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31 August, 2016
Australia: Leftist hate speech reprimanded
Labor leader Bill Shorten has been confronted by a preacher imploring
him not to describe opponents of same-sex marriages as homophobic.
Mr Shorten was addressing reporters after leaving a parliamentary church
service in Canberra on Tuesday when the man asked for a word.
He picked up on a comment the opposition leader made after the Orlando
nightclub shooting that the plebiscite campaign would "give haters the
chance to come out from under the rock".
"Please don't speak like that about other Australians so we can have a
civil and tolerant discussion rather than the hate that's been coming,"
the man said. "That was disappointing, and I like you and I like the
Labor party."
Mr Shorten replied he understood people of faith could be opposed to
same-sex marriage. "But some people who object to marriage equality do
have homophobic attitudes," he said.
Sexy ads under fire

LINGERIE retailer Bras N Things is embroiled in a storm in a D-cup after
it was forced to pull a campaign video down due to its overtly explicit
The video, which played in Bras N Things stores, featured 2011
Australia’s Next Model winner Simone Holtznagel and showed her posing in
a series of sexual positions — described as “amateur porn” in
complaints — where she flaunted the latest Playboy lingerie.
The campaign, which resembles a Playboy ad, also features close ups of Ms Holtznagel’s body wearing the lingerie. [HORROR!]
A series of complaints to the Australian Advertising Standards Bureau
forced the retailer to pull the ads, claiming the instore screens were
so large, seeing it was “unavoidable”.
“This was in an ordinary public place, with children and families there,
why should they be confronted with it in a shopping mall,” read one
“It was vulgar, unsuitable for the young and simply demeaning for any woman walking past.”
Another read: “They were not merely modelling the underwear, they were
moving suggestively, gyrating and looking lasciviously at the camera —
like a very amateur porn movie.
Bras N Things declined to make a comment when contacted by news.com.au,
but according to the complaint, the retailer received “very little
feedback from customers” and “does not feel that it has breached any
advertising standards”.
As a matter of “respect” to shopping centres, the video would be replaced with pictures instead in an act of “good faith”.
30 August, 2016
Before Celebrating Gawker’s Demise, Consider This
Forget for a moment the question about whether celebrity sex tapes are
“newsworthy.” The real question is whether we want juries determining
what is, and what is not “newsworthy.”
In March, a Florida jury awarded Hulk Hogan a plum $140 million in his
suit against Gawker.com (Bollea v Gawker). Hogan argued that Gawker’s
publication of a sex tape was an invasion of privacy, having no “news”
If one verdict can put a media company out of business, this seems very
much like a form of arbitrary regulation of the press. As I write,
Gawker Media appears to be in financial tailspin. In May, Gawker was
denied its motion for a new trial or reduction in damages. Gawker was
ultimately forced to declare bankruptcy, and its sale to Univision was
quickly approved. Then, on August 18, it was announced that Gawker.com
would cease operations.
And there seems to have been little love lost for the tawdry gossip
site, which trolled the private lives of celebrities and politicians for
over a decade.
The successful suit has already inspired similar legal threats by other
another star: Melania Trump, who considers herself to be harmed by
“hurtful,” “damaging,” and “false” reporting by other news
Slippery Slopes
Despite grave anxiety within the media over Bollea’s Constitutional
implications, any layman searching for an excuse to celebrate Gawker’s
demise need only cite the obligatory canard that not all speech is
protected: Because, well, free speech and all that jazz, but you can’t
shout fire in a crowded theater!
Then again, those of us who have read Schenck v. United States probably
die a little inside every time we hear this tripe. (tl;dr: Charles
Schenck never shouted fire in any theater. He was convicted under the
Espionage Act of 1917 for handing out anti-war pamphlets, encouraging
people to oppose the draft and World War I. Oliver Wendell Holmes called
this a “clear and present danger,” after wringing his hands about
imaginary men shouting fire in imaginary theaters).
While Bollea does not raise the specter of a “clear and present danger,”
this “newsworthiness” exception to the First Amendment is proving to be
no less arbitrary.
Basically, it appears that once a journalist crosses the Rubicon from
“newsworthy” into “sensationalism,” the First Amendment vanishes.
Not sure I agree with the above. It was a right to privacy that
was breached. The First Amendment does not rule out privacy and
most countries do have laws protecting privacy to some degree. So
it is a widely recognized right
Slapping men on the bottom is sexist?
An advert for gym clothes featuring radio personality Hamish Blake and
his wife Zoe Foster-Blake has been labelled sexist against men.
Complaints were made to the Australian Advertising Standards Board, but
were dismissed earlier this month.
The commercial shows Hamish and Zoe competing in physical challenges while wearing clothing from the popular brand Bonds.
At one point, Zoe pulls down her husband's shorts to reveal a pair of Bonds underwear, before slapping his bottom.
Several complainants alleged the scene portrayed males as 'sexual objects to the viewers'.
'The ad clearly objectifies men and shows how they are sexual objects to
the viewers; is this message what we want children and other viewers to
think?' read one complaint.
'I feel this is derogatory towards men, also promotes putting down another person,' read another.
29 August, 2016
New twist in the Golliwog saga

