This blog replaces the sort of posts about Covid that I used to put up on "Dissecting Leftism. Google started deleting a lot of my posts on that blog due to my political incorrectness and threatened to delete my whole "Dissecting Leftism blog permanently if I kept putting up "incorrect" posts.

So to escape their censorship it seemed best to revert my "Dissecting Leftism" blog to its original purpose and put up my posts about Covid, vaccines, lockdowns etc onto an entirely new and separate blog beyond their control, which is what you are reading now.

Email me at Links to all my blogs: here


29 August, 2024

Swedish Pfizer Batch Analysis Confirms Heterogeneity

Supports Denmark Findings, Some Vials Much Riskier, Most Dangerous Vials Unleashed Early 2021

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

In epidemiology, external validity or generalizability is very important. This means that when a finding is discovered in one population, that it is confirmed in another with the same exposure. I was fortunate to interview Dr. Vibeke Manniche, PhD, a Danish epidemiologist who is the lead author an a recent publication comparing suspected adverse events after injection with Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 COVID-19 COMIRNATY® vaccine in Sweden and Denmark.

The major findings are:

Denmark highest risk batches of vaccines released December 2020 to March 2021, in Sweden the high risk batches continued to June, 2021

The proportion of low risk batches where essentially nothing happens after injection was 32% in Denmark and 22% in Sweden. This is good news for the 75% of Americans who took the shot—up to a third may be in the clear.

The blue high risk batches (12 overlapped with Denmark) was a larger group in Sweden and comprised 48% of the doses, much larger than the 4% in Denmark.

Please listen to the entire interview and read the manuscript from Manniche et al. She is suspicious that Pfizer knew serious events including death were occuring with the early formulations and they must have made a change, possibility reducing the quantity of mRNA to lower the risks of later batches. These findings are important for patients and clinicians to record the vaccine history and when the shots were taken, and then look up their Pfizer batch to understand the risks of what was injected into their bodies. Many batches have had zero serious side effects and one can only hope they have by good fortune received their doses from those benign batches. These data apply to Pfizer only. TrialSite News reviewed this paper and stated that batch heterogeneity should have called for immediate safety reviews by public health authorities, yet nothing happened. The world deserves full analysis of all the vaccines by batch and information back to recipients about the adverse events that have occured with doses given out of their vials.

25 August, 2024

Scientists Silencing Science: The True Harm in Dismissing the Lab-Leak Hypothesis

James Lyons-Weiler

On August 1, 2024, a group of 41 authors published an article(1) asserting that promoting the lab-leak hypothesis for the origins of SARS-CoV-2 is harmful, branding such exploration as "anti-science" and devoid of evidence. These authors, many of whom hold significant influence in the field of virology and who would likely see career changes if gain-of-function research is canceled, sought to reinforce the prevailing narrative of a natural zoonotic origin, dismissing the lab-leak theory as a dangerous distraction. However, this stance is not merely a rejection of an alternative hypothesis—it is a calculated attempt to silence debate and undermine the fundamental principles of scientific inquiry.

The implications of their stance are not just analytically superficial—they are dangerous. By discouraging the exploration of all possible origins of SARS-CoV-2, society would risk ignoring critical evidence, undermining the public's trust in scientific integrity, and, most gravely, leaving the world vulnerable to future pandemics born of the same potential laboratory failures that this hypothesis seeks to investigate.

This editorial will lay bare the selective reasoning, circumstantial dismissals, and political biases permeating the "Harms" article. It will expose the dangerous fallacy of equating healthy scientific skepticism with denialism and illustrate why the lab-leak hypothesis is not only viable but essential to explore if we are to fully understand the origins of COVID-19 and prevent future global health crises.

In dismissing the lab-leak hypothesis, the authors overlook critical historical precedents that demand attention. Lab accidents and leaks are not speculative fears; they are documented and oft-repeated realities. From the 1979 Sverdlovsk anthrax leak to the multiple SARS escapes in China during the early 2000s, history is replete with examples of pathogens escaping even the most secure facilities. These incidents underscore the vulnerability of high-level biosafety labs and the potential for catastrophic consequences when pathogens breach containment. The Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), located just miles from the initial outbreak of SARS-CoV-2, has a documented history of safety lapses. The proximity of WIV to the epicenter of the pandemic, combined with its involvement in gain-of-function (GoF) research, makes it imperative to thoroughly investigate this possibility.

Furthermore, the authors’ assertion that no evidence supports the lab-leak hypothesis is misleading and incomplete. A growing body of circumstantial evidence suggests that SARS-CoV-2 may have been artificially enhanced to increase its transmissibility in humans. The presence of the SARS-CoV-2 specific and unique furin cleavage site—a genetic feature uncommon in coronaviruses like SARS-CoV-2—raises significant questions about the virus’s origin. Additionally, the virus's superfitness to human hosts, described by former CDC Director Robert Redford as evidence that the virus had evolved "too far, too fast," further supports the need to explore all potential origins, including a lab-based scenario. This is also evidence. Ignoring these anomalies in favor of a single narrative is not only scientifically irresponsible but also potentially dangerous, as it prevents us from learning the necessary lessons to prevent future pandemics.

In addition to ignoring the historical precedent of lab leaks, the 41 authors fail to address the suppression and manipulation of crucial data that has marred the investigation into the origins of SARS-CoV-2. For instance, early genetic sequences of the virus were deleted from public databases, only to be later recovered by independent researchers. This act of data suppression raises serious concerns about transparency and accountability within the scientific community. If we are to trust the conclusions drawn about the virus’s origins, the process must be open and transparent, allowing for all hypotheses to be rigorously tested and debated.

Moreover, the conflicts of interest among key figures “investigating” SARS-CoV-2’s origins cannot be overlooked. Prominent scientists, such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, have been implicated in funding and supporting gain-of-function research, which could have led, and most think likely did lead to the creation of SARS-CoV-2. The potential bias introduced by these financial and professional ties, and their specific secretive behaviors on the now-infamous phone call casts doubt on the objectivity of their conclusions. To dismiss the lab-leak hypothesis without fully exploring these conflicts is to undermine the integrity of the scientific process. We must ensure that all potential sources of bias are addressed if we accept that the goal of science is to attempt to arrive at the truth.

The "Harms" article’s dismissal of the lab-leak hypothesis also overlooks the growing global calls for transparency and accountability. The Biden Administration’s decision in 2023 to cut funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology due to its refusal to provide critical safety documentation clearly indicates that concerns about the lab’s practices are not unfounded. This action, alongside similar calls from international organizations for an independent and thorough investigation, demonstrates that the lab leak theory is taken seriously by credible entities around the world.

Furthermore, the 41 authors of the "Harms" article fail to acknowledge the contributions of independent researchers and institutions like IPAK, which have played a crucial role in keeping the lab-leak hypothesis in the public discourse. We were among one of the first to propose the lab-leak theory as early as January 2020, based on sound scientific reasoning and the available data at the time. Our specific hypothesis even earned a rapid rebuttal in March 2020(2) from Chinese scientists who claimed (incorrectly) that pShuttle-SN was not a vector technology. These employees of the CCP tried to assert that the sequence of interest we found was found in other coronaviruses (using sequence alignment). They did not, however, say how and why pShuttle-SN, a generic vector technology, would, off-the-shelf, contain the SARS-CoV spike sequence.

Contrary to the Chinese scientists’s (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology) critique of the IPAK evidence, the pShuttle-SN is, in fact, a generic vector, not specifically designed for SARS-CoV, and it was used in various genetic engineering applications, including those involving adenovirus-based expression systems. It would not inherently contain a SARS-CoV spike gene unless it was specifically engineered to do so in a separate experiment. The authors' assertion that pShuttle-SN is not a vector is incorrect, and reflects a misunderstanding of its use and function in molecular biology (see product page for pShuttle-SN). The critique appears to have been an attempt to muddle and confuse the consideration of the evidence.

Since then, many efforts of independent voices have been vital in ensuring that the investigation into the origins of SARS-CoV-2 continues and remains comprehensive and unbiased, countering the attempts to dismiss this critical line of inquiry prematurely.

The "Harms" article’s attempt to dismiss the lab-leak hypothesis as mere conspiracy theory fails to recognize the fundamental role of skepticism and debate in scientific progress. They wrote:

“(This discourse) also stokes the flames of an anti-science, conspiracy-driven agenda, which targets science and scientists even beyond those investigating the origins of SARS-CoV-2.”

The use of the term conspiracy is now known to be an attempt to discredit even credible ideas and facts; the concept that individual scientists are “targeted” betrays self-victimization, a well-known tactic of guilty suspects in criminal investigations to attempt to throw investigators off-track or to convince investigators of their innocence. No one need target any individual to look back at the long history of deadly pathogen escapes from laboratories and understand that WIV and about a dozen other labs around the world were performing gain-of-function research on coronaviruses, including those found in the wild and brought into the lab. That history is completely known to us, and for scientists to play the victim instead of addressing the concerns before us serves only to obfuscate.

Science thrives on challenging established ideas, especially when evidence points to plausible alternatives. The lab-leak theory is scientifically plausible and addresses the unexplained anomalies of SARS-CoV-2's origins, such as its rapid adaptation to human hosts. To dismiss these questions as “anti-science” is to misunderstand or misrepresent the core principles that drive scientific inquiry.

Moreover, the article’s failure to adequately engage with the molecular and genetic evidence supporting the lab-leak hypothesis reveals a significant oversight. The unusual genetic features of SARS-CoV-2, including the furin cleavage site and its exceptional binding affinity to human ACE2 receptors, suggest a more complex origin than simple zoonotic transfer. Multiple independent researchers have highlighted these features who argue that such traits are more consistent with laboratory manipulation or accelerated evolution in a lab setting than with a natural spillover event. Ignoring this evidence does a disservice to the scientific community’s responsibility to explore all potential origins of the virus fully.

The authors of the "Harms" article seem to base their position on an absence of evidence, knowing full well that data from China on this question will eternally be incomplete. Inconceivably, the World Health Organization placed Ecohealth Alliance, the broker of the funding between NIAID and WIV, in an investigative position, a move so brazenly corrupted that the WHO had to do a “re-do” of the investigation to try to save face. It did not work; their charade led to no new data and they failed to convince anyone.

The authors also exhibit a concerning double standard in evaluating evidence of the two hypotheses. While they demand an impossibly high level of proof to consider the lab-leak hypothesis, they appear content to accept the zoonotic spillover hypothesis based on circumstantial evidence, speculative connections, and this absence of evidence where none can be expected. That is not sound reasoning. This asymmetry not only skews the investigation but also raises questions about the motivations behind their insistence on dismissing the lab leak theory.

By prematurely declaring the zoonotic origin as the most likely scenario, without the thorough examination that a lab-leak hypothesis requires, the authors undermine the scientific process that relies on the balanced and unbiased consideration of all available evidence. Their willingness to uncritically accept China's refusal to provide critical information and their uneven application of evidentiary standards highlight a broader issue of bias that threatens to derail the objective pursuit of truth. To prevent future pandemics, all hypotheses must be subjected to the same rigorous scrutiny without prematurely closing the door on any plausible explanation or factor.

For the long-term health of science, it is also essential to address the broader consequences of dismissing the lab leak hypothesis without thorough investigation. Refusing to explore it hypothesis fully sends a dangerous message to the global scientific community: certain lines of inquiry are off-limits if they challenge powerful interests or existing narratives. This not only stifles scientific progress but also undermines the efficient functioning of the institutions that are supposed to safeguard public health. As a result, they are now suffering from a well-earned all-time low in public trust.

Evidence that Evidence Matters: The Case of H5N1 Lab Accidents and Genetic Investigations

The discussion surrounding the origins of SARS-CoV-2 must be grounded in a thorough examination of evidence, drawing lessons from historical and recent events. Two significant cases—the H5N1 lab accident in 2019 at the University of Wisconsin and the ongoing analysis of the H5N1 Clade—highlight the critical importance of transparency and rigorous investigation in the field of virology. These cases underscore why dismissing or downplaying potential evidence of laboratory origins can have far-reaching consequences for public health and scientific integrity.

The 2019 H5N1 Lab Accident: Evidence Trumps Narrative

In December 2019, a serious incident occurred at the University of Wisconsin’s Influenza Research Institute, where an H5N1 virus had been modified through gain-of-function (GoF) research to become transmissible among ferrets, an animal model used to predict flu virus behavior in humans. Led by the renowned virologist Yoshihiro Kawaoka, this research aimed to understand how H5N1 might evolve in nature. However, the experiment raised significant concerns due to the potential for accidental release of a highly transmissible and dangerous pathogen.

