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29 March, 2018
College Rejects Ben Shapiro Speech on Anniversary of Hate Crime Hoax
A private college in Minnesota refused to allow conservative author and
commentator Ben Shapiro to speak on the anniversary of a hate crime hoax
at the school.
The Turning Point USA chapter at St. Olaf College attempted to invite
Shapiro to speak April 23, but the campus administration shut down the
proposal, citing the date as a time for “building unity,” The College
Fix reported.
“The issue is not about whether Ben Shapiro can come to our campus, but
when,” St. Olaf President David Anderson told the group in an email. “As
you all know, the only date that Mr. Shapiro has indicated he is
willing to travel to our campus is at a time that coincides with the
anniversary of last year’s protests. This is deeply concerning.”
Anderson referred to protests that took place upon discovery of a letter
containing the N-word on campus. St. Olaf later found that the author
fabricated the note to drum up attention for a supposed racist campus
Kathryn Hinderaker, president of the St. Olaf Turning Point chapter,
said the group had been in the process of planning the Shapiro visit
since November and he was available to speak only on April 23.
Administrators turned down the visit in February, days before Turning
Point had to submit a payment to finalize the speech.
“Ben has spoken out time and time again about his belief that racism is
an inherent evil, and it should be fought at every turn. Any true
conservative agrees with that,” Hinderaker told The College Fix. “Ben
and the racist note have absolutely nothing in common, so having them on
the same day should be no issue at all if the school has any interest
in fostering intellectual diversity among its students.”
Must not draw attention to shades of black skin
For non-Americans reading this: The skin color of American
blacks varies from a milk coffee color to skin that really is
black. And among blacks themselves a lighter color skin is more
prestigious. But it is very rare for anybody to comment on that
BEER maker Heineken said on Tuesday it had withdrawn an ad for a
calorie-light beer after musician Chance the Rapper called the
commercial “terribly racist”.
“While we feel the ad is referencing our Heineken Light beer, we missed
the mark, are taking the feedback to heart and will use this to
influence future campaigns,” the company said in a statement.
The video commercial, with the tagline “Sometimes, Lighter is Better”
showed a bartender sliding a bottle of Heineken Light past a number of
people of colour, before it reaches a light-skinned woman.
The decision to withdraw followed Twitter comments by Chicago-born Chance the Rapper that gained a wide social media following.
28 March, 2018
Is it free speech to obstruct a pipeline?
Nearly 2000-miles of large-diameter pipelines are proposed to move
fracked gas from West Virginia and Pennsylvania to markets primarily in
the South. Greenies of course are doing their best tp hinder the
The U.S. Forest Service is promising an "expeditious, but cautious
resolution," to the tree sitters protest on Peters Mountain. But the
revised order closing areas along the pipeline corridor is also raising
concerns about free speech.
The Forest Service has designated the Caldwell Fields Campground as a
place where people can exercise their first amendment rights. But this
area is in Montgomery County, far from Monroe County West Virginia where
the tree sitters are located.
Last week, law enforcement officers from the U.S. Forest Service
travelled to and from Peters Mountain on four-wheelers, posting revised
notices closing the pipeline corridor.
They didn't remove the tree sitters then, but are expected to return.
In a written statement, a forest service spokesperson said the agency
"recognizes that first amendment rights are an important privilege of
every U.S. citizen, However, public health and safety must also be
In a video posted on the Appalachians Against Pipelines Facebook Page,
an anonymous speaker said the designation of a free speech area has more
to do with removing protesters from the mountain, than protecting
anyone's first amendment rights.
Safe spaces used to inhibit free speech on campuses, British inquiry finds
A parliamentary committee has expressed serious concerns about barriers
to in universities, warning that safe-space policies on campuses
are “problematic” and often lead to the marginalisation of minority
groups’ views.
The joint committee on human rights (JCHR), chaired by Harriet Harman [a
Leftist], said its inquiry had not uncovered wholesale censorship of
debate on university campuses as some media reporting had suggested, but
warned there were nevertheless factors at work that actively limited
free speech in universities.
While some of these involved attempts by students to prevent debate of
contested issues, the report also blamed university bureaucracy imposed
on those organising events and restrictive guidance to student unions
regarding freedom of speech on campuses.
The committee’s report, published on Tuesday, said that although the
problem was not pervasive, intolerant attitudes – often incorrectly
using the banner of no-platforming and safe space policies – were
nevertheless interfering with free speech on campus.
It said safe-space policies, originally intended to ensure that minority
or vulnerable groups felt secure, were being used by some people to
seek to prevent the free speech of others whose views they disagreed
27 March, 2018
Must not defend the NRA
A high school student, 17-year-old Christian Breault, a senior at
Middleburgh Junior/Senior High School, in Middleburgh, N.Y., found
himself physically attacked for standing up for the Second Amendment
when his school participated in the nationwide walkout on March 14.
After the school participated in the walkout, an assembly was held in
the school, featuring local law enforcement and community leaders to
talk to the students about school safety. Instead of safety, the
assembly turned political, tensions rose, and Christian found himself
targeted for defending the Second Amendment. His father, Brian Breault,
spoke out about the incident on Facebook:
Today the school my son, Christian, attends participated in the National
School Walkout for Gun Control and School Safety. The school held an
assembly after the walkout bringing in community leaders and law
enforcement to speak. Toward the end of the assembly they showed an
Anti-NRA video vilifying the gun organization and its members (American
Following the dismissal of the assembly Christian engaged in a
conversation with other students who felt the assembly was not handled
well. Christian expressed he felt the Anti-NRA video was over the top
and he found it offensive. Another student not involved in the
conversation threatened him for his view on the video going as far as
telling the school nurse that he would punch Christian in the face if he
didn't stop defending the NRA. The nurse told the student he could not
say that and no further action was taken.
The incident did not end there. Later that afternoon, Christian was
assaulted by the other student while he was leaving class. Christian was
punched twice in the side of the head before defending himself. The
teen's father told PJ Media, “Christian defended himself, punching the
kid in the jaw, causing him to fall to the floor. The kid got up and
threw an object at Christian, which he deflected.” The student was
suspended for three days, and Christian for a day, just for defending
himself. When Mr. Breault asked why the nurse failed to report the
threat of violence against his son, no explanation was given except that
“they would look into it.”
Mr. Breault spoke with the principal about the incident. The principal
“was very combative and condescending to my concerns of the breakdown in
keeping Christian safe,” Breault said.
Brian Dunn, the superintendent of the school district, later apologized for the presentation of the video:
Dear Middleburgh Central Schools community,
On Wednesday, March 14th, the Jr./Sr. High School held a school safety
assembly for students. The purpose of the assembly was to give
administrators and law enforcement the chance to speak with students
regarding how the district handles school safety and answer any
questions students may have had. During the assembly, a video was shown
that changed the focus of the conversation from school safety to
politics. This was not our desired outcome for the event, and we regret
and sincerely apologize for that result.
And the worst part is that Christian, a deferred entry Naval recruit,
was suspended for defending himself. Christian also spoke with PJM about
the incident. “I personally feel my suspension shows the failure in our
society and schools. My constitutional rights were violated by this
student, and I defended my rights and myself from him,” he said.
The school’s response to Christian defending himself from being
physically attacked could have severe consequences for his future. “This
goes on my permanent record, which can hurt my career in the Navy when I
go for promotions and my investigation for my Top Secret Security
Clearance,” he explained. Christian believes this sends a bad message to
young people. “It teaches our young that they cannot defend themselves
without being punished.”
At publishing time, Christian’s suspension for defending himself still stands and will be on his permanent record.
The Mentally Crippling Effects of the PC Crusade
A college drops its "Knight" mascot and "Crusader" moniker, while standing for science offends elsewhere.
Fear of offense does not good policy make. It is deceitful sentiment
masquerading as compassion that capitulates to the dogma of political
correctness rather than embracing truth. An example of this compromising
mentality was seen at the College of Holy Cross. The Catholic school
has decided to drop its “Crusaders” nickname and “Knight” mascot over
concerns that they may be offensive to certain folks, specifically
Muslims. The school’s president, Rev. Philip Boroughs, released a
statement explaining, “The visual depiction of a knight, in conjunction
with the moniker Crusader, inevitably ties us directly to the reality of
the religious wars and the violence of the Crusades. This imagery
stands in contrast to our stated values. Over the coming months, the
College will gradually phase out the use of all knight-related imagery.”
The question now is how long before those “woke” folks at Holy Cross
realize that not just the school’s name but its entire reason for
existing is “offensive” to Muslims and certainly a few vocal atheists?
And the other obvious fact seemingly lost on these academics is the
reality that their decision to change the school’s nickname and drop its
mascot is itself offensive. By assuming that the term “crusader” is, as
Barack Obama once lectured, a pejorative, they have insinuated that
anyone who would favor the name is guilty of promoting “Islamophobia.”
On the contrary, those offended by the term “crusader” are likely
ignorant of history.
26 March, 2018
It's come back to haunt him: British Labour leader offered support on
Facebook in 2012 to artist whose work featured antisemitic tropes

Jeremy Corbyn was embroiled in a fresh antisemitism row on Friday after
conceding he was wrong to support a graffiti artist whose “offensive”
work was scrubbed off a wall in London’s East End.
In a Facebook post in 2012, Corbyn offered his backing to Los
Angeles-based street artist Mear One, whose mural, featuring several
known antisemitic tropes, was due to be removed after complaints.
Mear One said on his Facebook page: “Tomorrow they want to buff my mural Freedom of Expression. London Calling, Public art.”
Corbyn replied: “Why? You are in good company. Rockerfeller [sic]
destroyed Diego Viera’s [sic] mural because it includes a picture of
“In 2012, Jeremy was responding to concerns about the removal of public
art on the grounds of freedom of speech,” said a statement released by
the Labour party on Friday. “However, the mural was offensive, used
antisemitic imagery, which has no place in our society, and it is right
that it was removed.”
The mural, which was subsequently scrubbed off, pictured several
apparently Jewish bankers playing a game of Monopoly, with their
tabletop resting on the bowed naked backs of several workers.
Lecturer is banned from giving talk on free speech at his own university after being blasted by hard-Left activists
A lecturer has been prevented from giving a talk about free speech at
his own university after he was criticised by hard-Left activists.
Dr Adam Perkins, who teaches psychology at King’s College London, was
told his event was being postponed because it had been assessed as ‘high
The talk, which was scheduled to take place on campus yesterday, was called The Scientific Importance of Free Speech.
