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29 February, 2016
British Leftists getting into the act over NFL Redskins
Two British lawmakers have written to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to
complain about the nickname of the Washington Redskins ahead of the
team's visit to London next season.
Ruth Smeeth and Ian Austin, who are members of the Labour Party, wrote
in a letter dated Feb. 2 that the NFL 'should consider changing the name
of the Washington franchise or, at a minimum, send a different team to
our country to represent the sport, one that does not promote a racial
'A team's name is a club decision,' NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said.
'We recognize there are strong views on both sides of this.'
The NFL has been playing regular-season games in London since
2007. Washington is scheduled to play the Cincinnati Bengals on
Oct. 30 at Wembley Stadium.
The letter from the lawmakers said that there is 'deliberate
insensitivity and apparent hostility to a prominent minority group' by
using the Redskins name.
The team has maintained that it is meant to honor Native Americans, and
Redskins owner Dan Snyder has said he will never change the nickname.
Another false racism claim from students
Three black female college students who claimed to be victims of an
assault by a group of white men and women have been charged themselves.
The University at Albany announced Thursday that two of the women, Ariel
Agudio and Asha Burwell, have been charged with misdemeanor assault and
falsely reporting an incident. The third woman, Alexis Briggs, has been
charged with misdemeanor assault.
The women, all 20 years old, claimed they were attacked early on the
morning of Jan. 30 while riding a bus. They claimed that they were
called racial slurs and were physically attacked while bystanders looked
Investigators say a review of multiple videos of the incident showed no
evidence the women were victims of a crime or subjected to racial slurs.
In fact, police said the women were the aggressors, assaulting a
19-year-old white woman.
Police said surveillance and cellphone video, as well as eyewitness
testimony, contradicted the women's account. The white men Agudio,
Burwell and Briggs claimed assaulted them were actually trying to break
up the fight.
"I especially want to point out that what happened on the bus was not a
'hate crime,'" University Police Chief Frank Wiley said in a statement,
according to the Albany Times-Union.
The incident roiled tensions on campus and garnered extensive media
attention, including a sympathetic tweet from Democratic frontrunner
Hillary Clinton.
The false report charge against Aguido and Burwell stem from 911 calls
the women made reporting the incident. In one of the calls, Agudio tells
the dispatcher, "It was a racial crime. They were calling us [N-word]
and all this stuff ... And if someone doesn't come and take this down or
something, I'm going to call the news."
The women are scheduled to appear in court Monday. A conviction on the assault charges is punishable by up to one year in jail.
28 February, 2016
The University of Missouri has fired Melissa Click

Last week, the Board of Curators received the investigative report
detailing the relevant facts surrounding recent conduct by MU assistant
professor, Dr. Melissa Click. On January 27, the board authorized an
investigation so it could determine whether additional discipline for
Dr. Click was appropriate.
Her response was received on February 19, after which the board received
the report from investigators, including Dr. Click’s response. After
reviewing the report and Dr. Click’s response, and, after extensive
discussion, the board voted last night in executive session to terminate
the employment of Dr. Click. She has the right to appeal her
The board went to significant lengths to ensure fairness and due process
for Dr. Click. Click, as readers no doubt recall, achieved notoriety
during the hysterical Missouri race protests when she allegedly
assaulted a student reporter, demanding “muscle” to help her remove the
reporter from an open area on campus.
Incredibly, 115 of her colleagues signed a letter supporting her and
actually called on the university to defend “her First Amendment rights
of protest.”
News flash — neither the First Amendment nor the most expansive
interpretation of academic freedom grants professors the right to
assault students. Her actions were antithetical to free expression.
While the university was deciding her case, yet another video surfaced
showing her cursing at police at a different protest. To be sure, Click
was entitled to due process, and one can’t judge from the university’s
statement whether it followed the required procedure (given her defiance
and level of faculty of support, the university would have to be
idiotic to violate her due process rights — but universities frequently
do stupid things.)
At the same time, however, it’s difficult to imagine an equivalent
number of professors writing a letter in support of a conservative who
assaulted a student to protect, say, a Young America’s Foundation event.
The university is losing student applicants, and it’s losing millions in
donations. This termination is the first evidence that Missouri is
finally (and painfully) beginning to grow a spine.
Advertisements must not include attractive women

AUSTRALIAN TV personality and former Test cricketer Mike Whitney has
made for some awkward advertising in a new commercial for the Gold Coast
Sixes cricket.
The ad features Whitney between two bikini clad women on the sand of a
Gold Coast beach, advertising a long weekend cricket tournament set for
the June long weekend later this year.
The online ad was shot on a Gold Coast Beach, with many calling the clip "cheap and tacky" or ‘degrading.’
The ad, which has sparked ‘sexism’ backlash, talks about the tournament
which will cost $449 per person and include $900 worth of parties,
drinks, meals and cricket gear. There will be free beer for the skipper
and a chance to win $100,000.
"This is not just a cricket tournament — it’s a three day, four night
carnival held up here on the Gold Coast," Mr Whitney says to the camera
while standing between two bikini clad women.
"I’ll be here, the girls will be here and were looking forward to welcoming you," he says as the models wave to the camera.
26 February, 2016
Must not mention that some women are more attractive than others
A NIGHTCLUB promoter has sparked outrage after advertising a job that’s only available for attractive women.
Jonny Ransome appealed for candidates on Facebook, claiming the “perfect
job” suited someone who loved “free alcohol, money and dancing”.
However, his job advert had one catch — only good looking females who
are “8/10 or above” should bother applying, The Sun reports.
Jonny, a promoter for Flirt Fridays at Birdcage in Manchester, UK,
wrote: “If you’re female, 8/10 and above, love free alcohol, money and
dancing, then message me now. I’ve got the perfect job for you.”
In the comments of the status, he added: “And be realistic about your
rating please, no time wasters.”
Applicants deemed attractive enough will be offered a job as a hostess at Birdcage, Jonny said.
He said perks would include free entry to all of their events, VIP
access, invitations to monthly staff parties and free alcohol.
The “banter” advert has landed Jonny in hot water after outraged
students at Manchester University branded him “shallow”. One
Manchester student Annabel said: “When promoters are really shallow,
which it seems they always are, it puts me off going to a club night. I
don’t want to be judged while I’m there.”
Another said: “The fact he said ‘it’s only for the banter’ says it all.
Discriminating against girls based on their looks is not banter.”
Australian property manager slammed over email critical of homosexuality
Under attack for voicing views that were normal up until a few decades ago. Sodomy was illegal in Queensland up until 1990
A QUEENSLAND real estate agent has come under fire after an email about the ‘Safe Schools’ program drew widespread condemnation.
Sunstate Property Group Principal Denis Mulheron penned the email
voicing his concerns about the program, which is designed to promote
safety, inclusion and respect for gay, intersex and gender-diverse
“Do you not inderstand this is how poofters and dykes kept bringing
vunarable young children into there unnatural way of life (sic),”
Mulheron started his email.
“They should seek a cure for their mental illness poofterism should
still be illegal a man sticks his **** in another mans ass (sic),” he
Since being uploaded on Twitter, the email has drawn widespread
condemnation on social media with dozens taking to the Sunstate Property
Group’s Facebook page.
“What a repulsive individual. I have retweeted his poison so that other
more thinking people can similarly boycott. “Bad look Sunstate.
Really bad,” another added.
When contacted by News Corp Australia, Mulheron said he stands by his
words. “I don’t believe this should be taught in schools, we are
just going mad.”
25 February, 2016
Actor Adam Baldwin Quits Twitter Over Platform's Alleged Silencing of Conservatives
Adam Baldwin has had enough of Twitter. After the social media
platform’s continued censorship of conservatives, the actor decided he’s
leaving and never coming back.
“Twitter is dead to me,” Baldwin told the Independent Journal Review.
“I’m going to find greener pastures elsewhere and I’m not coming back.”
On Monday, Balwdin, who currently plays XO Mike Slattery in TNT’s “The
Last Ship,” deleted his entire Twitter history, except for one:
@Jack is the CEO of Twitter and the Trust and Safety Council was created
earlier this month as a “foundational part of our strategy to ensure
that people feel safe expressing themselves on Twitter.”
“This group-think, Orwellian, so-called Safety Council is really killing
the wild west of ideas that Twitter was,” Baldwin told IJR.
The recent banning of conservative Robert Stacy McCain that prompted Baldwin to call it quits.
“It’s really a shame that so-called ‘liberal thinkers’ and the so called
‘tolerant crowd’ is intolerant of varying viewpoints,” he said, reports
IJR. “They’re so afraid to hear people disagree with them. Instead of
ignoring it or providing their own arguments in return, they say “shut
Sound familiar?
Conservative Writer Ben Shapiro Banned from CSULA
Early Tuesday morning, conservative writer Ben Shapiro revealed on
Twitter that his planned speech on February 25 at California State
University-Los Angeles had been canceled by the university's president.
Shapiro was due to speak on the topic of “When Diversity Becomes a
Problem,” which CSULA President William Covino decided should be
canceled in favor of an event that was more inclusive to all viewpoints.
His appearance at CSULA is part of the Young America's Foundation's
Fred R. Allen lecture series.