During the experiment, a researcher’s respirator hose detached, allowing them to breathe potentially contaminated air. Although the incident did not result in human infection, it exposed serious lapses in safety protocols, including a failure to report the accident to the NIH promptly and follow established quarantine procedures. This incident was not isolated; it followed a 2013 needlestick accident in Kawaoka’s lab, which similarly breached safety protocols. These accidents are part of a broader pattern of safety breaches in high-level biosecurity labs, such as the 1977 lab escape of H1N1 in the Soviet Union, which led to a global flu pandemic after a 20-year hiatus.

These examples illustrate the real and ongoing risks associated with GoF research and highlight the necessity of transparency and accountability in the scientific community. When accidents are not reported or minimized, they undermine public trust and pose significant dangers to global health. The 2019 accident prompted further scrutiny of GoF research, leading to calls for more stringent oversight and, in some cases, moratoriums on certain types of experiments.

22 August, 2024

Rob Schneider Reveals TV Doctor’s Shocking ‘Anti-Vax’ Admission

In an eye-opening conversation that cut straight to the issue, comedian Rob Schneider and Tucker Carlson discussed a topic many are too afraid to even whisper: vaccines.

Schneider raised a pivotal moment from over a decade ago, around the time he and his wife were preparing for the arrival of their first child, when he had a jaw-dropping conversation with a TV doctor that he’ll never forget.

ROB SCHNEIDER: “What shots did you give the baby?”

TV DOCTOR: “None.”


TV DOCTOR: “Yeah, they’re too small to absorb those toxins right now. They don’t have an immune system. They have an external immune system: Their mother’s breast milk.”

ROB SCHNEIDER: “Well, why do you tell other people to get it?”

TV DOCTOR: “That's up to them.”

Looking back at the conversation, Schneider scoffed at the “That’s up to them” remark, noting that these shots are often required for kids to attend public school.

The conversation quickly pivoted to the alarming increase in the number of vaccinations children are now required to take. "When we went to school, it was three shots. Now it's staggering—72 different doses," Schneider lamented.

He pointed out the disturbing correlation between this uptick in vaccinations and the rising number of health issues among children, a topic that is often brushed aside as mere coincidence.

Carlson chimed in with a sobering observation: "You can say anything on YouTube—you can call for the overthrow of the government, you can advocate for transgender nuns—but you can't use the 'V' word."

Schneider took the conversation further, pointing out the 1986 law where Congress labeled vaccines as "unavoidably” unsafe. This designation protected pharmaceutical companies from liability, shifting the burden of vaccine risks onto the public while companies reaped the profits.

"If you can't choose to avoid risks, then you don't have freedom at all," Schneider stressed. "Then you're a slave,” Carlson added. “Someone owns your body and can make you hurt yourself.”




20 August, 2024

Canadian doctors pursue answers on pandemic-era unexplained deaths among Alberta CHILDREN

Alberta children have been dying for undetermined reasons since the start of the COVID-19 crisis — and the numbers are shocking, according to Canadian doctors speaking out on the matter.

From 2020 to 2022 the 'number of unexplained deaths' among children and adolescents in the province rose by more than 3,000%,” according to data from Alberta Health Services (AHS), the doctors said.

Dr. Mark Trozzi, emergency medicine expert and practicing physician of 25 years, noted “the actual numbers are still small, but the percentage increase is extremely high.”

The issue arose when doctors presented their findings at the United Conservative Party-endorsed An Injection of Truth event in June, and asserted the significant uptick in unexplained child deaths could be traced back to the mandatory mRNA injections and the impacts of lockdowns on children’s health.

Speaking at a press conference at a later date, Calgary-Lougheed UCP Constituency Association President Darrell Komick, who led a panel of five Canadian doctors who had presented at the An Injection of Truth event, said it’s “highly unusual for children in our society to die at all; and it is extremely unusual for them to die and for us to not know why.”

Worse, as Dr. William Makis told the conference, the office of Chief Medical Officer Deena Hinshaw started removing data on immune system damage in the double-vaccinated until the entire category of vaccine outcomes was deleted by summer 2022.

Makis later shared screenshots of the deleted data with the Western Standard, organized by the date each section was deleted.

AHS spokesman James Wood told the Western Standard the questions regarding unexplained deaths “would be for Alberta Health (Ministry of Health)” and not AHS. He did not elaborate on the figures sent in the request for comment.

Alberta Health Minister Adriana LaGrange’s office told the Western Standard the phenomenon could be explained by coding processes in partnership with StatsCan. In Alberta, “when deaths are initially registered, the cause of death is not coded at that time,” wrote spokesperson Andrea Smith (this is the same spokesperson who came out in defense of pedophiles and child sex traffickers who had been arrested by RCMP and given their medical licenses back along with access to children, by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta).

The minister’s office said Statistics Canada later inputs the cause of death. “Once the cause of death is identified, it is reclassified in vital statistics data. This means that more recent deaths are frequently coded as ‘unexplained’ until they are reclassified,” wrote Smith.

LaGrange’s office mentioned Premier Danielle Smith’s UCP government’s recently established COVID-19 pandemic Response Task Force, created “through the Health Quality Council of Alberta to review pandemic-related data and to inform future decision making.”

“We will be reviewing their recommendations when presented,” wrote Smith. No acknowledgement of the sudden spike in child deaths was made.

However, despite AHS's side-stepping and Alberta Health's explanation, Canadian doctors say there's more to the story.

Dr. Chris Shoemaker, a comprehensive physician from Toronto, and member of the College of Family Physicians of Canada, at the An Injection of Truth event told the 550-strong crowd and a further 18,000 viewers watching the live stream he and his colleagues had received "enormous pushback," including some of them losing their medical licence, but hoped what he called a “conciliation tour” would let Canadians know they wanted to inform the public on what they say is the truth about the experimental injections.

The tour's stated goal is to open up discussion and offer the public a different perspective on the impacts of the mRNA jabs on children. Doctors who still maintain the vaccine is “safe and effective” were repeatedly welcomed to speak, with a standing invitation open until the event kicked off. None responded to the call.

Trozzi speaking at the press conference theorized that the increase in unexplained deaths in children in 2020 could be related to pandemic-era “lockdowns, closing schools, closing the parks, shutting down exercise and sports and keeping kids from getting sunshine."

These things, he said, amounted to “a violation of their immune systems." His colleagues elaborated the window from zero to six years in a child's life is critical for developing a healthy immune system.

“If children are not properly exposed to microbial environments during that time frame, it can impact their immune system and render them much more susceptible to things like autoimmune diseases, allergies, and other diseases that have a dysregulated immune system," said Dr. Byram Bridle, a viral immunology professor at the University of Guelph. On top of that, vaccines were rolled out, "which were not needed in these children. There was no rationale,” he said.

Makis, an immunologist, oncologist and radiologist said that in 2022, he started seeing in the data “children were dying suddenly.” That was after the rollout of the first two doses of COVID-19 mRNA injections for children five to 11 years old, which he called for an immediate halt of in March 2022, and boosters for adolescents 12 to 19 years old.

“They didn't need booster shots. But we have this massive rollout, hundreds of thousands of children (injected) in early 2022. And by the end of 2022, we had the deadliest flu season with the most pediatric deaths we have ever had in Canada,” said Makis.

This phenomenon is called “negative vaccine efficacy,” which means the person is more likely to get COVID-19 a few months after the injection than an unvaccinated person.

Makis seconded Trozzi’s assertion “children's immune systems have gone through multiple assaults” after years of lockdowns and masking, but took it one step further — “we compounded that assault with the COVID-19 vaccines. Not just the first two doses, but the continued issuance of booster shots for children that didn't need them. We know that there's a complete change in the immune system” and it “completely screws up their immune systems by the third shot," he said.

“And yet we have this continued push by AHS and other health institutions on these injections that are damaging children's immune systems. We had healthy children dying of influenza, strep, of sepsis, of meningitis, at numbers we had never seen before."

Dr. David Speicher, a microbiologist and virologist who personally examined 30 different vaccine vials, discussed in detail the toxicity of the lipid nanoparticles and the spike protein found in the shots. He pointed out early in the rollout, scientists insisted the injections stay localized in the arm, but that quickly became clear that wasn’t the case. That was the first warning sign for Speicher.

He said he learned not only did "the lipid nanoparticles spread throughout the body," injecting "high amounts of modified mRNA" into each cell, but the spike proteins "contain high amounts of DNA, up to 187 billion copies per dose.” The DNA contains the cancer-causing SV40 enhancer — a critical detail Pfizer did not disclose to Health Canada. SV-40 makes DNA hybrids and moves the fragment into the nucleus, altering genomes.

The American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in March acknowledged COVID-19 was less dangerous than the flu, as did the BC Centre for Disease Control through a Freedom of Information request. The BC institute found in their own analysis the COVID-19 mRNA shots to be 16 times more dangerous than flu shots, said Bridle.

The next failure was inability to "contain this virus," followed by "the way we responded, and treated our children." He said the products developed were "so far from meeting Canada's definition of an ideal vaccine, that it's very difficult to still keep them under that umbrella term a vaccine.”

Bridle further noted Canada had a national pandemic response plan “that was thrown out when the COVID-19 pandemic was declared,” in favour of policies put forward by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Shoemaker lamented the losses the nation took by listening to the WHO and rejecting pre-established pandemic national guidelines set out by Canadian experts.

“We had a ‘Made in Canada’ program…15 years (prior to) COVID, outlining what is the correct thing to do if there's a viral kind of pandemic. And the things that should have been done, weren't. We rejected our scientifically made in Canada program as to how to legitimately handle a viral pandemic," he said.

Canada "accepted an unacceptable way of doing it," as dictated by the WHO: "wait for a vaccine and use a vaccine while the pandemic is going on," said Shoemaker adding that practice is unheard of.

"You don't give a vaccine for something when it's still raging in society, you have to let it go over a year and a half. Vaccination programs only occur when things are quiet," he said.

"That's when vaccines are legitimate. That's when safe vaccines are legitimate."

"There was another dark side to this, which is the influence from the WHO, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and others," said Trozzi.

“We know that the World Economic Forum is heavily embedded in Canadian governments and institutions. There's a huge global power grab, because on the basis of a cold, or manmade cold, they suspended human rights."

Doctors, scientists and nurses who questioned the mRNA shots, for example the ingredients, were punished, while those who were in favour of it were published and rewarded, he said. Trozzi himself had his medical license revoked in January after allegations he was spreading “misinformation” about the jabs.

Trozzi, when asked about the long-term consequences on young people affected by the vaccine and if immune systems can be restored, told the Western Standard there are ways for people to detox, but a weakened immune system can lead to a variety of serious health challenges, like microvascular hardening resulting in stroke, pulmonary embolism, myocarditis, kidney failure, diabetes, tissue toxicity and autoimmune health issues.

“We can expect that to be a wave that moves forward, we're already seeing that rise in all autoimmune conditions. Remember, in Canada, if a doctor recognizes (it’s the injections) that’s causing this, and says that, they lose their licence.”

“So you can get diagnosed with myocarditis, but you can't get diagnosed with myocarditis due to spike protein. You can get diagnosed with lupus, but you can't get diagnosed with lupus actually triggered by these injections.”

“Now you can anticipate people being aged prematurely,” he added, explaining whereas diseases like dementia didn’t set in until someone was in their 80s or 90s, “now we can anticipate that at 50 or 60.”

Trozzi did have some good news on how a person can recover from a damaged immune system, which can be reversed through nutrition, exercise, intermittent fasting, detox, supplements, fresh air, rest and vitamin D.

Makis during the An Injection of Truth event announced he had just received word that the definitive medical journal Lancet had accepted a peer-reviewed vaccine-injury paper for publication, detailing the “largest autopsy series in the world,” the work of himself, with several Canadian colleagues. Initially submitted in 2023, the work appeared briefly on the Lancet website before being removed.

“Within 24 hours there was so much pressure from the pharmaceutical industry that the Lancet took it down," Makis said at the event. But, not before hundreds of thousands of copies had been downloaded.

“We did a rigorous review of these autopsies and found about 74% of the cases of sudden death were caused by or attributed to the vaccine. People who took COVID-19 vaccines and then died suddenly, a few hours, a few days, a few weeks after,” said Makis.

“There is more evidence coming every single day. And it’s not a little bit of evidence. It’s not a case report that they’re going to dismiss. Or a paper that the Lancet is going to take down and bury so it never sees the light of day,” said Dr. Makis.

“There’s going to be a tsunami of evidence of the harm of these COVID-19 vaccines,” whether it’s harming children, pregnant women, or adults.”

Dr. William Makis

My Take…

Excellent work by Jen Hodgson at the Western Standard, giving proper coverage to what was a historic and first-of-its-kind event, examining sudden & unexplained deaths of Alberta Children and COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines on the childhood vaccine schedule.

