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28 February, 2017
Australian fishing store forced to take down 'incredibly offensive' ads after they were found to 'ridicule' Muslims
A fishing shop in regional Victoria has been forced to remove two of its
Australia Day advertisements after it was found they 'humiliated' and
'ridiculed' Muslims.
Trelly's Tackle World in Shepparton, north of Melbourne, had a print ad
featuring products on sale with an offer of free pork kebabs: '1 day
only! Halal or Haram.'
A complaint lodged with the Advertising Standards Bureau (ASB) claimed
the advert was 'incredibly offensive', 'Islamophobic' and 'aggressively
attacked Muslims'.
The complaint said the emphasis on pork - consumption of which is
forbidden in Islam - was intentionally included to 'suggest that Muslims
are not Australians and are not welcomed'.
Trelly's responded to the claims by pointing out the word 'Muslim' was
not used in the advertisement and said that kebabs were not exclusive to
any one culture.
'In Australia we are free to eat and drink what we want within the laws
of Australia,' Trelly's wrote. '[The complainant] is hiding behind the
misuse of very loosely used words like multiculturalism and
'I have also enjoyed by far a greater number of people who like my ad.'
‘Jamaican stew’ lands Cambridge in the soup
One of the wealthiest Cambridge colleges is to rethink its menu after
ethnic minority students complained about culinary offerings such as
“Jamaican stew” and “Tunisian rice” on the grounds that the names are
“cultural misrepresentations” as they do not exist in their supposed
native countries.
The complaints were made by Pembroke students on a Facebook page about
food in the college restaurant. “Dear Pembroke catering staff, stop
mixing mango and beef and calling it ‘Jamaican stew’,” wrote one
student. “I’m actually half Jamaican pls show me where in the Caribbean
they mix fruit and meat.”
Another complained about “cauliflower, date and tofu tagine with
Tunisian rice and coriander yoghurt”, saying “sorry but what is this we
don’t eat these tings in Tunisia”.
I hear that a lot of favorite Chinese meals in Australia and the USA are unknown in China. But China does not complain.
27 February, 2017
Eeny meeny wrong
Even if you don't mention the African American's toe
JEFFREY Dean Morgan isn’t very impressed with Primark’s decision to pull
a T-shirt from their Walking Dead merchandise collection.
The actor, who played the murderous Negan on cult zombie show The
Walking Dead, tweeted his rage after a T-shirt stocked at international
clothing store Primark was discontinued.
The shirt in question featured a bloodied baseball bat with the words
“Eeny, meeny, miny, moe” in reference to what Negan says before killing
his victims with his bat.
The phrase is taken from a children’s rhyme that goes: “Eeny, meeny,
miny, moe, Catch a tiger by the toe.” However, the reference sparked the
boycott because the original rhyme, which dates back to before 1820,
used a derogatory slur in place of “tiger”.
Ian Lucraft, a shopper in Sheffield, UK was so offended by the T-shirt
he complained directly to Primark’s Chief Executive Paul Marchant.
“We were shocked when we came face-to-face with a new T-shirt with a
racially explicit graphic and text,” he told Sheffield News.
Lucraft, who is a Methodist minister in the area, said the shirt brings
the racist history of the rhyme to mind, even if it doesn’t intend to.
Huffington Post: Must not tell the truth about Sweden
Liberal website The Huffington Post removed a Norwegian writer’s blog
post arguing that President Trump was “absolutely right about Sweden”
when he criticized the liberal country’s immigration policies.
Rene Zografos, whose home country neighbors Sweden, wrote that it’s not
politically correct “for journalists to say or write that immigration in
Europe is unsuccessful.” Even though critics in media the mocked Trump,
Zografos wrote, “he is actually spot on.”
“It’s well known for Scandinavians and other Europeans that liberal
immigration comes with drugs, rapes, gang wars, robbery and violence,”
Zografos argued.
He went on to say that “several European cities have huge immigration
problems where even the police force is afraid to interfere in some
locations in these cities.”
“This was a self-published post on our contributor platform,” a
Huffington Post spokesperson told The Daily Caller. “Our editors removed
it after determining that it violated our terms of use.”
Zografos’s blog post went up on Huffington Post’s contributor platform
on Wednesday, with a note saying, “Contributors control their own work
and post freely to our site.”
26 February, 2017
Carnival party in Bavaria sparks racism debate in Germany
"Neger" is the normal German word for "negro", which is not abusive
A charity ball in Raindorf has launched a debate in Germany over its use
of a derogatory term for black people. The locals have defended the
name as "a normal term" in Bavaria's dialect, while critics say it's
This year, a charity ball in the Bavarian village of Raindorf that
donates its proceeds to development projects in African countries
inadvertently caused outrage online.
The problem - the annual event is called the "Negerball," a term that
translates to "negro ball" or "nigger ball". Although the term in German
has a slightly less negative connotation than the English word, it is
offensive to many people.
Atheist Forces School to Ditch Ten Commandments Monument
A Pennsylvania school district capitulated to the demands of a militant
atheist who filed a federal lawsuit demanding the district remove a Ten
Commandments monument erected on a public high school campus. New
Kensington-Arnold School District agreed to give the massive monument
the heave-ho, ending a lawsuit filed in 2012 by self-avowed atheist
Marie Schaub. Ms. Schaub claimed the 6-foot-tall stone monument posted
outside Valley High School was a religious symbol and therefore was a
violating of the U.S. Constitution.
“It’s unfortunate that many people in my community don’t understand or
appreciate the separation of church and state, but I hope this
settlement serves as an important lesson,” she told the Valley News
Dispatch. Ms. Schaub also claimed the monument was offensive to herself
and her daughter. I can only imagine which commandment she found to be
more offensive? If I was a betting man I’d say it was either the one
about coveting thy neighbor’s ass or the one about graven images.
Anyway, the school district has 30 days to extricate the monument from
the front lawn — and it also has to fork over $164,000 in legal fees.
“We’re very pleased,” Freedom From Religion Foundation attorney Patrick
Elliott told the Valley News Dispatch. “It means that the Constitution
is being followed by the school district.” FFRF is a group of
perpetually offended atheists, agnostics and free-thinkers based in
Wisconsin. They intentionally bully and intimidate small towns and
communities in their quest to eradicate Christianity from the public
marketplace. They are truly an unpleasant bunch of people, folks. Supt.
John Pallone told the local newspaper they agreed to settle the lawsuit
“in order to take the high road.”
24 February, 2017
Does Obama remind you of a cream-filled chocolate cookie?

Rich Melton isn't backing down following a controversial image he shared recently on his personal Facebook page.
"It was hilarious," the Gardner councilman said. "I think the funniest
part was, I don't think it would have been near as funny if the Cheeto
wasn't on there."
The Gardner city councilman recently shared this picture on his Facebook
page comparing the U.S. presidents to food. The 44th being a
cream-filled chocolate cookie.
Anonymous complaints were received by 41 Action News, calling the post racist.
No objection to depicting Trump as a cheeto, funnily enough
Complaint prompts NJ school to apologize for having fried chicken on menu during Black History Month

Race-baiting has become a blood sport for leftists seeking imaginary victimhood.
The superintendent of the Hopewell Valley Central High School in
Pennington, New Jersey, has apologized after someone complained that a
lunch menu had offered fried chicken to celebrate Black History Month.
The menu also served other soul food staples such as corn bread and macaroni and cheese. It’s unclear who complained.
Superintendent Thomas A. Smith apologized in a memo, saying the school
did not intend to reinforce racial stereotypes, NJ.com reported.