But officials became worried it could be gatecrashed by demonstrators who are opposed to Dr Perkins’s research.
The academic, who has worked at King’s for eight years specialising in
the neurobiology of personality, has been targeted online by hard-Left
activists in recent years.
They branded him ‘racist’ because of research he did about US president
Donald Trump’s controversial travel ban on people from some
Muslim-majority countries, and also claimed a book he wrote about the
welfare state is offensive to the poor.
His planned talk at the Libertarian Society, a student organisation, was
postponed by the university authorities, who said they could not
‘manage the event safely’.
Yesterday Dr Perkins said: ‘I am disappointed that my lecture on the scientific importance of free speech has been postponed.
‘Free speech in science is crucial because it means different opinions
can be debated. ‘If we allow one side of the debate to be silenced
because it is deemed “wrong-think”, we will remove its balancing effect
and thus impede the development of scientific understanding.’
‘By no means was this a controversial event, as the value of free speech to scientific discovery cannot be questioned.’
25 March, 2018
Catholic College Cancels Event Because Every Speaker Was White
A Minnesota Catholic college canceled an event because every one of the
29 speakers was a white woman, according to a Monday report.
St. Catherine’s University in St. Paul, Minn., which boasts a women-only
undergraduate program, canceled an event named “The Leadership
Imperative: Rise to Your Purpose.” The workshop aimed to “equip both
emerging and seasoned female professionals with the tools they need to
become impactful, respected leaders,” reported The College Fix.
The school canceled the event, stating that the speaker lineup did “not
reflect the diverse St. Kate’s community of today nor the world of
tomorrow we are committed to creating.” The event organizers expressed
worry that the speaker selection process “led to a racial and ethnic
blind outcome,” according to the Minnesota Republic.
Pictures next to 28 of the 29 speakers show they are white women.
Speaker Margaret Smith does not have a photograph, but is also white.
“[I] was to be a speaker for this conference and received a very
respectful note from the planners regarding the cancellation,” Smith
told The Fix. When asked for the note describing the cancellation, Smith
said, “I do not feel it is appropriate for me to forward that note to
St. Kate’s University took a similar action before a planned writing
event for young adults and children in August. When 21 of the 22 invited
speakers turned out to be white, the school said it “made a mistake” in
its mission to be inclusive and equitable, reported the Star Tribune.
St. Kate’s made headlines for being the site of Muslim student Tnuza
Jamal Hassan’s January burning of nine buildings and attempt to recruit
two students to join al-Qaeda, according to Campus Unmasked.
Free Count Dankula
It’s official: jokes can now land you in prison. Markus Meechan – known
on YouTube as Count Dankula – has been found guilty in a Scottish court
of law for the crime of hate speech and breaching the electronic
communications act. His arrest followed a viral online video in which
Meechan can be seen encouraging his girlfriend’s pug to give a Nazi
salute and to respond enthusiastically to the phrase ‘gas the Jews’. His
sentence will be passed at Airdrie Sheriff Court on 23 April.
The intention behind the video is unambiguously comedic; the very
concept of a Nazi pug could hardly be interpreted otherwise. This has
not stopped Sheriff Derek O’Carroll, the judge presiding over this case,
from finding Meechan guilty and declaring that ‘the description of the
video as humorous is no magic wand’. Without wishing to resort to
stereotypes, I can think of no one less qualified to assess the merits
of comedy than the Scottish judiciary.
The notion that free speech is not under threat in this country is no
longer a sustainable claim. Meechan may not be the first to be
prosecuted for offensive jokes, but his case sets a particularly
dangerous precedent by which even professional comedians might be
criminalised for their material. This kind of gradual authoritarianism
has already emerged in Canada, where comedian Mike Ward was fined
$42,000 by the Quebec Human Rights Tribunal for telling a joke about a
disabled boy. The seemingly unstoppable rise of offence culture, largely
fuelled by social media, means that the UK is unlikely to be far
23 March, 2018
YouTube Suspends Major Gun Manufacturer, Bans Instructional Gun Videos
YouTube has updated its policies on content featuring firearms, leading
to the suspension of a large gun manufacturer and forcing popular gun
content creators to remove videos from their channels.
“While we’ve long prohibited the sale of firearms, we recently notified
creators of updates we will be making around content promoting the sale
or manufacture of firearms and their accessories, specifically, items
like ammunition, gatling triggers, and drop-in auto sears,” reads a
statement from a YouTube spokesperson.
The list of prohibited content now includes links to sites that sell
firearms, videos that teach installation of certain accessories, and
videos that teach the entirely legal acts of manufacturing guns and
reloading ammunition.
A victory for free speech
On Monday, Indiana University of Pennsylvania President Michael Driscoll
made an important and courageous decision to reinstate a student who
had been temporarily barred from a religious studies class after making
controversial remarks on gender identity.
The student, Lake Ingle, was awaiting a decision from the college’s
Academic Integrity Board after claiming in class that he believes there
are only two genders and after he disputed the existence of “white male
Mr. Driscoll announced his plan to “indefinitely pause the formal
university process without resolution.” Mr. Ingle will be permitted to
return to the class — which he needed to graduate — on the condition
that he behave respectfully in the classroom during discussion and
In an email sent to the entire campus community, Mr. Driscoll also
expressed disappointment that “in the presence of a test of our devotion
to the First Amendment and to the IUP Way, we fell short as a
The IUP Way, as the school defines it, is to include all students and their opinions in a respectful academic environment.
22 March, 2018
Revealed: the transgender email
Transgender etiquette has produced a new linguistic complication at leading British universities.
Students and academics are being encouraged to sign their emails with
their names, titles, telephone numbers and whether they prefer to be
known as he or she — or another option.
The addition of “he/him”, “she/her” or “they/them” to the end of emails
is intended to “normalise the use of gender pronouns” — and prevent
transgender students from being wrongly addressed.
Students at Oxford are also being invited to declare their preferred pronouns before speaking at union meetings.
“It’s a simple courtesy like checking you’re using someone’s name
correctly,” said Aisling Murray, who adds “she/her” to emails she sends
as society and citizenship officer at Sussex University.
Must not call police officers 'Smurfs'
An Austrian man faces a £140 fine for describing police officers as 'smurfs' in a warning about speed checks posted on Facebook.
The Austria Press Agency reported that authorities in Tyrol province
imposed the fine on the man, whose name wasn't released, for violating
'public decency' by 'defaming two police officers.'
The man's post in a Facebook group alerted others to 'two smurfs standing with lasers' on a local highway.
A police officer who was also in the group filed a complaint.
The local Tiroler Tageszeitung newspaper reported that the man maintains
the term 'smurfs' was meant as a harmless joke rather than an insult,
and plans to defend himself at regional police headquarters.
21 March, 2018
Sexist speech is illegal in Belgium
A Belgian court has fined a man 3,000 euros for contempt of a police
officer, making sexist remarks in public and serious violation of a
woman's dignity because of her gender. The man, who wasn't named by
media, was stopped by a female police officer for a traffic violation
and told her she should be doing a job "adapted to women." He became the
first person convicted under a new new law barring sexism in public.
Facebook's recent algorithm change is designed to limit and censor conservative news content
A recently released study by The Western Journal confirms what many
conservative sites have observed — that Facebook’s “trusted source”
algorithm is biased against their content and has dramatically and
negatively impacted their traffic.
The study noted the following example of Facebook’s blatant leftist bias:
Case in point: Two rival publishers in New York City, the New York Post
and the New York Daily News, are similar in many ways, except for their
editorial slants. The Post is well-known as a right-leaning outlet,
whereas the Daily News has an established left-leaning slant. For
example, the Daily News recently ran a headline after the Parkland
shooting that read, “Brave Florida survivors plan day of action for gun
sanity and to call out ‘blood on hands’ of NRA puppets.”
Headlines like that garnered the Daily News a 24.18 percent increase in
traffic from Facebook, while the right-leaning Post’s traffic dropped
11.44 percent in the same time period.
Using the excuse from Russia’s 2016 election meddling, in which Facebook
was singled out for failing to prevent “fake news,” Mark Zuckerberg and
company have taken the opportunity to limit and censor conservative
news, while promoting left-leaning news sites and stories. Former NBC
and CNN anchor Campbell Brown heads up Facebook’s news partnership team.
At a recent tech and publishing conference, Brown expressed Facebook’s
intent to push its own internal bias. “This is not us stepping back from
news,” she said. “This is us changing our relationship with publishers
and emphasizing something that Facebook has never done before: It’s
having a point of view, and it’s leaning into quality news. … We are,
for the first time in the history of Facebook, taking a step to try to
define what ‘quality news’ looks like and give that a boost.”
20 March, 2018
Mass.: A lawmaker said the State House’s General Hooker sign is ‘tone deaf.’ Social media responded

A state elected official is facing blowback on social media after she
called for a State House sign dedicated to Civil War General Joseph
Hooker to be taken down or modified because she believes his last name
is a “double entendre.”
On Wednesday, as students from around the state marched on Beacon Hill
as part of the national “Walk Out” protests to call attention to gun
violence, state Representative Michelle DuBois posted a photograph of
the “General Hooker Entrance” sign on the building to social media and
called it “tone deaf” and “patriarchal.”
“Are you a ‘General Hooker’? Of course not!” DuBois, who represents
Brockton, West Bridgewater, and East Bridgewater, wrote on Facebook.
DuBois tied the name “Hooker,” a term that’s commonly used to describe a
female sex worker, to the “Me Too” movement, and said the
golden-lettered sign should be removed.
The entrance to the State House is named after Joseph Hooker, a major
general and commander who was born in Hadley and was part of the
Peninsula Campaign and the Battle of Antietam during the Civil War,
according to a biography on History.com.
Historians recall Hooker “as the Union general who led 138,000 troops to
bloody defeat” by Confederate General Robert E. Lee during the Battle
of Chancellorsville in 1863, according to Globe archives.
Criticism about DuBois’s stance on the issue was swift on social media,
with many arguing that her attempt to politicize the sign was misguided.
“I would consider taking this [tweet] down and doing some homework,” one
person wrote. “If you don’t do that I would consider resigning. This is
an embarrassment and you should be ashamed for your constituents.”
Thousands Gather in London’s Speakers’ Corner to Hear Tommy Robinson Deliver Banned Anti-immigration Speech
Thousands of free speech enthusiasts, alongside a handful of hard-left
and Islamist opposition, gathered at Speakers’ Corner in London’s Hyde
Park this afternoon to hear a speech written by Generation Identity’s
Martin Sellner, delivered by former EDL leader Tommy Robinson.