A grandmother is selling 'Golly Dolls' in a bid to 'reclaim black
heritage' and raise money for charitable causes. Retired midwife
Charlotte Nightingale, 65, sells the controversial children's toy at
fairs, school fetes, and village shows.
The mother-of-three, who dresses up as a Golly when she sells them, said
she had received a widely positive reaction from members of the public
and does understand why they have been banned.
She said: 'Three or four years ago I became aware that Gollies were
banned because they were offending black people, but that was news to
'I'm black. I'm from Ghana and I didn't know this was the case - I thought this is nonsense.
'I could not make sense why a doll which was a children's toy, or a rag
doll, is now offensive to black people - and for that reason I chose to
use it as a mascot.
'Golly is still loved by millions of people of all shades.'
Colin Kaepernick explains why he sat during national anthem
San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick has willingly immersed
himself into controversy by refusing to stand for the playing of the
national anthem in protest of what he deems are wrongdoings against
African Americans and minorities in the United States.
His latest refusal to stand for the anthem -- he has done this in at
least one other preseason game -- came before the 49ers' preseason loss
to Green Bay at Levi's Stadium on Friday night.
"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that
oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media
in an exclusive interview after the game. "To me, this is bigger than
football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There
are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away
with murder."
The 49ers issued a statement about Kaepernick's decision: "The national
anthem is and always will be a special part of the pre-game ceremony. It
is an opportunity to honor our country and reflect on the great
liberties we are afforded as its citizens. In respecting such American
principles as freedom of religion and freedom of expression, we
recognize the right of an individual to choose and participate, or not,
in our celebration of the national anthem."
Niners coach Chip Kelly told reporters Saturday that Kaepernick's
decision not to stand during the national anthem is "his right as a
citizen" and said "it's not my right to tell him not to do something."
The NFL also released a statement, obtained by NFL Media Insider Ian
Rapoport: "Players are encouraged but not required to stand during the
playing of the national anthem."
By taking a stand for civil rights, Kaepernick, 28, joins other
athletes, like the NBA's Dwyane Wade, Chris Paul, LeBron James and
Carmelo Anthony and several WNBA players in using their platform and
status to raise awareness to issues affecting minorities in the U.S.
However, refusal to support the American flag as a means to take a stand
has brought incredible backlash before and likely will in this
instance. The NBA's Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf of the Denver Nuggets, formerly
Chris Jackson before converting to Islam, refused to acknowledge the
flag in protest, citing similar reasons as Kaepernick and saying that it
conflicted with some of his Islamic beliefs.
Abdul-Rauf drew the ire of fans and was briefly suspended by the NBA
before a compromise was worked out between the league and player, who
eventually stood with his teammates and coaches at the playing of the
national anthem.
Kaepernick said that he is aware of what he is doing and that he knows
it will not sit well with a lot of people, including the 49ers. He said
that he did not inform the club or anyone affiliated with the team of
his intentions to protest the national anthem.
This ungrateful jackass should try making a living playing football
anyplace else. All countries have their faults. Tell me any
country where blacks do well. They do way better in the USA than they do
in black-run countries
28 August, 2016
An honest bureaucrat in Britain
The chairman of the schools watchdog has finally quit today after he
described the Isle of Wight as an inbred, poor, white, crime-filled
Ofsted chief David Hoare said the island's school results – among the
worst in the country – may be linked to its social problems.
While many go there for 'champagne' holidays, the way ordinary islanders
lived was 'shocking', he said, with ghettos 'within inches' of sailing
clubs for the rich.
Three weeks after the comments he finally resigned and informed
Education Secretary Justine Greening he would quit with immediate
The former banker apologised three weeks ago after his views were
branded ill-judged and insulting, saying he was merely highlighting the
problem of low educational standards in coastal towns.
But it appears that this was not enough and he has fallen on his sword.
Mr Hoare made the controversial comments during a speech to teachers at
the Teach First conference in Leeds, the Times Educational Supplement
The management consultant, who has a home just across the Solent, said
his dinner party guests think of the Isle of Wight as a 'holiday land'.
He added: 'But it is shocking. It's a ghetto; there has been inbreeding.
There is a mass of crime, drug problems, huge unemployment.'
The Isle of Wight was the second worst local authority when it comes to
secondary education and the third worst when it comes to primary
education, he said.
But Isle of Wight Council leader Jonathan Bacon said Mr Hoare's comments
were an 'insult to the proud and hardworking community'.
'They are ridiculous and disclose a complete lack of knowledge of the Isle of Wight and its education system,' he said.
Mr Bacon said he would complain to Education Secretary Justine Greening.
Out of the 69, 972 households on the Isle of Wight - 4,000 of these are
home to single-parent families. Almost two in five of these parents are
not in full-time employment.
The island has one area, the ward of Ryde North East, that is listed in
the top 10 per cent of the most deprived areas of Britain for a number
of concerning factors. It is listed in the most deprived 10 per cent for
its crime, income, education and living environment.
WVU Says No He or She, Use Ve
If he’s to be a she and she’s to be a he and it’s they who told you he’s
a she who we know to be a he, then when is it right to call he a he and
she a she? This is the insane conundrum that incoming students at the
University of West Virginia will be having to navigate this year as the
university has guaranteed students have “the right be called by the name
and pronouns consistent with your gender identity.” Who would have
known that pronouns had become so sexist?
The move is reminiscent of the University of Tennessee’s similar
directive last year. WVU is basing its latest leftist thought control
efforts on the Obama administration’s redefinition of the Title IX
prohibition of discrimination on the basis of sex. To make it “easier”
on students seeking to make this transition in their vocabulary, the
university has come up with a guide of “Proper pronoun usage” that swaps
out the gender bound pronouns for those who are “non-gendered,” such as
“ve”, “ver” and “vis.” The guide also includes this advice, “Some
people may not want a lot of public attention to their pronouns, while
others will appreciate you standing up for them. If someone uses the
wrong pronoun for a person who isn’t present, try a brief correction.”
Why is WVU making this downright ridiculous appeal to its students?
Well, it may be more than merely the fanciful desires of a bunch of
leftist educators. You see, Obama’s directive on the redefinition of sex
in regards to Title IX also contained this ominous warning: “The
Departments have resolved Title IX investigations with agreements
committing that school staff and contractors will use pronouns and names
consistent with a transgender student’s gender identity.” Well, if a
school wants to keep its funding, it better toe the line.
In other news, Princeton has banned the word “man.” So there’s that…
27 August, 2016
Blackface furore in Britain

A folk festival has banned Morris dancers from performing with black
paint on their faces after complaints that the 500-year-old tradition is
Shrewsbury Folk Festival bosses said people wearing full black face
paint would not be booked from next year - although dancers claim it has
no racial links and branded it 'PC nonsense'.
This weekend's event will be the last time the popular festival will book Morris dancers using dark make-up.
Community group Fairness, Respect, Equality Shropshire (FRESH) said the ban showed sensitivity 'to a changed social climate'.
But Morris dancers say there were 'no racial connotations' and they had 'never wanted to upset people.'
Festival director Sandra Surtees said they found themselves 'caught between two sides' of the argument.
She added: 'The use of full face black make up is an age old tradition, particularly within Border Morris.
'The Morris movement has always evolved over time and some sides have
take their own decisions to move away from using full face black make up
to other forms of colour and disguise.
The tradition is known as 'Border Morris' and sees performers wearing a
full-face of black makeup in order to disguise themselves, has no racial
'The festival has never wished to cause offence to any person and as
such, from 2017, we will no longer book sides that use full face black
make up.
But the decision has sparked public outrage from Morris dancers and Shropshire residents.
Jon Roads said: 'It's terrible that PC nonsense is being used to repress
our traditional customs in this way. 'These ancient traditions
are at risk of dying out completely. Just disgusting.'
Adrian Pitt added: 'I am disappointed that the organisers are not
prepared to tolerate my traditional disguise, which has nothing to do
with mimicry of any racial group and doesn't even look like any
particular racial group, the evidence of which goes back centuries.'
Blackface furore in Australia

