards Mr Trump.
There were also quite a few reminiscences of old times, particularly of Joes's toddlerhood. "My beautiful train" got quite a mention.
Then on Tuesday morning the electrician came. It was not part of my birthday but it was nonetheless pleasing to get our dodgy power points and switches replaced. Joe took the morning off to be in on the electrical work so after the electrician had gone Joe and I went to the Phams and had bacon & egg brunches. And, as it happened, Irene was in for breakfast there too. So I introduced her to Joe.
Then on Wednesday, Kate made me a dinner on my verandah of Tacos with beef filling and a few other things. And afterward we had some pudding delivered to our door
This time we talked a lot about penology, with particular reference to domestic violence, Kate's interest. I said that you have to look at violence overall and that there is no other way to stop violence, domestic or otherwise, except keeping the bad guys locked up once you catch them. Kate actually agreed with that. I have written on that at some length recently
We then talked a bit about psychopathy. I mentioned that one of my papers on that topic had been well-received.
And I don't think we mentioned Mr Trump once. Joe and I had however reviewed the Trump/Putin summit that morning.
8 July, 2018
More secret men's business
Once again four of us gathered on my verandah at 6pm. Graham was up from Victoria -- with my brother, my son and myself making up the numbers. And we didn't mention Mr Trump once! But there were some mentions of generic politics -- i.e. not naming any particular politicians but generalizing about Left and Right.
They all got the usual dish that I cook for such occasions: Savoury mince beef with noodles and veges all cooked up together in my big electric frypan. Thanks to a certain flavour sachet that I use, it all turns out reliably tasty. We also had a good dessert sent along by my brother's wife. It was liquid chocolate with marshmallows etc to dip in it. Unusual but good.
As usual, my brother brought along some militaria from his collection for us look at and talk about. One thing was a WWII German "coal scuttle" steel helmet. It was probably the best of the WWII helmets from most perspectives but it was HEAVY. I guess it was just coincidence but when I put it on my head the old 1950's wooden chair I was sitting on collapsed under me.
Anne used to complain about that chair being wonky so she was clearly right. It was made at a time when the fashion in chairs was moving to tubular steel frames so was not as strongly made as the older wooden chairs -- of which I have some excellent examples. So I will replace it rather than trying to fix it. Anyway, the collapse amused everybody. Lucky there were no Leftists present so I didn't have any sympathy to ward off
My contribution to the "show and tell" was a couple of old daggers, one of which was just a modern Bowie knife, totally unused since I brought it 40 years ago from "Cathay Disposals" in Sydney -- so still shiny. The second dagger looked more impressive but was very rusty -- so Graham kindly offered to work on polishing it up and sharpening it up -- though it was already fairly sharp on both its upper and lower blades despite the rust.
A couple of the other things my brother brought along were also from WWII, a pocket knife and a belt-buckle that both bore the motto Meine Ehre Heisst Treue, so they were artifacts of the Schutz Staffeln. The literal meaning of the motto is "My honour is called trueness", which is pretty obscure in English. I have had various stabs at translating it into idiomatic English but it is not easy. The big difficulty is Treue. I have previously struggled with its translation in connection with my interest in operetta. It is cognate with the English "True" and does have some similarity of meaning but the meaning is wider in German. It means roughly faithfulness, trustworthiness, loyalty. In the popular culture of the German-speaking lands before WWII, blue eyes were seen as a sign of Treue -- You could rely on a person with blue eyes. Blue eyes were described that way in both Im weissen Roessl and Die Lustige Witwe, Viennese operettas.
So after all that what is my favoured translation of the motto? The ADL translates it as ""My Honor Is Loyalty', which is pretty good but I prefer "It's my honour to be known as loyal" or, less literally but more idiomatically, "I am proud to be loyal". The loyalty was of course both military and political, loyalty to the corps and to the national leader (Fuehrer)
I am aware that some people are critical of an interest in militaria, but seeing I am a former Sergeant in the Australian army, I might perhaps be forgiven that interest.
Another interest that has only minority support these days is hunting. The days when Bach could write Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd ("Hunting is the thing I like best") are no more. The opening words of the first soprano aria of the cantata really rub it in: Jagen ist die Lust der Götter ("Hunting is the pleasure of the gods"). So I can only hope that my brother might be forgiven for being a hunter. He is the chairman (No. NOT a chair or a chairperson) of a gun club. So an interest in hunting flows easily from that.
He told us about a recent foray to shoot kangaroos. Kangaroos breed prolifically in their native land and are even seen sometimes in the suburbs (I have seen them), as well as in the vast "Outback". They are therefore a troublesome competitor for feed with cattle and sheep -- two of Australia's major industries. So the Australian government issues permits each year for the culling of around half a million kangaroos nationwide. So hunting kangaroos is a work of national benefit. We all regretted the fact that bureaucracy makes it nigh impossible to save the excellent meat from slaughtered kangaroos for human consumption. It is a wicked waste.
We covered a lot of other topics too. We spoke of Freemasonry, Byzantium and "Greek fire", trial by combat etc. But the highlight of the evening -- something that will be remembered when all else is forgotten -- was my chair collapsing under me!
We finished up at about 9pm
29 June, 2018
Mid-year catchup
Lunched today with two old friends from my army days -- Rod H. and Peter H. I hosted them at the Sunny Doll -- where we had Bento boxes, which were good, as usual. I think we all ate up most of our rice. I was pleased about that as a lot of people seem not to realize that the rice IS the meal from a Japanese viewpoint. Meat etc. is a garnish.
The conversation ranged widely but because we are all old and falling apart medical matters figured largely. I was pleased to see that Rod walked in without a walking stick. Some healing of some dodgy ligaments has taken place, it appears.
Peter gave us the story of his recent trip to a ham radio convention in America. Most of the story was about the difficulties he had dealing with American airlines and how he overcame them.
I provided a huge dose of cynicism about conventional medical wisdom -- talking about the poor evidence in favour of statins, PSA tests etc. Peter and Rod both seemed pretty appalled when I told them about the replication crisis -- where most repeats of major papers in psychology and medicine were found not to give the same results.
We also mentioned briefly that most forbidden topic of race and IQ, with particular reference to the Queensland test -- something produced by people we know. It was a clever idea but didn't deliver the results hoped for. As we are all old we are a bit out of tune with political correctness. Things that were normal to us in our youth are now taken as deeply wicked. We tend not to agree.
There were only a few people in the restaurant when we arrived at 12 noon and none when we left at about 1:30. They gave us some free samples of watermelon after a while so I took that as a signal that they wanted to shut up shop for the lunch period. Expecting lunchers after 1:30 would have been unrealistic
28 June, 2018
Carmen Gorska Putynska
Carmen Gorska Putynska, PhD student, School of Civil Engineering, University of Qld
Carmen was featured in the glossy University of Qld. propaganda periodical called "Contact". As a graduate of U.Q. I get it mailed to me.
She was featured as part of an assembly of women students who were doing well: Feminist propaganda, in short.
For once however I found something I liked in it. The picture above first struck me. She has the good looks which are alarmingly common in Polish women.
In addition to my male chauvinist porcine nature, however I was struck by something else. It is in the first line of the article below. How improbable is that? Is it just foolish boasting? I don't think so.
It made me think of her as a kindred spirit, in fact. I did similar things. I taught Senior High school geography when my highest qualification was Junior school geography and I taught honors level High School economics when my highest qualification was university freshman economics. And I got a B in Senior High school Italian after studying it for only 4 months instead of the usual 4 years. So I don't think her claims are impossible at all. Some of us are born lucky.
The article below is obviously truncated so I looked for a longer version of it but could find none. I was however able to fill out a few details
“I started tutoring for $10 an hour at age 14, and by 15 was tutoring students older than me in subjects I hadn’t yet taken myself.”