Sellner was banned from entry by the UK government earlier this month,
for daring to lead a right-wing organisation which sheds light on
Islamic extremism and mass migration on the continent of Europe.
Robinson — formerly of the Rebel Media — delivered the speech to
thousands who gathered in the snow at the historic Speaker’s Corner, the
home of free speech in London for hundreds of years.
Marx, Lenin, Orwell, and others have famously given speeches at
Speaker’s Corner, which is what drove Sellner and Robinson to pick the
spot to deliver the speech (below).
Thousands listened to the speech live in person, while tens of thousands watched online.
Robinson told Breitbart London: “The true battle for free speech started today. This is just the start.
“The public have to support free speech so I want to say a personal
thank you to everyone who spent their hard earned money and time
travelling to London today.”
The event was mostly peaceful, though a handful of Muslim
counter-protesters attempted to shout Robinson down, leading to a few
scuffles. Breitbart London understands there were a handful of arrests,
and also sectarian Muslim-on-Muslim scuffles.
19 March, 2018
Facebook suspends data firm which worked with Trump campaign
Facebook regulates how Presidential election campaigns are run???
Facebook has suspended Cambridge Analytica, the shadowy firm which
worked with the Trump campaign and has been linked to Brexit, claiming
it violated its policies by using the information of 270,000 users to
inform their tactics.
In 2015, the social network discovered that Cambridge professor Dr.
Aleksandr Kogan had given the information to the company after obtaining
it legitimately through an app of his own.
The app was called This Is Your Digital Life and was downloaded by Facebook users once they had already logged in.
They willingly submitted their information to This Is Your Digital Life
but were unaware what Kogan would do with it next, the site claims.
When Facebook learned that he had shared it with the Cambridge Analytica, they asked both to destroy it.
Cambridge Analytica denies the allegation and insisted on Friday that
none of the information it received from Kogan was used in the Trump
'Cambridge Analytica deleted all data received from GSR,' the company
said in a statement. GSR stands for Global Science Research, Kogan's
'We worked with Facebook over this period to ensure that they were
satisfied that we had not knowingly breached any of Facebook’s terms of
service and also provided a signed statement to confirm that all
Facebook data and their derivatives had been deleted.
Cambridge Analytica worked closely with the Trump campaign and has been
credited by Brad Parscale, Trump's 'Facebook guru' with solidifying
their victory.
Parscale, who handled social media for the last campaign, has already been named as the president's 2020 campaign manager.
Last month, Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller requested Cambridge
Analytica turn over documents for his probe into potential Russian
interference in the election.
Must not mention disability
Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot has landed herself in hot water for ‘insensitive’ tweet
GAL Gadot was slammed by disability activists over her tweet paying tribute to physicist Stephen Hawking, who died Wednesday.
Gadot, like many celebrities, paid tribute to the best-known theoretical
physicist of his time after his death was announced. Hawking was 76
when he died. His body was paralysed after he was diagnosed with
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS when he was 21.
Gadot tweeted Wednesday, “Rest in peace Dr. Hawking. Now you’re free of
any physical constraints. Your brilliance and wisdom will be cherished
Some social media users took issue with Gadot’s tweet including the
line, “Now you’re free of any physical constraints.” They labelled the
“Wonder Woman” actor an ableist, meaning someone who discriminates
against people with disabilities.
“Horrible tweet. You are defining Stephen Hawking by his disability,
something he spent his entire life [proving] was completely wrong,” a
person tweeted.
“For the love of dog and all things holy, please don’t describe Stephen
Hawking as having overcome his disability, or his disability as
inability, or any number of boring, ableist tropes that take away from
what an utter bada — he was and how the world was better for him in it,”
a social media user wrote.
18 March, 2018
‘God Bless You’ Listed among Anti-Muslim ‘Microaggressions’
The list, compiled by a group of college librarians in Boston, also counts ‘Merry Christmas’ as an offensive phrase.
According to an “Anti-Oppression Library Guide” written by a group of
librarians at Simmons College in Boston, “saying ‘God bless you’ after
someone sneezes” is a microaggression against Muslim people.
“Islamomisic Microaggressions are commonplace verbal or behavioral
indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicates
[sic] hostile, derogatory, or negative slights in relation to the
beliefs and religious practices of Muslims,” the guide explains. “They
are structurally based and invoke oppressive systems of
religious/Chrisitan [sic] hierarchy.”
The guide explains that “Islamomisia” is another word for
“Islamophobia,” which “is a systematized discrimination or antagonism
directed against Muslim people due to their religion, or perceived
religious, national, or ethnic identity associated with Islam.”
“Like anti-Semitism, Islamomisia describes mentalities and actions that demean an entire class of people,” it explains.
According to the guide, “saying ‘God bless you’ after someone sneezes
conveys one’s perception that everyone is Christian or believes in God,”
which is offensive because it “convey[s] people’s presumption that
their religion is the standard.”
This is ridiculous for so many reasons that I don’t even know where to
start. First of all, the phrase “God bless you” makes absolutely no
specific reference to Christianity, let alone any kind of slight against
the Islamic faith in particular. It’s not an assault on Islam; it
doesn’t even mention Islam.
If anything, “God bless you” could perhaps be said to be offensive to
people who don’t believe in a God of any kind, but honestly I don’t
think that’s true, either. Why? Because I don’t think it assumes
anything; it’s just a phrase.
"Ping Pong" is racist?
Australia: A new Asian-themed gastropub called Hotel Longtime has
sparked outrage on social media, with critics calling its name and theme
The owners, married couple Alex Fahey and Tin Chu, have denied the
Adelaide pub is racist, and said their Ping Pong Club Room has nothing
to do with sex shows.
Critics slammed the pub's name, which they say references a scene from
the movie Full Metal Jacket in which a Vietnamese prostitute says 'Me
love you long time'.
They claimed the Ping Pong Club Room was prostitution-themed, referring
to 'Asian strippers performing demeaning acts', as was a 'brothel
madame' poster.
Vietnamese-born co-owner Ms Chu said their critics made associations
that were never imagined when Hotel Longtime was designed, The
Advertiser reported.
'It is worth remembering that I am a director of this licensee company
and I am a proud Asian woman who has worked hard to build my business,'
she said.
'There is nothing in our name which is in any way intended to insult or
offend women. If anyone has felt that, then we humbly apologise.'
Mr Fahey denied the Ping Pong Club Room was a deliberate reference to
sex shows involving ping pong balls, and said the name means 'stay for a
long time'.
'It's meant to be like a clubroom, like a football clubroom, where you
go and have a drink after playing ping pong. It's nothing to do with the
Thailand ping pong shows,' he said.
Alice Whittington - who started a petition on Change.org demanding the
pair change the name of the pub - said the theme perpetuated negative
Asian stereotypes.
'All I wish for on behalf of Asian people and in particular women, is a
change of venue name, as well as the acknowledgement that this name and
concept blatantly reaffirms the stereotype.
'I too am a proud, half-Asian woman born and bred in Adelaide. Here and
around the world, I have been subject to horrific slurs and racial and
sexual harassment directly related to the quotes that are associated
with the film Full Metal Jacket.'
16 March, 2018
Twitter Suspends Steven Crowder for Violating ‘Hateful Conduct’ Terms
Social media is unfriendly territory for conservatives. Facebook’s
targeting of us is well-documented. But now we have a real, immediate
problem from Twitter. After posting the undercover SXSW video of
SvenComputer infiltrating the gender fluid panel, Twitter suspended
Steven Crowder’s account.
Here’s what we think happened. The original video that went out didn’t
have the word “f*ggot” soft bleeped. The original video was immediately
pulled from YouTube, Twitter and Facebook as the studio team added
bleeps for the “offensive” content. After the bleeps were added into the
video, the studio re-uploaded the SXSW undercover video back to YouTube
and Facebook.
When NotGayJared shared the video with the bleeps added, and information blurred, he was also suspended.
Which means Twitter didn’t necessarily find “f*ggot” offensive. They
apparently found the general concept of the video offensive. If you
haven’t watched it yet, do.
Here’s what we think happened.
Taking Twitter at their word on the time-out limit, we scheduled video
promotional tweets, using the new and improved, not-as-triggering,
bleeps-added video via a third-party platform. After those tweets went
out, the Twitter gods balled their fists. Gnashed their teeth. Veins
throbbed. Eyeballs popped from sockets.
As punishment for our technological sins, the suspension was extended to seven days.
…And now SvenComputer is suspended from Twitter.
Penn Law has resisted calls to punish distinguished scholar for her social views. Yesterday, they caved
A professor at the University of Pennsylvania Law School whose outspoken
views on race and culture have drawn intense criticism from students
and colleagues will no longer be allowed to teach a mandatory class for
first-year law students, Penn Law Dean Theodore Ruger announced
The ban is the latest escalation of a months-long feud between the law school and conservative professor Amy Wax.
The tensions began last August, when Wax co-authored an op-ed in the
Philadelphia Inquirer which touted the superiority of the "bourgeois
cultural hegemony" that Wax and her co-author, Larry Alexander, said
reigned in America before the 1960s.
In the portion of the piece which drew the most outrage, Wax and Alexander said:
"All cultures are not equal. Or at least they are not equal in preparing
people to be productive in an advanced economy. The culture of the
Plains Indians was designed for nomadic hunters, but is not suited to a
First World, 21st-century environment. Nor are the single-parent,
antisocial habits, prevalent among some working-class whites; the
anti-"acting white" rap culture of inner-city blacks; the
anti-assimilation ideas gaining ground among some Hispanic immigrants.
These cultural orientations are not only incompatible with what an
advanced free-market economy and a viable democracy require, they are
also destructive of a sense of solidarity and reciprocity among
Americans. If the bourgeois cultural script — which the upper-middle
class still largely observes but now hesitates to preach — cannot be
widely reinstated, things are likely to get worse for us all."
The op-ed set off an extended series of responsive op-eds, petitions,
and open letters between Wax, her colleagues, and various other
Penn-affiliated groups. Five of Wax's colleagues criticized her piece in
an op-ed in Penn's student paper, The Daily Pennsylvanian, and 33
signed an open letter "categorically reject[ing]" her claims. Wax fired
back in the student paper, and later, in The Wall Street Journal, which
prompted yet another response from a critical colleague. Heather Mac
Donald jumped in. You get the picture.
Throughout all this, Ruger publicly declined to discipline or denounce
Wax, citing the law school's commitments to open expression. Wax alleged
in her Wall Street Journal op-ed that Ruger had privately asked her to
take a leave of absence, however, which Ruger denied.
This month, however, a new front in the controversy opened when a group
of Penn Law alumni published a new petition drawing attention to remarks
Wax made on a September 2017 episode of "The Glenn Show," a video
series on the website Bloggingheads.tv hosted by Brown University
economics professor Glenn Loury. In her hour-long talk with Loury, Wax
discussed the controversy around her op-ed and her opposition to
race-based affirmative action, which Loury, who is black, also fiercely
In the course of that discussion, Wax discussed her belief in the
so-called "mismatch hypothesis" of affirmative education in higher
education, which holds that racial preferences harm minority students by
placing them in high-stakes elite academic environments for which they
have not been adequately prepared.
"Here's a very inconvenient fact, Glenn," Wax said, "I don't think I've
ever seen a black student graduate in the top quarter of the [Penn Law
School] class and rarely, rarely in the top half… I can think of one or
two students who've graduated in the top half of my required first year
course. Well, what are we supposed to do about that? You're really
putting in front of this person a real uphill battle, and if they were
better matched, it might be a better environment for them. That's the
mismatch hypothesis, of course."
The petition again called for Wax to be prohibited from teaching civil procedure. This time, Ruger complied.
For his part, Loury didn't buy Ruger's explanation. In an email, he
called Ruger's justifications "clearly a tendentious stretch...intended
to discredit [Wax] and to justify his reprehensible actions."
15 March, 2018
European court: Burning photos of Spanish king is “freedom of expression”
In the midst of an ongoing national debate about the limits of free
speech in Spain and the laws being used to punish alleged excesses, the
European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg has just given the
country a collective rap on the knuckles with a decision that
contradicts Spanish courts and states that burning photos of the king is
not a criminal offense, but rather a form of free political expression.
“The Court reiterated in that context that freedom of expression
extended to ‘information’ and ‘ideas’ that offended, shocked or
disturbed: such were the demands of pluralism, tolerance and
broad-mindedness, without which there was no ‘democratic society’,” the
court stated in its decision.
The facts of the case date back more than a decade. In 2007, Catalan
separatists Enric Stern and Jaume Roura burned a large-format photo of
the Spanish king and queen during an anti-monarchy protest in Girona,
ahead of a visit to the city by then-King Juan Carlos.
Stern doused the photo, which had been placed upside down, with
inflammable liquid, while Roura set fire to it, as both were egged on by
other demonstrators.
Freedom of expression extended to ‘information’ and ‘ideas’ that offended, shocked or disturbed
A year later, Spain’s High Court (Audiencia Nacional) sentenced them to
pay a €2,700 fine if they wanted to avoid jail for the offense of
insulting the Crown. If they failed to pay up, they were warned, they
would have to serve 15 months in jail.
In 2015, Spain’s Constitutional Court rejected their appeal in a split
decision, and cited a ruling from precisely the ECHR that found it
necessary to “sanction and even prevent all forms of expression that
propagate, incite, promote or justify hatred based on intolerance.”
But in its recent decision, the Strasbourg-based court unanimously found
that in this case, there had been a “violation of article 10” of the
European Convention on Human Rights, which defends freedom of
expression. The ruling not only rejects the sanction imposed by the
Spanish courts, but also calls on Spain to compensate the applicants
with the same amount that they paid in fines, as well as €9,000 in total
for the pair to cover their legal fees.
Shoe brand cops heat on social media for “ridiculous sexualisation”

A SOCIAL media campaign for a Melbourne shoe company has sparked outrage
online, with one labelling the advertisement as “ridiculous
Preston Zly Design, which launched in North Fitzroy in 1995, sells
handmade shoes designed by artists Johanna Preston and Petr Zly.
The shoes, which are available in store in Melbourne as well as online,
uploaded a montage of designs to their Instagram, which featured an
array of boots, heels and wedged shoes.
But some social media users were quick to critique the campaign, which
features an almost naked woman wearing the brightly coloured shoes.
“Why does the model have to take her pants off to sell shoes? one person questioned.
“Lisa Little lovely shoes. Shame about the ridiculous sexualisation,” another added.
Designer Johanna Preston hit back at the criticism, defending the photographs as simply showing off the shoes to consumers.
“We are not clothing designers — it’s all about the shoes here,” she wrote on Facebook.
“She [model] is not naked and is not doing anything sexual. Have we come
to a place now where the female body is completely taboo?”
14 March, 2018
Censorship: Twitter Blocks Trump’s 2020 Slogan as “Sensitive Material”
“Keep America Great!” That’s the 2020 campaign slogan Donald Trump unveiled during a rally in Pennsylvania this weekend.
It’s catchy. It conveys the message Trump wants to get across to voters —
namely, that he’s turning the country around, both culturally and
economically. It’s pithy. It beats “Make America Great Again, Again.” It
fits well on a hat.
And, according to the folks at Twitter, it’s “sensitive material” and you shouldn’t be seeing it.
In yet another case of the most censorious social media platform in all
of the Democratic People’s Republic of Silicon Valley deciding they’re
the only ones who decide what political speech you can see, multiple
reports on the social media site claim the slogan was blocked as
“sensitive material” when conservative media icon Matt Drudge tried to
tweet it out.
In fact, as Breitbart pointed out, this was part of a larger pattern
involving censoring any tweets that linked back to Drudge or his
Australia: Case dropped but Christian clerics fight on for free speech
Two Hobart preachers will continue a constitutional challenge against
Tasmania’s anti-discrimination laws, despite the withdrawal of a legal
complaint about their preaching on homosexuality and gay marriage.
Presbyterian pastor Campbell Markham said yesterday the two had “no
intention” of withdrawing their constitutional challenge to Tasmania’s
Anti-Discrimination Act in light of the dropped complaint, despite
advice the case could cost $20,000 in legal fees.
They also planned to seek a meeting with whomever was named
attorney-general in the pending post-state election reshuffle, to lobby
for another attempt at amending the act.
“We feel a responsibility to fight this law — not for ourselves, but on
behalf of all Tasmanians who want to live in a free society,” said Mr
Markham, of the city’s Cornerstone Church.
The state government last night suggested it was open to another tilt
at reform, after changes to bolster religious freedom were last year
blocked in the upper house.
“We remain of the view that the act as it stands does not get the
balance right,” a spokeswoman said. “We are supportive of strengthening
freedom of speech, but no decision has been made on any legislative
Often described as the nation’s broadest anti-discrimination law, its
section 17 bans conduct that “offends, humiliates, intimidates, insults
or ridicules” someone on the basis of 22 attributes, including sexuality
and religious belief.
Mr Markham said despite the complainant, Hobart man Sam Mazur, dropping
the case against him and his church’s street evangelist, David Gee, it
had already tied them up in legal wrangles for six months.
It had also set a precedent, with Equal Opportunity Tasmania agreeing to
accept the complaint despite Mr Mazur not identifying as gay and
instead bringing the complaint on behalf of others. “If the EOT starts
accepting third-party complaints then every Tasmanian is exposed to
legal action — not just because a person may be offended by what they
say, but because someone may decide that someone else, somewhere, might
be offended,” Mr Markham said.
Mr Mazur suggested he had withdrawn the complaint because of doubts about its chance of success, given that he was not gay.
According to Mr Mazur’s complaint, Mr Gee suggested same-sex marriage
could lead to “polygamy, pedophilia, incest and even bestiality”. In
online blogs, Pastor Markham has referred to the “distressingly
dangerous homosexual lifestyle”.
13 March, 2018
Some reasonable free speech guidelines
You have to hand it to McMaster University president Patrick Deane.
Back in the fall, in response to growing attempts to shut down
controversial opinions on university campuses across North America,
Deane said he planned to establish ground rules that strike a balance
between protecting free speech and the right to protest.
The university's recently-released draft guidelines on freedom of expression and dissent bend over backwards to do just that.
The guidelines, Deane says, are not intended to address the contents of a
controversial speech but how to manage an event, regardless of the
"What I've been trying to achieve with all this is a way of reasserting
the functioning ability to hold debates in the university without it
becoming a matter largely for the security service," Deane said in an
Under the guidelines, for example, protesters can "spontaneously and
temporarily" boo a speaker if the reaction is similar in "kind and
degree" to cheers and applause.
On the other hand, chanting, blowing horns or whistles or making other
"sustained or repeated noise" is not permitted if it "substantially
interferes" with the speaker whether inside or outside the meeting.
You might call the latter the Jordan Peterson rule after the
controversial University of Toronto psychology professor who warns
against the dangers of "compelled speech" on gender identity issues.
Last year Peterson's speech at Mac was disrupted by rowdy protesters
clanging cowbells, blowing air horns and chanting obscenities.
According to Deane, it was the Peterson incident that clarified the need
for Mac to reassert the fundamental principle of freedom of expression
during a time of increasingly polarized opinions and when many are no
longer as skilled as people once were at debating and discussing issues.
But Deane also wanted to make it crystal clear that just as there's a
right to free speech, "there is right to speak against what is said and
the right to protest."
So, for example, under the guidelines it's permissible for protesters to
display signs, make gestures and stand up — as long as it doesn't
interfere with the audience's view or ability to pay attention to the
speaker. Prolonged behaviour likely to block the view of anyone in the
audience should be confined to the back of the room.
The document lists several examples of "unacceptable behaviour" that
promotes or incites harassment, intimidation, discrimination, violence
or hate.
The guidelines, developed by Deane and his office staff, were released
in tandem with a committee report spelling out Mac's "unequivocal
commitment to freedom of expression" within legal parameters.
Acadia University investigation of professor intensifies campus free-speech debate
His comments, which include statements arguing a gender pay gap
doesn’t exist, that multiculturalism is a sham and that decolonization
is a scam, have resulted in personal and sexual harassment complaints
from students
A small-town university in Atlantic Canada has been thrust into the
epicentre of a national debate about free speech on campus, amid new
allegations a controversial professor has made "racist and transphobic
comments" in class.
Critics and supporters of associate professor Rick Mehta have come
forward after Acadia University in Nova Scotia launched an investigation
following complaints from students, faculty and others about his
polarizing views.
A group of Canadian professors dedicated to the defence of academic
freedom have condemned the Acadia probe, while Mehta's designated
department head says some students at the Wolfville school say they have
stopped attending his class because of his comments.