[Black footballer] Nic Naitanui has spoken out after a Perth mother’s
Facebook post of her son dressed like the AFL star sparked widespread
Taking to social media, Naitanui wrote that the kid was “merely
attempting to emulate his hero”, saying it “hurts my heart. Especially
when that hero is me!”
The original post, made on commentator Constance Hall’s public Facebook
page, shows the West Australian mother’s young son dressed as Naitanui —
his favourite footy player.
The problem? She painted his skin with head-to-toe brown paint.
The post prompted widespread outrage.
Last night, Adam Briggs, an Indigenous rapper, comedian and actor, slammed the woman in a Facebook post about blackface.
He described it as an “obviously reckless, racist thing to do”, said he
“thought it was a set up”, and went on to invalidate a series of common
arguments that support blackface.
“She seems to have disappeared now, gone to ground, I hope she stays there for the sake of her son.
26 August, 2016
In Britain, "Paki" is a very bad word but "Sub-continentals" is normally OK. But not this time, apparently
The senior surgeon clearly had a low opinion of doctors from the
Asian sub-continent but he was not being unreasonable in that.
"Overseas trained" doctors in Britain attract four times the rate of
official complaints of British doctors. They often are problem
people of low competence. But facts take second place to speech
correctness in Britain these days
A leading NHS surgeon is fighting to save his career after being accused
of racism when he referred to a group of junior Asian colleagues as
'sub-continent elements'.
Clinical director Peter Hale, 58, claimed three Pakistani doctors and
one Indian medic who worked under him were a 'highly egocentric group'
and 'their own worst enemy' after they told him they were being treated
'like slaves.'
He also claimed one of them needed 'a good slap'.
The comments were made after a heated discussion about rota changes at a
hospital looked after by Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals
When the Asian doctors left the room following the meeting, Mr Hale
offered to place a £50 bet that one would agree to work a particular
shift only to then 'fly to Nigeria and that there would be a problem
with the plane coming back.'
He also singled out of one of the doctors saying: 'Chill pill? He needs a
good slap' adding: 'They accuse me of de-skilling them - but it's
inevitable if you behave in this way then you don't get given the things
you want.'
Unbeknown to Mr Hale, his unguarded remarks were inadvertently taped
after a mobile phone which had been recording the hospital meeting was
left switched on.
Mr Hale was subsequently reported to bosses at Brighton and Sussex
University Hospitals Trust and he was later sacked for gross misconduct.
Investigators claimed the surgeon's remarks could be considered racially
discriminatory as he had referred to an Australian colleague as a man
who 'never lets you down and will go a mile to make sure he helps.'
The four Asian doctors - Khawaja Zia, Ved Prakash, Vivek Kaul and
Christi Swaminathan - subsequently sued the NHS trust for racial
discrimination claiming they had been under-paid and under-promoted due
to their race and treated as 'slave labour.' They also claimed they had
taken offence to Mr Hale using the phrase 'three-line whip' to ask them
to come to a meeting but lost their case.
It is understood the trust has spent more than £1.4 million defending
employment tribunals involving race relations over the past decade. It
is believed the vast majority of these involve a small number of repeat
claimants and the trust has lost one.
Today, Mr Hale from Hassocks, West Sussex, faces being banned from
practising medicine in Britain altogether after he was referred to the
General Medical Council and accused of racial prejudice.
He had been appointed as a troubleshooting head of the gastrointestinal
department at the Royal Sussex County Hospital in 2011 following
concerns the department was over-spending and under-performing.
But the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service in Manchester was told
controversy erupted over rota changes in the department and matters came
to a head during a heated staff meeting on December 13, 2013.
The 90-minute meeting on the mobile phone was recorded but after it
finished the device was not switched off and it taped Mr Hale as he
carried on talking to colleagues in private for another ten minutes.
Counsel for the GMC, Craig Sephton QC told the hearing: 'There is no
doubt that the four doctors were vocal and occasionally not as polite as
they should have been but on the other hand, they were clearly
concerned about their jobs and they had the impression that they had
been mistreated.
'Mr Hale failed to show respect, he referred to them as 'sub-continental
elements' and 'egocentric groups'. The comments that were made are
disrespectful of the people about whom they were made. Whatever you
think about somebody, to say that they need a good slap or that they are
vile is not respectful, even when you are talking privately.
Comedian Fined $42,000 by Human Rights Tribunal for Telling a Joke
Canadian comedian Mike Ward was fined a whopping $42,000 by Quebec’s
Human Rights Tribunal for jokes he made about a disabled boy.
The child, Jérémy Gabriel, who suffers from Treacher Collins Syndrome,
is a bit of a national celebrity in Canada after he sung for the pope in
2006 essentially because everyone thought he did not have long to live.
Ward’s joke was a rant about how the child was supposed to die, that he
“stole a wish” and is unkillable. Sure, not in great taste, but
certainly not in violation of the kid’s “human rights.”
His joke was never televised, but after he talked about the bit in an
interview, Gabriel’s parents found out and dragged the comedian to the
human rights tribunal last month. He fought the fine, but lost in court.
Ward told Spiked that he plans to appeal the decision, and if that
fails, will try to bring the case to the Supreme Court. “If I lose that
I’ll just move to Syria or Saudi Arabia, or some other country that
respects free speech as much as Canada does,” he said.
23 August, 2016
Must not suggest that it is mostly women who do the cooking
She became Britain’s most successful female Olympian of all-time after
winning her fourth gold in Rio but Laura Trott was still subjected to
casual sexism after her fiance, Jason Kenny, won his sixth gold medal.
Kenny, 28, drew level with Sir Chris Hoy on six golds after a sensational ride in the keirin final at the velodrome.
Trott, 24, made history earlier by becoming the first female Briton to
win four gold medals at the Olympics and watched on as fiance Kenny
equaled Hoy’s record.
However, Chris Boardman, who won a pursuit gold for Great Britain at the
1992 Olympics, sparked outrage in the aftermath of Kenny’s win, saying:
‘She’s [Trott] doing all the emotion for him – he’s [Kenny] looking at
her wondering what’s for tea!’
Boardman quickly attempted to clarify his remarks on Twitter after the
race by insisting it had nothing to do with Trott’s gender.
However, that didn’t stop hordes of people taking to Twitter to criticise the 47-year-old for his comments.
Australian university: You can freely say that conservatives
are like Nazis but must not say that anti-Israel Arabs are like Nazis
SYDNEY University has been accused of “serious academic bias’’ after a
student reported lecturers at the institution were likening current
conservative politicians to Nazis.
Lecturers also compared Australia’s handling of refugees to the Nazis’
treatment of mentally ill people murdered in Germany in the 1940s.
According to free speech advocate Matthew Lesh, who is running a project
with the Institute of Public Affairs to reveal bias on campus,
universities are becoming “closed intellectual shops” where “only
certain ideas are allowed to be expressed’’.
During a lecture this month about the treatment of gay people in Nazi
Germany, students were told it was “something out of ... (Liberal
Senator) Cory Bernardi’s handbook”.
A second-year student ended up pulling out of the subject, The
Holocaust, History and Aftermath, after he was prevented from presenting
his class assignment on modern instances of anti-Semitism.
The 22-year-old, who was afraid to be named for fear of reprisals, said
he was told by the tutor not to explain how anti-Israel sentiment can be
linked to anti-Semitism.
“I was halfway through my slides when the tutor told me to skip the rest
of the presentation, saying ‘We don’t want people to get the wrong idea
about you’,” the student said. “It was clear I was not allowed to
discuss this, it was quite dogmatic.”
The student quit the subject and later received what he described as an unfairly low mark.
The free speech think-tank issued a report recently which found eight in
10 universities it examined had policies or had restricted free speech.
“Students should be free to express views, not be interrupted and punished,” he said.
A spokeswoman for the university said it did not seek to avoid politics in lectures.
22 August, 2016
Racism or a realistic perception of danger?
A farmer in Saskatchewan lives near a "First Nations" (Canadian
Indian) settlement and there has been a great deal of crime among the
Indians concerned. So when he saw a carload of Indians driving
onto his farm, he fired first and asked questions later. He was
probably too impulsive but if you were in fear of being violently
attacked, you might shoot first too.
The shooting was
undoubtedly based on a perception of racial differences but it was also a
realistic perception of racial differences. So are we here
dealing with realism rather than racism in any other sense?
the farmer has been charged with murder has enraged many Saskatchewan
whites who think he acted reasonably in self defence. They back up
that belief with many critical comments about Indians which justify the
farmer's fear. Are such comments "hate speech" or are they a
reasonable comment on real differences? A bit of both, perhaps
like “He should have shot all five of them (and) be given a
medal” and “his only mistake was leaving three witnesses.” undoubtedly
express hate but what has provoked that hate? Two things mainly,
dysfunctional Indian behaviour and coddling of Indians by the
Government favoritism is undoubtedly a great
way to poison white attitudes to Indians. Racism begets racism. A
new system in which Indians and whites are treated equally would
undoubtedly do much to defuse tensions. A perception of injustice
would be removed and a perception of injustice is almost always a great
source of anger. But such a reform will not happen while Pretty Boy runs
Canada. Odd how Leftists are great preachers of equality but are
in fact major sources of unequal treatment. Wouldn't it be great
if Leftists had some real principles that they stuck by?
Much has been said and written in recent days about racism following the
shooting death of a young man on the Northwestern Saskatchewan farm of
Gerald Stanley, who stands charged with murder.
What happened that day to 22-year-old Colten Boushie was tragic; for his
family, loved ones and community it is an unimaginable loss.
Racism against aboriginal people in this province is very real. It is part of a long and sad chapter of our history and culture.
As recently as the late 1990s, an interesting analysis of this was
undertaken by Mr. Justice Ron Barclay of the Court of Queen’s Bench when
asked to rule that prospective jurors in a murder trial could be
questioned on their perceptions of an aboriginal accused.
He wrote: “Widespread anti-aboriginal racism is a grim reality in Canada
and in Saskatchewan. It exists openly and blatantly in attitudes and
actions of individuals.
“It exists privately in the fears, in the prejudices and stereotypes
held by many people and it exists in our institutions. Furthermore,
examination of racism as it impacts specifically on aboriginal people
suggests they are prime victims of racial prejudice.”
What possessed a landowner to allegedly pull out a loaded gun? All the
self-defence laws in the world will not excuse the use of lethal force
for trespassing on land.
The context of life in rural Saskatchewan will be considered, where
increasingly vandalism, thefts and occasionally grotesque acts of
violence befall some farm families that are alone and living miles away
from help.
The area around Colten’s hometown of the Red Pheasant Cree Nation is particularly notorious.
It is where the execution-style slaying of two men happened on a nearby
farm in 1994; recently stolen cars from Wilkie appear on Red Pheasant;
in 2005, a family at Cando, fed up after eight attacks in a year, said
they were being driven off their farm after two Red Pheasant men and
several youths trashed their farm, set vehicles ablaze and looted their
Racism happens when someone becomes a target not for what they did but
for what they look like, or, in this case, where they live. The death of
young Colten Boushie, in the wrong place at the wrong time, deserves
There are many facts yet to be revealed. Allowing the courts, the rule of law and justice to prevail is the correct first step.
British female Conservative politician says Burkinis Are "Hate Speech In A Piece Of Clothing"