23 February, 2017
The word that controversial free speech advocate Milo Yiannopoulos regrets uttering
I personally would burn pedophilic scum at the stake, as it can be
very damaging in the context of our culture. Those of us who study
ancient history, however, know that in the brilliant culture of ancient
Greece, homosexual pedophilia was not only normal but regarded as
beneficial to a boy's education and development. Yiannopoulos was
probably aware of that. He is himself Greek. The words he used are
certainly reminiscent of ancient Greek thinking. I am told that
modern-day Greeks can read ancient Greek with a bit of effort.
are however some things well-known in scholarly circles which cause
outrage when mentioned in public -- such as average black IQ -- so it
was certainly unwise of Yiannopoulos to say what he did. He is an
iconoclast but that is one area where there is no public support for
iconoclasm. As a homosexual, he was probably out of touch with
mainstream views on the matter.
I am walking on thin ice in
making this comment. Chris Brand was fired from a tenured teaching
job at the University of Edinburgh for saying that there are varieties
of pedophilia and that not all are equally harmful, which, I suspect,
reflects his own experience.
The British upper class are
notoriously homosexual in their youth. It is said that in British
"public" (Private) schools, homosexuality was not so much condoned as
compulsory. Those old respectable British guys pictured in felt
hats and smoking pipes could well have sucked on other things in their
I hope I have made clear, however, that my comment is a
scholarly one and that I do not in any way approve of any sort of
pedophilia. I am a much published academic psychologist so it lies
well within my field of academic expertise to make a scholarly comment
on the matter.
IT HAS been a shocking 48 hours for Twitter’s most hated man, Milo Yiannopoulos.
The Trump-loving, gay, conservative firebrand has had what his
detractors could accurately describe as a stunning fall from grace,
which culminated this morning with him being forced out of his job as
tech editor at controversial right-wing news site Breitbart. In part,
due to what he described as “imprecise language”.
The self proclaimed “virtuous troll” has been accused of inciting hatred
towards feminists, trans people and the Black Lives Matter movement,
promoting white nationalists ideas, and has been banished from Twitter.
But it was remarks he made in a podcast about underage sex that prompted
a new level of backlash against the 33-year-old. On Tuesday a clip from
last year was widely circulated in which Mr Yiannopoulos flippantly
said young boys “discover who they are” through relationships with older
men, later implying that those relationships can be sexual in nature.
For him, it was the choice of a single word that brought him
undone. “I shouldn’t have used the word boy,” he said during a
lengthy press conference this morning announcing he was leaving
“Gay men often use the word boy or girl to mean men of consenting age.
But I understand how heterosexual people may not have realised that and
that was an error,” he said.
“I’m certainly guilty of imprecise language, which I regret. But anyone
who suggests I turn a blind eye to illegal activity or the abuse of
minors is unequivocally wrong.”
How bad is PewDiePie?
It was clearly a silly stunt mocking conventional sensitivities --
and that is in general no bad thing. But anything that
encourages antisemitism is undoubtedly deplorable. Something
should have been said in rebuttal of his slogans -- but then it was, in
the WSJ. I would have been inclined to leave it at that
PewDiePie, whose real name is Felix Kjellberg, is the biggest star on
YouTube. He posted a video from January where he used the service Fiverr
to pay two Indian men to hold up a sign that said “death to all Jews.”
Last week YouTube and Disney’s Maker Studios severed their relationships
with Kjellberg after the Wall Street Journal reported on his repeated
use of anti-Semitic humor
22 February, 2017
NYT accidentally mentions the truth about minority education

Must not suggest fat is bad?
An advert made by a supermarket chain famous for its viral campaigns has been criticised for fat shaming.
German supermarket chain Edeka's new campaign called 'Eatkarus' is has caused controversy only a few days after its release.
The short film, which has amassed 8 million views across social media
platforms combined, tells the story of a fat young boy who lives in a
town inhabited only by the overweight.
However, the plump boy dreams of flying away like a bird - drawing on the Greek myth of Icarus who created wings to fly with.
The boy, distracted by creating his own wings, and inspired to eat
berries by a crow he has been chasing, inadvertently loses weight in the
As the advert ends, the boy is seen now slimmer and wearing the wings he has designed.
While people look upon him with disgust he runs and takes flight, his new slender frame allowing him to float.
21 February, 2017
Hate from the anti-hate brigade
The text below is from a British group calling itself "Resisting
hate". They have clearly got a lot of their own hate to go around.
They clearly hate Mr Trump (of course!) and various people in
And they make not the slightest attempt to justify
their hate-speech. They call Mr Trump a Fascist -- quite
ignoring the fact that Fascists practice strong government control of
people while Mr Trump is a vigorous de-regulator. They hate him so
much that they call him by his opposite. A nasty lot
all rather amusing, actually. The Left are great users of Freudian
projection -- seeing their own faults in others. And the screed
below is a nice example of that
There is little need to recap the chaos of 2016. Certainly to anyone
with a social media presence or who reads the newspapers the horrors
have been all too evident. From an increase in worldwide terrorism to
the shock Brexit referendum through the rise in Nationalism, evidenced
by support for hate groups like Britain First and National Action, and
culminating in the election of a fascist to the American presidency –
2016 was not a good year for humanity.
The worry for many is that 2017 will bring more of the same. Trump takes
up his seat in the White House in January, The Netherlands have a
strong candidate for hate – Geert Wilders – in their March elections and
the equally abhorrent Marine Le Pen, the fascist leader of Front
National in France has promised a referendum on the French exit from the
EU “Frexit” if she comes to power in April.
Google Redefines The Word ‘Fascism’ To Smear Conservatives, Protect Liberal Rioters
Has Google, the world’s most popular search engine, changed the
definition of the word “fascism” to protect liberal mobs using violence
to silence those who disagree with them politically? The evidence
suggest they have.
You see it on signs at every protest or riot — liberals accuse President
Donald Trump of being a fascist. The word’s association with Adolf
Hitler and its use now is no accident, it’s meant to strike fear in
people’s hearts of tyranny.
Merriam-Webster defines the word “fascism” as “a political philosophy,
movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and
often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized
autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic
and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.” The
secondary definition is “a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong
autocratic or dictatorial control.”
This definition reflects the fact that Nazis were, in fact, both
fascists and of the political left. They were the “National Socialist
German Workers Party,” which favored a heavy-handed government in
business and the personal lives of its citizens.
The authoritarian government of Nazi Germany not only oppressed opposing
political views and used violence to enforce it, they supported a
powerful central government which heaped social benefits on its
citizens. The second part of Nazism is the “socialist” part, which is
very similar to what the modern American political left advocates. For
all their bluster to the contrary, Hitler was a man of the extreme left,
and so was fellow fascist and Axis Powers member Benito Mussolini.
But if you type the word into Google, the definition they provide is
quite different. The world’s largest search engine pins fascism on
the political right, not the left.
Google defines fascism as, “an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.”
The secondary definition is, “(in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.”
That’s a striking difference from how the word has been defined for decades.
Political conservatives advocate for small, less intrusive government
where power rests with the states and individuals, and the federal
government lives within its Constitutional restraints. Progressive
liberals advocate for just the opposite: a powerful central government
with authority vested in a strong leader who has the ability to impose
decrees from Washington on everything from health care to education.
Google curiously adds “right-wing” to its definition and omits the
“severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of
opposition” part.
By the traditional Merriam-Webster definition of “severe economic and
social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition,” the
violent mobs protesting and rioting over President Trump’s actions are
the ones engaging in fascistic tactics.
The exact reason Google has changed the definition of fascism to reflect
on the political right rather than the left is unknown. However, Google
co-founder Sergey Brin, one of the world’s richest men, has been a
vocal critic of President Trump, an activist liberal, and has protested
the President’s executive order on immigration.
Many members of the mainstream media have unquestioningly adopted the
new Google meaning without explaining why, leaving their audience with
the impression that speech or advocacy contrary to liberal orthodoxy is
fascistic when, by definition, it is not.
20 February, 2017
Must not mention slavery
Parents of students at Windsor Hills Elementary School in Los Angeles
are outraged after second-graders at the school received a math homework
assignment last week that contained a word problem with racial
NBC News reports that students received the following word problem as part of their math homework:
The master needed 192 slaves to work on plantation in the cotton fields.
The fields could fill 75 bags of cotton. Only 96 slaves were able to
pick cotton for the day. The missus needed them in the Big House to
prepare for the Annual Picnic. How many more slaves are needed in the
cotton fields?
Karol Gray’s 7-year-old granddaughter had questions about her homework
assignment Thursday and showed it to her mother. Gray said she was
shocked at what she saw.
“Although it has racial undertones, I feel the worse undertone is, ‘What are we teaching our children?’” Gray said.
Windsor Hills is a gifted magnet school known for its math and science programs.
I’m sure it’s no coincidence that a homework assignment with a problem
regarding slavery was given to young black students during Black History
Must not suggest that a fat black female politician is unattractive
In Britain in 2017, you can be punished for your private thoughts. You
can be ridiculed in public for what you say behind closed doors. You can
be made to apologise to the world for something you said in confidence
to a friend. Seriously. How else do we make sense of the scandal over
Tory Brexit minister David Davis’s text messages about Labour MP Diane
Abbott? Here we have a politician being demonised by the political and
media set — branded ‘vile’, ‘disgusting’ and ‘appalling’ — for a private
comment. That should worry you far more than what Davis actually said,
for it suggests there is now no area of life where you can speak freely
and frankly without risking sanction.
After the Commons vote on Brexit last week, Davis is said to have
approached Abbott for a kiss but apparently she told him to ‘fuck off’.
Later, a Tory friend texted Davis to ask him about the incident. Davis
texted back saying he hadn’t tried to kiss Abbott, and wouldn’t, because
‘I am not blind’. In short, he thinks Abbott is unattractive.
It is tempting at this point to say Davis’s text messages were crude.
But that would be wrong, because the fact is they’re none of our
business. He did not say these things for public consumption. It was an
off-hand, matey remark of the kind all of us make via text or email or
WhatsApp or whatever. That Davis’s texts were leaked doesn’t make it
okay to haul him over the coals for them, to insist that he retract and
repent, because this still amounts to shaming someone for a private
conversation. The correct response to the texts would be to say: ‘This
is not my concern. People can think and say whatever they like in
Of course that hasn’t been the response, because such is the stifling
intensity of the ‘You Can’t Say That!’ culture that now even private
speech, glorified thoughts in essence, are considered fair game by the
shut-it-down brigade. ‘You Can’t Think That!’ — the next, logical
frontier. So it was that Labour MPs ‘called out’ Davis for being
‘misogynistic’, a ‘total and utter disgrace’, a ‘vile, sexist man’. He
should apologise, they said. And he did. ‘The secretary of state is very
sorry for any offence caused’, said a spokesman. A man publicly
apologising for private chatter — this is bad.
19 February, 2017
Wikipedia censorship
They are censoring a major conservative news source. Their Leftist bias is now writ plain. What else are they censoring?
Wikipedia has banned the use of the Daily Mail as a source of
information on its site. The self-styled ‘library of the web’ has
decided the largest tabloid news site in the world is ‘generally
unreliable’ and has a reputation for ‘poor fact-checking, sensationalism
and flat-out fabrication’. Yes, a crowd-sourced website that can be
edited by any Tom, Dick or Harry is now fretting about facts.
The Daily Mail is subject to libel laws, and staffed by trained
journalists. This is more than can be said for Wikipedia, which is
hardly famous for its reliability. In the past it has included public
entries calling actor Gary Oldman a ‘giraffe’, asserting that footballer
Thierry Henry ‘was born a c**t and remains a c**t’, and accusing
teeny-bopper band the Jonas Brothers of having genital warts.
Whether or not you like the Daily Mail, to denounce its journalistic
reputation without proof is unnecessary and wrong. Every online paper
will contain occasional inaccuracies, but this is the nature of online
news reporting.
Wikipedia’s editors need to be honest about their decision – they don’t
like the Daily Mail because of its politics. Preaching against the Daily
Mail is an easy and lazy form of virtue-signalling, exercised by people
trying to demonstrate their PC credentials. From campaigns like Stop
Funding Hate to students’ union bans on tabloids, there is a cultural
trend towards banning opposing views. Wikipedia’s decision to remove the
Daily Mail is part of this censorious climate.
Wikipedia is a valuable online tool. But if it wants to uphold a
reputation for providing objective facts, it has to remain politically
neutral. Given that the Daily Mail can legitimately be cited in academic
papers, books and studies as a source (yet another advantage it has
over Wikipedia) there is no just reason for Wikipedia to denigrate its
Attempting to a pander to a certain political persuasion is a dangerous
game to play for a website which asks its contributors to ‘only add
verifiable and factual information rather than personal views and
opinions’. Pretending the Daily Mail doesn’t exist by banning it from
its website won’t do Wikipedia any favours. Far more dangerous than the
odd factual error in a paper is a website which cherry picks where it
gets its facts from.
Free Speech Professor Takes Heat for Using Racial Epithets in Lecture at Brown
Law School professor Geoffrey Stone was challenged by a Brown University
student on Friday over his use of racial slurs during a lecture on
freedom of expression on college campuses at the Ivy League university.
The controversy was covered by Brown’s student newspaper, The Brown Daily Herald.
Stone used derogatory terms several times during the talk. Stone thinks
that racial epithets and other forms of offensive speech should not be
restricted in academic discussion.
“The use, for example, of epithets in a classroom I would think
perfectly appropriate if relevant to the material, but inappropriate if a
faculty member calls a student a kike, or if a student calls another
student a nigger; I would say, ‘no, that’s crossing a boundary which, in
this setting, is not acceptable,’” Stone said.
Stone repeated the racial slur when he told an anecdote about an
incident in a class he taught on free speech. He was teaching the
fighting words doctrine, which is a constitutional provision that limits
the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech to exclude some speech
that incites violence.
A black student in Stone’s class commented that restrictions on slurs
are outdated because he thought they rarely provoke violence. Stone said
that a white classmate replied, “You nigger, that’s the stupidest thing
I’ve ever heard,” which prompted the black student to reach over and
grab the classmate by the neck. Stone marveled that the white student
had brilliantly illustrated the purpose of the doctrine.
“It was this amazing moment in which one student basically demonstrated
that the other student was wrong, and did so in a way that was on the
one hand completely inappropriate, and on the other hand wonderfully
appropriate, for the moment. And everybody got it, nobody was upset,”
Stone said.
During the question-and-answer session, Brown third-year Naomi
Chasek-Macfoy asked Stone to refrain from the use of racial slurs.
“I wanted to thank you for your charge to boldness, and, in that spirit,
would also like to respectfully request that you refrain from openly
using racial epithets in public spaces. I understand you’re not
representing an administration right now, but certainly that has a
chilling effect on speech for people in the room,” she said.
Stone replied: “I teach, among other things, the First Amendment. There
are cases that involve these words. You can’t talk about the words in
the class when you’re discussing whether the word should be legal or
not? Doesn’t make any sense. Or you read it in a novel that uses the
words and you can’t use the words? Sorry. But I do hear you.”
As Stone went on to answer Chasek-Macfoy’s follow-up question about
whether civil discourse was a question of tone or substance, he
mockingly censored his own speech to make a point.
“Someone who goes around yelling and screaming epithets, even outside
the classroom, in a public setting, I would say is being a jackass—can I
say that? Is that OK? Just want to make sure,” he joked.
Chasek-Macfoy, who is both black and Jewish, told The Maroon that
Stone’s response trivialized her concerns. “It was an unfair comparison
between the n-word and the word ‘jackass.’ Those don’t carry the same
weight. I thought the tone was belittling,” she said.
A longtime advocate of free speech, Stone chaired the University
Committee on Freedom of Expression in 2015, and delivered the Aims of
Education address on free expression to the Class of 2020. He is
currently teaching an undergraduate course on free speech and the First
Stone questioned the liberalism of students at institutions who have
called off speaker engagements because of dissenting opinions, including
students at Berkeley, who this week canceled the visit of Breitbart
columnist Milo Yiannopoulos after violent protests broke out.
“If they thought of themselves as liberal they’d be supporting of free
speech, so it’s complicated—but people who think they’re liberal, and
are liberal on other issues, should be even more committed to the
defense of free speech in a situation in which the power structure
nationally has shifted in a way that should make them anxious,” Stone
told The Maroon.
17 February, 2017
Must not record Leftist hate speech
A couple of months ago, a student at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa,
California, took the following video of Olga Pere Stable-Cox, his human
sexuality professor, pontificating about the 2016 election. The
delightfully named Stable-Cox called the election an “act of terrorism,”
labelled Mike Pence an “anti-gay human” and lamented that any American
could vote for Donald Trump.
If you were wondering if there would be any repercussions for this,
don’t worry. The guilty party is being punished. Peter Van Voorhis,
Campus Reform:
The student who filmed his professor calling Donald Trump’s election “an
act of terrorism” has received a one-semester suspension from Orange
Coast College (OCC). The previously anonymous student, Caleb O’Neil, has
also received a number of other sanctions for recording his professor,
Olga Pere Stable-Cox, including a mandatory meeting with the Dean of
Students before he is readmitted, as well as remaining on disciplinary
probation for one semester upon return from suspension…
If O’Neil, who is not a member of the OCC College Republicans, fails to
satisfy any of the requirements laid out by OCC, he could be expelled
from the Coast Community College District for good.
All because he recorded his leftist professor saying crazy things about
the election. OCC isn’t mad that she said it. They’re mad that now
everybody knows about it.
O’Neil is planning to appeal this. I hope he wins. He didn’t do anything
wrong, and the parents and alumni deserve to know what’s going on at
that school.
Must not present yourself as another race
Karlie Kloss apologized on Wednesday for a controversial
Japanese-inspired photoshoot for Vogue in which she posed as a geisha,
with dark black hair and a pale face. See the model’s apology below for
the pictures, which many are deeming racist and culturally insensitive.
The shoot appeared in Vogue’s recent “diversity” issue, which was
designed to celebrate women of different body shapes and ethnicities.
But in the process, the photos of Kloss, dressed in traditional geisha
garments, had the opposite effect and were called racist. In one image,
the 24-year-old model, sporting dark hair and a yellowish hue, posed
alongside a sumo wrestler. And in another picture, Kloss was standing on
the stairs of a tea house wearing a flowered kimono.
After the photos emerged, however, both Kloss and Vogue were accused of
racism for running the images in the “diversity” issue, which featured
an Asian model on its cover with Kloss. The magazine quickly removed the
photos from its website after the “yellow face” images were assailed
for being racist and culturally insensitive.
16 February, 2017
NJ: Must not joke about slavery

A Nottingham High School student has been disciplined after a photo with a racist caption was posted on social media.
The photo, captured on Snapchat, shows the school's gospel choir
performing during a Black History Month assembly Monday with the
caption, "Slave auction, they work hard and need little rest."
Interim Superintendent Thomas Ficarra said the principal took swift
disciplinary action over the "racially insensitive social media post,"
but did not specify what action was taken.
Campus, civic groups condemn cartoon in UCLA newspaper seen as anti-Semitic

A cartoon seen as anti-Semitic that was published in the UCLA student
newspaper has been strongly condemned by civic and campus organizations,
among them a pro-Palestinian student group.
The cartoon published Monday in the Daily Bruin shows Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu standing in front of two stone tablets
inscribed with the Ten Commandments. In the commandment “Thou Shalt Not
Steal,” the word “not” has been crossed out in red.
Pointing to another commandment “Thou Shalt Not Kill,” labeled as the
seventh by the cartoonist, Netanyahu shrugs his shoulders and says, “#7
is next.”
In the upper left corner of the cartoon, the legend reads: “Israel passes law legalizing seizing any Palestinian land.”
It refers to a law passed last week by the Israeli Knesset that allows
the state to seize private Palestinian land on which settlements or
outposts were built, as long as the settlers were not aware of the
status of the land. In cases where the landowners are known, they are
entitled to compensation.
The cartoonist, Felipe Bris Abejon, is an undergraduate student in
political science who last year served as education and resources
director of the UCLA chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine, or
SJP, a strongly anti-Zionist and pro-Palestinian national student group.
In a letter to the Daily Bruin, the SJP board at the University of
California, Los Angeles condemned the cartoon and said that Abejon is
currently not an SPJ member.
15 February, 2017
Canada: Even pretty boy is in trouble over his words
A First Nations NDP MP has written a biting, satirical letter to Justin
Trudeau to "thank" him for controversial remarks he made about
Indigenous youth, while taking aim at the prime minister's suggestion
that some chiefs are out of touch with the needs of young people living
on reserves.
Trudeau had suggested that most of the Indigenous youth he talked to
wanted "a place to store their canoes and paddles so they can connect
back out on the land."
Romeo Saganash, who represents the northern Quebec riding of
Abitibi–Baie-James–Nunavik–Eeyou, and serves as his party's Indigenous
affairs critic, told Trudeau he had no idea there was such a problem
until he watched the prime minister's town hall appearance in Saskatoon.
(Trudeau repeated the canoes and paddle comments, nearly verbatim, the
next day in Winnipeg.)
"In fact, I am ashamed for my people that we haven't been listening to
our youth in the way that you have," Saganash wrote in his sarcastic
Australia: Hate speech from the media's favourite Muslim
The term "bogan" is an Australian slang word to describe an uncouth
or unsophisticated person regarded as being of low social status
The Project host Waleed Aly has sparked a social media storm after labelling people who work in administration jobs as "bogans".
The 38-year-old and his co-panellists Carrie Bickmore, Peter Helliar and
Gretel Killeen were talking about a Perth small business' job ad on
Gumtree which asked for "no bogans or rough people" to apply.
"If you're not taking bogans, where are you going to get good admin
people?" Waleed asked the panel. "Where are they going to get them
Carrie agreed and said he had a "good point", but members of the studio audience could be heard saying "ooooh" to his remarks.
Peter Helliar responded: "There's maybe a few people in the crowd who aren't happy with that, Waleed."
You could say that again. Twitter erupted with angry viewers who felt he went too far.
"Ummm did Waleed just say that? I work in admin and I am the antithesis
of a Bogan. Get off your high horse," tweeted a user named Dom.
"Rude, Waleed @theprojecttv. I've two degrees, including one in Latin
and Ancient Greek & all I'm looking for is an admin position.
#nobogan," tweeted Donna Taylor.
"Waleed Aly called administrative staff bogans. Yep, you've returned
yourself to the town of D---head in one piece," wrote 99.Boris.
14 February, 2017
Nazi-era German anthem at tennis tournament sparks outrage
It's not actually a Nazi anthem. It is just a patriotic anthem
that was used both before and during the Nazi regime. It was also
the anthem of the very "progressive" Weimar regime so tying it to the
Nazis is a bit absurd
The United States Tennis Association has apologised after a version of
the German national anthem associated with the Nazi era was accidentally
sung at a tournament in Hawaii.
The obsolete first verse, including the words "Germany, Germany above all else" was sung by a soloist at the Fed Cup.
The error left members of the German team and fans upset and angry.
The USTA extended "a sincere apology to the German Fed Cup team and fans
for the outdated National Anthem". "This mistake will not occur
again," it said.
The song, the Deutschlandlied, became the official German anthem under the democratic Weimar Republic in the 1920s.
But after World War Two, the first, contentious verse was dropped and
the Federal Republic adopted only the third verse beginning "Unity and
justice and freedom".
More Leftist hate speech

People Call For Joy Villa To Be KILLED After She Wears Make America Great Again Dress To Grammys
It was only a matter of time before the hate of some would pour out onto
social media. Already people are calling for Joy Villa to be killed for
wearing a Make America Great Again Dress.
Some even changed her name on Wikipedia to Joy Angela Villa Trash.
13 February, 2017
Leftist hate speech backfires
Sen. Rand Paul voted to confirm Jeff Sessions as President Donald
Trump’s attorney general, but that doesn’t mean the Kentucky Republican
with libertarian leanings doesn’t have real concerns about how Sessions
will run the Justice Department.
And he thinks it will be more difficult to make progress on a criminal justice overhaul with a Trump-Sessions DOJ.
“In some ways, the Democrats made it much more certain that I would vote
for him, by trying to destroy his character. I think to me it’s very
upsetting that they didn’t choose to go after him on particular issues
like civil asset forfeiture, where they might have been able to persuade
someone like me,” Paul said Thursday. “They chose to go after him, and
try to destroy a man’s character.”
The Social Media Hive Mind
By Scott Adams, author of Dilbert
This morning I tweeted a link to a great video that describes in detail
how Twitter “throttles” the tweets of any content that disagrees with
their political views. The video describes how Twitter gives a fake
message that some tweets are no longer available, to discourage you from
clicking to them. The tweets still exist, and you can access them by
directly clicking the links in the tweets, but most people would not
think to do that.
If you don’t think that’s a real thing, here’s my tweet about the video.
They did it to me. And this is common for my tweets about Trump or
climate science. They throttle me to prevent them from going viral. And
it only happens with certain types of content.
And it isn’t just me.
I would argue that the human mind has recently evolved to include the
thinking process of social media as a whole. We’re connected to social
media like a great hive mind. And thanks to scientific advances in
datametrics, the social media companies now have almost perfect mind
control technology. We connect to the hive mind, the social media giants
decide who sees what messages, and they program us individually. You
get different persuasion than I do.
I no longer have freedom of expression in the way that most of you still
do because the social media platforms throttle my ideas. And you know
why this isn’t the biggest story in the world?
That’s the hive mind distracting you. Here’s the video Twitter didn’t want you to see.
12 February, 2017
Trailer for 'racist' Netflix series Dear White People 'gets a million dislikes in just ONE day' - and sparks customer revolt
The trailer for a controversial new Netflix programme has sparked a
fierce race row - losing the entertainment company numerous customers in
the process.
More than 250,000 'dislikes' were registered for the Dear White People
preview on Friday, just 24 hours after it was officially uploaded to
But the true scale of the discontent could be much higher after claims
the online broadcaster deleted both a million views and 100,000
accompanying negative comments.
The 30-second clip opens with a collection of Caucasian stereotypes and
the show's African American protagonist, Samantha, hectoring students at
the fictional Winchester University.
'Dear white people,' she says. 'Here’s a list of acceptable Halloween
costumes: pirate, slutty nurse, any of our first 43 presidents. Top of
the list of unacceptable costumes: me.'
It then shows a number of college students sporting so-called 'black face' and the violent responses that follow.
Unsurprisingly, plenty of viewers expressed their displeasure in the YouTube comments section.
One wrote: 'Not reverse racism, it's just plain racism. Bye Netflix!'
while another added: 'Amazon Prime is the new Netflix, and its better.
Goodbye Netflix, enjoy your racism.'
A third chimed in: 'I say this as a black person...I find it racist as
hell. People find it funny when a black person is racist to a white
person, but when the roles are reversed, man you are a horrible!
Children's song about a fox stealing a goose is BANNED from a German town after a vegan protests about its 'upsetting' lyrics
A German town has banned a popular children's song - about a fox
stealing a goose - from being rung out from its town hall tower after a
vegan resident complained the melody was making her upset.
Residents in the storybook town of Limburg an der Lahn in Hesse are
serenaded daily by the town hall glockenspiel, which rings out a
repertoire of traditional songs.
Among them is a tune called Fuchs, Du hast die Gans gestohlen, which translates as 'Fox, you stole the Goose'.
The children's song talks of hunter shooting a fox with his gun, and
contains lyrics such as '[he] takes a little shot at you, so you're
tinged with red, and then you're dead.'
The woman reportedly objected to a line in the song that says: 'the hunter will get you with his gun.'
The unnamed woman, who works within earshot of the town hall, has complained that just hearing the tune distresses her.
The fact that the tune played from the tower was given a purely
instrumental version was apparently no consolation to the woman.
In response, town hall leader Marius Hahn has banned the song from the
list of approved tunes, saying he did not want to be a 'monster' to the
He also said there had been no complaints from atheists about the
inclusion of traditional song 'Wem Gott will rechte Gunst erweisen' -
meaning 'Whoever God wants to bestow his favour on'.
10 February, 2017
Some explanations for poor school performance are not permitted
"Dangerous" thoughts below, apparently
SOUTHBRIDGE, Mass. - Racially insensitive statements by teachers during
confidential interviews, and a letter that Receiver-Superintendent
Jessica L. Huizenga recently wrote that some parents suggest ventured
too far into politics, have fueled concerns in the state-run school
Both issues surfaced last week and are expected to be aired at a community meeting Thursday evening.
Twelve months ago, the state seized control of the chronically
underperforming district, which has a high concentration of Hispanic
During a meeting of the School Committee and Town Council last week, a
special-education presenter included a series of offensive statements by
anonymous teachers.
To a question about what's the root cause of behavior and academic
issues in Southbridge, the auditor reported a teacher said, "All the
Puerto Rican families end up living together because they cannot afford
their own housing and then they end up inbreeding."
Another teacher asserted that immigrant parents don't provide structure,
while a third teacher pointed to a widespread drug problem.
The statements originated during focus groups of teachers, parents and
staff members during an audit. Ms. Huizenga said she will never know who
made the statements because of confidentiality agreements.
Presenter Lauren Katzman, the executive director of the Education
Development Center's Urban Special Education Leadership Collaborative,
called it "dangerous to think like that and work with students."
UK: "Racist" to use a hairstyle popular with blacks?

Bristol University students have been accused of “blacking up” for a
fancy dress party after wearing cornrow braids to impersonate fictional
characters for the television show Orange is the New Black.
However, the two female undergraduates have defended their outfits,
claiming they were dressing up as a “white girl with blonde hair” and
were merely wearing heavy facial make–up.
The university has summoned them to a meeting with Professor Nishan
Canagarajah, who is chair of Bristol’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Steering Group. The theme of the house party, which took place on
Friday night, was Teams, Memes and 2016.
They were accused by peers of cultural appropriation, with the student
union stating that it is a case of racism. But the students rejected the
claims, saying they were dressing up as a white character, named
Patricia Miller.
One told student paper The Tab: “I’ve been wanting to get my hair done
in braids for a while now… Wearing BB CRÈME, which is not to be confused
with foundation is what I always wear on a night out. I find it deeply
offensive to be accused of being racist for my hairstyle, make-up and
9 February, 2017
Sportsmen must not mention the race of their wives
Atlanta Hawks general manager Wes Wilcox has received an undisclosed
discipline from the organization for a racially charged joke he made
during a season-ticket holder event last month, a team executive told
ESPN's The Undefeated.
Wilcox, who is white, fielded questions from about 200 season-ticket
holders and club members at a "Chalk Talk" event on Dec. 7. After some
challenging questions from attendees, Deadspin reported that Wilcox
responded by saying he had "a black wife and three mixed kids, so I'm
used to people being angry and argumentative."
A Hawks internal investigation from Dec. 27 to Jan. 9 that included
interviews with attendees concluded that Wilcox didn't use the words
"angry and argumentative," but the mention of race merited his being
reprimanded internally by the franchise.