Margaret Wente: You can't say that on campus
The outspoken psychology scholar has made comments about a range of
contentious issues including decolonization, immigration, and gender
While his defenders say his voice is an antidote to political
correctness run amok, his critics say he attacks marginalized people and
perpetuate harmful stereotypes. The situation has exposed the challenge
facing universities of balancing the open exchange of ideas with the
responsibility of keeping students safe and supported.
Mark Mercer, president of the Society for Academic Freedom and
Scholarship, said in a letter Friday that Mehta's views may be unpopular
but they do not constitute an attack on anyone.
"I have read many of Dr. Mehta's postings and it is difficult to see how
anything in them could be construed as discriminatory or harassing," he
said in the letter to Acadia's vice-president academic, Heather
Hemming. "If Dr. Mehta's ideas are false or pernicious, they could be
shown to be so through discussion and better ideas."
Mercer, professor and chair of the philosophy department at Saint Mary's
University in Halifax, added in an email that the investigation is a
"frontal assault on academic freedom" and warned that investigating a
professor for the content of his opinions would cast a chill over campus
Other professors have also spoken out against the investigation, as well
as changes to Mehta's teaching allocation assigning him smaller
12 March, 2018
British supermarket re-names Mother’s Day as You Day in bid to be more gender neutral
2A SUPERMARKET has started selling gender-neutral Mother’s Day cards –
as Happy You Day - in an attempt to be more “transgender
Waitrose has dropped the M-word from some of the Mother’s Day cards it
sells and replaced the wording with “Happy You Day” as part of its range
on offer to shoppers.
Waitrose said the move was aimed at “broadening out who the cards can go to, whether it’s grandmas or transgender mums”.
Traditional cards are still sold by the upmarket grocery chain.
The supermarket is not the only retailer to have offered a wider selection of cards than the traditional Mother’s Day cards.
Scribbler offers a “Two mums are better than one” card for same-sex
couples and a “Dad, thanks for being the most amazing mum” card.
The changes come after some trans activists called for the renaming of
Mother’s Day. Suggestions have included Guardian’s Day and Carer’s Day
One State Shows How To Get Rid of Campus Free Speech Zones
Many colleges and universities have “free speech zones” where students
can speak their minds without fear of administrative reprisal. Outside
of the zone, however, speech is subject to censure by campus officials.
The speech zone concept is a means for campus bureaucrats to clamp down
on something they dislike, namely conflict. If speech is only free on a
tiny percentage of the campus, there is less likelihood of clash between
Speech zones also give them a measure of control since access to the zone is often a matter of discretion.
But just because the speech zone concept appeals to campus officials,
that doesn’t make it a good, much less legal policy. Why should students
have to stifle their desire to speak about some issue just because they
aren’t within the free speech zone? That is hardly compatible with a
free society or a robust educational experience.
Moreover, public colleges and universities are constrained by the First
Amendment. Their officials are not allowed to impinge upon the freedom
of speech unless they have a compelling reason for doing so. The courts
have upheld sensible time, place, and manner restrictions on speech, but
have taken a dim view of broad rules against speech. Schools that have
imposed free speech zones have repeatedly lost when their policies were
challenged in court – for example, the University of Cincinnati, which
was ordered to stop enforcing its speech zone policy by a federal judge
in 2012.
And still, officials keep imposing speech zones, assuming that they have
nothing to lose. Creating a speech zone is not going to cause officials
any harm if it is later declared illegal. There are no fines or other
penalties for trampling upon student First Amendment rights, so campus
authorities think, “We might as well give it a try.”
Rather than fighting these battles one campus at a time, it would be far
better for state legislators to step in, exert their authority, and
declare that no college or university they fund will adopt a speech
zone. And that is just what the Florida legislature has done. On March
5, the state senate passed a bill (the Florida Excellence in Higher
Education Act) that would prevent officials at state universities from
establishing free speech zones.
Quoted in this Washington Times story, the bill’s sponsor, Senator Bob
Rommel, said, “I have received thousands and thousands of calls from
students that feel their right to speak freely where they want to in
outside areas has been infringed upon, and how can they stand up to the
big university when they’re just a student struggling to get by.” Under
the bill, all outdoor areas on campus would be designated “traditional
public forums.”
Commenting on the bill, Demetrius Minor, the Florida coalitions director
for Generation Opportunity, said, “(Officials) rationalize these
restrictions by claiming they are for the safety and security of
students. In reality, they are an abasement of everything that a
university education is supposed to be about.”
11 March, 2018
UK: Is it now a thoughtcrime to hate Islam?
Why you shouldn’t be cheering the jailing of Britain First’s leaders.
Is it a crime now to be hostile to the Muslim faith? Reading some of the
media reporting of the jailing yesterday of Britain First leaders Jayda
Fransen and Paul Golding for religiously aggravated harassment, it
would seem so. Fransen and Golding were sentenced to 36 weeks and 18
weeks respectively at Folkestone Magistrates’ Court for a leafleting and
online-video campaign in which, among other things, they yelled at
Muslims going about their daily business in Kent, wrongly accused some
people of being suspects in a Kent gang-rape case involving Muslim
migrants, and caused distress to young people, young Muslims, who
witnessed their behaviour. Horrible. Media reports inform us that they
have now been imprisoned because, in the words of the judge, ‘they
“demonstrated hostility” to Muslims and the Muslim faith’.
Demonstrated hostility to the Muslim faith? Our response to that should
be: so what? In a free country, you should be perfectly at liberty to
‘demonstrate hostility’ to the Muslim faith. And any other religion, or
creed, or god, or ideology. Indeed, the right not to believe, the right
to blaspheme, the right to ‘demonstrate hostility’ to religion, are
hard-won liberties. People died for this. The fact that the media this
morning – including the Telegraph, the Guardian and the BBC – are all
using the exact same formulation of ‘demonstrated hostility to Muslims
and the Muslim faith’ to describe why Fransen and Golding are going to
jail, and the fact that this isn’t ringing any alarm bells in public
discussion, is a terrifying indicator of how thoroughly we now accept
that people’s views on religion ought to be a matter for state control
and possibly state repression.
The judge’s actual words were that Fransen and Golding had ‘demonstrated
hostility’ to ‘people of the Muslim faith’ in their harassing,
obsessive campaign around that Kent rape case. That is, to Muslims. But
it is not surprising in the least that the media have reported this as
‘hostility to the Muslim faith’, nor that much of the media think it is
acceptable to punish people for demonstrating such hostility, because
the trial absolutely was concerned with Fransen’s and Golding’s views on
Islam. That is clear from the fact that they were convicted of
‘religiously aggravated harassment’. That is, they weren’t merely
punished for harassing people. They were also punished for what they
were thinking as they harassed these people, in essence for what they
believe: that Islam is bad and Muslims are dangerous. They weren’t only
punished for what they did but also for what they thought. There’s a
word for that: thoughtcrime.
The Bari Weiss controversy
Glenn Greenwald writes:
"AFTER THE NEW YORK TIMES last April hired Bari Weiss to write for
and edit its op-ed page, I wrote a long article detailing her history of
pro-Israel activism and, especially, her involvement in numerous
campaigns to vilify and ruin the careers of several Arab and Muslim
professors due to their criticisms of Israel. I chose to profile Weiss’s
history because (a) the simultaneous hiring of Bret Stephens generated
so much controversy that Weiss’s hiring was ignored, even though it was
clear her hiring would be more influential since she would be not just
writing but also commissioning articles for that highly influential
op-ed page; (b) the NYT was justifying these hires on the grounds of
“diversity,” even though hiring hardcore, pro-Israel activists for that
page (which has no Muslim columnists) was the literal opposite of
diversity; and, most of all, (c) Weiss was masquerading as an opponent
of viewpoint intolerance on college campuses even though her entire
career had been built on trying to suppress, stigmatize, and punish
academic criticisms of Israel."
What Greenwald does not mention is that Palestinian scholars regularly
reinvent history. They deny, for instance, any historic connection
of the Jews to Israel! Such frauds deserve all the denunciation
they can get and Weiss did a good job of that. Lies are not protected
free speech and a university finding out that its teachers are peddling
lies SHOULD discipline the professors concerned.
9 March, 2018
Stanford denies new College Republicans logo — because it includes American flag

Stanford University College Republicans seeking to print their new logo
on T-shirts have been told their design does not pass muster with the
private institution’s trademark office because the image incorporates
the American flag, according to an email from the office.
“Stanford does not approve the use of the American (or other flag on
product also featuring our trademarks (including the Stanford name)
[sic],” states a recent email to the GOP group’s financial officer from
Kara Hegwood, a trademark licensing associate at Stanford University.
“We can approve red/white/blue themed product but cannot approve this
design which features altered version of the flag in the background of
the design, and within the initials for the organization name. I note
you feature a different design on your website – we would be able to
approve that design on product,” Hegwood added.
Hegwood, as well as Stanford media affairs officials, did not respond to
emails and phone calls Tuesday from The College Fix seeking comment and
clarification. It’s unclear which policy Hegwood is referring to, as a
lengthy trademark guide on the university’s website does not appear to
mention flags, according to a word search of the online resource.
The Stanford College Republicans financial officer, John Rice-Cameron,
said Tuesday in an interview with The College Fix that he is not
satisfied with the denial he received from the trademark office.
Earlier this week he sent Hegwood an email asking why Stanford refuses to associate itself with the American flag, he said.
He said he does not want to use the old logo (seen at left), calling the new one a “kick-ass design.”
“The [new] logo is emblematic of our club,” he said. “It shows we are willing to boldly promote conservatism.”
The Stanford College Republicans have begun using the image of the
aggressive elephant in front of the stars and stripes on its Facebook
Rice-Cameron said his group needs to get approval for the Stanford
College Republicans logo to be printed and used on T-shirts since that
design includes the school’s namebrand. He said he is not willing to use
the old logo, which Hegwood had suggested in her email.
“I’d like this design to be it,” he said of the new image.
Chilling Sommers: Another Blow to Discourse
Among contemporary public intellectuals, Christina Hoff Sommers is among
the most attacked by our illiberal Left. In the latest episode, student
groups at Lewis and Clark Law School this week protested Sommers’
Federalist Society talk. Prior to her talk, these groups released a
joint statement titled “Refuse Fascism in All Its Forms,” voicing
concern over “a troubling event,” (Sommers’ planned lecture) which is
“an act of aggression and violence.” The statement urges the school
community to join in, “not to facilitate ‘discourse,’ but in solidarity
with the voices that are systematically silenced.”
The video of the protest is, frankly, cringe-worthy and embarrassing.
What took center stage was not Sommers but students carrying flaccid
cardboard signs accompanied by a woman with the words “Stay Woke”
printed on the back of her jacket. She appeared to be the group’s leader
since she was the one who read a series of statements, which then
proceeded to be repeated by the rest of this group of “enlightened”
social justice warriors. Maybe she and her “comrades,” as she called
them, should have taken the words “Stay Woke” to heart because they
looked rather lethargic and phlegmatic.
Sommers was polite, gave them time to speak, and then called on them to
have a debate and to reason with each other. But she was repeatedly
rejected and silenced. These supposedly tolerant individuals were not
interested in reasoning or having a dialogue. In fact, they obviously
lacked the capacity and the requisite intelligence to reason—otherwise
they would have found a different way to communicate with Sommers. It is
fairly obvious they would fail spectacularly at reasoned argumentation
because their statements are not based on reality or facts. No matter
how many times they repeat and chant that “microaggressions are real,”
the truth is they are not.
As much as Sommers is used to this kind of treatment, it should not be
accepted. The protesters caused a disruption in what was supposed to be a
lecture followed by a question and answer session. The Woke-Pod People
chose an entirely different form of expression, which is incompatible
with an intellectual presentation whose purpose is to create a
discussion about the issue at hand.
Protests like these have become a habit in American schools, and it’s
time to put a stop to this utter idiocy. But what can be done? What
should Sommers have done? She was put in an awkward and unenviable
position. Her approach to dialogue was admirable but arguing with fools
is not a productive task.
Maybe we should take a page from Trump’s book. I recall an experience at
a Trump rally in fall 2016. As soon as Trump started to talk, a group
of students formed a chain, sat down, and broke out in an anti-fascist
rant. In his usual fashion, Trump didn’t waste much time on it. “Here we
go, it started already,” he said. “Go home to your mom’s basement,”
continued Trump nonchalantly. With a sweeping gesture he said “Get ’em
outta here.” Without any violence, police escorted the students out.
Unfazed, Trump continued to deliver his speech.
Is this strategy even possible at a university? After all, the students
at Lewis and Clark Law School were not the only ones bearing the mark of
culpability. The school’s Dean of Diversity (whatever that means) told
Sommers to speed up her lecture, effectively siding with the protesting
students. Should Sommers have called out the dean publicly? Should she
have left?
8 March, 2018
Must not disrespect incompetent police
In the wake of the Parkland school shooting, police and prosecutors are
trying to determine what constitutes a credible threat. In a video
posted to YouTube called "School Shooter," a local rapper insulted
police and referred to recent mass casualty events. Now he's facing a
legal battle and a potential long prison sentence.
But many local attorneys argue that police and prosecutors are overstepping, and infringing on protected speech.
Antifa mob shuts down Yaron Brook event at London college
An Antifa mob stormed a lecture hall at the King’s College in London
Monday night, forcing an Ayn Rand Institute event to be evacuated.
Video taken at the event shows individuals in masks and bandanas,
brandishing an antifa flag, storming the lecture hall as a fire alarm
goes off. Students started yelling and at one point a man punches an
antifa disrupter in the face.
The interrupted discussion was between Dr. Yaron Brook, chairman of the
board of directors of the Ayn Rand Institute, and YouTube personality
Sargon of Akkad. According to the Ayn Rand Institute, the event was to
be a “discussion about Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism” and the
conversation was to “be followed by a question and answer period.”
Violent protests also erupted outside the event hall, which led the
college to bar all non-student ticket holders from attending the event.
The Ayn Rand Institute estimates the hosting student group, King’s
Libertarian Society, was forced to turn away roughly 200 external ticket
"I strongly feel the university caved into the antifa protesters. They
need to protect free speech and not prevent people from joining
peacefully. They changed criteria just 2.5 hours prior to the event
despite it having been scheduled for months. I am very disappointed in
an institution a top university in the world acting cowardly like this,"
Switzer Haagensen continued.
The rioting was not spontaneous. A Facebook event to protest Brook's
talk was organized by the KCL Socialist Students, Intersectional
Feminist Society, Kashmir Solidarity Movement, KCL LGBT+, KCL Action
Palestine Society, KCL Justice For Cleaners, and the Demilitarise King's
7 March, 2018
Think I’m offensive? Have you met any millennials?
By English humorist, Giles Coren
According to a story in Thursday’s Times, a handbook has at last been
published offering judges “advice in how to avoid giving offence”.
So what the Judicial College is looking to stamp out now, as the noose
tightens around those who would seek to upset their fellow humans with
outrageous prejudice, are words like “Afro-Caribbean” (which I didn’t
know was actively offensive but is a mouthful and I’d never say it
anyway), “transsexual” (which I assumed was fine but should apparently
be “trans person”), “ethnic minority” (which I truly thought was just a
description of when one ethnic group is outnumbered by another), and
“postman”, which is obviously downright bloody disgusting fascist
language and must be stamped out now, or we will soon be in a situation
like Germany in 1933, with postmen first being denied marriage licences
and council flats, then being hounded into special “postie” ghettos,
then “relocated in the East” and ultimately marched to their deaths in
the gas chambers of Poland — all of which, the Equal Treatment Bench
Book asserts, can be avoided by merely calling them “postal operatives”
instead. So a big “phew” for that.
And speaking of gas chambers, they are also looking to stamp out the
word “Jew” on account of its “potentially negative connotations”. So
does that mean I am not one any more? I mean, it’s great that judges are
being told not to chase me down the street throwing rashers of bacon at
me, shouting “Jew! Jew! Jew!”, because frankly I have had enough of
that, but if it’s at the expense of my using the only word I can think
of to describe my racial identity then maybe I’m not such a big winner
after all.
And “Jew” is my racial identity only, by the way. I do not practise. I
am a “Jew” only in the way that a black person is black. Although with
more counting money and less dancing. Is that racist? Yes. But only
because I said “Jew”, according to the handbook. What I should have said
was “Jewish person”. Because that is MASSIVELY different.
The political correctness movement did a wonderful thing from the
mid-1980s onwards to change the language used about groups who had
suffered years of bigotry. But changing the focus of language did not
reduce the sum total of hate. You can’t do that.
Telling a blind person — as the handbook recommends — that she is “a
person with sensory impairment” does not give her back her sight.
I have always been hated. As a child I was called “squinty” and “short
arse” (my sister and I get along fine now). And in my early years on The
Times, if I wrote something people disagreed with, and they took the
trouble to complain in writing, they would always come round to the Jew
thing in the end.
That stuff doesn’t happen any more. In ten years on social media, nobody
has ever called me a y**. Or even a Jewish person. But every time I
write something that the millennials don’t like, they pour forth a
stream of personal abuse centred around such new disentitlements as
being “privileged”, “cis male”, “Oxbridge” and “public school”, all of
them accidents of birth which my abusers believe should disqualify me
from work in the media.
When I write something angry they ask, “U okay hon?” which, in case you
didn’t know, is the modern way of suggesting that a person is
experiencing mental health issues. It is exactly the same as calling
someone with depression a “spastic in the head”. It’s just new words for
an old thing. No less hate.
And when the swarms of millennials who will misread this piece for a
defence of bigotry set about snarling “privileged, public school,
cisgender male!” at me, they will do it — just like the tribal Labour
supporter who yells “Tory scum!” with a venom that passes way beyond the
realm of political dissent — with every ounce as much hatred as any
black-shirted Mosleyite ever shouted “n***er!” or “p*ki!”
So I’m going to say to the judges: burn your stupid handbooks (although
not in a Nazi way) and just show respect for your fellow humans. And if
that leads to a Holocaust of the postmen, well . . . my bad.
Facebook's Fake Fact-Checkers Bust The Babylon Bee
One of our favorite satire sites, The Babylon Bee, recently ran a
humorous story entitled "CNN purchases industrial-sized washing machine
to spin news before publication." Hours later, Adam Ford, the Bee's
founder, received a notice from Facebook warning that his story had been
flagged as false content by its "independent fact-checker" Snopes.
Furthermore, the social media giant threatened, "Repeat offenders will
see their distribution reduced and their ability to monetize and
advertised removed."
To say the least, Ford was surprised — not over being "fact-checked," as
this was not the first time that Snopes has "fact-checked" The Babylon
Bee, but rather by the action taken by Facebook. Ford stated, "This is
the first time Facebook has used that to threaten us with reduced reach
and demonetization." He added, "Also it seems that anyone who clicked on
the article got a notice that it was 'disputed.'"
Hours later, after suffering a fully deserved barrage of blowback and
mockery, Facebook later admitted its action was a mistake: "There's a
difference between false news and satire. This was a mistake and should
not have been rated false in our system. It's since been corrected and
won't count against the domain in any way."
6 March, 2018
Mankind, guys, love and darling: The 'gender-inappropriate' words Qantas has banned its staff from using
Australian airline Qantas has told staff to use 'gender appropriate'
terms and avoid saying 'husband and wife' because it may offend the
LGBTI community.
Qantas' People and Culture group executive Lesley Grant issued an
information booklet detailing how to make employees feel more
comfortable at work in line with the airline's Spirit of Inclusion
month, The Daily Telegraph reported.
It asks employees to stop using words such as 'honey, darling and love' because they have the capacity to offend.
It also advises staff to use 'partner' instead of husband and wife, and
'parents' instead of mum and dad because it could exclude LGBTI
The pack asks Qantas workers to not use gender-inappropriate terms such as mankind or fireman.
The information states: 'Language can make groups of people invisible.
For example, the use of the term chairman can reinforce the idea that
leaders are always men.'
'Words like love, honey or darling, even when used as terms of
endearment, often offend. In the workplace, it is best to avoid these
sorts of words.'
Ms Grant told staff she wants the work environment at Qantas to be a
place 'everyone feels comfortable to bring their whole selves to work'.
The material was produced by the Diversity Council of Australia, Qantas told The Daily Telegraph.
Tear down this statue
Ah, Marion Barry, the template of the Democrat party since the 1990’s.
This Democrat mayor of Washington DC who was caught on video smoking
crack in the 1980’s now has a statue erected in his “honor” on
Pennsvania Avenue. And guess who pays for it? We the tax payers. What’s
next? A statue of Peter Strzok?