From the August 17 edition of Fox News' Your World with Neil Cavuto
STUART VARNEY (GUEST HOST): How is this for not being politically
correct, three more towns in France banning the Burkini. France's Prime
Minister supporting these towns, he says the full-body swimsuit for
Muslim women goes against French values. Louise, do you think the French
are doing the right thing banning the Burkini?
LOUISE MENSCH: Stu, I really do. I think the bikini and the burqa and
the full face niqab are grossly offensive garments that say terrible
things about women's bodies. They say that a woman's ordinary body is
immodest, I think it's basically hate speech in a piece of clothing.
Would you allow somebody to go out into the streets and wear a big
t-shirt saying "I hate Muslims?" When you wear those clothes, you're
saying "I hate women," and it's that attitude that leads to honor
killings of women. I'm glad France is doing this.....
MENSCH: I think you should exclude these kind of extremist garments from
French culture, they go against French laws of secularism, which, by
the way, apply in France to all religions. Furthermore, you don't need
to wear this shroud to go swimming, and you can smuggle weapons.
21 August, 2016
Trump Fan Takes Drastic Measures to Protect Free Speech
A man in Colonie, New York, is taking drastic measures to protect his
yard sign supporting Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump after
he watched five prior signs get destroyed or stolen.
Homeowner and prominent local businessman Robert Marini decided to
illuminate the sixth sign with a bank of lights, sink the sign’s base in
concrete, and build a wall of barbed wire around it.
“I don’t have enough time in my life to go around stealing Bernie
Sanders signs or Hillary Clinton signs. It’s not something that I even
thought about doing,” Marini told the Times Union newspaper.
“Everybody’s got a right to free speech, right? At least we think so in
America today. But some people on the left don’t believe in that, so
they just take what’s not theirs.”
Marini is positive that his Trump signs have been targeted by some local
leftist who hates Trump. He points out that other signs in the area for
Clinton or Sanders have never been touched. The proud Trump supporter
also points out he is the only one in the area willing to put a Trump
sign in his yard, so his support of the candidate is a high-profile
Muslim hate speech sanctioned for once
Deutsche Welle (DW; German State Radio) ended its contact with Nagi
Abbas, an Egyptian journalist in its Arabic section, on Friday following
his controversial social media posts calling for the assault of
activist Mahienour El-Masry.
The post was published by Abbas on Wednesday. It included insults about
El-Masry and calls for people to attack her using acid, and to force
feed her acid.
DW said that the journalist “called for an act that is punishable by
law”. The German media institution said that before taking any decision,
it conducted investigations into the matter, which included speaking to
the journalist who did not deny the authenticity of the post.
The journalist was fired, DW added, and further legal measures are being taken.
El-Masry is lawyer and political activist who was just released from
prison. After her release she wrote a Facebook post praising and
saluting her prison inmates, where she mentioned “Aunt Samia Shanan”.
Abbas is a journalist who is specialised in Egyptian-European relations
19 August, 2016
A Facebook post that destroyed a former deputy principal's life has now cost the poster $150,000
No free speech protection attaches to defamation
Before the Facebook post, former deputy principal Kenneth Rothe, 74,
enjoyed his life running two small seaside motels with his wife and
caring for his grandchildren.
Afterwards, Mr Rothe was the subject of a brutal bashing that left him
hospitalised for six months and his family were so scared they moved
Now a NSW District Court judge has forced the man who wrote the defamatory Facebook post to pay $150,000 in damages.
"Pedophile [sic] warning:- Nambucca has been used as a relocation for
these monsters – blue dolphin –nirvana hotel and above the Indian
restaurant! …Bus stops are right out front of theses hotels for our
Mr Rothe was the owner of the Blue Dolphin Motel and Nirvana Village
Motel and a rental apartment in Nambucca Heads on the state's mid north
He sometimes offered crisis accommodation for people fleeing family
disputes but emphatically denied he ever housed ex-prisoners or
paedophiles under any agreement.
A "devastated" and "distressed" Mr Rothe begged Mr Scott for a retraction and an apology but neither was given to him.
Instead his life was seriously threatened – twice.
Mr Rothe told the court that just before the first assault someone said to him, "Are you the Blue Dolphin paedophile?"
People started making anonymous phone calls to the motel, some asking
for sex, and the Nambucca Valley Crime Information Facebook page
republished the allegations.
Judge Judith Gibson found that Mr Rothe was an upright member of the
north coast community who ran his businesses in accordance with the law.
"This Facebook attack was made on him out of the blue, with no prior
inquiry of any kind by any person," Judge Gibson said. "It has had a
devastating effect on him," she said.
"It would be fair to say that the publication of the matter complained
of has destroyed the plaintiff's wellbeing as well as his peace of
Judge Gibson found there was no factual basis to Mr Scott's claims, he
was an "unimpressive witness" and he had made no attempt to verify
the information he had heard from others prior to posting his rant.
Must not say bad things about Gypsies
A Tory MP has sparked outrage after he compared a group of travellers to the feared conqueror - Genghis Khan.
Gary Streeter, 55, labelled the group as intruders and accused them of
causing major disruption after setting up camp at a park on Sunday.
The travellers were evicted from the site in Plymouth, Devon, yesterday lunchtime.
But Mr Streeter, who represents South West Devon, has now launched a
tirade against their way of life. He said: 'The key to tackling
this perennial problem is to remove travellers like these from the
"vulnerable ethnic minority" status.
'They are as vulnerable as Genghis Khan, most of them are as ethnic as I am, and all have permanent homes elsewhere in the UK.
Mr Streeter has aired his feelings about the travelling community on
several previous occasions, but his latest comments have caused anger
among senior Labour councillors.
Philippa Davey, shadow cabinet member for safer and stronger
communities, said Mr Streeter’s views confirm research by Anglia Ruskin
University, which found discrimination against gypsies and travellers is
the 'last bastion of acceptable racism'.
She said: 'Of course the council should deal with unauthorised access to
land, but comparing people to Genghis Khan and making sweeping
judgements about very vulnerable groups of people is irresponsible.
18 August, 2016
Pink for girls is SEXIST!
Its return to TV screens has been hotly-anticipated by baking fans
across Britain. But the Great British Bake Off has come under fire from
keen-eyed viewers for being 'sexist' when unveiling the contestants for
this year's competition.
Revealing the 12 candidates for the popular show's seventh series, BBC
producers had the six men and six women pose with 'gender-related'
Posing for the camera, the men can be seen holding a bowl of 'manly'
blue icing sugar, while the women pose alongside a pink topping.
Viewers have been quick to take to Twitter to complain about the 'sexist' and 'embarrassingly dated' move.
Lorna Stewart wrote: 'Pink icing for women, blue for men. Men in
@BritishBakeOff obviously make much more manly icing. Grrrr blue. #GBBO'
Bethan Smith said: 'Hey @BritishBakeOff, why is the icing pink for a
woman, blue for a man in the contestant pics? Seems a bit pigeonholing
and backward! #GBBO'
Must not describe any woman as pear-shaped