Carmen is a PhD student studying Self-extinguishment of Cross Laminated Timber and it’s potential uses in large structures.
Carmen obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering, specialized in bridges and underground constructions, in 2013 in Poland, at Technological University of Poznan. Then, she was awarded with the “Erasmus Mundus Scholarship” and accepted in the “International Master of Fire Safety Engineering” program. That opportunity gave her the chance to study in UK, Belgium, and Sweden, offering her the access to the discipline of Fire Safety Engineering.
Carmen didn’t have a traditional tertiary trajectory, after excelling in high school she received a fully funded scholarship to study Civil Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.
“I was one of 10 females among 200 males, all the professor were male, and the male students were not really inclusive with the female students. Feeling isolated I was unable to ask for help, worried about being judged, and I completely failed my first year.”
A charming interview with her below:
22 June, 2018
"Trim Taut & Terrific"
Have you used that expression? I use it to describe (say) an athletic young woman. But if you Google it you will find it as a description of a lot of things. So where does that phrase come from? I know but seeing nobody else seem to know, I thought I had better put it online.
Back in the 60's, when a lot of people went rather mad (I was there!), there was a washing machine manufacturer in South Australia called Lightburn. Eventually however they got bored with making washing machines and had dreams of making a motor car. And they did -- using their washing machine factory for the purpose. It was called the Lightburn Zeta. It seems to have been inspired by East Germany's Trabant. Maybe Mr Lightburn was a Communist. About 400 of them were made
Any way the Zeta gave the Trabant a run for its money for flimsiness. Though it was at least mainly made of steel rather than the plastic of the Trabant. It was very small and powered by two stroke motors, presumably bought in from some motorbike manufacturer. But it was a very light vehicle so a motorbike motor could push it along.
It's most amazing feature was that it had no reverse gear. To reverse it you had to stop the motor and then start it again. So that gave you four reverse gears. I did tell you this was the 60s!
Anyway, there was really only one good thing about it: The advertising slogan. Somehow their advertising agency had a stroke of inspiration and described the Zeta as everyhing it was not: "Trim Taut & Terrific". And that then took off as a description of many things
Even the Wikipedia entry on the Zeta does not know of its slogan so it is sort of lucky that it has stuck in my aged brain -- probably because I thought it was hilarious from the beginning.
I would add the information to the Wikipedia entry except that they always wipe everything I put up. They have got a whole team of "editors' who seem to spend all their time wiping entries they regard as "unsuitable". I will probably add this post to my personal Wikipedia. My personal Wikipedia has lot of information about operetta that is not elsewhere available in English but it was still not good enough for Wikipedia
A final note: You will find here a description of something that is said to be "Trim Taut & Terrific" but also "small, but perfectly formed". That is a rather weird combination. "Small, but perfectly formed" was originally a description of Alexander the Great -- a Greek King from about 300 BC
19 June, 2018
A jinx defeated
There is a well-known story in the family about the time when Von went to cook the first meal for herself and her husband Simon. Von hadn't had much experience with cooking so she decided to take a shortcut. She saw on the supermarket shelf a bottle of stuff called "Chicken Tonight". It was advertised a bit at that time so she decided it to use it to create a chicken dinner.
It was a disaster. The meal was so bad that Simon decided there and then that he would have to do all the cooking. And he still does. Von prefers gardening so that was OK with her.
So I have always steered clear of that stuff -- on the grounds that I am a pretty crook cook too. But a little while ago I mentioned the matter to my brother and mentioned that I avoided the stuff. He replied rather sharply that there was nothing wrong with it and he makes it often.
He and I see eye to eye on most things so I had a rethink. Next time I saw the product on sale I bought a bottle. And just recently I used it. I cheated a bit though. I just chopped up two chicken breasts, tossed them into my crockpot (slow cooker) and tipped the "Chicken tonight" gloop in after them. And two hours later, the meal was pretty good. I even drank all the soup at the bottom of the crockpot. Yummy!
16 June, 2018
The Eurasian mystery solved
Australia's population is about 5% Asian, mostly Han Chinese. And, as I have often noted, Australia is so racist that it is very common to see about the place little Asian young ladies on the arm of tall Caucasian men. It's the same in America: Little Asian ladies really go for tall Caucasian men. And since neither party is in fact racist the ladies tend to get their man. Finding this little feminine lady being nice to them tends to go down well with the men concerned. When so many Caucasian ladies tend to talk feminism, it must in fact come like a breath of fresh air.
But that creates a puzzle. Asians have been in Australia for a long time now. They started coming when the conservative government of Harold Holt abolished the White Australia policy in 1966. So this fascination has been going on for some time so where are all the Eurasian babies? It is quite rare to see anybody of any age about the place with that mix of ancestry. I now know why.
I was having a pleasant chat to a young female pharmacist recently who was wearing a nameplate which gave her surname as "Ng" (pronounced "Ing"). She spoke good Australian English and did not look Asian so I assumed that her surname must have been that of her husband. So we talked a little about the surname "Ng" and I said "You got your surname from your husband, did you?"
Booboo! No. she said, "My husband is Caucasian. It's my father who is an Ng. He is Chinese. My mother is Caucasian". So there you have it: She was Eurasian but did not look it. Her eyes were a little narrow but were within the Caucasian range of variation. She also told me that she and her husband had a little blue-eyed son, so no-one will ever guess the Asian in his ancestry.
So that's the answer to where all the Eurasians are. They are all around us but mostly we can't tell. Quite a lot of our apparently Caucasian population has in fact been given to us by Chinese mothers!
ADDENDUM: A little more about what is going on in the mixed marriages.
There are a few taller ones but most of the Chinese ladies are quite short -- around 5'. And when they find themselves among what must look to them like an army of giants, they hate it. So they want their children to be tall. But to achieve that, they have to marry a tall man. And there are few tall Chinese men around. So to get themselves a tall husband they have to find a tall Caucasian
And there are quite a lot of Caucasian men around in my burg who are in fact 6' tall or taller. So that would be perfect for what the ladies want. And it is the tallest men they go for. Though they also seem to like men who are both tall and well-built -- footballer types. The footballer might be a bit dim but they figure they have got enough brains for two.
Some years ago I read a story about Chinese ladies on Ivy League campuses in America in which the Chinese ladies were known to go for "Jocks" -- big built Caucasian sportsmen. It was such a phenomenon that the Caucasian ladies felt outdone in getting a big man and referred to the Asian ladies as "The yellow peril". Even after a lot of Googling I have been unable to find that article again so I suspect that it has been erased in the name of political correctness.
So what do all the tall Caucasian ladies do? They want tall men too. A lady HATES having a man shorter than her. But they mostly miss out. The Chinese ladies have out-competed them. And they hate seeing a tall man with a short lady on his arm. They see the lady as stealing one of THEIR men.
So what about the Chinese men who are spurned by Chinese ladies? Sometimes they just send back to relatives in China to find themselves a bride but there is also another possibility. It's not very common but some Caucasian ladies like the politeness and patience of the Chinese men. So you do occasionally see the combination of a Caucasian lady with a Chinese man.
On one occasion I saw a remarkably attractive Caucasian lady going out with a fairly ordinary-looking Chinese man. I think I know what happened there. The lady was so attractive that all the men wanted to rush her in to bed. The Chinese man was the only one who had patience. And she wanted that.
And last of all, where do short men fit into the picture? As they themselves often complain, they are invisible. Ladies look right over their heads. And that does of course steam them up. So they too want a taller partner so that their children will not suffer such indignities. So they go all out to get a tall woman. She might be skinny and gawky and be of limited attractiveness generally but they will have her. As long as she has got long legs. Anything for tall sons! So any tall lady will never lack a dapper suitor -- as long as she can cop a small one.