Barry, a Democrat, served four terms as mayor of DC from 1979 to 1991
and again from 1995 to 1999. He served several terms as a member of the
D.C. City Council and did so until his death in 2014.
Barry rose to national attention after the FBI filmed him in 1990
smoking crack cocaine with a former girlfriend, as part of a sting
operation. His defense after being arrested was, “Bitch set me up.”
After his release from prison in 1992, he ran again in 1994 and won in
what was considered an impressive political comeback, the Associated
Press reports.
5 March, 2018
Stone Age Statue Was Too Racy for Facebook

A pudgy little figure with wide hips and ample breasts, the Venus of
Willendorf was discovered in 1908 but originally dates to the Stone Age.
One of the oldest surviving art works in the world, the limestone
sculpture now resides in Vienna's Natural History Museum, where a woman
named Laura Ghianda snapped a pic last December and then posted the
image to Facebook.
It was promptly removed. A notice from Facebook explained that the naked figure was inappropriate for the social site.
According to the company's official policy, "photographs of paintings,
sculptures, and other art that depicts nude figures" are allowed. But
despite four attempts by Ghianda to appeal the image's removal, Facebook
wouldn't budge.
The Natural History Museum also appealed to Facebook. "There has never
been a complaint by visitors concerning the nakedness of the figurine,"
Christian Koeberl, the museum's director general, posted in January.
"There is no reason...to cover the Venus of Willendorf and hide her
nudity, neither in the museum nor on social media."
The museum's plea also failed to get a reaction from Facebook. But after
news media began running with the story this week, the company finally
caved. On Thursday, a spokesperson for the company told AFP that it had
been a mistake to censor the Venus of Willendorf's image and apologized
for the error.
This is far from the first time the site has censored artistic
depictions of nudity (sometimes even leading to a user's account being
banned from Facebook entirely), and surely won't be the last.
Meet Speech First, a New Combatant in the Campus Free Speech Wars
A brand new legal organization has joined the fight to defend free expression on college campuses.
Speech First, which plans to sue universities for violating students'
free speech rights, announced its arrival on Wednesday. Its president is
Nicole Neily, a former executive director of the Independent Women's
Forum and manager of external relations for the Cato Institute.
"When students' speech rights on campus are violated, it's tough to
fight back," Neily said in a statement. "A lone student doesn't stand a
chance against a school with a huge endowment and an army of lawyers.
It's a real David versus Goliath situation. That's why Speech First was
Speech First is a membership organization for students, faculty,
parents, alumni, and concerned citizens. Members pay a one-time $5 fee,
which connects them to a network of people "who are fighting to preserve
the freedom of speech on college campuses, according to the
organization's website.
In the future, the group will be filing lawsuits in defense of students'
First Amendment on specific campuses, in the same vein as the work
being done by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education and the
Alliance Defending Freedom. There are certainly enough free speech
violations on campuses each year to justify the existence of multiple
legal defense groups concentrated on the issue. And as a membership
organization, Speech First is structured slightly differently than those
other organizations, Neily tells me.
"That was done intentionally, because we wanted to capitalize on the
real groundswell of support behind free speech from all walks of
life—not just students, but also parents, alumni, and concerned
citizens," she says. "By channeling that enthusiasm, we're able to show
students that there's an army of people behind them—and to convey to
schools that there's an army that is passionate about defending speech
4 March, 2018
Conservative Nonprofit PragerU Is Suing Google for Alleged Discrimination
Prager University, a conservative nonprofit that creates educational
videos, is suing Google for allegedly discriminating against the digital
media organization for its fairly moderate ideological slant.
Specifically, PragerU is accusing YouTube, which is owned by Google
parent company Alphabet, of restricting or “demonetizing” videos even
though they all appear to be innocuous and compliant with the platform’s
PragerU’s videos include former and current professors and scholars from
Stanford, Harvard, and Yale, like Alan Dershowitz; prominent athletes
like Cobi Jones; popular celebrities like Mike Rowe; and influential
figures like Steve Forbes. The majority of the people featured—sans
political commentator Dinesh D’Souza—are not usually considered
exceptionally controversial. Neither are a lot of the topics, some of
which are likely studied in classrooms across the country.
Topics include “Is the Death Penalty Moral” and “The Progressive Income Tax.”
“If you’ve seen any of our videos, they’re very educational, and are
very appropriate for ‘young viewers,’” said Craig Strazzeri, chief
marketing officer for PragerU, addressing accusations from Google.
YouTube’s help page clarifies that videos containing certain “mature
content” will be blocked for users who employ a “Restricted Mode,” a
voluntary option in most cases.
Types of content that is obstructed for those viewers include:
Drugs and alcohol
Sexual situations
Mature subjects
Profane and mature language
Incendiary and demeaning content
The primary problem with Restricted Mode for PragerU is it’s often not
optional for users who are part of or using a larger network, such as
the ones operated by schools, libraries, and public institutions.
Demonetization, a less menacing term for revoking sponsorship and thus
ad revenue, is another way YouTube can clamp down on content creators,
such as what’s being done to PragerU. As the founder of the Internet
Creators Guild, Hank Green, notes, making money off of YouTube is no
longer an elusive endeavor only afforded to a fraction of the most
creative and popular; it is now a legitimate way for some people to earn
a steady income, or at least some supplementary funds.
To put this fact into context, Green explains how nowadays there are
roughly 300,000 content creators that garner over 100,000 views a month
and consequently earn roughly $2,500 a year. And for 1 million views,
there are reportedly around 37,000 YouTubers who hit that mark every
By demonetizing and restricting a total of 50 videos, PragerU claims
that YouTube is targeting it for its relative ideological differences,
while also equating it to unlawful censorship and discrimination against
its right to freedom of speech.
A beloved gorilla statue in a Texas park has been removed by officials after some complained that it was 'racially insensitive'
The caged statue had been a center piece at the park in Corsicana, south
of Dallas, for two decades before it was taken away on Monday.
Corsicana Mayor Don Denbow had the 500-pound gorilla removed after receiving about 45 complaints.
'It was determined to be potentially racially insensitive,' the mayor said when he announced the decision.
'This was brought to our attention by a few citizens. The circumstances were evaluated and determined to be valid.'
The removal of the statue prompted immediate backlash on social media
and outraged residents started a makeshift memorial for the gorilla at
the empty cage.
One man even sat on top of the cage on Wednesday and refused to move until the gorilla was returned, according to KXXV.
Residents had also planned to hold a candlelight vigil on Wednesday night in honor of the gorilla.
The mayor and city officials folded to pressure late on Wednesday following the widespread backlash and protests.
2 March, 2018
Even conservative advertising is too much for some liberals
I am now running a think tank/conservative activist organization, Center
of the American Experiment. This year, we have enough room in our
growing budget to promote our web site and do some institutional
advertising. So if you live in Minnesota, you are likely to see an ad
for our web site if you visit the Drudge Report, InstaPundit or Power
We have also bought advertising on the Minneapolis Star Tribune’s site.
In effect, we sponsor the Strib’s Opinion section with a big, beautiful
banner ad. It isn’t there all the time; there are some other banner
advertisers. But it seems that most of the time, you see something like

It appears that the Star Tribune’s willingness to take our advertising
dollars infuriated some of its liberal readers, who perhaps view the
paper’s Opinion section as their private preserve. Thus, this morning
the Strib’s Scott Gillespie, who I believe chairs the paper’s editorial
board and is responsible for the Opinion section, sent a message to all
those who subscribe to the Opinion section via email:
Gillespie’s response was entirely appropriate, and I am sure our good
relationship with the Star Tribune will continue, as will our policy
But what to make of the liberals who protested against the paper’s
accepting our money and publishing an entirely inoffensive ad that
publicizes our existence and suggests a visit to our web site? The
answer, I think, is that many liberals are arrogant and entitled. These
people seriously believe they have the right, not to argue with us, but
to drive us out of the public square–in effect, out of existence. To
demand that we not be heard, even when we are willing to pay.
But what we see here is one small illustration of an important
phenomenon. Liberals don’t usually try to argue with conservatives,
because they generally lose. They seem to have figured that out. So
instead, they try to shut us up. To make what we say inadmissible. To
drive us underground, or better yet, out of existence. The arrogance of
the Left knows no bounds.
Google tried censoring 'gun' shopping searches. It backfired
In the wake of the Florida school shooting, Google decided to take a
stand. The gatekeeper of the Internet decided to filter shopping
searches that included the term “gun.” It didn't go so well.
Early Tuesday morning, Internet shoppers started noticing and
documenting the digital gaffes. Users received error notices when they
searched for glue guns and water guns, toy guns and airsoft guns, nail
guns and nerf guns. The algorithm is apparently so strict that even the
color "burgundy" triggered an error because it includes "gun" in the
This set off something of a parlor game on social media. Turns out,
adults don’t like it when faceless bureaucrats try enforcing arbitrary
restrictions — federal, corporate, or otherwise.
Casey “Stable Genius” Smith found that Google now censors “Laguna Beach."
Technousayt observed that the beloved Tom Cruise film about beach volleyball, “Top Gun,” also could not be found.
KingPrewyoko noticed that a search for American hard-rock super-group
Velvet Revolver did not return any results. Neither did searches for the
Sex Pistols, the Indianapolis Colts, or the word “trifle."
The benevolent nanny nerds at Google quickly began cleaning up their
mistake. Many of the search terms had been restored by the early
evening, but not before an important lesson was learned: Attempts to
coddle adults will always backfire.
Granted, Google is a private company. If they think they can help keep
our streets safe by banning the sale of guns and gun-related
paraphernalia on their website, go for it.
But is that effective? No, not at all.
As the Washington Post noted half a decade ago, it’s extremely
difficult, if not impossible, to purchase a firearm through the world
wide web. Even the most upstanding citizen can’t log on, make a
purchase, and then lock and load. They can make the purchase, but then
the gun has to be shipped to a licensed firearm dealer and they still
have to go through a background check. By design, it's a laborious
So, in the end, Google’s war on the gun was really quite silly and
pointless. The virtue-signaling stunt only exposed their own stupidity.
1 March, 2018
Ben Shapiro speech University of Minnesota's St. Paul campus
A helicopter hummed overhead and barricades ringed the student center
where Ben Shapiro spoke on his Monday night visit to the University of
Minnesota's St. Paul campus.