I was so deflated when I saw the Ministry of Health representatives come out publicly in support of child sex abusers and child sex traffickers who had been arrested by RCMP, claiming that what RCMP reported was “not true”.

That these pedophiles and child molesters should be treated nicely, and that the Ministry of Health stood in solidarity with child sex abusers and against child victims of sexual abuse. NDP could have fatally wounded UCP as a party - if they had done one simple thing - announced they stood with the children.

NDP, protectors of Alberta’s children. At least they could have pretended.

That the Alberta Ministry of Health would publicly defend highly politically connected child sex abusers, is something I thought I would never see in my lifetime. And for the first time, I could no longer see myself raising my children in Alberta, I could no longer see a future for my family in Alberta, and I certainly could not see growing old in Alberta.

Even Communists didn’t defend child rapists. We are in deep, deep trouble here in Alberta.


IVERMECTIN Solution much more bioavailable than IVERMECTIN pills

Ivermectin systemic availability in adult volunteers treated with different oral pharmaceutical formulations


Ivermectin (IVM) is currently approved as an antiparasitic agent for human use in the treatment of onchocerciasis, lymphatic filariasis, strongyloidiasis, scabies, and pediculosis. Recent findings indicate that IVM may reach other pharmacological targets, which accounts for its proven anti-inflammatory/immunomodulatory, cytostatic, and antiviral effects. However, little is known about the assessment of alternative drug formulations for human use.

To compare the systemic availability and disposition kinetics of IVM orally administered as different pharmaceutical formulations (tablet, solution, or capsule) to healthy adults.

Experimental design/main findings
Volunteers were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 experimental groups and orally treated with IVM as either, a tablet, solution, or capsules at 0.4 mg/kg in a three-phase crossover design. Blood samples were taken as dried blood spots (DBS) between 2 and 48 h post-treatment and IVM was analyzed by HPLC with fluorescence detection. IVM Cmax value was higher (P < 0.05) after the administration of the oral solution compared to treatments with both solid preparations. The oral solution resulted in a significantly higher IVM systemic exposure (AUC: 1653 ng h/mL) compared to the tablet (1056 ng h/mL) and capsule (996 ng h/mL) formulations. The simulation of a 5-day repeated administration for each formulation did not show a significant systemic accumulation.

Beneficial effects against systemically located parasitic infections as well as in any other potential therapeutic field of IVM application would be expected from its use in the form of oral solution. This pharmacokinetic-based therapeutic advantage without the risk of excessive accumulation needs to be corroborated in clinical trials specifically designed for each purpose.




18 August, 2024

"It shouldn't have been injected into a single human being, ever." No more lies please. NO to Mpox vaccines

By Prof. Ian Brighthope (who is a retired medical practitioner with over 40 years of experience.)

The response to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in Australia, has been marred by a series of controversial bad decisions, wrongful actions and dangerous mistakes that have raised significant concerns regarding public health, government transparency, and the handling of scientific evidence. These actions and mismanagement have had far-reaching implications, affecting public trust and raising questions about the role of various governmental and health bodies in managing the crisis.

One of the most significant criticisms is the failure to acknowledge that the SARS-CoV-2 virus originated from a laboratory. This has been a topic of considerable debate, with some arguing that the possibility was dismissed too quickly, thereby limiting a full exploration of the virus's origins. Additionally, the implementation of widespread lockdowns, which many found to be harsh and lacking in scientific justification, further exacerbated public discontent. Melbourne , Australia was the most locked-down city in the world. The effectiveness of these lockdowns has been questioned, as there was little evidence at the time to support their necessity, leading to widespread suffering and economic disruption.

The introduction of experimental gene-based mRNA vaccines was another contentious issue. These vaccines were declared "safe and effective" by various health authorities, including the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). However, this assertion was made despite limited long-term data, and the claim of 95% efficacy has been found to be false. Reports have emerged stating that these vaccines have caused more harm than any other drug in history, leading to deaths and injuries. This situation was compounded by the TGA's failure to rigorously evaluate the quality, safety, and efficacy of these vaccines, which they initially claimed to have done thoroughly.

Vaccine mandates were enforced despite the absence of evidence that these injections could prevent the transmission of the virus. This was particularly problematic as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had clearly stated that these vaccines were not designed to stop transmission. Despite this, the public was led to believe that receiving the vaccine would protect them from contracting COVID-19, becoming seriously ill, or needing hospitalization. However, hospital statistics did not support this claim, further eroding public trust.

The issue of mask mandates also became a point of contention. It was widely claimed that masks could prevent the transmission of COVID-19, but the evidence supporting this was weak at best. Similarly, the narrative that the pandemic was a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" was heavily promoted, stigmatizing those who chose not to get vaccinated and further dividing society.

Public fear was ramped up through government and media efforts to encourage vaccination, sometimes at the expense of early treatment options that could have saved lives. These treatments were often dismissed or outright denied, despite their benefits. The Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, made predictions of mass deaths, further fuelling public anxiety. However, these predictions did not materialize as expected.

The Australian government's response also involved significant manipulation and censorship. Thousands of vaccine-related deaths reported in adverse drug event systems like DAEN were not adequately investigated, and the courts often failed to consider the scientific facts surrounding COVID-19 and the vaccines. Meanwhile, media outlets were accused of censoring scientists and doctors who criticized the government's narrative on vaccine safety and efficacy. The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority (Ahpra) even went so far as to suspend the registration of health practitioners who disagreed with government policies, prescribed early treatment or tried to give patient s informed consent.

Informed consent was another area where the government fell short. All patients were not informed of the risks associated with COVID-19 vaccines before receiving them. Particularly vulnerable groups such as babies, children, and pregnant women, for whom there was no credible data to support the vaccines' safety, were injected without full informed consent. Furthermore, COVID-19 case numbers and deaths were inflated using inappropriate tests like PCR to justify widespread vaccination.

Natural immunity was largely ignored in vaccine policy, and treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were dismissed without thorough investigation. Millions of doses of hydroxychloroquine were destroyed, and the prescription of ivermectin for COVID-19 was blocked, despite evidence suggesting their potential efficacy. Additionally, the Australian Bureau of Statistics' mortality and excess death data were manipulated to minimize the impact of all-cause mortality following the vaccine rollout.

There were also plans for the World Health Organization (WHO) to take over future Australian government pandemic health policy, raising concerns about the influence of unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats connected to the vaccine industry and organizations like the World Economic Forum (WEF). The secrecy surrounding contracts with vaccine manufacturers and the spending of billions on questionable pandemic policies further deepened public mistrust.

The response to peaceful demonstrations against these policies was brutal, with the use of rubber bullets and physical force unprecedented in Australia. Despite the lack of long-term safety data, pharmaceutical plants were built to produce mRNA vaccines, which have been linked to the highest reported incidence of death and serious adverse events in vaccine history. Meanwhile, the cause of non-COVID-related excess deaths following the vaccine rollout remains unexplained, with estimates suggesting up to 30,000 unexpected deaths.

The risk/benefit assessment of lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and COVID-19 vaccinations was not properly conducted, nor was there an inquiry into why other countries with smaller healthcare budgets had fewer cases and deaths. The TGA also failed to report ongoing cases of myocarditis and pericarditis associated with the vaccines, which became a declared policy.

Modified COVID-19 vaccines continued to be used despite worldwide reports of serious adverse events and deaths, overwhelming vaccine manufacturers and drug regulators with adverse event reports. The vaccination status of COVID patients in ICU or those dying with COVID was not adequately reported, and child deaths post-vaccination were not sufficiently explained.

Concerns about vaccine quality control, including high death rates following certain batches and contamination issues, were not properly investigated. The public was also kept in the dark about the vested interests and funding sources of "health experts" and institutions providing public advice. The TGA falsely claimed that there was no evidence the vaccines might interfere with DNA or have intergenerational adverse effects, despite growing concerns.

The government was aware that the COVID-19 vaccines did not remain at the injection site but traveled throughout the body, with the mRNA producing Spike Protein, which has been linked to heart attacks, strokes, and neurological diseases. Despite this, millions of younger Australians were exposed to these gene-based mRNA injections, which may have long-term adverse effects.

The Australian government further divided society by promoting the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" concept, demonizing those who chose not to receive the injections. Despite the unprecedented numbers of vaccine injuries, compensation has been rare and minimal, with the government protecting vaccine manufacturers with full indemnity. Concerns about the impact of the vaccines on fertility and miscarriages have been widely reported worldwide, yet the TGA has not raised any alarm.

The government has also failed to admit its mistakes or investigate ways to improve future policies, refusing to conduct a Royal Commission into its handling of the pandemic. It was later revealed that judges, Parliamentarians, and their staff were exempt from vaccine mandates, further eroding public trust.

The TGA has not responded to reports that COVID-19 vaccine batches were not made in the same way as clinical trial batches, with commercial batches contaminated with toxic DNA material. There were also allegations of cheating in clinical trial data management, such as counting people who died shortly after vaccination as "unvaccinated."

Despite the lack of safety and efficacy data, remdesivir was approved for use, and the vaccination status of seriously ill COVID-19 patients in hospitals is no longer reported. The unexplained rise in deaths from all causes following the vaccine rollout remains uninvestigated, and compensation for the vaccine injured has been insufficient.

In some instances, governments inflated the number of "unvaccinated COVID-19 deaths" by including vaccinated individuals whose status was either unknown or later confirmed. Furthermore, it has been suggested that COVID-19 vaccines released commercially were made differently from the clinical trial versions, leading to contamination and potentially severe side effects.

Pfizer has been accused of delaying the reporting of deaths in the pivotal COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial before obtaining regulatory approval. Meanwhile, reports of strange long white rubbery "clots" found in the veins and arteries of the deceased and living following vaccination have not been investigated.

Despite claims that vaccines are among the most well-researched therapeutic agents, there are concerns about the reliability and bias of iconic medical journals regarding COVID-19 vaccines. The idea that vaccines designed to produce toxic Spike Protein for the immune response was a good idea is also being questioned.

Finally, the government's refusal to investigate more than 30,000 non-COVID unexplained deaths following the vaccine rollout, as well as the minimal compensation for those who have died due to vaccination, has led to significant public outrage. The Victorian State government and others have been accused of inflating the number of unvaccinated COVID-19 deaths, while the recent calculation of excess deaths by the Actuaries Institute downplayed the impact of vaccines on these deaths.

The response to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in Australia, has highlighted numerous failures in public health policy, government transparency, and scientific integrity. These failures have had lasting consequences, eroding public trust and raising serious concerns about the future handling of pandemics and public health crises.

Based on the historical data available and the supportive evidence prior to covid, the prevention of severe acute influenzal and coronavirus infections can be achieved with vitamin D. This was confirmed very early in the pandemic and hundreds of studies subsequently have validated that position. Government health officials who allow the population to enter an epidemic, pandemic or even an influenza season without ensuring their people have optimal levels of vitamin D in their system have to be regarded as criminally neglectful.

The public health officials in Australia who failed in this respect should be sacked and held accountable. The discredited research organisations should wound up. They are dangerous. We need a far better health system than one that makes people too powerful and many extremely rich. While the suffering continues.




15 August, 2024

Federal Appeals Court Rules in Favor of Hospital Worker Fired for Refusing COVID Vaccine

A Massachusetts hospital worker who was fired after unsuccessfully seeking a religious exemption from the hospital’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate has scored a win in a federal appeals court, which vacated a lower court’s dismissal of her religious discrimination lawsuit.

In a unanimous decision on Aug. 13, a three-judge panel of U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in Massachusetts rejected the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts’ summary dismissal of the health worker’s case and ordered the lower court to reconsider her case.

Amanda Bazinet, who worked as an executive office manager at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Milton, asserted a religious objection to getting the COVID-19 vaccine in 2021 after the hospital adopted its vaccine mandate.

In her religious accommodation request, Bazinet said it was her understanding that the currently available COVID-19 vaccines were developed using fetal cell lines that originated from aborted fetuses, arguing that taking the vaccine would make her complicit in the performance of abortions, which was against her Christian faith.

The hospital rejected her request, which led to her termination of employment. Hospital policy was that vaccine refusers would be placed on 14-day administrative leave to encourage their compliance and, failing that, the hospital would deem such employees as having “voluntarily terminated” their employment.

Bazinet sued, claiming that the hospital committed an act of religious discrimination in violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and a Massachusetts anti-discrimination law.

The U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts dismissed her religious discrimination lawsuit for failing to state a claim. It ruled that her complaint failed to allege that she maintained a sincerely held religious belief that prevented her from taking the COVID-19 vaccine. The court also held that the hospital would suffer an undue hardship by granting her request for an exemption from the vaccine mandate.