I remember an amusing instance of such a trade. A very feisty and quite attactive lady I know had teamed up with a successful barrister and she was crowing slightly to one of her friends about that. The friend said: "but isn't he a bit short?". The feisty lady replied: "He is 6 feet tall when he is standing on his wallet!" And so it goes.
We must not take East Asian ancestry as totally homogeneous. There are many nations there with their own histories. So my generalization above about the invisibility of Eurasians is undoubtedly too sweeping. Some Eurasians do look rather Asian and that could reflect a different ancestry, ancestry from Asia but from a different part of Asia.
Another fact that very strongly points to different Asian ancestry is the fact there are quite a few people in the Caucasian population who have no traceable Asian ancestry but who have semi-Asian features. I know of several among my personal acquaintances and friends. And they pass those features on to their children. They do not die out. So their Asian genes are as dominant as equivalent genes in other Asians are recessive.
A possible source of more dominant genes is Mongolia. At one stage in history the Mongols conquered China and ran an empire there for several centuries,
So it's possible that the Mongolian genes for appearance (high cheekbones, very narrow eyes, sallow skin) are dominant but the Han Chinese genes are not. Mongolia is a cold dark place to the North of China where people are animal herders rather than farmers so maybe that had some effect on the evolution of the eyes which did not take off in China
So the combination of influences -- persistent Mongolian genes plus Caucasian genes -- does produce a person with some degree of Asian appearance
Below are two pictures that show you what I mean. Both are of Franceska Hung, who has just won a Miss Australia competition. Her father is Chinese and her mother Caucasian. She could be any well-tanned Australian. Her eyes do not stand out as Asian.
28 May, 2018
A birthday
Jenny had her 39th birthday on Sunday. I shouted a lunch. We went to the dosa joint for the lunch but they now do not open on Sunday. I should have booked. But "The Little Green Room" next door was open so we went there. They had gluten-free so Jenny could go there. It was run by a polite Indian man, possibly a Punjabi. I had an Indian version of fritters -- corn and zucchini fritters. They were a bit dry for my taste but the various additives on the plate -- bacon, avocado etc -- were good.
From their card you might get the impression that they sell coffee
I ordered fresh orange juice for a drink but got some mixed fruit drink with watermelon in it, I think. I should have asked what it was as it was yummy. When I get the wrong order I never send it back. My thinking on the matter is that it's all food so just eat it up. It's generally OK.
Joe had forgotten the occasion but Jenny got Kate on the phone to let them know where we were. Joe was not answering his own phone as usual. They were not that far away so arrived well in time for us to order. Nanna was in good form.
I showed everyone my miracle Chinese watch and I talked mostly to Joe -- about bitcoin and such things. The Green Room had a few interesting things on their menu and apparently have a significant breakfast trade -- as they open at 6am! The prices were OK -- averaging $15 for a meal and $5 for a drink.
I normally have a hamburger dinner with Joe on Sunday night but after the lunch we were both feeling a bit full so on this occasion we just had at home a bowl of Streets Blue Ribbon each for our dinner. For some unknown reason I tend not to have Street's Golden Gaytime in my freezer
25 May, 2018
"Old" as a term of endearment
At a private party Prince Charles reportedly ended his speech saying: "My darling old Harry, I’m so happy for you."
Now why would a father call his son "old"?
It's not an unprecedented usage. When my late sister Jack left her husband for another woman, her husband, Gary, and she remained on very good terms. That lasted all her life. He was at her bedside when she died of breast cancer a few years ago. A truly lasting and affectionate friendship. Better than many marriages. She kept his surname too. And Gary would often refer to her as "old Jack", although they were about the same age.
So it is clearly an affectionate usage but is there more to it? I think there is and I am open to suggestions about it. I think it is respectful too. It shows a respect for the other person's competence and individuality.
The Cockney expression "old cock" might also have some of that meaning, I think. Amusing if a Royal Prince got the expression off Cockneys
23 May, 2018
Watching watches
I heve blogged previously about why people wear wrist-watches these days. The time is right there on your cellphone so why do you need anything more?
I discovered that for some people the watch you wear is somehow related to your prestige. Unless you have a watch that costs at least $1,000 you are a nobody. An expensive watch marks you out as a man who is good with money. I would have thought the opposite: A man who spends his money on expensive trinkets is NOT good with money.
Anyway, I thought it might be a good idea for me to buy a nice-looking watch. Perhaps there is some advantage at having the time on your wrist as well as in your pocket. So I bought one.
And I have just discovered that my watch is a champion among watches. I inadvertently left it in my washing. So it went through both a washing machine sequence AND a tumble-dryer sequence. So it was ratshit after that, right?
Far from it, it was not only still going but it even still kept perfect time. So what exactly was this paragon of watches:
Place of purchase: Target
Place of manufacture: China
Cost to me: $15.
Makes you think, doesn't it?
There is no brand on the watch. It simply says "Quartz". Watches as a commodity!
I have blogged briefly on my watch previously
20 May, 2018
The Royal wedding
As a confirmed monarchist I did watch the Royal wedding on TV, mostly on channel 9. So I thought I might note here a few desultory impressions of it.
The first thing I liked was all the splendid cars, old and new. The old Rolls bringing the bride was particularly magnificent. It was a 1950 Rolls-Royce Phantom-iv. But there were a lot of impressive vehicles delivering the wedding party.
Then I was pleased to see Prince Philip looking so well -- in remarkable health for age 96
I was pleased to see that both Princes wore military uniform. They wore the frockcoat uniform of the Blues and Royals -- which is Harry's old regiment. Both men were of course fully entitled to wear uniform as both had served in the armed forces in their younger days. The Royal family is a military family -- as most European monarchies once were. I thought Prince Charles would be in uniform too but he wore a tailsuit in a rather horrible shade of grey. He obviously didn't want to outshine his sons
It was good too that Harry kept his red beard. Red-headed kids traditionally got bullied in British schoolyards but with the very popular Prince Harry being a red-head that must have been ameliorated. My father was a redhead so I have sympathy for redheads
It was good to see how Harry and William stopped to greet their Gurkha guards as they entered. Harry did of course work with Gurkhas when he was in the army in Afghanistan. They were the only people the Royal brothers stopped for. That would have been noted and justly celebrated in Nepal. The Gurkhas are held in huge respect in England. Here is one reason for that respect.
It was also good to see how the two brothers interacted while they were waiting. They are obviously a great support for one another.
The Dean of Windsor seemed rather tremulous. He sounded like he might break down. Since he was running the show, that would not have done.
When it came to the actual marriage service, Cantuar was in good voice -- a most experienced preacher.
There certainly were a lot of Christian expressions from all who spoke. It went on and on, very repetitiously. God was so frequently invoked that one got the impression that he must be hard of hearing. Harry must have been bored but military men learn patience so he outlasted it without apparent difficulty.
There was a pronounced African presence throughout the proceedings, presumably in deference to Meghan's partial ancestry. The cellist was good but I was unimpressed by the rest of it. Episcopalian Bishop Michael Curry was very active and dramatic in his speech but all he did was state some extremely anodyne comments repetitiously and with a lot of noise.
But you can't expect much more from the Episcopalians. Homosexuality seems to be the only thing Episcopalians care about. Had the bishop quoted Romans 1:24-27 that might have livened things up. As it was, his speech was just way too long. Never in the field of human preaching has so little been said for so long. The media generally praised his speech highly but what else could they do with a black bishop from the world's most politically correct church?
Karen Gibson and The Kingdom Choir performed Ben E King's soul classic Stand By Me during the service. It was repetitive but sung with a lot of energy. I noted that Camilla looked horrified when they came on. I thought it was just noise.