In an email to the Young America’s Foundation chapter
at CSULA, university president William Covino wrote, “After careful
consideration, I have decided that it will be best for our campus
community if we reschedule Ben Shapiro’s appearance for a later date, so
that we can arrange for him to appear as part of a group of speakers
with differing viewpoints on diversity. Such an event will better
represent our university’s dedication to the free exchange of ideas and
the value of considering multiple viewpoints.”
A press release from YAF pointed out the hypocrisy of CSULA's
cancelation of Shapiro, given their past tolerance for hosting liberal
speakers without requiring that a full spectrum of ideas be represented:
Contrary to Covino’s newfound love for the “free
exchange of ideas” and the consideration of “multiple viewpoints,” his
university has hosted a wide variety of radical liberal speakers without
ever bothering to ensure the conservative worldview was represented.
For convenience, we’ve sampled a few choice examples from recent years below:
* Dr. Cornel West addressed “Post Racialism”
* Alia al-Saji spoke on "Cultural Racism: Muslim Veiling, Embodiment, and the Nature of Culture”
* Kimberlé Crenshaw addressed "Racing to Post
Racialism: Critical Race Theory, Constitutional Law, and Sustaining
* Serene Khader lectured on the topic, "Do Muslim Women Really Need Freedom?"
* Angela Davis and Tim Wise will address in a video lecture “Exploring Whiteness” this Wednesday
Did Covino go out of his way to ensure students
attending any one of these events had the opportunity to “consider
multiple viewpoints?” Has he ever canceled other events for failing to
meet his standard of “inclusivity?”
The event, and CSULA's YAF chapter, had earlier been threatened by professors on the campus.
Despite the cancelation by the university, YAF employees insist that the event is going to happen as planned:
24 February, 2016
The death of free speech at Williams College in Massachusetts
John Derbyshire is British and unafraid to mention American racial realities -- black crime etc.
Last week, Williams College President Adam Falk declared that the
Uncomfortable Learning group could not host a speech by John Derbyshire
because of past, racist statements he had made. In a message to
students, Falk wrote:
"Today I am taking the extraordinary step of canceling a speech by John
Derbyshire, who was to have presented his views here on Monday night.
The college didn’t invite Derbyshire, but I have made it clear to the
students who did that the college will not provide a platform for him.
Free speech is a value I hold in extremely high regard. The college has a
very long history of encouraging the expression of a range of
viewpoints and giving voice to widely differing opinions. We have said
we wouldn’t cancel speakers or prevent the expression of views except in
the most extreme circumstances. In other words: There’s a line
somewhere, but in our history of hosting events and speeches of all
kinds, we hadn’t yet found it.
We’ve found the line. Derbyshire, in my opinion, is on the other side of
it. Many of his expressions clearly constitute hate speech, and we will
not promote such speech on this campus or in our community.
We respect—and expect—our students’ exploration of ideas, including ones
that are very challenging, and we encourage individual choice and
decision-making by students. But at times it’s our role as educators and
administrators to step in and make decisions that are in the best
interest of students and our community. This is one of those times"
The statement is positively Orwellian. While purporting to reaffirm the
principles of free speech, which he claims to hold in “high regard,”
Falk abandons them entirely.
I am no fan of John Derbyshire’s. He has written some contemptible
things, and I supported National Review’s decision to cut him loose over
his intemperate writings. I would not have invited him to give a speech
and (frankly) I question the judgment of the students who did.
Nonetheless, Falk’s decision to cancel the event — to, in effect,
prohibit someone with Derbyshire’s views from speaking on campus — was
awful, and represents a betrayal of the ideals of a liberal arts
A naive Latina seems not to realize how naive she is
She was posting glowing stories about American blacks and one post
was about Angela Davis. That Davis is a Marxist, a former leader
of the Communist Party USA, and had close relations with the Black
Panther Party appeared not to faze her. That others might be very
critical of someone with those characteristics she just could not
contemplate and did not want to hear. That Communists have been
responsible for millions of deaths was apparently an unimportant detail
to her. But people who have lost relatives to Communism can get very
angry about it. Any recitation of it is to her "hate
speech". I suspect that she praises blacks in order to get praise
for herself
I decided that for the duration of Black History Month 2015, I
would research and share a daily post about what I discovered about
African American contributions to American history. I would post on
Facebook, Twitter and start up an Instagram. Perhaps there were others
like me who would be interested in learning something new and even be
surprised by the treasure trove of beneficial and amazing contributions
made by African American people I was discovering.
A few days into my "project," I was stunned by comments in response to a
historical post I wrote about Angela Davis. I had to unfriend an
acquaintance who had posted the most hateful vitriol and racist remarks
about her, even suggesting she be murdered. His comments were actually
far worse than this. I was shocked. After all, I had worked alongside
this man helping to raise funds for a children's hospital. I wondered
WHAAAT was happening that such resentful, hateful words could spew forth
from this man nonstop?
I could not let it slide. So, without blinking, I unfriended him. Bear
in mind that neither of us had ever met Ms. Davis; this was just a
historical Facebook post about her.
23 February, 2016
Must not mention black alcohol problems
Drunken Aborigines lounging around public places is a common sight in
some parts of Australia and most people dislike it -- but you are not
supposed to mention it
Matchbox 20 front man Rob Thomas has been slammed by fans after making a
racist joke about Aboriginal Australians during a solo gig in Melbourne
on Saturday night.
Mid-way through the performance, which took place at the Rod Laver
Arena, the 44-year-old offered a racially insensitive quip about the way
in which he deals with long-haul flights, saying: 'I drink til I think
I'm Australian. And then I keep drinking til I think I'm a black
In footage obtained by TMZ depicting the incident, the audience can be
heard groaning and booing in response to Rob's remarks.
'I drink til I think I'm Australian. And then I keep drinking
Several hours after the live show, Rob took to Facebook to with a
heartfelt apology, writing: 'After the show in Melbourne tonight while
backstage with some of my Australian friends, it was brought to my
attention that I said something that is racist and insensitive'.
'Please understand that although it is no excuse, I was completely
unaware that in Australia there is a polarizing social issue happening
right now involving indigenous people and alcohol'.
Another blackface controversy

The blackface was apparently just part of some dressing up fun
BASKETBALL star Liz Cambage has slammed fellow Opal Alice Kunek for featuring in a photograph with her face painted brown.
Kunek, 25, posted a picture of herself on Instagram on Sunday, dressed
up in ripped white clothes, a beanie and painted face alongside her
Melbourne Boomers teammate Tess Madgen, who was also in fancy dress.
Cambage, whose father is Nigerian, put national squad unity aside to blast Kunek’s behaviour in a series of tweets.
For her part, Kunek delivered an apology within an hour of Cambage’s missive.
“I am so unbelievably sorry to all my followers who were offended by my
previous post. It was never my intention to offend anyone at all. It was
an honest mistake,” Kunek posted on Instagram.
Kunek also deleted her initial post, replacing it with a similar picture without the face paint.
22 February, 2016
Is Twitter Censoring Conservatives?
Robert Stacy McCain is a conservative blogger and activist who manages
the website "The Other McCain." McCain has worked for and been featured
in numerous conservative publications, including the American Spectator
and the Washington Times. Stacy Mccain is an unapologetic conservative,
and as a result, his Twitter was recently suspended. Why? Because he
disagreed with the social justice warrior narrative. As Reason's
Robby Soave notes:
But there’s a difference between using strong
language to disagree with people, and abusing them. If McCain has
crossed that line, I’m not aware of it.
Twitter is a private company, of course, and if it
wants to outlaw strong language, it can. In fact, it’s well within its
rights to have one set of rules for Robert Stacy McCain, and another set
of rules for everyone else. It’s allowed to ban McCain for no reason
other than its bosses don’t like him. If Twitter wants to take a side in
the online culture war, it can. It can confiscate Milo Yiannopoulos’s
blue checkmark. This is not about the First Amendment.
But if that’s what Twitter is doing, it’s certainly
not being honest about it—and its many, many customers who value the
ethos of free speech would certainly object. In constructing its Trust
and Safety Council, the social media platform explicitly claimed it was
trying to strike a balance between allowing free speech and prohibiting
harassment and abuse. But its selections for this committee were
entirely one-sided—there’s not a single uncompromising anti-censorship
figure or group on the list. It looks like Twitter gave control of its
harassment policy to a bunch of ideologues, and now their enemies are
being excluded from the platform.
Banning McCain wasn’t even Twitter’s only
questionable activity last night. It seems that Twitter also suppressed
the pro-McCain hashtag subsequently created by his supporters,
#FreeStacy. After it started trending, Twitter made it so that the
hashtag wouldn’t autocomplete when people typed it. “The #FreeStacy tag
would be in the US top 10 now, but Twitter has scrubbed it,” wrote
Popehat’s Patrick on Twitter.
This sort of nutty, eggshell psyche call to censorship has become
increasingly common on the left. Instead of engaging with ideas that
make them uncomfortable, liberals have opted to group together and
create societal pressure to censor those ideas. There's only one way to
fight back. Take to twitter, and use the hashtag #FreeStacy to show that
you find their policy unacceptable. It's our way of showing them that
we as conservatives and consumers, won 't stand for ideological
"Coming out" is a risky expression
AFTER 40 years introducing South Australian children to the arts, the
biennial Come Out Festival, will change its name from next year’s event —
because of the modern connotations around the phrase.