Bazinet appealed the decision to the First Circuit, which ruled in her favor.

“We vacate the district court’s order dismissing Bazinet’s religious discrimination claims and remand for further proceedings consistent with this opinion,” the judges wrote, asserting that Bazinet’s complaint sufficiently alleged that taking the vaccine would violate her religious beliefs.

The appeals court also found that the lower court erred in determining that the hospital would suffer undue hardship by excusing Bazinet from the vaccine requirement because such a finding was impossible to determine during a preliminary stage of litigation and was therefore premature.

The appeals court judges wrote in their decision that, despite the hospital’s pledge to engage in an “interactive process” to try to identify a reasonable accommodation for employees seeking COVID-19 vaccine exemptions, the hospital in fact denied Bazinet’s request “without engaging in any further process.”

When the appeals court reviewed the facts, including her request, it found that Bazinet sufficiently explained her religious objection to getting vaccinated in her accommodation request, including providing numerous quotations from religious sources that she said supported her view.

“Accepting those allegations as true for present purposes, she has sufficiently pleaded a religious belief that conflicts with receiving the COVID-19 vaccine as required by the Policy,” the appeals court judges wrote, while ordering the lower court to reconsider the case in line with their opinion.

“Whether Bazinet’s religious discrimination claims will succeed or even survive summary judgment is uncertain,” the appeals court judges wrote. “But these claims should have advanced past Rule 12(b)(6).”

Rule 12(b)(6) is a provision under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure that allows a defendant to request the dismissal of a lawsuit if the plaintiff’s complaint fails to state a claim upon which relief can be granted.


COVID-19 Vaccine Compensation Reaches $23 Million, 8 Percent of Claims Successful

The Australian government has received more than 4,300 vaccine injury claims and delivered about $23 million (US$15 million) worth of compensation.

Figures provided to The Epoch Times reveal that 8.34 percent of claims to the government’s compensation scheme have resulted in a payout.

“As at 31 July 2024, the COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme has received 4,389 claims and paid 366 claims to the value of around $23 million,” the agency told the Epoch Times.

The COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme allows individuals to claim losses above $1,000 in relation to “moderate to severe adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines.”

The scheme covers vaccines approved by the TGA including the AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, and Novavax jabs.

Government agency Services Australia administers the claims on behalf of the Department of Health and Aged Care.

To make a compensation claim, individuals must meet the definition of harm, be admitted to hospital as an inpatient, or have a waiver if seen in outpatient care.

Under the scheme, the claimable conditions range from anaphylactic reaction to erythema multiforme (major), myocarditis, pericarditis, and thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome.

Also included, are shoulder injuries from the vaccine, or other moderate to significant physical injuries that caused permanent impairment or need an extended period of medical treatment.

“In both cases, the injuries must have been sustained during the physical act of being given the vaccine,” Services Australia states.

“You must also have been admitted to hospital as an in-patient. Presenting to an emergency department is not recognised as being admitted to hospital.”

Those individuals who were not admitted to a hospital as an impatient or treated in an outpatient setting need to “seek a waiver.”

Vaccine Compensation Scheme Due to End Soon

The health department website confirms that claims for compensation under the scheme can continue to be lodged until Sept. 30.

“It was agreed by government in the 2023-24 mid-year economic and fiscal outlook that the scheme would close to new claims on 30 September 2024,” a health department spokesperson told The Epoch Times.

“Claims submitted by that date will continue to be assessed in line with the scheme policy.”

The scheme does not cover harm from contracting COVID-19, psychological and psychiatric conditions, and secondary injuries.

Other side effects not covered include headache, fatigue, and injection site reaction.

Politicians from across the political spectrum recently wrote to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese expressing concern the scheme will end at the end of September.

They urged the government to extend the COVID-19 vaccine compensation scheme and broaden its eligibility criteria.

“While the Australian government indemnifies vaccine manufacturers and continues to promote the take up of boosters, it makes no sense for the ’safety net' of the scheme to be removed,” the letter states.

The letter was signed by Teal MP Monique Ryan, United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet, Nationals Senator Matt Canavan, Liberal Senators Gerard Rennick and Alex Antic, One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts, and former Liberal turned independent MP Russell Broadbent.




14 August, 2024

Polish Investigators Review Hemorrhagic Intracranial Complications Linked with VITT or CVT after COVID-19 Vaccination

Anna Drelich-Zbroja from Medical University of Lublin, Department of Interventional Radiology and Neuroradiology from Poland and colleagues summarize a review of COVD-19 vaccination based on thorough literature review. The findings confirm previously documented suspicion that cerebral venous and sinus thrombosis (CVT) and thrombosis with thrombocytopenia (TTS) typically are associated with vector-type vaccine, such as the AstraZeneca or Johnson and Johnson vaccine, rather than mRNA, vaccine administration. The postulated mechanism of TTS is similar to heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) both clinically and serologically. Although intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) and Vaccine-induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT) are reportedly “very rare side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine” the finding here is that providers need to be mindful for the risk when vaccinating patients with risk factors for thrombosis (e.g., pregnancy). Of paramount concern: “physicians should carefully consider the benefit/risk ratio of vaccination.

Concerns emerged involving COVID-19 vaccine injuries, particularly rare cases of severe neurological symptoms including ischemic stroke, intracranial hemorrhage (ICH), cerebral venous and sinus thrombosis (CVT), and thrombosis with thrombocytopenia (TTS) have been observed. Literature data suggests that thrombosis with thrombocytopenia was the major underlying cause of the ICH.

Is the Spike the culprit?

The Polish authors in summarizing their findings report:

“Since the above mentioned vaccines stimulate cells to produce SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in vivo through different mechanisms, it can be assumed that in a particular group of patients with an unknown, independent risk factor, COVID-19 vaccination may be the direct cause of ICH; however, this statement requires further, in-depth, investigation.”

Like with many studies the authors emphasize that a severe side effects are “very rare” however providers should be vigilant. For example, ICH and VITT while “very rare adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccination” the authors report based on the literature review that “the presence of persistent or recurrent headache within 30 days after vaccination, especially with the vector-type vaccines (AstraZeneca and Janssen), should provoke suspicion.”

Importantly, a message for physicians: should your patients with heightened risk factors such as thrombosis risk associated linked pregnancy be seen for vaccination, “carefully consider the vaccination risk/benefit.”

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital & Collaborators Identify Likely Cause of Pediatric MIS-C Associated with COVID-19

A large team of scientists involved with the Overcoming COVID-19 Network Study Group Investigators report a breakthrough that can lead to improved diagnosis and care for pediatric patients with multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), and even similar conditions. Among the study leadership were investigators at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, reporting a potential cause of MIS-C linked to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID) infections.

Remember MIS-C? This was the rare condition occurring in children, especially during the Delta variant surge during the spring through the end of the year in 2021. During this time, while still rare, more children were ending up in the hospital with more severe COVID-19-related symptoms.

Now, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital scientists report identifying a link between a SARS-CoV-2 protein and the onset of MIS-C. The findings were published today in Nature.

The pediatric disorder is characterized by widespread inflammation throughout the body. These new St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital-led findings describe a case of molecular mimicry, where a section of a protein from SARS-CoV-2 closely resembles the human protein SNX8, confusing the immune system and sparking inflammation.

Key Finding

The researchers found that a region of the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid (N) protein shares high sequence and immunogenic similarities to SNX8, a protein predominantly expressed in immune cells. Consequently, the human immune system that reacts to N mistakes SNX8 as an invader and triggers an inflammatory response. Understanding this mimicry mechanism, the elements of the immune system that are involved, and why it occurs in a subset of children could help physicians better address MIS-C.

Before the study, clinicians had observed that MIS-C typically manifests after SARS-CoV-2 (COVID) infection, but whether the onset was connected to SARS-CoV-2 infection was unknown. “MIS-C has been recognized as a problem downstream of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children since the beginning of the pandemic, and it's very similar to other post-viral inflammatory conditions that have evaded understanding in terms of etiology for a number of years,” said co-senior author Paul Thomas, Ph.D., St. Jude Department of Host-Microbe Interactions.

As reported by a St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital media entry co-senior author Adrienne Randolph, MD, MSc, Boston Children’s Hospital reflected on the clinical implication, pointing out, “Every time COVID peaked in an area, about 30 days later, there would be a peak of children presenting with what looked like septic shock in our network of ICUs, except they were negative for all kinds of infection. If we hadn’t intervened and supported them, they could have died.”

The first investigation to identify molecular mimicry as one of the immunological mechanisms behind the development of MIS-C. Thomas went on the record, “Understanding this mechanism going forward may help improve diagnosis and treatment.”

The Study: investigating molecular mimic links to SARS-CoV-2 infections and MIS-C.

Believing that there may be a link between SARS-CoV-2 proteins and the syndrome, the researchers used samples from patients with MIS-C to identify autoantigens (self-proteins recognized by the immune system that trigger an autoimmune response) associated with the condition.

They found candidate autoantigens derived from SNX8, ERFL and KDELR1 proteins. SNX8 plays a role in regulating the antiviral pathway associated with MIS-C pathogenesis, making it the prime suspect.??

The collaborators looked to SNX8 finding structural similarity to SARS-CoV-2, one that stimulates an autoimmune response in cases of MIS-C. A key piece of evidence of molecular mimicry as a mechanism contributing to MIS-C and connects SARS-CoV-2 infection with the onset of MIS-C.

Molecular mimicry is a structural similarity between antigens coded by different genes. It can occur when pathogenic antigens are similar to host proteins, such as myelin basic protein (MBP). This similarity can cause the immune system to have difficulty distinguishing between the host and the pathogen, which can lead to an immune response that harms the host. This is known as immune cross-reactivity and can cause autoimmune disease.

According to co-first author and postdoctoral fellow Robert Mettelman, PhD, St. Jude Department of Host-Microbe Interactions, “The biggest takeaway is that our study now directly links the disease with components of the actual SARS-CoV-2 virus.”

Echoing this sentiment, co-senior author Joseph DeRisi, PhD, University of California San Francisco, stated, "We've identified the smoking gun – what made these kids so sick. This discovery opens the door to understanding why so many of these post-infectious, horribly inflammatory autoimmune events occur.”

Implications for the Research

While this research marks a significant breakthrough in understanding MIS-C, its implications extend beyond the specific disorder. “There are other diseases that are similar to MIS-C,” Mettelman added. “The immune mechanism we describe can be explored in additional autoimmune and inflammatory contexts where a viral infection is thought to trigger disease onset.”

These findings can lead to improved diagnosis and treatment of MIS-C. “We are trying to understand the relationship between these responses and the full development of the disease,” Thomas said. “We are aiming to see if there is a diagnostic setting where we could use this to predict who's going to develop this disease and if early interventions can be applied.”




13 August, 2024

SARS-Cov-2 Laboratory Origins? NOT! "The Lancet Microbe" Has the Answers--Stop Any Discussions Moving Forward!

Although a good number in the intelligence community and even law enforcement lean toward the laboratory leak hypothesis for the origins of SARS-CoV-2, forget thinking about that anymore. Why? Because according to an editorial in The Lancet Microbe, you are wasting your time, and worse you are driven by hubris, perhaps a need for attention at the dinner table. The editorial declares what the truth is, even though no such truth has emerged via the scientific process.

“SARS-Cov-2 is a natural virus that found its way into humans through mundane contact with infected wildlife that went on to cause the most consequential pandemic for over a century.”

So we have our answer as to the origins of SARS-CoV-2 thanks to the brilliance of Onsillos Sekkides, Editor-in-Chief at The Lancet Microbe.

Declaring the “scholarly entertainment” involved pondering the various alternative hypotheses, Sekkides and colleagues at Microbe proclaim the entertainment especially pathetic with the scarcity of evidence involving a lab leak hypothesis.

The Microbe is so confident as to a natural, zoonotic origin of SARS-CoV-2 that they in fact assert that even pondering alternatives at this juncture “has been implausible for a long time and have only become more so with increasing scrutiny.”

The so-called “peddlers” of the lab-leak hypothesis Sekkides and colleagues argue, have “consistently failed to present credible arguments to support their positions.”

Then going on to defend Dr. Anthony Fauci and other cohorts who gave everything to lessen the impact of the pandemic, the folks at Microbe further point out:

“The sheer hubris needed to underpin alternative hypotheses was an early signal of their tenuousness when we are intensely aware that the natural processes needed to bring about this sort of pandemic are constantly churning and testing the boundaries between animal and human populations.”