Gold’s Gym put their heads together this week when planning a new advertising campaign for their fitness centre.
‘This is no shape for a girl’ their Facebook post read, and by shape — they were talking about a pear.
The marketing mob at Gold’s Dreamland gym, which is based in a hospital
in Egypt, were probably pretty chuffed with themselves when the image
started to go viral. But the reason for the thousands of shares,
comments and retweets wasn’t because of their catchy phrase.
No, people were pissed.
“Well I WAS a member of Golds but looks like I need to find a gym that
doesn’t body shame and degrade women for their appearance,” one facebook
user posted under the image.
“This is exactly why so many people hate their bodies. Stop spewing crap
like this. You can encourage people to be healthy without the use of
body shaming,” another added.
“If that’s all your PR came up with I’d fire them all.”
In response to the backlash, the gym issued an apology. But unfortunately, that just made matters worse.
The simple black box with the text ‘Our Apology’ created almost as much
outrage as the original post of the pear. “Our apology, this post was
not meant to offend anyone,” the Gym wrote next to the image.
As you’d expect, social media users didn’t buy the #sorrynotsorry
approach. In fact, the back pedalling apology only added fuel to a
pretty raging fire.
17 August, 2016
Viewers of CBC's Olympic coverage outraged after 'racist' announcer
is caught on mic saying 14-year-old Chinese swimmer 'went out like
stink, died like a pig'
Apparently intended as humorous but pretty unpleasant language to apply to an athlete doing her best
Canadian broadcaster CBC has been forced to apologize after one of its
commentators said a 14-year-old female Chinese swimmer 'went out like
stink' and 'died like a pig' during a race.
Commentator Byron MacDonald thought his mic was turned off when he
started to dispense some of his own opinions at the end of the women's
4x200m freestyle relay final.
MacDonald, who was brought on board CBC's commentary team to provide
'color' could be heard saying: 'That little 14-year-old from China
dropped the ball, baby. Too excited, went out like stink, died like a
pig. Thanks for that.'
Chinese swimmer Ai Yanhan, 14, swam the second leg of the relay in
1:57.79 — 1.61 seconds slower than Canada's Taylor Ruck, allowing the
Canadians to close the gap on China.
Viewers across Canada were quick to react online after being shocked by the tone and the language used
When a cake is "violent"

Mia Freedman has written about being 'Facebook shamed' because of her
son's birthday cake. The founder of Australian website MamaMia posted a
video of the 'smash' birthday cake to her social media pages, only to
find some mums weren't fans.
The cake, made by Sydney Smash Cakes, is filled with lollies and needs to be broken open like a pinata.
In the video, her eight-year-old son uses a large rolling pin to break open the chocolate shell encompassing the cake.
Then the clip shows a horde of boys hands grabbing at the sweets inside the cake, leaving nothing behind.
Some followers of hers on Facebook were not please with the cake, calling it 'violent' and claiming it made them stressed.
'Horrible..horrible...horrible!' Valerie D McCrae wrote. 'Violent attack
on cake followed by greedy me me me grab for sweets! No wonder kids
think manners are of no importance.'
However not everyone disliked the cake, with others comparing it to a pinata at a party and saying some mums were overreacting.
Freedman called the comments a 'heated debate' but didn't back down from her cake choice.
16 August, 2016
Racial stereotypes get something of a pass for once
A film about a hot dog's relationship with other foods - including a
climax involving a food orgy - is causing uproar for alleged racial
Comedian Seth Rogen co-wrote the new animated adult comedy, Sausage Party, a spoof of the many Disney and Pixar films.
But the film has divided opinion over its content, with some praising
the over-the-top racism and others on social media unhappy with the Sony
In one example, the movie features some Nazi German sauerkraut dedicated to 'exterminating the juice'.
Actress Salma Hayek also reportedly does the voice for a lesbian Mexican
taco while the film features a Native American bottle of Firewater
which complains he had settled in a store first before being kicked out
to the backroom.
An Arabic loaf of lavash longs for 77 bottles of extra-virgin olive oil
awaiting him in the next life, Heat Street reports, adding that the film
also includes an Irish potato who sings 'Danny Boy' and has a
catchphrase 'Jesus! F**k!'
While the film has been widely commented on for its racism - many tweets
laughing at the jokes, others criticizing it - it has found support
from left-wing newspaper The Guardian.
Film reviewer Jordan Hoffman declared that the 'whole thing is so tasty, you may just want seconds'.
'Racial stereotypes await on every aisle, which will undoubtedly be a
third rail for some viewers,' he wrote. 'My attitude is that if
you want to play in that sandbox, you have to be sure to insult everyone
and, more importantly, make sure the jokes work.'
'The movie is, in its own jokey way, celebrating the differences
among nations and peoples while also reminding us that those differences
are only skin deep.'
Australian Libertarian Senator files racism complaint because he was called an 'angry white male'
Leftists frequently refer to "white males" in various contexts,
apparently quite unaware that they are being racially discriminatory
Senator David Leyonhjelm has lodged a complaint under the Racial Discrimination Act for comments made about him by a journalist.
The Liberal Democrat senator, from New South Wales, submitted the
complaint last week after a Fairfax media article was published
referring to him as a 'boorish and gormless as a result of being an
angry white male', reported the Daily Telegraph.
It is reportedly the first complaint of its kind for the Australian
Human Rights Commission (HRC) under section 18C of the Racial
Discrimination Act.
Under this section, it states it is unlawful to commit an act which
would reasonably offend or insult someone because of their race, colour,
national or ethnic origin.
In his complaint to the HRC Senator Leyonhjelm said his colour was one of the reasons the comments were made.
'Other characteristics referred to in the article include being a
boorish supercilious know-all with the empathy of a Besser-Block, hate
speech apologist, wacky, a self-promoting misanthrope and a practitioner
of infantile reasoning,' he said.
'The comments are reasonably likely in all the circumstances to offend or insult some white males.'
15 August, 2016
Museum defends displaying authentic Nazi flag saying it is a ‘legitimate part of history’

A museum has defended its decision to display an authentic World War II
Nazi flag, despite accusations they are profiting off the fascist
The large red swastika flag will be hung in New Zealand's Temuka Museum
on Saturday for the building's 100th anniversary celebrations.
Museum members said the flag is 'a legitimate part of history', but the
move has been met with an outpouring of backlash on social media,
reports StuffNZ.
Temuka RSA manager Vicky Howey said she hoped the flag would attract some 'new blood' and 'get more bums on seats.'
Temuka Museum member Alan Patrick said the flag was 'a legitimate part
of history' and it was a unique opportunity for people to see the flag.
The plan has divided social media, with some claiming the flag should never be displayed and others defending the move.
'This is not about history but about using shock and horror to make money,' wrote one commenter.
'A nazi flag should NEVER be flown or hung. The only place for a nazi flag is on the ground being trampled on.'
'So you'd rather bury your head in the sand and pretend it never happened?' wrote another.
Coward is a VERY bad word
Hope Solo — the abrasive, Star Wars-surnamed goalkeeper of the US women’s soccer team — isn’t just any villain.
The two time gold medal-winning 35-year-old has regularly pushed the
boundaries of what a star athlete can get away with as long as they’re
winning. But her reaction to America’s penalty shootout defeat against
Sweden in the quarterfinals in Rio — in which the overmatched Swedes
adopted an often-used overly-defensive strategy — saw her lambasted like
never before.
“I thought that we played a courageous game,” Solo said. “I thought we
had many opportunities on goal. I think we showed a lot of heart. We
came back from a goal down. I’m very proud of this team. But I also
think we played a bunch of cowards. The best team did not win today. I
strongly believe that.”
There aren’t many words in sport that carry the gravity of the word coward and Solo’s summary immediately drew criticism.
Former Olympic and World Cup team captain Julie Foudy, now an ESPN
commentator, called Sweden’s conservative game plan “a tactic most
outmatched teams take in soccer” and “tactically smart”.
She said her countrywoman’s rant was “ridiculous and classless, and it
really doesn’t represent the house that we built with the US team”.
14 August, 2016
NBC commentator is accused of sexism after seeming to give credit for Hungarian swimmer's world record to her HUSBAND
When Hugarian swimmer Katinka Hosszu smashed the 400-meter individual
medley world record by two seconds on Saturday, viewers criticized NBC
sportscaster Dan Hicks for his 'sexist' commentary.
Cameras panned to Hosszu's husband and coach, Shane Tusup, and Hicks
declared he was 'responsible' for turning her 'into a whole different
Critics slammed Hicks on social media for failing to give Hosszu credit
for her work in the pool, but he responded on Sunday, saying: 'It is
impossible to tell Katinka's story accurately without giving appropriate
credit to Shane, and that's what I was trying to do.'
Tusup was shown animatedly cheering Hosszu on during the preliminary round as she narrowly missed beating the world record.
In the finals, however, she was ahead of the pack by several body
lengths and came in with a time of 4:26.36, obliterating the world
record of 4:28.43, set by Chinese swimmer Ye Shiwen in 2012.
The commentator later acknowledged that with live TV, 'there are
often times you look back and wished you had said things differently'.
But Hicks said he was painting as accurate a picture as he could of
Hosszu and Shane Tusup's relationship. Hicks said the swimmer
herself credits Tusup for improving her training and bolstering her
confidence, which was shattered when she lost the same event four years
A police force has to delete an 'offensive and insensitive' tweet about an invasion by two men pictured in Nazi uniform