I noted that St George’s Chapel had a medieval "rude screen", behind which all the "magic" happened -- out of sight of most of the congregation. The chapel was built in the 14th century so it reflects its times.
And I was rather pleased to see beadles in use guiding people. Is it only Anglicans who have beadles? I have never seen one on the more Protestant services I am accustomed to.
The departure of the married couple in an Ascot Landau with a big Household Cavalry escort was of course what one expects of a great Royal occasion. Some of the carriage horses were clearly a bit spooked by the cheering etc but they were well managed. If there is one thing the Royal family and their attendants know about it is horses. It's an equestrian monarchy. Even the Queen still rides -- but only ponies these days.
The bride: I was rather surprised by the strong resemblance between Meghan and her mother, though I suppose I should not have been. I had supposed that Meghan's fine features would have come from her Caucasian father but clearly she got a bit from both.
19 May, 2018
An interesting Friday
On his last visit, Jason gave us all of his remaining Amiga gear for $50. Included were two Amiga 500s that looked very dirty and unloved. I assumed that they would be useful for parts only. On Friday morning, however, I decided to see if they would boot up. One did! And its disk-drive was working too. So I cleaned up the case and Joe and I then had a 5th working Amiga in our collection, which was rather exciting. To obtain another Amiga these days was a considerable improbability. I guess I should sell a couple of them. We are only using one at the moment.
Earlier in the week I had decided to do my trust tax return on Friday. My personal return was done by an agent and went in last December. Agents all freak out if you ask them to do a trust return however. I have no idea why but they either refuse point blank or ask for big money. Yet my return is of the simplest. All it does is hold company shares. You have just got to add up two columns of numbers basically. So out of necessity I do my own trust tax return. Like everybody else, however, I hate doing tax returns so I had put off doing it. I bit the bullet on Friday, however, and it only took me about half an hour
I then wanted to print out a brief letter to go with it and found that my printer was out of ink. I did have a spare ink cartridge to hand but putting it in was a challenge -- but I managed it.
I then decided I should get another cartridge immediately for future use. Officeworks is near to where I live so that was easy. I got the cartridge and then lined up to pay for it. There were a couple of people ahead of me but there were NO cashiers in sight. I thought they would soon turn up -- but none did.
After giving it some time however, I decided to be Stentor. In ancient Greece, Stentor was the town crier of Athens. And he had a VERY loud voice. The Athenians didn't have a public address system but they did have Stentor, which was just about as good. I am not as good a Stentor as Michael Darby but I can be a pretty good Stentor nonetheless. So I said in my best Stentorian voice "Where are all the cashiers?" The shop was electrified. Within one minute there were two cashiers there and after another minute three. People hate loud voices so they rush to make sure I won't do it again.
So even buying an ink cartridge can have its dramas.
Then that night I shouted Jill and Lewis a dinner at one of our local Japanese restaurants. It was a long delayed birthday dinner. I had put it off due to a string of minor illnesses I had had.
And even there there was a bit of a drama. I had brought along a bottle of champagne and asked for glasses to drink it with. That caused consternation. At first they thought they didn't have any but when the lady boss was consulted a set of them were found. They then had to wash and polish them but we got our glasses eventually.
Jill and Anne are both great travel enthusiasts so Jill told Anne all about her trip to Dubai and Anne told Jill about her trip to Finland and the Arctic. Lewis and I just talked politics as usual. I told them all about my recent Stentor performance and that gave some amusement.
There were four Bento boxes on the menu so I ordered them all. So that made an interesting and substantial dinner for each of us. I chose the box with the curry but made rather a mess of eating it. Japanese curry comes in the form of a thick liquid into which you dip stuff. So I think you can see the perils of that. But at least I ate my rice. The ladies treated their beautifully prepared rice as an afterthought. The Japanese must wonder at that
14 May, 2018
Amiga devotions
When the kids were growing up in the 80s and 90s they had great entertainment playing games on the Amiga computer. It was before its times in many ways with excellent sound as well as good graphics -- both supported by specialist chips. With a hard drive attached it still is much like a modern Windows computer.
Joe has fond memories of many hours spent playing memorable Amiga games and I have happy memories of seeing the kids have so much fun. I very much supported the fun by gradually acquiring a large number of games for it -- which I still have -- over a thousand of them
So Joe and I have recently been working on a computer museum, with the Amiga in pride of place. Over the years I collected just about everything associated with the Amiga so we were in a position to mount a full Amiga setup in my living room. The big challenge was to get a hard drive mounted as that was a bit unfamiliar. Games in the old days were mostly played off floppy disks. With the aid of the inestimable Jason and his magic soldering iron, we have however got all our old hardware working again and Joe did the work of getting the hard drive set up. I had myself set up a hard drive 30 years ago but in the interim I had forgotten all the details. Joe is also working on indexing all our Amiga games -- many boxes of them.
So in pride of place in my living room there is now an Amiga setup that is as good as ever one was. I managed to accumulate four Amiga 500s before Amigas faded out from common use so if one fails we can always set up another. I did for a few days have TWO full Amiga setups going -- with hard disks -- so for a brief moment we had an Amiga setup at my place that would have been impressive even in the old days.
25 April, 2018
An unforeseen night
On Tuesday 24th, I had booked tickets to fly down to Sydney with Anne. It was to show her the basic sights and to get foods that are not yet sold in Brisbane. It was to be for three days only as I cannot handle much walking these days.
On Monday, however, Anne had a scan which showed she had a broken foot. So I had to cancel the trip.
That turned out to be something of a good thing as I had a very disturbed night that night. It would have been even more disturbed had I not been at home in my own room.
I woke up at about 2am and didn't get back to sleep until about 5am. In between I watched lots of videos on my computer. One of them I thought particularly worthy of comment. It was a video of the Black Watch parading through the streets of Edinburgh.
The Black Watch
I have an ancestral connection to the Black Watch. What is the Black Watch? It is a battalion within the Royal Highland Regiment -- known for its aggression and heroism. One of my great grandfathers was in the Black Watch and that was always told to me in hushed tones as a great distinction. And I agree with that. As recently as the Afghanistan involvement they descended on the Islamic madmen with great ferocity. Scottish troops generally are formidable. About a third of the British army is Scottish.
Below is a video in which the Black watch parade the Royal Mile in Edinburgh. Note the continued dead thump of the bass drum. It is very intimidatory, No army in the world has uniforms that are as gorgeous as full Highland dress. So you might think that they are only decorative soldiers. That unremitting dead thump of the bass drum warns you off that foolish view. Nothing fancy there.
I don't wear the kilt often these days but you may understand why I do
Load into your browser and you will get a full-screen version of the march
The battalion is escorting the Scottish crown from Edinburgh castle to the Scottish Parliament, where the Queen will wear it for the Parliamentary opening. The crown is held on a velvet cushion in the back of the big maroon Rolls Royce car in the middle of the march. Anybody who tried to grab it would be in an unbelievable amount of trouble. A battalion of angry Scotsmen wouldn't leave much of you
UPDATE: Anne has a pair of close-fitting shoes which enable her to do short walks so she remains of good cheer
I thought I might briefly mention the foods I was looking forward to revisiting. First of all Yugoslav food: Cevapcici and Raznici with the proper Kaimak accompaniment; Liptauer cheese spread, very common in central Europe but unknown in Brisbane; Basturma Greek smoked beef, originally camel meat but now usually beef.
18 April, 2018
A good series of days
I had a series of interesting days recently. Last Friday 13th was perhaps a bit unlucky. Anne came over and cooked up some veal with garlic butter that I was looking forward to. Anne cooked it medium but it was still rather tough. It had a good taste though. I expected veal to be tender. Some dear little calf gave up its life for my dinner. I do have some more veal in my freezer so I will dice it up and make it into curry. 3 hours in my crockpot should tenderize it.