The Microbe editorial emphasizes that the real focus now should be on pondering just how much good came from the outcomes made possible by COVID-19 countermeasures. Think about the need for what are in some cases several jabs, a focus on antibodies less humoral T cell benefit, and for that matter, zeroing in on blood-based vaccines rather than considering nasal mucosal responses.

A lot of money was spent, and there were benefits, but also in the build-up to the vaccines, a lot of hostility toward any alternative early intervention with repurposed combinations. It is a strange state of affairs in a pandemic, one where a national emergency statute triggered top-down, federal medicine. Something they probably could not even conceive of during the most oppressive times in the communist Soviet Union.

At TrialSite, we cannot deny that Sekkides and the Microbe are correct in some respects. For example, when they point to the general politicization of the entire pandemic, but we are troubled by the Microbe commentary.

Regardless of any declarations of truth from the Microbe’s editorial to this day, there is no conclusive evidence as to the origin of SARS-CoV-2.

Yes, the origin of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, has been the subject of extensive study and debate. While it might be accurate that the predominant scientific consensus is that the virus likely originated in bats and then spilled over to humans, possibly through an intermediary species, there are many unanswered questions and some general hypotheses that are not proven

Many researchers believe that SARS-CoV-2 is of zoonotic origin, meaning it jumped from animals to humans. Bats are considered the primary natural reservoir due to their ability to host a wide variety of coronaviruses.

Intermediate Host

The exact pathway of transmission to humans is still under investigation. It is hypothesized that the virus may have passed through an intermediate host, such as pangolins, which are known to harbor coronaviruses similar to SARS-CoV-2.

Wet Market Link

The initial outbreak was linked to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, China, where live wild animals were sold. However, subsequent studies have suggested that the virus might have been circulating in humans before the outbreak at the market.

Lab Leak Hypothesis

There has also been speculation and investigation into the possibility that the virus accidentally leaked from a laboratory, such as the Wuhan Institute of Virology. While this theory has not been ruled out entirely, there is currently no conclusive evidence to support it, and it remains a topic of debate among scientists and policymakers.

Genomic Studies

Genetic analyses of SARS-CoV-2 show it is closely related to other coronaviruses found in bats. These studies support the natural zoonotic origin theory, although pinpointing the exact origins and pathway remains challenging.

Importantly, it’s well known that some form of gain-of-function research was ongoing with Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in partnership with Zenghli-Li Shi, also known as “the bat lady” affiliated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, and others. And we know that such controversial research was outsourced to the Wuhan Institute of Virology via the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and that research ultimately could be tied to Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance in one way or another.

Of course, there is an evidence trail for Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance for bringing questionable coronavirus research with U.S. tax dollars to Wuhan, because such research was not allowed during the time then President Obama imposed a moratorium.

Recently, the Congress Committee on Oversight and Accountability, Select Subcommittee and its investigation led to the Health and Human Services cutting all funding to EcoHealth Alliance, Inc., initiating the debarment proceeding against the organization for shoddy, and shady practices involving coronavirus as well as research in China. See the HHS letter to Daszak.

A couple of years ago TrialSite accessed a memorandum from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DAPRA) that included a bombshell declaration that SARS-CoV-2 was an American-developed technology, likely part of a vaccine development process. We were not certain as to the authenticity of the memo so we reached out to DARPA and their head of communications informed us they could not either confirm or deny the veracity of the memo. She did declare that DARPA was not funding EcoHealth Alliance!

Why would military officers working with DARPA propose such a radical hypothesis?

Some contributors to TrialSite also report surges of strange respiratory conditions even before the formal declaration as to the existence of SARS-CoV-2, but we have no idea as to the likelihood that the virus did not arise out of Wuhan, China, either due to zoonotic or lab leak origin. We need compelling evidence to come to a conclusive origin.

But there is one thing we do know here at TrialSite—at least as of now, there is no conclusive proof as to the origin of SARS-CoV-2. Well, at least not until now!

Even President Biden could not get an answer. Remember, he ordered a team to go to China and look into the origins again. Who did we select to join the World Health Organization in the investigation? Peter Daszak! Enough said. And nothing was found.

However, we bring you good news now. Last month The Lancet Microbe editorial finally gave us the answer we have been looking for in “COVID-19 origins: plain speaking is overdue.”

Along the way, they used their crafty language to make us feel horrible for daring to question our government, for doubting Fauci and his operation; for pondering the pecuniary urges of industry in times of crisis, and for questioning a particularly biased, vested group of scientists’ and their insistence since near the start (with little to no evidence) that SARS-CoV-2’s genesis was from bat to human, a zoonotic origin.




12 August, 2024

Are COVID-19 Vaccines Working? A New Paper Seeks to Challenge this Notion

Before delving into the paper, it needs to be noted that the study by Steve Kirsch and colleagues was published in an online repository called on 6th August 2024 and has not undergone a peer-review process. The absence of peer review means that the research has not been subject to the rigorous evaluation by other experts in the field, which can impact the credibility and acceptance of the findings.

Let us begin by understanding the focus of the study. The new study critiques a 2023 analysis by Xie et al., published in JAMA, evaluating vaccination rates in patients admitted to all U.S. Veterans Administration hospitals for COVID-19 and influenza. According to the authors of the new paper, if the vaccines for these diseases are indeed effective, there should be significant differences in the vaccination rates between those hospitalized for each illness. However, they found that the vaccination rates for both groups were identical, suggesting that neither vaccine effectively reduced the risk of hospitalization. They propose using this comparative method as a practical tool for assessing vaccine efficacy and call for a reconsideration of the approval of both vaccines based on these findings.

Shaking the Foundations of Vaccine Efficacy

The authors propose a surprisingly simple but bold method for establishing vaccine efficacy: the comparison of hospitalization rates among vaccinated individuals with different diseases. In this comparative approach, the authors have found a useful tool that cuts through complex statistical modeling and real-world confounders. This approach, they argue, offers a clear and practical way to see if vaccines are doing their job.

"Our method shows that the vaccines aren't working as advertised," says Steve Kirsch, one of the lead authors. "If they were, we would see a clear difference in the hospitalization rates. Instead, what we see are nearly identical rates for both COVID-19 and influenza."

Assumptions Under Scrutiny

Amid the changing COVID-19 research, the Kirsch paper stands out with its questioning assertion targeting vaccine efficacy. Though the results of the authors' study are intriguing, and that depending on bias, some experts will jump to conclusions. However, as we look closer at the study, we find several assumptions and limitations that need more careful examination.

First and foremost, the Kirsch paper makes several critical assumptions. One key assumption is that the baseline characteristics of COVID-19 and influenza patients in VA hospitals are comparable. This assumption is crucial because it underpins the entire analysis. If these groups are not truly comparable, the conclusions drawn could be flawed from the start. And the approach itself the authors take cannot by itself prove their conclusion.

Another significant assumption is that if vaccines were indeed effective, there should be a noticeable difference in vaccination rates between hospitalized COVID-19 and influenza patients. This line of thinking drives the argument that similar vaccination rates suggest vaccines are not working as intended. This hypothesis assumes a lot about real-world vaccine performance and patient behavior.

Furthermore, the paper also relies heavily on a statistical technique called propensity score, matching to balance the groups being compared, assuming this method adequately controls for all possible confounding factors. This methodology certainly is very useful but there’s always the risk that some lurking variable wasn’t accounted for, skewing the results.

Missing the Bigger Picture - Uncovering Hidden Limitations

Despite the attempt at a rigorous approach, the Kirsch paper has other notable limitations. The study is confined to patients in U.S. Veterans Administration hospitals, and thus the outcomes are not necessarily generalizable to the broader population. VA patients, often older and with specific health profiles, may not represent the broader population. This limits the generalizability of the findings.

There is also the potential for residual confounding. While propensity score weighting is employed, it is impossible to control for every variable. There could be unmeasured factors that influence the outcomes, and the paper does not dive deeply enough into this possibility.

The authors assume that ideal vaccines would prevent all hospitalizations, expecting 100% unvaccinated among the hospitalized, which seems a little illogical. Vaccines are powerful public health tools with demonstrable outcomes over the past decades, but they are far from perfect in outcomes.

Rushing to conclusion also ignores real-world complexities where no vaccine is perfect and 100% effective. Various factors, including underlying health conditions and the emergence of new virus variants, can still lead to hospitalizations even among the vaccinated.

The paper focuses solely on hospitalization rates, missing other vital outcomes such as disease severity, duration of hospital stays, and morbidity rates, and mortality rates, which could provide a more comprehensive view of vaccine impact. Could it be that vaccinated VA patients experienced shorter hospital durations, for example?

The paper primarily focuses on vaccine efficacy as measured by hospitalization rates and does not extensively discuss vaccine safety. While the study provides a critical perspective on vaccine effectiveness, it does not address the safety profile of the vaccines, including side effects or adverse reactions. A comprehensive evaluation of vaccines should include both efficacy and safety to provide a complete picture of their impact. Its noteworthy given Kirsch has been one of the most critical voices against COVID-19 vaccines, claiming they have taken hundreds of thousands of lives, if not more.

Lastly, it does not consider the role of different COVID-19 variants, which significantly affect vaccine efficacy. Remember the mutating pathogen means that if more vulnerable populations are not boosted, the efficacy wanes. Ignoring this dynamic aspect of the virus is a notable oversight.

Acknowledged but Not Addressed

To their credit, the authors do acknowledge some limitations, particularly regarding the risk of residual confounding. However, they do not fully explore the issues such as generalizability or the impact of different COVID-19 variants. The assumption of perfect vaccine efficacy is also not fully addressed.

"The data suggest that the vaccines may not be performing to their full promise," says Paul Marik, a pulmonary and critical care specialist. "However, we should have our ears open to all contributing factors before coming to a drastic conclusion."

What was the intention of the vaccines in the first place? If the goal were to ensure surges of protections during the worst waves of infectious spread, then perhaps the vaccines did live up to their potential.

What is the Impact on Public Health?

If the authors’ findings are accurate, the implications could be significant. Based on its findings, the authors of the present study call for a revisit of approval and distribution of both COVID-19 and influenza vaccines. They encourage the public and decision-makers to embrace their comparative approach as a new standard in the assessment of vaccine effectiveness.

However, many experts are urging us to be cautious. Vaccines have been shown to decrease the severity of illness and reduce the burden on healthcare systems, even if they do not completely prevent hospitalizations.




11 August, 204

Noah Lyles underscores our COVID denial

The 2024 Olympic Games are serving up some less-than-subtle metaphors for how poorly we handle public health. Just after winning a bronze medal in the much-anticipated men's 200-meter race, U.S. sprinter Noah Lyles collapsed on the track in exhaustion — not just because he’d completed a brutal run in just 19.7 seconds, finishing third, but also because he was sick with COVID-19, a diagnosis that he’d concealed from others. He had been favored to take home gold, as he did in the 100-meter race a few days earlier.

But seeing an American Olympic star sprawled out and gasping on the track, and then taken away in a wheelchair, was more than a shocking image. It also represented the general “mission accomplished” attitude toward SARS-CoV-2: We think we’ve won against this virus and we haven’t.

COVID isn’t just spreading like wildfire through the Olympic Village in Paris — we are undergoing surges across the globe, with the World Health Organization tracking steep rises in infections in 84 countries. After more than four years fighting this thing, it is still knocking us out.

In some parts of the U.S., the amount of COVID is so high that experts are claiming this summer surge is on par with winter waves of the virus. But none of this should be unexpected at this point. This is no longer the “novel” coronavirus that once terrified people with its unpredictability. We know how it behaves, with surges in both summer and winter, and we know how to fight against it — yet our apparent strategy at the moment is to pretend it doesn’t exist at all, even when it swipes us off our feet.

It’s true that the pandemic is much different than it was in 2020. For one thing, in spite of this surge, deaths are relatively low, following trends since vaccines became available. In 2023, COVID dropped from the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. to the 10th, according to recent provisional data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That's not great, but it does indicate that widespread immunity (from vaccines, previous infections or both) is giving us some level of protection. Though let’s not forget that at least 1.2 million Americans have died to date from COVID. It’s nothing to sneeze at.

Deaths aren’t the only concerning metric, of course. Sometimes a COVID infection is asymptomatic, while at other times, the symptoms last for months or years or never fully go away. Patients call this long COVID and public health experts have described it as a mass disabling event. Lyles isn’t just lucky he won a bronze medal — he’ll be lucky if he doesn’t experience months of headaches, lung issues or extreme fatigue that never goes away.

Yet long COVID is rarely factored into discussions about this pandemic, even when kids get it. Instead, it’s treated as if infections are merely a mild cold at this point. Just shake it off, as Taylor Swift might say, while her summer tour dates become superspreading events.

