Index to my blog comments -- Part 1
Robert "RWA" Altemeyer
Altemeyer is still fundamentally confused about "Right wing Authoritarianism"
Authoritarianism, Altemeyer and the Leftist mental bubble
Gross hypocrisy and Leftist bias in Wikipedia: The case of Altemeyer
Analytical philosophy
Postmodernism deconstructed -- by Stephen R.C. Hicks
The vast hypocrisy of "There's no such thing as right and wrong" -- again
There IS such a thing as right and wrong
Assumptions in moral debate
Philosophical reductionism
Left-Right Differences on right and wrong
You are not as rational as you think
Postmodernism -- A much abused term
Instinctive influences on morality
The enduring relevance of natural law
Some inconvenient temperature data from Australia
The late great Inigo Jones -- Australian long-range forecaster
Race and Australia's current immigration policy
Australia's "black armband" controversy about history
Another confirmation: Unusually hot weather in Australia goes back a long way
Coal: Why The Fate Of The World's Climate Is Largely In Australia's Hands (?)
Methyl bromide: Harmless pesticide still used in Australia -- ozone "hole" regardless
Australia May Need to take in many Pacific islanders as their islands sink under the waves?
No wonder 40% of Australians have private health insurance
Whistleblowers Warn New Australian Immigration Laws Will Boost Secrecy In Detention Centres
Does Australia have poor quality teachers?
The Australian Left has a history of blind pacifism
Australia squares the circle on Left and Right
An interesting difference between the Left in Australia and the USA
Leftist hate in Australia -- a personal observation
What a lot of emptyheaded poop! Reply to an addled Leftist critique of Australian society
Is social class important in Australia?
Racial and religious vilification in Australia
The Asian influence in Australia
Alleged racism towards Asians in Brisbane
18C -- Australian hate speech law
How did Australia dodge the GFC?
What was behind the white Australia policy?
'Blackbirding' shame yet to be acknowledged in Australia (?)
Racism in Australia according to Peter Brent
Racism in Australia according to Michael Brull
Racism in Australia according to Susie Latham
A small reflection about the relationship between England and Australia
Australia's national cheese
House prices hurting Australia and nation's policies making it worse
Why does Australia pay McDonald's workers more?
Australia is a nation of white privilege?
Australia, we are The Lucky Country. So stop complaining
Opening up Australia's empty North to settlement and farming
An extraordinary outpouring of hate for Australia day
Are Australians still favorably disposed towards multiculturalism despite Muslim antics?
IQ and education in Australia
Why investors are leaving 90,000 Sydney homes EMPTY and thousands more in Melbourne
Michael Brull just does not understand Australia's day of remembrance
Did whites INVADE Australia?
Does Australia have one of the most unequal education systems in the OECD?
Eastern Australian flood events: a 'significant' rise in frequency, says study
Australia's First Modern Decline In Life Expectancy Due To Obesity
Is there an Australian race?
Australia's climate heating and drying out: report
Multiculturalism in Australia, success or failure?
Sexual misbehaviour in Australian universities is extremely rare
Australians do NOT have an "inferiority complex"
A Lucky country?
Is Australia Racist?
"I was born in Australia and I don’t want to assimilate" -- but integration and assimilation are not the same thing
Was Trump right in praising the Australian healthcare system?
Census 2016: Australia the world's least racist country? Plus notes on the Han
How Australia escaped the global financial crises of the last 25 years
Leftist hatred of Anzac day
How Treasury Dept. found that immigrants make Australia money
We're starting to give up on the ideal of Australia as a nation of equals
Social class in Australia
Australia on dark road to Fascism: Greens
Julian Burnside QC shows the usual Leftist myopia to Australia's refugee problem
Is Australia’s current drought caused by climate change? It’s complicated
Australia slammed for deporting Maori criminals
"Heatwaves" in Australia
Far-left activists have put up contemptuous signs at historic Cook’s Cottage in Vic
Why the Australia Day debate, and discussion about any other divisive issue, is now basically pointless
Australian Warmists spin like a top
Criticizing Australia
Pauline Hanson as Australia's Trump
The term "digger" in Australia is a word for an Australian soldier. It is a respectful term
Diversity the key to improved performance in schools
Sarah Nix has been left more than $30,000 out of pocket because of ongoing surgeries despite spending $5000 a year on private health insurance
Amid drought, climate alarmists are brazen opportunists preying on misery
Queensland tourist industry calls for non-lethal shark control measures
From farms and coal mines to airports and water supplies: How China is buying up millions of acres of land, vital infrastructure and companies - as part of its 'disturbing' plan to exert greater influence and control over Australia (?)