Then on Saturday morning 14th we went to the Phams and I had a new offering there: Vietnamese lamb wrap. It was really good and a surprisingly big meal
Than at 10am the incomparable Jason arrived. He has been very ill but can now get about again and his wonderful brain was as sharp as ever. He is our guru for our computer museum and knows Amiga computers down to the tiniest depths. And when he left he had got a 500mb hard drive going for us and had fixed up a wobbly SCART port on one of our few Amiga monitors
Joe felt a bit drained by the great infusion of knowledge Jason had put into him so after Jason had left he took us to Subway for a late lunch. I have never found subway to be much good but Joe knows them well. I ordered a Teriyaki footlong which was really good. Joe always orders the seafood roll there.
Then on Sunday 15th Joe took us to Mos burgers for dinner again, with Eugene coming too. They were out of beef! So I had a chicken burger instead which was just as good.
Then Monday 16th was our usual Nando's night with just Joe, Jenny and myself. They have some sort of BLAT there that I like. The thing I used to order there -- thighs and slaw -- has been discontinued
Then on Tuesday Anne made us Reuben sandwiches -- using some freshly cooked corned beef. They were a "best yet" for both of us. I got Anne to go a bit lightly on the Sauerkraut. Too much of it swamps the other tastes. The cheese she used was Jarlsberg
12 April, 2018
Emotional music
I spent some time listening to some wonderful songs last night
First was Leonid Kharitonov singing "Volga Boatman" with the Red Army Choir. The song is actually a type of shanty. It is not the song of sailors, however. It is a song of men on a towpath dragging boats along the Volga, presumably upstream. It is a song of endurance. As such the words are simple to the point of meaninglessness but the tune is compelling. And when you see Kharitonov -- a most manly looking man -- you get a feeling for Russian power.
Russians are enduring. They have to be -- with both a demanding climate and a demanding government. I admire them and have a feeling for what life must be like in Russia. When you listen to Kharitinov, however, you begin to understand the war on the Eastern front. The Germans were military specialists and killed 4 Russians for every one of theirs that fell. But the Russians just did not give in -- so indomitability triumphed over military brilliance. The clip below is from the Soviet era
A version without the introduction here:
Then I watched an excellent version of The Battle Hymn of the Republic, played by an American army band. It was a very sophisticated performance in my language by people of my ethnicity referring to my religious heritage but I was nevertheless a little uncomfortable with it. I was disturbed by the women in the band, including the very capable woman conductor. In my old-fashioned military mind, we fight to protect our women, not put them in the army. A nation that puts its mothers in danger has lost the plot and endangered its future in my view.
Then I watched a very well done version of Hatikva, the national anthem of Israel. I am hugely pro-Israel so that moved me. When they sing about Jerusalem that is not just their religious capital but it is ours too. Their Bible is our Bible too. So we too have learnt to yearn for Zion.
Then there was a rendition of the simple but beloved Russian folk song: Katyusha. With a lively little Russian girl (Valeria Kurnushkina) drawn in to sing her part. The Choir with their big hats sang happily along with her. She was a charmer.
And then I went to a magnificent rendition in the Albert hall of that great English song "Jerusalem". Blake's magical words and Parry's setting are incomparable. Anybody with English blood in them (and I am one) has to glorify in that song despite it's vast theological improbability. I liked some of the comments left on the video. I felt that way too:
Load the video here:
The comments:
Thank God I was born an Englishman!!
For starters I hardly ever cry, but this almost brought a tear to my eye. Were so proud of you from across the pond, sending lots of love and wishes of luck on your new journey of independence.
I don't give a toss about what people say or think about my country, I'm a proud Englishman and that will never change
Amazing! Wish i was british. In germany it's a crime to love your own country.
Almost cried when I heard Jerusalem today and I'm not even British. I truly wish a bright future and only the best for England and for the whole UK.
God save the Queen from sweden .
If you happen to be a free citizen anywhere on this planet, believe it or not, you are indebted to England. By the way i am not British and not among the fortunate ones.
Being born English is like winning the first prize in the lottery of life.
30 March, 2018
And the Lord was praised
I rarely go to church these days but for good Friday I thought I should make an exception. Anne likes going to church so she came along too. We went to St John's Presbyterian at Annerley
So why did I go? I went for the same reason that most go: To praise the Lord. I am immensely thankful for the truth and wisdom I find in the Bible and am as such clearly a product of the Protestant Christian tradition.
Would I still have been the same person without my years of Bible study? Perhaps. But I am sure that Bible teachings have helped me to live a wiser life. I was 17 in 1960 and the 60s are now legendary as a time when many young people cast off all restraints, often harming themselves and their relationships in the process. But Christian ideas of self-restraint protected me from all that. I not only took no drugs but I was even teetotal, in the best Presbyterian way. So you see that I had a lot to be thankful for when I went to church this morning and my going there was an expression of appreciation for that.
And it did feel like coming home. St John's is very much a traditional Presbyterian church -- right down to the fact that there were no pictures or statues of anything on display and not a single cross to be seen. As Exodus 20:4 says: "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth." That could hardly be clearer and Presbyterians take their Bible seriously. In theology they are iconoclasts.
Yet the interior of the church is beautiful. It does have colour -- some very attractive patterned leadlights -- but the main point about the decor is all the old polished wood. You can smell old polished wood when you first walk into older Presbyterian churches. It is a very sentimental smell to me and tells me I am in the right place. The whole well-kept interior generally tells me that: The pipe organ centrally placed at the focus of attention and lots of small details. It gives me the feeling that I am among my own people ("My ain folk", as the Scots say). The shot below gives you a general idea of the decor.
Presbyterians are an independent lot so each church has its own traditions and each minister does things a little differently. The minister on this occasion seemed to do more prayers than usual and yet did not at any stage lead us in the Lord's prayer, which was unusual. And he did not speak extempore in his sermon at all. He just read out his sermon from a prepared text. It was a perfectly good and devout sermon but would have been a lot more engaging if it had been delivered as a talk.
A couple of other oddities: In the long prayer at the beginning of the service it is customary to pray for "the Queen and all the members of the Royal family". He left that out. Another customary part of that prayer is to pray for the conversion of the Jews. I was glad that he left out that bit. Jews are already a holy people. I suggested to him afterward that a better prayer in today's world would be to pray for the safety of the Jews.
My Good Friday visit to St John's pleased me enough so that I will probably go there again for my next church visit -- at Christmas.
When we got home at about 10am, Anne and I breakfasted on hot cross buns. And for much of the rest of the day I watched and listened to lots of Bach on video. In particular I listened to the John passion right through. A very appropriate thing for good Friday.
Then that evening, Jenny put on a good Friday dinner for a few of us -- featuring fish. Jenny is a very good fish cook. Some of us were of nominal Catholic background so Jenny was respecting that, I guess. Food regulations are not part of the Protestant tradition. It's the booze that bothers us.
As Kate works in psychology, we got to talk quite a bit about psychological assessment -- with me being very skeptical about most current methods of psychological assessment. Probably a bit unkind of me but dispelling illusions has to be kind in the end and psychometrics is my special field.
UPDATE: One thing that invited universal hilarity in the discussions we had was the idea that Russians were responsible for everything bad. There were a variety of political opinions present but this media nonsense about the Russians evoked a lot of hilarity among us all. If anything dubious came up in the conversation, "It must have been the Russians" was the response. I imagine that the hardy inhabitants of Rossiya (which is what Russians call their country) are rather pleased about the great powers that the American media attribute to them.