Millions of patients can attest that COVID is anything but mild — and it's definitely not the flu. The SARS-CoV-2 virus can worm its way into nearly every part of our bodies, trashing our immune system and damaging our organs. We tend to think of the disease as a respiratory problem, given all the coughs and sniffles it produces, but it’s really more of a vascular disease, impacting any system that relies on blood vessels. That can include damage to the brain, which can manifest in symptoms like long-term cognitive impairment and Parkinson’s disease.

Yes, a virus that can literally cause brain damage is spreading at record levels and most people are acting like it’s just another wave. Just keep running.

But we’re not just paying the price with our bodies. The economy is also getting smacked by long COVID. A recent comprehensive review in the journal Nature Medicine found that the “cumulative global incidence of long COVID is around 400 million individuals, which is estimated to have an annual economic impact of approximately $1 trillion.” That's ignoring the long list of ways that long COVID wreaks havoc on the body, including, as the study notes, "viral persistence, immune dysregulation, mitochondrial dysfunction, complement dysregulation, endothelial inflammation and microbiome dysbiosis."

The fact that we are ignoring this extreme issue, at one of the most intense moments in the pandemic so far, is killing us, disabling us and costing us greatly.

So what can be done? We don’t need to fear the virus anymore, but we need to be conscious of the risks. We know how it works and how to protect ourselves. Taking precautions that will stop the virus from spreading will also give it fewer opportunities to mutate and evolve new ways of getting around our immunity.

We can surveil the virus better using regular testing, but the CDC stopped tracking cases last year (it still tracks hospitalizations, deaths and ER visits) and the Biden administration stopped mailing free tests months ago. Requirements for hospitals to report COVID data were also lifted in May, though that policy will be reversed later this month and will become mandatory come November. Still, that's a good chunk of time with incomplete or inadequate hospital data, and lacking that, it's hard to know what the pandemic really looks like.

Although it's not a perfect gauge, wastewater data remains one of the only consistent metrics throughout the pandemic, which is how we knew this surge was coming more than a month ago. That didn't translate into action at the federal level, and COVID is barely visible as an issue, if at all, in this year's presidential campaign.

We can mask in public, especially in crowds. It's never been fun to wear one, but masks really do work — though they’re a bit like condoms in the sense that their efficacy relies on being used correctly. A KN95 or N95 mask is best, and it needs to cover one's nose.

We can keep up-to-date with vaccinations, which prevent infections from becoming severe or deadly and lower the chances of developing long COVID, even with just a single dose. Yet only about 28% of Americans received the latest shots, a decline from 69% when the first round of vaccines were released. (The reasons why immunization wanes from certain vaccines are complicated, but COVID is far from the only disease that requires boosters.)

We're all suffering from pandemic fatigue after being put through the wringer over the past four years. But COVID doesn’t care how long we’ve been dealing with this crap. It doesn’t care if we’re bored or want to go to sports events or political rallies. It’s a virus, meaning it has no desires, no consciousness, no autonomy. It’s just a bunch of proteins that have been randomly selected through nature to easily and effectively hijack our immune systems.

We have plenty of tools to protect ourselves, but our strategy is instead denial, and it isn't working. The virus doesn't just take advantage of the ACE2 receptors in our bodies, it takes advantage of us, less directly, through conspiracy theories, misinformation, vaccine skepticism and regular old negligence and apathy. We all want to stop running this race against COVID. But to do that, we have to turn around and face it.




8 August, 204

The Mask Of Fauci’s COVID Conspiracy Is Finally Coming Off

Truth is winning.

Not too long ago it would have been flagged as misinformation for daring to question the narrative about the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic forced on us by those in Washington and China.

But now, experts — including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Energy Department and the former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), plus 7 in 10 Americans — believe coronavirus gain-of-function experiments on humanized mice probably infected Patient Zero and prompted the pandemic.

As the real facts come out, the true COVID conspiracy increasingly appears to have been orchestrated by Dr. Fauci and the so-called “experts” who one by one are being exposed, discredited and defunded.

In fact, we are batting a thousand, folks!

First, we defunded China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and got the lab’s mad scientists blacklisted from receiving another cent of taxpayers’ money.

Then, we clipped the wings of EcoHealth Alliance, the shady group that was funneling federal money to Wuhan for the risky gain-of-function experiments on bat coronaviruses that may have caused the COVID-19 pandemic.

As of this May, EcoHealth and its president have been suspended from receiving any taxpayer dollars for their batty research, and the government has proposed a years-long funding prohibition. We are working to ensure every federal agency funding EcoHealth has stopped.

We can now confirm that at least two have pulled the plug. In a July 31 letter, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) confirmed it did so: “ … in accordance with the best interest of the Agency, USAID has decided to end all ongoing activities with EHA.” Similarly, the National Science Foundation wrote in an Aug. 1 letter it had suspended all funding to EcoHealth. We are awaiting a reply from the group’s largest government funder, the Department of Defense (DOD). Taking nothing for granted, an Ernst amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for 2025 prohibiting the Pentagon from giving EcoHealth taxpayer dollars won approval without opposition in July.

This is welcome news, but long overdue.

In early 2020, EcoHealth and China stonewalled requests for information about the dangerous experiments being conducted at the Wuhan Institute. And National Institutes of Health (NIH) bureaucrats, like Drs. Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins, stuck to their script that the virus didn’t leak from a lab, while being privately alerted early on the fact that “unusual features of the virus … look engineered.”

Right off the bat, after White Coat Waste (WCW) Project first exposed Fauci’s funding for the Wuhan lab, we called for the Chinese military-linked bioagent facility to be defunded. We also demanded an investigation by the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) that found EcoHealth violated numerous reporting requirements, including not immediately alerting NIH when they enhanced viruses in the Wuhan lab.

Rather than holding EcoHealth accountable, government agencies kept cutting checks to continue the group’s reckless virus-hunting and animal experimentation all around the world, including funding to set up a new bat lab like the one in Wuhan right here in the U.S.!

In total, we’ve uncovered how EcoHealth amassed $60 million of taxpayer money since March 2020 from the NIH, the Pentagon, NSF and USAID.

With overwhelming evidence of waste, fraud and abuse, how could this happen?

Well, when the Trump Administration canceled funding to EcoHealth in 2020 following WCW’s initial investigation, NIH helped the group get a new grant. Fauci and other senior NIH officials tried to fly under the radar by violating the Freedom of Information Act and using an illegal “‘secret’ back channel” for communicating with and about EcoHealth.

In a Congressional hearing in June, Fauci was asked about this and stated under oath, “I have never conducted official business via my private email.”

Now, emails obtained by WCW through FOIA show Fauci used his personal email to circumvent FOIA and communicate with a Washington Post reporter who wrote numerous stories spreading misinformation and defending Fauci’s funding of EcoHealth, the Wuhan lab and even beagle torture in Tunisia.

The Post and other media fawningly fell for Fauci’s dismissal of a lab leak and even helped police those suggesting otherwise. Undeterred, we stayed focused on following the money and the science.

There really was no way of hiding the facts — EcoHealth funneled more than $1 million of taxpayer money into China’s Wuhan Institute to make bat viruses more dangerous to humans, and the agencies funding the project knew it.

After years of denials by Dr. Fauci — and emails obtained by WCW showing EcoHealth and Fauci’s team coordinating to fund gain-of-function research in Wuhan with little oversight — NIH is even finally fessing up to it.

EcoHealth Alliance should never be allowed to put their hands on bats or taxpayer dollars ever again, and Fauci’s cabal need to be held accountable for years of misleading the public, press and Congress and breaking the law to cover-up their COVID catastrophe.

The world deserves answers to guarantee what happened in Wuhan is never allowed to happen anywhere else.


How Covid broke our trust in the medical profession

...and why the media shares much of the blame

On 9 July, President Joe Biden’s former Covid czar Ashish Jha conceded that vaccine mandates, which he had backed, ‘bred a lot of distrust’ in the long run and did cause harms as well. Studies continue to be published to the effect that policy interventions to fight the pandemic – lockdowns, masks, vaccines – saved millions of lives. Thus a study by Watson et al. published in Lancet Infectious Diseases in June 2022 estimated, using mathematical modelling of course, that just in its first year to 8 December 2021, vaccinations saved 14.4 million lives. Christopher Ruhm, in an article in JAMA Health Forum on 26 July, found that if all US states had followed the restrictions of the ten most restrictive states, there would have been 118,000-248,000 fewer US deaths in the two years to 8 December 2022. Perhaps.

Other studies claim that to the contrary, the number of deaths that policy interventions have caused and are likely to cause in the long term from the combined downstream effects, including severely disrupted healthcare and pharmaceutical supply chains, missed childhood immunisations, learning disruptions, hunger and poverty, will greatly exceed the sum of lives saved. On 19 July a 520-page paper by three Canadian researchers, based on data from 125 countries for 2021 and 2022, calculated the number of all-cause excess deaths ‘associated with’ Covid vaccines to be 16.9 million – 2.4 times the number of Covid deaths until February 2024 as per the World Health Organisation. An article published online on 21 June in Forensic Science International, based on a systematic review of autopsy data, found that 73.9 per cent of all Covid-related deaths were either caused or significantly impacted by Covid vaccines.

In September 2021, the UK government, acting on the advice of Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty who overrode the more cautious Joint Committee on Vaccines and Immunisation (JCVI), authorised the vaccination of 5-to-11-year-old children. This was done despite a warning from a group of 26 Tory MPs that overruling expert advice from the JCVI risked ‘dissolving the bond of trust’ between the public and the government. A new preprint on 20 May from a team at Oxford University reports on a study of a total of 415,884 vaccinated and unvaccinated children. They came to three important findings: there was not a single Covid-related death in either group among otherwise healthy children; the vaccinated had marginally better health outcomes on hospitalisation (1 additional child per 10,000) and A&E attendance (1 per 20,000); but these were mostly offset by the incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis which put 1 in 25,000 vaccinated kids into hospital. The economic cost worked out at £1.3 million for each hospital visit saved and £600 thousand for each A& E attendance saved (not death) that was averted. The moral of the story: trust neither the science nor the scientists.

Record-level data for ten million people in the Czech Republic were analysed by Steve Kirsch to show that all-cause deaths among 45-to-69-year-olds given Moderna vaccines were more than 50 per cent above those from Pfizer vaccines. Treating the latter as the placebo group allowed him to control for other potentially confounding variables and limit causality to vaccines. An Israeli study published on 26 June in the high-impact journal Nature explained how the Pfizer vaccine causes menstrual irregularities. For one compilation of scientific studies documenting vaccine injuries, with hyperlinks, see:

Yet, articles and reviews critical of the official narrative on masks and vaccines, authored by well-credentialled experts and published in leading scientific outlets after rigorous peer review processes, were sometimes retracted or had cautionary notes added by nervous editors, only to be vindicated months or a year later, greatly diminishing their impact during the critical period. The eminent British oncologist Angus Dalgliesh wrote on 11 July that there’s been a systematic suppression of the truth about the link between Covid vaccines and cancer and death.

In an interview with the Brisbane Times on 30 April 2020, Queensland’s then-chief health officer (and now Governor) Jeannette Young made it clear that her logic on school closures was primarily political. She accepted the evidence that schools are not a high-risk environment for the spread of the virus but argued that closing them helped to convince people how grave the situation was. ‘So sometimes it’s more than just the science and the health, it’s about the messaging.’ There’s additional evidence of the creeping politicisation of the medical profession. The British Medical Association has rejected the Cass review into gender-identity services in England. Last week it called on the government to lift the ban on puberty blockers for adolescents disoriented about their sexuality. In another sign of the creeping ideological takeover of medical science, an article published in JAMA Pediatrics on 1 July substituted ‘pregnant people’ and ‘pregnant persons’ for pregnant women.

On 1 August, the Australian Medical Association warned that the nation’s overstretched health system is at a tipping point with a real risk of life expectancy falling over the next ten years. Yet the AMA went along with all the questionable Covid eradication policies that wasted billions of dollars that could otherwise have been used to strengthen the public health infrastructure, and also with un- and even some anti-scientific interventions and mandates that damaged trust in the medical profession. A 24-wave survey of 443,455 US adults across the 50 states, published recently in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that overall, trust in physicians and hospitals had plummeted from 71.5 to 40.1 per cent between April 2020 and January 2024. Trust had fallen in every group in the survey by age, gender, race and income. Unsurprisingly, lower levels of trust correlated with lower rates of vaccination. There’s little reason to believe the situation in Australia is much different.

The media could have helped to contain the deepening loss of public trust in the medical profession and the public health clerisy by adopting its customary role of interrogating official claims and reporting fearlessly and neutrally on the significant minority of medical and scientific opinion that expressed disquiet at the abandonment of an established public health consensus on managing pandemics. Instead, as Adam Creighton argued in the Australian on 3 April 2023, ‘a too credulous, incurious mainstream media’, with too many journalists acting as ‘cheerleaders for the health bureaucracy and politicians’, must wear much of the blame for the ‘Covid vaccines’ wall of infallibility’ that has caused so much lasting harm.