The festival’s creative producer, Susannah Sweeney, said the original
name was devised by adults more than 40 years ago — in 1974 — and
referenced the “boys and girls come out to play” line in the enduring
nursery rhyme.
But one consideration that prompted the move to rebadge the festival was
the link that the phrase “come out” now has with the gay, lesbian and
transgender community.
“Over 40 years, that term has taken on a much stronger resonance elsewhere and that is a consideration,” Ms Sweeney said.
21 February, 2016
Must not quote what the Bible says about homosexuality
Filipino sportsman in trouble
Manny Pacquiao has found himself at the center of fresh controversy
after posting a Bible verse saying homosexual men should be killed.
The post on the boxer's Instagram page appeared on Thursday, just hours
after he issued a groveling apology for saying gay people were 'worse
than animals' - which led to him being dropped by sponsor Nike.
Written alongside a since-deleted picture showing Pacquiao with wife
Jinkee, he quotes Leviticus, saying: 'Do not have sexual relations with a
man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.
'If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both
of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death;
their blood will be on their own heads.'
The post attracted more than 18,000 likes before being deleted around 3am (EST) on Thursday, according to ABS CBN News.
In the post 37-year-old Pacquiao also quoted a passage from Luke which
seemed to be aimed at critics who blasted his initial comments.
He wrote: 'Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you
and reject you and insult your name as evil, because of the Son of
Man. 'Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your
reward in heaven. For that is how their ancestors treated the prophets.'
Pacquiao has been in the media spotlight since Tuesday when he was being
interviewed on a TV show in his home country of the Philippines, where
he is running for a Senate seat.
In the TV interview, Pacquiao said: ' Do you see animals mating with the
same sex? If men mate with men and women mate with women they are worse
than animals'
The sportsman, known as Pacman, faced a huge public backlash for the comments.
The born-again Christian has been campaigning on the back of
conservative views in his homeland, where gay marriage is outlawed due
to strong opposition from the Catholic Church.
Must not mention the facts behind Trump comments
The writer below says that it is wrong to say that
Hispanics have a higher rate of crimes, including rapes. But
they do. The statistics place them in-between blacks and whites for crime incidence.
Trump's comments about a halt to Muslim immigration were not
unconstitutional. The constitution refers to Americans only.
Not people who want to come to America.
And no evidence that Obama has Muslim sympathies? How about the following utterances from him?
#1 “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam”
#2 “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”
“We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has
done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own
#4 “As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.”
#5 “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.”
#6 “Islam has always been part of America”
#7 “we will encourage more Americans to study in Muslim communities”
the writer below has closed his mind. He wants to accuse
Americans of racism and intolerance so he just ignores the real reasons
behind Trump's statements. That the things he singles out may
simply reflect realism rather than racism he is just unable to think
about. He is Jewish and Jews are understandably sensitive about
racism but seeing racism where it is not does him no credit
Trump isn’t causing racism and intolerance in this country. He’s revealing racism and intolerance in this country.
When Trump called Latino immigrants criminals and rapists, that should
have disqualified him from serious consideration by fair-minded
When he singled out blacks and Latinos for major crimes, that should have disqualified him.
But it didn’t.
When he called for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering
the United States,” he was advocating a religious test that goes against
the Constitution and everything the United States stands for, and that
should have disqualified him.
But it didn’t. Want to know why?
Because, for at least the third of the Republican electorate that is
supporting him — and perhaps a sizable number of Democrats who secretly
feel the same way — Trump is an avenue to revolt against having to watch
what they say all the time.
One poll in September revealed that 66 percent of Trump supporters
believe President Barack Obama is a Muslim, despite no evidence that
he’s not a Christian.
19 February, 2016
Must not refer to Muslim rapists

A Polish magazine has sparked anger after publishing a front cover image
depicting a white woman being molested by a group of dark-skinned men.
The far-right weekly wSieci (Network) mocked up the picture to
illustrate an issue dedicated to discussing the rape and sexual assault
of women by migrants across Europe.
It shows a half-naked blonde woman, who is wrapped in the flag of
Europe, screaming as she is groped by six hands next to the headline:
'Islamic Rape of Europe'.
The image has sparked outrage after it was shared online.
Media expert Henk van Ess said: 'Sick cover from a big Polish magazine – is deliberately arousing public fear.'
Bartosz wrote: 'This s*** embarrasses me as a Pole. 'It doesn’t matter
that wSieci is a far right tabloid... this s*** is unacceptable.'
However, other users welcomed the magazine's stance, saying it would open up the debate on the migrant crisis.
Account named IsHillaryInJailYet said: 'Polish magazine wSieci writes
about the refugee rape culture in Germany. Finally people are talking
about this.'
Must not mention hunting
That humans got a large part of their diet from hunting since time immemorial seems not to count

A sponsored ad from a safari company appearing on Instagram feeds has
angered users, with many calling on the photo-sharing app to have the
“distressing” image taken down.
The post by Australian safari company High Country Safaris, depicts a man holding a rifle while kneeling beside a dead dear.
The caption reads, “Justin our latest client with his free range Javen
Rusa. Shot in the last few hours of a 5 day hunt. The new world record,
shot with a muzzle loader. there are many more of these trophies out
there. Congratulations Justin!”
The deer, a Javan rusa, is native to the islands of Java, Bali and Timor in Indonesia.
Instagram users have expressed their disgust over the hunting photo in the comments section.
“I’m very disappointed that this ad has appeared on my feed. In no way
is this ‘relevant’ to anything I have liked previously,” one user wrote.
“How come there is no ‘report’ option on sponsored ads? This ad is horrible and upsetting.”
Another commented: “Do NOT post this on my feed I have no interest at all. Get it off ...”
18 February, 2016
An attempt to use the law to shut up a windmill critic fails
As a reward for her efforts to assist New Englanders threatened by
industrial wind energy, citizen advocate Annette Smith was sued for
practicing law. Fortunately this sham was resolved shortly, in favor of
common sense
The Vermont Attorney General’s Office has closed its investigation into a
complaint about Annette Smith’s actions in various proceedings before
the Public Service Board (PSB). The Office has closed the investigation
without further action. "This Office considers the matter closed," The
AG's office said in a statement Monday.
Annette Smith has vigorously fought the complaint. In December 2015 the
Office received a complaint regarding Smith alleging that her conduct in
various matters before the PSB constituted the unauthorized practice of
law. Specifically, Smith was accused of regularly providing legal
advice to parties in proceedings before the Public Service Board, as
well as helping to draft pleadings for those parties. The complaint also
represented that the minutes of an October 26, 2015, Town of Morgan
Selectboard meeting characterized a proposed payment to Annette Smith as
attorney compensation.
The allegations regarding Smith fell in three broad categories – (1) she
sought to represent individuals in proceedings before the PSB, (2) she
sought or obtained attorney compensation from the Town of Morgan, and
(3) she consulted with and prepared and filed pleadings for persons in
PSB proceedings.
Regarding the first allegation, the record reveals that Smith sought to
intervene in a matter pending at the PSB on behalf of her organization –
Vermonters for a Clean Environment. The Vermont Supreme Court has
recognized that in certain circumstances non-attorneys may represent
organizations in judicial proceedings. Vermont Agency of Natural
Resources v. Upper Valley Regional Landfill, 159 Vt. 454, 458 (1992).
The record reveals that the PSB offered Smith and her organization the
opportunity to file a friend of the court pleading in the matter. Thus,
the PSB clearly did not oppose Smith’s participation as a non-party.
The complainant also alleges that Smith had sought or obtained attorney
compensation from the Town of Morgan. Information obtained from the Town
as part of this investigation establishes that at no time did Smith
represent herself to be an attorney or seek compensation of any kind
from the Town as an attorney or otherwise. Additionally, it does not
appear that the Town has, in fact, paid her for services rendered to the
Town. This Office concludes that there is no merit to this allegation.
Finally, with respect to the third category of allegations, the Vermont
Supreme Court’s definition of the practice of law is not limited to
actual appearances before judicial or quasi-judicial tribunals, but has
been interpreted to extend to outside activities. This 54-year old
definition does not, however, reflect the modern reality of advocacy
before the growing number of judicial and quasi-judicial boards and
commissions that have been created since its adoption. By way of
example, a rule of the Natural Resources Board Act allows a person to be
represented by a non-attorney while the PSB allows an organization, but
not an individual, to be so represented. Clarification of the scope of
the practice of law is needed. Any definition of the practice of law
must recognize the diversity of advocacy before different forums at the
state and local levels, should not abridge First Amendment rights, and
should insure that Vermonters have access to justice.
'Not about to start censoring' floats, Spanish Town parade board member says in response to outcry
Baton Rouge’s signature Spanish Town Mardi Gras Parade provoked
controversy for the second year in a row, with critics saying its risqué
style of humor went too far this past weekend.
This year’s most offending culprits were jokes about race, as at least
two floats parodied the “Black Lives Matter” movement with “Pink Lives
Matter” slogans, which reference the parade’s pink flamingo mascot.
One float featured a drawing of a flamingo being beaten with a police
baton. The flamingo had an “I can’t breathe” sign strung around its
neck, mimicking the words of Eric Garner, whose 2014 New York City death
at the hands of police officers sparked protests about police brutality
and helped kick off the nationwide “Black Lives Matter” demonstrations.
“It’s very easy for people who may not be enduring the weight of these
types of incidents to make light of it,” said Donney Rose, one of many
black writers who said this year’s parade crossed too many boundaries.
“But when you belong to a group or demographic to where that could be
your reality at any point in time, you don’t find the humor in it, you
don’t find the satire.”
The Spanish Town parade has become known for its crude humor and
not-exactly-family-friendly atmosphere during its 36 years. Floats often
poke fun at politicians and hot-button issues, often with sexual humor
thrown in the mix.
“We’re aware of what’s going on, we’re sorry if anybody’s offended, but
we have no official position at this time,” said Doug Cossman, a board
member of the group that oversees the Spanish Town parade and ball, the
Society for the Preservation of Lagniappe in Louisiana. “And we’re not
about to start censoring anybody’s free speech rights.”
17 February, 2016
Leftist students at Rutgers try to shut down speech they disagree with
While journalist Milo Yiannopoulos spoke about "the myth" of the wage
gap and the pitfalls of feminism, student protestors in the audience at
Scott Hall stood up and smeared fake blood on their faces in opposition.
About 50 students sat in the audience to protest Yiannopoulos's
University visit, which kicked off his “Dangerous Faggot” tour.
Yiannopoulos, senior editor at conservative news site breitbart.com, is
known for his controversial statements about feminism, race and
political correctness.
After screaming, “This man represents hatred,” an anonymous female
student smeared what appeared to be blood over her face and arms. About
10 others soon followed, and then left the room together. Roughly 40
protestors stayed for the remainder of the event.
"We must, unlike the Left, engage in the other side of the argument,"
Yiannopoulos said. "I noticed that when they were asked questions, they
left the room."
A number of shouting matches and profane exchanges between audience
members occurred throughout the event. Some audience members responded
to the protestors by chanting, "Trump."
Australia: Override hate speech laws to allow marriage equality debate, urges Christian lobby
Australian Christian Lobby says ‘low threshold’ of state laws is
creating a ‘chilling effect on free speech’ in lead-up to national
plebiscite on whether to allow homosexual marriage
The Australian Christian Lobby has called on the federal government to
permanently override anti-discrimination laws to ensure those pushing
for a no vote can speak their mind on same-sex marriage.
The ACL’s managing director, Lyle Shelton, said he was concerned state
anti-discrimination laws in particular had a low threshold which would
prevent a rigorous no campaign in the lead-up to a plebiscite.
“We need to have the ability for a free debate in this plebiscite and at
the moment, state-based anti-discrimination laws have a very low
threshold for what constitutes discrimination,” Shelton told Guardian
Australia. “It is creating a chilling effect on free speech.”
Shelton said he wanted the anti-discrimination legislation relaxed
permanently rather than just in the lead-up to the vote on same-sex
He said the case of Archbishop Julian Porteous, who last year was the
subject of a complaint to Tasmania’s anti-discrimination commissioner
after an anti-marriage equality booklet published by the Catholic church
was distributed to 12,000 schools, was an example of why the law had a
“low threshold”.
“The booklet they produced about marriage was gentle and respectful,”
Shelton said. “A lot of people are very concerned that if it can happen
to Archbishop Porteous it can happen to anyone.
“Already if you speak out you’re called a bigot or a homophobe. Just look at my Twitter feed. I’m constantly demonised.”
16 February, 2016
Australia: Must not suggest that blacks eat fried chicken
A restaurant has come under fire after a diner spotted what he believed
to be an offensive artwork amid vintage wallpapers perpetuating racial
stereotypes about African-Americans.
Comedian Aamer Rahman posted photographs of the controversial interior
displayed inside Melbourne eatery Fried and Tasty (F.A.T) on his
Facebook page, including a mural of US slain rapper Biggie Smalls
(B.I.G) holding a fried chicken drumstick in his hand.
The Brunswick East cafe - known for its old school southern style fried
chicken, buttermilk waffles, burgers and beers - also features a
white family armed with guns and a vintage - American pancake syrup
brand - Aunt Jemima advertisement.
'Today in gentrification: Melbourne hipsters pay tribute to a dead black
artist by opening a Biggie Smalls themed fried chicken restaurant, "The
Notorious F.A.T",' Rahman wrote in the post.
'...Complete with photoshopped mural of Biggie holding a fried chicken
drumstick, Aunt Jemima wallpaper, and pictures of white families with
guns. You cannot make this stuff up.'
However, Fried and Tasty co-owner Jonathon Ionnou has defended the
posters against critics, saying the artworks have 'nothing to do with
racial stereotypes' in an apology on Facebook.
'When my cousin Terrence and I took the plunge and decided to open our
own restaurant last year our idea was to cook comfort food, and mix it
with a bright, bold and fun experience for everyone who dined with us,'
Mr Ionnou said on the cafe's Facebook page.
'We brought Mum and Dad's secret fried chicken recipe with us, chose the
music we grew up with, and mixed it with retro decor and a Southern
American theme.
'At no stage did we set out to upset anyone with our decor, and for
those we have offended we apologise as it was never our intention for
FAT to be anything but a great place to eat.'
Mr Ionnou told The Age that the restaurant will replace some of the
offensive artwork after receiving widespread criticism - but added they
were a big fan of Biggie Smalls.
'We used to listen to Biggie Smalls and we liked his music so we wanted
him to be part of our restaurant... and we want him to stay,' he said.
'As for the other images we will be replacing them.'
Must not resemble Adolf

[Australian] Supermarket giant Coles has stunned shoppers with an
advertisement for their credit card that features a male model who bears
a striking resemblance to Adolf Hitler.
A customer was checking out at a Coles store in Northland, Melbourne, when they snapped an image of the promotion.
It features a male model pointing to a sign describing the 9.9 percent interest rate for the Coles credit card.
The man has brown hair slicked to one side and a prominent moustache
that resembles the signature facial hair of the German dictator.
The image has been seen more than 30,000 times on social media and
Reddit users agreed that the man reminded them strongly of Hitler.
Numerous people were horrified by the similarities and also jested that hipsters are ‘one step away from being Hitler.'
15 February, 2016
Must not tell the truth about Obama's immigration policies
Anchorage-based telecom company GCI tweeted an apology on Friday after
an executive wrote what the company has called an insensitive comment on
a story on KTVA's website.
Duncan Whitney, a vice president at GCI -- which owns the Anchorage TV
station -- commented Thursday night on a story about a traveler who
drove all the way from Chile to Alaska in a Volkswagen bus. The traveler
then flew to London to apply for a tourist visa to stay longer in the
U.S., but was denied, KTVA reported.
“Got a hint for him,” Whitney commented. “Go to Mexico, cross the border
illegally and Obama will not only let him in, but will offer to fund
the rest of his trip with taxpayer dollars and provide him free health
care to boot!”
When Whitney posted the comment, his Facebook profile information
identifying him as a vice president of GCI showed up alongside the
comment. The GCI reference was later removed from his profile.
People reacted on both Facebook and Twitter, calling Whitney an “unashamed bigot,” ignorant and a racist, among other things.
Facebook prudery does not wash in France
A father-of-three has won the right to sue Facebook in France - after it
shut his account for using a 19th century oil painting as his profile
Frederic Durand-Baissas, a 57-year-old Parisian teacher and art lover,
had his Facebook account suspended five years ago without prior notice
after choosing to post Gustave Courbet's 1866 'The Origin of the World',
which depicts female genitalia.
The father-of-three now wants his account reactiviated, and is asking
for the social media giant to pay him 20,000 euros (£15,545) - and has
finally won the right to have the case heard in France.
'This is a case of free speech and censorship on a social network,'
Durand-Baissas said. 'If (Facebook) can't see the difference between an
artistic masterpiece and a pornographic image, we in France (can).'
Facebook, which has not given an explanation for the suspended account,
could not immediately be reached for comment after the ruling.
14 February, 2016
Meryl Streep faces backlash over ‘we’re all Africans’ comment
As well she might. An absurd assertion. I can assure one and all that I am not an African
MERYL Streep is facing a backlash over a controversial remark she made
while discussing diversity in the film industry, saying “we’re all
Africans really”.
Streep, who heads a festival film jury at the Berlin International Film
Festival, was asked by an Egyptian reporter whether she understood films
from the Arab world and North Africa, to which she responded: “I’ve
played a lot of different people from a lot of different cultures.
“There is a core of humanity that travels right through every culture,
and after all we’re all from Africa originally,” she added. “You know,
we’re all ... Berliners, we’re all Africans really.”
The remark sparked outrage on social media, with “Meryl Streep” becoming a worldwide trending topic on Twitter.
While some said her remarks were taken out of context, others were upset by the comment.
Campus Police Officer Say Offending Students ‘Is Against the Law’
Free speech under siege at the University of Texas at Austin
A University of Texas at Austin cop issued a disorderly conduct citation
to a preacher because his words were offensive to some students.
“You’re offending students on the campus,” said the officer. “The job
here is write you up for disorderly conduct for offending someone.”
