Index to my blog comments -- Part 5
Environmentalism and Global warming
NOTE: After the general listing below are specific listings on eight topics under the headings:
* The ozone layer * Air pollution
* Are we running out of things?
* Particular years
* Sea Levels
* "Psychologizing" climate skeptics
* Arctica and Antarctica (Including Greenland)
* Australia's Great Barrier Reef
Warmism as the folly of the intellectuals
There is no lid on the greenhouse
Pick your proxy. What do we conclude when temperature proxies contradict both one another and real-world data?
The "skeptics" are "hiding the decline" too
Climate variability and the sun: The "harder" the data, the stronger is the demonstrated connection between variations in the two
Greenhouse theory: Is there a greenhouse effect and does it matter?
The credulous "Skeptical Inquirers" are hiding the decline too
An outraged philosopher: DONALD A BROWN
Warmism in theory and in practice
The latest survey cookery (Verheggen, Cook, et al.) by Warmists is worthless
Ya gotta laugh: Those significant hundredths of one degree
Kidney stone nonsense demolished
Forgive me while I laugh -- at Obama's climate "report"
A naive survey
Warmist proud of censoring dissent
Climate "science" as medieval theology
The documentary "Merchants of Doubt"
The Wunsch/Lloyd controversy and the ocean deeps
Naughty Naomi gives us a lesson in statistics
Naomi Oreskes: We Greenies are not NIMBYs
The ocean acidification fraud
Leftist fantasies don't change much -- Greenie successors to Hitler
Ronald Bailey: What Evidence Would Persuade You That Man-Made Climate Change Is Real?
Those good ol' hundredths of a degree again -- in the Central England Temperature record
Cannes festival film about ice-core expert aimed at saving the planet
Predictions of climate doom scaled back
Infantile Greenies and the "threatened" future of a pretty Tasmanian parrot
Pretty pictures: The attention-seekers and people-haters never stop
Another Green/Left conspiracy theory
Halfway to Hell: Global Temperatures Hit Critical Point, Warn Scientists (!)
Warmist idiot Mark Hertsgaard proven to be a false prophet
Thomas R. Karl et al. prove that the globe is warming -- by fiddling the sea surface temperature record
Another attack on refrigeration and airconditioning
How Amusing! A Warmist attack on Prof. Judith Curry that is totally lacking in substance
The Warmists have no shame: Claim warmth is bad for your health
Moron-talk: Global warming plays havoc with Auburn cherry blossom festival (?)
Glacial retreat suggests COOLING
Another Greenie romanticizer of primitive life
I am still a skeptic
Scientific Reaction to Velikovsky - Symptomatic of Climate Science Debacle
Behold a silly little lady who has drunk the Kool-Aid: Hates coal
Unscientific ecofascist, Alan Betts, just KNOWS the truth
Elevated CO2 Levels Directly Affect Human Cognition, New Harvard Study Shows (?)
Crocodile baloney
How can global warming be a hoax when most important people everywhere in the world accept it? Surely they can't all be wrong?
Folksy old Bill Nye, the non-science guy is an ecofascist
Plankton and global warming: Another big crock of the brown stuff
Tom Whipple. A moderate Warmist?
The evils of land clearing
Are high CO2 levels preventing a new ice age?
Can a few degrees of global temperature change make a big difference?
NASA says that burning hydrocarbons COOLs the earth
How reliable are satellite temperature measurements?
Warmists are not the only secretive scientists
Warmists and the decline in trust of science: The flat earth movement
Crepe Myrtles and climate cooling
NASA study shows worst drought in 900 years may be behind Middle East upheaval
The third attempt to erase the global warming "hiatus"
That dreaded land clearing again
Open access to research data
The unreplicable Naomi Oreskes
Is the world really warming up? Planet may be no hotter at the end of the century than it is now, claims new report using a statistical approach
The causality of CO2 and global warming
Water vapor: Al Gore is still making it up as he goes along
The 20th century does NOT show a smoothly rising temperature
Fracking, methane and Bill McKibben
Will plants' response to increased CO2 make heatwaves more intense than thought?
An attempt to wriggle out of the pesky timing of past CO2 spikes
Uncovering the Corporate Influence Over Climate Change
Would global warming increase both flooding AND drought?
Camera traps show animals have reclaimed Chernobyl's radioactive wasteland 30 years after the disaster -- and are in good health
Do Warmists actually think? Mismatch between CO2 and temperature changes
The latest Warmist scare: Oxygen deprivation
Extreme weather events have NOT become more frequent in recent times
Earth's clouds are shifting towards its poles
Now it's mangroves (persongroves?) that are affected by global warming
Australian melomys rodent the first mammal driven to extinction by climate change, researchers say
Microparticles. The latest environmental scare
Upper atmosphere cooling, CO2 and bluish sunsets
Does WiFi rot your brain?
Should We Be Having Kids In The Age Of Climate Change?
Greenie fantasies about power kill babies
How can we call something a thousand-year storm if we don’t have a thousand years of climate observations?
Media footshooting and an amusing exercise in guilt by association
The Macassar tyranny
It's not the oceans wot did it
An Australian dream that is a Greenie nightmare
German Greenies turn German water supply brown
Central England Temperatures 1659-2016 show no trend
There was NO "hiatus" in global warming -- but only if you include El Nino
PROOF of global warming(!)
John Cook as a crook psychologist
Juan Cole breathes out poison gas
Russian Scientists: Greenhouse Gas Theory Dead, Global Cooling Coming
Cold Comfort from Ice Core Records of Climate
Oceans are at the 'edge' of losing all oxygen: Event could lead to mass sea life extinction that will last a MILLION years
What's Wrong With the Claim That '97% of Climate Scientists Agree' About Global Warming?
The "adjustments" to the temperature record never cease
A Greenie airhead addresses robotics!
Elon Musk. Doom ahead?
A crude straight line pushed through the data may have its uses but it can also mask important changes
Elon Musk fears a shrinking world population
A Warmist resorts to blatant lies -- misrepresenting the "97%" findings of John Cook
An amusing bit of Warmist "research" -- flood timing
The vanishing underwater forests: Researchers say climate change is killing off huge amounts of kelp across the globe
Climate Change Is Driving These Cute Mountain Critters Out of Their Homes
Amusing: Warmists outdo 20th century dictators
Surf Life Saving Queensland boss says swimmers not safe from crocodile attack
The downfall of temperature proxies
Increased storminess is associated with global COOLING
Catastrophic warning about the fate of humanity is given by 15,000 scientists who claim human destruction of the natural world will lead to 'misery' and an 'irretrievably mutilated' planet
One step closer for Kidston solar and pumped hydro generator
Australia's lush street trees face grave threat if emissions keep rising (?)
The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change
How can so many people be so wrong?
"Nature", the international journal of non-science, says it can prove global warming is behind recent big storms
Surprise, surprise! Climate skeptics don't think polar bears are doomed!
African drought: Global warming creating child brides (!)
Crocodiles: Conservative Australian politician versus "experts"
George Monbiot as a neo-Nazi
Blue Planet 2: David Attenborough grieved by plastic pollution in the oceans
Exhaustive study exonerates Roundup weedkiller
Global warming is bad for your health: Scare 902176
Cold Facts on the Globe’s Hottest Years
Michael Mann says bitter cold is consistent with global warming
The truly alarming scale of the global ocean plastic crisis laid bare by Britain's Storm Eleanor
The very real climate crisis at the North Pole(?)
The Bottom of the Ocean Is Sinking
Pollution hysteria in a medical journal
The NYT resurrects lake Poopo again
Men Resist Green Behavior as Unmanly
World's coral reefs face new peril from beneath within decades (?)
Shocking satellite images show how the world's lakes are shrinking at an alarming rate and turning to dust bowls
Townsville is NOT dry because of global warming
A climate quiz
Global warming nonsense in a leading medical journal
Climate study shows Sahara getting bigger
The evolution of global warming theory
Where have all the babies gone?
Groundbreaking assessment of all life on Earth reveals humanity’s surprisingly tiny part in it as well as our disproportionate impact
More childish propaganda from the NYT
BIG GREEN: "Green" donors have spent half a trillion dollars since 2010 on pushing their beliefs.
Sir David Attenborough: Climate change 'our greatest threat'
Long lost cities in the Amazon were once home to millions of people
Climate science requires acceptance, not belief or full understanding: Climate change is like gravity, only accessible to lay-people at the top levels (?)
Does a "green" environment prevent mental illness?
Hormesis: How a scientist's disputed views about pollution may change EPA
The five ways the human race could be WIPED OUT because of global warming
How to Have a Useful Conversation About Climate Change in 11 Steps
Climate change denial is becoming explicitly racist and more sexist (?)
Global warming is beneficial: The NYT says so
Our fight against climate change will be hopeless unless we choose to have smaller families (?)
‘We are in a crisis’: Australia’s recycling nightmare (?)
Will global warming endanger the U.S. corn belt, a key source of calories for the growing global population (?)
What Trump's new ethanol rules mean for you
How Dengue Could Spread in a Warming World
‘Frightening’ number of plant extinctions found in global survey. Study shows 571 species wiped out, and scientists say figure is likely to be big underestimate
More contrail panic
Warmist woman sees things that are not there
The terrible truth of climate change (?)
More contrail panic
Charming Chalmers: Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden has a Centre for Studies of Climate Change Denialism
The Misogyny of Climate Deniers (?)
Warnings over ‘carbon bomb’ Amazon’s dangerous tipping point. The Amazon rainforest is dangerously close to an irreversible tipping point and should be described as a “carbon bomb” we need to avoid going off (?)
Ronald Bailey has gone over to the Dark side
EPA wants research data to be readily available
When Green/Left dam-hatred killed dozens of people and caused billions of dollars of flood damage
Next decade is crucial in combating declining ocean oxygen levels which are threatening sealife and could 'jeopardise humankind', experts warn
The Climate Crisis Is Now Detectable in Every Single Day of Weather Across The Planet
The Queensland desalination project
2019 was Australia's hottest year on record – so is global warming behind the fires?
The science behind climate change and its impact on bushfires (?)
Fraudulent claims about French wine
When a poet is a better prophet than the prophets
Plastic pollution. Is recycling the answer?
Scott Morrison told to act on Greenie ‘lawfare’
A conservative Climate Change policy?
Bikes are bad for economic growth
BBC One viewers left 'terrified' by Sir David Attenborough's new documentary Extinction: The Facts
Wildlife populations have declined by 68% since 1970—and it’s humanity’s fault
Those cooling trees
Greenie exhibitionists let off lightly
Firms plan $1bn batteries for NSW power plants
The revolutionary green technology using old car tyres to make steel
Families forced to eat locusts as Madagascar famine deepens
Australia needs a ‘clear plan’ for net zero to avoid energy crisis
Queensland water utility wins appeal against 2011 flood damages ruling
Climate change is causing ‘catastrophic harm to health’ and action to tackle it cannot be put off because of Covid, medical journals warn
Climate change deniers are as slippery as those who justified the slave trade
What corals can tell us about climate change
$464 million in grants to kickstart hydrogen industry
Personal carbon allowances revisited
Is "renewable" electricity now economical?
Weather disaster-related deaths are down admit Greenies
Reaching global climate deal will be tough, graph shows
Perth's October rainfall record broken after storm moves over west coast, bringing hail
Europe’s Climate Target for 2050: An Assessment
Climate change affects the ability of fish to form tight, defensive schools, leaving them more vulnerable to predators, scientists say
The green year
A liquid hydrogen-powered plane is being developed in an attempt to operate non-stop zero carbon transatlantic flights
Perth's October rainfall record broken after storm moves over west coast, bringing hail
The cheap, green, low-tech solution for the world’s megacities
Europe looks to Australia for green hydrogen amid energy crisis
Temperature extremes: it’s cold South of the Equator
The Ivanpah debacle
More PFAS excitement
The "extreme events" issue
Controversial study suggesting ozone hole isn't recovering is skewed by bad data, experts say
Insect apocalypse: Call to restrict pesticide ‘more toxic than DDT’
Another pathetic PFAS study
Subsection: The ozone layer
The Ozone Layer Is Repairing Itself, Affecting Wind Flows
Some amusing non-news about ozone
The great ozone embarrassment
Is the ozone "hole" shrinking at last?