Must not joke about anything Nazi. The picture is of two re-enactors, not actual Nazis
The police officers who tweeted pictures of men dressed in Nazi uniforms
in 'an act of stupidity and ignorance' may now face disciplinary
Officers used Greater Manchester Police's traffic account to post
pictures of the men wearing SS uniforms standing next to a German
military Kübelwagen on the M62. Next to the images, they wrote: 'These
two likely lads trying to invade.'
They have since deleted the tweet after it sparked a backlash online.
The force wrote on Twitter: 'It has been removed and we will speak to those involved. It was unacceptable.'
Gap in postings due to illness
8 August, 2016
Cotswolds hotel is accused of sexism after they advertised for a porter but said the post was 'not for ladies'
An exclusive Cotswolds hotel has been accused of sexism after
advertising for a porter, but said the job was 'not a role for
ladies'. Whatley Manor, a five-star retreat near Malmesbury,
Wiltshire, put up the controversial advert in the window of a nearby
Post Office.
It read: 'We are seeking people with driving licenses to join the team of Front of House Porters.
'The work involves moving luggage, moving cars, tending fires, generally taking deliveries, keeping the reception area tidy.'
In brackets, it then adds: 'Sorry, it's just not a role for ladies.'
Bosses at the award-winning hotel, where rooms cost up to £1,500 a night, said the advert was not supposed to offend.
But it was been met with anger from people living around Malmesbury,
including world champion bodybuilder, Charlene Harvey, 36, who slammed
the hotel for assuming every woman is 'weak'. 'There are
physiological differences between a man and a woman, but a woman can
train and be just as strong as a man,' she said. She added: 'I didn't
think they were allowed to do things like this anymore. In today's
industry it's a bit out of place.'
Gill Salter, HR boss at Whatley Manor, said the advert was not supposed to be placed in the Post Office but in a local school.
The HR boss said: 'We didn't intend to discriminate or upset anybody and
it is certainly not the normal advert we use. 'We were trying to make
them understand that the role includes heavy lifting.' She added:
'We just had someone struggling in with big boxes so strength was one of
the issues.
An incorrect hat

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is looking into whether
wearing a depiction of the Gadsden flag to work should be considered
racial harassment after a black employee at a privately owned business
filed a complaint with the federal agency more than two years ago.
The complaint was filed by the black worker in January 2014 after he
said one of his coworkers wore a hat depicting a coiled snake with the
words “don’t tread on me” repeatedly since the fall of 2013. The
complainant did not allege, however, that the employee wearing the hat
ever said anything racist to him, the Daily Caller reported.
The complainant said that he made his concern known to his bosses, who
then asked the employee to stop wearing the hat. The worker in question
kept wearing the hat, however, resulting in the offended employee filing
a formal complaint with the EEOC, which oversees issues of
discrimination in the workplace.
The agency’s investigation into the matter is ongoing. A representative
for the EEOC did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
7 August, 2016
Self-confessed feminist says women should take catcalling as a compliment
A WOMAN has admitted she enjoys being “catcalled” and doesn’t understand why others find it offensive.
Student and self-confessed feminist Charley Scoggins said she reckons
females shouldn’t feel patronised, offended or degraded when they’re
told they’ve got a “tight a*s” or a “juicy rack”.
However many people have criticised her comments on social media,
warning her: “Normalising this harassment only serves to perpetuate the
climate of rape culture.”
Writing in the UK student newspaper The Tab, Charley claimed she finds
being catcalled “affirming” rather than uncomfortable, reports The Sun.
The 20-year-old said: “If I look as good as I feel, it’s great to hear that somebody, or a group of somebodies, agrees with me.”
Charley admitted it depended on the situation, explaining: “If I’m out
on a run or a night out with the girls, and a group of lad-wannabes call
out to us that we look hot, I don’t mind it.
“So in these situations the best thing to do is to laugh and move on, and feel a little boosted.”
Charley did criticise the “seedier side to catcalling”, writing: “If the
situation is less lighthearted, and the men are calling out to you to
get your t*ts out or to come home with them, then this is in no way OK.
“It’s vile, and I don’t see what they’re expecting from it. They should
have seen enough rom coms with their ex-girlfriends to know that we
don’t appreciate derogatory comments, but an actual conversation.
Must not disrespect bisexuals
Christopher Biggins has been removed from the Celebrity Big Brother House it was confirmed on Friday evening.
Despite being a favourite to win, a statement circulated by the Channel 5
show producers announced the 67-year-old TV presenter had left the
The news, which came just a few hours before the first eviction night, came as a surprise to many.
The statement read: 'Big Brother has taken the decision to remove Christopher Biggins from the Celebrity Big Brother house.
'Since entering Big Brother, he has made a number of comments capable of
causing great offence to housemates and the viewing public.
'Big Brother does not tolerate offensive language capable of causing
widespread offence. Christopher Biggins has left the house.'
It is not yet known what comments Biggins, a reality show regular who
won the 2007 series of I'm A Celebrity, made to cause offence.
However, at the beginning of the week the entertainer ruffled a few
feathers during a conversation about bisexuality with housemate Rene
Biggins was seen questioning Renee about her feelings towards gay
people, with the Mob Wives cast member responding: 'It's beautiful… it's
who you are and I think it's natural, but I think today in society, I
think they kind of force things on people and confuse you.'
Biggins replied: 'I think the worst type though, I'm afraid to say, is the bisexuals.'
And as Renee went further, adding that bisexuality 'upsets' her, Biggins
continued: 'What it is, is people not wanting to admit they're gay… be
honest, that's what you've got to be.'
Renee then responded: 'You can pick any one you want! But you have to pick a team.'
Frankie Grande, who is gay, agreed with the duo.
Biggins' comments sparked outrage on social media at the time, with one
viewer tweeting: 'Disgusted at the attitudes of Renee and Biggins
towards bisexuality.'
5 August, 2016
Cartoon in leading Australian newspaper an attack on Aboriginal people, Indigenous leader says

I have had a lot of contact with Aborigines and think that the
cartoon has a lot of truth in it -- not that truth matters to some, of
course -- JR
A political cartoon portraying an Aboriginal man with a beer can and not
remembering his son's name is an "attack" on Indigenous Australians, a
community leader says.
The cartoon by Bill Leak was published by The Australian newspaper on
Thursday, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day.
Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency chief executive Muriel Bamblett
said it depicted Aboriginal people as "not knowing about their children
and not having any role in raising their children".
"You feel quite oppressed when these things happen, I think that we
everyday have to battle with direct racism and indirect racism," she
told 774 ABC Melbourne.
"In the media, I think they have a public responsibility. That's
obviously one of the opportunities to get good messaging about
Aboriginal people.
"But if you're constantly stereotyping us as second class then it's
about profiling us as second-class citizens in our own country."
The Australian's editor-in-chief Paul Whittaker defended the paper's decision to publish the "confronting" cartoon.
He cited comments made by Indigenous leaders this week, including Noel
Pearson on Lateline who said: "Blackfellas have got to take charge and
take responsibility for their own children. That part of the message
really struggles to get traction."
"Too often, too many people skirt around the root causes and tough
issues. But not everyone. Bill Leak's confronting and insightful
cartoons force people to examine the core issues in a way that sometimes
reporting and analysis can fail to do."
Golliwogs again

Australian politician Ricky Muir has come out in support of a Beechworth
Sweet Co’s television advertisement that featured an animated toy
golliwog, labelling a decision by the Advertising Standards Board to
uphold a complaint against the ad as “political correctness gone mad.”
Muir posted a photo of him with his childhood toy golliwog named
“Wally”, stating, “the sheer notion that somehow my childhood toy or
mothers hobby is ‘racist’ is simply ridiculous”.
Speaking to SmartCompany, Muir says that the situation was “really
political correctness gone mad” and that it was clear the advertisement
was not intended to offend or hurt.
“The company had this in place for a very long time, it’s clear they
mean no ill intent at all,” Muir says. “It’s very disappointing to see
this very extreme measure be made.”
Muir believes that the Beechworth Sweet Co should appeal the decision by
the Ad Standards Board, and also encourages the company to seek public
support. “I’ve had lots of responses on social media, and many people
agree that it’s nothing more than a doll and a fond childhood memory,”
Muir says.
4 August, 2016
Mussolini's birthplace BANS shops from selling souvenirs with images of the Fascist dictator after complaints from tourists