"After hearing multiple sides of the story and getting multiple
eyewitness accounts of what took place, I am not convinced that what we
heard and read in Deadspin is a direct quote that was used," Nzinga
Shaw, Hawks and Philips Arena chief diversity and inclusion officer,
told The Undefeated on Tuesday. "Wes, however, certainly did make his
off-color statement, which included elements of describing his wife's
race. People that were in the room could make the assumption that he was
using her race for the reason of the comments that followed. We
certainly do not approve of this behavior and we are going to handle
this manner internally."
Leftist censorship again: Must not praise Trump cabinet picks
A Republican super PAC promoting President Trump’s Cabinet nominees took
down its website after it was hit by hackers Monday, according to a new
The hackers changed sections of the 45 Committee’s homepage to mock Trump and his Cabinet picks, CNN said.
A spokesman for the group — which was founded by GOP mega-donors Sheldon
Adelson and Todd Ricketts — confirmed the website’s hacking Monday to
Hackers renamed one section “Make America S----y Again,” the group said,
and wrote “Black Lives Matter” across the website’s video portion.
A commercial in support of Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.), Trump’s nominee for
Health and Human Services secretary, was relabeled “Steve Bannon is a
White Supremacist.”
Bannon, who is Trump’s chief strategist and senior counselor, has faced
criticism for his past role as chairman of Breitbart News.
Critics have accused Breitbart of serving as a platform for the
alt-right, a movement they argue promotes white nationalism, misogyny
and anti-Semitism.
CNN also reported that another 45 Committee spot touting Trump’s
attorney general nominee, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), was retitled
“Sessions is Too Racist to be a Federal Judge.”
Sessions failed to be confirmed as a federal judge in 1986 after former
colleagues accused him of making racially insensitive remarks. Sessions,
though, has fiercely denied those claims.
The 45 Committee has spent more than $4 million so far on broadcast and
online ads praising Trump’s Cabinet nominees, according to CNN.
8 February, 2017
Must not imitate the Buddha
The Buddha was in fact an Indian, so he did not have Asian eyes
Supermodel Gigi Hadid is facing online backlash after a video surfaced
showing her squinting her eyes to imitate an East Asian person.
In a clip posted by Bella Hadid and later deleted — but not before the
video had spread and been shared by other accounts — Gigi is seen
smiling and making the offensive facial expression while out with
In the hours since it has been shared, other social media users have
chimed in to criticize Gigi, with some claiming she has exhibited
'racist' behavior before.
The very short clips features Gigi and friends at a restaurant, where several are singing Happy Birthday.
Gigi holds up a cookie in the shape of the Buddah, then smiles and squints her eyes to imitate his face.
UK taxi crackdown named after India, sparks racism row
I think the name simply reflects that taxi drivers in the area are
mostly Indian. Most drivers where I live are Indian. They
seem to like the predominantly cash business. I was a taxi driver
myself many years ago so I know a bit about that
London: A UK city Council has named a crackdown on dodgy taxi drivers
‘Operation India’, sparking outrage over the ‘racist’ labelling of the
scheme. ‘Operation India’ was launched in Milton Keynes,
Buckinghamshire, as a joint initiative between council taxi licensing
officers and police to carry out checks on taxi drivers.
But both councillors and the taxi community have described the name of
the scheme as racially insensitive. “This name must be reconsidered,
people will be outraged and it does not send a good message about ethnic
minorities,” councillor Mohammed Khan was quoted as saying by Milton
Keynes Citizen. “It’s essentially blaming all Indian taxi drivers, these
are good hard working people who work unsocial hours to make sure
people get home safely,” he said.
A taxi boss, who has worked in Milton Keynes for 12 years, said, “I
don’t have a problem with the police and council coming to check that
our taxis are legal and safe.” “However to use ‘India’ as the name of
the operation is racially insensitive and it should be retracted. Just
to use the word...it’s like they’re implying criminal drivers are
Indian,” the taxi boss said.
“I think it will cause outrage across the taxi driving community, why
did they have to use a country or race?” the taxi boss added. Chief
executive of the Milton Keynes Equality Council, Navrita Atwal said,
“The name ‘Operation India’ could be perceived as misleading.” “We are
living in sensitive times and should exercise double caution as to not
cause offence or mistrust as community relations take a long time to
build,” she added.
7 February, 2017
The flag that may no longer be seen
A Folsom teacher accused of “racially insensitive behavior” has retired,
the Folsom Cordova Unified School District said at a board meeting
Thursday night.
Sutter Middle School teacher Woody Hart, who has been with the district since 1999, has come under fire twice since November.
After a Confederate flag was found hanging in his classroom Tuesday
night, Hart was placed on paid administrative leave Wednesday.
“We recognize that regardless of context, to many of our students,
families, and staff, the Confederate flag is a racist symbol of hate,”
the school district said in a statement Wednesday.
The flag was hanging in a classroom across from a Civil War Union flag,
“potentially in preparation of a history activity,” the district said.
It was taken down before class began Wednesday.
"We just came in and we saw the Union flag on one side of the room and
the Confederate flag on the other side of the room," Hart's student Ana
Kneisley said.
Kneisley pointed out the Confederate flag is in her text book and said
the hanging flags were part of a lesson, where students were members of
the two armies.
"I actually very much appreciated the way he taught history," Kneisley
said. "I felt that we were getting more involved than what our other
classes did."
An hilarious black comedian: NOT
Harvey is the blockhead who named the wrong winner of Miss Universe in 2015 so maybe he is just dumb
Steve Harvey is trying to block his ex-employee from releasing offensive
tapes of his old comedy routines where he says to 'spit on white
The comedian is fighting Joseph Cooper in federal court in Dallas.
Cooper and Harvey started working together in 1993 when Harvey hired him
to film his comedy shows.
Cooper claims he has 120 hours worth of footage of Harvey performing at
his club Steve Harvey Comedy House. This footage reportedly shows Harvey
spewing racially insensitive remarks.
In one of the tapes, Harvey allegedly exclaims: 'I don’t give a s**** about America,' according to Radar Online.
In another, he reportedly tells the audience to: 'Go assault old white women.'
6 February, 2017
Must not mention a "Muslim problem"
The pastor at Christian Life Center in Stockton is getting a lot of support and backlash over his sermon on Muslims.
In a sermon last week, Evangelina Solano Rosas took video of Pastor Nathaniel Haney who said we have a "Muslim problem."
He added that "I know some people believe what I'm saying but you're
scared to speak up because you don't want get blown up or be exiled."
"I felt really prompted to share this video because for one reason I
didn't want his words to go unnoticed. What if he incited someone who
was listening to that speech?" said Rosas.
5 February, 2017
City Commissioners Ask Black Florida Mayor to Resign After Referring to Police Officer as a ‘Pig’
Hostility to the police among blacks is a huge problem so any
encouraging of it is very problematical. Black hostility puts cops
on hair-trigger alert when they approach blacks so any false move on
the part of the black can get the black shot. So this is literally
a life and death matter
The Stuart, Florida City Commission is demanding the resignation of
Mayor Eula Clarke for making a derogatory remark last month about a
Stuart Police officer, referring to him as a “pig.”
According to a complaint by the Palm Beach County Police Benevolent
Association (PBA), which represents Stuart Police officers, the mayor
entered a local convenience store, saw Officer Edward Fitzgerald
speaking with an employee, and said: “I didn’t know we were serving pig
“No City of Stuart employee should be subjected to verbal harassment or
demeaning comments by one of the City’s elected officials,” the
complaint stated.
“We’re outraged,” PBA president John Kazanjian said, calling the mayor’s
remark “just a slap in the face…we don’t need someone like that as a
public servant.”
Stuart Police Chief David Dyess told local TV channel WPTV that he was
“kind of stunned or shocked that the mayor would make a comment like
that to the officer.”