The preacher, according to The Daily Caller, had been inveighing against
anal sex from his perch just outside the boundaries of UT’s campus.
Students who heard him complained to the cops.
When the preacher asked about his freedom of speech rights, the cop
responded: “It doesn’t matter, freedom of speech. Someone was offended.
That’s against the law.”
The preacher could scarcely believe what he was hearing. “It’s against the law to offend someone?” he asked.
“Yes,” the cop repeated.
The officer, it goes without saying, was wrong. Thankfully, his
department eventually corrected him and voided the citation. It also
issued an apology to the preacher. Still, it’s troubling that an officer
of the law could be so mixed up about it.
It’s also troubling that students thought the best way to deal with an offensive speaker was to sic the cops on him.
12 February, 2016
Facebook removes famous painting of a woman licking an ice cream cone because it was too 'suggestive'
They must be real horndogs at Facebook

An image of a famous painting has been removed from Facebook after the social media site deemed it to be 'suggestive content'.
The image was posted online by Philadelphia Museum of Art as a part of
their International Pop exhibit, which looks at the wide history of pop
culture through global artists.
The photo that so offended the Facebook moderators was of Evelyne
Axell’s 1964 painting Ice Cream - a painting of a woman with her eyes
closed, licking an ice cream cone. The museum were lucky enough to get
it on loan from the Collection of Serge Goisse in Belgium.
'We chose this work by Evelyne Axell as one of our keystone marketing
images because it speaks to so many themes found throughout pop -
consumption, pleasure and seduction,' curator Erica Battle told Metro.us
about the exhibition, due to run from February 24 through May 15.
But after posting the picture, the museum employees managing their
social media were shocked to receive a notification from Facebook
explaining that Ice Cream was in violation of company guidelines because
it contained 'excessive amounts of skin or suggestive content'.
Indeed, the inclusion of the arguably phallic ice cream cone could be
called suggestive, but the 'skin' shown in the image consisted only of a
face and a hand.
It was a surprise for the museum, given that they have plenty of works
photographed on their page that would fall into that category, but had
never before been flagged.
How US Universities Encourage Hate Speech Against Jews and Israel
Leora Eisenberg
Just a few days ago, I was the target of a hate video from a young woman
who seems to be affiliated with a university that I will not name here.
Although I could not take that person’s preposterous ramblings
seriously, I was dismayed at the language in the video. In it, support
for terrorism ran rampant (“These people are upset… These people are not
terrorists…”). Likewise, this video preached vile antisemitism (“We
saved the Jews from the Nazis. Hitler tried to kill the Jew. Look what
happened, it backfired. They’re like one thousand times more powerful
now”). Facebook did not remove the video under the bizarre claim that it
did not violate the social network’s “community standards,” and the
university has remained silent.
Antisemitism, often but not always, taking the form of anti-Israel
activity, is tolerated on this campus and met with little other than
half-baked words of criticism.
The woman in the video was not afraid to expose her opinions — them
being that I am a whole host of expletives, all to the great joy of an
ecstatic public that supported her with the usual cries of “Free
Palestine,” as well as some choice phrases that I don’t care to repeat
in print.
The fact that a university student attacked a high school student 2,000
miles away in a video of this kind shows what the anti-Israel movement
has become.
And the university’s failure to do anything in response speaks volumes
for its supposed ideals of tolerance, free speech, and respect of all
individuals. That woman in the video represents a university’s tolerance
for intolerance, and its blind eye towards antisemitism.
11 February, 2016
Black racism
Comedian Anthony Anderson hosted the NAACP Image Awards on February 5,
and in his opening monologue he criticized conservative black actress
Stacey Dash.
Dash has been in the news recently for arguing that black entertainers
who have criticized the Academy Awards for lack of diversity shouldn't
have segregated awards.
“We have to make up our minds,” Dash said on “Fox & Friends” January
20. “Either we want to have segregation or integration. If we don't
want segregation, then we need to get rid of channels like BET [Black
Entertainment Television] and the BET Awards, and the [NAACP] Image
Awards, where you're only awarded if you're black."
"Let me introduce our first presenter," Anderson said at the Image Awards. "Everybody give a round of applause for Stacey Dash!”
It turned out to be a joke - Dash wasn't at the ceremony. “What the hell
is she doing?" Anderson said. "Doesn’t she know that the Fox network is
using her? She’s just an Ann Coulter dipped in butterscotch. That’s all
she is. Baby, don’t let them use you! Come back to the black people and
get back to work on some of those C movies you used to do."
NASA Bans the Word 'Jesus'
The name of Jesus is not welcome in the Johnson Space Center newsletter,
according to a complaint filed on behalf of a group of Christians who
work for NASA.
The JSC Praise & Worship Club was directed by NASA attorneys to
refrain from using the name “Jesus” in club announcements that appeared
in a Space Center newsletter.
“It was shocking to all of us and very frustrating,” NASA engineer
Sophia Smith told me. “NASA has a long history of respecting religious
speech. Why wouldn’t they allow us to put the name Jesus in the
announcement about our club?”
Liberty Institute, one of the nation’s largest religious liberty law
firms, threatened to file a federal lawsuit unless NASA apologizes and
stops censoring the name “Jesus.”
The JSC Today newsletter is distributed electronically and includes a
number of Space Center events — from salsa dancing lessons to soccer
NASA issued a statement late Monday that did not refute Liberty Institute’s charge.
Since 2001, employees had gathered during their lunch hour to pray and
sing and read the Bible. There had been no censorship issues until last
Liberty Institute attorney Jeremy Dys told me the club had placed an
announcement in the Space Center’s newsletter, announcing the theme of
their meeting, “Jesus is our life.”
“Soon after that, the legal department called the organizers and told
them they could not use the name Jesus in their announcements,” Dys told
me. “They said, no Jesus.”
The club’s leadership was told that “NASA would be censoring all future
club announcements that featured the name, ‘Jesus,’” Liberty Institute
alleged in its complaint letter.
NASA’s legal department explained that including the name “Jesus” within
the club’s announcement made that announcement “sectarian” or
They also alleged such announcements would cause NASA to violate the
Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States
Dys said the club organizers offered to provide a disclaimer, notifying
readers that the announcement was private speech and was not endorsed by
NASA or any other government agency. However, that offer was rejected
as “insufficient.”
10 February, 2016
Muslim hate speech written on Sacramento State campus
Experience suggests that the perp was a Leftist stirring up a burst of self-righteousness
Sacramento State officials are investigating hate speech writing discovered Tuesday on campus.
University President Robert Nelsen said the hate speech was written toward the Muslim community on campus.
"I was heartbroken and angered to learn that this happened on our
campus," Nelsen wrote in a message to students, staff and faculty. "We
are a Hornet family, and we will not stand for this kind of treatment of
our family members."
The incident happened in the quad area of campus where student organizations gather to recruit and educate other students.
The Muslim Student Association was working at its table and took a break
to go to class. When the students returned they found the hateful
"When I saw it I was just angry," said Rima Hakim, President of the
Muslim Student Association. "It (the message) was a combination of
Islamophobia and racist, and the person was pretty inaccurate in their
vocabulary, so it was a little amusing, but it was really offensive."
Free Speech Defended, Support of Israel Labeled Hate Speech on CBS's `The Good Wife'
In the episode "Judged," CBS's The Good Wife turned again to highlighting how the Left curtails freedom of speech.
Liberal lawyer Diane (Christine Baranski) came to the defense of a big
client's daughter over a college newspaper op-ed. The student defended
Israel against the leftist student council's vote to divest from Israel
and boycott Israeli goods from settlements - more university BDS
("Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions") nonsense.
Stop me if you've heard this before. The op-ed is labeled as hate speech
- "It's hate speech, and this campus is supposed to be a safe space!"
one student protests to administrators. In true fascist liberal form,
the school's student handbook is twisted to allow the censoring of a
writer supporting Israel because one special snowflake claimed he felt
under attack and disrespected.
Instead of encouraging an honest debate of ideas - you know, like the
college experience is supposed to do - the dean of Illinois Park
College, a private university, approves shutting down the campus
newspaper to "enforce progressive notions of fairness." To counter this,
Diane makes the argument that the college is really a state actor - a
self-contained mini-city and functioning as such - and thus must obey
the First Amendment.
The dean claims the student handbook is legally binding, and includes a
mandate to encourage the development of personal responsibility in
students. Therefore, since the aggrieved student filed a petition with
the student council and the vote was passed to disband the newspaper, he
says it was up to the school to enforce the vote.
However, Diane points out that the administration is in charge over the
student council, not vice versal - it disciplined a student for going as
Caitlyn Jenner for Halloween because it was offensive to transgenders! -
and the mediator rules in favor of the young writer and the decision to
close the newspaper is reversed.
Freedom of speech is not just for the leftists on college campuses.
Labeling a differing opinion as hate speech is standard practice on the
left. The lesson learned by the young man who felt hurt by an op-ed? He
is no more special than the others on campus. He got schooled the best
possible way.