Souvenirs that celebrate fascist dictator Benito Mussolini have been
banned in the region where the former Italian prime minister was born.
Shop owners or vendors could be sent to jail if they continue to sell
busts, coffee mugs, pins and even baby clothing that show the founder of
the National Fascist Party, who ruled Italy until he was ousted in
Government officials in the northern region of Emilia-Romagna, which
includes the cities of Bologna and Parma, passed a motion banning the
sale of souvenirs with fascist symbols.
Emilia-Romagna is the first region in Italy to implement such a ban.
Anyone caught breaking the new law could be sent to jail for six months
to two years, The Local reported.
Italians are not nearly as bothered by Musso as Germans are by
Hitler. Musso had no concentration camps for instance. He just
exiled opponents to one of Italy's outlying islands. And he was
the only Italian ruler before or since to get on top of the Mafia.
Must not seek attractive girls
All girls are equal, don't you know?
IT WAS supposed to be a lighthearted promotion to attract more female
customers — but a “hot girls eat free” sign outside a Sydney pub has
outraged local women who say it is misogynist, degrades women and is
sending the wrong message to their daughters.
Petersham Inn licensee Bianca McDonald told the Inner West Courier she
and her team came up with the idea as a “creative and funny” way to
attract women patrons to the venue after she took over in late June.
But the move backfired, with a post on the Inner West Mums Facebook page
attracting more than 100 comments about the offensive poster, which
includes a beautiful woman seductively eating a slice of pizza.
“Totally appalled! That is absolutely outrageous in this day and age,”
one woman wrote. “It’s offensive and wrong. How do I explain it to my
two daughters?” wrote another.
Ms McDonald said she was disappointed the pub had only given away three
“hot girls” meals so far and was considering moving the poster to the
busier Parramatta Rd side.
3 August, 2016
Miss Teen USA Keeps Her Crown Despite Alleged Use of N-Word on Social Media
The newly crowned Miss Teen USA Karlie Hay of Texas is facing backlash
over her alleged use of a racial slur on social media a few years ago.
Screenshots of tweets from what appeared to be Hay’s Twitter account in
2013 and 2014 show her using the N-word, but “the authenticity of that
Twitter account could not be verified, and the tweets from that account
are now private,” CNN reported.
Hay was crowned Miss Teen USA on Saturday. She addressed the controversy
the next day with a statement, but did not directly reference the
alleged slur.
“Several years ago, I had many personal struggles and found myself in a
place that is not representative of who I am as a person," she said in a
statement read on both her Instagram and Twitter accounts.
"I admit that I have used language publicly in the past which I am not
proud of and that there is no excuse for. Through hard work, education
and thanks in large part to the sisterhood that I have come to know
through pageants, I am proud to say that I am today a better person,”
Hay added.
Despite calls for her to be dethroned, the Miss Universe Organization, which runs Miss Teen USA, appears to be standing by Kay.
'Christian' is now an offensive word
The owners of a Christian bookstore in Knoxville, Tennessee, were
dumbfounded after the News Sentinel rejected their ad because it
included an offensive word — “Christian.”
Lois McGinnis and her family own Cedar Springs Christian Store. They
recently decided to close a second location of the store so they decided
to place an ad in the classified section of the newspaper, which is
owned by Gannett.
The advertisement read: “Store closing sale — Cedar Springs Christian
Store — Clinton Highway location — All merchandise, fixtures, slat walls
must go. Sale through August 13, phone 865.947.XXX.”
Mrs. McGinnis placed the ad on July 26. It was supposed to run on July
28. But when she opened up the newspaper, the ad was nowhere to be
found. So Mrs. McGinnis phoned the newspaper and spoke with a
classified ad employee. “She said our ad did not run because it
contained an offensive word,” she told me. “I asked what that offensive
word was and she said the offensive word was ‘Christian.’”
She said the News Sentinel did not notify her in advance the ad had been
rejected nor did they call to say they were refunding her money.
“We had no way of knowing they considered the word ‘Christian’ offensive
until we tried to place this ad,” she told me. “As Christians,
this was a slap in the face to us,” she added.
Let’s just say the good, church-going folks of East Tennessee lit up the
telephones — and it wasn’t too much long afterwards that the Knoxville
News Sentinel addressed the issue.
It offered up one heaping helping of an apology “for any misunderstanding about the News Sentinel stance on Christianity.”
“We had a system failure, which resulted in a classified ad for Cedar
Springs getting hung up in our front end system,” it wrote in a
statement posted online.
A front end problem, eh? “We corrected the technology issue in our
system and the ad is now running for an extended period at no extra
charge,” it added.
However, the newspaper’s explanation doesn’t seem to be placating its
readers. “Considering how liberal this paper is … I take the
apology with a grain of salt,” one reader wrote on Facebook.
Another wrote, “Don’t be offended Cedar Springs Christian Stores… Nobody
has read the Knoxville News Sentinel in over a decade anyway. Spend
your advertising dollars elsewhere.”
Well, let’s hope the News Sentinel has fixed its front end problem — lest its readers give it a back end problem.
2 August, 2016
Must not say that women lack ambition
An executive chairman of advertising agency Saatchi and Saatchi has been
suspended from the firm after accusing women of lacking 'ambition'.
Kevin Roberts has been criticised after he said he did not believe that
the lack of women in senior roles was a problem because they were
'happy' as they were.
Roberts, who is also head coach at the advertising agency's parent
company Publicis Groupe, said that he did not spend 'any time' on the
issue and the debate was 'all over'.
He said: 'So we are trying to impose our antiquated s*** on them, and
they are going: 'Actually guys, you're missing the point, you don't
understand: I'm way happier than you.'
He has since been placed on leave by Publicis Groupe for the comments
and the firm have been forced to send out a letter to all staff
re-affirming their policy on gender inclusion.
Mr Roberts' comments, in the interview with Business Insider, come as
figures show that women make up 47 per cent of the advertising agency
but strangely just 11 per cent of the industry creative directors are
Must not fail to tell people the obvious
Lidl has recalled some of its yoghurt and peanuts because the packets don't warn customers that they contain milk and nuts.
The German low-cost supermarket chain has taken the eight-pack of
Milbona Fruit Yoghurt and Alesto Honey Peanuts off its shelves in the
UK. People who have bought the items have been asked to return
them to their nearest store to get refunded.
A statement from Lidl said: 'Lidl UK is recalling Milbona Fruit Yoghurt,
8 x 125g, Use by Date 18.08.16 only, due to milk not being declared in
English on a small number of items.
'Lidl UK is recalling Alesto Honey Peanuts, 200g, Best Before Date
02.2017 only, due to peanuts not being declared in English on a small
number of packets.'
The Food Standards Agency said that failure to warn customers in English
'makes the product a possible health risk to anyone with an allergy or
intolerance to milk or its constituents.'
1 August, 2016
Constance Wu hits out at 'whitewashed' Great Wall film in which Matt Damon plays soldier in ancient China
'Fresh Off The Boat' star Constance Wu has taken to Twitter to express
her frustration with Hollywood 'whitewashing' set off by the casting of
Matt Damon as the lead in the film 'The Great Wall'.
Wu says in her Twitter letter posted on Friday that films like 'The
Great Wall' portray a 'white savior' complex, which belittles people of
'We have to stop perpetuating the racist myth that only white man can save the world.
'It's not based in actual fact. Our heroes don't look like Matt Damon.
'They look like Malala. Ghandi. Mandela. Your big sister when she stood up for you to those bullies that one time,' she wrote.
She explains she's not blaming anyone involved with the film, least of
all Damon, but saying that there needs to be an awareness in Hollywood
for a perpetual leading role that shows white people saving or taking on
the roles of people of color.
The amusing thing is that the director of the film is Chinese --
Zhang Yimou. So that is whom she is calling racist. So it is
a pretty silly whine on the whole. And it is no wonder a known
star was cast on this occasion. A star gets in the audiences where
an unknown Chinese actor would not
But I do agree with her to an extent. I like to see characters played by actors who look the part.
Council BANS mural of scantily-clad Hillary Clinton