Greenie study comes to some awkward conclusions
Biden administration takes aim at refrigeration gas
Ozone hole three times the size of Greenland opens over the North Pole
Concentrated solar thermal power touted as part of Australia's clean energy future
Subsection: Air pollution
Why do we hear nothing from the Greenies about Third World cooking fires?
Motor vehicles and particulate pollution
Dangerous air pollution from coal-fired power stations in Australia?
An attempt to prop up an EPA obsession. Does fine dust kill you?
Air pollution delays the age girls start their periods and makes their menstrual cycles more irregular, according to a study
Polluted air may pollute our morality
Air pollution scare debunked
Air pollution can send you mad! Linked to psychotic episodes in teens
Air pollution is BAD for you -- particularly your heart -- EU study
That wicked air pollution again: Veterans study
Smoke from Australia's bushfires killed far more people than the fires did, study says
Trump officials reject stricter air quality standards, despite link between air pollution, coronavirus risks
Opec faces a mortal threat from electric cars (!)
Barriers to mass adoption of electric cars
Tesla becomes the most valuable US car maker of all time with a market value of $81.39billion - surpassing Ford Motor's peak of $80.81billion set in 1999
Tesla owners in Alaska and Canada say car heating systems are failing
The old air pollution boogeyman rides again
Air pollution can decrease odds of live birth after IVF by 38%, study finds
Subsection: Are we running out of things?
Climate change will allegedly make food TASTE bad: Global warming will lead to tougher meat and flavourless carrots (?)
"Food security" -- wotta lotta ...
Here we go again: Foods That May Disappear Thanks to Climate Change
Will global warming kill off our pine trees?
This food shortage BS never stops
Organic farming 'could be key to feeding the world!
NYT says Hitler was right! Predicts disastrous food shortages
New crop varieties 'can't keep up with global warming'
Australian Report Predicts Global Coffee Shortage Will Get Worse
Western Australia’s catastrophic forest collapse
Unrestrained romanticism is not dead: Food nonsense
Will we run out of CHOCOLATE? Experts predict treat will disappear in 30 years because cacao plants are perishing in the warm climate
Climate change could spell disaster for coffee?
For global water crisis, climate may be the last straw
Earth's resources consumed in ever greater destructive volumes
Water wars?
The Long Dry: Why the world's water supplies are shrinking (?)
Hack journalism at the NYT about rainfall
3.2 BILLION people will have a shortage of drinking water by 2050: Study warns that climate change will cause supplies to decrease by 60%
China expected to stop phosphate exports, food production prices set to rise
Sacked climate sceptic Dr. Peter Ridd loses High Court case
Climate Change May be good for salmon
Subsection: Particular years
2014: Another "hottest" year (Maybe)
Amusing: Another "hottest" year
The Warmist fraud gets ever more bald-faced -- "Hottest year" bulldust
Climate non-change: Global carbon dioxide emissions stall for second year in a row
Warmists have no shame. Temperatures 2015
Mauna Loa CO2 in 2015
A "smashing" one tenth of one degree! Ya gotta laugh
2015 Temperatures and CO2
February 2016 global temperature rise proves nothing
Global warming is causing a 'fundamental change' in the world's weather UN warns
That 14.8C degrees current global temperature again
2016: Historic Year for Climate (?)
Media worldwide report another "hottest year" in 2016
An end-of-year Australian climate report for 2016
2016 weather report: Extreme and anything but normal (?)
Global carbon emissions stood still in 2016, offering climate hope
Even without an El Nino kick, 2017 heads for top-three ranking for global heat
Experts say 2017 hottest year
Subsection: Sea Levels
Sea Levels: Those moving goalposts again
Coastal flooding: Bob "sea level" Kopp is at it again
Al Gore eat your heart out: Another example of a sea-level FALL
Animation reveals the global sea level 'fingerprints' that show how climate change is affecting Earth (?)
Satellites show warming is accelerating sea level rise (?)
Atmospheric CO2 levels hit a record high in 2016: UN warns increase could fuel a 20 metre rise in sea levels and add 3°C to global temperatures
Who is right? Judith or Nils Axel?
Taro: The vanishing island (?)