Mayor Clarke has repeatedly apologized for the incident, including
sending a formal letter to Kazanjian in which she confessed: “I am so
sorry for this entire event.”
“My choice of words, and my speech, was patently offensive, and I would
hope that Ofc. Fitzgerald, and all law enforcement officers will forgive
me for this transgression,” the mayor wrote.
Some truths may not be told
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has removed a candidate from the
chairmanship race after he pointed out some Muslims persecute gay
Former House candidate Vincent Tolliver was ousted after he told The
Hill one of the other candidates for DNC chair, Rep. Keith Ellison,
should not lead the Democrat Party because he is a Muslim. The Islamic
faith discriminates against gay people, he said.
“His being a Muslim is precisely why DNC voters should not vote for
him,” Tolliver wrote in a January email. “Muslims discriminate against
gays. Islamic law is clear on the subject, and being gay is a direct
violation of it. In some Muslim countries, being gay is a hate crime
punishable by death.”
“Clearly, Mr. Ellison is not the person to lead the DNC or any other
organization committed to not discriminating based on gender identity or
sexual orientation,” he added. “I’m shocked [the Human Rights Campaign]
has been silent on the issue. A vote for Representative Ellison by any
member of the DNC would be divisive and unconscionable, not to mention
counterproductive to the immediate and necessary steps of rebuilding the
Democratic Party.”
The DNC later booted Tolliver from the race. “The Democratic Party
welcomes all Americans from all backgrounds,” interim DNC chair Donna
Brazile told The Hill regarding the decision. “What we do not welcome is
people discriminating against others based on who they are or how they
Leading Democrats were silent, however, after Ellison amplified an
anti-Semitic conspiracy theory while speaking at a fundraiser for a
Libyan activist calling on Palestinians to destroy Israel.
Jews have been “mobilized” by Israel to “do its bidding in America,”
Ellison said at the event. Senators including Minority Leader Chuck
Schumer, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders did not speak out against
the remark
3 February, 2017
Model Legislation to Protect Free Speech on Campus
On many of our college and university campuses, speaking freely is an
act of bravery — if you disagree with the prevailing leftist notions
about the world. Speech codes, “bias incident” systems, the mania over
“microaggressions,” speaker disinvitations, and other features of
contemporary college life tell non-progressives that they should just
keep silent, while telling progressives that they are doing the right
thing in trying to shut down debate over competing beliefs.
This has gone on far too long. In today’s Martin Center article, Stanley
Kurtz writes about model legislation he worked on with the Goldwater
Institute that would finally make free speech central to all the state
institutions of higher education in states that adopt it.
The Campus Free Speech Act would require the governing bodies of public
colleges and universities to shore up the eroding foundations of free
speech and report to the public on their results.
Kurtz explains why the restoration of free speech is so important,
writing, “If true freedom of speech is ‘freedom for the thought that we
hate,’ then freedom is actually a form of self-mastery. Far from being
license, true freedom is an act of self-control, a refusal to physically
extinguish even the speech we abhor.
Yiannopoulos: ‘The Left is absolutely terrified of free speech’
UC Berkeley cancels Milo Yiannopoulos event amid violent protest
Shortly after the Breitbart News editor’s event was called off, he posted a statement on his Facebook page:
“I have been evacuated from the UC Berkeley campus after violent
left-wing protestors tore down barricades lit fires, threw rocks and
Roman candles at the windows and breached the ground floor of the
building. My team and I are safe. But the event has been cancelled. I'll
let you know more when the facts become clear.
One thing we do know for sure: the Left is absolutely terrified of free speech and will do literally anything to shut it down.”
In a subsequent interview with Fox News, Yiannopoulos said UC Berkeley
is “a liberal campus. They hate libertarians or conservatives who dare
to express an opinion on their campus. They particularly don’t like me.”
He said college campuses are places where “you should be able to engage with different ideas.”
Those who attend his appearances, he said, include people who “don’t
necessarily agree with me but just want to hear the other side.
They were prevented from doing so this evening by violence from the left
— the left that is terrified of anyone who they think might be
persuasive or might be interesting or might take people with them.”
2 February, 2017
Police Arrest Medford Man for Posting Hate Speech Flyers in Downtown Ashland
Free speech protections bypassed with a flimsy excuse. How do leaflets "deface" anything?
Authorities have arrested a Medford man for posting hate-speech flyers in downtown Ashland last Sunday night.
Detectives with the Ashland Police Department arrested 28-year-old
Justin Anthony Marbury on Tuesday and charged him with five counts of
Criminal Mischief.
Marbury is accused of posting flyers referencing white supremacy and the
Nazi party. An investigation was launched following several complaints
from citizens.
Ashland Police Chief Tighe O’Meara said it is important to note that
Marbury was arrested for defacing private property with the flyers, not
directly for what the flyers contained.
However, Chief O’Meara said the police department also recognizes the
incendiary nature of the flyers made this situation more alarming and
concerning to members of the community.
While hate speech is protected under the United States and Oregon
Constitutions, the Ashland Police Department vows to do everything it
can to ensure all members of the community feel as safe as possible from
perceived threats to their safety.
Tenant's 'old queen' taunt sees her on trial for hate speech
The case was a continuation of a trial which began last year‚ where
Timothy Trengrove-Jones‚ of Gleneagles flats in Killarney‚ accused
co-tenant Elvira Oelofse of hate speech.
During an argument in July 2016 involving the installation of nets over
plumbing ducts at the flats ‚ Trengrove-Jones‚ who is gay‚ alleged that
Oelofse called him a "f****** old queen".
The nets were being installed to stop pigeons from settling in ducts but
Oelofse feared the birds would be harmed and got into an altercation
with workmen‚ warning them that she knew Japanese martial arts.
Oelofse and Trengrove-Jones then started arguing and he was referred to
as being "common" and "disgusting" in addition to a “old queen”.
Previously the court heard Trengrove-Jones testify that the insult “was
based on my identity as a gay male (and) aimed to mock me on the basis
of my sexuality".
Trengrove-Jones is seeking an apology and R50‚000 in damages.
It sounds like he really was an old queen, hyphen and all
1 February, 2017
Man who tweeted about killing Trump loses his job
With America's history of shooting presidents, making thinly veiled threats sure was unwise
Josh Hadley, a 41-year-old freelance film journalist and podcaster from
Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, told the Guardian he had been “trolling” Trump
on Twitter for about a year.
“I’ve been kind of mean, but I don’t think any of them can be construed
as threats,” he said. “I’m trying to be funny. I was trying to get a
reaction out of him.”
Hadley marked Trump’s inauguration day by tweeting a slightly altered
quote from the Oliver Stone movie U Turn: “Thousands of people die every
day … why can’t you be one of them?” On New Year’s Day, he wrote: “Do
you think if I shot @RealDonaldTrump Jodie Foster would love me?” (John
Hinckley Jr, who shot Ronald Reagan, wrote to the actor before the
A single Twitter account with about 430 followers may seem insignificant
on Twitter, where threads often become cesspools of harassment and
abuse, but on Wednesday, Hadley received shocking news from one of his
employers, the Grindhouse Channel. Hadley had a regular gig writing
about 1,000 words a week for the Roku channel’s website.
“It has come to our attention that you have been sending more than one
electronic message or ‘Tweet’ to @RealDonaldTrump that can be construed
as threatening over the past few months,” Hadley’s boss Darrin Uzynski
wrote in an email. Sending threats to a sitting president or
presidential candidate was a criminal offense, Uzynski added, and the
company was severing its contract with him “upon advice of counsel”.
Uzynski later told Hadley that the company had been contacted by the Secret Service, prompting the firing.
Censorship by leafblower at University of Pennsylvania
For the third time since Sept. 15, controversial Christian preachers
littered Locust Walk with speech railing against Muslims, the LGBTQ
community and Jews — but the University’s response appeared to be
slightly more aggressive this time.