9 February, 2016
Prosecute hate speech, urges Germany's Tillich
What a confused man. He wants to suppress criticism of
immigrants by force of law but also says: "In democracy one
resolves conflict with arguments"
German Saxony state premier Stanislav Tillich says far-right Pegida
movement leaders who call for violence against foreigners should be
prosecuted. Europe is bracing for far-right rallies and
Tillich preempted anti-foreigner rallies due on Saturday in European
cites including Dresden, the capital of Germany's conservative-run
regional state of Saxony, by calling on prosecutors to intervene against
hate speech used by far-right leaders.
During speeches, Pegida organizers were increasingly resorting to open
hostility toward foreigners and politicians, Tillich told Germany's
Funke Media Group.
"State attorneys are increasingly required to act. Pegida can no longer smooth over its rhetoric," he said.
Saxony's premier said differentiations needed to be made between
Pegida's leaders and its followers, who he said were expressing
multifaceted societal frustration.
"Our challenge is to draw the followers back into dialog. In democracy
one resolves conflict with arguments," said Tillich, whose Saxony region
has been the scene of numerous anti-foreigner incidents.
Frustrated vs Desperate
Ban Ki Moon crtitcised Israel last week in the UN Security
Council: "... Palestinian frustration and grievances are
growing under the weight of nearly a half-century of occupation.
Ignoring this won’t make it disappear..."
In 2002-2005 Palestinians were "desperate". The wave of suicide bombings
was because they were "desperate". Today it seems the Palestinians are
no longer desperate, they are "frustrated". The propaganda unit has
obviously been working on finessing the language.
So what are the propaganda benefits of using the word "frustrated" over the word "desperate"?
Everyone experiences frustration. Not everyone experiences desperation.
Frustration is less extreme, milder than desperation.
Frustration is more of an internal state of mind. We
often do nothing about frustration except to simply "be frustrated". On
the other hand when people are desperate they act.
"Frustrated" is a superior propaganda word to evoke sympathy for
Palestinians than "desperate". It creates a stronger bond of empathy.
But anyone looking at Israel's position in the Middle East conflict will
see that the word "frustration" applies better to it. Let's twist Ban
Ki Moon's statement and see if it rings more true: "... Israeli
frustration is growing under the weight of nearly a half-century of
Palestinian rejectionism. Knife attacks and violence is never going to
make it disappear..."
Doesn't that sit better? Frustration is something that you keep bottled
up inside. That's Israel! Ban Ki Moon you've got it all wrong.
8 February, 2016
Must not describe druggies accurately
Windia Rodriguez remembers the sting of the words hurled at her during a
hospital stay a few years ago. “Crackhead.’’ “Addict.’’ Especially, she
recalls the scorn in the voices that pronounced her “just an
addict.” “They treated me like I was beyond hope,” Rodriguez said.
But she found hope, and these days, free of drugs for four years,
Rodriguez makes a point of adding two words to the standard salutation
in her 12-step group. “I’m an addict,” she says, “in recovery.”
In so doing, Rodriguez, a Boston resident and regional coordinator for
the Massachusetts Organization for Addiction Recovery, quietly adds her
voice to those of researchers and advocates who want to rewrite the
lexicon of addiction.
These advocates seek to excise language that blames or disparages the
patient and replace it with medical terms free of judgment. They assert
that commonly used words — “junkie,” “abuser,” even “substance abuse”
and “addict” — can discourage people from seeking help, induce health
professionals to treat patients harshly, and exacerbate the stigma that
bedevils people suffering from drug addiction.
“The biggest thing we trade in is hope,” said Dr. Barbara Herbert,
Massachusetts chapter president of the American Society of Addiction
Medicine, a confederation of doctors and other medical workers. “Our
biggest enemy is hopelessness. That’s why I think language matters a
Must not mention the destructive effects of the welfare state
A Tory politician has come under fire after posting an image of a
leaflet on social media which claims migrants should come to 'England,
the Welfare Country' where 'only suckers work'.
Matthew Sephton, a Conservative councillor for Altrincham, Greater
Manchester, posted an image of a flyer seemingly aimed at foreigners,
urging them to come to England to get 'free' benefits.
The leaflet reads: 'Tired of your job? Sick of working 40 hour or more
each week just to feed your family? Would you like to relax all day and
still have all the benefits of a full time job? 'If you answered
yes to any of these questions, then you should consider moving to
England, The Welfare Country.'
The leaflet goes on to say that those who 'qualify' can expect to enjoy
free housing, utilities, food, medical and transport services, and legal
aid, in the UK. It says people can 'collect for life', adding
that those who want to 'receive all of this without working for a
living' should 'contact the benefits agency'.
The image was accompanied by the tweet: 'I'm glad that @David-Cameron's
@Conservatives government is restricting & limiting benefits but
still more to do...'
However, the post was quickly criticised by his followers on Twitter,
with some calling it 'vile'. Birmingham Erdington MP Jack Dromey even
called on the Prime Minister to 'disown this racist rant by a Tory
councillor'. One Twitter user posted: 'Amazing level of vileness.'
Another said: 'You really have no knowledge of welfare or poverty
whatsoever do you? Pathetic, uninformed and crass rubbish.' One
simply dubbed the post 'disgusting', and another said it was 'ignorant'.
7 February, 2016
Fans told not to sing Welsh rugby anthem Delilah because it 'glorifies violence against women'
The last sentence below is a good comment
The strains of the Tom Jones hit Delilah have become almost an anthem
for Welsh rugby fans. But a senior Labour MP has joined calls for
it to be banned from the Six Nations rugby tournament – for glorifying
domestic violence. Chris Bryant says the song should be abandoned
because the lyrics talk about murdering a woman.
Delilah, a 1968 hit, has been sung at Welsh rugby matches by male voice
choirs and even Jones himself before every home game in Cardiff.
But there have been growing calls to ban the song as the lyrics describe
how a jilted lover waits outside a woman’s door and stabs her to death.
The Welsh Rugby Union – and Tom Jones himself – have previously defended
the song, claiming it is sung for its musicality rather than the dark
subject matter.
A spokesman for the Welsh Rugby Union, which hosts Scotland for its
first home fixture of the Six Nations in Cardiff next Saturday, said:
‘Within rugby, Delilah has gained prominence through its musicality
rather than its lyrics.
‘There is, however, plenty of precedent in art and literature,
prominently in Shakespearean tragedies for instance, for negative
aspects of life to be portrayed.’
Mental health group fights lawmaker's bid to create an 'offensive' license plate of Maniac the school mascot

A northern Idaho lawmaker is once again seeking to create a specialized
license plate depicting a hotly disputed Idaho high school mascot.
The proposed plate would portray the Orofino 'Maniac,' a caricature mental health groups call offensive.
Orofino Councilwoman Jill Woolsey told the panel Thursday that the term
maniac would not be on the plate and defended the mascot, calling it
positive representation of the community.
'In 2016 our mascot, the maniac, continues to be a symbol of unbridled
enthusiasm and a symbol of overcoming odds,' Woolsey said. 'It's about a
positive image to win and keep fighting.'
She explained the funds raised from the sale of the specialty license
plate are needed for advanced programs in the underfunded high school,
including advanced science and math classes.
Opponents testified for over an hour against the measure, saying the
mascot's portrayal only further ostracizes mentally ill people,
particularly because Orofino is also the home of a state-run mental
health hospital.
5 February, 2016
More Leftist censorship
The Guardian has announced that its website will no longer allow readers
to comment on articles on three topics - race, immigration and Islam.
RT: What do you think of The Guardian's decision?
Martin Summers: I think it a really rough decision in many ways. But you
got to remember the Guardian has invested an awful lot in its online
presence and encouraging their audience to participate through online
commentary. But of course, it is not being very successful from an
economic point of view - they are losing millions of pounds every year.
And they don’t really have a public service remit… As they are
essentially a private organization, they may decide that moderating this
kind of forum is more expensive and more problematic than they thought.
But of course, it is a kind of a sign of the times that these kinds of
topics are becoming so hot that they are becoming hard to handle in
media forums.
RT: Where do you draw the line between shielding certain groups from hate speech and freedom of expression?
Martin Summers: It is very difficult, isn’t it? I think everybody
accepts that at the end of the day the complete freedom of speech,
insulting of other people, provocative incitements to violence…The
governments of the West are saying that they are going to try and stop
recruitment to ISIS online…Is that freedom of speech? You could argue
that it is or that it isn’t
All Anti-Feminist Talk Would Be Criminal 'Hate Speech' If U.K. Activists Get Their Way
American writer and "pickup artist" Roosh V is causing a bit of hysteria
abroad in countries where citizens are even more likely than they are
here to say that offensive speech is "dangerous." The trouble started
when Roosh V—real name Daryush Valizadeh—announced the organization of
165 simultaneous meetups on February 6 for followers of his
"neomasculinity" movement, including gatherings across American and in
countries such as Australia, Canada, Chile, England, Israel, and
Scotland. Soon thereafter, activists in the U.K. and Canada began
protesting the meetups, which they have labeled as "pro rape" events.
Granted, Valizadeh doesn't have the most progressive views on romantic
relations. And in stories about his sexual exploits, he often crosses
into consent grey areas. But being a brute or a cad isn't illegal, and
neither is writing rapey tall-tales. Nor is meeting with like-minded
people to express unpopular views.
Of course, this is exactly the problem for some, who are calling on
their governments to ban Valizadeh from even entering the country, to
ban his fans from meeting up, and to criminalize all anti-woman "hate
speech"—an impossibly broad category that seems to include everything
from common insults to political expression at odds with feminism.