Coronavirus triggers Australian self-sufficiency push
Australian law tackling online abuse
The carefree larrikin is a myth. Australians are obedient to authority
Australian wine: China scores an own goal
Joe Hildebrand: Real genius of Australia’s submarine pact is nothing to do with boats
PM Morrison is making an enemy of China – and Labor is helping him
Methane approach could 'isolate' Australia
New words for "Advance Australia Fair"?
When an Australian government ignored the order of a court
Australia Day: Leftists have made a non-racial holiday into a racial issue
Australia's future demands economic diversity
From 'problematic' bogans to the COVID divide: Australia's messy relationship with social class
The closing of the Australian mind
Controversial psychologist Jordan Peterson savages Qantas over Acknowledgement of Country
Menzies, an Australian precursor of Trump
Australia day 2021
Who killed Australia Day?
Pauline Hanson's explosive call to SACK teachers for 'brainwashing' students with Welcome to Country rituals
Australian Aborigines
Who was to blame for this death in custody?
Australia's "noble savages": A do-gooder disaster
Does Australia lock up too many blacks?
Grotesquely high rate of murder and violence towards women in Northern Territory Aboriginal communities
Aboriginal and Western ethics collide
Aborigines in custody: "Miss Dhu" did NOT die because of unpaid fines
Australia should do more for Aborigines? If so how?
A case study in Leftist stupidity and refusal to learn -- the "stolen generation" myth in Australia
The stories of Australia's "Stolen Generations" Psychological implications of Australia's 1967 "Aboriginal" referendum
Bill Shorten: ‘Systemic racism’ still exists in Australia as there’s no agreement about how the country was taken from Aboriginal people
Aborigines and bore water
Aboriginal IQ and visual ability
Australia's conservatives skeptical about politicallly correct Aboriginal welcome ritual
Reducing Fire, and Cutting Carbon Emissions, the Aboriginal Way
"Affirmative action" and law school
Three out of four Australians hold a racial bias against indigenous people: New survey reveals shocking invisible barrier faced by Aboriginal community (?)
Trachoma among Aborigines
"The West Australian" blasted for using the term "aborigine" in cartoon
An Aboriginal death in custody
Aboriginal land "ownership"
Indigenous owners lose bid to protect land earmarked for Shenhua mine
Cathy Freeman and Australian racism towards Aborigines
Closing Australia’s education divide will take a generation, landmark study finds
Another dubious tale of "Aboriginal" achievement
Six Tasmanian Aborigines killed unlawfully in 1827
Another white "Aborigine"
ANOTHER white "Aborigine"
How much longer can the law justify the killing of Aboriginal people?
Youth crime out of control in the Northwest of Western Australia
Bob Katter: A Lebanese Aborigine?
Aboriginal mother claims she was followed around a Kmart store by 'racially profiling' staff and her bags searched as she shopped with her family
Culture of violence in remote communities drives attacks on Aboriginal women
Useless "Welcome to Country" ceremonies. A ‘Virtuous fad’
Youth crime Qld: Why minimum age of detention could be raised from 10 to 14
How to help Aborigine communities
Newspaper apologises for coverage of 1838 Aboriginal massacre
Dark Emu documentary reveals new evidence of Aboriginal mining and trading
What if there’s a simple way to close the educational gap?
Kerry White: Indigenous No campaigner describes the Stolen Generation as a 'mistruth'
First peoples?
How much do the stories by Alice Duncan-Kemp tell us about Aborigines before white settlement?
Australia's black/white "gap"
Suicide of 10-year-old Aboriginal boy in the care of Aboriginal relatives described as 'unimaginable'
These notes originated as blog posts. For more blog postings from me, see
AUSTRALIAN POLITICS. I update those frequently.
Much less often, I update Paralipomena , A Coral reef compendium and an IQ compendium. I also put up occasional updates on my Personal blog and most days I gather together my most substantial current writings on THE PSYCHOLOGIST.
Email me here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are here (Academic) or here (Personal). My annual picture page is here; Home page supplement; Menu of longer writings