I support WHAT?

Khushboo is a filmstar in the Southern Indian State of Tamil Nadu, which has its own language and culture. Like a lot of Indian ladies, however, she is pretty feisty. As we see from this press excerpt:
"The south Indian film star's comments on pre-marital sex landed her in controversy and sparked off demonstrations across the state. She said that no educated male should expect his bride to be a virgin... Khushboo made the comments while responding to a survey on sexual habits of Indians....
There have been demonstrations across Tamil Nadu since Khushboo made her comments and her effigies have been burnt in public. A large number of complaints have also been filed in several courts across the state. The complaints claimed that Khushboo's "insensitive" remarks had "deeply wounded" the Tamil psyche and hence she should be "punished".
Khushboo is obviously much more assimilated to Western culture than are most Tamils but I do sympathize with Tamil families who feel that they have been defamed and insulted. Perhaps she could have been more diplomatic.
A Hate-filled Would-be Censor Loses for Once
Warren County Community College in Virginia had a professor of English, John Daly, who is as far-Left as such types usually are these days:
"On November 13, Daly sent an email to student Rebecca Beach vowing "to expose [her] right-wing, anti-people politics until groups like [Rebecca's] won't dare show their face on a college campus." In addition, Daly said that "Real freedom will come when soldiers in Iraq turn their guns on their superiors."
A charming example of the "tolerance" that Leftists are always saying that they stand for, of course. Anyway, for once he got into hot water over his intolerance and was forced to resign. Best of all, though, was this:
"School president William Austin said that he will incorporate tolerance seminars for professors during the next faculty in-service day to shield students from this type of harassment, as requested by Young America's Foundation. Rebecca Beach has called for Austin to select Young America's Foundation President Ron Robinson as the one to teach leftists how to be tolerant toward conservatives."
Rather amusing, actually. I think, however, that we will wait a long time for such fairness to extend to the Ivy League.
A reader advises: It probably doesn't make any difference to the story, but (this particular) Warren County Community College is located in New Jersey, not Virginia