A musical update: Anne did not accompany me to Jenny's dinner as she had a prior arrangement to go to the cathedral for a Good Friday concert with her sister. And that worked out a bit amusingly.
During the day, for part of which Anne was present, I had actually listened to Bach's John passion right through twice. So what was the program at the cathedral? It was the John passion! So Anne got the John passion that day willy nilly. Lucky she likes it. The performance at the cathedral appears to have been competent but would have been much enhanced by the venue. The great stone arches of the Metropolitical cathedral of St John give a brilliant sound and of course are particularly suited to sacred music.
So what did I put on for music when Anne got back to my place that night? The Passio Secundum Johannem!
MARCH 5, 2018
The war on "Throaties"
Note the little birdie
I gather that "Throaties" are officially regarded as confectionery rather than medicine. On the rare occaion when I get a cold, however, I find them helpful. And Woolworths is the obvious source of supply for them.
"Throaties" do contain various volatile compounds (menthol etc.) which are the active ingredients. So "Throaties" are one of the cough lollies that come carefully double wrapped in order to prevent the volatiles from evaporating off.
Some lamebrain at Woolworths, however, didn't see the point of all that double wrapping so put all the lozenges together in a little plastic bag -- into which all the volatiles promptly evaporated. So as soon as you opened the plastic bag, all the stuff you wanted promptly escaped into the air. So your "Throatie" no longer had any active ingredients.
I found that very frustrating but was consoled to find that a Bangladesdhi grocery on a corner near where I go had the olde "Throaties" in stock. So I promptly bought 4 of them to tide me over.
Sadly, however, the Bangladeshi grocer is now a Mexican restaurant so when I got a cold recently I had to go in search of "Throaties". My local chemist did not have them in any form. Too grand for "Throaties", I guess.
But I knew how widely "Throaties" used to be stocked so on a hunch I called in to my local newsagent. And there they were. I bought 4 packs straightaway!
A visit to China
For quite a while now, Joe and I have had the practice of taking a leisurely brunch together on Sunday mornings. We go to the same place the same time and order the same thing week after week. That might seem boring to some but Joe and I subscribe to the old Mortein philosophy: When you are on a good thing stick to it.
Life is change however and that has now come to an end. Joe and Kate are both workers and Kate thought that weekends were the best time for her and Joe to do things together. And having Joe spending most of Saturday morning with his old father was inimical to that. So, being obliging souls, Joe and I changed our arrangements to Sunday dinner, with a trip to Sunnybank for Japanese hamburgers being the first case of the new arrangements on Feb 25th.
And Sunnybank is so Chinese that you might almost be in China while there. I greatly enjoy my occasional trips to the land of the Chin. They are only 15 minutes drive away so why not.
The Australian population is about 5% Han Chinese these days. So you see Asian people all around the place in Brisbane -- and many were born here. And they do not stand out in any way. Except for their eyes, they look and behave like any other Australian.
I am always bemused a little by the way the young Chinese women dress. In summer they wear a lot of short shorts and loose tops -- just as our Anglo ladies do. We also have a few Muslim ladies around the place -- in their vast wrappings -- so the contrast with their "modest" behaviour is great. The Chinese are not "modest" in that sense. They are one with us. I mentioned this to Joe -- that normal Chinese dress these days is totally Western -- and he told me that it is the same in Shanghai. He has been to China on work assignments several times.
Anyway, Joe has always been Sinophilic -- as I am -- so is very comfortable with all things Chinese. And one of the results of there being so many Han in Australia is that we have a couple of suburbs where they tend to congregate. And Joe and I went there last night for dinner again. And where we went -- Sunnybank -- is almost entirely Chinese. You could as well be in China. And I am always delighted to be in a crowd of people who are instinctively civilized. 3,000 years of civilization does leave a mark.
I have no idea how many eateries there are in Sunnybank but there are a lot -- and they are all different. The one Joe took me to last night was very modern. You ordered from a computer kiosk rather than from a waiter. They have no waiters. That is not very remarkable in that various U.S. McDonalds restaurants also now do that. But it was a first for Brisbane, I think
But the modernity didn't stop there. The food was assembled by the chefs onto a very hot iron plate and delivered to you semi-raw. Each dinner would have taken them only minutes to put together. And when the dinner arrived at your table, you mixed it around for 5 minutes and it was done! And given the Chinese expertise with herbs and spices, the result was pleasant to eat. It was a good dinner despite minimal human contact in arranging it!
A little sad, however that it took the Chinese to get us up with the latest
16 February, 2018
A meeting of minds
It was pleasing to me recently to meet someone else who thinks global warming is a big fraud and who thinks Mr Trump's policies are so good that we need him here in Australia. All that is a bit on the amazing side but it adds to the amazement that this simpatico person is just about as beautiful a woman as you can get. She is married and is also very bright. She has just completed a higher degree on an important subject in a field that I know a fair bit about.
Her mother and I are friends who occasionally breakfast together.
She is pretty cheesed off about the fact that just about everyone she meets bad-mouths Mr Trump. So I may get her along to the meetings of the "gang of four" whom I occasionally shout dinner to. It would be a change for her to find herself among like-minded people. It won't happen immediately but sometime in the next few months I may get her along to join us over my dubious cookery. All very amazing.
15 February, 2018
An outing and a non-outing
A few non-routine events recently: On Friday, I took Anne to the Yeronga club again. I took her there just before her trip to the Arctic as a birthday dinner but it was a two-for-Tuesday night so all she got for her dinner was two sausages! So I took her on Friday 9th for a buffet night. And buffets there are as good as any ever in my opinion so we really did well. So her birthday was in the end appropriately celebrated.
Then on Monday I had a trip to see a hernia specialist and he agreed that my hernia was so small as to be of no immediate concern. That was a big relief. I was not looking forward to being hospitalized. Been there done that.
Also on Monday a pesky keratosis on my index finger turned out to be a keratocanthoma. That's good? Yes. The keratosis was closely adjacent to a knuckle, which meant that it would need a graft to replace it when excised. And grafts and I often do not get on well. I lose them. But a keratocanthoma goes away of its own accord. It swells up, sort of explodes and then fades away. And it started to die on Monday and it is now only about a half of its former size. And it was due to be excised on Wednesday. So I just squeaked in on that one. But it was a very pleasing outcome.
Then on Wednesday I went in for a couple of other excisions, both on my face. No fun at all but expert surgery meant that I felt pretty much back to normal on Thursday morning. I had to skip the booze on Wednesday night and sleep on my back all night but with the help of two Temaz I managed it.
Also on Wednesday, however, was Valentine's day. I prepared for it by buying in a bunch of red roses the day before and had said that I would take Anne to a Chinese restaurant for Peking Duck as a special treat. When the time came, however, Anne could see that I was feeling a bit unfit after surgery only a couple of hours previously so very kindly gave up her treat to cook me a dinner at home.
I had in my freezer some Jamie Oliver chicken fillets marinated and coated so we had that. I made up a cold collation on a big platter with Rotkohl etc to have with it, which seemed to go well.
Because we were not opening wine, Anne requested a Martini. I don't drink them myself but the ones I make seem well-received. I gave Anne a tropical Martini.
As is well known, a Martini is basically just gin and Vermouth poured over ice cubes. The proportions you use and various other factors do come into it however. Everybody has their own recipe. You should, for instance, use fairly small ice cubes so that the liquor and the ice have maximum contact, making the drink cold. Normally the ice is filtered off rather than left in the drink but for a tropical Martini you leave the ice in. In hot weather it helps to keep the drink cold. Whether you can do that may however depend on the size of your cocktail glasses. Mine are a bit on the large size so everything fits in nicely.