7 August, 2024

Swiss-based Study: Moderna mRNA Booster Triggers Persistent Cases of Chronic Hives in Young People, Females

Yet another study finds other potentially enduring adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccines. This time, physicians and specialized scientists involved with biomedical research affiliated with prominent academic research centers in Switzerland including CHUV, Lausanne University Hospital, and the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics report on new onsets of chronic urticaria (CU) post expose to the Moderna mRNA-1273 (Spikevax) COVID-19 vaccine. CU is a form of chronic hives: a rare skin condition that causes itchy, raised, dark red bumps. These bumps can appear anywhere on the body and can be red, purple, or skin-colored. They can also vary in size, change shape, and appear and fade repeatedly. CU can be a sign of a serious internal disease, but it's usually benign.

In this study, the Swiss-based team of collaborators sought to better understand any links between the COVD-19 mRNA vaccine and CU, while factoring in COVID-19 infection, atopy and IgE against the vaccine while monitoring presentation of features in CU patients post vaccination. The study was done in trial sites located in the Swiss Canton of Vaud, the mountainous district in western Switzerland bordered by Lake Geneva to the south and France to the west. Employing use of two surveys, one conducted in 2022, then again in 2023, the investigators took blood samples from 50 individuals diagnosed with CU, with results compared with 135 individuals with no history of urticaria. Performing basophil activation tests (BAT) Yannick Miller, MD, PhD and colleagues investigated anti-SARS-CoV-2 humoral response, plus any IgE presence against common respiratory allergens, a surrogate for atopy, , or the genetic tendency to develop an exaggerated immune response to harmless substances in one’s environment. The Swiss-based team reports that Moderna’s booster dose “induced anti-vaccine IgE independently of CU, the latter being not directly associated with COVID-19 infection nor atopy. The tolerance to a new booster in 4/4 patients suggests that the Spikevax vaccine indirectly triggered CU in predisposed individuals.”

Dr. Yannick and colleagues report incidence of post-vaccination CU at a median interval of 10 days, plus “significantly more after the Spikevax booster.” Middle aged persons were impacted more than others (median 41, 66% females).

By 2023, the study team reported in their findings uploaded to Research Square, a preprint server, that CU remained active in 53% of cases. Importantly, the team of authors reports that 54% of the CU in 2022, and 61% in 2023 were inducible, meaning the condition was capable of being formed, activated or expressed in response to a stimulus, in this case the Moderna booster jab. Reporting that BAT positivity lacked specific ties to CU, anti-nucleocapsid positively or atopy, it was significantly associated with higher anti-spike neutralizing activities and younger age.” Only four CU patients tolerated an additional Moderna dose with no disease exacerbation or recurrence meaning substantial evidence for causation.

This study has not been peer reviewed, and the medical-scientific community will not accept this as evidence unless its peer-reviewed and published in a major scientific journal.

Lausanne University Hospital is one of the five university hospitals in Switzerland, with Geneva, Bern, Basel and Zurich. With its 17 clinical and medico-technical departments and their numerous services, the CHUV is renowned for its academic achievements in health care, research, and teaching.

The CHUV is also a well-known center of medical education and research thanks to its collaboration with the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the University of Lausanne and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). Together, these institutions form a vast campus in the Lake Geneva region.

Patent Lawsuit Goes Against Moderna. Stock Drops but Wall Street Analyst Are Bullish

As the Covid pandemic was ongoing, Moderna was sued by Arbutus for patent infringement over the former’s now famous mRNA vaccine. Arbutus challenged the Cambridge, Ma. based company’s patents covering lipid nanoparticle (LNP) technology. mRNA-1273 is a messenger RNA-based vaccine, and LNP technology represents the underlying delivery system. Moderna tried to argue in front of the U.S. Patent Trial and Appeal Board that the Arbutus’ claims are not worthy of patent protection. Arbutus said it developed the lipid nanoparticles that enclose the mRNA payload. This same casing as also introduced problems in the form of inflammatory responses, at least for a minority. The technology is used to deliver RNA to target cells without attacking the body’s immune system, aside from the rare response to the contrary. The patents related to the technology were licensed to Genevant Sciences which is a joint venture between Arbutus and Roivant

Sciences Ltd. We also reported that this venture was affiliated with Vivek Ramaswamy. The court didn’t agree with Moderna, and the company said, at the time, “it may further pursue these matters”. During the lawsuit, Arbutus said it did not wish to interfere with the distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine even though their litigation with Moderna could take years. However, it appears now the lawsuit has finally caught up with the Massachusetts mRNA de

Moderna Shares Fall After Judge’s Decision

Yesterday, Moderna shares fell 4% after U.S. District Judge Mitchell Goldberg issued an order strengthening Arbutus’ claim of patent infringement by Moderna. Goldberg issued a “claim construction order” which interpreted parts of the patents in a way that made the Arbutus claim stronger.

One claim in the suit concerned the total percentage of lipids in the delivery particle. Moderna argued the “particle” should concern only the “finished lipid particle” which doesn’t need further processing and insisted this must be “understood as the exact ranges recited in the claim” unless Arbutus’s patent implies some uncertainty. Arbutus relied on the “plain and ordinary meaning” of the word “particle”.

In a 37-page decision Judge Goldberg agreed with the Arbutus argument that the patent claim doesn’t mean a finished particle “completely free from further processing”. As a result of the decision, Roivant’s shares rose 4%, and Arbutus shares rose 17%.

Regarding the judge’s decision, a Jeffries analyst wrote in a note, "He ruled in favor of Roivant subsidiary Arbutus on 3 of 4 patent claims...It is our understanding Moderna can't appeal for now since this isn't a formal 'judgment' but rather a 'decision'". Arbutus issued a statement saying, “Arbutus and Genevant Sciences are seeking fair compensation for Moderna’s use of its patented LNP technology that was developed with great effort and at great expense, and without which Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine would not have been successful.” Judge Goldberg’s order allows the case to move forward, and the trial is set to begin later this month.

Analysts Bullish on Moderna’s Future

Recently, Moderna got a cash infusion from Blackstone Life Sciences. This was because the mRNA company had announced positive clinical updates on its vaccines. Even with the news of the court decision regarding Arbutus, Wall Street Analysts believe Moderna stock will rise. Because of the positive news about the development of Moderna’s new vaccines, including a jab for Epstein-Barr, Wall Street thinks these shots could be “brisk sellers” for the company.

But at TrialSite the Moderna analyses has centered on their cancer therapies. In “Moderna’s Future Lies with Its’ Cancer Vaccine—Investors Should Read Cautiously” based on a review of the trends with Covid vaccines, market forces with their underlying mRNA platform and other imminent vaccines (such as influenza) Moderna’s game changing breakthrough will be compelling data associated with the company’s Phase 3 clinical trials, both testing mRNA-4157 (name changed to Adjuvant V940), one against lung cancer and the other against melanoma. And Moderna has other earlier-stage mRNA-based cancer vaccines, one called mRNA-5671 and the other mRNA-4359, which is the basis for some mainstream media touting a potential “cure for cancer.” None of these studies have as their endpoint “cure for cancer” so the hyperbole in the media is real, but we believe the Cambridge based company can regain its momentum should the cancer trials lead to compelling data. Only time will tell.




6 August, 2024

In a Podcast, Mike Rowe Asks, “Who’s Really Responsible?”

Mike Rowe, best known as the host of the TV series Dirty Jobs, is also a producer, author, spokesman, actor and singer. Rowe happens to also host a podcast titled The Way I Heard It, and in one episode he interviews author Gavin de Becker, and one of the subjects they examine is the phenomena of excess deaths and who’s really responsible?

Excess Mortality/” Electric Fence Topics”

The title of the entire podcast between Rowe and de Becker is The Art of Making Money from Fear. The one quote the two of them refer to is “We’re not curious and we don’t want to be skeptical”. But de Becker points out that in 2021 to a supposed insurance industry study pointing to 60,000 excess death claims with insurance companies in a population which had no reason to die. This was a 40% increase in death claims, says the report cited by the parties. The Wall Street Journal confirmed the report chronicling the report.

“Society is moving toward people not having personal responsibility for their behavior, for their choices, for their safety”, de Becker says. They pointed out that in the Wall Street Journal article several possible causes were listed, everything but one glaring omission—the possibility that the mass deployment of COVID-19 vaccine countermeasures in the form of vaccination.

Why no mention of that possible source—it’s possible no?

The two speak about the fact the excess deaths or excess mortality happened at the height of the Covid vaccine program in the United States yet again, no mention of the possibility of vaccine adverse reactions as a contributory force for the surplus deaths. They point to the number of young athletes who suddenly died.

According to de Becker, excess mortality is conducted and counted by every country with a good medical system. Presumably, this would include the United States. The question asked by de Becker, is during the time of Covid there was excess mortality in a population not expected to die, especially those young, fit, and of working age.

The two, specifically de Becker, refer to what is called “Electric Fence Topics”, meaning topics which are not to be broached like “adverse reactions” when phrases like “safe and effective” are sacrosanct. De Becker even goes to the point of saying the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is actually in the “vaccine business”. A 2022 article from The Wall Street Journal is referred to citing the fact insurance companies were complaining about not only the number of death benefit payouts they had to make over a large number of Covid-19 deaths but also a jump in other death claims. These other deaths are attributed to lack of healthcare or delayed care. But among the causes of these death were heart and circulatory issues and neurological disorder.

Earlier on in the pandemic, an Israeli doctor reported to Pfizer a large number of events of myocarditis in young men and the doctor was ignored.

In December of 2023, TrialSite News reported on studies linking neurological disorders to the Covid-19 vaccine. This media reported on many published reports showing possible health challenges with the vaccines. TrialSite as well collaborated with vaccine injured organization React19 to establish the Scientific Publications Directory, an online hub of over 3,500 peer-reviewed journal entries associated with possible vaccine injuries.

According to the Wall Street Journal article, “The impact on the cost of life insurance from Covid-19 both directly and indirectly is unclear. Some insurers say they are repricing group-life contracts modestly on the assumption that the virus will be around at least through 2022. Those contracts are typically repriced every couple of years. Meanwhile, insurers are still trying to determine what implications there may or may not be on long-term mortality.”

Not On the Package Insert

In discussing vaccines, de Baker points out that according to the CDC, approved vaccines are “safe and effective”. The main issue is the drawbacks of vaccines are on the package inserts, like the fact the Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines can cause myocarditis in young people. But de Baker vehemently points out the consumer never sees the package insert because, in the US, the consumer receives the vaccine from a doctor or pharmacy. As de Baker says, “Nobody at the pharmacy says would you like to see the package insert before you make this decision?” Rowe points out, “We’re not curious and we don’t want to be skeptical.” De Baker comments on the idea that governments “scare your first” and then say, “We’ll take care of it…nobody says, ‘go and learn’, everybody wants you to listen to authority.”

Of course, it’s the job of the provider to disclose any potential risks to the recipient of the vaccine.

Several groups have found data pointing to the vaccines as cause of the surge in excess mortality in developed, heavily vaccinated nations.

Independent Analysts Refuted

Last year for example the authors of the V-Damage Project led by Edward Dowd, a founder of Phinance Technologies, tweeted that the “estimated human cost” of the vaccines was 26.6 million injuries, 1.36 million disabilities and 300,000 excess deaths. Dowd has repeatedly claimed that COVID-19 vaccines have led to a large numbers of deaths.

However various fact checkers have responded with claims that have been shown such claims, supposedly, to be debunked.

What about Legal Discovery?

Could litigation expose some answers? In June TrialSite News reported the State of Kansas preceded by Texas, both suing Pfizer over “misleading the public”. Maybe litigation might generate some of the answers to the vexing problems of excess mortality, especially from 2021 to 2023.


Australia: Former NSW premier Dominic Perrottet says harsh vaccine mandates were wrong in valedictory speech

The former NSW premier who oversaw the state’s exit from the Covid pandemic said it was a “mistake” for the state to implement strict vaccine mandates, stating that “people’s personal choices shouldn’t have cost them their jobs”.

Dominic Perrottet, who delivered a speech following his resignation on Tuesday, succeeded Gladys Berejiklian as the premier in October 2021, just as the state was easing restrictions following the Omicron lockdowns.

“Without dwelling on every decision, I believe it’s important to point out one mistake which was made by governments here and around the world, the strict enforcement of vaccine mandates,” he said.

While decisions were made with the “right intentions,” he said the impact on transmissions was “limited at best”.