4 February, 2016
"Cotton On" pulls world globes which replaced Israel with Palestine following outcry
"Cotton On" is an Australian retail chain, known for its fast-fashion
clothing for men, women, teenagers and children. It has almost 1200
stores in 12 countries

RETAIL giant Cotton On has come under fire for selling a globe of the
Earth with Israel wiped off the map and ‘Palestine’ in its place.
The globes, sold in Cotton On’s Typo stationery outlets, have been
described as “hurtful” and “bigoted” by members of Australia’s Jewish
Dr Dvir Abramovich, chair of the B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation League,
told news.com.au when a customer initially complained about the globes,
he was told the map was “deemed to be accurate for commercial purposes”.
“They came up with the ridiculous argument that they didn’t have enough
space to put the word ‘Israel’ but had enough space to put ‘Palestine’,
which is a non-existent country,” he said.
Dr Abramovich said there was a “growing and disturbing trend of wiping
Israel off world maps”. “These acts of hostility have become so frequent
I don’t think it’s simply a mistake,” he said.
“There is a well organised international effort to delegitimise and
demonise Israel, to imagine a world without Israel, to make it such a
pariah state that it doesn’t even have a right to exist on a map.
Cotton On says the product has been removed from sale in all 170 Typo stores globally and online.
Must not mention that Muslims hate Jews
TV2 reports that DF politician Mogens Camre was convicted of hate speech
on Monday for comments he made on Twitter comparing Muslims to Hitler
in 2014.
Camre, who is currently a member of the municipal council of Gladsaxe, told media outlets he was “baffled” by the conviction.
The former parliamentarian and MEP believes the conviction is completely
unreasonable, and he has questioned why the truth is only palatable
when it is stated in academic terms.
“They say the truth is forbidden if one doesn’t talk about it in a
completely academic context, whereby nothing can be misunderstood,” he
told Ritzau.
The ruling on Monday upheld a previous decision by a court in Glostrup
last year, where Camre was sentenced to ten daily fines of 800 kroner
each. [A Danish crown is worth about 15c]
In 2014, Camre tweeted negative comments about Muslims, saying they were carrying on Hitler’s legacy.
“About the situation of Jews in Europe: Muslims continue where Hitler
ended. Only the treatment Hitler got will change the situation,” the
tweet read.
The High Court, which upheld the ruling, considered the statements a
clear example of hate speech and expressed concerns they would incite
hate crimes against Muslims.
Camre, however, defended his tweets, saying they were not in reference
to all Muslims. “If I say Danes love beer, does that mean that you
love beer? Of course not,” he said.
3 February, 2016
Palestinian hate speech kills
Most of what the Left calls hate speech is trivial. Not so Palestinian hate speech
Palestinian incitement and hate-speech, especially the condoning of the
cold-blooded murder of Jews, has at the time of writing been linked to
the murder of 30 Israelis over the last four months.
On January 17, one of these 30 victims, 39-year-old mother of six Daphna
Meir, was stabbed to death in her home, in front of her children, by a
Palestinian youth from a nearby village. While in custody, the youth
admitted to having committed the murder after being influenced by
official Palestinian television programming that vilified Israel and
glorified acts of violence.
Not limited only to suggestive themes and implicit condoning of
terrorism, officially affiliated Palestinian media have repeatedly
issued explicit calls to murder Jews. As a case in point, on January 4,
two weeks before the murder of Daphna Meir, a Fatah-run television
channel broadcast a music video calling on Palestinians to “drown them
[the Jews] in a sea of blood” and to “kill them as you wish.” The
chairman of Fatah’s Central Committee is none other than Palestinian
president, Mahmoud Abbas.
Australia: Blackface Aboriginal costume dress up criticized
I can't see who is hurt by this. Are Japanese women who blond their
hair offensive? Are black women who straighten their hair
offensive? There's an old saying that imitation is the sincerest
form of flattery so this could be seen as a tribute to blacks
TWO partygoers have been labelled "redneck scumbags" after a
controversial photo shared on social media showed them dressed as
Aborigines with painted black faces.
Victorian woman and indigenous education worker Sis Austin shared images
taken from a party at the weekend after confronting the person who
uploaded them to social media.
In one picture two men are dressed as Aborigines with their faces painted black.
Another picture taken from the same party shows a woman with a painted
black face, dressed like 2000 Olympic gold medallist Cathy Freeman.
But Daylesford woman Ms Austin ended up on the receiving end and was
called a bully and horrible person who should be ashamed of herself for
sharing the images.
The two as yet unidentified men had attended an Aussie icon party near Learmonth Football Club in Victoria on Saturday.
The photos were taken by what she calls "people who were her high school friends" and "a few close ones at that".
That changed once she raised the point it was disrespectful to indigenous Australians.
Ms Austin’s post soon went viral and was picked up by high-profile
indigenous rapper and Yorta Yorta man Adam Briggs who went on to share
the post, and said anyone defending the men can go and "****
Briggs described the pair as "redneck scumbags" on Facebook.
But while the hip hop artist ended up getting a lot of support, many
jumped to the defence of the men and Briggs ended up on the receiving
end himself before shutting them down.
Others also came to Briggs’ defence including hip hop chart toppers The
Hilltop Hoods, and indigenous Australian singer/songwriter Thelma Plum
who shared the controversial black face image on her social media feeds.
Plum, who called the partygoers "disgusting little boys" also shared
their image on her Twitter and Instagram feed, encouraging people to
name and shame them.
In an interview with Sky News, the host of the party said the backlash
was "political correctness gone wrong" and the men in the photos were
his best mates who are "decent Australian blokes".
"People wear Oktoberfest costumes to parties and no one cracks it that
they are not German? So what I am saying is I do understand the people
who have painted themselves have offended people, although none of them
intended that"
2 February, 2016
Drinks holder gift given at Australia Day citizenship ceremony sparks social media outcry
Attractive women are incorrect even in silhouette

A drinks holder depicting a silhouetted naked woman standing
against an Australian flag that was distributed at an Australia Day
citizenship ceremony in the NSW Hunter region has sparked an outcry on
social media. At the a citizenship ceremony at Nelson Bay, north of
Newcastle, at least one gift bag containing the controversial stubby
holder was given to an attendee.The gift has since sparked a range of
views from the public on social media.Port
Stephens Council, who was responsible for the citizenship ceremony,
said the stubby holder was not part of the "official citizenship gift
In a statement on Facebook, the council said the gift set
containing the stubby holder was packed by a "local business house" and
was distributed by the ceremony's volunteer organising committee.It said
it was not aware of the pack's contents."There has obviously been a
failure of oversight and quality control in this instance," the
council's social media statement said. "Council deeply regrets this and,
by virtue of the fact the volunteer committee acts on behalf of
Council, accepts full responsibility. We apologise unreservedly.
"In light of this matter, the volunteer committee has undertaken to
review its processes to ensure there is no repeat in future."
The state member for Port Stephens, and Opposition spokeswoman for the
prevention of domestic violence and sexual assault, Kate Washington,
described the incident as a "shocker".
"[It is] completely inappropriate in the context, particularly of
an Australian citizenship ceremony," Ms Washington said."Yes, people
have things [like the stubby holder] in their cupboards and people can
make those choices for themselves." But in a setting, which is meant to
be respectful, dignified, reflecting Australian qualities — democracy,
equality and all of that — this is not appropriate."Ms Washington said
local councils were governed by a strict code as to what gifts could be given at citizenship ceremonies."
The citizenship ceremony on an Australia Day event is really carved out
as a responsibility for the council," she said. Ms Washington said the
gift sent the wrong message about the treatment of women."It is a
reflection perhaps of our Australian culture, but it's not a good
reflection," she said."We really need to be addressing this objectifying
culture that underlies the whole attitude towards women and the erosion
of respect given to women, that then leads on to this ridiculously
awful level of domestic violence."
UK: Tesco removes sexist birthday card saying 'Inner beauty won't get you free drinks' from shelves after just ONE complaint
A bit of cynical realism was too much for one female -- presumably one who rarely gets free drinks
Supermarket giant Tesco is removing a sexist birthday card which boasts
'inner beauty won't get you free drinks' from its shelves after
receiving just one complaint.
A shopper angrily condemned the retailer on social media this week after
noticing the 'moronic' card while at a Tesco store in Horwich, Bolton,
Greater Manchester.
The woman claimed the supermarket was 'living in the dark ages' and said
she was offended by the card's message, which jokes about women
flaunting their looks.
The front cover of the offending birthday card carries the words: 'To a
Fab Sister. Remember, inner beauty...won't get you free drinks!'
The woman, who asked not to be named, tweeted the company on Monday
morning to say: 'Found this on a shelf in your store...nice to see how
you view women!!!'
Tesco replied: 'I'm sorry to see this. I'd like to look into this for you, please can you advise the store you visited?'
The official Tesco Twitter account pledged to pass on her feedback to
the store in question, and the supermarket has now agreed to 'phase out'
the card from stores across the country.
A spokesman confirmed: 'We've listened to customer feedback and will be phasing this design out of our card range.'