6 February, 2018
Interesting days recently
On Sunday morning (4th) Joe and I had our usual brunch. Joe was in a mood for Maccas so we went there and took our purchases to the Kangaroo Pt cliffs to eat. It is very scenic there. I had some sort of breakfast burger that was quite good plus a big chocolate shake. One of the things Joe had was a serve of hotcakes.
Then on the evening of the same day, I hosted a small dinner dedicated to men's talk. Joe could not come as his cat had just got sick so he had to go to the vet. But Christopher and Graham were there. Graham brought along a couple of 19th century British cavalry sabres for display. I have now asked him to get one for me too. They were a remarkably fine piece of work considering when they were made. Chris brought along sidearms: A replica Colt 45 American army revolver of the 19th century plus a German Luger pistol. I could see how the Luger "points well", helping you to hit your tahget.
Mostly however we just talked, covering a very wide range of topics. I explained the sequence of events plus the psychological motivation behind WWI. We got onto the Battle of Jutland, which is a particular interest of mine. I pointed out that Admiral Scheer ran rings around admiral Jellicoe. And it turned out that Graham had an ancestor on one of the ships that the Kaiserliche Marine sank. We also touched briefly on the Crimean war and the battle of Hastings in 1066.
I noted that our ancestors originally came from the South Baltic shores but something happened that made them want to find greener fields -- crop failures due to global cooling probably. Anyway some drove South and some got into boats and drove West -- creating Saxony and England respectivelly. Saxony is a very choice part of the German lands so it is clear that the Saxons were good warriors who won their battles. And in both places where they made their new settlements there were already other people there -- Celts. So the people of both Saxony and England today are a blend of Saxons and Celts. When the Celts lost a battle to the Saxons, you can guess what happened to the Celtic women.
And I pointed out that the Celts in our ancestry really were one ethnic group. Since all the surving Celtic groups in Western Europe speak similar languages -- Welsh, Irish, Cornish, Manx, Breton, Scots Gaelic -- that is very clear. Other European groups called Celts may however be unrelated. "Celt" is from "keltoi", the Greek word for "foreigner". We also have Caesar's report in de bello gallico that the Gauls and the British were the one race and respected one-another's priests (Druids).
Christopher was particularly taken with Breton folk-music and noted that it was the theme music to the “Black Hawk down” movie
Load the video here:
So those of us with Celtic ancestry have a wide range of cultures to make our own. I believe that the Breton folk scene is particularly lively -- and it is ours if we want it.
We also talked quite a bit about old motorbikes, particularly remembering our surprise when the Honda Dream first came out. It upset lots of our conceptions of what motorbikes were like.
We aso noted with approval the ideas of psychologist Jordan Peterson and wondered if he might become a major change agent.
So in discussing men's topics a good time was had by all.
Graham and I next day had a rather traditional brekkie of savoury mince on toast at my place and Graham left shortly afterward to catch his plane back to Melbourne
30 January, 2018
I now have a mine at my place
It's a bitcoin mine and it has already made 5c -- using 50c worth of electricity.
Joe was thinking of setting up his own bitcoin mine but it would have taken some research. Help however was at hand. His good friend B.. was up from Sydney for a week's visit. Joe is a valued software engineer but B.. is an absolute computer guru. So for the last few days my place has hosted two very happy people -- running around getting in the hardware and software needed for the enterprise. I wonder how many people realize how satisfying computer programming can be? For those who can do it, it is one of life's great satisfactions.
Computer nerds are supposed to be withdrawn and antisocial but B.. is very chatty and full of laughs. He is however very mentally sharp and thinks at a high level of generality. He joined Joe and me both at our regular Sunday morning brunch and also at our regular Monday trip to Nando's. And he livened both of us up. Joe and I talk to one-another so frequently that it is a wonder that we still find things to talk about. Mr Trump is a great help there. He is always doing something amusing that invites discussion. But anyway I talked a lot to B.. -- and listened -- and it was very interesting. No wonder Joe enjoys his company so much.
26 January, 2018
A pleasant day under blue skies
Leftists have whipped up a bit of a furore over our celebration of Australia day on 26th January. They claim it is unfair to blacks. But the only blacks who seem bothered by it are ones who have been radicalized by Leftists.
Anyway, I celebrated it in the usual Australian way as part of a BBQ type family lunch -- at Jenny's place. Jenny did us all proud again with an excellent lunch. As well as salads and various canapes she cooked up pork sausages, lamb chops and cevapi.
I bought along the cevapi, bread rolls and a bottle of Seaview champagne. One bottle was just right for the 5 of us to toast the day. The cevapi were particlarly welcome as Woolworths has just started stocking them again. They are the king of sausages in my view. So it was good to have them back. They were new to Kate but she remarked that they were very good.
Jenny also provided lamingtons, brownies and softdrink as a dessert. Joe particularly liked the brownies. They were not hash brownies but they were gluten free.
We did discuss the objections to Australia day but concluded that we liked it just the way it is. All of us at table had blue eyes so maybe that had something to do with it. We were all of the same ilk as the early British settlers whose arrival the day celebrates
Anne was in the Arctic enjoying the day-long gloom and such things. Better her than I!
I noticed that Nanna did not drink much of her champagne but gave it to Kate who scoffed it. A modern woman! Joe also gave most of his champagne to Jenny, who absorbed it with no trouble at all. I was the only one who just drank my drink.
After a big lunch I did not feel like much food that night but I eventually made myself a spam and seeded mustard sandwich followed by a bowl of Street's blue ribbon with a mango and passionfruit sauce on it. Yum!
FOOTNOTE: What is meant by "ilk". It is Scottish and means of the same clan. Outside of Scotland, however, it is used more inclusively.
17 January, 2018
A pre birthday dinner
Anne has just flitted off on her latest trip -- to the Arctic of all places. She could reasonably be called a travel-holic at the moment.
Which is ironic as I am travel-phobic these days. I went everywhere I wanted to go in my 30s and it all seems too much bother now. So she mostly travels with her good-humoured sister or goes alone. She is a very friendly lady so she still has a lot of social interaction even when she travels alone.
But the amusing thing is that Joe and Kate seem to be in a similar situation. Joe and I are very different people. He seems to be much more kind-hearted than I am, as one thing. Like his mother he is generally kind whereas I am kind mostly to people I approve of.
But "Like father like son" does emerge at times. Joe is uninterested in travel too. But Kate wants to see it all. Joe took her on a trip all around Europe about a year ago and apparently thought that he had done his travel duty with that. When Kate wanted to flit off again he pointed out to her that he had visited eight countries with her. "But that's just Europe" was her reply. Anyway, latest news is that she is visiting Canada on her own this year.
There are other ways that "Like father like son" emerges. Two trivial but amusing ways are that we both buy rice bubbles but rarely eat them and we both sit down in an odd way, with the foot of one leg tucked under the other leg. There is a rather attractive young lady below showing how it's done. Both Joe and I do it quite unconsciously. It just seems natural to us.
It so happens that Anne's 39th birthday will come up when she is away this year. So I offered to take her out for a birthday dinner before she departed. I took her to a dinner at the Yeronga digger's club. We mostly go there on a Friday, when they have what must be the best smorgasbord in town. So I thought that would be as pretty good birthday offering. This time however we went on a Tuesday, which was quite different. It was a "two for Tuesday" night. Which meant that you got two meals for the price of one. And the place was packed for it. We were lucky to get a table. The menu was rather small and basic so the only vaguely interesting thing I could find on it were "Toulouse sausages". But it turned out that they were quite nice.
Anyway, I also took her to The Phams for breakfast next morning, where she had a Vietnamese omelette, a big and very tasty meal.