“As is mostly now accepted, the law should have left more room and respect for freedom,” he said.

“Vaccines saved lives but ultimately mandates were wrong.

“People’s personal choices shouldn’t have cost them their jobs. When I became Premier, we removed them, or the ones we actually could, but this should have happened faster.”




4 August, 2024

74% of ALL Deaths ‘Directly’ Linked to Covid Shots, Autopsy Data Shows

The journal report of 2024 Jan 14:

Autopsy findings in cases of fatal COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis

COVID-19 vaccines have been linked to myocarditis, which, in some circumstances, can be fatal. This systematic review aims to investigate potential causal links between COVID-19 vaccines and death from myocarditis using post-mortem analysis. We performed a systematic review of all published autopsy reports involving COVID-19 vaccination-induced myocarditis through 3 July 2023. All autopsy studies that include COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis as a possible cause of death were included. Causality in each case was assessed by three independent physicians with cardiac pathology experience and expertise.

We initially identified 1691 studies and, after screening for our inclusion criteria, included 14 papers that contained 28 autopsy cases. The cardiovascular system was the only organ system affected in 26 cases. In two cases, myocarditis was characterized as a consequence from multisystem inflammatory syndrome. The mean age of death was 44.4 years old. The mean and median number of days from last COVID-19 vaccination until death were 6.2 and 3 days, respectively.

We established that all 28 deaths were most likely causally linked to COVID-19 vaccination by independent review of the clinical information presented in each paper. The temporal relationship, internal and external consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis, its pathobiological mechanisms, and related excess death, complemented with autopsy confirmation, independent adjudication, and application of the Bradford Hill criteria to the overall epidemiology of vaccine myocarditis, suggests that there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death from myocarditis.

Frank Bergman

A damning new study has revealed that autopsy data shows Covid mRNA shots have overwhelmingly contributed to all-cause deaths around the world.

The bombshell study found that Covid shots are “directly” linked to a staggering 73.9% of all deaths.

The study found that 73.9% of all deaths were “directly due to or significantly contributed to” by Covid mRNA injections.

The autopsy data exposes a direct link “between COVID-19 vaccination and death,” the researchers note in their study’s paper.

In the “Background” section of the study’s paper, the researchers explain:

“The rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines, combined with a high number of adverse event reports, has led to concerns over possible mechanisms of injury including systemic lipid nanoparticle (LNP) and mRNA distribution, Spike protein-associated tissue damage, thrombogenicity, immune system dysfunction, and carcinogenicity.

“The aim of this systematic review is to investigate possible causal links between COVID-19 vaccine administration and death using autopsies and post-mortem analysis.”

In the “Methods” section, they note:

“We searched PubMed and ScienceDirect for all published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to COVID-19 vaccination up until May 18th, 2023.

“All autopsy and necropsy studies that included COVID-19 vaccination as an antecedent exposure were included.

“Because the state of knowledge has advanced since the time of the original publications, three physicians independently reviewed each case and adjudicated whether or not COVID-19 vaccination was the direct cause or contributed significantly to death.”

The research team initially identified 678 studies.

After screening for our inclusion criteria, the researchers included 44 papers for the study that contained 325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case.

The mean average age of death was 70.4 years.

The most implicated organ system among cases was the cardiovascular (49%), followed by hematological (17%), respiratory (11%), and multiple organ systems (7%).

Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases.

The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days.

Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration.

A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.

Among those directly linked to Covid shots, the primary causes of death include:

Top Doctor Reveals the Root Cause of ED in Men Over 50

Sudden cardiac death (35%)

Pulmonary embolism (12.5%)

Myocardial infarction (12%)

VITT (7.9%)

Myocarditis (7.1%)

Multisystem inflammatory syndrome (4.6%)

Cerebral hemorrhage (3.8%).

In the “Conclusions” section of the paper, the authors write:

“The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine mechanisms of injury and death, coupled with autopsy confirmation by physician adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death.

“Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings.”

The researchers warn that findings “indicate the urgent need to elucidate the pathophysiologic mechanisms of death with the goal of risk stratification and avoidance of death for the large numbers of individuals who have taken or will receive one or more COVID-19 vaccines in the future.”

The study comes amid a growing body of evidence linking the Covid mRNA injections to multiple deadly health conditions and related sudden deaths.

Another bombshell new global study of 2.7 billion people has just determined that COVID-19 did not cause any excess deaths during or after the pandemic, despite widespread claims to the contrary from health agencies around the world.

However, the same explosive study has revealed that Covid mRNA shots, which were supposedly unleashed on the public to tackle the virus, have caused millions of excess deaths globally.

The study’s comprehensive 521-page report contains hundreds of figures and a detailed examination of excess all-cause mortality during the years 2020 to 2023 in 125 countries.

The dataset analysed by the researchers comprises approximately 2.7 billion people which is about 35% of the world’s population.

The researchers calculated that the global death toll associated with Covid mRNA shots, up to 30 December 2022, was 16.9 million people.


Japan-Based Study Finds Biguanide Associated with Reduced In-Hospital COVID-19 Death and Acute Kidney Injury

Mari Sugimoto Hiroaki Kikuchi and colleagues from the Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) look into biguanide (BG), the most-prescribed oral glucose-lowering medication globally is considered a prospect for other therapeutic targets including COVID-19. With no established low-cost treatments (authorized by authorities such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) against COVID-19, of which the morbidity and mortality rates varying from country to country, the authors of this Japan-based study investigate the national population to better understand therapeutic effect of BG against COVID-19.

Tapping into inpatient databases in Japan, the data covers the period from September 2021 to March 2023, which encompasses the era following the development of COVID-19 vaccines. The study focuses on 168,370 COVID-19 patients aged 20 to under 80 years who has diabetes treated with oral antidiabetic agents. The primary outcome was 100-day in-hospital mortality, and secondary outcome was the incidence of acute kidney injury (AKI) during hospitalization. Comparing outcomes in patients who received BG with those in patients who did not, using a logistic regression analysis and Cox proportional hazards under both propensity score-unmatched and matched cohort, the authors report COVID-19 patients, the use of oral biguanide use may be associated with a reduced in-hospital mortality and risk of AKI.

The Drug

Biguanide is a colorless, organic compound with the formula HN(C(NH)NH?)? that dissolves in water to create a highly basic solution. Biguanides are also known as antihyperglycemic agents, which means they promote euglycemia and help lower blood sugar levels. They are commonly used as oral medications to treat Type 2 diabetes, PCOS, and gestational diabetes. Biguanides work by reducing glucose production in the liver and glucose absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, while also increasing insulin sensitivity in certain cells.

Many manufacturers make biguanides, including chemical manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies:

Chemical manufacturers

Bio Lab® makes biguanide-containing products under the name Soft Swim, and other chemical manufacturers make biguanide-based pool care products like Revacil® and Aqua Silk®.

Pharmaceutical companies

Boehringer Ingelheim makes Jentadueto®, a biguanide indicated for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Ciba-Geigy marketed phenformin (phenylethyl biguanide), but its association with lactic acidosis limited its use

The Study

The study was funded with grants to specific researchers from the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) and the Uehara Memorial Foundation.

Of interest, the authors report in the paper uploaded to the preprint server, “The incidence of in-hospital death was significantly lower in the BG group (1.18 %) compared to the non-BG group (2.41%) (p < 0.001).”

Also, the Tokyo-based the incidence of AKI during hospitalization was significantly lower in the BG group (0.66 %) compared to the non-BG group (1.12%) (p < 0.001). Further running a Kaplan-Meier analysis from the propensity-score matched cohort demonstrated markedly improved survival rate in the BG group (adjusted HR, 0.580; 95% CI 0.510-0.658; p < 0.001).




1 August, 2024

Study In Iran Reveals Frequent Long COVID Incidence, Myriad Symptoms

Colleagues associated with Shiraz Medical School at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences designed and conducted a population-based cross-sectional survey in the Fars province situated in southwest Iran in 2023. Recruiting and enrolling adult participants with a history of COVID-19, the study team using a cluster random sampling method, alongside a control group with similar characteristics through the same methodology. The Iranian medical researchers collected the study data via in-person interviews using two researcher-developed data collection forms focused on demographic and clinical information. Shining some light on features of both COVID and long COVID, these Iranian researchers find “significant prevalence of long COVID” involving myriad presentations, differing symptoms and the like. Just as important are the efforts to both standardize criteria and control groups for long COVID research, all part of the ongoing quest to address the substantial heterogeneity, possible overestimation of symptoms and other factors involving this condition and its unfolding science.

Funded by Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, under a specific grant this academic medical center funding source provided support for sample selection, population assessment, and data collection as detailed in the manuscript. The outcomes incorporated in the paper were published in BMC Public Health, with an impact factor of 4.5, close to the high threshold level.

What did the study team led by Mehrdad Askarian, MD, MPH Professor of Community and Preventive Medicine, and Ehsan Taherifard, part of the Student Research Committee at the university’s medical school find?

Out of 2010 participants—the researchers included 1561 (77.7%) and 449 (22.3%) individuals with and without a previous history of COVID-19. Among those with COVID-19 history, the great majority of participants report symptoms, at 93.7% (95% CI of 92.3%-94.8%) during the disease acute phase and 36.4% (95% CI of 34.0%-38.8%) in the post recovery stage.

What was the incidence of symptoms solely linked to COVID-19? 13%, according to the researchers’ math-- calculated by comparing the symptom rates between participants with and without a history of COVID-19.

Long Covid symptoms were also associated with older age, previous hospitalization for COVID-19, presence of cardiovascular disease, and use of steroids/chemotherapy.

Study Limitations

The team acknowledges a handful of study limitations.

Reliance on self-reported data collection.
A signficant proportion of missing data regarding the approximate date of SARS-COV-2 contraction was noted during interviews, which impeded our ability to explore temporal patterns of LC and to investigate the progression of symptoms over time.
The cross-sectional nature of the study design (observational) precludes the establishment of causation.


Australia slowly retreats from vaccine mandates

The retreat from Covid hysteria in Australia has been painfully slow and uneven.

In one dispatch from the virus overreaction front, the news is good, if long overdue. The South Australian Health Department (SA Health) has, after more than three years of alarmism and public health messaging, abandoned its last foxhole and announced that its Covid vaccination mandate for ‘medical staff with patient-facing roles’ is no more.

The 245 medical practitioners, ambos, dentists, allied health practitioners, disability workers, and social workers who were sacked for exercising their basic human right to control what goes into their bodies will now be able to get their old jobs back. Sort of. Returning employees will have the charge of ‘misconduct’ recorded against their personnel record. SA Health bosses couldn’t resist a swift kick to the shins…

In its partial retreat, SA Health admits no error or misjudgement concerning the old policy of mandatory employee vaccination, citing increased Covid immunity in the population as a reason to change their position. The department is still ‘recommending’ that all staff be vaccinated but, at long last, health officials have recognised that pretty near everyone has had (or will get) Covid. Thus, naturally-acquired immunity exists within the community.

What we will not see is an admission that vaccines had little to do with ‘increased Covid immunity in the population’ because that would mean publicly acknowledging their monumental failure. SA Health’s belated and begrudging retreat from its last Covid stronghold is an example of bureaucratic foot-dragging and bottom-covering at its worst.

Meanwhile, in Paris, Covid hysteria has returned. Australia appears to be one of the only countries bothering with Covid testing, isolation, and mask wearing.

In all the hoopla about the unveiling of the Australian Olympic uniform, no one thought to mention that face masks would be part of the green-and-gold outfit, but the 41-member Australian swimming team arrived in Paris fully kitted out. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade would approve. It ‘strongly encourages’ Australians travelling abroad to mask up. Meanwhile, French health authorities recommend masks be worn ‘in enclosed and small spaces, and at large gatherings’ (which pretty much covers all bases where humans gather).

The current sports carnival promised to be a ‘return to normal’ after the soulless outing in Japan in 2021 which played to empty stadiums and diminished TV viewership (down 27 per cent compared to Rio in 2016) but Australia, apparently, is not quite ready to return to normal just yet.

In spite of the lingering Covid charade being acted out by the Australian Olympic contingent, five of the thirteen-member women’s water polo team tested positive to Covid (none of them are ‘particularly unwell’, according to Australia’s chef de Mission,) whilst two members of the athletics squad were also ‘isolating but have tested negative’. The infectious athletes are permitted to train but with, you guessed it, ‘protocols in place’. The public health Covid theatre Downunder is running longer than Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap.

There are some who say that Australia escaped the worst of the ‘pandemic’ because of our ‘tough’ policy response, but the Covid encore in Paris is a reminder that, in many ways, Australia experienced the worst of Covid mania.




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