I reckon it flatters her
A local council in Melbourne has demanded a mural of Hillary Clinton in a
swimsuit be removed, saying they had received complaints about the
provocative artwork.
The mural of the US Presidential nominee wearing a skimpy stars and
stripes-patterned monokini was painted on a wall in Footscray last
weekend by street artist Lushsux.
Maribyrnong Council has requested the artwork be removed from the wall, reported the Herald Sun.
A friend looking after Lushsux's small business told the Herald Sun it
was 'over the top' and 'political correctness gone 'haywire'. 'I
can’t see any problem with someone expressing themselves with art,'
Mitch said.
He said he believed the mural he painted of Clinton was the reason his
Instagram account, which had 107,000 followers, was deactivated on
'Instagram and Facebook have a very clear bias when it comes to this in
my opinion. I've painted Trump murals and had no problems.'
The Clinton mural was captioned 'stupid sexy Hillary' - a nod to the
well known Simpsons scene which sees Homer utter the same thing about
Ned Flanders after he appears wearing a similarly coloured snowsuit.
The artist told Daily Mail Australia earlier this week the picture was
based off a popular Photoshop image circulating the internet, and had
proved very popular with passers by.
This is Tongue-Tied 3
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press"
Posts by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.)
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The war on "cultural appropriation" is straightforward racism
Is the American national anthem politically incorrect? From the 4th verse:
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."

The truth can be offensive to some but it must be said
"HATE SPEECH" is free speech: The U.S. Supreme Court stated the general
rule regarding protected speech in Texas v. Johnson (109 S.Ct. at
2544), when it held: "The government may not prohibit the verbal or
nonverbal expression of an idea merely because society finds the idea
offensive or disagreeable." Federal courts have consistently followed this. Said Virginia federal district judge Claude Hilton: "The
First Amendment does not recognize exceptions for bigotry, racism, and
religious intolerance or ideas or matters some may deem trivial, vulgar
or profane."
Even some advocacy of violence is protected by the 1st Amendment. In
Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), the U.S. Supreme Court held unanimously that
speech advocating violent illegal actions to bring about social change
is protected by the First Amendment "except where such advocacy is
directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely
to incite or produce such action."
The double standard: Atheists can put up signs and billboards saying
that Christianity is wrong and that is hunky dory. But if a Christian
says that homosexuality is wrong, that is attacked as "hate speech"
One for the militant atheists to consider: "...it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg" -- Thomas Jefferson
"I think no subject should be off-limits, and I regard the laws in many
Continental countries criminalizing Holocaust denial as philosophically
repugnant and practically useless – in that they confirm to Jew-haters
that the Jews control everything (otherwise why aren’t we allowed to
talk about it?)" -- Mark Steyn
A prophetic comment on Norwegian hate speech laws: As Justice Brandeis
once noted, repressive censorship “breeds hate” and “that hate menaces
stable government,” rather than promoting safety; “the path of safety
lies in the opportunity to discuss freely supposed grievances and
proposed remedies.”
Voltaire's most famous saying was actually a summary of Voltaire's
thinking by one of his biographers rather than something Voltaire said
himself. Nonetheless it is a wholly admirable sentiment: "I disagree
with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
I am of a similar mind.
The traditional advice about derogatory speech: "Sticks and stones will
break your bones but names will never hurt you". Apparently people today
are not as emotionally robust as their ancestors were.
The KKK were members of the DEMOCRATIC party. Google "Klanbake" if you doubt it
A phobia is an irrational fear, so the terms "Islamophobic" and
"homophobic" embody a claim that the people so described are mentally
ill. There is no evidence for either claim. Both terms are simply abuse
masquerading as diagnoses and suggest that the person using them is
engaged in propaganda rather than in any form of rational or objective
Leftists often pretend that any mention of race is "racist" -- unless
they mention it, of course. But leaving such irrational propaganda
aside, which statements really are racist? Can statements of fact about
race be "racist"? Such statements are simply either true or false. The
most sweeping possible definition of racism is that a racist statement
is a statement that includes a negative value judgment of some race.
Absent that, a statement is not racist, for all that Leftists might howl
that it is. Facts cannot be racist so nor is the simple statement of
them racist. Here is a statement that cannot therefore be racist by
itself, though it could be false: "Blacks are on average much less
intelligent than whites". If it is false and someone utters it, he
could simply be mistaken or misinformed.
Categorization is a basic human survival skill so racism as the Left
define it (i.e. any awareness of race) is in fact neither right nor
wrong. It is simply human
Whatever your definition of racism, however, a statement that simply
mentions race is not thereby racist -- though one would think otherwise
from American Presidential election campaigns. Is a statement that
mentions dogs, "doggist" or a statement that mentions cats, "cattist"?
If any mention of racial differences is racist then all Leftists are
racist too -- as "affirmative action" is an explicit reference to
racial differences
Was Abraham Lincoln a racist? "You and we are different races. We
have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any
other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but
this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think
your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while
ours suffer from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If
this be admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be
separated. It is better for both, therefore, to be separated." -- Spoken at the White House to a group of black community leaders, August 14th, 1862
Gimlet-eyed Leftist haters sometimes pounce on the word "white" as
racist. Will the time come when we have to refer to the White House as
the "Full spectrum of light" House?
The spirit of liberty is "the spirit which is not too sure that it is
right." and "Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies
there, no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it.
While it lies there it needs no constitution, no law, no court to save
it." -- Judge Learned Hand
Mostly, a gaffe is just truth slipping out
Two lines below of a famous hymn that would be incomprehensible to
Leftists today ("honor"? "right"? "freedom?" Freedom to agree with them
is the only freedom they believe in)
First to fight for right and freedom,
And to keep our honor clean
It is of course the hymn of the USMC -- still today the relentless warriors that they always were.
It seems a pity that the wisdom of the ancient Greek philosopher
Epictetus is now little known. Remember, wrote the Stoic thinker, "that
foul words or blows in themselves are no outrage, but your judgment
that they are so. So when any one makes you angry, know that it is your
own thought that has angered you. Wherefore make it your endeavour not
to let your impressions carry you away."
"Since therefore the knowledge and survey of vice is in this world so
necessary to the constituting of human virtue, and the scanning of error
to the confirmation of truth, how can we more safely, and with less
danger, scout into the regions of sin and falsity than by reading all
manner of tractates, and hearing all manner of reason?" -- English poet
John Milton (1608-1674) in Areopagitica
Hate speech is verbal communication that induces anger due to the listener's inability to offer an intelligent response
Leftists can try to get you fired from your job over something that you
said and that's not an attack on free speech. But if you just criticize
something that they say, then that IS an attack on free speech
"Negro" is a forbidden word -- unless a Democrat uses it
"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper
Why are Leftists always talking about hate? Because it fills their own hearts
Leftists don't have principles. How can they when "there is no such
thing as right and wrong"? All they have is postures, pretend-principles
that can be changed as easily as one changes one's shirt
When you have an argument with a Leftist, you are not really discussing
the facts. You are threatening his self esteem. Which is why the normal
Leftist response to challenge is mere abuse.
naive scholar who searches for a consistent Leftist program will not
find it. What there is consists only in the negation of the present.
The intellectual Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-180) could have
been speaking of much that goes on today when he said: "The object in
life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding
oneself in the ranks of the insane."
I despair of the ADL. Jews have
enough problems already and yet in the ADL one has a prominent Jewish
organization that does its best to make itself offensive to Christians.
Their Leftism is more important to them than the welfare of Jewry --
which is the exact opposite of what they ostensibly stand for! Jewish
cleverness seems to vanish when politics are involved. Fortunately,
Christians are true to their saviour and have loving hearts. Jewish
dissatisfaction with the myopia of the ADL is outlined here. Note that Foxy was too grand to reply to it.

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