While we were there a mother and a pretty little 10 year old daughter walked in. As soon as the mother lined up to order, the daughter zipped over to the the newspapers, got a "Courier Mail" and started reading it. The wait was a bit long, however, so as soon as she had taken a good look at the local newspaper, she went over and got "The Australian" and started reading it. She was obviously VERY bright for her age. Her mother had her in a pretty dress and her hair was nicely done so she seemed otherwise quite normal. I would have LOVED to have her as a daughter. I have seen many kids in that restaurant but she was the only one ever to display such adult behaviour. It made my day.
I was an odd one in my childhood too. Most kids have on their bedroom walls posters of sports and movie stars. I had a big map of Taiwan on my wall, which was big in the news at that time. I actually wrote to Taipei to get that map.
13 January, 2018
Mrs Possum
One of the more pleasing aspects of Brisbane's older suburbs is that a lot of trees have grown up and that has attracted wildlife. Scrub turkeys strutting up and down the street are a common sight. And I once had a magnificent python in my back loo.
But because I have a very luxuriant Mulberry tree right outside my front verandah I occasionally see possums grazing there. Australian possums are much nicer than American opossums but they are distantly related. Anyway, our possums are rather bold creatures. They stare you down rather than run away from you.
So today on Saturday night we had an encounter with one. And it was a Mrs Possum. She was in the middle of my front staircase when I popped out up top and Joe was coincidentally approaching from below. To have people both in front of her and behind her was too much, however, so she scooted away.
How do I know she was Mrs Possum? Because she had the most gorgeous baby possum on her back. We were privileged by her visit.
I have seen lady possums on the tree in front of me in the past. I have observed her marsupium.
7 January, 2018
An interesting dinner
Early last year I initiated dinners with people I remember from my old army unit: 21 Psych. It was interesting to catch up and hear what others had been up to since the '60s.
So I arranged another dinner tonight. I was able to get Peter Muir along this time so that was good. I tried to get Peter Ridgewell along as well but I understand he has been very ill. That reinforces my resolution to put on such dinners annually. Someone from the unit whom I remember with affection is John French, who is now deceased. So "do it now" is my resolve for catching up with people.
We were originally going to go to the Chinese restaurant next to the PA hospital at Buranda but they have just gone broke -- so I changed the venue to only a block away, at Zambreros of Buranda, a Mexican restaurant. Some of the ladies were a bit wary of Mexican chillies so I may go back to Chinese next year.
Old times were of course discussed and even controversial topics like IQ were aired. I mentioned the well established fact that American blacks are on average a whole standard deviation (15 points) below the white average on IQ and was rightly told that I could get into a lot of trouble these days by saying so. As it happens, however what I said is in fact the official position of the American Psychological Association. But what scholars can say among themselves may not pass in public of course.
The late Chris Brand was a sad example of that. Every serious student of ancient history knows that the brilliant civilization of ancient Greece was a pedophilic civilization. Chris, however, was unwise enough to mention that to one of the newspapers. Despite having tenure he was fired from his Edinburgh university job over it. There was such an uproar in the papers that the university didn't have much choice
Anyway, everybody enjoyed the dinner. Anne had quesadillas and I had a "classic bowl". I shouted the dinner but the total cost was only $88 so it was a small price to pay for good company.
The gathered company, men at the back, Rod Hardaker, Peter Hadgraft, myself and Peter Muir
Two larger photos here and here -- from the camera of Linda Muir, wife of Peter.
5 January, 2018
An unusual New Year
I don't usually mark New Year's eve in any way. I stay at home, eat at home and am always in bed before the fireworks. Anne however wanted to do something so decided to take another one of her many holidays. She went up to Binna Burra Lodge for a few nights with some old bushwalking friends. One of them was an old boyfriend of hers with whom she has often gone bushwalking. Neither of them are capable of much walking these days but they enjoy what they can of their old bushwalking haunts. I believe that more such outings are planned.
Anne however made it up to me for not being with me on the big night by joining me for dinner on New Years day. We don't normally meet on Mondays. We went to the Yeronga rissole, which had a very good buffet that night. The food is always good there and there was such a range that Anne was able to put together for herself an almost entirely seafood plate, which she likes. I had all sorts, including some quite good gyoza, which is Japanese food.
To drink I had Fourex Gold, which is my usual beer, and for Anne I ordered a glass of Chardonnay. And there was something unusual about that. In most pubs and restaurants, if you order wine by the glass, they hand you a glass that is only about a third full -- which always annoys me. At the club, however, Anne got a glass that was pretty full. That will certainly encourage me to go back there.
I noticed a way in which the club had changed over the last couple of years. The members were once almost entirely white Australians. It was a sort of holdout of the way Australia once was. This time however, there was a substantial contingent of Chinese. So they have finally woken up to what good value our clubs are. They fitted in perfectly, of course. Most of the children running around were Chinese -- dressed and behaving indistinguishably from other Australian children. The Chinese are great at fitting in, which is a credit to them.
Then the next night, Tuesday, was one of our usual nights together so we went to the went to the Moreton Bay Sports Club, which was at the top of Anne's street. The Barramundi we both had for dinner was well cooked and well presented. The male membership there consists almost entirely of elderly white guys with expanded waistlines -- so I fitted in perfectly. A pity it is now defunct
For posts on this blog in 2017, see here
What would I like to be remembered about me long after I am dead and gone?
I would like it to be remembered that I too often experienced one of life's greatest pleasures: The first mouthful of cold beer on a warm day.
That pleasure will last as long as human beings are human beings, I believe
I am less certain about Bach. The last thing that people will remember about me long after I have gone will probably be: "He liked Bach". Will J.S. Bach continue to inspire people for a thousand years more? I think so. But beyond that I am not sure.
As Oscar Wilde might have said: Life is too important to be taken seriously
Brief bio
My full name is Dr. John Joseph RAY. I am a former university teacher aged 74 at the time of writing in early 2018. I was born of Australian pioneer stock in 1943 at Innisfail in the State of Queensland in Australia. After an early education at Innisfail State Rural School and Cairns State High School, I taught myself for matriculation. I took my B.A. in Psychology from the University of Queensland in Brisbane. I then moved to Sydney (in New South Wales, Australia) and took my M.A. in psychology from the University of Sydney in 1969 and my Ph.D. from the School of Behavioural Sciences at Macquarie University in 1974. I first tutored in psychology at Macquarie University and then taught sociology at the University of NSW. I am Australian born of working class origins and British ancestry. My doctorate is in psychology but I taught mainly sociology in my 14 years as a university teacher. In High Schools I taught economics. I have taught in both traditional and "progressive" (low discipline) High Schools.
Dramatis Personae
Jenny is the first wife of Ken and the third wife of John
Maureen is the second wife of Ken
Paul and the twins (Vonnie and Suzy) are the children of Jenny and Ken
Joe is the child of Jenny and John
Timmy and Davey are the children of Ken and Maureen
Paul is married to Susan
Matthew is the son of Paul and Susan
Twinny Suzy is married to Russell
Von is married to Simon
Tracy is Ken's sister
Tracy is married to Simon (another Simon)
Hannah is the daughter of Von and Simon
Sahara and Dusty are the children of Twinny Suzy and Russell
George came out on the boat to Australia with Ken
George has a son named Simon (The 3rd. Simon)
Jill and Lewis are old friends of John
Anne is the lady in John's life these days
Anne has sisters named Merle and June. Merle is married to Ralph
Anne's sons are Byron, Nigel and Warren
Byron has two sons named Koen and Ethan and a wife named Bonnie
My brother is Christopher (married to Kim) and my surviving sister is Roxanne (married to Stefan)
Quite simple really!
"Tongue Tied"
"Dissecting Leftism"
"Australian Politics"
"Education Watch International"
"Political Correctness Watch"
"Greenie Watch"
"A Western Heart" (A summary blog)