1 February, 2016
Blackface hysteria again
As far as one can tell, the women concerned were fans of the black
player and the black face was intended as a tribute to her. They
were probably unaware of the hysteria that blackface attracts in
America. And note how one person in blackface makes some sour
media people condemn the whole nation of Australia as racist.
Fabulous reasoning. What do we deduce from the 23 million
Australians who never wear blackface?
A spectator has been criticized after appearing in the crowd during a
Serena Williams match at the Australian Open [tennis] wearing
The fan was seen during Williams' semi-final clash with Polish star Agnieszka Radwanska on Thursday
Other fans were quick to react to the controversial attire, with many saying it proved Australia is a 'racist' country.
'There's a Serena Williams fan in the crowd ... wearing blackface,' American journalist Russell Brown tweeted.
The fans were also holding a sign that read: 'keep calm and be Serena'
Australia: Brisbane could rename historically "racist" Boundary streets
This is just a lot of meddling nonsense. As the mayor
said, almost no-one in Brisbane would be aware of the history
concerned. It is just an attempt to revise history. Orwell
would understand
Lord Mayor Graham Quirk will consider changing the names of Brisbane's
Boundary streets, but only if such a change is embraced by the city's
indigenous community.
At least one prominent Aboriginal activist, Sam Watson, has rejected the
push, saying Boundary Street in both West End and Spring Hill served as
a constant reminder of the horrific treatment of the area's original
The inner-city Boundary streets, on either side of the Brisbane River,
were so named due to a racist policy that separated European arrivals
from the local Jagera and Turrbal [Aboriginal] populations.
Earlier this month, street signs at West End were changed to "Boundless
Street" and, since then, an online petition has been set up to call for
such a name change to be made official.
Petitioner Michael Colenso said the names were "outdated" and held
Brisbane back from "meaningful progression as a city and peoples
committed to truthful and respectful harmony".
Cr Quirk said he understood the sentiment, given the shocking treatment
Murris [Aborigines] suffered at the hands of early European settlers,
and would open a dialogue with local elders about a possible change.
One of those elders, Mr Watson, said he wanted Boundary Street to remain
as a reminder of Brisbane's bloody past. "I think it's important
that all people walking through Brisbane and along Boundary Street
should be aware of the history of it," he said.
"Mainstream Australia, unfortunately, has this tendency to just keep
trying to move on from the more unsavoury aspects of their own history.
"That might help everyone's peace of mind and make them sleep a little
better at night, but it doesn't change the fact that there are very
bloody and very ugly segments of our joint history together that should
not be ignored. "It should be customarily acknowledged as part of our
genuine, true history."
As for the inner-city streets, Cr Quirk said there was still a lot of
ignorance about what they actually meant. "I don't think, in
truth, many people in Brisbane really understand what Boundary Street
means and its significance in terms of its history," Cr Quirk said.
This is Tongue-Tied 2
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press"
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Is the American national anthem politically incorrect? From the 4th verse:
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."

"HATE SPEECH" is free speech: The U.S. Supreme Court stated the general
rule regarding protected speech in Texas v. Johnson (109 S.Ct. at
2544), when it held: "The government may not prohibit the verbal or
nonverbal expression of an idea merely because society finds the idea
offensive or disagreeable." Federal courts have consistently followed this. Said Virginia federal district judge Claude Hilton: "The
First Amendment does not recognize exceptions for bigotry, racism, and
religious intolerance or ideas or matters some may deem trivial, vulgar
or profane."
Even some advocacy of violence is protected by the 1st Amendment. In
Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), the U.S. Supreme Court held unanimously that
speech advocating violent illegal actions to bring about social change
is protected by the First Amendment "except where such advocacy is
directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely
to incite or produce such action."
The double standard: Atheists can put up signs and billboards saying
that Christianity is wrong and that is hunky dory. But if a Christian
says that homosexuality is wrong, that is attacked as "hate speech"
One for the militant atheists to consider: "...it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg" -- Thomas Jefferson
"I think no subject should be off-limits, and I regard the laws in many
Continental countries criminalizing Holocaust denial as philosophically
repugnant and practically useless – in that they confirm to Jew-haters
that the Jews control everything (otherwise why aren’t we allowed to
talk about it?)" -- Mark Steyn
A prophetic comment on Norwegian hate speech laws: As Justice Brandeis
once noted, repressive censorship “breeds hate” and “that hate menaces
stable government,” rather than promoting safety; “the path of safety
lies in the opportunity to discuss freely supposed grievances and
proposed remedies.”
Voltaire's most famous saying was actually a summary of Voltaire's
thinking by one of his biographers rather than something Voltaire said
himself. Nonetheless it is a wholly admirable sentiment: "I disagree
with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
I am of a similar mind.
The traditional advice about derogatory speech: "Sticks and stones will
break your bones but names will never hurt you". Apparently people today
are not as emotionally robust as their ancestors were.
The KKK were members of the DEMOCRATIC party. Google "Klanbake" if you doubt it
A phobia is an irrational fear, so the terms "Islamophobic" and
"homophobic" embody a claim that the people so described are mentally
ill. There is no evidence for either claim. Both terms are simply abuse
masquerading as diagnoses and suggest that the person using them is
engaged in propaganda rather than in any form of rational or objective
Leftists often pretend that any mention of race is "racist" -- unless
they mention it, of course. But leaving such irrational propaganda
aside, which statements really are racist? Can statements of fact about
race be "racist"? Such statements are simply either true or false. The
most sweeping possible definition of racism is that a racist statement
is a statement that includes a negative value judgment of some race.
Absent that, a statement is not racist, for all that Leftists might howl
that it is. Facts cannot be racist so nor is the simple statement of
them racist. Here is a statement that cannot therefore be racist by
itself, though it could be false: "Blacks are on average much less
intelligent than whites". If it is false and someone utters it, he
could simply be mistaken or misinformed.
Categorization is a basic human survival skill so racism as the Left
define it (i.e. any awareness of race) is in fact neither right nor
wrong. It is simply human
Whatever your definition of racism, however, a statement that simply
mentions race is not thereby racist -- though one would think otherwise
from American Presidential election campaigns. Is a statement that
mentions dogs, "doggist" or a statement that mentions cats, "cattist"?
If any mention of racial differences is racist then all Leftists are
racist too -- as "affirmative action" is an explicit reference to
racial differences
Was Abraham Lincoln a racist? "You and we are different races. We
have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any
other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but
this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think
your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while
ours suffer from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If
this be admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be
separated. It is better for both, therefore, to be separated." -- Spoken at the White House to a group of black community leaders, August 14th, 1862
Gimlet-eyed Leftist haters sometimes pounce on the word "white" as
racist. Will the time come when we have to refer to the White House as
the "Full spectrum of light" House?
The spirit of liberty is "the spirit which is not too sure that it is
right." and "Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies
there, no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it.
While it lies there it needs no constitution, no law, no court to save
it." -- Judge Learned Hand
Mostly, a gaffe is just truth slipping out
Two lines below of a famous hymn that would be incomprehensible to
Leftists today ("honor"? "right"? "freedom?" Freedom to agree with them
is the only freedom they believe in)
First to fight for right and freedom,
And to keep our honor clean
It is of course the hymn of the USMC -- still today the relentless warriors that they always were.
It seems a pity that the wisdom of the ancient Greek philosopher
Epictetus is now little known. Remember, wrote the Stoic thinker, "that
foul words or blows in themselves are no outrage, but your judgment
that they are so. So when any one makes you angry, know that it is your
own thought that has angered you. Wherefore make it your endeavour not
to let your impressions carry you away."
"Since therefore the knowledge and survey of vice is in this world so
necessary to the constituting of human virtue, and the scanning of error
to the confirmation of truth, how can we more safely, and with less
danger, scout into the regions of sin and falsity than by reading all
manner of tractates, and hearing all manner of reason?" -- English poet
John Milton (1608-1674) in Areopagitica
Hate speech is verbal communication that induces anger due to the listener's inability to offer an intelligent response
Leftists can try to get you fired from your job over something that you
said and that's not an attack on free speech. But if you just criticize
something that they say, then that IS an attack on free speech
"Negro" is a forbidden word -- unless a Democrat uses it
"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper
Why are Leftists always talking about hate? Because it fills their own hearts
Leftists don't have principles. How can they when "there is no such
thing as right and wrong"? All they have is postures, pretend-principles
that can be changed as easily as one changes one's shirt
When you have an argument with a Leftist, you are not really discussing
the facts. You are threatening his self esteem. Which is why the normal
Leftist response to challenge is mere abuse.
naive scholar who searches for a consistent Leftist program will not
find it. What there is consists only in the negation of the present.
The intellectual Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-180) could have
been speaking of much that goes on today when he said: "The object in
life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding
oneself in the ranks of the insane."
I despair of the ADL. Jews have
enough problems already and yet in the ADL one has a prominent Jewish
organization that does its best to make itself offensive to Christians.
Their Leftism is more important to them than the welfare of Jewry --
which is the exact opposite of what they ostensibly stand for! Jewish
cleverness seems to vanish when politics are involved. Fortunately,
Christians are true to their saviour and have loving hearts. Jewish
dissatisfaction with the myopia of the ADL is outlined here. Note that Foxy was too grand to reply to it.

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