Just before 3:00 p.m., the protesters were stationed in front of Van
Pelt Library, and an orange vehicle — often used around campus by
Facilities and Real Estate Services employees — was parked in front of
them on Locust Walk. A Daily Pennsylvanian editor approached a FRES
employee manning the vehicle and asked if the University requested he be
there to drown out the voices of the protesters.
The FRES staffer nodded his head and said, “Yes,” but did not give his
name or specify which University personnel had allegedly requested he be
there. When walking beside Van Pelt, the noise from the vehicle made it
close to impossible to hear the protesters, who were using megaphones.
About 20 minutes before moving to Van Pelt, the protesters were
standing, holding signs and shouting through their megaphones in front
of Steinberg-Dietrich Hall. Two orange vehicles were parked directly in
front of the protesters in the middle of Locust Walk as well.
A number of employees wearing Penn jackets were also using leaf blowers
on the side of Locust by Steinberg-Dietrich and on the area beside the
path to the Annenberg School for Communication. The protesters vocally
responded to the use of the leaf blowers, defending their right to free
speech and criticizing the use of leaf blowers near their protest. It
was not clear if these workers at the time were knowingly disrupting the
This is Tongue-Tied 3
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press"
Posts by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.)
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The war on "cultural appropriation" is straightforward racism
Is the American national anthem politically incorrect? From the 4th verse:
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."

The truth can be offensive to some but it must be said
"HATE SPEECH" is free speech: The U.S. Supreme Court stated the general
rule regarding protected speech in Texas v. Johnson (109 S.Ct. at
2544), when it held: "The government may not prohibit the verbal or
nonverbal expression of an idea merely because society finds the idea
offensive or disagreeable." Federal courts have consistently followed this. Said Virginia federal district judge Claude Hilton: "The
First Amendment does not recognize exceptions for bigotry, racism, and
religious intolerance or ideas or matters some may deem trivial, vulgar
or profane."
Even some advocacy of violence is protected by the 1st Amendment. In
Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), the U.S. Supreme Court held unanimously that
speech advocating violent illegal actions to bring about social change
is protected by the First Amendment "except where such advocacy is
directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely
to incite or produce such action."
The double standard: Atheists can put up signs and billboards saying
that Christianity is wrong and that is hunky dory. But if a Christian
says that homosexuality is wrong, that is attacked as "hate speech"
One for the militant atheists to consider: "...it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg" -- Thomas Jefferson
"I think no subject should be off-limits, and I regard the laws in many
Continental countries criminalizing Holocaust denial as philosophically
repugnant and practically useless – in that they confirm to Jew-haters
that the Jews control everything (otherwise why aren’t we allowed to
talk about it?)" -- Mark Steyn
A prophetic comment on Norwegian hate speech laws: As Justice Brandeis
once noted, repressive censorship “breeds hate” and “that hate menaces
stable government,” rather than promoting safety; “the path of safety
lies in the opportunity to discuss freely supposed grievances and
proposed remedies.”
Voltaire's most famous saying was actually a summary of Voltaire's
thinking by one of his biographers rather than something Voltaire said
himself. Nonetheless it is a wholly admirable sentiment: "I disagree
with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
I am of a similar mind.
The traditional advice about derogatory speech: "Sticks and stones will
break your bones but names will never hurt you". Apparently people today
are not as emotionally robust as their ancestors were.
The KKK were members of the DEMOCRATIC party. Google "Klanbake" if you doubt it
A phobia is an irrational fear, so the terms "Islamophobic" and
"homophobic" embody a claim that the people so described are mentally
ill. There is no evidence for either claim. Both terms are simply abuse
masquerading as diagnoses and suggest that the person using them is
engaged in propaganda rather than in any form of rational or objective
Leftists often pretend that any mention of race is "racist" -- unless
they mention it, of course. But leaving such irrational propaganda
aside, which statements really are racist? Can statements of fact about
race be "racist"? Such statements are simply either true or false. The
most sweeping possible definition of racism is that a racist statement
is a statement that includes a negative value judgment of some race.
Absent that, a statement is not racist, for all that Leftists might howl
that it is. Facts cannot be racist so nor is the simple statement of
them racist. Here is a statement that cannot therefore be racist by
itself, though it could be false: "Blacks are on average much less
intelligent than whites". If it is false and someone utters it, he
could simply be mistaken or misinformed.
Categorization is a basic human survival skill so racism as the Left
define it (i.e. any awareness of race) is in fact neither right nor
wrong. It is simply human
Whatever your definition of racism, however, a statement that simply
mentions race is not thereby racist -- though one would think otherwise
from American Presidential election campaigns. Is a statement that
mentions dogs, "doggist" or a statement that mentions cats, "cattist"?
If any mention of racial differences is racist then all Leftists are
racist too -- as "affirmative action" is an explicit reference to
racial differences
Was Abraham Lincoln a racist? "You and we are different races. We
have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any
other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but
this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think
your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while
ours suffer from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If
this be admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be
separated. It is better for both, therefore, to be separated." -- Spoken at the White House to a group of black community leaders, August 14th, 1862
Gimlet-eyed Leftist haters sometimes pounce on the word "white" as
racist. Will the time come when we have to refer to the White House as
the "Full spectrum of light" House?
The spirit of liberty is "the spirit which is not too sure that it is
right." and "Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies
there, no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it.
While it lies there it needs no constitution, no law, no court to save
it." -- Judge Learned Hand
Mostly, a gaffe is just truth slipping out
Two lines below of a famous hymn that would be incomprehensible to
Leftists today ("honor"? "right"? "freedom?" Freedom to agree with them
is the only freedom they believe in)
First to fight for right and freedom,
And to keep our honor clean
It is of course the hymn of the USMC -- still today the relentless warriors that they always were.
It seems a pity that the wisdom of the ancient Greek philosopher
Epictetus is now little known. Remember, wrote the Stoic thinker, "that
foul words or blows in themselves are no outrage, but your judgment
that they are so. So when any one makes you angry, know that it is your
own thought that has angered you. Wherefore make it your endeavour not
to let your impressions carry you away."
"Since therefore the knowledge and survey of vice is in this world so
necessary to the constituting of human virtue, and the scanning of error
to the confirmation of truth, how can we more safely, and with less
danger, scout into the regions of sin and falsity than by reading all
manner of tractates, and hearing all manner of reason?" -- English poet
John Milton (1608-1674) in Areopagitica
Hate speech is verbal communication that induces anger due to the listener's inability to offer an intelligent response
Leftists can try to get you fired from your job over something that you
said and that's not an attack on free speech. But if you just criticize
something that they say, then that IS an attack on free speech
"Negro" is a forbidden word -- unless a Democrat uses it
"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper
Why are Leftists always talking about hate? Because it fills their own hearts
Leftists don't have principles. How can they when "there is no such
thing as right and wrong"? All they have is postures, pretend-principles
that can be changed as easily as one changes one's shirt
When you have an argument with a Leftist, you are not really discussing
the facts. You are threatening his self esteem. Which is why the normal
Leftist response to challenge is mere abuse.
naive scholar who searches for a consistent Leftist program will not
find it. What there is consists only in the negation of the present.
The intellectual Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-180) could have
been speaking of much that goes on today when he said: "The object in
life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding
oneself in the ranks of the insane."
I despair of the ADL. Jews have
enough problems already and yet in the ADL one has a prominent Jewish
organization that does its best to make itself offensive to Christians.
Their Leftism is more important to them than the welfare of Jewry --
which is the exact opposite of what they ostensibly stand for! Jewish
cleverness seems to vanish when politics are involved. Fortunately,
Christians are true to their saviour and have loving hearts. Jewish
dissatisfaction with the myopia of the ADL is outlined here. Note that Foxy was too grand to reply to it.

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