25 Apr 2022


Any reader of this blog will have come across many mentions of Anne, a lady whom I have been seeing for many years. I see more of Zoe these days but I still see Anne.   So maybe I should at this time put up a small note about our relationship.

I met Anne on Sept 1, 2005.  In my December 2005 Christmas letter I commented as follows:

"I now have a new lady by the name of Anne. She is such a keen chorister that she is in two choirs so she and I share a lot of musical interests -- including an interest in early church music. 

Anne is a nurse by trade and tells me that everything you hear about the Queensland Health bureaucracy is true". 

Curiously, although Anne does not appear to believe in God in any way, she still has Presbyterian beliefs. How come? She still believes that: "it was all meant to be". The Scottish churches are of course all originally Calvinist and even the 39 "Articles of Religion" of the Church of England accept predestination in a convoluted sort of way but you never hear that belief preached from any pulpit that I know of these days".

And from the beginning of 2006 up until quite recently the occasional events  recorded on this blog have almost all featured Anne in one way or another

Anne and I continued together as partners -- seeing one-another just twice a week -- up until March, 2000. At that point she introduced me to another man she had had in her life for some time.  She had found a new partner.  After 14 years together and with both of us in our mid-70s, I had hoped that we were together for good.  But there were things that were important to Anne which I was not giving her so I did not for a moment blame her for looking elsewhere for those things. And getting them has drawn her close to George, her new bloke.

She told George from the beginning that I would remain important in her life so he has accepted that, apparently not without some reluctance.  And Anne has remained true to her word. We have continued to have meals together, though less frequently than before. 

Despite her seeing a lot of George, it was clear that Anne really did want as much as possible of our old relationship to continue.  I give her things that she treasures that George cannot give her. So we both agreed that our relationship was permanent, which I wanted. Because of her engrossing relationship with George however, we meet just once a week over breakfast, which is as enjoyable as ever

In summary, Anne's relationship with George has not stopped her from seeing me regularly and my relationship with Zoe has not stopped me from seeing Anne regularly

I met Zoe at the very beginning of 2022 but the story of my life before that is largely the story of my time with Anne.  Below are links which take you conveniently  to that story: