Some chronology for John Joseph Ray

A most scenic drive near where I grew up -- the road from Cairns to Port Douglas



I stopped over in Thailand on my way to India.

At that time I made the mistake of bringing a bottle of Grange with me to help celebrate my birthday. My birthday fell on a day I was to be in Thailand. We ordered a banquet at a Bangkok restaurant which was very nice (though with rather too much chili -- as is usual in Thai food). But it did ”not• go with the Grange. Grange complements European dishes, not Asian ones.

I liked the local Bangkok beer (Amarit) and whisky (Mekhong). There was good beer and spirits in India, too. "London" brand beer is worth ordering in Bombay.

Thailand is a very beautiful (and in parts prosperous) place well worth a stopover. I didn't go to the girlie bars. I had Joy with me so I got better sex anyway.

Thai women are very gracious but Thai men can be a rather tough lot. No wonder nobody ever succeeded in colonizing them.

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