A couple dozen protestors assembled outside to greet the conservative
speaker with a familiar refrain of protest chants and charges of
fascism. While the turnout was meager, security was tight, with the
police geared up for a scenario similar to Shapiro’s visit to Berkeley
in September, which drew hundreds of protestors and led to nine arrests.
“We’re besieged because of our views,” said student Abdi Mohamed, who
was unable to get into the event. “We have to have this militaristic
guard just to share a couple opinions.”
Those protestors who did show up were met by a flock of press, with
local news outlets vying for quotes from each sign-toting student. After
a few rounds of chanting, the group started to march about the St. Paul
campus, and unceremoniously dissipated
“There are a hundred police officers," Shapiro told a full house of 400,
"that were necessary to protect you guys and to protect me so that I
can say conservative things."
Hooray! Universities support free speech about guns
So you can give a talk there in support of President Trump's gun proposals? You'd be risking your life to try
In a rare act of solidarity, several universities are voicing their
support for applicants who participate in protests for stricter gun
Schools like Yale, MIT, Boston University, and others have issued
statements explicitly stating that those who stage demonstrations
against pro-gun laws will not have their admissions jeopardized, should
their high schools penalize them for peaceful protests. In a now-viral
tweet, The Brown University Office of College Admission stated:
@BrownUAdmission Applicants to Brown: Expect a socially conscious,
intellectually independent campus where freedom of expression is
fundamentally important. You can be assured that peaceful, responsible
protests against gun violence will not negatively impact decisions on
admission to Brown.
This comes as survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
shooting and other high school students are organizing rallies, media
interviews, and school walkouts to protest gun violence.
In response, several high school administrations issued warnings to
students that any participation in such demonstrations, such as the
National School Walkout Day, during school hours will result in
disciplinary action. In fact, the Needville Independent School District
in Texas promised three days of suspension for those who decided to
But students need not fear; they now have universities on their side.
While it’s encouraging to see “universities” and “free speech” in the
same headline, only half the work is done if college administrations
don’t go to the same lengths to protect speech with which they might
It’s refreshing that colleges are finally standing up for free speech.
It’s disconcerting that they only tend to do so for students who share
their political views. Many of these same universities have stood idly
by as conservative groups have found their First Amendment rights put on
the backburner.
This is Tongue-Tied 3
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press"
Posts by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.)
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The war on "cultural appropriation" is straightforward racism
Is the American national anthem politically incorrect? From the 4th verse:
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."

The truth can be offensive to some but it must be said
"HATE SPEECH" is free speech: The U.S. Supreme Court stated the general
rule regarding protected speech in Texas v. Johnson (109 S.Ct. at
2544), when it held: "The government may not prohibit the verbal or
nonverbal expression of an idea merely because society finds the idea
offensive or disagreeable." Federal courts have consistently followed this. Said Virginia federal district judge Claude Hilton: "The
First Amendment does not recognize exceptions for bigotry, racism, and
religious intolerance or ideas or matters some may deem trivial, vulgar
or profane."
Even some advocacy of violence is protected by the 1st Amendment. In
Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), the U.S. Supreme Court held unanimously that
speech advocating violent illegal actions to bring about social change
is protected by the First Amendment "except where such advocacy is
directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely
to incite or produce such action."
The double standard: Atheists can put up signs and billboards saying
that Christianity is wrong and that is hunky dory. But if a Christian
says that homosexuality is wrong, that is attacked as "hate speech"
One for the militant atheists to consider: "...it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg" -- Thomas Jefferson
"I think no subject should be off-limits, and I regard the laws in many
Continental countries criminalizing Holocaust denial as philosophically
repugnant and practically useless – in that they confirm to Jew-haters
that the Jews control everything (otherwise why aren’t we allowed to
talk about it?)" -- Mark Steyn
A prophetic comment on Norwegian hate speech laws: As Justice Brandeis
once noted, repressive censorship “breeds hate” and “that hate menaces
stable government,” rather than promoting safety; “the path of safety
lies in the opportunity to discuss freely supposed grievances and
proposed remedies.”
Voltaire's most famous saying was actually a summary of Voltaire's
thinking by one of his biographers rather than something Voltaire said
himself. Nonetheless it is a wholly admirable sentiment: "I disagree
with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
I am of a similar mind.
The traditional advice about derogatory speech: "Sticks and stones will
break your bones but names will never hurt you". Apparently people today
are not as emotionally robust as their ancestors were.
The KKK were members of the DEMOCRATIC party. Google "Klanbake" if you doubt it
A phobia is an irrational fear, so the terms "Islamophobic" and
"homophobic" embody a claim that the people so described are mentally
ill. There is no evidence for either claim. Both terms are simply abuse
masquerading as diagnoses and suggest that the person using them is
engaged in propaganda rather than in any form of rational or objective
Leftists often pretend that any mention of race is "racist" -- unless
they mention it, of course. But leaving such irrational propaganda
aside, which statements really are racist? Can statements of fact about
race be "racist"? Such statements are simply either true or false. The
most sweeping possible definition of racism is that a racist statement
is a statement that includes a negative value judgment of some race.
Absent that, a statement is not racist, for all that Leftists might howl
that it is. Facts cannot be racist so nor is the simple statement of
them racist. Here is a statement that cannot therefore be racist by
itself, though it could be false: "Blacks are on average much less
intelligent than whites". If it is false and someone utters it, he
could simply be mistaken or misinformed.
Categorization is a basic human survival skill so racism as the Left
define it (i.e. any awareness of race) is in fact neither right nor
wrong. It is simply human
Whatever your definition of racism, however, a statement that simply
mentions race is not thereby racist -- though one would think otherwise
from American Presidential election campaigns. Is a statement that
mentions dogs, "doggist" or a statement that mentions cats, "cattist"?
If any mention of racial differences is racist then all Leftists are
racist too -- as "affirmative action" is an explicit reference to
racial differences
Was Abraham Lincoln a racist? "You and we are different races. We
have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any
other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but
this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think
your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while
ours suffer from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If
this be admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be
separated. It is better for both, therefore, to be separated." -- Spoken at the White House to a group of black community leaders, August 14th, 1862
Gimlet-eyed Leftist haters sometimes pounce on the word "white" as
racist. Will the time come when we have to refer to the White House as
the "Full spectrum of light" House?
The spirit of liberty is "the spirit which is not too sure that it is
right." and "Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies
there, no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it.
While it lies there it needs no constitution, no law, no court to save
it." -- Judge Learned Hand
Mostly, a gaffe is just truth slipping out
Two lines below of a famous hymn that would be incomprehensible to
Leftists today ("honor"? "right"? "freedom?" Freedom to agree with them
is the only freedom they believe in)
First to fight for right and freedom,
And to keep our honor clean
It is of course the hymn of the USMC -- still today the relentless warriors that they always were.
It seems a pity that the wisdom of the ancient Greek philosopher
Epictetus is now little known. Remember, wrote the Stoic thinker, "that
foul words or blows in themselves are no outrage, but your judgment
that they are so. So when any one makes you angry, know that it is your
own thought that has angered you. Wherefore make it your endeavour not
to let your impressions carry you away."
"Since therefore the knowledge and survey of vice is in this world so
necessary to the constituting of human virtue, and the scanning of error
to the confirmation of truth, how can we more safely, and with less
danger, scout into the regions of sin and falsity than by reading all
manner of tractates, and hearing all manner of reason?" -- English poet
John Milton (1608-1674) in Areopagitica
Hate speech is verbal communication that induces anger due to the listener's inability to offer an intelligent response
Leftists can try to get you fired from your job over something that you
said and that's not an attack on free speech. But if you just criticize
something that they say, then that IS an attack on free speech
"Negro" is a forbidden word -- unless a Democrat uses it
"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper
Why are Leftists always talking about hate? Because it fills their own hearts
Leftists don't have principles. How can they when "there is no such
thing as right and wrong"? All they have is postures, pretend-principles
that can be changed as easily as one changes one's shirt
When you have an argument with a Leftist, you are not really discussing
the facts. You are threatening his self esteem. Which is why the normal
Leftist response to challenge is mere abuse.
naive scholar who searches for a consistent Leftist program will not
find it. What there is consists only in the negation of the present.
The intellectual Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-180) could have
been speaking of much that goes on today when he said: "The object in
life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding
oneself in the ranks of the insane."
I despair of the ADL. Jews have
enough problems already and yet in the ADL one has a prominent Jewish
organization that does its best to make itself offensive to Christians.
Their Leftism is more important to them than the welfare of Jewry --
which is the exact opposite of what they ostensibly stand for! Jewish
cleverness seems to vanish when politics are involved. Fortunately,
Christians are true to their saviour and have loving hearts. Jewish
dissatisfaction with the myopia of the ADL is outlined here. Note that Foxy was too grand to reply to it.

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"Australian Politics"
"Education Watch International"
"Political Correctness Watch"
"Greenie Watch"
Western Heart
"Marx & Engels in their own words"
"A scripture blog"
"Some memoirs"
To be continued ....
Coral Reef Compendium
IQ Compendium
Queensland Police
Australian Police News
Paralipomena (3)
Of Interest
Dagmar Schellenberger
My alternative Wikipedia
"Food & Health Skeptic"
"Eye on Britain"
"Immigration Watch International".
"Leftists as Elitists"
Socialized Medicine
QANTAS -- A dying octopus
BRIAN LEITER (Ladderman)
Obama Watch
Obama Watch (2)
Dissecting Leftism -- Large font site
Michael Darby
Paralipomena (2)
AGL -- A bumbling monster
Telstra/Bigpond follies
Optus bungling
Bank of Queensland blues
There are also two blogspot blogs which record what I think are my main recent articles here and here. Similar content can be more conveniently accessed via my subject-indexed list of short articles here or here (I rarely write long articles these days)
Mirror for this blog
Mirror for "Dissecting Leftism"
Alt archives
Longer Academic Papers
Johnray links
Academic home page
Academic Backup Page
General Backup
General Backup 2
My alternative Wikipedia
Selected reading
Rightism defined
Leftist Churches
Leftist Racism
Fascism is Leftist
Hitler a socialist
What are Leftists
Psychology of Left
Status Quo?
Leftism is authoritarian
James on Leftism
Irbe on Leftism
Beltt on Leftism
Van Hiel
Main academic menu
Menu of recent writings
basic home page
Pictorial Home Page
Selected pictures from blogs (Backup here)
Another picture page (Best with broadband. Rarely updated)
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article concerned can generally be viewed by prefixing to the filename
the following:
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