Some chronology for John Joseph Ray

My Crepe Myrtles in blossom


Cash refund or credit note?

When a store accepts back unsuitable goods, the customer expects a full refund. In the bad old days that often did not happen. All you got was a credit note to enable you to buy other things at that store.

In the early '60s I bought some tapes for my tape recorder from Dixons in Elizabeth St., Brisbane. Dixons was the local tentacle of a big British electrical goods retailer. It still exists there.

When the tapes were not suitable I took them back and was hit with the credit note caper. I refused it and insisted on cash. No luck

So the next Saturday morning I got an old white t-shirt and used a big black marking pen to write on it: "Dixons are dishonest" in big letters. I then wore that shirt and paraded up and down in front of the shop entrance -- chanting "Dixons are dishonest. They swindled me. They may swindle you". I saw no one enter the store while I was there so I gather I destroyed their entire Saturday trade.

I got a cheque in the mail for the required amount the next Tuesday.

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