The non-science guy doesn't know that Miami is sinking
High tide at Fort Denison in Sydney Harbour
Pacific nations spooked by climate scare
Epic sea level rise drove Vikings out of Greenland
Barrier Reef islands are GROWING
Subsection: "Psychologizing" the climate skeptics
Lewandowsky is again torturing the facts in an attempt to prove that climate skepticism as an unreasonably fixed belief.
Stephan Lewandowsky: The de-published man. A psychopathic psychologist?
Amusing: Lewandowski revisited
The climate crook himself
Warmists can be amusing: Lewandowski in particular
Some cooked-up psychologizing about climate skepticism -- Comment on John Cook
Psychologizing skeptics, another episode
Scrambling to explain away who the skeptics are: Comment on McCright & Dunlap
The Streisand effect is kicking in -- a list of climate skeptics
Scrambling to explain away who the climate skeptics are
Yet another claim that somebody is "behind" climate skeptics or has "bought" them
An amusingly projective attempt to psychologize climate skeptics
Making Sense of Climate Science Denial
Social psychologists attack the "denier" accusation
Subsection: Arctica and Antarctica (Including Greenland)
The Arctic is leaking methane 200 times faster than usual: Massive release of gas is creating giant holes and 'trembling tundras'
High current snowfall in the Antarctic
Map of Antarctic vulcanism
As the ‘blue Arctic’ expands thanks to global warming, an icebreaker finds no ice to break (?)
The enigmatic Arctic
The Antarctic peninsula is COOLING
Even the Antarctic peninsula is cooling
How to lie with statistics: Climate change is turning Antarctica GREEN
Greenland data fiddle
What does Greenland's Petermann glacier tell us?
Greenland's coastal ice is losing mass -- which is projected to raise global sea levels by a whole 1.5 inches by 2100
The bits of Greenland that melted 20,000 years ago are the same bits that are melting today
normous Iceland glacier Okjokull has VANISHED in three decades thanks to soaring temperatures in the Arctic
I visit the Australian Antarctic Division, a sprawling space station-like complex on Hobart’s southern fringe, for a briefing from its director, Kim Ellis
Scientists warn polar bears are inbreeding due to climate change
Greenland hokum
Australia's Great Barrier Reef
Coral reef alarmists can't keep their story straight
Tell me the old old story about wicked mankind and coral reefs: Pandolfi and Bellwood
Hoagy and resilient coral reefs
Great Barrier Reef coral bleaching at 95 per cent in northern section -- attributed to global warming
Warmists just LOVE the Barrier Reef: It enables them to tell SO many lies.
Coral bleaching: Australia scrubbed from UN climate change report after government intervention
Great Barrier Reef coral bleaching could cost $1b in lost tourism (?)
Scientists alarmed after Great Barrier Reef is hit by a SECOND year of coral bleaching
Falling Sea Level was the Critical Factor in 2015/2016 Great Barrier Reef Coral Bleaching!
"Global coral bleaching event that has lasted three YEARS has finally ended - but reefs are still fighting for their lives"
Why did physicist Dr. Ridd conclude that corals thrive in warmer water and will flourish as global warming increases?
Great Barrier grief: Coral 'cooked to death' in scorching summer heatwave
Another Greenie shriek about the Great Barrier Reef -- farm runoff
The desperate lies of Australia's Marine Conservation Society
Government could fund Peter Ridd’s fight against Greenie crooks at James Cook University
Australia downgrades outlook for Great Barrier Reef to 'very poor'
Dr. Ridd: James Cook University wins unlawful sacking decision
Coalition argues over farm regulations to boost Great Barrier Reef health
Most interesting: Sea levels fall in Northern Australia
Sunshine Coast coral reefs thriving as COVID dive project uncovers 'enormous amount of coral'
The key to tackling Florida's coral crisis might just be found off the shores of Honduras
These notes all originated as a blog post. For more blog postings from me, see
AUSTRALIAN POLITICS. I update those frequently.
Much less often, I update Paralipomena , A Coral reef compendium and an IQ compendium. I also put up occasional updates on my Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on THE PSYCHOLOGIST.
Email me here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are here (Academic) or here (Personal). My annual picture page is here; Home page supplement; Menu of longer writings